GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 25, NO. 20, PAGES 3903-3906, OCTOBER 15, 1998 The effect of inplane force variations on a faulted elastic thin-plate, implications for rifted sedimentary basins R o n a l d T. v a n Balen Fac, der Aardwetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Yury Y. Podladchikov Department of Earth Sciences, ETH-Zentrum, Ziirich, Switzerland Abstract. Studies of flexural motions of lithosphere commonly apply a differential equation based on the Lhin-plate approach. 111 this approximation, thc flcxural response to a changing horizontal inplane force depends only on the curvature of the midplane of the thin-plate representing the mechanical behaviour of the lithosphere. However, in cases where an abrupt change of the geomctry of the lithosphere occurs the midplane of the thin-plate is offset. We demonstrate that the combinddun uf lhcufrhel with an inplane horizontal force produces an additional, rheology independent moment at the psi ti or^ ollhe gronrtly change. This cffcct has been overlooked by previous studies of lithosphere deflections, and thin-plate prohlems in general. In the presented analysis, the thin-plate with an abrupt change in plate geometry represents lithopshere with a mechanically healed, inactive fault. However, the derived analytical solutions are general and can be used to study problems with similar ahrupt geometry changes. --- -- - --- -- - -A horizontal inplane force acting on a thin-plate causes vertical deflection. For a thin-plate with acontinuou~midplane, the effect of a changing inplane force on the deflection depends on the curvature of the plate's midplane [Timoshenko and Woinowsliv-Krieger, 19591. The deflections of such a thin-plate due to changing inplane forces can be determined by applying a differential equalion [e.g. Timoslrenko a t d Woinowchy-Krieger, 19591. However. if the thin-plate has an abrupt geometrical change, its midplane is discontinuous. Therefore, in such a case the differential equation can not he applied. In this paper analytical solutions for this situation are presented. Here, the abrupt change in plate geometry represents a prc-existing, mechanically healed and inactive fault in the lithosphere. But, the applied method and the derived analytical solutions can be used in similar thin-plate flexural problems. In lithospheric flexurc studies, the differentialelastic thinplate equation is used to determine the flexural response of the lithosphere to vertical loads and inplane forces [e.g. Cloriingh et al., 1985; Karner, 19861. In these studies, the elastic thin-plate represents the mechanical behaviour of the rheologically complicated lithosphere (see Disc~ssion)The application ofthe differential equation implies that the midplane of the thin-plate is continuous. However, in many cases, especially in rifted sedimentary basins, the lithosphere is deformed by faults, which cause abrupt changes in the geometry of the midplane of the adopted thin-plate. This has not been taken into account in the existing studies. Below, we apply the derived analytical solutions to typical settings in rifted sedimentary basins. In our denvation oC the analytical solutions a vertical fault is assumed, which cuts the entire thin-plate. Such a configuration is a good representation for the situation in rifted sedimentary basins as scisn~otcctur~ic and dccy sdhnlic rcflcctioi~data suggest that fundamental faults in the basement of rifted sedimentary basins art. plarlar and arc restricted to the brittle, cold, topmost part of the lithosphere, corresponding to the upper crust [King el a/., 1988; K~~szniretnf., 19911. Furthemre, the results offinite element modelling demonstrate that the assumption of a vertical fault plane does not significantly influence the predictions of deflections, as long as the fault dip is equal to or more than 63" [Van Rnlen eta/., 19981. The fundamental planar basement faults must have thc largest effect on the deflection, as they cause most of the pre-existing deformation of the uppercrustal competent laycr in rifted basins. However, elastic solutions for faults not cutting the entire upper crust also exist [Savage and Guohua, 19851 and possibly can be extended to include variations in innlane force levels. In addition. in this ,naner ~ ~ onlv r , flexural rnitions of lithosphere for cases in which its behaviour can described by a single elastic thin-plate are considered. The generalimtion to multiple-layer thin-plate systems [ ~ c ~ uettal., t 1988: Burov and Diamenr.19951 is the subject of another paper [van~~l~~ et al., 19981. ~ ~ ~ Derivation of analytical solutions of deflections caused a Faulting of a thin-plate causes an offset of the plate's midof ail inplane force to a thinplane ( ~ 1). qIe i ~ ~ ~ ~ subsidence .. ._... ..........:......:. ... .. . . . . . . .. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... .. . .. . ., . ., . .. . .. .., ... ... . . . . . . . . . . flexed thin-plate Copyright 1998 by the American Geophysical Union. Paper number GRL-1998900005. 0094-8276198lGRL-1998900005$05.00 ~ faulted area flexed thin-plate Figure 1. Moment occuring at the fault due to application of an inplance force to a thin-plate with a displaced midplane. 3903 3904 VAN BALEN AND PODLADCHIKOV: THE EFFECT OF INPLANE FORCE VARIATIONS plate with an offsct midplanc causcs a momcnt, M, at the position of the fault. This moment equals the product of the inplane force and the magnitude of the offset: with F = inplane force, defined positive for compression, u = displacement of the midplane across the fault, defined positive if thc down thrown block is on the left side (x < 0) and negativc otherwise. This equation is rheology independent. From the general solution of the elastic thin-plate flexurc equation [Hetinyi, 19461, a solution for the case in which the rigidity D is constant and deflections and bending moments are zero at both ends of the thin-plate (at infinity) can be derived. It consists of two parts, for positive and negative x: w+ = e with ~ = J ~ - (c;~ c ~o s ~p + c; sin @) , ~ = J , / ~ 3 c,', cl-, c;, c; = constants, Ap = density d~fferencebetween infilling and compensating material, w'= deflection for x > 0, w = deflection for x < 0. The flexural displacement around and at a fault due to a changing inplane force can be found from equations (2) by joining the two solutions at the origin. The values for the four constants can be found from conditions for the joint. By constraining the magnitude of the differences for negative and positive x for the deflection, slope, bending moment and vcrtical shcaring forcc at thc origin, the constants can be determined from the zeroth, first, second and third derivatives of cquations (2). For thc casc of an inplanc forcc induccd faultmoment the appropiate boundary conditions are: For this case the values of the four constants are: Typical prnfiles predicted hy the resulting equations are presented in the next section. Flexural profile for a half-graben and a rift flexural rigidity, D, is calculated fmm Te and Young's modulus, E, and Poisson's ratio, v. The adopted values for E and v are 7 x l 0 " ' ~ aand 0.25, respectively. The applied density contrast, A , is taken to be equal to 900 kgni3, based on a sediment density of 1800 kgm? (assuming a porosity of 50% for sediment deposited or eroded during the flexural motions) and a lower crustal density of 2700 kgni3. Tnc prcdicted flcxural profile for the half-graben is characterized by a maximum uplift of about 75 m at thc footwall and an cqual amount of subsidence at the hangingwall (Figure 2a), which is relatively small compared to the fault offset. The two maxima are separated horizontally by 5 0 km. Inplane force-induced flexural profiles for multiple fault systems can be obtained by applying the method of elastic superposition [Hefenyi, 19461, i.e. by adding-up the flexural profiles for the single fault solution. The differential subsidence profile predicted for a system consisti~~g of two master 11or111al faults dipping in opposite directions and spaced 50 km apart, delineating a rift, shows almost 150 m subsidence in the graben and 75 m uplift at the flanks (Figure 2b). The larger amount of subsidence in + F / the~graben D is caused by positive interference ofthe two flexural profiles induced by the fault-moments. The flexural deflections resulting from tensional force changes instead of compressional have exactly opposite values. Thin-plate solutions including a variable rigidity Differences in rigidity across a fault can arise from plate thickness changes or from pure-shear thinning in the lower crust underlying the fault, resulting in a thermal and associated rheological perturbation. The amplitude and wavelength of flcxural deformation is controlled by the rigidity of the plate. Therefore, a changing rigidity along the profile influences predictions of deflection. One particularly interesting aspect of a chan~inr - .riridity - . is that the fault itself will undergo u~liftor subsidence in response to a changing farfield inplane force. Although a systematic variation of rigidity complicates the analytical solution considerably, a sudden change in rigidity across the fault can be relatively easily incorporated into our solution scheme. For the derivation of the analytical solution the dependence of a and pin equation (2) on the inplane force is neglected. Both a and V depend only m~ldlyon the magnitude of the inplane force [Hetinvi, 19461 The simplification causes a and P to be equal. However, they are different for positive and negative x: - . with at and Di= flexural parameter and rigidity for x > 0, and aand D- = flexural parameter and rigidity for x < 0. The joint conditions are: The flexural profile for a nloment occuring at a single norrrral fault, representing for example a half-graben in a rifted sedimentary basin, is obtained by applying an elastic t h i c h ~ e s ~ (Te) of 5 km,a fault throw u = 2 km and an inplane compression of I00 MPa throughout the whole plate, resulting in an inplane force of 5x10" ~ m ~This ' . force is within the limits defined by the yield strength of the lithosphere [Kusznir and The resulting values for the four constants become: Park, 1984; Savage and Guohua, 19851 and values deduced from studies on folding of oceanic [Cloerin~h and Worfel, 1985; c: = c ; = 2 F u (a+)'(a-)'(at - a - ) (6) Aeekman cr al., 19961 and continental lithosphere [Lambeck, ( a ' + a ) ( ( a ++)(*L ? ) ~ ) A ~ ~ 1983; Cloetingh and Burov, 19961. The elastic thickness is adopted from effective elastic thickness estimates based on deflections around nonnal faults in rift settings [King et al., 1988; Kusznir et al., 19911, see Discussion for explanation. The 3905 VAN BALEN AND PODLADCHIKOV: 'ITE EFFECT OF INPLANE FORCE VARIATIONS -100 -50 0 50 100 -100 distance (km) -50 0 50 100 distance (km) Figure 2. Differential subsidence profiles (continuous line), or relative sea level change, for a half-graben and a rift. Faults have throws of 2 km. The elastic plate thickness is 5 km and is subjected to a 100 MPa compressive stress. Dashed lines indicate the faulted basement profile, including fault throw. For the basement profile the vertical scale has to be multiplied by 10. a) Resulting profile for a single fault, representing a half-graben. Compression induces 75 m uplift of the footwall and an equal amount of suhridence of the hangingwal. b) Rift with two master faults spaced 50 km apart. Predicted footwall uplift (flank) is about 75 m, stress-induced subsidence in the graben center equals 150 m. The resulting equations predict that the fault zone experiences a deflection in the same direction as that part of the plate which has the least rigidity. For example, if a system where the downthrown block has a lower rigidity is compressed by a farfield inplane force, the fault itself subsides (Figure 3). Furthermore, upon decreasing rigidtty, the amplitude of the subsidence of the downthrown block increases whereas its wavelength decreases. Discussion and conclusions As shown by several studies, horizontal inplane force changes cause differential vertical motions in sedimentary basins [Cloetingh er a/., 1985; Karner, 1986; Kooi and Cloetingh, 1992; Karner et al., 1993: Van Wees and Cloeringh, 19961. However, none of these studies have included the permanent deformation of the lithosphere caused by pre-existing crustal faults. The presented results indicate that fault-moments contribute considerably to inplane force-induced vertical motions, leading to lower force levels required to model observed deflections [Van Ralen et a/., 19981. The predicted flexural motions are of the same order of magnitude as relative sea level changes inferred from the stratigraphic record of sedimentary basins [Haq et al., 19871. The presented and discussed deflections for inplane forceinduced fault moments are based on effective elastic thicknesses which are comparable to those of rift-settings. Due to the spaceand timescales of the loads acting on the continental lithosphere I 1 km during upper crustal faulting, flow of lower crust causes isostatic compensation for these loads at a lower crustal level [King et al., 1988; Kusnzir et al., 19911, leading to Tck in thcsc scttings -100 -50 0 50 100 which am in the range of 2-1 0 km. Rifting processes occur at the distance (km) same time scale as inplane force magnitude changes, generally a Figure 3. Deflect~onsfor a model including a rigidity change Tew Ma (in fact, rifting is caused by an inplane force magnitude across the fault caused by 100 MPa compression. In this model, which exceeds the tensile strength of upper crustal lithosphere). the footwall has a constant elastic thickness of 5 km, the fault Furthermore. both faulting and fault-moments cause concentrated throw equals 2 km and the applied inplane stress is 100 MPa. Results are plotted for hanging wall Te's of 5 , 4 , 3 , 2, and 1 km. loading of the lithosphere. Therefore, flexural bending due to The predicted profiles show that the fault, located at x = 0, normal faulting occurs at the same spatial scale as fault-mnomnent subsides and that the amplitude of the subsidence of the bending. As a result, normal faulting during rifting and flexural downthrown block increases whereas its wavelength decreases. bending due to inplane force-induced fault-moments are controlled by the same crustal Te. As shown by Burov and See text for discussion. _____ __ l l l I l l l - J 3906 VAN BALEN AND PODLADCHIKOV: THE EFFECT O F INPLANE FORCE VARIATIONS Diament [1995], inferred largescale Te's for continental lithosphere show a bimodal distribution, corresponding to singleand multiple layer thin-plate systems. The single layer systems represent lithosphere rheologies dominated by t h e uppercrustal competent layer. The multiple layer systems arise from the flexural strength o f the mantle of the lithosphere. lherefore, for modelling of large-scale, hasinwide inplane-force induced deflection in rifted basins, the potentially important flexural strength and pre-existing deformation of the upper part of the lithospheric mantle should also be taken into account. This topic is dealt with in a separate paper lVan Balen er al.. 19981, in which the theory presented in this paper is applied to the southern North Sea basin, the Pannonian Basin and the Norwegian marsin. Acknowledgements. The authors want to thank Fred Beekman, Sierd Clenngh, Ritske Hutsmans, He& Kmi, Tore Skar and Marlies tm Voarde for helpful discussions and three anonymous reviewers for thoughtful reviews.. Ronald van Balen was sponsored by Norsk Hydro a.r., Yury Podladchlkov by the "Universitair Stimulerings Fonds" of the Vrije Univasiteit. Netherlands Research School of Sedimentary Geology publication no. 980802. References Bcckman, F., J.M. Bull, S. Cloctingh and R.A. Scrutton, Crustal fault reactivation facilitating lithospheric foldingmuckling in the central Indian Ocean, in Modern developments in srructural inlerpreration. validorion and modelling, edited by P.G. Buchanan and D.A. Nicuwland, Geol. Sac. Lond. Spec. Pub., 99,251-263, 1996. Buruv. E.B. and M. 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