ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 20, pp. 64-74, 2005. Copyright 2005, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University FRACTAL TRIGONOMETRIC APPROXIMATION M. A. NAVASCUES Abstract. A general procedure to define nonsmooth fractal versions of classical trigonometric approximants is proposed. The systems of trigonometric polynomials in the space of continuous and periodic functions are extended to bases of fractal analogues. As a consequence of the process, the density of trigonometric fractal functions in is deduced. We generalize also some classical results (Dini-Lipschitz’s Theorem, for instance) concerning the convergence of the Fourier series of a function of . Furthermore, a method for real data fitting is proposed, by means of the construction of a fractal function proceeding from a classical approximant. Key words. iterated function systems, fractal interpolation functions, trigonometric approximation AMS subject classifications. 37M10, 58C05 1. Introduction. A classical approach to handle real experimental recordings consists in their decomposition in signal content and noise. The first component is considered as deterministic and the noise is studied from a statistical point of view. We give here a global deterministic method to model both, signal and noise, by means of fractal interpolation. This method was introduced by M. Barnsley and others ([1], [2], [3], [4], [10]) in the eighties and provides good techniques for the construction of not necessarily smooth interpolants to real data. The procedure is based on the theory of Iterated Function Systems and their associated attractors ([2], [8]). In former papers, we have proved that Barnsley’s method is a general theory which contains other interpolation techniques as particular cases (see for instance [12], [13]). Another important fact is that the graph of these interpolants possesses a fractal dimension, and this number can be used to measure the complexity of a signal, allowing an automatic comparison of recordings, electroencephalographic for instance ([14]). A general procedure to define nonsmooth fractal versions of classical trigonometric approximants is proposed. The fractal trigonometric polynomials defined here do not share in general the properties of differentiability of classical trigonometric functions and they preserve some others like closeness to continuous periodic functions. The systems of trigonometric polynomials, in the space of continuous and periodic functions ,are extended to bases of fractal analogues. As a consequence of the process, the density of trigonometric fractal functions in is deduced. This result illustrates the fact that, fractal interpolation functions are everywhere in the space of continuous functions, in a metric sense. In the reference [14], for instance, we have proved the density of affine fractal functions in . We generalize also some classical theorems (Dini-Lipschitz’s Theorem, for instance) concerning the convergence of the Fourier series of a function of . Furthermore, a method for real data fitting is proposed, by means of the construction of a fractal function proceeding from a classical approximant. From an applied point of view, the trigonometric approximants display the spectral content of a signal, providing a representation in the frequency domain which allows its processing and filtering. On the other hand, Besicovitch and Ursell, in the reference [5], proved that the graph of a smooth function has a fractal dimension of one. As a consequence, the nonsmoothnes is a required condition in order to obtain an approximation of the geometrical complexity of arbitrary signals. A conventional interpolant excludes the possibility of using Received June 15, 2004. Accepted for publication January 24, 2005. Recommended by R. Varga. Dept. Matemática Aplicada, Centro Politécnico Superior de Ingenieros, Universidad de Zaragoza, C/ Marı́a de Luna 3, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain ( 64 ETNA Kent State University 65 FRACTAL TRIGONOMETRIC APPROXIMATION this parameter for numerical characterizations of experimental signals ([16]). 2. -Fractal Functions. Let !#"%$&!'($*)+),)-$.!#/ be real numbers, and 0213 !#"45!#/6 be the closed interval that contains them. Let a set of data points 789!:;5<=:?>@0BADCFEHG&1 I KJLM),)+),NHO be given. Set 0M:P1Q !#: R-'!#:8 and let ST:.E0VUW0X:YZG*>[74J4M),)+),NDO be contractive homeomorphisms such that: ST:Y\!]"^1_!#:`RY'^aST:Y9!#/b1@!#: (2.1) c (2.2) I jPk Sd:Y9eK'KgfhSd:Y9eXi^ c`jlkgc eK'dfDeXi cnm eK'eXi@>o0 for some $pJ . Let fqJr$lg:?$pJ ; GZ1[JL`K)+),)+N , st1.0uAv ewxL for some fzy{$Pez$Px|$@}qy continuous mappings, sa:oELs~UC be given satisfying: and N sg:Y\!]"85<"1@<=: R-'^Zs:Y9!#/<=/q1@<=:;vGZ1~JL`M),),)+N (2.3) c c c g: < fh !>o0=<2>vC m Now define functions, : \!5<;T1~S : 9!5s : 9!5< GB1[JLM),)+),N . (2.4) s:-9!5<;afhsg:-9!5 c j T HEOREM 2.1. (Barnsley [1]) The Iterated Function System (IFS) 7sV:E G&1JL`M),),)+NDO defined above admits a unique attractorI . is the graph of a continuous function ZE80(UC which obeys a9!5:T1_<=: , for GZ1 KJL`M),),)+N . The previous function is called a Fractal Interpolation Function (FIF) corresponding to 78ST:;\!5Xsg:-\!<5O /:wg' . Let be the set of continuous functions Ez !5"85!#/6rU exL such that a9!]"21<=" ; a\!#/r61[<=/ . is a complete metric space respect to the uniform norm. Define a mapping E8U by: m (2.5) YM\!51.s:YS : R-' \!5X|S : R-' \!5 !>H !#: R-'^!#:8oGZ1[JL`K)+),)+N is a contraction mapping on the metric space , 8^% : jtc c (2.6) f K BK|f K c c c c c c where a unique fixed F1|o7 : Gl1¡JL`K)+),)+NDO . Since $¢J , possesses m point on , that is to say, there is t>~ such that YM\!5|1£a9!5 !2>* !#"45!#/6 . This function is the FIF corresponding to : and it is the unique ¤>H satisfying the functional equation ([1]): (2.7) R ' \ !5X%S Y R ' a\!51_sg:-S : Y : \ !5¥GB1~J4`K)+),),NZ2!d>v0X: 1[ !#: R-'^5!#:8 The most widely studied fractal interpolation functions so far, are defined by the IFS ¦ (2.8) Sd:Y\!5T1@8: !}§: sg:-\!<T1.g: <¨}¤©K:Y\!5 : is called a vertical scaling factor of the transformation : and l1ª ' i K)M)K)X / is the scale vector of the IFS. Following the equalities (2.1) (2.9) :|1 !#:(f!#:`RY' ! / fh! " :%1 !#/z!#: RY'dfh!]"K!#: ! / f! " ETNA Kent State University 66 M. A. NAVASCUES Let n>?90 be a continuous function. We consider here ,the case © : \!5T1.¨S : \!5afD : \!5 (2.10) « . where is continuous, such that w\! " T1_< " , 9! / T1_< / and 1. This case is proposed by Barnsley, in the reference ([1]), as generalization of any continuous function. It is easy to check that the condition (2.3) is fulfilled. By this method one can define fractal analogues of any continuous function (see Fig. 2.1). 4 2 0 -2 -4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 4 2 0 -2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 F IG . 2.1. The left figure represents the graph of the function ¬­®]¯r°±K²³`´¶µ·¸¹^­¶ºX±®#¯ . The right graph represents the corresponding » -fractal, with ¼ª½;¾o¿[ºXÀMÁo¿pÂÀKÁo¿[ÃÃÃg¿[º , Ä a line in the interval Å ¾LÆºÇ and »YÈr°¤¾wà ÂÊÉ`˨°lºÆÃÃÃÆ5Á . D EFINITION 2.2. Let YÌ be the continuous function defined by the IFS (2.8), (2.9) and (2.10). YÌ is the -fractal function associated to with respect to and the partition Í . Following (2.7) and (2.10), Ì verifies the fixed point equation: m R ' 9 !5 Ì \!5d1@a\!5}¤ : Ì fHX-S : Y (2.11) !d>v0 : YÌ interpolates to at ! : as, using (2.1), (2.11) and Barnsley’s Theorem: m I (2.12) Ì 9!#:1&a\!#:}V:Y Ì fHX-b\!#/rT1@a9!#: Gv1 KJLM)K)M)XN From (2.11) it is easy to deduce that: M Ì fHM jtc c j~c c BK Ì fDwK and M Ì fHM (2.13) j I If D1 , then (2.11) YÌ 1. . Let Ï Ì be the operator of ; Ï Ì 1 JÎf ZK Ì fDKp}&M fDwK| c c c c M fDLM ÐÌ Ñ Ò : Ï Ï Ð Ì Ñ Ò EF U ÓU Ì Y Ð Ì Ñ Ò depends on and Í but sometimes we will omit the subindices in order to simplify the Ï notation. P ROPOSITION 2.3. For fixed Í (2.14) and , Ï Ì satisfies the Lipschitz condition: Ï Ì Ygf Ï Ì K j JÎf J c c M?f ETNA Kent State University 67 FRACTAL TRIGONOMETRIC APPROXIMATION m ! >Z0 : Ì . By the equation (2.11), T R-' Ì \!5T1.a\!5}Vg:Y Ì fHX-S : 9!5 Ì \!5T1 9!5}¤g:Y Ì fHX-S : R-' 9!5 Proof. Let Ï Ì-Y1@YÌ , Ï ÌY 1 and Ì 9!5af then ÔMÕ8Ö׶ØLÙ¶Ú c Ì \!5f and M Ì f Ì \!5T1.a\!5af Ì 9!5 j Ì c`j M f M|f 9!5}V:Y Ì f c c } c c } R ' Ì S : Y \ !5 M Ì f K Ì f Ì Ì from which the result is deduced. T HEOREM 2.4. Ï Ì 1 Ï Ð Ì Ñ Ò is a continuous operator of . Proof. It is an inmediate consequence of the former c proposition. c P ROPOSITION 2.5. Let gÛÜ>nC / be such that gÛ Ý$~J and gÛ[U infinity. Then ÏÎÌ4ß YUQ uniformly as Þ tends to infinity. Proof. By the inequality (2.13): Ï Ì ß YfD I as Þ tends to c c gÛ c c M fDw J f Û Î j from which the result is deduced. To construct non-smooth interpolating functions one can proceed in the following way. Let be a classical (smooth) interpolant of the data. Choose a m nowhere differentiable function (for instance, a Weierstrass function ([9])) and g: non-null G . As is smooth, -Ì can not be differentiable in every point because if it were, for any !d>v0 , S:Y\!5>Z0X: and the equation (2.11) can be written as J w\!51& Ì \!5} : ?fD Ì ST:;9!5 As a consequence, would be differentiable at ! (see Fig. 2.2). × 3. Fractal Linear Operator. If we choose 1t|e where e is continuous, increasing I and such that ew9!]"T1@!]" and ew9!#/rT1_!#/ (for instance, eL\!5T19àwá flJ â9àáqflJ for ãBä I in the interval KJX ), then the operator of 08 which assigns Ì ( -fractal of respect to ¨e and Í ) to the function å å Ì 1 m is linear as, by (2.11) !T>v0X: : R ' \ !5 Ì \!51&a\!5}V : Ì fH¨eM-S : Y Ð Ì Ñæ Ì \!5T1 R ' 9 !5 9!5-}¤ : Ì f eMS : Y Multiplying the first equation by ã and the second by ç , the uniqueness of the solution of the fixed point equation defining the FIF gives: ã|}Hç Ì 1&ã= Ì }Hç Ì m ã-çn>ZC ETNA Kent State University 68 M. A. NAVASCUES 4 2 0 -2 -4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 4 2 0 -2 -4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 F IG . 2.2. The left figure represents the graph of the function ¬­®]¯r°±K² ³`´¶µ ·¸¹^­¶ºX±®#¯ . The right graph represents the corresponding » -fractal, with ¼½ ¾u¿_ºXÀMÁ¨¿§ÂÀKÁ¿_ÃÃÿ_º , Ä the Weierstrass é í function Ä­®#¯-°Hè8éêvè ´=ë&ìíî é ´]ï ¹ð\Ë-­\ñ ®]¯ (with suitable è8é , è ´ in order to verify the hypotheses) and » È °H¾wà º{É`˨°PºKÆÃÃÃÆ]Á . Besides, applying the equation (2.13) for 1.¨e , one has å from which it is clear that, å Ì YK j c c c c MK J f Î c c c c M }&M J f Î and as a consequence, (3.2) j Ì YafHM (3.1) å å Ì j c c Jd} c c M J f Î c c Jd} c c J f Î j and so Ì is a linear and bounded operator. From here on we consider this particular case ( 1&¨e ). 4. Fractal Trigonometric Polynomials. We consider here the space of w -periodic Õ ÕYÔ continuous functions w1t7ZE+fÎ5;;UQC Ô Ô Ô ;eXò^GY!]ó¶G Ô ò a5fÎg1&a\O Ô Ô Let ôMÛ be the set of trigonometric polynomials of degree (or order) at most Þ , linearly spanned by the set 78JLÔ ó¶G9<eXÔ ò \<; Ô ó¶Gw<XeXÔ ò w < XMMKMÔ ó¶G9Þ2<;eMÔ ò 9Þ2<;O . (4.1) ôMÛ&1($&74J4 ó¶G\<XeXò 9< óG<;eMò <;MKMK ó¶G\Þo<eXò \Þo<Ouä This family constitutes a basis for ô Û . This system is orthogonal with respect to the inner i product (5.1). In fact it is a complete system in õ ([7]). å Let Í EfÎZ1_!]"u$§!'b$.KM$l!#/&1P be a partition of the interval +fÎ5; . D EFINITION 4.1. ôÛ Ì 1 -fractal trigonometric polynomials of Ì\ôMÛq is the set of Ô Ô Ô Ô degree atÔ most Þ . å Ô Ô å Ô P ROPOSITION 4.2. ô=Û Ì is spanned by 74JLeXò ÌY\!5å X ó¶GÌ9!5MKMK ó¶GÌY\Þo!5eXò Ì9Þ2!5O where eXò Ì+ö4!5T1 ÌeMò ,ö4!5 and ó¶GÌ-,ö4!51 Ì ó¶G+ö4!5 . Proof. The constant functions are fixed points of Ì ,as the equation (2.11), for a\!51 m ÷ !d>o0 Ì \!51 ÷ R ' \ !5 }Vg:- Ì fH¨eKS : - ETNA Kent State University FRACTAL TRIGONOMETRIC APPROXIMATION m å ÷ å 69 å is satisfied by YÌ\!51 Ô Ô !T>v0 and by Ôthe uniqueness Ô of the solution Ì-Y1. . Ì\! Û where ! Û >hô Û . By the linearity of Ì , !5ÛÌ is a linear If !5ÛÌ >ôÛ Ì , then !5ÛÌ 1 combination of 78JLeMò ÌY9!5 ó¶GÌ\!5KMKM ó¶GÌ-9Þ2!5XeXò Ì\Þo!5O . C ONSEQUENCE 4.3. x4óÞD\ô=Û Ì $_}qy . This fact allows the existence of a finite uniform distance from n>2 to ô Û Ì : x Û Ì 1.x5ô Û Ì T1_ó¶G7 M|f! ÛÌ M Ô Ô (4.2) ! ÛÌ >vô Û Ì O I In ø 6, we approach the problem of finding a basis for ô;Û Ì . The case Ü1 gives the classical case of smooth óG and eXò functions. The Theorem of Uniform Approximation (Weierstrass) for -periodic functions asserts that, any _>¤w can be uniformly approximated by trigonometric polynomials (see for instance [11]). I T HEOREM 4.4. Let H> be given. For Ô all ùuä , any partition Í of the interval 0(1 fÎ; with Nh}%J points (Nä&J ) and any function e verifying Ithe conditions prescribed, / such that Ô there exists an -fractal trigonometric polynomial in C Ì\!5 with P«1 c ÔI Proof. For any ùVä approximation of , ú c Ì \!5 l $ ù a9!5af I , let us consider ùâLpä Ô that, \!5Î>2ô Û ,such . Applying the theorem of uniform c c a\!5gf 9!5 l $ ùXâw !>v0 I / For a partition Í we choose V>oC small enough to verify Ô Ô Ô , _«1 c c c cj c c M¢$§ùXâL (4.4) 9!5af Ì \!5 JÎf (4.3) Then, by (4.3) and (4.4) we obtain the result. T HEOREM 4.5. For fixed Í and e , the set of fractal trigonometric polynomials û 7K! ÛÌ !#Û[>2ôMÛ / H>H9C ^c c ¢$&J £ Þ >oNHO is dense in . Proof. It is an inmediate consequence of the former theorem. I We exclude *1 because in this case !ÛÌ 1£!#Û and the fact is known. This result Ô I confirms that it is possible to choose F«1 and Þü>*N such that there exists a fractal close to trigonometric polynomial ÛÔÌ arbitrarily Ô Ô any n>2Ô . That is to say, the set û Ø4ý 78JLeXò Ì \<; ó¶G Ì \<XMKM ó¶G Ì \Þo<XeXò Ì \Þo<;KM+O Ì / c c ª$pJ _«1 I O , is fundamental respect to the uniform norm. ([6]). where þn1p7¤>vC 5. Fractal Fourier Series. We consider here with the inner product The system (5.2) $l (5.1) 7 J J Ô ó¶G\!5X J R Ô a\!5 \ !55xL! äz1.ÿ eXò \!5X J Ô ó¶G!5X J Ô eXò w!5MKM+O ETNA Kent State University 70 M. A. NAVASCUES is orthonormal and complete ([7], [15]). The Fourier series of is 4" } a\!5 (5.3) where 1 Ô ÷ 5! }§ ÷ ó¶G 5! 5 Ô J 1 eXò g' Ô ÿ ÷ a\!55eXò 5! 5xL! R Ô R J ÷ a\!5 ó¶G 5! #x4! ÿ In general, the Fourier series of an element is merely the sum of its projections on a system i of orthonormal elements. Fourier expansions converge in the mean of order 2 (õ -norm) to the elements that give rise to them. That is to say, if (5.4) 8" } Û \!5d1 then, M|f Û ' 9 i Û i 1 ÿ eXò Ô ÷ 5! -}V f R Ô ÷ óG 5! 5 I i Û Lx !U as Þ¡Uy . Pointwise and uniform convergence of the Fourier series of is not verified in general. A collection of theorems concerning this topic can be consulted in ([7], [6], [15]). For instance, we remark the following result. k I I T HEOREM 5.1. (Dini-Lipschitz) If a\!5>2 , and if 6 w ò wU as qU , then the Fourier series of converges uniformly to . ( is the modulus of continuity of ). Let us consider the operator gÛ~EwUFôMÛ ,such that Û¨Y is defined by where Û%YX9!5T1 m Û(9!5 !T>D fÎ; Û is the Fourier sum of order Þ of (5.4). In the reference ([6]), it is proved that Û is a bounded operator and the following inequality holds: k j ò \ÞZ$t Û( i Û is a projection on ô Û as Û Û 1 Û . (5.5) } k ò 9Þv The error committed by the finite Fourier sum can be bounded in several ways. For Ô Ô instance, if x Û Y1.x=5ôMÛrT1Pó¶G7`M%f it can be proved that (see [17]) (5.6) Ûb?fDK j } M2 >vôMÛuO k ò \ÞZ55x Û Y The theorems of Jackson give upper bounds for the quantity x Û Y . For instance: T HEOREM 5.2. (Jackson’s Theorem [6]) For all Z>o x Û Y j 6 ÞÜ }_J ETNA Kent State University 71 FRACTAL TRIGONOMETRIC APPROXIMATION where is the modulus of continuity of . The coefficient 1 of 6 Û one independent of and Þ . As a consequence, if B>2 å j Ûr fHM (5.7) k ò 9Þv 6 } ' is the best possible Þ}_J It can be observed that, from this inequality, the Dini-Lipschitz theorem is deduced. Ì( Û be the operator such that å Let Û Ì 1 Û Ì Y1 Ì Û%Y5 ( -fractal Fourier finite sum of ). Û Ì is a linear and bounded operator and by (3.2) and (5.5) j ÛÌ Û Ì ?fDK c c k Jd} c c } ò \ÞZ5 J f Î j c c Jd} c c Ûr fHMt} J f Î j and applying (5.7) (5.8) Û Ì ?fDK j JÎf J c c j Û Ì fH Ì Kp}&M Ì fHM 55J} c c M } c c c c KM J f Î k ò \ÞZ5 6 c c }§ ZKM% Þ}@J In this way, the theorem of Dini-Lipschitz can bek generalized to the fractal series. I I T HEOREM 5.3. Let @>Vw such that 6 w ò wuU as oU and let Û be a I sequence of scale vectors, such that Û U as ÞÝU y ,then the Û -fractal Fourier series of converges uniformly to as ÞªU{y . I I Proof. As is continuous on fÎ; , 6 bU as HU ([6]). The hypotheses and (5.8) give the result. 6. Trigonometric Fractal Interpolation. We approach here the problem of trigonometric interpolation by means of fractal techniques. Let Í EYfÎD1t!"%$@!'$KMY$@!#iÛ$ iÛ ' !#iÛ '|13 be given correponding to the data 789! 5< O Y" where <="o1¥<=iÛ ' . Let us consider the fundamental functions of interpolation Ô ([17], [7]) (6.1) For öL ÷ 1 I KJLKMMMÞh iÛ 9!5T1 i Û Y" Ñ Ô óG ' i' 9!g fh! 5 Ñ Y" ó¶G i \! fh! 5 Ô \! 1! .Ô Each function " ,isÔ a linear combination of Ô JLeXò \!5XMMKXeMò 9Þ2!5X ó¶G\!5XMMKM ó¶G9Þ2!5 and hence is an element of ôÛ ([7]). The function, (6.2) \!5T1 iÛ < \!5 Y" ETNA Kent State University 72 M. A. NAVASCUES ,is also an element of ô Û and is the unique solution in this space for the interpolation problem \! T1P< ÷ I 1 MJ4MMKXwÞ) If Û represents the trigonometric interpolation operator, which assigns to a function its iÛ trigonometric interpolant with respect to 789! a\! O Y" , then by (6.2) j Û (6.3) k M Û where k iÛ c 9!5 c Y" Û \!51 We define the -fractal trigonometric interpolant as Ì å iÛ < Ì Ì 9!5T1 Ì X\!5d1 -" 9!5 as Ì \! r1 9! r1# is the -fractal function of with respect to Í . The function Ì passes through the points 9! < (2.12)). Besides å The functions 7 O i-Û " Ì 1 Ì Û Y are orthogonal with respect to the form: 1 iÛ Y" a\! 9 ! and hence a basis of ôÛ . This property is inherited by 7 nodes and so where Ì O as Ì interpolates to Ì Ì T1 iÛ 9! 9! 1 iÛ YÔ " Y" Ô Ì 1 iÛ ã Ì Y" at the å is the delta of Kronecker. If Ìo>oôÛ Ì , by the linearity of the operator (see ø 2 Ì , the orthogonality of Ì implies the linear independence and hence 7 Ì O iÛ Y" constitutes a I basis of ô Û Ì of -fractal trigonometric polynomials with respect to the partition Í . For 1 , Ö we retrieve the standard basis . I 7. Fitting Method by Fractal Approximants. Let 78 ! < Xö(1 KJLK)M)M)M O be a collection of data. Let us define a function of approximation to the data (for instance, a minimax approximation or a least squares fitting curve) a9!5 . Consider an interval 0 containing the m abscissas and let Í be a partition of 0 , Í EL¨1@!#"q$l!'z$p)+),)$l!#/&1@ such that ! 1 « ! óö , !]"u$ !]" and !5/[ä ! . We look for an -fractal function -Ì\!5 . To choose g: we consider all %$ ETNA Kent State University '& the abscissas ! KMKX ! (fixed point) (2.11): 73 ( FRACTAL TRIGONOMETRIC APPROXIMATION j in 0 : : ! : R-' ) < Approximating YÌ by < ! ) j +* ! : for ó13JLMKMX . Then, by the equation ) ) ) ) R ' ! 1.a ! -}V : Ì fH¨eKS : - ), R ' ! a ! }V:Y2fD%eM-S : - We choose : by a least squares procedure: . a ! ) gf < ) ' - Þ2ó¶G : 1 ) R ' ! 5 i }¤ : ?fH¨eMTS : Y Differentiating the former expression we obtain: g:|1~f ë By the Schwartz’s inequality . ' a ! ) af < ) X?fH%eMdS :R-' ! ) R-' ) i ë . ' 5 f¤%eM-S : ! 5 Õ c Õ where 1a ! c j X i ;Mi 0/ '& f < '& KMKMa ! ( gf < ( /%1[2fD%eM-S ) : : RY' ! '& MKMKK?fH¨eMS : RY' ! ( ) We must choose the order of the approximant c c in such a way that the differences between a ! and < are small enough to obtain : $.J . REFERENCES [1] M.F. B ARNSLEY , Fractal functions and interpolation, Constr. Approx., 2 (1986), No. 4, pp. 303-329. [2] M.F. 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