500 1 Rich mo n t ch es es Towle, Loren Estate Newton ter Rd 1,000 Feet G n fto ra St 30 Rice St Source: MHC, MassGIS National Register Eligible Property Individually Inventoried Property 800 Feet Boston College Institutional Master Plan 1/4 Mile Radius from Project Area Note: BC Newton Campus Area form does not not show the exact boundaries for campus area Par k Ave St n ent s St ua rt Rd Rd Eastbourn e dg e Commonwealth Ave Historic District ve tA ourn d Gr an St Avon dale R Not tingham Eastb Gar ner St e Rd Co oli Rd e Rd Rd Rd B ou Clem r ook Read Ct Ransom Rd Water St Rd e Alden St 89 t House St n Rd Maso Sumner St 91 Nathan Rd Cedar Manor Orient Ave e Kenwood Av 500 Co tto Ce ntr 88 103 ale Rd Irving St t Ward St 105 Ashford 104 77 Sher b 111 Rd Westbourne Rd 106 96 95 86 87 Wessex Rd 97 90 Glend ar d le v Fr ancis S 116 94 Elmore St 85 Chestnut Ter 101 107 92 93 Ballard S t Clinton Pl Loring St 100 75 Vineyard Rd Ra Wa Water St Rd son Jame t Rd Mo r se Cir Burrage Rd Rd itne y Wh eS n St 110 r Rd 99 Mor ton S Hazelton Rd Cot to Ln aste109 r R108 d o Exmo Vict o ria p.2 Br uc e Sunset Rd Channing Rd Applegarth St mawald \ ld \ 10039.00 \ Graphics \ Figures \ IMP \ Inventoried Historic Properties.indd 79 Alderwood Rd Hamlin Rd Av ton Ash r ac k ett R d B Lan c East Parish Burying Ground Listed and Inventoried Historic Properties within 1/4 Mile of the Bosten College Campus Boundary National Register Individually Listed Property Newton Campus 400 t St 74 Mill St Morseland Ave Mo 1 Sar ge n 84 83 98 Inventoried Areas 0 82 Edmund - Madden Estate 80 National Register Historic Districts 1 Boundary Note: BCMunicipal Newton Campus Area form does not show the Exact Boudaries for Campus Area d Rd Rd 102 1 Note: BC Newton Campus Area form does not not show the exact boundaries for campus are t St te es ch Ro 113 h Ave Comm onwealt 0 1 73 Janet Rd Oakwood Ter 1 bar dS Boston College Newton Campus Commonwealth Park/ Morton St/Cedar St Area Ter Hampden Rd Hy Districts Register Historic ontNNational de Districts RegisterHistoric Historic Aational ve Register Av National Districts Individually eListed Property 1 Source: National Register MHC, MassGIS 92 76 117 Source: MH Source: MHC, Ma * Note: Lee Road Area (NWT.BD) and Kingsbury-Woodman Area (NWT.AB) are within the limits of the Chestnut Hill Historic District and are not shown. BC Chestnut Hill Area form does not show exact boundaries for campus area 81 rt on Lom Cabo 112 R oyce Rd 1,000 Feet 1,000 Feet NNational ational Register Individually Listed Property Register Individually Listed Property Bost Vanasse National Register Property N ational R egister Eligible Eligible Property 1 GaEligible National Register Property t rd National Historic Landmark InventoriedAAreas Inventoried reas en R Inventoried Areas Converse Ave d FIGURE Aberdeen Architectural Conservation District 1 National Register HistoricEstate DistrictsArea Individually Inventoried 1 Individually I nventoried PProperty roperty Individually Inventoried Property DCR Chestnut Hill Reservation C ee H istoric R esources A ppendix ) (S onv Inventoried Areas* Geo from Project Area ve erse 1/4Mile MileRadius Radius 1/4 from Project Area Listed a r gLandmark Concolor A eS Ave Boston Designated Radius from 1/4 Mile Local Area tProject Area 1/4 Mile Boston Campus Boundary BostonCollege College Campus Individually Inventoried Property Note: BC Newton Campus Area form does not not show the exact boundaries for campus area Colby 114 500 rR d d d wo o d R 115 d 1,000 Feet o n t St Rd W d on R Cir District e Clarem St don Lan g bur y Sa l is Laudholm eP Sid Eas t Par kv ie ky w Av e ve es A Br id g Rd t Towle Estate Area Bl ake St i ngt Wit h Source: Mass GIS, 2005 Digital Aerial, Boston, Massachusets rd St O ak dR ot S Fair m Rd 1/4 Mile Radius from Project Area Harvard s e Rd St Harva Cab R stall Ki rk l an Up Sur re y Rd Langdon St/Salisbury Rd 0 Area t ve od A At wo ie 0 Winch ester r ick S vent Ave od Ave Ave wo Clarendon Si mpson Te Dale St r Fr ede As n Av hton Institutional Master Plan500 0 \\Mawald\ld\10039.00\GIS\project\BOSTONCOLLEGE_Newton.mxd Cabot Park Norwood, Bridge Aves Area to Ash Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.Inc. Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Figure 11-2 FIGURE 2 Listed and Inventoried Properties within 1/4 Mile of Project Area Boston College - Newton Campus Boston C