ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 20, pp. 164-179, 2005. Copyright 2005, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University A BDDC ALGORITHM FOR A MIXED FORMULATION OF FLOW IN POROUS MEDIA XUEMIN TU Abstract. The BDDC (balancing domain decomposition by constraints) algorithms are similar to the balancing Neumann-Neumann methods, with a small number of continuity constraints enforced across the interface throughout the iterations. These constraints form a coarse, global component of the preconditioner. The BDDC methods are powerful for solving large sparse linear algebraic systems arising from discretizations of elliptic boundary value problems. In this paper, the BDDC algorithm is extended to saddle point problems generated from the mixed finite element methods used to approximate the scalar elliptic problems for flow in porous media. Edge/face average constraints are enforced and the same rate of convergence is obtained as for simple elliptic cases. The condition number bound is estimated and numerical experiments are discussed. In addition, a comparison of the BDDC method with an edge/face-based iterative substructuring method is provided. Key words. BDDC, domain decomposition, saddle point problem, condition number, benign space, edge/facebased iterative substructuring method AMS subject classifications. 65N30, 65N55, 65F10 1. Introduction. The BDDC algorithms, introduced by Dohrmann in [5], see also [13, 14], are nonoverlapping domain decomposition methods, which are similar to the balancing Neumann-Neumann (BNN) algorithms. In BDDC, the coarse problems are given in terms of a set of primal constraints. An important advantage with such a coarse problem is that the Schur complements that arise in the computation will all be invertible. The relation between the BDDC and BNN is similar to that between the FETI-DP and one level FETI. Recently, the BDDC and FETI-DP algorithms for elliptic problems were rederived and a much shorter proof of the main result in [14] was given in [11]. Mixed formulations of elliptic problems, see [2], lead to large, sparse, symmetric, indefinite linear systems. Such methods have extensive applications, as in flow in porous media, where a good approximation to the velocity is required. Overlapping domain decomposition methods for this kind of problem were developed in [6, 15, 16, 17]. These additive or multiplicative overlapping Schwartz alternating methods reduce the problem to a symmetric positive definite problem for a vector, divergence free in a finite element sense. Then two-level overlapping methods are applied to the reduced positive definite problem in the benign, divergence free subspace. The algorithms converge at a rate independent of the mesh parameters and the coefficients of the original equation. In [9], two non-overlapping domain decomposition algorithms were proposed. They are unpreconditioned conjugate gradient methods for certain interface variables and are, to the best of our knowledge, the first iterative substructuring methods. The rate of convergence is independent of the coefficients of the original equations, but depends mildly on the mesh parameters. The consequence of the singular local Neumann problems that arise was addressed in [9]. Other non-overlapping domain decomposition methods were proposed in [8] and [4] with improved rates of convergence. A BNN version of the Method II of [9] was proposed in [3], see also [20]. The same rate of convergence is obtained as for simple elliptic cases. Using mixed formulations of flow in porous media, we will obtain a saddle point problem which is closely related to that arising from the incompressible Stokes equations. We note Received May 12, 2005. Accepted for publication August 31, 2005. Recommended by Y. Kuznetsov. Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, 251 Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012, USA. ( This work was supported in part by the US Department of Energy under Contract DE-FG02-92ER25127. 164 ETNA Kent State University BDDC ALGORITHM FOR FLOW IN POROUS MEDIA 165 that, in a recent paper [12], the BDDC algorithms have been applied to the incompressible Stokes equation, where the constraints enforced across the interface satisfy two assumptions. One assumption forces the iterates into the benign subspace in which the operator is positive definite and the other ensures a good bound for the condition number. In general, both these assumptions are required. In this paper, we extend the BDDC algorithms to mixed formulations of flow in porous media. This work is directly related to [12], but our situation is also different. First of all, our problem is not originally formulated in the benign, divergence free subspace, and it will therefore be reduced to the benign subspace, as in [6, 15, 16, 17], at the beginning of the computation. In addition, only edge/face constraints are needed to force the iterates into the benign subspace and to ensure a good bound for the condition number, since RaviartThomas finite elements, see [2, Chapter III], are utilized. These elements have no degrees of freedom associated with vertices/edges in two/three dimensions. Also, the condition number estimate for the Stokes case can be simplified since the Stokes extension is equivalent to the harmonic extension, see [1]. However, this is not the case here, and different technical tools are required. We also note that our BDDC method is closely related to an edge/face-based substructuring iterative method. We will give a detailed description later. An iterative substructuring method with Raviart-Thomas finite elements for vector field problems was proposed in [24, 21]. We will borrow some technical tools from these papers in our analysis of the BDDC algorithms. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The mixed formulation for the elliptic problems and its finite element discretization are described in Section 2. We reduce our system to an interface problem in Section 3. In Section 4, we introduce the BDDC methods for our mixed methods. We give some auxiliary results in Section 5. In Section 6, we provide of the condition number for the system with the an estimate of the form BDDC preconditioner; these and are the diameters of the subdomains and elements, respectively. We also compare the BDDC methods with an edge/face-based algorithm in Section 7. Finally, some computational results are given in Section 8. 2. An elliptic problem discretized by mixed finite elements. We consider the following elliptic problem on a bounded polygonal domain in two or three dimensions with a Neumann boundary condition: . "!$#%'&)(+*-, inin 34 65 /!$#%'&)(0*21 Here . is the outward normal to 37 and is a positive definite matrix function with entries # in 89 satisfying ! ( (2.2) :; #7!=<>( :@?BADCE:FC G for a.e. <IH G for some positive constant A . The functions ,JH 8 ! ( andOQ1KP H L4MN O% ST! 34P ( satisfy the compatibility condition ,7R"< 1%R"U'*-V 5 The equation (2.1) has a solution which is unique up to a constant. Without loss of & generality, we assume that and that has mean value zero. We also require that the I 1 W * V , solution has mean value zero over ; therefore we have a unique solution. & We assume that we are interested in computing X#Q'& directly as is often required in flow in porous media. We then introduce the velocity Y : Y * X#%'& G (2.1) ETNA Kent State University 166 X. TU & and call the pressure. We obtain the following system for the velocity (2.3) [ \ Y * X#%'& Z .] Y ^* , Y *_V in in in 3465 Y & and the pressure : ` !$<>(+*_#7!$<>( LaM and define a Hilbert space by cb !dRegf G (+*hiH 8 ! ( or 8 ! (kj"lm]niH 8 ! ( and io . *_V on 34'p G with the norm Pyx PFx PFx C i C qrtsvuTw * C i C z|{ q } ~ C i C z|{ q G where ~ is the diameter of . !dRegf G ( , it is possible to define its normal component Y . on 34 , Given a vector Y H as an element of L4MN 34 , and the following PFx STPFx inequality holds ! ( . (2.4) CnY C X/ { q CnYC XqrtsuTw G with a constant that is independent of ~ , the diameter of , see [24, Section 2]. The trace operator that maps a vector in component in }L4MN 37 is thus G ( into itsseenormal !$R"beegf surjective; ! ( continuous, and it can be shown to [7, Ch. I, Th. 2.5 and Cor. 2.8]. P The weak form of (2.3) is as follows: find Y H b !dRegf G ( and &H 8 b ! (* hKFH 8 ! ( Gm R"<o*-V p such that, P Y B G G P #7 ! Y G i( !=i &)(* V P )iH 8 b b !$ R"egfG G ( ! ( * ,7R"< 7H ! ( where Y G #7! i(+* Y ; ` !=<>(ki>R"< and ! Y G (0* !] Y (R< . Let be the lowest order Raviart-Thomas finite element space with a zero normal component on 34 , see [2, Chapter III, 3], and let be the space of piecewise constants with a zero mean value, which are finite dimensional subspaces of b G ( and 8 b ! ( , d ! R g e f respectively. The pair , satisfy a uniform inf-sup condition, see [2, Chapter IV. 1.2]. The and such that, finite element discrete problem is: find Y & H H P #7 ! Y Y G G i ( B !=i G & (* V )i H G ! ( * ,7 R"< 7 H Let and the matrix form is: ; Y * c 5 V & The system (2.5) is symmetric indefinite with the matrix symmetric, positive definite. For details on the range of negative and positive eigenvalues of (2.5), see [19]. 3. Reduction to an interface problem. We decompose into nonoverlapping subdomains with diameters , s s e@* G n G , and with * ¡¢ s s . We assume that each subdomain is a union of shape-regular coarse rectangles/hexahedra and that the number (2.5) of such rectangles/hexahedra forming an individual subdomain is uniformly bounded. We note that the algorithm can be extended to different types of subdomains. In a more general case, we can still define faces, regarded as open sets that are shared by two subdomains. Two ETNA Kent State University BDDC ALGORITHM FOR FLOW IN POROUS MEDIA 167 nodes belong to the same face when they are associated with the same pair of subdomains. We then introduce quasi-uniform triangulations of each subdomain. The global problem (2.5) is assembled from the subdomain problems x x x v q s Y qvvq ss q s qvs ¥ * vq s 5 V I ¤ & ¦ x (3.1) x x$£ The degrees of freedom of the Raviart-Thomas finite elements are the normal components on the boundary of each element only. is Let be the interface between the subdomains. The set of the interface nodes defined as , where is the set of nodes on and is the set of nodes on . We decompose the discrete velocity and pressure spaces and into § § X ® ¬ ) ­ ­ § ¨ 4 3 4 3 4 3 7 3 4 3 s=w s * !d© s«ª s$34w w (°¯ 34 ±³² µ ´ G * ±°² ¶b5 (3.2) *x x µ ´ ± ± is the space of traces on± § of functions of . and are direct± sums of subdomain qvs , and subdomainx interior pressure spaces interior velocity spaces x qvs , i.e., ± ² ±qs G ± ² ±qvs 5 *¸s ¬· M *¸s ¬· M x x ± The elements of qs are supported in thex subdomain and their normal components vanish PF§ ¹ ® 34 s , while thes elements of ±qvs are restrictions of on x the subdomain interface § s * ± qs . ºb is the subspace of with constant values elements in to which satisfy s *2V b qvs in the subdomain s that satisfy x » qvs (3.3) ¬s · M b½¼ ! s (0*-x V G x which maps functions where ¼ is the measure of the subdomain . ¾ b qvs x is the operator s s ! ( in the space ¶b to its constant component x of the subdomain qs s . ±À ¿ ´ , the space of thex v q s We denote the subdomain velocity space by * space by ´ ¬ ´qvs . ´ qvs , and the associate product interface velocity variables by *^Á s· M x as x point x$£ problems xd£ (3.1) can be written The subdomain saddle x ÅÇÆÆ ÅÇÆÆ Y qvs x ± ÅÇÆÆ ±tqvs ± x ±mqs± ´qvs ± x ±tqvs± x x$£ ±mqvs´ x V x$£ ÆÆÆ qvs wx ± ÆÆÆ V qvs ± ÆÆ (3.4) ÂÃà ´qvs ± ±qV s´ ´qvs ´ x qvV s´ ÂÃà Y& qvs w x ´ * ÂÃà w x È G b È Ãà w È ÃÃÄ V qvs ´ Ãà ´ Ä Ã x x V x x V b qvs x x V x ÃÄ & qvx s w b w x x x ±qvs G ±qvs G ´qvs G bqx s . We note that, by the divergence ± ± ´ where Y qvs G qvs G Y qs G qvs x b ! w & w w & w (6H2! ( ± theorem, the lower left block of the matrix of (3.4) is zero since the bilinear form qvs G b qs = ! i ( ± ±qvs and a constant b qvs in the subdomain . always vanishes for any qvs s i H ETNA Kent State University 168 X. TU 3.1. Obtaining a divergence free correction. First of all, we seek a discrete velocity Y H such that, Y * 5 (3.5) Let be the lowest order Raviart-Thomas finite element space on the coarse triangulation, associated with the subdomains, with zero normal components on 34 and let be the space of piecewise constants with vanishing mean value. ¾ b; is the natural interpolation É . We also use the same interpolation operator on the operator from ÊÉ to corresponding right hand side space. Let c bb b; * ¾ b ; ¾ b; G (3.6) V V and Y bb * ¾ºb; bb b; L4M ¾b Ë 5 V & We note x that the coarse grid solution Y b does not necessarily x x satisfy (3.5), but that Y b has mean value zero over each subdomain , see x [16, 6]. x the local Neumann problems, x Then s qs Y b wÌqvs G G G , are all well´ with Y qvs hand sides q s w *ËV andx the right qvs x Y b wÌqvs x ¥ eX* nn ¤ x $ x £ posed. We can solve x± x x ±x ±tqvs ± x ±tqvs± v q s Y ±mqs± ¥ qvs w ± ¥ * Íqvs ! qvs Y qvs b wÌY qvs b wÌ( qvs ± ¥ G eÎ* G n G G (3.7) ¤ ( V ¤& w x¤ ! and set Y s * Y qvs w ± ¥ G e°* G n G o5 ¤ Y* b ÏY M n ÏY which satisfies (3.5). We then write the solution of (2.5) as Let Y · Y * Y Y G & V & where the correction Y G ; satisfies ! &)( @ ; Y * Y 5 (3.8) x x$ £ VÐx$£ &Ë V x x This problem can be assembled from the subdomain problems: ÅÇÆÆ Y ±qvs x ÅÇÆÆ Ñ ± Å Æ x±mqvs ± ±tqvs± ´qvs ± x qvs x ÆÆ ±tqvs± x x$£ ±mqvs´ x V x$£ ÆÆÆ ±qs x ÆÆÆ ÂÃà ´qvs ± ±mqvV s´ ´qvs ´ x qV s´ ÂÃà &Y ´qvs x * Âà VÑ ´ qvs È G (3.9) x x ÃÃÃÄ x V x V x b qvs´ x b V x È x ÃÃÃÄ & bqs È x ÃÃÄ V x xkÔ x ѱ Ñ´ x ± x Ô± ´ ± ± ´ where Y qvs G qs G Y qs G b qvs ! & & (aHÒ! qvs G qvs G qvs G bqs ( and qvs *]_Ó qvs Y qvs ± and qvs * Ó qvs Y qvs ´ . ETNA Kent State University BDDC ALGORITHM FOR FLOW IN POROUS MEDIA x x x 169 3.2. A reduced interface problem. We now reduce the global problem (3.8) to an interface problem. We define the subdomain Schur complements as: given , determine such that, x x Õ ´ qvs Ö ´qvs ´ qvs ´qvs ´qs Õ Ö H x xd£ xd£ x ÅÆ ±tqvs ± x ±tqvs± ´qvs ± x Å ÆÆ Ö ±qvs x x Å ÆÆ x x x d x £ x ±tqvs± ±mqvs´ ±qvs È * VV (3.10) È . È ÂÃÃÄ ´qvs ± ±mqvV s´ ´qvs ´ ÂÃÃÄ Ö & ´qvs ÃÄ xÕ ´ qs Ö ´qvs ´ We know, from the definition in (3.10), that the action of Õ qvs can be evaluated by solving a Neumann problem on the subdomain . We note that these Neumann problems are always s well-posed, even without any constraints on the normal component of the velocity since we have removed the constant pressure component constraints. Furthermore, since the local x x$£ matrices ±tqs ± x ´"qs ± x ¤ ´"qs ± ´qs ´ ¥ x are symmetric, positive definite, we have, by an inertia argument, x Schur complements Õ ´ qvs defined in (3.10) are symmetric, L 3.1. The subdomain positive definite. ´ Given the definition of Õ qvs , the subdomain problems (3.9) are reduced to the subdomain x x x$£ x interface problems x x ´qvs Y ´qvs Õ ´ qvs ´ b qvs´ 55v5 ¤ b qvs V ¥ ¤ & bqvs ¥ * ¤Ø× V ¥ G e°* GmÙ|G G G x x$£ x where x x x x$£ x±m± ±t± LaM Ñ ± qvs ´qs Ñ ´ qvs ´qvs ± x ±mqvs´ÊÛ ±tqvs ± x qvs * Ú ¤ qvs V ¥ V 5 × x ´ ´ ´ We denote the direct sum x of Õ qvs byÜÕ ´ . Let ¾ qvs be the operator which maps functions ´qvsin. the continuous interface velocity space to the subdomain components in the space ´ ´ The direct sum of the ¾ qs is denoted by ¾ . Then the global interface problem, assembled ´ É b , such ´ from the subdomain interface problems, can be written as: find Y G b ! & 6 ( H that ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ (3.11) Õ Ý xd£ Y b x * Ý Õ Ý b ´ Ý b; x ¥ x Y b * G & ¤ & ×V V ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ £ x x where *^Þ s· ¬ M ¾ qvs qs , Ý b *-Þ s· ¬ M b qvs ¾ qvs , x$and × × ´ ´ ´ ´ » ´ ´ ´ Õ Ý * ¾ ; Õ ¾ *߬· ¾ qvs Õ qs ¾ qvs 5 (3.12) s M Ü´ É ¶b . But by Lemma Thus, Õ Ý is an interface saddle point operator defined on the space ´ ´ . 3.1, this operator is symmetric positive definite on the benign subspace where Ý b Y *WV EMMA ETNA Kent State University 170 X. TU Y! ´ G &7( ; lies in this benign subspace. We will proFrom (3.8), we know that the correction pose a preconditioner for (3.11) which keeps all the iterates in this benign subspace. Therefore, the iterates remain in the benign subspace in which the preconditioned operator is positive definite and a preconditioned conjugate gradient method can be applied. à ´ x µ á@² â * µ á@² ã ä ¬· âqvs å 5 à ´ * µ s M 4. The BDDC methods. We follow [12, Section 4] closely in this section. We introduce a partially assembled interface velocity space by á x Here, is the coarse level, primal interface velocity space which is spanned by subdomain interface edge/face basis functions with constant values at the nodes of the edge/face for two/three dimensions. We change the variables so that the degree of freedom of each primal is the direct sum of the , which constraint is explicit, see [11] and [10]. The space is spanned by the remaining interface velocity degrees of freedom with a zero average over each edge/face. In the space , we have relaxed most continuity constraints on the velocity across the interface but retained all primal continuity constraints, which has the important advantage that all the linear systems are nonsingular in the computation. This is the main difference from an edge/face-based iterative substructuring domain decomposition method, where we will encounter singular local problems; see Section 7. We need to introduce several restriction, extension, and scaling operators between different spaces. restricts functions in the space to the components related to the subdomain . maps functions from to , its dual subdomain component. is a restriction operator from to its subspaces and is the operator which maps vectors in into their components in . is the direct sum of àæ ´ x â âqvs x x µ ¾ ´qs â à ´ â x ´qvs µ ´ s ¾ qvs x µqvs á µ ´ ´¾ á x áqvs ¾ x µ á ´èçéµ´ á qvs ¾ ´ µ à æ ç ´ ´ ´ ´ á ¾ ´qvs and ¾ ê à is the direct sum of ¾ and ¾ âqvs . We define the positive scaling factor ëì s !=í)( as follows: for î Hï ð Ù|Gtñ ( , ë sì !=í7(+* ­ôó`EõDòs ö!$í)`E( ­ò G íoH 34 s=w ® § G Þ !=í7( 37 ­ . We assume that ` s !=í)( where ÷Òø is the set of indices ù of the subdomains such that è í H x x is a constant in each subdomain. We then note that ë"ì s !$í)( is constant on each edge/face since the nodes on each edge/face are shared by the same pair of subdomains. Multiplying each x ´ is the â â row of ¾ qvs with the scaling factor ëì gives us ¾ ~ qs . The scaled operators ¾ ê ~ w = ! 7 í ( w ´á and the ¾ ~qvs â . Wes also use the notation direct sum of ¾ w ´ ú ´ ú ~ ¾ ê ¾ ê ~ w ¾ê * ¥ and ¾ ê * ¤ ¥5 ¤ ´ ´ ´ ü´ , We also denote by û , û Ý , and û ê , the right hand side spaces corresponding to µ ´ µ ´ , and à , respectively.´ We´ will use´ the sameµrestriction, extension, and scaled restriction ´ , µ ´ , and µ operators for the spaces û , û Ý , and û ê as for à ´. ´ µ We define the partially assembled interface velocity Schur complement Õ ê à ´Øç ûê ´ by (4.1) Õ ê ´ * ¾ ´; Õ ´ ¾ ´ 5 x ETNA Kent State University BDDC ALGORITHM FOR FLOW IN POROUS MEDIA 171 ´ à $x £ ´ , Õ ê ´ Ö ´ x ûê ´ satisfies Ö H á4± x ÅÇÆ Hx ÅÇÆ ±tq M ± x ±tq M± x ÅÇÆÆÆÆ ±tq M± x x £ ê ê q ±mMq Máx £ ÆÆÆÆ Ö ±q ±q M M x ÆÆÆ âÎq M ± ±tq V Mâ á4q M â ÆÆÆ Âà & âq M ÆÆÆ Âà V Õ ê ´ Ö ´ âq M ÆÆÆ Ã Â Ã ê Ãà .! ( 5 ÃÃ Ö (4.2) Ãà x xd£ * à Ãà .. . . . Ãà .. .. .. È Ã È Ã ÃÃÄ Õ ê ´ Ö ´ á È ÃÃÄ ê á4q M ± ê ±mq Má á Ã Ä 7 á á Ö 55n5 ê ! ( xd£ x x x x$£ x x x x x Here, x á4qs â G ê á7á » ¾ áqvs á)qvs á ¾ áqvs G ê ±mqvsá ±mqvsá ¾ áqvs 5 ê á4qvs ± * ¾ á qvs á4qvs ± G ê á7qvs â * * s ¬· M * ´ , we can also ´ Given the definition Õ ê on the partially assembled interface velocity space à ´ ´ obtain Õ Ý from Õ ê by assembling the dual interface velocity part on the subdomain interface, i.e., x (4.3) Õ Ý ´ * ¾ ê ´; Õ ê ´ ¾ ê ´ 5 ´ ´ We can also define the operator ê b , partially assembled from the subdomain operators b qvs , which maps the partially assembled interface velocity to the subdomain constant pressures. ´ ´ Then Ý b can also be obtained from ê b by assembling the dual interface velocity part on ´ ´ the subdomain interface, i.e., Ý b ê b ¾ê ´ . * Therefore, we can write the global interface saddle point problem operator Õ Ý , introduced in Equation (3.11), as ´ Ý b; ´ ´ ; Õ ê ´ ¾ ê ´ ¾ ê ´; ê b ; ´ Õ Ý ¾ ê ¥5 (4.4) ÕÝ * Ý b ´ ´ ´ * ¥ ê b ¾ ê ¤ ¤ V V Õê ´ x xd£ xd£ âÎq M ± x ±tq Mâ x âÎq M â x á4â ê q M x$£ ¾ áqvs can also be defined by: for any given then The BDDC preconditioner for solving the global interface saddle point problem (3.11) is ´ ú Õê ´ ~ ¾ ê ; a L M ý * (4.5) w ¥ ê b´ ¤ ¤ We use the notation ´ ê Õ Õê * ê b ´ ¤ ê b; V ´ ê b; V ´ aL M ¾ ê ~ ´ ú ¥ ¤ w ¥5 ¥G ´ ´ µ ! Y G þ b c( H É ºb , such ´ ¾* ê ~; Õ ê 4L M ¾ ê ~ 5 ´ of æ ´ and àæ ´ ,× Vÿ respectively, as in [12, Defiw Ü Ý b´ Ö ´ pG Ü´ à ´ ê b ´ Ö ´ *-*-VV p/5 then the preconditioned BDDC algorithm is of the form: find that ´ ¾ ê ~; Õ ê L4M ¾ ê ~ Õ Ý Y b & ´ We define two subspaces æ w and æà nition 1]: µ µ´´ w * h Ö ´´ H à w * hÖ H (4.6) ETNA Kent State University 172 X. TU ´ É b à ´ É b ´ É b à ´ É b w w ÕÝ ´ Õê ´ µ ´ É ºb µ à ´ É ºb µ ´ w É ¶b Ü´ Ö H à ´ w É ºb ¾ ê µ~; Ö ´ H µ Ö ´ H ´ à w É ¶b ¾ ê ~; Ö H w É ºb ´ µ ´ Ö *]! Ö G & b (DH à w É ºb ê b Ö *-V ´ ´ ú ´ ´ (4.7) ¾ºê ~; Ö * ¾ ê ~; w ¥ Ö b * ¾ ê ~; w b Ö ¥ H Ü ´ É ºb5 ¤ & ¤ & ´ ´ ´ and we find that We only need to show that Ý b ¾ ê ~; Ö ´Ý b ¾ºê ~; ´ Ö ´ w ê b ´ *-¾ ê V ´ ¾ºê ~; ´ Ö ´ ê b á Ö á 5 w ´* ´ w * *2V Here we use the definitions of Ý b and ê b for the first equality. For the second, we use x degrees of freedom x onx the fact that the Raviart-Thomas finite element functions only have edges/faces. BDDC algorithm, we choose the continuous primal interface velocity µx á andIntheoursubdomain âqs such that, if Y âqs âqvs , space dual interface velocity spaces H the ´ ´ computes â then Y qvs has a zero edge/face average for each edge/face. In fact, ¾ ê ¾ ê ~; â w average of the dual interface velocities Ö , then distributes them back to each subdomain á and leaves Ö the same. We recall that the weights at these nodes are the same for each edge/face since these nodes are shared by the same pair of subdomains. The averaged dual interface velocity still has a zero edge/face average for each edge/face. For the third equality, ´ ´ ê b á Ö á , since Ö à ´ É b . we use that ê b Ö * *2V H w Therefore, we can conclude that the preconditioned BDDC operator, defined in (4.6), is ´ positive definite in the benign subspace à w É b. We call and the benign subspaces of and , respectively. With Lemma 3.1, it is easy to check that both operators and , given in (3.12) and (4.1), are symmetric, positive definite when restricted to the benign subspaces and , respectively and we also have , . L EMMA 4.1. For any Proof. We need to show that for any , . Given , we have and 5. Some auxiliary results. We first list some results for Raviart-Thomas finite element function spaces needed in our analysis. These results were originally given in [24, 21, 23]. We consider the interpolation operator from onto . Recall that is the Raviart-Thomas finite element space on the coarse mesh with mesh size , which is defined in terms of the degrees of freedom , by ; O ! ; Y (Ì* Y . R G 5 We consider the stability of the interpolant in the next lemma. ; depends only on the aspect ratios of exists a constant , which L and of5.1.the There elements of , such that, for x all Y H , x H C Regf7! ; Y ( C z { q C Regf YC z { q G x x xÔ C ; YDC z { q Ï v" Ó CôYDC z { q Ï C R"egf YDC z { q 5 EMMA Proof. See [24, Lemma 4.1]. We define as the the space of functions that are constant on each element of the edges/faces of the boundary of and its subspace , of functions that have mean ! 43 s ( s b ! 37 s ( ETNA Kent State University 173 BDDC ALGORITHM FOR FLOW IN POROUS MEDIA 34 s s § s § . Let be the space of functions defined on , such that, for each value zero on subdomain and each edge/face of , is constant on . We note that is the space of normal components on of vectors in . The stable extension operator, defined in the next lemma, provides a divergence-free extension of boundary data given on . L EMMA 5.2. There exists an extension operator , such that, for any , H b ! 34 s ( and (5.1) x 34 s Íb 43 ç qvs s ! s (D G for G R"ef s *-V íoH s P ¹x SP ¹ x C +C z { C+C { 5 s q / q Here is independent of , , and . Proof. See [24, Lemma 4.3]. Given a subdomain , we define partition of unity functions associated with its edges/faces. Let be the characteristic function of , i.e., the function that is identically one on and zero on . We clearly have 34 s ¯ s » STP ¹ !$í)(+* G almost everywhere on 34 s ¯ 3465 Given a function H ! 34 s ( and a face 34 s , let Ì* H ! 37 s ( 5 We have the following estimates for the edge/face of the particular functions in STP ¹ components ! 34 s ( with a vanishing average on the subdomain edges/faces. ! 34 s ( with R *ÊV , and for any 34 s , !R Ò* L 5.3. Let H . There then exists a constant , independent of and , such that, for any " STP ¹ x H R @ *], V C "6 C # / { q STP ¹ x STP ¹ x (5.2) $ ! Ï v" ( CØ% C /d { q -C+C /d { q 5 EMMA Proof. See [24, Lemma 4.4]. The following lemma compares norms of traces on the subdomain boundaries that share an edge/face. L EMMA 5.4. Let and be two subdomains with a common edge/face . Let be a function in , that vanishes outside . Then, there is a constant that depends only on the aspect ratios of and , such that s ­ LaMN ! 34 s ( s C(' C STP*)x ­ STP ¹ x C('XC / { q 5 / d { q Proof. See [21, Lemma 5.5.2]. ´ É b. We next list some results for the benign subspace àæ w have ´ ´ ´ Let CEÖJC , + Ö* ; Õ°ê Ö and CôÖ C ,.+ ´ - * Ö ´; Õ ê Ö . We then L 5.5. Given any Ö H àæ w É ºb , we´ have CEÖJC , + * CôÖ C ,.+ - 5 EMMA & ETNA Kent State University 174 X. TU Proof. ´; 2b; 1 Õ ê ´ ´ ê b; ´ Ö ´ Ö ´; Õ ê ´ Ö ´ CôÖ ´ C ,.+ - 5 CEÖJC , + * Ö ; °Õ ê Ö 0 Ö * / ¤ ê b V ¥ b * * define the average operator by 3 ~ ¾ ê ¾ ê ~; . We see that, for any vector Ö * * ´Ö We ´ ! G b (H à É ´ b , ´Ö ´ ´ ú ¾ ê ~; ´ ú Ö ´ ~ Ö 3 ¾ ê ~ w 3 b * w b * b G (5.3) ´ ´ ´ ~ ~ where 3 w * ¾ ê ¾ ê ; w , which computes the average of the interface velocities across the subdomain interface. Lemma 4.1 shows that after averaging a benign vector across a subdomain interface the result is still benign. µ´ É ºb An estimate of the norm of the 3 ~ operator restricted to the benign subspace à w is given in the next lemma. L 5.6. There exists a positive constant , which is independent of and , and the number of subdomains, such that, C 3 ~ ÖJC , + +} CEÖJC , + G Ö *]! Ö ´ G b (H Üà ´ w É ºb"5 ´ G b à ´ É b , we know, from Lemma 4.1, that ¾ ê ~; Ö Ö Proof. Given any Ö Ü H ´ w É ºb . Therefore,*Ë3 ! ~ Ö * ( ¾ ê H ~ ¾ ê ~; Ö w H µ à ´ w É ºb . We have, by Lemma 5.5, that Ô C 3 ~ ÖJC , + Ù Ó CEÖJC , + -CôÖ 3 ~ ÖJC , + Ô Ù Ó CEÖJC , + -CôÖ ´ 3 ~ w ´ Ö ´ C , + - Ô ´ ´ ´ ´ * Ù Ó CEÖJC , + -C ¾ ! Ö x 3 ~ w Ö ( C ,4- 8¹ 7 ã CEÖJC , + » C ¾ ´qvs Ö ´ 3 ~ ´ Ö ´ C ,6- 5 å 5 (5.4) Ù x * s ¬· M ! w ( ´x Let Ö s * ¾ qs Ö and´ set ´ ´ » ë­ ì Ö ´qvs Ö 3 ~ Ö (5.5) ¾ i s !=í)( Ì* ! w (n!=í)(* ­ôóõ ö ! s !$í)(° Ö ­ !=í)(( G íoH 34 s ® §05 Here ÷ ø is the set of indices of the subdomains that have on their boundaries. Since a fine ­ 34 that is also í edge/face only belongs to exactly two subdomains, for an edge/face s s shared by ­ , we have ­ (5.6) i s * ë ­ ì Ö s ë ­ ì Ö ­ G on s 5 We note that the simple inequality (5.7) ` s ë­ ì { : 9;³! ` s G ` ­ ( G EMMA ETNA Kent State University BDDC ALGORITHM FOR FLOW IN POROUS MEDIA 175 î Hï . ð |Ù Gtñ ( . vanishing mean value on each face of , we can define, by Lemma s i s has. a. Then s s i=s< * !=i ( (5.8) Regf/PFi ¹$s< x *-V G for íoH s G SPy¹$x and, C i s< C z|{ q C i s . C / { q 5 (5.9) ¹7 Py¹=x STP ¹ x We then obtain C i s C , -5 * ` s C i s< ¹ )C zF{ q ¹ º) ` s C i s . C X/ ST{ Pq ¹ x º` s ¹ ) » SPy¹ >C !=i s . ( C /d { q 5 (5.10) ­ ¹ ) . the average T S F P d ¹ x over s , Using (5.6), we have, with Ö s ! ( STPF¹=x ` s >C ¹ ) !$i s . ( C / { q * ` s >C { ë­ ì ! Ö ¹ )s Ö ­ . (° . C / . { q ¹ ) Ô STPy¹$x Ù ` s ë­¹ì ) Ó >C ! Ö s ! Ö ¹ )s ( ( C ST P ¹ /x d { q >C ! Ö ¹ ) ­ . ! Ö ­ . ( ( ¹ C ) /d { q STPy¹=x Ù ` s C> ¹ ) ! Ö s . ! Ö s . ( ¹ ) ( C /d { q STP*)x Ù ` ­ ?C ! Ö ­ . ! Ö ­ . ( ( C / { q 5 Here we use Lemma 5.4 and (5.7) for the last inequality. We only need to estimate the first term since the second term can be estimated similarly. . has vanishing mean value on 34 s . By Lemma 5.2, Since Ö is in the benign space, Ö s we can construct Ö s< * s ! Ö s . ( G such that, R"egf Ö s< *_V G for íèH s 5 Let Ö b < H be defined by in s 5 Ö b< * Ö s< otherwise ¹) V ¹ ) Ö b and Y . . By the definition of , we know that Let Y * ; * * ; ! Ö s . ( ¹ ) , and for any 34 ¹ ) s , ? ! Ö s ST PF. ¹dx (R! º*-V . Using Lemma 5.3, we have (5.11) >C ¹ ) ! Ö s . ! Ö s . ( ( STC P ¹ x/d { q STP ¹ x STP ¹ x * >C ! Ö s . ( C X/ { q . . Ï v" ! ( CEÖ s C X/ { q STP ¹ x ^CEÖ s STP C ¹x /d { q Ï v" ! ( CEÖ s . C / { q ^C C / { q G holds for Since 5.2, ETNA Kent State University 176 X. TU where we use the triangle inequality for the last inequality. By Lemma 5.1, we know that P ¹x P ¹x P ¹x C R"egf Y C z { q C R"egf Ö b< C z { q * C Regf Ö s< C z { q *_V 5 and P ¹x P ¹x P ¹xÔ CôY C z { q Ï v" : Ó CEÖ b< C z { PFq ¹=x } C Regf Ö b< C z { q * Ï v" : CEÖ s< C z { q 5 (5.13) ¹ ) (5.12), and (5.13),¹ ) we obtain:STP ¹ x Using (5.11), (2.4), >C ! Ö s . ! Ö s . ( ( C /d { q STP ¹ x STP ¹ x . Ï v" ! ( CEÖ s C X/Py ¹${ x q ^C C PF/¹d x { q Ï v" ! ( CEÖ s< C qrtP svuT¹ xw ^CôY C XqrtsuTw P ¹ x Ï v" ! P ¹ x ( CEÖ s< C z { q ! Ï v" ( CEÖ s< C z { q Ï v" CôÖ s< C z { ¹ 7q Ï v" CôÖ C ,6-5 5 `s s Here we use that R"egf Ö s< *_V for the third inequality. Finally, we obtain ¹) 8¹ 7 STPF¹=x ` s C? !$i s . ( C / { q Ï CEÖ s C , - 5 5 (5.14) ´ C , + - ; then by Equations Since Ö is benign, we have, from Lemma 5.5, that CEÖJC , + E C Ö * (5.4), (5.5), (5.10), and (5.14), we have C 3 ~ ÖJC , + Ï v" CEÖ ´ C ,.+ - * Ï v" CôÖJC , + 5 (5.12) 6. Condition number estimate for the BDDC preconditioner. We are now ready to formulate and prove our main result; this follows directly from the proof of [12, Theorem 1] by using Lemma 4.1 and Lemma 5.6. T HEOREM 6.1. The preconditioned operator is symmetric, positive definite with respect to the bilinear form on the benign space and ýWL4MQµÕ Ý ´ w d@ Y (6.1) Here, is a constant which is independent of and . ,B @ G C A ED @dY G Y A , B ý L4M ÕÎÝ Y G YGF , B Ï É ºb ´ É ºb"5 G Y A ,B G Y H µ w ETNA Kent State University 177 BDDC ALGORITHM FOR FLOW IN POROUS MEDIA TABLE 8.1 Condition number bounds and iteration counts, for a pair of the BDDC and the FBA algorithms, with a change and . of the number of subdomains. HJIKMLON P(QSR Num. of sub. T Vø É VT(U Iter. BDDC Cond. Num. 5 1.66 ÉW W 8 2.95 É 9 3.08 Ù É Ù 9 3.13 CX É CX ÙV É ÙV 8 3.15 Iter. 5 8 7 7 7 FBA Cond. Num. 2.43 2.90 2.75 2.72 2.71 TABLE 8.2 Condition number bounds and iteration counts, for a pair of the BDDC and the FBA algorithms, with a change subdomains and . of the size of subdomain problems. NYZN 4 8 12 16 20 Iter. 8 8 9 9 9 P(QSR BDDC Cond. Num. 2.17 2.95 3.47 3.88 4.20 Iter. 7 8 9 9 9 FBA Cond. Num. 2.12 2.90 3.45 3.83 4.15 7. Comparison with an edge/face-based iterative substructuring domain decomposition method. We define an edge/face-based iterative substructuring domain decomposition method as a hybrid method (see [22, Section 2.5.2]). Similar to the BNN method, as defined in [18, Section 4], the coarse problems and the local problems are treated multiplicatively and additively, respectively, in this preconditioner. We use a different coarse component, i.e., a different choice of the matrix for the coarse problem, but the same local problems as in [18, Section 4]. Here, each column of corresponds to an edge/face on the interface of and is given by the positive scaling factor . It is clear and we can prove that the condition number with this preconditioner is also bounded by . We will call this method the FBA. The size and sparsity of the coarse problems of the BDDC and the FBA are the same. However, the two algorithms are different. The FBA is a hybrid algorithm and a coarse problem has to be solved before the rest of the iterations. In contrast, only the variables have to be changed at the beginning of computation with the BDDC, to accommodate the edge/face constraints. In addition, the FBA requires two Dirichlet local problems and one singular local Neumann problem in each iteration, whereas the BDDC requires one local Dirichlet problem and two nonsingular local Neumann problem. In the latter algorithm, singular problems are avoided. Numerical experiments show that FBA is somewhat slower than BDDC. 8+b 8b ë"sì !$í)( * ï V G [ *Ë ðô ] 8. Numerical experiments. We have applied our BDDC and FBA algorithms to the model problem (2.1), where . We decompose the unit square into subdomains with the sidelength . Equation (2.1) is discretized, in each subdomain, by the lowest order Raviart-Thomas finite elements and the space of piecewise constants with a finite element diameter , for the velocity and pressure, respectively. The preconditioned conjugate gradient iteration is stopped when the -norm of the residual has been reduced by a factor of . We have carried out two different sets of experiments to obtain iteration counts and con- V L^] É \ ETNA Kent State University 178 X. TU TABLE 8.3 Condition number bounds and iteration counts, for a pair of the BDDC and the FBA algorithms, with a change and is in a checkerboard pattern. of the number of subdomains. HJIKMLN P Num. of sub. T Vø É VT(U Iter. 3 W ÉÉ W 3 3 Ù É Ù 3 ?X É ?X ÙV É ÙV 3 BDDC Cond. Num. 1.03 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.08 Iter. 5 7 7 7 7 FBA Cond. Num. 2.20 2.44 2.49 2.51 2.53 TABLE 8.4 Condition number bounds and iteration counts, for a pair of the BDDC and the FBA algorithms, with a change subdomains and is in a checkerboard pattern. of the size of subdomain problems. 4 8 12 16 20 NGY_N P Iter. 3 3 4 4 4 BDDC Cond. Num. 1.04 1.06 1.10 1.11 1.12 Iter. 7 7 8 8 8 FBA Cond. Num. 2.00 2.44 2.69 2.88 3.02 `a`] dition number estimates. All the experimental results are fully consistent with our theory. In the first set of experiments, we take the coefficient . Table 8.1 gives the iteration counts and the estimate of the condition numbers, with a change of the number of subdomains. We find that the condition number is independent of the number of subdomains for both algorithms. Table 8.2 gives the results with a change of the size of the subdomain problems. In the second set of experiments, we take the coefficient in half the subdomains and in the neighboring subdomains, in a checkerboard pattern. Table 8.3 gives the iteration counts, and condition number estimates with a change of the number of subdomains. We find that the condition numbers are independent of the number of subdomains for both algorithms. Table 8.4 gives the results with a change of the size of the subdomain problems. Acknowledgments The author is grateful to Professor Olof Widlund for suggesting this problem and all the help and time he has devoted to this work. The author also thanks Professor Jing Li for personal communications and useful notes. Thanks also go to Professor Marcus Sarkis for his suggestion of the comparison of our BDDC algorithm with the FBA. `* ` * V V REFERENCES [1] J. H. B RAMBLE AND J. E. PASCIAK , A domain decomposition technique for Stokes problems, Appl. Numer. Math., 6 (1990), pp. 251–261. [2] F. B REZZI AND M. F ORTIN , Mixed and hybrid finite element, vol. 15 of Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1991. [3] L. C. C OWSAR , J. 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