Climate, oceanographic conditions and trophic interactions in a marine system: seabird-fish CEES Joë Joël M. Durant1,*, Tycho AnkerAnker-Nilssen2, Dag Ø. Hjermann1 & Nils Chr. Stenseth1,3 1Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES), Department of Biology, University of Oslo, PO Box 1050 Blindern, NO-0316 Oslo, Norway. 2 Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), Tungasletta 2, NO-7485 Trondheim, Norway. 3 Flødevigen Marine Research Station, Institute of Marine Research, NO-4817 His, Norway. INTRODUCTION In seasonal environments, one of the main challenges for breeding individuals is to match food supply to breeding and offspring requirements. However, prey availability depends on a variety of physical factors and food-chain interactions that are affected by climate variation. Moreover prey availability and predator breeding decision may not depend on the same environmental conditions leading to a mismatch between requirement and availability. Studying top predator response to environment changes gives insight on the whole trophic chain. E.g., in long-lived birds with singleegg clutches, the adequate timing of reproduction in regard to food availability is then essential for the reproductive output. 70° Lofoten cu rr e nt ▶ 68° No rw eg ia n Røst Figure 1: Geographical position of Røst archipelago in northern Norway. The blue dotted line represents the limit of the Norwegian shelf and of the influence of the northward Norwegian coastal current. The circle is the maximum extension of foraging (150 km) for Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arctica) breeding at Røst1. Note that the whole extent of the continental shelf is explored by foraging Atlantic puffins during breeding. The inside map represents the northward drift of the main prey of the Atlantic puffin during reproduction, the first-year herring (Clupea harengus), from their birth area in southern Norway following the Norwegian coastal current Herring spawning 66° NORWAY 500 m 5° 10° 15° 20° METHODS Herring: As estimate of the quantity and quality of herring we used the length of the herring found in food loads intended for puffin chicks. This measure was found to be highly correlated to the estimated herring year class strength by Virtual Population Analysis2 Puffin: We used the annual fledging success estimated as the proportion of eggs hatched producing a fledgling, and the mean duration of the nestling period (annual average 64 study nests). Climate: Sea temperature ST and salinity Sal were measured at two locations north-east of Røst archipelago3. From these data we calculated an average Sal and ST for the water column explored by the Atlantic puffin when foraging (0-75 m) off Røst during the breeding period1. North Atlantic Oscillation4,5 NAO is an integrated measure linked to many climatic variables such as precipitation, wind speed and temperature over a large part of the Northern Hemisphere5. Statistics: modellisation and model selection (green lines in fig 2-4) by AIC was conducted using S-plus6. Fledging success (0 to 1) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 RESULTS 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Year Hatching date (June-July), days Figure 3. Puffin fledging success can be explained by STt, and Herring lengtht F2,18=46.57, p<0.0001, r2 = 0.84b CLIMATE 30 Nestling period, days 20 60 10 50 30 40 20 Fledging success Good Poor Failed 30 Copepods 10 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Herring Puffins 0 Year Figure 2. Puffin hatching date can be explained by NAOt, Herring lengtht-1 and Hatching datet-1. F3,7=13.93, p=0.003, r2 = 0.86a. 20 10 The studied system 1980 Correlations NAO vs. ST NAO vs. Hatch date VPA vs. Herring length 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 Year p < 0.01 p = 0.015 p < 0.05 r24 = 0.541 Figure 4. Puffin nestling period can be explained by ST , r21 = 0.501 and Sal F =29.57, p<0.0001, r2 = 0.75c. The fledging t t 2,20 r17 = 0.636 success is indicated by different colors. DISCUSSION Climate was shown to affect the breeding of the Atlantic puffin. ST and Sal (Fig. 3-4), two variables known to affect fish development, as well as NAO (Fig. 2), known to affect abundance of marine fishes and zooplankton5, were shown to be correlated to breeding. We conclude that the climatic effect on puffins was mediated through their feeding conditions; plankton and larval herring. Adverse oceanographic conditions in early spring when the phytoplankton bloom occurs have a negative effect on puffin reproduction by degradation of the prey availability for chick-feeding adults three months later. Indeed, the timing of the puffin's breeding was influenced by the NAO (Fig. 3). The breeding performance of this top predator provides useful indicators of the development and dynamics of organisms at the lower trophic levels. REFERENCES: 1. Anker-Nilssen, T. Food supply as a determinant of reproduction and population development in Norwegian Puffins Fratercula arctica. PhD Thesis, Univ. Trondheim (1992); 2.Toresen, R. & Østvedt, O.J. Fish and Fisheries 1, 231-256 (2000); 3. Data from Aure, J. & Østensen, Ø. Hydrographic normals and long-term variations in Norwegian coastal waters (Fisken Havet 1993) and Pers. comm. G. Ottersen; 4. Data on NAO can be obtain from the web site; 5. Hurrell, J.W., Kushnir, Y., Ottersen, G. & Visbeck, M. The North Atlantic Oscillation: Climatic Significance and Environmental Impact (Geophy. Monogr. 134, 2003); 6. Venables, W.N. & Ripley, B.D. Modern Applied Statistics with S-plus, -3rd ed (Springer, New York, 1999). a. Durant, J.M. Anker-Nilssen, T., Hjermann, D.Ø & Stenseth, N.C. Regime shifts in the breeding of an Atlantic puffin population Ecol. Lett. 7, online (2004). b. Durant, J.M. Anker-Nilssen, T. & Stenseth, N.C. Trophic interactions under climate fluctuations: the Atlantic puffin as an example. PRSB 270,1461-1466 (2003). c. Durant, J.M. Anker-Nilssen, T. & Stenseth, N.C. Climate affects the Atlantic puffin through food-chain variation. In ms * JMD was funded by a Marie Curie Fellowship of the European Community programme IHP-FP5 under contract number HPMF-CT-2002-01852. E-mail: Quantitative Ecosystem Indicators For Fisheries Management International Symposium, 31 March - 3 April, 2004, Paris, France