CLIMATE MODELS AND THE VALIDATION AND PRESENTATION OF GREENHOUSE CHANGE THEORY by James S. Risbey University of Melbourne 1983 M.Sc., Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1987 B.Sc.(Hons), Submitted to the Center for Technology, Policy, and Industrial Development in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN TECHNOLOGY AND POLICY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY February © Signature 1990 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1990 of Author Center for Technology, Policy and Industrial Development tmospheic, and Planetary Sciences Department of Earth, February 14, 1990 Certified byJudith Kildow Thesis Supervisor Certified by Peter Thesis Accepted by Stone Supervisor Richard de Neufville Chairman, Technology and Policy Program K-A ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my advisors, Peter Stone and Judith Kildow for their longstanding support and guidance, and for providing the necessary direction and emphasis to ensure completion of the thesis. Thanks are also due to them for giving attention to the thesis, often under short notice, while I was I am grateful to Mark Handel and Chantal attempting to meet final deadlines. Rivest who have been great resources and officemates, as well as suppliers of Bill Clark the necessary quantity of fine chocolate for working on a thesis. and Tad Homer-Dixon were also important sources of resources and feedback. and other students in the International Peter Cebon, Peter Poole, Environmental Issues Study Group have provided helpful stimulus in various I thank my family for their support ways throughout the course of the work. Linda Murrow, Jane McNabb, Tracey Stanelum, and Daniel from afar. Leibowitz also provided invaluable support. Funding was generously provided by NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) for this research under grant 'NASA /G-g NSG 5113', and I am GISS director James Hansen in particular was most indebted to them. understanding in continuing to provide financial support while I registered in the Technology and Policy Program, which was a digression of sorts from conventional straight science projects carried out in the department. A number of people provided data and data support for this project, and They include Bill Gutowski, W.C. Wang and I am very grateful to them all. David Salstein of AER, who provided most of the NCAR, GFDL, and GISS GCM data. Reto Reudy of NASA GISS provided energy transport data, flux data, and Richard Wetherald of GFDL provided topographic data for the GISS GCM. Robert Black of MIT provided topographic additional data for the GFDL GCM. data for the NCAR GCM. I thank NCAR, GFDL, and GISS GCM modelling groups for allowing me to use output from their models. CONTENTS 6 ABSTRACT -7 LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES 10 GLOSSARY OF PRINCIPAL SYMBOLS 11 1. 1.1 Intent, 2. 12 INTRODUCTION and thesis background, definition 20 GREENHOUSE THEORY 2.1 Greenhouse effect 20 2.2 Greenhouse change 21 23 2.3 Climate models and climate 3. experiments 2.4 Greenhouse change modelling 2.5 Greenhouse change controversies 2.6 Greenhouse problems 24 26 33 VALIDATION OF CLIMATE MODELS 34 3.1 Approach 34 validations 3.1.1 Internal 3.1.2 Perturbed-run 3.1.3 Control-run validations validations 3.2 NCAR, GFDL, GISS model validations 3.3 Energy 4. 12 validations transport 38 40 43 46 hierarchies 4.2 One-dimensional 36 46 MODEL DESCRIPTIONS 4.1 Model 35 energy 4.3 NCAR, GFDL, GISS models balance climate model 47 50 5. DATA 53 5.1 Climate model output 53 5.2 Observational 5.3 Surface 5.4 Sea energy 56 derivation temperature 5.4.1 Lapse rate data 5.4.2 Topographic 5.4.3 Sea level 56 57 data 57 temperatures 5.5 Satellite data 58 5.6 Sea ice data 58 5.7 Journal literature 6. 56 data air temperature level 55 data transport and media 59 accounts VALIDATION OF MODEL FUNDAMENTALS: ENERGY TRANSPORT 61 6.1 Energy transport and its role in climate 61 6.2 Procedure to calculate energy transport in the models 6.3 Comparison of direct and indirect transport calculation 62 method 66 6.4 Results 7. 65 6.4.1 Annual radiative fluxes at the top of the atmosphere 6.4.2 Energy 6.4.3 Atmospheric energy 6.4.4 Temperature structure 66 68 transports 71 transports 73 MODEL CLIMATE SENSITIVITY 76 7.1 Introduction 76 7.2 Climate sensitivity to the energy transport 77 7.3 Equivalent 79 EBM parameterization 7.3.1 Parameterization 7.3.2 Mean annual 79 technique meridional distribution of solar radiation 80 and solar constant 7.3.3 Iceline latitudes 7.3.4 Outgoing 7.3.5 Albedos and sea level temperatures longwave 7.4 Equivalent EBM results 7.5 Discussion 7.6 GCM validation implications radiation _81 82 83 _85 89 90 5 8. GREENHOUSE CHANGE VALIDATION FRAMEWORK 96 8.1 Introduction 96 outline 8.3 Validation components 103 8.3.1 Uncertainty 105 8.3.2 Credibility 107 8.3.3 Useability 110 8.4 Greenhouse 9. 97 8.2 Framework change characteristics 112 GREENHOUSE CHANGE VALIDATION PRESENTATIONS 116 9.1 Introduction 116 9.1.1 Approach 118 9.1.2 Background 119 9.2 Discussion of scientific papers on or implicated in detection of greenhouse change 9.3 Characterization 9.4 Science of the media coverage presentation 9.4.1 General 9.4.2 Scientific 9.5 The 121 standards guidelines science-media standards pre and post presentation interface 9.6 Conclusions 130 131 131 133 138 139 10. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 142 FIGURES 147 REFERENCES 178 CLIMATE MODELS AND THE VALIDATION AND PRESENTATION OF GREENHOUSE CHANGE THEORY by JAMES S. RISBEY Submitted to the Center for Technology, Policy, and Industrial Development in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Technology and Policy ABSTRACT We identified problems in validating greenhouse change theory We focused on GCMs, noting the heavy reliance science-policy context. As a case study 3-D GCMs for developing greenhouse change scenarios. validation, we analysed simulation of energy transports in the three GCMs used in greenhouse climate studies of NCAR, GFDL, and GISS. in a upon GCM major Comparison of energy transports in the GISS GCM calculated directly from model motions and indirectly from the net flux of radiation at the top of The the atmosphere indicated that the indirect technique is satisfactory. atmospheric energy transports calculated using the indirect technique were found to be similar in all GCMs, but too efficient, being much larger than For the total energy transports significant differences were observations. obtained between the three GCMs in the NH, with NCAR and GFDL less than We used a 1-D EBM to observations and GISS greater than observations. demonstrate that the climate is potentially quite sensitive to the energy To test implications of the differences in energy transport between transport. GCMs, we parameterized the EBM with output from the GCMs and observational Using an increase of solar constant by 2% as a data, separately in each case. proxy for CO 2 doubling in the EBMs, similar sensitivities were obtained between equivalent EBM representations for each GCM and with the GCM The differences in energy transport between GCMs doubled CO 2 sensitivities. were apparently compensated for in the equivalent EBM representation, though the sources of compensation are not yet clear. We described a framework for validating GCMs and greenhouse change, comparing and contrasting the approach and requirements of science and We noted potential mismatches in operation and policy communities. requirements between the communities, and the current inability to We incorporate uncertainties in critical evaluation of greenhouse change. considered communication of validation information from science to policy by Instances of analysing science journal literature and its media interpretation. to a partly attributed and identified were media the in misinterpretation journal the in audience a broader to appropriate context failure to provide We argued that the addition of context is required when science literature. journal literature has clear policy implications and is undergoing scrutiny by the media. Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Judith Kildow and Dr. Peter Stone Titles: Professor of Technology and Policy, and Professor of Meteorology LIST OF FIGURES 5.1 Zonal mean 850mb - 950mb lapse rate from Oort (1983) data 147 5.2 GISS topography on the GISS grid 148 5.3 NCAR CCM1 R15 surface geopotential height 149 5.4 NCAR (N) and GISS (G) zonal mean topography 150 5.5 NCAR (N), GFDL (P), and GISS (G) control run surface temperatures (solid lines) and sea level temperatures (dashed lines) 151 6.1 Annual mean zonal mean total meridional (northward) energy _152 transport (T), atmospheric energy transport (A), and ocean energy transport (0) for Carissimo et al. (1985) observations (dashed lines), and calculated directly from the GISS control run model motions (solid lines) 6.2 Annual mean zonal mean total northward energy transport calculated directly from the GISS model motions (D), and indirectly from the net flux of radiation at the top of the atmosphere in the GISS model (I) (control run) 153 Annual mean zonal mean shortwave flux at the top of the atmosphere (SWTP), longwave flux at the top of the atmosphere (LWTP), shortwave flux at the surface (SWSF), longwave flux at the surface (LWSF), sensible heat flux at the surface (SHSF), and latent heat flux at the surface (LHSF) for the NCAR (N1,N2), GFDL (P1,P2), and GISS (G1,G2) models. The numbers '1' and '2' refer to equilibrium results for 1 x CO 2 and 2 x CO 2 simulations 154 6.3.7 Annual mean zonal mean net radiative flux at the top of the atmosphere from NCAR (N), GFDL (P), and GISS (G) model control runs, and from Stephens et al. (1981) observations (0) 156 Annual mean zonal mean total northward energy transport for NCAR, GFDL, and GISS models (control run). The curves labelled 'N' are for integrations starting at the north pole, the curves labelled 'S' are for integrations starting at the south pole, and the curves labelled 'C' are corrected curves. The dashed curve is from Carissimo et al. (1985) observations (0) 157 6.4.4 Corrected annual mean zonal mean total northward energy transport for NCAR (N), GFDL (P), and GISS (G) models (control run), and for Carissimo et al. (1985) observations (0) _157 6.5 Annual mean zonal mean northward atmospheric energy transport for NCAR (N), GFDL (P), and GISS (G) models (control run), and for Carissimo et al. (1985) observations (0) _158 7.1 Iceline latitude (xs) versus ratio of the solar constant to the current solar constant (q/qo) for the 1-D EBM 159 7.2 Meridional energy transport flux as a function of the sine of latitude (x) for the 1-D EBM 160 Maximum energy transport flux, second component of outgoing longwave radiation (I2), and iceline latitude (xs) as functions of the dynamical transport efficiency (D) for the 1-D EBM 161 7.4 Iceline latitude (xs) for NCAR (ncarnh, ncarsh, ncargl), GFDL (gfdlnh, gfdlsh, gfdlgl), and GISS (gissnh, gisssh, gissgl) models (control run), and from Alexander and Mobley (1976) observations (obsnnh, obsnsh, obsngl). In each case, 'nh' is for the Northern Hemisphere, and 'sh' is for the Southern Hemisphere. The global (gl) values are averages of the hemispheric values in each case 162 7.5 As in fig. 7.4, but for the sea level temperature at the iceline latitude. Temperature observations are from Sellers (1965) 162 Annual mean zonal mean planetary albedo (ALBEDO), net flux of longwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere (I), and sea level temperature (T) for NCAR (N), GFDL (P), and GISS (G) models (control run), and from Stephens et al. (1981) observations (0 for Albedo and I) and Sellers (1965) observations (0 for T). The curves are plotted separately for the Southern Hemisphere (SH) and Northern Hemisphere (NH) as a function of the sine of latitude (x) 163 As in fig. 7.4, but for parameterized values for A and B from the temperature - outgoing longwave radiation parameterization I = A + BT in the equivalent EBMs. 164 Parameterized outgoing longwave radiation (I) as a function of _165 the sine of latitude in Southern and Northern Hemispheres (SH and NH) for NCAR (N), GFDL (P), and GISS (G) models, and for observations (0). I is calculated via I=A+BT with the parameterized A and B values and with the actual zonal mean temperatures for each case (not with the two mode Legendre representation of the temperature) As in fig. 7.4, but for parameterized values for the albedo components ao, a2, and 8 in the equivalent EBMs 7.10.1Parameterized albedo as a function of the sine of latitude (x) in 7.10.2 Southern and Northern Hemispheres (SH and NH) for NCAR (N), GFDL (P), and GISS (G) models, and for observations (0) 7.11 Outgoing longwave radiation at the iceline latitude (Is) from each of the twelve equivalent EBMs 166 167 168 7.12 Dynamical transport efficiency (D) equivalent EBMs from each of the twelve 168 from 169 Outgoing longwave radiation components each of the twelve equivalent EBMs Temperature components equivalent EBMs (I) and (12) (TO) and (T 2 ) from each of the twelve 170 Sea level temperature from the original NCAR, GFDL, and GISS _171 GCMs and observations (solid lines), and calculated via the equation T(x)=To+T 2 P 2 (x), where the To and T2 have been taken from the equivalent EBMs (dashed lines). The results are plotted as a function of the sine of latitude (x) for each hemisphere 7.16 Energy transport flux maximum from the equivalent EBMs (solid bars) and from the original GCMs and Carissimo et al. For the latter the global observations (cross hatched bars). 'gl' values are averages of the hemispheric values 172 7.17 Iceline latitudes (xs) as input to the equivalent EBMs in each case (solid bars), and as calculated in the equivalent EBMs when the solar constant was increased by 2% in each case (cross hatched bars) 173 7.18 Climate sensitivity calculated from the equivalent EBMs 174 8.1 Greenhouse change validation framework 175 10 LIST OF TABLES 5.1 Latitudinal spacing of the zonal mean data in the NCAR, GFDL, and GISS models, in Carissimo et al. (1985) observations, and in Sellers (1965) observations (NO and S*) 6.1 Sea level temperatures at 550 and 25* in each hemisphere _ 60 _ 75 _ 95 derived from GCMs and Sellers (1965) observations. AT is the temperature difference per degree of latitude over this range of latitudes 7.1 In each Inputs and outputs from the twelve equivalent EBMs. case the first four letters denote the model or observations, and the last two letters denote the hemisphere (Northern Hemisphere or Southern Hemisphere) or average of the Results are given for both the current hemispheres (Global). The solar constant and for the solar constant increased by 2%. climate sensitivity calculated for each case is also shown GLOSSARY OF PRINCIPAL SYMBOLS symbols of physical The principal and mathematical quantities used in Some symbols formed from principal symbols by this report are listed below. adding subscripts, and others that are used in only one place are not listed. Some quantities are denoted by two different symbols for clarity of notation in Usage should be unambiguous in any given section. different sections. Symbol Name or Definition a Radius of the earth A Longwave - temperature parameter B Longwave - temperature parameter D Dynamical transport F Meridional energy FTA Net downward flux of radiation at the top of the atmosphere Hn Insolation I Outgoing longwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere Pn Legendre q Solar R Radius of the earth S Meridional T Sea TT Total x Sine of latitude z Geopotential a Albedo efficiency transport flux component polynomial constant distribution of solar radiation level temperature meridional Climate Lapse energy transport height sensitivity rate parameter 6 Albedo 0 Latitude a Stefan <p Longitude - Boltzmann constant 12 1 definition thesis and background Intent, 1.1 INTRODUCTION theory, its validation The subject material for this thesis is greenhousel here to to refer the of whether question in changes with associated is used theory the We consider the problems associated with the and science greenhouse support policy to enough from obtained the information is credible models Greenhouse presentation. of knowledge body greenhouse effect. atmospheric climate and subsequent models, in climate Long decisions. the domain of the scientist, greenhouse theory is now also part of the purview of the politician, the policy analyst, The examines thesis of problems involves the growing links between theory greenhouse validating link between basic in developing greenhouse in and science policy about of thinking for the purpose a framework and scientific the communication validation in process science of validation information etc.) is uncertain, from given to assessing how well scientists arenas supports theory, what is knowable, Attention to policymakers. scientific information and policy (what what undermines theory, what is known, what is unknown, what change greenhouse in validating greenhouse change theory in science and policy. issues involved A the will present We domains. used proletarian. and the These links will be highlighted through a consideration of greenhouse policy. the models climate and explores scenarios, owner, the property on validation will be is presented to the policy community. The impacts associated with current greenhouse small part of the greenhouse issue is considered. change policy measures implemented in from We examine the theory of the point of view of what matters involving public expenditures response to require some justification to act. greenhouse are In the thesis however, only a potentially serious, and warrant much attention. greenhouse predictions for policy. and lifestyle changes predictions, They will need tw then If are to be policymakers know if the theory is 1The term 'greenhouse' is objectionable to some, primarily on the grounds that the physics associated with the workings of a glass greenhouse are not very analogous to those associated with the atmospheric The term is widespread however, and the analogy does have some merit (see greenhouse effect. discussion in Bohren, 1987), so its usage will be continued here. 13 from predictions the whether is that 'valid'; theory the are and credible A climate model is valid to the extent that it is plausible and produces At some other levels of results at some levels of aggregation that are useful. aggregation the results will not be very useful because the model is not designed to resolve certain scales or processes, or contains assumptions that do useful. 2 not we as set implicitly In a validation under certain conditions. hold well to seek are range of any is there whether determine study, bounds 3 aggregation of output results that can be considered credible and useful. thesis, this In analysis largely confined be will the to of issue credibility, and we will not consider actual policies that might be implemented The credibility of greenhouse theory with in response to greenhouse change. regard to policy has not been directly addressed since beginnings were made in U.S. National Academy of Science reports in 1979 and 1982 (NRC, 1979/1982). that Given greenhouse of credibility assessment of credibility, varying degrees accord scientists different predictions with by non-scientists in No attempt is made to answer the the policy domain is bound to be difficult. That assessment largely question of credibility definitively for policy makers. boils to down collectively greenhouse judgement, the problems and science value by interpreting on focus is a policy issue that available be must made be knowledge through of assessing arenas, can and credibility and on identifying used by science individually value systems. of greenhouse and characteristics policy and The theory in of the communities to establish a basis for examining policy credibility. Greenhouse of uncertainty, scientists warming is a complex issue characterized by a high degree making policymakers particularly sensitive to the way that present information relevant to establishing credibility in the issue. Scientific inputs initiate the policy process, alerting society to the existence of a problem (potential greenhouse warming) and the need for policy responses. We take a practical approach (considering what is useful) rather than a philosophical approach (i.e. can a model or theory ever be validated) to the problems of validating theory, since this is more immediately applicable to the policy making process. 3 This definition is general enough to apply to validation in science or policy arenas, though in science it may occasionally be irrelevant, since we are sometimes only interested in understanding processes in models and do not care about the validity of the results otherwise. 2 1 Introduction 14 Once a scientific issue takes on policy dimensions research further scientific is stimulated and the results continue to filter through to the policy The presentation of these results shapes the policy process by bolstering or We response. the perception reducing will carry to attempt been have of the problem presenting in which scientists greenhouse change theory to the policy community. manner assessment validation problems in encountered assessing the a of the information in The first is to Thus far, essentially two tasks have been constructed. highlight either case for and the out a preliminary arena. credibility of greenhouse and policy arenas, and to identify links to facilitate closer To this end, the second task coupling of information between the two arenas. involves assessing how well scientists are doing at translating knowledge on validation of greenhouse theory from the scientific domain to the public theory in scientific domain. This consideration is still far too of fundamentals in broad, so the hope we reduce both problems that narrow but basic to a approaches to the problem serve some utility. Assessing the credibility of greenhouse theory from the point of view of policy entails analysing the nature of predictions from the theory, since it is the predictions that are the ultimate input of the science to the policy For greenhouse theory, the 'prediction inputs' to policy take the form 4 of 'how big a temperature rise or precipitation change, how fast, and where?' By and large, these predictions come from three-dimensional general 5 As circulation climate models (hereafter simply 'climate models' or 'GCM's'). process. More correctly, it is probably the impacts on social systems associated with these predictions that is meaningful to policy makers, and not so much the predictions themselves. In other words, 'so what if In practice however, the impacts are incredibly the temperature rises five degrees on average?' In addition, difficult to determine accurately, and add another layer of uncertainty to the problem. the predictions from the models are by no means totally uniform, so that it is difficult to agree on a climatic scenario on which to study impacts. For these and other reasons, policymakers still find it useful to focus on the raw climatic predictions. 5 The terminology is a little confusing, since 'GCM' is used to refer to both general circulation weather models used in weather forecasting, and general circulation climate models used in climate studies. Though the two types of models have many similarities (indeed, some climate models are modified The differences stem from the need to consider weather models), there are also crucial differences. different time scales and therefore different physical processes in one type that are not important in the other type. In this work, the usage of GCM as climate model is always intended. Sometimes climate models are further classified as atmospheric (AGCM) and oceanic (OGCM), or as a coupled oceanatmosphere GCM. 4 1 Introduction 15 noted in the thesis, in a philosophical sense the predictions (and levels of confidence associated with them) are not purely the result of the 3-D GCMs. Input to the 3-D models and interpretation of the results is aided by a host of simpler changes is it however, past of observations to necessary a use GCM climatic about future quantitative predictions In order to make reasonable behaviour. climatic and reasoning, physical models, to incorporate anything like the full degree of complexity of the climate system. 6 (1983) that notes of use assessment comprehensive necessary for a mechanisms feedback Hence, climate change. distribution of greenhouse Congressional of various influence of the is of climate, as well as for simulating the latitudinal upon the sensitivity geographical GCM's three-dimensional Manabe and much of the on greenhouse change has been by GCM testimony in the U.S. modelling groups on the results of their model predictions. 7 Representatives of various modelling groups considered in this work have all testified before U.S. GCM's in determining greenhouse three major Research (NCAR), NASA Goddard dimensional climate will focus on GCM's Institute of data Space for was Modelling in In particular, we will analyse data from the National Center for Atmospheric the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), models, intercomparison. models we predictions, assessing the credibility of theory. the Because of the central role of Congress on greenhouse change predictons. Studies available made groups (GISS). at the in United 8 a and the For these fully three form Kingdom that facilitated Meteorological 6 Note that the raw output of an individual 3-D climate model is generally not considered to be a hard forecast or prediction. Rather, the output is the result of a sensitivity study, say to doubling of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Results of sensitivity studies effectively become predictions or projections when people start to have confidence in certain aspects of the results. Confidence may come through consistency with theoretical principles or observations, or confirmation through other sources (other 3-D models or simpler models). This is typical of the way that science works, and should not be The forecast does not consist of every tiny detail yielded by the model considered unusual. experiment, but usually just of the broader scale features, or those features that seem to be grounded In a weather forecast model, the on plausible physical mechanisms, or appear- as an overall trend. patterns yielded on a particular day are intended to be predictions for that day. Climate however, is really only meaningful in an average sense, and model patterns for individual years are not intended to be forecasts for those particular years. 7 Readers may well be familiar with the recent testimony of Hansen (1989) (Director of the NASA GISS climate group) which received media attention (New York Times, 1989d) after being altered on fairly blatant ideological grounds by the Office of Management and Budget. 8 Running a 3-D climate model requires large resources in financial, technological, and intellectual capital, and there are currently few 3-D climate models worldwide. The best known climate modelling groups are listed here. To aid the reader in identifying the groups in subsequent discussion, members of the groups who are prominently featured as authors on most of the groups papers are listed as well: NCAR (Washington), GFDL (Manabe), GISS (Hansen), UKMO (Mitchell), and OSU (Schlesinger). UKMO is the United Kingdom Meteorological Office, and OSU is the Oregon State University. 1 Introduction 16 Office and (UKMO) Oregon University State greenhouse climate experiments, also performed in are not directly included but their results For UKMO, output from the CO 2 experiments was not available at analysis here. The OSU model has severly limited the time thesis research was undertaken. vertical have (OSU) (2 resolution levels) is and therefore well not suited for direct comparison with the other 3-D models. and intents purposes just impossible to verify as complex real system. 9 climatic to verify (however, attempts we manageable, To keep this the to simulation process a single to validate, has and until now of climate, major models. for the three scrutinized consider albeit a We have chosen to validate the energy transport because it fundamental one. is fundamental will isolated even aspects of model performance have not been extensive to date). study It is all aspects of GCM performance in simulating the earth's it might change climate and how the as are for all since the GCM's Further refinement of scope is necessary, The from results not been a validation of energy transports do not yield definitive answers to questions of credibility of the models, but constitute an important case study from which to explore this issue. The role of energy transport can be understood in terms of the earth's annual radiative energy The budget. earth receives significantly more solar (short wave) energy in the tropics than in the polar annually averaged regions. The emitted longwave energy is more uniform over the globe, and is unable to completely offset the equator to pole gradient in the solar heating, resulting in a strong equator to pole net heating the fundamental heating gradient is oceanic general circulation energy transport. radiative Since and dynamical deficiencies are occuring. driving (Ramanathan, the energy processes, force 1988), transport analysis This gradient. for and the atmospheric results reflects radiative the a poleward action of both in of it may indicate We will also use a one-dimensional and where model energy balance climate model to study how sensitive the climate is to the energy transport. 9 0f course, the GCM's are gross simplifications of the real climatic system, but they capture many of the essential processes and feedbacks, and possibly even some of the intrinsic internal behaviour. As While we such, they are far too complex and sophisticated for us to fathom all their interconnections. can perform sensitivity experiments with GCM's, and examine important processes in isolation with simpler models, the GCM's remain black boxes to some degree. 1 Introduction 17 the earth, which temperature energy in turn gradient, transport which is thus not modelled through climate. component an important the ice-albedo the meridional Validation in the overall of the verification greenhouse change projections. role in a fundamental If the transports play are climate regional influences of GCMs used for developing yet the influences The energy transport also determines mechanism.10 feedback iceline position on an important role in determining the The transport plays as well we suspect, are what the climate, determining the implications for We will consider this credibility of the models and greenhouse predictions? and outline the process by which credibility is generally established. question, There are no sufficient tests that can be performed to validate the models, so that confidence theory and is established this point is crucial for the policy Understanding observations. a gestalt of by considering in the predictions analysis of greenhouse theory if any sense is to be made of it at all by the nonthe Otherwise, climatologist. debate validation greenhouse degenerate can into a series of apparent refutations and confirmations. The task second address is to of greenhouse knowledge on validation the of translating problem domain to the scientific theory from available the public domain, in so far as this is relevant to the formulation of policy responses many to greenhouse levels. testimony channels reaching press, radio, This translation is between of communication television interviews, magazines. All and and occurs through One of the more to politicians. of scientists goes on at of knowledge most direct forms of translation of the One Congressional change. and the media in scientists through popular fora articles have in various newspapers and shortcomings, and the lack of available time and space is common to all of those listed above. greenhouse theory literature. Keeping communication far By far the most sophisticated (and with also the our focus root on source) source of information on is fundamentals, the we scientific have journal chosen to 10 Ice-albedo feedback begins when an initial warming causes sea ice and snow to melt. This shrinking Incrementally more of the snow and sea ice margins results in a lower albedo in these regions. incoming radiation can then be absorbed in the formerly ice- and snow-covered areas, thereby resulting in further warming, more snow and ice melt, and so on until equilibrium is established. For cooling, the reverse occurs. Ice grows and increases the albedo and energy loss, leading to further cooling and growth of ice. 1 Introduction 18 analyse this medium for the translation of greenhouse theory (and the problems of validating theory) to the policy level. The interpreted coverage in disseminating also interpretation shapes the of the journal that media interpretation linking science with knowledge receipt articles of the policy theory and and the theory knowledge determining controversies publicly. of theory presentation. greenhouse journal and in been has Press coverage of journals is and resultant the credibility of greenhouse greenhouse of of theory greenhouse in the press throughout its history. instrumental assesses on literature journal science literature Press through We believe is important in how the policy community theory. Thus, we will consider relating to are presented in the are then interpreted by the journal literature, media. The New York Times will be used as the principle media source, because it is well archived discussion research of results articles and is among the most sophisticated of the presses in its environmental relevant various patterns attempt how the journal it how to classify them context contributes to Misinterpretation validating to and types issues. greenhouse of misinterpretation the occurence theory can media the is frequent, be identified. the failure and show how in to We provide and will appropriate Though of misinterpretation. of instances of misinterpretation of the validation of theory probably result from errors by the media as well as scientists, we primarily will be concerned with the role of scientists. above, it is hoped that we Through the sequence of analyses described can identify what the major problems associated with validation of greenhouse theory are, and the how problems are being dealt community in presentation to the policy community. have policy scientists think framework about when the validation communicating attempt at this last problem would try to account the by science A longer range goal is to problem validation with in relationship to the Any serious information. for the factors motivating scientists in framing their results, which is too big a task for this thesis. In subsequent the role of climate climate models. chapters we will briefly outline greenhouse theory and models, before reviewing previous work on validation of We will then describe the three climate models considered 1 Introduction 19 here, the output used from the models, and the observational data used to The results for validation of the models will be with the models. Implications of errors presented, and implications of the results considered. in the energy transport on climate sensitivity will be examined by compare Taking parameterizing 1-D energy balance models with output from the GCMs. the validation issue in a wider context, chapter eight will present a scienceThe penultimate chapter will consider how well policy validation framework. greenhouse theory is presented, and conclusions will follow. 1 Introduction 20 2 GREENHOUSE THEORY 2.1 Greenhouse Perhaps way good been discussed has to in the widely through a We note that greenhouse scientific without close attention to language definition. is theory greenhouse introduce definition of parts of the theory. and breakdown theory a effect literature the press and This has resulted in a blurring of distinction between key parts of the theory. Following 'greenhouse effect' physics (primarily radiatively whereby at the earth's than the change' to we will to refer use absorption gases warm surface of the earth. in the infrared dioxide and ozone) different blackbody absorb by of temperature the longwave radiative anthropogenic gases a and clouds, maintains of the considerably radiation The planet. 11 emitted by the This energy is reemitted back to the surface, and This yields a also back into space at much colder atmospheric temperatures. nothing parts various trace in the lower troposphere surface and equivalent active trace net trapping of terms the The greenhouse effect refers to the well known and basic water vapour, carbon temperature greater 'greenhouse and greenhouse theory. radiative communication) (personal Handel energy or greenhouse in this definition, effect. is there Note that time dependent. nor even anything The above description of the greenhouse effect can be set in quantitive The effective radiating temperature of the earth, terms quite easily as follows: Te, is determined by the requirement that infrared emission from the planet balance the absorbed solar radiation thus: 47cR 2aTe = nR 2(1-A)q, where R is the radius of the earth, a (2.1) the constant, Stefan-Boltzmann A the albedo of the earth, and qo the flux of solar radiation at the mean earth-sun distance. Choosing realistic values of A=0.3 and qo=1367W/m 2 (following 11The references to earth and its primary greenhouse gases could easily be removed to allow the definition of greenhouse effect to apply to other planets as well. 2 Greenhouse theory 21 The mean surface temperature of the earth Hansen et al. 1981) yields Te=255K. The 33K difference between this and the blackbody value of Greenhouse 255K is due to the greenhouse effect of trace gases and clouds. gases cause the infrared opacity of the atmosphere to increase, and the mean To achieve radiative balance, the radiating level to be above the surface. is about 288K. temperature of the surface and atmosphere must increase until the emission of 1 radiation from the planet again equals the absorbed solar radiation. 2 Jean-Baptiste mathematician The the described Fourier greenhouse Fourier essentially understood that the earth's atmosphere is largely transparent to solar radiation, while it retains some of Early investigations of this the longwave radiation emitted from the surface. basic greenhouse effect were concerned with explaining why the temperature effect in 1827 (Fourier, 1827). at the surface of the earth is as warm as it is. the greenhouse effect is as as important Ramanathan (1988) in solar energy notes that maintaining the temperature of the planet. change Greenhouse 2.2 'Greenhouse change' refers an to alteration of the greenhouse effect to the time dependant build up of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, methane, etc.) in the atmosphere, that perturbs the related climatic the system terms from greenhouse greenhouse climatoligical effect is global effect well field, whereas radiative and equilibrium. 1 3 greenhouse understood and greenhouse change change widely The distinction between is since the in the understood, and useful, acknowledged is less well 1 still disputed in various details within the climate community. 4 Hansen et al. (1981) describe a useful analogy to the surface temperature resulting from the greenhouse effect in terms of the depth of water in a leaky bucket with constant inflow rate. If the holes in the bucket are reduced slightly in size (increased concentration of greenhouse gases), the water depth (infrared opacity) and water pressure (tropospheric temperature) will increase until the flow rate out of the holes (the radiation leaving the planet) again equals the inflow rate (the radiation entering the planet). 13 Greenhouse change could be defined more broadly to refer to changes in trace gas concentrations on paleoclimatological time scales, leading to warming or cooling. In this paper it will be used mostly in the sense of recent changes (plus and minus one hundred years or so from the present), and so refers to the largely anthropogenically induced greenhouse change. 14 1t does not enhance the policy debate to lump the greenhouse effect in with greenhouse change, thereby attributing unnecessary uncertainty to a part of theory that has been widely accepted. 12 2 Greenhouse theory 22 (unpublished) Tyndall 15 Chamberlin and (1896) and later Arrhenius were the first to apply the notion of greenhouse change by considering In particular, they changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. (1897) were carbon invoking dioxide for understanding mechanisms The variations dioxide in carbon changes epochs. glacial past to related past in how interested is climate greenhouse now theory variations of the the of were change of climate one as viewed concentration major (Ramanathan, past 1988). With the work of Arrhenius greenhouse (1908) began change to be viewed as a possible consequence of human activity as well as being related to George Callendar circa 1940 was the first to longer term natural variations. Callendar suggest that human activity had already led to greenhouse change. effectively synthesized emissions, atmospheric information on CO 2 CO 2 's radiative characteristics, and fossil CO 2 concentration, consumption fuel and He combined marine and land surface temperatures between 1880 and 1935. these observations with simplified models of air-sea exchange of CO 2 and surface radiation energy balance climate models to a develop theory of greenhouse change, the essence of which is yet to be disproved (Ramanathan, The theory contends that increased atmospheric CO 2 concentration can 1988). be attributed to CO 2 released by fossil fuel combustion, since the exchange of C 02 between the air and the intermediate ocean waters is not fast enough to absorb the excess CO 2 from industrial activities. Further, CO 2 strongly absorbs radiation in the 12-17pm region, and hence the increased CO 2 would radiatively heat the surface. The increased CO 2 heating is then invoked by Callendar to help explain the observed global warming. 16 Subsequently, short term global surface air temperature 1970) levelled off somewhat, and probably changes (1940- a decline in helped contribute to attention to Callendar's theory. Following the work of Plass, Revelle, Suess, the 1950's, greenhouse and Keeling in theory underwent refinement with the paper by Manabe and Wetherald (1967). a significant They utilized a 1- 15 The reference to Tyndall's involvement here is speculative (Handel, personal communication). It is interesting to note that Callendar is not distressed by the possibility of warming, since like Arrhenius (1908), he views the warming as protection against pending ice ages. 16 2 Greenhouse theory 23 D model to demonstrate radiative-convective strongly are so coupled by forcing greenhouse relevant convective heat and moisture the surface governs that and troposphere that the surface transport that the warming radiative perturbation of the troposphere as well as that of the surface. D radiative-convective models opened the way for the development the is The 1of 3-D climate models, and still form an important tool for interpreting the 3-D model results. For a comprehensive of description greenhouse theory, the reader is We shall proceed with a basic referred to Ramanathan et al. (1987). description of a 3-D climate model, and model CO 2 equilibrium experiments. The particular NCAR, GFDL, and GISS climate models will be described in the chapter on models. 2.3 will Climate models and climate Before discussing the role of climate models in greenhouse theory, we briefly outline the approach taken in constructing a 3-D model of the According to the traditional approach (outlined in Schneider and Dickinson, 1974), a climate model attempts to account for the basic factors governing climate (solar radiation, ocean circulation, ice cover, vegetation, winds, etc.) by relating them by the equations expressing conservation of climate system. mass, momentum, and energy, together with the thermodynamical and chemical laws governing the change in material composition of the land, sea, The set of coupled non-linear three-dimensional partial differential and air. equations yielded by the theory are solved subject to the external input of solar radiation, and for a given initial state of the earth-atmosphere system. In principle, the time dependency of the equations allows for modelling of the evolution of the dynamical and thermodynamical state of the atmosphere, land The equations are solved on a three-dimensional grid representing and ocean. Some models use a combined grid and spectral Typical GCM computational efficiency and accuracy. latitude, longitude, and height. representation for resolutions are at best a few degrees of latitude and longitude horizontally, and Processes occuring on scales larger then a few kilometres or so vertically. these are explicitly treated, whereas phenomena occuring on smaller 2 scales Greenhouse theory 24 such as cumulus convection, condensation, transport, and cloud be parameterized. 17 formation must The task of modelling climate enormous turbulent number of operations. on a computer involves performing Following Stone an communication), (personal consider solving for say 10 primary variables over a 3-D grid of 100 latitude points x 100 longitude points x 10 vertical levels. This yields 106 unknowns at For 15 minute time steps over a typical simulation period of say each time step. Large computers 30 years, the number of unknowns to solve for is about 1012. are required for such an undertaking. Schneider appropriate and Dickinson spatial for technique parameterization and resolution "the technique note that (1974) representation, use in the time step of these elements, along factors, determines the model." with the choice The use of 3-D models is a relatively new 2.4 (1975) among the For a good description of a single 3-D climate model, Hansen in further details. experiments chemical a good overview of climate modelling for those interested Dickinson provides (1983) and of physical The article by Schneider and first of the 3-D model papers in the literature. al. and and the particular addition to greenhouse science, with Manabe and Wetherald et size, approximate of construction theories of climate is a large part of the art of 'modeling', choice of selecting is comprehensive and includes description of sensitivity as well. Greenhouse change modelling experiments To model the response of the climate system to greenhouse forcing, the amount of CO 2 and other trace gases is simply increased in the radiation scheme of the model. atmosphere, which in This turn reduces the amount of energy alters the temperature and then leaving the other climate variables in the model such as winds, cloud cover, and precipitation patterns. All that modellers require to generate the response of the system to an initial perturbation is fundamental equations, 17Parameterization the ability to in this calculate the case absorption physical forcing of radiation terms by gases in the in the is short for parametric representation. 2 Greenhouse theory 25 for conservation equation performed a transient as energy infancy however. a transient (Rind experiment, system to the forcing. the climate et al. demonstrating Transient Ideally, 1988). the gradual are experiments this is response of still in their represents the first published results of Hansen et al. (1988) experiment. of consistency For selected of from results across comparison the more traditional modelling we groups, equilibrium GCM CO 2 have response In the equilibrium CO 2 response experiments, the model experiments to study. is first run for a number of years (typically 10 or 20 years of model time) with The last ten years boundary conditions and forcing factors as they are today. or so of this control run provides an important test of how well the climate model simulates the response experiment real climate is to introduce conditions or forcing factors. doubling instantaneous The next step in the equilibrium system. a perturbation In the experiments carbon of atmospheric of the boundary of one considered here, this is an dioxide concentration. 18 Note simulation of current climate in the control run is important for experiment, since the doubling of CO 2 induces a perturbation on the that accurate the If the current climate is not correct, then the accuracy of the current climate. perturbed climate linearities are simulation may be called important and cannot into question in so far as non- be linearized with sufficient Because of the importance of the control run in the CO 2 sensitivity accuracy. experiment, later analysis of transports in the major 3-D models will be for results from the control run After simulations. instantaneously doubling number of years for the perturbed run. CO 2 , the model is again run for a The difference between the perturbed run and the control run is a measure of the sensitivity of the model to the The commonly quoted prescribed change between two equilibrium conditions. 2 to 5K temperature change for a doubling of CO 2 in the atmosphere is based on the results of these equilibrium experiments with GCM's. 1 9 18 The change of carbon dioxide in the models is usually taken as a surrogate for a change in all of the greenhouse gases (Kellogg and Zhao, 1988). 19 The global surface air temperature changes resulting from these experiments for the models considered in this work are: NCAR:3.5K; GFDL:4.OK; and GISS:4.2K, (and for UKMO:5.2K). 2 Greenhouse theory 26 of doubling CO 2 of use make frequently change the advocating Arguments for the GCM predictions temperature Current in the atmosphere. greenhouse to responses policy need GCM predictions for a are rather The greenhouse sobering, and are quoted to stress the gravity of the problem. policy arguments usually note that if the temperature response is as predicted by the GCM's, change will be virtually without then the rate of temperature precedent, and may have major implications for ecosystems and social systems. We note then, that some arguments for greenhouse policy responses are on the results of GCM model simulations, and so predicated to some degree investigation of the credibility of the models is a policy-relevant pursuit. 2.5 change Greenhouse controversies From a policy perspective, a lack of consensus in a scientific community on a particular theory weakens seriously, and of scientific part are disputes Since implemented. policies will be taken the likelihood that the theory development and will always exist to some degree, policymakers must ascertain whether existing disputes are significant or relevant to the range of possible policy options or not. With this in mind, we turn to a discussion of greenhouse disputes. theory In greenhouse theory, the effect greenhouse undisputed. is virtually With respect to greenhouse change, the important parts of the theory are the determination of the greenhouse forcing, and the climatic response to the forcing. trace gas concentration about. of the radiative forcings associated with changes in The magnitudes However, are reasonably greenhouse change well understood, is disputed and not much argued as to whether the climatic change resulting from the greenhouse forcing will be as large as the models predict, and as to whether the change is yet detectable. Criticizm crudity of the (ocean response, models in neglecting or results from some simple models. conflicting results, the work of Idso (1980) surface various oversimplifying clouds and moist dynamics, vegetation, hydrology, ocassionally on conflicting using is based on the of the magnitude of the model predictions energy balance and Newell considerations stands processes etc.), In regard and to and Dopplick (1979) out. 2 These works Greenhouse theory 27 less temperature an order of magnitude predicted doubling response to CO 2 These results have been explained by Ramanathan (1981) on than the GCM's. the basis that the "important tropospheric CO 2 radiative heating is ignored by both Newell and Dopplick (1979) and Idso (1980)." Probably the most potent criticizms related to global scale shortcomings in the GCM's involve the representation of clouds and the role of cloud For the current climate, Ramanathan et al. (1989) find that clouds feedbacks. play a major role in determining the radiative balance of the atmosphere, and That is, clouds presently cool the presently constitute a negative feedback. than they radiation). it heat The question reflecting greenhouse their (through crucial in effect albedo their (through planet regarding radiation) shortwave change greenhouse longwave trapping in effect more is how the For the current cloud mix would change in response to greenhouse forcing. GCM's employing predictive cloud schemes, cloud changes provide a significant positive feedback. small increase For the GISS model this occurs as a result of a greenhouse (enhancing cloud in mean cloud height effects) 2 0 , and a small decrease in cloud cover (decreasing their albedo effect) (Hansen et Since current cloud schemes in the models are quite crude and cloud al. 1984). contain significant uncertainty. the predictions, to significantly contribute feedbacks Uncertainty alone the model predictions implies nothing about the direction of potential error in the feedback, though there are some indications in this regard, which we will consider. feedback can occur as a result of changes in cloud The 3-D models consider (albeit crudely) and height. Changes in cloud composition, coverage, As mentioned, the changes in cloud coverage and height, but not composition. changes in coverage and height in. the models are such as to lead to positive As regards cloud composition, it is thought that the greater feedback. availability of water vapour for condensation in a greenhouse warmed atmosphere could lead to a systematic increase in cloud liquid water contents, though the relevant physics are not well understood (Somerville and Remer, 1984). In the 1-D radiative-convective model of Somerville and Remer, the 20 As cloud top height is increased, the cloud top temperature becomes progressively lower than the surface temperature, reducing the emission of longwave radiation from cloud top to space, and thus enhancing the radiative heating of the troposphere and surface. 2 Greenhouse theory 28 of increased cirrus) is to increase Mitchell (1988) In the there Remer, temperature of climate is limited observational liquid water Somerville content with above 273K. et al. by Twomey mechanism was proposed Another negative feedback Twomey pointed out that an increase in tropospheric (1984). two. and Remer may data employed by cloud in change little factor of a by sensitivity water content depends on factors other correct, cloud liquid than temperature. and decrease notes that although the results of Somerville be qualitatively than thin of clouds more than the greenhouse the albedo effect possible and other (for clouds This yields a negative feedback for cloud optical thickness effect of clouds. changes, liquid water content cloud result particulates will lead to an increase in the number density of cloud condensation nuclei, which A variant of this feedback involving can enhance cloud optical depth. biogenic processes was proposed by Charlson et al. (1987). Over the oceans, the number density of cloud condensation nuclei is influenced by the emission of An increase in surface temperature dimethyl sulfide from marine organisms. could lead to an increase in dimethyl processes are certainly plausible, and thus also to an notes that while the above Ramanathan (1988) increase in cloud optical depth. microphysical sulfide emissions, the of these extent global demonstrated. processes has not yet been satisfactorily Some of the cloud physics not included in the model cloud schemes could provide significant additional positive feedback also (Ramanathan and Handel, communication). personal extent and longer For instance, allowed lived than vertical heat cirrus clouds may be of larger areal for transport which in the models, than the microphysics are more of cloud concerned with formation. Cirrus shields would probably provide an additional positive cloud feedback due to the dominance of their greenhouse effect. In a (1979) 1979 assessment allowed of cloud a +1 0 C error in CO 2 uncertainties in high cloud effects. temperature, feedback effects on doubling response temperature NRC due to Writing prior to such work as Somerville and Remer (1984) and Twomey et al. (1984) they were unable to find evidence for an appreciable negative feedback due to changes in low and middle cloud 2 Greenhouse theory 29 0 albedos or other causes, and allowed only 0.5 C as an additional margin for 2 error on the low side due to cloud feedback uncertainty. 1 The point of this discussion of cloud feedbacks is to illuminate the controversy and complexity, and to recognize that criticizm of the magnitude of the warmings produced by the models is not unfounded, but doesn't necessarily invalidate the predictions either. Other areas in which GCM's are criticized is over the representation of oceans, ond over the validity of equilibrium response as opposed to transient Schneider and Thompson (1981) attemped to weigh the seriousness of deliberately neglecting heat capacity of the deep oceans in most models and of using a fixed-CO 2 increase instead of a time evolving scenario of C 02 increase. The actual mixed layer of the oceans is generally deeper in high response experiments. latitudes than in low latitudes, and would therefore tend to heat up more slowly Thus, although albedo/temperature processes would cause in high latitudes. high latitudes to warm more in equilibrium, mid-latitudes and some high latitude regions would not necessarily warm up as fast as lower latitudes Just how important during the transition period towards the new equilibrium. actually this process is depends on how rapidly the CO 2 concentration If CO 2 increases rapidly, neglecting the transient would increases with time. be a more serious error than if CO 2 Schneider (1984) increases notes that atmospheric more addition, In slowly. with water vapour increases surface temperature increase, accounting for perhaps 25 to 40% of the equilibrium During the transient warming surface temperature response to CO 2 increase. period, oceanic response may well lag that of the atmosphere, thereby temporarily reducing occur after equilibrium the water vapour increment that would eventually was reached. The transient warming response would also be affected by the rates at which water from the ocean mixed layer mixes with water below it, and by changes in the rate in response to climatic change. In the Hansen et al. (1988) transient response experiment, the uptake of heat perturbations by the ocean Bryan and beneath the mixed layer is approximated as vertical diffusion. 21 0 Their overall estimate considering all sources of uncertainty was 3*C±1.5 C. 2 Greenhouse theory 30 (1985) model. During the greenhouse warming episode, their model yields a partial collapse of the up twice investigate thermohaline ocean much as as heat conclude that "an enhanced feedback for greenhouse circulation thermohaline circulation 2 2 , allowing the ocean to take predicted be would found in the numerical simple diffusive and Spelman Bryan the However, a would produce of heat sequestering warming. by conditions. climatic normal under approximation CO 2 perturbations in a coupled ocean-atmosphere Spelman a negative would also affect experiment strong as carbon cycle, possibly producing a climatic feedback as the global of the collapse partial Broecker that caused by an enhanced uptake of heat from the atmosphere." outlines ocean circulation processes not included in the climate (1987) models He with simple mixed layer oceans, that could lead to abrupt climate changes. against warns that the assuming climatic response to increased greenhouse gases will be a relatively smooth gradual warming over a period of about 100 Stouffer In initial experiments with a coupled ocean-atmosphere model, years. et al. (1989) report at least one surprise in the model simulation. the upwelling of cold response to greenhouse related in the water off the coast of Antarctica model in forcing, leading to cooling in that region. Though transient response experiments the uncertainty This relates to to the crude are in the offing now, much of of the oceans representation in climate models will exist for decades to come, and we should not expect to see quick improvement over the model simulations discussed here. of controversy other major area The relevant to greenhouse The detection problem is over whether greenhouse change is yet detectable. incredibly difficult since currently available would estimates rough the have the greenhouse of to variations, quantify volcanoes, climatic etc.). 2 3 variations due to response climate signal perhaps only times just In addition, it is beginning to emerge from the background of climatic noise. difficult theory is other forcing factors (solar Thus, it is difficult to provide unambiguous answers to the detection question at this stage, though it is expected that it will become easier with time as the greenhouse signal emerges more clearly from 22 The thermohaline circulation is the circulation that is driven by the buoyancy flux in the ocean. Hansen et al. (1981) have attempted this exercise, but have been criticized in Clark (1982) for using up all available degrees of freedom in fitting observations. 23 2 Greenhouse theory 31 For a more indepth discussion of greenhouse detection the background noise. and Ramanathan (1988). problems, refer to Clark (1982) Detection temperature efforts signal, and particularly at surface the mainly concentrated have controversies (air) for on the average the global 24 The major recent compilations of over the last one hundred or so years. global surface air temperature of Jones et al. (1986) and Hansen and Lebedeff This warming has show a warming of about 0.5K for the last century. been called into question mostly on the grounds of possible contamination by urban heat island effects from growing population centres over the period. (1987) Both the Jones et al. and Hansen and Lebedeff works have included attempts to screen out data contaminated by urban effects, and to remove any remaining Analysis of this processed data for urban urban heat island effect bias. warming contamination has been carried out mostly for the U.S. portion of the globe (which represents perhaps an upper limit to the degree of Karl and Jones (1989) find the urban bias to be a substantial contamination). portion of the overall trend for the U.S. in the Jones et al. and Hansen and Lebedeff data sets (but this trend is still small relative to the global trend). However, subsequent reworking of the U.S. data by Hansen et al. (1989) (where the 'et al.' includes Karl) found that the urban bias was not as significant as determined by Karl and Jones. The Karl and Jones work was in error due to an incorrect mapping of the U.S. temperature data in one of the data sets (Hansen, personal communication). Though the detection attention, give problem is difficult, of a greenhouse since unambiguous detection added impetus policy iniatives to the credibility as well. believe that greenhouse climate change is here, of signal would and therefore to of greenhouse theory, It is probably the centre it has been reasonable to surmize that if people they are more likely to believe the model predictions for how further changes will take place, and more likely to Conversely, if a clear refutation of any detection of press for policy responses. expected greenhouse climate signals could be given, would this undermine credibility of the theory, and tend to dampen greenhouse policy initiatives. 24 The global scale is the best place to look for greenhouse signals, since it is the least noisy. 2 Greenhouse theory 32 Among climatologists, Hansen (1988) greenhouse sufficiently cause detection large and effect literature journal that 25 in we can relationship and press that claiming "the warming global greenhouse of coverage that Recent effect." literature that belief in detection signal has for credibility a greenhouse 26 and Because of a greenhouse or lack thereof and policy of the theory now reacted has responded directly and indirectly to the above statement of Hansen. of the importance is of confidence with a high degree ascribe to the is perhaps the most outspoken on responses, we will pay particular attention to this issue in the chapter on presentation of theory. The greenhouse detection issue is also impacted by a problem regarding the nature system. of the and policy system, climate responses to in the changes The problem stems from the fact that the time scales for response of the climate system to greenhouse forcing are relatively long - of order decades 1985), so that by the time greenhouse change can to centuries (Hansen et al., be detected in a manner convincing to all, the earth will already be committed to a further greenhouse warming by the trace gases currently present in the atmosphere. Thus, Ramanathan et al. (1989) note that "even if the trace gas concentrations were to stop increasing today, the planet will still warm by 0.82.4K. (The three-fold predictions.) If, on range is the currently perceived uncertainty the other hand, the committed continue unabated, years." The policy leverage actually quite significant. warming available Hansen the currently can observed double within in model growth rates the next 50 in reducing the committed warming is rates of (1989) notes that if the growth greenhouse gases, CFC 11 and CFC 12 had not been reduced in 1978 as a result of the aerosol CFC ban in some countries, the decadal greenhouse forcing produced by CFC's would currently be as large as that due to CO 2 . As it stands, the CFC contribution to the decadal forcing is about half that due to CO2. 25 Among climatologists, Hansen is also somewhat unique in having directed a concerted, sustained, and productive effort to theoretical, modelling, and observational aspects of greenhouse theory. Readers should note the possibility for bias here in the author's institution's cooperation with the NASA GISS group, but we feel that the above comment is reasonable nonetheless. 26 See Kerr (1989) for one version of the controversy surrounding Hansen's statements. 2 Greenhouse theory 33 2.6 Greenhouse problems In this work, we will not consider those aspects of the greenhouse issue that might under fall problem(s)' refers ecosystems and communication), loosely social greenhouse change. the term to systems 'greenhouse difficulties due to 'Greenhouse problem(s)'. resulting climate from alteration of on by brought change The plural form follows a distinction by Clark (personal that the resulting problems from greenhouse change will be very different for different people in different places. 2 Greenhouse theory 34 VALIDATION OF CLIMATE MODELS 3 Approach 3.1 is crucial climate models of 3-D Validation greenhouse to validating change predictions because of the central role of the 3-D models in generating the employed Here we present a brief review of strategies predictions. validate the 3-D climate models. Before proceeding however, note the point that " 'model validation' is a misnomer because it is made by Keepin (1986) The most one can do is to actually impossible to show that a model is valid. Thus model show that it is not invalid, and even this can be a formidable task. condition only be verified by thorough circumstantial systematic, evidence et (Hansen model with dynamical processes. such as variances validation that so al., basic 1983) or saved observations of and climate opportunities by the models. it can to has to generate neither necessary With the exception of the GISS climate for been models the diagnostics models to internal ensure have been not compare model consistency of Mean model fields are saved, but other basic statistics of model variables have not generally been saved or published from model runs in order to examine climate variability 27 notes Schneider (1987) evidence." have been missed. calculated systematically performance circumstantial however, general nor sufficient of a climate model cannot be proved conclusively; that "the accuracy In not but necessary a model". the results from for 'believing' a establishing to equivalent is validation to The reasons for a less than comprehensive as simulated approach to model validation among most of the modelling groups are not clear. It may be a low priority because of resource or funding constraints, or perhaps even because it appears to be less interesting than more direct model development projects. Validation of 3-D climate models is made difficult by the fact that we do not have detailed knowledge of anything but the present climate state and its 27Steps in this direction have now been taken with the publication by Rind et al. (1989) for the GISS model. 3 Validation of climate models 35 seasonal changes to compare with the models. Knowledge of past climates is lacking in detailed information, and future climatic states have not yet evolved weather forecast models. In of validating Contrast this with the luxury predictions. to test the model weather the forecasting, initial of the state atmosphere is determined as well as possible, then the model is run out for a Subsequent to the forecast, week or two. of the actual detailed knowledge evolution of the atmosphere over the period of the forecast can be collected, and direct a validation of the transient is forecast analogs of various kinds. The variety a such as this satisfactory direct verification of 3-D climate model performance is not possible at the present time, While possible. involving indirect methods can be used We shall discuss some of these presently. tests that are left once of validation be grouped into three with the transient climatic response is ruled out can categories (following Wigley and Santer, 1988). a direct comparison These are, validations of the of the models, validations internal physics and subgrid scale parameterizations against present climate with the model in the control run mode, and validation We will touch on each against other climate states in the perturbed-run mode. of these strategies, before Validations in each transports. validation of model energy considering in order to are necessary of the categories gain some confidence in the credibility of the 3-D models, though validations in a single category alone are not sufficient to demonstrate the veracity of the models. As we proceed, we will rediscover Keepin's point that it is possible to devise many testable necessary conditions to validate testable sufficient conditions. This is greenhouse an important but theory, point to no real grasp, and implications of this for policy will be discussed in later chapters. 3.1.1 Internal For internal parameterization validations validations, the accuracy each of internal process with observations, is tested separately by comparison or or by comparison with the results of more detailed models of these processes. Prime candidates for internal validation ate the radiative transfer schemes, and subgrid scale details such as cloud and land surface processes parameterizatons (Wigley and Santer, 1988). 3 Validation of climate models 36 recent A been has effort organizational towards directed intercomparison of radiative codes in climate models (ICRCCM) (Luther et al., The relative accuracy of various radiation codes can be assessed via 1988). ICRCCM, but prevented by Outstanding a lack uncertainties compare to is with. to the treatment of water vapour uncertainties of the major role played by water-vapour sensitivity. feedback in climate The The schemes the of data schemes relate and methane. important because accuracy observational in the radiation water vapour, carbon dioxide, are particularly absolute quality high of the of determination limitation of internal validations in isolation is that they cannot guarantee that the complex interactions of many individual model components To investigate these interactions it is necessary to are properly treated. consider the response in the control run and perturbed run modes. Perturbed-run 3.1.2 validations The most obvious perturbed-run is to compare validation technique the This equilibrium model results of one 3-D model with another. 28 is not a sufficient test since the model physics across models is similar , and Obtaining agreement in the perturbed agreement could simply indicate this. perturbed-run run difficult than is more in the control-run however, agreement since of tuning 2 9 of the some features in the control run can be partly explained by models about the same current climate. We will discuss some of the features of the perturbed-run comparisons for the NCAR, GFDL, and GISS models in a later section. Another the models analogs follows: in is approach to validating the doubled to compare the past "Perhaps the century. there is CO 2 equilibrium results in resulting climate response with warm Schneider (1984) explains the rationale something characteristic about the year as regional 28The conservation equations are the same for each climate model, though the parameterization schemes vary somewhat from model to model. The physics and numerics in the NCAR and GFDL model are relatively similar, but quite different from the GISS model. 29 Tuning refers to the adjustment of empirical parameters that govern model-simulated processes which are not calculated by integrating conservation laws. 3 Validation of climate models 37 climatic patterns in 'warm years', and that the distribution of regional climatic anomalies in the warmest few years of the past century might be repeated long-term warming were to be created in the future by CO 2 increases." such as by that Pittock and have noted (1982) Salinger if Studies some broadscale A problem with this approach however is agreement with such an approach. that "a CO 2 induced warming will not necessarily result in similar seasonal or regional patterns increase from human years of warmer, drier climates, and external forcing century could well be internally looking by since warm individual rather caused CO 2 than showed that inferences of cause Analogously, Lorenz (1979) those described or is an can be very different climatic variations for longer time 'forced' and effect wetter, activities of the twentieth externally forced. from cooler, variations" climatic at shorter period 'free' 1984). (Schneider, chosen from the paleoclimatological of reconstruction record. Hansen et al. patterns in climate regional can be of warmer periods analogies warm years, Instead of choosing the note that (1981) (5000-9000 altithermal years ago, when the earth was a degree or two celsius warmer than at present) Manabe and Bryan (1985) show some similarity to 3-D climate model results. used a coupled ocean-atmosphere climate model with simplified geography and various CO 2 perturbations from 1/2 to 8 times the present value to consider implications. paleoclimatic signature obtained hypothesis for from the the climatic They found model appears in changes the exception: the tropical sea surface temperature significant increase with increasing "in that to be general, consistent Cenozoic with the climatic with a the CO 2 following in the model has a small but atmospheric CO 2 concentration, while tropical sea surface temperature as deduced from the isotopic record appears to have no systematic trend during the Tertiary." Paleoclimatic validation have studies numerous problems associated with them, not least of which is the problem of separating different forcings. In addition, the time scales of the relevant Anthropogenically 100 years, induced greenhouse forcing occurs while longer period forcings time scales of 10000 years or longer. series analysis of various forcings may well be different. climatic such as over a period of order orbital variations occur on This is significant, since detailed timeindicators has shown 3 that the climatic Validation of climate models 38 response lags behind the forcing, and that dependent and non-linear (Imbrie and Imbrie, warming time on contempory paleoclimatological greenhouse forcing, the response 1980). scales frequency Though the causes for may Kellogg and Zhao is be different (1988) note from that the warmer climatic periods do have one important feature in common with a greenhouse warmed earth. This is that "the equator-to-pole temperature difference was, and will be in the future, less than the present norm, and the large scale circulation patterns may therefore respond similarly to this change in forcing." 3.1.3 Control-run validations The basic rationale behind control run validation is that if a model fails to simulate important features of the observed climate in the control run mode, then it will also fail to simulate these features in a perturbed mode. This may not be fatal since it is the difference between the runs that counts. However, non-linearities such as the ice-albedo feedback mechanism problems for the perturbed run if the control run is in error. non-linearities cannot be linearized with sufficient could cause That is, if the accuracy, then it is important to have the simulation of the control climate at least approximately correct. Validation of the current climate simulation advantage that climate. Features current climate. surface it can be compared directly in the control run has the with observations of the in the model can be tuned to match observations real of the For example, the surface albedos can be tuned to ensure that temperatures are in reasonable agreement with the reflecting more or less radiation from the surface as desired. observations by The models are just too complex however for modellers to be able to tune all variables to match observations, so validation of the control run is still a useful exercise. In later consideration of the control run simulation of energy transport in the models, we will compare the transports with observations, and between models. Different climates can still be considered in the control run by looking temporally at the simulation of seasonal climate features, simulation of regional average climates in the model, 3 or spatially and comparing at the with Validation of climate models 39 The rationale for this approach is that a good seasonal model observations. forced by time varying solar insolation may also be a good greenhouse forced model. Stone et al. (1977) were the first to test this approach on a 3-D GCM, (a model distinct from the using the GISS model of Somerville et al. (1974) July and January model simulations were compared with current GISS model). data on seasonal other and with climatological each Stone et al. changes. accurately the "northward displacement of the found that the model simulated mid-latitude jets, the low-latitude Hadley cells, the tropical rain belt, the trade winds, and the ITCZ in July compared to January, the reversal of the Indian monsoon, the weakening and of the zonal meridional Manabe and Stouffer (1980) decline of eddy ectivity in the summer." and the circulations also used a 3-D climate model to compare the regional pattern of seasonal temperature range a 68m deep passive thermodynamic mixed layer ocean, which study employed allows tuning the of average range temperature seasonal processes and is not the model exceptions, of in the model results distribution of response and seasonal Manabe tuned. "that with and Stouffer found of variation geographical scale characteristics observed the some atmospheric points out that "it is necessary that a valid Schneider (1984) temperature." from internal model in reproducing the large succeeds (though Nonetheless, the observations suggest that this choice of depth is reasonable). geographic Their simulation with observed values. from a seasonal solar forcing model reproduce seasonal climatic features, but that this may not be sufficient to engender much confidence that the model will also have a valid response to a different forcing, like CO 2 increase. encouraging on the 'natural experiment' the GFDL results were Nevertheless, of seasonal and forcing response, 'passed' this necessary conditions test." having successfully Another useful test of a model's control climate is examining how the variability simulated by the model compares with the variability the observed climate. control run lends simulation of perturbed run. determining the climatic displayed by The ability to reproduce the observed variability in the confidence to a models' variability associated Knowledge of impacts on ability with climatic ecosystems, extremes that produce the most damage. a to provide changed variability since it is is a reasonable climate in the important for often the climatic Validation of climate variability has been carried out for the GISS model by Rind et al. (1989) for temperature and 3 Validation of climate models 40 precipitation. observed, They find especially in that late "the modeled summer, variability possibly due is often to the larger crude than ground hydrology" in the model. Validations of the control run with current climate and between models have been carried out considering most of the climatically relevant variables (temperature, pressure, precipitation, soil moisture, cloud cover, etc.). Some of the results of these comparisons will be presented in the next section as they relate to the NCAR, GFDL, and GISS models. 3.2 NCAR, GFDL, GISS model validations Direct comparisons of the NCAR, GFDL, and GISS model control runs with observations have been made by the modelling groups in presentation of The papers relevant to the versions of the models considered in this results. NCAR (Washington and Meehl, 1984), GFDL (Manabe and Wetherald, work are: Without considering the results in detail 1987), and GISS (Hansen et al., 1983). here, Hansen et al. find that "it is verified that the major features of global climate can be realistically simulated with a resolution as coarse as 1000 km." Washington and Meehl find and many observed simulation "good agreement between A particular quantities." model is that "sea ice forms equatorward the of its observed position partly as a On a broad scale, reasonable agreement is obtained by the GFDL model. The UKMO model is not considered in this work, but Wilson and Mitchell (1987) conclude with the present level of that "the model simulation of the observed climate atmospheric model of their deficiency result of the lack of poleward heat transport by the ocean." similarly present CO 2 (323 parts per million by volume (ppmv)) is fairly good." Moving from the broad scale down to the regional scale, as would be expected, model results do not compare as favourably with observations or one another. observations "although averages compares NCAR, GFDL, and GISS model results with Grotch (1988) of surface the models over large temperature often agree areas, spatial extent is reduced, examined." air well substantial particularly Wigley and Santer (1988) and when precipitation comparing disagreements and seasonal become when detailed regional finds that or annual apparent as the distributions are consider regional scale simulations from 3 Validation of climate models 41 For pressures over Greenland the GISS and other models. and the seasonal cycles of the latitude and intensity of the Iceland low and Azores high, they find that model simulations are "generally poor." at the regional scale is important for at least two From the point of view of validation, errors in the smaller scales in reasons. the control run are important since the smaller scale processes could alter the energy budget in such a way as to influence the simulation of broad scale Obtaining accuracy Accurate simulation of the regional scales would features in a perturbed run. also useful very be and studies impact climate for concomitant policy responses. the control run and doubled CO 2 run in the NCAR, GFDL, and GISS models relative to one 0 They note global temperature increases of 3.50C to 4.2 C for these another. models, and 11%. to by the Furthermore, recent the simulations precipitation smaller For scales, distributions of the CO 2 - find that "the geographical warming obtained not quantitatively. between differences of 7.1 increases precipitation Schlesinger and Mitchell induced compare and Mitchell Schlesinger qualitatively agree and soil moisture but changes Kellogg do not agree quantitatively and even show qualitative differences." and Zhao (1988) examine the soil moisture response to a doubling of CO 2 in the above three models plus those of OSU and UKMO. For North America, they note considerable differences in the results for soil moisture distribution changes, The areas of agreement are but are able to note areas of agreement also. These studies "consistent with the results of studies of past warmer periods." highlight the fact that surface moisture results in the GCM's are critically dependent on the specification of soil properties and the parameterization of hydrological processes in the models (Gates, 1989). Gutowski et al. (1988) have examined surface energy fluxes for the control run and a doubled CO 2 run in the versions of the NCAR, GFDL, and GISS They find that the surface energy balance is models considered in this work. dominated by longwave radiation. fluxes of longwave radiation Specifically, the upward and downward are the largest components (though they act in For the global average control climate, individual surface agree to within 25W/m 2 , but this difference is a "large fraction of the opposite directions). fluxes 3 Validation of climate models 42 net longwave radiation at the (-60W/m 2 ), and it is as large as any of surface the global average seasonal changes in these fluxes". find that intermodel note They changes. are discrepancies apparent that this only For CO 2 doubling, they small fractions should agreement the flux viewed with of be caution "because flux changes associated with doubled CO 2 are about the same size as the differences between models in their control climate: 25W/m 2 ". difference found for the global when flux changes twice the are up to surface flux discrepancies intermodel changes, regional average, and often disagree over the sign of Gutowski et al. note that such differences CO 2 doubles. (like the appear to be closely asociated with differences in model hydrology soil moisture results). In summary, frequently in for GCM validations, to related differences in the climates are parameterization of in control differences for schemes For the three GCM's under consideration physical processes. differences For the representation outlined in the chapter on models. mode, model discrepancies of differrent physical here, the major will processes be In validation of GCM's in the perturbed run in the control are frequently related to differences simulations of the respective models (and thus indirectly also to the different parameterization schemes employed). GCM's simulate current climate much better on the larger scale than the regional scale, most obviously because of the limited resolution employed by Simulation of the doubled CO 2 climate is also more reliable on the models. larger scales for the same reason, and additionally (as noted by Mitchell et al., 1987) because "the regional response of climate models to small perturbations is shown to be highly dependent on the unperturbed simulation." Most of the work on validating the 3-D climate models has been at the level of specific validations of one aspect or another of model performance. Overall assessments of models U.S. problems are less common. 1979, and 1982 have and their validity in regard to greenhouse National Research Council reports in 1975, addressed this question. Their conclusions based on earlier versions of the GFDL and GISS models and on simpler climate models show a general confidence in the ability of the models to simulate broader aspects of greenhouse change. NRC (1975) focused on the current climate 3 Validation of climate models 43 simulation by the models, and note that "the several atmospheric and oceanic GCM's have now reached the point where reasonably accurate simulations of the global distribution of many important climatic elements are possible, and NRC into a single dynamical system is now feasible." (1979) concluded that "the predictions of C0 2 -induced climate changes made with the various models examined are basically consistent and mutually The differences in model results are relatively small and may be supporting. where their coupling in differences by for accounted and characteristics model simplifying conclude that "comparisons of simulated time means of a number of climatic variables with observations show that modem climate models provide a reasonably satisfactory simulation of the present large-scale global climate and its seasonal changes", and that "model-derived estimates of NRC (1982) assumptions." changes, temperature averaged globally perhaps changes and averaged along latitude circles, appear to have some predictive reliability for a prescribed CO 2 In the NRC reports, ultimate confidence in the general perturbation." predictions from the 3-D models is based on the fact that 3-D models verify results from simpler models (radiative-convective and heat balance models) that can be understood in purely physical terms. 3.3 Energy The transport poleward validations energy transport on contributions receives earth from In this work we the atmosphere, the ocean, and drifting sea ice (Bryan, 1982). are interested in examining the annual total meridional energy transport in the models major climate and Validations observations. of climate model energy transports have not been extensive to date. Observational efforts aimed at calculating energy transports have used Indirect a variety of direct and indirect methods, and combinations of the two. methods can be used to calculate the total energy transport from radiative fluxes at the top of the atmosphere measured from satellite observations (e.g. This technique has also been employed by Oort and Vonder Haar, 1976). Carissimo et al. Further discussion (1985), whose observational data is chosen of this data will be given in for this work. the chapter on data. To calculate the contributions by atmosphere and ocean to the total transport, one component can be calculated directly from observations, and the other 3 Validation of climate models 44 component inferred calculation of as a residual. ocean transport Since is less the observational reliable than for Carissimo et al. calculate the ocean transport as a residual. of ocean transport have been made (e.g. Wunsch, Atlantic Ocean. data for direct the atmosphere, Direct calculations 1980), but mostly for the Indirect methods to calculate the ocean transport have been based on surface heat flux considerations (e.g. Hastenrath, 1980). Miller et al. (1983) have used essentially the indirect method to calculate ocean transport, but atmospheric GCM. calculate based on surface ocean transports. transport, their results compare reasonably considerable flux data generated by an Miller et al. used a one year simulation of the GISS GCM to the model Vonder Haar heat (1976), Hastenrath differences (1980), between For the annual well and global heat with the results of Oort and other studies, observations, oceanic though there particularly in the are Southern Hemisphere. Covey (1988) compares atmospheric GCM simulations and observations. and others. The GCM's discussed include the GISS model However, the versions of the NCAR, and GFDL models discussed in the paper are not the same ones as considered consider do not include ocean transports. transport (atmosphere the and oceanic energy transports from models atmosphere. and in plus ocean) satellite here, since Covey finds that the total energy appears to be observations the versions we approximately of irradiances at the same in the top of the In addition, Covey finds that "in the models most of this transport takes place in the atmosphere observations indicate that whereas the combined satellite and radiosonde half or more of the transport takes place in the oceans. Previous satellite based studies have found that the oceans are more effective in transporting energy in low latitudes, while the atmosphere is perhaps more effective in middle and high latitudes (at least in the Northern Hemisphere). ocean Covey may be a little too enthusiastic in donwplaying the role of transports in the models, and overplaying the atmospheric transport. Some of the numbers cited in comparison between models and observations in Covey's paper are plainly incorrect, or the comparisons inappropriate. 3 0 We 30 1n particular, p156, paragraph 2. The value given by Covey for the GISS model is the total energy transport, not the atmospheric transport as implied by the context and the comparison with the atmospheric transport in Carissimo et al. (1985). The same may also be true of the GFDL value quoted. 3 Validation of climate models 45 treat Covey's findings with some skepticism pending the results of further studies. 3 Validation of climate models 46 4 4.1 Model MODEL DESCRIPTIONS hierarchies The 3-D GCM's are most useful when used in conjunction with simpler as models so that particular features or processes can be studied in isolation A hierarchy of models with dimensions from O-D to 3-D has well as in context. models in time and resolution processes, surface dynamics, While the 3-D to study climate. been developed and or relying the simpler simplest models convective (EBM's) their parameterization. on The The type. the calculate vertical averaged (0-D) into incorporated and will be described subsequently. globally 1-D radiative-convective averaged) and processes lapse rate. temperature EBM's of redistribution North et al. (1981) it relatively is by energy processes Saltzmann (1978). to the atmospheric have reviewed EBM's. profile by the vertical (usually of the radiative explicit modelling which a predetermined re-establishes The RC models have been reviewed by Ramanathan have a vertically easy This necessitates (RC) models compute a 'convective-adjustment' Two-dimensional surface incoming A 1-D latitudinally varying model is used in this work and oceanic transport. The between Because of the simplicity with which radiation. horizontal of the models balance energy generalize the models to allow for horizontal variations. parameterization or radiative- balance a balance as temperature surface are dependences of the energy are usually horizontally solar and outgoing infra-red with space, radiation, include only some of these processes explicitly, neglecting the others, models (1978). include resolved atmosphere. In 3-D (atmosphere, or oceans deal explicitly statistical dynamical models (SDM's) and dynamics GCM's, or both) in a zonally The the 3-D averaged nature is incorporated, framework, been SDM's have and Coakley reviewed of the climatic by system and an attempt is made represent most physical processes believed to be important. and to The NCAR, GFDL, and GISS 3-D models will be described subsequently. 4 Model descriptions 47 4.2 One-dimensional energy One-dimensional been have latitude useful of temperature variation it models dependent energy is climate balance balance for assumed models varying the coupling examining and temperature that model albedo. rate which at of function between dependent the a as latitudinal In the latitude enters heat each infinitesimal latitude belt during the year is exactly balanced by the loss rate. For the ith latitude strip (net transport horizontal out); + (infrared out); = (solar absorbed); (4.1) We employ a 1-D EBM in this work to study the sensitivity of the climate to the We will use the simple EBM formulation given by energy transport. (1975), involves which approximating the earth's temperature North by structure the first two Legendre polynomials in a series expansion. To set up the EBM it is necessary to assume that all energetic fluxes can be parameterized in terms of the temperature at the earth's surface. the characteristic temperature by the temperature of the earth as a radiating body of the atmosphere far above the surface, can be empirically related to that at the surface. to I, space, empirically is taken as the prime dependent is determined this temperature The flux of infrared radiation variable, and is represented by (4.2) I=A+BT where I is in W/m 2 , T is A=213.04W/m Stone (1980). of latitude. Although 2 the surface (sea level) temperature (*C) and and B=1.63Wm-2oC-1. The values of A and B are from Wang and Latitudinal dependence is represented by x, where x is the sine I is a function of x. The absorbed solar heating is given by the form (q/4)S(x)a(x,xs), where q is the solar constant, S(x) is the mean annual meridional distribution of solar radiation (which is normalised so that its integral from 0 to 1 is unity), and the absorption system. coefficient a(x,xs) is one minus the albedo of the earth atmosphere The quantity xs is the sine of the latitude of the ice or snow line. 4 The Model descriptions 48 function S(x), which uniformly approximated is determined within from astronomical calculations, 2% by (4.3) S(x) = 1 + S2 P2 (x) with S2=-0.482, and P2 (x) is the second Legendre polynomial, (3x 2 -l)/2. a parameterization is for the zonal earth-atmosphere albedo, a, We use from Wang and Stone (1980) a = ao+a2P2(x)+8u(x-xs) where u(x-xs) = { 1 x>x5 , 0 x<xs (4.4) ao=0.316, a2=0.146 and 5=0.186. The horizontal transport of energy (meridional divergence of the flux) is given by the amount of heat per unit time leaving a latitudinal strip. flux divergence is modelled by -V .(D V T) where D The is a thermal diffusion D is calculated from the iceline condition for the current climate. coefficient. Following Wang and Stone (1980) we set Ts=-13.0*C (temperature at the iceline) at xs=0.95 for roughly the current value of the solar constant (1365W/m 2 ). yields D=0.355. This In terms of x, the energy balance equation for the unknown, I may then be written - from 1x2) D.. (x) + I(x) = (q/4)S(x)a(x,xs) dx dx which the transport can be derived. expansion in Legendre the eigenfunctions d-x2) polynomials, (4.5) Equation 4.5 can which have the advantage that of the spherical diffusion annual model they are operator (4.6) P(x) = -n(n+1)Pn(x) For a mean be solved by with symmetric hemispheres, the boundary condition that the gradient of I(x) must vanish at pole and equator yields I(x) in the form 4 Model descriptions 49 I(x) = I (4.7) InPn(x) n even Substituting 4.7 into 4.5 yields (4.8) [n(n+1)D+1]In = (q/4)Hn(xs) where Hn(xs) = (2n+1) f For the two 1 (4.9) S(x)a(x,xs)Pn(x) dx 0 mode the approximation, solution of the temperature structure in equation 4.8 is reduced to the solution of three coupled algebraic equations Io = (q/4)Ho(xs) (4.10) 6DI 2 = (q/4)H2(xs) - 12 (4.11) Is = Io +;2-2(3x s2- 1) (4.12) The unknowns in these equations are the two coefficients of I in the truncated For the parameterizations we have chosen, HO is a expansion, 1o and I2, and xs. third order polynomial, and H 2 is a fifth order polynomial as follows: Ho(xs) = [1/2 5 S2] xs 3 + [ - 1/2 S S 2 ] xs - 1/5 a 2 S2 + 1 - ao - 8 (4.13) 3 H 2 (xs) = [9/4 8S 2] xs 5 + [5/2( 8 - 5 S 2 ) ] Xs + [ 5/4 5 ( S 2 - 2) ] xs - (4.14) 2/7 a2S2 + S 2 (1 - ao - 6) - a2 Stone (1978b) notes that 4.10 corresponds absorption of solar radiation is balanced to the statement by the global that the global emission of infrared radiation; 4.11 to the statement that the poleward diffusion of heat compensates the net radiative heating in low latitudes and the net radiative cooling in high latitudes; and 4.12 is the definition of the position of the edge of the polar ice These equations can be combined into a single seventh-order polynomial cap. equation for x. 4 Model descriptions 50 Is = (q/4) [ Ho(xs) + H 2 (xs)(3x 2 1) 2(6D+1) xs(q) which describes how the extent of the This equation defines a function polar ice cap changes as (4.15) the solar constant changes. obtained by North (1975) result for our The result is similar to that is illustrated in figure 7.1. parameterizations The with a different albedo parameterization. The result has been discussed extensively in the literature (e.g. North et al., 1981) 4.3 NCAR, GFDL, GISS models In this section we will briefly outline similarities and differences between the versions of the NCAR, GFDL, and GISS models considered in this Original work. of the descriptions models are for available NCAR in Washington and Meehl (1984), GFDL in Manabe and Wetherald (1987) and GISS in Hansen et al. (1983, Major characteristics of the models have been 1984). outlined adequately by Schlesinger and Mitchell (1985, al. (1988), provides a nice summary of much of the information that will Mitchell (1985) All Table 4.4 in Schlesinger and and we shall follow their descriptions. be presented 1987) and Gutowski et below. three atmospheric GCM's integrate the primitive equations in spherical coordinates for the entire globe, and all three represent the vertical derivative in these and other equations by finite differences with nine vertical sigma (pressure coordinate) layers between the surface and the top of the atmosphere. The sigma are layers unevenly to spaced give highest The GISS model represents the resolution near the surface and the tropopause. horizontal derivatives by finite differences with an 8* latitude by 100 longitude resolution. the The NCAR and GFDL models employ the spectral method to evaluate horizontal derivatives, but the advection terms are transform method on a 4.50 latitude by 7.50 longitude grid. evaluated by the In all three models the physics terms such as the diabatic heating are also computed on the grids of the models. horizontal The global distribution of land and ocean is realistic within the resolutions of the models, as is the topography, earth's albeit smoothed. 4 Model descriptions 51 Each of the atmospheric GCM's is coupled to a mixed layer ocean. In the NCAR and GFDL models the depth of the mixed layer is constant, and there is no heat transport. In the GISS model, the depth of the mixed layer is prescribed to vary seasonally on the basis of observations, and the oceanic heat transport is The oceanic heat transport used is prescribed geographically and seasonally. deduced by temperatures The simulated requiring a match of the model's of large-scale calculations snow and condensation sea surface method). (the so-called 'Q-flux' with observations control are essentially The calculations of sea ice, soil moisture, and surface temperature are essentially the same in the NCAR and GFDL models and Fractional sea ice cover can occur within a grid different in the GISS model. the same in all three models. box in the GISS model, but not in the NCAR and GFDL models. The GISS model has two layers within the ice, wheras the NCAR and GFDL models have a single This is also the case for the number of soil layers used for the soil moisture and soil temperature calculations. The NCAR and GFDL models have a prescribed field capacity of 15cm everywhere, whereas the GISS model uses a layer. geographical layers distribution with values that range from 2 to 65cm for both together. The treatment of terrestrial and solar radiation is similar in all three models in that they include the principal absorbers and emitters, H2 0, CO 2 and 03. The NCAR and GISS models also include absorption of solar radiation by 02, and the GISS model also includes aerosols and solar absorption by NO 2 , as well The solar as the effects of N2 0 and CH 4 in the longwave radiation calculation. calculation essentially and Hansen (1974) follows the method of Lacis in all three GCM's, although different band models are used in the longwave in each 2 GCM. The solar constant in the GISS and NCAR models is 1367 and 1370W/M The respectively, which is within the current observational uncertainty. 2 GFDL model uses a value of 1467W/m . constant in investigate the GFDL the transport in the current is not known to model implications The rationale for this choice of solar of climate. this choice for however us, the The GISS model we simulation includes later will of energy the diurnal and seasonal cycles of solar radiation, whereas only the seasonal cycle is included in the NCAR and GFDL models. In all models, the albedos of snow-free land and open ocean vary geographically, but do not change when the climate changes, 4 Model descriptions 52 except in the GISS model where the ocean albedo depends on the surface wind. Snow Each model's surface albedo changes as snow and sea ice cover change. and sea ice albedos are constants in the NCAR model, whereas these albedos depend on factors such as depth and underlying vegetation in the GFDL and GISS models. Clouds form in the models as a result of either large-scale condensation The GISS model does not allow clouds at pressures less or cumulus convection. The NCAR model allows clouds to form in all layers except the than 100mb. The GFDL model allows clouds to form in all layers. lowest and two highest. Clouds in all three models by diagnostic are produced and are not relations advected, so that clouds can appear and disappear from one time step to the from large-scale next. Clouds relative humidity criterion condensation occur a models, The GISS convective cloud grid box layers undergoing convective adjustment. includes and albedos depths, when apear when a relative humidity requirement is satisfied for convective clouds parameterization model GFDL and NCAR In both the is met. in each Cloud optical a convective mass flux dependence. emissivities are functions of location cloud and the number of layers a cloud encompasses. In summary, it appears that the parameterizations physical and numerics are similar in the NCAR and GFDL models, while the GISS model differs from the others in both these characteristics. The physics in the GISS model appears to be more realistic than that in the other models, having been ab developed initio for climate studies. One of the principal differences relevant to the transport validations considered here is the inclusion of ocean heat transport in the GISS model, but not in the other models. The horizontal resolution is coarser in the GISS model than in the other models however. important for energy transport considerations Also is the large value of the solar constant employed in the GFDL model (1467W/m 2 , which is 7% larger than the values models). chosen to be consistent with observations in GISS the and NCAR Only the GISS model includes the diurnal as well as the seasonal cycle. The other major difference between models is in the parameterization of moist convection. 4 Model descriptions 53 5 5.1 Climate DATA model output The principal data sources used on this study are from 3-D GCMs and The data used are primarily those relevant observations of the Earth's climate. to calculating energy transports, and to parameterizing the 1-D EBM. The climate model data 3 1 used in this study consists of output from the control run (1xCO 2 ) and doubled CO 2 runs in equilibrium experiments of the Most of the model output NCAR, GFDL, and GISS models described previously. has been via supplied for integration (AER) Research Environmental each Gutowski Bill of the model is experiments as The length of GISS: follows. unaccelerated solar cycles for 1C0 2 , 35 unaccelerated cycles for 2CO 2 . NCAR: For the 1C0 unaccelerated solar cycles. 2 and Atmospheric 1987). Climate Group, (AER at associates and 45 GFDL: 49 simulation, 12 solar cycles with calendar accelerated by 9 (40.6 days per solar cycle), then 4 solar cycles with of 3 (121.7 acceleration For the cycles. solar unaccelerated output All obtained from only simulation, 2CO 2 the 4 solar 11 unaccelerated days per solar cycle), finally (3x) accelerated and 11 cycles. from the final the models of years has been an supplied experiment's averages as temporal For run. NCAR, the averaging period for the output is the final 3 years, while for GFDL and GISS it is the final 10 years. and 1xCO 2 Washington and Meehl (1984) have noted that the 2xCO 2 simulations for the NCAR model had not reached quasi-equilibrium by the end of these experiments, because of the lack of computing resources available termination at the time. of their Washington experiment by and Meehl claiming that justify partly the 3-D the model early should approach equilibrium with a 50m ocean at the same rate as their experiments with a 1-D radiative-convective (personal communication) notes (RC) model coupled to a 50m ocean. that this justification is invalid Stone however, since the RC model has half the sensitivity of the GCM, and therefore only half 31 Since the use of the word 'data' to refer to output from computer models is considered inappropriate Where by some people (see discussion in Bryce, 1989), its use will be kept to a minimum here. possible, we will use the word 'output' instead. 54 the response time. Schlesinger and Mitchell (1987) note that the NCAR 1C0 2 experiment was cooling at 0.4K per year, and the 2CO 2 experiment was cooling at 0.21K per year. published, the 1C0 respectively, 2 After the Washington and Meehl (1984) results were and 2CO 2 experiments were extended by 5 years and 2 years, and showed a smaller secular cooling trend in both experiments. The NCAR output supplied for this study is the same as that considered in the Washington and Meehl (1984) The implications considered of the lack of equilibrium in the NCAR model will be derived from the in later analysis. Model seasonal paper; that is, prior to the integration extension. analysis here uses mean output annual means, supplied for NCAR which were and GISS and the monthly mean output supplied for GFDL. All model output supplied by AER was formatted on the respective model grids. For the transport calculations we are only interested in the zonal means (average around a latitude circle), converted to zonal mean form. is shown in table 5.1. and so all the relevant flux data was The latitude spacing for the respective models The flux data included the net shortwave and longwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere and at the surface, as well as the surface For the 'indirect' method we use to calculate fluxes of sensible and latent heat. model energy transports, only the flux data at the top of the atmosphere needed. indirect method The To test the validity transports. motions the However, in temperatures of the energy the model chapter on energy one would like to transport atmosphere from model and (if ocean The relevant data to calculate the transport directly was not saved included). from and in the of the indirect method, with direct calculations compare results derived be described will is NCAR the and GFDL model atmosphere and ocean saved from the GISS model run. zonal mean energy transports runs, from nor was energy the transport transports were calculated. calculated and Reto Reudy of GISS supplied annual mean the GISS model control run to allow a comparison with the indirect method to be made. Gridded model output of the surface air temperature, precipitation, soil moisture was also supplied from each of the models by AER. and The surface air temperature was used in conjunction with lapse rate data to calculate sea 5 Data 55 The sea level temperatures for each of the models. level temperatures were used in parameterizing 1-D EBMs to be 'equivalent' to the 3-D GCMs. 5.2 from Carissimo et al. (1985). using the transport data, total plus ocean) satellite from radiation at the top of the atmosphere. storage oceanic and atmospheric and transport energy observations atmosphere, of the top at the radiation (atmosphere method indirect They estimated the poleward energy transports in of the net satellite measurements Estimation of the taken system for the annual mean and four seasons based on the atmosphere-ocean atmospheric climate was transport data for the current energy Observational data transport energy Observational was made flux net the of data. of Note that our model derived estimates for the total energy transport follow the same technique used to generate the Carissimo et al. obtain the atmospheric transports from in situ observations. The Carissimo et al. observations and infer the oceanic transport as a residual. data is zonally averaged with latitude spacing every 100 as shown in table 5.1. Errors in the Carissimo et al. transport due to data occur principally Carissimo et al. uncertainties in the satellite measurements of radiative fluxes. apply various schemes to correct the radiative flux data to ensure global For the curves corrected by the different techniques, some spread exists at mid-latitudes, yielding an error estimate in the transports on the order of 0.5x10 15 W in mid-latitudes. To gain an estimate of the contribution radiative balance. by errors Carissimo estimates budget, cannot that et al. consider corrected Carissimo et al. systematic take as (1982) correction. energy balance, independent satellite For the case of the annual radiation by independent for various The global requiring difference the that are in global balance. computed by Hastenrath same be spread between the transport estimates samples, satellite in the but Hastenrath curves using the curves is comparable with the spread in the Carissimo et al. curves corrected for global Therefore, for the Carissimo et al. data, the "total uncertainty in imbalance. the transport of energy by the atmosphere and ocean amounts to about 1x101 5 W in mid-latitudes and somewhat less in the tropics and high latitudes." 5 Data 56 5.3 data used air temperature surface The data temperature air Surface was observations represent to The data is averaged annually and zonally with taken from Sellers (1965). latitude spacing every 100 as shown in table 5.1. The 1-D EBM employed later in this study Sellers uses sea level temperatures, surface observations temperature air not surface temperatures, the (like were converted to sea level temperatures temperatures) model and so the surface air using lapse rate data and topographic data as described below. 5.4 Sea level derivation temperature We are interested in sea level air temperatures since these make more physical sense as a driver of meridional energy transports than do surface air The 1-D EBMs are parameterized in terms of sea level air temperatures. temperatures. Sea level where the topography departs rather a is temperature from arbitrary sea level, quantity since the in choice any location of how to For instance, one could extrapolate back to sea level is somewhat arbitrary. use the moist or dry adiabiatic lapse rates, or standard atmosphere lapse rates, or observed lapse rates at similar latitudes, or other such measures of what the sea level temperature might be in the absence of the existing topography. Observed lapse rates are probably as reasonable a choice as any, and so we use observations of the lapse rate in the lower atmosphere extrapolate temperatures from surface air to sea level. (850-950mb) to The lapse rate data and topographic data is described below. 5.4.1 Lapse rate data To calculate the observed lapse rate between 850 and 950 mb we used The Oort data data on temperatures and geopotential heights from Oort (1983). consists of zonal averages at 50 latitude spacing between the equator and 70*, with an additional observation at 800. The Oort data is temporally averaged Lapse rates also, being an annual mean averaged over the years 1963 to 1973. (y) were calculated as y = -dT/dz, where T is temperature and z is geopotential 5 Data 57 height. lapse The The resultant 850mb - 950mb lapse rates are shown in figure 5.1. rate over 850-950mb varies quite a bit with latitude (justifying the additional work of using climatologically observed lapse rates rather than just picking a single value as representative of all latitudes), and is lowest in north A value for polar regions, indicating the high degree of static stability there. the lapse rate has not been calculated at 800 in the southern hemisphere (SH), since there is no 850mb or 950mb data there due to the presence of the In interpolating lapse rate values to model latitudes and Antarctic continent. to the Sellers temperature latitudes, for latitudes south of 70*S the value of the lapse rate at 70*S was used. For latitudes north of 80*N, the lapse rate was set to zero. 5.4.2 Topographic Topographic data from the lapse data for calculating sea level temperatures For the was available for each of the models. GISS model the topography was supplied by Reto Reudy on the GISS grid, and is The major continental mountain ranges and Antarctica plotted in figure 5.2. rates and surface temperatures For the spectral NCAR and Greenland are clearly discernable in the figure. and GFDL models the equivalent gridded topography was supplied by Robert Zonal average topography was calculated Black, and is shown in figure 5.3. from the gridded data and is shown in figure 5.4. The curve labelled 'G' depicts the GISS zonal mean topography, and the curve labelled 'N' depicts the NCAR and GFDL zonal mean topography. Despite the differences in resolution between the GISS model and the other models, the zonal mean topography is relatively 5.4.3 Sea Sea similar. level level temperatures temperatures were calculated from the topographic data, and surface air temperatures via T,,s.c = Ta, lapse - yz. rate data, Figure 5.5 shows the derived annual sea level temperature for each of the models (plotted as dashed lines) and the corresponding surface temperatures (plotted as solid The sea level temperatures depart most from the surface temperatures at latitudes corresponding to the presence of Antarctica, the Himalayas, and lines). Greenland. 5 Data 58 5.5 data Satellite the 1-D EBM with observational As part of parameterizing data, it is necessary to have observations of the outgoing longwave flux of radiation the top of the atmosphere, at system. and of the albedo of the earth-atmosphere in zonal Such observations have been made from satellite data and tabulated Note that the Stephens et al. data was also mean form in Stephens et al. (1978). used as a source of data in producing estimates of the total meridional energy transport in Carissimo et al. (1985). The Stephens et al. data was produced from a composite of 48 monthly mean budget radiation from this data set. Stephens et al. zonally Stephens averaged temperatures The synchronous We maps. et al. used calculated mean values annual in The latitude spacing of the annual mean data is the same as that for the Sellers shown in table 5.1. in the Stephens et al. satellites employed orbit sampling at near one local time study were during all in sunhours. daylight Stephens et al. discuss sources of error and uncertainties in the satellite data. To give an idea of the size of errors in the data Stephens et al. note that the annual global average outgoing longwave flux is 234±7W/m 2 , the albedo is top of the atmosphere is A value for the latitude of the sea ice limit, xs, in each hemisphere is 0.30±0.01, and the net flux of radiation at the 9±10W/m 2 . 5.6 Sea ice data required in parameterizing the 1-D EBMs. The valus of xs is incorporated into When parameterizing the EBMs the representation of the albedo in the EBMs. to the GCMs we estimated values for x, from the graphical output for sea ice limits published figure 7.4). Washington by the model groups for the appropriate control runs (see For NCAR the sea ice extent was plotted for DJF and JJA in We determined x, from the summer map in and Meehl (1984). each hemisphere, since the bulk of the insolation in polar regions is received during the summer months. For GFDL, February and August sea ice maps were 5 Data 59 For supplied by Richard Wetherald, and the same procedure was followed. GISS, xs values were obtained from information given in Hansen et al. (1984). For observations we used the sea ice maps compiled by Alexander and Alexander and Mobley Mobley (1976) to determine the appropriate xs values. present monthly distributions of the main ice packs of the Arctic and Antarctic on a 1* global grid using data digitized from U.S. Fleet Weather Facility ice charts and Navy atlases. The sea ice limit was again estimated for In each case each hemisphere on the basis of the summer month maps. (models and observations), the estimate of xs was taken as an 'eyeballed' zonal average from the global maps, and serves as an approximate estimate to within a couple of degrees latitude. 5.7 media Journal literature and the In in the theory presentation chapter on popular literature, accounts theory of we use and conventional of the sources for interpretation literature On the presentation of greenhouse theory, journal literature is selected from the major climate related journals, or from well known journals For a publishing greenhouse theory articles: JGR, GRL, Science, Nature, etc.. data. data source on have selected because of it's public interpretation the news impact press (as and because of the greenhouse journal opposed to television it is documented, literature or other archived, we sources), and readily The news press is quite vast and variable in coverage, so we adopt the New York Times as the major news source in order to obtain some sort of standard. We do not limit ourselves exclusively to the Times, but focus on their researched. coverage since it is presumably among the most sophisticated of the presses in its discussion of environmental science issues. 5 Data 60 TABLE 5.1 Latitudinal spacing of the zonal mean data in the NCAR, GFDL, and GISS models, in Carissimo et al. (1985) observations, and in Sellers (1965) observations (*N and *S). NCAR GFDL 86.60 82.19 77.76 73.32 68.88 64.44 59.99 55.55 51.11 46.66 42.22 37.77 33.33 28.89 24.44 20.00 15.55 11.11 6.67 2.22 GISS Carissimo et al. Sellers 90.0 82.2 74.3 66.5 58.7 50.9 43.0 35.2 27.4 19.6 11.7 3.9 5 Data 61 VALIDATION OF MODEL FUNDAMENTALS : ENERGY TRANSPORT 6 6.1 Energy The and transport its drive fundamental role for in climate motions atmospheric differential is (Stone, heating and the resulting gradients of entropy and temperature The 3-D In the vertical, and horizontally. viewed vertically radiation tends to The resultant convection in isolation. produced by radiation acting is preferentially gradients would be at the surface so that large vertical temperature absorbed 1984). solar heating can be from the differential fluxes of heat resulting solar In a similar way, the variations with latitude of the reduce these gradients. absorbed flux would lead to large horizontal temperature gradients if radiation Again, fluid motion takes place that tends to reduce these acted in isolation. all make significant and mean meridional circulations eddies, the and transport, energy transient eddies, stationary In the atmosphere, low latitudes to high latitudes. the fluid motions transport energy from and oceanic The atmospheric gradients. the of transport by heat sensible represents currents ocean In 1984). primarily as sensible heat, latent heat, and potential energy (Stone, addition, forms, different in transported is energy contributions to a substantial fraction of the total energy transport (Oort and Vonder Haar, 1976). Since temperature fluid the and gradients role a crucial play external change concentration. of heat the between (by a given heat dynamical (Stone, 1984), transports how sensitive in determining a such to as horizontal role in Similarly, the fundamental system. and temperature the climate increased structure ocean currents) greenhouse meridional temperature transport gradient, surface temperature, and thus enhances climate sensitivity by increasing the contribution of the albedo feedback process. the opposing oceanic heat poleward. sense, Spelman transport This gas shift of the margin of snow covered area responding in change the reduces is to system Held and Suarez (1974) speculated that the poleward increases the latitudinal to play of the atmosphere-earth-ocean determining the climate feedbacks consequently the they modify heat, transport motions to and Manabe shift reduces the the (1984) margins ice-albedo of feedback note that we snow cover and therefore also and In expect sea ice the climate sensitivity. 6 Validation of model fundamentals: energy transport 62 we will attempt to determine how well the following analysis, In the NCAR, GFDL, and GISS models simulate the energy transport, and consider the implications of the results. to calculate The procedure the method outlined follows from budget the calculate to Procedure 6.2 latitude between requires the incoming solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere be balanced and the transport energy total in Carissimo balance Energy considerations. the in transport energy et al. that (1985) the outgoing models in the models energy using difference at each infrared radiation by the sum of the divergence of energy that is transported across each latitude circle by fluid motion and the storage of energy in the system. The energy budget for a unit-width latitude band that includes both the atmosphere and oceans can be written as SA + So = FTA (6.1) :(TA+To) is the rate of change of energy in the atmospheric part of the where SA= band, So= D a - is the rate of change of energy in the oceanic part, FTA is the net downward flux of radiation at the top of the atmosphere (net shortwave plus net longwave), TA and To are the transports of energy across a latitudinal wall in the atmosphere and oceans, respectively, a is the mean radius of the earth, and 0 the latitude. In equation 6.1, the storage of energy in the land, snow and ice has been neglected (see Oort and Vonder Haar, 1976 for further discussion). Integration of equation 6.1 over a polar cap yields TT(,$) a TA(0, where (( )) = (the T 2t/2 27r 8 subscript (6.2) +T(0,) = -(FTA) + (SA) + (So) 12 ( ) 0 may acosO' d$ a dM', TT is the total meridional energy transport sometimes be dropped), and $ is longitude. The integration extends around a latitude circle (acos~d$) and over latitude (adO). 6 Validation of model fundamentals: energy transport 63 In the For the present analysis we calculate only the annual transports. annual case, equation 6.2 can be simplified (Carissimo et al., 1985) by assuming that SA and S0 are zero when taken over a 'normal' year or, in other words, that In Carissimo et al. observations this interannual variability can be neglected. is probably a reasonable assumption because the observed radiative fluxes and other several parameters energy Similarly years. composites represent in the models, the of measurements annual mean made radiative over fluxes represent averages over 10 years (GFDL and GISS) and 3 years (NCAR), so the This reduces the expression for the total meridional assumption is again made. energy to transport _t/2 27c TT(9) = -j or J 90 TT(O) = -2xTa 2 FTA(',) i 0 acos' d$ adO' FTA(O') cos' dO' (6.3) where the overbar denotes time average over a year. Integration of equation 6.3 from pole to pole would result in zero if the net radiation at the top of the atmosphere was in balance (in Carissimo et al. In practice this is observations, or in the model simulated radiative fluxes). not completely true in either case, and a residual results reflecting the degree of imbalance in determination of the annual net radiation at the top of the atmosphere. 3 2 For each of the models we have integrated FTA from pole to pole In the GISS model, Hansen et al., 1984 to gain an indication of the imbalance. note that there is a global annual net flux into the top of the atmosphere of 2 7.5W/m 2 . Of this imbalance 5W/m goes into the surface where it is absorbed by the specified ocean (which is an infinite sink of heat) and the rest is lost in and computer the atmosphere through conversion to kinetic energy Actually, there are several sources of imbalance in the annual net radiation at the top of the atmosphere. With regard to observations, there are errors in measurement. In models, there are errors In addition, there are interannual variations that result in imbalances from year to in calculation. year, which presumably smooth out to balance on average over a number of years if the climate is in 32 radiative equilibrium. The climate is not in radiative equilibrium however. It is being perturbed by the long term build up of greenhouse gases among other things. Even over longer period averages we would not necessarily expect annual radiative balance (though for most external forcings the radiative perturbation from equilibrium is small relative to the net fluxes of shortwave and longwave radiation). 6 Validation of model fundamentals: energy transport 64 truncation. In the GISS control run experiment the solar radiation absorbed at the surface ocean is by multiplied to order in 0.96 cancel the energy The imbalance is equivalent to 0.04 times the solar radiation at the imbalance. surface, so we subtract this amount from FTA in the GISS transport calculations. In the NCAR model no attempt was made to correct radiative imbalances in the Note however that the GFDL The GFDL model is in balance. annual mean. model uses an incorrect value of the solar constant, and is unlikely to be in balance with the correct value of the solar constant (if the solar constant That the GFDL model is in balance with a solar constant alone was changed). 7% too large suggests the presence of other compensating errors or tuning. To simulated principally adopted in Carissimo et al. (1985). represents total northward the accumulated determining 'constant the followed have we transport in imbalance energy the for correct model the correction' method In this method, if T1=TNp(-T) transport TA + To at the south pole pole as denoted by the N P T1 The corrected transport subscript), the flux correction per unit area is (42) (from an integration north the at beginning at latitude 0 is given by T(0) = T* (0) - f NP or Tcos9 2 2/2 (4a ) d cosO dO (6.4) T(O) = T* (0) - T 1(1-sin0) NP where the star denotes uncorrected estimates. The integration of equation 6.4 was carried out numerically. GISS model we employed the expended method where the transport at latitude j trapezoidal numerical For the integration is related to that at latitude j-1 by 1j = Tj-1 - 21a 2 [F TA(j)cosj + FTA(oj.1)cosOj.1]/ 2 (6.5) The NCAR and GFDL models do not have grid points at 90*, and so it is was more convenient to use a midpoint integration scheme midpoint scheme the transport at latitude 6 j for these models. For the is related to that at latitude j-1 by Validation of model fundamentals: energy transport 65 j= Tj-t - 2xa 2 FTA(Oj)cosoj (Yj - yj-1) (6.6) where the y's are the midpoints (in radians) of the NCAR and GFDL latitudes. The results of the transport calculations will be presented in a following section, but first the validity of the indirect method will be explored. 6.3 Comparison of direct and indirect transport calculation method The method used to calculate the total meridional transport of energy in the models from the radiative balance at the top of the atmosphere has been A direct approach would entail calculating the labelled the 'indirect method'. energy transports directly from the model fluid motions in the atmosphere Model output to calculate the transports directly was not saved or and ocean. not available from the NCAR and GFDL models. This data was however provided by Reto Ruedy in zonal mean form for the GISS model. This enables at least one test to be made of how well the indirectly calculated total energy transport compares with that calculated directly. The energy transport output supplied by Ruedy includes the annual northward global ocean energy transport and the annual northward energy The total atmospheric energy transport was transport in the atmosphere. calculated as the sum of the northward transports of sensible heat, The total energy transport geopotential energy, and latent heat in the model. was calculated as the sum of the atmospheric and oceanic transport. The GISS direct transports have been plotted against the Carissimo et al. observations for the atmosphere, ocean and total energy transport in figure The figure shows that the total energy transport agrees reasonably well 6.1. between observations and the model, while the model transports relatively more energy in the atmosphere than the oceans than in observations (as noted by Covey, 1988). The ocean transport in the model is particularly small relative to the Carissimo et al. observations in middle latitudes in the Southern 6 Validation of model fundamentals: energy transport 66 Miller et al. (1983) also find that the GISS model yields smaller Hemisphere. The discrepancy may be transports between 400S and 60 0 S than observations. errors as well partly related to observational as to model shortcomings. transports in the observations, the radiosonde data used to derive atmospheric are tentative and the atmospheric transports Southern Hemisphere is sparse as any error in Since the ocean transports are inferred as a residual, a result. For the atmospheric transports would affect the ocean transports as well. In a test of the indirect method, the GISS indirect total energy transport calculated from equation 6.3 was plotted against the GISS total energy transports as shown in figure 6.2. directly calculated In general, the match of the magnitude and distribution of the flux calculated by the two methods is pretty us gives and good, method and The match is not perfect however, and we note that the reasonably accurate. indirect useful is method indirect the that confidence slightly the overestimates peak of the transport in the This is possibly a result of the fact that the numbers Northern Hemisphere. for the net radiation at the top of the atmosphere in the GISS model still do not In annual balance. yield a global any case, the spread between the curves relative to the gives an indication of the error in using the indirect method The error related to use of the indirect method is a few tenths direct method. of a terraWatt at the peak of the transport curve, and very small elsewhere. 6.4 6.4.1 Results Annual radiative fluxes at the top of the atmosphere averaged vertical fluxes for each of the models (obtained The annually The figures from AER Climate Group, 1987) are plotted in figures 6.3.1 to 6.3.6. show the major vertical fluxes of energy at the surface heat, longwave, and shortwave) and top of the (sensible heat, latent (longwave atmosphere shortwave) for the 1xCO 2 and 2xCO 2 equilibrium runs in the models. et al. (1988) calculation Gutowski have already analysed the model surface fluxes in detail. of the annual meridional energy transport we only the vertical fluxes at the top of the atmosphere (figs. Clearly, there are differences so we might begin are 6.3.1 and interested For in and 6.3.2). between the model simulated vertical fluxes, and to suspect that there will be differences 6 in their energy Validation of model fundamentals: energy transport 67 transports (as outlined in the next section). We reserve discussion on why the models differ until after we have considered the transports. - 6.3.6 is that the One feature which can be noted from figures 6.3.1 the between differences the between differences 1CO 2 flux and 2CO 2 flux for each model. greenhouse change That is, the Does this mean that the game than the differences in flux between the models. successful the for each model is smaller change in fluxes induced by the CO 2 perturbation is over for than greater are fluxes model different Not necessarily. modelling? A could be that one of the models might be right and the trivial explanation This explanation is not required at all however, since there is a others wrong. If the mean state in each of the far more plausible view that can be taken. models is off by a little bit (yielding different values for the fluxes), that does not necessarily mean that the predictions are off for doubled CO 2 . If the models are linearized about a different mean state, they would have different the equations describing only slightly and could still yield consistent results for the predicted changes. Whether this is so or not depends on how nonlinear the system is. If the for coefficients different), nonlinearity is strong, small differences (but physics the or perturbations might lead to large differences between predicted states (though it depends on the time scale and Manabe of interest). the phenomenon Stouffer and sort of behaviour in a coupled atmosphere-ocean demonstrate this (1988) climate model. In an initial run with the model the ocean surface fluxes were close to observations, but a thermohaline circulation did not develop in the North Atlantic ocean and the simulated SST in the region was significantly lower in northern latitudes than the observed. In another model run with the surface ocean fluxes changed a little, a thermohaline circulation developed in the the simulated SSTs were closer to observations. North Atlantic ocean, and The question of how important, On the basis of the and what role the nonlinearities play is still an open one. Manabe and Stouffer results at least, we have some grounds to be suspicious of the consequences of the fluxes noted above. differences between the model simulated vertical On the other hand, we do not have sufficient grounding to dismiss the model predictions on the basis of the differences. In calculating flux (shortwave the energy transports we use the annual net radiative plus longwave) at the top of the atmosphere 6 (as represented Validation of model fundamentals: energy transport 68 in eqn. 6.3). The net flux at the top of the atmosphere is shown in figure 6.3.7 for each of the models Stephens et al. (1981), and for observations. and are represented The observations by the dashed line. are from At most latitudes the observations lie between the ranges displayed by the three GCM net flux curves. low latitudes For all curves the broad pattern shows a net downward flux at and a net upward flux in high latitudes. This pattern yields poleward energy transports as we shall see in the following section. 6.4.2 Energy transports calculated for the control The annual northward total energy transports run for each model from equation 6.3 are shown as a function of latitude in figures 6.4.1 to 6.4.4. In figures 6.4.1 to 6.4.3, three curves are shown for each of the NCAR, GFDL, and GISS energy transports. The curves labelled 'S' and 'N' south and north poles respectively. The curve labelled 'C' is the corrected transport calculated from equation 6.4. are for integrations beginning from the The curve labelled '0' is Carissimo et al. (1985) observations. For the GFDL model, the difference between negligible, indicating that the model is in annual GISS model there is a small residual. curves N, S, and C is radiative balance. 3 3 For the This might be expected since there is no a priori reason why the constant correction technique used to balance the GISS model at the surface should yield a successful energy balance at the top of the atmosphere. In the NCAR model there is a large residual at the poles. This is not unexpected, since the NCAR model control run is known not to have reached a quasi equilibrium. globally averaged Schlesinger and. Mitchell (1987) surface air temperature year in the control run. note that the NCAR model was cooling at a rate of 0.4K per Using the NCAR transport residual it is possible to estimate an implied drift for the NCAR model to compare with the actual drift. We perform this calculation crudely below. 33 1t also serves as a check on the implementation of the integration scheme used to calculate the transport, since it would be quite a coincidence for the scheme to be in error and still yield a perfect balance for one of the models. 6 Validation of model fundamentals: energy transport 69 The NCAR surface area is energy transport 5.1x10 1 4 m 2 , residual is about 5x10 1 5 W. 9.8W/m 2 . so the imbalance is The earth's The model drift is of the model. given by this number divided by the total heat capacity The We will NCAR model has a 50m deep ocean, land surfaces, and atmosphere. approximate the area of the earth's surface covered by the NCAR ocean as 70%, and we will neglect the heat capacity of the land relative to the ocean and ocean the Approximating since it is small. atmosphere specific heat at 1 atm. pressure and 0*C (Cp=4217 as water 3 4 with a ) and density 1000kg/m 3 , the ocean heat capacity is JJ x 50m x 1000kg/m 3 = 1.49x108 12 0.7 x 4217-kgK m K the atmosphere as dry air at constant pressure with specific J density 1.225kg/m 3 , and depth 8km, the atmosphere heat heat CP=1004kgK' Approximating capacity is J J 1004- x 8000mn x 1.225 kg/rn 3 = 9.8x10 6 m 2K kgK The total model heat capacity is approximated as the sum of the ocean and Dividing this value into the atmosphere heat capacity, and is thus 1.6x108mK. energy imbalance yields a drift of 6.2x10- 8 K/s, or approximately 2K per year (cooling). If the was model perfectly then the drift calculated approximations were reasonable, same the figure as consistent energetically Schlesinger quoted by and Mitchell and the above above should be the (0.4K). The drift implied by the energy imbalance at the top of the atmosphere does not match drift in imbalance in the NCAR possibly it is larger. the model; the actual model is partially This suggests that the compensated by something energy else; the numerics. 34 A single heat capacity is used for the ocean in liquid form, and no attempt is made to include variations for sea ice or for the heat capacity of the polar ice sheets. 6 Validation of model fundamentals: energy transport 70 corrected This value is subject to should corrected residual the transport Because be model NCAR model, to referring discussion subsequent in in the the than for the other models. greater uncertainty mind in born is so large the transports. Figure 6.4.4 shows the corrected model energy transports plotted against The figure shows one another and against the Carissimo et al. observations. differences between the different model transports, particularly at the peaks in the transport curve. The differences the NH peak in the transport at between the models are large compared to the error inferred in the technique Only the NCAR transport curve for calculating the transport from figure 6.2. is unreliable due to the global energy imbalance in that model. While the differences between models can be assumed to be real, the differences between the models and observations are not as reliable due to the uncertainty in observations at mid-latitudes of about lx101 5 W. The difference between models and observations is of this order or greater, so the differences between the The models and observations are probably of marginal significance or better. model shows a relatively larger total energy transport than observations in the Northern Hemisphere, while the NCAR and GFDL models show relatively The result is not completely symmetric in less transport than observations. GISS At the transport peak in the SH the GISS the Southern Hemisphere however. and NCAR curves are close to observations. greater than observations, though not The GISS transport is a little by more than the uncertainty in the The NCAR SH transport peak is even less significantly different The from observations due to the additional uncertainty in the NCAR curve. GFDL SH transport peak is smaller than observations by a margin greater than observations. the uncertainty in the observations. Returning to discussion of the more significant NH transport we note that the GISS model total energy transport includes model The ocean transports follow contributions from the atmosphere and ocean. differences, from the prescription of SSTs using the 'Q flux' method. The NCAR and GFDL models do not include ocean transports, so all the energy transport must take It is likely that the atmosphere does not pick up all place in the atmosphere. the slack caused by the omission of ocean transport (Stone, the smaller NCAR and GFDL transports. 6 The implications 1984), leading to of this will be Validation of model fundamentals: energy transport discussed in the next chapter. overextensive run simulates For now we note that the NCAR model control sea ice relative to observations (Washington and They attribute this as being most likely due to the lack of ocean heat transport in the model. In the GISS model, the annual mean sea ice cover There is 15% less sea ice in the is under extensive relative to observations. Meehl, 1984). transport energy calculations relative but slightly underextensive conclusions about in whether the Northern transport small these Hemisphere at other times both hemispheres communication). personal (Wetherald, in observations to energy GISS is too In the GFDL model the simulated sea ice is strong relative to observations. overextensive the which in This is consistent with the 1984). model than in observations (Hansen et al., 35 winter, of the year It is difficult to draw solid differences are consistent with the since the energy transport and sea ice extent This will be elucidated in the by other processes as well. GFDL energy transport curves, are influenced following chapter when analysing the EBMs. In terms of model validation, our major concern from figure 6.4.4 is whether the differences between the model simulated energy transports are The next chapter will be important; if so why, and with what implications. devoted to exploring this by issue considering how sensitive the climate system is to the energy transports. 6.4.3 Atmospheric transports energy Before proceeding to the next chapter, we present here the atmospheric The results will be discussed in relation component of the energy transports. to the temperature structure displayed in the models to determine whether the errors in each quantity appear to be consistent with one another. The atmospheric shown in figure 6.5. transports energy for observations are by the dashed curve, and models Observations are represented and For the NCAR (labelled N) and GFDL (labelled P) models, the atmospheric energy transports are the same as the total energy are from Carissimo et al. (1985). The sea ice simulation in the GFDL model run corresponding to this data has not been described in any published documents, and these observations were taken from model sea ice maps supplied by Richard Wetherald. 35 6 Validation of model fundamentals: energy transport 72 transport. ocean energy are transports energy from atmospheric model from the calculations direct the atmospheric G), model (labelled For the GISS have no since these models using the indirect method, calculated transports motions as supplied by Reto Reudy. GISS the with consistent containing model more important in low latitudes), relatively and less than the NCAR transport is energy are similar to In low latitudes the GISS one another, but much larger than observations. atmospheric transports shows that the model atmospheric Figure 6.5 ocean GFDL transports, are (which transports which are not represented in the One might expect that the intensity of the Hadley cell in the and GFDL models would be stronger than that observed in the real other models. NCAR atmosphere to make up for the omission of ocean transports in low latitudes. We have not been able to find published references to the strength of the Hadley cell circulation in the control run for either of these models to verify this on Information however. meridional mean simulation circulation is The Hadley cell available for the GISS model (Stone, personal communication). in the GISS model is approximately correct, being some 10-20% too weak. The atmospheric energy transport in low latitudes in the NCAR and GFDL models is 15 and 50% greater than in the GISS model, between that their suggesting Hadley cell circulations are too strong. In midlatitudes the GISS simulated ferrel cell is too weak, being less than Starr et al. (1970) have published estimates for half of its observed strength. The GISS observations of Ferrel cell strength using a variety of techniques. The Ferrel simulated Ferrel cell is weak relative to the Starr et al. estimates. cell is a thermodynamically the Ferrel will cell indirect reverse contribute. to atmospheric energy transport. cell is underestimated has impugned transports are transports and the simulated (Stone, observations, correct instead. observations eddy of the momentum poleward transports suggested The differences atmospheric are in Covey (1988) personal communication). and af the the model atmospheric between model atmospheric that transport are quite large and it is unlikely that the observations could however (between 50 and 80%), be off by this much. overestimation In the GISS model it is believed that the Ferrel because error relative to observations an cell, and so an underestimate of In the absence of good reasons why the observations 6 Validation of model fundamentals: energy transport 73 be systematically should we continue to strong relative to amount, a large such low by too the observations. believe transports energy atmospheric the If too are observations in the GISS model, then they are also too strong in the NCAR and GFDL models, which have similar values for the peak atmospheric energy The peak of the atmospheric transport. similar though even since, transport, where and NCAR the the transports GFDL to be contain ocean do models not peaks, transport energy total might be expected atmospheric the Considering now figures 6.4.4 and 6.5 together, transports in the models are too large relative to energy transport peaks too. the atmospheric energy and observations; the observations, are relatively much closer to observations. approximately transports are meridional temerature would correct are gradients about suggest right. matching not while transports, energy total That the model total that If this simulated their is so, then the atmospheric components of the models are being too efficient (relative to the We can investigate this real atmosphere) at transporting energy polewards. by considering the meridional temperature 6.4.4 Meridional temperature structure simulated by the models. structure In our first attempt to describe the meridional temperature structure in the models we fitted the model zonally averaged temperatures to an equation of the form T(x)=To+T 2 P 2 (x), where x is the sine of latitude, and P2 is the second We chose this form to match the form of the EBM Legendre polynomial. In this representation, To is the planetary temperature representation. average temperature, and T 2 gives an indication of the equator to pole This approach was not very fruitful however, as it temperature gradient. turned out that T 2 did not give a very good measure of the forcing of the energy transport flux. The probable reason for this is that T 2 is influenced by temperatures in high whereas latitudes, the transport flux maximum peaks near about 400, and is not much influenced by high latitude temperatures. well 55*N. Stone and Miller (1980) have shown that the total energy transport is correlated with the temperature gradient at 1000mb between 25*N and Following this approach, we take the temperature gradient AT, as the sea 6 Validation of model fundamentals: energy transport 74 level temperature also calculated between difference AT as surface the 250 and 55* in the models. latitudes The results for the sea similar. latitudes, and the results were quantitatively these between difference temperature We level AT's are shown in table 6.1. For the NH, the AT for each of the models is quite close to its value for The observations. observations temperature derived from Agreement on A T's the Sellers is to be represented are (1965) correct, because the total transport reasonably the total energy level transports AT. determines sea observations. surface temperature if the expected by here are In the SH, the GISS model AT is close to observations, while the NCAR AT is too large, and the GFDL AT is too small. The GFDL AT is small because the model simulates a relatively high zonal mean temperature at 55 0 S (60 C too warm). the SH is mostly ocean, few observing with same an with also applies an atmospheric transport stronger than observations transport atmospheric to the models the atmospheric observations. From this we conclude the inconsistencies models. between To models than are much that the atmospheric or resolve temperature transports, we need to consider their energy balance The observations. where the AT's are transports highlight the stronger in the NH, yet in observations in the GFDL SH a weak observations, efficient so Similarly, a AT close to observations as in the GISS SH is not as in figure 6.5. consistent and Nonetheless, themselves might be questionable there. AT is not consistent with stations, This latitude in some larger transports of structure close to the and in more detail. than are too apparent energy To this end we will parameterize 1-D EBMs from the output of the 3-D GCMs to analyse the energy balance implications of the errors in the GCMs. This approach is taken up in the next chapter. 6 Validation of model fundamentals: energy transport 75 TABLE 6.1 Sea level temperatures near 550 and 250 in each hemisphere derived from GCMs AT is the temperature difference per degree of and Sellers (1965) observations. The actual latitudes were chosen on the latitude over this range of latitudes. They are: model grids as close as possible to the above nominated latitudes. NCAR and GFDL (55.55* and 24.440), GISS (58.70 and 27.4*), and Sellers (550 and 250). NCAR GFDL GISS SELL T at 55 0 S (K) T at 250 S (K) AT (K) T at 25*N (K) T at 550 N (K) AT (K) 272.3 280.2 274.3 274.4 295.6 295.6 293.9 292.6 0.75 0.50 0.63 0.61 296.4 296.6 295.6 295.0 275.7 274.9 275.1 274.8 0.67 0.70 0.66 0.67 6 Validation of model fundamentals: energy transport 76 MODEL CLIMATE SENSITIVITY 7 7.1 Introduction In the previous between construction outputs. simulated from and differences we noted various similarities chapters of the three GCMs considered For instance, the model here, and it is one another (though not radically different from observations), is concern different whether differences the The sensitivities. climate model in Of primary are important or not. interesting to ask whether the differences term energy transport could yield refers to how sensitivity' 'climate different are transports energy their and between much the climate changes (as measured by say its global average temperature) in response to a perturbation or change in forcing (such as due to changes in incoming changes in due to or radiation solar of greenhouse concentration gases in the atmosphere, etc.). For CO 2 doubled the three the experiments display GCMs similar Why should this be so when the models have obvious differences sensitivities. in the way they are formulated, and in the way they model certain processes? transports We know that their energy show that the and will are different, To test this sensitivity, climate is sensitive to the energy transport. we will This yields parameterize a 1-D EBM with output from each of the three GCMs. 'equivalent' EBMs, meaning that each EBM is set up to be an equivalent 1-D We hope that the essential of the 3-D GCM. energy balance representation physics relevant to energy balance contained in each GCM will be represented 1-D equivalent. in its then their equivalent If the three GCMs really do have similar sensitivities, 1-D EBM sensitivities (assuming that the essential physics has been captured). sensitivities turn out to be different, then the fact that similar to have also ought representations If the the models have approximately the right control climate, means this must be so for the wrong reasons. If the compensating differences sensitivities factors between or the turn processes models, out to be at work some of similar, then (to account which, sensitivity), and we ought to try to identify them. we must there for know, the be obvious affect the 77 7.2 Climate sensitivity to the energy transport To illustrate how the climate is sensitive to the energy transport, we will Stone used an EBM to show that the follow the approach used in Stone (1978). energy transport flux is insensitive to the climate (except when the dynamical the the radiative local is near system climate will and result Stone's rederive mode truncated EBM (as two parameterization described but with albedo earlier), from parameterization temperature-longwave same the using and Wang The rederivation will also serve as a further introduction to the Stone (1980). EBM We flux. transport 'Northtype' and The converse of this result is that the climate is very sensitive equilibrium). to low is transport efficiency which be will from parameterized model output and observations in sections. following which Equation 4.15 in the EBM derivation defines the function xs(q), describes how the extent of the polar icecap changes as the solar constant The iceline latitude is plotted against the ratio of the solar constant changes. Where the to the current solar constant (taken to be 1365W/m 2 ) in figure 7.1. solar constant has its current value, the iceline is at its NH value of xs = 0.95 A climate sensitivity for the EBM is readily found by changing the (72*N). solar constant temperature, a by known the calculating were performed not average planetary The climate sensitivity, To, corresponding to that solar constant. P, can be defined by P = q aTo/Aq. experiments and amount In the 3-D GCMs, the climate sensitivity by changing solar the constant, but by Greenhouse gases are doubling the amount of CO 2 in the model atmosphere. not included explicitly in the 1-D EBM, so we cannot perform the exactly analagous CO 2 doubling sensitivity test. We can however roughly approximate this sensitivity test by simply increasing the solar constant by 2% in the EBM, since the radiative forcings for each experiment are of similar magnitude. In experiments with the GISS GCM and a 1-D radiative-convective model, Hansen solar constant change corresponds to a forcing of doubling, the global mean radiative forcing is about 4W/m 2 et al. (1984) note that a 2% 4.8W/m 2. For a CO 2 (Hansen et al. 1981). similar radiative similar global experiments. The small heat capacity of the atmosphere means that the forcings mean heat for CO 2 change and solar constant change lead to fluxes into The resultant equilibrium the surface planetary global mean in the GISS warming of the surface 7 Model climate sensitivity 78 air is about 4 0 C in both the solar constant and CO 2 GISS sensitivity experiments. In later sensitivity experiments with the equivalent EBMs we will use a 2% solar constant change as a proxy for a CO 2 doubling sensitivity test. The meridional energy transport flux in the EBM is modelled by a simple diffusion law: F = -2 7c R 2 (1.x 2 ) D dI/dx 6 where R is the radius of the earth (we use a mean earth radius of 6.367x10 m). Substituting for I(x) and differentiating From equation 4.7, I(x) = I + 12 P 2 (x). yields: F = 6 D 12 ic R 2 (x 3 -x) 7.1 The transport flux is plotted as a function of x in figure 7.2. The flux maximum occurs where x=1/43 (~35*), and has a value of about 5.5 terraWatts. This is very close to the value of the flux maximum in the NH in the Carissimo et al. observations, but this is not too surprising. of the flux to internal parameters, In demonstrating the insensitivity Stone (1978) notes that the "ability of a climate model to reproduce the observed flux is not a good test of the model's reliability." To calculated seventh expanded reproduce result Stone's with our parameterizations, we first x, as a function of D for D values between 0 and 136 by solving the The fully order polynomial for xs represented by equation 4.15. polynomial {(12D+2)- 1 is: 27/4 8 S2 1 Xs7 + {(12D+2)- 1 (15/2 8 - 21/4 8 S2 } xs5 + 3 {8 S2 [1/2 + 25/4 (12D+2)- ] - 10 8 (12D+2)-1} xs + 2 {3(12D+2)- 1 [S2 (1-aO-) - 2/7 a2S2 - a2]} xs + { 8 [1 + 5/2 (12D+2) 1 ] { 1 - 1/5 a2S2 - ao -8 - - S 2 (1/2 + 5/4 (12D+2)-] } x, + (12D+2)-' [ S 2 (1-aXo-8) - 2/7 a2S2 - a2] - 4 Is/q } = 0 36 D is a measure of the efficiency of the dynamical fluxes in transporting energy from low to high When D=O, the system is in local radiative equilibrium, and as D increases the system latitudes. deviates more and more from local radiative equilibrium. 7 Model climate sensitivity 79 The resultant x, curve is shown in figure 7.3.3. efficiency of the dynamical polewards with increasing iceline transports (D) until D At this point the transports are so efficient that the ice has reaches about 0.39. been eliminated, The iceline latitude recedes and so further increases in D are irrelevant as far as the is concerned. Figure 7.3.2 from eqn. 4.11. shows 12 as a function of D, where 12 The flux maximum (Fmax) can now be calculated as a function of D from eqn. 7.1. The result, shown in figure 7.3.1 is quantitatively similar to Stone's result (his figure 4). Fmax is insensitive efficiency for D greater than about 0.17. not deviate has been calculated by more than to the dynamical Over the range 0.17 < D < 0.8 Fmax does from the value 5.5 terraW 15% transport current climate in the EBM is about 0.355). (note: D for the While Fmax is insensitive to the transport efficiency, note that conversely, the climate is very sensitive to the value of Fmax- Moving along the curve there are three values of D which give an Fmax of about the present NH value. These D values are 0.29, 0.355 (the and 0.42, which correspond to radically different climates with iceline latitudes at 600, 750 (the present) and an icefree earth respectively. The current value) value of the flux maximum need change by no more than a few percent over the range of D values between could be anywhere an between about 0.2 and 0.5, iceage and and the resulting climate an icefree earth. For further discussion of the Fmax - D curve refer to Stone (1978). We conclude that the climate is potentially quite sensitive to the energy transports. In the following sections we will set up equivalent EBMs to test this sensitivity for the three GCMs. 7.3 7.3.1 Equivalent EBM parameterization Parameterization technique Equivalent EBMs were parameterized with output from each of the three GCMs and with observations. Because the hemispheres do not have symmetric climates, a NH and a SH equivalent EBM were set up for each of the above cases, resulting in eight cases. The values of the input parameters in the NH and SH were also averaged to give a global equivalent EBM for each case (four more 7 Model climate sensitivity 80 twelve yielding cases), parameters to produce in cases is valid assuming a global version of averages Taking all. hemispheric and the linearity, extent to which the global EBM results are not bracketed by the hemispheric EBM results an indication give will of the non-linearity of the response. Jumping ahead to the results in table 7.1, it appears that the global equivalent results are roughly bracketed by result. each hemispheric To specify the EBM in each case, the required input parameters are the meridional distribution of solar radiation (SO,S 2 in eqn. 4.3), the albedo (ao,a 2 ,8 in eqn. 4.4), the surface temperature - longwave coupling (A,B in eqn. 4.2), the sea level temperature at the iceline latitude (Ts), and either the dynamical The major outputs from (xs). or the iceline latitude transport efficiency (D), the model are the longwave coefficients from eqns. 4.10-4.12 (10,12), and D or xs. Our initial approach was to specify D and calculate xs on the basis of the D. specified The reasoning for specifying D that we know the flux was in each model reasonably accurately from earlier calculations, and can use eqn. 7.1 and eqn. 4.11 to solve for 12. Knowing I2, we can then solve maximum for D and use it as an input to solve for xS. The problem with this approach The should be apparent from the conclusion drawn in the previous section. iceline latitude is too sensitive to the value of the flux maximum, and so any small errors in the value of the flux maximum in the lead to large errors derived value of the iceline latitudes. The approach taken then was to specify the iceline latitude xs, and use that to derive D for each of the models and observations. It is important to have the iceline correct in the equivalent EBMs if they are to represent the same climate states parameterizations 7.3.2 Mean solar constant as simulated are described annual by the The GCMs. results of the in following sections. meridional distribution of solar radiation and The mean annual meridional distribution of solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere in the EBM, S(x), is represented by eqn. 4.3. i.e. S(x)=1+S 2 P 2 (x). 7 Model climate sensitivity 81 With S2 =-0.482, S(x) is uniformly approximated within 2% (North, 1975). distribution of S(x) is determined from astronomical The and is the calculations, same in each EBM since all the GCMs incorporate this distribution correctly. We use the above value of S2 in each case. To calculate the latitudinal distribution of the albedo in each of the GCMs and observations it is necessary to know S(x). For this purpose we interpolated S(x) values to model latitudes from the values for S(x) tabulated in Chylek and since this is more accurate than using eqn. 4.3. Coakley (1975) Note that, in the annual mean case, S(x) is symmetric between the hemispheres. The solar constant, q, used to multiply S(x) to obtain the net incoming solar flux, Q, at a given latitude is not the same in the GCMs. For NCAR it is 1370W/m 2 , for GISS it is 1367W/m 2 , and for GFDL it is 7% larger at 1467W/m 2 . We use thes values in the equivalent EBMs. The observational value of the solar constant is not known to within better than about 5W/m 2 . given choice current measurements is A reasonable 1365W/m 2 , which is the value we use for the EBM parameterized to observations. Note that the EBM climate is quite sensitive to the solar constant as displayed in fig. 7.1. With the EBM as parameterized in this figure, in solar constant is enough to eliminate the polar ice sheets. increase a 2% All other things being equal, the 7% larger solar constant used in the GFDL GCM should eliminate the ice caps in that model. This is not the case in the GCM however, since there are ice caps in the GFDL control climate. Compensating factors must be at work there. 7.3.3 Iceline latitudes and sea level temperatures The technique for determining the iceline latitude in each of the models and observations was outlined in section 5.6. was Alexander and Mobley (1976). The iceline latitudes (accurate to within a couple of degrees) are plotted in figure 7.4. iceline latitude the same. in observations The data source for observations in northern The first thing to note is that the and southern hemispheres is not The NH iceline is at x,=0.95 (720) as conventionally specified in EBMs for the current climate, while the SH iceline is at x,=0.89 (63*). 7 The GFDL and Model climate sensitivity 82 GISS icelines are fairly close to the observed, while the NCAR model simulates too much ice in both hemispheres as has been noted previously. The sea level temperatures at the iceline, Ts, were interpolated from the profile for each of the models and observations in the meridional temperature respective The hemispheres. results are shown in figure Since 7.5. the meridional temperature profiles are fairly similar in each of the models and observations, the results for T, mostly reflect the iceline latitude positions (except for the GFDL SH, which is warm in southern high latitudes). 7.3.4 Outgoing longwave radiation The flux of outgoing longwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere, I, I is parameterized as given in is the prime dependent variable in the EBM. eqn. 4.2 as I = A + BT, where T is the sea level temperature in *C. For each of the models, output for I was available directly from the AER data. I is tabulated in Stephens et al. (1981). For observations, The latitudinal profiles of I are shown In in figures 7.6.3 and 7.6.4 for each hemisphere for models and observations. each of the curves there is a minimum in outgoing longwave radiation near Commenting on this in the equator, and a maximum in subtropical latitudes. the observations, Stephens et al. note that the near equatorial minimum is the result of "high topped clouds associated with the ITCZ," and that the subtropical maxima "are indicative of the subtropical dry zones (both over land and over ocean)." While all the models simulate this general profile, the GFDL model has significantly more outgoing IR at virtually all latitudes relative to NCAR, GISS, Remember that GFDL has more incoming solar radiataion and observations. than observations and the other models (its solar constant is 7% larger). the GFDL model is in energy balance the higher solar higher emissions to space, which can be shortwave, longwave, constant Since requires or both. The sea level temperature was derived for each of the models from the model output surface temperatures. was derived from the Sellers For observations the sea level temperature surface latitudinal profiles are shown in figures 7.6.5 for models and observations. profile fairly closely. data. temperature The resulting and 7.6.6 for each hemisphere In the NH all the models match the observation In the SH the match is not quite so good, with a tendency 7 Model climate sensitivity 83 for all of the models (especially GFDL in mid and high latitudes) to be warmer than observations. The coefficients A and B were determined for each case by least squares area weighting) the temperature fitting (with latitude longwave flux profiles. 7.7.1 profiles to the outgoing The values obtained for A and B are shown in figures There is not much that stands out from these and 7.7.2 respectively. figures except that in each case (models and observations) B is larger in the SH than the NH. To gain an indication of how well I is parameterized by eqn. 4.2 we calculated I from the A and B obtained above, using the sea level temperature profiles for T in each case. Comparing these figures relative magnitudes The results are shown in figures 7.8.1 and 7.8.2. with figures 7.6.3 of I are preserved and 7.6.4 it is apparent that the in each case, but that the equatorial i.e. figs. 7.8.1 and 7.8.2 show I minimum profile has been lost in every case. increasing steadily toward the equator. Equation 4.2 does not appear to be in low latitudes, and we should sophisticated enough to reproduce I accurately remember this in interpreting the EBM results. 7.3.5 Albedos Observations of the planetary albedo in the annual mean as a function of latitude are tabulated in Stephens et al., the observation EBM albedo. and were used for parameterizing For each of the GCMs we did not have available The albedo may be calculated however from the direct output of the albedos. net flux of shortwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere, SWnet, which we The net shortwave flux is related to the albedo do have for each of the models. via 7.2 SWnet(x) = q/4 S(x) [1 - a(x)] where q is the solar constant, a is the planetary albedo, and S is the meridional distribution of solar radiation. profiles for each Equation 7.2 was used to calculate the albedo of the models. The results are shown together with the Stephens et al. albedos for each hemisphere in figures 7.6.1 and 7.6.2. 7 In both Model climate sensitivity 84 there hemispheres are fairly between differences large the for the albedos The profile of the GISS albedo is in general closest to the The NCAR and profile, increasing relatively smoothly polewards. various cases. observed GFDL albedo profiles are flatter through to high latitudes, then rise sharply. In the EBM, the albedo is parameterized as in eqn. 4.4: a = ao + a 2 P 2 (x) + Su(x-xs). We pick ao, a2, and 8 by solving a system of three simultaneous equations. The first two equations are obtained by equating the first two insolation components in eqn. 4.9 with their expansions in equations 4.13 and 4.14: HO = f 90 0 H2 = 5f 0 S(x) [1- a(x)] dx = (1/2 8 S 2 ) x3 + ( 8 -1/2 8 S 2) x - 1/5 aX 2 S2 + 1-CCo-8 S(x)P2 (x) [1- a(x)] dx = (9/4 S S2 ) X5 + 5/2 ( 5 - 8 S2) X3 + 5/48 (S2 -2) x + S2 (1-ao-5) - 2/7 at2S2 - X2 The third equation we chose to be weighted to high latitudes to make sure that the parameterization represents the albedo reasonably well in latitudes higher than xs (i.e. that the 8 is well picked). The chosen integral and its expansion is: Hh = 1 S(x) [1- a(x)] dx = 9/20 a 2 S 2 x5 - 1/2 (a2S2 + S2 - a2 - aoS2 - 8 S2) x3 . Xs [ 1/2(a2 - S2 + aOS2 + 5 S 2 ) + 1- axo - 8 - 1/4 a 2S 2] x + 1 - ao - 8 - 1/5 a2S2 For of the three each equations above left hand the side was integrated numerically with albedo values taken from figs. 7.6.1 and 7.6.2, and with values With S2 set to -0.482, the three of S interpolated at each model's latitudes. equations were then solved in each case for the unknowns aCo, a2, and 8. The results are shown in figures 7.9.1, 7.9.2, and 7.9.3. ao is a measure of the global average planetary albedo, and does observations as shown in figure 7.9.1. shown in figure 7.9.2, the albedo. much not vary All between models ao values are close to 0.3. and provides a measure and a2 is of the meridional gradient of The GISS C2's are close to observations, while the NCAR and GFDL C2's are only half as large as observations. This is to be expected from the relatively flat albedo profiles for NCAR and GFDL in figures 7.6.1 and 7.6.2 (except in high latitudes where there is less area). 7 Model climate sensitivity 85 The component, third albedo 8, is shown in figure 7.9.3, and gives an indication of the strength of the albedo in high latitudes (where there is ice present). 8 is large relative to observations in the SH for the NCAR and GFDL models. S is about the same in both hemispheres in observations, but not in the The GISS S's are small relative to observations in both NCAR and GFDL models. hemispheres. To test the albedo parameterizations we substituted the values of ao, c 2 , and S obtained above into eqn. 4.4 and plotted the result in each case. Comparing the results obtained thus so in figures 7.10.1 with the and 7.10.2 albedos directly from models and observations that they were parameterized (figs. 7.6.1 successful. of curves The two sets in the features it is evident that the albedo parameterization and 7.6.2), actual albedo profiles are relatively seem to was quite similar, and most of the have been in captured We can thus be relatively confident of having parameterized profiles. to the a fair representation of the albedos in the EBMs. 7.4 EBM Equivalent results Having parameterized the equivalent EBMS calculated outputs for each case. calculated from Is = A + BTs. as outlined above, we then First, the value of I at the iceline, Is was Knowing Is, the transport efficiency, D, can be calculated from eqn. 4.15. For the sensitivity study, D was held fixed while the solar constant was The iceline latitudes, x., corresponding to the increased by 2% in each case. increased constant solar order polynomial were determined by solving represented by eqn. 4.15. expression for xs in the seventh For both the current climate and the climate with increased solar constant, we then solved for the longwave radiation, temperature, and flux maximum via: I = q/4 Ho(xs) (eqn. I2 = (Is-Io)/(P 2 (xs)) 4.10); 6irR 2 DI 2 (x 3 -x) (eqn. 4.12); To = (Io-A)/B; T 2 = 12 /B and Fmax = where x=1/13 is the latitude where the flux mamimum occurs. It was then possible to calculate the climate sensitivity, p p, for each case: 7.3 = qt (T0 2 -TO1)/(q 2 -q1 ) 7 Model climate sensitivity 86 where the 1 and 2 subscripts refer to cases with the current solar constant and The results, showing with the solar constant increased by 2% respectively. values for all inputs and outputs in the equivalent EBMs are tabulated in table 7.1. The values of I A relatively large I are shown in figure 7.11. value is obtained for the GFDL model in the SH, which is related to the very small negative value for T. in that case. All other T, values are not too different from observations. D The case each are shown 7.12, figure in and vary For observations D is about the same in both hemispheres with a The GISS D values are larger than this in both to 0.26. considerably. value for values close is which hemispheres, consistent the with large energy poleward transports The NCAR D values are less than observations, as Note however that the is the case for the NCAR energy transport in the NH. magnitude of the energy flux depends on 12 also, and will be discussed below. simulated in the GISS model. Figures 7.13 and 7.14 show values for I, 12, and To, and T2 for each case. For the planetary IR emission, I, the NCAR model shows asymmetry between the cases for the two hemispheres, whereas most other models and For 12 (a observations are relatively symmetric between hemispheres. measure of the of gradient meridional I), NCAR is large relative to observations in both hemispheres, which will tend to offset the low D values in The GISS model 12's are small relative to calculation of the energy transports. observations, which will tend to offset the relatively high GISS D values. of To and T 2 for each case we have plotted the EBM These profiles are temperature profile via T(x) = To + T2 P 2 (x). From values meridional The solid lines in the figures represented by the dashed lines in figure 7.15. show the actual sea level temperature in the relevant model or observations for each hemisphere capture the levelling particularly in each case. The EBM temperature off of the actual for observations temperature profiles and the NCAR model cases. profiles do not at low latitudes, For instance, the large To value displayed in figure 7.14.1 for the NCAR NH model is not realistic, 7 Model climate sensitivity 87 The since the EBM temperature profile is much too warm in low latitudes. unrealistic T values in the EBM reflect shortcomings in the use of such a The surface simple model, and not additional errors on the part of the GCMs. - outgoing IR parameterization temperature enough sophisticated account accurately to in the EBM drop the for was not sufficiently IR in near the equator, and this could lead to both To and T2 being larger than they should be. For the global version of the equivalent EBM, the planetary average 0 To, for NCAR and observations is 19.9 0 C and 16.6 C respectively, 0 0 the meridional gradient of the temperature, T2 , is 38.8 C and 34.6 C temperature, and which is too high. respectively, The energy transport maximum in the equivalent EBMs for each case is The corresponding flux maximim from shown in figure 7.16 as the solid bars. earlier calculations for the GCMs and observations is shown as the crossfor the cases For the global bars. hatched of the flux latter, the value For the EBM maximum plotted is an average of the two hemispheric values. global values however, the flux maximum is from the global EBMs parameter values. The with parameterized averages hemispheric the of results show reasonable agreement between the equivalent EBM flux maximum and the flux maximum from GCMs and observations, and this despite In the EBM results, the GISS shortcomings in the EBM representation of 12. transports are large relative to observations, and NCAR and GFDL transports are small relative to observations as for the GCMs and observations in fig. 4.4. The iceline latitudes input to the equivalent EBMs are shown in figure 7.17 (solid bars) alongside the iceline latitudes obtained from the EBMs when The GISS the solar constant was increased by 2% (diagonal pattern bars). latitudes iceline climate transports are closest to observations GISS the parameterized the iceline latitude. solar constant experiment. 37 model 37 has from in both advantage the of SST data, observed cases. For the control ocean representing which helps in heat simulating The equivalent GFDL EBM loses its polar ice caps for a 2% increase, it which This suggests Wetherald (personal communication) carbon dioxide in the GFDL model. did that not do whatever in the GCM compensating doubled mechanisms CO 2 are notes that only about half the sea ice melted for doubled 7 Model climate sensitivity 88 being represented they are still not as strong in the EBM, a compensating influence as in their representation and sum in the GCM. The ultimate goal of the EBM experiments was to determine the climate sensitivity for each equivalent EBM to see how it compares with the sensitivity For the GCMs the climate sensitivity to doubled CO 2 can be in the GCM. calculated by assuming that doubling CO 2 is equivalent to a 2% increase in the Given solar constant. in increase the temperature the the CO 2 doubling experiment in each GCM, and the GCMs solar constant, the GCM sensitivities are as follows: NCAR: p GFDL: GISS: p = 1370W/m 2 x 3.5K / 27.4W/m2 175K 3 8 = 1467W/m 2 x 4.0K / 29.3W/m2 200K = 1367W/m 2 x 4.2K/ 27.3W/m 2 210K The climate sensitivity calculated for each equivalent EBM is shown in figure 7.18 (and listed in table 7.1). They are fairly similar in most cases, with values lying between about 150K and 200K. and GFDL values in the SH. poleward than in The major exceptions are the NCAR In these cases the iceline shifted relatively further in response other cases to the increased solar constant, which would affect the sensitivity. The NCAR and GFDL EBMs have the highest values for S (which contributes to the albedo in icecovered latitudes) in the SH. Considering the climate sensitivity for the global equivalent EBMs, not only are they relatively similar for models and observations, but they are also similar (for models) to the values obtained from the GCM CO 2 doubling experiments listed above. The respective equivalent EBM and GCM values are: NCAR(190,175), GFDL(205,200), and GISS(145,210). The sensitivities are similar between models and between the EBM and GCM versions of the models in spite of the many obvious differences between the models. For instance, the energy transports differ, the solar constant is relatively larger in the GFDL model, the treatment of convection is different between the GISS etc. These and other models, the icelines differ, albedo profiles differ, differences should influence sensitivity. the model That the 38 The temperature in the NCAR doubled C02 run was still increasing (relative to the control run), and so the actual NCAR model climate sensitivity may be a little higher than this. 7 Model climate sensitivity 89 sensitivities are not so different suggests that either compensating factors are at work, or the GCM climate sensitivity is not sensitive to the differences between models. We reject the latter explanation on the grounds that the EBM climate sensitivity is quite to sensitive the solar constant (which differs between models), and the EBM climate is sensitive to the energy transport. 7.5 Discussion Compensation in the EBMs and GCMs could be a coincidence (this is unlikely, but if so it would not give us much faith in the models, since their agreement would be meaningless then), or it could be related to the physics in For the EBMs we have been unable to determine (at the time of writing) what factors are responsible for compensation leading to a lack of Potential candidates for sensitivity to the energy transport differences. the models. sensitivity compensation include those related to feedback ice-albedo and It is possible that the relationship between D water vapour / cloud feedbacks. D influences the energy transport which influences and xs may be important. the iceline position, xs. The position of the iceline changes the strength of the The iceline position ice-albedo feedback, which influences climate sensitivity. The strength of the ice-albedo feedback is also is also influenced by Ts. influenced by 8 (replacing no ice by ice). ao and a2 are not important since they merely specify the albedo in the absence of ice and so do not relate to the For the cloud and water vapour feedback the only ice-albedo feedback. important parameter is B, which provides a direct measure to the feedback. It is interesting to speculate at this point as to whether compensations are necessarily present in the GCMS (and their equivalent EBMs) because the GCMs are tuned to the current climate. Tuning is possible in the GCMs because The all the relevant physics are not included with certainty and completeness. meridional temperature structure is approximately right in each of the GCMs partly compensations, set, they because tuned to the is still much on physics) by tuning physics to current climate. If this induces 8, xs, Ts, and D may be constrained (not then the parameters B, since there depend are the in the models, current and these climate. This parameters raises the possibility that the climate sensitivity is constrained by tuning to the current climate. A way to test this in the EBM would be to see whether it is possible to 7 Model climate sensitivity 90 change the sensitivity of an EBM (by changing B, 6, xs, Ts, and D) while still the maintaining current correct climate and with consistency observations. If it is possible, then we can be pretty certain that it is also possible to change feedbacks related to B, 6, xs, Ts, and D in the more complex GCMs and change the If it is possible to change these parameters in the sensitivity in the GCMs too. EBM and change the sensitivity then we know that the errors in the GCMs are important, and would have some indication of where to look for them in each In future work we will try to answer the unresolved questions identified GCM. in discussion here. 7.6 GCM In the problem implications validation next chapter we consider aspects greenhouse of the relevant in science and policy frameworks change Before moving together. to this level however (and by way of introduction) we follow on here with a brief discussion on validation of GCMs, considering implications transport validation Theories of the energy results. of greenhouse change can not be properly validated without validation of the 3-D GCMs, since greenhouse change scenarios rely so heavily on GCM experiments in the absence of other tools to forecast climate change in Attacks detail. consequently GCMs. on the concentrated validity to of greenhouse a considerable degree change on have scenarios uncertainties in the Newsweek (1989) quotes U.S. White House Chief of Staff John Sununu as saying "you do not establish policies on the basis of incomplete arguing against taking steps to mitigate greenhouse warming. Apart from the fact that the Government does this all the time where economic concerned 39 , this begs the validation question. incomplete is too incomplete, models" in models are We really need to ask how and how much uncertainty is too much, as there will always be some incompleteness and therefore uncertainty in any model of a complex system. 39 Handel (personal communication) notes that he would "place far more faith in forecasts of global warming from increases in greenhouse gases, than in the belief that we are on the high side of the Laffer curve so that decreasing the upper tax rates will lead to increases in government revenues." 7 Model climate sensitivity 91 research, the answer to these questions might not be too important, since, for the accumulation of scientific knowledge we might be more interested in learning about processes in the models than For policy purposes, the concerned with the actual predictions themselves. For the sake of scientific greenhouse change scenarios are important, since it is desireable to determine what the potential impacts on society might be, if policies are to be put in What then are the implications of model differences (such as in energy transport), model internal inconsistencies (such as between energy transports place. and temperature structure and iceline), model incompleteness (such as lack of ocean energy transports, or lack of potential for ocean transports to change as climate changes), and other model uncertainties for validation of the GCMs and greenhouse their change of model implications The projections? shortcomings depend short answer is on just what it is we that the want to If we want to know whether the regional results in a particular area for a particular GCM are reliable or not, then the answer is probably no. 4 0 The effects of ocean circulation are not included in the models, determine from the models. and transports energy ocean, affect are not correctly partitioned between atmosphere and and this would affect the atmospheric circulation, which in turn would regional climate (other factors such as poor representation of hydrology and clouds and moist convection would also be important in this results are not reliable for the purpose of forecasting regional climate does not mean that the model results are not reliable period. There are other questions one can ask of the models for which the above That is, for some questions, the results may shortcomings may not be crucial. regard). That model not be very sensitive to the remaining uncertainties, or at least not so much as In this case to yield scenarios that would warrant a different policy response. Alternatively, it the model results must be acceded some degree of validity. may not be clear how sensitive the model projections are to the remaining uncertainties, though the perceived risks associated with the projections be high enough to warrant policy responses regardless may of how much validity we associate with the models. 40 For most questions at this level the answer is certainly no. For particular regions like midlatitude continents and for questions related to drought occurrence, GCMs may provide some reliable information. 7 Model climate sensitivity 92 In either case, the question being asked of the GCMs at present is what the equilibrium global warming associated with a doubling of CO 2 in the The results yielded by models are typically in the range 1.5atmosphere is. 0 These results are widely enough quoted in the 5.5 C (Dickinson, 1989). but on a sense of validity by reinforcement, thay they have taken literature From whence do they derive their validity? we must ask: why believe them? Are they sensitive to the sorts of errors and inconsistencies we have noted in transport the energy following three parts what the radiative to response temperature is forcing the the (and down broken with response the into The second part can in the the response models simpler 1-D feedbacks can From present. feedbacks of absence of the absence in response 1.20 C temperature response a net positive feedback considered here) in the range of 4 0 C. they yield It is the representation (particularly the cloud of the in the feedbacks) radiative-convective be models, 1989) i.e. about 1.20 C. the range quoted (personal communication), response with (warming) to for feedbacks, a given (for that most is the since models three the contentious are feedbacks which displays sensitivities between by Dickinson 4 1). changing the positive feedback no feedbacks strength 1.9K of clouds (though these results and 5.2K for various plausible representations are still not outside and determined, This is demonstrated by the results from the sensitive to model uncertainties. UKMO model (Mitchell et al. feedbacks the are incorporated in GCMs sensitivities and and feedbacks generally yields results at the lower end of the above range. When feedbacks to the involves part third determination of how long it takes the response to occur). be surface the what determining not much and small relatively involves part second are they While there are CO 2 is. with doubling forcing associated The about. argued first part is determining The (1989). Dickinson this determination, in uncertainties CO 2 response prediction can be broken down doubled equilibrium The into for instance? than As noted by Stone surface feedback provide the a cooling temperature greater response tendency for a 4 1They are also not outside the lower end of the range estimated by NRC (1979) for carbon dioxide doubling of 3*C±1.5 0C. 7 Model climate sensitivity 93 negative of feedback the profile considering same the strength. of the feedback This be can understood versus ratio response / no feedback by This ratio goes as 1/(1the feedback plotted in figure 2 in Schlesinger (1989). f), where f is the feedback, and is much more sensitive to positive feedbacks. This means that to reduce the sensitivity of the GCMs by a significant amount we must include processes not currently accounted for, that yield substantial While this does not prove that the GCM sensitivities negative feedback. right, it makes the proving of job them wrong more are since substantial, processes not included in the models that would yield only weak feedbacks will not suffice to change the results much when they are included. The doubled CO 2 sensitivity results from the models cannot be tested for some time however (until greenhouse gases to an equivalent build up CO 2 doubling, and the surface temperature has time to respond), and so confidence A variety of validation tests in the models must be derived from other sources. are possible, and some of them were outlined in an earlier chapter. These tests are ultimately important as reasons why those who find GCM results credible find them credible, and so will be mentioned again here. Firstly, GCMs agree the qualitatively in many respects in their CO 2 This test doubling simulations, and for their simulation of the current climate. ultimately yields a half glass of water though, in that one's perspective of whether the glass is half full (models agree) or half empty (models disagree) depends on what is being compared and what one is trying to show. Nevertheless, GCMs the do yield similar sensitivities and results despite The equivalent EBM model differences in the way they have been formulated. results suggest (barring coincidences) that the GCMs obtain similar sensitivities due to compensations between processes related to ice-albedo feedback and cloud and water vapour feedback, so that the outcome is perhaps not too sensitive to differences in model formulation. Further evidence supporting GCMs comes from their ability to simulate the seasonal cycle (which involves larger temperature changes than CO 2 doubling results), past climates (including the last glacial maximum), and the Confidence in the GCMs is climates of other planets such as Mars and Venus. also obtained by noting consistency with simpler models and physics 7 (which Model climate sensitivity 94 can be more easily understood), and with observations of temperature and CO 2 in past climate changes (on paleoclimatological time scales and over the last 100 years). None of this evidence taken alone offers clear confirmation of GCMs and In validating a GCM there are lots of their climate sensitivity experiments. necessary tests that can be performed, but no sufficient ones (short of waiting It is therefore virtually impossible to validate a until hindsight is available). On the other GCM (or any other model of a complex system) unequivocally. For hand, everybody has some confidence in GCM results at some level. example, the basic physics of the greenhouse effect is reproduced in a GCM and is not disputed. How far one is willing to go in seeing utility in GCM output on how much weight one gives to the various validation tests that are available to support the types of processes that the results depend on. Those that have some confidence in the GCM doubled CO 2 at a particular level depends as sensitivity results particular validation information relevant available reasonable test, to but test generally through the a so, do not and the their of a basis of all the representation of the judgement subjective models on physics. The GCM projections are at least plausible at some level, and are gaining In the next chapter we will outline a attention in the policy community. validation framework for greenhouse change and (models projections) in a science - policy context. 7 Model climate sensitivity 95 TABLE 7.1 Inputs and outputs from the twelve equivalent EBMs. In each case the first four letters denote the model or observations that the EBM was parameterized The last two letters denote the hemisphere (Northern Hemisphere or to. Results are Southern Hemisphere) or average of the hemispheres (Global). given for both the current solar constant and for the solar constant increased by 2%. The climate sensitivity calculated for each case is also shown. CURRENT CASE VALUE SOLAR CONSTANT NCARNH NCARSH GFDLNH GFDLSH GISSNH OISSSH CBSNNH O3SNSH NCARGL GFDLGL GISSQL C3SNGL WASTWH 0 XS IS 10 0. 167 0.207 0. 275 0. 353 0. 415 0.365 0.266 0.253 0. 177 0.291 0. 385 0. 258 0. 355 0.920 0.839 0.956 0. 899 0.957 0.906 0.950 0.891 0. 880 0.928 0. 932 0. 920 0. 950 185. 64 188.60 193.44 208.97 188. 55 192.89 181.89 190. 48 186.77 200. 40 190.36 185. 85 191.S5 245.93 235. 30 244.04 244. 68 231. 92 233. 68 236. 78 239. 76 241.45 244. 73 232. 87 238. 31 236. 46 2% INCREASED 0 NCARNH NCARSH GFDLNH CFDLSH GISSNH GISSSH 0. 167 0. 207 0. 275 0.353 0. 415 0. 365 OSSNNH 0.266 OBSNSH 0.253 NCARGL 0. 177 GFDLGL 0.291 -GISSGL 0.385 OBSNGL 0. 258 WASTWH 0.355 CASE SOLAR OBSNNH OBSNSH NCARGL GFDLGL GISSCL OSSNGL WASTWH TO T2 FM A a ALO AL2 DEL TS GO -39. 5 -36.7 -32. 1 -24. 2 -29.4 -28. 6 -35. 3 -33.9 -3. 8 -28. 9 -29. 1 -34. 6 -32. 1 3.85 5. 12 4. 71 5.20 6.06 6.00 5. 04 5.30 4.30 4.80 6.00 5. 46 201.4 196.3 216.9 210. 5 207. 1 203. 6 204. 7 206.8 198.9 213.7 205.4 205. 8 213.0 1. 98 2.29 1.81 2.07 1. 69 1. 95 1.82 2. 10 2. 14 1. 94 1. 82 1. 96 1. 63 0. 280 0. 283 0.341 0. 322 0.340 0.330 0. 317 0.303 0.282 0.331 0.335 0.310 0.:316 0.079 0.076 0.099 0.041 0.208 0. 202 0. 162 0. 168 0.078 0.070 0.205 0. 165 0. 146 0.209 0. 364 0. 148 0.251 0.079 0. 101 0. 164 0. 168 0.286 0.200 0.090 0. 166 0. 186 -7.9 -3. 4 -13.0 -0.7 -11.0 -5. 5 -12. 5 -7. 8 -5. 7 -6.8 -8.2 -10. 1 -13.0 1370.0 1370.0 1467.0 1467.0 1367.0 1367. 0 1365.0 1365.0 1370.0 1467.0 1367.0 1365.0 1365.0 T2 FM A ALO AL2 DEL TS GO 3.76 4.32 4.61 4.79 6.10 6.02 4.98 5.28 4.09 4.47 6.03 5. 12 5.34 201.4 196.3 216. 9 210. 5 207. 1 203.6 204.7 206.8 198.9 213.7 205.4 205.8 213.0 0.280 0.283 0.341 0. 322 0.340 0. 330 0.317 0.303 0.282 0.331 0.335 0.310 0.316 0.079 0.076 0.099 0.041 0.208 0.202 0. 162 0. 168 0.078 0.070 0.205 0. 165 0. 146 0.209 0.364 0. 148 0.251 0.079 0. 101 0. 164 0. 168 0.286 0.200 0.090 0. 166 0. 186 -7.9 -3. 4 -13.0 -Q. 7 -11.0 -5. 5 -12. 5 -7.8 -5.7 -6. 8 -8.2 -10. 1 -13.0 1397.4 1397.4 1496.3 1496.3 1394.3 1394.3 1392.3 1392.3 1397.4 1496.3 1394.3 1392. 3 1392.3 5.16 CCNSTANT XS IS 10 12 TO 0. 956 0. 952 0.999 1.000 0.990 0.940 0.985 0.923 0.930 1.000 0.965 0.954 1.000 185.64 188.60 193.44 208. 97 188. 55 192.89 181.89 190.48 186.77 200.40 190.36 185.85 191.85 252.44 249. 49 250.23 255. 16 237.06 239. 10 242.64 245.76 249. 56 252.71 238. 15 244. 25 242.99 -76. 70 -70. 85 -56. 96 -46. 19 -50.01 -55. 98 -63. 59 -71.06 -78.75 -52. 30 -53.28 -67. 50 -51. 13 25.8 23.2 18.4 21.6 17.7 18. 2 20.8 18. 5 23. 7 20. 1 18. 0 19. 6 18.4 CLIMATE SENSITIVITY PARAMETER NCARNH NCARSH GFDLNH GFDLSH GISSNH GISSSH 12 -78. 34 22. 5 -84. 02 17. 0 15.0 -58. 10 -50. 13 16. 5 -49. 64 14.7 -55. 78 15. 4 -64. 29 17. 6 -71. 32 15. 7 -82. 82 19.9 -56.09 16.0 -53. 03 15. 1 -68. 04 16.6 14. 4 -52. 25 : -38.7 -30.9 -31. 5 -22.3 -29.6 -28.7 -34.9 -33.8 -36.9 -27.0 -29.3 -34. 4 -31.4 B 1.98 2.29 1.81 2.07 1.69 1. 95 1.82 2. 10 2.14 1.94 1.82 1.96 1.63 BETA GOT/DG 164.20 309.73 171.02 253. 20 152.20 139. 10 160.74 142.62 189. 77 205. 57 145.07 151. 17 200.03 7 Model climate sensitivity 96 8 GREENHOUSE CHANGE VALIDATION FRAMEWORK Introduction 8.1 about greenhouse there are a validating cultures and between between also differences their requirements. in these validation process are there theory, scientific requirements and policy science between commonalities many While contexts. and policy in science change validation for thinking a framework of this chapter is to present The purpose these comparing and contrasting By in two the arenas, it might be possible to identify ways of facilitating effort between them to match their respective needs more closely. We will argue that there are characteristics which do lead to some degree of the greenhouse between of mismatch in requirements problem science We and policy validation systems (thus compounding the validation problem). treat each system as a dynamic system that is capable of responding to changes We do not in the other, and adjusting its requirements or effort accordingly. venture to suggest just how dynamic each system is, but will try to identify questions that could be presented from one system to a responsive other. Some of the questions and problems identified in the framework will undoubtedly turn out (under deeper analysis) not to be problems at all. not expect exhaust to the of list Conversely, we do in encountered difficulties evaluating science-policy issues in the context of the framework. greenhouse The validation framework relies upon notions of how science and policy systems operate. philosophy validation The domain views scientific theories outlined to be as valid if they are in the science consistent, largely and than alternative seem to explain more about the way the world might work views of the world. Validation in the policy domain will extend upon the scientific version acceptability. to consider The policy issues system such as useability, is viewed implicitly interest groups with varying degrees of power and as defensibility, a composition validated describing the framework we will describe and in what context, and what definitions of benevolence. The validation framework is represented schematically in figure 8.1. subsequent sections and In what is being of validation have been 97 settled upon and what the different components of the validation process are. The In this work we will not go much beyond presenting the framework. following chapter will address only one of the questions derived from the that of how well validation information is being presented from framework: science to policy arenas. outline Framework 8.2 framework shown in figure In broad terms, the validation the reinterpretation, transfer, interpretation, development, involves 8.1 redevelopment and so on, of information relevant to assessing the credibility of greenhouse Representation of information flow by inputs, outputs, and change theory. feedbacks has been adopted for convenience, and the lack of a connecting line between any two boxes should not be taken to imply that no relationship exists. The origin of the problem is represented somewhere. in inputs top the in anthropogenic and gas corner. The primary atmosphere and their left the concentrations greenhouse change must come from such as that posed by greenhouse A problem natural contributions). we concentration, have inputs climate greenhouse are evolution time As in the framework a result changes and gas result of changes in (the of as associated Building into the knowledge base on input is our understanding of paleoclimatic history and the historical response of societies to climate change impacts. and other social perturbations. The problem greenhouse change at issue as a result of increases in greenhouse gases is The validation framework is or greenhouse warming. geared toward the issue of greenhouse change, not to the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is Definitions of these terms were given earlier. reasonably well understood, and perfectly well validated by the fact that the is about the predicted amount above the blackbody Greenhouse change refers here to equivalent value for the earth of 255K. changes in the greenhouse effect associated with the increase of greenhouse The gases in the atmosphere over roughly the present and coming centuries. global average temperature theory changes of greenhouse (temperature change is increases, upon to called precipitation 8 project what changes and the climate circulation Greenhouse change validation framework 98 associated with the greenhouse gas buildup in the atmosphere might The development of the science toward this end has relied upon changes) be. development sophistication, increasing of models of hierarchy a of culminating in the GCMs, and on the reconstruction and interpretation of past The topic for validation is the projections and present climate changes. and nature of the climate (largely derived from the GCMs) of the magnitude Whether the projections are change expected over the coming century or two. useful and valid for policy or not depends on what questions are asked of them. A reasonable level of detail in the projections would probably go no further than that articulated in Jaeger (1988). range of response Jaeger outlines in broad terms what the and precipitation might be, and sea level, of temperature, We do not try to validate whether or not how they might change latitudinally. climate changes of the order of a few degrees celcius or so (globally averaged) We assume that they do. imply significant environmental and social impacts. understanding whether or not the expectation of Validation is directed toward a climate change of about this order seems reasonable. communities at is process validation The national the primarily Throughout level. and science in here framed framework, the is mostly policy, and the science community policy refers mostly to national policy This is a guide only, and it thought of as those doing science based in the U.S. is expected that the framework would be useful in thinking about the validation problem at the international level as well. Once potential it realized is that policy implications, and community. noting policy Once political as such by the scientific provides implications change to validate it in some Publicizing a has greenhouse community in validating to the policy arena. theory must be communicated science theory it is of interest to try The effort expended manner. a trigger interest has been garnered, the the issue in the to the issue policy is on the Whether the issue stays on the policy agenda or not depends in part on perceptions of how well the theory and its projected social and Many greenhouse commentators have environmental impacts are validated. political agenda. noted the ability of phenomena change summer on the political (though agenda. essentially such as a hot summer in keeping greenhouse In the validation in meaningless 8 framework validating a single hot greenhouse change) Greenhouse change validation framework 99 Whether does strengthen the public perception of the validity of the theory. people attribute causal relationship to the event or not, the event serves to reify evidence supporting plausible more the to reinforcement provides which theory, the theory. the Once an issue is on the policy agenda there is at least some incremental social response/adjustment in the way we live and do business (even if only The mere fact that an issue is on the policy agenda means that the slow). policy process is relevant to the issue, since even if we do nothing about it, that is a policy response. inputs to the policy Validation than just the more come from level Once an issue has attention in the policy arena, then and personal economic, cultural, environmental, the political, social, While dimensions of the issue will also be communicated in varying degree. the scientific community might touch on each of these issues, other scientific community. will communities provide much input. of this of the Each communities (science and policy related) provides information back and forth in seeking to evaluate the relative importance of an issue. Each community is composed interest is by no means homogenous. of researchers groups, from government, non-government-organizations, Each sub-community The science community universities, industry, and private organizations. influence and unique factors that is subject to common public the type of science they do and the way they view it. Scientists may even see their responsibilities and duties differently, depending on where they work. Superimposed on this is their own personal world views and values, which can influence the way they approach the greenhouse validation problem. Though scientists can be as viewed interest groups beholden to particular interests or world views, or to a particular sense of responsibility, they have instituted a widely agreed upon procedure for regulating the development of their research. Imperfect as it might be, that procedure is the process of peer review and publication in refereed journals. to the notion share an involving adherence hypothesis, experiment, method'; of 'the scientific testing, verification, 8 Scientists also and a process repeatability Greenhouse change validation framework 100 The scientific method is ideally guided by a rationality (call it where possible. science rationality) (usually within based reasonable upon framework a and knowledge Panels the of understanding issue convened to on report issues, provide frequently testimony channels government. Scientists are conceptions and differing bases this industry For received. to cultures across communicating and groups to of rationality be may an with apply to based economic In each For the public this may be a socially based rationality. rationality. and for scientists to the media, the public, industry, communication information through more than just the journal and reports, interviews, working are committess and documentaries, the of development is communicated output Scientific differing of the change). (greenhouse papers. quantifiable papers that represent formal descriptions in science is science journal of evaluation The output of this whole process characteristics is possible and meaningful). state of measurement where and choices logical case some form of reason is still the basis for evaluating information, but the If factors considered and the bounds and constraints applied may be different. for evaluation the frameworks to frameworks scientists this they where then isolation, make implies of understanding are not the same between two communities intersect information shared supplementing the they their enlarge For comprehensible. notions dimensions to need mutually scientific non-scientific will with an of rationality the of in issue in its communication. After validation information is presented by scientists it is received and For the policy process it is important to determine interpreted by the public. the potential projections or likely impacts from theory. (social and ecological) associated essentially about evaluation the mid-range of the scenario by the probability of this scenario by the political the While it is difficult to factor in potential extreme climatic outcomes and their impact, it is easier to set up thinking with acceptability impacts. The for how climate might likely an expression for is likely impact change multiplied This is then further influenced occuring. of the outcome and perceptions of its policy implications. 8 Greenhouse change validation framework 101 The modelling and theory change is in some ways scenario of Development projections. as an determined from determined is scenario greenhouse mid-range the greenhouse mid-range average of the most influential results in the literature, and perhaps also by what those scientists comprising Scientists view of the certainties and the consensus group will agree to. will influence how the scenario is constructed. uncertainties The probability of the mid-range scenario is a measure of the credibility of theory and model Credibility is influenced by projections as determined at the policy level. perceptions of the consistency and plausibility and support of the models and theory, and by perceptions of the degree of consensus among scientists in supporting the projections standing relative (the of dissenting views would Views of the uncertainty, such as how critical they are, and in which direction they are likely to influence the results, would also play a role in determining how much probability to associate with the scenario. also be important). by how effective the presentation has been in matching The presentation of the climate level. policy and of the science policy requirements. change projections must be meaningful at the information must have clear policy implications concrete terms that people can understand and The projection translateable be in the presentation is influenced acceptability Political into An example of effective presentation in this regard is shown by In presenting greenhouse change scenarios from the Hansen et al. (1988). 0 GISS GCM, rather than just showing results in terms of a 4 C or so temperature appreciate. rise (which sound doesn't like much to most people), they calculated the in such things as the number of days per year with temperatures exceeding certain amounts in several major cities (which has more local increase meaning). uncertainty policy Political and how community is acceptability they have interested is been in also influenced characterized knowing what uncertainties is, and how long it might take to do so. in the by of views the presentation. The to reduce potential Uncertainties frequently 42 a source of inertia in environmental policy , though there are also characteristics of uncertainty that can be construed as implying action as well act as as inaction. A perception that uncertianties can be reduced relatively quickly 42 Uncertainties have been framed to act this way by U.S. Chief of Staff John Sununu on greenhouse policy to date. 8 Greenhouse change validation framework 102 This view of might bode for delay to resolve them before taking policy action. in urging delay on the the uncertainties is taken by Marshall Institute (1989) basis that uncertainties can be reduced enough to make a difference in 3 to 5 years. If on the other hand the perception reduced quickly, less be might bode to likely are there while to costs then delaying, term of short delay for cannot be is that uncertainties uncertainties the policy responses. Discussion of the role of uncertainties in the validation process will be taken up again later. Received views of the potential risks are also important in establishing and the worst case seem high, i.e. if the risks associated with not acting of a theory. political acceptability scenarios theory then the seem plausible, is likely to gain higher acceptability in the face of interests that find the costs of unacceptable. action come projections such as: the perceived perception; and considerarion depends on the evaluation considered acceptable cost and benefits of alternative policy responses; justice, equity, morality; perception constituencies; the of the relative of greenhouse relationship policies and their constituencies; and issues and to other the political and legal structure; the role of This is not supposed to be acceptability of greenhouse the likely impacts of greenhouse change, it is relevant affect of the perceptions scenarios. In evaluationg to ask: Are the likely (to policy) answer this to importance question adaptive depends impacts worth on who their they social come you The worrying about yet? Perspectives are. and the problem of the problem differ widely, for different people, society issues of It is only intended to give an indication that a myriad of can potentially change risk strength of coalitions change lobbying, sanctions, protest, cooperation, capital etc. factors are of factors of relative interests and distributive burdens; perceptions an exhaustive list. implications their and projections change greenhouse Whether change realms. environmenal and social, economic, the from greenhouse of the acceptability political on influences Major on the itself is different depending on what part of the world they live in, how and from. physical In a infrastructure national 8 is, context and what greenhouse segments change of will Greenhouse change validation framework 103 implicitly or explicitly be given some degree of priority by whether or not it on the stays If it is dropped policy process. and engages the agenda or deferred from the policy agenda, then the implicit answer is that the scenarios are not worth prioritizing on the stays change If greenhouse yet. policy agenda with some priority, then either policies (of some kind) can be put in place or a place In either case, paid. lip service the agenda on yields legitimacy to the issue. do they and social make we articulated, procedurally just, substantively Further, are policies Where any to a result of greenhouse warming or to other of life, quality pollution, are goals. implementable greenhouse policies change greenhouse gas concentratons nothing'), they stratospheric ozone, etc.). economic well being, resource depletion, As whether ask have (energy, problems to and correct, difference environmental need (which in the atmosphere could include will change. 'do This in turn will lead to exacerbation or ameloration of greenhouse climate change Climate will change (both in actuality, and as we measure and perceive trends. the changes), and climate impacts and projections of the impacts will change This in turn will feed back on (together with confidence in the projections). greenhouse we evaluate the way at each of the various projections change levels throughout the coupled system outlined in the framework. components Validation 8.3 In discussing validation of GCMS and greenhouse change projections we have not attempted to define validation according to a single criterion with a It is virtually meaningless single yes/no answer. projections judgements values. are valid or over questions to say that the models and that involves that come down to matters of faith, invalid period, since too many belief, and The answer depends on who you are and what your world view is, and ultimately ends up revealing more about the person giving the answer than it provides useful information to the question simple whether manner present the question uncertainties science, transcends justify When phrased in this at hand. a policy since response it implicitly or not. asks Schneider (1989) notes that this is not an issue resolvable by scientific methods. 8 Greenhouse change validation framework 104 We can learn more about the validation question by phrasing it instead More specifically, is credible and plausible: particular greenhouse projections Are such as: in terms of related questions about subsets of the projections there some level of aggregation of the results at which the results are not only credible, but also useful from the point of view of policy development? While it might be said that framing the validation problem in utilitarian terms avoids the question, we need to think about the context of the validation question. Strictly from the point of view of scientific research, validating greenhouse projections make doesn't a focus immediate on utility in sense, since we would like to think that we do not decide scientific questions simply on the In science though, we probably basis of whether the results are useful or not. wouldn't spend so much time worrying about the actual veracity of GCM results beyond the utility so derived in improving the models and our understanding Greenhouse science is coupled to policy, since of important climatic processes. the projections have social implications. then the results must be credible, results as an input to policy considerations, defensible, and ultimately useful. The problem still remains as to how credible greenhouse projections have broken the scientific, validation process utilitarian, For the scientific projections are credible. which the observations projections up into meaningful paradigmatic, four component the and components, and listed The four components are the overriding question is whether the To answer this we must ask whether the theory from derive credibility utilitarian useful To this end, we and political. is supported by and whether the uncertainties are consistent, and other theories or models, crucial in undermining For and how useful particular should be in a science-policy context. particular questions or tests under each component. labelled are to use the If policy practitioners whether it is and in formulating the policy component information main the can be consideration derived from the response. is whether projections. Certain aspects of the projections will not be useful, either because they are not credible, or because they do not match the needs or ability of the policy system to comprehend them or translate them into suitable form. 8 By 'suitable Greenhouse change validation framework 105 form' it is meant that information may be presented in various ways that make its more appear contents or less tangible, meaningful, and to palatable a system that, we will suppose, processes certain information forms more easily than others. For example, local scale interpretations of global scale changes and numbers may be more comprehensible to a policy audience. For the paradigmatic component, focus returns to the theory and tools we have a more powerful theory to explain theory than greenhouse aspects of past, present, and potential climate changes? to project tools available changes climate as Is the theory defensible? greenhouse gases? a result Are GCMs the best of perturbations by intact? is the political, which The final validation component relevant Does it have consensus support? is the greenhouse paradigm or research program In short, Do support. behind the projections to ascertain whether they have widespread essentially boils are the projections (and perceptions of what they imply) acceptable down to: in their current form? Having identified what we see as important questions and tests relevant to validating greenhouse change theory, we will now discuss more specifically Categorization how the questions relate to the policy and science communities. of the discussion will follow under the terms of uncertainty, credibility, and useability. 8.3.1 Uncertainty In the policy arena theory is seen as credible since there are perceived policy political are critical uncertainties opposed (and in implications of the theory who will exploit This exploitation takes place in an environment necessarily The uncertainty and forceful or not. constituencies and strategic understand the context and in whether is strategic, favour) to the the uncertainty. where many people will not relevance of the uncertainty, and so might be shaken into thinking that the whole theory is damned (or proved). In the that science community are still important, except then there is no obvious strong the uncertainties if there is no real competing theory, 8 Greenhouse change validation framework 106 In the science the uncertainty. to exploit in position science constituency community, to win the support of others it is generally not enough to simply Scientists will want to know what alternative views critique the uncertainties. to proposed being are or theories the supplant being ones old critiqued. If well Otherwise, why should they abandon a reasonably successful theory? known greenhouse support in the science they must then community, Lindzen 4 3 are to acheive as such critics theory change progressive forward put views to explain past observations on which we currently rely on greenhouse In the science community theory to some degree. in uncertainties in perspective relative it is easier to place the to importance the in certainties the theory, since the broad context of the theory and what supports it is generally course of (though understood the in ignorance of degree the science community is also fairly high at times). For policy purposes it would ideally be nice to know how long it would take reduce to trying to with up come there there quantitative answers be would to less quantify to uncertainties (which compounding the the by leads uncertainties their very nature are to disagreement difficult to the The exercise of uncertaintes are and how long it will take to reduce them. trying to impetus important how just for information important also though programs, research scientific is This uncertainties. the the over quantify), thereby uncertainty. community In the science uncertainties can not be reduced. an appreciation that some of the We are stuck with them. For example, the there is natural variability of climate and the behaviour of volcanoes lead to variations in the record temperature greenhouse signal, and evolve in the future. these sources essentially are irreducible which more it make difficult more difficult to predict just to slim. or potentially categorization The reducible) of a out how temperature The prospects for reducing uncertainties quite extract will derived from uncertainties and the task of placing (as them in context in validating the theory lends a level of complexity to greenhouse validation which makes it more difficult for the policy system to incorporate. 43 Richard Lindzen is an MIT meteorologist who has received media coverage in the U.S. on his critique of greenhouse change theory. 8 Greenhouse change validation framework 107 Credibility 8.3.2 of greenhouse In assessing the credibility it is agree sufficiently with projections whether models and to ascertain necessary theory and projections This is an exercise for which it is helpful to observations and simpler models. have a grasp of the way the climate system potentially works. A knowledge of the potential role of various forcing factors and of internal variability is useful difficult be and it may important, the observed climate Again, and projections. theory from expected whether assessing in the to communicate relevance of this to the policy domain. response broad matches that is quite context breadth, the depth and For example, how does one view the They indicate Newell et al. (1989) sea surface temperature (SST) observations? Is that essentially no trend in measurements of SSTs over the last 130 years. projections model with consistent for doubled CO 2 which would imply a In the warming to date of between 0.4K and 0.8K (Ramanathan et al., 1987)? science system there are a variety of Lakatosian type positive heuristics (Lakatos, 1970) which program, and observations serve which a protective belt around the core of a research maintain support for the theory in the face of form to apparently do not support theory. 4 4 Firstly, in a science context it is widely recognized that the SST data itself is open to question, since the measurement techniques used in collecting the data have changed considerably and are difficult to correct for. Secondly, it is also recognized that it is not even necessary for the oceans to have warmed at all so far, and The oceans may not have warmed, since not be inconsistent with the theory. the ability of the oceans estimated range, and so to take up heat may be at the high end of the we may not see the warming at the surface yet. Additionally, the greenhouse warming expected to be realized to date (0.4-0.8K) is still small relative to natural variability and influences of other potential forcing factors. These positive heuristics derive from knowledge of the Lakatos (1970) notes that "few theoretical scientists engaged in a research programme pay undue They have a long-term research policy which anticipates these refutations. attention to 'refutations'. This research policy, or order of research, is set out - in more or less detail - in the positive heuristic of the research programme. The negative heuristic specifies the 'hard core' of the programme which is 'irrefutable' by the methodological decision of its protagonists; the positive heuristic consists of a partially articulated set of suggestions or hints on how to change, develop the 'refutable variants' of The positive the research programme, how to modify, sophisticate, the 'refutable' protective belt. heuristic of the programme saves the scientist from becoming confused by the ocean of anomalies." 44 8 Greenhouse change validation framework 108 broader theory and climate context and may not be well incorporated into the This makes evaluation of the theory more difficult there. policy realm. and disagreement between GCMs is also important in Testing agreement That models disagree, in the modelling community establishing credibility. is viewed mostly as grounds for improving the models, since a perfect match in For the modelling community to stay happy, there all detail is not expected. and models, 3-D the between consistency reasonable be must appropriate In addition, those disagreements that do exist agreement with simpler models. should be traceable to differences in model formulation, and should not lead to Where the energy transport is drastic differences in model sensitivity. Outside the modelling community concerned at least, this seems to be the case. however (in science and policy domains) any model disagreement is sometimes seen more in terms of the inability of science to get its act together. This has the affect of making the theory less defensible. Defensibility of the theory and projections is crucial, since if society is going to to efforts policy commit and regulating making then changes, policymakers want to be able to defend policy decisions against critics arguing In the policy arena, to defend policy decisions and the the uncertainties. credibility theory, of demonstrate that there policymakers is a reasonable consensus of consensus theory in the public Kerr (1989) be quite At the present time, mind. degree the characterizing differently. and dissent can thus of dissent over fall among scientists and back supporting Views of the relative the theory, and that dissent is relegated to the fringes. degree to want least at will important evaluating can be found projections quite examples greenhouse in in Science magazine characterizes Lindzen's position as part of the fringe under the heading "Greenhouse skeptic out in the cold. A prominent meteorologist says the greenhouse warming will probably be a bust; experts in and out of the climate community staunchly disagree with this latest iconoclast." are challenging By contrast, Stevens (1989) in the New York Times ("Skeptics dire 'greenhouse' views") characterizes both dissenters and advocates of the theory as on the fringes of a climate community that has for the most part not made up its mind on the issue. defend their decision to support greenhouse A policymaker wishing to response policies may point happily to the Science article, but not quite so happily to the Times article. 8 Greenhouse change validation framework 109 Whereas a modeller realms, though probably more of an issue in the latter. might respect scientists such as Lindzen, but dismiss incomplete (by general community must deal Nevertheless, it is important theory, tolerating majority Clark and Majone to ensure a "fair play does community then the policy essentially a 'head count' conceptual 1985). is contexts has approaching for community can hardly be blamed approach. The weighing up inquiry If the science level." framework conceptual a have scientific when working in policy deep at any explored problems, in evaluating of ideas" "implications of how the note that not scientist. emminent an policy the and minority viewpoints (Clark and Majone, prepared to handle minority viewpoints not been usefully is he that fact the with yet as critique his unpublished, and standards) science and policy in science is important accorded to dissenters weight The such for resorting to of consensus support and relative standing of dissent among scientists by the policy community is a It is an attempt to quantify proxy measure of the credibility base in science. researchers via informal poll among influential theory represents (following Kuhn, the dominant paradigm science provide necessary the science community of whether the 1962), or whether replaced by a progressive shift in the research program has been successfully view (following Lakatos). the questions Perceptions of widespread support for the theory in If grounding for defending the theory in policy. for evaluating can develop frameworks science-policy problems, then perhaps it will be possible for the policy community to respond change the necessary progressively 4 5 and sophistication more with conditions for defensibility. The net result of relative differences in assessing credibility of theory in science and policy domains is relative differences in the degree of stability In science, protective heuristics and a validation philosophy afforded theory. that takes into account a gestalt knowledge of the climate system for theory in the face of theory, of models, observations, is more resilient in maintaining by threats uncertainties and and credibility perceived As outlined in Clark and Majone (1985), a Lakatosian progressive shift in the policy arena "may be said to be progressing as long as it succeeds in disposing of issues, i.e., in moving them from the stage of contention to a class of issues which the actors in the policy process judge to be in a state of satisfactory, if temporary, resolution." 45 8 Greenhouse change validation framework 110 appears validation philosophy the community In the policy inconsistencies. to be less pervasive, and so relative stability of the theory against apparently philosophy may be The science validation is diminished. evidence contrary It is less less pervasive in the policy community for a number of reasons. Continuity and widely known and not institutionalized into the policy process. which must deal with many focus is also lacking in the policy community, issues, of which greenhouse change is only one. buffers that entail related theory skepticism any science-policy agenda. The reasons for this can found in the point made by Lindzen (1989) have - tied paralyzed quickly misplaced excruciating into problems rigorously be cannot and be its knots by which proven would be response, our society forth a statutory If each called impossible. of environmental unlikely exceedingly objectively although of that "given a week or so, I would long list a generating no difficulty issue accepting toward that enters the policy a system requires community policy the theory, stabilizes and protects in place that of buffers a system community has the science While well meaning but enthusiasm". Useability 8.3.3 If greenhouse change scenarios are to be useful as a basis for policy, believable they must be meaningful (have policy then policy implications). they so sensitive not would sensitive and not too implications), (or at least not uncertainties (otherwise as to yield be defensible), to the residual results with different Trimming GCM output down to a level of specificity at which the scenarios are justified by this type of reasoning is a difficult task. is an example (1988) Jaeger changes in temperature, this, of an attempt to do sea level, specifying expected terms, together in broad and precipitation with outer limits at the 1/10th probability on what might occur. as over what a community level of detail Scientists will to accept not easily agree projections, some believing that one shouldn't engage in the exercise at all. Where scenarios or guidelines are derived from GCMs, their validity is obtained on the basis of physical Hansen et al. (1989) note that the frequency 8 plausibility. and severity confidence the in For instance, of droughts Greenhouse change validation framework 111 in greenhouse increases simulations change with the GISS GCM. Though drought is a regional phenomenon and the GCMs are generally not regarded as being reliable for forecasts, regional in warmer temperatures note that (1987) drought In a study with the GFDL GCM, Manabe and intensification seems fairly robust. Wetherald behind physics the underlying midlatitudes continental lead to an earlier occurence of the snow melt season followed by a period of intense evaporation. This leads to a CO 2 induced reduction of soil moisture in Enhanced summer dryness leads to a reduction in low cloud amount summer. and which precipitation, surface continental precipitation the early influence the location processes leading to and distribution. intensification location policy the change communities to at it maintain a of the soil level low in longwave such as atmospheric These factors will change. of droughts are not necessarily theory the physical Nevertheless, in a general continental midlatitude areas) sense (averaged are manifestly associated with the prediction. plausible, and confidence is thereby Greenhouse decrease and introduce uncertainty into regional forecasts drought behaviour of exactly where the Both the reaching energy evaporation further reduce and timing of droughts in the GCMs, well simulated solar evaporation. help and the Hansen et al. note that there are other factors that patterns and ocean temperature time potential summer throughout the summer. over both and the increase of potential during moisture and increases and projections In science slightly differently. science and the actual projections and are used in What is are not quite so important. level at which they are accepted important is whether we can learn more about the system with the theory (as conceptual and numerical models) than with alternative models. in the sense that it provides useful a superior tool for The theory is about learning In policy, the projections are useful at climate system and climate processes. some specific level if they have broad support in the science community, clear and meaningful the climate change implications whereby and may be related to change. social Though of many the questions asked by the science and policy communities are common, the emphasis and extension eventually diverges. science, validation in terms of the most successful paradigm or In research program affords theory a degree of stability, while still leaving it quite open to 8 Greenhouse change validation framework 112 attack and lively dissent. terms of whether they In policy, defensible are attacks against more in arbitrarily of being In the face of political opposition, it must be clearly demonstrated that based. A way of doing this seems to the projections are reasonable and not arbitrary. be are validated the projections via showing the that part, then the issue presumably remains satisfied in substantial projections is If this is implications. impacts have policy and that the likely dominant, the supporting view consensus on the policy agenda. the Assessing characteristics change Greenhouse 8.4 to according projections of greenhouse validity criteria such as credibility and usefulness is made difficult by the fact that we as a about determining in a manner that takes into account the characteristics of complex do society credibility seem not to how know make to decisions The development of a critical capacity for the issues like greenhouse change. appraisal of scientific enquires with policy implications and Majone, (Clark surrounding of the uncertainties The nature 1985) is still in its infancy the greenhouse issue alone seems to defy our ability to assess the relative merit of the projections using and credibility. We problem will and notions frameworks conventional outline various characteristics uncertainty of the greenhouse for assessment difficulties might contribute and consider how they about and resolution of the problem at the policy level. The problem greenhouse is global in cause and effects, but the contributions to the causes derive from many different social sectors (there is no one culprit) and countries. and between countries Cooperation between is required (unilateral action industry and government is insufficient), but this is made difficult when the effects and costs and benefits of action are different for different regions. The perception of 'winners' and 'losers' compounds this difficulty. Greenhouse change involves large systems, both the socio-economic and the ecological, so the inertia of the systems becomes important. Lags in the climate response make it difficult to validate the projections and to prove that the issue is serious. Meanwhile, delay in industrial response means that 8 Greenhouse change validation framework 113 If the climate sensitivity is large, then greenhouse gases continue to build up. the stored response will grow bigger with time, and it is largely irreversible. In a methodological sense, Science (to avoid refuting all theories at all times) is forced to build resiliency and stability into the evaluation of theories. Policy (to avoid accepting all issues at all times for its agenda) is forced to build instability into the evaluation of theories so that only the most well supported issues survive by virtue of the overwhelming evidence supporting them, or by way of political acceptance of the implications of the issue. The public, forecast changes temperature global and impacts occuring small and distant. can appear both impacts of greenhouse change The next century sound small like numbers and beyond are difficult to factor People in the activities causing the problem are not viewed as reprehensible. to seem countries as consumption the The results of the problem are potentially severe, but into current decisions. industrialized to quite normal, no sufficient view large scale of the consequences and fuel fossil energy behaviour this are unintended. There are of greenhouse tests change, only necessary The ones, which can be exasperating to those seeking certainty to act upon. uncertainties are severe and will be slow to be reduced. uncertainty of the issue allow respectable The complexity and scientists to take opposing views. This is confusing to the public. The greenhouse projections rely in part on complex climate which are difficult to interpret and validate, and expensive to run. and nations have GCM modelling capability. small isolated groups. Policymakers community of modellers, which projections models Few groups This expertise is confined to a few are forced to rely on a relatively small makes it harder to make the case that the are well tested. The net result of these difficulties is an apparent mismatch between the problems faced by scientists in evaluating and presenting information greenhouse change and its credibility, and the needs of the policymakers. on The policymakers would like to defend their policies with some surety and support, 8 Greenhouse change validation framework 114 the describe concrete and give comprehensively, problem of the indications Meanwhile, they are operating in an environment implications of not acting. in which the risk perception is low or distant, and the perception of the costs of action is high and action difficult to negotiate, while perceptions of benefit from effective divided both scientists incorporate Much critically. and apt are to of the uncertainty policymakers inertia With much political responses are low. uncertainties community, incorporated so policy are stuck exploited be and a than rather cannot be reduced however, with and it, must learn to it into issue evaluation. Reappraisal of the evaluation issues of science-policy can draw upon For the part of the potential inherent in both science and policy communities. scientists, they can change the way they research and present material so that it more effectively matches the needs of policymakers, and is more effective in providing validation information community can work on setting critical uncertainties, minority evaluation and viewpoints, following Clark and Majone. The science-policy in policy relevant terms. other standards that incorporate evaluation dimensions The policy community must be geared up to playing a role in setting evaluation standards so that they will be useful once applied in the policy Whether it will be necessary for the political arena. framework to undergo some form of transformation or paradigm shift if it is to be able to come to terms with the challenges presented by greenhouse change is left as an open question. In further discussion here, we are going to confine the focus to the role We return to one of the played by scientists in validating greenhouse change. problems identified in the framework of information from science to policy communities. try to show presenting that the validation scientists are information not a in doing communicating In the next chapter we will a good comprehensible further suggest that this leads to unnecessary confusion over validation of greenhouse change. validation job uniformly manner. 4 6 in We in the public debate What we would really like to know is 46 1t should be stressed that the next chapter is not an attempt to illustrate the entire framework, but to address one of the communication questions identified in the framework (Is validation information being presented well?) in so far as it relates to one of the validation components in the framework (the scientific component viewing validation in terms of credibility). 8 Greenhouse change validation framework 115 improving the validation way science in the policy shift forcing a paradigm is presented information benefit of the marginal is What of uncertainties a clarification Would arena? i.e. difference. any makes whether this to the policy and validation evidence help hypothetical an extreme In arena? in case: if the evidence validating theory was persuasive for all scientists (dissent being non-existent among scientists with standing) and the uncertainties essentially zero (but political inertia and opposition were still present), would this make a difference to the policy evaluation and response? we now For of the presentation framework we described evaluation of likely probability of the presenting might make science non-conventional, improved the validation well as an times scenario acceptability. but possible outcomes as an process validation mid-range the political times scenario the by given In a difference. the outcome of the policy impacts which via avenues suggest only can By the science as the mid-range and comprehensible stories of how they come about, the fragility of By presenting the conventional scenarios might be appreciated in context. validation evidence clearly and in context, and outlining sources and scenario, implications of real disputes in the scientific interpretation, the probability of Less room would be the scenarios could be gleened more realistically. available to needlessly or diminish carrying out debates over non-issues. then people only, are likely enhance the probability estimates by If debate can be minimized to real issues to be less confused, and the probabilities they If the presentation of associate with the scenarios are likely to fluctuate less. information to the science is more effective in supplying useable policymakers so that the impacts and policy implications are clearer, then the scenarios may be more acceptable. If validation and faithfully, can be information then the risks appreciated in their can presented be and uncertainties comprehensively, associated with the scenarios context. appropriate clearly, This will be important information for the policy system if it is, or can be, sensitive to the relative degree of risk and uncertainty. 8 Greenhouse change validation framework 116 9 9.1 GREENHOUSE CHANGE VALIDATION PRESENTATIONS Introduction In relating this chapter we take up the question to the validation of greenhouse scientific community greenhouse validation outlined in the the previous mostly in terms policy presentations political), though we greenhouse to chapter community. We with regard to (scientific, utilitarian, should in time. theory how will from the not all validation consider components paradigmatic, which involves and testing whether are credible. in general relates to its broader context is complex, and has been outlined by Ravetz (1971). manageable information For now we will consider validation and scenarios The problem of how science well change is being presented of the scientific component, change of in answering the validation social To keep this study question we are going to concentrate on subsets of science and policy which we see as integral to the translation of validation information science journal media (policy literature input). scientific validation fora for from science to policy. (science The original information communication output) The and subsets chosen interpretation and most sophisticated is the science journal beyond the scientific of this the in the of sources literature. journals are of Successive (popular articles, interviews, etc.) tend to become increasingly simplistic relative to the sources of information in the journals. If the validation information is not presented well in its most sophisticated form, then the validation problem will be made successively topic more difficult in other fora. of current concern, the journal literature directly in the press upon publication. press change is influential theory has Policymakers influenced by Much are in part the of the perception or eroded media is Interpretation public been bolstered public of shaping With greenhouse frequently and reported a on of the literature in the of whether by the latest audience, change being the greenhouse research policy results. process is perceptions. recent scientific greenhouse change has concentrated and public debate on validating on whether or not it is possible to detect greenhouse change signatures in the climatic record to date. The role of the 117 the Interpreting is not conceptually validation regard. of greenhouse change In response to long term sustained difficult. gases, events greenhouse by of the climate forcing this in debate public context the in drought U.S. 1988 in the attention received drought U.S. 1988 as the such U.S. 1988 This does not say that the 1988 U.S. drought are likely to happen more often. drought is conclusive evidence for greenhouse change, nor does it say that the Yet, misinterpretation 1988 U.S. drought is unrelated to greenhouse change. 4 7 scientific of as such information distressingly this is Schneider common. (1989) notes that the trial by media of greenhouse change and the drought was By analysing some of the a non-scientific issue from the very beginning. journal articles that were cited by the media in the 1988 debate, we hope to show here that misinterpretation in part is related of validation information literature the scientific way context for that Scientists results wield is intended obligation incumbent consistent knowledge. the influence or desired. upon with issues, information to is is not being regardless of inform the public relevant of presentation by a position, the of nature domain such in Being scientists the public the in public contentious on influence manner validation change well. presented relevant greenhouse In short, that implications are being picked up in the press without providing adequate audience. The is presented. with policy papers is writing journal community scientific the to drought non-issue body whether such the minimum debate of in a scientific We argue here that part of this obligation can be met by placing implications of scientific research in context appropriate to a broader audience than that of the immediate field at hand. 47 For instance, in a particular region of the U.S., droughts of a particular severity (exceeding some If greenhouse arbitrary measured threshold) may occur say 10 times in a hundred years on average. warming increases the likelihood of drought occurence in the region, then severe droughts may now occur say 15 times in a hundred years on average. We cannot however separate out the 5 additional droughts from the 10 that would have occured anyway (in the absence of a change in climate forcing). It is thus not possible to conclude that a particular drought is caused by greenhouse warming, or that a particular drought is unrelated to greenhouse warming. 9 Greenhouse change validation presentations 118 9.1.1 Approach from the We will frame the problem of translating scientific knowledge within on influences the scientists, to contributing in degrees politicians, media, of scientific translation poor and the external to varying Further, results. all public general or and involved all are channel communication their journalists, science Scientists, arenas. different the barriers across occurs due to communication construction, poor translation With this of communication. terms in largely arena public to scientific interact in a In this work, we do not complex manner in the formulation of public policy. attempt to articulate what the role of each group is, nor the extent of their though interaction, interesting are certainly these questions to influence or take up. We will however, begin to address the role of scientists through the of particularly towards how these results are interpreted and literature, journal the in results research their expression look Most of in the media. the examples used here will be of journal papers that elicited direct coverage The papers have been chosen for their relevance in clarifying in the press. We have not attempted to do a survey of the greenhouse the themes presented. change literature. Media in presentation has papers considered been We leave open the question at this stage as to whether mostly in the U.S. science of the interpretation and media coverage is significantly of science different other countries. To simplify analysis initially, we will make the assumption that science journalists and the media are reasonably competent and faithful in their We will not consider in any depth attempts to interpret scientific information. here problems at the media end of the communication distort translation of information. The structure and organisation of the media Herman and Chomsky (1988) can lead to significant distortion of information. outline this with respect to communication of U.S. sources of constraints communication on of scientific the funnel that hinder or and media, information on scientists, we foreign policy. role in the media's will be intend to left for later make focusing here largely problem of communicating scientific results effectively. a first Potential shaping the work. By cut on the This is not intended to be wholly conclusive, but to provide a basis for further consideration. 9 Greenhouse change validation presentations 119 Background 9.1.2 validation and Detection of any induced greenhouse climate change Wigley and Jones (1981) articulate this as follows: "The presents a conundrum. By effects of CO 2 may not be detectable until around the turn of the century. will probably have become this time, atmospheric CO 2 concentration sufficiently high we (and will significantly climatic change will have increases) larger than any which has occurred such a change To avert century could be unavoidable. decisions further to committed be to be made (for example to reduce that a in the past it is possible that anthropogenic CO 2 emissions) some time before unequivocal observational 'proof of the effects of In light of this, establishing high confidence in C 02 on climate is available." detection of greenhouse change may well be irrelevant to the formulation of That is, a point may be reached at which policy decisions do not depend For now at least, the policy on resolution of residual scientific uncertainty. debate on greenhouse change has not reached this level (whether it should policy. have or not), and communication of increments of scientific knowledge on change is relevant to the policy response. greenhouse The within of evidence presentation a framework in which response may be required prior to conclusive resolution of the science is bound to be Furthermore, until modelling studies of the transient response to contentious. greenhouse gas build up over the last one hundred years are carried out with three-dimensional climate models including realistic representations of ocean circulation and mixing, good indicators quantitative of greenhouse change to date will not be available. numbers, there is plenty of scope for disagreement expected from theory has occurred or not. of the expected strength Without good quantitative over whether the change Nevertheless, some guidance for presentation of theory is still possible. In recent years, greenhouse change not only in the scientific community, has received but by the general increased attention, public, and in the This widening of attention from within the scientific community to without has meant that greater import is now attached to the Two of the recent papers presentation of scientific results in the area. bearing on the detection or lack thereof of greenhouse effects in climatic data political sphere as well. 9 Greenhouse change validation presentations 120 have received high profile (Hanson et al., 1989, and Trenberth et al., 1988)48 in the U.S. coverage York (New coverage newspaper prominent received also (1981) Gavin and Kukla Earlier papers, such as those by Hansen et al. (1981) Times, 1989c). and 1989a, and New York national press (New York Times, Times, 1981a, and New York Times, 1981b) in bringing the greenhouse issue to the public. That the general public papers on of the papers, interpretations their influence do presentation of manner social serious scenarios have that the public and environmental context is known to the community known (as yet) in confusion unnecessary representative of climatologists, outside this community, of many the public papers in This requires The literature confusion for the lack of appropriate context. While much of the it is generally not well papers that challenge the or essential research have the research careful in the field. in these such was created, Note that this is not an attempt to conclusions papers created are As such, it may be instructive to in these appears little reason to conclude that it isn't satisfactory. presenting above cited go through them in turn and consider where or how confusion with a view to avoiding this in future. an and the failure to provide it creates sphere. the and it is vital implications, of the research. of the relevant context understanding policy Greenhouse climate change issue be an informed one. debate on the and perception public makers opinion in the area of climate change. 4 9 and Scientific results context for the work therein. provide the appropriate correctly, on the papers to burden an additional places more or above, cited those like change greenhouse will be digesting and policymaking community are among the papers, for there In fact, the groups most thorough and Rather, it is the presentation of the results that will be 48 0ur selection of examples is skewed toward papers interpreted to be in conflict with greenhouse change theory, or at least interpreted as not supporting present expectations. We can speculate on why Clark (personal these examples may be easier to find than examples supporting theory. communication) notes that the greenhouse change journal literature has been subject to fairly good peer review over quite some decades now, resulting in tight and careful presentation. When the peer review process has had sufficient time to critique theory, then presentations advancing the theory may be fairly refined, and less subject to incautiousness. 49 For example, it is unlikely that the U.S. ban on chlorofluorocarbons as aerosol propellants would have occured as early as 1978 without the presentations of Rowland and Molina and their peers in the atmospheric chemistry field. 9 Greenhouse change validation presentations 121 considered; that which was presented and how, that which was not, and how it was interpreted in the press. greenhouse of detection on papers journal scientific of Discussion 9.2 in implicated or change With some waxing and waning of attention, scientific papers bearing on detection of greenhouse change have received coverage in the press of global warming, consequences the carbon increasing of impact probable consequences in a paper entitled 'Climate (1981) greenhouse change theory is Hansen et al. describing In dioxide'. outlining decade earlier papers this of Illustrative 1980's. the throughout potential the this and other papers quite rightly outlined warming, of global disastrous consequences greenhouse warming, lest be into factored the hubris we have the less but probable, It is crucial that less probable, but sometimes potentially catastrophic impacts. potentially and to the defy policy debate on Law, and Murphy's 50 However, in doing assume that only the most probable outcome will occur. so, it is also important to be careful about how such possibilities are presented. in presentation can result in an overemphasis on 'gloom and doom' scenarios to the detriment of the overall debate. Lack of attention to detail For instance, Hansen et al. (1981) with warming in the vicinity of the West Antarctic ice sheet as "Danger of rapid sea level rise is posed by the West Antarctic ice associated follows. sheet, present the possibility of sea level rise which disintegration is grounded and melting below in level, sea of case making general it vulnerable warming. The to rapid summer If this temperature rises ~5* C, in its vicinity is about -5*C. deglaciation could be rapid, requiring a century or less and causing a sea level rise of 5 to 6m. If the West Antarctic ice sheet melts on such a time scale, it will temperature temporarily overwhelm any sea level change due to growth or decay of landbased ice sheets. A sea level rise of 5m would flood 25 percent of Louisiana and and many other lowlands throughout the Florida, 10 percent of New Jersey, world." If the West Antarctic ice sheet were to contribute to sea level rise, the From Clark (1985), "it is generally accepted that among the greatest blunders of military and political analysis is focusing on what one's adversary will probably do, to the exclusion of what he might." 50 9 Greenhouse change validation presentations 122 Both pieces of information must important points are how much, and how fast. This information is in the go together to be meaningful in impact evaluation. The paper tells us that the sea level rise would be 5 or 6m over a time paper. The West Antarctic ice sheet would take of order period of a century or less. one hundred years to melt if conditions for melting were attained. 5 1 It is thus quite important to distinguish the above statement from one that implies that the sea level could rise 5 or 6m at any time within the next century. use occasionally scientists however, Unfortunately terms certain with particular meaning in a scientific context that can lead to confusion in other contexts where particular the meaning not is example, For understood. Hansen et al. (1981) use the word 'rapid' three times in the above quote to refer On geological time scales, a change in sea to deglaciation and sea level rise. level rapid. or glaciation The over a period of one hundred general public not generally do however, incredibly years is indeed think on such time scales, and rapid in the public context implies time scales probably a couple of In the press, this inevitably orders of magnitude less than one hundred years. led to initial confusion, and eventual decoupling of the potential change with New York Times (1981a) interpreted the associated rate of change in sea level. the paper of Hansen et al. in a way that already made the association between the amount of sea level rise and its rate of change ambiguous, as follows. seven scientists atmospheric global a predict unprecedented magnitude' in the next century. of warming "The 'almost It might even be sufficient to melt and dislodge the ice cover of West Antarctica, they say, eventually leading to a worldwide rise of 15 to 20 feet in the sea level. In that case, they say, it would 'flood 25 percent of Louisiana and Florida, 10 percent of New Jersey and many other lowlands this imply that the throughout the world' flooding would occur over the course simply sometime within the next century? Times article covering another change (Kukla and Gavin, or less." within a century Does of a century, or Two months later, in a New York paper in the journal Science on greenhouse 1981), the association between 'how much rise' and 'how fast' was already lost in the public arena. New York Times (1981b) closes 51More recent estimates since Hansen et al. were writing have relaxed the time required to melt the West Antarctic ice sheet (if it were to melt) to closer to two hundred years. Semi-apocalyptic references to the West Antarctic ice sheet have now virtually receded from discussion, though this took quite some time to come about. 9 Greenhouse change validation presentations 123 with of consequences "The paragraph the dioxide carbon rising Some contend that the have been a matter of intense debate. warming would melt and dislodge the West Antarctic ice sheet, concentrations resulting raising sea levels 15 to 20 feet." Up until recently, by characterized the change has on greenhouse public debate level to possible rapid sea similar references rise, been without Of course, qualifying statements on the period over which it would take place. a 5 or 6m rise over 100 years would still be disastrous, but it does not quite engender the same gloom and doom as perceptions of an instantaneous 'rapid' rise. We do not imply that the paper of Hansen et al. (1981) is responsible for this shaping of the debate, but that it is illustrative of the type of presentation we turn now to more recent papers, illustrative not of the potential for creation of unwarranted gloom and doom, but of the potential for the unwarranted toning down of greenhouse change to it. that could contribute Similarly, theory. The paper by Hanson et al. (1989) titled "Are atmospheric 'greenhouse' in the climatic record of the contiguous U.S. (1895-1987)?", The paper makes an pertains directly to the detection of greenhouse change. implicit leap into the policy realm by writing on this issue, and a more explicit one by choice of title, and by setting up NASA climatologist James Hansen as a effects apparent Hansen's testimony to U.S. Congress is quoted 'straw-man' in the introduction. in the introduction to the paper as follows: "the global warming is now sufficiently large that we can ascribe with a high degree of confidence a cause and effect relationship to the greenhouse effect..." with this or not, Hanson et al.'s paper alone (or references) is not of sufficient climatologists well know (but breadth not to refute necessarily the Whether one agrees without supporting statement. Hansen's and press), as As Hansen pointed out in response to the paper in the press, the contiguous United States cover only 1.5% of the surface area of the earth, and we would not expect such Only one extra a small area to be even close to representative of the globe. By quoting Hansen and sentence would have been required to point this out. then failing unnecessary place the paper's confusion was created to research in findings the public in the sphere Reuters coverage of the paper [Boston Globe, 25 Jan 1989]). 9 proper context, for example (see Reuters were so Greenhouse change validation presentations 124 unaware of the relevance of the paper to the detection of greenhouse change that they printed the following: "Their findings contradict suggestions by other scientists that the global climate is gradually warming rainfall is and New York Times (1989a) declining because of the so-called greenhouse effect." did not confuse the meaning of the paper in the same way, but it was clear that they had spoken in some detail with one of the authors about its implications. As Reuters showed on this occassion, not all reporting agencies will trouble to do that, themselves more pervasive al. and Reuters than that of Geophysical is probably public opinion influence on Hanson et Research Letters (where was published). A further source of distress in Hanson et al. is that the paper makes no reference back to the areal distribution of temperature changes in those works whose interpretation it casts implicit aspersions on, namely Hansen and While both these global data sets Lebedeff (1987) and Jones et al. (1986,1987).52 show a global contiguous warming trend United States, Hansen trend, and the Jones et al. (1987) the eastern U.S. of Hanson the over last and Lebedeff not representative contradict the available years; for the show an insignificant (1987) data for the past 40 years shows cooling for and warming for the western U.S. et al. hundred one of 53 Thus, not only is the data global trends, but it doesn't even trends in the global data indications of regional U.S. This is important contextual information sets that do indicate global warming. that should be included in the paper. similar Along lines, the GFDL model predictions for precipitation changes over the United States are referenced in Hanson et al., and then the conclusion of no significant precipitation trend in the observations is presented. This represents a failure to place the theory resulting in the creation of a straw-man will). in proper context, (or 'straw-theory' of theory if you The reader is not told, but deserves to know, that regional precipitation forecasts from current models are highly provisional and uncertain, and that 52 1n this case, even from a purely scientific point of view, one has an obligation to note recently published data covering the same region. 53 1n addition, but less representative, Angell (1989) has analysed global temperatures over the last thirty years. At the surface, Angell's data shows a marginally significant warming trend for the globe, but no trend for the north temperate region (within which the U.S. lies). 9 Greenhouse change validation presentations 125 there are substantial and (Schlesinger differences Mitchell, for the precipitation trends between predictions Quoting 1987).54 U.S. from of predictions models regional It is important to is fine. for comparison different recognize however, that the degree of precision offered in the paper goes well the beyond instance, present a offered The consensus. scenario consensus rainfall in the mid-latitudes" (Jaeger, doubling Bellagio and "perhaps, for workshops a decrease in summer Note further that that was for a 1988). a situation we at equilibrium; and which is not expected until about the middle of next Without some form of caveat on the comparison of one model group's for doubled carbon dioxide levels with pre detailed predictions data, of of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are yet to attain, century. Villach a much stronger theory of greenhouse refutation 1988 climatic is presented to the policy level discussion than is justified. data should treat the expected is systematically deficient in the greenhouse change from theory with the same The paper by Hanson et sophistication that is afforded the analysis of the data. al. is apparent with whether greenhouse change A paper concerned Both the in this respect. implicit comparison the explicit comparison with the GFDL precipitation with Hansen's data, and predictions presented the theory in an overly simplistic manner, and failed to provide context for the work. paper the all have affect Moreover, the systematic greenhouse of impugning deficiencies change in the It theory. is healthy to be critical of any theory, but critical debate is not strengthened by In short, the approach to the policy implications of the setting up straw-men. research in the Hanson et al. paper is misleading. related events The al. et Trenberth that development (1988) were of the discussed in relation presented associated Midwest to tropical a plausible with the United 1988 States mechanism North American drought sea surface temperature displacement of the jet stream over North America. of causally in (SST) drought. particular patterns, is and In setting this work in context, the authors point out that "the greenhouse effect may tilt the balance 54 Though speculative, there may be simple physical mechanisms that support the GFDL model If such mechanisms are relied upon here, then predictions for a decrease in precipitation in the U.S. they should be mentioned, and any reliance upon them made explicit. Note also, that even for different runs with the same model, there may be significant differences in precipitation distribution. 9 Greenhouse change validation presentations 126 such that conditions for droughts and heat waves are more likely, but it cannot Though seemingly adequate in setting be blamed for an individual drought." On the one hand, an individual drought does not the picture as we shall see. fact the other hand, that evidence conclusive represent we that explain can is change greenhouse any with us. on the drought On the basis of atmosphere and ocean conditions means that, on the basis of antecedent land, this evidence, we cannot dismiss the 1988 U.S. as only half this provided to greenhouse theory, for the study relative context drought and greenhouse change unrelated. reference greenhouse The in Trenberth served al. et attract to only New York Times (1989c) people's attention, and then confusion reigned again. gave the paper an emphasis that belied an inability to interpret Their 'Science Times' section ran the paper's relevance to greenhouse theory. with the heading "Scientists link '88 drought to natural cycle in tropical for instance, "Greenhouse subheading Pacific," researchers agree," and was effect introductory paragraph the not "Last year's time, this culprit killing drought in the United States was caused by massive, naturally occurring climatic forces in the tropical Pacific Ocean and had little to do with global warming caused by the greenhouse effect, according The Scientific American to new evidence." 1989) presented Trenberth et al. similarly to the Times, (Burnham, role in greenhouse change detection to the paper. an unwarranted Though the paper et of Trenberth al. actually doesn't wrong, it was set up to be misinterpreted in the above manner. Trenberth et al.'s explanation drought is Trenberth unrelated et al. to of the 1988 U.S. change greenhouse offered an phenomena, but didn't say that occurs in This leap occurs actually make it themselves. two First, steps. in terms of natural and greenhouse change on this basis. step follows whereby drought and greer-house change on interpretation The leap from and that one failing to provide the latter information, the second the leap is made that the U.S. anything always hold such explanations drought say drought to the notion that the explanation for the drought cannot separate the 1988 U.S. By attributing by others, while Trenberth In effect, Trenberth are unrelated. et al. never et al.'s presentation leads science journalists and other interpreters to the edge of a cliff, and then the interpreters do the work of throwing themselves and their readers off. 9 Greenhouse change validation presentations 127 Palmer and Brankovic et al.'s paper in Science, Following Trenberth (1989) published a similar paper in Nature titled 'The 1988 US drought linked to The style of Palmer and Brankovic is anomalous sea surface temperature.' The 'greenhouse effect' is mentioned in the first identical to Trenberth et al. line of the paper, but no subsequent attempt is made to place the research in Quite predictably, the the paper in full context relative to greenhouse change. on Palmer and Brankovic 1989) commented 1988 greenhouse on drought concluded with the following. U.S. Strategic probably arose the Trenberth and Palmer (1989), Brankovic and whatever however, thing, normal of consequence "Don't blame piece short AMS The says." (AMS, society under the heading a simpler and more Namias effect." greenhouse "One from Meteorological writing absolutely is with the greenhouse in explanation Nature on the the nonsense Namias closes with the the clear: variability, atmospheric logical articulated papers leap made from these papers more clearly than most. sentence a further boost "Their study supports the conclusions of many causes, natural from et al. study effect, U.S. expressed in such forums as the National Climate Program Planning Seminar held last November, that the drought climatologists, Office's than The American and Brankovic's paper. Palmer received are unrelated change and greenhouse drought 1988 the that et al. of Trenberth interpretation on propagated notion and has drought no was a connection effect." To stem the tide of confusion, it was left to James Hansen (In These Times, 1989; New York Times, 1989b) to place the paper of Trenberth et al. more directly in context thus: "Every drought can be related to concurrent and antecedent climatic factors such as the position of the jet stream, soil moisture, That will be true even if the snow cover, and ocean temperature patterns. greenhouse effect greatly In a strictly scientific Brankovic since are the frequency severity and of drought." sense, the papers of Trenberth et al. and Palmer and virtually greenhouse increases change manner of Trenberth et al. irrelevant or not, the to one could detection always of greenhouse explain droughts change, in the It is possible that the reference in Trenberth et al. to greenhouse change was an attempt to lay to rest the public belief that the 1988 U.S. drought represented unequivocal evidence for the arrival of greenhouse change. While that belief is indeed an unfortunate 9 distortion of Greenhouse change validation presentations 128 the public debate over greenhouse change, so too is the misinterpretation of Trenberth et al. that the 1988 U.S. drought and global climate change are If global climate is changing in response to long term changes in greenhouse gas forcing, then this will be manifest in shifting statistical outcomes by changes in the frequency or intensity of some events in some unrelated. places. One Simply put, drought will be a more likely occurrence in some places. cannot rule out the plausibility of relationships between greenhouse change climate 1988 the (even occurrences drought particular and U.S. drought) on the basis of Trenberth et al. and Palmer and Brankovic. on the research of Trenberth A more direct statement implications American, Scientific science for confusion could deserve to choose ignore propagated. the York New the that and Nature interpretations AMS, journalist information, but they the and its if contained in the such as those above, theory prevented have might paper, a for greenhouse et al. 55 Times, Of course, contextual relevant at least the information to make that decision themselves. Knowing what level of context reach a broad audience is difficult. Hanson et al. papers, the in is required scientific papers that In the aforementioned Trenberth et al. and confusion the papers created was probably foreseeable with some thought, so the simple answer is to provide more context In to avoid the common or likely sources of confusion or misinterpretation. many cases however, it will be unclear as to whether the press will view the paper as information. relevant, such that needs one to include much contextual Even then, it might still be unclear as to where confusion might stem, and what would be required to address it. 1n placing the research more directly in context in papers, there is no reason why one shouldn't use in addition alternative methaphors (Schneider, 1988) that are more easily understood by a broader audience. In Trenberth et al. for instance, one might liken the relationship between the drought, the greenhouse problem, and jet streams to that between nuclear reactor accidents, lack of adequate safety The lack of adequate safety standards in nuclear standards, and cracks in the containment vessel. of accidents, however, any given accident occurence to the plants leads to conditions more conducive Similarly, can always be explained in terms of cracks in the containment vessel and such like. greenhouse change might lead to conditions more conducive to the occurence of droughts in some areas, however any given drought can always be explained in terms of jet streams, SSTs, and such like. 55 9 Greenhouse change validation presentations 129 This Angell (1989) is probably an example of a paper in this grey area. "Variations paper, temperatures, and trends in 1958-87," has relevance the concluding tropospheric and stratospheric global to detection of greenhouse change. In section of the paper, the evidence for and against greenhouse change as analysed in the paper is laid out. The author then concludes that "In view of the pros and cons listed above, I believe it is premature to state The categorically that a greenhouse effect is already being observed." question presents further context itself as to whether this outlining the limitations thirty year data set. statement and the paper required of what one can conclude from a Predicted warming due to greenhouse gas increases will appear as a climatic variation on approximately this time scale and longer, and one probably doesn't have sufficient information on natural fluctuations or out greenhouse effects in a thoroughly convincing climatic noise to separate manner. Kelly et al. (1982) note that "variables for which only 20 or 30 years of data exist are of little value on their own as candidates for detection of CO 2 Thus, on the basis of a thirty year data set, it is unlikely that one could ever make the categorical statement that the author was not prepared to Rather, the paper could provide supporting evidence, albeit fairly make. effects." strong, and should be looked at in conjunction with other longer period data The big picture might suggest conclusions not implied by the smaller sets. one. These sorts of considerations are self-evident to a climatologist, but those outside the field need more information to begin thinking in this manner. This attention to Angell (1989) isolated statement in the paper. may seem to give unfair emphasis to an However, it would be naive to assume that such statements directly addressing the greenhouse issue would not be picked up in the press and perhaps subject to overly simplistic interpretations other At the level of the scientific literature it is far better to err on the side of sophistication and too much context, than to oversimplify too If this trend continues, it will early, as with the present trend in papers. become increasingly difficult to conduct an informed policy debate. than those intended. 9 Greenhouse change validation presentations 130 of Characterization 9.3 coverage media the for about the we will say a few things articles, the writing of science journal above examples of the proceeding to consider implications Before media coverage in general, since it also bears on this. in of aware common several with characteristic That characteristic scrutiny. issues on papers journal writing should scientists that manifestations be public current undergoing of a paper to present coverage is the tendency salient particular a (and here reviewed papers display media the topics), other on elsewhere journal science the of coverage In attaching greater import to the story contained in the paper than is probably The media seem to want to validate theory by applying what Lakatos justified. (1970) calls 'instant that can experiments' as 'crucial The media frequently interpret rationality'. refute (or confirm) a theory results new instantly. In Lakatos' view of science "there are no such things as crucial experiments, at least not if these are meant to be experiments which can instantly overthrow a research programme." For those papers that might be classified as in some way at odds with conventional theory, the story of the conflict with the theory Thus Hanson et al. and Trenberth et al. are tends to be overemphasized. as presented the also media to tend with the theory. consistent In doing so, that are creates the observations individual overemphasize Similarly, theory. change for greenhouse setbacks significant the media sometimes This occurs as a impression that the single observation proves the theory. media response to observations such as a hot summer locally, or record global warmth in one year. of channels communication literature. 5 6 That is, other through than directly weather service from conditions. the summaries, or even just plain every day observation scientists, science In these cases, the misinterpretation usually stems from science journal interviews and experience with of local We have been unable to find good examples of direct coverage of journal literature whose presentation resulted in misinterpretation such that a single observation was interpreted as proving the theory. 56 For instance, Schneider (1989) notes that no atmospheric scientist he is aware of has ever made a statement attributing the 1988 U.S. drought to greenhouse change. 9 Greenhouse change validation presentations 131 For those papers that might be classified as supportive of theory, the of the potential impacts or consequences of theory tends to be over story Thus, greenhouse emphasized. drugs new miracle with change is associated with rapid sea level rise, superconductivity cures, the with promise revolution, cold fusion with an end to greenhouse problems, transport of a and so on. Since our concern here is on the science journal literature, we will be content to simply note the above for now without further exploration. of the media and Furthermore, we will not consider more subtle characteristics beyond the few salient features covered in their effects on science coverage this section, since that is beyond the scope. General 9.4.1 In on issues guidelines determining relevant questions for standards presentation Science 9.4 to scientific whether the issue guidelines the for formulation authors to being presented presentation the of consider. public The has significant of scientific we policy, pose author must first public policy research several decide implications or not, and if so, whether the policy debate is still sensitive to the presentation If both these criteria are satisfied, then of relevant scientific material. additional care in presentation is warranted. We have argued that the issue of satisfies both these criteria, but this is also true of many other issues. On some issues, the second criterion is not met, and the standards advocated here for communication with the public sector are not as important. greenhouse change One might argue for example that studies of the health effects of leaded petrol have public policy implications, but that the public policy with respect to leaded petrol is essentially in place now (in the U.S.), and unlikely to be changed by anything but radical new results. The assessment of whether the above criteria are met or not may not In such cases it probably makes sense to err on the side of always be clear. supplying additional appropriate context for communication with a broader 9 Greenhouse change validation presentations 132 audience, since the cost of doing so is minimal, and the insurance gained against possible creation of confusion in the public sphere is worth having. In considering a particular whether piece of research is relevant to public policy issues or not, it is important to keep in mind whether it might be In such cases, one should be clear in construed as relevant, even if it is not. presentation that the material is not relevant to the issue, particularly if the issue is mentioned at all in the paper. Once the decision to provide context appropriate to a broader audience is made, one must decide just how much additional context is necessary. A loose guideline is that the competent reader earlier. point was broached This from outside the field at hand should understand the intended implications of the research (no more, and no less) from a single careful reading of the paper. This guideline is set in this way to attempt to describe the position of the majority of journalists or science journalists who might interpret the paper This does not mean that such readers should understand all the for the public. details of the research; only that they be clear about its implications. The decision as to how much context to give is also moderated by the choice of journal best, of publication. are probably The simplest guidelines and these would be that the more widely read context for a broader audience should be supplied. the journal, should given be to context in the more In particular, the journals Science, and Nature are closely scrutinized by the science press, attention the presentation and so more of articles appearing therein. In reference to the characteristic of media coverage to generate a story, scientists should consider their whether supportive of theory or at odds with theory. paper will be considered as This is a somewhat artificial construction, since most papers usually contain results that work both ways to some degree. What is meant here then, is to consider that information in the paper which might be spotlighted by the media, and how it would be construed in relation to theory. 9 Greenhouse change validation presentations 133 If the paper is supportive of theory, then the potential for the media to theory describing given be should attention or the impacts overemphasize should of the theory consequences context supplying to be also in this of the tendency aware exists, and more area. Scientists of the media in To subsequent coverage to present individual observations as proof of theory. it might be useful to devote further help the media overcome this tendency, discussion in the paper to clearly outlining the role that observations play in theory. confirming If the paper might be viewed as at odds with conventional theory, then for the media the potential and more information relevant to the real or apparent conflict is attention to contextual Papers should be quite clear as to whether a conflict exists or not warranted. between exists, conflict the to overemphasize conventional If a and the observations or theory presented. theory conflict does exist, then it would be instructive to outline the source of the While it conflict and the implications of the conflict for conventional theory. might be viewed that this is standard practice anyway, it has not been done in the papers of this nature discussed here. for presentation of greenhouse More specific guidelines theory change will be offered in the following section. Scientific 9.4.2 standards argument to The pre presentation post and is that the failure to this section be developed in provide adequate context in presenting science validation information leads to evaluation inappropriate of evaluation theories requires an understanding program in expected to which the understand and theory following observations of the is the in information of the public arena. Critical the scientific method broader context of the embedded. of intricacies While research research the public programs or topic and cannot the be full implications of every new result, they are not being helped at all by scientists We suggest that scientists think about who don't try to provide basic context. applying critical evaluation standards to validation material information they present has been interpreted by a competent think about implications of the scientific 9 method after lay person. both before presenting the i.e. the Greenhouse change validation presentations 134 material and also after it has been interpreted. resolve method alone isn't enough. of information interpretation that points out The much easier adherence to evaluation policy make communication) (personal Clark and uncertainties scientific method validating to relevant guidelines. critical scientific is not enough since the greenhouse can incidences reduce (Schneider, U.S. 1989) Nevertheless, the over non-scientific issues information greenhouse of the media the by "trial validation effect" involving the such as that 1988 drought. Trenberth et al. (1989) or such as those of Hanson et al. of recent papers Authors direct of and change It may be that thinking about in presenting context a broader in evaluation clearer. or the placing it in context is not an objective value-free exercise. scientific method provides useful analysis will and policy method in science of the scientific following good We do not wish to imply that a implicit and have jumped into the fray of the greenhouse issue with comparisons between such however, observations. Unfortunately theory directly and systematically. greenhouse papers They have change have addressed not confronted and the attention to the At this point, people are taking notice, paper in the context of that subject. are incurred. theory greenhouse change theory in the title or text of the paper, deliberately calling and obligations (1989) Appropriate context is then required, which is Taking side shots at theory is a fair practice only when context is Using Hanson et al. (1989) as an example, suppose that Hansen and not given. given. Lebedeff (1987) did show a significant temperature Hanson et al. (1989) did not. trend for the U.S., and It would then be quite appropriate to give context, and then impugn Hansen et al.'s global data set on the basis of disagreement Though one might disagree with the with Hanson et al. over the U.S. conclusion, it would be a fair attack, and one would not be calling Hanson et al. to task for their handling or lack thereof of contextual issues. The issue of confronting theory appropriately it is worthwhile to outline it in more detail. papers reviewed here will be presented confronting is important enough that A summary of examples from the with regard to scientific standards for theory. 9 Greenhouse change validation presentations 135 The scientific method is based in part on the presentation of theories, and critical evaluation of the theories, particularly in light of observations or Greenhouse change theory provides certain predictions alternative theories. might be altered over time. about the manner in which the climatic system Critical evaluation response predicted this theory theory can of by consistent with the theory. and explained detected be of determination requires whether in the a manner For the process of critical examination of theory via observations to be valid and successful, it is necessary to compare theory and observations in a manner that does justice to the sophistication and nature Though none of the papers discussed here have strictly fallen short in this regard by the standards of the scientific method, there are additional That is, these papers are being relevant standards that should be applied. of each. interpreted in the policy realm, but in varying degree, have failed to provide adequate context for that realm. As a result, when one applies the techniques (without adequate context), of critical evaluation of theory in that realm the critical comparison process fails to do justice to the theory, and is therefore In the examples from the more recent papers presented earlier, invalidated. from the perspective of the policy realm, one sees observations that appear to This can be be inconsistent with theory, and so doubt is cast on the theory. misleading if the conclusions are different from those in the scientific realm (where context is known, but not necessarily given) where doubt (or support) is not necessarily implied. The lack of context leaves policy makers in the Indian proverb blind men examining the elephant position of the six Each examines a different part of the elephant's (Saxe, 1955). anatomy, and None has sufficient different creatures. believes that they are encountering in the information to identify the elephant. In the process failure to provide context for adequate change theory, the of greenhouse evaluation of critical transference the from policy realm can be related to several shortcomings or pitfalls. observations comparing representative representative of of something with greenhouse relevant climatic theory; comparing theory theory to theory accurately; greenhouse theory; change behaviour or or observations change comparing to 9 observations or not greenhouse change to greenhouse change describe real or potential failing to reference in scale to not relevant failing theory; to These include: established well not scientific consequences contradictions of of the Greenhouse change validation presentations 136 comparison that is Very often the and combinations of the above. theory; made in the policy realm in one of the above categories will not be the one that should have been made, nor might it be the one that was intended or The successful science journal implied by the authors of the scientific paper. be the one that provides context appropriate to prevent this occurence by well intentioned interpreters. which the papers reviewed here contain shortcomings. This is the sense in paper in this regard would reviewed implicit or Explicit presentation generated comparisons here at of the in material recent papers of the the policy level illustrative not well established above pitfall categories as follows: -- Comparing - of greenhouse representative with observations change something theory: or precipitation of U.S. comparison in data with particular GFDL model predictions (Hanson et al., 1989). behaviour scale or with data temperature to greenhouse change data climatic relevant (Hanson al., et U.S. of comparison theory: temperature global of representative not observations Comparing --- 1989); comparison of U.S. precipitation data for the past one hundred years with model predictions of precipitation changes for a doubled CO 2 climate (Hanson et al., 1989); comparison of a short period temperature data set (thirty years) with greenhouse change temperature predictions (Angell, 1989). -- Comparing - theory theory to greenhouse or change observations not relevant comparison theory: of to greenhouse a physical drought to greenhouse theory (Trenberth et al. for the 1988 U.S. change mechanism 1988, Palmer and Brankovic 1989). Other examples of pitfalls that fall into these categories exist elsewhere Note that the ratio of those in the popular press to those in in the literature. It takes only one journal article lacking in the scientific journals is high. appropriate context popular press. is repeated information to generate a plethora of misleading articles in the Early misinterpretation of a journal article by one news source over and over in coverage by later sources who base their on Frequently, the misinterpretation. the pitfalls in the literature relate to implicit comparison between theory and observations using inappropriate time or space scales. 9 i.e. Greenhouse change validation presentations 137 too small an area, appropriate, but or too the short a time series. variable selected for Sometimes comparison on the scales those are scales compared with the greenhouse signal in a different variable from theory. comparing lagged) land SST with and data isolation greenhouse sea greenhouse in theory combined. theory is (where the estimates of global Comparison another common greenhouse with trap. temperature theory This e.g. time is change for unrepresentative of relates failure to distinguish between that which is reasonably theory, and that which is not. response is principally to a well grounded in the The global warming of surface air temperature is well grounded as a piece of theory; the exact time scale over which it might happen is not. That the warming at the surface should be greater (in the long run) in high latitudes than low latitudes has near consensus precipitation changes over the central U.S. Examples of failure to reference in theory; that will increase or decrease does not. real or potential contradictions of the theory have not been described here, but it is easy enough to imagine their effect on the public debate. They would have the effect theory in a more confident light than was justified. that paleoclimatic climates data present and predictions a reasonable for a greenhouse between them should be checked. inconsistencies between reconstructions For example, to the extent analogue change Hansen et al. of of presenting the between warmed earth, (1981) regional that the climate wetter than greenhouse inconsistency, over some climate Much of the theory predictions of doubled another, or with what patterns the scenarios. It land areas in past warmer periods was physical descriptions, Until would further exploration. change stems from climate model Where model results agree with one expect of This may not be an that from simpler part of models theory is and simple strengthened. as theory is also increased when consistent with particular grounding or consensus, and on greenhouse grounding Confidence in the predictions observations. referencing CO 2 scenarios. one consistency in change scenarios would indicate. but deserves warmer have noted potential altithermal period with model predictions of greenhouse change appears past climate model predictions support or refutation of theory attain reasonable based on comparison of observations with these predictions can not readily be assumed, and context pertinent to this should be included in presentations of results. 9 Greenhouse change validation presentations 138 The real climatic system is likely to contain is not included in the climate models, Surprises will important to contradict well occur. 5 7 significant behaviour that nor represented by their predictions. In testing theory with observation, it will be vitally and note whether the surprises or inconsistencies consider more those or theory, grounded speculative aspects of the Failure to do this will predictions that relate to shortcomings in the models. Establishing confidence in detection or result in a debate over 'straw-theory'. refutation of greenhouse temperatures, (surface measurements, upper and precipitation on a broad relies change coverage temperatures, air hydrological of observations budget radiation circulation measurements, changes, sea level, ocean mixing, ice and snow cover, cloud distribution, etc.), Establishing and their comparison with relevant parts of the theory. also requires better understanding confidence of the theory. of changes of the more speculative aspects In particular, the role of cloud feedbacks and the modelling of cloud distribution and type, the role of oceans and ocean and the internal behaviour of the climatic system and the way it The synthesis of a mix of with external environmental changes. circulation, interacts observations are studies with likely an evolving to pertain is theory to only an enormous a small task, of this. part and individual To prevent misinterpretation of a subset of the required information in the public sector, it is important that studies be placed in context relative to the overall detection The implications of research that is likely to be construed as relevant to greenhouse change should be stated directly and clearly. schema. 9.5 The science-media interface The short set of examples presented here is illustrative of the type and degree to which scientific misinterpreted in the press. journal papers on greenhouse How is this to be explained? change are One could blame the From that point of view then, there was no confusion created by cannot resist It could be that newspapers the scientific papers. sensationalizing issues and then downplaying them, and frame everything as media solely. Surprises in the climatic response to greenhouse forcing will include amplifying and damping actions, and there is little reason to presume that either action is more likely to predominate than the other. 57 9 Greenhouse change validation presentations 139 a story, which gets played out as we have seen (overemphasis on conflict or Perhaps they are constrained from acheiving faithful consequences). On the other hand, one structural factors or other means. interpretation by Perhaps scientists are not able to communicate could blame scientists solely. or disciplinary bounds. to write of which the truth occasionally are scientists Perhaps traditional transcends audience their that aware not are effectively, content papers that could easily be misinterpreted for whatever reason. probably as doing not are extremes, represent If this is so, then in between most of the time. lies somewhere scientists blame allocating cases These well as in could they We have suggested information, and have some role to play in addressing this. that reduce help might explanation measures simple relatively like additional supplying incidences of validation presenting and context dispute and misinterpretation This is all very well except that we have not considered how over non-issues. For scientists might be motivated to change or supplement current practices. instance, what is motivating researchers to present results as they do now? Where could change be motivated - through scientists, or the editors of science Would structural change in journals, or perhaps through science journalists? These questions science and policy arenas be necessary to motivate change? are beyond the scope of this work, though the inability to answer them means that question Analysis of whether of incorporating the 1988 validation U.S. information or validate to attempts used as examples. of validation of simply goal beyond our original here go we cannot is being presented illuminate drought and U.S. addressing well or greenhouse temperature trends the not. change have been They show that at least in terms of the scientific component (establishing credibility), information validation is not being presented as well as it could be. 9.6 Conclusions We began with an assumption that scientific journal articles relevant to validating greenhouse change have an effect in shaping the public debate on Scientific journal papers represent the initial point of greenhouse validation. communication between scientists and the press. of scientific papers in such cases, As a result of the influence scientists have 9 an obligation to present Greenhouse change validation presentations 140 their results in such a way that the results have a reasonable chance of being interpreted context faithfully in the public describing the research domain. This requires and its implications the supplying of that is appropriate broader public audience as well as to specialists in the field. the scientific journal for presentation sophistication articles represent probably the of in scientific this results, forum and leaves to a It was noted that most sophisticated that loss greenhouse of forum context science-policy and related discussions without complete sources of information. Recent published scientific papers relevant to greenhouse have not supplied context appropriate to a broader audience. have reported ramifications, on scientific considerable confusion aim yielding communication of the of an informed papers and with When the press greenhouse misinterpretation has policy taken place This is detrimental to the public discourse, since a in the course of translation. major journal validation public of debate. should information scientific If we assume that the be the press is reasonably competent and faithful in its attempt to translate scientific papers, then some blame must be placed upon writers of the scientific literature to failing supply appropriate context. failure The to supply for appropriate context can lead to the unwarranted support or erosion of theory relevant to the scientific and public greenhouse The translation of scientific debates. results from the scientific to the public domain depends upon the context offered. When we apply the standards of comparison of theory science the which itself has inappropriate been so observations translated comparisons misrepresented information) and badly occur in in into when the (by is presented that straw theory public context translation to scientific research domain, is lacking. failing we find Theory to in the public that may be include pertinent arena. Knocking down straw theory then has the effect in public of damning the whole canon of the theory, when this may not be implied in the scientific domain (where context yielding based at is known) unwarranted on consequences theory in of theory all. The bolstering the converse of public are allowed also theory. arena applies Unwarranted is created to misinterpretation support indirectly to take on unnecessary 9 shades for action when the of gloom Greenhouse change validation presentations 141 In either case, the result is an unfortunate skewing of the public and doom. debate on which the formulation of public policy depends. avoiding for guideline simplest The unnecessary of misinterpretation scientific journal papers is to write them so that the competent reader outside the specialty field has a reasonable chance of interpreting clearly that which Scientific authors should think is implied by the paper, and that which is not. critically of how evaluated after further as manifest on authors a reader has are reached in some information have a comparison, such theory of is or frequently conflict with direct their to where on If place. taken misinterpretation consequences be will and observations theory Since required. is overemphasis an scientific theory, warranted than those context such by interpretation other conclusions then their comparison between attention. An improvement validation of credibility establishing theory of the less (such debate over non-issues could theory greenhouse confusing by relevant information of validation in presentation reducing make to policy level of public incidences as the debate over the role of the 1988 U.S. It is likely that there is also significant potential for improvement greenhouse science presentation with respect to the utilitarian and drought). in paradigmatic validation presented, science for and community incorporating well as as the scientific component For the utilitarian component more useable information can considered here. be components and the views presenting paradigmatic and how component they are viewpoints minority scientists formed, critically can work and and examine in on context. For their part, the scientists appear to have scope for adapting their work and Such adaption can not be expected presentation to facilitate policy validation. however without attention to the factors motivating scientists. 9 Greenhouse change validation presentations 142 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 10 greenhouse In the thesis we set out to identify problems in validating particular, for GCMs 3-D reliance upon the three major climate studies of NCAR, GFDL and GISS. in used GCMS In scenarios. change greenhouse developing for study we chose We focused on GCMs, noting the heavy context. change in a science-policy greenhouse We acknowledged that it is not possible to test everything in a GCM, and noted that there are no sufficient tests of a validation for energy transports the chose We change. greenhouse case study of the GCMs since the energy transports are fundamental to climate. To calculate energy transports in the GCM annual mean control climates it was necessary to follow an indirect technique of deriving the total energy transport from the net flux of radiation at the top of the model atmosphere. For the GISS model only, it was possible to compare the indirectly calculated energy directly from the model motions. transport with that calculated agreement We good. quite was that conclude method indirect the The is a satisfactory technique for deriving the total energy transport in a GCM. In (1985). the significant, observations, GISS the and showed GCM and NCAR more GFDL Carissimo et al. were more transport than less showed The GCM atmospheric transport than observations. energy total models of the total differences the where Hemisphere Northern the from and observations energy transport for the three GCMs profile the meridional between differences We identified energy energy total transports (which for NCAR and GFDL models are the same as the total energy transport since there is no ocean energy transport in these models) were similar to each other, were but much than larger observations of the energy atmospheric On the basis that it is unlikely for the observations to be in error by transport. the large amount (50-80%) required to bring them up to the model values, we argued that the atmospheric transports temperature structure are with the models having more large. too an We observed believeable and that compared the models meridional temperature the GCM meridional structure They were similar, which would be inconsistent derived from Sellers (1965). with are observations a larger atmospheric energy transport than 143 observations. We conclude that the atmospheric energy transport is too efficient in the GCMs. We then set out to consider implications energy transport between the three GCMs. that the climate asked the is potentially question: quite given of the differences We used a 1-D EBM to demonstrate sensitive to the energy that the GCMs have transport. significantly (~4 0 C) transports, why do they display similar climate sensitivities C0 We different to doubled We investigated by using a simplified 'North-type' 1-D EBM of the climate 2? system, where transport. it is easier to trace implications of differences in with output from the GCMs. data. energy To set up 1-D EBMs that would be in some sense equivalent to the 3-D GCMs (hopefully capturing the essential physics) we parameterized Because parameterized EBMs in total the each 1-D EBMs We also parameterized the EBM with observational climate is hemisphere not symmetric separately, where the parameter values were and across also averages the set up hemispheres global we equivalent of the hemispheric values. The major limitation found in fitting the EBMs to the GCMs and observations was related to the temperature - outgoing IR parameterization. The simple linear fit between temperatures and outgoing IR was too simplistic and did not capture the local minimum in outgoing IR in the tropics noted in observations and the models. However, this did not appear to be a major limitation of the ability of the EBMs parameterization was to perform climate sensitivity quite good, and showed experiments. the The albedo significant differences between albedo profiles in the GCMs, with GISS matching observations more closely. To test the sensitivity of the equivalent EBMs we used a 2% increase in solar constant as a proxy for doubling CO 2 . The results yielded essentially similar sensitivities observations). similar to The the atmosphere. the 3-D the equivalent global GCM equivalent GCMs EBM sensitivities sensitivities obtained for and in energy parameter transports values were between them, significantly models and for the models were doubling to the energy transport. The fact because different. sensitivity is sensitive to the value of solar constant, sensitive (for CO 2 in the This agreement cannot be because the EBMs are not sensitive to differences constants between their EBM solar climate and the EBM climate is that 10 the equivalent EBM Summary and conclusions 144 coincidence, unlikely compensating Whatever work. at are mechanisms compensating an either implies similar are sensitivities that or factors are represented in the EBM, they are not as efficient as in the GCMs however. In the GFDL equivalent EBM the polar icecaps were eliminated for a 2% solar constant increase, which was not the case in the GCM CO 2 doubling experiment. The energy transports obtained from the equivalent EBMs were similar in magnitude to the values in the GCMs and observations (though a little It is not clear why the equivalent EBM climate sensitivities were not smaller). candidates for are the EBM the in differences transport energy the of compensation The main transport. energy in the differences sensitive to parameters B, D, xs, Ts and 8, related to water vapour and cloud feedbacks and If compensation is occurring, and if these parameters ice-albedo feedback. are constrained by tuning the GCMs to the current climate, then this raises the possibility that the climate sensitivity is constrained by tuning to the current climate. concluded We may be not necessary work. We do transport at and errors that invalidate noted the energy the GCMs since compensating factors that confidence greenhouse change in to related inconsistencies GCM projections is derived from a consideration of all relevant theory, models, and The GCMs do not stand alone, but are part of a hierarchy of observations. models used to test observations in developing greenhouse change projections. step a next As context we described The communities. evaluating in greenhouse a validation framework purpose of setting incorporating down the and contrasting the way- science comparing in change science and policy framework and policy science-policy a was to systems aid in approach the In science, greenhouse change theory was said to be valid in the sense that it is embedded within the most progressive research program (that capable of explaining the most about present, past and potential future In policy, greenhouse change theory was said to be evaluated by climates). validation problem. whether it is defensible requires showing We noted the against that the theory lack science policy issues. attacks of being is consistent, has of development of adequate arbitrarily based. This credibility, and is useful. evaluation procedures for We suggested that this is perhaps one reason why the 10 Summary and conclusions 145 policy community tend to measure credibility in terms of whether there is a consensus supporting linked the to implications. theory ability to in science. demonstrate Defensibility that the in likely policy impacts was have also policy We noted that the priority assigned to greenhouse change on the policy agenda also depends on the political acceptability of the theory and its implications. We argued that some of the characteristics of the greenhouse issue lead to a mismatch such as between science scales, source time coordination requirements). uncertainties into differences issue between requirements. In and policy diffusivity, This compounds evaluation. the two science In is physical that necessary (related there lead to to factors manifestation, the difficulty addition communities it requirements of incorporating are to methodological diverging develop and a set evaluation of protective heuristics that lend a research program a degree of resiliency in the face of difficulties. In policy it is necessary to raise the costs of uncertainty to allow only well supported or acceptable issues on the agenda. We remained open to the possibility that both science and policy communities have potential to change and adjust to requirements of the other community in questions question policy facilitating identified of how arenas. in well critical the evaluation validation validation improve then there may be some marginal benefit. to make its decisions uncertainties which the system of greenhouse improved perceptions of risks requires acceptability with enhanced theory. presentation and high and we the way chose they the to from present various study the science to information The policy community will be able of the inherent We outlined of validation low Of is presented knowledge uncertainties. risk issues. framework information If scientists can of We potential information noted uncertainty that to the act risks mechanisms and by might change current policy when political is low. To answer the question of how well validation information is presented now we considered interpretation. commmunication just the science journal literature and its media These two components are integral to the wider science-policy network. We demonstrated by example 10 that there is Summary and conclusions 146 considerable misinterpretation direct result occasional of media over debate As a of science journal literature in the media. of coverage issues greenhouse change in the media. that science are papers there irrelevant to journal essentially is even validating For the case involving the 1988 U.S. drought we argued that this is partly due to a failure by scientists to provide context We appropriate to a broader audience in presenting validation information. note finally might prove that improvements to be useful in communication if greenhouse change of validation unfolds within information the ranges expected, and if the policy system can become more sensitive to the relative degree of risk and uncertainty. 10 Summary and conclusions 147 FIGURES 5.1 Zonal mean 850mb - 950mb lapse rate from Oort (1983) data 850MB - 950MB LRPSE RRTE FROM OORT .0055 .0050 .0040 .0035 .0030 .0025 .0020 .0015 .0010 .0005 0 -. 0005 -.. coso -50 -40 20 0 -20 LATITUDE (DEGREES) d0 60 80 148 5.2 GISS topography on the GISS grid GISS TOPOGRAPHY (M) LONGITUDE Figures 149 5.3 NCAR CCM1 R15 surface geopotential height NCAR CCM1 R15 SURF GEOPOTENTIAL HEIGHT (M) LONGITUDE Figures 150 5.4 NCAR (N) and GISS (G) zonal mean topography NCRR RND GISS ZONRL MERN TOPOGRRPHY 2800 2600 2400 2200 20001800 1600 1 0oo 1200 1000 800 q00 200 -80 -60 -40 0 20 -20 LRTITUOE (DEGREES) 40 60 80 Figures 151 5.5 NCAR (N), GFDL (P), and GISS (G) control run surface temperatures (solid lines) and sea level temperatures (dashed lines) NCRR GFDL GISS SURF SERLVL TEMPS 305 300 295 290 285 280 275 S270 U-j 265 -280O 255 250 2q5 240 235 i 230 e -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 LATITUOE (EGREES) 40 60 80 Figures 152 6.1 Annual mean zonal mean total meridional (northward) energy transport (T), atmospheric energy transport (A), and ocean energy transport (0) for Carissimo et al. (1985) observations (dashed lines), and calculated directly from the GISS control run model motions (solid lines) ENERGY TRANSPORT - 0BSVNS PND GISS DIRECT Ln E 2 CL 0 >- -1 LJ LU -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 LRTITUOE [DEGREES) 40 60 80 Figures 153 6.2 Annual mean zonal mean total northward energy transport calculated directly from the GISS model motions (D), and indirectly from the net flux of radiation at the top of the atmosphere the in GISS model (I) (control run) GISS TTL NWRO EN TRAN RNL- OIR INOIR (1Co::) I 5 /-K - -n3 C n0~ L-I - - ~2 w - -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 LATITUDE (DEGREES) 60 60 Figures 154 Annual mean zonal mean shortwave flux at the top of the atmosphere (SWTP), longwave flux at the top of the atmosphere (LWTP), shortwave flux at the surface (SWSF), longwave flux at the surface (LWSF), sensible heat flux at the surface (SHSF), and latent heat flux at the surface (LHSF) for the NCAR (N1,N2), GFDL (P1,P2), and GISS (G1,G2) models. The numbers '1' and '2' refer to equilibrium results for 1 x CO 2 and 2 x CO 2 simulations 6.3.2 6.3.1 LWTPRt&. NC PR GI 1CZ2 2C02 FLUX SWTPRNLNC PR GI 1C02 2C22 FLUX OATR DATR 280 -40 -60 260 -80 -100 240 -120 -140 220 -160 Z -180 -200 -220 200 -240 180 -260 160 -280 -300 140 -320 -340 120 -360 -80 -60 40 20 0 -40 -20 LRTITUDE (DEGREES) 60 80. 40 2 -20 0LATITUDE (DEGREES) -80 80 50 LWSFRNM.NC PR GI 1C02 2CO2 FLUX ORTR SWSFRN.. NC PR GI IC0Z 2CO2 FLUX OATR es -20 80 -40 7S -60 70 -80 65 -100 60 Q-120 55 - -140 -U- x 50 160 s U -180 45 40 -200 35 -220 30 -240 25 -250 20 . -80 6.3.3 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 LATITUDE (DEGREES) 60 80 . -80 -60 -40 20 40 0 -20 LATITUDE (DEGREES) 60 80 6.3.4 Figures 155 Annual mean zonal mean shortwave flux at the top of the atmosphere (SWTP), longwave flux at the top of the atmosphere (LWTP), shortwave flux at the surface (SWSF), longwave flux at the surface (LWSF), sensible heat flux at the surface (SHSF), and latent heat flux at the surface (LHSF) for the NCAR (N1,N2), GFDL (P1,P2), and GISS (G1,G2) models. The numbers '1' and '2' refer to equilibrium results for 1 x CO 2 and 2 x CO 2 simulations 6N3.6 63 .5 LHSF REl..NC PR GI 1C02 2C02 FLUX 0RTA SHSF ANL NCPR GI 1C02 2C02 FLUX OATS 40 30 20 10 0 X-10 U. -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -80 -60 -40 40 20 0 -20 LRTITUDE (DEGREES) 60 80 -80 -60 -40 0 20 40 -20 LRTITUDE (DEGREES) 60 80 Figures 156 6.3.7 Annual mean zonal mean net radiative flux at the top of the atmosphere from NCAR (N), GFDL (P), and GISS (G) model control runs, and from Stephens et al. (1981) observations (0) NET FLUX TOP ATM - NC PR GI 06 -80 -80 20 - 40 0 -40 -20 LRTITUOE (DEGREES) 60 80 Figures 157 Annual mean zonal mean total northward energy transport for NCAR, GFDL, and GISS models (control run). The curves labelled 'N' are for integrations starting at the north pole, the curves labelled 'S' are for integrations starting at the south The pole, and the curves labelled 'C' are corrected curves. dashed curve is from Carissimo et al. (1985) observations (0) 6.42 6.4.1 NWRRO ENERGY TRANSPORT - RNNURL - GFOL - NCAR TRANSPORT - ANNURL NARD ENERGY 5 3 0 -1 -2 N -6 -10 - Z -3 - -60 -80 -40 20 40 -20 0 LATITUDE (DEGREES) 60 -6 80 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 LATITUDE (DEGREES) 60 80 NWAR EN TRANSPT-RNNL-CORRTD-NC PR GI 08 - GISS TRANSPORT - ANNUAL ENERGY NWRRD 7 7 6 5 5 5 -4 u3 c - - 3 2 2 -1 M0 CE -1 -2 ~-1 -2 S-2 -3 LU -3 -5 -6 -7 -6 -80 6.43 6.4.4 -60 40 0 20 -40Q -20 LRTITUDE (DEGREES) 60 80 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 LATITUDE (DEGREES) 60 80 6.44 Corrected annual mean zonal mean total northward energy transport for NCAR (N), GFDL (P), and GISS (G) models (control run), and for Carissimo et al. (1985) observations (0) Figures 158 6.5 Annual mean zonal mean northward atmospheric energy transport for NCAR (N), GFDL (P), and GISS (G) models (control run), and for Carissimo et al. (1985) observations (0) NWARO RTM EN TRRNSPT-RNNL-NC PR GI 08 S0 L -3 LU -5 -6 -80 -60 -40 4O 0 20 -20 LATITUOE (DEGREES) 60 80 Figures 159 Iceline latitude (xs) versus ratio of the solar constant to the current solar constant (q/qo) for the 1-D EBM 7.1 Q/QY 1.0 RL WS QO=1365.0 IS=191.85 D=0.355 - .9 .8 .7 .6 < .5 .3 .2 .1- 0.86 .88 .90 .92 .94 Q/Q0 .96 .98 1.00 1.02 Figures 160 7.2 Meridional energy transport flux as a function of the sine of latitude (x) for the 1-D EBM RL WS 00=1365.0 IS=191.85 D=0.355 FLUX 5.5 5.0 4.5 .0 3.5 U, X 3.0 X X 2.5 ~] LL 2.0 1.5 1.0 I I I .1 .2 .3 .4 I .6 .5 LRTITUCE X I .7 .8 .9 1.0 Figures 161 Maximum energy transport flux, second component of outgoing longwave radiation (I2), and iceline latitude (x,) as functions of the dynamical transport efficiency (D) for the 1-D EBM MRXFLUX RL WS 00=1355.0 15=191.85 12 RL W5 00=1365.0 IS=191.85 -20 7.0 6.5 -40 6.0 5.5 -60 E 5.0 -4.05 -100 >3.5 -120 G- 3.0 2.5 1 2.0 1.5 -150-- 1.0 -120 .5 0 0 .1 XS .2 .3 .4 .5 0 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 .7 .8 .9 , 1.0 -200 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 0 .6 .7 .8 RL.14S00=1365.0 I~S=191. 85 1.00 .98 .96 .94 .92 .90 .88 .86 .84 .82 .80 .78 .76 .74 .72 .70 .68 .56 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 0 .6 Figures .9 1.0 162 7.4 Iceline latitude (xs) for NCAR (ncarnh, ncarsh, ncargl), GFDL (gfdlnh, gfdlsh, gfdlgl), and GISS (gissnh, gisssh, gissgl) models (control run), and from Alexander and Mobley (1976) In each case, 'nh' is observations (obsnnh, obsnsh, obsngl). for the Northern Hemisphere, and 'sh' is for the Southern The global (gl) values are averages of the Hemisphere. hemispheric values in each case Xs 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 C U) CU 0 7.5 ) CCY) C CM U) W) U) U U) ~CCC C U) .0 0 0) , 0) .- 0 C 0 0 As in fig. 7.4, but for the sea level temperature at the iceline Temperature observations are from Sellers (1965) latitude. C) CO (d C C .0 C :6 0~ 0 .0 .0 .0 .0 C U) :a U) - C U) .0 .0 W) C UC U) . )0 V) U) C - 0 D L- U) CO ~ ~ 0)C Figures 163 Annual mean zonal mean planetary albedo (ALBEDO), net flux of longwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere (I), and sea level temperature (T) for NCAR (N), GFDL (P), and GISS (G) models (control run), and from Stephens et al. (1981) observations (0 for Albedo and I) and Sellers (1965) observations (0 for T). The curves are plotted separately for the Southern Hemisphere (SH) and Northern Hemisphere (NH) as a function of the sine of latitude (x) 75 RL8EO0 !H NC PR GI 08 .70 .70 .65 .65 .60 .55 .55 .50 -. .50 .5i S.40 .60 .35 .30 .20 -1.0 -. 9 -. 8 -. 7 -. 5 -. 5 -. 4 -. 3 LATITUDE X SH 270 260 250 240 230 . 220 210 Z 200 -. 2 -. 1 0 NC PR GI 08 .20 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 LATITUDE X .7 .8 .9 1.0 .8 .9 1.0 .8 .9 1.0 NCPR GI 08 NH 280 270 260 250 ~240 ~ S230 190 220 .- ' 180 170 160 150' 140 130 120 -1.0 210 200N 190 180 -. 9 -. 8 -. 7 -. 6 -. 5 -. 4 LATITUDE X SH 305 300 295 290 285 280 S275 270 265 ........-........ .25 .25 -. 3 -. 2 -. 1 0 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .5 .7 LATITUOE X T NC PR GI 08 NH NC PR GI 08 -. 300 295 290 285 280 275 -- -260 2S5 250 ' 245 240 235 230 -1.0 170 270 -. 9 -. 8 -. 7 -. 6 -. 5 -. 4 LATITUDE X -. 3 -. 2 -. 1 0 265 260 255 250 245' 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 LATITUDE X .7 Figures 164 As in fig. 7.4, but for parameterized values for A and B from the temperature - outgoing longwave radiation parameterization I =A + BT in the equivalent EBMs. 771 300 200- 100 0 .C V) -~ C C - o - - U) C () C .C V) ~ -C ~ U) 0a 0 0 a 0 772B 3 2- 0 a C U) C co Cd 0 C Y C U) -U) a) A) c U) U) U a) C c C ) 00 U)U U cis & 7& a)&a U c Figures 165 Parameterized outgoing longwave radiation (I) as a function of the sine of latitude in Southern and Northern Hemispheres (SH and NH) for NCAR (N), GFDL (P), and GISS (G) models, and for observations (0). I is calculated via I=A+BT with the parameterized A and B values and with the actual zonal mean temperatures for each case (not with the two mode Legendre representation of the temperature) PRMOI NH 270 280 NC PR G1 8 260 260 250 240 S230 220 ~220 200 210 180 200 190 160 180 140 120 -1.0 - 170 -. 9 -. 8 -. 7 -. 5 -. 5 -. 4 LATITUDE X -. 3 -. 2 -. 1 0 0 .1 .2 .3 .3 .5 .4 LATITUDE X .7 .3 .9 1.0 Figures 166 As in fig. 7.4, but for parameterized values for the albedo components ao, a2, and 5 in the equivalent EBMs alphaO 173 = -2C = r cj_ = - 0 0I C) CM - C C .0 =C C C0U , 0 C' 9 0 7 -0CB alpha2 0.3 0.2 79.2 0.1 0.0 0) C M 00 0 C :2 M : U) . C 0 ) 0- -I C .0 0)B delta 793 =~ =~ C = C C =~ C0 = = U = C = C BB B B 0 Figures 167 Parameterized albedo as a function of the sine of latitude (x) in Southern and Northern Hemispheres (SH and NH) for NCAR (N), GFDL (P), and GISS (G) models, and for observations (0) .75 .70 .60 .660 .55 .60 .55- .5 .50 .40cc- .35 .25 .20 -1.0 -. 9 .20 -. 8 -. 7 -. 6 -. 5 -. 4 LATITUOE X -. 3 -. 2 -. 1 0 0 .1 .2 .3 .5 .5 .4 LATITUOE X .7 .8 .9 Figures 1.0 168 7.11 Outgoing longwave radiation at the iceline latitude (Is) from each of the twelve equivalent EBMs Is 300 - 200 100 0 C C - 0 7.12 CD () Cl5 n Cn a 0 U) M =C) C ) -n 0) - ) C =~=) C Ul) (I C C)B Dynamical transport efficiency equivalent EBMs Cl) UC U) , M (l) U ) a.0 (D) from each of the twelve ~C C C U) = U) C - U) 0 - c CC) ~ C) U -0 0 Figures 169 7.13.1Outgoing longwave radiation components 7.13.2 each of the twelve equivalent EBMs (Io) and (I2) from 10 250 2452402 235230 225 220 (/~ -0 - C ~cl- U 0 0 12 20 08 -20 cJ-40 -60-80-100 C V) C C C :5== U) :5 C a U) C C (n C 0 0C - Figures h~CD TO T2 0 C. \ - . . ncarnh ncarnh ncarsh nc ars h gfdlnh0 gfdlnh gfdlslh gissnh gisssh gissnh gisssh obsnnhobsC) obsnsh obsnnh t-) ncargi gfdlgl gissgl cgfdlgl g 0 gissgl obbnggl obsnglw 171 7.15.1Sea level temperature from the original NCAR, GFDL, and GISS 7.15.8 GCMs and observations (solid lines), and calculated via the equation T(x)=To+T 2 P 2 (x), where the To and T2 have been taken from the equivalent EBMs (dashed lines). The results are plotted as a function of the sine of latitude (x) for each hemisphere 310 305 300 295 290 -285 315 305 295 - -- 5280 -275 270 265 260 285 275 265 255/ 250 -1.0 -. 9 -. 8 305 300 295 290 285 2 280 ,275 270 265 260 255 250 -1 .0 -. 9 -. 7 -. 5 -. 5 -. 4 LATITUDE X -. 3 -. 2 -. 1 , -. 8 -. 7 -. 6 -. 5 -. 4 LATITUDE X rT 5SH T oTn R ANn -. 3 -. 2 -. 1 PRMln .1 e 280 270 260 250 240 -1. 0 -. 9 -. 8 . . -. 7 " -. 6 -. 5 -. 4 LATITUDE X T -. 3 ' '. -. 2 -. 1 ' . - .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 LATITUDE X C!NH T - -G 74RT .7 .8 .9 1. .8 .9 1. .8 .9 1.0 .8 .9 1.0 PNn PR~n 275 270 265 260 255 250 305 300 295 290 285 2250 275 270 265 260 255 250 290 - 0 .1 .2 .3 305 290 295 .4 .5 .6 LATITUDE X nJ FNH ,T - 0 o{ T .7 ANn PR~n - .1 .2 .3 y 300 280,-' 270 - 0 305 300 295 290 285 2280 300 310 255 0 .4 .5 .6 LATITUDE X ,NN T fi PNf. .7 Ppg 285 -' 275 260 265 250 255 240 230 -1.0 ' -. 9 -. 0 -. 7 -. 6 -. 5 -. 4 LATITUDE X -. 3 ' -. 2 ' -. 1 0 245L0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .5 LRTITUDE X .7 Figures 172 7.16 Energy transport flux maximum from the equivalent EBMs (solid bars) and from the original GCMs and Carissimo et al. For the latter the global observations (cross hatched bars). values hemispheric 'gl' values are averages of the Flux Maximum EBM and GCM/OBS N E C 0O C V) CU C 0 0 C C, U' U' ' C,0 C 0' .0 .0 V) 0 0 a' U'- Flux max GCM Fmax M' . - C Figures 173 7.17 Iceline latitudes (x,) as input to the equivalent EBMs in each case (solid bars), and as calculated in the equivalent EBMs when the solar constant was increased by 2% in each case (cross hatched bars) Iceline latitude Xs 1.00 0.95 m Xs E Xs 2 0.90 0.85 0.80C AA C )* 0 0 C Figures 174 7.18 Climate sensitivity calculated from the equivalent EBMs Climate sensitivity Beta 400 300 200 CM 4 C C 0 C 0 0 C Figures 'h*1 Cbd.a thoy deeo 6 oiy coner~s w6pbQm eatnng h,~f " K.~ P.A f.22asdeneteht klhu. conanuame . es. clenl; 0 nkefic go-h d- reionity lproonlwho#4~~~~~~~~1k IIIWl? pf. w arrmc ulcrcpiuIrcied Lw. sc.,c: prsonatiha Scetii PMq 0- llu I cho .- plr e."?Is ae do barte ? , .4 e~an onteucoi va, ak ~ aebw k nrvn h cec nw ginfreap~imAAi h ht steoignlbnfti conij oliyl rcfnkibeig cplukV Hw I thrikprmrea en ritcalcpscryw~ld~clpedDowthe"m~iso conmnut Doesam?l poic reepon Af. kk-6 *w,"? IA a~poro byob and .1kd? It . der Aftteuah1kii rg~ 0b.h1 00 176 8.1 Greenhouse change validation framework Figures 177 Greenhouse change validation framework Is it a decent theory? Is it supported by observations and simpler models? Is it consistent? What are the uncertainties and how can they be reduced? Are the results sensitive to the uncertainties? Do we have a better theory or explanation? Can it be improved? What is believable in the projections? What are possible impacts? Is the research program progressing? Does it have more explanatory power than other programs scientific papers on state of kntowledge and development of understanding of greenhouse issue Relevance to science faithfully interpreted? Is the communication effective and usable? How can we do better? Are the uncertainties properly communicated? Does the policy response depend on the uncertainties? Critical capacity well developed? Does the information match the needs of policy? Are links being exploited? How is the risk presented and received? How are we learning? How can the science change to match policy needs better? What is the marginal benefit in improving communication of the science in trying to force a paradigm shift in the policy arena? Is the validation philosophy being presented? science presentation concemns evaluate perceived taken into account in the policy process beingindividualgroupsoanaional/global/resentfutre EAre costs/benefits of policies evaluate perceived risks evaluate interests and dis tributive burdens co nsider usie sue andr equity, morality ide ntify coalitionscies pol itical constituencies tsidr toexplanations reatioship co nider relationships erised ndplceto otLh er issues and policies an< Is it a decent theory? Do observations and models agree? Is it a defensible theory? Consensus? Do respectable scientists differ? Are the differences due to uncertainties in the science? Can they be reduced? How long to reduce them? What is the evidence against? Do alternative or dissent have much support? Are the projections meaningful? At what level do the mainstream scientists agree on them? What do they imply? defnsbl theory Consensus differencesthscenri du to urainaotie hanecnlimte impact slate ssthery peplacaaetsurditprio mdr n potcal a likel ge gsenaioduxo ofageclthimario x ccmaued (social change orrert ieptabihtylo t unpact Dvauat ic su stat ikely impt. worthro ngnao rcdrlycorc rcs inernatsonatheiraeans Fmp havene Does ithmeoliy / to greenhouse warming or global differ? Arac thet agee? or eer polc lc whosabeperlspev?dfrP intenatinal globN scintst teerdcd and dissentae goalsp =aeo proabiit Do repetal nthesinea ano -epo aed other issues? Figures 178 REFERENCES AER Climate Group, 1987: Data inventory for P182. Investigation of GCM current and double CO 2 climates. AER Climate Group, November 1987, 26pp. AMS, 1989: Don't blame 1988 drought on greenhouse effect, study says. A MS Newsletter, American Meteorological Society, 10 (4), p4. 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