C dynamics and global change research at the Institute of Pacific Islands Fores J. J. Boone Boone Kauffman Kauffman Institute Institute of of Pacific Pacific Islands Islands Forestry Forestry 1151 1151 Punchbow1 Punchbow1 St St Rm Rm 323 323 Honolulu Honolulu Hawaii Hawaii 96813 96813 808-522-8230 808-522-8230 ext ext 117 117 Boonekauffman@fs.fed.us Boonekauffman@fs.fed.us Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry Restoration Wetlands Advisory Council •Dir. PSW Res. Sta. •Regional Forester, R5 •Dir. Intl Programs Invasive species Forest Management Services C pools greatly vary at spatial scales Life Zones – Land Cover Costa Rica TAGB – Costa Rica Primary forests 600 >1 00cm Tr ees 70-1 00cm Tr ees 50-70cm 400 Tr ees 30-50 cm Tr ees1 0-30cm 300 Tr ees 0-1 0cm Standi ng Dead 200 Pal ms Li anas 100 Seedl i ngs Downed Wood 0 w et pr em on ta ne lo ra w in er m on ta ne ra in Pr em on ta ne or es t et f w w et tra ns fo re st pr em on ta ne M oi st Fo re st Li tter / f or est f l oor Dr y Biom ass (Mg/ha) 500 Soil C Pools 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 PM rain LM Rain PM Wet Wet trans Wet Moist 0 Dry Soil C mass (Mg/ha x 100) Soil C Pools Costa Rica Tropical forests (means and 95% CIs) pr ta low mo n em on er pr ta ta ne ne ra ra st t t in in et re ns es es w fo tr a ne et et or Fo r tf ta w w mo n ne Pr e em on Mo is Dr y C m as s (M g/ha) Ecosystem C pools 600 500 400 300 Abovegroun d 200 0-10 100 10-20 0 20-30 30-50 50-100 Land use/Land cover change 360 Biomass dynamics of Amazon Evergreen forest & Mexican Tropical dry fore 341 320 Assumptions 280 Moist Forest Dry Forest Total Aboveground biomass (Mg ha-1) 334 (298-400) 127 (74-135) Combustion Factor - slash (% of TAGB) 48 71 Pasture biomass increase year-1 (Mg ha-1) 8.9 6 Combustion factor (%) - w ood in pasture 38 60 Combustion factor (%) - recent grow th 98 87 240 200 177 195 160 127 110 120 128 80 68 86 54 36.5 40 36 37 11 23 6 18 0 0 1 2 2 4 3 6 4 16 16 4 34 15 3 3 8 5 10 6 10 Years since conversion Cumulative number of fir Secondary forest - PNSR Interactions of land use and natural processes that affects rates of C sequestration in tropical secondary forests C pool (M g/ha ) A Inherent differences among forests in rates of C sequestration B C D E F Time since abandonment Land use decreases rates and may affect saturation potential Invasive alien grasses increase fire frequency and decrease establishment sites, degrading native forests. Figure 1. Conceptual figure of the potential effects of scaly sword fern invasion on Hawaiian rain forest ecosystems. Scaly fern is hypothesized to alter fuels, greatly increasing the likelihood of wildland fire. In postfire environments, the alien species creates conditions favorable to its persistence but deleterious to rainforest recovery (modified from D’Antonio and Vitousek 1992). 700 30 600 25 500 20 400 15 300 10 200 100 5 0 0 F I R Yela River Kosrae F I R 6 5 4 8 7 6 mouth scrub Sapwalap Shark River Taylor Slough River ENP ENP Pohnpei Tree Height (m) Aboveground Biomass (Mg ha-1) STRUCTURE: Aboveground Biomass The End