Document 11369805

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 064531 共2007兲
Non-Gaussian dephasing in flux qubits due to 1 / f noise
Y. M. Galperin,1,2,3,* B. L. Altshuler,4,5 J. Bergli,6 D. Shantsev,6 and V. Vinokur2
of Physics and Center of Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1048 Blindern,
0316 Oslo, Norway
Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA
3A. F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia
4Department of Physics, Columbia University, 538 West 120th Street, New York, New York 10027, USA
5NEC Research Institute, 4 Independence Way, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, USA
Department of Physics, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1048 Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway
共Received 26 December 2006; revised manuscript received 30 April 2007; published 27 August 2007兲
Recent experiments by Yoshihara et al. 关Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 167001 共2006兲兴 provided information on
decoherence of the echo signal in Josephson-junction flux qubits at various bias conditions. These results were
interpreted assuming a Gaussian model for the decoherence due to 1 / f noise. Here we revisit this problem on
the basis of the exactly solvable spin-fluctuator model reproducing detailed properties of the 1 / f noise interacting with a qubit. We consider the time dependence of the echo signal and conclude that the results based on
the Gaussian assumption need essential reconsideration.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.064531
PACS number共s兲: 03.65.Yz, 85.25.Cp
A remarkable work1 has appeared recently, reporting on
measurements of the two-pulse echo signal in Josephsonjunction flux qubits revealing its dependence of the time interval between the pulses. The authors interpreted their results in terms of the recent theory2 of the decoherence in
qubits caused by 1 / f noise and obtained the qubit dephasing
rate, ⌫␸, based on the postulation of the Gaussian statistics of
the noise. Although this looks like a natural starting point,
the importance of the echo signal data for understanding the
underlying mechanisms of the qubits, decoherence calls for
careful examination of the assumptions built into the theoretical description.
In this paper we develop a theory of the time dependence
of the echo signal making use of an exactly solvable but
experimentally realistic model. We demonstrate that in many
practical realizations of 1 / f noise the results based on the
Gaussian assumption need to be significantly corrected. We
show that deviation of noise statistics from the Gaussian
changes significantly the time dependence of the echo signal.
Using the exactly solvable non-Gaussian spin-fluctuator
model for the 1 / f noise we analyze the dependence of the
echo signal on both time and the qubit working point, and
compare the obtained results with those derived within the
Gaussian approximation.
Let us start with a brief review of the procedure used in
Ref. 1 and a similar study reported in Ref. 3. In order to
separate the relaxation due to direct transitions between the
energy levels of the qubit, characterized by the time T1, the
echo signal is expressed as e−t/2T1␳共t兲, where t is the arrival
time of the echo signal. The factor ␳共t兲 describes the pure
If dephasing is induced by the noise of the magnetic flux
in the superconducting quantum interference device
共SQUID兲 loop, the echo signal is determined by the fluctuating part of the magnetic flux through the loop, ⌽共␶兲:
冓 冋 冉 冕 冕 冊 册冔
␳共t兲 =
exp − iv⌽
The strength of the coupling between the qubit and the noise
source, v⌽, depends on the working point of the qubit.1,3
Assuming that the statistics of the fluctuations of ⌽共t兲
is Gaussian one can express the decoherence rate through
S ⌽共 ␻ 兲
= 共1 / ␲兲兰⬁0 dt cos ␻t具⌽共t兲⌽共0兲典:
␳共t兲 = exp −
d ␻ S ⌽共 ␻ 兲
This expression is common in the theory of spin resonance
and allows one to find the decoherence rate from the noise
spectrum once the coupling, v⌽, is known. For the 1 / f noise
S ⌽共 ␻ 兲 = A ⌽/ ␻ ,
one obtains1,4,5
⌽ 2
␳共t兲 = e−共⌫␾ t兲 ,
⌫␾⌽ ⬅ 兩v⌽兩冑A⌽ ln 2.
In what follows we compare this approximate result with
exact equations that follow from the spin-fluctuator model.
One of the most common sources of the low-frequency
noise is the rearrangement of dynamic two-state defects,
fluctuators, see, e.g., Ref. 6 and references therein. Random
switching of a fluctuator between its two metastable states 共1
and 2兲 produces a random telegraph noise. The process is
characterized by the switching rates ␥12 and ␥21 for the transitions 1 → 2 and 2 → 1. Only the fluctuators with the energy
splitting E less than temperature, T, contribute to the dephasing since the fluctuators with large level splittings are frozen
in their ground states. As long as E ⬍ T the rates ␥12 and ␥21
are of the same order of magnitude, and without loss of
generality one can assume that ␥12 ⬇ ␥21 ⬅ ␥ / 2. The random
telegraph process, ␰共t兲, is defined as switching between the
values ±1 / 2 at random times, the probability to make n transitions during the time ␶ being given by the Poisson distribution. The correlation function of the random telegraph pro-
©2007 The American Physical Society
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 064531 共2007兲
cesses is 具␰共t兲␰共t + ␶兲典 = e−␥兩␶兩 / 4 and the corresponding
contribution to the noise spectrum is a Lorentzian,
␥ / 4␲共␻2 + ␥2兲. Accordingly, should there be many fluctuators coupled to the given qubit via constants vi and having
the switching rates ␥i, the dephasing of the noise power spectrum is expressed through the sum 兺iv2i ␥i / 共␻2 + ␥2i 兲. If the
number of effective fluctuators is sufficiently large, the sum
over the fluctuators transforms into an integral over v and ␥
weighted by the distribution function P共v , ␥兲. Upon the assumption that the coupling constants and switching rates are
uncorrelated, the distribution density factorizes, P共v , ␥兲
= Pv共v兲P␥共␥兲, and the noise spectral function due to fluctuators reduces to 具v2典S共␻兲, where
具 v 2典 ⬅
S共␻兲 =
dv v2Pv共v兲,
␻2 + ␥2
The distribution, P␥共␥兲, is determined by the details of the
interaction between the fluctuators and their environment,
which causes their switchings. A fluctuator viewed as a twolevel tunneling system is characterized by two parameters—
diagonal splitting, ⌬, and tunneling coupling, ⌳, the distance
between the energy levels being E = 冑⌬2 + ⌳2 共we follow notations of Ref. 7 where the model is described in detail兲. The
environment is usually modeled as a boson bath, which can
represent not only the phonon field, but, e.g., electron-hole
pairs in the conducting part of the system. The external degrees of freedom are coupled with the fluctuator via modulation of ⌬ and ⌳, modulation of the diagonal splitting ⌬
being most important. Under this assumption the fluctuatorenvironment interaction Hamiltonian acquires the form
HF-env = ĉ
␴z − ␴x ,
␥共E,⌳兲 = 共⌳/E兲 ␥0共E兲.
Here the quantity ␥0 has a meaning of the maximal relaxation
rate for fluctuators with the given energy splitting, E. The
coupling, ⌳, depends exponentially on the smoothly distributed tunneling action, leading to the ⌳−1-like distribution of
⌳, and consequently P␥ ⬀ ␥−1.
Since only the fluctuators with E ⱗ T are important and
temperatures we are interested in are low as compared to the
relevant energy scale, it is natural to assume the distribution
of E to be almost constant. Denoting the corresponding density of states in the energy space as P0 we arrive at the
distribution of the relaxation rates as8
P ␥共 ␥ 兲 =
P 0T
⌰共␥0 − ␥兲.
The product P0T determines the amplitude of the 1 / f noise.
Indeed, the integral 兰P␥共␥兲d␥ is nothing but the total number
of thermally excited fluctuators, NT. Consequently,
P0T = NT/L,
L ⬅ ln共␥0/␥min兲,
S共␻兲 =
␻ Ⰶ ␥0
2␥0/␲␻ , ␻ Ⰷ ␥0 ,
A ⬅ P0T. 共10兲
We see that the SF model reproduces the 1 / f noise power
spectrum 共3兲 for ␻ Ⰶ ␥0. The crossover from ␻−1 to ␻−2 behavior at ␻ ⬃ ␥0 follows from the existence of a maximal
switching rate ␥0. Below we will see that this crossover
modifies the time dependence of the echo signal at times t
Ⰶ ␥−1
0 .
The SF model has previously been used for description of
effects of noise in various systems9–14 and was recently applied to analysis of decoherence in charge qubits.7,15–22
Quantum aspects of the model were addressed in Ref. 23.
These studies demonstrated, in particular, that the SF model
is suitable for the study of non-Gaussian effects and that
these may be essential in certain situations. Now we are
ready to analyze consequences of the upper cutoff and the
effect of non-Gaussian noise, and through this identify the
validity region for the prediction of Eq. 共4兲.
In the following we will express the fluctuation of the
magnetic flux as a sum of the contributions of the statistically independent fluctuators, ⌽共t兲 = 兺ibi␰i共t兲, where bi are
partial amplitudes while ␰i共t兲 are random telegraph processes. Consequently, we express the product v2⌽A⌽ as v̄2A
where v̄ ⬅ 冑具v2⌽b2典. In other words, we include the amplitude
of the magnetic noise in the effective coupling constant.
where ĉ is an operator depending on the concrete interaction
mechanism. Accordingly, the factor 共⌳ / E兲2 appears in the
interlevel transition rate:
where ␥min is the minimal relaxation rate of the fluctuators.
In the following we will assume that the number of fluctuators is large, so that P0T Ⰷ 1 or NT Ⰷ 2␲L. After that Eq. 共5兲
A. Echo signal in the Gaussian approximation
Substitution of the distribution 共8兲 into Eq. 共2兲 yields for
K共t兲 ⬅ −ln ␳共t兲
Kg共t兲 = v̄2At2 ⫻
␥0t/6, ␥0t Ⰶ 1
ln 2, ␥0t Ⰷ 1.
The subscript g means that this result is obtained in the
Gaussian approximation. One sees immediately that the
crossover between the ␻−1 and ␻−2 behaviors in the noise
spectrum does not affect the echo signal at long times t
Ⰷ ␥−1
0 . However, at small times the decay decrement acquires
an extra factor ␥0t, which is nothing but the probability for a
typical fluctuator to change its state during the time t. As a
result, even in the Gaussian approximation at small times
Kg共t兲 ⬀ t3 关replacing Kg共t兲 ⬀ t2 behavior兴.
B. Non-Gaussian theory
The echo signal given by Eq. 共1兲 can be calculated exactly
using the method of stochastic differential equations, if the
fluctuating quantity ⌽ is a single random telegraph process,
see Ref. 7 and references therein. The method was developed
in the contexts of spin resonance,24 spectral diffusion in
glasses,25–28 and single molecular spectroscopy in disordered
media.29–32 Averaging in Eq. 共1兲 is performed over random
realizations of ⌽ and its initial states and reflects the conven-
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 064531 共2007兲
tional experimental procedure1,3 where the observable signal
is accumulated over numerous repetitions of the same sequence of inputs.
For a single fluctuator with switching rate ␥ / 2 and coupling v we find20
SF model, v<<γ0, Eq. 15
SF model, v>>γ0, Eq. 16
where ␮ = 冑1 − 共v / ␥兲2. In the appropriate limits this can be
expanded to give
− ln ␳1共t兩v, ␥兲 ⬇
t−1 Ⰷ ␥, v
v2t/2␥ ,
␥,t−1 Ⰶ v
␥ Ⰷ v,t−1 .
d v P v共 v 兲
d␥ P␥共␥兲ln ␳1共t兩v, ␥兲.
Let us assume that the distribution of v is a sharp function
centered at some value v̄. This reduces integration over v to
merely replacing v → v̄ in the expressions for ␳共v , t 兩 ␥兲. This
approximation is valid as long as 具v2典 is finite. This is seemingly the case, e.g., for magnetic noise induced by tunneling
of vortices between different pinning centers within the
SQUID loop. The case of divergent 具v2典 is considered in
Refs. 7, 20, and 33. Using then Eq. 共8兲 for the distribution
function P␥ and using the appropriate terms from Eq. 共12兲 in
Eq. 共13兲 we find the time dependence of the logarithm of the
echo signal, Ksf共t兲. For v̄ Ⰶ ␥0
t Ⰶ ␥−1
0 ,
Ksf共t兲 ⬇ ln 2v̄2At2 , ␥−1
0 Ⰶ t Ⰶ v̄ ,
Ⰶ t,
Note that the last limiting case here is similar to the motional
narrowing of spectral lines well-known in physics of spin
In the case of many fluctuators producing 1 / f-like noise,
NT Ⰷ 1, the sum of the contributions from individual fluctuators gives the echo decay decrement
Ksf共t兲 = −
ρ ~ exp (- Γ2t2)
␳1共t兲 =
Data Ref. 1
where ␣ ⬇ 6.
At small times t Ⰶ v̄ we arrive at the same result as in the
properly treated Gaussian approach, Eq 共11兲. However, at
large times, t Ⰷ v̄−1, the exact result dramatically differs from
the prediction of the Gaussian approximation. To understand
the reason, notice that for P␥共␥兲 ⬀ 1 / ␥, the decoherence is
dominated by fluctuators with ␥ ⬇ v. The physical reason for
that is clear: very “slow” fluctuators produce slow varying
fields, which are effectively refocused in the course of the
echo experiment, while the influence of too “fast” fluctuators
is reduced due to the effect of motional narrowing. As shown
in Ref. 20, only the fluctuators with v Ⰶ ␥ produce Gaussian
noise. Consequently, the noise in this case is essentially nonGaussian. Only at short times t Ⰶ v̄−1 when these most important fluctuators did not yet have time to switch, and only
the faster fluctuators contribute, is the Gaussian approximation valid.
For v̄ Ⰷ ␥0 we find
time (µs)
FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Dephasing component of the echo measurements replotted from Fig. 4共a兲 of Ref. 1 away from the optimal
point. The curves show fits to the SF model, Eqs. 共14兲 and 共15兲, and
to the ␳ = e−⌫ t law 共Ref. 38兲. The fitting took into account all data
points including those that fall outside the range of the plot 共e.g.,
those with ␳ ⬎ 1兲.
Ksf共t兲 ⬇
␥0Av̄2t3/6, t Ⰶ v̄−1 ,
t Ⰷ v̄−1 .
In this case all fluctuators have v Ⰷ ␥, hence the result at long
times again differs significantly from the Gaussian result Eq.
Here we apply the results obtained above to analyze quantitatively the decoherence of the flux qubit. Figure 1 shows
the time dependence of the echo signal measured in Ref. 1
and a fit based on the SF model. We consider first the case of
v̄ Ⰷ ␥0 where the SF model predicts a crossover from t3 to t
dependence, Eq. 共15兲. We replace the exact result by the
interpolation formula, Ksf共t兲 = ␥0At3 / 共6v̄−2 + t2 / 4兲. Figure 1
also shows the commonly used fit ␳ = e−⌫ t , which is represented by a straight line with slope 2. The fit to the SF model
seems at least equally good. From this fit we can extract the
average change in the qubit energy splitting E01 due to a flip
of one fluctuator, v̄ ⬇ 3.5 ␮s−1. It allows us to evaluate the
change of flux in the qubit loop induced by a fluctuator flip,
b = v̄ / v⌽, since v⌽ = 共1 / ប兲⳵E01 / ⳵⌽ was measured in Ref. 1.
Using the experimental values for all parameters we get b
⬇ 3.7⫻ 10−6 ⌽0, where ⌽0 is the flux quantum while the
deviation from the optimal working point was ⬇10−3⌽0.
Hence the flip of one fluctuator changes the qubit energy
splitting by 0.4%. The fit also determines the value of the
product ␥0A and within our assumption ␥0 ⬍ v we find a
lower estimate for the flux noise amplitude 冑A⌽ / ⌽0 ⬎ 1.3
⫻ 10−6.
Similarly, if v̄ Ⰶ ␥0 we can fit to Eq. 共14兲 using the interpolation formula Ksf共t兲 = v̄2At3 / 共6␥−1
0 + t / ln 2兲. We do not include here the Ksf ⬀ t behavior at large t since it corresponds
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 064531 共2007兲
scatter in the fitting parameter ␥0 for different working
points, most values falling within the range of 3 – 20 ␮s−1.
Using the maximal value of ␥0 one can obtain an upper estimate for the change of flux in the qubit loop as one fluctuator flips, b ⬍ 2 ⫻ 10−5 ⌽0. Since ␥0 is expected to grow
with temperature, we believe that it would be instructive to
perform similar analysis of the echo decay at different temperatures.
vΦ AΦ (µs )
Φ / Φ0
FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 Symbols: parameter v⌽冑A⌽ determined
by fitting ␳共t兲 data at different working points to the SF model, Eq.
共14兲. Line: a fit based on the v⌽共⌽兲 dependence measured in Ref. 1
where ⌽ = 0 is the optimal point and A⌽ is the only fitting
to Ksf ⬎ A Ⰷ 1. The fitting gives ␥0 ⬇ 12 ␮s−1, which is then
also an upper estimate for v̄, and 冑A⌽ / ⌽0 ⬇ 10−6.
It is not possible to determine from Fig. 1 which of the
cases v̄ Ⰷ ␥0 or v̄ Ⰶ ␥0 is realized in the experiment. Therefore we applied the same fitting procedure to the whole set of
␳共t兲 curves analyzed in Ref. 1 measured at different working
points. Then it became clear that the formulas for v̄ Ⰶ ␥0 give
a better overall fitting. The fitting parameter v̄冑A = v⌽冑A⌽ is
plotted in Fig. 2 as a function of the working point. The data
can be very well-described using the v⌽共⌽兲 dependence
measured in Ref. 1, see the solid line, and we find 冑A⌽ / ⌽0
= 1.15⫻ 10−6. This value is quite close to that obtained in the
Gaussian approach.1 Surprisingly, we found a significant
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