Velocity and Attenuation Analysis of Gulf Coast Sediments using Vertical Seismic Profiling by James Raymond Wingo B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1980) SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUNE,1981 © James Raymond Wingo 1981 The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. A '0 AI ! Signature of Author D artment of arth and Plan y Science "ay Certified by V W T Accepted by 22,1981 ,Rfi M. Toksoz sis Supervisor W Chairman, Departmental Graduate Committee "WlI1SACHUSE 0 TTS NSTHUTE PM 1 M .If3W I1ES Li5vgAB\s Velocity and Attenuation Analysis of Gulf Coast Sediments using Vertical Seismic Profiling by James Raymond Wingo Submitted to the Department of Earth and Planetary Science on May 22, 1981 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geophysics ABSTRACT The elastic and anelastic properties of shallow sediments are becoming increasingly important for detailed understanding of earth properties. In order to study the velocity and attenuation properties of shallow sediments near the Gulf Coast, a vertical seismic profile was completSignals from an impulsive ed for a 1650 ft. deep gas well. seismic source were received by a three-component geophone clamped down the well. Arrivals were recorded in 10-ft. intervals, from well base to the surface. Attenuation analysis techniques included alignment and then summation of traces from a series of depths to yield average properties over comparison intervals. Attenuation computations were completed using a spectral ratio method. For compressional waves, minimum interval size was a depth range approximately equal to the wavelength of the dominant frequency component of comparison waveforms. P-wave attenuation increased markedly through the gas zone. The average Qp dropped from about 35 to 5. The frequency content of the source compressional waveform changed over time, so monitor geophone calibrations were used. Shear wave attenuation was relatively constant; average Minimum s-wave attenuation computation Os was about 20. interval size was larger than that for p-waves, because of source consistency problems. Velocities were a function of depth more than rock type. Average velocities for the three rock types encountered Shear velocities increased more ranged over only only 1%. strongly with depth, as the ratio Vp/Vs decreased from about 6.8 to 3.6 from the surface to well base. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Dr. M. N. Toksoz Professor of Geophysics Contents Page I Title 1 II Abstract 2 III Contents 3 IV Introduction 4 V Geology 8 VI Survey Geometry and Overview 9 VII Field Procedure 10 VIII Velocity Analysis 14 Processing 16 Determinations 18 Attenuation 22 Theory 22 Qp 25 Qs 31 X Conclusions 35 XI Recommendations 38 XII Acknowledgements 39 XIII References 40 XIV List of Figures 44 XV List of Tables 48 XVI Appendix 1 49 XVI Appendix 2 51 XVII Figures 54 IX XVIII Tables 84 Introduction The seismic properties of shallow sediments are for detailed are increasingly important yet variable, highly complex and examination of earth structure. For example, learn local about more and velocities in exploration their important to seismology it is in variations shallow order to prepare common-depth-point stacks of s-wave data. earthquake engineering, damage depends earthquake of the susceptibility on the structures In to of near-surface properties In order to study shallow sediment properties, sediments. wave velocities, in p-wave relationship to shear we analyzed compressional and shear wave data acquired through use of a vertical seismec profiling (VSP) technique. of both p-and s-wave properties Combined study is superior -to p-wave analysis alone for delineation of rock types and pore fluid saturation tics are ties. condition, because p-and s-wave characterismedium proper- differentially affected by changes in Toksoz et al (1976) discussed the effects of changes in rock type and pore fluid on rock velocities and attenuation of Tatham and Stoffa (1976), seismic waves (Toksoz et al,1979). and Gardner and Gregory (1974) discussed the value both p-and s-wave data waves to problems in of applying exploration seismology. Previous work on shallow in-situ s-and p-wave relationships has been done by Tullos and Reid (1958), and Gardner and Harris (1968), both for Gulf coast sediments. Benzing (1976) present- ed results of laboratory studies of p-and s-waves in carbonates ratios for and sandstones, finding higher velocities and Vp/Vs sands than carbonates. Considerable work has in Japan been done engineering pur- propagation properties (mainly for earthquake Ohta et poses). used VSP in al (1980) p-and s-wave on near Tokyo, a study depth of generating velocity structures for p-and s-waves to a about 3 A review km. of research on dynamic properties of sediments is given in a paper by Imai et al (1979). In p-and near-surface designed to determine experiment whether there is a detectible This involved a gas zone. was change in as they and velocity of seismic waves the rate of attenuation propagate through this velocities, s-wave information about gain intended to to being addition the problem of finding resolution limits for the technique of vertical seismic profiling under normal field conditions. by characterized generated by geophone detection a source at the surface. the below the surface. source-generated scattered and inhomogeneities. seismic converted He found phones well below the Wuenschal (1974) waves noise is radiating waveforms Conventional surface that signals the through highly attenuation and relatively low-velocity just of well receivers the to a down has the disadvantage array positioning travel must the which is acquisition seismic data technique for VSP is a weathered layer noted that much of caused from by multiple near-surface that recording of signals by surface can improve the signal geo- to noise ratio markedly. Because of the superior data resolution it provides, VSP has been utilized in analysis frequencies. Dix (1945) tion techniques properties over seismic discussed simple velocity determina- for down-well tests. completed a velocity Coast well, of medium Tullos and and attenuation study for a obtaining values of the attenuation Reid (1958) shallow Gulf constant for layered sediments despite significant reflection interference. More s-wave recently, VSP Stewart et velocity Lash (1980) study focusing al (1981) for on presented results converted of a p-and wave generation. found increased attenuation and reduced before-and after analysis of p-waves passing through a fracture zone. A comprehensive treatment of VSP, with discussion of tech- niques and results, is by Gal'perin (1974). The potential for VSP applications was further explored by Wyatt (1981), who utilized synthetic methods to generate section which displayed waveform both time and depth. transmission a VSP properties in Hardage (1981) compared synthetic seismo- grams created from VSP data to that generalized from data and found that tube wave contamination, gave superior agreement in one instance VSP data, sonic log despite heavy with surface reflection data. This study yielded structures wave for shallow velocity and passing through a p-and s-wave velocity Gulf Coast sediments. attenuation gas zone, were notably while shear wave and attenuation Compressional affected upon properties were less strongly altered. For attenuation analysis, traces from consecutive depth points were aligned for the event of interest and then were summed Maximum resolution to yield for wavelength for each was at average interval properties. least equal to wave type, due to effects the dominant of interference and source variation. Velocity structures dimensional found to depended on were generated straight-raypath correlate well wavelength and through use ray tracing with sonic-log program, data. interval velocity, and information was better constrained over depth. of and a twowere Resolution shear wave Geology Sediments in the survey took region and place were marker layer was at depths for of Quaternary age. at 2100 ft., below the which the The shallowest deepest survey depth. The well penetrated two shallow gas zones which were surrounded by layers of poorly consolidated sediments. For velocity analysis four classifications of sediments, determined from facies. well -log analysis, were They were: to near-surface sediments, stone, and clayey shales. roughly 65% shales, used In percentages, 20% sands, distinguish sands, silt- the strata were and 15% silts. Sands were dominant near the surface, while shale was most common near the well bottom. The strata were very unconsolidated. Core samples taken below 1,000 feet added little lithologic information. Washout compromising was a recurrent problem, information and causing vibration of the well log horizontal compon- ents of the downhole geophone at several locations. velocity analysis, thirty-one layers with an average thickness of 50 feet were The strata were thin. In the Boundaries were often defined across gradual changes used. in sediment causing a content. "bright There was spot" lithology is best described at only one 1,320 as a feet. good reflector, Overall, series of thin the beds with continuously varying proportions of sand, mud, and silt. Figures 3-4 are plots of strata types down the well. Experimental Overview and Geometry Testing was carried out for positions, with a geophone consistent for each procedure, describes three sources fixed moving up source. the The through next in surface depth intervals section, experimental on process survey in greater detail. The survey machine utilized three called the vibroseis truck. thumper, sources, a a vacuum sliding gun, and weight drop a shear wave The thumper was the only source used for the velocity and attenuation analysis in this paper, because of the superior spatial resolution it provided. (Appendix 1 describes t the source and the recording apparatus.) The three sources generated the well, at an average 2). The vacuum fifty feet, azimuth distance of about 250 feet thumper 270 feet and the 57"W, (see figure from the vacuum gun well northwest thumper, S360 12"W relative to and 260 feet away from The vibrator was 244 feet from south of a separation of about gun and thumper were at with the of S250 pulses from positions the well at of an the the well. at an angle of S400 was halfway 57"E, and 283 feet northwest of the thumper. A three-component between the thumper between thumper and and monitor geophone well, about well. It was buried ten feet at a off depth the of line about twenty-five feet. The well itself was cased and cemented , and extending to a depth of 1650 feet. Source geometry was partly dictated by fiel conditions. Obstacles included the presence well, woods, and thumper and sources were of a large uniformly muddy throughout the kept stationary mudpit between terrain. survey, The and dry cement was used to preserve and improve the coupling between the thumper and ground. 10 Procedure Field 10-ft. procedure downhole was to complete geophone spacings, thumper and shots for gun and vacuum vibroseis measurements every 100 feet. For each depth, the thumper generated four for each of line from pulses, two two weight ramp orientations symmetric the thumper to the well. ramp was positioned at an angle In each of 450 to instance the the horizontal. The two positionings will here be referred to as "west," according to the about a weight ramp position "east" and relative to the line to the well. The thumper generate orientations were both compressional so chosen order to waves; to minimize generation of SV-waves, and to produce SH first arrivals of opposite polarities calculations). and shear in (for travel-time and Figure 5 is an shear attenuation example of the amplitudes of shear and compressional waves produced relative by the thumper as recorded by the downhole geophone at 1,500 feet. After the thumper had completed pulse for the first clamping of the downhole generations for geophone feet, the downhole phone was moved up to 1,640 feet, on until it reached 1,330 feet. The thumper at 1,650 and so retained the same polarity for the first pulse at a new geophone depth as for the last every time the pulse at the preceding weight chassis the operator fired a depth. moved to a In addition, new orientation, few test shots until he was satisfied that the couple After the alternation between source and ground was adequate. thumper reached with the movements of surface. During this 100 1,330 feet, it vacuum gun feet until for the successive geophone sequence, one all of its rounds, followed operated in by the geophone reached the source would complete other, and at the next depth the order of shooting would reverse. The geophone was lowered again to 1,320 feet final vacuum gun run at the experiment Ten-foot depths the 30 feet, thumper geophone movements where gravity-weight and for the the was after the remainder of only source were standard except arrivals had used. to avoid already been recorded during the vacuum gun sequence. Recording instrument gains were changed several for thedownhole geophone times near the surface, but only once for shots below 600 feet (the shallow cutoff for attenuation analysis in this study): they were reduced 12 db for all three channels when the downhole geophone reached 620 feet. Monitor geophone gains were changed once during the survey, just after all vacuum gun tests were completed. The (excluding combined effects tests) and of 330 shots muddy field conditions for steps to improve the source-ground Dry cement pool when thumper operator After each orientation created need coupling frequently. was therefore placed beneath the necessary. per thumper ground addition of cement, the initiated several test shots to prepare the couple. 12 The survey lasted time was spent three days, resolving but about half logistical of that difficulties; shooting itself ran continuously for about 36 hours. the Velocity Analysis Compressional Waves Travel Times Arrival time picks from the thumper source the inputs for compressional and shear wave sis. Plots with a time scale of 50 initial p-wave picks, for checking. data were velocity analy- ms/inch were used for and 20 ms/inch plots were This approach gave arrival later used times within a range of about + 1.5 ms. However, the usual measurement was in first-break human error involved accompanied by uncertainties recording instrument zero time engendered by variations. The recording instruments often cut in before or after the source began to generate its signal; of fifteen time difference for different the worst case was an ms. between two thumps traveling Usually the range of apparent travel to the first arrivals depth point. same variation in travel times to the same point was +2 ms. This problem was resolved to within human picking error by examination of the monitor geophone arrival times. average arrival time of 23 ms. from source to was used to monitor phone determine zero time differences, and computed varied in a manner consistent with in travel time to the downhole geophone. An lags thus the variations The close downhole geophone spacings and the small and monotonic p-wave moveout of 2 or 3 ms. per spacing (except for those near-surface readings where head waves arrived first) helped to minimize error. still The net time picks result is confidence in travel to within about 2 ms. Figures 6-9 show the pattern of compressional waveform arrivals down the well. Shear Waves Travel Times Shear wave arrival times were less well fixed. There and zero were the usual difficulties, including human error time, as for p-waves. But since accurate shear wave picks require overlays of rotated arrivals of figure 10), opposite polarities, (see the zero-time uncertainties were doubled. There were because of difficulties in identification of shear arrivals low level noise due to tube wave and sional wave interference. not generate late-arriving compres- Finally, the but reversed identical also thumper source did waveforms upon re- orientation; this problem increased with time and differentthe downhole ial compaction, and therefore was largest when geophone was shallowest. p-wave moni- The zero-time problem was corrected using tor correction parameters, and arrivals were overlay plots scaled to 40 ms/inch. weak near the surface, arrivals and because of measured from Reversals were perhaps due to effects of surface wave masking. tube wave There were also roughly 20 ringy, clipped, or dead depth points horizontal components of the downhole geophone. very on the (There was only one bad depth cementing phone point for the vertical component. allowed much oscillation.) more horizontal than The shear interpolated values in some cases. wave vertical geo- arrival patterns recorded over small spacings greatly to increase the surface. again helped time arrival measurement near But spatially the shear wave error ranges are than for compressional waves; the average ratio is 4, while the errors range over roughly a two. are Error ranges are +3 ms. at depth and +4 ms. accuracy. smaller times Nevertheless, consistent moveout shear wave Poor Vp/Vs factor of (This means that the shear wave velocity structure was better constrained in terms of layer depths and thick- nesses. Figures 11-16 are plots of shear wave arrival waveforms for the indicated geophone locations down figure 17 shows incidence times for shear the well, and and compressional waves as a function of depth. Ray Tracing After arrival time picking was completed, travel times were input to a flat-layer ray the tracing program as standards for comparison with computed travel times. velocity structures were calculated by one lithology, and one which was Two ray-tracing methods: whose layer boundaries correlated with boundaries, real generated real lithologic independent of with interfaces marked every 50 ft. The software propagated rays to the well for a range and density of initial by the specified incident angles It then interpolated to yield travel times at 10-ft. user. intervals (for which real travel times were also available). Another times travel computed compared program with real travel times, and it generated files with residuals for The investigator used trial and 10-and 100-foot intervals. Appendix error methods to minimize travel time differences. 2 contains a listing of the ray-tracing program. structure, layer For the lithologically-based velocity boundary analysis of the modeling program based were A thirty-one layer model, with four general classes (including the near-surface region class) was on sonic and well log resistivity, SP, induction, density charts. sediment to inputs then used However, analysis. for ray-tracing as one although the average layer thickness is 50 feet, only eleven and thirteen of the layers had thicknesses of over 90 feet, the latter Velocities for of ten to twenty feet. were of thicknesses were determined layers beyond time picking of resolution for the travel program's limits modelling the constraints, and encountered uniqueness problems resolved by examination of information initial velocities from were based the on sonic .18 is a plot of Their analysis, and log were varied in a consistent manner for depth Figure logs. well and lithology. final computed velocities for the litholic model. Comparison of shows that the the lithologic two are very 17 and similar, fi-'d-block Lth models differences primarily due to smoothing where lithologic layers are thin. For instance, in the 1300-1400 ft. region, where the average layer thickness for ft., the blocked model, like lower velocity for yields a the lithologic model was less than 20 the lithologic model shows a the block including the gas smoothed average velocity for region, but the deeper zone, contrasting with the lithologic model's ( and sonic log's) greater acoustic differences. the lithologic resolution of straints in The model in the ray-tracing The higher resolution from second zone modelling is for the beyond error the con- this study. proceeding discussion summarizes velocity trends with rock type based on lithologic model analysis. Average velocities were based on layer velocities weighted according to layer thickness, is there greatest so that the thickest layers, certainty in interval for which velocity, are weighted most heavily. Compressional Wave Velocities Table 1 shows average velocities various sediment types. the three classes are computed almost equal, slightly lower, spread in velocities was only 1%. with sand velocities at 6050 ft/s; well, where all and shale the overall However, over 80% of the sands and almost all of the silts are in the of the the The table shows that velocities for averaging 6090 ft/s, silt speeds about 6075 ft/s, velocities only for velocities are shallower half lower. For the the well, rock type partly isolated from sand and can be averages of 6090 and compaction effects, were equal to silt velocities their whole-survey while shale 6075 ft/s, respectively, For all velocities were significantly lower, at 6010 ft/s. classes, the ft/s, the velocity was 5930 average top-half bottom-half average was due to where velocity changes shallower half of 6210 ft/s, Vp was and the overall 6070 ft/s. Shear Wave Velocities Variation between shear wave velocities was of depth more than of strata type. a function For shales, the overall Vs was 1710 ft/s, with a top half average of 1600 ft/sec and a lower-half mean of 1770 ft/s. ft/s through averaged 1450 Silts the survey depths, while sands were near 1300 ft/s. Shear wave The top-half average was velocities increased average speed 1750 ft/s, and strongly the bottom-half was 1320 ft/s, the overall with depth. average was 1540 ft/s. Vp/Vs Relationships values Vp/Vs were most strongly indicative of the relatively rapid shear wave velocity increase with depth and compaction. (See figure 19.) Shales, most of 3.6. prevalent at depth, had an overall Vp/Vs Sands, the dominant shallow sediment, had a 19 Vp/Vs of 4.6, while for silts the value was 4.2. For the top half of the well, the average Vp/Vs was 4.5, and for the bottom portion it was 4.0; from top to base the mean was 4.2. Sonic Log Comparisons The velocity waves through velocity structure ray-tracing methods structure derived Correspondence was were generally generated close. for was later compared from sonic log travel Velocities from slightly lower compressional than for to a times. the sonic the log layered model (see figure 18), particularly near the surface. As a further test, the averaged over ten-foot 165-layer case to sonic log velocity intervals and the ray-tracing picks were were then input program. as a Travel times computed using sonic log velocities were consistently greater than real travel times, differences at shallow depths. with the greatest Below 1,000 feet the travel time differences were within picking error. porosity were sources abnormally large indicate, surprising. then Figure 20 this transit If washout and near the surface, trend in shows residuals as other residuals as a is function not of depth for the sonic model. Even assuming that in situ velocities are well-known, a straight-ray program like that used for this study will compute from the true velocities smaller transit times than would arise in real field tests, because real 20 raypaths are somewhat curved. Velocities discussed here for the layered model in p were chosen so that computed times would generate slightly negative travel time residuals within the picking error. The positive residuals for range of the sonic log model, which were consistently greater than picking error at shallow depths, indicate that sonic log velocities were probably significantly lower than real velocities in shallow regions. Attenuation is Attenuation results from interactions including reflection spreading, scattering, tion, geometric In addition, of wave propagates. constructive and destructive interference can in measured apparent variations cause It and refrac- absorption and the through which the the material energy by describing it travels through a medium. loss of a wave as energy term a comprehensive attenuation over a range of frequencies. of these attenuation agents except All elastic properties, whereas losses, of which absorption absorption are includes anelastic frictional interactions are probably the dominant component (Johnston et al,1979). Early field by work on seismic wave attenuation that the (1945),who found Born frequency arrivals through shallow earth decreases time. was done content of exponentially with This led Born to assume propagation of plane seismic waves with amplitudes of the form: A(f)=G(f,z)(e-azt)ei(2nft-kz) 2 where G depends on geometry,including reflections and (1/z ) geometric spreading; k=27r/X=2rf/V; and V The a is is phase attenuation coefficient with frequency the attenuation velocity. usually over a wide range of 22 coefficient; increases linearly frequencies, including the seismic range: a= vf and v is a constant which is characteristic of a type, and which varies with given rock saturation and pressure (Toksoz et al, 1979). The value of v for a particular rock sample can be determined by comparing the frequency spectrum of the sample with that of a known reference. The ratio of the natural logarithms of the respective amplitudes is: ln(Ai/A 2 )=( v2 -v 1) zf+ln(Gi/G 2 ) Assuming that Gi/G does not depend on frequency, the slope of of the spectral ratio plot should be constant. If v1 is 2 known or is very small, then the attenuation constant of the sample can be found directly (Toksoz et al,1979). For VSP analysis, one can measure v by assuming that waveforms propagate over the same, nearly vertical, raypaths until reaching the neighborhood of the shallower receiver. A comparison of spectra of the deeper and ers should be indicative of the attenuation' through strata between the similar raypaths two measuring points. improves with geometry such as for this study. p-wave shallower receiv- analysis starting with depth for assumption VSP of surveys of One reason for completing depths below 600 (Other reasons because of raypath differences. quality deterioration and increasingly incident angles.) This ft. was were data non-vertical p-wave One can define a quantity Q, called "quality", which is absence of is independent of frequency in related to v and dispersion: Q=w/vV wavelet broaden- Physically, Q is inversely proportional to loss strain the to and ing, per energy in strain cycle: Q=AW/21TW W is and AW is work completed, energy lost. Q values for various rock types are given in Table 2. Fluid decreases saturation Qs, and both Qp motion along because fluids facilitate relative rock matrix cracks, and also absorption of and because motion partly fluid itself causes some energy loss (Johnson et by the al, 1979). In a relative sense, Qs is more affected by fluid saturation Gas saturation than Qp. quality para- also decreases both meters. Taken together, Qs and can Qp indicate help saturation characteristics of a reservoir. the The question is whether in situ studies can provide resolution sufficient to isolate anelastic interval attenuation effects. Processing Procedure The spectra Fortran software from an used for interactively 24 this specified study window generated of the comparison waveforms. It calculated the logarithmic ratio of the spectra of the waveforms, and then yielded a these spectral ratios. which to take a figures 24-27). plot of The user then picked the range over least-squares fit to determine v. (See This software was written by Marc Willis of M.I.T. P-Wave Attenuation Analysis The initial approach taken for processing the compres- sional wave data was to align the waveforms from (accuracy of each depth breaking waveform), and interval, normalizing number for was +1.5 ms, computed from stacking: to correct ary to compensate sum them over according variability and for error introduced by these over the to source and to be about 150 ft., which is close to the dominant compressional wavelength of Attenuation to The minimum stack size necess- reflection problems was found ft. a desired There were two motivations for source cancel reflection arrivals. high-resolution plots the output of traces in the stack. all depths smaller intervals was about 190 less than experimental error. Stacking did not reflection arrivals. the completely destroy Ganley and Reflections, like elastic attenuation, so effects of Kanasewich (1979) discuss effect of reflection arrivals on ions. the attenuation computat- primary arrivals, experience an- that complete cancellation due to destructive interference incurred by st-cking is not possible. Nevertheless, summation does great y reduce the effects of reflections. Major elements Source consistency was a major concern. in thumper ramp acclivity, and coupling problems introduced by each thumper included variation source problem of the each addition and reorientation of dry Extreme cement. shot-to-shot source variations were identifiable by means of inspection of the trends in monitor geophone versus downhole strengths. geophone arrival The data was run the energy Fortran program which flagged those depths where was markedly compressional wave window through a arriving through a different from that coming in at nearby depths and from that at the arriving depth from same set the thumper at the Where amplitudes were anomalous on both opposite polarity. downhole and monitor geophones, that depth point was removed from the stack. In this way, five depth points were removed the section for each thumper polarity. from more difficult problem was variation A much strength due to cumulative effects. did stacking not cause any It was cancellations. frequency content of the source waveform ently over uphole. ground time, and equivalently, as in source not random, so Rather, the increased consistthe geophone moved This was probably due to general compaction of the near the source. Figure 21 shows monitor geophone vertical component spectra which correspond to the shots for the indicated stacks of eastward downhole traces. in frequency content was greatest The shift at the beginning of the survey, and by the time the geophone had moved up to a depth of 1,100 feet the frequency content of the waveform reaching the monitor geophone had almost stabilized. The frequency shift was probably caused more by altera- task This made the source itself. character of change in the because the phone calibrations difficult, of monitor by a and ground than between source tions in the coupling monitor and downhole geophones sensed different parts of the probably varied spatially the less, possible only the quality of the couple as well as over time. Neverthe- pattern, and source's radiation from the that geophone with the monitor information from incorporate to was correction downhole arrivals. The correction technique used assumed that the spectral amplitudes of the vertical component of the monitor geophone corresponded directly to waveforms, Als and spreading, the A2 s. After amplitudes the thos-e of at source comparison for spherical correcting a certain and depth time can be written as: A(zi)=Ais(e-az y A(z 2 )=A2 s(e-az 2 ) Then A(z2)=(A2s)(e-a(z2-zl) A(zl Aid Removal of variation source cancelling (A2 s/Als): downhole spectrum effects the algorithm by the was then done by multiplied the deeper monitor spectrum for the shallow stack, and the deep monitor spectrum by the shallow downhole spectrum. This correction was completed for those (deeper) stacks for which frequency shift was significant. The spectral ratio method used had significant limitatof Inaccuracy ions. Q the as measurements increases Q logarithm of the spectral ratios of the traces of interest decreases. Noise slope of increases, and the the natural Also, in such instances, begins to dominate in these cases. the Q value computed is significantly affected by the choice Windows of the spectral window for attenuation computation. chosen for the listed values were picked for spectral ranges where compressional wave energy was strongest, and covered a frequency band centered near 30 Hz, with a width of about 16 Hz. example An of the effects of window spectral for 150-foot variation is the monitor-corrected comparison, feet, for stacks, of the arrivals centered at 975 and 1,125 which the Q goes from -28 (the value of 80 was 22-39 hertz, while size to 700 to 80 as the window widens. width of picked with a typical window the first two values were for narrow strong ampli- windows which excluded some frequencies with tudes). In cases such as this, attenuation is probably low, within the range of experimental error. this case that monitor geophone It is possible in corrections overcompensated for downhole source radiation patterns, or that constructive interference strengthened the deeper waveform. Time window length of the comparison waveforms can also influence calculations. Tests showed that too window yields a spectrum dominated by the properties short a of the sine taper used to prepare the trace for while too long a window includes more Time windows used for the spectral analysis, interference effects. compressional wave analysis discussed here were all four cycles long. Results for Qg Tables 3-5 show values 200-foot stacks geophone. of Qp computed from 150-and of the vertical component of the downhole Figures 22 and 23 are plots of compressional the spectra for waveforms which were sums of fifteen traces whose depths were centered on the indicated depths. One result immediately attenuation the is markedly main gas sand. variability, as stands out, higher across that Elsewhere, values one that value is being that zone including for Qp show notable negative, while comparison of Q values computed shows a other values are relatively high. Nevertheless, rough correspondence between the values for stacks thumper with eastward versus westward orientation. from the As dis- cussed in the geologic section, lithology from the depths of 600 to about 1,320 feet consists mainly of shaly strata with small sandy and silty layers interspersed. moderate through the shallowest shale layers, with depth and compaction. and decreases Q values vary from 12 to 85, but center around 35, with four of the eight data 10 of that value. Attenuation is points within In the region around the larger gas zone, Q values for both sources drop dramatically to about 2, and values computed after monitor phone corrections show skew, but qualitatively indicate, again, greater east-west in the intermediate attenuation shales, reduced shallower attenuation in through the deeper shales, high attenuation the sources, west and for the next interval. respectively, Q for east 5 and -15 diverge to then at 1,320 gas zone the region of and moderate feet, attenuation in the lowest zone which includes the second gas The most anomalous Q values zone and a high-velocity shale. versus those centered on 975 stacked arrivals are for the Perhaps centered on 1,125, where both Q's are close to -30. structive interference affected versus 825 differences in a 975 the deeper waveform. ft. for perhaps con- positive Q values for east high negative and high about compensated these regions, or shifts in source frequency stacks incorrectly geophone corrections monitor and west only represent very flat slope centered about The small zero; both indicate very small attenuation, in the range of experimental error. for 200-foot More measurements, region just above the below the gas, and gas sand they also stacks, to that zone indicated through the region including the gas. and associated including and high attenuation Q values were about 2 before source variation corrections, while ues centered on 5. compared the compensated val- Figures 24-27 show the spectral windows log ratio plots used for ions. 30 these determinat- Shear Wave Attenuation Processing mainly the two on geophone, the downhole of horizontal components and their preferred horizontal polarity pendicular to the line from since the were received (primarily SH) arrivals shear wave The to the well. the thumper the horizontal as its cable twisted during each relocation, the geophone But re-oriented itself downhole geophone continually components of was per- needed to be artificially re- oriented in order to isolate the SH-arrivals consistently on one channel. the assumption specified The rotation that the energy arriving a within shear. was primarily time window iterated through 1800 algorithm operated according to in 10 steps, and chose The userprogram that rotation angle which maximized shear energy arriving at the designatThis channel, the SH-maximized record, will be ed channel. referred to as the transverse trace. Figure 5 shows the three components geophone at a depth of 1500 ft. a greater amount of of the downhole The transverse channel has shear energy, and less compressional wave energy, than the other rotated horizontal channel. A problem with the rotation algorithm was that, depending on real downhole geophone orientation, it chose either shear arrival or its reverse. the correct polarity The best of the in-stream correction is to compare the rotated a with waveform previously having arrival rotated the correct polarity. comparison A of east wave shear with west rotation angles for the same depth point (fixed geophone) showed that the angles usually rotation computed in part Variation was due over ranged of to limitations +150. the rotation algorithm, but real differences in source realignments could also have contributed to variations. The was algorithm rotation effective when incident energy was indeed primarily shear, and compressional reflection and tube wave minimal. interference was Careful, trace-by-trace, rotation window selection largely alleviated the interference problem, pleted in order to but further processing correct for small was com- rotation differences caused by contamination. The first step in the rotation correction procedure was to align all of the horizontal traces according to the shear Alignments were next wave arrival times (picked to +3 ms). fine-tuned ence began. Starting with the deepest traces (least likely to be contaminated by depth point calibration sequ- by computer, and the rotation was tube waves), compared to the SH arrival a summed composite at each of three previously re-rotated SH arrivals from points directly below it, and was then re-rotated through +15 degrees in maximize the semblance between it and the order to reference stacked trace. Once rotation, alignment and rotation calibration were over 400-foot completed, the transverse, traces were summed A stack was again necessary in order to account intervals. for possible shear wave reflections, other wave-type contamination, and source variations. Attenuation measurements were tried for a variety of window lengths, two-cycle window was chosen as a compromise finally a and between desire and need shear arrival information as possible for as much Figure 29 to minimize depth-dependent interference effects. shows the impact of a larger window size of seven cycles, versus a more typical length of four periods. Nevertheless, though simple interference was analog was two-cycle windows showed a Hz. Attenuation methods: indicated trace analysis primary frequency with humps around ten still a problem. about 20 and Hz, the calculations that the from the spectra spectral distribution hertz, and a node at 20 bimodal thirty Al- were then with a short spectral window made about using the two 10-Hz hump, and with a much longer window including both humps. Qs Results Table 6 shows the measurements calculated results of shear wave attenuation over a series of intervals. and west-thumper orientation SH-sections were arately, as for rough correlation compressional waves, and between the Q's found for East- analyzed sepresults showed each polarity. Attenuation of the shear waves was consistently greater than for compressional waves, as Q's values ranged from a minimum of 10 to a maximum of 50. Six of the ten Q values tabulated and the high Q's are were closely spaced about 11, all for narrow spectral windows (centered about 10 hertz). Source waveform variability, geophone ring, ference combined over depth, so a centered roughly the shear check was the best data computed from comparison of 15, For a and (5-30 hz), Qs was about 25. and log ratio plots for smaller stacks the west section. those Q stacks agreed short spectral window for a long spectral window (See figure 30 for the spectral these stacks. 34 two spectra variable including approximately points from with previous runs. (5-15 hz), Qs was near wave run using about 810 and 1,200 feet, twenty of values to make and inter- Conclusions order to A vertical seismic profile was completed in investigate the seismic The sediments. properties of experimental both generated equipment velocity and shear wave data, from which compressional and Gulf Coast shallow attenuation determinations were made. 10 of Use constrain to sufficient measurements ft. to of about a was 6070 ft/s. and wavelength, The velocity calculations to zones of one-half wavelength. dominant p-wave wavelength was attenuation wave compressional intervals downhole offsets clamping *was 190 ft., and the average Vp with a dominant wavelength of Shear waves, about 90 ft. and velocities averaging 1540 ft/s, one-fourth of the p-wave velocities, had potential for greater spatial resolution, but problems source consistency increased the minimum interval size for attenuation calculations. Analysis of well-log data enabled the investigator to divide strata straight-raypath, into four two-dimensional sediment A classes. raytracing program was then used to generate a velocity structure which yielded the following sediment velocity relationships: for the near-surface, Vp was 4860 ft/s, while Vs was 700 ft/s; for sands, Vp was 5960 ft/s, and Vs was 1300 ft/s; for silts, Vp was 6075 ft/s, while Vs was and for shaley clays, Vp was 1430 ft/s; 6050 ft/s, and Vs was 1710 ft/s. However, the dominant factor affecting velocities was compaction. Both p-and s-velocities increased consistently with though depth, shear velocities were more strongly altered with burial depth. Through the significantly, much. This gas zone, p-wave velocities while s-wave velocities were not result was apparent from dropped changed as both ray-tracing modelling and sonic log measurements. Attenuation processing points sequence which then and interest. steps measurements summed Shear of wave completed aligned traces them ov'er geophone after from all a depth of intervals depth processing included artificial energy-maximization were the additional rotation an using technique for a shear wave window, and re-rotation using semblance methods. s-waves traces were checked by Both p-and which flagged shots for which arrivals a program exhibited anomalous arrival strength. kind Another continual change increase in the monitor geophone for data to of source in signal frequency content source-ground couple calibrations. which this involving variation, over time, The following series processing due a to a required results are steps had been applied. Q p values centered about 35, but a maximum of 90 to a minimum of 5. ranged from As the geophone passed through the major gas sand, Qp dropped significantly, to about 5, even after monitor geophone corrections were added. Qp values (40), were highest and were less large that layer including in the intermediate through the both the shallow deeper gas zone depth shales shales and and deepest shales (25). Average Qs was about 25. Qs showed smaller variation with depth and source orientation than did Qp. Interference effects, probably due to near-surface multiples, caused some frequency-dependant variations in attenuation. Recommendations More patterns study of the is needed to source. This determine will constrain measurement error with respect to time and (spacial depth relationship between the variations). attenuation (source variations) In monitor geophone radiation and particular, the downhole signal strengths needs to be resolved. Use of a source with stationary baseplates might help to improve source consistency. Deeper burial of the monitor geophone in will help geophone corrections. to increase confidence monitor Acknowledgements I would like to thank Dr. Bob Lucas at Amoco Production Research Company for this study. Also, my special thanks to Lana Nelson at Amoco kindness in Orleans for in New Company Production support for providing assistance and her patience his first helping this fledgling programmer in Bob Melton that awful monster called CMS. encounters with was a great help and in interpretation of the geology from the Dr. Jeff Johnston, my advisor at Amoco, well log data, and was a valuable source of information and advice. Dr. At M.I.T., in invaluable encouragement. was which used Roger Turpening and Robert generating Marc Willis for ideas, provided the attenuation Stewart were approaches, and Fortran software analysis. Pam Stanley Paul Cunningham Especially, I would like to thank Professor Toksoz for assisted with velocity analysis, and didn't. his recommendations, support and understanding. I was very lucky to meet him through field camp in 1979; I believe that he likes eggnog almost as well as lard bread. Finally, my thanks to my bro's, who embody essence of ROGS. the eternal References Aki, K. (1976) Signal to noise ratio of seismic measurements, Volcanoes and tectonosphere, edited by Hitoshi Aoki and Susumu Iizuku, Tokai University Press. Anderson, D. L., et al., Attenuation of seismic energy in the upper mantle: J. Geophys. Res., 70,1441-1448, 1965. Auberger, M. and J. S. Rinehart, Method for measuring attenuation of ultrasonic longitudinal waves in plastics and rocks: J. Acoust. Soc. A., Birch, F. and D. Bancroft, 32, 1698-1699, 1960. Elasticity and internal friction in a long column of granite: Bull. Seis. Soc. Amer., 28, 243-255, 1938. Born, W. 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Arrivals to the vertical component of the downhole geophone for the depths indicated. 10. Overlay plot of the transverse, or shear wave-maximized trace for the configurations, Compressional shear waves thumper from the source east and downhole geophone at arrivals break come in in with the with reversed first same west 1,500 feet. polarity, but particle motions, due to source reorientation. 11-16. by Shear subtracting thumper source different wave traces. These waveforms were computed corresponding transverse in east and west polarities signals records orientations. retain the same for the Since for polarity for compressional waves, but reverse polarities for shear waves, this subtraction technique enhances shear wave The traces were calibrated for variations in strength Scaling with source reorientation was done over a p-wave arrivals. p-wave arrival before subtracting. window around the time of first-break p-arrivals. 17. First arrival times for compressional and shear waves as a function of depth. 18. Plot of compressional, shear, and sonic log velocities with - depth. The two former velocity structures were computed using a flat-layer ray tracing program. 19. The ratio velocities between compressional as a function of depth. and shear Shear wave wave velocities increase relatively quickly with depth. 20. Travel time residuals for the sonic log velocity model. Inputs were averaged sonic velocities. the difference range for model between computed and real times. p-wave travel time travel The residuals times picks is are significantly The error about 2 ms. greater are than Sonic real travel times for shallow depths. 21. Amplitude spectra for sums of arrivals at the vertical components of the wave time window. monitor geophone during a compressional The stacks are for source shots for which the downhole geophone was positioned as indicated. 22. Amplitude spectra for first compressional wave arrivals received on the vertical component of geophone for values. All arrivals clamping depths centered on the downhole the indicated were from the thumper source in its eastward orientation. 23. Downhole 22, but geophone compressional received from the spectra as in figure in thumper its westward orientation. 21-24. Plots of spectra, and amplitude the the compressional ratio of wave the natural coefficients for first arrival logarithms each frequency, for vertical downhole geophone traces centered on 1260 of the stacks of and 1410 feet (including clamping points from 1,200 to 1310, and 1320 to 1510 feet,respectively). to 1,340 feet. The main gas zone was at 1,320 Chosen spectral window limits are marked with arrows. Figures 24 and 25 are for arrivals which had not been corrected for source variations. Figures Attenuation 26 and decreased 27 source-corrected show with the corrections, spectra. but was nevertheless hogher than through any other section of strata near the well. 28. P-wave Q-values. These calculations east and west orientations. are averages for Monitor-phone calibrated values were used for the deepest intervals. 29. A comparison of shear wave spectra for different time windows, of seven and four cycles, starting with first shear wave arrivals. 30. Interference is greater for longer windows. A sample spectral comparison for two shear wave stacks centered on 810 and 1200 feet. for both short (usually wave 5-14 hz) windows. Interference signal near 20 hz. Attenuation was calculated and long (5-30 destroyed much of hz) shear the arriving Tables 1. Velocity relationships waves computed for between compressional and shear three sediment classes determined from well log analysis. 2. Q values for various rock types. 3-5. Computed Qp values for From Johnston (1978). 15-member sums of waveforms arriving to the vertical component of the downhole geophone for clamping levels distributed about the indicated average depths. Figure 3 shows computations found without source corrections. Figure 4 shows calculations with source corrections, as determined from the monitor geophone arrivals. Figure 5 gives Qp values found for the indicated sums of traces just above and just below the primary gas zone. 6. Computed Qs values for the indicated intervals. Appendix 1 Equipment Description The seismic source was a used for the analysis of gravity weight-drop Figure 1 shows device known as this paper a "thumper". the thumper in various configurations. the tests run on the Gulf Coast, the thumper For operated with the weight ramp in the two non-vertical orientations. The weight used was eight foot long horizontal. ramp 1500 pounds, which inclined 450 maximum extension The weight's from its base, was and it slid protruding one foot above the the ramp's end. square metal Whenever the thumper changed the operator also moved the baseplate, and orientations it from was nine feet The force of impact was distributed by a 2 ft. base plate at the ramp's base. down an tried to minimize the resultant coupling changes by running a few test shots. monitor and downhole geophones had Both Signals arriving at the geophones perpendicular components. were recorded 12 gains db milliseconds, three mutually banks with by Minie-Sosie instruments on two apart. and the rate sampling The total listening used period was was 2 two seconds. A vacuum-driven weight vibroseis truck only for operated in 100-foot drop machine and a shear-wave addition to the thumper, but downhole geophone spacings. In addition, record the a surface geophone arrivals from array was the vibroseis also source. used The data from these sources was not used for the discussion in this paper. 50 to C c vat is the arrm of velocity vat**& c thick is 9 C c C 4a or with iatorfac. depths. It bad all othr alr ieratioas. iaforatioa is measured from the v'!rtLicsl. Thtat is the last seagle for rayVtraciag Iteratioss. TThiAcr Is the iscremeat betwomm aciest aingles for re x successive Jtoetioas. ep'n C Walkis the source-to-well offset. C Inz Isthe svrvey bottom depth clasplug depth& t C 9 level This is I~~ Lii HC is sansrraw storing depth. et which ras& or* lxtideatp C c C~h roIa G c 9 steH $: travel time vaiufo. ritfte. The program traces rets from a succession of incident anles cointroled byV he user. It records the deptt Which the revs arrive at the mall as well astahleir travel ie, n Interpolates to find travel times at depths for which there ae rest trayel tie measurements* £ G C aa 9rey 3 pro mrs.ra stores these travel times, and the veet too is a into a residual Cosn *rise* progrem of his liking. latertpolatioa Cteau& inaccurate whorl ffseta ra 'rV aarg a. The proroa recor-ds the arrival informatioa for the user to laspect to decide it he needs a &salter sngular increment. Imsz-i8sa. watk*261* character respoass write(6,i ) i foraat(' *Ater I If ou sant structure parseeters read from fie') resd(S.2) Armed Oformst(v) I? (*oot(' eater &umber of lawers') iir adl~i go to 3 call read Ithick,ve,almag) 9 £ £ Subroutine read reads In velkocity structure values from storage files* writes, ) 6 format(, eater layer thiohsesso') rasd(S~a) thick(um) writa(6 ' ) 19 fermat(O eoter layer votocity') rosd(5.l) valtse) 4 wrlio(B.111 It formet(' enter thotae1) read(5.2.) thtel fae.01743SH9 thaeis focothetaeI 13) brttolt. 13 forest(' *sar thetef read(S.2) theit writetS. 15) 1S enter *alle formeiC lxcrsueat) read (5.2) thincr thiacr-I&CMthlCr tketas .tetal ltot*S Lii utote. thet tasw tJ &/t dx-%kick( I )tas( tkaw) xiktoxtotfdx it~t~t.a~vtk)go to 31 dlsthtck( 11 )ioa(1l1ue go to 35 I1I(doet.gI.smax9) Stoaew'eltota diextkack thaew) how desltedia/velIM) %ttie(j1;trthee~j)4delt 34to30929 11.ait. 3theaswo thutsac 3Scoatinmue lsvel( 34 lies.of gk eti 0 are$ ii-6 dolie461.11 wrteC?, 115) tevita),6rtlaata),sagleta) 116 foreatt' sa'.16,' trtiae-',f12.5,' S acident 6agle**,012.6) 1tsteve(a)-level(a*11 go to 112 ttillt.4axI tt area. contaiue anxe 112 *.xeaage(mr+1),aagleter) urlte(6,113) between sagte',112.s, 113 forest(' mex-',15, Ihow for 9 C 638 do 7 ad,12.s) laterpeotatoa k=1.165 k1eaktiacr do 80 ame1.ti lfikIS~mq.Ievetta)) go to IS 1(kil.g.teveota)) go6o 79 7 re teveitt)-Ieve(a+1 go to 69 79 mes-I 1t(IteveIta).eg.0).and.(ki0.g6.1I)) i go to kI6 It write(6,830) 130 fereat' no raga arrived below',16,' feet') 71 to to 15 travik)*trtieu(t) £9 coati&%e 70 continue 71 coatine do 26S i-Ik 116*161 write(4,261) 110,6rayv() 261 foraet(17,(12.5) 250 coatiAuI stop C e subroatlas read(6kick~veltrs) dieseslon jdeep(165),v*1(I6S),tkick165) deep(1),vei) raed(3,9) Is()-$ WhI1)& Ifta.q.1 go to 11 do I 1.. read(3,9) jdeep(),vetI() 9 Ioreet(1?,f13.5 - tik(Ihtledsep Ail-jdesp(i-1) 10 cotIh~AVO II return and 11 Well Vibrator Vacuum Gun Thump routc -,8 . I Grouc 2 Group 3 200 0 SCALE Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Figure 1 Group 7 -54- 200 IN FEET 400 ,-% -ir * ~ - .; *1 r.. -. - 7 srr44 ~ .1d * - fl' ~ i4E-tC. Figure 2 -55- I 0 460 60 520 70 ctC 560 160 180 c 710 270 740O 290 840r7 3 440 460 Figure 3 -56- 860 13140 1360 1380 'o. 1390 1410 370 C I 000 020 I 1030 1500 1510 1550 1550 1600 1650 1190 1200 - c////// 30 Figure 4 340 1a -57- shales sands siits radial rtical p 2d0 aido edo z=500 sWo lio time b ins) d~o aob o sco MILLS Sao Sac 1200 1500 Sao GO 610 620 6qO 6410 ES50 660 670 680 690 700 710 720 730 V 7-!0 750 760 770 780 790 800 Figure 6 -59- 1900 2100 MILLS =ao 9CI soc 1200 15cc 810 I !a 820 830 850 8SD 870 - 880 Soo - 910 20 IG 850 968 970 980 990 tocooJ 1010 Figure 7- -60- 2100 I ell0 ~ I --- MrLLS Ma 600 9CD 12 a C 151-140 1230 Ito Figure 8 -61- C M a L doo eca r I 5~2O I ULM& Figure9 -62- 2:30 transverse component z=1500 ft amplitude 1000 500 time (ms) 1500 M LLS saa Soo so -1200' I80 1500o - S40 710 720 730 '4-A 740 Figure 11 -64- MILLS SCQ ~oO 12Cr 9Wo I Sco 770 7130 7SO ~Aivv~ 820 A 4ft A 680 ~J 870 V 910 Figure 12 -65- 2:cM MILLS So I Co4 I S200 2500o I 950 97C ISM 1000 1010 1020 1030 I C14 0 1070 1 080 1100 Figure -66- l3 Leco MtLLS Goo sOO 1200 ieco 2500 1110 1120 1160 1170 1200 1210 1220A 1230 A 12F0 Figure 14 -67- 21t MILLS 0 oo 2co 1200 loco 2500 I t I 1~8 1350 o w-I"% I 1410 Naps 1420 1390 ^ "A3 0a S 1430 1420, Figure 15-68- 2ItO w MILLS S son 1450 00 603 I0 a 12CO v, f - 1560 1580 VV 150 1510 1520 150 l - v 15=0 1610 -69- Figure 16 LSO 210 time (m s) 900 300 600 50 depth (ft) 1000- 1500 Figure 17 -70- velocity (ft/sec) 0 4000 2000 6000 40 a 500 Vp Vs 1000 1500- Owm-@ - Figure 18 vsp --- sonic log -71- Vp/Vs 1. 3. 5. 500 1000 - 1500 Figure 19 -72- 7- time (m s) 3.0 .5 4.5 5007 depth (ft) 1000- 1500- travel time residuals for sonic log model -'i<rare -73- 20 600-750 750-900 900-1050 10)0-1200 120 0-13 50 1350-1500 - 1500-1650 -- U) Crl - 2 4 frequency (hz) 750-900 ~ 600-750 900-1050 C> 1050-1200 -- 1200-1320 4cl 1320-1500 ~~ (D - 1.500-1650 ci cl 20n 40 frequency (hz) 0 Li £3 r'i 750-900 w C) -- -- 3 1050-1200 1200-1320 n) 320-1500 1500-1650 11 - 4/, 0 frequency (hz) 1200 vs 1400 west uncalibrated -2 Ii f-I S1O~0* 0 303 FREQUENCY, -I0 kiz 60 1200 vs 1400 east uncalibrated L N R AT -1- '100 0- 010 b30 20 FREQUENCY, Hz 0 1200 vs 1400 west calibrated X10 60 30 1 0 10 - - - -'10 FREQI EICY, H2 50 GO0 1.200 vs 1400 east calibrated X~ 10 Q~' I G.a -- I 0 -- -r- r - i0 20 10 FREGI ENCY, HZ C50 GO P-wave Q 40 20 60 1 600 1000 depth (ft) I I 1500" Figure 28 -81- - SOOO __ _ _ PI S 250-0 - A ) O -r-Tr- -rj g 10000- t'J -- - 10 r' VT~ 20 r TT 3040 50 60 50 60 0- 0)5 500- 1 40 0 V FREQUENCY, Hiz WdE ST L MIEDIUM 8 1 0 JS 1200 SHIIE AR JNDd 0 .3 H P .- , 10 20 C) 30 FREQUENACY, HZ Table 1 Velocity Relationships Sediment Type Vp V-q VP/Vs Sands 6090 1300 4.7 Silts 6075 1430 4.3 Shales 6050 1700 3.5 Top half 6010 1600 3.8 Lower half 6090 1820 3.4 Top half 5930 1320 4.5 Bottom 6210 1750 3.6 Overall 6070 1540 4. 0 All Types 84 Mea3ured Body Wave Rock Quincy Granite S&lenlhofen Limestone 1-1 Limestone Q 125 166 112 188 165 liz Frequency, Q For Several Rock Types Reference Method long. resonance Birch and Bancroft (1938) Peselnick and Zietz (1959) Peselnick and Zietz (1959) Born (1941) long. resonance Born P and S wave pulses Toks6z et al. 120 flexural vibrations 450 P waves in situ Bruckshaw and Mahanta (1954) McDonel et al. (1958) x 10 3 (.14-4 .5) (3-15) x 10 6 (5-10) x 10 6 lluntLon Limestone 65 (2.8-10.6) Amherst Sandstone 52 (.930-12.8) Berca Sandstone (brine Laturated) 10 (.2-.8) Navajo Sandstone 21 50 - Pierre Shale 32 10 50 - x 10 3 x 103 x 106 long resonance tors. resonance P wave pulses S wave pulses P wave pulses S wave in (1941) situ Table 2 From Johnson (1978) (1978) Table 3 Depth 675 825 vs Depth 825 975 Polarity West 1125 Uncorrected East it Wes t if East 975 Comments 90 it Wes t of East It West it ", 1275 ", East 1275 1425 West if East 1425 1575 West East -15 Table 4 Depth 675 825 975 1125 1275 1425 vs Depth 825 975 1125 1275 1425 1575 Polar ity Comments West 10 Corrected East 10 "I West 87 "' Eas t -76 ", West -32 "I Eas t -25 " We s t 35 ", Eas t 83 "I We s t 5 ", East 5 ", West 15 "i Eas t 32 ", Table 5 Depth 1220-1310 vs Depth Polarity 1320-1510 West Cormments Uncorrected East West Corrected East i Table 6 Shear Wave Q Values Depthl 600-990 810-1,200 970-1,320 vs Depth2 Q Polarity Spectral Window 13 East 5-13 hz 25 East 5-39 hz 12 West 5-37 hz 1,200-1,600 41 East 5-14 hz 10 East 5-33 hz 50 West 5-15 hz 1,320-1,650 50 East 5-14 hz 10 East 5-33 hz 10 West 5-14 hz 970-1,320 89