I N D I V I D U A L ST U D I ES F O R M T H A 4000 or D A N 4000 This form is to be completed, signed by the student and faculty supervisor, and given to the undergraduate advisor. The original form will be kept on file and copies will be given to the student and faculty supervisor. **N O T E : T he student will not be able to register for the course until all paperwor k has been completed and submitted to the undergraduate advisor.** Course Number: TH A 4000._____ (____ credit hrs.) (section) DAN 4000._____ (____ credit hrs.) T erm: Fall Spring Summer I Summer II Y ear: _______ (section) Name:______________________________________________R#:___________________________ A ddress:__________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number :_________________________ E-M ail:___________________________________ F aculty Supervisor:_________________________________________________________________ Director or Production Supervisor (if applicable):________________________________________ T itle of project:____________________________________________________________________ B rief description of project:__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ B rief description of evaluation method to be used in assigning grade:_______________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Books or other references for which the student will be accountable:________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ST U D E N T SI G N A T U R E :____________________________________ D A T E :_______________ F A C U L T Y SI G N A T U R E :____________________________________ D A T E :_______________ ***Please attach additional paperwork to this form.*** Revised 5/25/06