Magnetic dynamics of superconducting thin films and devices Jørn Inge Vestgården Thesis submitted for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor Department of Physics University of Oslo September 30, 2007 Contents 1 Introduction 2 Domain wall and vortex matter 2.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Ferrite garnet films . . . . . . . . . 2.3 London superconductors . . . . . . 2.4 Vortex at an interface . . . . . . . 2.5 Thin magnetic rods . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Modeling a charged Bloch wall . . 2.7 Bloch wall-vortex interaction force 2.8 Vortex matter response . . . . . . 2.9 Discussion of Bloch wall width . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 6 8 9 10 12 14 16 19 3 Thin film flux dynamics 3.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Thin film flux dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Survey of sample geometries . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Electric field and polarization . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Inversion of Biot-Savart law in Fourier space . 3.6 An alternative simulation formalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 23 24 26 32 32 35 . . . . . . 37 37 38 39 41 43 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Landau-Zener transitions in superconducting qubits 4.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 The Landau-Zener Hamiltonian . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Zener’s solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Charge qubit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Noise in solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Bloch notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Domain wall, calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 i B Qubit, calculations B.1 Integral equations for zp and zq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.2 Adiabatic transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 52 52 C Formulas C.1 Forward and inverse Laplace transforms . . . . . . . . . . . C.2 Parabolic Cylinder Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 57 57 Bibliography 59 List of papers 64 ii Chapter 1 Introduction Overview Superconductivity was discovered as early as in 1911. Since then the phenomenon has been subject to considerable interest, in fundamental science as well as for advanced electronic applications. The interest is due to the vast number of highly distinct magnetic and electronic properties found in no other states of matter. This thesis is a theoretical investigation of selected problems about magnetic dynamics and superconducting devices. Reading the thesis requires a basic level on superconductivity, as found in textbooks [1, 2, 3, 4]. This thesis operates at several length scales and it shows how dramatically magnetic properties change when length scale changes. At macroscopic length scale, ∼ mm, dynamics of type-II superconductors is described by the classical Maxwell equations. However, the resistivity is non-constant and even highly non-linear, giving both magnetic and electrical properties far from that of ordinary metals. At smaller length scales, < µm, one sees that magnetic field is not continuous, but consist of quantized magnetic flux lines, all carrying exactly the same quantity of magnetic flux, φ0 = h/2e = 2.07 × 10−15 Wb, where h is Planck’s constant and e is the elementary charge. I.e., the lines drawn in school text books to illustrate magnetic fields are actually real physical objects in type-II superconductors. The special magnetic and electronic properties of superconductors are to high degree exploited for nanoscale devices. Single vortices can be manipulated and moved around with small electromagnets or permanent magnets. Devices based on single vortices can, e.g., interpret the presence of a vortex as a bit of information. Due to the discrete vortex nature such a bit is ex1 Chapter 1. Introduction Figure 1.1: Magnetic flux distribution in a type-II superconducting square thin film, simulated with the algorithm described in Sec. 3 and plotted in the style of magneto-optical images, where intensity represents Bz . tremely persistent and provides high fault tolerance devices. Furthermore, the energy cost of moving a vortex is low compared to the energy costs of semiconductor based devices, enabling high performance computing. In this way superconductors can be used to build classical computers. But even more exciting, the quantum nature of superconductivity means that one can make tunable quantum two levels systems. Such two level systems are called qubits and they are the building blocks for quantum computers. The advantage of having quantum computers in a solid state environment is that one can exploit the knowledge from classical computers, and it is easy to connect leads and control the system with e.g., gate voltages. The disadvantage is that temperature must be extremely low in order for the qubit to maintain its coherent quantum state. Even then, noise is a major problem and noise reduction is a major research area within the quantum computing community. The common factor that binds the topics of this thesis together is the possible applications in superconducting devices. The work on flux distribution in superconducting thin films, chapter 3, shows how important the basic sample shape is with regards to magnetic properties. Even more interesting, just small asymmetries introduced in the sample can totally modify the dynamical properties. As discussed in papers 2 and 3, a small indentation of the edge, or a strategically placed nonconducting hole can guide flux away from or to specific regions of a superconducting device. Having good models of thin films is important since most devices are based on films, while calculations often assume thick samples, 2 which simplifies the mathematical treatment. Both papers 2 and 3 show that the properties of thin superconductors are highly different from those of thick superconductors, and especially so with regards to magnetic properties. The work on single vortices, chapter 2 and paper 1, is motived by the need for manipulation of single vortices in devices. This manipulation is e.g. executed by small electromagnets or strategically introduced defects, as antidots or permanent magnets. The domain wall in chapter 2 has several desirable properties when it comes to vortex manipulations. First, it has strong magnetic field gradients, which is the very basics when it comes to interaction with vortex matter. Second, it is a permanent magnet so that no disturbing leads and currents are required. Third, contrary to most permanent magnets it is easily movable. Forth, being a part of a magnetooptical setup it is actually possible to immediately monitor the actions as they take place. All these properties make domain walls a potentially useful building block in single-vortex based devices. The work on qubits, chapter 4, is motivated by the need for models that handle true dynamics of quantum devices, not just their static properties. In order to do computations qubits must maintain their coherence while evolving dynamically. Thus we focus on qubits whose energy states are dynamically interchanged by the control system. The operation of switching energy levels of the qubit is called a Landau-Zener transition, and the outcome is either a flip of the qubit state, or a superposition of the two states, all depending on the interchanging rate. The state after transition is hence strongly dependent on how the operation is performed, and the outcome cannot be approximated with simple adiabatic models, generalizing from the static case. Even more so, as found in paper 4, for models including environment coupling, the long-time behavior of driven qubits depend dramatically on details of the operations performed. Hence, superconducting devices operate at many length scales and exploit a wide range of properties only found in superconductors. This thesis argues that there is a need for understanding true dynamics, not just approximations based on equilibrium and stationary properties. 3 Chapter 1. Introduction Road-map This work is divided in three main parts. a) Interaction between a domain wall and single vortices is the topic of paper 1 and chapter 2. Paper 1 describe the concept of a charged domain wall and tells how this particular model can explain a magnetooptical experiment. Chapter 2 is about how superconductors and superconducting vortices react when they get in close contact with a magnet, where the magnet in this case is a long domain wall residing inside a magnetic film a short distance above the superconductor surface. The presence of the domain wall has two effects. First, it induces Meissner currents. Second, it interacts with vortex matter. Both these effects are explained in detail in chapter 2. b) Thin film flux dynamics is the topic of papers 2 and 3, and chapter 3. Paper 2 describes how a small indentation of the edge affects flux penetration in a strip. Paper 3 describes a method to handle samples with non-conducting holes. Chapter 3 is on flux penetration in macroscopic superconducting thin films, when the films are exposed to a gradually increasing external magnetic field. Since the magnetic field penetrates from the edges, the overall sample shape is of special importance and the chapter gives an overview of how the magnetic field distributes in a variety of samples, like squares, rectangles, disks, and rings. Also more complicated shapes including one or many non-conducting holes are included. Such holes and patterns are important since they might be used for flux guidance in devices. Chapter 3 also discusses charge distribution of the superconductors and a short outline of an improved thin-film simulation formalism. c) Superconducting qubits is the topic of paper 4 and chapter 4. Paper 4 covers Landau-Zener-like transitions in qubits influenced by telegraph noise. The emphasis is on how the functional form of the external driving affects the transitions. Chapter 4 covers background on Landau-Zener transitions and noise in superconducting devices. Appendix B covers formalism on qubits and telegraph noise. 4 Chapter 2 Domain wall and vortex matter 2.1 Background This chapter is connected to paper 1 and the topic is interaction between a magnetic domain wall and superconducting vortices. The physical setting of this section comes from magneto-optical experiments performed by Pål Erik Goa et al. [5, 6, 7, 8]. Due to the amazing spatial resolution of the magneto-optical images single vortices were visible and the experiments demonstrated real time monitoring and simultaneous manipulation of vortex matter. Paper 1 is concentrated around to the two images of Fig. 2.3. The images shows the tip of a domain wall, where the domain wall is clearly attractive for the vortex matter. The interesting problem with the images is that the domain wall should by calculations be repulsive, not attractive. This motivates a closer study of the structure of the domain wall itself, and the proposed solution to the problem is to include also the in-plane magnetization, giving what is called a charged Bloch wall [9]. In this chapter I will hence go through models for all separate entities of the problem in detail: the magnetic film, the domain wall, the superconductor and the vortex matter. Then I will show how the different parts interacts, e.g., how the superconductor screens the charged Bloch wall (Fig. 2.6), the interaction force on a vortex (Fig. 2.7), and how vortex matter is perturbed by the presence of the wall (Fig. 2.8). The mathematical formalism of this chapter is also quite general so that it can be utilized for related problems regarding single vortices or elongated 5 Chapter 2. Domain wall and vortex matter Figure 2.1: Sketch of a charged Bloch wall in a ferrite garnet film. The term ’charged’ refers the non-parallel in-plane magnetization, ϕ 6= 0, which creates the excess magnetic ’+’ charges at both sides of the wall. magnets as micro-manipulators. 2.2 Ferrite garnet films Magneto-optical experiments on superconductors are performed by placing a magnetic indicator film at the top of the sample of interest. The indicator film is usually an in-plane magnetized ferrite garnet crystal. The effect which is utilized for the imaging is the Faraday rotation. Faraday rotation means that the rotation of the polarization direction of light shone through the crystal depends on the z-component of the magnetization, which in turn is related to the external magnetic field. In this way one can create images of the magnetic field penetrating a surface, e.g., from a superconductor. For a general review on magneto-optical imaging see Ref. [10] and for magnetooptical setup for single vortex resolution see Ref. [7]. Large magnetized films tend to split in a number of domains in order to reduce their free energies. For magneto-optical imaging this has two consequences. First, since the small background z-component of the magnetization varies from domain to domain, different parts of the indicator film have different color scales. This is why the domains can be clearly seen in images like Fig. 2.2, where the domain wall itself is to small to be visible. Second, the domain wall acts as an effective magnet. The domain wall width is typically of order micrometer or less and it interacts with the superconductor and vortex matter at this length scale, as seen in Fig. 2.3. The domain wall in this image is perpendicular to the film and such domain walls are called Block walls. For more information please see Refs. [9, 11] for background on magnetic domains or Refs. [12, 13, 14] for more on the 6 2.2 Ferrite garnet films Figure 2.2: Two anti-parallel domains separated by a zigzag domain wall. Bloch walls in ferrite garnet films and the relation to superconductors and vortex matter. Fig. 2.1 sketches a simplified model of a Bloch wall. There are two antiparallel in-plane domains separated by a domain wall of finite thickness 2W . The main simplification is to treat the magnetization as constant when it in reality turns smoothly [11]. The unusual thing with the model is that in-plane magnetization makes an angle ϕ with the wall. This angle relates to the fact that the wall is a part of a larger zigzag pattern, as seen in Fig. 2.2. The common model for Bloch walls found in text books have ϕ = 0, since the magnetization normally relaxes and aligns with the wall in order to reduce its stray field. In fact, a ϕ 6= 0 gives rise to an energetically expensive magnetic monopole-like stray field, and hence such walls are called charged Bloch walls [9]. Charged Bloch walls can only exist for in-plane anisotropic films, where the anisotropy prevents an alignment of the in-plane magnetization. Fig. 2.1 illustrates the perpendicular wall with a magnetic dipole, i.e., equal amounts of magnetic ’+’ and ’−’ charges at the top and bottom of the wall. The ϕ 6= 0 is illustrated with excess magnetic ’+’ charges at both sides of the wall. Together with the fact that the field from a single vortex also can be approximated with a magnetic charge [15], we can easily find when the respective forces on the vortex are attractive or repulsive. The setup in Fig. 2.1 is chosen so that the perpendicular magnetizations repels while the in-plane magnetization attracts the vortex. Note that the charges in Fig. 2.1 are so that the wall and vortex would appear with opposite polarity of the domain wall in an magneto-optical images, just as in Fig. 2.3. The simple argument about magnetic charges can tell the sign of each of the two force contributions on a trial vortex, but cannot tell which one is dominant. In order to find that, we need to look at each of the two forces in detail. We label F ⊥ = F ⊥ (x) as the force on a trial vortex originating from the perpendicular Bloch wall. Correspondingly, F k = F k (x) is the force from the in-plane charges. We must also be careful not to forget the superconductor itself. Because 7 Chapter 2. Domain wall and vortex matter before after Figure 2.3: Magneto-optical images with single vortices visible as bright dots. Central in the left figure is the black domain wall, which corresponds to the tip of a zigzag wall, see Fig. 2.2. In the right image the wall has been removed, leaving a frozen in vortex distribution. Dimensions are 70µm×70µm. Images are taken by P. E. Goa in the same series of experiments as Refs. [5, 6, 7]. of induced Meissner currents there will be a net interaction between the superconductor and the vortex matter. However, these forces will turn out to be exactly equal to the direct force between the magnet and vortex. 2.3 London superconductors Superconductors have two intrinsic length-scales: the correlation length ξ and the penetration depth λ. The former sets length scale of spatial variations of the order parameter, Ψ, while the latter sets the length scale of magnetic properties. London theory means to ignore spatial variation of √ Ψ, i.e., ξ = 0. Type-II superconductors are characterized by λ > ξ/ 2 and consequently London theory is the extreme type-II limit. Mathematically, London theory is formulated by the London equation ∇ × ∇ × H + λ−2 H = 0, (2.1) where H is the magnetic field and λ is London penetration depth. The London equation can also be reformulated by the vector potential −∇2 A + λ−2 A = 0, (2.2) where we operate in London gauge, ∇ · A = 0. As soon as the vector potential is determined, the other quantities as magnetic flux density, B = 8 2.4 Vortex at an interface z/λ 5 0 −5 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 r/λ 4 6 8 Figure 2.4: The field lines of a superconducting vortex near a planar interface plotted as contour lines of rAϕ , Eq. (2.5), with quadratic spacing [15]. ∇ × A, and Meissner current density, j = −A/µ0 λ2 , are readily given. The permeability of vacuum is µ0 = 4π × 10−7 N A−2 . 2.4 Vortex at an interface Let us now consider a vortex residing inside a half space superconductor. Deep in the bulk the vortex is like an Abrikosov vortex whose radius is the penetration depth λ. Far outside the superconductor the field, on the other hand, looks like the field from a magnetic monopole [15]. Both these features are visible in Fig. 2.4. The problem of how a vortex in a bulk superconductor breaks through a surface was solved by J. Pearl in 1966 [16].1 This solution is of course useful for the problem of interaction between the domain wall and vortex matter, so I will include a short derivation of it here, and write it on a form convenient for our purpose. Let us start with the London equation, Eq. (2.2), with one flux quantum as a source, −∇2 A + λ−2 A = λ−2 Φ(r), 1 This (2.3) work must not be confused with the thin film Pearl vortices from 1964 [17]. 9 Chapter 2. Domain wall and vortex matter where A is magnetic vector potential. The source function of the vortex is Φ(r) = φ0 1 eϕ . 2π r (2.4) where ∇ × Φ = φ0 δ2 (r) and the magnetic flux quantum is φ0 = h/2e. The derivation of A from Eq. (2.3) is in appendix A and the result is Φk Ak (z) = (λτ )2 τ τ +k e−kz k eτ z 1 − τ +k , z≥0 , z<0 (2.5) √ where k = (kx , ky ), τ = λ−2 + k 2 , and Φk = −φ0 k12 (ẑ × ik) is the Fourier transform of Eq. (2.4). Note that Eq. (2.5) split in a z-dependent and a z-independent term for z < 0 . The z-dependent term is a surface term and the z-independent term is the familiar Abrikosov term. The circulating currents are easily obtained by the second London equation j = (Φ − A)/µ0 λ2 , where j = j(r, z). The Fourier transform is Φk k 1 2 τz jk = (λk) + . (2.6) e µ0 λ2 (τ λ)2 τ +k The interaction with other vortices is given by the superconducting Lorentz force f = φ0 j × ẑ. RIntegrated over the vortex length this gives 0 the interaction force, Fvv = L dz f (z). From the above calculations of j, the Fourier components of the vortex-vortex force is 1 1 1 ik φ20 vv , (2.7) |k|L + 2 Fk = µ0 λ2 |k|τ 2 λ τ |k| + τ √ where again τ = λ−2 + k 2 . The first term is the Abrikosov term which depends on vortex length L. The second term is the surface term, which is independent of thickness, provided L ≫ λ. The surface term is independent of λ and for vortices a large distance r apart the surface force scales as 1/r2 , contrary to the exponential decay of the Abrikosov term. 2.5 Thin magnetic rods This section contains building blocks to construct solutions for elongated magnets above a bulk superconductor. Details and derivations are in appendix A. Let us consider a magnetized rod which is infinite in y-direction. The vector potential has then only one component, A = Aŷ, where A = A(x, z). 10 2.5 Thin magnetic rods The superconductor is in the half space z < 0 and the magnetic rod is somewhere in the vacuum z > 0. The London equation and Ampère’s law read as λ−2 A − ∇2 A = 0 , z ≤ 0, (2.8) −∇2 A = µ0 (∇ × M)y , z ≥ 0, where M is a magnetic source term. We will below look at the special cases of thin rods magnetized in x and z-direction. For some particular choices of M and λ the vector potential and magnetic field can be expressed by elementary functions. E.g., when λ → 0 and for bar magnet, the solutions is trivially obtained from the free space solutions by putting a mirror magnet inside the superconductor [12]. However, we need solutions for nonzero λ and express the it by their Fourier components in x-direction. We consider two particular choices of source magnetization ẑ M z δ(z − z ′ )δ(x), (2.9) x̂ M x δ(z − z ′ )δ(x), (2.10) where M x and M y will be used to construct the charged Bloch wall in the next section. The respective solutions of Eq. (2.8) for M z and M z are Az and Ax , respectively. As calculated in appendix A, these are ik Azk (z) = −µ0 M z τ + |k| τ z−|k|z ′ e ′ e−|k|(z+z ) + (1 + × e−|k|(z+z′ ) + (1 + τ |k| ) τ |k| ) −|k|z ′ e sinh(|k|z) e−|k|z sinh(|k|z ′ ) , z < 0, , z < z′, , z > z′, (2.11) , z < 0, , z < z ′, , z > z ′. (2.12) and |k| Axk (z) = −µ0 M x τ + |k| τ z−|k|z ′ e ′ e−|k|(z+z ) + (1 + × e−|k|(z+z′ ) − (1 + τ |k| ) τ |k| ) −|k|z ′ e sinh(|k|z) −|k|z e cosh(|k|z ′ ) √ where τ = λ−2 + k 2 . The full solution for Ak is found from Eqs. (2.11) and (2.12) by superposition of solutions at various heights z ′ and distances x′ . 11 Chapter 2. Domain wall and vortex matter FGF z Block wall +M M W −M F F 111111111111111111111111111 000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 111111111111111111111111111 Superconductor vortex 000000000000000000000000000 111111111111111111111111111 000000000000000000000000000 111111111111111111111111111 h a x Figure 2.5: Side view of Fig. 2.1, a charged Block wall above a superconductor. Wall width is 2W , thickness h, and gap to superconductor is a. 2.6 Modeling a charged Bloch wall Let us now take the piecewise solutions from Sec. 2.5 and by superposition find the full vector potential A = ŷA(x, y) for a charged Bloch wall above a superconductor. The setup is as sketched in Fig. 2.1 and 2.5. The film is magnetized in-plane and is split in two domains. Between the domains there is a Block wall of finite thickness, 2W , where magnetization is in zdirection. As a simplification the Bloch wall is treated as bar magnet, while in reality the magnetization flips continuously. Furthermore, it is assumed that magnetization magnitude is everywhere constantly equals Ms . Let us label M ⊥ = Ms , M k = Ms sin(ϕ), (2.13) where ϕ is the projection angle. The angle ϕ gives the strength of the magnetic charges, and ϕ = 0 denotes the common model of an uncharged Bloch wall. M ⊥ is nonzero for |x| < W and M k is nonzero for |x| > W . The magnetization is anti-parallel for the two domains and we chose the sign of M k to be −x/|x|. This choice assures that the z- and x-magnetizations affect a single vortex with forces working in opposite directions. The magnetization is only nonzero within the film, a < z < a + h, where a is superconductor-film gap and h is film thickness. In order to find the vector potential we start with Eqs. (2.12) and (2.11) for thin rods, and integrate over z ′ and x′ . Integration over z ′ give the 12 2.6 Modeling a charged Bloch wall film 4 2 2 2 −2 −4 z 4 0 0 −2 0 x 2 0 −2 −4 4 −2 0 x 2 −2 −4 4 4 4 2 2 2 0 −2 −4 z 4 z z wall+film 4 z z wall 0 −2 0 x 2 0 x 2 4 −2 0 x 2 4 0 −2 −4 4 −2 −2 0 x 2 4 −2 −4 Figure 2.6: Magnetic field lines of a Bloch wall in free space (top) and above half-space superconductor (bottom). The left is the conventional dipole like field, Eq. (2.20). The middle comes from the in-plane magnetized film, Eq. (2.21). The rightmost figure shows a superposition of the two. The domain wall is for |x| < 1/2 and 1 < z < 2 and the superconductor is for z < 0. All lengths are in units of λ. following integrals I1 = Z a+h ′ dz ′ e−|k|z , (2.14) dz ′ sinh(|k|z ′ ), (2.15) dz ′ cosh(|k|z ′ ). (2.16) a I2 = Z a+h a I3 = Z a+h a Correspondingly, the x′ integration is over the Fourier components with the R ′ substitution exp(ikx) → dx exp(ik(x − x′ ). These are Z W −W ′ dx′ e−ikx = 2 sin(kW ), k (2.17) 13 Chapter 2. Domain wall and vortex matter for M ⊥ and Z ( −W −∞ − Z ∞ W ′ )dx′ e−ikx = −2 cos(kW ), ik (2.18) for M k . Thus the magnetic vector potential for a finite width Block wall above a London superconductor is Z h i k A(x, z) = dk A⊥ (z) + A (z) eikx (2.19) k k where and ⊥ 2i sin(kW ) A⊥ I1 k (z) = − µ0 M τ + |k| τz ,z < 0 . e τ −|k|z e + (1 + |k| ) sinh(|k|z) , z < a × τ −|k|z e + II21 (1 + |k| ) e−|k|z ,z > a + h k 2i cos(kW ) k Ak (z) =µ0 M k I1 |k| τ + |k| τz ,z < 0 e τ −|k|z e + (1 + |k| ) sinh(|k|z) , z < a × e−|k|z − I3 (1 + τ ) e−|k|z ,z > a+ h I1 |k| (2.20) (2.21) Note that Eq. (2.19) requires a choice of in-plane projection angle, ϕ, which determines M k . Fig. 2.6 plots the contour lines of Eq. (2.19) representing magnetic field lines. The figure clearly shows many important features of the model. First, the perpendicular magnetization creates a field which looks like a dipole field. Second, the in-plane contribution has monopole-like features. Third, the field lines only penetrates at depth λ in the superconductor. Fourth, the set of field lines representing the full system is complicated. The reason for this is that most sizes are of the same order of magnitude. Thus one cannot apply scaling arguments to see which effect is dominant, but one must rather perform the required calculations. 2.7 Bloch wall-vortex interaction force Now I will discuss the interaction between the charged Bloch wall and a superconducting vortex. Particular focus is on sign of interaction and how 14 0.15 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 F||/φ0Mx F⊥/φ0Mz 2.7 Bloch wall-vortex interaction force 0 -0.05 0 -0.05 2W/λ=10 2W/λ= 5 2W/λ= 1 -0.1 -0.15 -20 2W/λ=10 2W/λ= 5 2W/λ= 1 -15 -10 -5 0 x/λ 5 10 -0.1 15 20 -0.15 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 x/λ 5 10 15 20 Figure 2.7: The Bloch wall-vortex interaction force as a function of vortex position x, for various wall widths, 2W . Left: F ⊥ is the force from the wall itself, Eq. (2.24). Right: F k comes from the in-plane magnetized film, Eq. (2.25). The lengths are in units of λ and the forces in units of Ms φ0 . For typical ferrite garnets Ms ∼ 100 kA/m, so that Ms φ0 ∼ 2 × 10−10 N. the force scales with the Bloch wall width. Interactions between a magnet and vortex has also been considered in Refs. [12, 13, 18, 19, 20]. Our system consists of four objects: the magnetic film, the magnetic wall, the superconductor, and, finally, the vortex. In this case there are actually four forces acting on the vortex: from the perpendicular wall, from the in-plane film, and from the their respectively induced Meissner currents. The calculations briefly outlined below show that the latter are exactly equal to the direct contributions. We will hence just add them and label F ⊥ as the force from the perpendicular magnetization and its induced Meissner current, and similarly for F k , from the in-plane magnetization and its induced Meissner current. Thus the sum of forces on a vortex in x-direction is F ⊥ (x) + F k (x). The direct force on the vortex from a magnet is most easily found from the counter force on the magnet from the vortex. This is given by F direct = − ∂U , ∂x (2.22) R where U is the free energy interaction term U (x) = dV Ms ·Bv [21]. Here Ms is magnetization and Bv is the stray field from the vortex outside the superconductor, calculated in Sec. 2.4. The force on the vortex from the superconductor is, on the other hand, most easily obtained through the superconducting Lorentz force, f = φ0 j×ẑ, where j is Meissner current density. For thin rods, Eqs. (2.11) and (2.12), R0 we find that F direct = − −∞ dzf (z), i.e., the two force contributions on the vortex are exactly equal, in both magnitude and direction, as also found in 15 Chapter 2. Domain wall and vortex matter Ref.[18]. Using the full vector potentials, Eqs. (2.20) and (2.21), we find the final expression for the forces in x-direction on a vortex from a charged Bloch wall, Z h i k wv ⊥ F (x) = dk Fk + Fk eikx . (2.23) The Fourier components are Fk⊥ = −4i k Fk = 4i φ0 M ⊥ 1 − e−|k|h e−|k|a sin W k , λ2 |k|τ (τ + |k|) φ0 M k 1 − e−|k|h −|k|a e cos W k , λ2 kτ (τ + |k|) (2.24) (2.25) √ where τ = λ−2 + k 2 , M ⊥ = Ms and M k = Ms sin(ϕ). In the interesting situation where F ⊥ repels and F k attracts it is important to know how their respective magnitudes change with external parameters. Both expressions have the same scaling with regards to a and h. The largest variation is the scaling with respect to W . Fig. 2.7 shows that their scaling behaviors are opposite: F ⊥ increases with increasing wall width while F k shrinks. Consequently, the wall width matters with regards to the relative strengths. Fig. 2.7 also shows the scaling behaviors with respect to distance x. For a vortex far from the wall F k (x) is strongest. This is because of its monopole like origin which is stronger that the dipole like field from F ⊥ (x) when x is large. For the experimental numbers inserted in paper 1 it turned out that F ⊥ was strongest just below the domain wall, while F k dominated in a wide region at both sides. Hence, it could explain why the domain wall of the experiment could appear attractive when F ⊥ was repulsive. 2.8 Vortex matter response How vortex matter responds to an external perturbation depends to high extend on the pinning properties. I will here consider the limit of zero pinning. The main question is then how strongly the vortices interact. Strongly interacting vortex matter is ’stiff’ and will resist the external perturbation. Actually, extremely strongly interacting vortex matter will not change at all and do, in that respect, appear similar to strongly pinned vortices. Weakly interacting vortex matter will, on the other hand, be more adjustable and rearrange willingly. 16 2.8 Vortex matter response Let us now apply an external force, Fext , to the vortex matter. The vortices rearrange, and reach a equilibrium when all forces balance, X Fext (ri ) = Fvv (ri − rj ), (2.26) j6=i for vortex positions ri . From this expression we are interested in how the vortex matter rearranges, i.e., the vortex positions. An rough estimate is achieved by treating the vortex matter as a continuum Z ext F (r) = d2 r′ Fvv (r − r′ ) δN (r′ ), (2.27) R where δN is the excess vortex density. It satisfies d2 r′ δN (r′ ) = 0. Eq. (2.27) is easily expressed in Fourier space using the convolution theorem. In our case, F ext δN are homogeneous in y-direction and this leaves just a delta function, δ(ky ). Thus k F⊥ + F δNk = k vv k Fk (2.28) where k = kx . Using Eq. (2.7) for vortex-vortex interaction and Eqs. (2.24) and (2.25) for the domain wall-vortex interaction, the final expression for the excess vortex density reads as δNk = 4 µ0 Ms 1 − e−|k|h τ e−|k|a sin(ϕ) cos(W |k|) − sin(W |k|) φ0 |k| |k| + τ |k|L + 1/(λ2 τ (|k| + τ )) (2.29) with vortex length L, film thickness h, superconductor-film gap a, wall halfwidht W , and in-plane projection angle ϕ. All these parameters are defined in Fig. 2.5. Let us discuss the vortex length, L. There are two important things to note about this quantity. First, Eq. (2.29) depends only weakly on London penetration depth, λ, but the validity of the expression depends on λ in a crucial way: if typical vortex nearest neighbor distance is larger than λ the mutual vortex interaction is only through the surface term and the true interaction gets independent of L even for a bulk superconductor. Second, vortex lines may bend [6] so that the vortex matter lattice stays unperturbed in the bulk. These two arguments means that we cannot treat L as the true vortex length, but merely as a measure of mutual vortex interaction strength. In paper 1, L was treated as a fitting parameter which turned out to be of the same order of magnitude as the true superconductor thickness. 17 Chapter 2. Domain wall and vortex matter 0.01 2W/λ=0 2W/λ=1 2W/λ=2 0.04 L/λ=5 L/λ=10 L/λ=100 φ0 δN/µ0M φ0 δN/µ0Mx 0.005 0 0.02 0 -0.005 -0.02 -0.01 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 x/λ 5 10 15 20 25 30 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 x/λ 5 10 15 20 25 30 Figure 2.8: The excess vortex density δN , Eq. (2.29), as function of distances x to domain wall center. Left: for various W ; a = h = λ, L = 100λ, and sin(ϕ) = 0.34. Right: for various L; a = h = W = λ, and sin(ϕ) = 0.34. The interpretation as mutual vortex interaction strength is clearly seen in Fig. 2.8. When L is short, the vortex matter rearranges willingly, while a long L makes it stiff and less able to change. The excess vortex density, Fig. 2.8, visualizes clearly the strong dependency on Bloch wall width, as also discussed in connection with forces in Sec. 2.7. The plot tells that the attraction of vortices observed in Fig. 2.3 can only appear for relatively narrow domain walls. For wide domain walls the conventional perpendicular contribution is dominant and the wall will be repulsive. The domain wall width is further discussed in Sec. 2.9. The mathematical treatment of this section is on the equilibrium of vortex matter influenced by an external force in absence of pinning. However, a true vortex distribution is not in equilibrium, but rather a metastable state. The reason is the pinning which provides a threshold for how weak forces that can still perturb vortex matter. Eq. (2.29) is thus not reliable for large distances, x, where forces are weak. Consequently, the experimental excess vortex density of paper 1 was only compared with Eq. (2.29) in a narrow region just below the wall and, in fact, for large x the fit is no longer good. As seen in Fig. 2.8, one must go to very large x before the curves saturate. Hence, with no pinning the domain wall would perturb vortex matter in a far wider region than what was observed experimentally. A last thing to note about δN is its relation to the background vortex density N0 . In the mathematical treatment these were unrelated while in reality they are related. The reason is that we only consider rearrangement of vortex matter, not creation of new vortices. In other words: Eq. (2.26) only works when there is a supply of vortices to rearrange. Hence, N0 + δN must always be positive or zero, it cannot be negative. 18 Intensity 2.9 Discussion of Bloch wall width -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 x [µm] Figure 2.9: Image intensity across the Bloch wall of Fig. 2.3. The domain wall width is of order 1 µm. 2.9 Discussion of Bloch wall width The experiment discussed in paper 1 uses a Bloch wall to manipulate vortex matter. However, one question was not fully discussed in the paper, namely, what is the true Bloch wall width? The width is highly important since it is the parameter that determines whether the model of a charged Bloch wall can explain the experiment or not. As discussed in Secs. 2.7 and 2.8, only narrow walls can actually attract vortices in a situation like Fig. 2.3. When looking at the image of Fig. 2.3 the domain wall appears to have width 2 µm. However, the image is deceptive about the true size of the wall due to the image processing needed to expose single vortices. Based on raw data, Fig 2.9 shows the image profile across the wall. We see that the wall has nice continues shape and the width is not more that 1 µm. Actually, the dominant part parts of the wall fits well with the 0.6 µm used for the experimental numbers in paper 1. Theoretical estimates for the Bloch wall’s width has been given by L. E. Helseth in Ref. [12]. That work discusses how the width is influenced by the presence of the superconductor. The conclusion is that the effect is rather weak, and the width changes of order 20% compared to a Bloch wall in free space. Below I repeat the argument of Ref. [12]. The values for the required exchanged energy constant and anisotropy constant are also from the same reference, except from the sign of anisotropy constant, which is opposite. Now let us use energy considerations to estimate the width of the wall. We will bring in three surface energy terms [11]: the uniaxial anisotropy energy σu , the exchange energy σex , and the magneto-static energy σm . All of these energies depend on wall width w = 2W and the minimum of energy 19 Chapter 2. Domain wall and vortex matter 3 σ [nJ/m2] 2.5 2 Ms= 100 kA/m Ms= 75 kA/m Ms= 50 kA/m 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 w [µm] 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 2.10: The surface energy σ of the Bloch wall as a function of wall width. The minima of the graphs give the equilibrium wall width. Reduced magnetization gives wider walls and also less pronounced minima, which means that the theoretical estimate becomes less accurate. The parameters are realistic for the experimental situation, Aex ∼ 2 × 10−11 J/m, h = 0.8 µm, and Ku ∼ 103 J/m3 . The magnetization of the reported film is at superconducting temperatures about 50 kA/m which gives w ≈ 0.6 µm. with respect w determines equilibrium wall width. The exchange energy is the energy cost of neighboring atomic spins having slightly different angles. The energy is calculated in the Heisenberg model and gives that the surface energy is inversely proportional to the width, 1 (2.30) σex = π 2 Aex , w where Aex is the exchange energy constant. The exchange energy tries to make the wall wider. The exchange energy constant used here is Aex ∼ 2 × 10−11 J/m. The uniaxial anisotropy energy of a Bloch wall tells the energy of switching away from the in-plane direction. A simple estimate gives an anisotropy surface energy proportional to the wall width σu = 1 wKu . 2 (2.31) The energy is characterized by the uniaxial anisotropy constant which for the reported film is Ku ∼ −103 J/m3 . The anisotropy of corresponding in-plane magnetized films is also measured in Refs. [22, 23], but without determining the uniaxial anisotropy constant. The effect of the anisotropy energy depends on the sign of the constant. The preferred magnetization direction for the material which the film is made of is out-of-plane. Hence, 20 2.9 Discussion of Bloch wall width the anisotropy energy is negative and anisotropy tends to make the wall wider. The magnetostatic surface energy can be estimated by modeling the wall as a magnetized elliptic cylinder σm = w2 1 µ0 M 2, 2 w+h s (2.32) where h is film thickness. This model was originally developed to find the transition between Bloch walls and Néel walls depending on film thickness. For the suggested charged Bloch wall, this expression should actually be modified by taking into account also the magnetostatic energy of the magnetic charges. The sum of the three surface energy terms σ = σm +σu +σex is plotted in Fig. 2.10 for numbers relevant to the experiment. The curves shows a minimum for a specific wall width and that minimum shifts towards narrower walls with increasing magnetization, Ms . The relatively weakly magnetized film of the experiment, Ms ≈ 50 kA/m, gives a minimum energy at w ≈ 0.6 µm, a value that actually fits well with the experimental profile of Fig. 2.9. 21 Chapter 2. Domain wall and vortex matter 22 Chapter 3 Thin film flux dynamics 3.1 Background This chapter is connected to papers 2 and 3 and the topic is flux penetration in type-II superconducting thin films. The length scales are much longer than what was considered in chapter 2, so that the discrete vortex nature is ignored and the magnetic field is treated as continuum. The samples that are studied are all thin films where the applied field is transverse to the films. The flux dynamics simulations follow the formalism developed by E. H. Brandt [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33]. Paper 2 uses this formalism to explore carefully how an indentation of the edge of a strip affects flux penetration. Paper 3 extends the formalism to multiplyconnected samples and discusses samples with holes. There are four main motivations for this chapter. First, to show the importance of true magnetic dynamics, which gives results other that what is expected from the conventional Bean model [34]. Second, to solve flux penetration on films rather than bulk samples. Most experiments relevant for superconducting devices are actually on films, so there is truly a need for thin film results. Third, to find the importance of sample shape and patterning, and how the magnetic properties are altered by e.g., the presence of non-conducting holes. Fourth, to see the interplay between the above three points, which give highly interesting and often surprising dynamical properties. One examples is the ’lightning up’ of holes deep inside the sample at small fields [35], seen in Figs. 3.3 and 3.4. The magnetic flux appearing in the hole is caused by the non-local electrodynamics of thin films, and together with creep dynamics it means that the flux does not stay in the hole, but also creeps to the nearby region. 23 Chapter 3. Thin film flux dynamics Ha Ha B=0 B=0 Figure 3.1: Sketch of magnetic field (left) and current (right) on a type-II superconducting thin rectangular film. The interior of the sample is fluxfree, but not current-free. Note that the magnetic field is weak near the corners where the current turns 90◦ . 3.2 Thin film flux dynamics Magnetic field always enters a superconductor from the edges. Thus the penetration follows tightly the sample shape and in this way it is possible to guess approximate flux distributions. E.g., the Bean model [36, 37, 34] is an invaluable tool to find approximate flux distributions of type-II superconductors. However, the original Bean model does not allow true dynamics nor thin film geometry. There exists a thin film generalization of the Bean model for strips [38, 25], but for general geometries and creep dynamics the magnetic field distributions must be found by numerical simulations. The simulation formalism applied in this work is carefully explained in papers 2 and 3, and will not be repeated here. This section gives only a short summary of the most significant quantities and equations. The formalisms follows mainly Ref. [33], in the λ → 0 limit. The topic of thin film flux penetration under the creep has been thoroughly explored by E. H. Brandt [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33]. An improved performance version of this formalisms has been developed in Refs. [39, 40, 41]. The current distribution of a thin film superconductor is in reality very complicated. The main current flow is in two layers of size λ, which itself may be of the same order of magnitude as the sample thickness. A major simplification is to consider the sheet current instead of the true current density. The sheet current is J(r) = Z d/2 dz j(r, z), (3.1) −d/2 where j = (jx , jy ) is current density, d is sample thickness, and r = (x, y) are the in-plane coordinates. The main quantity of the simulation is the local magnetization g(r) which is defined by the relation J = ∇ × ẑg. 24 (3.2) 3.2 Thin film flux dynamics The main idea behind Brandt’s method for flux penetration simulations is to invert the Biot-Savart law and get an equation for the time evolution of g expressed by Ḃz . We write (3.3) ġ = Q̂−1 Ḃz − Ḣa , where Q̂−1 denotes the inversion of Biot-Savart law. The inversion is nonlocal and depends on sample shape. In the terminology of Brandt Q̂ is the integral kernel of Biot-Savart law, or just kernel for short, and Q̂−1 is the inverse kernel. All figures of this section are made with the same method as described in Ref. [33] and paper 2 and 3. The key idea is to discretize Biot-Savart law on a finite grid with grid points ri and weights w. Then, the discrete kernel can be written ! X (3.4) qil − qij , Qij = δij Ci /w + l where qij = 1/4π|ri − rj |3 for i 6= j and qii = 0. The function C depends on the sample geometry Z dr′2 C(r) = . (3.5) ′ 3 outside 4π|r − r | The Q̂−1 of Eq. (3.3) is in the discrete case just matrix inversion of Eq. (3.4). The method works for connected thin films of any shape. With the addition described in paper 3 it can also be used for multiply-connected samples. The generality of the algorithm is illustrated in next section, which includes simulation results for a large number of sample shapes, all created with the same kernel and the same implementation. These should be compared with the outcomes made by specially targeted kernels, for rings and disks [31], rectangles [28], and strips [25]. Eq. (3.3) can only describe proper flux dynamics as long as Ḃz is a known functional of g. For the described simulation the relation is in two steps. The first step is Faraday’s law Ḃz = −(∇ × E)z . (3.6) Second step is a material law, which binds E to g. Hence the thin film flux dynamics is described with g as the only variable. The material law is actually what characterizes the superconductor. The whole rest of the formalism is in fact valid for any thin conductor. The peculiar superconductor dynamics is conventionally modeled by a highly nonlinear current voltage 25 Chapter 3. Thin film flux dynamics y a a FL x d−line FL Edge Figure 3.2: Left: All samples are embedded in a square with side lengths 2a. Film thicknesses are d. Right: The sketch of a d-line from a 90◦ corner. The direction of FL , the Lorentz force on vortices, is also shown. curve. The flux creep regime that we are interested in is well described by a power-law relation [42, 28, 43], E = ρ0 j jc n−1 j, (3.7) where E is electric field, j is current density, jc is critical current density, n is the exponent, and ρ0 is a resistivity constant. The most important parameter here is n, where n = 1 gives ohmic conductor while n → ∞ gives Bean’s critical state model. General flux creep is for n < ∞. The role of the material law is discussed in papers 2 and 3 and Refs. [42] and [28]. Note that the simulations could equally well have been carried out with Bz instead of g. The major complication about this is to enforce the boundary conditions on Bz , opposed to the simple g = 0 at the boundaries. For sample with inner boundaries, switching to Bz in stead of g can be useful, as described in paper 3. 3.3 Survey of sample geometries The main point of this section is to show how important sample shape is for the flux distribution. Shape in this context means both outer and inner edges, i.e., holes. All samples are embedded in a square with half-width a and of thickness d, as sketched in Fig. 3.2. The strips are modeled by periodic boundary conditions. Furthermore, all simulations are with n = 19 and applied field is ramped with constant rate µ0 Ḣa = ρ0 Jc /ad, where n and ρ0 come from the material law, Eq. (3.7). In this regime creep is low but not negligible. All simulations start from completely flux free sample and the second critical field is set to zero. 26 3.3 Survey of sample geometries Since flux always penetrates from the edges, sample shape is crucially important. In the same manner, non-conducting holes inside the samples perturb flux distributions in large part of the sample, not just in the vicinity of the defect. Figs. 3.3 and 3.4 shows flux distributions at medium and full penetration and current stream lines at full penetration, for a selection of samples. The samples are rectangle, square, square with a circular hole, disk, ring, and strip with an array of holes. What is common for all of them is that magnetic flux density is high at the edges and there is a certain flux free region in the middle. The data is plotted to facilitate qualitative comparison with magneto-optical images, like Ref. [10]. This means that there are two things in particular one should notice in the figures. First, the shape of the flux front, which is where the flux density drops to zero inside the sample. The image intensity is set so that the flux free region is grayish, not black, in order to use to the same scale also in images with negative flux. For gradually increasing applied fields negative flux only appears in samples with holes. Second, notice the shape of the d-lines at full penetration. The d-lines are seen as dark lines in flux distributions and they coincide with the places where current changes direction abruptly. E.g., from the square and rectangular sample, Figs. 3.3 (a) and (b), the d-lines are 45◦ -starting from the edges, while single holes of Figs. 3.3 (c) gives almost parabolic shape. The array of holes in Figs. 3.4 (f) gives a very complicated set of d-lines. For more discussion about d-lines, please see papers 2 and 3, and book [34]. Fig. 3.5 and 3.6 contain profiles across some selected samples. The profiles visualize better actual sizes, which are often lost in the intensity plots of Fig. 3.3 and 3.4. Fig. 3.5 compares a disk with a ring. The disk has current flowing in the whole sample at all times. The currents ensures that magnetic field is shielded in the central parts of the sample. In the ring, the current is excluded from the central parts, with the consequence that flux shielding breaks down. Thus an inner flux front appears Before the R [31]. 2 inner and main flux front meet, the simulations satisfies d rBz (r) = 0 for integration from the ring center to the inner flux front. This condition is a formulation of flux conservation and it is actually also a correctness check for the simulation algorithm and the boundary condition implementation of paper 3. Fig. 3.6 shows profiles for a strip with an array of holes. This sample is chosen since guiding of magnetic flux from an array of holes might be utilized for applications [35, 44]. Currently there are not so many results for large arrays of holes in thin films. Exceptions are Refs. [45] and [41]. 27 Chapter 3. Thin film flux dynamics Magnetic field Magnetic field Current stream lines Ha /Jc = 0.3 Ha /Jc = 0.9 Ha /Jc = 0.9 (a) (b) (c) Figure 3.3: Survey of geometries: (a) rectangle, (b) square, (c) square with a hole; cf. Refs. [28] and [46]. The rectangle (a) has proportions 1:2. The hole in (c) has radius 0.1a at distance 0.25a from the edge. 28 3.3 Survey of sample geometries Magnetic field Magnetic field Current stream lines Ha /Jc = 0.3 Ha /Jc = 0.9 Ha /Jc = 0.9 (d) (e) (f) Figure 3.4: Survey of geometries: (d) disk, (e) ring, (f) strip with array of holes; cf. Refs. [31], [35] and [45]. The disk (d) and the ring (e) have outer radii R=a and ring inner radius is 0.5a. The strip (f) has holes of radii 0.05a at y/a = ±0.8, ±0.6, ±0.4 and ±0.2. 29 Chapter 3. Thin film flux dynamics Ring 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 Bz/µ0Jc (a) Bz/µ0Jc Disk 0.4 0.2 0 0.4 0.2 0 -1 -0.5 0 -1 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 -1 -0.5 x/a 0 -1 -0.5 x/a 0 -1 -0.5 x/a 0 0.6 J/RJc 0.6 J/RJc 0.6 0.4 0 (c) 0 x/a J/Jc (b) J/Jc x/a -0.5 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0 0 -1 -0.5 x/a 0 Figure 3.5: Comparison of disk and ring. Same as Figs. 3.4 (d) and (f). Profiles of (a) Bz , (b) J, and (c) g. Applied fields are Ha /Jc = 0.1, 0.2, 0, 3, 0.4; cf. Refs. [31, 47]. The exclusion of current in the ring means that shielding breaks down, giving nonzero flux density (but still zero total flux) in the ring. 30 3.3 Survey of sample geometries Array of holes 1 1 0.8 0.8 Bz/µ0Jc (a) Bz/µ0Jc Plain strip 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 -1 0 1 -1 0 x/a 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.8 J/Jc J/Jc 1.2 (b) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 x/a 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 g/aJc g/aJc 0.6 0.4 0 (c) 1 x/a 0.4 0.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 x/a 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 x/a 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.4 0.2 0 0 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 x/a 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Figure 3.6: Illustration of how an array of holes affects flux penetration of a strip. Profiles of (a) Bx , (b) J, and (c) g of a strip with eight holes, same sample as Fig. 3.4 (f). Left: away from the holes. Right: through hole centers; Ha /Jc =0.3, 0.6 and 0.9. 31 Chapter 3. Thin film flux dynamics 3.4 Electric field and polarization In this section I will discuss briefly the electric field distributions and electrical polarizations of samples with holes. The presentation refers to thesis [46], which is on this subject in connection with magneto-optical imaging. The electric field distribution is important since it tells where and how fast flux moves. The flux motion is especially complicated and interesting near defects, holes and edges. Fig. 3.7 shows electric field distributions on a square with a hole and a strip with an array of holes. The main electric field distribution is as expected [28], i.e., E is high at the edges and low in the corners. The hole and hole arrays create a channel of greatly enhanced E, as also discussed in paper 3. The high E is accompanied by an enhanced flux transport. What is not obvious is that the flux penetration polarizes the sample, also leading to a nonzero charge density, ρin = ǫ0 ∇ · E, induced by the moving [48]. The simulations satisfy the necessary charge conservation R 2vortices d ρin = 0. The excess charge density given by ∇ · D, where D is electric displacement, is of course everywhere zero. Fig. 3.7 shows ρin , and the distribution has many interesting features. The values of ρin are highest at the boundaries, near d-lines, and in connection with the hole. The signs of ρin are always opposite on each side of d-lines. Moreover, the d-lines divide the sample in segments, where integrated ρin is zero within each segment. Holes and defects create d-lines so ρin -distribution is particularly complicated there. 3.5 Inversion of Biot-Savart law in Fourier space The essential point in the flux penetration simulation formalism of E. H. Brandt, is inversion of the thin-film Biot-Savart law [33]. For discrete formulation of the law, the inversion was carried out as a matrix inversion. In this section I will present a formulation of the Biot-Savart law in Fourier space following Refs. [49, 10]. This formulation is appealing, since it is fast and has low memory demands on a computer, contrary to the matrix formulation. On the other hand, it cannot be utilized directly in flux penetration simulations since it assumes an infinite superconductor and consequently it does not deal with boundaries in the correct way. However, in next section I will sketch how the boundary condition can be handled. The method is also useful in itself to find currents from a magnetic field distribution known 32 3.5 Inversion of Biot-Savart law in Fourier space Square with hole Strip with hole array Ha /Jc = 0.9 Ha /Jc = 0.6 E ρin Figure 3.7: Electric field, E, and induced charge density ρin for a square with a hole (left) and strip with eight holes (right). The samples are the same as Fig. 3.3 (c) and 3.4 (f) and parameters are in Sec. 3.3. cf. Ref. [46]. 33 Chapter 3. Thin film flux dynamics e.g. by magneto-optical imaging. Now let us assume an infinite thin film. The assumed infinite space is necessary since the translation invariance makes the relation local in Fourier space. For finite samples, e.g., rectangles [28], the current-field relation is non-local in Fourier spaces and has the same complexity as the real space expression. In a thin film where current can only flow in-plane, the Biot-Savart law reads as Z Z r − r′ µ0 2 ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ d r dz ∇ g(r , z ) · Bz (r, z) = , (3.8) 4π ((r − r′ )2 + (z − z ′2 )2 )3/2 where g, defined in Eq. (3.2), is the local magnetization and r = (x, y). Since the Fourier transform of the first term is ikg̃k and the two terms are dotted, only the Fourier transform of the last term in k̂ direction needs to be found. It is Z k̂ · r e−ik·r = 2πie−kz . (3.9) d2 r 2 2 3/2 (r + z ) Convolution of Eq. (3.8) gives the Biot-Savart law for thin films in Fourier space Z ′ µ0 dz ′ g̃(k, z ′ ) e−k|z−z | . (3.10) B̃z (k, z) = 2 For thin films we ignore the z ′ dependency over the thickness d so that B̃z (k, z) = µ0 d k g̃(k) e−k|z| . 2 (3.11) The ignored z ′ -dependency does not imply that g̃(k, z ′ ) is independent of z ′ , but it merely defines the effective local magnetization g̃(k). Inversion of Biot-Savart law means to determine g from Bz in the plane z = 0, 2 1 g̃(k) = B̃z (k, 0). (3.12) µ0 d k The inversion experience problems at k = 0. This means that the magnetic field does not depend on the background level of g, so that if a constant is added to g, Bz is left unchanged. This is physically correct since the currents density comes from the derivative of g and the absolute level of g is insignificant. Numerical implementations of the Fourier transforms are likely to use the discrete Fourier transform, which is periodic in real space. The formulas of this section works well also in this case as long as one is careful to rearrange the Brillouin zones in the correct manner. 34 3.6 An alternative simulation formalism Figure 3.8: Flux penetration on a square with a slit, run with the alternative simulation formalism on a 256×256 grid. The slit details are meant to reassemble the slit in Ref. [50]. Applied fields are Ha /Jc = 0.2 and 0.5; n = 9. 3.6 An alternative simulation formalism This section sketches how to base flux penetration simulations on the analytical inversion of Biot-Savart law in Fourier space, Eq. (3.12), presented in Sec. 3.5. This inversion is preferable to the discrete matrix inversion used in paper 2 and 3 due to of speed, scalability and memory consumption. For N grid points the matrix inversion requires a N × N matrix, while the Fourier space inversion only requires matrices of dimension N . Schematically, the equation governing macroscopic thin film flux dynamics can be written as [33] (3.13) ġ = Q̂−1 Ḃz − µ0 Ḣa where g is the local magnetization defined in Eq. (3.2) and Ha is the applied field. The Ḃz is a known functional of g by a material law inside the sample. The operator Q̂−1 is an inversion of the Biot-Savart law. However, the inversion, Eq. (3.12), cannot be utilized here directly since it assumes an infinite space, and as clearly visualized in Figs. 3.3 and 3.4: boundaries are of most crucial importance. The inversion Eq. (3.12) does yield correct ġ when Ḃz is given in the whole plane z = 0. However, from the material law Ḃz is just known inside the sample. Only by reconstructing Ḃz outside the sample one can apply Eq. (3.12) to find ġ. But this is indeed the same problem as was solved 35 Chapter 3. Thin film flux dynamics in paper 3 for non-conducting holes. In order to apply the formulas from paper 3 one must hence provide additional free space on all sides of the sample for the reconstructed Ḃz . For an exact inversion by Eq. (3.12) this area must be infinite. However, for squares and disks quite small areas provide good results. For elongated samples, like rectangles and strips, the magnetic field drops off slowly, as 1/r (at least for a while), which means that larger areas must be supplied outside the sample, and the method does not work so well. A simulation result example is shown in Fig. 3.8. The samples is a square with a slit and the slit has very fine details. The slit details are meant to reassemble the slit in Ref. [50] which has been cut out with a laser. The non-smooth edges gives a rib-like shape of the flux distribution around the slit. The pattern is somewhat similar to the pattern from concave corners, e.g., crosses [30]. The resolution of Fig. 3.8 is currently not manageable on a desktop computer with the matrix inversion method utilized for the other simulation results of this chapter. 36 Chapter 4 Landau-Zener transitions in superconducting qubits 4.1 Background This chapter is connected to paper 4 and the topic is Landau-Zener transitions of superconducting qubits in presence of noise. A successful qubit must remain in a coherent state for a large number of operations. In addition, it must be possible to prepare it in exact initial states and read out results. Hence, there are conflicting demands: the need for coherence suggest the system should be extremely weakly coupled to the surroundings while the need for manipulation means that it cannot be isolated completely. In other words, contact with environment is inevitable and a central practical and theoretical problem is how to describe and eventually reduce noise influence on the quantum state. Good models for qubits should hence both take into account environment coupling as well as the non-trivial dynamics of qubit operations. Paper 4 considers an interesting single qubit operation, the LandauZener transition [51, 52, 53]. A Landau-Zener transition can prepare a qubit in a desired state by dynamically interchanging the two qubit energy levels. Simply by changing the driving rate one can put the qubit in ground state, excited state, or superposition of the two. Paper 4 discusses two modifications of the traditional Landau-Zener problem. First, the energy level splitting is driven as a general power of time, ∆(t) ∝ |t|ν sign(t), (4.1) for an arbitrary exponent ν. Conventional Landau-Zener transitions cor37 Chapter 4. Landau-Zener transitions in superconducting qubits Energy +E g −E time Figure 4.1: Time-dependent energy eigenvalues with an avoided levelcrossing of energy gap g. responds to ν = 1. Second, it considers the transition due to noise, not transition caused by an avoided level crossing as in the traditional LandauZener dynamics. The noise is in form of random telegraph noise, a noise model which is both physically relevant for qubits and capable of giving analytical results for some selected problems, as discussed in detail in paper 4. The rest of this chapter focus on the conventional Landau-Zener problem and derives the exact solution of this, following C. Zener [51]. Also it goes through some of most relevant noise sources for superconducting qubit and nanoscale devices. The noise problem is also relevant for e.g. single vortex devices. Appendix B contains an adiabatic basis formulation for the system of a qubit coupled to telegraph noise. This basis enables other kinds of approximations than the conventional diabatic formulation and can also be utilized for stable numerical solutions. 4.2 The Landau-Zener Hamiltonian The Landau-Zener transition is a fundamental problem in non-stationary quantum mechanics. The idea behind it is as follows. Let us initially prepare a system in its ground state and then change the Hamiltonian so that the energy levels switch; the ground state becomes the excited state and visa versa. In nature, energy levels try to avoid direct crossing which means there is a finite minimum gap like sketched in Fig. 4.1. For a time, when the energy levels are close, the tunneling between the levels is significant, and the outcome of the transition depends strongly on the rate at which the system is driven. Fast rate drives the system to the excited state (diabatic dynamics) while slow rate means it ends in the ground state (adiabatic dynamics). For finite driving rate the end state is a superposition of the two states. Such transitions are called Landau-Zener transitions. 38 4.3 Zener’s solution Many variants of the problem exists. The simplest variant includes just two levels and diagonal energy splitting that increases linearly with time. This problem was solved in 1932 by C. Zener [51], L. D. Landau [52], and E. C. G. Stueckelberg [53]. At that time, the system in mind was slow molecular collisions, which in fact is dynamics of chemistry. Zener solved the problem exactly, expressed by special functions. Landau did a semiclassical approximation, but was able to extract the exact transition probability. His solution relied on matching of functions through analytical continuations, a method which requires careful treatment. I will not go through Landau’s approach here, but refer to Refs. [54],[55], and [56]. Consider the qubit Hamiltonian 1 1 1 ∆ g , (4.2) HLZ (t) = ∆σz + gσx = g −∆ 2 2 2 where σ = (σx , σz ) are Pauli matrices and g is the avoided level-crossing gap. Dynamics is given by the corresponding Schrödinger equation 1 ∆ g φ̇1 φ1 , (4.3) i~ = φ2 g −∆ 2 φ̇2 with state vector (φ1 , φ2 ) formulated in the diabatic basis. The Landau-Zener Hamiltonian is Eq. (4.2) with a diagonal splitting driven linearly with time ∆(t) = at, (4.4) where a is driving rate. The outcome of a Landau-Zener transition depends on the ratio g 2 /a. Fig. 4.2 plots the staying probability PLZ (t) = |φ1 (t)|2 as a function of time. We see that fast driving, g 2 /~a ≪ 1, makes the system stay in the same diabatic state, while slow driving, g 2 /~a ≫ 1, makes the system change diabatic state. The explicit time-dependency of the Hamiltonian also manifests itself in the energy eigenvalues of Eq. (4.2), p (4.5) ±2E(t) = ± ∆2 (t) + g 2 , which are shown in Fig. 4.1. The time-dependency of E means that the ordinary dynamic phase factors do no give the proper time evolution. 4.3 Zener’s solution In 1932 Zener [51] found the time evolution of the Hamiltonian Eq. (4.2). The solution was expressed by non-elementary functions and I will repeat 39 Chapter 4. Landau-Zener transitions in superconducting qubits 1 PLZ 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 √ g/√~a = 0.1 g/√~a = 0.5 g/√~a = 1 g/ ~a = 2 0 -15 -10 -5 0 p a/~ t 5 10 15 Figure 4.2: The Landau-Zener diabatic staying probability as a function of √ time, for various g/ ~a. the derivation here. The time evolutions of the two elements of the state vector (φ1 , φ2 ) are given by the Schrödinger equation Eq. (4.3), which on component form is 2i~φ̇1 = +∆φ1 + gφ2 , 2i~φ̇2 = −∆φ2 + gφ1 , (4.6) where ∆ = at. Here φ1 and φ2 are complex functions of time that satisfy |φ1 |2 + |φ2 |2 = 1. Isolating the φ1 component gives one second order equation 1 (4.7) φ̈1 + 2 (∆2 + g 2 + 2i~a)φ1 = 0. 4~ Let us define r a ξ= i t (4.8) ~ and we get the equation ∂ 2 φ1 − ∂ξ 2 1 2 1 ξ − − n φ1 = 0, 4 2 where n = −i 40 g2 . 4a~ (4.9) (4.10) 4.4 Charge qubit The solutions of Eq. (4.9) are Parabolic Cylinder Functions U (−1/2 − n, ±ξ) = Dn (±ξ), where the ± denotes two independent solutions1 [57, 58]. The Parabolic Cylinder Functions can be expressed by Confluent Hypergeometric Functions, and the relation to the functions 1 F1 are in appendix C.2. The asymptotic values of Dn (ξ) for large arguments and | arg z| < 3π/4 are |Dn (±ξ) | → exp (in arg(±ξ)) , (4.11) √ √ where arg( i) = π/4 and arg(− i) = −3π/4. The physical solution must satisfy |a(t)| ≤ 1 and |a(−∞)| = 1. The above function with negative sign satisfies the condition that |a(−∞)| ≥ |a(∞)| so that the solution of Eq. (4.9) with correct boundary conditions is r g2 a −π φ1 (t) = e 4 4~a Di g2 − i t . (4.12) ~ 4~a A equivalent way to write Eq. (4.12) is by D−n−1 (±iξ), which is how Zener expresses the solution in his original paper. The expansion Eq. (4.11) also gives the transition probability π g2 2 . (4.13) PLZ = |φ1 (∞)| = exp − 2 ~a The states φ1 and φ2 are the diabatic states, so that PLZ (∞) is the probability for a system starting in the ground state to end in the excited state. The limit of fast driving, ~a/g 2 → ∞, the system ends in the excited state. For the adiabatic limit, ~a/g 2 → 0, the system ends in the ground state. 4.4 Charge qubit A qubit is a two-level system with a tunable Hamiltonian. Evidently, this can be implemented in numerous ways, and even when restricting the discussion to superconducting qubits there are several fundamentally different designs. Most superconducting qubits base their quantum state either on a quantized flux line or on an isolated Cooper pair, and they are respectively called flux and charge qubits. For an overview of superconducting qubits and noise therein, please see Ref. [59]. Paper 4 uses the noise model of a single random telegraph noise process. This noise source is only relevant for solid state qubits of very small spatial dimensions and at very low temperatures. Here I will give a simplified 1 The functions Dn (x) are called Whittaker functions in “Abromowitz and Stegun” and Weber functions in “Whittaker and Watson”. 41 Chapter 4. Landau-Zener transitions in superconducting qubits JJ Vg Φ Cg Box JJ Figure 4.3: Sketch of a Josephson charge qubit. The qubit is controlled by the gate voltage, Vg , and the trapped flux Φ. The spots in the Josephson junctions indicate trapped charges as a noise source. presentation of one such device which can be relevant, namely the Josephson charge qubit [60, 61, 62, 63, 64]. A charge qubit is single Cooper pair box with a capacitive coupling and a Josephson junction, as shown in Fig. 4.3. In the figure the Josephson coupling is substituted with a SQUID so that the effective Josephson energy can be tuned by varying the trapped flux. The two states of the system are zero and one excess Cooper pair in the box, respectively. In this basis, the Hamiltonian is H= 1 1 Ec (1 − Ng )σz + EJ (Φ)σx , 2 2 (4.14) where Ec is the charging energy, Ng is the dimensionless gate charge and Ej is the Josephson energy. The point is that both these energies can be externally tuned. The diagonal term is tuned by the gate voltage Vg which controls the dimensionless gate charge Ng = Cg Vg /2e, (4.15) where Cg is the gate capacitance. The off-diagonal term is tuned by the changing the external flux Φ in the SQUID, π Φ 0 , (4.16) Ej (Φ) = 2Ej cos 2 Φ0 where Ej0 is the energy of the Josephson junctions and Φ0 is the flux quantum. Hence, a Landau-Zener transition of a Josephson charge qubit means to sweep the gate voltage. An avoided level crossing happens when Ej (Φ) 6= 0. It must be noted that the two-level system is only an approximation and when applying a too high gate voltage other energy levels will be relevant. 42 4.5 Noise in solids Paper 4 considers transverse noise. In terms of Josephson charge qubits this is noise in the Josephson energy. The characteristics of telegraph noise in Josephson devices has been measured in several work, for charges trapped in the isolating junction [65], or, if the SQUID is a type-II superconductor, because of pinned vortices in the material of the SQUID [66, 67]. 4.5 Noise in solids Noise normally denotes spontaneous fluctuations with undesired consequences for a devices. Undesired consequences includes things like inaccuracy of measurement and decoherence of quantum devices. The common way to describe noisy problems is to split the full system in two unequal parts, called system and environment . The system is the device of interest and the environment is everything else. The description of the two parts is asymmetric: the environment affects the system, while the the system affects the environment only weakly. Usually it is a goal to formulate the problem in quantities involving the system only. Superconducting qubits are always operating at very low temperatures. Then the dominating noise sources are discrete fluctuations of localized states appearing at impurity traps in the solid [68, 63, 59, 69, 70]. Quantum noise means that the qubit and impurity are strongly coupled and form an entangled pair. Thermal noise, on the other hand, means that the dynamics of the impurity is mainly unaffected by the qubit and follows the thermal fluctuations of the solid in stead. I will now go through formalism describing classical noise in solids and also classify the noise sources most relevant for superconducting qubits. Please consult the book [71] for a thorough description of noise sources and basic mathematical formalism on the topic. The most important quantity in noise characterization is the noise autocorrelator S(t) = hχ(t)χ(0)i, (4.17) where the brackets denote assemble average over all realization of noise random process χ(t). The cosine transform of Eq. (4.17) is the noise power spectrum Z ∞ Ŝ(ω) = dt S(t) cos(ωt). (4.18) 0 Gaussian white noise At high temperatures the dominating noise source is typically Gaussian white noise. The Gaussian noise is typically created by large number of 43 Chapter 4. Landau-Zener transitions in superconducting qubits fluctuating quantities and it has infinitely short correlation time, S(t) = Aδ(t), with A a constant. The power spectrum is constant Ŝ(ω) = A. 1/f-noise At low temperatures the frequency dependent, 1/f noise is a major source of decoherence of qubits [59]. The 1/f noise has its name from the form of the power spectrum, Ŝ(ω) ∼ 1/ω. The 1/f noise is universal in the sense it is almost always present in solid state devices. It is typically created by localized fluctuators that sit in defects distributed at random position of the material. It must be noted that the effect of the noise does not just depend on the power spectrum, but also on the nature of each fluctuator. 1/f noise from Gaussian fluctuators behaves different from e.g., 1/f noise from non-Gaussian telegraph processes [72, 68]. Random telegraph noise Telegraph noise comes from bistable fluctuators, i.e., fluctuators randomly switching between two levels. It can be used as building block for other kinds of noise, like Gaussian white noise or 1/f noise. If one works with very tiny devices one can even consider only the most prominent single fluctuator. Random telegraph noise is used as noise source in paper 4 and it is described in book [71] and Refs. [62, 73, 68]. The probability Pk for the fluctuator to switch k times in time interval t is given by the Poisson distribution, Pk = (γt)k −γt e k! (4.19) with switching rate γ. The random telegraph noise is randomly fluctuating between two levels, i.e., χ(t)χ(0) = ±v 2 where v is the fluctuator strength and the + and − signs are from even and odd number of switches, respectively. Hence the autocorrelator for random telegraph noise is S(t) = hχ(t)χ(0)i = =v 2 ∞ X χk (t)χk (0)Pk , k=0 k −γt k (γt) (−1) k=0 ∞ X k! e It gives a Lorentzian power spectrum Z ∞ dt S(t) cos(ωt) = v 2 Ŝ(ω) = 0 44 (4.20) 2 −2γt =v e . 2γ . (2γ)2 + ω 2 (4.21) 4.6 Bloch notation When the switching rate is fast, γ → ∞, the autocorrelator has infinitely short correlation time. Thus, in this limit a single telegraph process behaves like Gaussian noise. Furthermore, when it also satisfies v 2 ∼ γ the power spectrum is a constant and we get Gaussian white noise. 4.6 Bloch notation Bloch notation describes the dynamics of a quantum two level system as precession of a spin in a magnetic field. The precessing spin vector represents the quantum state while the magnetic field represents the Hamiltonian. This notation is common for description of qubits and I will here show the relation between the Bloch state and the density matrix. The density matrix of a two level system is ρ11 ρ12 φ1 ∗ ∗ , (4.22) (φ1 φ2 ) = ρ= ρ21 ρ22 φ2 where φ1 and φ2 are the components of the state vector. The components of the density matrix satisfies that ρ11 and ρ22 are real and ρ21 = ρ∗12 . From the density matrix, the Bloch vector r = (x, y, z) is defined as x = 2ℜρ12 , y = 2ℑρ12 , (4.23) z = ρ11 − ρ22 . For a pure quantum state the length of the vector is constant, r = 1, and the vector moves on the Bloch sphere. Dynamics is given by the Bloch equation, which is a reformulation of Heisenberg’s equation of motion ~ṙ = −r × B. (4.24) This equation describes precession around the ’magnetic field’ B. The magnetic field comes from the Hamiltonian written like 1 H = B · σ, (4.25) 2 where σ = (σx , σy , σz ) is the vector of the Pauli matrices. The Bloch formulation comes from the density matrix and hence it is also valid when the quantum state is no longer pure, i.e., when the two level system is in contact with environment. In that respect it is interesting to look at the von Neumann entropy X pi log(pi ), (4.26) S= i 45 Chapter 4. Landau-Zener transitions in superconducting qubits where pi are the eigenvalues of the density matrix. For the two-level system, the eigenvalues of Eq. (4.22) are p± = 1 (1 ± r) , 2 (4.27) where r = |r| is the length of the Bloch vector. Then the von Neumann entropy is 1 1 1 1 S(r) = − (1 − r) ln (1 − r) − (1 + r) ln (1 + r). 2 2 2 2 (4.28) When the system is coupled to environment r is in general less than unity. Maximum entropy is for r = 0 and minimum is for r = 1. 46 Appendix A Domain wall, calculations The London equation Laplace transforms are convenient to solve problems with plane interfaces. In our case the interface is between a superconductor and vacuum. The Laplace transforms in z-direction is combined with a Fourier transform in the xy-plane and the solutions for the various parts are put together by requiring continuity for the function and its derivative at z = 0. The mostly used Laplace and inverse Laplace transforms are in appendix C.1. We use the London equation expressed by the vector potential A and with a magnetic source term M λ−2 A − ∇2 A = µ0 (∇ × M). (A.1) This form of the London equation assumes the London gauge ∇ · A = 0. When λ → ∞ the equation is the Poisson equation and describes vacuum in stead of a superconductor. System: Superconductor I will now solve the London equation for a superconductor in half space z<0 −∇2 A + λ−2 A = 0. (A.2) Fourier transform in the xy-plane and Laplace transform in z-direction gives L{Ak } = k sAk |0 + ∂A ∂z |0 , s2 − τ 2 (A.3) 47 Chapter A. Domain wall, calculations where τ = √ λ−2 + k 2 . Inverse Laplace transform gives the relation Ak = Ak |0 cosh(τ z) + 1 ∂Ak |0 sinh(τ z). τ ∂z (A.4) Consistency as z → −∞ gives the equation 1 ∂Ak |0 = Ak |0 , τ ∂z (A.5) Ak (z < 0) = Ak |0 eτ z . (A.6) where the solution is This result also applies vacuum when λ → ∞, so that τ → k. For a solution in the upper half space let z → −z. System: z-magnetized rod The system is vacuum with a thin rod pointing in y-direction and magnetized in z-direction. The rod is at x = 0 and z = a, M = M δ(z − a)δ(x)ẑ. (A.7) The curl of the magnetization is ∇ × M = −∂x M ŷ. Solution for the vector potential is Ak (z) = Ak |0 cosh(|k|z) + 1 ∂Ak |0 sinh(|k|z) |k| ∂z ik + µ0 M sinh(|k|(z − a)) θ(z − a). |k| (A.8) Consistency for z → ∞ gives the relation Ak |0 + 1 ∂Ak ik −|k|a |0 + µ0 M e = 0. |k| ∂z |k| (A.9) Put together with a the superconductor for z < 0 gives Ak |0 = −µ0 M ik e−|k|a τ + |k| (A.10) and Ak (z) = Ak |0 e 48 −|k|z k − µ0 M i |k| e−|k|a sinh(|k|z), z < a . e−|k|z sinh(|k|a), z > a (A.11) System: x-magnetized rod The system is vacuum with a thin rod pointing in y-direction and magnetized in x-direction. The rod is at x = 0 and z = a, M = M δ(z − a) δ(x) x̂. (A.12) The curl of the magnetization is ∇ × M = ∂z M ŷ. Solution for the vector potential is Ak (z) = Ak |0 cosh(|k|z) + 1 ∂Ak |0 sinh(|k|z) |k| ∂z 1 cosh(|k|(z − a)) θ(z − a). + µ0 M |k| (A.13) Consistency z → ∞ gives Ak |0 + 1 ∂Ak |0 + µ0 M e−|k|a = 0. |k| ∂z (A.14) Put together with a superconductor at z < 0 gives Ak |0 = − µ0 M |k| −|k|a e τ + |k| (A.15) and Ak (z) = Ak |0 e −|k|z + µ0 M −e−|k|a sinh(|k|z), z < a +e−|k|z cosh(|k|a), z > a (A.16) System: Superconductor with vortex Now solve the London equation with one vortex in the half space z < 0. The London equation is −∇2 A + λ−2 A = φ0 1 eϕ . 2πλ2 r (A.17) Define 1 (ẑ × ik) . (A.18) k2 Fourier transform in xy-plane and Laplace transform in z-direction gives Φk = −φ0 (s2 − τ 2 )Aks = −Φk ∂A 1 + sAk |z=0 + |z=0 . s ∂z (A.19) 49 Chapter A. Domain wall, calculations √ where τ = k 2 + λ−2 . Inverse Laplace transform gives and consistency for z → −∞ gives 1 1 Ak (z) = Φk 2 2 + Ak |z=0 − Φk 2 2 eτ z . (A.20) λ τ λ τ 50 Appendix B Qubit, calculations This appendix has two motivations. First, Sec. B.1 provides an integral form for the full problem of Landau-Zener transitions coupled to one telegraph noise process. This integral form is numerically stable and is used for the plots in paper 4. The integral form is also useful for further approximate fast noise, beyond what is considered in paper 4. Second motivation is the need for equations in the adiabatic basis, given in Sec. B.2. The adiabatic basis was used by Landau in his semiclassical treatment and it might be used to obtain approximate solutions for large minimum energy gaps g. The formulations in the adiabatic basis are also attractive numerically, since they do not experience oscillations at long times. It must also be noted that the transitions in the adiabatic basis are very sharp, which makes it easy to identify a transition time. This is interesting with regards to identification of the the true transition time, as discussed in Ref. [74]. This appendix covers a quantum two-level system with Hamiltonian H= 1 1 ∆σz + gσx , 2 2 (B.1) where σx and σz are Pauli matrices and ∆ = ∆(t) is an arbitrary function of time. The two-level system is coupled to one transverse telegraph noise process, i.e., a fluctuating addition v ± σx 2 (B.2) to the Hamiltonian. In this appendix we use units where ~ = 1. The master equations for one qubit coupled to one transverse telegraph process is discussed in paper 4 and Refs. [62, 73]. On component form the 51 Chapter B. Qubit, calculations equations are ẋp = −∆yp ẏp = +∆xp − gzp − vzq żp = gyp + vyq ẋq = −2γxq − ∆yq (B.3) ẏq = −2γyq + ∆xq − gzq − vzp żq = −2γzq + gyq + vyp where rp = (xp , yp , zp ) is the average Bloch state and rq = (xq , yq , zq ) are auxiliary quantities. When v = γ = 0 the equations are exactly the Bloch equations of Sec. 4.6. The rest of this appendix is mathematical massage of Eqs. (B.3). B.1 Integral equations for zp and zq Let us now find the integral equations for zp and zq for transverse noise and g 6= 0. Furthermore, the boundary conditions are so that xp , yp , xq , and yq all start in zero at t = −∞. Isolating zp and zq from the master equations, Eq. (B.3), yield Z t żp (t) = − dt1 cos(θ(t) − θ(t1 )) −∞ h i 2 2 −2γ(t−t1 ) −2γ(t−t1 ) × (g + v e )zp (t1 ) + gv(1 + e )zq (t1 ) , Z t żq (t) = −2γzq − dt1 cos(θ(t) − θ(t1 )) −∞ h i × (v 2 + g 2 e−2γ(t−t1 ) )zq (t1 ) + gv(1 + e−2γ(t−t1 ) )zp (t1 ) . (B.4) Rt where θ(t) = 0 dt′ ∆(t′ ). These equations are exact for one telegraph process, and generalizations of the integral equation of paper 4. B.2 Adiabatic transform The master equations, Eq. (B.3) are formulated in the diabatic basis. This is convenient when doing driving of energy levels so that the system mainly stays in the same diabatic level. This section contains reformulation of the master equations to a basis following the rotating frame. 52 B.2 Adiabatic transform No noise For system with no noise we write the Bloch equation, Eq. (4.24), as a “Schrödinger equation” iṙ = Mg r, (B.5) where r = (x, y, z) and 0 −i∆ 0 0 −ig , Mg = i∆ 0 ig 0 (B.6) is Hermitian. The subscript g is added explicitly since we will later use the matrix with other values than g on the transverse term. Digonalization of Mg yields (B.7) Mg = Ug Λg Ug† , where Λg is the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues and Ug is the unitary matrix of eigenvectors. Now we do a change of variables from the vector r to the vector d, (B.8) d = Dg−1 Ug† r, where the diagonal matrix Dg is a solution of iḊg = Λg Dg . Thus Eq. (B.5) can be transformed to d˙ = D−1 U̇ −1 Ug Dg d, g g (B.9) (B.10) which is an equation in d only, while Dg , Ug , and U̇g−1 are all known, at least in principle. The eigenvalues of Eq. (B.6) are p (B.11) λg = ∆2 + g 2 . These correspond to the time-dependent energy eigenvalues, E = λ/2, of the two-level Hamiltonian, Eq. (B.1). Spelling out the results from above we get λg 0 0 Λg = 0 −λg 0 , (B.12) 0 0 0 exp(−iϕg ) 0 0 0 exp(iϕg ) 0 , Dg = (B.13) 0 0 1 Z t λg (t′ )dt′ , (B.14) ϕg (t) = (B.15) 53 Chapter B. Qubit, calculations and Ug = Ug† = U̇g† = U̇g† Ug √ 2g ∆ −∆ 1 √ iλg iλg √0 , 2λg 2∆ −g g ∆ −iλg −g 1 −∆ −iλg √g , √ √ 2λg 2g 0 2∆ g 0 ∆ ˙ ∆g −g 0 √ −∆ , √ √ 2λ3g 2g − 2∆ 0 0 0 1 ˙ 1 ∆g = √ 2 0 0 −1 . 2 λg −1 1 0 (B.16) (B.17) (B.18) (B.19) From the above formulas we get the following equation for d = (a, b, c), ȧ c exp(−iϕ ) g ˙ . ḃ = √∆g −c exp(iϕg ) 2 2λ g −a exp(iϕg ) + b exp(−iϕg ) ċ (B.20) The two functions a and b are complex, while c is real. Now we will use the above formulas and construct an integral equation similar to Eq. (B.10). If we isolate c we get Z t ˙ ˙ ′ )g ∆(t)g ∆(t ċ(t) = −2 √ cos(ϕ(t) − ϕ(t′ )) c(t′ ). dt′ √ 2λ2g (t) −∞ 2λ2g (t′ ) (B.21) The denominator contains the factor λ2g = ∆2 + g 2 , which makes the transitions sharp. For linear driving, ∆ = at, this implies that the time of the transition is approximately g/a. With noise Let us first formulate Eq. (B.3) expressed with the quantities x+ = (xp + xq )/2 and x+ = (xp − xq )/2, iṙ+ = −iγr+ + iγr− + Mg+v r+ , iṙ− = −iγr− + iγr+ + Mg−v r− . 54 (B.22) (B.23) (B.24) B.2 Adiabatic transform The matrices d+ and d− transform from r+ and r− in the following way † −1 d+ = Dg+v Ug+v r+ , (B.25) † −1 d− = Dg−v Ug−v r− . (B.26) Thus in the transformed bases we get the following equations in d+ and d− , † † −1 −1 d˙+ = −γd+ + γDg+v Ug+v Ug−v d− + Dg+v U̇g+v Ug+v Dg+v d+ , † † −1 −1 d˙− = −γd− + γDg−v Ug−v Ug+v d+ + Dg+v U̇g−v Ug−v Dg−v d− . (B.27) (B.28) These equations are easily solved by time-integration as long as g 6= 0. The big advantage compared to the original equation, Eq. (B.3), is that the all oscillations are damped out at long times. This makes it easier to get a numerical solutions. The cross term of (B.27) and (B.28) is √ ′2 λ + λ′′2 λ′2 − λ′′2 −2√2∆v 1 † (B.29) Ug+v Ug−v = ′2 λ′2 √ − λ′′2 λ′2 √ + λ′′2 +2 2∆v , 2λ ′′2 +2 2∆v −2 2∆v 2λ which for v = 0 is just the identity. The λ′ and λ′′ are defined by λ′2 = λg+v λg−v , ′′2 λ 2 = ∆ + (g + v)(g − v). (B.30) (B.31) † To get Ug−v Ug+v let v → −v. 55 Chapter B. Qubit, calculations 56 Appendix C Formulas C.1 Forward and inverse Laplace transforms L {f ′ (x)} = −f |0 + sL {f (x)} ∂f L {f ′′ (x)} = − |0 − sf |0 + s2 L {f (x)} ∂x 1 1 = sinh(|k|z) L 2 2 s −k |k| s −1 L = cosh(|k|z) s2 − k 2 −sa e 1 sinh(|k|(z − a))Θ(z − a) L−1 = 2 2 s −k |k| −sa se −1 = cosh(|k|(z − a))Θ(z − a) L s2 − k 2 1 1 1 −1 L = 2 (cosh(kz) − 1) 2 2 ss −k k −1 C.2 (C.1) (C.2) (C.3) (C.4) (C.5) (C.6) (C.7) Parabolic Cylinder Functions The exact solution of the Landau-Zener problem, Sec. 4.3, is expressed by parabolic cylinder functions, U (a, x) = D−n−1/2 (x). However, the parabolic cylinder functions are rarely included in software packages, so in order to plot the solution the functions must be related to the Confluent 57 Chapter C. Formulas Hypergeometric Functions 1 F1 . Following “Abramowitz and Stegun” we start with Weber’s equation 1 2 ∂2y − x + a y = 0. (C.8) ∂x2 4 Solutions of this equation are 1 1 1 1 2 y1 = e a+ ; ; x , 1 F1 2 4 2 2 1 3 3 1 2 − 41 x2 y2 = xe a+ ; ; x . 1 F1 2 4 2 2 − 14 x2 (C.9) (C.10) Define 1 Γ 14 − 21 a y1 , Y1 = √ π 2 21 a+ 14 1 Γ 34 − 21 a y2 . Y2 = √ π 2 12 a− 14 Then, the Parabolic Cylinder Functions are 1 1 1 1 U (a, x) = D−a− 12 = cos π + a Y1 − sin π + a Y2 . 4 2 4 2 58 (C.11) (C.12) (C.13) Bibliography [1] V. V. Schmidt, The Physics of Superconductors, Springer, 1997. [2] P. G. de Gennes, Superconductivity of Metals and Alloys, Addison Wesley, 1989. [3] C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005. [4] E. M. Lifshitz, L. P. Pitaevskii, Statistical Physics, Part 2, Elsevie Butterworth-Heinemann, 1980. [5] P. E. Goa, H. Hauglin, M. Baziljevich, E. Il’yashenko, P. L. Gammel, T. H. Johansen, Real-time magneto-optical imaging of vortices in superconducting NbSe2 , Supercond. Sci. Th. 14 (2001) 729. [6] P. E. Goa, H. Hauglin, Å. A. F. Olsen, D. Shantsev, T. H. 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Johansen Department of Physics and Center for Materials Science and Nanotechnology, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1048, Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway (Received 3 July 2006; published 13 March 2007) A theoretical model for how Bloch walls occurring in in-plane magnetized ferrite garnet films can serve as efficient magnetic micromanipulators is presented. As an example, the walls’ interaction with Abrikosov vortices in a superconductor in close contact with a garnet film is analyzed within the London approximation. The model explains how vortices are attracted to such walls, and excellent quantitative agreement is obtained for the resulting peaked flux profile determined experimentally in NbSe2 using high-resolution magneto-optical imaging of vortices. In particular, this model, when generalized to include charged magnetic walls, explains the counterintuitive attraction observed between vortices and a Bloch wall of opposite polarity. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.117002 PACS numbers: 74.25.Ha, 74.25.Qt, 75.60.Ch, 78.20.Ls Microscopic magnetic potentials offer an efficient and often indispensable way to manipulate various tiny objects, e.g., to trap and guide Bose-Einstein condensates and degenerate Fermi gases of ultracold atoms [1–3] or to stretch and twist DNA strands attached to paramagnetic beads [4,5]. How precisely one can position the trapped object and how large forces can be applied are determined by the steepness of the magnetic potential produced by the manipulating device. Typically, an assembly of microfabricated wires or coils can generate fields with gradients up to 102 –103 T=m [1,2,6,7]. Recently, magnetic manipulators were created using ferrimagnetic films, where domain walls create locally even stronger field gradients. In particular, ferrite garnet films (FGFs) were used to trap ultracold neutral atoms [8], assemble and guide colloidal particles [9,10], and manipulate vortices in superconductors [11]. Using in-plane magnetized FGFs, where domains are separated by Bloch walls, has two strong advantages: (i) it is easy to move the domain wall and thereby tune the magnetic potential, and (ii) one can simultaneously observe the motion of the manipulated objects. This ‘‘see what you do’’ ability stems from the large Faraday effect in the FGFs, which today are extensively used as magnetooptical imaging (MOI) sensors [12]. In an optical polarizing microscope configuration the FGF allows direct visualization of both the stray field from the manipulated magnetic objects and the Faraday rotation in the wall itself. In this work we present a theoretical model for how Bloch walls can function as magnetic manipulators, using as an example their interaction with a lattice of Abrikosov vortices in a type-II superconductor. The configuration considered is that of a FGF located near, but a finite distance from, the surface of a flat superconductor. It is shown that the model, generalized to include charged walls, explains how the vortices are attracted to such walls, and predicts quantitatively the nonuniform flux density distribution we find experimentally using MOI. Figure 1 shows an image of the magnetic field distribution near two linear Bloch wall segments, which them0031-9007=07=98(11)=117002(4) selves appear dark in the image. The superconductor is a single crystal of NbSe2 [13] cooled to T 4 K in a 0.3 mT perpendicular magnetic field, which transformed into quantized vortices when entering the superconducting state. Each vortex is here seen as a bright dot. Evidently, the magnetic wall has a considerable attraction on the vortices, since their number density increases near the wall. This observation forms the experimental basis for the theoretical modeling presented below. Interestingly, a most surprising feature visible from Fig. 1 makes the problem even more challenging. There is opposite contrast between the dark wall and the bright vortices, which means they are of opposite magnetic polarity. In this case one would expect from the models presented previously in the literature [14 –17] that a Bloch wall should repel the vortices. As will be shown, by accounting for additional FIG. 1 (color online). Magneto-optical image of the vortex distribution near a Bloch wall in a Bi-substituted lutetium iron garnet film placed on top of a superconducting NbSe2 crystal with transition temperature of 7.2 K. The slightly uncrossed analyzer and polarizer setting used here implies that the dark wall and the bright vortices have opposite field polarities. Image dimensions are 70 70 m2 . 117002-1 © 2007 The American Physical Society PRL 98, 117002 (2007) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS magnetic charges due to misalignment between the wall direction and the in-plane magnetization vector within the domains, the sign of the interaction can become inverted. The two Bloch wall segments seen in Fig. 1 are actually part of a larger zigzag pattern. Extended zigzag domain walls are commonly present in FGFs with strong in-plane anisotropy [18]. An example is shown in Fig. 2 (top), where the zigzag line separates two domains with antiparallel magnetizations that meet head-on. By folding into a zigzag pattern, the domain boundary reduces the density of magnetic charges at the wall, which helps to minimize the energy [19]. To describe the interaction between one segment of such a zigzag wall and a superconducting vortex, we introduce the model illustrated in Fig. 2 (bottom). The superconductor occupies the half-space, z > 0, and the wall is directed along the y axis, which forms an angle ’ with the magnetization direction of the two domains. Experimentally, we detect only tiny changes of the wall width, 2W, during cooling through Tc , in agreement with [14]. Thus, in calculations the wall is approximated as a fixed, uniform, out-of-plane magnetization Mz jxj < W Ms . Inside the domains there is an in-plane magnetization with a component normal to the wall given by Mx jxj > W Ms x=jxj sin’, where Ms is the saturation magnetization. For ’ 0 the present model reduces to the noncharged wall case. The My component is omitted in the analysis since the wall is assumed to be infinitely long. Stray fields from the wall induce shielding currents in the superconductor, which we determine using the London theory. The equations valid inside and outside the superconductor then read FIG. 2 (color online). Top: MO image showing a zigzag Bloch wall in a FGF separating two domains with antiparallel in-plane magnetization. Bottom: Sketch of an in-plane magnetized FGF with a Bloch wall placed above a superconductor. The magnetic charges along the vertical sides of the wall can lead to a net attraction between a wall and vortices, as seen in Fig. 1. 2 A r2 A 0 r2 A 0 r My week ending 16 MARCH 2007 z 0; z 0; (1) where is the London penetration depth and the vector ^ The shielding currents flow in the y potential is A Ay. direction and their density equals Jy A=0 2 . A vortex present in the superconductor then feels two forces. First, the direct force from the FGF, which can be calcuR lated from the free energy term, 0 M Hv dV, where Hv is the stray field from the vortex. Second, the Lorentz force from the shielding currents in the superconductor, FL Jr 0 integrated over the length of the vortex. 0 is the magnetic flux quantum, and we will simplify the treatment by assuming the vortex to be straight and aligned with the z axis. Interestingly, the two forces turn out to have exactly the same magnitude and direction, as was noted also in Ref. [15], where a similar configuration was analyzed. It is convenient to express the total force on the vortex in the x direction as Fvw F? Fk ; (2) where F? and Fk are the contributions from the perpendicular and in-plane components of M, respectively. Their Fourier transforms are obtained as Fk? 4i Ms 0 1 ejkjh jkja e sinWk; 2 jkj jkj (3) Ms 0 1 ejkjh jkja e cosWk sin’; (4) 2 k jkj p where 2 k2 , a is the gap between superconductor and FGF, and h is the FGF thickness. For the configuration illustrated in Fig. 2, the force Fk is always attractive, whereas F? is repulsive. This qualitative result can be easily understood by considering the interaction between the magnetic charges involved. The stray field from a vortex is closely approximated by that of a magnetic monopole located at z and with strength 20 [20]. Thus, the vortex is attracted to the positive charges along the vertical sides of the wall and repelled by the perpendicular dipole charges. The charge representation also yields the correct magnitude of forces given by Eqs. (3) and (4) in the limit ! 0. The superconductor then perfectly screens the magnetic field created by M and its presence should be accounted for by adding the corresponding mirror charges. From the inverse transform of (3) and (4), we obtain the spatial variation of the two force contributions, which are plotted in Fig. 3 together with the total force on the vortex. At sufficiently large x the magnitude of Fk is larger than that of F? , which is expected since the monopolemonopole interaction should dominate at long distances. However, at short distances F? becomes dominant, and the total force changes sign at some distance x . For our set of parameters, the repulsive region jxj < x is very small, less 117002-2 Fkk 4i vw 20 10 x* 0 0.4 Φ0 δN [mT] F ⊥ F || F 30 F [pN] week ending 16 MARCH 2007 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS PRL 98, 117002 (2007) -10 -20 2W 2W 2W 2W 0.2 = 0.0 µm = 0.5 µm = 1.0 µm = 2.0 µm 0.0 -0.2 -30 -10 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 x [µm] FIG. 3 (color online). The calculated forces on the vortex from the Bloch wall: F? is repulsive and Fk is attractive. Their sum Fvw changes sign at x 1 m. The parameters used here are: sin’ 0:34, 2W 0:6 m, h 0:8 m, a 140 nm, 200 nm, and Ms 50 kA=m. than 1 m. This is why the repulsive region under the wall is not visible in the image of Fig. 1. This also explains why we observe the counterintuitive attraction between the Bloch wall and the vortices of opposite polarity. A related phenomenon when ferromagnetic domain wall stimulates superconductivity due to its stray fields was considered in Ref. [21]. We consider next an initial state with a uniform distribution of vortices in the superconductor, and a subsequent introduction of a Bloch wall. This results in a perturbation of the vortex density, Nx, which creates an additional force acting on every vortex. In the equilibrium, the additional force everywhere balances the force from the Bloch wall, i.e., Z Fvw x Fvv x x0 ; y0 Nx0 dx0 dy0 ; (5) where Fvv is the x component of the repulsive vortexvortex interaction, and the vortex matter is considered as a continuum. This equation represents a perfect shielding of the domain wall by the vortex matter. In Fourier space, the perturbed vortex density becomes Nk Fkvw =Fkvv . The vortex-vortex interaction can be obtained from the currents around a flux line in a half-space, first calculated by Pearl [22], and gives 20 ik 1 1 1 Fkvv ; (6) jkjL 2 jkj 0 2 jkj2 where L is the flux line length. The term proportional to L is the conventional (Abrikosov) bulk contribution, while the other term is the surface contribution. The resulting perturbation Nx of the vortex density induced by a Bloch wall is shown in Fig. 4. Its profile is strongly dependent on the wall width 2W. In the small W limit the total force on a vortex is everywhere attractive; hence, the vortex density increases monotonically as one approaches the wall. For increasing W the density profile -5 0 x [µm] 5 10 FIG. 4 (color online). The excess vortex density Nx near the Bloch wall for various wall width 2W calculated using L 160 m and the other parameter values as indicated in the caption of Fig. 3. develops a minimum below the center of the wall, and the resulting Nx becomes nonmonotonic with a minimum at the center and maxima near the two wall edges. For sufficiently large W the vortices right below the wall are expelled creating a narrow depleted area. The theoretical vortex density profile Nx can be compared to our MOI observations of the vortex distribution near the Bloch wall. The FGF had a thickness h 0:8 m, and saturation magnetization Ms 50 kA=m. The film, with no additional layers (contrary to standard MOI indicators), was placed directly on top of the 0.3 mm thick NbSe2 crystal with a gap of a 140 nm, as determined from the optical interference pattern [23]. This gap equals one quarter of a wavelength, and gives optimal transmission. The vortices were formed slightly below Tc where flux pinning is negligible. Thus, one expects that the vortex positions seen in Fig. 1 represent a frozen picture of an arrangement where the vortices adjust only to balance the interaction with the wall. To obtain a better view, we made use of the fact that further cooling to 4 K increased the vortex pinning considerably, and removed the Bloch wall without creating noticeable change in the vortex positions, see and Fig. 5 (top). From this image, the positions of all the vortices inside the marked rectangular area were identified, and the Wigner-Seitz cell of each vortex was determined using standard triangulation [24]. The local vortex density was obtained by inverting the cell area, and is shown in Fig. 5 (bottom) for every vortex versus its coordinate x. The vortex density near the wall clearly exceeds the background density of 0 N0 0:3 mT. The theoretical curve N0 Nx, plotted in Fig. 5 (bottom), was calculated using ’ 20 determined from Fig. 1, and a wall width of 2W 0:6 m. The calculated curve reproduces very well not only the sign, but also the magnitude of the excess vortex density. This agreement was achieved using the penetration depth 200 nm as an adjustable parameter. This value of corresponds to the temperature of 6.8 K (slightly below Tc 7:2 K) which is thus the temperature when the vortices got frozen. The 117002-3 PRL 98, 117002 (2007) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending 16 MARCH 2007 the image of objects of the order of the light wavelength, 0:55 m. In conclusion, mobile domain walls found in in-plane magnetized ferrite garnet films were investigated for possible use as magnetic micromanipulators. It was shown, choosing superconducting vortices as a case example, that such films can serve to both apply forces and simultaneously monitor the results of the action. A theoretical model for the interaction was developed, with the vortices described within the London approximation, and the domain wall represented by a charged magnetic wall. The charged wall model, which includes magnetic poles on all the sides of the wall’s rectangular cross-section, is shown to give a very good quantitative description of the attraction of vortices to such a wall. The comparison was made by direct observation of individual vortices using the magneto-optical imaging technique. This work was supported financially by The Norwegian Research Council, Grant No. 158518/431 (NANOMAT) and by FUNMAT@UIO. We gratefully acknowledge discussions with V. Vlasko-Vlasov, L. Uspenskaya, and E. Il’yashenko. FIG. 5 (color online). Top: Distribution of vortices formed in the presence of a Bloch wall. The image was taken after the wall, seen in Fig. 1, was removed by an in-plane field of the order of a few T applied perpendicular to the indicated x axis. Bottom: Vortex density obtained from the image (each symbol represents one vortex) together with the theoretical curve calculated for L 160 m, 0 N0 0:3 mT and remaining parameters as listed in the caption of Fig. 3. vortex length was set to L 160 m. It is smaller than the crystal thickness 300 m to compensate for the overestimation of the Abrikosov interaction term in the continuum approximation. An open question remains regarding the large apparent width of the Bloch wall, approximately 3 m as seen from the image in Fig. 1. The theoretical estimate obtained by minimizing the sum of exchange, anisotropy and magnetostatic energies is given implicitly by the equation [14] 1 w2 w2 1 Ku =0 Ms2 , where w 2W=h is the normalized wall width and 22 A=0 Ms2 h2 . Substituting the effective exchange constant A 2 1011 J=m and the uniaxial anisotropy constant Ku 103 J=m3 [14] we obtain 2W 0:6 m. 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Box 1048 Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway The flux penetration near a semicircular indentation at the edge of a thin superconducting strip placed in a transverse magnetic field is investigated. The flux front distortion due to the indentation is calculated numerically by solving the Maxwell equations with a highly nonlinear E(j) law. We find that the excess penetration, ∆, can be significantly (∼ 50 %) larger than the indentation radius r0 , in contrast to a bulk superconductor in the critical state where ∆ = r0 . It is also shown that the flux creep tends to smoothen the flux front, i.e. reduce ∆. The results are in very good agreement with magneto-optical studies of flux penetration into an YBa2 Cu3 Ox film having an edge defect. PACS numbers: 74.25.Ha,74.78.Bz,74.25.Qt I. INTRODUCTION Magnetic field penetrates type-II superconductors as a set of quantized flux lines – vortices. An important feature of this vortex matter is pinning, which leads to zero electrical resistance at zero temperature. The pinning results in a non-uniform distribution of magnetic flux forming a critical state. The critical state determines the macroscopic properties, e.g. the maximum current density and magnetic susceptibility, that are important for applications. According to the critical state model,1 at any point of the sample the local value of the electrical current density is equal to its critical value, jc , for a given magnetic field and temperature. An interesting property of the critical state is that local material defects affect the field and current distributions on a global scale. For example, even a small non-superconducting cavity or an edge indentation create sample-spanning discontinuity lines where the current flow direction changes abruptly.2 At a non-zero temperature, the critical state is relaxed due to flux creep that is conventionally described by a highly nonlinear currentvoltage curve, E ∝ j n where n ≫ 1 and E is electric field. Nevertheless, the same tendency persists: a small cavity of size ℓ in a bulk superconductor perturbs the field distributions on a much larger scale of ∼ nℓ.3 Many applications of superconductors are based on thin films where this tendency must be even stronger since the relation between the magnetic field and current is nonlocal.4 Usually this leads to poorer performance of superconducting devices whose global properties are deteriorated by numerous natural defects blocking the current flow. However, the same tendency can help control the flux motion on a global scale by patterning the superconductor with arrays of small holes designed, e.g., to guide the flux in a particular direction.5,6 Surprisingly, a quantitative understanding on how a single local defect affects the flux penetration into a superconducting film is still rather poor. Even the simple case of an infinitely long thin strip with a semicircular edge-indentation is not solved. For a bulk superconductor in the critical state such an indentation creates an excess flux penetration exactly equal to the indentation radius.2 However, the nonlocal electrodynamics in thin films and hence the presence of Meissner currents in the flux-free regions make the picture much more complicated.7 It has been observed using magneto-optical imaging that the excess flux penetration in films can significantly exceed the size of the indentation it originates from.8 However, for a particular sample it is not always transparent which mechanism is responsible for the enhancement. It could be related to the effect of thin-film geometry, to the flux creep or to thermal instabilities nucleated at the indentation. This work aims to clarify this question by presenting a detailed study of flux penetration into a strip with a semicircular edge-indentation in the flux creep regime. We determine how the excess penetration depends on the size of the indentation, the applied magnetic field and the creep exponent n. II. MODEL Consider a thin superconducting strip of thickness d placed in a transverse magnetic field. The strip is infinite in the y-direction, has the width 2w ≫ d in the x-direction and a semicircular indentation with radius r0 at the edge, see Fig. 1. The flux dynamics in the creep regime is conventionally described using a local relation between electric field E and current density j,9–11 E = ρj , (1) with a highly nonlinear resistivity n−1 ρ = ρ0 (j/jc ) , (2) which does not explicitly depend on the magnetic induction B. Here ρ0 is a constant, jc is the critical current density, while n is the creep exponent, n ≫ 1. This exponent can be related to the activation energy U for thermal depinning as n ∼ U/kT . Hence, large n means small creep, and the Bean critical state model1 is regained in the limit n → ∞. 2 Strip center a y w w ∆ r0 Ha x Edge FIG. 1: A superconducting strip of width 2w with a semicircular indentation of radius r0 in transverse field Ha . For numerical simulations of flux penetration into the strip we use the formalism developed by Brandt4,9,11–17 that can be applied to thin type-II superconductors of various shapes. For a thin superconductor, it is appropriate to look at length scales larger than the thickness d, and introduce a sheet current J(r) = Z d/2 dz j(r, z) , where r = (x, y) are in-plane coordinates. Due to the current conservation, ∇ · J = 0, the sheet current can be expressed through a scalar function g(r) as A Here Ha is the applied field and A is the sample area. The integral kernel is equal to the field of a dipole of unit strength, µ0 2z 2 − (r − r′ )2 . 4π [z 2 + (r − r′ )2 ]5/2 (5) The integral Eq. (4) with kernel Eq. (5) is divergent at r → r′ and z → 0. In a numerical procedure, the divergence can be handled in three ways: (i) by keeping a finite z during the calculation;18 (ii) by working in the Fourier space;11 (iii) by converting the integral to a matrix form and using the flux conservation to determine the diagonal elements.12,16,17 Here we use the third method. Since, for Ha = 0, the total flux through the zR = 0 plane is zero, the kernel should have the property d2 r Q(r, r′ , 0) = 0. This yields 1 Bz (r) = Ha + g(r)C(r) − µ0 Z A Cstrip (x) = w 1 . 2 π w − x2 (8) In addition, the indentation gives a contribution from the semicircle, which is calculated numerically from Eq. (7). (3) where g has the interpretation of the local magnetization.9 Substituting the current from Eq. (3) into the Biot-Savart law one arrives at a non-local relation between Bz and g, Z d2 r′ Q(r, r′ , z) g(r′ ) . (4) Bz (r, z) = µ0 Ha + Q(r, r′ , z) = where the scalar function C is an integral over the area outside the superconductor Z dr′2 C(r) = . (7) ′ 3 outside 4π|r − r | For a uniform strip of width 2w it yields −d/2 J = ∇ × ẑg FIG. 2: The simulated flux density map in a strip of width 2w, with a semicircular indentation of radius r0 = 0.2w, in applied field Ha = 0.3Jc , n = 19, and ramped with a rate µ0 Ḣa = ρ0 Jc /wd. Note that ∆ is not equal to r0 . d2 r′ g(r′ ) − g(r) , (6) 4π |r − r′ |3 In the following we use an equidistant square grid and ascribe the same area s to each grid point. The discrete version of the kernel then acquires the form17 ! Qij Ci X (9) = δij + qil − qij , µ0 s l 3 where qij = 1/4π|ri − rj | for i 6= j and qii = 0. All elements of the discrete kernel Eq. (9) are nondivergent and R the flux conservation, d2 r B(r) = 0, is guaranteed. Relating the magnetic field and the current by the Faraday’s law, and using the inverted Biot-Savart law one obtains the dynamic equation for the local magnetization: Z h i ġ(r, t) = d2 r′ Q−1 (r, r′ ) fˆg(r′ , t) − Ḣa (t) , (10) A where fˆg ≡ ∇ · (ρ∇g)/dµ0 . For discrete formulation of the problem the inverse kernel Q−1 is just the inverse of the matrix Eq. (9), hence the matrix must be calculated and inverted only once. Mathematical details are in appendix A. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION a. Magnetic field and current The simulations were performed by ramping the applied field at a constant 3 0.3 1 n=101 n=19 n=9 n=5 0.8 ∆/w 0.6 0.1 Bean n=101 n=19 n=9 n=5 0.4 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 Ha/Jc 0.3 0.1 0.4 FIG. 3: Width of Meissner state, a, as the applied field is ramped with a constant rate µ0 Ḣa = ρ0 Jc /wd. Stronger flux creep, i.e. smaller n, leads to deeper penetration. The Bean model curve is given as aBean = w/ cosh(πHa /Jc ). 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 rate µ0 Ḣa = ρ0 Jc /wd, starting at zero field and a fluxfree strip. The flux penetrates from the edges forming well-defined flux fronts that move towards the strip center as the applied field increases. Shown in Fig. 2 is a typical result of the flux density distribution presented as seen in a magneto-optical image, i.e., the image brightness represents the magnitude of the perpendicular magnetic field. The sample edge is seen as a bright line, i.e., the flux density is highest at the edge. Far from the indentation the flux penetration front is straight, and leaves a fraction a/w of the strip in the flux-free Meissner state, seen here as a black region. The penetration of this straight front versus applied field is shown in Fig. 3 for different values of the creep exponent. For large n the simulations approach the film Bean model result,4 aBean = w/ cosh(πHa /Jc ), while for smaller n, i.e., stronger flux creep, the penetration is deeper, all as expected for a strip with straight edges. Near the indentation the flux penetration largely follows the circular shape. At both sides of the indentation there are dark regions of reduced flux density. As penetration gets deeper these will become narrow lines. They are called discontinuity lines, or d-lines, since they appear where current turns discontinuously in the Bean limit n → ∞. The d-lines of semicircular indentations have parabolic shape.2 With finite n the parabolic shape is only approximated. However, the main effect of the indentation is that it pushes magnetic field deeper into the sample. In order to quantify this we define the excess penetration ∆ as the difference between the deepest penetration and the penetration far away from the indentation. Fig. 4 shows how ∆ evolves with increasing Ha . Evidently, the excess penetration is not equal to the indentation radius, r0 , as in the case of the bulk Bean model.2,3,19 Moreover, ∆ turns out to be field-dependent. Initially, ∆ increases, then reaches a maximum followed by a de- 0.2 Ha/Jc ∆/w a/w 0.2 r0 / w = 0.1 n=101 n=19 n=9 n=5 0 0 r0 / w = 0.2 0.1 0.2 Ha/Jc 0.3 0.4 FIG. 4: Evolution of the indentation-induced excess penetration, ∆, as a function of applied field. The two panels correspond to different indentation radii, r0 /w =0.1 and 0.2, respectively; µ0 Ḣa = ρ0 Jc /wd. crease at larger Ha . This surprising non-monotonous behaviour is supported by magneto-optical measurements of the flux penetration in a uniform YBa2 Cu3 Ox film containing an edge defect, see Fig. 5. The film was shaped as a strip of half-width w = 0.4 mm, and the figure shows the flux distribution at 25 K for 3 different applied fields. In (a) the field was very small, µ0 Ha = 3 mT, creating negligible penetration so that the actual shape of the defect appears in the image as the bright ”bay area” inside the strip. In this state the excess penetration is equal to the depth of the defect, and measures ∆ = 80 µm. In (b) and (c) the applied field is 17 mT and 36 mT, respectively, and the corresponding excess penetration is ∆ = 115 µm and 100 µm. This gives for ∆/w = 0.20, 0.29 and 0.25, demonstrating an excess penetration that exceeds the depth of the indentation by nearly 40 %, in very good agreement with the high n results plotted in Fig. 4. The Fig. 4 includes the behaviour of ∆/w for two different r0 /w. Comparing the two panels we see that larger indentations produce a larger ∆. However, the relative excess penetration, ∆/r0 is larger for the smaller indentation. The excess penetration can exceed the indentation 4 a 0.1 mm b ∆ ∆ ∆ c FIG. 5: Magneto-optical images of flux penetration into an YBa2 Cu3 Ox strip with a defect at the edge. Only the lower half of the strip is shown. In (a), (b) and (c) the applied fields was 3, 17 and 36 mT, respectively. The excess flux penetration, ∆, is maximal at the intermediate field, in agreement with simulations. depth by almost 50 % for r0 = 0.1w and large values of n. For smaller values of the creep exponent one always finds smaller ∆, implying that creep tends to smoothen perturbations in the flux front.3 Our results demonstrate that an indentation in a thin film affects the flux distribution in a stronger and more complex way than it does in bulk superconductors. This must be due to the non-local electrodynamics of thin films, and in particular due to the presence of Meissner currents in the flux free regions. These Meissner currents do not make the same sharp turns as the critical currents in the flux penetrated region, see Fig. 6 and also Refs. 9,11. As a result, the Meissner currents concentrate in front of the indentation where their density reaches jc and hence lead to even deeper flux penetration. This is why the flux front near the indentation advances faster than in the rest of the film. This accelerated advancement eventually terminates when the penetration depth becomes comparable to the strip halfwidth. b. Electric field The Lorentz force pushing magnetic flux is directed perpendicular to the local current density. Even a small indentation distorts the current stream lines over a large area, and hence significantly modifies the trajectories of flux motion. In particular, all the flux arriving to the fan-shaped region rooted at the indentation must have entered the sample through this indentation, see Fig. 5. It creates a dramatic local enhancement of electric field since E is a direct measure of the intensity of flux traffic. Analytical solution for the electric field distribution around an indentation in thin films is not available. Therefore the results obtained for the case of a slab are often utilized as approximations also for films.3,14,20 We will now analyze to what extent such estimates are valid by comparing them with our simulation results for a strip. In the fan-shaped region that originates from the semicircular indentation, the electric field can be found by solving the Maxwell equation ∇ × E = −Ḃ in cylindri- FIG. 6: Simulated flux distributions (top) and current stream lines (bottom) in an increasing applied field, where r0 = 0.1w and the other parameters the same as in Fig. 2. From left, the values of Ha are 0.05Jc , 0.2Jc , and 0.4Jc with corresponding values of a 0.98w, 0.8w, and 0.5w. cal coordinates. Since the evolution of B-distribution is usually not very far from the bulk Bean model, one can assume Ḃ = µ0 Ḣa , which leads to the solution14 " # 2 µ0 Ḣa (w − a + r0 ) E1 (x) = − (w − |x|) (11) 2 w − |x| for |x| > a − r0 and zero for |x| < a − r0 . Far away from the indentation the solution of the same equation in Cartesian coordinates, ∂x E = −µ0 Ḣa , is E0 (x) = µ0 Ḣa (|x| − a) (12) for |x| > a and zero for |x| < a. Note that the width w enters Eq. (11) only because of the specific choice of the x-coordinate, where the edge is located at x = w. Replacement x → x + w removes the w-dependence. Figure 7 compares E0 (x) and E1 (x) with the simulated electric field profiles. The quantitative agreement is poor, though the shape of profiles (both across the indentation and away from it) is fairly well reproduced, in agreement with Ref. 8. The expected enhancement of E due to indentation is also obvious. The formulas above predict the relative enhancement for the peak val(max) (max) ues E1 /E0 = (w − a)/2r0 + 1 for a bulk sample. One can see from the plot that the effect of indentation (max) (max) is /E0 is even stronger for thin films: the ratio E1 slightly higher and the excess penetration is larger (the flux front here corresponds to the point where E(x) = 0). A locally enhanced electric field near edge indentations and hence enhanced Joule heating is predicted to facilitate nucleation of a thermal instability.14,20 The instability in thin superconductors is usually observed in form of macroscopic dendritic flux avalanches21 or macroscopic uniform flux jumps22 . However, a third scenario is also possible when a series of microscopic flux avalanches repeatedly take place in the same region, each leading to a small advancement of the flux front.23 It creates an 5 2 1.5 r0 / w 1 E/Ec E(x,0) E1(x) E(x,∞) E0(x) 0.5 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 x/w FIG. 7: Electric field profiles across the indentation, E(x, 0), and far away from it, E(x, ∞), computed numerically from Eq. (1). The corresponding analytical bulk Bean-model profiles E1 (x) and E0 (x) are given in Eqs. (11) and (12), respectively. The simulation parameters are the same as for Fig. 2 except that r0 = 0.1w and Ha = 0.25Jc . Ec = ρ0 Jc /d. A strong field enhancement near the indentation is clearly seen. additional front distortion since the avalanches are expected to be larger and occur more frequently at the indentation, where the local E is maximal. Experimentally the individual avalanches can be very small, and hence it is not easy to determine whether the thermal effects contribute to an observed front distortion. To identify the penetration mechanism one can compare the observed flux profiles with the simulations. The maximal excess penetration due to non-thermal effects is found to be 150 % of the indentation radius for our parameters. Consequently, when the observed excess penetration is larger, the flux penetration probably occurs via thermal micro-avalanches. IV. CONCLUSIONS We have numerically solved the Maxwell equations to describe flux penetration into a thin superconducting strip with an edge-indentation and analyzed the time evolution of flux front in an increasing applied field, Ha . The excess penetration, ∆, due to the indentation is not equal to the indentation radius, r0 , in contrast to the well-known case of a bulk superconductor in the 1 2 3 4 5 C. P. Bean, Rev. Mod. Phys. 36, 31 (1964). A. M. Campbell and J. Evetts, Critical Currents in Superconductors (Taylor and Francis LTD, London, 1972). A. Gurevich and M. Friesen, Phys. Rev. B 62, 4004 (2000). E. H. Brandt and M. Indenbom, Phys. Rev. B 48, 12893 (1993). R. Wördenweber, P. Dymashevski, and V. R. Misko, Phys. Rev. B 69, 184504 (2004). Bean model. Three different mechanisms that influence the excess penetration were analyzed. (i) The nonlocal electrodynamics in films leads to a characteristic ∆(Ha ) dependence with a smooth peak. The ratio ∆/r0 at the peak equals 1.5 when r0 is 0.1 of the strip half-width and becomes even larger for smaller r0 . (ii) The flux creep always tends to smoothen the flux front and decrease the excess penetration. (iii) Thermal flux avalanches are more likely to occur at the indentation, which can increase the apparent front distortion. Our results can be very helpful in order to identify which of these three mechanisms is the dominant one in a concrete experiment. Acknowledgments We thank C. Romero-Salazar and Ch. Jooss for fruitful discussions. This work was supported financially by The Norwegian Research Council, Grant No. 158518/431 (NANOMAT) and by FUNMAT@UIO. APPENDIX A: NUMERICAL DETAILS The simulations are carried out on an equidistant square grid with N × N points, xm = w(2m + 1)/N − w and yn = w(2n + 1)/N − w, for 0 ≤ m, n < N . The system has two symmetries that must be incorporated in the kernel: first, the periodic boundary, which means that we must add mirror strips at x < −w and x > w. Second, the symmetry around x = 0. The latter means that we can work with half the kernel.11 The simulations use a grid size of N = 100, which means that a 5000 × 5000 matrix must be put in memory and inverted. The memory consumption is the main limiting factor of the simulations. The kernel is stable, so there is no need for additional smoothening. For most exponents a pure power law is used, but for the Bean limit, n = 101, a cutoff on the resistivity ρ < ρmax was necessary to ensure stability. The flux front position was determined at every time step and then smoothened as a function of time. It allows the front position to be determined with an accuracy much better than the distance between two grid points. 6 7 8 9 V. V. Yurchenko, R. Wördenweber, Y. M. Galperin, D. V. Shantsev, J. I. Vestgården, and T. H. Johansen, Physica C 437-438, 357 (2006). J. Eisenmenger, P. Leiderer, M. Wallenhorst, and H. Dötsch, Phys. Rev. B 64, 104503 (2001). T. Schuster, H. Kuhn, and E. H. Brandt, Phys. Rev. B 54, 3514 (1996). E. H. Brandt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 3025 (1995). 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 E. Zeldov, N. M. Amer, G. Koren, A. Gupta, and M. W. McElfresh, Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 680 (1990). E. H. Brandt, Phys. Rev. B 52, 15442 (1995). E. H. Brandt, Phys. Rev. B 46, 8628 (1992). T. Schuster, H. Kuhn, E. H. Brandt, M. V. Indenbom, M. 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Vestgården, D. V. Shantsev, Y. M. Galperin and T. H. Johansen1 1 Department of Physics and Center for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, University of Oslo, P. O. Box 1048 Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway Flux penetration into type-II superconducing films is simulated for transverse applied magnetic field and flux creep dynamics. The films contain macroscopic, non-conducting holes and we suggest a new method to introduce the holes in the simulation formalism. The method implies reconstruction of the magnetic field change inside the hole. We find that in the region between the hole and the edge the current density is compressed so that the flux density is slightly reduced, but the traffic of flux is significantly increased. The results are in good agreement with magneto-optical studies of flux distributions in YBa2 Cu3 Ox films. PACS numbers: 74.25.Ha,74.78.Bz,74.25.Qt I. INTRODUCTION The behavior of vortex matter in superconductors can to a large degree be controlled by introducing artificial defects. It has been known for a long time that randomly distributed defects, created e.g. by neutron irradiation, allow a dramatic enhancement of the critical current density, jc . One may reach more specific goals by tuning the arrangement of artificial defects. In particular, experiments on superconducting thin films have revealed a large number of interesting effects, including matching effects,1 noise reduction in SQUIDs,2 rectified vortex motion,3,4 anisotropy of jc ,5 and vortex guidance.6 In parallel with the experimental progress, the theoretical understanding of how artificially created patterns interact with vortex matter is also developing. Interaction between a single vortex and a cylindrical cavity in a bulk superconductor was considered within the London approximation in Ref. 7. This work extends the classical paper, Ref. 8, predicting the maximal number of flux quanta that can be trapped by a single hole. Current distribution around a 1D array of holes was calculated within the Ginsburg-Landau theory in Ref. 6. However, these theoretical works consider a bulk superconductor, while most experiments are on patterned thin films.1–6 Moreover, a realistic model should take into account the strong pinning of vortices in the superconducting areas around the artificial defects. When the defect size is much larger than the London penetration depth, one can consider the average vortex density B rather than individual vortices. Such an approach was used in Ref. 9 to simulate flux penetration into a thin film with a 2D array of holes. It allowed to explain an asymmetrical flux penetration due to asymmetry in the hole shape. At the same time, the case of an individual hole in a thin film has not yet been carefully analysed. A main purpose of the present work is to acquire details of flux and current distributions in a superconducting strip with one individual hole. An approximate picture of the current distribution around a non-conducting hole can be obtained within Bean’s critical state model.10 In the Bean model current stream lines are added from the edge with equal spacing representing the critical current density. The presence of a hole forces the current to flow around it and hence pushes the flux front deeper into the sample. Both holes and sample corners give rise to so-called d-lines where the current changes direction discontinuously.11 They are seen as dark lines12 in images showing magnetic flux distributions.13,14 For example, 90◦ corners give 45◦ straight d-lines15 while semicircular indentations of the edge give parabolic d-lines.16 The magneto-optical image of Fig. 1 shows d-lines spreading out from a circular hole towards the flux-free region. The same hole also introduces another pattern: a darkened region starting from the hole and extending towards the edge. This pattern is similar to the one observed by Eisenmenger et al., Ref. 17. The pattern does not fit with the common interpretation of the Bean model, which leaves the the currents between the hole and the edge unperturbed. Ref. 17 discusses how to reinterpret the Bean model and explain the observed pattern as a second parabolic d-line. In this work, we will go further and do full dynamical simulations of flux penetration taking into account the nonlocal electrodynamics of films as well as flux creep. Our results provide details of flux and current distributions in the vicinity of a hole and suggest a new interpretation for the observed anomaly. II. A. MODEL Single-connected superconductors Consider a type-II superconducting thin film placed in an increasing transverse magnetic field. The superconductor responds by generating screening currents to shield its interior. The current density is highest at the edges where the Lorentz force eventually overcomes the pinning force, leading to penetration of flux. According to the Bean model, the vortices move only when the local current density exceeds the critical value, jc . A more realistic model for flux penetration also allows for flux creep at j < jc . Macroscopically, flux creep is introduced 2 FIG. 1: Left: Magneto-optical image of Bz near a hole. Note the parabolic d-lines going upwards and a dark area going downwards from the hole. Right: a sketch of the strip with a circular hole indicating how peculiarities in the flux distribution are related to bending of the current stream-lines. Notations: film half-width is a, distance from the edge to the hole center is s, and the hole radius is r0 . FIG. 2: Simulated magnetic field distribution in a long strip, plotted in the style of magneto-optical images, where the intensity represents Bz . At small applied field (left) the hole produces a field dipole and at large field (right) one can see the parabolic d-lines and a dark region between the hole and the edge, cf. the experimental image, Fig. 1; r0 /a = 0.1, s/a = 0.5, n = 19, Ha /Jc = 0.2 (left) and 1 (right), and µ0 Ḣa = ρ0 Jc /ad. by a dipole of unit strength,15 Q(r, r′ , z) = through a highly non-linear current voltage relation15,18 n−1 j E = ρ0 j, (1) jc where E is electric field, ρ0 a resistivity constant, j is current density, and n is the creep exponent. For thin films of YBa2 Cu3 Ox , n is typically in the range from 10 to 70 depending on temperature and pinning strength.19 Flux dynamics of single-connected type-II superconductors in transverse geometry has been described thoroughly by E. H. Brandt. This work uses the same formalism and hence we only give a short summary of the simulation basics, mainly following Refs. 15,20 and 21. The next section will be devoted to additional changes for multiply-connected samples. For films, it is a great simplification to work with the R d/2 sheet current J(r) = −d/2 dz j(r, z), r = (x, y), in stead of the current density j. This is justified as long as thickness, d, is small compared to the in-plane dimensions but much larger than the London penetration depth, λ. Finite λ can be handled with a small modification of the algorithm.21 Since the current is conserved, ∇ · J = 0, it can be expressed as J = ∇ × ẑg, where g = g(r) is the local magnetization.20 For single-connected thin films the Biot-Savart law can be formulated as Z d2 r′ Q(r, r′ , z) g(r′ ), (2) Bz (r, z)/µ0 = Ha + A where Ha is the applied magnetic field, and A is the sample area. The kernel Q represents the field generated 1 2z 2 − (r − r′ )2 . 4π [z 2 + (r − r′ )2 ]5/2 (3) We discretize the kernel on an equidistant grid with grid points ri and weights w and obtain21 Qij = δij Ci /w + X l qil ! − qij , (4) where qij = 1/4π|ri − rj |3 for i 6= j and qii = 0. The function C depends on the sample geometry. It is given as Z dr′2 . (5) C(r) = ′ 3 outside 4π|r − r | The time evolution of g comes from the inverse of Eq. (2), ġ(r) = Z d2 r′ Q−1 (r, r′ ) [Ḃz (r′ ) − µ0 Ḣa ], (6) A where Q−1 for discrete problem is the matrix inverse of Eq. (4). Ḃz is given from Faraday’s law as Ḃz (r) = − (∇ × E)z = ∇ · ( ρ ∇g), dµ0 (7) with ρ = ρ0 |∇g/Jc |n−1 obtained from Eq. 1. The righthand side of Eq. (6) is expressed only via g and Ha so that time evolution of g can be found by integrating the equation numerically. 3 FIG. 3: The current stream lines for the bulk Bean model (left) and for film with finite n (right). B. Superconductors with holes For macroscopic, arbitrarily shaped, single-connected, type-II superconducting films flux dynamics is fully described by Eq. (6). This basic equation can also be used for multiply connected samples, but in this case one needs to specify the dynamically changing value of g at the hole boundary. In Refs. 9 and 22 this value was set to the lowest value of g along the hole perimeter. This method turned out to be quite feasible but unfortunately it cannot reproduce the discussed pattern of Fig. 1. Moreover, it also introduces unphysical net flux into the hole before the flux front has reached it. A completely different approach is to consider the holes as part of the sample, but ascribe to them a large Ohmic resistance or a strongly reduced Jc .23 Then, Eq. (6) applies to the whole sample including the holes, while the material law, Eqs. (1) and (7), is spatially non-uniform. This approach is physically justified but numerically challenging due to huge electric field gradients. In addition, there still remain small but non-zero currents flowing within the holes. In this work we propose a new approach that does not require any additional assumptions, though requires a larger computational time. In this approach the integration in Eq. (6) is extended over the whole sample area including the holes. Then the dynamics of g is described by the equation Z d2 r′ Q−1 (r, r′ ) [Ḃz(s) (r′ ) + Ḃz(h) (r′ ) − µ0 Ḣa ], ġ(r) = A (8) where A is the sample area including the hole. Here we (h) (s) (h) presented Ḃz as a sum Ḃz + Ḃz where Ḃz is nonzero (s) only in the hole and Ḃz is nonzero within the supercon(s) ducting areas. Ḃz is calculated in the straightforward (h) way using Eq. (7). The other term, Ḃz , is defined by two conditions. The first condition is that current does not flow beyond the superconducting areas, i.e., ġ is constant within the hole. This constant is determined by the second condition, that the total change of magnetic flux inside the hole is related to the electric field at its FIG. 4: Simulation results for a strip with a hole: the current stream lines (top), Bz contour lines (middle), and E contour lines (bottom). Note that the electric field is greatly enhanced in the channel between the hole and the edge;24 Ha /Jc = 0.3 and 0.9. The remaining parameters are the same as for Fig. 2. boundary through Faraday’s law, Z Z 2 d r Ḃz = − hole dl · E. (9) hole edge (h) In order to find a Ḃz that satisfies the two conditions (h,0) we use an iteration scheme. An initial guess, Ḃz , is substituted into Eq. (8) to find ġ (h,0) inside the hole. The next approximation is found as Z d2 r′ Q(r, r′ )ġ (h,0) (r′ ) + K, Ḃz(h,1) (r) = Ḃz(h,0) (r) − hole (10) where the constant K is chosen so that Eq. (9) is satis(h,1) fied. Ḃz is then inserted into Eq. (8) to find ġ (h,1) . (h,1) This ġ is in general non-uniform, but when the procedure is repeated ġ (h,n) becomes more uniform with every new iteration. A smart choice of the initial guess (h,0) of Ḃz is the final value at the previous time step, (h,0) (h,n) Ḃz (r, t) = Ḃz (r, t − ∆t). With this choice only a couple of iterations are sufficient. 4 R FIG. 6: Total flux inside the hole, Φh = hole d2 r Bz , as a function of Ha , for various distances s from the edge. For low fields Φh is zero since the flux front has not reached the hole yet. For high fields Φh grows linearly with Ha since the strip is saturated with J ≈ Jc . Hole radii are r0 /a = 0.1. The remaining parameters are the same as for Fig. 2. FIG. 5: Profiles of Bz , J, g and E through y = 0 for a strip with a hole. The curves correspond to applied fields Ha /Jc = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9, and Ec = ρ0 Jc /d. The remaining parameters are the same as for Fig. 2. Note that the scheme presented here is in no way bound to the discrete formulation of the kernel, Eq. (4). It can be used for any formulation as long as both the forward and inverse relations between ġ and Ḃz are known. Further mathematical details are in appendix A. III. STRIP WITH A CIRCULAR HOLE In this section, Eq. (8) is solved for an infinite superconducting strip in linearly increasing magnetic field. The strip is modeled using periodic boundary conditions in the y-direction, and examples of magnetic field distributions are given in Fig. 2. In the upper part one observes regular flux penetration with maximum of Bz at the edges. Flux penetration in the lower half is strongly affected by the presence a small, circular, non-conducting hole. Note that the flux distribution is perturbed in a region that significantly exceeds the hole dimensions. The left image of Fig. 2 corresponds to a small field for which the flux front has not reached the hole yet. In this case the hole shows up as a field dipole, in agreement with magneto-optical observations; cf. Refs. 17 and 25. Namely, there is positive field at the farther side of the hole and a negative field at the side closer to the film edge. The negative fields shrinks when the flux front reaches the hole, but the asymmetry of the flux distribution inside the hole remains, as seen in the right image. As expected, the front becomes distorted so that the penetration is significantly deeper in the vicinity of the hole. For the full penetration image of Fig. 2 one also clearly see the d-lines as dark line originating at the hole and directed towards the middle of the strip. Such d-lines were first described in Ref. 11 within the Bean model framework and they are called d-lines because current changes direction discontinuously there. The discontinuity is most clearly seen in current stream line plot of Fig. 3 (left). For the Bean model, d-lines from circular holes are parabolic and by convention d-lines from small holes inside superconductors are often called parabolas. In the presence of flux creep the change of current direction is smeared as follows from Fig. 3 (right). However, the d-lines are still clearly visible, at least for n ≫ 1. Comparing the two panels of Fig. 3 we notice a qualitative difference between the current flow in the bulk Bean model and for films under the creep. In the Bean model the current density is everywhere constant and all the current that is blocked by the hole turns towards the strip center. The region between the hole and the edge is hence unaffected by the presence of the hole. For film creep dynamics this is no longer true and a certain fraction of the current will force its way here. As a result, Simulation Experiment Edge Geometry Slit the current density is enhanced which is seen as denser stream lines in Fig. 3 (right). Since the stream lines bend they create the feature visible in the flux distribution of Fig. 2: a slightly darkened region starting at the hole and widening towards the edge. This feature can also be observed experimentally; cf. Fig. 1. It was analysed in detail in Ref. 17 and interpreted in terms of the Bean model as additional parabolic d-lines. Our experiment and simulations suggest a different interpretation. We believe that one should speak about an area of reduced flux density rather than new d-lines. Moreover, the appearance of this area is due to locally enhanced current density, hence it cannot be explained within the Bean model, postulating J = Jc . An enhanced current density also implies a strongly enhanced electric field. This is clearly seen in Fig. 4 showing the contour lines of E. A locally enhanced E means that there is an exceptionally intensive traffic of magnetic flux through the channel between the edge and the hole. The channel width is approximately given by the hole diameter, but increases slightly towards the edge. The width depends in general on the distance to the edge and the creep exponent n. Both larger distance and smaller n tend to make the channel wider. After arrival to the hole, the flux is further directed in the fan-shaped region between the d-lines. Electric field within this region is also relatively high, again implying an intensive flux traffic. This situation is similar to the case of a semicircular indentation at the sample edge considered in Refs. 16, 26, and 27. The hole thus strongly rearranges trajectories of flux flow. The above discussion is further confirmed by profiles of Bz , J, g, and E through the line y = 0 shown in Fig. 5. The J profiles show features commonly observed in strips,28 i.e., plateaus with values ∼ Jc in the penetrated regions and shielding currents with J < Jc in the Meissner regions. The profiles show clearly the enhanced J and E between the edge and the hole. It is also interesting to see the negative Bz for low values and how the negative values gradually vanish when the main flux front gets in contact. R Fig.2 6 shows the total flux in a circular hole, Φh = hole d r Bz , as a function of the applied field Ha for various distances between the hole and the edge. In the beginning, Φh ≈ 0, until the main flux front is in contact with the hole. Then it starts to increase. For high fields Φh grows almost linearly with Ha at a universal growth rate determined by the hole area. The linear rate is not just the case for small holes in strips, but has also been found for e.g. ring geometry.29 Note that for small fields Φh is close to, but not exactly zero. The reason is the creation of two additional flux fronts: one positive towards the flux-free region and one negative towards the edge, as also seen in Fig. 5. Only when integrating Bz over a larger area that includes this additional penetration one finds that the total flux is exactly zero.30 This integral is also a good consistency check of the boundary condition implementation, since a wrong value of g (h) tends to Slit 5 FIG. 7: A square with two slits (only the lower half is shown). Top: Sample sketch, experimental magneto-optical image of YBa2 Cu3 Ox film, and simulated magnetic field distribution. Bottom: current stream lines, Bz and E contour lines at Ha /Jc = 0.3 and 0.9, with n = 19 and µ0 Ḣa = ρ0 Jc /ad. Note the strongly enhanced J and E between the slit and the edge and the complicated set of d-lines at full penetration. introduce a net, unphysical flux in the hole. IV. SQUARE WITH TWO SLITS This section presents results of simulations of a square superconducting film with rectangular slits. The sample geometry is chosen to reassemble one particular YBa2 Cu3 Ox film and comparison of the simulation with a magneto-optical image of the sample is shown in Fig. 7. The experimental film thickness is 250 nm, and side lengths are 2.5 mm. The two slits have been cut out 6 with a laser. Details of the film preparation can be found elsewhere.31 The experiment and simulations show a great similarity both in large and in the details. The flux density is considerably enhanced everywhere along the slit edges, and reaches the maximal values at the upper corners. Our main result found for circular holes holds true also for rectangular slits. Namely, we again find a distinct dark region starting at the slit and widening towards the edge. It can be attributed to the over-critical current density in that region, which is clearly seen in the current stream-line plot. A new result for slits is a slightly brightened regions near the upper corners that appear due to concave current turns. A similar situation arises in superconductors of some other shapes having concave corners, e.g. in crosses.26 There also exist a few minor discrepancies between flux distributions obtained in the simulations and in the experiment of Fig. 7. The most notable is the details of the region of reduced Bz at the side of slits close to the edge. The values of Bz appear to be less in the simulation than in experiment. This might be caused by simplifications, like the disregarded B-dependency of the material law or the simplification of using the sheet current in stead of the true current density. V. SUMMARY We have proposed a new method for treating boundary conditions of non-conducting holes inside macroscopic, type-II superconducting films. The key point is to reconstruct the at first unknown Ḃz inside the holes, at each time step of the simulation. The method is capable of handling any number of holes of arbitrary shape. The simulations of flux dynamics assuming a material law E ∼ j n reproduce very well flux distributions observed by magneto-optical imaging in YBa2 Cu3 Ox films, for circular holes as well as rectangular slits. In particular, they demonstrate a significant enhancement of current density in the region between a hole (slit) and the edge leading to a more intensive traffic of flux. This region appears darker in magneto-optical images due to a slight bending of current stream lines. We thank C. Romero-Salazar and Ch. Jooss for fruitful discussions and M. Baziljevich for experimental data 1 2 3 4 V. V. Moshchalkov, M. Baert, V. V. Metlushko, E. Rosseel, M. J. Van Bael, K. Temst, Y. Bruynseraede, and R. Jonckheere, Phys. Rev. B 57, 3615 (1998). R. Wördenweber and P. Selders, Physica C 366, 135 (2002). C. C. de Souza Silva, J. Van de Vondel, M. Morelle, and V. V. Moshchalkov, Nature 440, 651 (2006). J. Van de Vondel, C. C. de Souza Silva, B. Y. Zhu, M. Morelle, and V. V. Moshchalkov, Phys. Rev. Lett 94, on Fig 7. This work was supported financially by The Norwegian Research Council, Grant No. 158518/431 (NANOMAT) and by FUNMAT@UIO. APPENDIX A: NUMERICAL DETAILS The simulations are run on a N × N square grid. The creep exponent and the ramp rate are n = 19 and µ0 Ḣa = ρ0 Jc /ad, a regime in which creep is low, but not negligible. Changing n would only do quantitative changes to the results. For small exponents the plateaus of current profiles, like Fig. 5, would be less flat and there would also be more current compressed between the holes and the edge. The main limiting factor of the simulations is memory consumption since the kernel matrix Q, Eq. (4), has dimension N 2 × N 2 . The simulations are run with N = 100 grid points, which yields a kernel matrix of dimension 5000 × 5000, when the sample symmetry has been exploited.15 The kernel Q in Eq. (4) depends explicitly on the sample shape. Since the strip is infinite in the y-direction, Q should be computed via an infinite sum over strip segments. However a good approximation is achieved with only one segment on each side of the “main” strip. The strip segments further away contain zero net current and the dipole like character means that they have a negligible effect. A good accuracy of this approximation was checked by comparing the Meissner state width, b, obtained for very high n with the analytical film Beanmodel result,32 b = a/ cosh(πHa /Jc ). The reconstruction of Ḃz inside the hole, Eq. (10), need not use the full Q from Eq. (4). The best is to use a smaller kernel, Q̃, also generated with Eq. (4), but only including points inside the hole. Fast convergence of Eq. (10) is achieve by ignoring currents at the hole perimeter, which means that Q̃ should use C(r) = 0. The most difficult numerical problem in our method is the calculation of the electric field at the boundary in Eq. (9). The electric field is given by the power law, Eq. (1), and is largely fluctuating between neighboring grid points. A stable way to handle this is to take the average of only the most significant values of E and use 2πr and πr2 for the hole circumference and area. 5 6 7 8 057003 (2005). M. Pannetier, R. J. Wijngaarden, I. Fløan, J. Rector, B. Dam, R. Griessen, P. Lahl, and R. Wördenweber, Phys. Rev. B 67, 212501 (2003). R. Wördenweber, P. Dymashevski, and V. R. Misko, Phys. Rev. B 69, 184504 (2004). H. Nordborg and V. M. Vinokur, Phys. Rev. B 62, 12 408 (2000). G. S. Mkrtchyan and V. V. Shmidt, Sov. Phys. JETP 34, 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 195 (1972). D. G. Gheorghe, M. Menghini, R. J. Wijngaarden, S. Raedts, A. V. Silhanek, and V. V. Moshchalkov, Physica C 437-438, 69 (2006). C. P. Bean, Rev. Mod. Phys. 36, 31 (1964). A. M. Campbell and J. Evetts, Critical Currents in Superconductors (Taylor and Francis LTD, London, 1972). 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The longitudinal coherence after transition depends strongly on ν , and there exists a critical νc with qualitative difference between ν < νc and ν > νc . When ν < νc the end state is always fully incoherent with equal population of both quantum levels, even for arbitrarily weak noise. For ν > νc the system keeps some coherence depending on the strength of the noise, and in the limit of weak noise no transition takes place. For fast noise νc = 1/2, while for slow noise νc < 1/2 and it depends on γ. We also discuss transverse coherence, which is relevant when the qubit has a nonzero minimum energy gap. The qualitative dependency on ν is the same for transverse as for longitudinal coherence. The state after transition does in general depend on γ. For fixed v, increasing γ decreases the final state coherence when ν < 1 and increase the final state coherence when ν > 1. Only the conventional linear driving is independent of γ. PACS numbers: 03.65.Yz,85.25.Cp,05.40.Ca I. INTRODUCTION Driven quantum systems are exceedingly more complicated to study than stationary systems, and only few such problems have been solved exactly. An important exception is the Landau-Zener transitions.1–3 In the conventional Landau-Zener problem, a two-level system is driven by changing an external parameter in such a way that the level separation ∆ is a linear function of time, ∆(t) = at. Close to the crossing point of the two levels an inter-level tunneling matrix element g lifts the degeneracy in an avoided level crossing. When the system is initially in the ground state the probability to find it in the excited state after the transition is exp(−πg 2 /2a). Hence, fast rate drives the system to the excited state, while the system ends in ground state when driven slowly. The Landau-Zener formalism was originally developed for molecular and atomic physics, but has since then been applied to various systems and many generalizations of the linearly driven two-level system exists, like avoided level crossing of multiple levels,4,5 repeated crossings,6 non-linear model,7 and non-linear driving functions.8 In connection with decoherence of qubits there has recently been increased interest in Landau-Zener transitions in systems coupled to an environment. This problem is both of theoretical interest and of practical importance for qubit experiments.9 The noise affects the qubit in two ways. First, it destroys coherence by random additions to the phase difference of the two states (dephasing). Second, it causes transitions and alters the level occupation (relaxation). The noisy Landau-Zener problem has been discussed by several authors10–14 both for quantum and classical environments. In this work we will study classical noise processes. In particular, we will use a random telegraph process as the noise source. This allows us to study the effect of noise with long correlation time (slow, or non-Gaussian noise). In the limit of short correlation times we will recover the results of Pokrovsky and Sinitsyn15 who have considered this problem in the limit of fast noise. An important result of their analysis was that there is a characteristic time scale, tnoise , during which the noise is active. If this time scale is long compared to the time of the Landau-Zener transitions, tLZ , dynamics can be separated in a noise-dominated regime for long times and a pure, noiseless Landau-Zener transition for short times. This allows one to study separately transitions driven purely by noise and the usual LandauZener transitions driven by the tunneling amplitude g. We will follow this approach, which simplifies the problem considerably. Most works on noisy Landau-Zener transitions are mainly concerned with transition probabilities. However, in the case of an open system it is also interesting to study the amount of decoherence, or purity, of the state after the transition is passed. In terms of the Bloch vector, the transition probability is given by the z-component of the vector whereas the purity is given by its length. By generalization from the stationary case, it is clear that longitudinal noise (noise in the level spacing ∆) will cause dephasing at all times, and the final state will always be on the axis of the Bloch sphere, i.e., the x- and y-components of the Bloch vector decay to zero. For transverse noise (noise in the anticrossing energy g) the situation is less evident since the effect of the noise is reduced by the factor g/∆. When ∆ increases sufficiently fast as function of time one can in a sense ‘run away’ from the noise, and the final state will not decohere maximally. This motivates us to study the ef- 2 fect of nonlinear time dependences for the level splitting, similar to those considered in Ref. 8 for Landau-Zener transitions without noise. In particular, we will study power-law driving functions, ∆ ∼ sign(t)|t|ν , and we will find that there exists a critical νc such that the system is completely decohered for ν < νc even for arbitrarily weak noise coupling. For ν > νc some coherence is retained. The critical νc will depend on the correlation time of the noise. II. A. MODEL Hamiltonian Consider a solid state qubit, e.g., a Josephson charge qubit.9,16,17 The qubit is modeled as a two-level system and it couples to environment through a randomly fluctuating addition χ(t) on its off-diagonal terms. Let us here only consider dynamics for one realization of χ(t), while in next section we will use the particular model of random telegraph noise to derive master equations for the noise averaged quantities. The Hamiltonian is H= 1 1 ∆ν (t) σz + [g + χ(t)] σx 2 2 (1) where σx and σz are Pauli matrices, ∆ν (t) is the diagonal splitting, g is the minimal energy gap at the avoided level crossing. The interesting dynamics comes from a power-law time-dependency ∆ν (t) = αν |αν t|ν sign(t) (2) with sweep rate αν and exponent ν. Linear sweep and no noise give exactly the Landau-Zener dynamics. However, our focus will be on entirely noise-driven transition for any exponent. From here and throughout this work the quantum state is described by the Bloch vector r ≡ (x, y, z). The Bloch vector is is given from the density matrix ρ as x = 2 Re ρ12 , y = 2 Im ρ12 , z = ρ11 − ρ22 . B. Telegraph noise The noise model applied in this work is random telegraph noise. Such noise occurs when defects create bistable traps, atomic or electronic, in solids, and is assumed18 to be a basic source for various kinds of high and low-frequency noise.19 For example, a large number of fast fluctuators with a narrow distribution of switching rates give Gaussian white noise. A broad distributions of switching rates can, on the contrary, give rise to non-Gaussian, 1/f noise.20,21 In experiments on solid state qubits, the low-frequency 1/f noise is often the dominant source of decoherence.22 For tiny devices, a small number, or even single fluctuators, can be important. Relevant for transverse noise on Josephson charge qubits telegraph noise characteristics has been measured for electrons trapped in Josephson junctions,23 for intrinsic Josephson junctions in granular high-Tc superconductors,24 and for trapped single flux quanta.25 If the bistable system, or fluctuator, is more strongly coupled to its surroundings than to the qubit we can consider its dynamics to be independent of the qubit, and it will act as a classical noise source, driven by its environment. With this approximation, the effect of the fluctuator on the qubit appears through a randomly switching addition ±v to the tunneling energy. The constant, v, represents fluctuator-qubit coupling strength, which will be called noise strength for short. We assume the switchings between the two fluctuator states to be independent, random events. The rates of random switching is assumed to be the same between both fluctuator levels, γ+− = γ−+ = γ. This holds when the fluctuator level-spacing is small compared to the temperature. Our fluctuator model is thus a stochastic process and the probability Pk to switch k times in a time interval t is given by the Poisson distribution, Pk = (γt)k −γt e . k! The telegraph process has the property χ(t)χ(0) = ±v 2 , where the + and − sign are for a even and odd number of switches, respectively. Hence, the autocorrelator is S(t) = hχ(t)χ(0)i = ∞ X χk (t)χk (0)Pk , k=0 (3) =v For a pure quantum system the vector r is a unit vector. Under the influence of noise its average value is in general less than unity. The dynamics of r is given by the Bloch equation, (5) 2 ∞ X k=0 k −γt k (γt) (−1) k! e (6) 2 −2γt =v e , (4) for t > 0. Correspondingly, the cosine transform of Eq. (6) (the noise power spectrum) is a Lorentzian Z ∞ 2γ . (7) Ŝ(ω) = dt S(t) cos(ωt) = v 2 (2γ)2 + ω 2 0 analogous to a spin precessing in magnetic field B(t) = (g +χ(t), 0, ∆ν (t)). We use units where ~ = 1 throughout this work. The noise power spectrum is important since all results for fast noise can be expressed by this function. It must be noted that for many qubit experiments the environment cannot be considered as classical and ṙ = −r × B, 3 1 0.8 0.6 zp a quantum description of noise is necessary.26 The SpinBoson model was discussed in Ref. 17 for stationary system and in Ref. 13 in connection with Landau-Zener transitions. Ref. 27 has developed a model for fluctuating charges at finite temperature. Random telegraph noise is the high temperature limit of this model. 0.4 C. Master equations 0.2 We will now average Eq. (4) over the noise and derive master equations for a qubit coupled to one random telegraph process. The quantum state is now only known with a certain probability and we need to operate with averaged quantities rather than the pure quantum states. The average value of r is Z rp = hri = d3 r p(r, t) r. (8) where p = p(r, t) is the probability of being in Bloch state r at time t. For the particular model of one random telegraph process there are two possible values of the effective magnetic field acting upon the qubit according to Eq. (4): B± = B0 ± v . (9) where v is a constant vector. Here B0 (t) = (g, 0, ∆ν (t)) controls the time evolution of the quantum mechanical system. We will now derive the set of master equations. The derivation is in fact valid for any two-level system coupled to one fluctuator in arbitrary direction, not just Landau-Zener like dynamics and transverse noise. The derivation follows Refs. 28 and 29. Let p = p(r, t) be the probability to be in r at time t. Now split p(r, t) = p+ (r, t) + p− (r, t) where p+ (r, t) and p− (r, t) are the probabilities to be in state r at time t under rotation around B+ and B− , respectively. The master equations for p+ and p− are p+ (r, t + ǫ) = αp+ (r − δr+ , t) + βp− (r − δr− , t), p− (r, t + ǫ) = αp− (r − δr− , t) + βp+ (r − δr+ , t), where ǫ is a small time change and α and β are the staying and switching probabilities, respectively. When ǫ ≪ γ we can neglect multiple switchings, and Eq. (5) can be expanded to give α ≈ P0 ≈ 1 − γǫ and β ≈ P1 ≈ γǫ. The spatial changes δr± represent the vector’s displacements during the time interval ǫ. This is given from the Bloch equation, Eq. (4), as δr± = −r × B± ǫ. Expanding to first order in ǫ gives ṗ+ = −γp+ + γp− + (r × B+ ) · ∇p+ , ṗ− = −γp− + γp+ + (r × B− ) · ∇p− . The probabilities enableR us to define equations for the averaged quantities r± = d3 r rp± , ṙ+ = −γr+ + γr− − (r+ × B+ ), ṙ− = −γr− + γr+ − (r− × B− ). (10) ν=2 ν=1 ν=0.7 0 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 ανt FIG. 1: The zp (t) as a function of time for fast noise, γ/αν = 2 and v/αν = 0.5. The transition time extends significantly with decreasing ν. The quantities r+ and r− are just auxiliary quantities and the final master equations are expressed by rp = r+ + r− and rq = r+ − r− . The quantities normally measured in experiment are those quantities averaged over p, and rp are the averaged components of the Bloch vector. Isolating rp and rq yields ṙp = −rp × B0 − rq × v, ṙq = −2γrq − rq × B0 − rp × v. (11) The above equations are exact for one telegraph process. Compared to the noiseless case, the number of equations rise from two (i.e., three equation and constraint of |r| = 1) to six equations. Adding more fluctuators, the number of equations will grow exponentially.28 D. Master equations for simplified problem Let us now study the simplified problem of entirely noise-driven transition, i.e., g = 0. In this case the set of six equations, Eq. (11), decouple in two sets of equations in (xp , yp , zq ) and (xq , yq , zp ), respectively. A system initially prepared in one energy eigenstate has xp = yp = 0. Assuming also the initial state of the fluctuator to be random we have zq (−∞) = 0, which means that xp and yp remain zero as long as g = 0. Thus coherence only relays on zp and we will for the following concentrate on the set (xq , yq , zp ). The master equations are ẋq −2γ −∆ν 0 xq ẏq = ∆ν −2γ −v yq . żp 0 v 0 zp (12) 4 1 0.8 zp(∞) intervals, the relaxation rate in each interval being given by the usual expression for the static case. This can only be done in the limit of fast noise. For the particular model of random telegraph noise Ŝ is given by Eq. (7) and Eq. (15) reads as v=0.01 v=0.1 v=0.5 v=1 0.6 2γ żp = −v 2 . zp (2γ)2 + ∆2ν (t) 0.4 0.2 0 0.5 1 ν 1.5 FIG. 2: The zp (∞), Eq. (18), as function of ν, for fast noise; γ/αν = 10. The weak noise has a strong ν-dependency near ν = 1/2. Isolating zp yields the integral equation żp = − =− t Z dt1 cos(θ(t) − θ(t1 )) S(t − t1 ) zp (t1 ) −∞ Z ∞ dt2 cos(θ(t) − θ(t − t2 )) S(t2 ) zp (t − t2 ), 0 (13) where θ(t) = Z t dt′ ∆ν (t′ ) = 0 1 |αν t|ν+1 ν+1 (14) and S(t) given by Eq. (6). The integral equation, Eq. (13), is exact for one telegraph process, and valid for all transition rates. The equation is the same as found in Ref. 15 for any fast noise source. Hence, all conclusions drawn from Eq. (13) in the limit γ → ∞ are also valid for any Gaussian noise source. III. FAST NOISE With fast noise we mean finite but large γ, γ ≫ αν . Then the relevant contributions in the integral of Eq. (13) are for small t2 . Series expansions in t2 yields Z ∞ żp ≈− dt2 cos(∆ν (t)t2 ) S(t2 ) = −Ŝ(∆ν (t)). (15) zp 0 The solution is Z zp (t) = exp − t −∞ dt Ŝ(∆ν (t )) , ′ ′ (16) with noise power spectrum Ŝ. Recalling17 that the relaxation rate of a qubit without driving is Γrelax = Ŝ(E) at the qubit level spacing E we can understand the above expression as the total relaxation over many short time (17) The full integrated Eq. (17) is expressed through hypergeometric functions, which will not be written here. A numerical solution is plotted in Fig. 1 for various exponents. It illustrates that the fast noise curves are smooth and all fluctuations are averaged out. Also, it shows that transitions times get longer for decreasing ν. The most interesting quantity, however, is the value at infinity which for ν > 1/2 is # " 1/ν−1 π/2ν v 2 2γ . (18) zp (∞) = exp −2 2 αν αν sin(π/2ν) This equation makes it possible to explore how the final state depends on v, γ, and ν. For ν < 1/2 the integral of Eq. (17) diverges and we get zp (∞) = 0, independently of v and γ. When zp (∞) = 0 both levels are occupied with same probability and this represents a fully incoherent state. The fact that the result is independent of v means that arbitrarily weak noise destroys coherence completely. This is similar to a stationary system where noise always dominates at long times. The result is actually a bit surprising. It is obvious that a static system finally looses all coherence. However, in this case the energy levels split by up to square root of time and even this is not enough to avoid total decoherence. For ν > 1/2 the results are no longer independent of v and γ. In this sense one can say that the regimes for ν < 1/2 and ν > 1/2 are qualitatively different. Thus we identify the critical νc = 1/2 in the limit of fast noise. Fig. 2 shows zp (∞) as a function of ν. For decreasing v the change near ν = 1/2 get sharper and in the limit v → 0 it approaches a step function of ν. Another interesting feature of Eq. (18) is how zp (∞) changes with increasing γ. For ν < 1 increasing γ means that zp (∞) decreases and goes to zero in the extremely fast noise limit, γ/αν → ∞. In other words, faster noise reduces end state coherence. The opposite is the case for ν > 1. Then faster noise increases the end state coherence and in fact zp (∞) → 1 when γ/αν → ∞. This behavior is to some extent counterintuitive since one could initially expect faster noise would always decrease coherence. The linear driving is truly a special case since zp (∞) is independent of γ for ν = 1. Note that in Ref. 15 where the case ν = 1 was considered, the limit γ → ∞ was taken together with the limit v → ∞ in such a way that v 2 /γ remained constant. In their case, zp (∞) depends on γ and goes to 0 when γ → ∞. From the denominator of Eq. (17) one can identify a time scale characteristic for the action of the noise, 5 1 0.8 0.5 0.6 zp zp(∞) 1 v=0.5 v=0.1 v=0.01 0 0.4 -0.5 0.2 -1 -30 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 ν=0.7 ν=1 ν=2 0.5 -20 -10 ν FIG. 3: The zp (∞) as function of ν for weak and slow noise; γ/αν = 0.1. Obtained by numerical integration of Eq. (13). The plot shows a critical value of νc ≈ 0.2 which is less than the value for fast noise seen in Fig. 2. 1/ν tnoise = α−1 . Thus tnoise increases with inν (2γ/αν ) creasing γ and decreasing ν. For very large times, t ≫ tnoise , the z(t) will approach its end value as power of time. Integration of Eq. (17) in this limit yields the asymptotic solution ! 2 v 1 2γ 1−2ν , (αν t) zp (t) = zp (∞) 1 + 2ν − 1 αν αν (19) with zp (∞) given by Eq. (18). Eq. (19) illustrates again the message of Fig. 1, namely that convergence gets slower for decreasing ν and near the critical value of ν = 1/2 the transition is very slow. For ν < 1/2, the expansion, Eq. (19), is not valid. For the important linear case there is also a nice explicit solution of Eq. (17) for all times, 2 2 v π α1 zp (t) = exp − 2 + arctan t , (20) α1 2 2γ in which the end state simplifies to 2 zp (∞) = e−π(v/α1 ) . IV. (21) SLOW AND WEAK NOISE Now we will study the influence of one slowly varying telegraph process, γ . αν in the limit of weak noise, v ≪ αν . We start with Eq. (13), which is exact for both fast and slow telegraph noise. A series expansion in v/αν yields Z ∞ Z t zp (∞) ≈ 1 − v 2 dt dt1 cos[θ(t) − θ(t1 )] e−2γ(t−t1 ) , −∞ −∞ (22) with θ defined in Eq. (14). 0 ανt 10 20 30 FIG. 4: The zp (t) as a function of time for slow and strong noise; γ = 0 and v/αν = 1. This case is mathematically equivalent to a Landau-Zener transition and rapid oscillations are observed, unlike for fast noise, cf. Fig. 1. In the extreme limit γ = 0 the equations are the same as for the nonlinear Landau-Zener system without noise. In this limit the integral Eq. (22) can be solved exactly, recovering the results of Ref. 8: zp (∞) = 1−2 v αν 2 ν − ν+1 (1 + ν) Γ 1 ν+1 2 . (23) where Γ is the gamma function. Eq. (23) shows only weak ν-dependency. Thus the ν-dependency for a finite and small γ will also be weak. The reason is that the first order in γ will also be proportional to the a power of the small factor (v/αν ). The expression Eq. (23) is only approximately valid for small, but finite, γ, provided that ν > νc . Let γ be small but nonzero. As for fast noise we define the critical νc by zp (∞) = 0 for all ν < νc independently of v. Hence, νc can be identified by studying the convergence of Eq. (22). The integral diverges for ν < νc and converges for ν > νc .30 We have not been able to analyze the convergence of this integral analytically. Instead, Eq. (13) is solved numerically for a selected small value of γ. This value gives a hint of how νc depends on γ. Practically, νc is found by plotting zp (∞) as a function of ν for fixed γ/αν and decreasing values of v/αν . The plot in Fig. 3 shows the expected behavior: zp (∞) decreases when ν decreases, and goes to zero at finite ν, even for very small values of v/αν . The behavior is analogous to the fast noise plot of Fig. 2, but the critical value is significantly lower. For γ/αν = 0.1 we find νc ≈ 0.2. This lowering is expected since νc = 0 for γ = 0. It must be noted that there is large numerical inaccuracy for the low ν in Fig. 3, since the integral is close to divergency. 6 1 γ=0.5 γ=0.1 γ=0.01 γ=0 zp(∞) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 v /αν FIG. 5: The zp (∞) as function of v/αν , for slow noise; γ/αν = 0.1 and ν = 1. Obtained by numerical integration of Eq. (13). For γ/αν ≪ 1 the value zp (∞) can take any value between -1 and 1, not just those in the upper half of the Bloch sphere. V. equations, Eq. (11), with g 6= 0 is difficult, and in the spirit of Pokrovsky and Sinitsyn15 we consider the case where the characteristic time tLZ of the Landau-Zener transition is much shorter than the time over which the noise is effective, tnoise . In principle, this would mean that we should study Eq. (11) in the case g = 0, starting at t = t0 , where tLZ ≪ t0 ≪ tnoise . As long as we are only interested in determining the critical νc and not in the precise value of the transition probability we can therefore consider a Bloch vector starting in the equatorial plane of the Bloch sphere, r⊥ (0) = r0 and zq (0) = 0 at time t = 0. With this starting point we now assume g = 0 and ∆ν again as an arbitrary power of time. From Eq. (11) we have ẋp 0 −∆ν 0 xp ẏp = ∆ν 0 −v yp , (24) żq 0 v −2γ zq which should be compared with Eq. (12) for (xq , yq , zp ). Isolating zq gives SLOW AND STRONG NOISE zq (t) = v Let us again look at slow noise, γ . αν , but without restrictions on v/αν . In particular we are interested in the regime in which v is of same order of magnitude as αν . In this regime the results depend strongly on the actual values of αν , v, γ, and ν. The transitions are quite sharp and give rapid oscillations after the transition, as seen in Fig. 4, contrary to the smoothened transitions of the fast noise, exemplified in Fig. 1. Unlike fast noise the results depends strongly on γ also for ν = 1. Fig. 5 shows how zp (∞) depends on v/αν for slow noise and linear driving. One first thing to notice is that slow noise, contrary to fast noise, can drive the system to the other diabatic level. This is seen as zp (∞) < 0 in the plot. Second, some curves for zp (∞) go through the center of the Bloch-sphere when v increases. The center of the Bloch sphere represents maximum decoherence since both states are occupied with equal probability. Consequently, under some conditions increasing noise strength will also increase the system purity after transition. VI. TRANSVERSE COHERENCE We will now discuss transverse q coherence (phase coherence). It is given by r⊥ = x2p + yp2 , where xp and yp are the transverse components of the Bloch vector. In particular we are interested in the behavior for fast noise and long times and see if we can identify a critical νc , as we did for the longitudinal coherence. Transverse coherence becomes relevant when there is a nonzero anticrossing energy g in the Hamiltonian Eq. (1). In that case the Bloch vector makes a rotation away from the z-axis, acquiring nonzero r⊥ . This rotation is a Landau-Zener transition. A full solutions of the master Z t dt2 yp (t − t2 )e−2γt2 . (25) 0 For fast noise and long times the important contributions again come from small t2 . However, we must be careful when doing expansions of yp (t) since the product ∆ν (t)t2 is not necessarily small. Let us define A(t) = xp (t) + iyp (t) and explicitly take out the problematic, long-time Rt phase factor θ(t) = 0 dt′ ∆ν (t′ ): A(t) = r⊥ (t) eiθ(t)+iϕ(t) , (26) where ϕ(t) is a phase factor that varies less rapidly than θ(t). Now expanding at long times t ≫ t2 , A(t − t2 ) ≈ r⊥ (t) eiθ(t)+iϕ(t)−i∆ν (t)t2 . (27) Inserting this into Eq. (25) and isolating r⊥ yields v2 ṙ⊥ =− sin(θ + ϕ) 2 r⊥ (2γ) + ∆2ν (t) × {2γ sin(θ + ϕ) − ∆ν (t) cos(θ + ϕ)} . (28) At long times the sine and cosine functions oscillate rapidly and we substitute these terms with their respective average values, giving the final equation for r⊥ , 2γ v2 1 ṙ⊥ =− = − Ŝ(∆ν (t)). r⊥ 2 (2γ)2 + ∆2ν (t) 2 (29) where Ŝ is the noise power spectrum. Eq. (29) has the same form as Eq. (15) for zp , so the whole discussion of Eq. (15) is in fact valid also for Eq. (29). In particular this means they share the same critical value. Thus νc = 1/2 for both transverse and longitudinal coherence; when ν < νc = 1/2, the system end state is fully incoherent no matter the value of v and 7 γ. We have not searched for the critical exponent of the transverse coherence for slow noise, γ . αν . However, if it exists it need not have the same numerical value as for the longitudinal coherence. The right hand side of Eq. (29) can be interpreted as the instantaneous dephasing rate. In that case one recovers17 the result from transverse noise without driving, Γϕ = Ŝ(E)/2, where E is qubit level spacing. The relation to the instantaneous relaxation rate is Γϕ = Γrelax /2; exactly the same as for the weak coupling limit of a Gaussian noise source. There is one more thing to note about Eq. (29). The approximations needed to get to this expressions are coarser than those for zp . In fact, the fast noise regime of zp start at αν t & 1, while for r⊥ it must be truly large, αν t ≫ 1. VII. SUMMARY We have considered Landau-Zener like dynamics of a qubit in noisy environment. The environment is modeled as transverse, classical, telegraph noise. The qubit diagonal splitting is driven as a power law, ∆ν (t) = αν |αν t|ν sign(t), with driving rate αν , where particular attention has been on the role of ν. An expression, Eq. (18), for the state after transition, zp (∞), has been derived in the limit of fast noise, γ ≫ αν . From this expression we have found that there exists a critical νc = 1/2 such that the system looses all coherence when ν < νc , even for very weak noise, v ≪ αν . When 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 C. Zener, Proc. R. Soc. Lon. 137, 696 (1932). L. D. Landau, Phys. Z. Sov. 1, 46 (1932). E. C. G. Stueckelberg, Helv. Phys. Acta 5, 369 (1932). S. Brundobler and V. Elser, J. Phys. A 26, 1211 (1993). A. V. Shytov, Phys. Rev. A 70, 052708 (2004). A. V. Shytov, D. A. Ivanov, and M. V. Feigel’man, Eur. Phys. J. B 36, 263 (2003). J. Liu, L. Fu, B.-Y. 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