FES Spring 2016 Course Schedule Course Number F&ES 009b CRN Cross‐ list Instructor as of 1/14/2016 Co‐ Course Title Credits Instructor Prof Ethics in ResourceMgmt 0 PSC: Environmental Communicator (dates Feb 8 ‐ 1 Feb 29) PSC: Financial Concepts for Environmental 1 Managers (March 7‐April 25) The Ecology, Economics, and Politics of Species Kuebbing 2 Invasion Understanding and Building Resilience in 3 Developing Countries Renewable Energy Project Finance (March 4 & 2 11; March 28‐April 29) Food Systems and Environmental Law 3 Enroll Cap Day Time Location 23298 Ferrucci, Michael F&ES 577b 23299 Vance, William F&ES 578b 23300 Burke, Maureen F&ES 624b 23714 Smith, Lauren F&ES 628b 23991 Saxena, Alark F&ES 635b 23713 Gross, Daniel F&ES 640b 23710 Czarnezki, Jason F&ES 652b 23936 Brodersen, Craig Wood: Structure & Function 3 T/Th F&ES 656b 23301 Berlyn, Graeme Physiology of Trees & Forest 3 T/Th 4:00‐5:20 F&ES 657b 23302 Oliver, Chadwick Managing Resources 3 M/W 10:30‐ 11:50 F&ES 659b 23303 Ashton, Mark M/W 8:30‐10:20 Burke Aud F&ES 668b 23304 Ashton, Mark F&ES 669b 23305 Ferrucci, Michael F&ES 670b 23794 Ferrucci, Michael F&ES 674b 23723 Ashton, Mark Trotter; Tyrrell Seminar in Forest Health F&ES 675b 23971 Spalding, Deborah Tyrrell F&ES 683b 23306 Ashton, Mark Garen F&ES 700b 23313 Berlyn, Graeme Ashton/Lee Alpine, Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems Seminar , x F&ES 701b 23331 Mendelsohn, Robert F&ES 703b F&ES 707b F&ES 710b 23332 23316 Unger, Nadine Benoit, Gaboury Burroughs, Richard F&ES 712b 23333 F&ES 716b 23385 23310 G&G Principles in Applied Ecology: The Practice of 4 Silviculture (Friday field trips) Field Trips in Forest Resource Management and 1 Silviculture Forest Management Operations (2 Friday and 2 or 3 weekend field trips) Southern Forest and Forestry Field Trip 1 TBD 42 16 20 M 6:00‐9:00 Sage 24 & other T 6:00‐8:00 Bowers T 9:00‐10:50 Krn 321 T 9:00‐11:50 Sage 32 F, M 2:30‐5:20 Sage 24 T 2:30‐5:20 10:30‐ 11:50 Kroon G01 Marsh Classroom Marsh Classroom Sage 24 18 tbd 18 M 10:30‐ 12:50 Krn 319 3 W 1:00‐3:20 Marsh Classroom Growth and Yield (Jan 20‐Feb 24) 2 W 4:00‐6:30 Marsh Rotunda Seminar in Tropical Forest Restoration in Human‐ Dominated Landscapes (Hybrid online ‐ one week field trip) 3 M 1:00‐3:20 Marsh Classroom 3 M/W 2:30‐3:50 Marsh Rotunda Climate Change Policy and Science Seminar 3 M/W 1:00‐2:20 Sage 24 Climate and Society Aquatic Chemistry Coastal Governance 3 4 3 T/Th T/Th W 1:00‐2:20 1:00‐2:15 2:30‐5:20 Anisfeld, Shimon Water Resource Management 3 T 1:00‐3:50 Krn 319 ESC 110 Sage 24 Marsh Classroom & Rotunda Smith, Ronald Renewable Energy 3 Lee, X 15 20 M/W 9:00‐10:15 TBD FES Spring 2016 Course Schedule Course Number CRN F&ES 717b 23387 Comita, Liza F&ES 721b 23728 Wood, Stephen F&ES 726b 23386 F&ES 729b 23311 F&ES 734b 23388 Cross‐ list G&G Instructor Smith, Ronald Benoit, Gaboury EVST 400 Co‐ Course Title Instructor Queenboro Tropical Field Ecology ugh Sustainable Agricultural Systems Lee, X and Remote Sensing: Observing Earth from Space Ashton M Caribbean Coastal Development: Cesium and Decker CZM as of 1/14/2016 Credits Enroll Cap Day 3 15 M 3 20 M/W 3 3 T/Th 8 M/W Time Location 2:30‐3:50 Krn 321 10:30‐ 11:50 9:00‐10:15 10:30‐ 11:50 11:35‐ 12:50 Marsh Classroom ESC 110 Sage 41c Decker, Mary Beth Biological Oceanography (2 Friday field trips) 3 T/Th F&ES 736Eb 23309 Bell, Michelle Environmental Ethics (online dates TBD) 2 M F&ES 738Eb 23334 Saxena, Alark 2 F F&ES 744b F&ES 746b 23335 23336 Schmitz, Oswald Draghi, Paul Himalayan Diversities: Environment, Livelihood and Culture (online dates TBD) Conservation Science Archetypes & the Environment 4 1 or 3 M/W W 10:00‐ 11:00 1:00‐2:20 1:00‐3:50 F&ES 751b 23337 Gregoire, Timothy Sampling Methodology and Practice 3 M/W 1:00‐2:20 Marsh Rotunda F&ES 755b 23338 Tomlin, Dana Modeling Geographic Space Multivariate Statistical Analysis in the Environmental Sciences Conservation in Practice, An International Perspective Technological and Social Innovations in Global Food Systems Tools for Conservation Project Design and Management 3 T 1:00‐3:50 Bowers 3 T/Th 1:00‐2:15 Burke T/Th 5:40‐7:00 Krn 321 Th 2:30‐5:20 Sage 24 W 5:40‐8:30 Krn 321 T/Th 10:30‐ 11:50 Marsh Rotunda tbd tbd tbd STAT66 0 Reuning‐Scherer, Jonathan F&ES 758b 23339 F&ES 760b 23341 Vedder, Amy Weber F&ES 765b 23342 Geballe, Gordon Bomford F&ES 767b 23343 Vedder, Amy Weber F&ES 781b 23344 Gregoire, Timothy Reuning‐ Scherer F&ES 783b 23345 STAT 674 Farrell, Justin 3 22 1 ‐ 3 3 Applied Spatial Statistics 3 Field Course in Culture, Politics, and Social Change (Western Wyoming, 2016 Field Site) 3 15 10 OML 201 12:00‐1:00 Krn 321 Sage 32 Krn 319 Sage 41c F&ES 783Eb 23346 Grim, John Tucker Introduction to Religion and Ecology (Jan 19 ‐ Mar 1) 2 T 4:00‐5:15 ISPS A001 F&ES 784Eb 23699 Grim, John Tucker Western Religions and Ecology (Mar 8‐ April 26) 2 T 4:00‐5:15 1SPS A001 F&ES 788b 23347 Felson, Alexander Applied Urban Ecology 3 W 9:00‐11:50 Krn G01 F&ES 793b 23348 Weiss, Harvey Abrupt Climate Change and Societal Collapse 2 Th 3:30‐5:20 Krn 319 F&ES 794b 23349 Fenichel, Eli Confronting Models with Data 1 12 W 10:30‐ 11:20 Kroon 319 F&ES 795b 23350 Fenichel, Eli Nature as Capital 3 35 M/W ANTH 9:00‐10:20 Kroon 319 FES Spring 2016 Course Schedule Course Number F&ES 797b CRN Cross‐ list Instructor 23351 Rel 906 Riley, Matthew F&ES 798Eb 23682 Hsu, Angel F&ES 803b 23352 Kotchen, Matthew F&ES 804b 23353 Mendelsohn, Robert F&ES 805b 23683 Kotchen, Matthew F&ES 811b 23355 Cort, Todd F&ES 812b 23789 Saiers, James F&ES 813b 23707 Lamp, Stefan F&ES 816b F&ES 819b F&ES 820b 23356 Reilly, Lawrence Gentry, Bradford Shansky, Marjorie F&ES 822b 23408 F&ES 828b 23362 23357 23358 MGT 553 Co‐ Course Title Instructor Christianity and Environmental Ethics YID3202: Special Topics in Environmental Studies ‐ China's Energy and Environmental Sustainability Challenge Green Markets: Voluntary and Information Based Approaches to Environmental Management Economics of Natural Resource Management Sem: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Metrics, Tools and Indicators in Corporate Responsibility Energy’s Impact on Freshwater Resources Solar PV Market Development (March 28‐April 29, Includes two Friday Sessions April 22 & 29) Electric Utilities: an Industry in Transition Strategies for Land Conservation Land Use Law and Environmental Planning Strategic Communication: Delivering Effective Presentations Reich, Taly Robinson, Nicholas F&ES 831b 23363 F&ES 835Eb 23364 Clark, Susan Nolon, John F&ES 837b 23790 Oliver, Chadwick F&ES 840b 23365 Law 21754 F&ES 843b 23366 HIST 743 F&ES 846b Lye Ling Heng Comparative Environmental Law in Global Legal Systems (2 week intensive course‐ Dates Thursday, Feb 11 to Friday, Feb 26) as of 1/14/2016 Credits Enroll Cap 2 M 3 3 Day Time 1:30‐3:20 online online 18 Th 10:30‐ 11:20 SSS 114 4:00‐5:20 Krn 321 1.5 W 3 M/W 3 Th 10:10‐ 12:00 1:00‐3:50 2 T/Th 4:00‐5:20 1.5 3 15 online Krn G01 M, W, F 25 DIV ‐ TBD 1:00‐3:50 3 3 3 3 Location T T M/W 4:00‐6:50 2:30‐5:20 4:00‐5:20 10:10‐ T/Th 11:30 M‐Th ‐ 4:00‐6:50; M‐F F ‐ 2:00‐ 4:50 T 1:00‐3:50 online online Evans ‐ TBD Sage 32 Kroon 321 Sage 24 Krn 319 Krn 319 Evans 4220 380 Edwards Society and Natural Resources Sem: Land Use Planning (online) Sem: Leadership in Natural Resources and the Environment 3 1 3 Th 1:00‐3:50 Esty, Daniel Climate Change and Clean Energy 3 M/W 2:30‐3:50 Burke Sabin, Paul Readings in Environmental History 2 M 1:30‐3:20 WLH 011 23367 Doolittle, Amity Perspectives on Environmental Injustices 3 W 1:00‐3:50 Kroon 321 F&ES 850b 23368 Geballe, Gordon International Organizations and Conferences 3 T 11:00‐1:50 Kroon G01 F&ES 851b 23369 Lee, Roy Environmental Diplomacy Practicum 3 18 Th 9:00‐11:50 Krn 321 F&ES 854b F&ES 860b F&ES 863b 23319 Cashore, Benjamin Cauley, Hank Reisman, Michael Institutions & the Environment Understanding Environmental Campaigns Law of the Sea 3 3 2 12 W W M 1:00‐3:50 2:30‐5:20 4:10‐6:00 23370 LAW Krn 321 online Marsh Hall Classroom 380 Edwards Krn G01 Law ‐ 124 FES Spring 2016 Course Schedule Course Number CRN F&ES 869b 23375 Dove, Michael F&ES 870b 23972 Hertwich, Edgar F&ES 872b 23376 chem Anastas, Paul Introduction to Green Chemistry F&ES 877b 23317 ANTH 561 Carpenter, Carol F&ES 884b 23635 Graedel, Thomas F&ES 885b 23377 ENVE Zimmerman, Julie F&ES 891b 23397 EMS 550 Weiss, Brian F&ES 893b 23312 EPH 511 F&ES 897b 23576 EPH 508 F&ES 902b as of 1/14/2016 Enroll Cap Day 20 Th 1:00‐3:50 Krn 321 Th 1:00‐3:50 380 Edwards 3 M/W 9:00‐10:15 SCL 23 (sterling chem lab) Anthropology of the Global Economy for Development and Conservation 3 Th Industrial Ecology 3 Anastas Green Engineering and Sustainable Design 3 Aksoy, S Biology of insect Disease Vectors 3 Borak, Jonathan Applied Risk Assessment 3 T 3:00‐4:50 LEPH 102 Leaderer, Brian Assessing Exposures to Environmental Stressors 3 Th 1:00‐2:50 LEPH 108 23378 Dove, Michael Dove Doctoral Lab 1 F Krn 321 F&ES 953b 23314 Burke, Maureen Business & Environment Clinic 3 20 T/Th 1:00‐4:00 10:30‐ 11:50 F&ES 955b 23307 Ashton, Mark 3 12 M 4:00‐6:00 Marsh Classroom F&ES 961b 23315 Burke, Maureen 1.5 Th 1:00‐3:50 Sage 41c F&ES 965b 23318 3 T 2:30‐5:20 Sage 32 T 12:10‐2:00 SLB ‐ 124 F&ES 970b 23379 F&ES 971b 23308 F&ES 972b Cross‐ list ANTH LAW 30164 Instructor Co‐ Course Title Credits Instructor Disaster, Degradation, Dystopia: Social Science 3 Approaches to Environmental Perturbation and Change Climate Change Mitigation and Industrial 3 Ecology Research Analysis, Writing, and Communication in Forest Ecology Entrepreneurial Venture Creation (meets Oct 26‐ Mar 10) Advanced Readings: Social Science of Development and Conservation Carpenter, Carol Galperin, Joshua Lisa Suatoni, David Hawkins Time 9:30‐12:20 Sage 32 10:30‐ 11:50 M/W 1:00‐2:15 W 3:00‐ W/Th 4:20; Th 3:00‐3:50 T/Th 32 Sage 24 WTS A53 EPH‐LEPH 108 Krn 319 Environment Protection Clinic 3 Bacher, Jessica Land Use Clinic 3 Th 10:30‐ 11:50 23380 Galperin, Joshua Advanced Environmental Protection Clinic 1‐6 T 12:10‐2:00 SLB ‐ 124 F&ES 976b 23381 Lee, Xuhui M 10:30‐ 12:50 Kroon G01 F&ES 978b 24033 Lussier, Paul 2:30‐3:50 Krn 319 Gentry Cities in Hot Water: Urban Climate Mitigation and Adaptation (Capstone) 3 Advancing Science Communications with Impact 3 30 Location 25 M/W Sage 41c