Nancy Grulke Plant Ecophysiologist ATDEP Riverside Predictions of plant, stand, watershed, or ecosystem to future environment must incorporate response to a unique combination of environmental stressors (drought, O3, gaseous N compounds, temperature increases) and enhancers (elevated CO2, N dep) N deposition N Deposition Drought What’s the big deal about ozone exposure? O3 concentrations have already doubled from preindustrial levels O3 exposure counteracts positive effects of elevated CO2 Exacerbates negative effects of higher temperatures May be mitigated by N deposition O3 exposure NOT incorporated into any C, biogeochemical, biogeographic, or hydrological models at concentrations >60 ppb Courtesy of Henry Lee, US EPA Mixed conifer zone species: Ponderosa pine Jeffrey pine Giant sequoia White fir California black oak Canyon oak <sugar pine> Approach: Seasonal C & H2O balance Seasonal foliar and branch growth patterns C & N allocation patterns Exposure chamber studies In situ experimental studies San Bernardino Mountain Gradient Silverwood Lake O3 exposure N dep Drought Crestline N slope, Strawberry Peak Barton Flats O3 exposure O3 exposure O3 exposure N dep N dep N dep Drought Test for differences in response between carefully chosen sites differing in degree and combinations of environmental stress CARBON ACQUISITION VS. O3 EXPOSURE OR UPTAKE 5 5 CR 4 Pmax 6 Pmax 6 CR 4 SP SP 3 3 BF BF 2 2 50 100 150 200 Cumulative ozone exposure 250 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Cumulative ozone uptake 6000 O3 + N deposition: Strange looking trees! Ongoing long term studies: Long-term changes in plant communities 27 yr study of treeline dynamics after fire near treeline 16 yr study of biogeochemical and plant community change on cryoturbated surfaces 15 yr study of giant sequoia establishment after fire 11 yr study of stand structure across a pollution gradient 5 yr test of the interaction between N availability, moisture regime, and the expression of O3 injury O3, and O3+CO2 effects on stomatal behavior: Elevated CO2 increases water use efficiency (WUE) Elevated O3 decreases WUE, Current theory: ps α gs α O3 exposure At O3 exposures > 260 ppm h, or in combination with drought stress, stomatal behavior is aberrant Slow to open, slow to close in response to transient environmental conditions Stomata open at night in early summer Response to VPD Patterson and Rundel 1989 Stomatal response to dawn gs, mmol H20 m-2s-1 70 60 50 ls 40 bf 30 sp cr 20 10 0 0 2.5 8 PPFR 20 Stomata open at night in early summer 25 JUNE JULY AUG SEPT gs, mmol H20 m-2s-1 20 15 10 5 0 CR, m CR, y SP, m SP, y BF, m BF, y