ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 24, pp. 55-65, 2006. Copyright 2006, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University CONTINUOUS SYMMETRIZED SOBOLEV INNER PRODUCTS OF ORDER (II) M. ISABEL BUENO , FRANCISCO MARCELLÁN , AND JORGE SÁNCHEZ-RUIZ Abstract. Given a symmetrized Sobolev inner product of order , the corresponding sequence of monic orthogonal polynomials satisfies , for certain sequences of monic polynomials and . In this paper we consider the particular case when all the measures that define the symmetrized Sobolev inner product are equal, absolutely continuous and semiclassical. Under such restrictions, we give explicit algebraic relations between the sequences and , as well as higher-order recurrence relations that they satisfy. Key words. Sobolev inner product, orthogonal polynomials, semiclassical linear functionals, recurrence relation, symmetrization process AMS subject classification. 42C05 1. Introduction. Let us consider the following inner product defined in the linear space ! , where denotes the linear space of polynomials with real coefficients, ?E ?E !#"$! ? 23 (1.1) %'&)(+*-,/.10 A ?GF 23 > ?@BA6C &4*65879;:=< FFF &)D * D 587 ?E 7H9 (I7 ( (I7 In the previous expression denote positive and absolutely continuous Borel ? measures supported on a subset of the real line and such that the corresponding sequences of < C moments are finite, & denotes the J th derivative of & , and are nonnegative real numbers D C ( 0NM ). The inner product given in (1.1) is known as Sobolev inner product of order [7].<LSobolev inner products and their corresponding sequences of orthogonal polynomials K have been exhaustively studied during the last ten years, although most of the results have been obtained for 0PO . A The product %IQ(RQ , . is said to be symmetrized if %TSU(ISVW, . 0XM when YZ:\[ is an odd nonnegative integer. In this case, 7 9 , 7 ,..., 7 are supported on a subset of the real line which is symmetric with respect to the origin and the measures themselves are also symmetric, so < ?E A ] that ? FFF F A 2 3 ^D U-_ 0 ^ S U-_ 587 0`Ma(bJc0`Md(eO8( ( (fYhgi This concept extends the definition of symmetric linear functional [5] to the bilinear case. Assume that %IQ(RQ ,/. is quasi-definite, that is, there exists a sequence jlk of polynomiUm als orthogonal with respect to %nQ(eQo,+. . If %nQ(eQo,/. is symmetrized, then there exist another two F sequences of polynomials jp and jq such thatA Um (1.2) k ^ Ur Ss0`p ^ Ur S Um st(uk ^ ^ U-_ r Ss0`Svq UHr S s In the sequel, we will refer to these two sequences as the symmetric components of jwk . U m In this paper we consider the bilinear symmetrization problem associated with (1.1), i.e. the analog in the bilinear case of Chihara’s linear symmetrization problem [5], which consists in:x Received December 15, 2004. Accepted for publication Octuber 31, 2005. Recommended by R. AlvarezNodarse. Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Avda. de la Universidad 30, 28911 Leganés, Madrid, Spain (,, Instituto Carlos I de Física Teórica y Computacional, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain. 55 ETNA Kent State University 56 M. ISABEL BUENO, FRANCISCO MARCELLÁN, AND JORGE SÁNCHEZ-RUIZ and jq (1) finding the explicit expressions of the bilinear functionals such that jp Um Uvm are the corresponding sequences of orthogonal polynomials, (2) determining recurrence relations with a finite number of terms that jlp and jq U m U m satisfy, and (3) obtaining explicit algebraic relations between both sequences. The problem (1) was solved for Sobolev inner products of order O in [3], and for general in [4]. As regards problems (2) and (3), till now they have only been solved in the particular case when 0XO and the two measures that define the product %nQ(eQo, . are equal, absolutely Ly continuous and semiclassical [3]. In this paper we extend these results for an arbitrary O , under the same restrictions on the measures involved. The structure of the paper is the following: First, in Section 2, we present some auxiliary results related with semiclassical functionals and semiclassical measures. In Section 3, we find explicit algebraic relations between the sequences jp and jq . In Section 4, we Um Um , jq determine recurrence relations with a finite number of terms that the sequences jlp Um Uvm and jlk satisfy. Finally, in Section 5, we apply our general results to a particular case of Udm the so-called Freud-Sobolev polynomials [2]. 2. Auxiliary results. Consider a quasi-definite linear functional representation 2 3 (2.1) z r &s0 z ! in , with integral 2 3 & SsI57{0 r & r Ss}| r SsI5Sh( where 7 is an absolutely continuous positive Borel measure and | is the corresponding weight function. The functional z is said to be a semiclassical linear functional if (2.2) ~ U s0 U ( r y y where and are polynomials with R denotes the sW0 M and e 1s O , and ~ r r derivative operator. The condition of being semiclassical can also be characterized in terms of the weight function | : P ROPOSITION 2.1. [6] Let z be a semiclassical linear functional with integral representation (2.1), where | is a continuously differentiable function in an interval (+ satisfying l ! Ss& Ss}| Ss;0M with &Zg . Then, 6r r r (2.3) r |sI0` |( and | is said to be a semiclassical weight function. Equation (2.3) is the so-called Pearson equation. D EFINITION 2.2. [8] Given a semiclassical linear functional z , let be the set of all F the pairs of polynomials satisfying (2.2). Then, the class of z is defined as (2.4) E}¤-¥H¦¨§ ¡ £ 0 ©wª j«e D¢ L EMMA 2.3. [7] If integer , r sG¬#­®(/R r 1sG¬¯O m±° is a semiclassical weight function, then for every nonnegative | < r Ssn~ | <² r SsI³W0\ r S)( s}| r Ss( where F S)(+M8s 0´O ( r r S)( s 0 Br Ssn r SB( ¬¯OsH:µ r S)( ¬¯Ose r SsG¬ r Ss} ( ¶y O ETNA Kent State University CONTINUOUS SYMMETRIZED SOBOLEV INNER PRODUCTS OF ORDER 57 (II) L EMMA 2.4. [7] Given a semiclassical weight function | , the polynomials defined in the previous lemma satisfy «e S)( r ² sI³· r Ly :`Os( ? > @ (2.5) ¸ D < r 9 V C > ?@ V C < 0 ¬ºOls V [ V V1_ JH¼ 9¨» r <¾½ Ss¿ r S)( s Ma( where is the class of the semiclassical linear functional defined by | . ! Consider the following linear differential operator in the linear space : E¹ V1_ S)(/[X¬ÀJnsn~ r ? ( 9 where 9 0´O and ~ 0`Á , the identity operator. E P ROPOSITION 2.5. Let z be a semiclassical linear functional with integral representation (2.1). Using the notations introduced above, for all nonnegative integers and Y , E ¡ ®: ¬Àws j (IY . (1) If ¬À ¯M , then R ¸ D r SvUds/³·ÃYÄ: r m ² (2) If ¬À ·¯M , then R ¸ D < SvUds ³ 0\YÄ: . r ² < Proof. From (2.5), E ? > @ ¸ D r < S U s 0 ? C < r 9 V > ?@V ¬ºOs V [ V V1_ J¼ 9¨» ? r <¾½ Ssn V1_ S)(I[ŬÀJ¿sI~ r r F S U s Notice that ~ÆV1_ r SvUdsh0ÇM when [È:ÉJh¶Y . It follows that the¨upper bounds on the ¡ [ J can be replaced, respectively, by Ê 0 j (/Y 0 summations over and and [Ë Ê ¨¡ m j[h(/Y{¬µ[ , with the condition that empty sum equals zero if YÌÍ[ . Using Lemma m E 2.4, R ¸ D ² < r S U s ³ ?@ @ ©wª · jR 9tÎÐÏ r ?@ 9ÐVÎ Ï V @ ©wª < jRYÄ: 9tÎÐÏ 9ÐVÎ Ï 0 ¬À[Ñ:µJnsH: ®:µ[ r r [Ò¬ÀJ¿s ¬À-sc¬ÀJ r :\OlsH:ÓY¬À[Ò¬ÀJ m F r :íW¬h-s m V From (2.4), we know that «e ¸ ² y < E :¯­4¬À D r < S . Therefore, the maximum is attained for J60M , F M U s ³ @ ¨©-ª · jY: 9tÎ Ï V a:Ó[ r ¬h-s m < E ÂM , then the maximum is attained for [Ô0 Ê , and the result in (1) follows. On the If ¬À¨ other hand, if ¬hÕ·M , then¹ the maximum is attained for [Å0`M ; since the term [Å0`JG0\M in ¸ D r SUds has exact degree YÄ: ©wª , (2) holds. E jRw(w . Then, for all nonnegative C< OROLLARY 2.6. Let 0 integers (/Y , F m e ¸ ² D < r S U s ³ ·ÃYÄ: 3. Explicit algebraic relations between jp and jq U m quasi-definite Sobolev inner product given by (1.1) with 7 ? 2 3 (3.1) %Ö&)(/*-, . 0 > ?@BA &4*G57\: < C ? U . Let us consider a symmetrized for all J ( M ·ÃJ · ), i.e., m 0 7 ?E ?E F 2 3 &HD * D 587 ETNA Kent State University 58 M. ISABEL BUENO, FRANCISCO MARCELLÁN, AND JORGE SÁNCHEZ-RUIZ the sequence of monic polynomials orthogonal with respect to (3.1), and We denote by jwk Um by jlp and jlq the corresponding symmetric components defined by (1.2). The weight Um Um function | satisfying 57{0| SsI5S and the corresponding linear functional z given by (2.1) r are both symmetric. Furthermore, the sequence jR× of monic polynomials orthogonal with U m respect to z satisfies a three-term recurrence relation, ] A (3.2) Sv× ] Ss0\× Ur A U-_ SsB: r × U U y Ss(fY r O ( ½ where U 0\M , and there exists a sequence of monic polynomials jlØ A K (3.3) ^ ^ × Ur Ss0Ø Ur S ^ ^ s(f× such that U m U_ Ss0`SØ r U S r s( where jwØ denotes the sequence of monic kernel polynomials associated with jlØ [5]. U m U m In the sequel, we assume that z is a semiclassical linear functional, and we use the notations introduced in the previous section. The following proposition states an algebraic relation between the sequences jwk and j× that will be useful to determine algebraic U m U m relations between jp and jlq . U m U m E L EMMA 3.1. [7] Let & and * be arbitrary polynomials. Then, F % Ù Ú U &B(/*-,/.;0z &¸ D ² < *-sI³ r < P ROPOSITION 3.2. For every nonnegative integer such that yÅ Y , there exist real numbers F @ U-> _ (3.4) r < Ss¿× UHr Ss0 Ù <1Û Ú Ú k U . U Ú r Ss ½< get Proof. Expanding the polynomial < r Ss¿× Ur in terms of the Sobolev polynomials we Ss F U-> _ @ r < Ss¿× U r Ss0 Ú Ú Ù <1Û k U 9 Ù U 0 % < %k Ú Sst(+k S s/, . UHr r Ú Sst(+k Ss/, . r r Ss¿× r Ú 0 z U ² × %k Ss r Ú Then, we use Lemma 3.1 to compute the coefficients Ù Ú Ú , Ur Ú E Ssn¸ r D Sst(+k < Ú ² k r F Ú r Ss ³³ Ss/, . Since j× is the sequence of polynomials orthogonal with respect to z , Corollary 2.6 imUm Ú 0\M if M¨·#Ü̯Y$¬ plies that Ù . U R EMARK 3.3. If in the above proof Proposition 2.5 is used instead of Corollary 2.6, a sharper lower bound can be obtained for the summation in (3.4). This means that the first terms of the sum in (3.4) may be zero. However, since the use of Proposition 2.5 would require two parallel developments in what follows, for the sake of brevity we use the general bound given by Corollary 2.6. ETNA Kent State University CONTINUOUS SYMMETRIZED SOBOLEV INNER PRODUCTS OF ORDER 3.1. Semiclassical functional z of even class. P ROPOSITION 3.4. If the class of the functional z algebraic relation between the sequences jp and jq U Ï @ V;> _ < Ú Ù Û V < Ú] Ù V V ½< m A ^ V1_ Ù ^ q _ AV ½< Ú snq r r Ss Û Ss ½ Sst( r V < A _ Ï. ½ Ï V1_ Ú ^ ^ V q is even, then the following explicit is obtained, <1Û A : . ½ ^ U ] _ A ^ V1_ Ú ^ V A A V1_ Ù ½^ < Ù Ss0 r ^ r A Ï. V p A Ûн ^ : Ú Ï ½< @ _ > V1 : ^ A V Ï. (3.5) Ú ^ m 59 (II) ½ Ý-­ . where Ê 0`-Ý­ and Ê 0 Proof. Since is an even number, is an even polynomial [3, Prop. 2.6]. That is, there F exists another polynomial such that (3.6) 6r ^ S r 6 Ss0 s Therefore, and are also even numbers. We write 0­ For YZ0­w[ , Proposition 3.2 reads (3.7) Ss0 r V Ú 0`­ Ê . F ^ @ ; V > _ ^ Ss¿× r < and Ê Ù <;Û ^ Ú ^ . V Ú k V Ss r ½< Since the term in the left-hand side of the previous identity is an even polynomial, we get ^ Ss¿× r < V r Ss0 F Ï @ V1> _ < Ú Ù Û Ú ^ ^ V ^ k V Ï. Ú Ss r ½< Taking into account (1.2), (3.3), and (3.6), the previous equation can be rewritten as (3.8) Ss/Ø r < Ss0 V¨r < Ú V Ss/Ø r < V Ss0 r p V Ss r A Ï < Ú ^ Ú ½< @ V1> _ Ù Û Ú ^ Ï. In a similar way, for YÞ0`­w[N:\O we obtain (3.9) F Ï @ V1> _ Ù Û F Ú ^ ^ V1_ Ï. V A q Ú _ Ss r ½< ] Taking into account (3.3) and (3.2) with Y replaced by ­w[ A , we F get (3.10) Ø Multiplying (3.10) by < Ú (3.11) V V p Û Ú r ^ Ss): Ø V V r Ss Ss A A Ï < Ú Ú ^ ^ ½< @ V1> _ 0 r < Ï. V ½ Ù Û V and using (3.8) and (3.9), we obtain Ï @ V1> _ Ss0ßØ V r Ù Ï. A Ú ^ ^ V1_ ] _ q Ú r Ss: Ï ^ @ V1_ > V < Ú V Ûн A Ï. A Ù A Ú ^ ^ V _ q F Ú r Ss ½ ½< ½ The result in (3.5) can½< be obtained in a straightforward way from the previous expression. ETNA Kent State University 60 M. ISABEL BUENO, FRANCISCO MARCELLÁN, AND JORGE SÁNCHEZ-RUIZ 3.2. Semiclassical functional z of odd class. P ROPOSITION 3.5. Let the class of the functional z be an odd number. The following explicit algebraic relations between the sequences jp and jlq are obtained: U m U m (1) If is an even number and ×\0 Ý­ , then A @ V1> _Hà Ù Û Ú V ^ A V . à Ú ^ V V A A _ ^ V @ _Hà > V1 _ Û Ú V : _ Ù Û V à ^ : V1_ Ï. Ú p V Ù Û . Ï. V1_ ^½ ^ r .q V V A . V Ï. V1_Hà Ï _ Û A Ú ^ ^ q _ <1Û V1A _ à ½< ^ V1_ Ù Ss r A ^ V1_ ^ Ú sIq _ , then ^ Û Ss r ^ Ss r V;_)à A F ½ . à Ù : _ ^ V AV ] Ú ^ ^ ^ ½ ½ ¬ ¯ Os/Ý­ r q _ Ú ^ V Ss0 r Ù ^ q A Ï Ù ½ ^ V;_ . à ½ > ½ @ V;_) à _ Û Ú] A Ú ^ V1_ <1 A Û : A ½< ½ ×\0 A ^ ] . V ½ ^ A V1_ A V1_ Ú ^ is an odd number, and Ï Ù Ss0 r ^ r . à Ù½ ^ ^ : (2) If Ù Ût½ ]Ú p A > à @ ½ _H V1 : Ú Ú sIq _ _ Ss r Û Ss r Sst( r ¬¯Os/Ý­ and Ê 0 ¬ÃOls/Ý­ . where Ê 0 r r Proof. Since is an odd number, is an odd polynomial [3, Prop. 2.6]. Therefore, there F exists another polynomial Ê such that ½ ½ ½ ^ (3.12) 6r Ê S r G Ss0\S s Since and are odd numbers, so it is . In the sequel, we write º0ß­ ; 0ß­ Ê :\O . Ê :O and (1) Assume that is even. Then, we write 0P­-× , for some nonnegative integer × . From (3.4), we get F ^ Ss¿× r < @ V1> _Hà r V Ss0 Ù Û Ú V Ú ^ ^ . à Ú ^ k V Ss r ½ Taking into account (1.2), (3.12), and (3.3), we get F @ V;> _)à (3.13) à S Ê Ss/Ø r < V¨r Ss0 Ù Û Ú V Ú ^ ^ à p V . Ú Ss r ½ Consider Proposition 3.2 with YÞ0­-[Í:\O to obtain, in a similar way, A @ V1> _Hà (3.14) à S Ê r < SsIØ V Ss0 r Ù Û Ú V à A Ú ^ ^ V1_ . F Ú q _ r Ss ½ By multiplying both sides of (3.10) by Sà Ê r Ss , (3.13) and (3.14) lead us to the following explicit algebraic relation between jlp and< jlq , Um @ V1> _Hà Ù Û Ú (3.15) V V à . Ù Û Ú V à ½ p Ú r Ss A A ½ @ V;> _)à 0 Ú ^ ^ . V1_ ] A Ú ^ ^ Um _ q Ú r SsB: A ^ > à @ V;_) V A Ûe½ Ú V à ½ Ù ^ V . _ ½ ½ A Ú ^ q Ú r Sst( ETNA Kent State University CONTINUOUS SYMMETRIZED SOBOLEV INNER PRODUCTS OF ORDER 61 (II) and the result follows in a straightforward way. 0P­-×á:ßO for some nonnegative integer × . In this (2) Assume that is odd. Then case, the term on the left-hand side of (3.7) is an odd polynomial, and taking into account (1.2), (3.12), and (3.3), we get (3.16) à S Ê SsIØ r < Ss0 V r _ Û Ú V A Ù Û ^ Ï. ½ ½ F Ú ^ V . à A Ï > à V;_) @ Ú q _ Ss r ½ A similar procedure gives, using Proposition 3.2 with A YZ0ß­w[Ñ:`O , A @ _)à > V; (3.17) à_ S Ê SsIØ r < V Ss0 r Û Ú SØ à ^ Ú p V1_ Ss r ½ A ^ Ss6: r F Ú ^ Ï. ] A V1_ Ù . ½ Ss0ßØ r V A _ Û V From (3.2) with YÞ0`­-[Ñ:`O , and (3.3), (3.18) Ï _ F Ø V1_ Ss r V A Replacing (3.16) and (3.17) into (3.18), the following relation is obtained, @ _Hà > V1 Û Ú (3.19) V 0 A Ï _ _ Ù . Ï. à ½ @ _)à > V; ½ Û Ú V _ Ù Û r Ss ] ^ Ï. ½ Ú ^ ^ V1_ . à Ú p A Ï _ Ú ^ ^ A 1 V _ Û Ú q _ A ^ Ss): r @ > à V1_H Û Ú V1_ V Ù Ú ^ ^ V Ï. ½ and the result follows straightforwardly. A Û . à ½ A Ï _ ½ Ú q _ SsÐ( r ½ 4. Recurrence relations. In this section we deduce recurrence relations with a finite number of terms for the sequences jp , jq , and jwk . The number of terms in these U m U m U m relations depends on the class of the functional z and the degree of the polynomial . 4.1. Recurrence relations for jp . Um P ROPOSITION 4.1. If the class of z is an even number, then the sequence satisfies the following [ Ê : E Ê sH:Ãâ ]-term recurrence relation, r @ ã äå)æ8änç äå)æ8èé¿æ8äIê å)æ8è }ëé æ±ì D ã8äåcç äå)æ èé ãäå)æ8änç äå)æ èé D å)æ8è / ëé î ì ½ ½ºí ï ã8äåGç ä ð ã8äå)æäIç ä ð _ ðñ åGî8ècò ë æ±ì¿ó ½ ½í ã8äåcç äåGî8è ò äå)æ ìIãäåGç äåGî8è ò _ ó äå äåGî ì ã äåGîäIç äåcî8è ò îä ê åGî8ècò ë î ½í ½í E äå)æ±ìnã8äåGç äå)æ èé äå)æ±ìnã8äåGç ä ð ì ½ºD í E ä å D äå ãäåGç äåBæ8èé ½í äå ½ºí ã8äåGç äåGî8è D ò ã8äåGç ä ð ê åBæ8ècëé í äåGî ìnã8äåcîänç äåGî8è _ Um E D äåGî ì/ã8äåGîäIEç äô ð _ jlp ò Eô E ê ð E D ê åGî8èGò ë D í í where º Ý-­ . Ê 0`Ý-­ and Ê 0 Proof. Assume that is an even number. Multiplying both sides of (3.18) by plugging (3.8) and (3.9) into it, we get S`õö < Ú (4.1) A Ï @ V1> _ Ù Û Ï. V 0 @ V;_ > ½< Ï < Ú V ½< V1_ Ú q _ r Ss÷ø ] A _ Û Ï. Ú ^ ^ A A Ù Ú ^ ^ ^ _ V1_ p Ú r SsÞ: A ^ V1_ < Ú F Ï @ V1> _ Û Ï. V ½< Ù ^ Ú ^ V p Ú r Ss < r Ss , and ETNA Kent State University 62 M. ISABEL BUENO, FRANCISCO MARCELLÁN, AND JORGE SÁNCHEZ-RUIZ Now, we multiply both sides of (3.11) by S and replace (4.1) in it to obtain Ï @ V1> _ õö S < Ú Ù Û Ï. V ½< Ï @ V1_ > 0 < Ï. ^ õö V Ú ^ ^ Ù ^ Ú p V1_ V : Ss ÷ø r ] A _ ½< Ú p V Û Ú ] Ú ^ ^ A A SsÞ: r ] Ï @ V1> _ Ù < Ú Û Ú ^ ^ p V Ï. Ú ^ < r Ss F A Ù Ú ^ ^ ^ Ûe½ V Ú p V Ï. ½< Ú p V ½< Ï Ú V Ú ^ ^ A Ï. @ V1_ > ½ V Ù Û V A SsB: r < Ú V;_ _ Ï @ V1> _ ^ Ss ÷ø r ½ ½< ½ From the previous expression we get the ( Ê : ¾ Ê :Ãâ )-term recurrence relation for jlp U m given in the statement of the proposition. º¬\Ols/Ý­ and P ROPOSITION 4.2. Let the class of z be an odd number, and put Ê 0 r ¬ùOs+Ý-­ . Then the sequence jp : º :Os :ßâ- -term satisfies the following Ê 0 Ê Ê r r Um recurrence relations: Ý-­ , then (1) If is an even number, and ×\0 A Ù ^ ^ V1_ Ù ^ 0 ^ ^ V Ût½ ] Ú ] : ¬ r V à ] SƬ ½ ^ . _ V1_ ^ V ¬ V1A _ V ^ Ù s V . V ½< p ½< V Ú ^ ^ ¬ Ù . <;Û Ú ^ ^ ^ ] ^F Ù A Ù ^ V ^ ^ ^ V ^ ./p V ½ Ú ^ V ½ V ½ Ss Ss ] r ^ ¬ ^ V r ] _Hà V1 Û V;A _ V ½ p V;_ A^ à ½ ^ ] V .¬ ^ ^ V1_ ^ ^ V ½ Ù s V Ù sc¬ V ^ ^ ^ V ^ ] ¬ V1_ ^ ½ (2) If ] ¬ Ù ^ Û ] ] Ss r _ ^ SƬ rA A ^ ^ V SĬ r A V;_)à A <1Û > à @ V1_H : ] p V1 _ _ A ^ <1Û V1_ p Ú r Ss ½ V à ½< . Ss r ½ ½ is an odd number, and ×\0 ¬¯Os/Ý­ r @ , then E E ã äå)æ8úIç äå)æ èé¿æú êå)æ ûwé¿æn ëé æ8ä äå)æ8ä ã ä åBæ ì¿ç äE å)æ èé¿æ ì äå)æ±ì ã ä å)æ±ì¿ç äå)æ èé¿æ ô ì ê å) ã äå)æ±ì}ç äå)æ8èé¿æ±ì ã äå)æúIç äåBæ8èé¿æ±ì û é¿æn ëé æ ì E æ w D åBæ8ûé}æëé D ½ ½í ½í ï äå)æä ä å)æ ì ã äå)æ±ì¿ç ä ð äåBæ ì ä å ã äåcî ì}ç ä ð ê ð ã äå)æ ì¿ç ä ð ã äå)æ8úIç ä ð E E _ ðñ åGî8û ò îò ë æ ì¿ó _ D D ½ ½ í E}ü í ½ºí í ã8äåBæ ì¿ç äåGî8è ò æ±ì äå)æ8ä/ã8äå)æ±ì¿ç äåGî8è ò æ ì äå)± æ ìnã8äå)æ±ì¿ç äåGî8è ò æ ì äå)± æ ì äå ãäåGî ì¿ç äG å î8è ò æ ì ê åc8 î û ò v î òë D D äå)æ±ì äå ãäåGî ì¿ç äåGî8è ò î ì¿ê åGî8û ò îò ë î ì ½ ½í ½í ½í í D ½í í Proof. Again, we must distinguish between being odd or even. (1) Assume that is even. Multiplying both sides of (3.18) by Sà (3.13) and (3.14) into it, we get A @ V1> _Hà S`õö (4.2) 0 Ú Ù Û Ú V à ½ > à @ V;_) _ Û . V à ½ V1_ . Ú q _ r Ù ^ ^ _ V;_ r < Ss and applying Ss}÷ø ] A Ê A Ú ^ ^ A Ú ^ p Ú r SsB: A F @ V1> _Hà ^ V1_ Ù Û Ú V à ½ . Ú ^ ^ V p Ú r Ss Now, multiplying both sides of (3.15) by S and using (4.2) in the resulting equation, we obtain ETNA Kent State University CONTINUOUS SYMMETRIZED SOBOLEV INNER PRODUCTS OF ORDER the following × 1: r sB:µâ0 @ V1> _Hà Ù Û S`õö Ú V . à ½ > à @ V;_) 0 Ú ^ ^ A Ù Û V ] õö V Ù Û Ú p @ V;> _)à ^ SsÞ: r V Ú ^ ^ à Ú p V . , Um A ^ r A Ù ½ V Ss r ^ Ú ^ ^ Ú p V . à ½ Ú p V Ût½ Ú V Ú ^ ^ A . V à ½ @ V1_H > à A Ss): Ù Û Ú V1_ ] @ V1> _Hà ^ Ú _ ½ : Ú ^ ^ ^ -term recurrence relation for jlp s Ssø÷ r V1_ . à :Ãâa: Ê ] A _ Ú Ú p V a Ê : r 63 (II) Ss ÷ø r ( ½ ½ ½ from which the statement (1) of the proposition follows straightforwardly. (2) Assume now that is odd. Considering (3.10), (3.16), and (3.17), we get > à V1_H @ Û S\õö Ú (4.3) V 0 A . à ½ @ _Hà > V1 A Û à ^ Ï. Ú q _ Ss÷ø r ] A ½ Ù . Ú ^ ^ Ú p V1_ Ï. ½ Ú ^ V Û V Ù Û Ï ½ _ _ Ú A Ï _ ^ SsB: r > à V1_H @ Û Ú V V A Ù Û . à ½ A Ï _ ^ Ú p V Ï. ½ F Ú ^ Ss r ½ ½ ½ Now plug the previous result in (3.19). We get the following A jlp recurrence relation for , Õ Ê : r :ßâ : Ê s -term Um @ _Hà > V1 S\õö Û Ú _ . à ½ @ V1_Hà > à ½ A _ Ù Ï. ½ ^ Ú p A Û Ú _ Ù Û V à @ _Hà > V1 ^ . Ú ^ ^ ½ Ú p V1_ Ï. Û r ^ Ù Ï. ½ > à V1_H @ Û V ½ A Ù Û . à Ss r Ú ^ ^ p V Ï. ½ Ú p A Ï _ Ú V Ú ^ ^ V;_ . à ½ SsB: _ Û V ] A Ï _ Ú V1_ A Ï _ ^ Ss6: r _ @ _Hà > V1 õö V;_ Ú ^ V1_HA ý . ^ : Ss}ø÷ r ] Û A Ú p V1_ ^ ½Ï Û V Ú ^ ^ Ï. _ Ú ] Ù Û V 0 A Ï _ Ú Ss÷ø r ( ½ ½ ½ which implies the result (2) in the statement of the proposition. 4.2. Recurrence relations for jlq . In the sequel, and for the sake of brevity, we will U m omit the extended expression of the recurrence relations. P ROPOSITION 4.3. If the class of z is an even number, the sequence jq satisfies U m the following [ Ê : Ê s):µâ ]-term recurrence relation, r õö S A Ï @ V;> _ < Ú Ù Û Ï. V ½< Ï @ V1_ > 0 < Ú V : ] ^ V1_ Ú ^ ^ A V1_ Ú q _ r Ss ÷ø ] A A _ Ù Û Ú ^ ^ V;_)ý Ï. < Ú Û Ï. V ½< Ú Ù V1_ ^ _ < Ú q r Ss6: Ù Û V ^ Ï. ½< @ V1_ > ^ A Ût½ ½< Ù Ú Ss r ^ _ ½ ½ A Ú ^ V Ï. V q _ A Ï < Ú A Ú ^ A _ V1 V ] Ú A Ï @ V1> _ V1_ A Ú ^ ^ ^ SsB: r A Ï @ V1> _ q _ _ A ½< õö A q Ú r Ss}øh ÷ ( ETNA Kent State University 64 M. ISABEL BUENO, FRANCISCO MARCELLÁN, AND JORGE SÁNCHEZ-RUIZ Ý-­ . where Ê 0`Ý-­ and Ê 0 Proof. Replacing (3.11) into (4.1), we get the result. P ROPOSITION 4.4. Let the class of z be an odd number, and put º¬\Ols/Ý­ and Ê 0 r 0 ß ¬ l O / s Ý ­ . Then the sequence j q satisfies the following : þ É : Os:`â- -term Ê Ê r U m r Ê recurrence relations: (1) If is even, and ×\0 Ý-­ , then A @ V1> _Hà S\õö Ù Û Ú V . ½ > à @ V1_H 0 ^ A à V1_ Ù Û V ] ^ õö õö Û V . à ½ @ _Hà > V1 à ^ : õö V q Ù ^ _ Û Ú V à A Ù Û . Ú ^ V Ù Ûe½ à A F Ú ^ ^ Ú q V . _ Ss ÷ø r ½ ½ ^ ½ Û V Ú à A Ú ^ ^ V A Ï. ½ ½ @ V1_Hà > Û V . Ù ½ F Ú ^ ^ ^ V ^ Ï. ½ Ss r A Ût½ à ½ Ú q _ Ï _ Ú V Ù Û . ½ ^ Ss): r A A Ï _ Ú V1_ ] q _ > à V1_H @ ½ ½ Ss r A A Ú V A Ss): r Ú ^ Ï. ½ ^ A Ï à ½ @ V;_) > à Ú q _ Ss ÷ø r q _ ^ . V A Ú ^ A _ V1 , then ] Ú ^ ^ V1_ ½ > à V _H 1 Ù Û Ú Ss): r A Ï. @ Ú q _ ½ . ½ ^ Ï. Ú ¬ÃOls/Ý­ r Ú ^ V Û V Ù Û Ï ½ _ _ Û Ú A A ^ V;_ V A Ï _ @ V1> _Hà ] _ ½ > à V;_) ] V1_ à ^ A ^ . A SsB: r Ú ^ is odd, and ×`0 Ú 0 q _ Ù Û Ú V (2) If S Ú A @ V1> _Hà V;_ @ ] _ ^ : Ss÷ø r Ú ^ V1_Hý . à A ½ Ú q _ A A _ Ú A Ú ^ Ú q _ r Ss}÷ø ½ ½ Proof. We must distinguish again between even or odd. In the case even, replace (3.15) into (4.2), and in the case odd, replace (3.19) into (4.3), and so the results are obtained. 4.3. Recurrence relation for jlk . U m P ROPOSITION 4.5. The sequence jlk A A A recurrence relation, A Ù U-_ U-_ <1Û @ U_ > : r S <;Û Ú U] _ Ù ½< U U . r _ Ù S r . U U-_ A <1Ût½ Ú : k _ U A < Û 1 Ù . s/k U ½< U-_ U ½ Ú Ù ¬ U . U ½< U-_ Ss ]r r A A Ù Ssc¬ <;Û U U ½< < Sse × r U-_ r SsB: k × U r U Ss}0 ½ A Ù <1Û Ú . U A Ú U F . U ½ ½< A @ U-> _ A . U ½ Proof. Multiplying both sides of (3.4) by S , from (3.2) we get ] Õ:ùâ Ss r U-_ <1Û Ú sIk sIk U-_ ½< A : A ½ U ] U ¬ A U-_ m Ù S r Ú Ù ¬ Ù ¬ Ss0 A satisfies the following ( U r Ss ½ F Sk Ú r Ss ½< Applying twice Proposition 3.2 to the previous expression, we obtain ] A @ U-_ > A _ Ú <1Û . U ½< Ú Ù _ U-_ k A @ U-_ > Ú r Ss): U A Ú <1Ûe½ U . U ½< Ú Ù ½ ½ k @ U-> _ Ú r Ss0 . U ½< Ú Ù <;Û Ú U Sk Ú r SsÐ( )-term ETNA Kent State University CONTINUOUS SYMMETRIZED SOBOLEV INNER PRODUCTS OF ORDER (II) 65 from which the result follows straightforwardly. 5. Example: Freud-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. Consider the following inner product of type (1.1), (5.1) %Ö&)(+*-, . 0 ? 2 3 &4*Bÿ > ?@BABC 58S: < ½ ?E ?E 2 3 &HD * D ÿ 58SÞ( ½ and let us apply the results obtained in the previous sections to this particular example. The polynomials jlk orthogonal with respect to (5.1) are a particular case of the so-called U m Freud-Sobolev polynomials [2]. is a semiclassical weight function [2]. In fact, | r Ss It is well known that | r Ss40ÿ satisfies the Pearson equation (2.3) ½ with 6r Ss0ÇO and r Ss0 ¬ Sý . Hence, using the notations in Section 2, 0M , 0­ , and 0­ . Since is an even number, we can state that (1) The sequences jp and jlq satisfy ( :â )-term recurrence relations (see PropoU m U m sitions 4.1 and 4.3). (2) The sequence jlk satisfies a ( ­ :¯â )-term recurrence relation (see Proposition U m 4.5). (3) An explicit algebraic relation between jp and jq can be established. This U m U m and :í terms of the sequence jlq relation involves :O terms of the sequence jp U m U m (see Proposition 3.4). Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank the anonymous referee for his/her careful reading of the manuscript and the comments on it, which were very useful to improve its presentation. 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