R. L. E. T E C H N I ..... RFi'.SE'.J BESF: ,. '"" C 1;i OF (I LECTRkONICS MASSACHULiSL'{'IS INTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CAMiRITDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 0213', U.S.A. 'Pa .... ,U.. THE HAYSTACK-MILLSTONE INTERFEROMETER SYSTEM ALAN E. E. ROGERS C. A L R E Pp LmQC 1:r \ C~~gyI Qo r-\ O R T 4 5 7 TECHNICAL REPORT 457 MARCH 15, 1967 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH LABORATORY OF ELECTRONICS CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS The Research Laboratory of Electronics is an interdepartmental laboratory in which faculty members and graduate students from numerous academic departments conduct research. The research reported in this document was made possible in part by support extended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics, by the JOINT SERVICES ELECTRONICS PROGRAMS (U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Air Force) under Contract No. DA 36-039-AMC-03200(E); additional support was received from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NsG-419). Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government. Qualified requesters may obtain copies of this report from DDC. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH LABORATORY OF ELECTRONICS March 15, 1967 Technical Report 457 THE HAYSTACK-MILLSTONE INTERFEROMETER SYSTEM Alan E. E. Rogers (Manuscript received January 13, 1967) Abstract The Haystack 120-ft antenna and the Millstone 84-ft antenna have been coupled together to form a radiometric interferometer. At 18-cm wavelength, which was chosen for a study of galactic OH emission, the interferometer has a minimum fringe spacing of 54 seconds of arc. The interferometer synthesizes a beam approximately equivalent to that of a 2000-ft parabolic antenna and can measure positions to a small fraction of the fringe spacing. The interferometer uses a digital correlator to analyze the fringe amplitude and phase as a function of frequency. This enables mapping of spectral features. The design and construction are described, as well as the theory and method of data reduction. A noise analysis shows that the threshold level could be reduced by It is shown that for radiometric studies using more complex processing techniques. many of the capabilities of a very large antenna can be synthesized, with smaller antennas and complex data-processing equipment taking the place of mechanical structure. -i a) 0 I o c) tl' 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 2 2.1 2 III. Radio-Frequency Part of the System 2. 2 Intersite Coupling 2 2. 3 Digital Correlation and Data-Recording System 5 2.4 Construction 5 2. 5 System Tests 5 THEORY OF OPERATION AND METHOD OF DATA REDUCTION 9 3.1 Geometry 9 3. 2 Computation of Spectral Fringe Amplitude and Phase 10 3. 3 Fringe Amplitude and Phase for Continuum Sources 13 3. 4 Normalized Autocorrelation Functions and Power Spectra from the Digital Correlator 14 3. 5 System Calibration 15 3. 6 Distribution of Brightness Temperature and Source Positions from Fringe Amplitude and Phase 17 3. 7 Computer Programs 19 IV. INTERFEROMETER NOISE ANALYSIS 22 V. POLARIZATION ANALYSIS 29 VI. CONCLUSION 31 APPENDIX Fortran Statement of the Program 32 Acknowledgment 40 References 41 v I. INTRODUCTION The 120-ft antenna of the Haystack Microwave Research Facility and the 84-ft antenna of the Millstone Radar Facility used as an interferometer makes a powerful instrument for high resolution radiometric studies. 2250 ft along a line approximately 19 ° The antennas are separated by approximately East of North. This baseline gives a minimum fringe spacing of 54 seconds of arc at 18 cm and provides a good range of projected baseline for a wide range of declination. The convenient baseline, and the spectral processing equipment at Haystack make the system ideal for a study of OH emission regions that were unresolved with a single antenna. This report describes the design and theory of the interferometer. 1 II. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 2. 1 RADIO-FREQUENCY PART OF THE SYSTEM A block diagram of the Millstone receiver front end is shown in Fig. 1. Circular and linear polarization is obtained from a dual-mode horn whose output ports give vertical and horizontal polarization. Combination of vertical and horizontal signals through a hybrid complex give left- and right-circular polarization after correct adjustment of the phase lengths. The antenna output is amplified by a tunnel diode amplifier and then filtered to reject the image band. A ferrite switch is included for calibration measure- ments. In the normal interferometer mode the switch remains switched to the antenna A noise source is used for single antenna measurements and system temperature measurement. side. The local-oscillator signal is derived by phase-locking an oscillator to the sum or difference of a harmonic of 67 MHz and a signal whose frequency could be varied approxFor the OH emission measurements the 24 t h harmonic was selected. The output of the oscillator was filtered to attenuate any spurious signals that tend to be produced by the synchronizer. A block diagram of the local-oscillator system is imately 28 MHz. shown in Fig. 2. The mixer output is amplified by a 30-MHz amplifier with a 10-MHz bandwidth. A line driver then boosts the level to 100 Mw. The Haystack receiver front end did not require the line driver, owing to its proximity to the control room where the IF outputs are combined. Otherwise the Haystack front end is similar to that at Millstone. 2.2 INTERSITE COUPLING The intersite coupling of the radiometers involves the transmission of antennapointing commands to Millstone, remote control of the radiometer, transmission of the intermediate frequency to Haystack, and two-way coupling of the local-oscillator reference signals. To maintain good phase stability, the reference signals are transmitted along a servo-controlled line that nullifies line-length changes caused by temperature change and other effects. The transmission system also has to overcome a large line attenuation of 55 db for one-way transmission at 67 MHz. The selection of a lower basic frequency would have reduced attenuation but would have made phase-locking to L-band more difficult. A block diagram of the line servo is shown in Fig. 3. The 67-MHz reference signal is amplified to approximately 1 watt and transmitted to the line through a hybrid junction. At the receiving end of the line a portion of the signal is reflected. The reflected signal undergoes phase reversal with a 100-kHz rate as the diode switch modulates the reflection coefficient from + to - -. Very little of the 100-kHz modulation is passed into the 67-MHz amplifier, because of the isolation afforded by the hybrid tee. At the transmitting end, the reflected signal is 2 FERRITE DUAL HORN IF OUTPUT TO LINE I OOmW Fig. 1. Radio-frequency section of the Millstone Receiver. MHz 08 MHz Fig. 2. Local-oscillator system shown for the center of the band at 1666 MHz. 3 ___ ..____1_11111_1_1_·1__11__111111_11__11_- ·1. ·_- 28MHz OdBm MOTOR-DRIVEN 67MH I AMPLIFIER I POWER I 67MH r LIESTRETCER MIXER FAIER OUT REFLECTED SIGNAL -10 OdBm HEOUTIZER INTERSITE PHASE PDETECTOR ATAC WITC "HIN K REFERENCE SWIRN CHNMPOTERE GIN APE +WNI I T ELEOA;I1 SERVO AZM R 00 MRz SER O JLNE RIT I 5. Fig. Halso EVs I E LEF 67MWz 28MW POWER II | TRANMISO Mz||28MWz ±067 I TRANSMISSION REF I R I SYNTHESIZERT RIG 30M I AZMO SERVO ITI SWITCHING 11PE 5 . 4 H y ELEV AT ONE SERVOE I I -- Fig. itrermtr TA 300 t 1ERENCE TaJ,,~ ~~jcco kM2tn COPER l mixed with the 67-MHz reference signal and amplified. fier is proportional to cos cos 27ft, The output of the 100-kHz ampli- where f = 100 kHz, and 67-MHz signal after having traveled twice the line length. is the phase of the Multiplication of this sig- nal by the 100-kHz reference signal produces the necessary error signal from the servo loop. The high loop gain makes it possible for the line servo to maintain a con- stant electrical line length to within a small fraction of an inch. 2.3 DIGITAL-CORRELATION AND DATA-RECORDING SYSTEM The IF signals are either added or subtracted as shown in Fig. 4. signal is filtered and converted to video. The combined The autocorrelation function of the clipped and sampled video signal is taken with a digital correlator. Autocorrelation functions of the sum and difference signals are transferred alternately to a computer every 100 msec. The basic correlation period is 87. 5 msec. The system is blanked for 12. 5 msec while the data are being transferred to the U490 computer. Signal bandwidths of 4 MHz, 1. 2 MHz, 400 kHz, 120 kHz, and 40 kHz, can be analyzed by selecting appropriate filter and sampling frequencies. word for each of 100 delays. switching reference signal. An extra bit is used to indicate the state of the The autocorrelation functions, together with continuum data, bandwidth and correlator mode, are transferred to magnetic tape. in Fig. The autocorrelation function is a 16-bit binary and antenna command azimuth and elevation A block diagram of the whole system is shown 5. 2.4 CONSTRUCTION Figure 6 shows various sections of the interferometer equipment. front end is located at the primary focus of the antenna, The Millstone and the output of the tunnel diode amplifier is fed via a heliax cable to the equipment box on the azimuth deck. The mixer and the local-oscillator system are located in the equipment box, which is connected by the intersite cables to the radiometer box at the Haystack secondary focus. The phase combiner and digital correlator are located in the Haystack con- trol room from which both radiometers can be controlled by remote switching. 2.5 SYSTEM TESTS Single-antenna measurements were made to measure the aperture efficiencies. The antenna temperatures of Cassiopeia A were 160°K and 180°K, which indicated efficiencies of 40% and 25% for the Millstone and Haystack antennas, respectively. The very low efficiency for Haystack is attributed to feed losses and the flow of energy past the Cassegranian subreflector which is in the near field of the feed horn at 18 cm. The efficiency of Millstone is close to what one would expect after 5 1_1_·____1________1__________141111__ - ---· ·- - -(-- - (a ) Fig. 6. JD) (a) Control panel for the Millstone receiver. (b) Haystack receiver rack. 6 __ __ ______ .. rd (c) Fig. 6. (d) (c) Motor-driven line stretcher. (d) Lowering of Millstone subreflector to make way for a prime-focus feed. 7 _ _ _I _ _ _I _ _ I _11 -.1·11-111- ...Il_--il_-rl--Y11P-l---- -1_^11_^-·---·1_11O 111 11 )----·II - ------- ·----· - estimating the aperture blockage produced by the subreflector. For operation in the radiometric mode the Millstone subreflector was lowered to the vertex, as shown in Fig. 6d, to allow an L-band horn to be used at the primary focus. After checking the individual radiometers for linearity, bandpass, and lack of spurious signals, the system was checked for phase coherence and phase stability. The test arrangement is illustrated in Fig. 7. A signal from a test oscillator is connected to each radiometer individually and then simultaneously. When the oscillator is swept in frequency the bandpass is displayed when only one radiometer is connected to the When both radiometers are swept simultaneously fringes appear, because of the phase relationship between the radiometer outputs. The fringe spacing in Hz is oscillator. the reciprocal of the delay in seconds. Measurement of the fringe pattern and bandpass functions showed that the phase noise in the system produced less than 2% reduction in fringe amplitudes. The phase stability was better than 50' during 24 hours. Some of this shift may have been due to the measuring technique, as observations of continuum radio sources indicated better stability. SWEEP ATO OSCIL - 3000 X AIR PATH -20 dBm + MILLSTONE RECE IVER VARIABLE I ATTENUATOR RECEIVER tBANDWIDTH 400kHz FILTER BANDPASS SQUARE LAW DETECTOR CORRELATOR OSCILLOSCOPE FRINGES/ Fig. 7. Test arrangement for measuring phase coherence. The trombone section of the line servo in Fig. 6c was observed to move approximately 5 ft during the sunrise and sunset period when the temperature changed about 50 0 F. Finally, observations of unpolarized continuum radio sources with the interferometer confirmed the isolation between the two circular modes of the feeds to be better than 20 db. 8 III. THEORY OF OPERATION AND METHOD OF DATA REDUCTION 3. 1 GEOMETRY The interferometer geometry is shown in Fig. 8. are centered at Haystack. Azimuth and elevation coordinates r 1 is a fixed vector from the intersection of the azimuth axis and a horizontal plane through the elevation axis at Millstone to the intersection of the azimuth and elevation axes of Haystack. r 2 is the vector from the origin of r to the intersection of a line to the source through the vertex intersecting the elevation axis of Millstone; therefore, r 2 is the offset of the elevation axis of Millstone from its azimuth axis. A r 3 is a unit vector toward the apparent position of the source. If the source position is unknown, then r3 is in the direction of a reference position in the sky relative to which the source distribution is to be mapped. r1 = D sin EH iz + D cos EH sin AH r 2 = d sin AS ix + d cos AS iy ix + These vectors may be expressed as D cos EH cos AH iy (1) (Differences in zenith neglected) (2) (3) r 3 = sin E S iz + cos E S sin A S ix + cos E S cos A S iy. where D is the distance between Haystack and Millstone, d is the offset of the elevation axis from the azimuth axis for the Millstone antenna, AS and E S are the apparent iz (ZENITH) iy( - INTERSECTIONC AZIMUTH AND E AXES AT HAYSTA (EAST) Fig. 8. INTERSECTIO AZIMUTH AX HORIZONTA THROUGH EL AXIS AT MIL Interferometer geometry. - ELEVATION AXIS OF MILLSTONE azimuth and elevation of the source as seen from Haystack, and AH and EH are the azimuth and elevation of Haystack from Millstone in the Haystack coordinate system. The portion of the interferometer delay which is azimuth- and elevation-dependent is given by Tt = (l-r2) D =D sin E 'r3 sin E S S + D os E cos E cos (AA d cos E dcos E (4) 9 _ I I I_ 1 110111111111*1- -^11__1_._1--·-)11Ill(illli·LI-l· 1 IlI II - -II Since A S and E S is a function of time, so is Tt. 3. 2 COMPUTATION OF SPECTRAL FRINGE AMPLITUDE AND PHASE The signal from a point source is a plane wave that arrives at one antenna before The spectrum of the delayed signal is the same, but the frequency components the other. in the Fourier analysis of the signal are phase-shifted. power spectrum of the added signal is modulated. If the signals are added, the This can be seen in the following way: If we let x(t) be the received signal voltage, x() = x(t) e dt, (5) o0 then the Fourier transform of the delayed signal is +00 x(o) =' -ia)T 1 . X(t-ri) elt dt = e x(@). (6) The power spectra of the sum and difference of the signals with and without delay are S+(o) = Ix(o) 12 (2+2 cos WTi ) (7) 2 (2-2 cos coTi), (8) and S_() = x() where S+(w) and S_() tively. are the power spectra of the added and subtracted signals, respec- The phase that results from the interferometer delay Ti can be expressed as the sum of component phases, according to the following equation. CT i = (o+h))(Tt+Tj+T') = oTt + OTa + AC(T t+T ) + (9) OT', where the delay is decomposed into Tt (as given in Eq. 4), the geometric delay for a reference position in the sky, T, the delay in the cables and amplifiers, and T', the delay resulting from an offset of the point source from the reference point. The reference position is chosen to be the position toward which the main beams of the individual antennas are directed or the center of the region being mapped. coTt is called the reference phase, cooTI the instrumental phase, and A(Tt+TI) is a frequency-dependent phase. OT' is the phase developed, because of an offset of the point source from the reference phase. It is called the "fringe phase," since, in a complex source distribution, it is the phase of the Fourier component of the source distribution for the interferometer projected baseline at time t. offset. -2° is the center of the observed band, and -y is the frequency cwTt produces a fringe pattern in the sky, and is a function of time owing to the earth's motion. 10 Acrai produces fringes across the spectrum ence of the fringe pattern on frequency. or equivalently expresses the depend- When A i is small and there is only a fraction of a fringe over the analyzed spectrum, the interferometer is said to be in the "white fringe region," In a spectral interferometer it is only necessary to maintain the white-fringe condition over the resolution bandwidth, not the total bandwidth that is analyzed. Thus far, only a point source has been considered. If it is assumed that different points in the sky radiate independently, then the receiver power spectrum will be just the summation of power spectra from the individual points and the difference power spectra becomes SD(a) = S+(a)) - S_() = Xk() E 2 4 cos (T (10) i. k The only portion of xi which changes with the summation variable, k, is aTk. Using complex quantities, we have SD() = 12 4Re ixk() e 1 k 4 Re e xk(c) 2 eiT k e =Re A() where A(X) ;and caT'() i () ( 1) e are known as the fringe amplitude and phase. In summing over the elementary points that make up the source distribution, the resultant phase CT'(C) is a frequency-dependent quantity. The relation of these quantities to the brightness temperature distribution is discussed in section 3. 6. During one integration period, typically of 10 or 15 minutes, all of the phases except the reference phase wT o remain constant to a few degrees for a source distribution con- tained within a few minutes of arc from the reference position. Limits for the rate of change of fringe and reference phases for the Haystack-Millstone baseline are given by dw ot Tt < 1 radian sec -1 dt dwoT l dt dt dt. dt 0 (Phase-stable system) < -radians < 3 X 10 4 radians sec (minutes of arc displacement) 11 1 sec1 The average fringe amplitude and phase over the integration period are determined by making a least-squares fit of the spectral difference to a function given in Eq. 11. That is, we wish to minimize (SD, t(o)-a(o) cos (OoTt-b(w) sin o t)12) t where a(X) = A(w) cos (o rTI+A(To+ )+oT '()) (13) b(w) )+WTtI()) (14) = -A(w) sin (oo0 T+AO(To+T (t+T) Tt + 2 To (15) T = Integration period. (16) At At SD t(w) is the power spectrum difference for a time interval from t- 2 to t + 2t When the digital correlator is used, At = 200 msec. The reference phase change o( t- Tt) must be small for this fringe-filtering scheme to work satisfactorily; otherwise the fringes are smeared in the difference spectrum. The addition of a fre- quency offset in one of the local oscillators can obviate this problem, but this was unnecessary for the Haystack-Millstone interferometer. Minimizing the expression above, we obtain '() =RX(w) - PY(w)) QX(w) - RY() - with quadrant identification ) - X l (17) and y(w)(R 2+P2)+ X()(Q2+R2 -2Y(w) X(w) R(P+Q) 22 r (PQ-R) J A(X) (18) where X(a)) = SD, t() cos o'rt (19) SD,t() sin wort (20) t Y(o) = E t 12 P = cos Tt (21) CoTt (22) sin wo0T cos wo 0 t. (23) c t Q= sin t R = t The sine-cosine multiplications can be performed on the autocorrelation functions before taking a Fourier transform by interchanging the order of summation. In practice, this is done to save computation time. 3.3 FRINGE AMPLITUDE AND PHASE FOR CONTINUUM SOURCES For a continuum source T' is not a function of c and neither is the fringe amplitude A a function of o, provided the source spectrum is flat. Since determining spectral fringe phase and amplitude for a continuum source gives no additional information, and we would like to reduce the noise in the measurement by averaging over the bandwidth, it is desirable to modify the fringe filtering process. To do this, the least-squares fit is determined by summation over frequency in addition to time. E c (SD, t(c)-a cos ooTt-b sin oTt) 2 = minimum. (24) t Here we have used the following definitions: a = A cos ( oTI+A(T+T (25) )+T') (26) b = -A sin (OTI+AC(T+Tj)+COT') = tan1 () WT' (27) T Ys Xc (28) / (28) A where c EA )C~~~ ()cs^(O (29) ) W 13 I _ I ____1_1_··^ ·_1__________·__1___^lL_ll__·_ ·1_--111--Ll ·- ...-._-_.-_ .-11111111 _ - - --- I = E Y(o) sin oW(T+Tl) (30) XC = E X(X) COS aw(To+TI) (31) X(O) sin AO(TO+TL). (32) Y Xs = The exact expressions for A and small when analyzed. Wo(TVo+rI) wTy' involve a large number of terms that are very undergoes a change of a few radians over the bandwidth that is When a 1-bit correlator is used only the normalized power spectrum is obtained, so that it is impossible to obtain any fringe amplitude and phase information o+rI) is large enough to produce many fringes across the bandwidth. Note that if the summation over w is done first, then in the case of a white-fringe unless A( compensated system (O(T+T )<<l). the method is equivalent to a least-squares fit to the time-function output of an integrator preceded by a square-law detector and filter with a bandwidth of Aw/2rr 3.4 NORMALIZED AUTOCORRELATION FUNCTIONS AND POWER SPECTRA FROM THE DIGITAL CORRELATOR A Weinreb digital autocorrelator was used to obtain the fringe amplitude and phase information from the combined IF signals. 1 The normalized autocorrelation function correlation function bution for the signal p (T) p(T) is obtained from the clipped-signal auto- on the assumption of a Gaussian bivariate probability distri- 2 (33) p(T) = sin 2 PC(T). The difference of normalized autocorrelation functions for the added and subtracted IF signals is given within 1% for most signals in radio astronomy by Dk,t (Ak, t-Bk, t+100 msec)r A 1,t k=1, ... (34) 100. Ak, t and Bk, t (regarding positive signal as logical 1 and negative signal as logical 0) are the counter output numbers for the added a subtracted signals, respectively. The subscript k designates the delay number (1, ... 100 for the Haystack correlator). k = 1 corresponds to zero delay and consequently is just the number of samples in the integration period. This approximation to the clipping correction was made to save computer time. 14 _ __ ____ _____ ____I The normalized difference power spectrum is obtained by taking the Fourier transform 100 D,t() 1 Wk =+ 100 [2rrZ(i-1)(k-1l) 2E wkDkt Cos L 400 k=2 1 cos i=1, ... 200 (35) 7(k- 1) 100 (36) where wk is a cosine weighting function, and i is the frequency channel number. Usually only channels 21 to 181 are used, as these are limits where the bandpass function starts to drop. The frequency offset 2A is given by (i- 101)2TrBW ha = 160 ' (37) where BW is the bandwidth between channels 21 to 181, a quantity available to the U490 computer via the data coupler. The filter section before the correlator is designed so that channel 101 corresponds to 30. 0 MHz in the IF spectrum. The power spectrum is converted to a temperature scale by multiplying by the system temperature and dividing by the normalized power spectrum of the noise entering the clipper. This is an approximation that only holds for signal power much less than receiver noise power. The power spectrum obtained without knowledge of the signal power integrated over the bandwidth has a zero as the average value of the spectrum. The effect of this on the interferometer data is to produce an apparent fringe phase in portions of the spectrum where there is no signal. In practice, the effect is small, but it can be taken out of the data with a knowledge of the spectrum from single-antenna The exact expression for the difference spectrum in °K is given below. measurements. SBp(i) SDi)t(i) = Sn, t(i)(Ts+Rx,t( 0 ))- Sn,t,(i)(Ts+Rx,t,()) (38) - TS(Sn t(i)-Sn, t,(i)) (39) for Rx,t(i), Rx,t(i) 0, where SBp(i) is the bandpass function of the radiometer, Rx,t(0) and Rx t(O) are the signal temperatures at time t and t', respectively, averaged over the bandpass. Sn,t(i) and Sn t,(i) are the Fourier transforms of sin 2 c t(T), and Pct,(T). The approximation made to this expression only holds for continuum sources when there are many fringes across the bandwidth as we have mentioned. 3.5 SYSTEM CALIBRATION The normalized fringe amplitude of a point source or of one that is not resolved by the interferometer is defined to be one. If it is not possible to make measurements with 15 I_ _ _ _I _ _ zero spacing, it is necessary to calibrate the interferometer. There are two methods of calibration, both of which may be useful, the choice depending on the circumstances. The first method is to use measurements made with each antenna and radiometer indiThe individual radiometers are calibrated and the system temperatures meas- vidually. If the proportion of power from each radiometer is ured. B, then the radiometer signals added can be written 4_0- fA 4 1 S1 S (t)++ l (t ) ~B f nl~t)/TA n (t) + S 2 (t) + n 2 (t), (40) fT~A2 S 2 (t) - n 2 (t), SZ (41) 1 Si and the subtracted signals as -TA 1 Sl (t ) + F NfSi 7 n(t) - where Si(t) and S2(t) are the power-normalized signal time functions, and nl(t) and n 2 (t) are the power-normalized receiver noise time functions. Since nl(t) and n 2 (t) are uncor- related, TS (3+1) 2 (42) TS2 ' 1 51TS where T S is the over-all system temperature, TS1 is the system temperature of receiver 1, TS2 is the system temperature of receiver 2, and power level from receiver 1 =power level from receiver 2' With the system temperature defined in this manner, the fringe amplitude in K cor- responding to a normalized fringe amplitude of one (a point source) is 2- (43) NTA1lTA2 where TAl and TA2 are the individual antenna temperatures. normalized by dividing this expression. Fringe amplitudes can be In order to optimize the signal-to-system tem- perature ratio 4 ~/TA1TA2 4PSTS2TA , [+1 siTs2 the ratio3 is chosen so that p = 1, (44) or the power levels are weighted equally. When this is done the signal-to-system temperature ratio becomes 2 AlTA1TA2 TS1 TS2 16 The second calibration method involves no system parameters and no calibration noise sources. The procedure is to measure the power spectrum of the source from each antenna while keeping the other just off the source. the measurement. Loading switching is used to make [The phase switching may be stopped and the signals just added, since the phase switching clearly has no effect in this mode.] If the signal were originating from a point source, then the fringe amplitude would be {(S 1(W)+ A(a)) = = 4 S l (c0)S 2)) (o) 2 (c), where S(w) and S2(c) (46) are the spectra from each antenna, with load switching used. Fringe amplitudes can thus be normalized by dividing by 4 4S1 ()S 2 (). 3. 6 DISTRIBUTION OF BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE AND SOURCE POSITIONS FROM FRINGE AMPLITUDE AND PHASE The fringe amplitude and phase provide information on the source distribution. For a general spatial distribution of incident flux, under the assumption of statistical independence of the plane waves that make up the expansion, the brightness temperature distribution and complex fringe amplitude are related by the following transform pair Ak, (w) e SAk() ~ ek = 4i ST B(C x, y) e eikx eY dkd 4r =2 e JqG 1 (w, x, y)G2 (c, x,y) dxdy Gl(,x, y)G2(w, x,y) TB(o, ,y), (47) (48) where TB(O, x, y) is the brightness temperature at a point located at a distance x parallel to the direction of increasing Right Ascension and a distance y in Declination from the reference point. G 1 (c, x, y), G 2 (, x, y) are the antenna gains which may be taken outside the integral, in most instances, when the region mapped with the interferometer is much smaller than the beam patterns. k and are the spatial fringe frequencies and are the coordinates of the transform or fringe-amplitude plane. aYTt k- ax ' aOT't = ay (49) A plot of the coverage of the fringe-amplitude plane for the fixed-baseline Haystack/ Millstone interferometer is shown for several sources in Fig. 9. For a fixed baseline interferometer, t D {sin B so t that in 6s+Cos B cos 6S cos (Ls-LB)}, so that 17 (50) 6 k = N cos (51) B sin (LS-LB) = N sin 6B cos 6S- N cos 6B sin 6S cos (LS-LB) (52) where LS = Hour Angle of the source LB = Hour Angle of the baseline S = Declination of the source 6B = Declination of the baseline N = Number of wavelengths in the baseline. The brightness temperature can be obtained by taking the Fourier transform of the Unfortunately, a fixed-baseline interferometer fringe amplitude and phase function. N Fig. 9. Fringe-amplitude phase coverage for some OH sources. The limits shown are the observable limits. E w has a very limited fringe-amplitude plane coverage, so that the transform analysis is not always used. Instead, the fringe amplitude and phase of certain model distributions are noted and compared with the observed fringe amplitude and phase. the normalized fringe amplitude of a uniform disc of radius R is were JrS For example, fr) RiT/S where J1 is the first-order Bessel function, and S is the fringe spacing. 1 = k2 + S2 2. (53) The fringe phase for a disc is 18 WT' = DC [(sin 6B cos 6S) A6S+ (cos 6 B co R. A. A S sin (Ls-LB)) S (54) - (cos SBsin 6Scos (LS-LB)) as] where A6 S = offset in Declination of center from the reference position AR. A.S = offset in Right Ascension of center from the reference position D = length of baseline. The relations above are used to determine the position and effective source size limit when a source shows no amplitude variation with hour angle, other than that expected from the noise. The source position is determined by making a least-squares fit of the phases to an offset in position. Other distributions that have simple fringe amplitude and phase functions are a double source which is given by vector addition of the vectors representing the complex amplitudes for the two point sources, and circularly symmetric sources which have zero phase. 3.7 COMPUTER PROGRAMS Data processing for the Haystack-Millstone interferometer was done in two stages. First, a real-time data-processing program in the Univac-490 computer recorded autocorrelation functions on magnetic tape, together with timing and antenna pointing information, and provided a monitor on the operation of the system. The contents of this tape were then analyzed, at some later time, by a Fortran program on the CDC 3200 to derive fringe amplitude and phase. a. Real-Time Program For this experiment, the Haystack and Millstone antennas were controlled simul- taneously by the Haystack Pointing System 3 in the Univac 490 computer. includes an on-line spectral-line data-processing program, 4 The system which was modified to allow the recording of autocorrelation functions from the digital autocorrelator at the rate of 1000 15-bit words per second. This option may be requested by the observer via the console typewriter, and does not interfere with the normal functioning of the program. Interleaved with these data records were partial system data records, which contain command pointing angles (in both celestial and horizon coordinates), computed refraction corrections, and time. b. Fortran Fringe-Processing Program The tape written in real time was processed by using a Fortran program. 19 A --------- F L.61 --------- r ! . ---- ' --------- I . . ~~~~~~~~I I 1 E I S 2 I 2 --------- --- ------------ I I r r~ 1 I I I I 2 I I I 2 -- --- ----- . I ~~ I S I i I I I I I I I I I I I LINE PARAMETERS BASEL 2 ILENG1TM 1 A P 159-3 TAPE I~I I I 2 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . I I L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E. 1 . E A I i I 2 2 I I TI: I 2 2 I r I I--------- I .........- I I:i I I ~I~ Ia E II I .I II I II2LtI I I I I I 1 22 2 - * 2 : * O·e -2.72 ---1.2 ·i-----'-··-.2 1. E-2 · O O 2 O O I : ** I A II 1 I 2 I .1 I 3.1 i I 2 * G E O - 1. P t ' 2 2 A 2 I | [I I 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 i2 12 II I 2 2 2 A T I I I I III I I I I I IEL PiFlk I I 41.427 9285.627 STOP 19 27 STOP 321.905 k I II I I STOP 40.677 STOP 9574.690 46.006 TIRE lIE I 2N T I I I III C I ES I ISSI W.A, I ICA 6 * I I I 2 2 2I I 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 . I I I I I I I 2 I A 2 I rl.2 . *· 0 I 1 · ·* A 1 A . · lIE 12 2 I I TAPE 159-3 I I BASELINE PARAMETERS .ENGTW 2257.67 FEET 3823.44 WAVELENGTI 2 I i1 A A I 23 DEC I-~-~ 2…--. 9.1 … I I I I 1 . 5 I II 2 AI *AI I A A C/S [DEC I 1 . I A : I I 2 I A I…--·1----- I 7,1 4.1 … .04 0 61.7050 DES I I I2 CYCLES 66 A TWIDTH I · * 602 I I S I I. [ I 11 2VRIh EI I I 10 321.475 START E I I Ft DA 17 START IIAZ -I ........ · l I I ' I III I 7 …~--`· I……-~-~ I 5.1 4.1 I I[ I I ·I . 19 START [ES * *2 i2 I I · . . . - .I--TIR I A I I II I1 I I ... . - - . I- - 1665.7110 OCI/S UENY I I . I IEL ] I * 2 II 2 I 2 2 …-··- I… A.1 T II II I 1 I 2i I 2 II I 1 92 I i A I II 1 III 1I 2I2 I [ I 2 [2 2· 1 I· * : F R I 2 I i a DEG E I I ~~~~ ~~ I 3.ES RIDS DELAI PwASE IES? Z I : II A~: I { I I ( I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I i 2 I1 2 22 2 I 2 I I i I !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IITIrE TIMEISTART I I I I :~ l 1 I 2 I I I 2R [ i O I2 I I O r 19.0597 DESREES I III It I 2 I WAVELENGTH AT2I0 -0.E417 DEGREES , l I ~ I I FEET 3823.44 .... OTN [A.............I Z.... I.. I I I I I .'h''...l..........I.......... .I . I I I I I A E I I ~I 1 2 I II I ~I. . I III 93I I I I ~ I I I ~ ~~~I I EEES I ~~~~~~~~~~~I I I i [ :I~ 12i~ {2 I} I ---I I 1I r I rI I lI ( II I I I r I IT I 2I h i I I . I I I I I 4.0 .........- I I r~I Ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I i ..... J I I2 I ~~~ I Ii I .I II rIr I I I . I ~I ~~~~~~~I I ) I I . . I I I 2 2 . .. 21 2257.67 I ELEVATION i AZI -0.8417 DEGREES 19.0897 DEGREES UTA 3Sl50 RIDS Di'LAY 2 * ,ST PHASE II I [i I 2 2 I 00 I - 2 ! 0 I… 2 1 2 2 I22 2 I A I ' I 2 22 2 2 * I2 '2I 2 2 2 2 I · *2 I I 1.2 2 2 I2 . 22 2 ~ r 0 I2 2 2 2 I 2 2 A A A A A A 2 2 . .. * 2 2 1.' TIIME START 19 …2-.…II----2 1 2 2 I * A………2… I * 2 1665.711 I MC/S I 17 . . ---- I I 2 2j I 2 -- ------ I2 - -------- A 2 I . 2 .. 2 I 2 I START k EL START 41,E27 Pi START 9285.621 I I I I IRE T STOP A;I STOP ElL STOP I ILPFl . 2 2 2I 2 · 2 2 I ' ....... ....... }1.1 I I 2 I I I I I -1,81........ [ ....... A*I I .I 2 I 2 2 ------- 321.475 19 27 40.671 9574.69 46,001 1 I I l 4.1 1 2 I I I I 2 2 ...... · 5.1 A ............. .. 2 A 2 A A A 2 2 I 2 .............. . A r 1 ....... 7.1 TIME I..ATE I *IB d ISSES I I ......... I :CAL L I......... EC 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I [................ 8.1 9.1 a ANDIDTH I I .04 .A. 5 61.7050 I I I 1.OE 02 E 02 Fig. 10. High-speed printout of fringe amplitude and phase. 20 66 I$ MC, 0 I "2 I ICLES C 60 6 I I 11 321.909 STOP 1 IIT I 2 .I. .. 2 I II 10 2*Ai2 1. · · ·---------i 2 2 2 2 2 22 …`--·· ·0 I2 I 1 0 2 2 22 ·* I r 2 * 2· * 2 SDES 2FlAEGUENCY . 2I I FIRINGES I----- 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 t 1-~----- -- ----- ---i 2 2. i …2… … i ~~· I A.. * A * ? 0 I… I I I I I 2 2 2 . . i * * * 2 . * . 23 DEG 12 reference phase was computed by using the equation given in the section on interferometer geometry. The phase and amplitude were determined by the least-squares filtering technique discussed here. in Fig. 10. An example of the high-speed printout is shown The Fortran statement of the program is given in the appendix. 21 IV. INTERFEROMETER NOISE ANALYSIS The difference spectrum SD t( ) for a sample of length At is made up of Gaussian noise from the two receivers plus signal noise. The receiver noise waveforms are assumed to be uncorrelated, while the signal noise is correlated. SD, t() = A(X) cos +(c) +(X) oT cos WoTt - A(X) sin +(o) sin o t + Nt(,), (55) where = (56) + AW(Tt+) (Tt+'((). + After digital filtering for a time T, during which cos wovt goes through many cycles, X(w) = PA(X) cos +(M) + Z Nt(w) cos WoTt t Y(o) = since Z sin -QA(w) sin 4(w) + Z Nt sin COT t oVt cos W0Ot t } (57) Quantities defined in Eqs. 19-22 (58) 0. The signal and noise can be represented as the sum of two vectors R = A + N, (59) where A = A(X) cos (X) ix + A(c) sin +(w) Z Nt(o) sin Z Nt(w) cos ~Oo-Tt N = - iy i-P -t (60) %oTt iy Q (61) where IR is the estimate of fringe amplitude. The noise vector has uncorrelated components, since t Nt(w) cos t oTt N .L c c ±O t s Nt(w) sin r s Oot i n ot T oOTt (62) 0. Assume that Nt(w) Nt+At(w) = 0 and 2 cos ot sin wot = 0, which is a good approxit mation for long integration times. Nt(c) is a Gaussian random variable so that the components of N are independent Gaussian random variables with zero means and variances, 2 . Joint probability distribution of the components is (a 2x +a2) y! 20- 2 1 P(ax, ay) =Z e 2 (63) 22 where e (64) N I sinO (65) ax= |N| COS ay= so that (see Fig. 11) -2(67) 1<2 Fig. 11. Signal and noise vector. The variance a-2 can be computed from the variance of Nt(w) 2 2 Z Nt(O ) cos t cos 2 COoTt t) 2 At 2 Nt(w) a TS8 (68) / T1 where Af is the frequency resolution of the spectral measurement, (a) is a factor that normally is unity but equal to approximately 1. 3 when the Weinreb correlator is used for spectral measurement. The additional factor of 2 arises from the fact that the difference spectrum is obtained by subtraction of two independent spectra, with integration time At/2. The length of the noise vector has a Rayleigh distribution with mean 7 aT 2 4ZT a'J =S /2 a Z(69) as shown in Fig. 12. 23 each made 1z IL Probability distribution of the amplitude of the noise vector. Fig. 12. The rms deviation of the amplitude and phase of the estimator is easily computed only for large signal-to-noise ratios when INZ II12= IA 2 + (70 )) IRi IAI (71 and therefore 4aT 12) ( A rm ~ == NI I rms 2 2 OK (r -S (72) \1/2 sin2 0 12 = = IAI - radians, (73) A TfT where A is in °K. For any signal-to-noise ratio, 2 T rms = h~rms O (an INI sin 0 E1 y cos IAI + I Cos ; 2 a 2 2 e dedINI (74) which reduces to the expression above for large signal-to-noise ratios. ) / In practice, signals weaker than ( cannot be distinguished from the noise, and it is fairly reasonable to consider this to be the interferometer threshold. Figure 9, showing a plot of fringe spectral amplitude and phase, clearly illustrates the signifi- cance of the threshold. 24 The interferometer threshold can be reduced by using other schemes of processing. It will be shown that the system used here is a factor of 2 from optimum. The antenna signals for a point source can be considered for the purpose of this discussion. Signals from a more complex source are assumed to be the sum of uncorrelated components. The output of the two receivers can be written x(t) = A T S nl(t) S(t) + 1 y(t) = /A (75) 1 S(t+) + 4T 2 nz(t), (76) 2 where the function s is assumed to remain constant during the correlation time At. The spectrum of the receiver noise is assumed to be unity over the bandwidth considered. Spectral information is contained in the autocorrelation functions t' <x(t)X(t-T) > e- i H_ where S c T dT = TA S(o) + T (o) is the noise in the measurement. +T S (), (77) The angular brackets denote time 1 averaging over the integration period. Cross terms are omitted, under the assumption that the signal power is much less than the receiver noise. S () = 0 (78) 1 SnliM= 1 (79) where Af is the spectral resolution, and S 2 (co) is the variance of spectral measurement n1 derived under the assumption of Gaussian statistics for the noise. The information about t is contained in the crosscorrelation function, 2 <x(t)y(t-T) + TS TS > e dT = 2Z / A (Re Sn(W) + iIm Sn()), - io e S(A) (80) where the real and imaginary parts of the cross spectral function Sn(w) will be shown to be independent noise terms. The factor of 2 is introduced to make the signal equal to 2 a/ T are the average antenna temperatures over the bandwidth T T and T 1 A2 1 2 considered. That is, TA(o) 2r J--ob = . TAS( S(" 2r TA. TA 25 (81) The independence of Re S n(C) and Im S n() can be proved by showing them to be uncorrelated. Re Sn(w) Im Sn(o) (nl(t)n 2(t-T) = = SS (n l( ( nl(t')n2(t'-')) t)n l (t' ) )(n2(t-T)nZ(t'-T')) sin crT COS wT ddT' sin wTr cos w-Tr dTdT' 0. (82) To find the variance of Re Sn(o) and Im Sn(w), consider the variance of the terms in the spectrum of added noise i,' K(nl(t)+nz(t)) Sn(o ) ((nl(t-T)+n 2 (t-T)) e-iT dT + Sn2(c) + Re Sn(o) + i Im Sn(o) + Re Sn(c) - i Im S(). (83) t because adding the The variance of the spectral estimate for the added signal is uncorrelated Gaussian signals gives a Gaussian signal with twice the power. Var Thus (84) Re Sn(A)] -= Snl ()+Sn2(c)+Z Clearly, The individual terms are independent. S (o) and S (c) are independent. Sn (w)and Re S n(c) can be shown to be independent in the following manner. Re 5 n( n1 - ) n 1(t)nl(t-iT)) SS (nl(t)n2z(t'-T)) cOs Tr os Tr'dTdTr' it'nlZ(')n(t'-')) = SS ( (nl(t)nl(t-T)) + (nl(t)n (t')) (nl(t-T)n 2(t'-T')> + (nl(t)n2(t'-T')) (nl(t-T)n 2 (t'))) cos CyT COs T ddT' (85) = 0, since n and n 2 are independent. Var[Sn (c)+ S ()+ Therefore 2 Re Sn(c) = Var S () + Var S () + Var 2 Re Sn(o), (86) so that Var Re Sn(W) = 1 2fAt' (87) 26 ~0)~~~~~~~C § C Uc ~o 0 X (. U, -- I. UU *,( , d) C G l E EE c > 2e ) i ,O 0} 0) >,, CD ~ p, C L 0.0, E CN E "U E - >-0 H C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( H (N Co Q:. >' x ,v C) N CN 0) + I r.> 0 x +1 0) 0 x x 0)c, .Q C) E a) Se X -Iq X > D Vt..- _tEE . 98~~~~~~~~~~( E X x x x o 2 Cn 2 2E o c~) " 27 __III_1__ ·_l----l_^.pl I -·- ------- ·I^ The variance of Im Sn(w) is the same as the variance of Re Sn(w). by introducing 90 ° Then phase shift in x or y. 2 x(tfa)y(t-T)= 2i e-i e1 TA T = 2 dT This can be shown : (x(t)y(t-T' S(w) + 2TT ew e dT' (88) (-ImSn(o) + iRe Sn()) Ifthe crosscorrelation technique were applied to the signal from one antenna it would have an rms of N-times the rms for a total power radiometer. This is seen by setting 4 = 0, and considering only the real part of the transform. The signal is TA, and the TS . The factor of two is dropped for the signal, because of the 3 db lost A-fAt in the division of power to the two receivers. When crosscorrelation is used to deterrms noise mine TA TA S(w) e- i 2 1 and S(o), the signal vector is 2 has components 2 T T Re S () and 2T 2 4 _2 S TS c and the noise vector, which + ImSn(), each with variance t T 2 (from Eq. 72). The averaging or filtering thus has an rms deviation of N1Jf At of the crosscorrelation functions to take out the time-variant component (resulting from Wct the earth's rotation) of is accomplished by multiplying by e and summing. This is equivalent to the least-squares fit technique, but is much simpler, owing to the existence of the imaginary component. The crosscorrelation function contains all the fringe information and the best estimate of this function must be the optimum system. It might be questioned whether it is the optimum scheme when it is clear that even if we know the fringe phase in advance of the source position and want to estimate the source flux, the system has than a total power radiometer which is known to be optimum. I- more noise If measurements of flux are to be made, however, with a total power radiometer, half the observing time should be spent determining the receiver noise power. The increase of - in the noise of the crosscorrelation estimate is offset by the added information (receiver noise has been subtracted out) in the crosscorrelation function. Table 1 shows various interferometer detection schemes and their noise thresholds. should be noted. One disadvantage of crosscorrelation The spectral resolution obtainable with a crosscorrelator is half that of an autocorrelator with the same number of delays. The reason is that crosscorrelation functions are not symmetric, and require both positive and negative delays to extract the available information. 28 POLARIZATION ANALYSIS V. An interferometer can be used to analyze the polarization of a radio source. A complete set of polarizations can be obtained from the autocorrelation functions of two orthogonal polarizations plus the complex crosscorrelation function between the two For right, left, and two sets of linear equations, we have polarizations. ZSR(cO) = SH(O) + SV(w ) + 2 Im SH, V(O) (89) ZSL() (90) = SH(w) + Sv(o) - 2 Im SH, (91) + SV(w) + 2 Re SH,V(w) 2S 45 o (W) = SH() 2S_45o(W ) = SH() + SV(O ) - 2 Re SH,V(w) (92) where S(o) R(T) e- = (93) T dT. -oo These relations are derived from the autocorrelation functions. 0 4IT xR(t) = xH(t) + xv(t+9 ); For example, (94) therefore, 2R xR (T) = R x (T) + R x( xHxVR(-90) xx () + + R x(x (-T-90°) (95) and hence (96) 2SR(MO) = SH()) + Sv(O) + 2 Im SH, V(O). When both elements of the interferometer have the same polarization, the autocorrelation function is measured. For example, oo Rx dT = e (T-%) e (97) SV(w) When the interferometer is used with elements having orthogonal polarizations the crosscorrelation function is obtained but real and imaginary parts of the Fourier transform can only be separated from the fringe phase information by making measurements with polarizations exchanged. oo (T--) , -k(Rx TSH,=eV(+)m {Re V(W) + i Im (98) while +00 9 Rxx oo (T-0 RH( e e 1WT dT =Wo e, - fRe SH V(O) - i ImSH V(O)}. Vd= ) 29 (99) For an extended source, both of these measurements are required to obtain the polarization parameters over the source distribution. With the use of vertical and horizontal polarizations as an example, the Fourier transform of the fringe amplitude for vertical polarization yields the distribution of vertical polarization, and similarly for the horizontal polarization, while the distribution of right minus left and +45 ° polarization minus -45 ° polarization are given by the transform of the sum and difference of complex amplitudes made with one element of the interferometer vertical and the other horizontal, and vice versa. 30 VI. CONCLUSION This report shows that while a digital correlator (with phase switching), or a digital crosscorrelator, is useful for a spectral interferometer it also has many advantages when spectral information is not required. It is interesting to note that the optimum receiver system for making a radiometric map as a function of frequency and polarization, with two single-feed antennas used, consists of 4 receivers and 4 crosscorrelators: one receiver on each of the two orthogonal polarization ports of each antenna, and the crosscorrelators between pairs of receivers, one on each antenna. 31 _ _ II ICICI·_ _L _ __I__ __11 _11____1_ _· APPENDIX Fortran Statement of the Program 3200 (2.1) FORTRAN PROGRAM MILSTAK DIMENSION CT(400),WKlOO),F(241B),T(241B),ASUM(200) SC(3108). 1 PAR(238),NH(102) ,ISUM(2o,100.),AZS(6)TIME(6),ELS(6),PH(6), 2 PwREF(5),X(100),Y(100)XT(200)YT(20O),PHASE(200), 3 AMP(200),CPR(5),SPR(5),TITLE(/1),PA(80),ANS(lO),PHA(200), 4 LABELX(6),LABELY(8), KI(4),TIT(21) 5 INFO(364),PNH(lO2)bU(100),Z(100),TRANS(200),NHT(28)oCP(5),SP (5) COMMON ISUMS,DPHA,PHASE CHARACTER PA,PNH EQUIVALENCE (NN.PNH) INTEGER TITLEREPLYTITOT PIF=3.14i5926536 C C R=3.141592653/180. PEAD 1,DMIL,DBASELB,AZB 1 FORMAT(4F10.4) CER=COSF(ELB*R) SER=SINF(ELB*R) STORING TABLE FOR FOURIER TRANSFORM DO 78 I=1,400 78 CT(I)=COSF(2.*3.i41592653*( I-1)/400,) t'K IS WEIGHTING FUNCTION FOR ATOCORRELATION FUNCTIONS DO 17 Kl,100 17 WK(K)=.5+.5*COSF(C3,14159*¢K-1))/100.) 900 INUM=O WRITE(59,955) 955 FORMAT(37HNEW OUTPUT TAPE REQUIRES JUMP SW 2 ON) PAUSE ISRCH=3 99 CONTINUE GO TO (928,929) SSWTCHF(.2) 928 WRITE(59,930) 930 FORMAT(14HMOUNT NEW TAPE) PAUSE GO TO (961,929) SSWTCHF(2) 961 LND FILE 20 REWIND 20 929 CONTINUE INUM=INUM+1 DO 77 11,5 77 TIME(I);86400. DO 18 K,100 Y(K)O. tl ( K) O 18 )(K)O. IREP=O IMISCO IT=0 . PP=O. Q:0=O. RR=O. GO TO (3.3.119,184 ISRCH 32 -- - ---- ----- 184 ISRCH*2 GO TO 119 C READ INPUT PARAMETERS 119 WRITE(59,120) 120 FORMAT(28HTYPE T FOR CLIPPED TRANSFORM) READ(58P121) OT 121 FORMAT(A1) WRITE(59,101) 101 FORMAT(31H CENTER FREQUENCY IN MEGACYCLES) READ(58, 102)PA 102 FORMAT.80R1) CALL NUMIBERS(PA.80,ANS,NA) IF(NA ) i.03,104,103 103 FREO=ANS(NA) 104 WRITE(59,105) 105 FORMAT(47HINST PHASE IN DEGREES AND DELAY IN MICROSECONDS) READ(56106 )PA 106 FORMAT(80R1) CALL NUMBERS(PA8'O,ANS, NA) IF(NA)108,109,108 108 PINST=ANS(NA-1) DE AY=ANS(NA) 109 WRITE(59,110) FREQPINSTDELAY 110 FORMAT(4HFREQFl0.4,12HMC/S INST PH,F8.3*llH DEG DELAYF9.3,9H MI ICROSEC) WRITE(59,112) 112 FORMAT(5HTITLE) READ (58,113) TIT 113 FORMAT(14A4) IFtTIT EQo. 1H )123#124 124 DO 125 I1,21 125 TITLE(I)=TIT(I) 123 WRITE(59,114) 114 FORMAT(6H HAPPY) READ(53,115) REPLY 115 FORMAT(A2) IF(REPLY.EQ. 2HNO) 119,116 116 CONTINUE WC=FREQ*12.*2.5400 0506/2997929 W;WC*DBAS C C C C C C C C 3 CALL INFREAD(F,T,ASUM,SC,PAR,NH,MODENINTNBW, ISUMNC) NC -1 PARITY ERROR 0 END OF FILE 2 TITLE 1 GEO.RGEXS PROGRAM 3 PARTIAL SYSTEMS RECORDING 5 CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL 6 (AUTOCORRELATION FUNCTIONS) 6 NC=NC*2 GO TO (100,300,200,400,50000,00700,800,600) NC 600 GO TO 3 400 CALL ICVT(2,19,KI°l1) KI(l)KI(1)-1900 DO 401 1=1,28 401 NHT(I)=NH(I) GO TO 3 33 100 WRITE(59,199) 199 FORMAT(23H PARITY ERROR, PRESS GO) PAUSE GO TO SRCH 500 GO TO (3,534,529) 529 K;HOUR=PAR(3)/3600. NMIN(PAR(3)-NHOUR*3600,)/60. NSEC:PAR(3)-NHOUR*3600.-NMIN*60, WRITE(59,530) NHOUR#NMINNSEC 530 FORMAT(14,6H HOURSI4,4H MIN,I4*4H SEC) WRITE('59531) 531 FORMAT(33H TYPE 1 SKIP. 2 PROCESS, 3 REINIT) READ (58,532) ISRCH 532 FORMAT(I1) GO TO (3,534,119) SRCH 534 DO 501 L=1,5 =6-L AZS(M+1)=AZS(M) TIME(M+1)=TIME(M) ELS(H+)=ELS(M) 501 PH(M+1)=PH(M) SOURCE COORD C AZS(l)=P4R(1) ELS(1)=PAR(2)+PAR(4) TIME(1)=PAR(3) CES=COSF(ELS(1)) SES=SINF(ELS(1)) COMPUTE REFERENCE PHASE PH(I) C PH(1)=2.*3.141592653*WC*(DBAS*(SEB rSES*CEB*CES*COSF(AZS(1)-AZB*R)) 1 -DMIL*CES/12,) PASC=PAR(5) DECL=PAR(6) C0 TO 3 700 IF(MODE)3,701.3 701 PW=NBW PW=BW/1000, GO TO (702,3) SSWTOHF(5) 702 ISRCH=4 GO TO 99 C ********+t*********++6*+++ C C 800 GO TO (3,880,3)'ISRCH 880 IF(MODE)3,809,3 809 DO 802 1=2,6 IF(PAR(1)-86384,)803.3,3 803 IF(PAR(1)-TIME(I))802802818 802 CONTINUE GO TO 3 818 DO 816 J=1,4 IDIF=(PAR(J*l)-PARJ))*40.*,5 IF(IDIF"8) 817,816,817 817 IMISIMIS+1 816 CONTINUE DO 815 J=1,5 ,811 IF(ISUM(1,1,J))811 3 COMPUTE REF PHASE AT TIME DATA IS TAKEN C 811 PHREF(J)=PH(I)+(PHC(I-i)PH(I))*(PAR(J)TIME(I))/(TIMECI I)-TIMECI) 1) 34 SPR(J)=SINF(PHREF(J)) CPR(J)=COSF(PHREF(J)) PP=PP*CPR(J)**2 OQ=Q4*SPR(J)**2 PR=RR+CPR(J)*SPRCJ) 815 CONTINUE IT=ITI IF(IT-1) 806,807, 806 807 P1=PHREF(1) Ti=PAR( 1.) 1HI=PAR(1)/3600. IMI=(PAR(l)-IH1*3600)/60, ISl=PAR(1)-IH.l3600.IM *60 XINT=(PAR(1)-TIME(I))/(TIME(IC-TIME(I)) A1=(AZS(I)*(AZS(I-t)-AZS(I))*XINT)/R EI=(ELS(I)+(ELS(I-[)-ELS(I))*XINT)/R C SUM PRODUCTS OD AC FUNCS AND COSINE AND SINE OF PHASE 806 IF(OT E., 1HT) 840.841 840 DO 842 J=1,5 DO 842 K=1,100 842 U(K)=0. 841 DO 808 J=1,5 CP(J)=CPR(J)*PIE/ISUM(lfi,J) SP(J)=SPR(J)*PIE/ISUM(1,1,J) DO 808 K=1.100 DX:ISUM(1,K,J)-ISUM(2,KJ) X(K)=X(K)+DX*CP(J) 808 Y(K)=Y(K)*DX*SP(J) T2=PAR(5) A2=(A7S(I)+(AZS( I-)-AZS(I))*(PAR(5)-TIME(I))/(TIME(I-1)-TIME(I))) 1/R E2=(ELS(I)*(ELS(I-1)-ELS(I))*(PAR(5)-TIME(5))/(TIMECI-1)-TIME(I))) I/R GO TO 3 C *+* *w*****.** ******* ************* ***** ***~+*~+ C C 300 WRITE(59,301) 301 FORMAT(11HEND OF TAPE) REWIND 30 PAUSE GO TO 900 200 GO TO (279,204,279)ISRCH 279 ISRCH=3 GO TO 3 204 P2=PHREF(5) IH2=T2/3600. IM2=(T2,IH2*3600,)/60. C IS2=T2-IH2*3600-IM2*60 LOCAL HOUR ANGLE MH=PAR(5)/3600. YM=(PAR5i-MH*3600, )/60, MS:PAR(5)-MH*3600. MM*60, AZIM=(A2+A1)/2, ELEV= (E2+E1) /2. FR=(P2-P1)/(2.*3.1415926) DO 209 I=1,100 U(I)=U( I )/( IT*5, ) X(I)=X(I)/(IT*5, ) '209 Y(I)=Y(I)/(IT*5,; 35 -- *3 " -------- ·- · IIIIL- --- -- --- ----- - C COMPUTE FOURIER TRANSFORM DO 203 11,200 XT(I)=O. YT(I)=O, TRANS(I)DO. DO 203 K=2,100 N=(I'l)*(K-l)-((I-')*(K-l)/400)*400*1 TRANS(I) = 2.*U(K)*WK(K)*CT(N)*TRANS(l) XT(I)=2.,X(K)*WK(K)*CT(N)+XT(I) 203 YT(I)=2,*Y(K)*WKCK)*CT(N)+YT(l) DO 205 I=1,200 XNUM=RR*XT(I)PP*YT( I) XDEN=QQ*XT(I) -RR*YT(I) CALL ARCT(XNUM,XDEN,PHA(I)) TAU=(P2*P1)/(2.*FREQ)ODELAY*2.*3.14159 C SUBTRACT INSTRUMENTAL PHASE WHICH IS FREO DEP PHASE( I )=PHA( I )PINST.-I-101)TAU*BW/160. IF(PHASE(I))220,222,221 221 NUMB=(PHASE(I)*3.141592653)/(2,*3,141592653) GO TO 223 220 NUMB=(PHASE(I)-3.141592653)/(2,*3,141592653) 223 PHASE(I)=PHASE(I)/RaNUMB*360, 222 IF(PHA( I) )224,205,225 225 NUMB=(PHA(I)+3.141592653)/(2.*3.141592653) GO TO 227 224 NUMB=(PHA(I)-3.141592653)/(2.*3.1 4 159k 6 5 3) 227 PHA(I)=PHA(I)/R-NUMB*360, 205 AMP( I )=SRTF( (YT( I )**2 ) * ( RR*2PP**2)*(XT( I )**2)*(**2+RR**2 ) 1 2.*XT(I)*YT(I )*RR*PP*QQ) )*( I'*5, )/(PP*Q-R**2) C AVERAGE PHASE AND AMPLITUDE FOR CONTINUUM SOURCES YC=O. XC=O . YS=O . XS=O. DO 207 I=21,181 YC=YC*YT(I)*COSF((I101)*TAU*B6W/160 9 ) YS:YS*YT(I)S I NF ((I 11)*TAU*W/160) XC=XC*XT(I)*COSF((IC101)*TAU*BW/160,) 207 XS=XS*XT(I)*SINF((I1101)*TAU*BW/160,) XNUM=-YC-XS XDEN=XC-YS CALL ARCT(XNUM,XDENPCAL) PCAL=PCAL/R-P INST PAMP=SQRTF(OO*QQ*(YC+XC)**2*PP*PP*(XCSYS)**2)*IT*5./(PP*00*161.) C C C ***** ********************************************************** LIST ALL POWER SPECTRA ETC PRINT 286,( NHT(I),1=l,27) 286 FORMAT(1H1,3X,27A4,/) PRINT 949,(PNH(I), I:,405) 949 fORMAT(1X,135RIe/,i X,135R1/,X.135R1j/) GO TO (252,254) SSWTCHF(3) 254 PRINT 287 COSINE AUTOCORR 287 FORMAT( OX,66HF-REQUENCY 1 SUM AUTOCORR///) PRINT 289,(I,X(I),Y(I),U(I)1I:=,100) 289 F ORMAT(lOX, I4,3F20,7) PRINT 291 SINE AUTOCORR 36 I I I _ _ _ 2 IMIS,M*,MMMS,DECL 270 FORMAT(21A4,19H@ASELINE PARAMETERS,37X,6HLENGTH,FO,2,6H FEET,34X 1F166.2,12H WAVELENGTH,28X,9HELEVATION,F9.,,8H DEGREES,30X, 27HAZIMUTH,F11l.4,fH DEGREES,86X,5HDELAY,F18.3,5H MICS,28X, 310HINST PHASEF13.3,4H DEG,29X,9HFREQUENCYF14.4,5H MC/S.28X, 410HTIME START,314. 34X10OHAZ STARTF13,3,33X,0HEL START. 5F13.3,33X,lOHPH START,F3.3,35X,10HTIME STOP,314, 34X, 610HAZ STOP,F13.3J33X,lOHEL STOP#F3,3*33xlOHPH STOP, 7Fl3.333X,lOHFRINGES ,F13,3,33X,10HINT TIME *I10 .8H CYCLES, 856X,5HDATE 5X,314,34X,9HBANDWIDTH,F10.2,55H MC/S,32X,6HMISSES, 10, 940X,1OHLOCAL H.A,,3I4,34X,3HDEC,F12,4*4H DEG) C FLOT CSINE TRANSFORM CO TO(910,251) SSWTCHF(3) 251 CO TO (90i,262) SSWTCHF(1) 901 IF(INUi.)233,262,237 262 WRITE (59, 230) COS 230 FORMAT(29H SET FOURIER TRANSFORM LIMITS) FEAD(58,102)PA CALL NUMBERS(PA,80jANS,NA) IF(NA)232,233,232 232 XTMAX=ANS(NA-1) XTMIN=ANS(NA) 291 FORMAT(IH1,106H FREQUENCY COS TRANSFORM SIN TRANSFORM RAW P 1HASE FRINGE AMPLITUDE FRINGE PHASE SUM TRANSFORM//) PRINT 290,(I,XT(lI)YT(I),PHA¢I)AMP(I),PHASE(I),TRANS(I),1ul,200) 290 FORMAT( 5X,I4,6Ft6.4) GO TO 292 252 PRINT 293 293 FORMAT(20X, 93HNUMBER FRINGE AMP PHASE NUMBER FRINGE AM 1p PHASE NUMBER FRINGE AMP PWASE/) DO 294 I=1,53 J: I+20 K=I+73 LtI'127 FRINT 253,J,AMP(J).PHASE(J).KAMP(K),PHASECK),LAMP(L),PHASE(L) 253 FORMAT(14XI12,Fll4,FlOIl2Fll4FO.12,F11,1lI12,Fl.4,FO0.) 294 CONTINUE C OUTPUT TAPE WILL SPACE TO END OF FILE HARK OUTPUT 292 CALL SEFF(20) EACKSPACE 20 WRITE (20) U,X,Y,XTYT,TRANS,PNA,PHASEAMPKI Tl.T2 A2,A1,E2,E1, 1 FRITPCALAZB,ELBDBASFREOW;F,TASUMoSCPARNH,~WPINST, 2 TITLE.P1,P2,RASC,DECL END FILE 20 FACKSPACE 20 PRINT 984 984 FORMAT(////) PRINT 211,AZIM,ELEVPCAL,PAMP 211 FORMAT(lOX,12HMEAN AZIMUTH,F10.4,//10X,14HhEAN ELEVATION,F8,4//, 1 1nX,12HFRINGE PHASEFl0,4//,lOXo16HFRINGE AMPLITUDEF12.4.) C C C FNCODE VARIABLES WHICH APPEAR ON GRAPHS ENCODE(24,268,LABELX) 268 FORMAT(1OX,14HCHANNEL NUMBER) FW:ABSF(BW) FNCODE(1 4 56,270,INFO)TITLEDBASWELBAZB,DELAY,PINSTFREQ,IHl. IIMI,IS1,AEE1,PPIIH2,IM2IS2,A2oE2,P2#FRITokI(2)KI(3),KI(1),bW, 37 I-_I -·L__ I-I "I"U- ---I I--- --PC"- I·PLC-IIIII--^·1L_C. LL^I- -I 265 CALL LI'TS(1.10l.-1bU,1u. 3 DO 245 1=2,200,2 XX=I/2 YY=:PHASE(I) 245 CALL POINTS(XX,YY,1R*J1) CALL GRIDS(1l.,10,1,0.,-60.) FNCODE(16,285,LARELY) 285 FORMAT(4X,12HFRINGE PHASE) CALL LABELS(LABELX,6,LABELY,4) CALL GRAPHS(INFO,15,364,1) IF(IREP)906,267,906 267 IF(OT EQ. 1H )299272 272 '.RTTE (59, 273) 233 CALL LIMITS(l.,0ll XTMINXTMAX) rO 242 I=2,200,2 XX=I/2 YY=XT(I) 242 CALL POINTS(XX,YY,IR*,1) CALL GRIDS(1.,10.,XTMAX,-(XTMAX-XTMIN)/4.) ENCODE(16,269.LABELY) 269 FORMAT(16HCOSINE TRANSFORM) CALL LABELS(LABELX,6,LABELY,4) CALL GRAPHS(INFO,15,364,1) PLOT SINE TRANSFORM C CALL LMITS(1.,lOl0XTMINXTMAX) rO 243 1=2,200,2 SIN XX:I/2 243 280 C 910 902 264 235 236 237 244 282 C YY=YT(I) CALL POINTS(XX,YYIR*,1) CALL GRIDS(i.,10..XTMAX,-(XTMAX-XTMIN)/4.) ENCODE(14,28n, LABELY) FORMAT(14HSINE TRANSFORM) CALL LABELS(LABELX,6,LABELY,4) CALL GRAPHS(!NFO,15,364,1) IF(IREP)906,910,906 PLOT FRINGE AMPLITUDE C-O TO (902,264) SSWTCHF(1) IF(INUM-1)237,264,237 bRITE (59, 235) FORMAT(28H SET FRINGE AMPLITUDE LIMITS) PEAD(58,102)PA CALL NUMBERS(PA,80,ANSNA) IF(NA)236,237,236 AMAX=ANS(NA-1) AMIN=ANS(NA) AMIN#AMAX) CALL LIMITS(1. ,lo, rO 244 I=2,200,2 XX=I/2 YY=AMP(I) CALL POINTS(XXYY,1R*I) CALL GRIDS(1.,10.,AMAX,-(AMAX-AMIN)/4,) ENCODE(16,282,LABELY) FORMAT(16HFRINGE AMPLITUDE) CALL LABELS(LABELX,6#LABELY,4) CALL GRAPHS(INFO,15,364l) IF(IREP)299,265,299 PLOT FRINGF PHASE 38 AMP 273 FORMAT(25H SET POWER SPECTRA LIMITS) PEAD(5,1lO02)PA CALL NUMBERS(PA,80jANS,NA) IF(NA)274,275,274 274 TMAX=ANS(NA-1) TMIN=ANS(NA) 275 CALL LIMITS(1.,lO1,,TMINTMAX) DO 276 I=2,200,2 XX=1/2 YY=TRANS(I) 276 CALL POINTS(XX,YYR*,1) CALL GRIDS(.,10.,TMIN,-(TMAX'TMIN)/4) FNCODE(13,277,LABELY) 277 FORMAT(13HPOWER SPECTRA) CALL LA9ELS(LABELX,6,LABELY,4) CALL GRAPHS(INFO,15,364,1) 299 r-o TO (905.906) SSWTCHF(1) 905 ISRCN=2 GO TO 99 IREP:O,NO REPLOT,1 COS AND SIN TRANS, 2 COS AND SIN TRANS, C 3 FRINGE AMPLITUDE 4 SUM TRANSFORM C 906 WRITE (59, 295) 295 FORMAT(12H REPLOT lg4 ) READ(58,296) IREP 296 FORMAT(I1) IREP=IREP+l GO T0(261,262,262,264,267) IREP 261 CONTINUE WRITE (59, 969) 969 FORMAT( 41W JUMP SWITCH 1 ON FOR NON STOP PROCESSING) PAUSE GO TO (905,970) SSWTCHF(1) 970 WRITE (59, 278) 3 REINT AND SKIP, 4 REINT AND 278 FORMAT(63HTYPE 1 SKIP, 2 PROCESS 1PROCESS) READ(580297) ISRCH 297 FORMAT(I1) GO TO 99 END 3200 FORTRAN DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS - FOR ERRORS 39 _ ---------------· III·Il----.l----r. -r^--r^r^--r-------r---l - ^--------ru·-r----r_--r MILSTAK Acknowledgment The author is grateful to a large number of people who contributed to this work. J. M. Moran, Patricia P. Crowther, and J. A. Ball wrote the computer programs. G. M. Hyde, V. C. Pineo, and J. C. Carter provided engineering assistance. R. H. Erickson, R. Lewis, and D. C. Papa constructed much of the equipment. The author is particularly indebted to Pro- fessor Bernard F. Burke who initiated the project and provided much of the theoretical and practical knowledge. Finally, the author is indebted to Professor Alan H. Barrett for supervising this work as a portion of thesis research that is being undertaken at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 40 ---- --- I References 1. S. Weinreb, "A Digital Spectral Analysis Technique and Its Application to Radio Astronomy," Technical Report 412, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., August 30, 1963. 2. J. H. Van Vleck, Report No. 51, Radio Research Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., July 21, 1943. 3. F. E. Heart, A. A. Mathiasen, and P. D. Smith, "The Haystack Computer Control System," Technical Report 406, Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington, Mass., 27 October 1965. 4. G. H. Conant, "Radiometric Spectral-Line Processing in the Haystack Antenna Pointing System" (in preparation for publication). 41 I--I-LIUYW-I·PY*···"-rrrr-LILlli·CIl· -·IX--_I--·P--·····IC _ 1 ---·----1111111111PI(II · __ I I JOINT SERVICES ELECTRONICS PROGRAM REPORTS DISTRIBUTION LIST Department of Defense Dr. Edward M. Reilley Asst Director (Research) Ofc of Defense Res & Eng Department of Defense Washington, D.C. 20301 Colonel Kee AFRSTE Hqs. USAF Room ID-429, The Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20330 Office of Deputy Director (Research and Information Room 3D1037) Department of Defense The Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20301 Colonel A. 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Hancock, Director Electronic Systems Research Laboratory Purdue University Lafayette, Indiana 47907 Engineering and Mathematical Sciences Library University of California 405 Hilgrad Avenue Los Angeles, California 90024 1 _ _ _ JOINT SERVICES REPORTS DISTRIBUTION LIST (continued) Director Microwave Laboratory Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Emil Schafer Head Electronics Properties Info Center Hughes Aircraft Company Culver City, California 90230 -I----r--- ll--q -- ------·-·-·-C--.-L--slrrr-L--·XI^--· ---·----- --------r --- UNICLASSIFIED Security Classification 3ND PPSO 13152 DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA - R&D (Security classification of title, body of abstract and indexing annotation must be entered when the overall report is classified) 1. ORIGINATING ACTIVITY (Corporate author) 2a. REPORT SECURITY Research Laboratory of Electronics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts C LASSIFICATION Unclassified 2b GROUP None 3. REPORT TITLE The Haystack-Millstone Interferometer System 4. DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type of report and inclusive dates) Technical Report 5. AUTHOR(S) (Last name, first name, initial) Rogers, Alan E. E. 6. REPORT DATE 7a. TOTAL NO. OF PAGES Mnrch 15, 1967 9a. ORIGINATOR'S DA 28-043-AMC-02536(E) b. 1 60 CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. 8. 7b. NO. OF REFS 4 REPORT NUMBER(S) Technical Report 457 PROJECT NO. 200-14501-B31F 9 41 NASA Grant sG- 419 N sGGrant N NASA REPORT 9b. OTHER this report) N(S) (Any other numbere that may be assigned 10. AVAILABILITY/LIMITATION NOTICES Distribution of this report is unlimited. 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY Joint Services Electronics Program thru USAECOM, Fort Monmouth, N. J. 13. ABSTRACT The Haystack 120-ft antenna and the Millstone 84-ft antenna have been coupled together to form a radiometric interferometer. At 18-cm wavelength, which was chosen for a study of galactic OH emission, the interferometer has a minimum fringe spacing of 54 seconds of arc.The interferometer synthesizes a beam approximately equivalent to that of a 200.0-ft parabolic antenna and can measure positions to a small fraction of the fringe spacing. The interferometer uses a digital correlator to analyze the fringe amplitude and phase as a function of frequency. This enables mapping of spectral features. The design and construction are described, as well as the theory and method of data reduction. A noise analysis shows that the threshold level could be reduced by using more complex processing techniques. It is shown that for radiometric studies many of the capabilities of a very large antenna can be synthesized, with smaller antennas and complex data-processing equipment taking the place of mechanical structure. DD D D1 .... .^.____ __ JORM JAN 6 1473 4 1IA 0101 807 6800 UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification ......... .. . 11---------- LX--I I UIIU - - ·- 11 UNCLASSIFIED · ____ Security Classification . . 14. KEY WORDS LINK ROLE I A WT LINK ROLE B LINK WT ROLE C WT Radiometric interferometer Haystack Millstone Noise analysis Digital correlator Spectial line interferometer aperture synthesis Radio Astronomy Servo-controlled transmission line Microwave interferometer I m _ . pA~-.... _ D , o"v.. 1473 S/N ---- 0101-807-6821 I (BACK) I ......... I d UNC.T ,ASSIFTFn Security Classification A-31 409