Publikasjonsliste Geir Joner f. 16.12.48 A. Originale vitenskapelige publikasjoner i tidsskrifter med referee-tjeneste 1. Joner G, Søvik O. Incidence, age at onset and seasonal variation of diabetes mellitus in Norwegian children 1973-1977. Acta Paediatr Scand 1981;70: 329-35. 2. Christau B, Åkerblom H, Joner G, Dahlquist G, Ludvigsson J, Nerup J. Incidence of childhood insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Acta Endocrin Scand 1981, suppl (245): 68-77. 3. Borch-Johnsen K, Mandroup-Poulsen T, Zachau-Christensen B, Joner G, Christy M, Kastrup K. Relation between breast-feeding and incidence rates of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Lancet 1984;2: 1083-6. 4. Joner G, Søvik O. Omsorg for barn og ungdom med diabetes mellitus i Norge. Tidskr Nor Lægeforen 1984;104: 852-5. 5. Diabetes Epidemiology Research International Group. Geographic Patterns of Childhood Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes 1988;37: 1113-9. 6. Joner G, Søvik O. Increasing incidence of diabetes mellitus in Norwegian children 0-14 years of age 1973-1982. Diabetologia 1989;32: 79-83. 7. Dahl-Jørgensen K, Joner G, Hanssen KF. Relationship Between Cows' Milk Consumption and Incidence of IDDM in Childhood. Diabetes Care 1991;14: 1081-3. 8. Joner G, Patrick S. The mortality of children with Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus in Norway, 1973-1988. Diabetologia 1991;34: 29-32. 9. Joner G, Søvik O. The incidence of Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus 15-29 years in Norway 1978-82. Diabetologia 1991;34: 271-4. 10. Green A, Gale EAM, Patterson CC, for the EURODIAB ACE Study Group. Incidence of childhood-onset insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: the EURODIAB ACE study. Lancet 1992;339: 905-9. 11. Joner G, Krüger Ø, Søvik O (1992) Regional differences in the incidence of Insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus in Norwegian Children. Submitted Diabetes Care. 12. Joner G, Brinchmann-Hansen O, Torres CG, Hanssen KF. A nationwide cross-sectional study of retinopathy and microalbuminuria in young Norwegian Type 1 (insulindependent) diabetics patients. Diabetologia 1992;35: 1049-54. 13. Joner G. Incidence and Prevalence of Type 1 diabetes in Norway. Nor J Epidemiol 1994;4: 5-9. 14. Joner G. The etiology of Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus. Non-genetic risk determinants. Nor J Epidemiol 1994;4: 15-22. 15. Undlien DE, Akselsen HE, Knutsen I, Joner G, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Aagenæs Ø, Søvik O, Thorsby E, Rønningen KS. DRB1*04 subtypes in IDDM. Implications for genetic risk assessment. Autoimmunity 1995; 21:17. 16. Rønningen KS, Undlien DE, Akselsen HE, Tran HKT, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Aagenæs Ø, Søvik O, Bingley PJ, Gale EAM, Thorsby E, Joner G. HLA-DQ genotpe to identity 1. degree relatives at risk for IDDM. Autoimmunity 1995;21: 61. 17. Levy-Marchal C, Joner G et al. Variation by age group and seasonability at diagnosis of childhood IDDM in Europe. Diabetologia 1995;38: 823-30. 18. Undlien DE, Akselsen HE, Joner G, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Aagenæs Ø, Søvik O, Thorsby E, Rønningen KS. No Difference in Parental Origin of Susceptibility HLA class II Haplotypes among Norwegian Patients with Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. Am J Hum Genet 1995; 57: 1511-4. 19. Joner G, Hanssen KF. Kan diabetesepidemien stanses? Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 1996;116: 3449-50. 20. Lie BA, Akselsen HE, Joner G, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Rønningen KS, Thorsby E, Undlien DE. HLA Associations in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus: No Independent Association to Particular DP Genes. Hum Immunol 1997; 55: 170-5. 21. Merriman T, Twells R, Merriman M, Eaves I, Cox R, Cucca F, McKinney P, Shield J, Baum D, Bosi E, Pozzilli P, Nistico L, Buzzetti R, Joner G, Rønningen K, Thorsby E, Undlien D, Pociot F, Nerup J, Bain S, Barnett A, Todd J. Evidence by allelic associationdependent methods for a type 1 diabetes polygene (IDDM6) on chromosome 18q21. Hum Mol Genet 1997; 6 (7): 1003-10. 22. Reed P, Cucca F, Jenkins S, Merriman M, Wilson A, McKinney P, Bosi E, Joner G, Rønningen K, Thorsby E, Undlien D,Merriman T, Barnett A, Bain S, Todd J. Evidence for a type 1 diabetes susceptibility locus (IDDM10) on human chromosome 10p11-q11. Hum Mol Genet 1997; 6(7) 1011-6. 23. Undlien DE, Friede T, Rammensee HG, Joner G, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Søvik O, Akselsen HE, Knutsen I, Rønningen KS, Thorsby E. HLA-Encoded Genetic Predisposition IDDM. DR4 Subtypes May Be Associated With Different Degrees of Protection. Diabetes 1997; 46: 143-9. 24. Undlien DE, Akselsen HE, Joner G, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Søvik O, Rønningen KS, Thorsby E. No Independent Association of LMP2 and LMP7 Polymorphisms With Susceptibility to Develop IDDM. Diabetes 1997;46: 307-12. 25. Brekke M, Hjortdahl P, Thelle DS, Celius EG, Heldal E, Joner G, Kvien TK. Forskjeller i sykelighet mellom indre øst og ytre vest i Oslo. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 1998;118: 14-7. 26. Merriman T, Eaves IA, Twells RCJ, Merriman ME, Danoy PAC, Muxworthy CE, Hunter KMD, Cox RD, Cucca F, McKinney PA, Shield JPH, Baum JD, Tuomilehto J, Tuomilehto-Wolf E, Ionesco-Tirgoviste C, Joner G, Thorssby E, Undlien DE, Pociot F, Nerup J, Rønningen KS, Bain SC, Todd JA. Transmission of haplotypes of microsatellite markers rather than single marker alleles in the mapping of a putative type 1 diabetes susceptibility gene (IDDM6). Hum Mol Genet 1998; 7: 517-24. 27. Nakagawa Y, Kawaguchi Y, Twells RCJ, Muxworthy C, Hunter KMD, Wilson A, Merriman ME, Cox RD, Merriman T, Cucca F, McKinney PA, Shield JPH, Joner G, Thorsby E, Undlien DE et al. Fine Mapping of the Diabetes-Susceptibility Locus, IDDM4, on chromosome 11q13. Am J Hum Genet 1998;63 (2): 547-56. 28. Lie BA, Todd JA, Pociot F, Nerup J, Akselsen HE, Joner G, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Rønningen KS, Thorsby E, Undlien DE. The Predisposition to Type 1 Diabetes Linked to the Human Leukocyte Antigen Complex Includes at Least One Non-Class II Gene. Am J Hum Genet 1999;64: 793-800. 29. Stene LC, Ulriksen J, Magnus P, Joner G. Use of cod liver oil during pregnancy association with lower risk of Type 1 diabetes in the offspring. Diabetologia 2000;43 (9): 1093-8. 30. Stene LC, Joner G. Spiller kostholdet en rolle i utvikling av type 1 diabetes? Norsk Epidemiologi 2000;10 (1): 71-8. 31. Variation and trends in incidence of childhood diabetes in Europe. EURODIAB ACE Study Group. 32. Lancet. 2000 Mar 11;355(9207):873-6. 33. Undlien DE, Joner G, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Rønningen KS, Torjesen PA, Søvik O, Norsk studiegruppe for barnediabetes. Genetisk og immunologisk risiko for type 1-diabetes erfaringer fra en intervensjonsstudie. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2000;23: 2799-803. 34. Stene LC, Magnus P, Lie RT, Søvik O. Birth weight and childhood onset type 1 diabetes: population based cohort study. British Medical Journal 2001;322: 889-92. 35. Stene LC, Magnus P, Lie RT, Søvik O, Joner G. Maternal and paternal age at delivery, birth order, and risk of childhood onset type 1 diabetes: population based cohort study. British Medical Journal 2001;323: 369-71. 36. Patterson CC, Dahlquist G, Soltész, Green A on behalf of the EURODIAB ACE Study Group*. Is childhood onset Type 1 diabetes a wealth-related disease? An ecological analysis of European incidence rates. Diabetologia 2001; 44 (Suppl. 3) B9-B16. 37. Green A, Patterson CC; EURODIAB TIGER Study Group. Europe and Diabetes. Trends in the incidence of childhood-onset diabetes in Europe 1989-1998.Diabetologia. 2001 Oct;44(Suppl 3):B3-8. 38. Rønningen KS, Keiding N, Green A; EURODIAB ACE Study Group. (Europe and Diabetes). Correlations between the incidence of childhood-onset type I diabetes in Europe and HLA genotypes.Diabetologia. 2001 Oct;44(Suppl 3):B51-9. 39. Lévy-Marchal C, Patterson CC, Green A; EURODIAB ACE Study Group. Europe and Diabetes. Geographical variation of presentation at diagnosis of type I diabetes in children: the EURODIAB study (European and Dibetes). Diabetologia 2001;44(Suppl 3):B75-80 | 40. Green A; EURODIAB (EURope and DIABetes). The EURODIAB studies on childhood diabetes 1988-1999. Europe and Diabetes.Diabetologia. 2001 Oct;44 Suppl 3:B1-2. 41. Stene LC, Magnus P, Rønningen KS, Joner G. Diabetes-Associated HLA-DQ Genes and Birth Weight. Diabetes 2001;30010: 2879-82. Stene LC, Rønningen KS, Magnus P, Joner G. Does HLA-genotype influence the relative risk of type 1 diabetes conferred by dietary factors? (letter) Diabetic Medicine 2002;19:00-00. 42. Witsø E, Stene LC, Paltiel L, Joner G, Rønningen KS. DNA extraction and HLA genotyping from mailed mouth brushes. Pediatric Diabetes 2002;3:89-94. 43. Stene LC, Hongve D, Magnus P, Rønningen KS, Joner G. Acidic drinking water and type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2002; 25: 1534-38. 44. Williams AJ, Bingley PJ, Moore WP, Gale EA & ENDIT Screening Group (European Nicotinamide Diabetes Intervention Trial). Islet autoantibodies, nationality and gender: a multinational screening study in first-degree relatives of patients with Type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia 2002; 45: 217-23. 45. Stene LC, Magnus P, Lie RT, Søvik O, Joner G the Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Study Group. No association between pre-eclampsia or cesarian section and incidence of type 1 diabetes among children: a large population based cohort study. Pediatric Research. 54: 487-490, 2003. 46. Stene LC, Joner G, the Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Study Group. Use of cod liver oil in the first year of life associated with lower risk of childhood onset type 1 diabetes: a large population based case-control study. Am J Clin Nutr 2003; 78:1128-34. 47. Stene LC, Joner G and the Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Study Group. Atopic disorders and risk of childhood-onset type 1 diabetes in individuals. Clin. Exp Allergy 2004; 34:1–6 48. The European Nicotinamide Diabetes Intervention Trial (ENDIT) Group. Intervening before the onset of Type 1 diabetes: results of the European Nicotinamide Diabetes Intervention Trial. Lancet 2004; 363:925-931. 49. Joner G, Stene LC, Søvik O and the Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Study Group. Nation-wide, prospective registration of type 1 diabetes in children aged below 15 years in Norway 1989-1998: No increase, but significant regional variation in incidence. Diabetes Care 27: 1618-1622. 50. Stene LC, Jenum AK, Midthjell K, Schirmer H, Lund E, Skeie S, Joner G, Tell GS, Birkeland K. Hvor mange har diabetes mellitus i Norge? Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2004; 124: 1511-1514. 51. Joner G, Stene LC, Søvik O and the Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Study Group. Nation-wide, prospective registration of type 1 diabetes in children aged below 15 years in Norway 1989-1998: No increase, but significant regional variation in incidence. Diabetes Care 2004; 27: 1618-22. 52. Skrivarhaug T, Bangstad H-J, Sandvik L, Hanssen KF, Joner G. Long-term Mortality in a Nationwide Cohort of Childhood-onset Type 1 diabetes in Norway. Diabetologia 2006; 49:298-305. 53. Skrivarhaug T, Bangstad H-J, Sandvik L, Hanssen KF, Joner G. Low risk of overt nephropathy after 24 years of childhood-onset type 1 diabetes in Norway. A populationbased cohort study. Pediatr Diabetes 2006;7:239-46. 54. Bjørnvold M, Amundsen SS, Stene LC, Joner G, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Njølstad PR, Ek J, Ascher H, Gudjònsdòttir AH, Lie BA, Skinningsrud B, Akselsen HE, Rønningen KS, Sollid M, Undlien DE. FOXP3 polymorphisms in type 1 diabetes and coeliac disease. J Autoimmun 2006; 27:140-4. 55. Stene LC, Thorsby P, Berg JP, Rønningen KS, Akselsen H, Undlien DE, Joner G. The relation between size at birth and risk of type 1 diabetes is not influenced by adjustment for the insulin gene (-23HphI) polymorphism or HLA-DQ genotype. Diabetologia 2006; 49:2068-2073. 56. Skrivarhaug T, Bangstad H-J, Sandvik L, Hanssen KF, Joner G. Low cumulative incidence of proliferative retinopathy in childhood-onset type 1 diabetes – a 24 years follow-up study. Diabetologia 2006; 49:2281-90. 57. The DIAMOND Project Group. Incidence and trends of childhood Type 1 diabetes worldwide 1990-1999. Diabet Med 2006;23: 857-866 58. Stene LC, Thorsby P, Berg JP, Rønningen KS, Joner G. Peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor-2 Pro12Ala (PPARG2) polymorphism, cod liver oil and risk of type 1 diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes. 2008;9:40-5. 59. Soltesz G, Patterson CC, Dahlquist G; EURODIAB Study Group. Worldwide childhood type 1 diabetes incidence--what can we learn from epidemiology? Pediatr Diabetes 2007;8(Suppl 6):6-14. 60. Aamodt G, Stene LC, Njølstad PR, Søvik O, Joner G. Spatio-Temporal Trends and AgePeriod-Cohort. Modeling of the Incidence of Type 1 Diabetes among Children Aged <15 Years in Norway 1973-1982 and 1989-2003. Diabetes Care 2007; 30(4):884-9 61. Viken MK, Sollid HG, Joner G, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Rønningen KS, Undlien DE, Flatø B, Selvaag AM, Førre Ø, Kvien TK, Thorsby E, Melms A, Tolosa E, Lie BA. Polymorphisms in the cathepsin L2 (CTSL2) gene show association with type 1 diabetes and early onset myasthenia gravis. Human Immunology 2007; 68(9):748-755 62. Eike MC, Nordang GBN, Karlsen TH, Boberg KM, Vatn MH, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Rønningen KS, Joner G, Schrumpf E, Flatø B, Bergquist A, Thorsby E, Førre Ø, Kvien TK, Undlien DE and Lie BA. The FCRL3-169T> C promoter polymorphism is associated with polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis and rheumatoid athritis in a Scandinavian panel of autoimmune diseases. Ann Rheum Dis. 2007 Dec 7; [Epub ahead of print] 63. Patterson CC, Dahlquist G, Harjutsalo V, Joner G, Feltbower RG, Svensson J, Scober E, Gyürüs E, Castell C, Urbonaité B, Rosenbauer J, Iotova V, Thorsson AV and Soltész G. Early mortality in EURODIAB population-based cohorts of type 1 diabetes diagnosed in childhood since 1989. Diabetologia 2007;50(12):2439-2442. 64. Bjørnvold M, Undlien DE, Joner G, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Njølstad PR, Akselsen HE, Gervin K, Rønningen KS, Stene LC. Joint effects of HLA, INS, PTPN22 and CTLA4 on risk of type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia 2008;51:589-96. 65. Molven A, Ringdal M, Nordbø AM, Ræder H, Støy J, Lipkind GM, Steiner DF, Philipson LH, Bergmann I, Aarskog D, Undlien DE, Joner G, Søvik O, the Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Study Group, Bell GI, Njølstad PR. Mutations in the insulin gene can cause MODY and autoantibody-negative type 1 diabetes. Diabetes 2008;57:1131-1135. 66. Magitta NF, Wolff ASB, Johansson S, Skinningsrud B, Lie BA, Myhr K-M, Undlien DE, Dahl-Jorgensen K, Joner G, Njølstad PR, Kvien TK, Førre Ø, Knappskog PM, Husebye ES. A Coding Polymorphism in NALP1 Confer Risk for Autoimmune Addison’s Disease and Type 1 Diabetes. Submitted to J Immunol June 2008. 67. Stene LC, Rø nningen KS, Bjørnvold M, Undlien DE, Joner G. Inverse association between atopic dermatitis and risk of type 1 diabetes not explained by HLA-DQ, PTPN22 or CTLA4 polymorphisms. Re-submitted to J Allergy Clin Immunol July 2008. 68. Pollestad ML, Frost-Andersen L, Tonstad S, Joner G. Ethnic differences in metabolic syndrome among overweight and obese children and adolescents. E-pub ahead of print DOI: 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2008.00955.x Acta Paediatrica June 2008. 69. Bjørnvold M, Egeland T, Joner G, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Njølstad PR, Akselsen HE, Gervin K, Carlsen KCL, Carlsen KH, Undlien DE. Polymorphisms in T-bet, STAT1 and STAT4 and susceptibility to type 1 diabetes. Submitted to Tissue Antigens July 2008. 70. Eike MC, Olsson M, Undlien DE, Dahl-Jørgensen K. Joner G, Rønningen KS, Tjorsby E, Lie BA. Genetic variants of HLA-A, HLA-B and AIF1 show independent MHC association with type 1 diabetes in Norwegian families. Submitted to Genes and Immunity July 2008. 71. Berntsen S, Mowinckel P, Carlsen K-H, Carlsen KCL, Pollestad M, Joner G, AnderssenSA. Obese children playing towards an active lifestyle. Submitted Int J Ped Obesity Aug. 2008