Obligatory Exercise IN-RTIMe 2000 Background

Obligatory Exercise IN-RTIMe 2000
The obligatory exercise will develop over the
semester, but there are three drops that must be
Oblig2000 of IN-RTIMe / Slide 1
Øystein Haugen, Ericsson NorARC
lIN-RTIMe 2000 has 3 credits and with 3 hours every Friday
– this should give time for doing exercises
lIN-RTIMe 2000 will use the CASE tool Telelogic Tau or other
tools that the students find suitable
– it was clear from IN-TIMe in 1998 that the students wanted (and
needed) more hands-on experience
– it was obvious that the obligatory exericise in 1999 had good effect
lIN-RTIMe 2000 is based on project work
– there is a need to ensure that there is a core of persons following
the course and targeting to take the exam in it
– obligatory exercise will eliminate those who sign up, but do not
follow it in practice
lIN-RTIMe 2000 will have an “open obligatory exercise”
– “open” means that the lecturere does not know the final result ....
Oblig2000 of IN-RTIMe / Slide 2
Øystein Haugen, Ericsson NorARC
An Alarm System
lThe obligatory exercise will
specify informally and formally the domain of alarm systems
define the requirements for a small alarm system (LAS)
design and formally describe the chosen LAS
simulate the described LAS
validate the LAS against its defined requirements
implement the LAS on a Lego Mindstorms kit
lOrganization of the work
– students should work in groups of 3-5
– the product is a description in Telelogic Tau and executions within
the Telelogic Tau tool, or other appropriate means
– each of the drops will be evaluated from written material as well as
possible executions
Oblig2000 of IN-RTIMe / Slide 3
Øystein Haugen, Ericsson NorARC
Milestones of the Obligatory Exercise 2000
lDrop 1: 991013
– Domain model of LAS. UML Class Diagrams and MSCs
– Requirements for LAS services written in MSC
– Sketch of the physical design of the LAS in Lego Mindstorms
lDrop 2: 991110
– Design model of LAS. Executable model e.g. SDL system.
– Simulated runs of an LAS
lDrop 3: 991201 (if this is the proper distance from exam)
– Validation of LAS. (Possibly use SDL Validator)
– Other verification efforts
– Implemented Lego Alarm System
Oblig2000 of IN-RTIMe / Slide 4
Øystein Haugen, Ericsson NorARC
What is a LAS?
lLego Alarm System
– is an Alarm System implemented on Lego Mindstorms kit
lAn Alarm System
– is a system that reacts upon external events through its sensors
– and following the nature of the cause performs the appropriate
warning action
lCombined causes
– are sequences of alarm causes that together trigger the
appropriate warning action
lFriendly input
– the owner, maintainer or friend of the system must have ways to:
lreset the LAS
lturn the LAS on/off
lset LAS sensitivity e.g. with respect to different zones
Oblig2000 of IN-RTIMe / Slide 5
Øystein Haugen, Ericsson NorARC