ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 17, pp. 1-10, 2004. Copyright 2004, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University ON THE ESTIMATION OF THE -NUMERICAL RANGE OF MONIC MATRIX POLYNOMIALS For a given the -numerical range of an matrix polynomial "! # Abstract. %$(& !*)+))+! # & ! #-, is defined by ./ 0132457698;:=<>?@ABC =ADE:FG6IHJ=A<4AFK:=<4:L %$ ' & ; :M<>AN9O . In this paper, an inclusion-exclusion methodology for the estimation of .P/ 0 is proposed. Our approach is based on i) the discretization of a region Q that contains . / ?0 , and ii) the construction of an open circular disk, which does not intersect . / 0 , centered at every grid point RPQPST. / 0 . For the cases UV and XWYWZ; an important difference arises in one of the steps of the algorithm. Thus, these two cases are PANAYIOTIS J. PSARRAKOS discussed separately. Key words. matrix polynomial, eigenvalue, Wielandt shell. -numerical range, boundary, inner -numerical radius, Davis- AMS subject classifications. 15A22, 15A60, 65D18, 65F30, 65F35. 1. Introduction and definitions. Let and suppose that (1.1) []\ be the algebra of all ^B_%^ complex matrices, `Xacb'dfe]ghb(i9jlk i7mon b(iBmon0jZpqpqp=jk n bjkBr ^Y_3^ monic matrix polynomial, where kFsKt [ \ avuweyx{zq|zq}~}q}z+| d b is an and is a complex variable. One encounters matrix polynomials for instance when studying systems of ordinary differential equations or difference equations, with constant coefficients. The suggested references are [5, 11, 19]. t x{z~|z the -numerical range of `Xab(d in (1.1) is defined by [14, 15] For a given V@aE`dXeMbCt 6 `Xacb'dKex{zJ-z t 6 \ zJ Ke e|z Ke h } ac`d is always closed and contains the spectrum of `Xacb'd , that is, the set of all Evidently, `Xab(d , aE`d5e=blt 6 det`Xacb'd5ex . For e|z we have the classical eigenvalues of `Xacb'd (1.2) numerical range of [10, 12], namely, ac`dN n aE`dXeMbCt 6 `Xacb'dKex{zJt 6 \ z{ Ce| } tacx{z~| and `Xacb'degDb k for some kt [ \ z then "aE`d coincides with the If k ack7de { kF Tz t 6 \ z{ 9e 1 e]|@z { e h . For range of , -numerical e | z k aEk7d n aEkde]~ kF Zt 6 \ zJ e]| [4]. the numerical range of is k Moreover, the (outer) -numerical radius and the inner -numerical radius of are defined by ¥ t @aEk7d ack7dNe¡X¢£(¤ ¥¦¤ " ack7dL«­¬k¬® respectively. Note also that § aEkdXe¡f¨v©o¤ ¥¦¤ ¥VtCª @aEkd z t x{zq|q [8], where ¬-pq¬q® denotes the for every and norm induced by the standard inner product. aE`d has attracted attention, and several During the last decade, the numerical range results have been obtained (see, e.g., [2, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18]). These results are helpful < Received February 21, 2003. Accepted for publication June 30, 2003. Recommended by D. Szyld. Department of Mathematics, National Technical University, Zografou Campus, 15780 Athens, Greece. E-mail: 1 ETNA Kent State University 2 On the estimation of the -numerical range of monic matrix polynomials in investigating and understanding matrix polynomials, and some of them have been generalized to the case of the -numerical range [3, 14, 15]. Furthermore, applications of the numerical range of matrix polynomials in spectral analysis, factorization and stability of mae x{z then trix polynomials can be found in [6, 13, 18], respectively. It is easy to see that if "aE`dI 6 . Hence, in the remainder of this note, we assume that x « | . As a conse`Xab(d in (1.1) is the identity matrix, the -numerical quence, since the leading coefficient of " E a ` d connected components [10, 14]. range in (1.2) is compact and has no more than of the matrix polynomials k7b ® iAlgorithms b i boundary k7b i ofothe jCa3j i 5drange kz z oi jPb for i oplotting i j5the i numerical i z where and the matrices are Hermitian, can be found in [7, 16, 17]. Moreover, the point equation of the boundary of the numerical range of a general matrix polynomial is studied in [2]. The numerical approx`Xacb'd in (1.1) is still an imation of the -numerical range of the monic matrix polynomial open and challenging problem. The “brute force” approach would be to plot the roots of the `Xab(d for a large number of randomly chosen unit vectors Tz t 6 \ satpolynomial (e . But isfying ( be too costly, and it would probably not accurately depict d . Inwould aE`that this paper, a methodology for the estimation of the -numerical the boundary of aE`d is proposed. This method is the first method for drawing aE`d besides the range application of the definition, and can also be used for the approximation of the boundary ª aE`d . In the next section, we describe the general inclusion-exclusion algorithm, which ac`d and a result on open disks that do not intersect ac`d is based on the boundedness of [12, 14], and requires the computation of the inner -numerical radius of the (fixed) matrix `Xa ¥Td for several ¥lt 6 "@aE`d . In Sections 4 and 5, algorithms for the calculation of the e­| and x |@z reinner -numerical radius of a square complex matrix for the cases spectively, are given. Furthermore, numerical examples are presented to illustrate our results. For all the experiments, the computations were performed in MATLAB 4.2 on a PC Celeron 600. `Xab(dKeghb i j polynomial an ^ _ ^ matrix k i7mo2.n b The jpqp~p{j­algorithm. k n b3jk r Consider t E a 1 x q z | ¥ be a complex Bi mon general as in (1.1) and a real . Let X ` a ( b d ¥ number, which not belong to the -numerical range of aE¥Uz,Ji.e., in the¥ open d with lies ac`d .does set 6 Then, we can construct an open circular disk center at and | such that a ¥Uz Jd ac`dP e . The closure of a ¥Uz{d is denoted by radius a E¥Uz Dd . `Xab(d%eZgDb i jKk iBmon b iBmon jVp~pqpjKk n bLjKk r and t acx{z~|z T HEOREM 2.1. Suppose " ¥ t E a ` d a ¥Uz{d with radius 6 and let . Then the open disk § aE`XaE¥Td d e § @aE`Xa ¥Td+dTj¡f¢£hs n "!"!"! i ¬ s n # `%$ s& aE¥Tdq¬® aE`d . does not intersect the -numerical range Proof. Consider the matrix polynomial `' acb'dNe`XabPj¥TdNeghb i j Bi mon b i7m n jZpqp~p j n bPj r e g . It is well-known that ac` dXe]"ac`d¥ [10, 14]. Thus, the origin and denote i "@aE` d , or equivalently, x t ( @a Br=dGa @aE`Xa ¥Td+d d . By [14, Theorem does not belong to t ac`*{dz 1.4 ] (see also [12, Theorem 3.1]), for every ) we have that aBrMd § a r dTj ¡X§ ¢£ s n "!"!"! i a s d « ¤ ) ¤ } ETNA Kent State University 3 Panayiotis J. Psarrakos Since a s dI« ¬ s ¬ ® (ue­|z zq}q}~};z ), it follows that § a r d « ¤) ¤} § @a 7r dTj¡X¢M£hs n "!"!"! i ¬ Fs¬® acx{zDd aE`'{de Jz or equivalently, aE¥Uz Dd*C aE`dLe Hence, ' ` acb'd¦e`Xacbj ¥Td are given by cients of Fs3e u| ` $ s & a ¥TdueZx1zq|zq}q}~};z "z . Since the coeffi- the proof is complete. ac`d is bounded, and thus, we can always find a bounded The -numerical range @aE`d . For example, it is known that [14, region in the complex plane that contains Theorem 1.4] V@aE`d xPzT|%j s r ¡f¢£ ack s d xfzo|%j sor ¡f¢£ ¬k s ¬ ® } " !"!"!" i7m n "!"!"! i7m n aE`d by plotting its complement with respect to . Then we can approximate (2.1) Algorithm 1 (The general inclusion-exclusion procedure) aE`d . Step I Obtain an open bounded region 96 such that Step II Construct a grid of . ¥"t z repeat the following: Step III For every grid point ¥ t ( " @ E a `d;z or equivalently, if x t ( ac`Xa ¥Td d , (a) check if ac`Xa ¥Td dz x t ( (b) if then compute the inner -numerical radius the matrices (c) § aE`XaE¥Td d and | $ s & s e u ` Ea ¥TduPex{zq|zq}~}q}z+Vz aE¥Uz d 6 V@aE`d with radius construct the open circular disk rMd e a r dTj¡X § ¢M£ a 7 s n "!"!"!" i ¬ s ¬ ® } § Step IV The set is an approximation of aE`d aE¥Uz{d r $ $ & & and always contains ac`d . An important feature of the above methodology is that it does not depend strongly on of `Xacb'd , which appears only in the computation of the matrices s (ue the degree x{z~|@zq}~}q};z+ ). Note also that the most expensive part of Algorithm 1 is the calculation of the aE`XaE¥Td d in Step III (b). This step will be further discussed in inner -numerical radius § Sections 4 and 5. The two inclusion regions given by (2.1) are not always satisfactory, since they are centered at the origin. By a simple MATLAB code, one can plot the roots of a few poly`Xab(dTz where Tz t 6 \ are unit vectors satisfying ( e . nomials of the form ( e a"!$#&% 'Jz(!#&)(*d _ a i + #&% 'Jz i + #&),*@d In this way, a first approach of an open rectangle ETNA Kent State University 4 On the estimation of the -numerical range of monic matrix polynomials ! #&% ' z(! #&)(* z #&% ' z #&)(* t aE`d z + + ), which contains , is obtained. After choosing we ( can construct either a constant or a variable grid. In our experiments, we use two grids, where we move rightwards on each grid line and upwards on each grid column. The first grid, dea @d;z is formed by a partition of the intervals a !#&% 'Jz(!#&)(*@d and a + #&% '{z + #&),*@d noted by n Jz where all grid points within the disks generated by Step III (c) are with constant length ®a @d;z excluded. The second one, denoted by $ by a partition of the interval a"!#&% 'Jz(!#&)(*d with constant length and a partitionisofformed a + #&% '{z + #&),*@d with varithe interval f ¡ ¢ £ J z z able length where is the radius of each disk generated by Step III (c). `Xacb'd 3. Approximating the boundary. Let be an ^C_P^ matrix polynomial as in (1.1) taEx{z~| . For a ¥ t 6 "ac`d;z recall the aE¥Uz d in Theorem 2.1 and and let disk s& aEopen $ X ¡ M ¢ £ s ¬ ` T ¥ q d q ¬ ® n s # n "!"!"!" i consider a positive real . Then from the relation ac`Xa ¥Td+d @aE`Xa ¥Td+d § @aE`X§ aE¥Td d-j « « § ac§ `Xa ¥Td d-j | z it follows that § ac`Xa ¥Td d« |I z (3.1) `Xa ¥Td and it is clear that the radius is small if and only if the inner -numerical radius of is sufficiently small. ac`Lz ¥Td ¥ aE`d . By Theothe distance between and the compact set Denote now by rem 2.1, this distance is greater than or equal to . Moreover, we have the following result. `Xacb'd¦egDb i jYk iBmon b i7m n jpqp~p j For an ^"_K^ matrix polynomial k n bTj HEOREM kFr and3.1. ¥ t " @ E a ` t c a { x q z q | z d defined in consider 6 'rz r d t and \ the disk aE¥Uzr 1 r Theorem 2.1. Suppose that for two unit 6 such that 1 e and ¤ {r `Xa ¥Td1rJ¤@e § ac`Xa ¥Td+d , we have 1r ` $ n & a vectors ¥Td1r ex . Then for sufficiently small , a E`Lz ¥TdK« a|I { od ¤ ` $ & aE¥Td r ¤ } r n 'rz r5t 6 \ satisfying Proof. Consider the two unit vectors $ & x{} r 1rVe z ¤ r `XaE¥Td(rD¤@e § @aE`XaE¥Td d;z and r ` n a ¥Td1reZ x such that for any bCt a ¥Uz d;z Then there is a real $ & r `Xacb'd(re r `XaE¥TdojZabX"¥Td` n a ¥Td-jZ& abX"¥Td facbTz ¥Td 1r e r `Xa ¥Td1rjacb V¥Td r ` $ n a ¥Td(rLj r facbTz ¥Td1r z (3.2) ¬facbTz ¥Tdq¬IeJa|=d ¤ b05¥¦¤ x x , can be chosen so small r ` $ n & a ¥Td1re a ¥Uz d . Furthermore, for sufficiently where . Since 1 ¤ r ` $ n & a ¥Td1rJ¤ ¤ asr facbTz ¥Td1r{¤ for b"t that every small , by (3.1), we can assume that ¤ r ` $ n & a ¥Td1rj r facbTz ¥Td1r{¤ } bt a ¥Uz d;z b(r t a ¥Uz d such that Then, since (3.2) holds for every r1 `Xab{rMd(re x1z i.e., b1rt"@ac`d . Thus, there exists a ac`Xa ¥Td d @aE`XaE¥Td d ac`Lz ¥TdC« ¤ b1rF"¥¦¤0e ¤ r ` $ n & a ¥Td§ r j r facb r z+¥Td r ¤ « ¤ r ` § $ n & aE¥Td r ¤ z § @aE`Xa ¥Td+dK« ETNA Kent State University 5 Panayiotis J. Psarrakos and the proof is completed by (3.1). ¥ tV ( aE`dz the origin does not belong to the -numerical range of Notice `X that for any a T ¥ d rz r3t 6 & \ such that the matrix and there are infinitely many pairs of unit vectors ¤ X ` E a T ¥ d 1 J r @ ¤ e E a X ` a T ¥ + d d ( 7 r e r ` $ n a ¥Td1r e x{z § 1r and 1r . If one of these pairs also satisfies ( is small if E a L ` z T ¥ d then Theorem 3.1 and the inequality imply that the radius ¥ @ E a ` d and only if the point is sufficiently to the boundary of . Recall also that the ¡X¢M£Ds n "!"!"! i ¬ s n # ` $ s& ab(d~¬® isclose function bounded. Hence, if we choose a sufficiently small x{z then we can approximate the boundary ª MaE`d by using Algorithm 1 and plotting a ¥Uz d "aE`d with radius (see Examples 4.2 and 5.1 below). the disks e | `Xab(dLeghb i jYk b i7mon jpqp~p=jlk bPjYk r i7m n n 4. The case . Let be an ^ _K^ e | monic matrix polynomial and let . It is clear that for the estimation of the numerical ac`dPa n aE`d+d via the algorithm in Section 2, a method for the computation of range the inner numerical radius of an ^ _K^ complex matrix is needed. By [1, Theorem 2.1] (see kt [ \ is given by also [4, Chapter 1.5]), the inner numerical radius of a matrix § aEkdN § n aEkdNe ¡f r ¨v© ® b #&),* ap d b #&),* kYj m i k i z where denotes the maximum eigenvalue of a Hermitian matrix. As a consequence, aEk7d and classifies the origin as belonging to aEkd* the following procedure produces § E a k d n or not. Algorithm 2 Step I Construct a grid x1z of the interval Step II For every choice of tian matrix e u uPex{zq|zq}~}q};z Y| some positive integer . z forcompute b#&),*{aa d d the largest eigenvalue of the Hermi- dNe | i k9j m i k } b #&),*{aa d d and the corresponding angle r . The absolute Step III Find the minimum of aEkd . value of this minimum is an approximation of the inner numerical radius § E a k d Moreover, the origin does not belong to the numerical range if and only if the b #&),*{a a r=d d is negative. eigenvalue a The above algorithm can be used for Step III (a),(b) of Algorithm 1. As a consequence, ac`d , which we have a complete methodology for the approximation of the numerical range is illustrated in the following examples. E XAMPLE 4.1. For the matrix polynomial | 5 | ® j x i ` n a b(dNe]ghb%j 5 x b | 5 | bj | x i! " z ` acb'd aEt the® roots of a few thousand (randomly chosen) polynomials of the form n Observe that we do not have a clear 6 z{ Ce |=daE` ared;z sketched in the left part of Figure ` acb'4.1. d (marked n picture of and that three eigenvalues of n ‘+’) appear to lie out of aE` n d . Moreover, it seems that ac` n d lies in the open rectanglewith e a $#{z#hd _ a i }%Jz i #d . ETNA Kent State University 6 4 4 3 3 2 2 Imaginary Axis Imaginary Axis On the estimation of the -numerical range of monic matrix polynomials 1 0 1 0 −1 −1 −2 −2 −3 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 Real Axis 1 2 3 −3 −4 4 −3 −2 −1 0 Real Axis 1 2 3 4 F IG . 4.1. A numerical range with three connected components. acx{} x d;z 3 3 2 2 1 1 Imaginary Axis Imaginary Axis For the grid n by Algorithms 1 and 2, an approximation of the numerical range aE` n d is drawn in the right of the figure. The number of disks is 1076, and now we ac` n d has three part aE` n d in its can see that connected components and contains the spectrum interior. 0 0 −1 −1 −2 −2 −3 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 Real Axis 1 2 3 4 −3 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 Real Axis 1 2 3 4 F IG . 4.2. A connected numerical range. E XAMPLE 4.2. For the matrix polynomial `-®acb'dNegDb j | 5| b® j x | 5 i| bPj | $# x z ` ® ab(dZa yt the® roots of a few thousand (randomly chosen) polynomials of the form 6 z1 9e | d are the left part of Figure 4.2. We have a clear picture only for acsketched ` ® d and anin eigenvalue ` ® acb'd (marked with ‘+’) appears to lie out of the left part of of aE`®=d . Using our methodology and choosing acx{} x d of the inclusion domain the grid $ n e a $#{z #d a z %@d;z } ac` ®=d is drawn in the _ i i an estimation of the numerical range E a U ` = ® d right part of the figure and gives a better visualization of . The total number of disks aE¥Uz d is 3812. With respect to the same grid, in Figure 4.3, we plot exactly the open disks e x1} x ! (left part) and e x1} x (right part). In this aE`® d with radius for E a `U® d , confirming Theorem 3.1 and the discussion in the way, we approach the boundary of previous section. ETNA Kent State University 7 3 3 2 2 1 1 Imaginary Axis Imaginary Axis Panayiotis J. Psarrakos 0 0 −1 −1 −2 −2 −3 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 Real Axis 1 2 3 −3 −4 4 −3 −2 F IG . 4.3. Approximating the boundary of −1 0 Real Axis 1 2 3 4 . > . `Xacb'd 4 4 3 3 2 2 Imaginary Axis Imaginary Axis The above method for the estimation of the numerical range of be considered aE`d is a regular closed set, i.e., when it coincides with can reliable when the closure of its ª aE`d is smooth. If ac`d is not a regular closed interior, and when the boundary set and/or ª aE`d contains non-differentiable points, then our algorithm may become less satisfactory (locally), as one can see in the next example. 1 0 1 0 −1 −1 −2 −2 −3 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 Real Axis 0 1 2 3 −3 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 Real Axis 0 1 2 3 F IG . 4.4. A numerical range with line segments. E XAMPLE 4.3. The boundary of the numerical range of the quadratic matrix polynomial ` ab(dNeghb ® j x | x i x i x | bj | | x x | x (with Hermitian coefficients) is accurately sketched in the left part of Figure 4.4 by an alea$#1} {z }%@d gorithm described in [7]. In the right part of the same figure, choosing a i }%Jz i #d and its grid ®haEx1} x #dzBaE` d is approximated by Algorithms 1 and 2 (the_ ` acb'd are marked number of disks is 8356). In both parts of the figure, the eigenvalues of aE` d intersects with asterisks, and we remark that the non-real part of the boundary of the real axis orthogonally [7, Theorem 5.2]. Clearly, the existence of real intervals and nonª aE` d affects the accuracy of the methodology. differentiable points on the boundary ETNA Kent State University 8 On the estimation of the -numerical range of monic matrix polynomials x | x | . In this section, we assume that . In [9], Li and 5. The case 9 ^ _ ^ complex Nakazato describe an algorithm for drawing the -numerical range of an k matrix . Their method is based on the construction of the (convex) surface of the Davisk Wielandt shell of , that is, 3aEkdNehaE Fk -z k kB'dLt 6_ and the relation 3t 6 \ {z *e | z z ') a|I ® qd af ¤ ) ¤ ® d a ) z(dtCª 3aEkdPz aEkd and for verifying and can be used for the calculation of the inner -numerical radius § @ E a k d whether the origin belongs to or not. (5.1) ack7dNe Algorithm 3 Step I Construct a grid on the unit sphere in a +¨v© with e and e z dNe d z qz }~}q}qz a 9| d z d;z repeat the following: d d of the Hermitian matrix a +¨© ' d kYjl k jKa + ¨v© +¨©'d k k jKa dqaEk for some positive integers and . a ¨© -z +¨v© +¨© -z Step II For every choice of b #&),*Ja a z (a) compute the largest eigenvalue a using spherical coordinates Tz ¨© +¨v©-z z ~z }q}~}z a Y|=d z a corresponding unit eigenvector ) a z'dXe k t 6 \ and kd;z and the scalars Ta z dNe (b) consider the closed circular disk 3a z dNe ') a ¤ a z dq¤ ® and notice that if ) ack7d . belongs to 3a Step III By (5.1), the union 3a z ; d z x then we say that i k k z z dz a |I ® d a-a z'dU ¤ ) a z d~¤ ® d z Ta z d0¤ a z d~¤ ® z « n>m ) then the origin z d is an approximation of ack7d . If x t ( t ( ack7d and a|I ® d a Ta z d ¤ ) a z dq¤ ® d } § ack7de ¡f ¨© ¤ ) a z dq¤M `Xacb'd is a monic matrix polynomial as in (1.1) and x ® n « |@z then it is known If V aE`d V aE`d [15, Theorem 10]. This result is confirmed by comparing Figure that 4.1 with the figure in the following example. ` acb'd in Example 4.1. In the left part E XAMPLE 5.1. Recall the matrix polynomial n ® of a few thousand (randomly chosen) polynomials of the form of Figure 5.1, the roots Observe the gaps around 1 `Xab(d aMTz t 6 ` z{ac b' d Ye 1 e|z 1 Yeyx1} " d are Vr plotted. ! ac` n d appears to lie in the open two eigenvalues of n (marked with ‘+’) and that ! ETNA Kent State University 9 3 3 2 2 1 1 Imaginary Axis Imaginary Axis Panayiotis J. Psarrakos 0 0 −1 −1 −2 −2 −3 −3 −2 −1 0 Real Axis 1 2 −3 3 −3 −2 F IG . 5.1. The -numerical range of e a $#{z #d a 1# z # d −1 0 Real Axis 1 2 3 & ? @ . square _ i i . In the right part of using Algorithms 1 and "r Figure aE` n d 5.1, ! 3, we sketch an approximation of the boundary of by drawing 638 open disks a ¥Uz d w r acw` r d ! aE` n d with centers in ®haEx1} xd and radius x1} x . It is easy to ! n is connected with smooth boundary and contains the numerical range verify that aE` n d in Figure 4.1. Algorithm 1 is simple and robust, but it is also expensive (even for medium sized matrix polynomials) because of the required computations in Step III (b). Furthermore, Algorithm 2 is based on polar rotations (two dimensional) rather than spherical rotations (three dimensional), which are required by Algorithm 3. Consequently, the cost of Algorithm 3 is much higher than the cost of Algorithm 2. So, the problem of the design of less expensive algorithms for the computation of the inner -numerical radius of a general square matrix is still challenging. ! ! ! REFERENCES [1] S.-H. C HENG AND N. H IGHAM , The nearest definite pair for the Hermitian generalized eigenvalue problem, Linear Algebra Appl., 302/303 (1999), pp. 63-76. [2] M.-T. C HIEN , H. N AKAZATO AND P. 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