THE ORIGINS OF INTERNAL STRESSES IN POLYCRYSTALLINE AL 203 AND THEIR EFFECTS ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES by JOHN EDWARD BLENDELL B.S., Alfred University 1974 B.A., Alfred University 1974 S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1976 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCE at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June, 1979 Signature of Author. Department of Materials Science and, Engineering May 4, 1979 / Certified by...... ......... .. .............- .... . .. . ..... ..... Thesis Supervisor Accepted by............. .......... Chairman, Department4 al Committee(on Graduate Students Archives iJ Jt.i ABSTRACT The Origins of Internal Stresses in Polycrystalline Al203 and Their Effects on Mechanical Properties by John Edward Blendell Submitted to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering on May 4, 1979 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Science. A model for the stresses arising from thermal expansion anisotropy during cooling polycrystalline materials has been developed. The model incorporates the relaxation of stresses at high temperatures by diffusional creep with the generation of stresses due to thermal expansion differences across a grain boundary. The room temperature stresses are a function of grain size and cooling rate, which was assumed to be linear. It was found that the calculated room temperature stresses significantly increase with grain size and cooling rate. From the results of the calculation, an effective lower limit for stress relaxation could be defined. Using this effective lower limit and a linear dependence of stress on temperature below the limit yields a simple method for estimating the room temperature stress. The stresses were measured directly by a spectroscopic technique and inferred from measurement of the toughness. The samples were commercial A12 03 which were annealed at 2150K for various times and cooled at different linear rates. While no grain size dependence of the stresses was observed, the cooling rate dependence was clearly demonstrated. The magnitude of the stresses measured by the spectroscopic technique were in good agreement with the value predicted from the model. There exists at present no agreement in the literature on the effect of thermal expansion stresses on the toughness. Thus, the observed increase in the toughness with increasing stress could not be used to determine the magnitude of the stresses. The room temperature stresses can be minimized by slow cooling in the range of temperature where stress relaxation has been shown to be important. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Robert L. Coble Professor of Ceramics Acknowledgement I would like to thank Bob Coble for his guidance and friendship during my time at M.I.T. I also wish to thank It has been very enjoyable working with him. Dick Charles for his help in developing the stress relaxation model, Rowland Cannon for many illuminating discussions and helpful suggestions and Lou Grabner for the use of his equipment and assistance in making the fluorescence measurements at N.B.S. I would also like to extend my deepest appreciation to Carol Handwerker, for without her assistance and support this thesis would not now be finished. I also thank Pat Kearney, Al Freker and John Centerino for their assistance with my experiments and to Diane Saunders for typing this manuscript. Special thanks go to my many friends at M.I.T., especially Todd Gattuso, John Blum, Pat Foley, Joe Dynys, Paul Lemaire, Jim Hodge and the Rock for helping me maintain my sanity during my stay at M.I.T. The support of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. EY-76-S-02-2390.AO01 is gratefully acknowledged. 4 Table of Contents Page Title .................................................................. Abstract .............................................................. 2 Acknowledgement....................................................... 3 Table of Contents..................... ................................ 4 List of Figures........................................................ 6 List of Tables ........................................................ 8 Introduction...................................................... 9 I II Stress Due to Thermal Expansion Anisotropy........................ 16 1. Stress Relaxation............................................. III 18 1.1 Relaxation of TEA Stresses ................................ 18 1.2 Effective Diffusion Coeffficient.......................... 24 1.3 Calculation of TEA Stresses............................... 26 1.4 Relaxation of Macrostress ................................. 29 2. Summary ............................................. ......... 31 Preparation of Samples........................................... 36 IV Spectroscopy............................................ ........ . 41 1. Piezospectroscopic Effect ..................................... 41 1.1 Single Crystal............................................ 41 1.2 Polycrystal Effects...................................... 44 2. Experimental.................................................. 49 3. Discussion.................................................... 49 4. Summary................................................ ........ 53 V Indentation Fracture............................................. 62 I. Crack Formation................ 1IU 1 Pl hn 1.2 Sharp Indenters. II ",-.L+t, - I .a e ..II.CIIL * . . . . . . *. . . . . . 0 ..... · · · ....................... · · ..... 2. Fracture Mechanics ......................... .. 3. Experimental.. .e.... ........................... o... · · · 4. Discussion................................. ..... · · 5. Summary.................................... ..... · · · VI Fracture and Toughness. 1. Fracture Strength. ........................ ..... .......................... ... e.. 2. Fracture Toughness ......................... .. oo.. 3. .. o.. Experimental............................... 4. Discussion................................. 5. Summary.................................... VII Summary...................................... VI II Suggestions for Future Work.................... Appendix A - Development of Relaxation Model.. · · · · · · · · · · · · ..... ..... 0..... ... · · · e.. ..... · · · Appendix B - Analytical and Numerical Soltuion to Relaxation Equation............... 101 Appendix C - Calculation of Av for Quenched Pl te... 105 Appendix D - Spectroscopic Data................ 107 ..... o Appendix E - Fracture Toughness Data........... ..... 113 References................................... ..... 120 Biographical Note. ............................. ..... 121 List of Figures I-1 Strength as a function of quenching temperature for A1203. 1-2 Effect of grain size on the toughness of anisotropic materials. II-1 Calculated stress due to TEA as a function of temperature for ý = -1.0 K/min. 11-2 Calculated stress due to TEA as a function of temperature for G = 50 m. 11-3 Critical temperatures (TC , TR, TE) as a function of cooling rate. III-1 Geometry of samples. 111-2 Typical microstructure of samples. IV-l Typical fluorescence spectrum of ruby. IV-2 Line width and lineshifts for ruby as a function of temperature. IV-3 Line shift for ruby as a function of applied pressure. IV-4 Orientation of X1 , X2,, X3 axes. IV-5 Experimental arrangement used to measure fluorescence spectrum. IV-6 Adsorption as a function of wavelength of the filters. IV-7 Stress measured from linewidth as a function of cooling rate. IV-8 Stress measured from linewidth as a function of cooling rate. V-l Geometry of blunt and shart indenters. V-2 Typical indentation impressions. V-3 Toughness of A12 0 3 determined from indentation as a function of cooling rate. VI-l Experimental arrangement used to apply internal pressure. VI-2 Fracture stress as a function of G VI-3 Typical strength histograms. 2 VI-4 Typical notch used for toughness measurements. VI-5 Typical fracture surface of notched samples. VI-6 Toughness measured from notched samples as a function of cooling rate and anneal time. D-1 Width of R, and R2 lines as a function of cooling rate. D-2 Width of R l and R2 lines as a function of anneal time. D-3 Shift of R1 and R 2 lines as a function of cooling rate. D-4 Shift of R1 and R 2 lines as a function of anneal time. E-l Indent impression and crack size as a function of cooling rate. E-2 Indent impression and crack size as a function of anneal time. 8 List of Tables Table III-1 Grain size as a function of anneal time Table IV-l Values of Piezospectroscopic tensor (i..) Table D-l Line shift and line width as a function of anneal time and cooling rate. Table E-l KIC as determined from indentation test. Table E-2 KIC as determined from notched ring test. I. Introduction In a two-phase polycrystalline solid in which the phases have different expansion coefficients or in a polycrystalline material, with random orientation, which has anisotropic thermal expansion, heating or cooling leads to changes in localized stresses across the grain boundaries (Boas & Honeycomb, 1946). The magnitude of the local stress depends on the dif- ference in thermal expansion across the boundary, the elastic moduli, and the difference between the temperature at which the body was stress-free and the current ambient temperature. In A1203 the anisotropy in thermal expan- sion will cause localized stresses to be developed in a polycrystalline body as it is cooled from the sintering temperature. It is observed that in A 20,, and other anisotropic oxides, boundary cracking is much more prevalent in coarse than in fine grained samples. It is assumed that the localized stresses due to the thermal expansion anisotropy (TEA) cause the boundary cracking. However, since none of the vari- ables used in a simple model to predict the TEA stress are grain-size dependent, the observed cracking behavior is not consistent with a critical stress model alone. This can be reconciled by use of an energy criterion for fracture (Davage & Green, 1968). The stored elastic strain energy due to the TEA stress is a function of the volume of material under stress, which scales with the third power of the grain-size. The energy needed to form new surface during fracture is a function of the area fractured, which scales with the square of the grain-size. Hence, at some grain-size, there will be enough stored elastic strain energy to supply the energy for new surface formation and spontaneous fracture of the grain boundary will occur. In a polycrystalline array, with random orientations of the grains, only some of the boundaries will have the highest possible TEA stress and therefore only some of the boundaries will crack. Also there is usually a range of grain-sizes present in a sample, so it is not expected that at some critical grain-size complete fracture of the sample will occur. An implicit assumption in this simple model is that there exists an effective freezing temperature, or a temperature above which all stress are relaxed and below which all stress cannot relax, and that the effective freezing temperature is grain-size independent. The actual tempera- ture and grain-size dependence of stress relaxation can be directly determined from the creep data or from creep models using available diffusivity data. The diffusional creep models would predict that at small grain sizes, relaxation of stress can occur at lower temperatures than for large grain sizes. Also, the relaxation temperature is a function of the time scale of the experiment. The isothermal-hold time to relax all stress increases rapidly as the temperature decreases because of the temperature dependence of the diffusivity that controls the relaxation. An example of the relaxation of stresses at high temperatures by creep is observed in the quench strenghening of A12 0 3 . It has been shown (by Marshall, et. al., 1978) that the strengthening of quenched A120 3 is due to a compressive surface layer. In order for a com- pressive surface layer to be developed during quenching, the material in the center of the sample must flow and relax the stress due to the temperature distribution. The sample must be at a sufficiently high temperature so that flow can occur, as seen in Figure 1-1 which presents the data of Stolz and Varner (1977). If the starting temperature is too low, the sam- ple can be weakened by thermal shock. Thus, it is expected that the magnitude of the TEA stresses are a function of the grain-size and the cooling rate, which defines the time scale for relaxation. This dependence of TEA stresses on grain-size and cooling rate must be considered when using the energy balance to calculate the critical grain-size for microcracking. In this study, a model for the stresses due to TEA which includes stress relaxation by creep has been developed. The model assumes that the stress relaxation is given by the stress relaxation of a rheologically simple material, or that the behavior is linear visco-elastic. The stress due to TEA is predicted to increase with increasing grain-size and cooling rate. divided into three regions. The stress function can be Above some temperature, TC, stress relaxation is very fast and all stresses will relax. Below a different temperature, TR < TC, no stress relaxation will occur and the stress wil be a linear function of temperature as in the simple model. but not all of the stress will relax. Between TC and TR, some The values of TC and TR will vary with grain-size and cooling rate. While it is expected that TEA stresses can effect the mechanical properties, the exact effect is not known. the fracture stress of BaTiO 3 Pohanka, et. al. (1976) measured above and below the Curie temperature (120 0 C). They found that below the Curie temperature, where BaTiO 3 is tetragonal, the strength was lower than above the Curie temperature, where BaTiO cubic. 3 is Since all other factors are the same (i.e., grain-size, porosity, surface finish, test technique) and the temperature change is small (150 0 C to 250 C), the reduction in strength must be due to the TEA stress that occurs in the tetragonal phase upon cooling below the Curie temperature. Thus it is expected that for A12 03 , the strength would also be re- duced by the TEA stress. The effect of TEA stresses on the fracture toughness is not clear. model by Evans, et. al. A (1977) predicts a decrease in toughness with in- creasing grain-size, but a model by Rice, et. al. (1978) predicts an increase in the toughness with increasing grain-size up to a certain grain-size and then a decrease in toughness (Figure 1-2). increase in the TEA stress with grain-size. based on an energy balance approach. Neither model considers the Both of the above models were Different measurements of the tough- ness as a function of grain-size have given inconsistent results. In A1203 the general trend is for the toughness to increase with grain-size, but this may be due to the test technique or the mode of fracture. It is ex- pected that the toughness will increase with increasing TEA stress based on the best available data and the model by Rice. Thus it is expected that the effects of TEA stress would be to lower the strength and increase the toughness of a material as the TEA stress increases. vestigated. In this study, the possible influence of TEA stresses was inThe fracture stress and toughness of A12 03 samples with various grain-sizes and cooling rates were measured. The toughness was measured from microhardness indentations and by a notched ring technique. The fracture stress was measured by an expanded ring test. A direct measurement of the TEA stresses was performed using a spectroscopic tech- 13 nique. It has been well established that stresses affect the shape and position of the chromium fluorescence lines; by measuring the positions of these lines, the TEA stress can be calculated. The model developed to predict TEA stresses will be presented in the next section. The experiments performed to measure the effects of the TEA stresses will be presented in the following sections. Ojuu 11111I - 600 E Z b 4 00 200 O -I T -I - I I I I I I I I 1000 1200 ,I 1400 II I_ 1600 Temperature (oC) I-1 Strength as a function of quenching temperature for Al 203. Data from Stolz and Varner (1977) for quench of 5mm by 5mm square bars, G = 10p into silicon oil (Blp > -1000K/min). C2 n 0 0 0 0 40 'a U) 20 c 0~414 C\J >0 x• I0 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 G/Gcr,,it (a) 1-2 0.8 1.0 1 100 10 6(11m) (b) Effect of grain size on the toughness of anisotropic materials. (a) from Rice, et. al. (1978) for all A1 2 0 3 (Yf O KIC) (b) from Evans, et. al. (1977) G is the grain size at which crit spontaneous microcracking occurs. 1000 II. Stresses Due to Thermal Expansion Anisotropy That thermal expansion anisotropy (TEA) affects the mechanical properties of materials was proposed by Howe (1910) for the weathering of rock and by Lord Rayleigh (1934) for the loss of strength of marble upon heating. Boas and Honeycombe (1946) examined the plastic deformation of non-cubic metals upon heating and cooling. They concluded that the deformation was due to stresses introduced by the thermal expansion anisotropy and calculated the magnitude of the stress on a boundary of two crystals as = ( - E *E ) E +E AT -1 where a is the stress, aI, El and a2, E2 are the expansion coefficients and elastic moduli for the two grains and change. T = (TI - TF) is the temperature Lazzo (1943) calculated the stress due to TEA for iron and steel and also the stresses due to inhomogeneities and phase transformations. Armstrong and Borch (1971) extended the analysis to include the single crystal elastic constants for a hexagonal crystal structure. The stress is given by: a = (oi - 2 )AT where S is the effective compliance. 11-2 The effective compliance is a complex function of the elastic constants, crystal symmetry and relative orientation of the grains across the grain boundary. The TEA stresses (aTEA) for several metals and BeO were calculated using the melting temperature as the initial temperature and it was found that, for Be, the magnitude of aTEA was comparable to the yield stress. The TEA stresses could cause plastic deformation or, at least, influence the fracture behavior in Be. A similar analysis is given by Likhaehev (1961). Beussen (1961) calculated the local stress distribution and found the normal and shear stresses at a grain boundary to be: SN = Os = - P - EAT II-3a 11-3b I EAT where aN and x are the expansion coefficients normal and parallel to the grain boundary and a is the average macroscopic expansion coefficient. Any difference in elastic modulus was assumed not to have a large effect. The stresses due to an inclusion or inhomogeneity in an otherwise uniform matrix have been considered by many authors. The model usually con- sidered is for a solid of revolution having homogeneous elastic properties. The stress due to the difference in properties can be calculated at any location in the matrix or inclusion. The actual stress state in a polycrys- talline array will vary with location, but the stress in an individual grain can be estimated using the above model. The TEA stress can be completely relaxed if the boundary between the grain fractures. If the coherency of the boundary is maintained, the TEA stress can be relaxed by plastic deformation or diffusional creep. A model for the relaxation of TEA stress in A120 3 , assuming that no grain boundary fracture occurs, will be presented in the next section. This model will also be applied to the relaxation of stresses due to non-linear temperature distributions. II-1. Stress Relaxation When a polycrystalline anisotropic material is cooled from high tem- perature, stresses develop according to the relationships discussed above. An At high temperatures the stresses can relax by both slip and diffusion. analysis of the deformation data for Al 203 by Heuer, et. al. cates that at 1800K, for grain sizes less than Imm (1979), indi- (1000m) and stress levels below 10MPa (1.4 ski), the deformation is controlled by diffusion. Even at 2200K the contribution of slip to the deformation is negligible. Therefore, the stress relaxation of intermediate grain-sized Al 203 can be considered simply as a diffusional process, provided microcracking does not occur. 11-1.1 Relaxation of TEA Stresses For macroscopic stress on a polycrystalline Al 20 sample, the steady- state deformation behavior can be described by the Nabarro-Herring creep equation: (Nabarro (1984), Herring (1950)) S where c = dE: = 11-4 CNH o is the strain rate and a is the applied stress. The effec- tive diffusional viscosity, CNH is given for an elemental solid as: CNH where G 1 qeff 14QD 14eff G2 kT 11-5 is the average, grain-size, k is Boltzmann's constant, n is the atomic volume and Deff, is the effective diffusion coefficient, which takes into account the different possible paths for transport. After a constant strain is applied to a sample obeying the Nabarro-Herring creep equation (11-4), the stress relaxation will be governed by _ -d do dt I -6a Seff and the stress as a function of time is o(t) = o(t=0) exp l-6b t/TR] where S is the effective compliance and TR is eff R II-7a G for a and c being the shear stress and strain, and G is the shear modulus; or 3 R Ieff I-7b E for a and e being the uniaxial stress and strain, and E is Young's modulus. During heating or cooling, the strain due to TEA will be constant for a step change in temperature. Assuming that the expansion coefficient is constant in the range of temperatures used, for a constant rate of temperature change the strain rate will be constant. be governed by an equation of the form: d dt The stress relaxation will (Lee (1960)) + S 11-8 Sef f where e is related to the cooling rate and expansion coefficient, and E/S is related to the generation of stress as the temperature is changed. S-- all stress can relax. STeff S When Sneff <S no stress can relax. When For a spherical inclusion of radius a with elastic properties oa, v, imbedded in a matrix having elastic properties c 2 , E2, El, v 1, which upder- goes a change in temperature of AT, the stress in the inclusion is hydrostatic and is given as: (Sesing (1961)) OH H 1(+2 = 11-9 OL)AT 1+v1 1-2v 2 2E 1 E - The radial and tangential stress in the matrix are: CRR aO = - 11-10a () - -H 1 a3 H(r where r is the distance from the center of the inclusion. The stresses in a uniform matrix due to the presence of a semi-infinite cylinder are given by Myklestad (1942). The model assumes that the cylinder is identical to the matrix except that the cylinder is hotter than the matrix by AT. The stress state is not hydrostatic. The shear stress is infinite at the boundary of the cylinder and decays to zero in the matrix. The normal stresses are approximately constant through the cylinder and decay into the matrix. The TEA stresses in two grains will be similar, but will be modified by the finite dimensions of the grains. It will be assumed here that the stress is constant across the grain and are given by equation 11-2 before any relaxation occurs. If the two grains were isolated, the shear stress could relax by grain boundary sliding. In a polycrystalline array the grains are constrained by the rest of the matrix, provided cracking of the boundaries or grains does not occur, and boundary sliding will not occur. The relaxation of the shear stress requires diffusion to maintain the coherency of the sample. Some relaxation of stress may occur in grains on the surface of the sample which are not constrained. Only a small number of grains can relax, and this effect will not change the average stress values in the bulk. Since the scale of the stress is on the order of the grain size, the deformation of an individual grain will be taken as the deformation of a sample for an equivalent applied macrostress. The stress relaxation, at steady state for a constant cooling rate will be governed by Eq. 11-8. cooling, there are no stresses present in the sample. the sample has to relax. At the start of It is assumed that been held at high temperature long enough for all stresses As the temperature is lowered, stresses will be developed in the grains in accordance with Eq. 11-8. The concentration of vacancies at the boundary will change due to the normal stress and is given by C = C + 11-11 kT where C is the stress free vacancy concentration. There will be a tran- sient during which the concentration gradient drops from the initial step function to the steady state value (V2 C = 0). The stress state along the boundary can not remain uniform if the boundary maintains coherency and shape (assumed straight). The stress will redistribute, dropping to zero at the grain corners and increasing at the center of the boundary making the flux constant along the length of the boundary. This transient has been analyzed by Lifshitz and Shikin (1965) for lattice diffusion and by Cannon (1974) for boundary diffusion. The transient is dependent on two parameters: the relaxation of the vacancy concentration and the relaxation of the stress to the steady state distributions. The change in the vacancy concentration will cause a strain which will relax some of the stress. If the strain due to vacancies (Evac ) is larger than the elastic strain due to the stress (Eelastic), the transient will be controlled by vacancy diffusion and if Eelastic > elastic relaxation will be controlled by atom diffusion. E vac the The increase in the number of vacancies for an applied stress (a) is AN AC * V = where V is the volume under stress. 11-2 The change in the length of the volume due to the change in the vacancy concentration is AL AN *-2 - AN11-3 A where A is the area over which the stress is applied. 11-11, Combining equations 11-12, and 11-13 gives the vacancy strain as E vac - C0 2 o Co Q2 kT 11-14 The elastic strain is = elastic G/EtE /E 11-15 If X is defined as the ratio of the vacancy strain to the elastic strain, then X Co0 2 E kT 11-16 For lXJ >> 1 the elastic strains are not important. Lifshitz and Shikin (1965) give the relaxation time, at constant stress, for a square grain as: d2 TR R 11-17 2DD V where d is the width of the grain and Dv is the vacancy diffusion coefficient in the lattice. For Al 0, (and most materials) the value of X is always less than I. In this case, the elastic strains are important and their relaxation occu rs with the vacancy concentration at quasi-steady state in the grain V2C - 0 11-18 The relaxation time, for a constant stress is TR = d2kT 2II-19a r2D ~2E L2 LQE if lattice diffusion is controlling (Lifshitz and Shikin (1965)), and S- _ R d2kT 2(2.867) 2Db Q 11-19gb if boundary diffusion is controlling (Cannon (1974)) where DL is the lattice diffusion coefficient and 6Db is the boundary diffusion coefficient. For constant strain rate Cannon (1974) gives the relaxation time for boundary diffusion control as d2kT T R -= dk 21T2 6D bQE 11-20a It will be assumed that the relaxation time for lattice diffusion control at constant strain rate will be similar to Equation II-19a, R c d2 -- I1-20b where the constant will be less than r2. The relaxation time for stress re- distribution at constant strain rate is smaller than the relaxation time for an applied stress, for boundary diffusion control as can be seen from Eqs. 11-20a, 11-5 and 11-7, with G = 1.2d. The ratio of the relaxation time is ss 2 672(1.2)3 (.2) TR R > 1 I -21a TR where for boundary diffusion D eff = 11-21b For lattice diffusion control, the ratio of the relaxation times is aproximately one, assuming that the relaxation time for constant strain rate is T2 times the relaxation time for constant strain, Equation II-19a. During the transient, the stress relaxes faster than at steady state. After the transient has relaxed to the steady state, the stress increase due to the constant strain bution. rate will not change the shape of the stress distri- The transient will affect the stress relaxation at short times; ignoring it would cause a slight under-estimation of the amount of stress relaxation. 11-1.2 Effective Diffusion Coefficient For an elemental solid the effective diffusion coefficient is the sum of the diffusion coefficients for the possible paths .v6D' Deff = DL + 11-22 where - accounts for the difference in path length as a function of grain size. In a compound each species would have an effective diffusion coefficient (D ff). At steady state, the fluxes of all species must be in the stoichiometric ratio. Since the diffusion coefficient of each species is different, there will be a partial separation of the species under their common driving force. separation will For the oppositely charged anions and cations, the introduce an electric field which couples the fluxes. The electric field coupling causes the fluxes to remain in the stoichiometric ratio in spite of the difference in values for their (tracer) diffusivities. For a material with composition A B , with the diffusion coefficient of each species given by Equation 11-22, Gordon (1972) gives the diffusion coefficient as (a+ D eff = A eff B )DA D eff eff + 11-23 BtD eff The atomic volume used must account for the molecular volume: QA B 11-24 = With these modifications, Equation 11-5 is applicable to binary compounds as well as to elemental solids. For A1,0 3 the lattice diffusion coefficient has been measured by Paladino and Kingery (1962) and by Oishi and Kingery (1960). It was found that 0 D << 9< Al D P I -25a From the analysis of Paladino and Coble (1963) on the creep of polycrystalline A1 20 3 it can be inferred that (D 0 b > SD Al b IAI-25b Substituting in Equation 11-23 and assuming that oxygen lattice diffusion (D0) does not contribute significantly to the effective diffusion at intermediate or fine grain sizes yields 5 DA +Db Al 203 Dff TDb G = D9+ 3 . A11-26 A T6D _ 6D b b + 2 G -1 1 G The diffusion coefficients were calculated from measured creep data on A1 03 (see Cannon and Coble (1975)) Al D 6DbAl = x8.610RT 0 3.3 x 10- exp 6Db 11-1.3 II-27a 0 cm2/sec I -27b I RT cm3/sec RT I I-27c Calculation of TEA Stresses The maximum TEA stress will occur when the c-axis of one grain is oriented perpendicular to the c-axis of the adjoining grain. Taking the initial boundary length as X0 , for a temperature change of AT = To - T, the stress in a grain as a function of time will be (Appendix A) EX 1- X2 --t) [ 2 A-AT 11-28 Xo where As is the difference in the expansion coefficient of the grains and X 1 and X 2 are the lengths of the grains as a function of time if the grains were able to creep in response to the applied stress. It is assumed that the elastic properties of the two grains are the same. Al 0, is elastical- ly anisotropic, but the variation in properties with crystallographic oriIt is also assumed that E and al and a2 are constant entation is small. over the temperature range of interest. The stress relaxation is .V - V + A dt For dT d-. = 0 dt -J dt . 11-29 which corresponds to a constant strain, the relaxation is of the form of Equation 11-6a. Converting equation 11-20 from a time depen- dence to a temperature dependence using = dT I -30a 3dt where 1 is a constant, the cooling rate, and converting the strain rate to a stress using Equation 11-4 d'X - X] [-X id II-30b neff dt yields the governing equation for stress relaxation do dT Eo = 2n eff AGE + 2 11-31 Equation 11-31 is linear in stress and can be solved by use of an integrating factor. When this is done the resulting function for the stress can not be evaluated analytically (Appendix B). The stresses were evaluated numerically by assuming a step function of temperature with time and letting the width of the step decrease until further reductions have no effect on the stress calculated. The stress as a function of temperature is shown in Figures 11-1 and 11-2 for the grain sizes and cooling rates used. regions. The solution can be divided into three Above some temperature, TC the first term of Equation 11-31 will dominate and all stress will relax as the sample is cooled. Below a dif- ferent temperature, TR < TC, the second term of Equation 11-31 will dominate and no stress will relax. Since the second term of Equation 11-31 is not a function of cooling rate, grain size, or temperature, changes in the first term of Equation 11-31 will determine the values of TC and TR. As B in- creases, 2decreases E and TC and TR move to higher temperatures. The 2 eff grain size enters through the value offleff* From an approximation to the analytic solution (Appendix B) TC and TR are given as a function of cooling rate and grain size in Figure 11-3. The linear region of Equation 11-31, that is below TR, was extrapolated to zero stress. The extrapolated temperature, TE, was found to be approx- imately equal to (TC + 2TR)/3. The value of TE from the numerical solution to Equation 11-31 is shown in Figure 11-3. By using TE and Equation 11-1 EIE 2 a = (a- ) E + E AT 11-1 with AT = TE - Troom, the room temperature stresses due to TEA can be pre- dicted as a function of grain size and cooling rate. 11-1.4 Relaxation of Macrostresses It has been demonstrated that the flexural strength and impact resistance of polycrystalline Al203 can be improved by rapid cooling of the sample from high temperature (Kirchner, et. al. Varner (1977)). (1971), (1973), Stolz and The improvement in the mechanical properties is due to a residual surface compressive layer which inhibits the growth of surface flaws, by analogy with the thermal tempering of glass. For thermal tempering to occur, the material must be able to flow (or creep) in response to a macrostress. Flow will only occur if the tempera- ture of the sample is above TR as discussed in Section 11-1.3; thus at the start of the quench, the sample must be at a temperature (TQ) above TR. If TQ < TR the sample can be weakened by thermal shock, as the data of Stolz and Varner shows (Figure 1-1). TQ for tempering is taken as TR, which is a function of grain size and quench rate. The residual stresses in quenched glasses have been analyzed by Narayamaswamy (1978), Aggarwala and Siebul (1961), and Lee, et. al. (1965). Buessem and Gruver (1972) calculated the residual stresses in quenched A120, rods. In this study the cooling rates used were much lower than the cooling rate used in quenching studies. The residual stresses due to thermal tem- pering can be calculated from a simple analysis. Due to the low cooling rates, the rate of change of the temperature at all points in the sample will be the same, after an initial transient, and is assumed to be equal to the constant cooling rate. dT(X,t) = dTX dt 11-32 . The temperature distribution will be KV2 T = dT(Xt) S = 11-33 dt where K is the thermal diffusivity. The ring sample can be modeled as a flat plate cooled from both sides with the radial temperature distribution assumed to be equivalent to that through the thickness of the plate. the center of the plate be at X = 0 and the edges at + L 22. Let The residual stress will be 0000 = for this geometry. 0 a0 0 The temperature at the edge at any time is T(±L , t) where T(X,O) 11-34 = T(X,O) + St 11-35 is the initial uniform temperature. A solution of Equation 11-33 is T(X,t) = T(0,t) - ýX . 11-36 Substituting into Equation 11-35 yields = S 2K 11-37 For a flat plate with a temperature variation through the thickness only, the stress is (Boley and Weiner (1960)) L L 2 SE -T(X) + 2 T(X)dX + 12x -L 11-38 T(X) xdx -L 2 2 For the temperature distribution of Equation 11-36 Y= aE 1-v 2K X2 11-39 L 12 It is assumed that all stresses are relaxed as the sample is cooled through TE and that no relaxation occurs below TE. The room temperature stress will Taking E = 4.14 x 1011Pa, v = .239 (Simmons and be given by Equation 11-39. Wang (1971)), K = 0.017 cm2/sec (Malta and Hasselman (1975)), ai L = (Kingery, et. al. 8.8 x 106/K = o(X = 0) 0.13 MPa (1976)) and 1 = 100 K/min gives (tension) I -40a c(X = 22 = +L) 0.26 MPa (compression) The tempering stresses are small and should have very little effect on the mechanical properties of samples cooled at 100 K/min or less. 11-2. Summary A model for the relaxation of stresses due to thermal expansion aniso- tropy by diffusional creep was developed. The generation of stress is goverened by - 2 EAoAT E 11-41 where T is the temperature change. The resulting equation for the stress relaxation during cooling at a constant rate was integrated to determine the stress as a function of temperature, cooling rate and grain size. The stress could not be evaluated analytically, so a numerical technique was used. TE The room temperature stress can be estimated by assuming that at LC 3 the stresses are all relaxed and develop according to Equation 11-41 below TR where TR is a function of the grain size and cooling rate. This technique underestimates the stress at room temperature, since TE is slightly lower than the actual extrapolated temperature. The relaxation of stress by creep was extended to consider the thermal tempering of polycrystalline Al 203. A minimum temperature for tempering by quenching was found, TQ, which is equal to TR. This agrees with data on the strength of Al203 as a function of quenching temperature. The magnitude of the residual stress due to thermal tempering in the samples used in this study was calculated for the cooling rate used and found to be very small. 0 ~hh IUU 90 80 70 S60 S50 b40 30 20 I0 n II-1 0 500 1500 1000 Temperature (K) 2000 Calculated stress due to TEA as a function of temperature in A12 03 for ý= -1.OK/min. Above T all stress can relax and below TR no stress can relax and the stress is a linear function of temperature. T E = TC+2T R and is approximately the extrapolation of the linear reigon. 0 0 O 11-2 500 1000 150U eUUU Temperature (K) Calculated stress due to TEA as a function of temperature in A1 2 03 G = 50 m. For 3 = -100K/min, TC > Tanneal' See Figure II-1 for explanation of T TE, and T C , R. for /3 (K/min) 0.4 1000 100 10 1.0 0.1 TM TM Tanneal Tanneal 2000 0.5 F- 1700 a 0.6 rr) E 0.7 1400 0.8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 1250 Lnp (K/sec) 11-3 Critical temperatures (TC, TR, TE) as a function of cooling rate. The change in slope shows the shift in the controlling diffusion mechanism as the grain size increases. III Preparation of Samples Samples of polycrystalline Al20, with various grain sizes were cooled at different constant rates in order to measure the magnitude of the re- sidual stresses, due to thermal expansion anisotropy, at room temperature. All samples were purchased from the General Electric Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Standard Lucalox 0 lamp tubing with a nominal 9mm O.D. and 7mm I.D. was cut into rings 2.5 mm high (Figure 111-1). The rings were annealed at 2150K (1875 0 C) for different lengths of time and examined optically to measure the range of grain sizes. The samples used to measure the stress were annealed in vacuum at 2150K and cooled at a constant rate of 0.1, or 100K/min. The grain size was estimated from the time at 2150K, using G3 where G 1.0, 10 - 0 = kT III-1 is the average grain size (and is taken as 1.5 L where L is the average intercept length) and a calculation of the amount of grain growth that occurs during cooling. Grain growth is controlled by diffusion, so the temperature dependence of the rate of grain growth is of the form R = Aexp (-Q/RT) 111-2 . The activation energy (Q) was found by Bruch (1962) to be 150,000 cal/mole. When a sample is cooled for the annealing temperature T anneal to room temperature, Troom, some grain growth will occur. The amount will be given by integrating the rate of grain growth over the temperature interval. The same amount of grain growth at Tanneal would occur in a time, teff and is given as Troom T tef f eff D(T)dt anneal D(T 111-3 ) anneal It is assumed that A and Q are not functions of temperature. Converting to the temperature derivative = dT 111-4 Bdt where ý is a constant, yields T room exp(-Q/RT)dT T eff 1 anneal B exp(-Q/R anneal ) The value of teff calculated from Equation 111-5 did not vary much for Q = 140 kcal/mole to Q = 160 kcal/mole. Since teff scales with 1/, teff was only calculated for a value of B = 1 K/min, and was found to be approximately equal to one hour. The grain sizes were measured on samples that had been thermally etched at 1850K for 15 minutes or etched in boiling H2PO4 . The results for the different etching techniques were identical. The grain sizes for the different anneal times are given in Table III-1, and a typical microstructure is shown in Figure 111-2. (It is observed that the grain size in- creases somewhat towards the edges of the sample. This is presumably due to evaporation of MgO from the surface and a corresponding increase in the grain growth rate. (Harows and Budworth (1970) and Bruch (1962)). The value of G calculated using teff equal to one hour for B equal I K/min agreed with the measured G on slow cooled samples. The inner and outer radii (ri and r ), and the thickness (L) of the I O ringe samples were measured using a filar eye piece. measured using a micrometer. The height was The measurements are shown on Figure II1-1. TABLE III-1 Grain size as a function of anneal time as 2150K Anneal (hrs) G(•) 0 50 1 67 2 72 78 83 93 132 -- F h=10cm +.4 mm A r =4.035mm I~ L= 0.78mm =3.65 mm t = 25mm II1-1 Geometry of samples. h 10cm, Rings were cut from as received tubes. r. I = 3.65mm, r = 4.42mm, L = 0.78 mm , t = 2.5mm. - I I L I II I II ~ II · · I I 111-2 Typical Microstructure of Samples. Width of sampleshown is 0.68 mm. Grain size is seen to increase towards the edges (left and right). I 1. IV. Spectroscopy The optical fluorescence of ruby (Al 03 doped with Cr) as a function of wave length is well documented and shows sharp lines due to the Cr (Schawlow (1961), Deutschbein (1934)). In a cubic field a Cr ion would cause a single line in the spectrum corresponding to the tion (Sugano and Tanabe (1958)). In Al ion 203 2E -- 4 A 2 transi- the Cr3+ ion is in a distorted field and as a result the twofold orbital degeneracy of the cubic field is lifted and the line splits into two lines, called the R 1 and R2 lines. Schawlow (1961) has examined the shift in the wavelength of the R, and R2 lines with uniaxial pressure. Piermarini, et. al. (1975) used the shift of the R1 line to calibrate a high pressure load cell. In this section a method for using the pressure shift of the Ri and R2 lines to determine the residual stress in A12 03 is described. Data on A12 0, rings with the thermal history given in Section III will be presented. IV-l. Piezospectroscopic Effect The effect of pressure of the fluorescence spectrum of ruby will be different for a single crystal and polycrystalline sample. First will be considered the effect on a single crystal of ruby and next the modifications for a polycrystalline sample are discussed. IV-l.l Single Crystal In ruby the R1 and R2 lines are split by 29-1cm(14 A)' below 80K. *Wavenumber (cm - 1) x wavelength O (A) = lx 10 8 The R, line occurs at 14,422 cm-1(6934 A) and the R 2 line at 14,451 cm-1 (6920 A) below 80K (Sugano and Tsujikawa (1958)). The line width is very small for strain free samples, being approximately 0.3 cm- ' at 80K (Schawlow (1961)). A typical spectrum is shown in Figure IV-l. The tem- perature dependence of the line width and line shift was measured by McCumber and Sturge (1963), Deutschbein (1934), and Gibson (1916) . The data from McCumber and Sturge is shown in Figure IV-2. There is little change in the linewidth below 80K. The pressure dependence of the R i and R 2 lines has been measured by Schawlow (1961) and by Noack and Holzapfel (1977). is shown in Figure IV-3. Piermarini, et. al. The data from Schawlow (1975) measured the shift of the R 1 line at high pressure (20 GPa) using the lattice parameter variation of NaCI to measure the pressure. In addition, Piermarini, et. al. (1973) measured the hydrostatic limits of liquids by noting theonset of line broadening of the R 1 line. Munro (1977) has developed a theory that predicts the line shift for the R1 with hydrostatic pressure. The change in posi- tion with pressure was found to be dv 0.0076 cm-'/MPa IV-1 dP for the 2E -+ 4A 2 transition; with which Noack and Holzapfel's (1977) measured value of dv/dP agrees. Piermarini, et. al. (1975) measured the line shift for R 1 and found P(MPa) which yields = -132.8 Av + .03Av 2 IV-2a 43 -.0075 cm 1 /MPa dv dP . IV-2b Grabner (1978) developed a model that combines the line shift and line width change to calculate the stress state. The model is for a uniform stress, but if large gradients in the stress are not present, the model will still be applicable. The change in the spectrum with stress is given as Av = i..o.. IJ IJ IV-3 where a.. is the stress tensor, Av is the change in the spectrum and is IJ composed of a line shift and a line broadening term and f.. is the Piezo- IJ spectroscopic tensor. From symmetry (Nye (1957)) -T 0 0 0 '"11 0 0 0 r33 = the form of v.. is IJ Tr.. aj IV-4 for A1 20 3 , where X1 is along the al-axis and X 3 is along the c-axis. Since the hydrostatic and shear components of the stress contribute only to the line shift and line broadening, respectively, the stress tensor is split into a hydrostatic tensor and a shear tensor (Dieter (1976)) F.. 13 0 ij kk 3 6.j 1i kk + I' where a.. is the Kronecker tensor and aij is IJ IJ IV-5 2a -G22 -CG33 3 a 12 2L2-i1 -122 a2 1 ar. Ij G13 3 iv-6 a23 2a23 a-11 a31 a 32 22 3 Substituting in Equation IV-3 yields Av=AvH S= (2 (11 +(22 +(33 Let 3 and 3 ( 1 1 +a22+ 03 3 ) + r 33 ) G3 3 - G11 - 3 22 (2 + (T+r +3 3 3+ 1) 33 - 1 - a2 2 ) 3 • IV-7 be called aH and aS respectively, to 3H S refer to the hydrostatic and shear components of the stress. Measured and calculated values for the Piezospectroscopic coefficients are given in Table IV-l. A value for 27 of -0.0075 cm-'/MPa will be assumed. 1 1+T33 For RI, for both the RI and R. lines 3, 3 - r11 = 0.0016 cm-'/MPa and for R 2 , r 33 - T 11 = 0.0008 cm-'/MPa will be assumed. Substituting into equation IV-7 yields (Av + Av ) H+ (AvH + AVS)R = -0.0075a = -0.0075a + 0.00160 S IV-8a + 0.00080 S IV-8b H8b HSS)R H IV-1.2 Polycrystal Effects The stresses in the polycrystalline samples used in this study are both macroscopic and microscopic. The macroscopic stresses are due to to nonlinear temperature distributions during cooling. stresses are due to the thermal expansion anisotropy. The microscopic The origins and theoretical values of these microstresses were discussed in Section II. The fluorescence spectrum is from a small region of the sample (approximately half the thickness). In this region the microstress will inte- grate to zero, but the macrostress does not. very small in these samples. It was calculated to be The hydrostatic component of microstress will contribute to line shift; but the shift will be in both directions due to both tensile and compressive microstresses. The effect of a hydro- static microstress will therefore appear as line broadening. Any line shift is due to the hydrostatic component of the macrostress and the line broadening is caused by macroscopic shear stresses and microstresses. TABLE IV-1 VALUES OF THE PIEZOSPECTROSCOPIC TENSOR T Line T 11 " 33 .. ,j(cm- I/MPa) 27 1 1 +Tr + 33 iT33 - 11 Note Reference -.0031 -.0018 -.0080 +0.0013 T= 77K Schawlow (1961 (14 422cm- ) -.0031 -.0014 -.0076 +0.0017 T= 77K Kaplynaskii & Przhevushii (1962) -. 0075 T= 300K Piermarini, et. al. (1975) -.0077 T= 300K Forman, et. al. (1972) -.0075 T= 300K Barnett, et. al. (1972) -.0090 T= 300K Langer & Euwema (1967) -.0094 T= 300K Paetzold (1951) -.0075 T = 80K Paetzold (1951) -.0076 T=4 to Noack & Holzapfel 300K (1977) -.0076 Calculated -.0028 -.0023 -.0079 + .0005 T = 77K Schawlow (1961) (14451cm - 1) -.0027 -.0019 -.0073 + .0008 T = 77K Kaplynaskii & Przhevushii (1962) Munro (1977) As discussed in Section 11-1.4 the stress in a flat plate cooled symmetrically through the thickness is given as 0 L. a.. = 0 IJ 0 0- a33 0 0 o 3 IV-9 The orientation of the X 1, X 2, X 3 axis for the ring sample is shown in Figure IV-4. To determine the change in the spectrum, the stress must be referred to the crystallographic axis of the individual crystallites al, As in the previous section a 2, C (or X', X2, X). 1 ..j IJ 3 2 Ij = 2 o 0 0 IV-10a a.. ij kk IJ V. -2 3a333 0 2 0 30 S kk+ 0 Ta33 a.. 6 I 2 0 "C'3~ 3 0 IV-10b 1 3-3 Using the tensor transformation law a.. IJ where a.. IJ = IV-ll aijaj ij jllkl kl is the cosine of the angle between the x. and x. axis, gives I J for a.. IJ a.. IJ = 2 3 i J s - 3:. 3 C. ij IV-12 C.. is the matrix of the a.. iJ IJ C.. - ij a 11 -1/3 all a12 a1 2 a 13 a 2 1 all a2 a 2 1 a3 1 La31all - 1/3 a,31 IV-13 a 2 - 1/3 21 Substituting in Equation IV-3 gives the change in the spectrum (Appendix C) A• = (2T 1 13+7 2 ) - 33 (Tr 11 )C 33 - IV-14 Since the crystallites will occur with random orientations of the crystallographic axis, the effect of the nonhydrostatic stress term should be integrated over all orientations to determine the effect of tempering stresses on line broadening. Let a be defined as cosine -1cosinea a31 = c IV-15a and assume that all orientations are equally probably so the range of a is < --rr 0 < IV-15b -2 Integrating C33 over the variation in a yields A /2 C d 0 IV-16 = -4 The change in the spectrum due to thermal tempering is then Av = 0 A•= ý CF33 (2r 1z 1 + s )3 +T r33 ) ( " - o'33 (7r33 - Trl) ) IV-17 IV-2 Experimental The fluorescence spectra was determined for samples prepared as des- cribed in Section III and for two samples of unknown thermal history. Because the line width increases rapidly with temperature above 80K, all results were obtained with the sample immersed in liquied N,. The temperature of the sample may rise slightly due to the heating of the beam, but the temperature was not above 100K. The experimental arrange- ment is shown in Figure IV-5, illustrating equipment used at the National Bureau of Standards in Washington, D. C. The lamp. light source was a Hg The incident light was passed through a CuSO 4 solution and the fluoresced light was passed through a red glass filter. spectra for the filters is shown in Figure IV-6. The adsorption A Spex Monochrometer was used with 360pm wide slits, and the second order diffraction was measured. IV-3 The line shift and line width are listed in Appendix D. Discussion The depth of the sample that contributes to the fluorescence spec- tra depends on the wave length used and the size and density of scattering centers (usually pores). The samples used in this study were ap- proximately pore-free so scattering is not important. reports that for a 0.5mm sample of Al wave length of 500mm (5000 A). T where t is the thickness. 203 Peelen (1977) the transmission is 25% at a The transmission is given as e e~ From Peelen's data 6 = 2.77. IV-18 Thus for a sample 0.8 mm thick the transmission is 10%. 0.8 mm corresponds to a depth of penetration of 0.4mm for the incident light and 0.4 mm for the fluoresced light. The spectra will be representative of the stresses over half of the sample thickness. The data (see Appendix D) show an increase in the width of the lines with increasing cooling rate but no dependence on G. No dependence of the line shift on either cooling rate of G The magnitude of is seen. the macrostress due to thermal tempering was calculated in Section 11-1.4 and was found to be less than 0.3 MPa for the highest cooling rates used in this study. of 0.2 x 10 3 cm This stress would cause a peak shift (from Equation IV-8) which is too small to be observed. Thus the observed shift is not due to macrostress and must be due either to microstress or experimental error. The source of experimental error is in the measure- ment of the absolute peak location. This would tend to increase the scatter of the data but would not cause a net shift in one direction, as observed in the data. Since the magnitude of the macrostress is small, peak broadening is due entirely to the microstress but observed values are the sum of the intrinsic (single crystal) line widths and the broadening due to hy- drostatic and shear microstress. Since the hydrostatic stress is both tensile and compressive, the hydrostatic stress will shift the peaks in both directions, so the observed broadening should be twice the value of the shift. It was assumed by Grabner (1978) that the orientation of the stress was random. For microstresses due to TEA this will not be the case. Since the expansion coefficient parallel to the c-axis is larger than the coefficient perpendicular to the c-axis, upon cooling there will be tensile stresses developed parallel to the c-axis. Since the line shift is larger for stress perpendicular to the c-axis than parallel, there will be a net line shift due to the non-random orientation of the microstress and will be larger for the R1 line than for theR2 line. The line shift is = AV ( RI = -0.0013 cm-1/MPa IV-19a - 33 )R = -0.0005 cm '/MPa IV-19b 11 -S AvR and the stress will be given as aH = -1250(AvRi - AR )MPa/cm- 1 IV-19c The cH is shown in Figure IV-7 along with the stress calculated in Section 11-1.3. The scatter is too large to allow any comparison between the measured and calculated values of the stress. calculated from the broadening. The stress can also be The broadening is Av=Av single crystal + Avshear + 2Av hydrostatic . IV-20a Substituting in Equation IV-8 gives (Av - Av single crystal)R 1, .05 .015c H H + .0016y (Av - Avsinglecrystal)R2 = .015 H + .0008a S IV-20b IV-20ba IV-20c and rearrangement gives the hydrostatic stress H =o 2(Av -Av single crystal)R - (Av - Av single crystal) 0.01-55R IV-20d McCumber and Sturge (1963) and Schawlow (1961) have measured the line width of the R lines as a function of temperature (see Figure IV-2). Below 80K, the line widths of R i and R 2 both equal 0.15cm- 1. The thermal history of the sample is not known (it was supplied by Grabner at N.B.S.) but it would have to be highly strained (quenched) to account for the line width increase. From the difference in width of the Ri and R2 lines, and the peak locations it can be inferred that the increase in width is not due to temperature error (i.e., the sample being above 1OOK). data from McCumber and Sturge at 100K will be used. The The hydrostatic components of the microstress, calculated from Equation IV-20d are shown in Figure IV-8. Also shown are the stresses calculated in Section 11-1.3. The slopes of the two curves show good agreement. The magnitude of the measured stress is higher than the calculated stresses, but the value of the measured stress is dependent on assumed values for the single crystal line widths. The shear stress calculated using Equation IV-20 shows a high degree of scatter. The small broadening coefficient for shear stresses causes the effect to be obscured by scatter in the measurements. From the data in Appendix D, it is seen that the slope for the width of the R1 line as a function of cooling rate is higher than the slope of the R2 line. This is as expected since (w,3 - I11)R1 is twice (r33 - Tl)R2- IV-4 Summary Using a model developed by Grabner, the stress in polycrystalline A120 3 was measured. The shift and broadening of the fluorescence lines, due to the presence of Cr ions were measured. The stress due to TEA was calculated both from the line shift and from the line broadening and compared to the predictions of Section II. The grain size variation of stress is not observed. This is due to the small dependence of the stress on grain size over the range of grain sizes used and due to variations of the grain size in a sample (see Figure 111-2). Due to errors in the measurements of the absolute peak position, there was a large scatter in the stress calculated from the line shift, although the magnitude was in good agreement with the predicted stress variation with cooling rate. The stress calculated from the measured line broadening showed good agreement with the predicted stress as a function of cooling rate, although the predicted magnitude of the stress was lower. The spectroscopic technique reported here is a good method to rapidly and non-destructively determine the microstresses in polycrystalline A1,0 3 . These stresses are seen to increase with increasing cooling rate, which is predicted for stress relaxation by creep, and agree with the predicted magnitude. R2 4- I I I Ia U) c-- I I WI 300K 77 K ,, II 6900 IV-1 -L w 6920 6940 Wavelength (A 6960 Typical fluorescence spectrum of ruby. The peaks narrow and shift to shorter wavelengths as the temperature is dropped. w IA~ 0 0 48.0 IVU 100 48.0 I0 5 5.00< 5.0 10 C) o<q: . 0) C 4- I- 0.5 I05 0.5 U) 0.I 0.05 IO0 IV-2 100 1000 4- 4- 1.0 0.5 Cn 0.1 0.05 IO0 100 T(K) T(K) (a) (b) 1000 Linewidth and lineshift for ruby as a function of temperature from McCumber and sturge (1963). Below = 50 K the linewidth at half height is independent of temperature. Shift is to shorter wavelengths. A U 0 -0.2 0.1 _ -0.4 0.2 o -0.6 0.6 4- oO i 0.1 - ) -0.2 -0.4 0.2 -n n- ; 0 100 200 0 100 200 r (MPa) (a) IV-3 o< (b) Lineshift for ruby as a function of applied pressure. From Shalow (1961). T = 77K. Shift is to longer wavelengths. a) pressure applied parallel to c-axis. b) pressure applied perpendicular to c-axis. Srr 'A z X1 f I IV-4 Orientation of Xl, X 2, X 3 axes. It is assumed that there are no macrostresses in the X1 direction. FilterLens N. LASER ------- ---- le Al ---' Ln Lens.s Slit Fitirrorer IV-5 Slit Detector Monochrometer Experimental arrangement used to measure fluorescence spectrum. A 200 watt Hg vapor lamp and a spex monochrometer were used, at N.B.S. I 2 5 10 30 50 O U 80 4 90 95 98 99 4000 IV-6 5000 6000 Wavelength (A) 7000 Adsorption as a function of wavelength of the filters. CuS04 filter was used on the incident light and glass filter was used on fluorescent light. Anneal (hrs) 150 b 100 -U ,- I 0 3 4 6 12 20 . x A x 0L o x N 6,,,... 100'm (calc) 50 0 IV-7 0.I I.0O 10 100 9 (K/min) Stress measured from lineshift_as a function of cooling rate. line is calculated stress for G = 100p from Section II. Solid · __ • JI IO3U 0 x o Anneal (hrs) I 031 0 1 S4 x6 12 A 12 120 *20 A x 110 b 100 (caic) 90 0.1 1.0 10 100 /9 (K/min) IV-8 Stress measured from linewidth as a function of cooling rate. Solid line is calculated stress for G = 100pt, from Section II. V Indentation Fracture The indentation of a brittle solid that occurs during contact load- ing can be generally divided into two classes, blunt or sharp, depending upon the shape of the contacting particle and the nature of the stress field beneath the contact. tic contact. surface. sharp. Blunt indentation refers to completely elas- This is usually the case for a spherical indenter on a flat If the contact is not fully elastic the indenter is called Although most particle contacts are sharp, the effect of blunt indenters, first considered by Hertz (1881), model than the case of sharp indenters. is a simpler situation to Hertz considered the completely elastic contact between two curved bodies and described the resulting cone crack. The stresses arising from a sharp indenter were first given by Boussinesq (1885), who considered a load with zero contact area. As a result the stress field contains a singularity at the contact point. is assumed that It inelastic deformation about the singularity will distri- bute the load about a finite contact area. The details of the stress fields beneath blunt and sharp indenters will not be presented here, having been well covered in reviews of indentation fracture by Lawn and Wilshaw (1975) and Evans and Wilshaw (1976). The use of indentation to determine the fracture parameters of a sample has been studied by many authors. In the following section the basic principles of microindentation fracture will be discussed, and the measurements on Al 03 and the calculated fracture properties will be presented. V-i Crack Formation This section describes the formation of cracks for blunt and sharp indenters and the geometry of the resulting impression and cracks. V-1.1 Blunt Indenters The classic blunt indenter is a sphere on a flat plate (Figure V-la). Since the contact is fully elastic, cracks cannot be nucleated; pre-existing flaws on the contact surface will be the fracture initiation site. The tensile stress on the surface is highest just outside the contact radius. At a critical load the tensile stress on a suitably oriented pre-existing flaw will be large enough to propagate the flow. The flaw will form a ring crack, which is characteristic of blunt indentation. Upon increasing the load, the ring crack grows in a stable manner into the sample following the stress trajectories to develop a cone crack. high loads At inelastic deformation occurs and crack patterns typical of sharp indenters are formed. The transition from elastic to inelastic behavior is a function of the sphere radius, the hardness and fracture toughness of the sample and possibly the pre-existing flaws on the surface if their size is small or their density is low (Evans and Wilshaw (1976)). V-1.2 Sharp Indenters A Vickers pyramid will be used as an example of a sharp indenter (Figure V-lb). Pre-existing flaws are not necessary because the singul- arity in the stress field gives rise to plastic deformation and crack initiation at very low loads (Langford (1978), Seaton (1971)). The cracks formed are penny-shaped sub-surface cracks in the plane defined by the load axis and the indenter diagonals. load the crack will grow and intersect the surface. With increasing Upon removal of the load, the stresses due to the plastic deformation cause the formation of a second set of cracks called lateral cracks (Lawn & Swain (1975)). Evans and Wilshaw (1976) have observed the formation of cracks for a spherical inelastic contact (small radius spheres) for a variety of materials. Hockey and Lawn (1975) have observed the cracking about Vickers indentations in A1 2 0 3 and SiC. Lawn, et. al. (1975) and Lawn and Fuller (1975) also have observed the crack patterns about indents. Above a critical load cracks about both blunt and sharp indenters are similar and can be modeled as penny-shaped with the surface trace approximately equal to the depth of the crack below the surface (Lawn and Fuller (1975)). V-2 Fracture Mechanics The fracture mechanics reviewed here will be that which is applicable for the median crack typically formed by a Vickers indenter. These re- sults will apply to all types of indenters at high loads. The pressure beneath a Vickers pyramid is P0 = - P sin 0 V-1 2a 2 where P is the applied load, a is the impression half diagonal (see Figure V-lb) and 0 = 68 0 is the angle between the indenter face and the load axis. for a Vickers pyramid (Dieter 1976). The stress that causes the median crack to propagate was determined by Boussinesq (1885) and is given as SWP S(Z) 1•- 2 v- V-2 V-2 where z is the depth below surface and v is Poisson's ratio. K I for a penny-shaped crack in the inhomogeneous stress distribution given in Equation V-2 is needed. Lawn and Swain (1975) used K I for a straight-edged internal crack in the inhomogeneous stress state. edged crack was multiplied by vr2/7 The K I for the straight to derive the KI for the penny-shaped crack, in analogy with the homogeneous case. Mendiratta and Petrovic (1976) suggest that the multiplicative factor for converting to a pennyshaped crack is ]V'/Q Q = where Jr/ 2in -2 2 + fc-) 1/2 cos2 dO V-3a where c is the surface trace and c' is the depth of the crack below the surface. Lawn & Fuller (1975) and Marshal & Lawn (1977) showed c = c' and therefore r= • The two solutions differ by a factor of vI2-. V-3b For the straight edge crack KI is given by Lawn and Wilshaw (1975) and KI for the penny-shaped crack is KI c GO(z) c K V V2)112 2 0 (c 2 - z2) V V-4 dz . V The integration cannot be performed due to the singularity in the stress at z = 0. depth, zo. However, the stress will relax by plastic deformation to a Above zo all tensile stresses will relax to zero. K I will be given as _2 K 22.)T c P z0 wz (1-2v•) 1 (c 2 - z ) ½ dz . The value of z0 for a given indentation depth is not known. et. al. /V-5a Petrovic, (1975) found that KIC measured in bending for Si3 N,4' using a Knoop indentation as a strength controlling flaw was lower than the KIC measured by other techniques. Upon removal of a surface layer to a depth of four to eight times the indent depth, their measured KIC values increased, and was in good agreement with other techniques. It is assumed that the plastic deformation about the indent caused the reduction in KIC. It can be inferred that the deformation zone is not greater than eight times the indent depth. Assuming that the same will be true for Vickers indent in A12 0 3 , then the depth of the zone of plastic deformation, zo, will be given as z 6a = 6X = tan where Xis the indent depth. Substanituting 68 V-6a for a Vickers, yields where X isthe indent depth. Substituting 0 = 68 for a Vickers, yields zo = 0.4a 6a V-6b where 6 is between four and eight. zo = Lawn and Swain (1975) assume that V-6c 2a Equation V-6c will be used, as the actual value of 6 is not known, so the data can be compared to the literature data. Equation V-5b is then given by (c 2 - 4a 2 ) c 3 / 2 2a 1-2 I 5/2 V-7 From measurements of the indent size, crack length and load, K I can be calculated. A different approach was used by Evans and Wilshaw (1976). Instead of a direct calculation of K I , the general dimensional form was developed K HV FF v-8 FF () F (v) where H = Po is the hardness, p is the friction coefficient and j is the constant (=3). By empirically fitting indentation data to V-8 the func- tions F1 , F2 , F3 , F4 could be determined. Evans and Charles (1976) found little effect for changes in v and p and that F3 (v) considered constant over a wide range of materials. and F,() could be Curve fitting the data gave F and then Fr( = is given as I V-9a F 0.055 log = (8.4 . . V-9b Substituting in V-8 yields 0.055 log (8.4 a H K = V-9c The data of Evans and Charles shows a good fit to Equation V-9c. V-2.1 Residual Surface Compressive Stress Effects The fact that indentation techniques for determining K I test only the surface region of a sample, indicates that surface stresses will have an effect on the measured K I. A residual surface compressive stress will increase the measured K I value over the bulk value. (1977), Swain, et. al. (1977)). (Marshall and Lawn A detailed analysis of K I measurements for tempered materials is given by Lawn and Marshall (1977). The increase in K is due to the stress field from the surface com- pression opposing the stress field due to indentation. For a material with a residual stress, the K I for an indentation crack is, a =O KI =K I where oR=O KI a + I K V-10 I is the stress intensity factor in a sample with no residual oR stress, and K is the effect due to the residual stress field. From Equation V-7 SR= 0 - KI R3/2 and for a crack of length 2c in a stress field of V-l la R R 1/2 O OR(C KI V-llb ) Combining Equations V-11a and V-llb and assuming that Equation V-7 will be valid in a residual stress field (Lawn & Marshall (1977), yields P aR (3/2 PP ' CR + + CR(c) . V-12 Measurements of the crack size as a function of load on stress free and residual stressed samples allows oR to be determined. V-3 Experimental A1 20 3 rings, prepared as discussed in Section III were polished with 1lp size diamond paste. grain boundaries. Some samples were etched in hot HPO4 to show the The samples were then indented using a Vickers diamond pyramid on a Leitz microhardness tester. were measured from optical micrographs. The crack size and indent size It was more difficult to deter- mine the crack length on etched samples as the cracks were often obscured by the grain boundaries. indent size impossible. At high loads chipping made measurement of the Typical photographs are shown in Figure V-2. Five indents were made on each sample and the measurements were averaged. The results are given in Appendix E. Indents at loads above 20N gave results with a high degree of scatter. Variable alignment of the indenter and vibration of the load caused chipping and uneven indents, which made measurement of the crack size impossible. V-4 Discussion The value of K I calculated from Equation V-7 and V-9c are given in Appendix E and shown as a function of cooling rate in Figure V-3. The two analyses give the K I value from Equation V-7 approximately one-half of the K I value from Equation V-9c. In this discussion, the K I value given by Equation V-9c will be assumed to be correct. Within the scatter of the data, no trends in KIC as a function of grain size or cooling rate can be observed. As discussed in Section 11-1.4, the magnitude of the residual surface compression is small. The effect on KIC of the residual stress is too small to be observed. A residual surface stress of 0.3 MPa would increase KIC by less than 0.004 MN/m 3/2 2 . The increase in KIC with load shown in Figure V-3 is due to the crack size being large relative to the indent size and therefore not affected by the residual stress due to plastic deformation around the indent. As the crack size increases, the crack front intersects a larger number of grains which gives a better measurement of the bulk properties (Rice, et. al. (1978)). The single crystal value of KIC for A120 3 was reported by Weiderhorn (1969) and Evans and Wilshaw (1976) as 2.1 MN/m 3 / 2 . At a 20N load, the KIC value measured in this study for a well annealed and slow cooled single crystal of A1 203 from the A. D. Little Company was 3.4 MN/m 3 / 2 The increase is due to KIC being measured in a different orientation than that reported by Weiderhorn (Becher (1976)). The KIC values measured on polycrystalline samples ranged from 3/2 4.6o MN/m 3/2 3.95 MN MN/m to 4.60 Because no clear trends were observed in the data as a function of grain size and cooling rate, a different method was used to also measure KIC values. This technique and the microstruc- tural dependence of KIC will be discussed in Section VI. V-5 Summary The use of microhardness indentation to measure KIC was reviewed. Using the relationships developed, KIC was measured as a function of cooling rate and grain size for A12 0 3 polycrystals. Scatter in the data, due to errors in measurement of the indent and crack size and measurement of a surface effect not a bulk property obscures any trends. Indentation can be used to measure large changes in the value of KIC, but the effects due to TEA are too small to be observed. 0 0 P 4 Co J• (a) V-I (b) Geometry of blunt and sharp indenters. a) Hertzian or blunt indenter, C is the depth of pre-existing flaws on surface, r is the radius of o the indenter, c is the depth of the crack. b) Vicker's or sharp indenter, 2a is the impression diagonal, 2c is the crack length and Zo is the depth of the deformation zone. -r-. ,-;----_. ---------· V. . . - t. ,.· • , •, r~,----- I~ .,1 ! "* * .. • • , ·• V-2 V-2 (a) V-2 Typical Vicker's Indentation Impressions on A1,0 3 b) Load = 20N c) Load - 59N a) Load = 3n V-2 (c) 120N 4.5 3.0 OU E z r' 0 4.0 A 1zE 3N Anneal(hrs) 04 -- x 6 A 12 020 0 2.5 (- 2 30 3.5 3.0 V-3 - ADL * single crystal I I 0.1 ADL 2.0 1.0 I i 10 100 single Acrystaol I I I I 0.1 I.0 10 100 8 (K/min) ,3 (K/min) (a) (b) Toughness of A12 03 determined from indentation as a function of cooling rate. Single crystal was cooled at 0.5k/min. a) Load = 20N b) Load = 3N Filled squares are from samples that were cut in half. VI Fracture and Toughness The fundamentals of fracture were derived by Inglis (1913), Grif- fith (1920), and Irwin (1958). The fracture stress was related to material properties and the size and shape of small flaws which act as stress concentrators. For plane strain 2Ey af (lV2)rcrl _ = - 1/2 _Vl-1 where acf is the fracture stress, E is Young's modulus, v is Poisson's ratio, yf is the fracture surface energy and c is the crack length. the derivation, the crack tip is assumed to be sharp. In The stress in the plane of the crack at a distance r ahead of the crack tip is = a VI-2 (2Trr) where K I is the stress intensity factor. At fracture, K I assumes a critical value which is given as [2Ey - f K IC 1f/2 VI-3a 1-v for plane strain and for plane stress is given as KIC = VI-3b 2Ef/2 The critical stress intensity factor, KIC, is also called the toughness and is assumed to be a material property. However, KIC is found to vary with sample size, microstructure and test technique. The variation of af and KIC with thermal expansion anisotropy stress and microstructure will be discussed. The fracture stress of unnotched A12 03 rings and the toughness of notched A1 2 0 3 rings were measured and will be presented. VI-l Fracture Strength A sample will fracture when the stress on a suitably oriented flaw (or crack) reaches the theoretical strength of the material. The strength controlling flaw can be related to the microstructure for large grain sized materials and to extrinsic influences in fine grained sized materials. Sources of extrinsix flaws include surface damage during handling and polishing (Cranmer, et. al. (1977)), porosity and inclusions. It is observed in anisotropic materials that fine grain sized samples do not spontaneously microcrack along grain boundaries, but large grain sized samples do microcrack. strength controlling flaws. These microcracks, due to TEA can be Davidge and Green (1968) developed a model to predict the spontaneous fracture due to TEA stresses on the basis of an energy criteria. Kuszyk and Bradt (1973) and Cleveland and Bradt (1978) extended the model to quantitatively predict the critical grain size, G crit ,crit for microcracking in the pseudobrookite oxides. The model predicts spontaneous fracture when the stored elastic strain energy, Us , equals the surface energy needed to form a crack of some length that is related to a microstructural feature, generally assumed to be the grain size. Us is a function of the volume under stress, which is related to the grain size, and the surface energy needed is a function of the area of new surface formed. Us is usually calculated from the stress given by Equation 11-41. The use of T E (which is a function of G and cooling rate) would give an increase in Us with grain size. The critical grain size, assuming dode- caedron shaped grains is given by Cleveland = crit T = T E - T room, where and Bradt (1978) as: 14.4yf VI-4 EA2AT where TE is given in Figure 11-3. The spontaneous fracture of grain boundaries reduces the effective cross-sectional area supporting the applied load. stress. This would lower the measured fracture Even if the boundaries are not fractured, the fracture stress will still be reduced as shown by Pohanka, et. al. (1976). They measured the fracture strength of BaTiO, at 1500C and at 250 C. Above 120 0 C, BaTiO 3 is tetragonal and TEA stresses will develop as the sample is cooled below 120 0C. The measured fracture stress was lower at 250 C than at 150 0 C for all grain sizes. The difference in strength was independent of grain size, as would be expected since the temperature is too low for stress relaxation. The fracture strength of ceramics as a function of grain size is usually of the form a + C f at small grain sizes and for large grain sizes as VI-5a af M G- ½ VI-5b It is expected that the fracture stress will be reduced due to the presence of TEA stresses, but since there are no measurements of the strength of Al 20 with no TEA stress (infinitely slow cooled), no comparison can be performed. VI-2 Fracture Toughness There is disagreement in the literature about the effect of grain size and TEA stresses on the fracture toughness. In this discussion it will be assumed that Equation VI-3 is valid, so that the toughness, KIC, and the fracture surface energy, Yf, are directly related, and will be used interchangeably. For cubic materials, a survey by Rice, et. al. (1978) concluded that there was no dependence of Yf on grain size. Evans and Langdon (1976) also say that if extensive microcracking does not occur, there should be no variation in KIC with grain size. However, Monroe and Smyth (1978) found a decrease in KIC with increasing G in Y, 2 0 which is cubic. Simpson (1973) measured the KIC of Al 203 as a function of grain size and found a decrease with increasing G, however, Simpson, et. al. (1975) and Simpson (1973) conclude that the observed decreased in KIC with grain size was due to the test technique used. They conclude that the single edge notched beam, (SENB), technique for measuring KIC was subject to increasing errors as the grain size increased, which tended to decrease KIC. This may be the causeof the decrease observed by Monroe and Smyth (1978) in Y2 0 3. Pratt (1977) found a slight decrease in KIC with increasing G in A120 3 , and also found no difference among the different test techniques. The grain size used by Pratt was smaller than the grain size at which Simpson, et. al. errors in the SENB technique. (1975) observed It may be that Pratt would have observed differences among the different techniques at larger grain sizes. Gutshall and Gross (1969) observed a two-fold increase in KIC for AL2 0 3 as G increased from 10pm to 50Pm. They also observed that the fracture mode changed from intergranular to transgranular, and they assumed that this change in mode was the cause of the increased KIC. Rof (1979) observed a change in fracture mode in Zn0 2, from intergranular to transgranular as the grain size increased from 2pm to 30m. However, he found that the KIC decreased, in direct opposition to the data of Gutshall and Gross. Rof assumes that the decrease in KIC as G increases in his samples is due to a decrease in microcracking as the grain size increases. The effect of TEA stresses was not considered except by Rice, et. al. (1978). It has been proposed that microcracking may increase the KIC of a material. Claussen, et. al. (1977) and Porter and Heuer (1977) have ob- served an increase in KIC in two-phase materials, with a residual internal stress. Rice, et. al. (1978), Evans, et. al. (1977), and Pompe, et. al. (1978) have developed models to predict the effect of microcracking on K IC. Pompe, et. al. considered microcracking in a process zone ahead of the crack in a two phase material. They found that the KIC could be in- creased or decreased depending on the density and shape of the microcracks. Rof (1979) assumed that the process zone (region in which the stress can cause microcracking) was constant with grain size. At small grain sizes, the process zone is larger than the grain size and microcracking occurs. Energy is dissipated in forming cracks. In large grained samples, the process zone is smaller than the grain size and no microcracking occurs. ing could increase KIC. Rice, et. al. (1978) also assumed that microcrack- In anisotropic materials, TEA stresses will assist microcracking, and since the additional energy needed to cause microcracking decreases as Gcrit is approached, KIC would increase with G. Above Gcrit, spontaneous microcracking occurs and KIC decreases as the effective cross-sectional area is reduced (see Figure 1-2). et. al. Evans, (1977) proposed a model that predicts a decrease in KIC with based on energy considerations. The literature data on the effect of grain size and TEA stresses on KIC is conflicting, and a comprehensive theory has not been developed. VI-3 Experimental The fracture strength and toughness were measured on A12 0 3 rings, prepared as described in Section III, fractured by internal pressure. This technique increases the volume of the sample under the maximum stress relative to bend tests. Internal pressure was applied using a silicon rubber plug to transmit the load as shown in Figure VI-1. The load was applied by a standard testing machine at a crosshead speed of 0.13mm/min (.005"/m in). The tensile stress in the ring is (Sedlacek and Halden (1962)) S0(r) = r Pr I+ 2 r- r iv-6 r where P is the pressure, ro and r. are the outer and inner radii and r is distance along a radius. For internal pressure, the tensile stress is highest at the inner edge of the ring. The rubber plug was assumed to behave hydrostatically, so the pressure, P, was directly related to the applied load. Rings were tested with unpolished and polished surfaces, but no difference in the fracture stress with surface finish was observed. Figures VI-2 and VI-3 show the fracture stress as a function of grain size and typical strength histograms. The fracture toughness, KIC, was measured on notched rings. notch was made using a 0.15mm wide diamond saw blade. The A typical notch is shown in Figure VI-4 and shown in Figure VI-5 is a fracture surface. KIC is given as (Rowecliff et. al. K IC (1977)) w(f ) VI-7 where a is the notch depth, w is the sample width, af is given by Equation VI-6 and f(2-) depends on the ring geometry r-. Rowecliff, et. al. w r. determined f(.) for several values of - . For the rings used in this w r. r0 ro I study -- = 1.21. r. For - r = 1.25, f( ·) is given as f(a) = .265 + 4.15(--) w w w - 4. 5 (a) w 2 + 5.42(a)3 w . vi-8 The notch depth was measured on each sample and samples in which cracking at the bottom of the notch was observed were discarded. KIC was calcul- ated as the average of at least 15 samples for each anneal time and cooling rate, and is shown in Figure VI-6 and given in Appendix E. VI-4 Discussion The fracture strength shows the expected G- effect of cooling rate is observed. dependence, but no This is due in part to the large scatter of the data, which are plotted as the average strength, as shown by the strength histograms. Using Equation VI-I and yf = 20N/m(20J/m 2 ) the critical flaw size was calculated and found to be >250 m for the strongest samples. grain sizes. This calculated flaw size is much larger than all the The strength controlling flaw is probably due to a very large grain or an inclusion. large scatter. The random nature of such defects causes the Since measurements could not be made on equivalent samples without TEA stresses (as could be done for BaTiO ), the effect of TEA stress could not be observed. While the literature shows no clear trends of the effect of grain size on toughness, it is expected that residual stress will increase the toughness as observed by Claussen (1976), Claussen, et. al. (1977) and Porter and Heuer (1977). Residual stresses due to the presence of a second phase can increase the toughness of a material. The increase in toughness arises from the formation of microcracks that do not link up to the main crack. The amount of surface formed is larger and hence more energy must be supplied to the crack to propagate it through the sample. It is also possible that non-reversible interactions of the stress field due to the second phase and the applied stress field ahead of the crack could cause toughening. In an isotropic material, the applied stress could add to the TEA stress, causing microcracking on suitably oriented grain boundaries, as proposed by Rice, et. al. (1978). As the grain size increases, the stored elastic energy approaches the surface energy needed for spontaneous microcracking and the amount of energy absorbed decreases. Also, since the TEA stress is grain size dependent, the stored elastic strain energy increases faster than predicted by Cleveland and Bradt (1978) and Rice, et. al. (1978). Hence, KIC increases with grain size at small grain sizes, and reaches a broad maximum near G crit , as the amount of energy absorbed per microcrack (and therefore the increase in toughness) decreases. The variation in G within a sample will also contribute to the broadening of the curve. The data of this study do not show a grain size dependence of KIC* Although the scatter inthe data is large, an increase in KIC is observed as a function of increasing cooling rate, or increasing TEA stress. data for 1 = 100K/min show the highest scatter values corresponding to the largest grain sizes. The with the lowest KIC This decrease in KIC may be due to cracks formed during notching of the samples, or slow crack growth during testing. Both factors would lower KIC. size dependence is not observed at other cooling rates. This grain The magnitude of KIC measured by the notched ring technique is lower than the value of KIC measured by the indentation technique and reported literature values. This decrease is probably due to the notch not being aligned along a radius. Variations in the eccentricity of the rings made such alignment difficult, and is a factor in the scatter of the data. The fact that at large grain sizes (> 100-m) the thickness of the sample below the notch (=400om) was close to the grain size will also cause a high degree of scatter. In some cases, a large grain may occur at the root of the notch and the measured KIC, in this case will be more representative of the single crystalline KIC than the polycrystalline KIC. This behavior was not observed on the sample examined (see Figure VI-5). VI-5 Summary The fracture strength and fracture toughness of A1 20 3 ring samples was measured. The strength was found to be a function of G 2, as is typical for ceramics, but no dependence of strength on cooling rate was observed. The scatter of the data was very large. The toughness in- creased with increasing cooling rate but no dependence on grain size was observed. The literature data on KIC as a function of grain size for A1 0 2 3 and other materials are contradictory. This is due to microstructural variation in samples (grain shape, pore size and shape, impurities) and test technique. KIC is reported by Simpson, et. al. same samples as of function of the test technique. (1975) to vary on the Theoretical predictions also contradictory, but it is assumed that an increase in KIC with grain 86 size, for small grain sizes, in an anisotropic material is expected. large grain sizes, KIC is expected to decrease. At The effect of other variables, such as the grain shape, porosity and the effect of grain size in the absence of TEA stresses make elucidation of the TEA effects difficult. Fracture toughness and strength can be used to measure the effect of TEA stresses, but many factors can obscure the results. Load Silicon rubber Li-, VJ/ U I1I Pd* d L "-Sample i. !?:.'. I I N ~~~I~ 1 VI-I Experimental arrangement used to apply internal pressure. The load was applied with an Instron Testing Machine at a constant crosshead speed. The silicon rubber was wrapped in 0.03mm Ni foil to prevent it being cut by the sample. The top clearance was at least 0.03 mm. S 0 0 400 150 0 G(/0m) 100 40 10 15 100 0L 50 0 0 VI-2 5 G-1/2 (cm)-1/2 Data points represent Fracture stress as a function of G 2. average of at least 20 samples broken by internal pressure at a constant crosshead speed. Solid line is least square fit to the data. 5 0 I0 E 0 I0 5 0 5 15 10 20 25 c-f (ksi) VI-3 Typical stren gth histograms. vertical bar. Average is indicated by the 30 - -·-~--.~-~-~11--;- -III---~-~.... VI-5 IC IIIIIIII~ ~~1,-. __ · __. I I Typical Fracture Surface of Notched Samples. a) and b) are opposite ends of the same sample. The root of the notch can be seen at the right of the photo. II _~I~ _ _ T ----------- ----- ·-- ·-------- ~-·-- I,-_ __ .~ss~-- -I I A VI-4 Typical notch used for toughness measurements. cut notch was 0.15mm wide. Saw blade used to II 0 * S 0 S(K /min) U A 0o , 100 U CJ E 2 x Xx A m A r') E z n e 4 x6 A12 "= 0 0 X C) Anneal hrs. D0 1 03 @ 0.1 x 1.0 AA ()e x o A 0a I 1 I I 10 15 20 Anneal (hrs) (a) VI-6 Il I 0.1 1.0 I0 100 18( K/min) (b) Toughness measured from notched samples as a function of cooling rate and anneal time. Each data point is the average of at least 15 samples broken by internal pressure at a constant crosshead speed. VII Summary Al 203 is a material with anisotropic thermal expansion. This ani- sotropy causes stresses in polycrystalline samples when the temperature is changed. A model has been developed to predict the stresses due to ther- mal expansion anisotropy (TEA) in a polycrystalline sample as it is cooled from high temperature. The model combines stress generation due to TEA with stress relaxation by diffusional creep. At high temperature (above TC) the stress relaxation is rapid and all stresses can relax and at low temperature the relaxation is very slow, so no stresses relax. Below a critical temperature, TR, where no stress relaxation occurs, the stress increases linearly with temperature. The value of TR and TC are functions of both the grain size (which defines the diffusion distance) and the cooling rate (assumed constant). The linear region of the stress temperature function was extrapolated to zero stress to define TE, which was found to be approximately T T E = + 2T 3 R VII-1 Using TE and Equation 11-41 OTEA where T = TE - T room = 1/2 EAaAT and Aa is the expansion mismatch. 11-41 The room tempera- ture stress due to TEA could be estimated. Stress relaxation by creep was also used to analyze the residual stresses in a polycrystalline A1 2 0 3 sample due to quenching. It was found that the temperature of the sample before quenching must be above a critical temperature, TQ, or the sample will not be strengthened due to thermal tempering. This agrees with literature data on the thermal tempering of A12 03 . Polycrystalline Al 203 samples with various grain sizes were cooled at different constant cooling rates. The stresses due to TEA were measured directly bya spectroscopic technique and were inferred from measurements of the toughness. The spectroscopic measurement of TEA stresses used the change in the fluorescence spectrum with pressure. fluorescence lines due to Cr 3+ The shift and broadening of the impurities in Al 0, as a function of pres- sure has been well documented in the literature. The calculation of the stress from the line shift and line broadening measurements is based on a model developed by Grabner (1978). The measured stresses did not show the expected grain size dependence, but this is felt to be due to the distribution of grain sizes in a sample. The calculated stresses were based on a sample having one grain size, nota wide distribution of grain sizes. The measured stresses were found to vary with the cooling rate, and the magnitude was in good agreement with the calculated values. This tech- nique isa very good technique for measuring the residual stresses in Al 0,. The effect of TEA stresses on the toughness of Al 203 is not clear. While it has been demonstrated by Pohanka, et. al. (1976) that TEA stres- ses can lower the fracture strength of a material, high scatter in measured toughness or predictions. In this study the toughness was measured by an indentation technique and a notched-ring technique. The crack and indent size from a Vickers indentation were measured and the toughness was calculated from an empirical fit to measured data given by Evans and Charles (1976) as KC =0.1553 iCa 0.055 log (8.L ) 1 (3.73x 10- a - VII-2 where a and c are the indent size and crack size and P is the load. No clear dependence of KIC on either grain size or cooling rate was observed. The toughness was also measured using a notched ring which was stressed to fracture by internal pressure. The toughness was calculated from an expression given by Rowcliffe, et. al. KIC 7TaGf[0.265 + 4. 15 (1978) as ( ) - 4.5(,)2 + 6.2()3 VII-3 where w and a are the sample width and notch depth and of is the fracture strength. The toughness was found to increase with increasing cooling rate (and hence increasing TEA stress), but again no dependence on the grain size was observed. Since the effects of TEA stresses on toughness are unclear, no direct comparisons between theory and experimental data can be made. However, it is felt that the increase in toughness with increasing cooling rate is due to TEA stress. The lack of a dependence of the toughness or the spectroscopically measured stresses on grain size is due to two reasons. The first is the wide grain size distribution in the samples which is not considered in the model. The second is the relatively small change in the predicted magnitude of the room temperature TEA stresses with the grain sizes used. From Figure II-1 it can be seen that the stresses vary by less than 10% over the range of grain sizes used. The variation of TEA stress with the cooling rates used is much larger (20%) and a dependence of the measured stresses on cooling rate is observed. VIII Suggestions for Future Work This study suggests many other areas of study related to thermal expansion anisotropy. Since the fluorescence technique is at present ap- plicable only to A12 03 it would be of great value to measure the pressure coefficients for other materials. A narrow grain size distribution and a wider range of grain sizes (from <1 p to as large as can be made) may show the predicted grain size dependence of the TEA stress. grain-size distribution should be measured. Also, the The critical grain size for spontaneous microcracking could be determined. Using an ultrasonic de- termination of the elastic modulus, the grain size at which microcracking occurs could be determined as a function of cooling rate and compared to the predicted values of the TEA stress. A systematic study of the effect of grain size on the fracture toughness, in both cubic and non-cubic material, would be very valuable. Using different cooling rates, the TEA stresses in anisotropic materials could be held constant over a range of grain sizes. Also, measurements of the acoustic emission during slow crack growth, as a function of TEA stress may show the extent of microcracking occuring due to TEA. The study of TEA stresses in other materials may prove illuminating. As shown by Pohanka, et. al. (1976) BaTiO show the effect of TEA stress. 3 can be used to definitively Other material with a very high thermal anisotropy (such as pseudobrookite oxides or PbTiO 3 ) may be easier to study. The grain size dependence of the minimum temperature necessary for strengthening by quenching could also provide confirmation of the validity of the creep relaxation model developed here. A possibility for extension of the model would be to consider other cooling rates, in particular to investigate the effect of oscillating the temperature near TR on the reduction of the room temperature stress. Appendix A Consider two grains, with a common boundary of length X 0 at temperature T o . As the temperature is changed stresses will be developed in the two grains if the expansion coefficients are different. In this dis- cussion it will be assumed that the temperature is decreased and that az > a . If the two grain were not joined, their lengths at any tempera- ture would be X, = X2 = _0 1 + oI(T 0 -T T A-la 0 I + a 2 (T 0 -T] A-lb If the grains are assumed to be joined by a visco-elastic medium, their lengths as a function of time for an instantaneous change in temperature of T0 -T are X1 X = 2 = X0[ + oi(T - T) X0 L + a + (T - T) t)] A-2a A-2b E j At t = 0, no relaxation can occur in the viscoelastic medium and X1 = X and the stress is (a o(t=O) = -u2)(To -T)E 2 - T) A-3 This is the form of the stress function that is usually assumed (i.e., no relaxation of stress). When the grains are allowed to creep under the stress, the stress will exponentially decay to zero. Rearranging Equation A-2 gives = where X1 and (- - a 2 )(To - T) . S(t) X are function of time. X2 da E d 2dt dt Differentiating yields (")dTl X A-4 I A-5 dt The strain due to the thermal expansion anisotropy is X, TEA where XI X2 X is length of the grains at t = 0 and is = X, X I + 2 (T - T) . A-7 Neglecting higher order terms Xz - X2 X1 - X2 X X0 A-8 and Equation A-5 becomes do E + d2 _ o-)d- A-9 2dt It is assumed that the strain rate is related to the stress by the Nabarro-Herring creep equation E = a/neff A-10 100 and that the temperature is a linear function of time dT A-li dt Substituting Equations A-10 and A-l1 into A-9 yields GE 2nef + f al - a 2 2 E . A-12 101 Appendix B The stress in a grain due to thermal expansion anisotropy for a material being cooled at a constant rate, 1, is the solution of do dt _ l 21nef + f A_+ 2 B- 1 where p is the effective modulus, neff is the effective diffusional viscosity and As is the magnitude of the expansion difference. Equation B-1 is linear in stress and can be solved by use of an integrating factor. Equation B-I can be rewritten as do -dc dt where P = -F 23rlf 2 eff + = Pa Q B-2 Q = a 2 2 and e PdT Q dt = ePdT Then the stress is + C B-3 where C is determined from the boundary condition a(T = Tana ) = 0 . The difficulty arises in evaluating JPdT neff = - neff eff G2 kT = 14 JPdT fl/nff dT is given from Equation 11-5 or EB-6 Deff eff B-4 B-5 102 so Equation B-5 becomes 2G2 k f expanding on Def f as PdT Let A = 141 D o 2G 2k Qff RT ) yields D exp = - dT b = Q/R ; I PdT and = Af PdT Then exp(-b0)d0 B-9 b >> 1 as which can be approximated for f 1 0 = B-8 = A L-exp (-be) B-10 -b substituting back into Equation B-3 gives A c = exp ex(-b expb )I - exp A e x pb ( -Ob (be QdT + C' B-11 bexp where C' = exp exp be C The expansion of the exponentials and integration of Equation B-ll to a series which does not rapidly converge. leads Hence an analytic expression for a as a function of temperature cannot be given. The stress as a function of temperature was evaluated numerically at M.I.T.'s Information 103 Processing Center. The critical temperatures, as discussed in Section II, can be approximated by assuming that the critical relaxation time (time for the stress to relax to l/e of its original value) is proportional to the inverse of the cooling rate, and solving the stress relaxation at constant strain. This is equivalent to making the temperature a step function of time with the step lengths proportional to the cooling rate. This aprox- imation agreed well with the result of the numerical solution, where the step width was decreased until further reduction had no effect on the results. TC was taken as the temperature of which TR equaled 1/W and T R was taken as the temperature at which TR equaled relaxes to 0.999 of its original value. 1000 -- or thus the stress This was chosen from the nume- rical solution. The stress as a constant strain is given as d-a - 2ref B-12a 2rn eff dT and In- 1f c• I = Substituting TR for AT/M 2G2 k 412G TC - IAT 2ýrl eff B-12b yields the critical temperatures = D exp(-Q/RTc) B-13a 104 2G2k TR 14 1000 D exp(-Q/RTR) 0 R TC and TR are shown in Figure 11-3. vs. In B-13b It is seen that the slope of I/T increases with grain size showing the change in the effective activation energy for diffusion as the grain size increases. 105 Appendix C For a flat plate, with X 2 and X 3 oriented in the plane of the plate and X, normal to the plate, the stress for a temperature variation in the X1 direction only is S= 0 0 0 0 a 33 0 0 0 a3 . C-1 This stress can be separated into a hydrostatic component and a shear component. 2- 0 a.. = Ii 2 0 -j- 0 0 2 0 3u33 33 33 -j-03 + 0 0 3jc s 33 0 0 30a33 0 0 C-2 -3-a 3 3 To calculate the line shift due to the stress in a given grain, the stress in the X1, X2 , X3 coordinate system must be transformed to the crystllographic coordinate system of the grain al, a2 , c X". or X , X, The tensor transformation law is ij = aikajlakl C-3 where a.. is the cosine of the angle between X. and X., and repeated IJ J subscripts imply summation over that index. is invariant under transformation. yields Thy hydrostatic component Substituting Equation C-2 into C-3 106 a11 3 3 ijii a 33 ij a11 33 -0 is the Kronecker delta. c-4 1 a21 -" 31 11 IJ a11 a13 22 a 21 all where 6.. 12 321 a21 a 3 a31 3 The effect of stress on the fluores- cence spectrum is given as Av where .. Ij = C-5 T..a.. IJ ij for Al203 is 0 0 0 r11 0 0 0 T3 3 TFT 11 Ij c-6 Substituting C-4 into C-5 gives Av 3 a= a 33 (27 +1 33 11 +F ) -a 3 11 (a211 +a 221 - 32+ T3 (aa -) C-7 Using the relationship between the direction cosines a 11 + a2 22 + a 33 = C-8 1 gives for the shift in the spectrum as Av 2 2 33 (2711 + T3) 33 -33 (33 - 711 )(a 311 3 C33 (T33 - 3)1 3 C-9 107 Appendix D The fluorescence spectrum was recorded as a function of wave length using a chart recorder. The widths of the peaks were measured from the chart and the peak locations were measured from marks put on the chart by the Spex monochrometer. The peak locations and widths are given in Table D-l and shown as a function of cooling rate and grain size in Figures D-l through D-4. 108 Table D - 1 Sample Thermal History Anneal (hrs.) 1 3 4 6 12 20 1 3 4 6 12 20 0 2 3 5 11 19 2 8 as received Single crystal ruby B (K/min) 100 100 100 100 100 100 10 10 10 10 10 10 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.1 Width (cm- ) R 2.335 2.256 2.260 2.246 2.232 2.273 2.129 2.263 2.132 2.113 2.123 2.165 2.207 2.024 2.058 2.134 2.060 2.094 1.937 2.031 2.239 0.744 R2 2.170 2.160 2.170 2.181 2.137 2.166 2.059 2.122 2.051 2.036 2.016 2.056 2.035 1.866 1.943 2.106 1.952 2.018 1.909 1.962 2.062 0.368 Shift (cm- ) R1 R2 -0.096 -0.200 -0.221 -0.200 -0.263 -0.304 -0.387 -0.387 -0.575 -0.159 -0.304 -0.325 -0.491 -0.263 -0.304 -0.429 -0.200 -0.429 -0.304 -0.200 -0.429 - +0.102 -0.002 -0.860 -0.002 -0.023 -0.106 -0.211 -0.378 -0.294 -0.002 -0.044 -0.148 -0.336 -0.169 -0.357 -0.253 -0.044 -0.148 -0.232 -0.065 -0.399 - Anneal (hrs) 2.3 2 S01 H- 1I 0 2.1 4-+ 2.0 1.9 A 0.1 gA 0 I 0< C\ 0 A 12 2.0 _~x -D i I i1 0 3 e 4 x6 A 12 i 20 9 A 1.0 10 100 P( K/min) -- o w v x A -I 0 20 A A 1.8 I 0.1 (a) D-1 Anneal (hrs) 01 1 0 3 . 4 x6 2.2 Width of R1 and R 2 lines as a function of cooling rate. 0 I 1 1 1.0 10 100 (K/min) (b) 2.3 U 2.2 x 2.1 C\j Am x x Ix I• Wk 2.0 • AA A x 1.9 1.9 x x 1.8 I I 2.1 x -c 2.C , (K/min) * 0.1 x 1.0 A 10 a100 2.2 0< 0< 4-, 2.3 , (K/min) * 0.1 x 1.0 A 10 S100 O 1 I I 10 15 20 Anneal( hours) (a) D-2 Width of RI and R 2 lines as a function of anneal time I I I I I0 15 20 Anneal ( hours) (b) 0 0) 0.6 0.5 0.5 Anneal (hrs) 0 1 0 0.4 03 * 4 x 6 A 12 S20 '0.4 0 4 * 6 * A 12 20 x 0 A 0.2 0 0 V- 4- Go o0 3 o 0.3 ' 0.3 Anneal (hrs) 0 1 .0.2 Ax 0 U 0.I * A A I I I 0 0.1 I 0 0.1 I I 1.0 I0 100 I -0.1 0.1 1.0 I0 P( K/min (a) D-3 Shift of R1 and R 2 lines as a function of cooling rate. '3 r 100 K/min ) (b) 0 . 6n 0.5 /(K/min) S0.1 x 1.0 A 0.5 0.3 x U EU. x *0 IC) to x x x· 0.1 0 0.I--m 0 - x 1.0 A 10 S100 N0.2 4- C, 0.2 _ A * 100 0.4 0.3 ~(K /min) . 0.1 0.4 x E 0 I II I I0 15 Anneal (hours) (a) D-4 20 -0I C ) . I SI 15 Anneal (hours) (b) Shift of RI and R 2 lines as a function of anneal time. I0 I 20 113 Appendix E Samples were indented using a Leitz microhardness testor with a Vicker's diamond pyramid using loads of 3N, 20N and 59N. The indents were on polished surface and measured from optical photographs. indents were done on each sample and the sizes were averaged. Five Figures E-l and E-2 give the average crack length and indent size for the samples; size. at loads of 3N and 20N, as a function of cooling rate and grain KIC was determined from K 0.155 3/2 P .055 log (8.4 a )(3.73x 10-13 P0.4 E- where P is the load in Newtons, a is the indent half diagonal in meters and c is the crack length in meters (see Figure V-l). KIC from the in- dentation measurements is given in Table E-l. KIC was also measured by a notched ring technique. Notched rings were fractured by internal pressure and KIC was given as KIC = 0.265 + 4.5(-) 2 4.5(()2+ 2 4 1 a· 5.42( a 1i a where w is the width of the ring, a is the notch depth and of is the fracture stress (see Figure VI-4). KIC is given in Table E-2. E-2 114 Table E - 1 Sample Thermal History Anneal (hrs.) 3 (K/min) 4 6 12 20 20 4 6 12 20 20 3 5 11 19 19 2 8 8 ADL Single crystal *Sample cut in half 100 100 100 100 100* 10 10 10 10 10* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"* 0.1 0.1 0.1* 0.5 KIC (MN/m 3N 20N 1.96 2.47 2.14 2.51 2.24 2.55 2.36 2.23 2.55 2.82 2.64 2.42 1.94 2.15 2.53 1.75 2.12 2.38 2.12 4.51 4.55 4.15 4.48 4.40 4.51 4.35 4.00 4.45 4.06 4.47 3.94 4.29 4.41 4.02 4.52 4.40 3.40 115 Table E - Sample Thermal History 2 MN/m Number of Samples 2.69 1.97 2.24 1.81 1.36 1.81 1.93 1.55 1.47 2.08 1.93 2.06 1.36 2.08 2.03 1.71 2.00 2.25 1.61 1.20 2.00 20 20 16 20 19 20 19 20 19 18 18 16 19 16 17 19 20 20 20 19 10 KIC 34 Anneal (hrs.) 1 3 4 6 12 20 1 3 4 6 12 20 0 2 3 5 11 19 2 8 as received (3 (K/m) 100 100 100 100 100 100 10 10 10 10 10 10 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.1 13N I 16 -- E Anneal . x A ADL 13 a) N 0 - 13N Anneal (hrs) . 4 4 6 A 12 N 20 020 Samples cut in half crystal 14 o 45 (hrs) x 6 A 12 40 A & C) • ADL single 35 crystal mQA N AO 30 -4- a) 12 C) C I I 25 10 0.1 1.0 10 100 3p(K/min) (a) E-1 20 *3 I I 0 I 0.1 1.0 10 I00 P,(K/min) (b) Indent impression and crack size as a function of cooling rate a) and b) load = 3N. I 0 2O 0 20 Samples cut in half 0 0 0 - 25 20 N A E 24 crystal SA _N 4- c0 03 A ADL single "A 0 0 Anneal x A 12 S20 0 20 0[ Samples x cut in half S70 A * O 60 I I I S -0 U x (d) (c) cont. c) and d) A 0 0.1 1.0 10 I00 P( K/min) 0.1 1.0 10 100 P( K/min) E-I S20 0 20 Samples cut in half E- o 65 2: I o 4 x 6 A12 crystal E 75 F N S Anneal (hrs) ADL single 6 23 22 120 N 80 (hrs) 0 4 Load = 20N 0 0 * M 16 13N 3(K/min) * 0.1 x 1.0 A 10 m 100 I3NI 45 U 14 - 0 a) a) Samples x U c-4 35 x -0 x N cut in IN half 8(K /min) * 0.1 x 1.O0 A 10 m 100 40 E 0 * A -z 30 A x A 12 Samples cut in E- C xm 25 IC) • V • •Mph, I 15 Anneal (hours) 10 (a) E-2 m 20 20 I I I I0 15 Anneal (hours) I 20 (b) Indent impression and crack size as a function of anneal time a) and b) Load = 3N. oo 120NI I - 25 8(K/min) a 0.1 x 1.0 A 10 A L N x Samples cut in half aC U) "V 70 I o L. 0 U) 23 .T x I C) I II • 15 10 Anneal (hours) • 20 65 cont. c) and d) Load = 20N. 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