MINIMALLY SUPPORTED FREQUENCY COMPOSITE DILATION PARSEVAL FRAME WAVELETS Jeffrey D. Blanchard Department of Mathematics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 July 2008 Abstract. A composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet is a collection of functions generating a Parseval frame for L2 (Rn ) under the actions of translations from a full rank lattice and dilations by products of elements of groups A and B. A minimally supported frequency composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet has generating functions whose Fourier transforms are characteristic functions of sets contained in a lattice tiling set. Constructive proofs are used to establish the existence of minimally supported frequency composite dilation Parseval frame wavelets in arbitrary dimension using any finite group B, any full rank lattice, and an expanding matrix generating the group A and normalizing the group B. Moreover, every such system is derived from a Parseval frame multiresolution analysis. Multiple examples are provided including examples that capture directional information. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 42C15, 42C40; Secondary 20F55, 51F15 Keywords and phrases: affine systems, composite dilation wavelets, Coxeter groups, minimally supported frequency, Parseval frames, wavelet frames, wavelet sets, wavelets 1 Introduction The usefulness of frames in mathematics and its applications is well-known and well documented. (For example, the reader could begin with the 294 documents referenced in [7].) One set of frames that receives considerable attention is the family of wavelet frames; frames generated by a single function under the actions of dilations and translations by specified parameters. In wavelet theory, much has been studied on minimally supported frequency (MSF) wavelets, also known as wavelet set wavelets (for example [1], [12], [21], etc.). In turn, much work has been accomplished on minimally supported frequency wavelet frames, or wavelet frames whose support in the Fourier domain is contained in some wavelet set ([4], [7], [11], [10], etc.). MSF frame wavelets provide valuable insight to the theory of frame wavelets but must be smoothed to have adequate time localization for applications. Recently there has been significant interest in generating frames which capture directional information as well as time and frequency information. Some examples of these oriented oscillatory waveforms are brushlets [24], contourlets [13], curvelets [6], ridgelets [5], and shearlets [16]. Of these only shearlets are examples of an affine systems generated by composite dilations, i.e. shearlets are generated using dilations by integer powers of an expanding matrix and dilations by integer powers of a shear matrix. Guo, Labate, Lim, Weiss, and Wilson [17, 18, 19] introduced the theory of composite dilation wavelets and detailed the extension of a multiresolution analysis (MRA) to this setting. Here, our primary interest is determining which finite dilation groups, B, and 1 which translation lattices, Γ, give rise to MRA, MSF, composite dilation Parseval frame wavelets. This establishes a foundation for potentially developing smoother directional representation systems with finite groups. These systems will likely be similar to shearlets in that smoothing functions might be applied to the generators of the MSF composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet. The paper is organized as follows: the remainder of this section provides the necessary background and notation. Section 2 proves the existence of MRA, MSF composite dilation Parseval frame wavelets using any finite group and any full rank lattice. MRA, MSF composite dilation wavelets generating an orthonormal basis for L2 (Rn ) were developed in [3]. Section 3 establishes that these constructions will also produce singly generated MRA, MSF composite dilation Parseval frame wavelets. Section 4 concludes the paper with three examples showing the geometric versatility of this type of Parseval frame. 1.1 Parseval Frames and Composite Dilation Wavelets 2 n A system {φi }∞ 0 < C1 ≤ C2 < ∞ (C1 i=1 is a frame for L (R ) if there exist P∞ constants 2 2 and C2 are the frame bounds) such that C1 kf k2 ≤ i=1 |hf, φi i| ≤ C2 kf k22 . If C1 = C2 it is called a tight frame and when C1 = C2 = 1Pwe have a Parseval frame. Obviously, 2 2 n Parseval frames satisfy Parseval’s identity kf k22 = ∞ i=1 |hf, φi i| for all f ∈ L (R ). A linear transformation of the integer lattice is a full rank lattice, Γ = cZn for c ∈ GLn (R), the space of invertible n × n matrices. A lattice basis for Γ = cZn is a set {γi }ni=1 such that every element of the lattice, Pnγ ∈ Γ, can be uniquely written as an integer combination of the basis elements: γ = i=1 mi γi where mi ∈ Z. Notice that if ci is the ith column of the matrix c, then the set {ci }ni=1 is a lattice basis for Γ. For any k ∈ Γ, the translation of f by k, Tk , acts on a function f in L2 (Rn ) by Tk f (x) = f (x − k). When a ∈ GLn (R), the dilation of f by a is the operator Da f (x) = 1 |det(a)|− 2 f (a−1 x). These two unitary operators are applied to a set of generating functions to develop an affine system. For a countable subset of invertible matrices C ⊂ GLn (R), Γ a full rank lattice, and ψ 1 , . . . , ψL ∈ L2 (Rn ), the affine system produced by C, Γ, and Ψ = (ψ 1 , . . . , ψL ) is the set ACΓ (Ψ) = Dc Tk ψ l : c ∈ C, k ∈ Γ, 1 ≤ l ≤ L . As introduced by Guo, Labate, Lim, Weiss, and Wilson [17, 18, 19] affine systems with composite dilations, n o AABΓ (Ψ) = Da Db Tk ψ l : a ∈ A, b ∈ B, k ∈ Γ, 1 ≤ l ≤ L , (1) are obtained when C = AB is the product oftwo not necessarily commuting subsets of j invertible matrices. In this discussion, A = a : j ∈ Z for an expanding matrix a ∈ GLn (R) while B is a finite subgroup of GLn (R). Definition 1. Ψ = (ψ 1 , . . . , ψL ) ⊂ L2 (Rn ) is a composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet if there exist A, B, and Γ such that AABΓ (Ψ) is a Parseval frame for L2 (Rn ). A natural extension of an MSF Parseval frame wavelet [21], we say that Ψ is a minimally supported frequency composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet when Ψ = ψ 1 , . . . , ψL ⊂ 1 L2 (Rn ) is an MSF composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet and ψ̂ l = |det(c)| 2 χRl for some disjoint, measurable sets R1 , . . . , RL ⊂ R̂n . In order to generate a Parseval frame, 2 each set Rl must be contained in a lattice tiling set of R̂n for the full rank lattice associated to the composite dilation system. We adopt the notation that the time domain is represented by Rn , and its elements will be column vectors denoted by letters of the Roman alphabet, x = (x1 , . . . , xn )t ∈ Rn . The elements of the frequency domain, R̂n , will be row vectors, ξ = (ξ1 , . . . , ξn ) ∈ R̂n , denoted by letters of the Greek alphabet. R We use the Fourier transform fˆ(ξ) = Rn f (x)e−2πiξx dx. The inverse Fourier transform of g ∈ L2 (R̂n ) is ǧ. For a ∈ GLn (R) and g ∈ L2 (R̂n ), the Fourier domain dilation of g by 1 a is the operator D̂a g(ξ) = |det(a)| 2 g(ξa). For k ∈ Γ and g ∈ L2 (R̂n ), the modulation of g by k is the operator Mk g(ξ) = e−2πiξk g(ξ). These operators allow us to easily take the Fourier transform of an element of an haffine system i with composite dilations. Namely, if j a, b ∈ GLn (R), k ∈ Γ, and j ∈ Z, then Da Db Tk f ˆ(ξ) = D̂aj D̂b Mk fˆ(ξ). The full rank lattice Γ∗ = Ẑn c−1 is the dual lattice to Γ = cZn . The rows of the matrix form a basis for the dual lattice Γ∗ . The notion of a dual lattice is used extensively when defining Parseval frames for subspaces of L2 (Rn ). c−1 1.2 Composite Dilation Multiresolution Analysis One classical method for constructing Parseval frame wavelets is the well known Parseval frame multiresolution analysis. Guo et al. extend the classical MRA to affine systems with composite dilations [19]. Interested in constructing Parseval frames, we establish the following definition: Definition 2. Let a ∈ GLn (R) be an expanding matrix, B ⊂ GLn (R) a finite group, and Γ a full rank lattice. An ABΓ Parseval frame multiresolution analysis (MRA) is a sequence, {Vj }j∈Z , of closed subspaces of L2 (Rn ) satisfying (i) (ii) (iii) Db Tk V0 = V0 , for any b ∈ B, k ∈ Γ; for each j ∈ Z, Vj ⊂ Vj+1 where Vj = Da−j V0 ; [ \ Vj = L2 (Rn ); Vj = {0} and j∈Z (iv) j∈Z ∃ ϕ ∈ V0 such that {Db Tk ϕ : b ∈ B, k ∈ Γ} is a Parseval frame for V0 . Notice that in this setting, the scaling space V0 has a Parseval frame generated by both dilations from the finite group B and translations from the lattice Γ. 1.3 Group Actions on Rn The expression Q1 ∩ Q2 = ∅ and the term disjoint are meant in the sense of measure. We say a set Q is bounded by a collection of hyperplanes {H1 , . . . , Hs } when Q is the nonempty intersection of the half-spaces defined by the collection {H1 , . . . , Hs }. Definition 3. Let G be a group acting from the right on a measurable set Ω ⊂ R̂n . Then a G-tiling S set for Ω is a measurable set R such that (i) g∈G Rg = Ω and 3 (ii) Rg1 ∩ Rg2 = ∅ for g1 6= g2 ∈ G. A set F ⊂ R̂n is a fundamental region for B if F is B-tiling set for R̂n . Example 1. Let B = D4 , the group of symmetries of the square acting on R̂2 ; D4 is the group generated by r1 and r2 , the reflections through the lines ξ2 = ξ1 and ξ2 = 0 respectively. Let F = {(ξ1 , ξ2 ) : ξ2 ≤ ξ1 } ∩ {(ξ1 , ξ2 ) : ξ2 ≥ 0}. Then F is bounded by the hyperplanes H1 = {(ξ1 , ξ2 ) : ξ2 = ξ1 } and H2 = {(ξ1 , ξ2 ) : ξ2 = 0}. If we let B = D4 act on F , we see that F is a fundamental region for B. See the left portion of Figure 1. Now let S be the unit square centered at the origin, S = (ξ1 , ξ2 ) : − 21 ≤ ξ1 , ξ2 ≤ 12 . Let R be the triangle with vertices (0, 0), ( 21 , 0), and ( 12 , 12 ). When B acts on R, we see that R is a B-tiling set for S. See the right portion of Figure 1. R̂2 R̂2 F r2 r1 F r1 S F r1 r 2 r 1 F F r1 r 2 r 1 r 2 F r2 F r2 r 1 r2 R F r1 r 2 Figure 1: F is a fundamental region for B = D4 (left) and R is a B-tiling set for S (right). A set S is said to be starlike with respect to the origin if, for every ξ ∈ S, the line segment joining the origin and ξ is contained in S. A Starlike Neighborhood of the origin is a set S that is both starlike with respect to the origin and contains an open neighborhood of the origin; Nǫ (~0) ⊂ S for some ǫ > 0. Throughout this discussion it will often be advantageous to select a lattice Γ that will complement the composite group B in some way. Frequently, we choose a lattice whose dual lattice will have basis elements that define a parallelepiped that is starlike with respect to the origin and contains the intersection of some neighborhood of the origin with a fundamental region of B. Definition 4. Let B be a finite subgroup of GLn (R) and fix, F , a fundamental region for B. A lattice Γ∗ is directly associated with (B, F ) if there exists a basis of Γ∗ , {γi }ni=1 , such that every basis vector lies in the boundary of F and in the intersection of a distinct subset Tn of size n − 1 of the set of n hyperplanes bounding F ; i.e. γi ∈ j=1 Hj where {Hj }nj=1 is j6=i the set of hyperplanes bounding F . n ∗ n −1 Since γk ∈ Hi for every k 6= i and {γi }P i=1 is a basis for Γ = Ẑ c , then Hi = n span {γk : k 6= i}. One can check that P = { i=1 ti γi : ti ∈ [0, 1]} is starlike with respect to the origin and for any 0 < ǫ ≤ min {|γi | : i = 1, . . . , n}, Nǫ (~0) ∩ F ⊂ P . 4 In Section 2, we will show that there exists an MRA, MSF, composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet for every finite group. Specifically, finite Coxeter groups, which are generated by reflections through the hyperplanes bounding a fundamental region, are well understood and have been studied as components of affine systems. For example, see the works of Geronimo, Hardin, Kessler, and Mossapust including [14], [20], and [23]. For more information on Coxeter groups see [8], [9], and [15]. 2 MSF, Composite Dilation Parseval Frame Wavelets The goal of this section is to show that with any finite group B (realized as a subgroup of GLn (R)) and any full rank lattice Γ, we can produce MSF composite dilation Parseval frame wavelets. To produce these composite dilation systems we must find appropriate sets to support the Fourier transform of the scaling function, the scaling set, and the wavelets, the wavelet sets. The desired properties of the scaling and wavelet sets are provided in the following Parseval frame admissibility conditions. Definition 5. Let B be a finite subgroup of GLn (R). A lattice Γ = cZn (c ∈ GLn (R)) is PF-B-admissible if there exists a measurable set R ⊂ R̂n such that: (i) R ⊂ W where W is a Γ∗ -tiling set for R̂n and (ii) R is a B-tiling set for a starlike neighborhood of the origin, S. Definition 6. Let Γ be PF-B-admissible and let S be a starlike neighborhood of the origin satisfying Definition 5 (ii). A matrix a ∈ GLn (R) is PF-(B, Γ)-admissible if a is expanding with S ⊂ Sa and there exist disjoint, measurable sets R1 , . . . , RL ⊂ Sa\S such that: ∗ n (i) for SLall l = 1 . . . L, Rl ⊂ Wl where Wl is a Γ -tiling set for R̂ and (ii) l=1 Rl is a B-tiling set for Sa\S. Now we establish that given a, B, Γ satisfying the Parseval frame admissibility conditions, we are able to generate an MRA, MSF, composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet for L2 (Rn ). First, we state a few elementary lemmas that will be useful. For the remaining discussion, we simplify notation by defining 1 1 ek (ξ) = |det(c)| 2 Mk χR (ξ) = |det(c)| 2 e−2πiξk χR (ξ) (2) where c ∈ GLn (R) and R are obvious from context. Lemma 1. Let Γ = cZn . If W is a Γ∗ -tiling set of R̂n and R ⊂ W is a n, then {ek : k ∈ Γ} o 2 Parseval frame for L (R). If R is also a B-tiling set for S, then D̂b ek : b ∈ B, k ∈ Γ is a Parseval frame for L2 (S). ∞ Lemma 2. If, for each l = 1, . . . , L, φli i=1 is a Parseval frame for L2 (Rl ) and Rl1 ∩Rl2 = S l ∞ SL 2 ∅ for l1 6= l2 , then L l=1 φi i=1 is a Parseval frame for L ( l=1 Rl ). The following theorem uses the preceding lemmas and the standard MRA arguments. Theorem 3. Suppose Γ = cZn is PF-B-admissible, a ∈ GLn (R) is PF-(B, Γ)-admissible, 1 and let ψ l = |det(c)| 2 χ̌Rl for R1 , . . . , RL satisfying Definition 6. Then Ψ = (ψ 1 , . . . , ψL ) is an MRA, MSF, composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet. 5 Proof. An MRA, Parseval frame wavelet has a scaling function ϕ and wavelets ψ l for l = 1, . . . , L that generate Parseval frames for the spaces V0 and W0 respectively. Let R and S be sets satisfying Definition 5. Define V0 = Lˇ2 (S) and Vj = Da−j V0 = Lˇ2 (Saj ). Since S ⊂ Sa, then {Vj }∞ j=−∞ is a nested sequence with Vj ⊂ Vj+1 . 1 Define ϕ(x) = |det(c)| 2 χ̌R (x)n= eˇ0 (ξ). Then [Tk ϕ]ˆ(ξ)o = ek (ξ). Since R is a B-tiling set for S, Lemma 1 tells us that D̂b [Tk ϕ]ˆ : b ∈ B, k ∈ Γ is a Parseval frame for L2 (S). Thus, {Db Tk ϕ : b ∈ B, k ∈ Γ} is aSParseval frame for V0 . Suppose L = 1 so Sa\S = b∈B R1 b and R1 is contained in a Γ∗ -tiling set for R̂n . 1 Then, with ψ = |det(c)| 2 χ̌R1 , a similar argument provides that {Db Tk ψ : b ∈ B, k ∈ Γ} is a Parseval from for L2 (Sa\S). Define W0 = Lˇ2 (Sa\S). Then W0 = V1 ∩ V0⊥ . The argument demonstrating that this is an MRA follows the standard MRA arguments (for example see [19] or [21]). Since ϕ generates a Parseval n o frame for V0 and ψ generates j a Parseval frame for W0 , Da Db Tk ψ : j ∈ Z, b ∈ B, k ∈ Γ is a Parseval frame for L2 (Rn ) and therefore ψ is an MRA, MSF, composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet. 1 l 2 Suppose L > 1. Since R1 , . l. . , RL satisfy Definition 6,then with ψ = |det(c)| χ̌Rl , Lemma 2 provides that Db Tk ψ : b ∈ B, k ∈ Γ, l = 1, . . . , L is aoParseval frame for W0 = n j Lˇ2 (Sa\S). Hence, Da Db Tk ψ l : j ∈ Z, b ∈ B, k ∈ Γ, l = 1, . . . , L is a Parseval frame for L2 (Rn ). Therefore, Ψ = (ψ 1 , . . . , ψL ) is an MRA, MSF, composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet for L2 (Rn ). 2 Next we establish that if B is any finite subgroup of GLn (R), then every full rank lattice is PF-B-admissible. We first recall that every finite group has a convex fundamental region bounded by hyperplanes through the origin. Lemma 4. Every finite subgroup of GLn (R) has a convex fundamental region bounded by hyperplanes through the origin. Let B be a finite subgroup of GLn (R). Then B is conjugate to a subgroup of the orthogonal group O(n). Let g ∈ GLn (R) and K ⊂ O(n) such that B = gKg−1 . K has a convex fundamental region, F ′ , bounded by hyperplanes through the origin (see Chapter 3 in [15]). Then F = g−1 F ′ is a convex fundamental region for B. Since the linear transformation g−1 takes hyperplanes to hyperplanes and fixes the origin, F is bounded by hyperplanes through the origin. The convexity of the fundamental region is assumed for the remainder of the discussion. Theorem 5. If B is a finite group then every lattice Γ = cZn is PF-B-admissible. Proof. Suppose B is a finite group and Γ = cZn . Let F be a fundamental region for B n ~ bounded for Γ∗ . Define Pnby hyperplanes through the origin (0). Let {γi }i=1 be a basis ∗ P = { i=1 ti γi : ti ∈ [0, 1]}. Then P , or any translate of P , is a Γ -tiling set for R̂n . Choose α ∈ R̂n such that ~0 is in the interior of P − α. Define R = (P − α) ∩ F . Then R ⊂ P − α. Also, since P − α S and F are both starlike with respect to ~0, then R is starlike ~ with respect to 0. Thus, S = b∈B Rb is a starlike neighborhood of the origin. Therefore, Γ is PF-B-admissible. 2 6 Example 2. The left portion of Figure 2 is magnified to depict how R is constructed and 2 the right portion shows how S is formed by the action of B on R. For this example in R̂ , 1 0 1 α = ( 14 γ1 , 16 γ2 ), B = D4 , and Γ = Z2 . −2 2 R̂2 ξ2 = ξ1 S R̂2 ξ2 = ξ1 F F R γ2 ξ2 = 0 R γ1 P −α ξ2 = 0 Figure 2: PF-B-admissible: R = (P − α) ∩ F and R is a B-tiling set for S. Finally, we determine sufficient conditions on expanding matrices to satisfy Definition 6. Every expanding matrix, a ∈ GLn (R), that normalizes B and satisfies S ⊂ Sa is PF(B, Γ)-admissible. Theorem 6. Let B be a finite group. Let Γ = cZn be a PF-B-admissible lattice with S being a starlike neighborhood of the origin satisfying (ii) from Definition 5. If a ∈ GLn (R) is expanding such that S ⊂ Sa and aB = Ba, then a is PF-(B, Γ)-admissible. S Proof. Suppose R is any set satisfying the conditions of Definition 5 so S = b∈B Rb. Let a ∈ GLn (R) be an expanding matrix such that S ⊂ Sa and aB = Ba. Define Q = Ra\S. Then ( ) ( ) [ [ [ [ Qb = (Ra\S) b = Rab \ Sb b∈B b∈B = [ b̃∈B b∈B Rb̃a \S = [ b∈B b∈B ! Rb a\S = Sa\S. (3) Therefore Q is a B-tiling set of Sa\S. Let P be the parallelepiped defined by the lattice basis for Γ∗ ; then P is a Γ∗ -tiling set of R̂nS . Since Q is compact, there exist a smallest integer L and η1 , . . . , ηL ∈ Γ∗ such that Q⊂ L Define Rl = Q ∩ (P + ηl ). Then Rl is contained in a Γ∗ -tiling set for R̂n l=1 (P + ηl ). SL and by (3), Q = l=1 Rl is a B-tiling set of Sa\S. Therefore, a is PF-(B, Γ)-admissible. 2 7 1 0 Example 3. As in Example 2, let α = B = D4 , and Γ = Z2 . Then −2 2 for a = 32 (I2 ), Figure 3 shows Sa and that R and Q are B-tiling sets for S and Sa\S, respectively. R̂2 1 ( 14 γ1 , 16 γ2 ), Sa ξ2 = ξ1 F Q R Sa\S S a = 32 I2 Figure 3: PF-(B, Γ)-admissible: R is B-tiling set for S, Q is a B-tiling set for Sa\S. 3 Parseval Frame Wavelets Associated with Orthonormal MSF Composite Dilation Wavelets In [3], we developed MRA, MSF composite dilation wavelets generating an orthonormal basis for L2 (Rn ). That construction requires 2n − 1 wavelet generators. If one is willing to accept a Parseval frame rather than an orthonormal basis, one may easily reduce to a single wavelet generator while maintaining the overall geometry in the Fourier domain. The construction of orthonormal bases has a very minor restriction on the full rank lattices Γ, namely Γ∗ must have a basis element pointing to the interior of the chosen fundamental region for B. We recall the basic construction from [3]. Let B be a finite group and F a fundamental region for B bounded by n hyperplanes through the origin in R̂n . Choose a full rank lattice, Γ, where Γ∗ has a basis ordered so that γn points to the interior of F . Construct the parallelepiped formed by the basis vectors; call it P̃ . Choose some α ∈ R̂n such that P = P̃ − α contains an open neighborhood of the origin. hS Take the union i of a all translates of P by γn and intersect it with F \F + γn , i.e let R = j∈Z (P + jγn ) ∩ [F \F + γn ]. Then R is a Γ∗ -tiling set for R̂n and a B-tiling set for a starlike neighborhood of the origin, S. The wavelets are produced by taking our expanding matrix to be a = 2In . Applying a to R provides 2n − 1 sets which are each Γ∗ -tiling sets for R̂n . What is important here is that the union of these sets is a B-tiling set for Sa\S. 8 1 0 Example 4. Like Examples 2 and 3, B = D4 and Γ = Z2 . However, in this −2 2 example α = ( 21 γ1 , 12 γ2 ). Figure 4 depicts theSset R and how it is constructed by P . On the right, the figure shows the resulting set S = b∈B Rb. R̂2 R̂2 F \(F + γ2 ) S P + 2γ2 R P + γ2 R F \(F + γ2 ) P Figure 4: R is a Γ∗ -tiling set for R̂n and a B-tiling set for S. In Figure 5, with a = 2I2 , the scaling function for our MRA, ϕ, is defined so that 1 1 ϕ̂ = |det(c)| 2 χR and each wavelet ψ 1 , ψ 2 , ψ 3 is defined so that ψ̂ l = |det(c)| 2 χR+ ∪R− . l l R̂2 − R2 − − R3 R1 + R3 R + R2 + R1 Figure 5: R (2In ) = R ∪ hS 3 + l=1 (Rl i ∪ Rl− ) . Theorem 7. Suppose B is a finite subgroup of GLn (R) and Γ = cZn is such that Γ∗ has at least one basis element in the interior of a fundamental region for B. Then there exists a singly generated, MRA, MSF composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet for L2 (Rn ). 9 Proof. From Theorem 10 in [3], with a = 2In , there exists an MRA, MSF, composite dilation wavelet for L2 (Rn ). The preceding discussion reviewed the construction of the appropriate supports sets. Let R be the scaling set and R1 , . . . , RL be the wavelet sets for this orthonormal system. Then R is a Γ∗ -tiling set R̂n and a B-tiling set for a starlike neighborhood, S: [ Rb = S. (4) b∈B Furthermore, SL l=1 Rl is a B-tiling set for Sa\S: [ b∈B L [ l=1 Rl ! b = Sa\S. (5) hS i Since a = 2In , we know from the construction of the support sets that R ∪ L l=1 Rl = hS i S L L −1 = R. Define Q = Ra−1 and Q = Ra. Therefore Ra−1 ∪ R a R a−1 . 1 l l l=1 l=1 Then Q, Q1 ⊂ R, a Γ∗ -tiling set for R̂n . Define T = Sa−1 . Then T is obviously a starlike neighborhood of the origin and T a\T = S\Sa−1 . Applying a−1 to (4) verifies that Q is a B-tiling set for T . Therefore, Γ is PF-Badmissible. Applying a−1 to (5) provides that Q1 is a B-tiling set for T a\T . Since a is expanding 1 and T ⊂ T a, a is PF-(B, Γ)-admissible. By Theorem 3, with ψ = |det(c)| 2 χ̌Q1 , AABΓ (ψ) = n o Daj Db Tk ψ : j ∈ Z, b ∈ B, k ∈ Γ is a Parseval frame for L2 (Rn ). Therefore, ψ is an MRA, MSF composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet for L2 (Rn ). 2 Also in [3], we constructed singly generated non-MRA, MSF, composite dilation wavelets for L2 (Rn ). Again, there is a nice advantage to using a Parseval frame rather than an orthonormal basis. In this case, choosing a Parseval frame allows us to retain the MRA structure of our composite dilation system. These constructions require us to choose our lattice so that Γ∗ is directly associated to (B, F ) for some specified fundamental region F . Proposition 8. Suppose B is a finite group with fundamental region, F , bounded by n hyperplanes through the origin. If Γ = cZn has a dual lattice Γ∗ directly associated with (B, F ), then there exists a singly generated, MRA, MSF composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet for L2 (Rn ). Proof. Let B be a group with fundamental region, F , bounded by n hyperplanes through the origin.PChoose a lattice Γ = cZn such that Γ∗ is directly associated with (B, F ). We let P = { ni=1 ti γi : ti ∈ [0, 1]} where {γi }ni=1 are the basis vectors of Γ∗ . Then P is clearly 1 Pn a Γ∗ -tiling set for R̂n . Let a = 2In and define R = P a−1 = i=1 si γi : si ∈ S 0, 2 . Then R ⊂ P . By definition, R is a starlike with respect to the origin. Define S = b∈B Rb. Then R is a B-tiling set for S and S is a starlike neighborhood of the origin. Hence, with R and S as defined, Γ is PF-B-admissible. The matrix a = 2In is expanding, S ⊂ Sa, and aB = Ba. By Theorem 6, a is PF-(B, Γ)admissible. For clarity, we describe the sets explicitly. Since R = P a−1 , then Ra = P . Let 10 Q = Ra\S = Ra\R as in the proof of Theorem 6. Then R1 = Ra\R = Q ⊂ P . So the scaling function is supported on R and the wavelet on n R1 . o 1 2 With ψ = |det(c)| χ̌R1 , we have AABΓ (ψ) = Daj Db Tk ψ : j ∈ Z, b ∈ B, k ∈ Γ is a Parseval frame for L2 (Rn ). Therefore, ψ is an MRA, MSF composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet for L2 (Rn ). 2 1 0 Example 5. Let B = D4 and a = 2(I2 ). Let Γ = Z2 so that it is directly −1 1 associated with (B, F ). Then taking P to be the parallelogram formed by the two basis vectors for Γ∗ , we construct R = P a−1 as in the proof above. We let R1 = Ra\R. Then the scaling function, ϕ, is defined by ϕ̂ = χR and the wavelet, ψ, is defined by ψ̂ = χR1 . R̂2 γ 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 2 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 1 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 0000000000000000 1111111111111111 R R γ1 Figure 6: A singly generated, MRA, MSF, composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet. 4 Examples In this section we present three additional examples to illustrate the versatility of this theory. As noted in the introduction, there has been significant research on finding waveletlike systems that can capture directional information as well as time and frequency information (for example [5], [6], [13], [16], [24]). Using the action of the composite dilation group B we can obtain essentially arbitrary orientations. With an arbitrary full rank lattice and a well chosen fundamental region for B, we can construct our support sets to approximate the geometry of the Fourier transform of a given class of functions. Example 6. Suppose we want to capture directional information for multiple orientations in R̂n . Fix a specified hyperplane, H1 , perpendicular to one of the standard axes. Then choose your composite dilation group B so that the hyperplanes bounding the fundamental region, F , form the desired angle with H1 . When B is generated by reflections through π for some m ∈ N. In this case, when these hyperplanes, each angle must be of the form m you project onto any hyperplane perpendicular to the two hyperplanes forming the angle π π m , you obtain orientations in m distinct directions. Let mij denote the angle between any two bounding hyperplanes, Hi and Hj . For n hyperplanes bounding the fundamental region 11 Pn−1 P of your composite dilation group, B, you obtain i=1 j>i mij distinct orientations. We now have the appropriate orientations to capture our directional information. In order to best capture this directional information choose Γ so that the basis vectors of Γ∗ will define a parallelepiped that is short in the directions you are willing to neglect and long in the directions you hope to capture. For a concrete example in dimension two, let B be the group generated by reflections 4 0 π 25 through the lines ξ2 = 0 and ξ2 = tan 5 ξ1 . Choose Γ = Z2 so 4 π − 25 cot π5 2 csc 25 25 0 ∗ 2 4 is directly associated with (B, F ). Then |γ1 | = 6.25 and that Γ = Ẑ 1 π 1 π 2 cos 5 2 sin 5 |γ2 | = 12 . Now we have long, narrow windows that can be oriented in 5 distinct directions. 1 Figure 7 depicts one potential set R1 such that ψ̂ = |det(c)| 2 χR1 , the Fourier transform of the Parseval frame wavelet for this example. Figure 8 shows multiple dilations by elements of B and lattice translations of the support set for ψ̂. Notice that we can capture directional information in m = 5 distinct orientations. The reflected versions of R1 are considerably off the lattice, so lattice translates of these sets easily overlap each other, providing redundancy. R̂2 ξ2 = tan( π5 )ξ1 R1 γ2 ξ2 = 0 γ1 Figure 7: A long, narrow support set for a singly generated, MRA, MSF, composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet. Example 7. It is possible to construct support sets that are not unions of parallelepipeds. Here we construct sectors of an annulus whose lattice translates provide redundancy. Let a = ml In for any l < m ∈ N and B be a group generated by reflections through n hyperplanes through the origin. Fix F , a fundamental region for B, and let Γ = cZn be a lattice such that Γ∗ is directly associated with (B, F ). Let t = min {|γi | : i = 1, . . . , n}. Define S to be the n dimensional ball centered at the origin with radius ml t. A ball centered at the origin is invariant under B. Define R = S ∩ F . S Then with R and S, Γ is PFP B-admissible since R ⊂ { ni=1 ti γi : ti ∈ [0, 1]} and S = b∈B Rb is obviously a starlike neighborhood of the origin. m With Pna = l In , R ⊂ Ra and since Ra has radius t, t ≤ |γi | for all i = 1, . . . , n, Ra ⊂ { i=1 ti γi : ti ∈ [0, 1]}. Now, with R1 = Ra\R, ( ) ( ) ( ) [ [ [ [ [ Sa = Rba = Rab = R1 b ∪ Rb = R1 b ∪ S. b∈B b∈B b∈B b∈B 12 b∈B R̂2 ξ2 = tan( π5 )ξ1 ξ2 = 0 Figure 8: Multiple B-dilations and Γ∗ -translations of a long, narrow window for m = 5. Thus S ⊂ Sa, R1 is contained in a Γ∗ tiling set for R̂n , and R1 is a B-tiling set for Sa\S. 1 Therefore, a is PF-(B, Γ)-admissible. Hence, with ψ = |det(c)| 2 χ̌R1 , we have ψ is an MRA, MSF, composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet for L2 (Rn ). 1 0 2 Figure 9 depicts such wavelets in R when B = D4 , Γ = Z2 and, from left −1 1 to right, a = 72 I2 , a = 2I2 , and a = 87 I2 . In each case the scaling function, ϕ, is defined by ϕ̂ = χR and the wavelet, ψ, is defined by ψ̂ = χR1 . R̂2 R̂2 R̂2 γ2 R γ2 R1 R γ1 γ2 R1 γ1 γ1 Sa\S S Sa\S S R1 R Sa\S S Figure 9: Singly generated, MRA, MSF, composite dilation Parseval frame wavelets from an annulus. Example 8. Now we present an example due to Alexi Savov [25] which provides a singly generated, MRA, MSF composite dilation Parseval frame wavelet for L2 (R3 ). This system exploits the symmetries of a regular polygon in R2 by looking at a double pyramid. Let P be a regular n-gon, n > 4, centered at the origin in R̂2 . We will denote R̂2 as the ξ1 , ξ2 plane. Let B̃ be the group of symmetries of P and P̃ a B̃-tiling set for P . Figure 10 shows P̃ and P when n = 5. When B̃ is the group of symmetries of a pentagon, the triangle P̃ is a B̃-tiling set for the darker pentagon P . Select a point h = (0, 0, h) on the ξ3 axis and generate theSpyramid, Q, determined by P and h. Define R as the convex hull of P̃ and h. Then Q = b̃∈B̃ Rb̃. 13 P̃ Figure 10: For n = 5, P̃ is a B̃-tiling set for P and P ⊂ P a. Let r be the reflection through the ξ1 , ξ2Splane; generate the group B by adding r to B̃. Let S = Q ∪ Qr. Then B fixes S and S = b∈B Rb. Let 1 0 0 cos( nπ ) sin( πn ) 0 ) cos( π n 1 (6) a = ρα = − sin( nπ ) cos( πn ) 0 0 0 cos( π ) n π 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 cos ( n ) 1 tan( πn ) 0 π . (7) = − tan( n ) 1 0 π 2 0 0 2 cos ( n ) √ Since we chose n > 4, cos( nπ ) > √12 . Therefore, the eigenvalues of α are cos(1 π ) > 2 and n 2 cos2 ( π ) > 1. Since ρ is a rotation, |det(ρ)| = 1. Hence, a = ρα is expanding. n Now we observe that a normalizes B. Since α is diagonal, α will commute with every element of the group B. ρ is a rotation by − nπ in the ξ1 , ξ2 plane and, therefore ρ normalizes B̃. Since r fixes R̂2 , ρ and r commute. Thus, aBa−1 = αρBρ−1 α = ρBρ−1 = B. Finally, we show that S ⊂ Sa. First we observe the action of a−1 on P , the n-gon base of S in the ξ1 , ξ2 plane. Let, v = (v1 , v2 , 0), w = (w1 , w2 , 0) be any two adjacent vertices of P . Then |v| = |w|, and the angle between v and w is 2π n . Hence, the midpoint of the edge of P determined by v and w is defined by a vector of length cos( nπ ) |v|. Then the inscribed circle of P has radius cos( πn ) |v|. For all ξ0 = (ξ1, ξ2 , 0) ∈ P , we know |ξ0 | ≤ |v|. Since a−1 = α−1 ρ−1 and ρ−1 is a rotation of P , then ξ0 a−1 = ξ0 α−1 = cos( πn ) |ξ0 | ≤ cos( πn ) |v|. Thus, P a−1 is contained in the inscribed circle of P establishing P a−1 ⊂ P . Figure 10 depicts P ⊂ P a for a pentagon base. Now we observe the action of a−1 on S. Recall that Q was the pyramid determined by P and a point (0, 0, h). Note that (0, 0, h)a−1 = (0, 0, h)α−1 = 2 cos12 ( π ) |h| < |h|. n Since a−1 is also the product of a rotation in the ξ1 , ξ2 plane and a diagonal matrix, then a−1 will take the convex hull of P and (0, 0, h) to the convex hull of P a−1 and (0, 0, h)a−1 . −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 |h|, With −1Pa ⊂ P−1and (0, 0,−1h)a < −1 then Qa ⊂ Q. Now Sa = [Q ∪ Qr] a = Qa ∪ Qra = Qa ∪ Qa r ⊂ Q ∪ Qr = S. Therefore, S ⊂ Sa. With our example for n = 5, Figure 11 shows the relation S ⊂ Sa for a defined by equation (7). 14 Figure 11: S ⊂ Sa for a double pyramid with pentagon base. Now we have a set R that is a B-tiling set of S. We need to choose a lattice Γ = cZn such that R is contained in a Γ∗ -tiling set of R̂n . With such a lattice, Γ is PF-B-admissible. Since a is expanding, S ⊂ Sa, and a normalizes B, a is PF-(B, Γ)-admissible. However, to obtain a singly generated composite dilation wavelet, we also need that R1 = Ra\S is contained in a lattice tiling set of R̂n . Therefore, we simply choose Γ so that both R and R1 are contained in lattice tiling sets. Alternatively, we can simply scale S such that R and R1 are contained in [0, 1]3 . Acknowledgments. This paper is dedicated to the late Father J.B. Leininger, S.J., who faithfully and skillfully taught mathematics for over fifty years and inspired my pursuit of the subject. The author was partially supported by a Department of Homeland Security Fellowship and by NSF (VIGRE) grant number 0602219. The author would like to thank Guido Weiss and Edward Wilson for their many rewarding conversations during this project and Alexi Savov whose senior honors thesis at Washington University was fundamental in developing this theory. References [1] L. W. Baggett, H. A. Medina, and K. D. Merrill. 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