41 Representation of Consonants in the Peripheral Auditory System: A Modeling Study of the Correspondence between Response Properties and Phonetic Features Richard Scott Goldhor Technical Report 505 February 1985 d at j ; ···· ore0 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research Laboratory of Electronics Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 /jy I Representation of Consonants in the Peripheral Auditory System: A Modeling Study of the Correspondence between Response Properties and Phonetic Features Richard Scott Goldhor Technical Report 505 February 1985 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research Laboratory of Electronics Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 This work has been supported in part by the National Science Foundation Grant MlCS 81-12899 II_ _II _ _ _ t I·I- 2 REPRESENTATION OF CONSONANTS IN THE PERIPHERAL AUDITORY SYSTEM: A MODELING STUDY OF THE CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN RESPONSE PROPERTIES AND PHONETIC FEATURES by RICHARD S. GOLDHOR Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science on February 1, 1985 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Bioelectrical Engineering. ABSTRACT This thesis describes a model of the peripheral auditory system, and discusses certain properties of its response to speech signals. The work was motivated by a theory regarding the role of the peripheral auditory system in the perception of speech. The theory is that the peripheral auditory system transforms speech signals into neural firing patterns with properties which correspond to the phonetic content of the signal. Whereas the phonetic features of speech are encoded in the acoustic waveform in complex and often undecipherable ways, this theory suggests that the representation of speech in the discharge patterns of the auditory nerve correspond in a more direct and straightforward manner to those underlying phonetic features. Two testable hypotheses are implied by this correspondence theory. The first is that cochlear transformations to speech signals result in auditory neural firing patterns whose apparent properties are significantly different from the apparent properties of the acoustic signal. The second is that particular properties of the neural response to speech reflect particular phonetic features of the stimulus. To test the correspondence theory a computer model of the peripheral auditory system was constructed. The model consists of three stages, each of which effects a transformation on the acoustic input signal. The spectral analysis stage -- "" --li·I " I*Lb-~-------- ABSTRACT 3 consists of a bank of filters whose characteristics reflect The transducthe frequency response of the basilar membrane. signal tion stage models the cochlea's transformation of rate. The adaptation neural firing intensity to expected stage produces a temporal transformation that mimics neural The output of the model adaptation to sustained stimulation. is the expected firing rate of a representative set of auditory fibers in response to the input signal. The hypotheses regarding auditory neural response are A number tested by studying the model's response to signals. of simple signals exhibiting speech-like spectral structure, onset and offset characteristics, and durational properties, are used to demonstrate the model's behavior and to test the Then two series of speech validity of the first hypothesis. stimuli, one of which spans the perceptual boundary between stop consonants and glides, and the other of which spans the boundary between voiced and unvoiced intervocalic stop consonants, are used to test the second hypothesis. The results tend to support the correspondence theory of They demonstrate that acoustic peripheral auditory function. patterns of speech-like signals are transformed by the peripheral auditory model into auditory patterns with quite difThey also show that certain perceptual ferent properties. judgements of the tested speech signals by human subjects conmodel's the of properties with measurable form closely These measurable properties correspond to changes response. in the overall expected firing rate in the mammalian auditory nerve in response to the speech signals. Thesis Supervisor: Kenneth N. Stevens Title: Lebel Professor of Electrical and Bioengineering 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is both pleasant and appropriate that this doctoral dissertation should end, and its with an acknowledgement of the many people I did not write this encompassed its creation. the writing of reading begin, whose support thesis alone. I acknowledge with deep gratitude the support, patience, wisdom, and encouragement of Prof. Kenneth Stevens, my thesis advisor. His support made it possible to begin this work, his faith sustained it through the difficult middle stages, and whatever is best and most true in the final result reflects His extraordinary qualities as a his insight and wisdom. speech scientist, teacher, and advisor made my doctoral studies a unique and wonderful experience. Both of my readers contributed in important ways to my Prof. Campbell Searle nurtured my education and research. enthusiasm, early interest in auditory modeling with his He was always available informed opinions, and good' ideas. Prof. and interested when I had a new wild idea to expound. Thomas Weiss taught me much of what I know about the auditory The precision, clarity, and thoroughness of his system. teaching, research, and writing is an inspiring example. I thank Christine Shadle and Stephanie Seneff, my fellow graduate students, for their support and encourgement. Among other things, each semester on the day we had to petition to be removed from the degree list they were kind enough to drown their sorrows with me over lunch. I thank Dr. Dennis Klatt for his advice on speech and I thank Marie Southwick and Keith signal processing issues. North, without whom life as we know it in the Speech Communication Group would be impossible, for their efficient and wilI thank Drs. Edith Maxwell, Karen ling help, and good cheer. Landahl, Patti Price, and Helen Simon for their kind permission to make use of the speech tokens and perceptual data disThanks to Dr. Price also for her cussed in Chapter Three. help wrestling alligators. - 7 1- .· ---- -. -.1-------·-·----·l··-·r·------ ------ II Acknowledgement 5 I thank Dr. Francis Ganong, Ray Kurzweil, and my many friends and colleagues at Kurzweil Applied Intelligence, for encouraging my studies and for believing for so long that I really would be done in another three months. I thank my parents for instilling in me, by their ple, an appreciation of the importance and honor of scholarly work. examdoing I thank my wife, Pamela, for her unstinting love and support during the long days and nights of my graduate education. That that work has been successfully completed is due in very large measure to her offering of time and attention to me and to our children, at some considerable cost to her own scholarOur children Lucy, Robbie, and Andrew have ly activities. I thank lived with this thing called a thesis for many years. them for their patience, and for celebrating its completion with us. This work was partially supported by an NSF grant, and by a C.J. Lebel Fellowship. ad majorem Dei gloriam t B ---- -- 6 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE Richard Scott Goldhor Champaign, Illinois. of the University of was born on March 26, 1951, in He attended the University High School Illinois, and received his undergraduate and graduate education at MIT. He earned a and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering in 1973, B.S. in physics and an M.S. and E.E. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science While at MIT he served as a member of the Medical in 1976. Advisory Board and the Committee on Educational Policy. From 1978 to 1983 he was the senior partner in a consulting firm, doing software development for speech synthesis and recognition systems. During 1980 and 1981 he was a Research Associate at MIT's Center for Policy Alternatives, where he studied and wrote about technology transfer between universities and industry. He is currently the Assistant Director of Research at Kurzweil Applied Intelligence, Inc. Mr. Goldhor is a member of Sigma Xi sional societies. He holds one patent. and numerous profes- PUBLICATIONS 1. 1983, "University-to-Industry Technology Transfer: A Case Study," 12(3). 2. 1983, Goldhor, R.S. and R.T. Lund, Research "A Speech Signal Processing System Based on a Peri- pheral Auditory Model," Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, Processing, 3. 1982, 1980, 1983 IEEE and Signal Boston. "Bringing up UNIX--One User's Experience," Software List, 4. Policy, 1(4); "University Transfer," Boston. The UNIX January-March 1982. to Industry Advanced Technology IEEE Engineering Management Conference, Biographical Note 7 5. 1976, "Bound and Quasibound States of Alkali-Rare Gas Molecules," GolPhor and Pritchard, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 64(3). 6. 1972, "A Scanned Infrared Light Beam Touch Entry System," Ebeling, Goldhor, and Johnson, Proceedings of the International Symposium of the Society for Information Display, San Fransisco. _ _ 1___ ___ PC 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................ 2 ......................................... 4 Biographical Note ...................................... 6 Table of Contents ....................................... 8 ......................................... 14 Abstract Acknowledgement List of Figures CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION: PERIPHERAL AUDITORY RESPONSE AND THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH .. 1.1 MOTIVATION AND OVERVIEW 1.2 THE ROLE OF PERIPHERAL AUDI TORY MODELS IN SPEECH ANALYSIS ................................. 27 1.3 THE NATURE OF PERIPHERAL AUDITORY RESPONSE 32 1.4 PERIPHERAL AUDITORY RESPONSE AND THE ISSUE OF INVARIANCE AND VARIABILITY IN SPEECH ...... TORY ODEL 21 IN ...... 39 ............... 43 CONSIDERATIONS IN CONSTRUCTING AND USING THE PERIPHERAL AUDITORY MODEL ....................... 46 IMPLEMENTATION 47 FIGURES AND FIGURE CAPTIONS FOR CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2: PAM: A PERIPHERAL AUDITORY MODEL 2.1 2.2 .................................. II 9 Table of Contents 2.3 THE PREPROCESSOR ............ 47 2.3.1 Signal Acquisition .......................... 47 2.3.2 Signal Preemphasis .......................... 48 2.4 THE PERIPHERAL AUDITORY MODEL 2.4.1 The Spectral Analysis Stage ................... 49 ................. 50 Characteristics of the Frequency Transformation ....................... 53 .... 57 ...................... 58 Implementation Issues Examples of The Filter Bank Response The Transduction Stage 50 ................... 2.4.2 Characteristics of the Amplitude Transformation .......................... 59 ..... 61 ...... 65 Selecting Values for the Transduction Parameters .............................. 71 Constructing the Transduction Model Analysis of the Transduction Model ................... 72 Implementation Issues Examples of the Transduction Stage ..................... ........... Response 73 ........................ 74 Characteristics of the Temporal Transformation .......................... 74 2.4.3 The Adaptation Stage _ .................... _I _I·__ _ 1_ Table of Contents The single time-constant model Analysis of the STCAM ............... 76 Selecting Values for the Circuit ............... Elements in the STCAM 78 Response of the STCAM to Simple ............................. Signals 78 The Multiple Time Constant Adaptation Model ................................... 82 ............... Analysis of the MTCAM Selecting Values for the Circuit ............... Elements in the MTCAM 88 Response of the MTCAM Circuit to ...................... Simple Signals 9 Implementation Issues Complete Example of the Adaptation ....................... Stage Response ................... POSTPROCESSORS: MEASURING PROPERTIES OF THE ................................... PAM RESPONSE 96 97 ....................... 99 2.5.2 Two Smoothing Filters 2.5.3 Averaging across Channels SOME OTHER AUDITORY MODELS 1_ 95 97 A Masking Detector _llq 84 .......................... 2.5.1 2.6 76 2.5 .......... _111 .................. ...................... 99 10 ___ II__ 11 Table of Contents CHAPTER 3: 3.1 PAM RESPONSE PATTERNS AND PHONETIC DISTINCTIONS INTRODUCTION: USING THE PAM TO STUDY PERCEPTUAL RESPONSES TO SPEECH 3.2 ...... 154 .............................. 154 .................. 155 .................... 157 ............................ 16g PAM Processing Procedure and Param................................... eters 161 ................... 162 ............ 165 .................... 167 ...................... 170 ..................... 171 .............................. 171 Background Experimental Procedure Results and Analysis The PAM Response PAM Response Patterns A Possible Auditory Analysis Statistical Analysis VOICED/UNVOICED EXPERIMENT 3. 3.1 1501 ..................... The original experiment ....... 154 3.2.2 ..... ........................... STOP/GLIDE EXPERIMENT 3.2.1 3.3 10 9 ............... FIGURES AND FIGURE CAPTIONS FOR CHAPTER 2 The original experiment Background Experimental Procedure . . t.. . . . .. .. . . 172 II I -- 1-- ·-·-1----·IIIII---·lllll(·-·II·XII l-C-_l. -- 1_1 .1-_--_111· - -- _- ---- Table of Contents 3.3.2 Analysis ............................... The PAM Response 3.4 12 174 ............................ 177 PAM Processing Procedure and Parameters .................................... 178 ................... 178 PAM Response Patterns A Possible Auditory Analysis ............ .......................... CONCLUSION 181 189 FIGURES AND FIGURE CAPTIONS FOR CHAPTER 3 .............. 193 CHAPTER 4: EXTENSIONS AND FURTHER EXPERIMENTS 4.1 EXTENSIONS TO THE PERIPHERAL AUDITORY MODEL 4. 1.1 Extending the Spectral Analysis 4. 1.2 Extending the Transduction Stage 4. 1.3 Extending the Adaptation Stage 4.2 Further Temporal Effects 240 .............. 246 ........... 246 .................... 247 ............... 247 ................ 250 "Slit-Split" Contrast The The "Shop-Chop" Contrast Speaking Rate, Auditory Response, and Phonetic Perception -- 1 El P"L-·.· ------ 237 ............ FURTHER AUDITORY PHONETIC EXPERIMENTS 4. 2.1 _ Stage 236 ..................... ------·--- ·· 11·1___-----_ ?51 13 Table of Contents 4.2.2 Further Investigations of Auditory Correlates tolVoicing in Stops ................... Auditory Correlates to Place of Articula- 4.2.3 tion in Stops ............................... FIGURES AND FIGURE CAPTIONS FOR CHAPTER 4 Bibliography ..................... ............... II I _____lll__sj___l________I______)_ 254 259 267 ..................... __ _j 252 I IC_1_ 14 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES FIGURES AND TABLES FOR CHAPTER 1: Figure 1.1 The human external, middle, and inner ear Figure 1.2 ....................................... The structure of the cochlea ............... 44 45 FIGURES AND TABLES FOR CHAPTER 2: Figure 2.1 Block diagram of preprocessor, PAM, and ............... 117 Magnitude of the frequency response of ..................... the preemphasis filter 118 postprocessor Figure 2.2 Figure 2.3 Block diagram of the Peripheral Auditory Model Figure 2.4 Table 2.1 Figure 2.5 Figure 2.6 ...................................... Graph of the magnitude of the frequency response of three adjacent PAM filter ............................... bank filters 120 List of center frequencies of the PAM ........................... bandpass filters 121 Gain and phase of even numbered PAM ....................... filter bank channels 122 Gain and phase of even numbered PAM filter bank channels _ ^ _ _11_11__ 119 ------ _1__11_------ -. ....................... _ _- 123 List of Figures and Tables Figure 2.7 Magnitude of frequency response of indi......................... 124 vidual PAM filters Figure 2.8 The composite frequency response of the ............................ 125 PAM filter bank Figure 2.9 Impulse response of PAM filter bank ........ 126 Figure 2.10 PAM filter bank response to two sine waves ................... ................... 127 Spectral slices of the PAM filter bank ................................... response 128 PAM transduction stage and its derivation ....................................... 129 ....... 131 ...................... 131 Figure 2.11 Figure 2.12 Figure 2.13 Four possible transduction functions Figure 2.14 DC transfer functions Figure 2.15 DC transfer functions for the four transduction functions shown in Figure ....................................... 2.13 132 PAM transduction stage response to two ................................. sine waves 133 Comparison of the PAM filter bank and ............... transduction stage responses 134 Figure 2.16 Figure 2.17 _ 15 .... 135 Figure 2.18 Single time constant adaptation circuit Figure 2.19 Response of the STCAM to a step onset and offset ..................................... 136 Figure 2.20 Demonstration of the constant incremental .......... gain characteristics of the STCAM _ I ____________1________1_1___111 137 II _ _ 1__5__11 List of Figures and Tables Figure 2.21 Figure 2.22 Figure 2.23 Figure 2.24 16 Origins of nonlinearities in the PAM response ................. .................. 138 Demonstration of forward masking in the responses of the STCAM ............ ......... 139 Another demonstration of masking phenomenom, and the effect of the intensity of the masking signal ................. 140 Multiple time constant adaptation circuit ....................................... 141 Figure 2.25 Adaptation circuit with two time constants ..................................... 142 Figure 2.26 Responses of the circuit shown in Figure 2.20 ....................................... 143 Response of the' MTCAM to signals with ramp onsets of various slope ............... 144 Effect of previous signal levels on the size of the response of the MTCAM to onsets and offsets ........................... 145 Figure 2.27 Figure 2.28 Figure 2.29 Demonstration of the dynamic range of the transient and steady state response of the MTCAM .............................. .... 146 Figure 2.30 PAM adaptation stage response to two sine waves ...................................... Figure 2.31 147 Comparison of the transduction stage response, and adaptation stage response at various times ........................... 148 Illl··CI·l--·-·-···--a----- __I I d( List of Figtires and Tables Figure 2.32 17 Masking postprocessor response to two sine wave test signal ............. ........ 149 FIGURES AND TABLES FOR CHAPTER 3: Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Table 3.1 Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4 Figure 3.5 Figure 3.6 Figure 3.7 Figure 3.8 Schematic diagram showing synthesis parameters of stimuli in STOP/GLIDE experiment ................................... 201 Waveforms of stimuli with rapid and slow onset times ...................... 202 Percent STOP judgements for each stimulus .............. .... 203 Percent stop judgements as a functi on of onset time ....................... 204 Boundary duration as a function of syllable duration .................... 205 PAM response to stimulus with 15 msiec onset and 299 msec duration ........ 206 PAM response to stimulus with 15 msiec onset and 87 msec duration ......... 207 PAM response to stimulus with 60 ms(ec onset and 299 msec duration ........ 208 PAM response to stimulus with 60 msiec onset and 87 msec duration ......... . Figure 3.9 _ I-·-----· ·----- . . . 209 PAM response to stimulus with 30 msec onset and 299 msec duration _ . ---I.---- ... t.......... 11- LI LBl________l___sS_Y___· 18 List of Figures and Tables Figure 3.10 Table 3.2 PAM response to stimulus with 30 msec on................... set and 87 msec duration 211 Location of onset and offset pulses in ......... smoothed composite response signal 212 ........... 213 Figure 3.11 Smoothed composite PAM responses Table 3.3 Summary of multiple regression analysis ......................... 214 of stop/glide data Figure 3.12 Phonetic boundary of the onset measure as ......... 215 a function of the offset measure Figure 3.13 Spectrograms of the four original "rabid" .......................... tokens ........... 216 Waveforms of stimuli with shortest and ........ longest closure and vowel durations 217 Audiograms of the two groups of sub...................................... jects 218 Figure 3.14 Figure 3.15 Figure 3.16 Percent of "p" responses .................... 219 Figure 3.17 Interpolated voiced/unvoiced phonetic ................................. boundaries 220 PAM response to stimulus with 160 msec .................. vowel and 35 msec closure 221 PAM response to stimulus with 160 msec ................. vowel and 125 msec closure 222 PAM response to stimulus with 220 msec .................. vowel and 35 msec closure 223 Figure 3.18 Figure 3.19 Figure 3.20 I _ _II i _1__1_____1_1_11_*___11··11---11 -- - I_--·-* II 19 List of Figures and Tables Figure 3.21 PAM response to stimulus with 220 msec ................. 224 vowel and 125 msec closure Figure 3.22 PAM response spectra of stop bursts Figure 3.23 Output of masking post-processor for stimulus with 160 msec vowel and 35 msec o-1 Figure 3.24 Figure 3.25 Figure 3.26 Figure 3.27 . Table 3.4 Figure 3.29 Output of masking post-processor for stimulus with 160 msec vowel and 125 msec closure ........................ 227 Output of masking post-processor for stimulus with 220 msec vowel and 35 msec closure ........................ 228 Output of masking post-processor for stimulus with 220 msec vowel and 125 msec closure ........................ 229 Three representations of a stimul us per.............. ceived as "rapid" 230 .. Figure 3.30 I_ _ _ .... Three representations of endpoint stimu............................. li 231 Linear fit of decline of masking during stop closure: "Young" analysis 232 Relationship between perceptual a nd masking boundaries: "Young" analysis 233 Linear fit of decline of masking during stop closure: "Old" analysis 234 Relationship between perceptual and mask............. ing boundaries: "Old" analysis 235 .e.e. Table 3.5 225 226 *... Figure 3.28 ........ _ ___ __ ..... I _ · ~I List of Figures and Tables FIGURES AND TABLES FOR CHAPTER 4: Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2 Schematic diagram of one channel of a channel vocoder system ............. ....... . . . . 261 262 Figure 4.3 Schematic diagram of a single channel of the proposed PAM phase vocoder-based transduction stage ......................... 263 Figure 4.4 PAM response to stimulus perceived as "split" .................................. 264 Three representations of "slit/split/slit" stimuli ............................... 265 Two representations of the spectral shape of the burst and second glottal pulse following voice onset for /ba/ and /da/ 266 Figure 4.5 Figure 4.6 · Slope of phase response of auditory fibers ...... .... ..... ...... ... IRI-·-b I1(·I L-- - · __ I --_ __ _ _ 1 _· 21 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION: PERIPHERAL AUDITORY RESPONSE AND THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH 1.1 MOTIVATION AND OVERVIEW This thesis describes a model of the peripheral auditory system (PAS), and discusses certain properties of its response to speech regarding signals. the role The of perception of speech. the the signal. encoded which Whereas in the pherable ways, in peripheral by auditory a system theory in the signals into correspond the to phonetic neural the firing patterns phonetic features of content speech of are acoustic waveform in complex and often undecithis terns with which correspond motivated It states that the peripheral auditory system transforms speech properties was This theory will be referred to as the correspondence theory. with study a theory suggests that speech is represented more underlying phonetic direct and features. It the discharge in the auditory nerve straightforward is pat- manner to the peripheral auditory system, and in particular the cochlea, that brings about this correspondence. The correspondence theory does not assign any phonetic detection or discrimination task to the PAS, nor does it imply that the PAS is especially "tuned" to speech, or ferently ~~I~ to ... ~ speech sounds I than to other ~1 sounds. reacts difRather, _~_1~~·11~~-_-- it Introduction 22 suggests that human speech has advantage of the characteristics system; and that the neural the basis for the takes developed in a way that of the peripheral auditory which form signal characteristics identification and discrimination of at least some phonetic contrasts are established by the PAS, and are apparent in the response patterns of the auditory nerve. The PAS effects the transformation between the representation of speech as an acoustic pressure argues that the form of important to speech perception as perception tions of relies on relationships that its is as and that speech and peculiar transformaprofiles, intensity acoustic transformation its nature, the particular shapes, spectral this and The correspondence representation as a neural firing pattern. theory wave signals undergo and as temporal they travel through the peripheral auditory system. From the correspondence point of theory to view states speech is different--representation than response which to attempt to signal alternative recognize of pattern that the a the as the peripheral auditory better--not merely acoustic speech. representations recognition, By waveform implication short term from such Fourier transforms and linear predictive encoding,t to the extent that they do not incorporate peripheral auditory transformations, are deficient as representations on which to attempt phonetic analysis. - -T --·· I .. That is, in the peripheral auditory representation ---..·3-1) ------ _______ Introduction 23 and discriminable, are more features phonetic represented in fewer dimensions, than they are in such alternative representations. The correspondence theory depends on two testable assumptions the apparent properties of acoustic and audi- regarding tory representations of speech. "Apparent" the literal sense of appearing, or visible. perties meant are appreciable, is used here in By apparent pro- surface-level features of a representation, or simple relationships between such features. The first assumption is that cochlear transformations of speech signals result in auditory neural firing patterns whose properties are significantly different from the properties of signals acoustic spectrogram-like or their analysis representation classical techniques. This is a by necessary, though not sufficient, condition for the correspondence theory to be true: clearly if the patterns of auditory neural response are insignificantly different from, say, the patterns of wideband spectrograms, the correspondence theory cannot be true in any important way. The second assumption is that particular properties of the neural representation of speech signals reflect particular phonetic features of the stimulus. If this were not true, then even though the PAS might radically transform the signal properties of speech, the decoding of phonetic _1_1_ information -·-------^_1_1_ Introduction 24 from the auditory nerve response would still appear to depend wholly on the activjity of the higher auditory centers brain. In that case, perhaps any peripheral representation of speech that did not actually delete the in the acoustic central signal nervous could be system. The information contained in interpreted equally well by the correspondence theory, on the other hand, implies that the PAS plays a substantial and vital part in the perception of speech. To test this theory a computer model auditory system was constructed. of the peripheral The model consists of three stages, each of which effects a transformation on the acoustic input of signal. filters response models whose of the expected The spectral the basilar rate. The that tained The stimulation. of a reflect membrane. transformation poral -transformation firing rate stage consists of a bank characteristics cochlea's firing analysis The of adaptation mimics the transduction signal stage neural set of stage intensity produces adaptation output of the model is representative frequency to a temto sus- the expected auditory neurons in described in response to the input signal. This Peripheral Chapter Two. Auditory The model is Model (PAM) is primarily based on published elec- trophysiological data of firing patterns observed in the auditory nerve. tic These data describe the neural response to acous- stimuli, 1_11 and _11_ the ways in which -- ---II._IC--lll neural firing patterns -------- )1/-1__·_·_11111_1_1_ __1_----·-- I-·---- 25 Introduction change and as function of the onset characteristics, duration, a Only intensity of the stimuli. those features of peri- pheral auditory response which were thought to play an essential role in the perception have been modeled. No of consonant-like attempt been made has reproduce all aspects of the peripheral as the speech to sounds accurately auditory system, such frequency response of the outer and middle ear, or the many nonlinear phenomena associated with the basilar membrane. PAM the Similarly, not is a physiologically be to intended valid model of the peripheral auditory system. The two hypotheses regarding nature the of auditory neural response are tested by studying the model's response to In Chapter Two a number of simple signals exhibiting signals. speech-like spectral structure, onset and offset characteristics, and durational properties, are used as stimuli to demonstrate the model's first behavior and The hypothesis. to test the validity of the of correspondence patterns of peri- pheral auditory response with patterns of phonetic perception is in demonstrated described response which Chapter relate measurable perceptual to patterns consonants and glides. boundary O span the stimuli between r voiced In and -----^-"- experiments properties judgments trasts elicited from human subjects. the speech Two Three. of of the phonetic PAM's con- In the first experiment, perceptual boundary between the second, unvoiced are the stimuli intervocalic stop span the stop con- Introduction 26 sonants. In both experiments it is shown that an analysis using a single measurable property of the output of the PAM can do as well as, or better than, a classic "trading relation" analysis based on such as two or onset more time measurable and acoustic syllable signal duration. properties Evidence is presented that two well known and very general properties of neural firing patterns, namely spontanteous firing in the absence of stimulation, and adaptation of mean firing rate in the presence of sustained stimulation, may play an important role in conforming peripheral auditory response to phonetic content. The results of correspondence these theory of experiments peripheral tend to auditory support function. the The results show that acoustic patterns of speech-like signals are transformed by the peripheral auditory model patterns with quite different properties. into auditory They also show that certain perceptual judgements of the tested speech signals by human subjects conform closely with measurable properties of the model's response. These measurable properties correspond to changes in the overall expected firing rate in the mam- malian auditory nerve in response to the speech signals. The final chapter discusses limitations of the peripheral auditory model, and suggests improvements that should enhance _ --PP 11 1·~_·~--__~-~- 27 Introduction list of known acoustic a also presents It studies. further phonetic effects for which perceptual data are available, and be would which interesting in re-analyze to auditory the domain. 1.2 THE ROLE OF PERIPHERAL AUDITORY MODELS IN SPEECH ANALYSIS study of The phonetics particularly true since the in invention et al., (Koenig spectrograph This has been for experimental data. on acoustic instruments 1946 This 1946). largely relied traditionally has of sound the instrument has proved to be of such remarkable utility and longevity that its particular form of output, the sound spectrogram, might almost Indeed, almost all dis- seem to show speech in its True Form. cussions of acoustic phonetics observable properties of on spectrograms: bursts, as speech descriptive as patterns terms, displayed formant peaks, stop gaps, voice bars, Even the advent of sophisticated computer-based and so forth. signal visual use, processing done surprisingly little systems has often to change the fundamental terms in which speech is discussed. A popular use of computers for speech analysis consists of the of production digital whose spectrograms characteristics are modeled after their analog predecessors. At the same signals has been analysis, 7a---- a. the time that accepted basis Rsa;l-xl-a for this as of representation the natural most models --.- of form speech acoustic for has --------. -- speech been -- the I- `---..-"1* Introduction 28 human speech production system. been advanced by such works Production-based analysis has as Fant's acoustic theories of vowel production the predictive LPC is of realm a of (LPC) has 1961). techniques, linear become based of analysis (Stevens et al., analysis computer-based encoding method Theory (1960) and research by Stevens and others on Speech Production In Acoustic on particularly the popular. representation of speech as the product of a linear time-varying system excited by a either or quasi-periodic reviews of LPC see Makhoul and Wolfe, 1972; (For source. random-noise or Rabiner and Schafer, 1978). These production-based models stantially successful teristics of waveforms. story. Although cant amount of speech have been sub- in predicting and analyzing the charac- speech only half the of This, however, spectrograms information about speech, encompasses reveal a signifi- they often display properties that are not perceptually relevant, while obscuring important, and perceptually clear, aspects of the speech signal 1982). (Klatt, The patterns of the spectrograph the speech patterns which humans hear. form different spectrographic Speech patterns may are not signals which sound the same to human listeners, and other signals which appear imperceptibly different on the spectrogram remains true may that elicit speech, is It through the response patterns of the peripheral auditory sys- _ I·_ I only phonetic responses. __I_ _ different perceived C__I __-_IIIYX-·LIIZ·i---F·- Introduction Given our current represents minus 30 of of ignorance, the auditory a regioni of manageable complexity. the secondary state auditory fibers nerve branch out in the nerve From the ter- cochlear nucleus in many directions to both within the CN and to other auditory nuclei (CN) locations in the brain. In addition to these ascending (afferent) fibers, a variety of descending creating (efferent) complex fibers feedback terminate loops. To in the further of response nerve. response patterns patterns, exhibited by much the less the fibers with a uniform neurons nucleus, complicate situation, the central auditory system contains variety CN in than the the auditory Thus the auditory nerve represents a pathway of rela- tive simplicity before the so-far overwhelming complexity of CNS interconnection. (This is not the PAS. On the to say that contrary, no the feedback circuits PAS is well efferent fibers originating higher up in the exist supplied nervous in with system. Since almost all auditory nerve studies have been performed on anesthetized animals whose state prevents the efferent audi- tory neurons from firing, little is known about the role these fibers, and the feedback loops they support, might play in the normal perception of speech.) A fourth reason to study the output of many of the transformations that take the place PAS there is that are the result of non-neural processes: most prominently the frequency - """I---- -I------------- Introduction 29 tem. It is through this system, consisting of the outer, mid- dle, and inner ear, that some transformation of the acoustic pressure waves of speech sounds reach the central nervous system. In particular, it is through the firing patterns of neu- rons in the auditory nerve that the CNS receives all information about the speech signal of its it must interpret. Any information that is not somehow encoded in that auditory firing pattern is, ipso facto, first reason for directing not perceivable. attention some This is the it to the PAS: is the input to the auditory perceptual system of the brain. The second reason for attending to the patterns of auditory neural response has to do with experimental practicality: the response patterns Using micropipettes variety of animals directly record terminate on auditory of the implanted in (most commonly the firings of sensory cells the nerve are auditory cats), it is representative located accessible. nerve of possible neurons within the a to that cochlea. Through the pioneering work of such researchers as Kiang and his associates (Kiang, Watanabe, electophysiological Thomas, and Clark, 1965), measurements have become relatively rou- tine, and an extensive amount of data regarding the discharge patterns of single auditory neurons to a wide variety of both non-speech and speech-like stimuli are now available. There is a third reason why the auditory nerve is an attractive place to study auditory response to speech stimuli. i·- 1 ----- CII---·I(·IIL·. _ 1---------- 1__11 31 Introduction response of the and middle outer ear, macro- and micro- the mechanical properties of the basilar membrane, While cells. receptor the of properties trochemical and the elecit is in the speech sig- clear that further radical transformations take place in the central nervous system, these transfor- nal mations may be expected to differ in kind from the transformations observable in the PAS. An important of understanding is deafness whose due problems clinical of but sensory direct adequate unless characteristics to to restore electrical models an hearing to people cochlea. stimulation of The the are being steadily over- of peripheral the of from signals in the in the loss cochlear implants auditory nerve via come, ability result of speech representation the is the auditory nerve that may potential benefit the signal auditory processing system are developed, the resulting auditory sensations will continue to be highly artificial, and of little use in understanding speech. A final reason to focus on the response patterns of is PAS that there is no evidence to suggest that the PAS in man is specialized for the perception of speech. of the characteristics fundamental Indeed, most of PAS response appear to be qualitatively similar for a wide range of mammals. investigation help answer of the the the role question Thus an of the PAS in speech perception can of the extent to which speech _1 lo 32 Introduction depends perception mechanisms, perceptual speech-specific on auditory and to what extent it is carried out by more general mechanisms. In addition, of course, any aspect of speech per- ception that depends on the peripheral auditory system is certo tain be language auditory response can help separate pheral studying Therefore independent. peri-- indepen- language dent from language dependent aspects of speech perception. THE NATURE OF PERIPHERAL AUDITORY RESPONSE 1.3 This section contains a review of the major structures of peripheral the transformation contribute to the auditory neural the and system, auditory ways in which they stimulation into of acoustic The contribution of some of these response. structures to peripheral auditory response is well represented in the PAM. or Other structures are represented less precisely, not at all. The degree of representation in the PAM will be mentioned in the discussion below. Figure 1.1 and middle, inner ear. Acoustic funneled through the outer ear pressure to the linkage stapes with cochlea. filled __ ossicles of these a As a cavities piston-like result, the in are set of the cochlea. ··L-·-CL -___..+-·l-L------ air are -- I. The mechan- base-plate the oval traveling waves and membranes outer, eardrum, where they are drives motion in waves converted into motion of the middle ear ossicles. ical the structure of the anatomical shows of the window of the up in fluid- The resulting 33 Introduction motion of the cochlear membranes stimulate sensory cells ener(the eighth cranial nerve), which vated by the auditory nerve of centers auditory higher the to information carries the brain. of acoustic free-field things, other Among the for (see, signal Shaw, example, enhance selectively pinnae frequency between the ear speech Mellert, and (Mehrgardt outer for range sound be can signals: For 1977). source and the head modeled as a the mid- roughly 2 in frequencies enhance canal ear linear a fixed of the the 1974). high- The concha frequency sounds originating in front of the head. and of amplification direction-dependent and frequency- are primarily ones ear of the outer The transformations to high7 to KHz orientation listener, time-invariant the filter with roughly bandpass characteristics. The middle ear also acts frequencies as a bandpass in the range of 200 enhancing to 200 Hz (Zwislocki, 1975). action of the ossicular in the A nonlinear element is present filter, muscles, which contract in response to loud (approximately 8 dB SL) reducing thereby sounds, through the ossicular chain. to action serves tially damaging this protect levels reflex plays an the the of transfer Presumably this acoustic reflex delicate of stimulation. important role in inner It ear is -_I___-----·-·----------·-·---·· from poten- unlikely that acoustic intensity levels typical of conversational speech. ________ pressure response at II Introduction 34 The transformations of the outer and middle represented in the PAM in a principled way. 6 dB/octave roll-off of voiced Instead, a simple speech sounds reflex of the ossicular The acoustic quency. not used to counteract the filter is first-difference preemphasis ear are at high muscles fre- is not represented at all. Sound waves to the a in results transferred of motion piston-like vestibule are the the inner in the oval window of the stapes cochlea. vibratory to The resulting of pattern surrounding the scala media, fluid motion including ear in via the displacement structures the the basilar membrane. This sequence of events is shown schematically in Figure 1.2A, where the cross sectional duct coclear is shown of structure more detail in Figure 1.2B. of the basilar membrane the cochlea membrane to its respond vibration. This apex, as the an unrolled cochlear is shown The in Because the width and flaccidity steadily increases different points to preferentially structural duct tube. from the base of along different variation the basilar frequencies provides the of primary frequency analysis of the peripheral auditory system. The PAM equivalent to the frequency analysis of the basilar membrane is a filter bank with 2 channels, roughly corresponding to 20 equally-spaced locations along the basilar membrane. Although the basilar membrane exhibits a number of nonlinear effects, it is not known how important those effects ---_I - - - - - -1----I--I_-· 11Ow ____ Introduction 35 The PAM filter bank is com- are to the perception of speech. pletely linear. The sensory organ- of the auditory system in the organ of on the medial surface of the basilar membrane. Corti, mounted Figure 1.2C shows the structure of this organ, three cells. in of outer hair rows These cells surface of each rod-like cilia. acoustic its of these transducer turn, each through which causes can be cells the of electrochemical measured as rows the upper of stiff haircell body drags scala media, causing the This in the angular displacement, changes changes are changes rocks in response to rigidly-attached fluid into from Emerging potential. cilia to pivot about their base. in motion As the basilar membrane stimuli, cilia transduce mechanical electrical internal single row of inner hair and cells including its within the haircell, the haircell receptor potential. The PAM contains a very simple model to electrical transduction. The model of this mechanical is a minimal model, in the sense that it simply posits a smooth monotonic saturating nonlinear the DC transfer driven by plicity of the I and model, of output, ·I---. of various amplitude. it displays haircell behaviour ·- and and derives function of such a transduction device sine waves characteristics nature input relationship between of at rate-level this least I-----------------3 Despite the simfour important relationships. transduction when model will The be - -II- Introduction 36 discussed at length in Chapter Two. Each inner haircell of the organ of Corti is innervated by as many as a dozen- or more afferent auditory nerve fibers. The outer haircells efferent fibers. are innervated almost exclusively by Since a particular afferent fiber terminates at the base of only a single haircell on the basilar membrane, each fiber is frequencies, brane Each is preferentially and the reflected channel of expected firing haircell located stimulated by a single frequency analysis of the in the firings of the PAM rate of an afferent at one of twenty is the intended range of basilar mem- auditory to be fiber neurons. a model of terminating equally spaced the at a locations along the basilar membrane. Neural transmitters function firings by of the are generated by the release of neuro- an inner haircell. The rate of release is receptor in potential the haircell, and a is reflected in the firing rate of the afferent neurons terminating at that haircell. Little is known about the role of outer haircells and efferent neurons in mammalian auditory systems. Art and Fettiplace (1984) have strong stimulation of efferent central nervous system seems shown that, fibers at to result in the turtle, their origins in the in elevated auditory thresholds and a broadening of the frequency response of associated afferent fibers. _ _-_ __ I ____sC_____III_·LI___-------11--·111^ _I _ 1_1 II_ _ 37 Introduction electrical spike-like random, are firings Neural discharges, and can be described using the statistics of point to the quasi-periodic changes responses These neural events. in the internal potential of the haircell (caused by acoustic the short term stimulation) can be characterized in two ways: average number of firings for a given level of stimulation, and the temporal distribution of those firings relative to the phase of the stimulation. be used to study an in response to discharges of neural Post stimulus time (PST) histograms the effect of stimulus parameters, such as both intensity, and duration, on frequency, can stimulus acoustic rate average the of firing and the temporal characteristics of the response. Some of the more obvious response (for rate include: different correlated of range; longed in stimulation. in represented spontaneous of absence threshold of a increased; is of the average firing rates stimulation; a response as the limited dynamic in firing rate at high stimulus intensifiring of adaptation an of the the stimulation a saturation and ties; range in neurons) variation intensity a characteristics All the PAM, of and rate these will be in to response phenomena discussed are in prowell detail in Chapter Two. The limited saturation stimulus in dynamic the firing intensities I-^- - range of rate of below those -I·I-. · neural many auditory typically - firings, found and neurons in the at speech, lo Introduction have 38 led many researchers particularly of vowels, rate (see, for to doubt that spectral information, can be adequately encoded instance, Sachs and Young, 1979). in An attrac- tive alternative makes use of the synchrony of neural to a particular phase of the firing firings stimulating acoustic wave. Neu- rons terminating at locations along the basilar membrane that respond preferentially to frequencies below about 3 KHz show a statistical preference for firing during a particular phase of basilar membrane motion. This preference can ultimately be traced to a non-symmetrical relationship between the orientation of cilia haircell displacement receptor above 3 KHz. and potential. the This resulting preference change is in not the seen possibly because of capacitive low-pass filter- ing effects in the haircell. A variety proposed and 1981, 1984b; of generalized implemented (Young Seneff, 1985). tory response data synchrony shows and measures Sachs, have 1979; been Delgutte, Applying these measures to audi- that the degree of phase synchrony increases as a function of stimulus intensity, beginning below the threshold beyond the saturated. of increased intensity at It has been firing which shown rate, and expected that the continuing well firing spectra rate of vowels has is well represented by such synchrony measures, albeit with significant differences models _ I of auditory -- · ·- from acoustic spectra. synchrony · ·-- · ·--- P--····----·--·I are It is clear that important, ___.___ and _111 active 39 Introduction research continues. The PAM does not model That aspect auditory synchrony. of auditory response was omitted from the model, which is primarily intended to model temporal response patterns resulting from the of stimulation PAS by sounds. consonant-like Such sounds often include substantial high frequency energy, typi- sounds, shape and and prominent less have cally are characterized by abrupt amplitude. However, a changes strategy vowel-like than peaks spectral in spectral expanding the for PAM to include neural synchrony, and other methods of increasing the effective dynamic range of the model, are discussed in Chapter Four. appropriate for These extensions would make the PAM more investigating peripheral auditory response to vowels. 1.4 PERIPHERAL AUDITORY RESPONSE AND THE ISSUE OF INVARIANCE AND VARIABILITY IN SPEECH The relationship between phonetic features and observable properties of the speech of acoustic phonetics. signal is a major issue in the study One theory of speech perception--the theory of acoustic invariance--states that phonetic perception depends on the detection by the auditory system of invariant properties in the acoustic signal of a speech segment (Stevens and Blumstein, 1981), properties which are directly related to the distinctive features which combine to specify the identity --------- -- ------11111111··C-·-··-·3···1141·llrll · - - ..I---.-·--------111----- ------·------ r-------- --_-----r--Pi lo Introduction 40 of a word. However, despite decades of work aimed at articulating a "unified theory" of the acoustics and phonetics of speech, it is still difficult in many cases to explain the way in which the features distinctive which the phonetic percep- describe tion of speech are encoded into measurable properties speech waveform: ments such as using acoustic instru- properties observable the spectrograph. On of the the contrary, acoustic- phonetic studies have shown that, if such invariant properties do exist, they at least do not correspond to discrete attri- traditional time- butes in located frequency-amplitude Acoustic onset properties rate or particular regions representations such duration as of of of formant bursts, the acoustic frequency or etc., not do signal. amplitude, represent invariant correlates of phonetic features. Therefore any invariant correlates must take the more properties complex of the acoustic signal, for instance, the place and manner of articula- tion affects the entire spectral tion of shape, as well as the evolu- that shape throughout some interval of time. become clear that many, and perhaps contrasts, consonants, such as or the tinuant consonants, _ presumably In the case spread over particular time and frequency ranges. of consonants, form of the all, Iistinctive phonetic contrast between contrast between are It has voiced continuant affected by the and and unvoiced noncon- relative strengths of _.___ I r Introduction 41 several--sometimes many--acoustic properties. voicing, been for instance, identified (Edwards, 1981). which over In the case of a dozen acoustic properties have are salient to stop recognition Much work has been dedicated to cataloging and studying the nature of these "trading relationships." The transformations of the peripheral auditory system are of particular interest in light of the difficulty of identifying acoustic correlates of phonetic features. arises, what are the auditory correlates in speech? be Are there auditory identified with phonetic The question of phonetic identity response properties which features? These questions, can and investigations into the nature of auditory response to speech, suggest a new point of view on variability in speech. theory of auditory the issue of invariance This point of view might be invariance, and and called a could be summarized in the following steps: _____ 1. invariant phonetic perception develops from variable speech signals as the result of transformations which occur to the signals as they travel through the peripheral and central auditory systems; 2. these transformations result in neural response patterns which correspond to the phonetic pattern of linguistic information in the signal; 3. these "correlating transformations" may well different points in the auditory system for occur at different 1 Introduction 42 phonetic features; 4. the proper qu4stion is not so much whether invariance exists, but where in the auditory system the "correlating transformations" are located for each phonetic feature. To what extent do the transformations of the peripheral auditory system serve as the "correlating transformations" out of which invariant phonetic perception emerges? This represents a first step in answering that question. _ ____ ----- - . --1-1 thesis 43 FIGURE CAPTIONS FOR CHAPTER 1 FIGURE 1.1 The human external, middle, and inner ear. From Moore and Lindsey and Norman (1972), by permission. (1982) FIGURE 1.2 The structure of the cochlea. From Pickles (1982), by permission. A: The cochlea shown as an unrolled tube. Acoustic stimulation results in vibration of the stapes in the oval window. This vibration sets up traveling waves in the basilar membrane and the other structures which surround the scala media. The afferent B: A cross-sectional view of the cochlear duct. fibers of the auditory nerve terminate at haircells in the organ of Corti, which sits on the basilar membrane. Almost all of the C: A detailed view of the organ of Corti. afferent fibers of the auditory nerve terminate on inner hairThe cilia of these haircells project into the scala cells. media, and may touch the tectorial membrane. - -· ----III--LC · --·CIIP*- I FIGURE 1.1 44 It 0 05 __ __I 1_1 Isls__ _1II FIGURE 1.2 A fl% B C cftcukr lamnt CIl (rod of cort,) ---- ------ 45 I 46 CHAPTER 2 PAM: A PERIPHERAL AUDITORY MODEL 2.1 CONSIDERATIONS IN AUDITORY MODEL CONSTRUCTING AND USING THE PERIPHERAL This chapter describes a model of the peripheral auditory system. The reproduces model, some of malian auditory First, it does which the system. not nor of the central the activity Second, it the focuses be referred to as the PAM, response characteristics of the mam- The include ear, of will PAM is a model limited of the auditory system. inner ear, and in two outer and ways. middle The PAM only models the auditory on a limited number of phenomena nerve. in these parts of the auditory system. In the normally experiments described used in in this thesis the PAM is conjunction with a preprocessor and a post- processor that take the place of, and perhaps in a primitive way imitate, the parts of the auditory system that precede and follow the inner ear. quency shaper to A preprocessing filter acts as assist in the alignment of speech within the limited amplitude "window" of the PAM. postprocessing out filters pick A certaint properties response patterns of the PAM so that they can be more examined. This distinction is shown in Figure 2.1. a fre- spectra set of of the easily Whereas the characteristics of the PAM are based on psychoacoustic and _II _ _ II_ I__Pl____s______l_______mCUllnLIIIIT _________·_________IIXI···--·-··-··- C PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model the 47 characteristics physiological data, processor are the result of of experimental the pre- and post- necessity or tion. The preprocessor is a typical speech processing but at least one of and ventional, the postprocessors hopefully somewhat is based on invenfilter, an uncon- treatment provocative, of the PAM output. 2.2 IMPLEMENTATION The PAM has been implemented as C language. The programs a use make set of programs of a general in signal the pro- cessing package called SigPak, and have been implemented under The execution of the PAM two operating systems, UNIX and VMS. programs, and the them, was carried acquisition out of the signals used to test on a variety of general purpose comput- ers, including a PDP-11/60, a VAX-11/750, and an LSI-11/23. 2.3 THE PREPROCESSOR Signal Acquisition 2.3.1 The speech digitized from in signals described analog tapes or precision 12,987 Hz. signals sample values, thesis synthesized (1980) speech synthesis program. bit this The and a digital were using low-pass filtered at 6.4 sampling KHz, Klatt signals have frequency (sample period of 77.000 microseconds). were the either using 14 of The analog a Rockland 11 PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 752A programmable elliptic 48 filter with a frequency response that falls off at 115 dB/octave above the cut-off frequency. 2.3.2 Signal Preemphasis Before being submitted to normally preprocessed by a high the PAM, speech signals are frequency preemphasis filter. The input-output equation of the filter is: y(n) = Gain * (x(n) - x(n-l)/Zero) where x(i) and y(i) are the i'th input and output samples, and Gain and Zero are adjustable parameters. This filter has the system function: H(z) = Gain * (1.0 - 1.0/(Zero*z)) The magnitude of the shown in Figure 2.2, frequency response of this filter for Gain = 0.78 and Zero = 0.80. is As can be seen, this filter gives a gentle boost to mid and high frequency components of the input signal. The magnitude of the frequency response at 100 Hz, which is the center frequency of channel 1 in the PAM, is 20 dB less than the magnitude of the frequency response at 6400 Hz, which is of channel 20 in the PAM. was the center frequency The use of this preemphasis filter found necessary to compensate for the 6 dB/octave inten- sity loss in typical speech signals, combined with the limited - ~- - --- -- ~-----7~~~~Ir-' ---- PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model dynamic range of the PAM. 49 (As will be seen, the high fre- quency channels of the the PAM provide an inherent 6 dB/octave boost to high frequency broadband signals filters' increasingly wide bandwidths. in order to keep the higher of the The additional amplif- ication of this preprocessor is required range because in the mid frequency formants of many voiced speech signals within the dynamic range window of the PAM.) 2.4 THE PERIPHERAL AUDITORY MODEL The components of the peripheral auditory model are shown in Figure 2.3. The input to the PAM is a preprocessed signal representing the waveform of a speech oval window of the cochlea. 20 filter-bank-like (or other) sound at the The output of the PAM is a set of signal channels. Each channel models the expected firing rate of a representative auditory neuron. The neurons represented by the PAM channels have identical tuning characteristics, The 20 equally auditory thresholds, channels spaced correspond intervals neurons, the 20 and to along spontaneous neurons the channels within different frequency bands, firing terminating basilar respond frequency of a particular channel response of the to signal IIC 20 Like energy centered at equal intervals The frequency roughly corresponds auditory system to the to the channel's center frequency, as derived from psychoacoustic data. _I_ at membrane. along the Bark frequency scale (Zwicker, 1961). response rates. I 50 PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model As shown in Figure 2.3, the PAM consists of three stages. Each stage effects a transformation on the speech signal: the spectral produces stage amplitude an a produces transformation frequency transduction the analysis; frequency cochlear a to similar stage analysis the models that transformation ear's conversion of signal intensity to average neural firing rate; and the adaptation stage produces a temporal transformaThe intent tion that mimics neural adaptation to stimulation. is in this model to reproduce a few selected characteristics response of the peripheral auditory system, which were of the considered most important in determining the PAS's response to consonantal could be stage in (Chapter sounds. expanded.) detail, The Four following discusses how this model discuss will sections each and specify the auditory phenomena that are being modeled. The Spectral Analysis Stage 2.4.1 The bank, spectral analysis with bandpass cochlear-like stage filter consists of a characteristics frequency mapping. Twenty filter linear that filters a produce are used to cover the frequency range of DC to approximately 6500 Hz. Characteristics of the Frequency Transformation The PAM bandpass derived are filter spacings and frequency responses from psychophysical data. The magnitude _.__ _ I __ _C_____II__I___C·_IJ1l___l_1lslll··) __ of the _1_1 _ssY PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 51 frequency response of three adjacent filters are shown in Figure 2.4. 1. The important features of these filters are: Center frequencies occur at approximately integral values of frequency in Bark. This places each filter at approximately one critical bandwidth from its neighbors on both sides. Table 2.1 lists the center frequencies of these filters in Hz and Bark. As can be seen, 1 Bark intervals correspond to approximately equal intervals below 1KHz, and to 1/6th octave intervals for frequencies above 1 KHz. Note that the number of channels that have been used (20) is not based on auditory data: mammalian cochleas contain several thousand inner hair cells, each with a different characteristic frequency. The number of channels was choosen to minimize computational complexity while maintaining a reasonably smooth composite frequency response between 10 and 6000 Hz. 2. The 3dB bandwidth of each filter is 1 Bark, or one critical bandwidth (Zwicker, 1961). This corresponds to a center frequency to 3 dB bandwidth ratio of 6 for filters with center frequencies above 1 KHz. 3. The tops of the filters are parabolic for gain measured in dB, corresponding to the Gaussian-shaped (for gain measured on a linear scale) masking curves measured by Patterson (1976). 4. The low frequency filter skirts fall off at 10 dB/Bark, and the high frequency skirts fall off at 25 dB/Bark. For frequencies above 1200 Hz or so, this corresponds to 60 dB/octave and 150 dB/octave respectively. For frequencies below 1000 Hz, 30 dB/octave and 60 dB/octave are typical values for low and high frequency skirts. These skirt characteristics are derived from masking data (Zwicker, 1970). 5. The phase response of the filters is linear in Hz, with a group delay which is identical across all channels. This choice of a linear phase characteristic is very close to PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 52 that reported by Pfeiffer and Kim (1975), who measured the phase and amplitude response of populations of auditory neurons as a function of their characteristic frequency. Their phase responses come very close to being linear in Hz, with a slope that is a function of characteristic frequency. Equalizing the slopes is equivalent to adjusting the group delay so that the peak response to bursts occurs at the same time in all channels. Figures 2.5 and 2.6 present two different views of the phase and magnitude components of the frequency responses of evennumbered channels. 6. The gain at each filter's center frequency is equal to one. Since the bandwidth increases linearly with center frequency (in Hz), channels with center frequencies above 1 KHz have an effective 6 dB/octave preemphasis for wide band signals. Figure 2.7 shows the magnitude of the frequency response of the individual filters, and Figure 2.8 shows the composite frequency response, both with and without the preemphasis filter. 7. Since the bandwidth of the filters is a function of center frequency (for filters above 1 KHz), high frequency filters provide good temporal resolution at the expense of spectral resolution, while low frequency filters provide good spectral resolution at the expense of temporal resolution. The temporal resolution of the filters can be inferred from Figure 2.9, which shows the magnitude of the impulse response of each filter. As Searle (1979) and Klatt (1979) point out, the auditory variation in temporal and frequency resolution produces conditions favorable for formant tracking at low frequencies and good temporal resolution at high frequencies. The frequency response of the band pass filters is based on psychophysical masking data rather data--that is, neural tuning curves such a Kiang _ (1965). _ The psychophysical 1_1 than physiological those presented by shapes were used because of _11- PAM: A their data Peripheral Auditory Model 53 greater simplicity and uniformity. that the Bark frequency scale It is is from masking derived. One Bark corresponds to one critical bandwidth of masking noise, beyond which increasing bandwidth no effectiveness of a masking This critical bandwidth low, and is frequency generally scale longer serves to increase the signal on a pure-tone test signal. is wider at high frequencies than at assumed reflecting to the correspond change of to a "natural" characteristic response frequency with position along the basilar membrane. Because most of the post-processing used in these experiments involves recombining all of the PAM channels, unlikely that any of the results reported here depend exact shape of the PAM filters. it is on the On the other hand, both basi- lar membrane and auditory fiber tuning curves exhibit a sensitive, sharply-tuned "tip" (Kiang, 1965; Khanna and Leonard, 1982) that could provide a much greater frequency selectivity than psychophysical masking curves indicate. This frequency selectivity might well be important to model in any investigation of the auditory response properties of vowels. Implementation Issues Throughout the frequency transformation stage, the fol- lowing conversion formula was used to convert from Hz to Bark: X = H * 0.01; = 1.5 + H * ____ __lj14*C___l_____ll .007; for H <= 500.0. for 500.0 < H <= 1200.0 Ii PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model = -32.6 + 6.0 * Here X is a particular corresponding all values frequency of H, and 54 for 1200.0 < H logl 1 (H); frequency in Hz. in Bark, This formula deviates from and its which differs deviation from is less than Zwicker's is the is continuous Zwicker's Schroeder's values by more tabular for values Throughout this (1961) by less than 3% between DC and 10 KHz. range H formula than 5% (1979) for fre- quencies less than 200 Hz or more than 7 KHz. Another of the advantage formula is that it provides an explicit center-frequency-to-bandwidth ratio of 6 to 1 at high for frequencies filters, like ours, have that 1 Bark bandwidths. Each bandpass by convolving signal. The quency filter the channel's impulse response, were calculated calculated in the from the impulse impulse response whose filter bank was was magnitude response phase specifications response was with calculated and from and the the input fre- characteristics presented windowed implemented above. The smoothed with a 256 point Hamming window before being used for filtering. The frequency band between DC and 6493.5 Hz (sampling rate of 12987 divided by 2) was spanned using a 256 point DFT. result, the phase and magnitude of the As a of each center ---·--L···---····-·11-ilill - _ of the filters was specified frequency response every 5.7 Hz. frequencies of the 20 channels were adjusted to The fall on I _____l_______l_^_a_______m__sr_·Dll PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 55 multiples of this frequency. The magnitude of the frequency response of each PAM bandpass filter can be expressed analytically as a function of distance from the center frequency of the channel. lytic expression is independent quency is measured in Bark. in and dB, the of skirts: the number when With frequency in Bark magnitude function has straight channel The ana- low and gain a symmetric parabolic frequency skirt fre- rises top, at 10 dB/Bark, and the high frequency skirt falls at 25 dB/Bark. In the PAM, values below -60 dB were approximated as straight skirts were zero. fitted smoothly to the parabolic center. As a function of DelX, distance in Bark from the center quency, the The fre- filter attenuation in dB was calculated using the following formula: A = -1.92 + 10.0 * = -12.0 - 25.0 * (DelX + 0.4); for DelX <= (DelX - for 1.0 1.0); = -12.0 * DelX * DelX; The phase of the filter can distance trast also from with be the the frequency expressed center for -0.4 < DelX < 1.0 response of each PAM bandpass analytically frequency magnitude -0.4 <= DelX of the function, the as a function of channel. phase In con- function is independent of channel number when frequency is represented in Hz. With frequency in Hz, the phase function is linear: as a function of DelF, distance in Hz from the center the phase is calculated using the following formula: frequency, I PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 56 P = -PI * DelF / (SamplingRate / DFTSize) this choice of slope provides a group delay equal to 1/2 size of the impulse response: 128 samples, or 9.856 the msecs. This means that the peak response to an impulse occurs in all channels at a delay of one half the width of the impulse response, as evident in Figure 2.9. The impulse response of each PAM using the following procedure. phase around functions. the unit Then a was calculated First, the value of the fre- quency response of each channel was spaced points channel calculated at 256 equally circle high-pass from filter the magnitude and was simulated by setting to zero the DC and 50.7 Hz magnitude components of the frequency response of each channel. A 256-point complex impulse response was then calculated for each channel using an inverse DFT, as follows: I(n) = H(n) * (sum (for i = 0 to 255) of T(n, i)) T(n, i) = F(i) * W(i*n) where I(n) is the n'th sample of the impulse response, H(n) is the n'th coefficient of a 256-point Hamming window, the i'th complex DFT coeffecient, is is the value of a point on the unit circle in the complex plane, at an angle of (-2*pi*k/256) I, numbers. radians. Figure 2.9 the PAM filter bank I and W(k) F(i) _jl I_ _ I_ _I shows T, F, and the resulting W are impulse all complex response of (not including the high frequency preem- _ _ _ _a__U___P____·_al___ PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 57 phasis of the preprocessing stage). The PAM filter bank itself is implemented by convolving the input signal to the PAM with the impulse response for each channel. Each output sample of each channel is the result of convolving the most recent samples 256 of the input signal with the 256 samples of the channel's impulse response. the response impulse values sample are the complex, Since filter bank output values are complex. Examples of The Filter Bank Response As part of the test procedure for the PAM spectral analysis stage, a test signal was constructed that consists of the sum of two sine waves of equal of one sine wave is 405.8 quency of channel 4. Hz, or amplitude. precisely The the frequency center fre- The frequency of the other sine wave is 1674 Hz, or precisely the center frequency of channel 12. signal is amplitude preceded at the by onset 50 msecs of silence. increases smoothly over amplitude remains constant for 100 msecs, and The The signal's The 5 msecs. then decreases smoothly to zero over 5 msecs. Figure PAM 2.10 shows filter bank to this right. the magnitude signal. Time response of the increases from left to Low frequency channels are at the top, and high quency channels at the bottom. I of the _ _II I _I s _sl___l__l fre- Channel center frequencies are I_ __C______I___1_____II____ _ I 58 PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model and to the nearest Hz shown to the nearest Bark on the left, on the right. Below the output response is shown the same the time to filter bank has approximately Since the scale. signal, input a 10 msec delay, the input signal has been delayed by an equal so that the input and output signals are time aligned. amount, filter bank clearly The resolves the two components of the test signal. Figure 2.11 shows a single spectral slice of the response The ordinate in Figure 2.10. shown of the it in dB, is gain should be high frequency preemphasis, pass filters. low high verifies figure basic the and frequency tails the effect the shape of of band "formants" of. the low frequency slopes of the bandpass filters, and reflect the the The similar to Figure 2.4, with which This compared. is gain The ordinate of the in linear units, similar to Figure 2.10. bottom panel top panel tails frequency reflect the steeper high frequency slopes of those filters. The Transduction Stage 2.4.2 The transduction stage of the PAM contains the primary nonlinear component in the auditory model.t As shown in Figure consists it 2.12A, saturating memoryless of an envelope nonlinearity, detector which __ _ _ _ _ I ____p_____L__C___bll__-----· is followed by a used to convert 11_11_1 PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 59 the detected envelope amplitude into the proper output value. This system is analogous to the transduction of basilar mem- brane motion by hair cells. band pass filter channel stage. As applied independently indicated The input signals in Figure to each to this generated 2.3, this by stage the is the previous transformation filter bank channel, using is an identical detector and nonlinearity for each channel. The Characteristics of the Amplitude Transformation amplitude characteristics of the transduction stage are motivated by electrophysiological rate-level data relating mean neural firing rate to stimulus intensity. The charac- teristics of the rate-level data that have been modeled are: 1. Some auditory neurons exhibit spontaneous firing in the absence of input stimulation. The spontaneous firing rate can range from 0 to approximately 25 percent of the adapted saturated firing rate (Liberman, 1978). 2. Auditory neurons exhibit a range of relative thresholds (input amplitudes above which the output exceeds the spontaneous by a certain percent) of 30 to 40 dB (Liberman, 1978). 3. A strong inverse relationship exists between spontaneous rate and relative threshold (Liberman, 1978). The population of low threshold fibers is generally co-extensive with the population of fibers exhibiting a range of spontaneous rates greater than 1 spike per second, while the population of fibers with a spontaneous rate less than 1 spike per second exhibits a wide range of relative thresholds. -- lr I I"-··-·------ ---- PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model In a region between threshold and saturation, auditory fibers respond to exponential increases in the amplitude of stimulation. with roughly linear increases in firing rate. The width of this region, which can be considered 4. a measure of the dynamic range of the fiber, is typically 20 to 30 dB, but can be as large as 60 dB for fibers with high thresholds (Liberman, 1978; Evans and Palmer, 1980). Constructing the Transduction Model this In transduction section we will stage static memoryless linear from an envelope detector nonlinearity, and we will raise six followed show how the considerations, conclusion from each consideration in turn. sion explain and of the by a non- in a well-motivated function itself can be constructed To do this, we will way. construction the justify drawing a These six conclu- justify our transduction model. Consider the specifications, listed above, of the desired characteristics the of the auditory Each of them DC characteristics them specify any phase rela- None of system. state the steady specifies something about of stage. transduction tionships between the acoustic stimulus and the resulting firing rate. (As mentioned in the Introduction, the PAM was not designed to model auditory synchrony.) Conclusion: The specifications correctly establishing the above steady-state can be satisfied by DC characteristics of the PAM. _ ___ _1__ 11_·_1_ _ __·______r__r___pq----- PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model Consider shown use the of 61 As signals. transduced output the Figure 2.3, the output of the transduction stage is in adaptation further processed by the see, As we will stage. the specifications for this later stage call for the degree of adaptation to depend only on the long-term average firing rate of the channel fastest time implying tion in constant that only stage that high response low will output to that sustained be will stimulation. is involved 15 The msecs, frequency components of the transducWe will adaptation. affect of frequency components also the output will be see passed through the adaptation stage essentially unaffected. Furthermore, the expected firing rate. output of the PAM is defined to be Although this term has not be precisely defined, it can be taken to mean the average firing rate over In fact, the post pro- a period of at least one or two msecs. cessors that are used smooth the output signal even more. Conclusion: postprocessors, The following stage of the PAM, the stage may the PAM depend only upon the low frequency components Taken in conjunction of the output of the transduction stage. with and first conclusion, this include a low frequency means that the transduction removes signal input signal to the filter that components above 100 or 200 Hz. Consider the characteristics transduction stage. __ -- of the For each channel, this signal is the out- - i··lsli ·. I I PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model put a PAM band pass of three-dB-bandwidth the nels, filter center output periodic of one Bark. PAM signal is filter these of a an approximation, the as can channel center the than smaller considerably at the channel have filters For all but the lowest chan- Therefore, frequency. each of All filter. bandwidth filter 62 as represented be a frequency, modulated by a slowly varying envelope signal: O(t) = A(t) where O(t) A(t) is f and complex-valued, the is complex-valued output signal of the channel; is the the * exp(i*pi*f*t) slowly of frequency center varying, the envelope It Hz. in channel signal; is important to realize that the frequency components of A(t) are limited to filter. the bandwidth of the one half Thus for low channels frequency while quency components below 50 Hz, channel's band pass has fre- only A(t) frequency chan- for high nels A(t) may contain components as high as 500 Hz. Conclusion: each for The channel signal input can be approximated stage transduction the to slowly modulated by a sine wave. Consider system shown the configuration in Figure transduction stage even like simplier to 2.12B. shown Note in Figure transduction investigate. for an If model we idealized transduction can _ 1__----··1·1·--)·Il··lll--C----- the PAM it is properties we would that show -_ _ not Instead, 2.12A. whose is this that I ~ the _ _ an DC _l___~___1 PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 63 characteristics of this idealized model has desirable properties, and meets all of our specifications, the model's extreme its use--at simplicity justifies least until we add some more What we will attempt to specifications that it can not meet! do is to that show the under conditions output and input described above, the PAM model in panel A is equivalent to the idealized model in panel B. This idealized model consists only of a static memoryless input signal a is way of family a collapsing into a single function T(i). functions B + T(i) output that will result from applying the to sign'al A*sin(f*t). input sinusoidal a B to constant bias the Adding nonlinearity. saturating the nonlinear of Consider the transduction model Because the ideal- ized model involves a memoryless nonlinearity, the output signal contain will quency of the components input, and at the at DC, For harmonics. at higher fre- fundamental such an input signal, the output characteristics of the model are completely specified by a set of transfer the amplitude There is of each a DC transfer functions, one for component function, each harmonic. to functions the and The a input amplitude of AC set shape relate that A. transfer of these func- tions do not depend on the frequency of the input signal: only on its amplitude A. Conclusion: For the input signals we are dealing with in the __I PAM, the ____1_II____ DC characteristics of the Cml response __ _ of 11---1_-- the -·1--. II PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 64 idealized transduction model depend only on the magnitude of A(t), and the bias B. Consider the system shown in Figure 2.12C. This confi- guration is a method for determining the DC transfer functions of the input idealized amplitude labeled over transduction model, A and "AVERAGE" the a function constant offset bias measures one period of the as the input average output sine wave. of B. the The box of the model Figure 2.13 shows a number of different transduction functions that might be used idealized model. in this Figure 2.14 shows the DC transfer functions that result from using the raised hyperbolic tangent Each function. line in Figure 2.14 corresponds to the use of a different bias B. The lines are B We that were used. will labeled with the values of consider the characteristics of these transfer functions in more detail below. Figure 2.15 shows the DC transfer functions that result from using each of the transduction functions of Figure 2.13. Although specific details of the functions change from panel to panel, the broad characteristics of the functions, such as their dynamic range, their saturation value, tive very threshold, underlying erated. are transduction The one insensitive function exception to from this transfer functions generated from the zero lower asymptotes. ·- 1- ---11--11 to the which is and their that shape they relaof were the gen- none of the DC step function have non- The reason for this will be discussed __ _ICI PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 55 in a moment. Conclusion: transduction The function specific does shape not have of the a strong underlying effect on the shape of the resulting DC transfer function. Consider again the implementation of the PAM transduction stage shown in Figure 2.12A. tion used in the model from the instance, envelope test setup one of detector the Assume that the nonlinear func- is a DC. transfer shown in curves extracts function Panel C of that shown in the short amplitude from the filter bank output. Figure term generated figure: for 2.14. The channel signal This amplitude is then transduced using the appropriate DC transfer function. Thus the PAM transduction stage synthesizes the low frequency component of the idealized model's output signal from the input signal's amplitude and the appropriate DC transfer function. Conclusion: The PAM transduction model, when used with a calculated DC transfer function, will generate a slowly varying output signal that is the DC component of the output of the idealized transduction model. Analysis of the Transduction Model In the previous section the underlying nonlinearity used - in the idealized model was referred to as the "transduction function". PAM transduction II The P---· nonlinearity -- ·----·------------- used in the l1 PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model is the DC is stage referred in this and that emphasized in use the 2.12B main- should idealized to generate transfer functions made is of Only model. PAM the stage, by generated idealized the model are the PAM equivalent of physiological rate-level curves. with those closely tions the on characteristics compare the a moment we will curves, but first dependence of the the be is used to process speech. functions transfer the the transduction PAM shown in Figure 2.12A, The is It as be will sections. that use or function" designations These only the "transfer following model shown in Figure for the as nonlinearity". "amplitude tained either idealized model, and function of the transfer to 66 it characteristics In functions of our is worth while examining more of the DC shape of the transfer underlying func- transduction functions that are used to generate them. at Looking again shown functions have asymptote of two. for an All region" function varies asymptote of the zero. around from a small the to we asymptote negative input value of "transition tive a 2.13, same transduction of potential examples Figure in functi6ns the can see that of zero, and of all a the positive functions have an output of one function also has Each zero, a amount amount region (say 0.1) the below within a finite which above the positive the negaasymp- tote. _I _ _ _ __1______1_________1______ _ _Dls·_l 67 PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model The provide selected to negative asymptote functions negative and of the value of have ciently small input value a were functions. The transfer resulting that ensures zero themselves will transfer "normalized" asymptotes positive suffi- for zero of signal amplitudes and large negative bias values B (see Figure 2.14, B = -16, input amplitudes less than 20 dB). of asymptote positive The two ensures the that "saturation value" of the resulting transfer function (output level for large input amplitude) will be one (see Figure 2.14, any curve, input amplitudes greater than 80 dB). the Changing value simply adds transduction function asymptote of the resulting value the the of transfer positive these functions: changes effect the only the vertical to the of asymptote an offset the negative functions, while changing asymptote saturation value of the transfer of negative the of adds functions. dynamic to offset an neither However, range scale and offset of of the the transfer those func- tions. Similarly, changing the horizontal scale of the transduction (the width of the transition region, function the dynamic range of the transduction function), the horizontal (the offset relative threshold) and hence only changes of the gen- erated transfer functions, and-not their dynamic range. _ 161 - Y--- iapl aaa a- --i--r 1l PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 68 The only two remaining aspects of the transduction tions func- that might effect the shapes of the resulting transfer functions are the shape of the nonlinearity, and the DC offset (the operating bias B) of the input sine wave. In the ideal- ized model, only bias values less than or equal to zero yield meaningful The transfer functions. effect of varying the operating bias is shown in Figure 2.14, using a raised hyperbolic tangent function as the transduction nonlinearity . effect of varying the is shown in Figure shape of Each curve in these figures is the 2.15. resulting nonlinearity amplitude nonlinearity transduction the The from a transduction given nonlinearity and a given operating bias B. Figure transfer functions level curves. fall outside increases the the in common all, for operating bias relative transition threshold threshold between the B = -16, This makes with sense, because B input region, and values are reach transduced _ I__ bias transfer the 12 dB change in -64, and following curves). left into greater than zero. the resulting doubling the ratethat of the bias means that the input amplitude must be twice as large before tive DC values doubling the the observed region, (observe, for example, function by 6 dB of characteristics much have First of of the that shows 2.14 side output of values the most the posi- transition significantly PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model Once the input it continues to than those region, grow until, needed the amplitude 69 reaches the transition region, for input amplitudes much larger to reach the positive half of right the side of input cycle the transition is transduced into values close to two, while the negative half of the input cycle is transducted into values close to zero. Thus for input amplitudes much larger than the width of the transition region, any transduction function looks like a step function. The average output value of one input cycle is the saturation value of the transfer function, which approaches one. For operating bias values within the transition region of the transduction nonlinearity, the transduced DC output value for a sine wave of zero amplitude is greater than zero. This "quiescent value" of the DC transfer function corresponds to a nonzero spontaneous quiescent value value of the of firing the rate in transfer transduction function auditory function at the is neurons. The precisely the operating bias B. This quiescent value is the sole source of the final non-zero spontaneous rate in the output of the PAM. tion stage transforms The later adapta- the value of this quiescent level, but does not, in itself, give rise to any spontaneous output. The presence of a transition region ensures that there are values of B which result in transfer cent values. (In Figures functions with non quies- 2.13 and 2.15, only the step func- tion does not have a transition region.) _ zero I I PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model Note quiescent that all values of the have 76 transfer approximately functions the same with nonzero relative thres- hold, while all of the transfer functions with higher relative thresholds have a quiescent value equal or very close to zero. This satisfies item three in our original list of desirable characteristics. Thus changing the operating bias on the shape varying B of the from zero transition region value of resulting to much causes the resulting transfer less the B has a than relative transfer manner that relative thresholds distinct function. the In fact, half-width of threshold function effect the and quiescent to vary in and spontaneous the same rates of audi- tory fibers are seen to vary. The dynamic as the range of range of input tion varies between, between its a transfer amplitudes say, 10 quiescent and function defined transfer func- and 90 percent of the difference saturation values. shown The in dynamic Figure 2.11 around 20 to 30 dB. The function one remaining that might with a variety cates shown - be for which the range of each of the transfer functions is can - -- of be characteristic is varied possible its of the shape. transduction transduction Experimentation nonlinearities that the basic characteristics of the transfer in Figure _-_ _ 2.15 ---- are - _ relatively -- insensitive ____ indi- functions to the __ _ IC PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model Changing the transduction non- specific nonlinearity chosen. transfer functions around their dent of amplitude is so high that of shape shape, any resulting the of shape The level saturation function transduction the the threshold. around functions transfer effect on an linearity only has 71 indepen- is the because the input function with transduction a transition region of the size shown in Figure 2.13 essentially acts as a step function. Selecting Values for the Transduction Parameters We have shown that the only characteristics of the idealized transduction model that significantly affect the shape of the resulting transfer function is the presence of a transi- tion region in the transduction function, and the value of the offset bias B. The raised hyperbolic transfer function shown in Figure 2.13 was selected as the standard transduction function in the PAM. This values B to select, leaves the question of how many bias and what their values (and thus the rela- tive thresholds and quiescent values of the resulting transfer functions) should be. Delgutte variations in relative threshold can models a as principled way to has (1982) be extend range of the model, by assuming that rons have different operating points, employed the 1 1 6-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- in apparent different that auditory dynamic auditory neu- and modeling the output of an ensemble of neurons with a weighted .W suggested sum of three curves 1l PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 72 with different thresholds and dynamic ranges. For the sake of simplicity, however, the PAM was implemented using only a single modeling function, transfer a single auditory rate-level curve. A value of -1.1 was selected as the standard PAM bias value. This bias results in a quiescent response of 20 per- cent of the saturation value, and a dynamic range (as measured between The 10 percent and 90 percent of maximum) of 22 dB. resulting amplitude nonlinearity is shown in Figure 2.14. Implementation Issues The DC transfer functions generated by the raised hyperbolic tangent function discussed above were calculated for a set of bias values and stored in a data file. The value of each transfer function was calculated at one dB steps of input signal amplitude, between -20 and 100 dB (re 1.0). When the PAM is processing the signals, amplitude non- linearity function for the bias value chosen (typically -1.1) is read from the data file and stored in an array. For each output channel of the filter bank, the magnitude of the chanto dB nel response is calculated and converted resulting amplitude value is amplitude nonlinearity array. then used as an (re 1.0). index The into the The linearly interpolated value of the transfer function at that amplitude becomes the output, for that channel, of the transduction stage of the PAM. I __ ~~ _ ~~~~ _ 1II --------_-____ _______ PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model The input signal is the transduction stage. samples/second, Nyquist rate or 73 down-sampled by a facter of six in The resulting sampling rate is 2164.5 .462 msecs/sample. This rate is the for the envelope signal of the highest channel, which has a pass band that is 1082 Hz wide at the -3dB level. Since all of the lower channels have narrower pass bands, they continue to be oversampled at this rate. Examples of the Transduction Stage Response Figure 2.16 shows the response of the combined spectral analysis and transduction stage to the test signals described earlier. the Note The most obvious significant that channel the quiescent feature of the response pattern is output transduction amplitudes (for stage effectively to a "log magnitude" scale. the apparant width of the two "formants" 2.16 than zero amplitude input). in Figure 2.10, and converts As a result, is greater the onsets the in Figure and offsets appear faster. Figure 2.17 compares a spectral nitude of the PAM tion stage. has been slice of the output mag- filter bank to the output of the transduc- In the top panel converted to dB. the output of the filter bank In the bottom panel the output of the transduction stage is shown in linear units. The limited dynamic range of the transduction stage is clearly evident. _ "* ---l--·CIII1·--------I · H PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model The Adaptation Stage 2.4.3 The 74 adaptation amplifier level of subtracts which input signal. input stage The amount in the the PAM acts as a time-varying of offset recent past. a constant-gain DC offset depends Negative on from the the output average levels are clipped to zero, since the output of this stage represents the expected firing rate of auditory neurons. As indicated in Figure 2.3, a separate adaptation amplifier is associated with each channel of the PAM, and it is the amplitude of stimula- tion in each channel that determines the instantaneous of channel's that amplifier. However, the offset inherent charac- teristics of all of the channel amplifiers are identical. Characteristics of the Temporal Transformation The temporal transformation models the decay of auditory neural firing rates over tic stimulation. time in response to sustained acous- The characteristics of adaptation that have been modeled are: 1. The maximum firing rate for an abrupt amplitude onset is approximately 2.5 to 4 times the adapted maximum, which is around 200 spikes/second (Smith and Zwislocki, 1975; Delgutte, 1980). 2. A range of adaptation time constants can be observed in a These vary from so called "rapid" adaptasingle neuron. tion, with time constants in the 5 to 15 msec range (Delgutte, 1980), to short term adaptation, with time con1975; Zwislocki, and (Smith ms. 40 around stants __ Ii - - PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 75 Delgutte, 1980), to slower adaptations, often referred to as fatigue or long term adaption (Kiang et al., 1965; Young and Sachs, 1973; Abbas and Gorga, 1981) with adaptation times in the hundreds of msecs up to many seconds or even minutes. r 3. A step increase in signal intensity results in a step and the magnitude of the rate, in firing increase response increment is independent of the degree of adaptation (Smith and Zwislocki, 1975). 4. Following the abrupt offset of an intense signal of sufspontaneous cause adaptation, to duration ficient activity is initially absent, and then increases until it reaches its nominal level. The time constant of this recovery is somewhat longer than the time constant of adaptation (Harris and Dallos, 1979), and although different animals exhibit variations in both adaptation and recovery time constants, the ratio of recovery to adaptation time may be fairly constant across species (Harris and Dallos, 1979). 5. A 6. For a level signal with an abrupt onset, the ratio of onset firing rate to adapted firing rate is constant and rate from both) spontaneous subtracting (after independent of input level (Smith and Zwislocki, 1975; Smith, 1979). -·1--C-·IIIIPI I of sufficient intensity and duration to cause adaptation can mask another signal which follows the offset of the first signal within a period of time on the This masking order of the recovery time of the haircell. takes the form of a lowered firing rate in response to the second signal, or even a complete lack of response to that signal. signal -- L--·--"·9"c--··1·-·-LI------------- I PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 76 The single time-constant model A circuit that exhibits most of the desired properties is shown in Figure tion model 2.18.- (STCAM). This is a single time constant adapta- The independent (input) variable is the voltage Vin and the dependent (output) variable is the current IoUt through the diode. The input to this circuit is the out- put of the transduction stage of one channel of the PAM, and the output of this circuit is the final output nel of the PAM. for that chan- Except for the diode, the circuit is a linear time invariant high pass filter. The Analysis of the STCAM incremental resistance of the circuit to increase in Vin is the parallel resistance R a 1 as current capacitor Ca charges up, the incremental Rs . a step However, through the diode falls off to its steady state level with an "adaptation" time constant: Ta = C a * Ra The steady state value of Vc, the voltage across C a, is equal to Vin: all of the current flows through R s and the diode, and Iout is equal to Vin / R s . mental Note that the tsteady state incre- current is smaller than the peak transient incremental current by an amount I _ I 77 PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model fa = Ra / (Ra + Rs) The constant fa' which will be referred to as the adaptation ratio, is important an which ratio repeatedly occurs throughout the analysis of this model and its successor, the multiple time constant adaptation model. If Vin is suddenly reduced, Vout, the voltage across the If Vin is reduced so that diode, is reduced. Vin < Vc * Ra / (R a + R) Iout becomes discharge through R no longer In that case the diode Vout will become positive. conducts, = Vc * fa zero, and the and Ra in series. capacitor begins to The time constant of this "recovery" is: Tr = Ca * (R s + R a) This recovery time constant is longer than the adaptation time which constant, correctly models described in item four above. related to the physiological data The recovery time constant is time adaptation the constant by the adaptation ratio: Ta = Tr * fa It would be interesting to see if this predicted relationship really exists between the rates incremental and steady state firing auditory neurons, in _I _ _rl(lllllllllra and the adaptation and recovery ____ I PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 78 times of those same neurons. The diode remalins turned off, and the output from the model is zero, until the capacitor has discharged sufficiently that Vc < Vin / fa at which point Vu t becomes negative, the diode begins to con- duct, and Vc completes its discharge through Ra alone. STCAM Selecting Values The values of Ca, R, for the and R Circuit Elements in the are completely specified by the desired values for the adaptation time constant, the adaptation ratio, and the overall gain of this Based on physiological data, an stage of the appropriate adaptation time constant is 40 msecs, and 0.3 tion unity ratio. in the only, and channel The overall PAM. leave output the These gain is for the for the adapta- arbitrary, values model value PAM. short and is set to term adaptation response in normalized units, such that a value of 1.0 represents the maximum adapted expected firing rate of the neurons modeled by that channel. Figure Response of the STCAM to Simple Signals 2.19 stant adaptation _ shows the circuit response of the single time con- to an input stimulus whose envelope 11 ·11_---11-- 1 II I.niiijCllp/sZa)l····-·i·--··-i PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model consists of a quiescent level 79 followed by a step onset lowed by a step offset back to the original quiescent Panel A shows the input signal, which fol- level. in the PAM would be the output of the transduction stage, while Panel B shows the output of adaptation model the itself. computer model (The of the adaptation circuit has been initialized with the capacitor charged to the full voltage it will achieve in response to the quiescent input level that increases sharp is in a transient state level level. its Thus steady the response state higher falls than the circuit to When response.) step-wise manner, which of the the input the circuit responds with a off exponentially original level. to a steady When the input returns to its quiescent level, the response falls to zero for an interval We shall state", during which refer to the because during time state this the capacitor of interval the relatively high input that ing, the output current zero builds output the preceded back is up discharging. as the input it. "masked is masked by Following to its mask- pre-stimulus level. The dotted line in Panel B shows the value that Iout would have at each point in time if the diode were to be short circuited for an instant. In other words, when the conducting, the current through it is equal to Iout = (ViWRs ) + (Vin-Vc)/Ra __ _ i diode is I PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model The dotted the diode line value this shows 80 is not conducting. that during even As we will see, time when this value can be thought of as a hypothetical baseline quiescent response on top of which incremental responses to stimuli are built. Figure adaptation circuit: constant is signals input of eight its incremental A series consists signal Each shown. gain. of initial step onset followed by a secondary step increase. initial interval between the ranges from 0 secondary ing of response are stage equal. and follow- Panel A shows the Panel B shows the As can be seen, the size of response of the adaptation stage. the incremental amplitudes their stage, transduction the that so adjusted transduction the The The intensity of the primary and to 280 msecs. steps are an increase secondary and the onset the of property important an demonstrates 2.20 adaptation stage to the response of the secon- dary step is the same regardless of the time delay between the the adap- tation circuit is not an automatic gain control circuit: if it primary and secondary were, the effect together, primary to a demonstrates step and stimulus with after the circuit had adapted to the Figure 2.21 is intended linearity __ in the PAM. The _C__1 would the two be to steps second first reduce the occurring step occurring step. the sources of to elucidate PAM that the circuit would respond the with stimulus a to than of the secondary step, response to the differently This step. non- responses to eight signals are I IT_ -- 81 PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model in stage input to the transduction shows the Panel A shown. dB, panel B shows the output of that stage, and panel C shows All eight signals have an the output of the adaptation stage. intensity initial of dB. -30 50 msecs At the signals. in increments increase to -6 through 30 dB in 6 dB is there a step seven of One of the signals continues at -30 dB. By com- paring Panels B and C, it can be seen that the nonlinearity in the onset transient is On stage. transduction due the solely to the of the masking period the hand, other saturation which follows the offset of the step increase is solely due to Note that the more intense the preced- the adaptation stage. ing stimulus, the longer the duration of the masking period. Figure masking the demonstrates 2.22 response of the adaptation circuit. The stimuli. of output Panel A, and the output The dotted response level of offset response in line as the by followed stimulus, intense the B it builds masking falls to zero there no response is the probe to in adaptation stage in Panel B. the hypothetical baseline up back to the zero. for a period of time, is to _.· Following the adaptation circuit's and then builds During this time, its greatly reduced. In fact, the probe signal occuring 10 msecs after the offset of the masking signal. _ probe shown stimulus, at all msec is shows stimuli 1 stage back up to its initial quiescent level. response of transduction of the Panel The input is a 150 msec series a the in effect 11_1 Only after 250 PAM: A msecs Peripheral Auditory Model of recovery intensity to the time does probe 82 the signal. circuit response with It be can seen full that the reduced response is due to the negative level of the hypothetical baseline quiescent response, upon which all incremental responses are built. Figure 2.23 shows the effect of masker degree of higher amplitude of masking turn results probe following signals cause amplitude on the signals. greater As adaptation, expected, which in to probe signals that occur in smaller responses within the recovery period of the adaptation circuit. The Multiple Time Constant Adaptation Model Although the single time constant model meets many of the criteria set forth for the adaptation stage, it does not exhi- bit the variety of adaptation time constants that can be seen in auditory electophysiological constant is set around 4 If data. the STCAM's time msecs it can be used as a model of short term adaptation, but then it does not model either rapid or long term adaptation. Obviously, a model with multiple adaptation time constants is required. Presumably the pairs to the circuit way to do this in Figure 2.18. is to following two conjectures __1---·1171. additional RC There are many ways of adding these additional circuit elements. the add We have made use of from a survey of electropysio- --._-. -·I-·--· __ I___ ___C PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 83 logical data in choosing our method: 1. Before and during adaptation, all RC pairs appear to act in parallel: the response rate associated with each time constant appears to be added together. To put it another way, as the transient period for rapid, short, and long term adaptation is in turn exceeded, a certain portion of the response rate--associated with those adapted portions--is subtracted from the overall response, until at last only the steady state portion of the response remains. In circuit terminology, the resistors of the RC pairs appear to be in parallel. 2. During periods of recovery, all RC pairs appear to act in series: the shape of the response deficit appears to be the sum of the deficits associated with each of the time constants. As each of the adaptation portions recover, the response rate is boosted toward the spontaneous rate. In circuit terminology, the capacitors of the RC pairs appear to be in series. Based on these two hypotheses, we have augmented our sin- gle time constant model as source and diode remain resistor Rs shown in Figure 2.24. unchanged. through which the steady There is three RC element pairs implemented with as are many as desired, adaptation time constants. still state current I generating the nonzero steady state response Although The voltage shown, of the a s shunt flows, circuit. the model can be to model any number of The element values must be chosen such that Ta 0 = R C0 is the fastest adaptation time constant, I _ _I __ I_ _ _ Ii 84 PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model Ta 1 = R 1 * 1 is the second fastest, and so forth. Analysis of the MTCAM Consider a version of the MTCAM with n+l Let R n constants. resistor and capacitor that be the and C n adaptation time produce the longest time constant, and C i be the and R i ments which produce the i'th time constant. ele- Similarly, let I i and Vc i be the current through R i and the voltage across C i , and Is be the model can Then the operation of this current through R s . be considering by understood in Vin. response to a step increase incremental its The incremental response is determined by replacing the capacitors with short circuits. Then the incremental current flow through the diode equals the through R n , increment in Vin divided by R lel. the Thus relative in paral- and R s, contributions of each time constant, and fa' the relative size of the steady state response to the transient response, is determined solely values of the resistors in the circuit. by relative the In all of the cases we shall discuss, the transient associated with each time concontributes stant equally the to overall response. Conse- quently all of the adaptation resistors have the same value. current As response to the flows through increment the adaptation in Vin, the resistors capacitors adaptation _ ______ _ __ llsllli-- -1..------ I_ in ---IIC·l PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 85 charge up, with the voltage across C 0 C 1, etc. The capacitors charge increasing fastest, then up until them equals the voltage drop across the tion resistor. (e.g., C charges drop across it, equals the happens, current stops the voltage next highest up until Vc0 , adapta- the voltage voltage drop across R 1 .) flowing across When that through that RC element pair, except for a small negative current as the voltage across the next highest resistor begins to drop in response to its capacitor charging up. highest capacitor, Eventually, Vc n, voltage across the equals Vin; the voltages across all of the other capacitors equal zero; are the carrying current; Rs none of the adaptation resistors is carryihg all of the current; and Vout , which equals Vc n - Vin when the adaptation resistors are not conducting, is zero. If now Vin suddenly drops a voltage decrease zero. drop across in Vin is the large (becomes smaller), adaptation enough, Vout Vc n resistors. can be creates If driven the above This occurs when Vin < VCn * fa where fa = / (Ra + Rs) Ra is the parallel combination of all of the adaptation resistors: Ra = Rs I1 ----------- r?qrrrar--- R1 ... Rn --· PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model When Vin and falls below the diode this 86 threshold, Vout stops conducting. becomes positive, As long as the diode is not conducting, C n will discharge itself through the series combination of R s and Ra As before, turn, until each of the capacitors will charge up in its its voltage equals the voltage across the adapta- tion resistor above it in the ladder. slowly as the time tion, that RC pair charges up. constant of charging because the resistance is Then it will discharge During recovery, however, longer than through which the adaptation resistor R i plus R s during Ci is in series. adapta- charged is Therefore the recovery time constant Tr i will be longer than the corresponding adaptation time constants Tai: Tr i = C i * (R i + R s ) > Ta i = C i * R i To demonstrate these relationships, consider the two time constant circuit shown in Figure 2.25. Figure 2.26 shows the way this circuit responses to a signal with a step increase in intensity followed some time later by a step decrease. signal is shown in Panel A of Figure tialized so that Vc 1 = Vin, and Vc 2.26. The model = 0, at t = 0. Such a is ini- Thus dur- ing the first 50 msecs, the circuit is in steady state, all of Iout flows through R s, and Iout = I s (Panel B). 1-11 --- .- 87 PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model Is conducting, is diode Indeed, to be proportional to Vin. continues the (at t = 50 msecs), step increase in Vin occurs When the it must now current However, be. as long as begins to flow through the adaptation resistors, resulting in Since C the current spikes visible in Panels B, C and D. relatively I0 small, quickly falls When this match the voltage drop across R 1. (at about t = 60 msecs), the decreasing of level Vc 0 slightly negative at this stage. it adapted, At Vin. equals this state is to reached goes I0 that Note D). continues to rise until Vc 1 the rises circuit is almost fully and almost all of the current is flowing through R s. its When Vin drops back to happen. things several point Vc 0 as fall again, tracking begins to (Panel I1 to zero is diode to stop conducting. initial level Vout becomes C1 now (at t = 200 msecs), causing positive, starts the through discharging the series combination of R s and Ra, the parallel combination Once again, Vc 0 of R 0 and R 1. drop across msecs) as R1 , although during it adaptation, quickly charges to takes about because R0 twice and Rs the voltage as long are now (20 in series. After t = 220 msecs, a negligible amount of current flows through R, and C 1 must continue discharging through R 1 and R s in series. When Vc 1 equal to zero, the has dropped diode begins sufficiently that Vout is to conduct again, and I s once more is proportional to Vin. _ II ---·l"-CI '-C IC IL--"- II(-·IIP(C----- i I! 88 PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model Note that at this point Vc slightly faster rate, because Vc 1 for Values Selecting MTCAM Vin, equals a at but the diode effectively shorts out is concerned. as far as the discharge current Rs C1 still larger than Vin. is until discharge to continue will 1 the Elements Circuit the in The desired steady state gain between the input and output of multiple the adaptation constant time the determines circuit value of Rs: R s = Vin / Iout in the For use that the PAM, the overall dimensions implicit of so gain has been set to one, the values output of the PAM For channels are "maximum steady state expected firing rate". is that channel that firing rate for an expected indicates 0.5 of value example, a one half of the maximum possible steady expected firing state firing rate. transient During rates can go The desired lishes the size step state increase response value of the in to of relative same the ratio between R s and Ra - ------------ the adaptation incremental Vin, that onsets, to 2 or 3 times the maximum steady state as high as rate. a responses ratio peak transient to increase. the fa response to incremental This ratio estab- steady determines the parallel resistance of all ~~~"1~11-"1_ --- C-- ------ II__I___ of LI_r PAM: A 89 Peripheral Auditory Model the adaptation resistors: Ra = (fa / (1-fa)) * Rs .3 for the PAM. The adaptation ratio is normally set to be The values of the adaptation resistors in the circuit are determined by the desired partial difference between the the RC pair to contribution fi of the i'th size of the transient response to an onset and the steady state response to the same onset: Ri = Ra / fi fi = Ii / Ia where Ii is the incremental current through R i, and Ia the incremental current through Ra in response to a step onset. In the PAM, we normally choose to use equal contributions RC from each pair, so time constant model. Rs = that fi = 1/3 for standard the three This gives us, finally: 1.0 * (f Ri = R / (1-f / fi = 1.0 * (0.3 / (1 - 0.3)) / (1/3) = 1.286 Once the values of the resistors in the adaptation cir- cuit have been chosen, the values of the capacitors are deter- 1___ _ _ _ PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 90 mined by the desired adaptation time constants. If the i'th desired time constant is Ta i , the correct value for the i'th capacitor i is: C i = Ta i / R i For most of the use of the PAM discussed in this ranges for modeling short term rapid adaptation; term adaptation; adaptation. ranges for et al., 5 to 15 msecs adaptation time constants were used: of 1965; 1975; Smith, 1979; values adaptation Young to 60 msecs for modeling and 200 to 500 msecs for modeling long These modeling 40 study, three and Sachs, are within in auditory 1973; the appropriate neurons Smith and (Kiang Zwizlocki, Delgutte, 1980; Abbas and Gorga, 1981). Response of the MTCAM Circuit to Simple Signals Figure 2.27 shows the response of the multiple time constant adaptation circuit to signals with ramp onsets of variIn this ous slopes. figure three signals, and the responses of the transduction and adaptation stages to them, are overlaid. Each signal has a ramp onset from an -24 dB to +24 dB. 60 Signals msecs for initial value of The durations of the ramps 1, 2, and 3 are 5, 2, respectively. 150 and msecs after the beginning of the onset, each signal abruptly drops back second to -24 after a dB. A 5 msec gap. _ After repetition the of each signal begins second offset of each signal _1____11_11__11_______ _.___ C-·91 ---· PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 91 there is another gap, this time of 30 msecs duration, followed by a third repetition 100 msecs nal. B of the signals. The following gap is long, and precedes a final repetition of each Panel A shows the input to the transduction stage; the output of that stage; and Panel the C output sigPanel of the adaptation stage. The model responds differently as onset, produces the strongest the different onset Signal 1, with the fastest can be seen in Panel C. rates, to response from the adaptation stage in Repetition 1, before any adaptation takes place. The slower onsets produce significantly lower peak responses, and of the the peaks onset later occur at the output of in However, time. the adaptation the stage slopes show much less variation than the slopes of the inputs: all three onsets are very steep, step-like. due both to approximately the limited parallel, dynamic and range of the This is transduction stage, and the high-pass filter characteristics of the adaptation stage. The responses to Repetition 2 are very different from the responses to Repetition 1. repetitions As all a result, three leaves the the peak signals, The very short gap between the two adaptation responses circuit are strongly significantly but proportionally much lower 1--the fast rise time signal--than for Signal 3. adapted. lower for for Signal In fact, the peak response rates to Repetition 2 are approximately the same _II___ __lbal· __II_ ___ PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model for the three signals. for Signal 3 The peak response rate in Repetition 1 (no previous approximately equal to for Signal 1 92 adaptation; 60 msec rise time) is the peak response rate in Repetition 2 (significant previous adaptation; 5 msec rise time). The gap between Repetitions recovery time is sufficiently 2 and 3 is 30 msecs. long that the peak response to Signal 1 is somewhat higher that the peak responses nals 2 and 3. (The reason due circuit, which recover.) response to all the first three for Sig- for the relatively strong response to Signal 1 is that its peak is is This to signals is to the still rapid adaptation However, the substantially peak lower than for Repetition 1. Before Repetition 4 the gap is 100 msecs, and significant rapid and short term recovery three previous repetitions adaptation, has occurred. have caused from which the model has However, substantial long not yet recovered. result the peak responses are still less than for the term As a Repetition 1. In PAM examining the responses to them, we relationship between the transition signals are the PAM between two shown in Figure interested responses speech in to events, 2.28, and the considering speech and signals the ways the at in which those responses depend on the intensities of the signals ___1_C_____I__I_1_1__I^---·-·- I-- 1_1__----·---·11·---·1···-1_1_;·n^l·- 93 PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model Two that immediately precede and follow the transition point. signals are in shown con- a LOW level (-24 dB); a MID level from three levels: structed are signals These 2.28. Figure To make the figure clearer, (6 dB); and a HIGH level (18 dB). the LOW level for Signal 1 is actually at -21 dB, and for Sigis 2 the MID level nal Panel A shows the input B and Panel C shows shows the output of the transduction stage; the output of the adaptation stage. Panel stage; transduction the to dB. 16.5 level HIGH and the dB 4.5 All possible transitions between preceding and following LOW, MID, and HIGH signal levels can be found in Figure 2.28. Beginning on the left in Panel C, consider transition. PAM The transition a such to response the LOW->MID sharp peak because of the rapidity of the transition. shows a t = At 90 msecs, a visual comparison can be made between the response to a peak MID->HIGH transition and a response to the HIGH onset The LOW->HIGH transition. is greater when it is from a LOW level than from a MID level, because of the adaptation to the MID level. After 40 msecs, the response to the HIGH level has fallen off to the point that to initial transient response the LOW->HIGH transition as transition, the HIGH->HIGH it is not stronger than the the LOW->MID transition. is greater (at transition the than t =490 Just MID->HIGH msecs) is lower than either LOW->HIGH or MID->HIGH. *-r*O--*arp-- ---- -·-^Y·L-X-·IIII.--1 111---··161(·111I····P--_.li-_. ----- -I_---. _II_---- ----- I 94 PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model to see is possible it In the middle of Panel C (t = 290 msecs) the difference between the PAM response to a LOW->MID Because of adaptation, transitionsand a MID->MID transition. the response to the MID level is substantial different depending upon LOW->MID whether in results transition was level previous the a stronger A MID. or LOW than response a Furthermore, at t = 490 msecs, it can be MID->MID transition. seen that the response to a HIGH->MID transition is even lower than for MID->MID. Figure 2.29 shows another characteristic of the PAM: its range than its on the transient steady order response response, state of 10 for are signals nal 3 has times rise has also been (Smith and Brachman, 1980). fibers All three have rise shown in Figure 2.29. a maximum Signal stage intensity of shown in shown is and B; stage is shown in Panel is with 1 has a maximum intensity Signal 2 has a maximum intensity of 50 dB; and Sig- transduction stage dynamic characteristic This and fall times of 20 msecs. of 25 dB; larger signals to 40 msecs. observed in auditory nerve Three a exhibits in Panel C. The the input The dB. Panel A; the output output of the to to the that adaptation steady state response to the However, three signals are equal. 80 the transient response to t Signal 1 is only 85% This phenomemom transduction I-I -_-- 111- is of due the transient response to Signal to the stage, which limited dyhamic range of 3. the (as can be seen in Panel B) has the -.----- illli(ls · ______ 111 _IPI IIII-PII-----CI_ PAM: transitions of the more intense sig- effect of sharpening the nals, so that their effective shorter than their acoustic the 95 A Peripheral Auditory Model peakiness of the Note also circuit. wider the rise times sources. This transient responses the more that PAM response to it: are in of intense the another effect substantially turn increases the adaptation signal is the of the limited dynamic range of the transduction stage. In Implementation Issues the implemented three using standard Circuit element values parameters time PAM a are adaptation constant equation difference calculated techniques. from specifications electrophysiological domain: maximum in the is model of steady state firing rate; ratio of maximum transient to steady state and rate; adaptation time charge on each capacitor) PAM channel, and Vin, the voltage are maintained are updated These input sample values source State constants. variables separately (the for each for each sample of each channel. are used as shown in the Figure sampled values of 2.24. In test mode the output of the circuit can be set by the user to be any of the voltages or currents of the MTCAM, but in normal use the output is taken to be Iou t, _I II the current through the diode. I1 96 PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model Complete Example of the Adaptation Stage Response Figure 2.30 shows the response of the complete PAM to the two-sine-wave test signal discussed earlier in this chapter in Many the sections on the filter bank and transduction stages. analysis; transformation PAM important the of output; spontaneous non-zero are evident: frequency masking; adaptation; The effects of adaptation and recovery of spontaneous output. are shown even more clearly in Figure 2.31, which, in Panel B, from Figure 2.30 before, during, taken slices spectral shows The locations of the spectral and following the test signal. shown slices in 2.31 Figure are marked in 2.30 Figure by arrows above channel 1. The spectral slice taken at 55 msecs (before the onset of the signal) test ately following shows the a level onset, the channels Immedi- output. spontaneous near the "formant" frequncies, which are positioned on channels 4 and 12, respond strongly, duplicating the response of the transduction shown in Panel A, albeit with a higher amplitude. stage As the sig- nal continues, the size of the PAM response declines, until it reaches a near steady state value at 140 msecs, 80 msecs after The curve for the onset. after the 171 msecs offset of the test shows Masking signal. several channels on either side of the time passes, response I P L these level, channels with the the output 1 msec is evident for formant channels. As begin to recover their quiescent channels closest to ____________ the formant 1____1·_1__1_____ 97 PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model peaks recovering most slowly. POSTPROCESSORS: MEASURING PROPERTIES OF THE PAM RESPONSE 2.5 sampling rate microseconds. The The one is sample channel per in signal the of value signal. a 20-channel To review, the output of the PAM is 462 every channel each corresponds to the expected firing rate of an auditory neuron at terminating on a haircell tions along the basilar one of membrane. includes no mechanism for Thus explicit loca- spaced the PAM models the firing rate, into expected transformation of acoustic signals but equally 20 property or feature detection. This section describes some simple postprocessing filters that can be applied to the output of the PAM. These filters have the effect of simplifying and extracting some properties of PAM the They response. used, are in combina- different tions, in the two experiments described in the next chapter. 2.5.1 A Masking Detector The PAM models the response non-zero spontaneous firing rates. of auditory the duration, offset these of stimulation fibers exhibit of with Such neurons normally fire even in the absence of acoustic stimulation. ing neurons However, follow- sufficient intensity a complete absence ·----------rr-------- of -- and firing I..._.. PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model followed by a second period during which for a period of time, firing occurs, but spontaneous at lower a period recovery this During stimulation. 98 rate before than be can fiber the said to be in a masked state. In the output of the model, a channel sample value is less firing fiber rate represents an expected than the quiescent output rate that is by modeled the channel, ipso and for rate spontaneous than the less that the represents facto, a filter was designed to detect masked state. A postprocessing such a state. This filter operates on each channel of the PAM output independently, and produces a signal with the same sam- filter The possible output values of this as the input. pling rate are and 1 0. The channel the between relationship input and output is as follows: if x(n) is less than THRESHOLD; otherwise. y(n) = 1 = 0 input that value, corresponds In output output be set value. anywhere A I use, with PAM zero between value definition response .2, THRESHOLD was set to _ __ is x(n) the n'th THRESHOLD is a value lower to a more conservative normal and value, channel. for a particular quiescent value of I__ n'th reasonably can quiescent state. the is where y(n) _I 11 the signals .01. the THRESHOLD of of and masked having a 99 PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 2.5.2 Two Smoothing Filters The width of the impulse and responses, therefore the effective time windows, of the bark filters in the filter bank vary from 10 msecs msecs for the for the low frequency frequency high channels to resolution This channels. 1 or 2 is useful for many purposes, but needs to be smoothed to obtain or one over averaged rates firing expected more glottal pulses: times on the order of 10 to 20 msecs. Two smoothing filters were used on the output of the PAM. convolve the output of each channel with a half Both filters Since the left half of the hamming window is hamming window. used, the effect of the convolution is to smooth the channel response, weighting recent samples within the window more than earlier ones. In the first experiment Chapter 3 (the STOP/GLIDE experiment), the 20 smoothing window is (the VOICED/UNVOICED both the cases, msecs. the of be described in the non-zero width of the second experiment the width experiment), output In to smoothing is 5 msecs. filters is In down- sampled to one sample per msec per channel. Averaging across Channels 2.5.3 In both experiments, the output average the because there _ - were ---. from no rC all final postprocessing step is to the grounds r--r ·----" channels. for treating was done channels dif- This II PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model each from ferently treatment was found necessary. are postprocessing) no and because other, The group delay of identical, so that Furthermore, the preprocessing of the PAM that ensure filter and the the output all chan- proper, and events multi-channel such as glottal pulses occur at the same time range sophisticated more the PAM processing (including preprocessing, nels 100 in each channel. limited dynamic channel from each is weighted approximately equally. Thus in both experiments, by derived signal, channel the final msec and rate, sampling value of either firing rate ing 2.6 singlechannel signal has a The output the a expected whole-nerve (experiment 1) of mask- or degree auditory nerve. in the (experiment 2) models is individual the adding values and dividing by their number. 1 output SOME OTHER AUDITORY MODELS The field of auditory modeling has Furthermore the tory. long a and rich his- label "auditory model" has been applied to systems with a wide variety of design goals and performance In characteristics. this section discuss we will some audi- tory models that are related to the PAM by their design objectives, response characteristics, or discussed considered are to important be in examples their intendqd use.- own right, of many other have been implemented or proposed. -- -- I·l)·llllll····L·sl111111·1·1··1111 can also be auditory models Most, but not __ -·--* and The systems all, that of the _____·__·______1_11_11110_1_1_ teristics are characbut Most, auditory system. peripheral of the or psychological physiological on based are systems all, 1 1 Peripheral Auditory Model PAM: A not intended to be used in studying auditory response to speech. The developed system designed extract to information chosen tuning curves. Each wide dynamic range envelope detector logarithmic amplifier. (low pass filter system bank auditory followed by a and a filter) These elements play much the same role as the transduction stage in the PAM. this octave 1/3 to match is is system in this filter bandpass resulting the employing bank filters whose characteristics were fiber from analysis filter postprocessing with speech frequency analog an by phonetic The response pattern. performed of preprocessing cochlear-based Rayment and Jacobson, Searle, is an example of a system that combines 1979) (Searle et al., by represents The digitized output of Searle's model of the "information flowing down the eighth nerve to the brain." The second abstraction half algorithms of this which, consists system for CV input of feature signals, measure the values of such psychophysically motivated features as high frequency rise time, voice onset time, and spectral peak location. In their describe a recognition article, Searle et al. experiment in which features abstracted from CV input signals were subjected to a statistical discriminant analysis in order to measure 1 the discrimination _ _ accuracy of the entire system. __ _ _I_ _ __ I hl 102 PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model Following training oh 148 syllables, the system identified the consonant in a further 148 syllables with an overall accuracy rate of 77 percent. system This 1979). to attempts speech also signals, such jective duration. is qu.ency scale auditory model analog front The properties psychoacoustic loudness, pitch, as that (Zwicker et al., postprocessor. measure directly Paulus an combines recognition digital a and is in structure similar Terhardt, Zwicker, by described with is somewhat system that A roughness, end of and sub- An analog filter bank based on a Bark fre- followed by halfwave rectification, smoothing with low pass filters, and conversion to the log domain. The resulting set of "raw" signals are combined in various ways to the produce and loudness called measures psychoacoustically-related roughness both within "specific" loudness and each of signal frequency band roughness), and (so- overall As part of this process the ("total" loudness and roughness). raw signals are fed through a nonlinear circuit which combines a fast non-adapting onset response to a step signal with a two time constant decay following signal offset. Signal qualities related to timbre are measured by calculating three moments of the specific-loudness patterns. The resulting numbers appear to measure spectral balance, and perhaps "peakiness". The postprocessing described _ as _ I in this "standard II -- _ system consists of pattern __ recognition · __·--·11_-_1._-_1_-- III ------- what are procedures." _ I____ PAM: unremarkable, perhaps because the reported, most of which are and Chistovich to appears analysis, The response of high system frequency a uses filters, pass filter bank. adaptation circuits an the with tapped The the the amount period of of energy an preceding perception in The time. the PAM adaptation minus a by divided the input circuit stage, in whose input signal. value The adaptation model over the first. _ _ _ Two to a the validity equals upon preceding the energy of an to be similar be confirm and such depends during upon low to fed output output equals researchers the the appears depends support experiments signal order one appears value whose that the is adaptation. in which coefficient This rectified signal 1974 article: low of to implement the halfwave neural circuit other offset is slopes second of resulting models in proposed output fre- the and bandwidths. filter, between each taps Each including sequence series-connected (Chistovich stages stage models time delays, skirts, automatic gain control input fibers, auditory circuit which are analysis frequency transformed. nonlinearly adaptation and transduction, frequency includes that system what implemented have colleagues her all-analog 1974). et al., quency an be "preliminary state". in a reported to be system is are experiments recognition various of results Accuracy and 103 A Peripheral Auditory Model to input in the that speech this second PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 104 These researchers and others Physiology in Leningrad have 1982). the combined Pavlov of 1974; Chisto- One of the characteristics of this cen- tral model is that it detects onsets and offsets pheral Institute this peripheral model (Zhukov et al., with a central auditory model. vich et al., at frequency channels in such a way as in the peri- to mark phonetic segment boundaries. Another approach to auditory modeling is direct manipulaA group of researchers at KTH in Stock- tion of FFT spectra. holm have described this approach Blomberg et al., 1982; and Granstrom, in several 1982, with a standard FFT spectrum, a series papers (Carlson Beginning 1984). of transformations can produce spectra that represent successive approximations to an "auditory spectrum". These transformations include converting to a Bark frequency scale, converting the amplitude from a Hz scale from dB to phons or sones, and pseudo-spectrum in which the finally, converting of height each point to a the along spectrum represents the width of the surrounding region whose response point. sharp Thus spikes quencies model is "dominated" a vowel at the would includes the spectrum formant dominate an by wide unspecified nominal would appear surrounding technique L 11- as a because frequencies, tion. _ frequency regions. at that number these A of frefinal for modeling adapta- PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model These researchers tion system to for tions used a standard isolated word recogni- test the utility of these various representa- male standard The and especially model The lowest accuracy In rates. than any of the better reporting recogni- consonant for had adaptation included which recognition. consonant and representation was FFT tion. vowel female representations, auditory 105 this work, one the of the authors emphasize that it is by no means proven that auditory modeling provides the best at recognition, which techniques from which to attempt speech representation least using have proven the standard pattern with successful matching and FFT- LPC- based representations. An important issue in which model the example of is a model intended to be physiologically valid. that physiological knowledge presented Allen by uditory modeling is the extent to is intended auditory about (Allen to directly and Sondhi, haircells 1979; An incorporate is Allen, the one 1983). This model combines a cochlear frequency analysis stage with a haircell to model cilia ions transduction stage. the variation displacement, across and the haircell of the The transduction stage attempts haircell receptor resulting wall. In potential diffusion the model of this with calcium diffusion current is taken as a measure of the expected firing rate of auditory fibers terminating at the base of the haircell. addition to testing the model's _ 1. response to - --- ---- simple test In sig- PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model 106 nals, Allen is using it in combination with a central model to study auditory response to speech signals (personal communication). Any auditory model, transduction stage with such the auditory fibers demonstrate problem of modeling as the PAM, limited same that includes dynamic range (20 to 30 dB) must deal a that with the speech with its much wider dynamic range. Delgutte solves this problem in his auditory model by using a parallel combination of three transduction nonlinearities with differing thresholds and dynamic ranges (Delgutte, 1982). These nonlinearities model fibers with correspondingly varying response characteristics. three nonlinearities is The composite dynamic to 80 dB. close uses a large number of bandpass closely many of reproduce the other the shapes models The range of the Delgutte model filters with shapes that more of auditory tuning discussed here. curves than model also The includes a two time constant adaptation stage that is used to model rapid and short term adaptation. The models discussed above calculate the expected mean) firing rate of auditory neurons in response to acoustic stimuli. mary In a model developed by Seneff (1983, 1985) the pri- intent response to is to reproduce the synchronicity stimulus 'waveform for frequencies half of the speech range (below about 3 KHz). includes II (i.e., I a peripheral and _ CC a I__ central _ model. of in auditory the lower Seneff's system The peripheral PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model model uses a bank of bandpass have frequency responses The each output compressor" limit of which the maximum filters which were designed to similar filter uses 107 a signal is two to auditory passed time level. through constant The tuning two an AGC time curves. "envelope circuit to constants are approximately three and forty msecs, so these compression circuits can envelope be said to model compression the rectified, so that the neural signal adaptation. in each channel response is Following is halfwave always nonnegative. The resulting signal is taken to be a model of the fine time firing rate of fibers in the auditory nerve. Seneff's central model makes use of a number of "Generalized Synchrony Detector" measures the degree particular each element of periodicity reference auditory tuned fiber to elements. frequency. of In response signal the fiber's Each its of these elements input signal Seneff's central do a good job of characteristic representing frequency. vowel-like over a wide range of input amplitudes, and noise. the Seneff same kind also describes a scheme of GSD elements as model is processed with a GSD resulting pattern, described as a "pseudo spectrogram," to to a speech The seems signals in the presence of for using an array of a pitch detector that has psychoacoustically appropriate response characteristics. The output signals produced by all of the auditory models we _ I have discussed have values which represent, I to one extent I PAM: A Peripheral Auditory Model or another, the probability developed by Lyon which represent discharge time. in This a 1t8 of neural firings. the presence particular bit pattern haircell Lyon model typically with a (1) or fiber is copied models absence at a as 50 of usecs. of model a neural moment the output of Allen's firing of a in "pri- input the output of transduction more than model. 2200 neurons With bit-stream signals auto-correlation and cross-correlation can be performed with simple by strong implication, operations, after () particular produced as the sampling period such operations a (j982, 1984) the output is a stream of bits mary auditory neuron model" which takes as a In logic in elements the central in turn, can be used in Lyon's nervous to model model system. and, These such pyschoacoustic functions as pitch detection and binaural lateralization. The models variety All of of the discussed auditory these models, that they are with limited above modeling that including partial models objectives demonstrate and is the PAM, of from a the richness and currently underway. suffer complex incomplete from system, data. the fact designed Neverthe- less, the field of speech perception is likely to be considerably advanced through the use of such models to study peri- pheral and central auditory response to speech. 7 ____ _ __·_s_____~ 109 FIGURE CAPTIONS FOR CHAPTER 2 FIGURE 2.1 The Block diagram of preprocessor, PAM, and postprocessor. shapes the speech spectra to fit within the preprocessor amplitude window of the PAM, while the postprocessor measures particular properties of the PAM response pattern. FIGURE 2.2 Magnitude of the frequency response of the preemphasis filter. The vertical axis shows The frequency axis is linear in Hz. The diagonal line shows the frequency response linear gain. of a perfect 6 dB/octave preemphasis filter. FIGURE 2.3 The spectral Block diagram of the Peripheral Auditory Model. The following analysis stage is a 20-channel filter bank. stages are shown for only one channel of the filter bank. Each channel has a similar and independent set of transduction and adaptation stages. FIGURE 2.4 magnitude of the frequency response of three The horizontal axis shows adjacent PAM filter bank filters. frequency shift from the center frequency of the center chanThe vertical axis shows magnitude in dB of frenel in Barks. These curves apply for any of the PAM quency response. bandpass filters, -except for the lowest and highest channels, where the frequency responses are truncated at DC and the Nyquist frequency. Graph _ of the __ I_ I _ 1_1 111--------- 11 Figure Captions for Chapter 2 110 TABLE 2.1 List of center frequencies of the PAM bandpass filters. The center frequencies nominally appear at integral Bark values between 1 and 20, but are adjusted so that they fall on the closest multiple of 50.7 Hz, the frequency spacing of the 256-point DFT that is used to construct the impulse response of the filter bank channels. FIGURE 2.5 Gain and phase of even numbered Frequency is shown in Barks, the magnitude characteristics PAM filter bank chahnels. and gain is linear. of all of the filter Note that banks are frequency scale, while identical on this phase curves increase with channel number. the slope of the FIGURE 2.6 Gain and phase of even numbered PAM filter bank channels. Note that the Frequency is shown in Hz, and gain is in dB. bandwidths of the filters increase with channel number on this frequency scale, while the stant. slopes of the phase curves are con- FIGURE 2.7 Magnitude of frequency response of individual PAM filters. Notice that on Frequency is shown in Hz, and gain is in dB. this scale, the filters appear almost symmetrical, although the low frequency slopes rise at 10 dB/Bark, and the high quency slopes fall off at 25 dB/Bark. fre- FIGURE 2.8 The composite frequency response of the PAM solid line is for the PAM filter bank alone. includes the preemphasis filter. _ _Illlst-I.YILI.------ 11 filter bank. The The dashed line ____I__ __111 Figure Captions for Chapter 2 111 FIGURE 2.9 The magnitude of the Impulse response of PAM filter bank. The peak response impulse response of each filter is shown. in all channels. Each to the impulse occurs simultaneously The ringing in channel 19, and horizontal tick is one msec. are artifacts resulting the anomalous width of channel 2, from the abrupt high frequency truncation of the frequency These curves include the effect responses of those channels. of windowing the impulse response with a Hamming window, but do not include the effect of the preprocessing stage shown in Figure 2.1. FIGURE 2.10 The center frePAM filter bank response to two sine waves. quencies of each channel in Hertz and Bark are listed Along the sides. The vertical dimension is output signal magnitude. The vertical distance between the zero lines of adjacent chanThe input signal, nels corresponds to a magnitude of 45. which consists of the sum of a 46 Hz and a 1674 Hz sine wave, is shown at the bottom, delayed by 9.9 msecs. This is the group delay of the PAM filters, so that the input and output signals are vertically aligned. FIGURE 2.11 Spectral slices of the PAM filter bank shows two views of the response of the same test signal shown in Figure 2.10. cal dimension is gain in linear units. cal dimension is gain in dB (re 1.0). pared with Figure 2.4. response. This figure PAM filter bank to the In panel A, the vertiIn panel B, the vertiPanel B should be com- FIGURE 2.12 PAM transduction stage and its derivation. Panel A shows the This model synstructure of the PAM transduction stage. thesizes the low frequency response of the idealized transducThe nonlinearity in Panel A is tion model shown in Panel B. the DC transfer function of the model shown in Panel B. This _ _I _ID P__ 1 112 Figure Captions for Chapter 2 transfer function is generated using the measuring setup shown in Panel C. See the text for a detailed explanation. FIGURE 2.13 Four possible transduction functions. four The functions shown are a raised hyperbolic tangent, a raised half cosine, a Notice that the transition region ramp, and a step function. of the first three functions are all approximately equal, but that the step function has a zero width transition region. FIGURE 2.14 DC transfer functions. These are functions the result of using the the raised hyperbolic tangent transduction function Each curve is the result of setting the shown in Figure 2.13. bias to a different value, which is shown next to each curve. FIGURE 2.15 DC transfer functions for the transduction four functions Notice that the shape of the underlying shown in Figure 2.13. transduction functions has little effect on the shape of the near the saturating from the is clear resulting transfer functions, especially It functions. amplitudes of transfer characteristics of the transfer functions resulting from the step function that the presence of a transition region in the transfer function gives zero quiescent values. rise to transfer functions with non- FIGURE 2.16 sine waves. PAM transduction stage response to two The input The signal, and picture format is the same as in Figure 2.10. The vertvertical dimension is transduced channel amplitude. the zero lines ical distance between corresponds to an amplitude of one. of adjacent _- - · - -_ -__ channels 113 Figure Captions for Chapter 2 FIGURE 2.17 Comparison of the PAM filter bank and transduction stage The input signal is the same as in Figure 2.16. responses. Panel A, which is duplicated from Panel B of Figure 2.11, shows the output of the filter bank stage with channel ampliPanel B shows the output of the transduction tude in dB. In stage: another view of the response shown in Figure 2.16. In 1.0). (re in dB is gain dimension vertical the panel A, panel B, the vertical dimension is transduced amplitude in linear units. FIGURE 2.18 The input variable Single time constant adaptation circuit. is Vin, the source voltage, and the output variable is Iout , the current through the diode. FIGURE 2.19 Panel A Response of the STCAM to a step onset and offset. Panel B shows Iout· a function of time. shows Vin as Although the current through the diode is zero when the voltage across the diode is negative, the dotted line in Panel B shows the current that would flow if the diode were to be momentarily short circuited at any given instant. FIGURE 2.20 Demonstration of the constant incremental gain characteristics A and Panel B shows Iout. Panel A shows Vi, of the STCAM. Each signal series of eight overlapping signals are shown. begins at the quiescent value, increases stepwise to the first plateau, and after a delay of 0 to 280 msecs, rises again to a Note that the size of the incremental response higher level. to the second step is independent of the delay between the first and second step, and independent of the degree of adapThe size of the tation that has occurred during that delay. steps were adjusted for equal amplitude AFTER the input transduction stage. _II ii Figure Captions for Chapter 2 114 FIGURE 2.21 Origins of nonlinearfties in the PAM response. Panel A is the input to the transduction stage. Note that the vertical axis in Panel A is in dB. Panel B is the output of the transduction stage. Note the quiescent response level, and the saturation in response to higher and higher input levels. Panel C is the output of the STCAM. Note the additional nonlinearites created by the diode in the adaptation circuit. The transduction stage is responsible for nonlinearities in the response to onsets, and the adaptation stage is responsible for nonlinearities in response to offsets. FIGURE 2.22 Demonstration of forward masking in the responses of the STCAM. Panel A shows the input to the STCAM. Panel B shows the output of the STCAM. The dotted line in Panel B is the hypothetical baseline quiescent response. The initial (masking) signal is intense enough and long enough to cause almost complete adaptation. This reduces or eliminates the response to the following (probe) signals. FIGURE 2.23 Another demonstration of masking phenomenom, and the effect of Panel A is the input to the intensity of the masking signal. the STCAM, and Panel B is the output. FIGURE 2.24 Multiple time constant adaptation circuit. The input variable is Vin, the source voltage, and the output variable is Iout' the current through the diode. FIGURE 2.25 Adaptation circuit with two time constants. _ ICr __ Figure Captions for Chapter 2 115 FIGURE 2.26 Responses of the circuit shown in Figure 2.20. Panel A shows Vin Panel B shows out (including its hypothetical negative portion) and I s. Panel C shows Vc 0 and 10, the response of the 15 msec time constant elements. Panel D shows Vc 1 and I, the responses of the 40 msec time constant elements. FIGURE 2.27 Response of the MTCAM to signals with ramp onsets of various Three overlapping signals are shown, with rise times slope. Panel A shows the input to the adapof 5, 20, and 60 msecs. tation stage, Panel B the output of that stage, and Panel C the output of the adaptation stage. The gaps between adjacent signals are 5, 30, and 100 msecs respectively. FIGURE 2.28 Effect of previous signal levels on the size of the response of the MTCAM to onsets and offsets. Two different overlapping Each signal contains transitions between a signals are shown. The timing of the transitions, and LOW, MID, and HIGH level. their exact size, is adjusted to assist in the interpretation Panel A is the input to the transduction of the figure. stage, Panel B the output of the transduction stage, and Panel C the output of the adaptation stage. FIGURE 2.29 Demonstration of the dynamic range of the transient and steady Three overlapping signals are state response of the MTCAM. Panel A shows the input to the transduction stage. shown. Each signal has a rise and fall time of 20 msecs Panel B shows Note that the response the output of the transduction stage. to the signals has saturated, but that the response to the highest signal is wider than the response to the lowest sigThe nal. Panel C show the output of the adaptation stage. incremental response to the three signals are different, even though the output of the transduction stage has saturated. This is because the onset of the highest signal is more abrupt ur 31 Is ·"·I . --I----- 1. - `.·1111·-·-------.- Figure Captions for Chapter 2 116 after it has been windowed though the transduction stage. The greater abruptness results in a stronger transient response. FIGURE 2.30 The input PAM adaptation stage response to two sine waves. signal, and picture format is the same as in Figure 2.10. The vertical dimension is normalized channel amplitude. The vertical distance between the zero lines of adjacent channels The arrows corresponds to a normalized amplitude of three. mark the times at which the spectral slices shown in Figure 2.31 occur. FIGURE 2.31 Comparison of the transduction stage response, and adaptation The input signal is the same stage response at various times. is duplicated from Panel B which A, Panel as in Figure 2.30. of Figure 2.17, shows the output of the transduction stage at Panel B shows the output of the adaptation stage at 80 msecs. and 140 55 msecs (before the onset of the signal), 65, 70, 8, msecs (during the signal interval), and 171, 210, 270, and 390 In both panels, the msecs (after the offset of the signal). vertical dimension is normalized amplitude. FIGURE 2.32 Masking postprocessor response to two sine wave test signal. The input signal, and picture format is the same as in Figure 2.30. Each channel output value is zero if the corresponding value in Figure 2.30 is greater than zero, and one if the The arrows mark corresponding value in Figure 2.30 is zero. the times at which the post-offset spectral slices shown in Figure 2.31 occur. -F1. -- II- --- ·-----. -- 111---1..11------ -_ ____~~~~ _~~~~~~~_ ~~~~ 117 FIGURE 2.1 /I W o . = = a 0 0 0.0 co % e C.L -. C= Il Z: I- = Q . - uC 0 = W =c w XJ = W L-X cC = - --ol 0 It.I II II " C. = LO°= CL i · A_ C ui (V w =~U _l i_. C. 0C U w@ 0m J 0 Cn W C L b W. 0.u .00 - . cD C:): ---- -·I 1·------- FIGURE 2.2 118 Frequency in Bark 0 20 0 6KHz 1.0 C L3 ILD Frequency in Hertz _ IC 1__1 ll FIGURE 2.3 119 w n .w w = u= LA. ¢ X_ 0 w mm S cU ,S _ =0 I C I-- cmi ,I :3 a= E_ I- - C): FP: IIII _ I£ tl PWC= Pz C= I I I I ........- · | roll 91 - I--· I I I I I I 391iS SIS AIUs II I I -------------a I I III IIIII II I I III I iiMII I I 1UH133dS III I I I- C Z mlB I - l FIGURE 2.4 i 11 L + m C + I a) U (Y D 0T a) L Ii kD I !51 Cr) I gP u! _I I__ ___I__·__________VCILI/_R___TCYY-YCI__ U!Le ---.- ----- 121 TABLE 2.1 TABLE OF PAM FILTER CETER FREVUENCIES Center Frequency Filter Number - - -·I - I in Barks in Hertz 1 2 3 4 5 1.015 2.029 3.044 4.058 5 .051 202.9 304.4 405.8 507.3 6 7 8 9 10 6.117 6.827 7.892 8.957 10.02 659.5 761.0 913.1 1065. 1218. 11 12 13 14 15 10.95 11.94 12.94 14.06 15.00 1421. 1674. 1979. 2384. 2790. 16 17 18 16.01 17.02 18.02 19 19.00 20 19.98 3298. 3906. 4617. 5428. 6392. 101.5 I 122 FIGURE 2.5 _o Channel 2 Channe 4 _ ,e Io C t0 1'D - L--- Chnnr 1 l 18 *0 +50 Channel 20 20 a Frequency n Brk _ __l___slll__1______ll___sl_______ _1_1__1_ _____111__ FIGURE 2.6 123 Yes Chonne 1 2 0 -60 -__ -- Chnne 1 4 -60 9 Channe aK - 6 C C Qj wq tu -60 LO 0 LL Channel -60 Chanrnl 101 -68 0 6KHz Frequency _ _b _ 0 6KHz in Hertz 1_1_ I _ _1 124 FIGURE 2.7 LD N L- LU CD lLJ [1 1 II CN I I I 8P U! I- CD to I LI I NIU5 III- - - 125 FIGURE 2.8 LO I I I N I I U) I /L Ill LL ( C4 --- CN ( CO Nt Lfl I I I I I gp U! NIUS I-~~~~--ax~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~i~~~ · C1Dl~~~~~~r~~~--PiRI U~~~~~~· l~~----- LO I FIGURE 2.9 J 126 , I 1 = - X\@s- I , I T ' __tra\:_ I 1 1 1 1' L_ / - o n t_ | 7TS _ E I - _ I I I I g T T>-/7 I =-l Cu , II ca - .)Cc. r, | | o~. i , , , , ,C7St ' | I § § Tv - I I I , 4 ff1 ' I I - - ->h tS/ ti r \ \, -T 7 I I | § -| g I I T- , ,-. , . I r- I I s I I I I I T-- § I \t I I [ . .e n \1+'- - 14 _ (0 g | I X <D 1, §.ll --- TJi| X I T I r -~ ---- -- --r I , . \l I I ·. I I -- -1 ' ' ' ' -r § W § T - 1 -1-- -r-- g l | | X X g g I | | | . . . I , time in msecs ~-II- T- T 1 \4 .. · -~I I I t I '---n W- 20 -- r l\k s X I , . - --- ·--- ,eI I I I ---i 20 ff11-- FIGURE 2.10 127 BEFiTF BRRK HERTZ l82 1 2 j · I I I 223 I 3 384 4 4,6 5 587 6 68 7 761 8 913 9 aM=' 17-7~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17 t ;t -"" T" T~ 1 T 1""'~ 17 7 . 7-77l~",! i~f iI i ii7 11,l - r I i1 MS 1i65 ¢~TI 1218 11 1421 12 1674 13 I ' 14 2384 15 2792 2 · I I ; I I I a "I-------------------- 1979 t MS I iI I ; 1 ; II1UY/I1UYIII~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~llrllllllllllili1 2 ggg MS 3298 MS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'llll 17 is L7 3986 18 4617 19 5428 20 6392 FIGURE 2.11 128 A. Filter Bank Output 30 a) - E1 0 1 Frequency in Bark 20 B: Filter Bank Output in dB 40 m Ci 0 d. <E -40 . Frequency in Bark 1 _ I_ C-·--·---·-·CI--· -_-- 1111 ' 20 129 FIGURE 2.12 A: PAM TRANSDUCTION STAGE NONLINEARITY OUTPUT B: IDEALIZED TRANSDUCTION MODEL IMPIrr _lr.lAi OUTPUT SIGNAL OFFSET BIAS = B C: MEASURIN6 DC TRANSFER FUNCTION 1__ I Ii FIGURE 2.13 130 n Q. C) C .0" L __ __1____1__________1__I__ _ 111_·_1__·_·____1_ 131 FIGURE 2.14 co C C 03 -In C 4- tA -I wnw I XQW 1i1 FIGURE 2.15 132 i step ramp o 100 C 0 ct 0 a. 1c 00 a 0. S. wn S w t S 44n a a To 0 4- a zr c M 'I'x E r K C .4 S c Stimulus Intensity In dB Stimulus Intensity in dB sin tanh 100 a 100 U' 0 a CL a 0:0 Co 4I a us I" S S 40 a tA a .9 S x4US .4 %n 0 0 Stimulu _ Iensity Stimulus Intensity In dB in dB _ I _1_1 ______1____ ____1__1___1______ll 133 FIGURE 2.16 HERTZ BARK 1 I I I I I. I , , I . I I I . . . . . . . . I -. I. , , . 102 1 1 1 2e3 2 3 I 3W4 4 4i6 5 57 I 6 7 II I I . . , , .III ~ . I ~, I ~I ~I ~ I . . . . II. I I I I llll I Iu I . . . .. . 1 1 1 I lI l I I I iI i, III iI , II , III I . I I t t II ,I I i,~T I I I Il ,,, iiii iiiiii1' llrlllll I . I I I iiii i , t lll' 1421 l~litiljlillilii 1674 .. .. .. 14 . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. ~~I~~~~~~~ .. 1979 ........... 2384 III..1.. 15 I I II II I 2798 1 I111 3298 16 [ 17 18 ~I: i i- i ~ II Ii 4 I ii II , l j ii{iiTiI ~c*e IIIIIII III l I l 3916 i [I I ] 4617 19 29 1065 1218 12 13 913 I I ' ii rF~r-i'~iliiiillIIIIgl PR"""I 761 I . . . I' .I I I I~~rI~lll 1 1 1 I~1 III~~lHI 660 1 1 1 1 1 . I II 18 11 ,,I 'I,I i ,( ~ ~ ~ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~ t I -P I i iI -c-~~~r~ald~~~ j~~ 8 9 I II. 5428 I II. . . 69 MS 588 Ms 6392 FIGURE 2.17 134 A: Filter Bank Output in dB 40 m -o Cc 0 Li E -40 Frequency in Bark 1 20 B: Transduction Stage Output 1 d E '0 c) -o C'0 C 0 _ lli 20 Frequency in Bark 1 q_ ___ - 1_·111111_1_ FIGURE 2.18 135 Ca Single Time Constant Adaptation Model ---- ·---- FITUR[d iTRTION STRGE INPUT 136 I Sa s ' _ 3 'UT a Ms / / I/ _II _ 11_· _.i·I·----I 1E i__ 137 FIGURE 2.2N R: RDRPTRTION STAGE INPUT I - __ _ C· _I _ LI _ _I _C I11111 1 1 -- ----- a 0 I . . I _ _II _ I ,I :-j i I__ ,-. -r --·---. --·------ r -----I -. - 5BB as UT B ---- ·l-,arra------1,_____1__1___ SBB as 138 FIGURE 2.21 30dB R: TRRNSDUCTION STRGE INPUT .. III II I - - I - - - . . - - . - I - -w - - _ I ! -30dB S00 mI II _ _ i i i iii I Iii iii ii Ii B: RDRPTRTION STRGE INPUT i II - 0 JJ I I iiiii i i ........ -- UI - _a _I ___' -I - iii _-_ __ ._ · I I 3 _ _t _ _1 ___ I 1 __ · - C: RDRPTRTION STRGE OUTPUT SOD ms B _ . ------------------ ----- ~~~~~~~~~~~~-m 139 FIGURE 2.22 R: RDRPTRTION STRGE INPUT 1 rxl~I I I 1 I I I 4---- - B - - * -- r ----e~ I -··I- '1, - I .... -·--- -- I1i 500 ms 0 3 'UT 0 ms II IIL - ·-. ·- ·-- · lb I11 14X FIGURE 2.23 R: RDRPTRTION STRGE INPUT 1 B: 3 - 0- RDRPTRTION _Jj . - . i. -- .. . i - - -.. - . .. f I _ . I. . . . r . I bm,.m,mq,~.q I . . , .. I OUTPUT I L - - - 1000 Is 0 _ _ STRGE B: RRPTRTION STRGE OUTPUT _I . ._ . ------ 141 FIGURE 2.24 + Rs X Cn Iout cl Co multiple Time Constant Rdaptation ......... odal - I -·· FIGURE 2.25 142 Cl Iout Co Dil ouble Time Constant Rdaptation iodel ~-------I-- - - - - I - I FIGURE 2.26 143 R: RADARPTRTION STRGE INPUT I 0 0 S00 ms 3 Iou+ -5 0 0 ms I out) 1 E co 0 0 ms Camw 1 SHORT TERM RESPONSE 0 ms FIGURE 2.27 144 R: TRRNSDUCTION 5TRGE INPUT 24dB iAs -24dB S s 30 ms lo ms B: RDRPTRTION STRGE INPUT a 800 ms RDIRPTRTION 800 as 0 ___ _I UT I _____·_____________I I __ 145 FIGURE 2.28 A: TRRNqSrlJT TnN qSTAGF TNPlJT 24dB M a -24dB R: AnFIPTATTInN STAF TNPIT .l 0 600 r AnFPTT TI nN STAF.F nl TP! IT. b CII s 600 ms I _ _C FIGURE 2.29 146 A: TRANSIDU[T ION 80dB Ms -10dB R n:PTTTTnN B 0 See as 0 3 C: RDRPTATION STRGE OUTPUT B 50B ms a - ------- II _-----------·--- -Tl __ _I 147 FIGURE 2.30 BARK HERTZ BER TAKC I ..... . - -- . ,. . . .' I I I . . I -- .. . . . ., - -L* --r i I I i·-· FT p '' I -- - I 112 23 304 466 517 5 660 S 7 I |-,Ir- TX I I 761 - 8 ~IFr- TI 9 ~ Ir 1 1-7 ~T iI I . I I A I l 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -i 913 1065 1 1218 11 1421 12 1674 13 1979 14 2384 15 2798 3298 I 17 , ' , I 1 , J l, I I I. , {I 'I 6 i . T, . I. I. I II, ,, O 1 1 i Ii I IIt I.* .It . I . I1I I I I I ,K I- I I I, ~""'~""' I . , , I ' I 18 3986 4617 I 19 2 . I I I , I 1 1 i 1 1 . IIIII I Is - - ------------------------ I " 6392 I I Ms 11, 5428 a I .rr I II I H - I ·---------- ---rr------------ · FIGURE 2.31 A: 148 Transduction Stage Output 1 E a) C) C 0 1 Frequency in Bark B: 20 Adaptation Stage Output 3 O Q. () CC 0 Frequency in Bark 1 I __ _ II IFIC ___I 20 II j FIGURE 2.32 BARK 149 HERTZ BERTRKN 4 1 2 fi i i -1 71 17 1 rrrr-r 1 T`r 3 (- rr II-TI r 17 I-r _ II·I 7 r-77- 102 1 irl 1 I f rllT"I 4 Irr LL --- - 4L6 , I-----e - r 5 203 304 _ _ __ i r-r7 507 6 668 7 761 8 913 9 1065 10 11 Ii 1 ri7-1 T I rl T I -f7-1 1 rl T 1.1 rl rfll t rl 1 Tt7-17T7 77 717 17 Tr7 1 7 i 1 j 1218 71 1421 I i 177'C-rl-I yl I -r 1 7-TI--TTT-TTJ-I I 7--Cl+i-7Fr7--TT1 11r ir I 12 -- I -- - --r---- - C 1674 - 13 1979 14 2384 15 """""'"""" ' ' i' '""' 2790 16 17 18 3298 I 17 I r-l i 7 r 1 1 19 20 g 20 17 I Tr-7 IT-r- r 77 1 T-1 r rT 77 1 r 1 f 77 1 1 1-77 -TT 1 i 7-Tr 7-17-r7Tr77r7 ) -r77-1 T TTi-l 7 rl 1 17 i 1 71r T71 I I ri 1 rl' I rl 3906 I 4617 5428 r 6392 r 0 1MS 50 I , Ir Ms 150 CHAPTER 3 PAM RESPONSE PATTERNS AND PHONETIC DISTINCTIONS 3.1 INTRODUCTION: USING THE PAM TO STUDY PERCEPTUAL RESPONSES TO SPEECH This chapter examines the in detail the response patterns of Peripheral Auditory Model to two sets of speech signals. A simple property of the PAM response to each set is shown to be correlated with listeners' perception of a phonetic trast exhibited between elements within the set. contrasts in question are, in the first distinction between a word-initial /b/ distinction), and tion between an distinction). perceptible in Although acoustically in each two acoustic variations phonetic contrast and The phonetic of stimuli, /w/ or and /p/ only a set, the more ways. such has /b/ as been single The these the distinc- (a VOICED/UNVOICED phonetic stimuli may interpreted as the (a STOP/GLIDE the second set of stimuli, intervocalic within set con- in contrast the fact sets that produce evidence is vary multiple a single that the relationship between acoustic properties and phonetic features is context dependent. Many such acoustic relationships"--multiple acoustic properties, which can be varied to contrast--have been found. vide convincing Be--1 11 evidence 'I _~n I·L__ produce an that no _I___ II__ combinations of identical Their variety and "trading phonetic frequency pro- simple one-to-one relation- II - -- 151 PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions exists ship waveforms as and etc., quency, stop formants, the gap durations, distinctive fre- fundamental which features speech of properties acoustic such between efficiently characterize speech at the phonological and perceptual level. If the correspondence theory described in the Introduc- tion is correct, we might expect that in the peripheral auditory system some of these complexes of acoustic properties are merged into a single phonetic counterpart. relationship to its a simpler auditory property that bears This would consti- tute a "decoding" of the speech signal by the peripheral auditory system. Another creation the form of decoding would be of a measurable property in the PAS response that represents For instance, an abstract property of the acoustic response. in both of the sets of stimuli examined in this chapter, temporal properties of the acoustic signal, such as closure duration and speaking rate, phonetic account of are important elements in an acoustic listeners' PAS The perceptions. can be said to participate in the decoding of speech if its response patterns contain a measurable auditory property, such as average firing rate, is which reflects these abstract temporal proespecially so perties. This auditory transformation appropriate, or apt: linear relationship phonetic feature of if the for instance, between into a linear ca. -C I sra*r an it can be property shown is that the particularly if the PAS converts a nonacoustic relationship . ------i property between an I-- I-- and a audi- PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions 152 tory property and the same phonetic feature. In using the PAM to model peripheral auditory response to speech, and using various response properties, parameters. These values must be parameters teristics; quiesent term, long and postprocessors to assigned determine measure to a number of filter bank (spontaneous) response rate; term adaptation times; the PAM charac- rapid, level of short -firing below which channels are considered to be in a "masked" state; etc. It is reasonable to wonder about the extent to which the results presented in this chapter depend on the exact parameter values chosen. No formal study was made of the sensi- tivity of the PAM response to various parameter values. How- ever, a few informal observations can be made. First, sider, a number for example, of parameters adaptation threshold level Con- following the offset of stimulation. This duration is dependent on the the interrelated. the duration of time during which a chan- nel is in a masked state rate, are selected quiescent response time constants chosen, and used, among other parameters. the masking For a particu- lar stimulus, there are an infinite number of possible sets of parameter tion. do not values which will result in the same masking dura- Therefore the validity of the results depend "correct": just on all that their the auditory system. ·I1_ jD of _I_ the chosen to be presented parameter combination is values being representative of PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions .. , . ~1 . I many of Secondly, reasonable limits the values 153 established can be within from psychoacoustic and physiological data. The quiescent response rate and adaptation time constants are examples of parameters for which such data is available. restricting our analysis goals to demon- Thirdly, we are strating that there is a correlation between PAM response pro- than This is a and phonetic features. perties trying to directly calculate perceptual If a correlation is PAM output signals. less found, rigorous goal responses from its existance is likely to be relatively insensitive to the exact parameter values chosen. Fourthly, although no formal study was made of the effect of varying values parameter were changes in used PAM in values, a number of different parameter informal response pilot properties runs. were No extraordinary observed over the range of parameter values used. Nevertheless, a systematic investigation of the effect of changing PAM parameter values would be useful, as would further attempts to determine optimal values from psychoacoustic and physiological data. _ _a __ PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions 3.2 154 STOP/GLIDE EXPERIMENT This experiment involves a set of 55 synthesized CV syllables perceived tokens were (1983). by listeners created The and original described first, stimuli. A and simple as either analyzed by experiment then the "ba" or Landahl and its response "wa". and results of the auditory analysis will be Maxwell will be to the PAM proposed, statistical comparison will be made of the traditional tic phonetic analysis and the alternative auditory The and a acous- phonetic analysis suggested by the PAM response patterns. 3.2.1 The original experiment The study Background Landahl by Miller that overall of initial tions and Maxwell Liberman syllable formant changed (/wa/). and study was (1979), a in replication which it was of a found duration affected the boundary duration transition from hearing a across stop which (/ba/) listeners' percepto hearing a glide To quote Miller and Liberman: The combined data ... clearly indicate that, as syllable duration increases, there is a perfectly regular change in the way our subjects identified the synthetic speech stimuli] as ba] and [wa]: the longer the duration of the syllable, the longer the duration of transition needed in order to hear [wa]. _l_______llsO·______________ ___ ___ __ _ IC III__ 155 PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions authors believed would make the tokens more that the stimuli synthetic used replication Maxwell and Landahl The realistic than those used by Miller and Liberman. Experimental Procedure 3.1 Figure synthesizer. formant cascade/parallel (1980) Klatt the using created were stimuli The the shows way in which the important synthesis parameters were varied to create a continuum of tokens between a distinct initial labial Each token has stop and a distinct initial labiovelar glide. an of the Hz, and the second first and formant, final tially and rises to 1230 Hz. F3 the amplitude of is 230 is set at 620 Hz ini- F2 is 770 Hz. value and initial value of Fl For all tokens the voicing, vary. a During the initial region both the fre- steady state region. quency by followed region transition and prevoicing initial is held constant at 2860 Hz for all tokens, and the fundamental frequency is held constant at 114 Hz for all tokens. The amplitude of voicing rises dur- interval from a level 10 dB below its steady ing the initial state value, and falls by again 15 dB during the final 20 msecs before the end of the syllable. The stimuli stop/glide continuum in two ways. First, was created by varying the duration of the initial for- mant transitions varies in 5 msec intervals between for most the _ /b/-like tokens the and 65 msecs ----------------··*I 15 msecs for the most /w/- 1.1 156 PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions and but begins time, transitions.) Second, of syllable the Syllables 299 msecs were created were a the of each of For each the 11 87, than the formant steadystate portion 158, 123, syllable rise rise same independently of the onset duration total the has earlier the duration of created. with voicing msecs 15 ends was varied having of amplitude (The tokens. like times. duration, tokens in resulting times, and 228, a total of 55 stimuli. of The bandwidths and cies, the formants, synthesis other higher parameters formant adjusted were appropriate for a male speaker saying the vowel /a/. gest difference between Liberman and Miller the Landahl the and parameter which controls the low-pass cut-off voice source during the initial prevoicing tial value of this parameter was ments between 562 Hz for the most for the most /w/-like tokens. by adjusting the frequency of the interval. The iniincre- and 500 Hz tokens, this parameter rose to 5000 Hz after the end of the prevoicing. Landahl and /b/-like tokens all be The big- varied in logarithmic For to stimuli Maxwell stimuli was created frequen- According to and Maxwell, [This adjustment] interacts with amplitude of voicing such that for the /w/ endpoint the effect was one of strong prevoicing and a gradual increase in amplitude over the formant transitions, while for the /b/ endpoint the prevoicing was much weaker, as is appropriate for a stop consonant, and amplitude of voicing increased very abruptly, also appropriate for the release of a stop. __ C ------------- sls-j ------- __C~as_ ?_I__ 157 PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions Figure 3.2 shows the waveforms of the tokens with the 15 msec rise syllable durations are Each of the five 60 msec rise time. and the time for both the shown fast and slow rise (The tokens with the 65 msec rise times have an time tokens. unexplained ripple in their amplitude envelope. Perceptually, they appear to be good exemplars of /wa/, and are included in all statistical the However, calculations. of because their visual anomaly, tokens with 60 msec rise times will be used in figures to represent the slow-onset endpoint.) Three test tapes were constructed, repetitions each containing eight for a total of 440 stimuli per of each stimulus, The tapes differed only in their random ordering of the tape. tokens. Ten paid subjects to listened and students, hearing disorders. subjects were told none reported Each subject to judge Eight of the All of the subjects were col- subjects were male, two female. lege the tapes. each any history of speech listened to each tape. stimulus and respond or The with either /b/ or /w/: no other responses were allowed. Results and Analysis for all subjects, shown in Table 3.1. The same The average percent of stop for each of the 55 is tokens, responses information is shown in graphical form in Figure 3.3. I _ _ __ It can PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions be seen equal to as that for (rise transitions time 20 msecs) syllables of any duration with beginning times abrupt of 55 a msecs or- more a glide. beginning with Similarly, stop. are less are than or interpreted with syllables consistantly However, 158 rise interpreted as intermediate region in the of 25 to 50 msec rise times, the percentage of stop judgements more likely the longer the syllable, the syllable duration: depend on the it is that a particular rise time will be per- ceived as stop-like. The rise STOP between time associated and GLIDE, a as with function the phonetic boundary syllable duration, of can be calculated by converting the percent stop judgements to normalized those and z scores scores. conversion (This categorical decision model stop percentage of difference between a fitting a assumes is assumed value of an line to psychophysical in which the (e.g., Durlach, 1968) responses the regression linear to depend on the internal perceptual vari- able, which is affected by Gaussian noise, and a categorical criterion or boundary value for the same variable.) The interpolated rise time duration which results in a z score of zero is then taken to be the boundary duration. unduly weighting the regression line by In order to avoid results far removed from the boundary duration, z scores of less than -2.0 or more than 2.0 (percentages above 97 or below 3 percent) are not included in the linear regression calculation. C------ -----·-.I_---i·---U- _____·_11----_111_--- PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions The resulting rise time boundaries 159 are listed in Table 3.1, and plotted as a function of syllable duration in Figure 3.4. The boundary rise time appears to be a nonlinear func- tion of syllable duration, with a lower limit of 27.5 msecs for 87 msecs syllables and 299 msecs syllables. Liberman show a an upper limit of 37.6 msecs for The corresponding data from Miller and greater syllable duration effect: 80 msec syllables had a boundary duration of 31.9 msecs, and 296 msec syllables had a boundary duration experiments duration the for boundary short duration syllables, but of 46.6 msecs. is sensitive lengthening In both to syllable the syllable beyond 200 msecs appears to have little effect. Landahl and Maxwell's acoustic phonetic analysis of these tokens suggests that the phonetic feature associated with an abrupt change in amplitude. the feature tinuant], -continuantj, rise times which and other the is Since /b/ has feature +con- are fast enough to be considered abrupt signal the stop consonant. properties which cue /w/ has -continuant] To the extent that acoustic phonetic differences between /b/ and /w/ are ambiguous, perceptual judgements appear to depend on the auditory system's interpretation of the abruptness of the onset. Presumably the duration of the steady state por- tion of the syllable serves to calibrate the onset time: the longer the syllabic nucleus, the slower the speaking rate, and the more abrupt a particular onset time will appear. _ _-_111----__----·1---·--ri(- If the ll 160 PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions 50 msecs, and 25 acoustic This Why the is endpoint "slow" and transitions rather than some other values? around 25 and 50 msecs * and straightforward leave some questions unanswered: "quick" the are is analysis phonetic consistent, but it does Why perceived rate can influence the the judgement. perceptual * is normalization such no But if the onset time is in the intermediate range necessary. between slow, very or quick very is onset boundary between relationship duration and beyond 200 syllable duration a nonlinear one? * Why duration syllable the increasing does msecs have little effect? The PAM Response 3.2.2 to stop/glide the measurable syllable of and these properties and listeners' rise time because they equivalent higher _ and are syllable not representation, of but the of which pattern rise the are time correlation considered acoustic rather are PAM find to first and between Again, perceptual judgements. duration values response properties study then the response of attempt will PAM the acoustic abstract duration, We stimuli. properties the reflect examine the section we will this In abstract signal, dependent or on any a level waveform segmentation process. _ms 1i Isrl PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions Much trated of our attention in this section 161 will be concen- on the onset and offset characteristics of the PAM in response to these stimuli. Let us define the onset response to be the response of the PAM in the first 20 msecs following any significant increase above the a stimulus begins. This length spontaneous of time is firing rate as long enough to encompass the first two glottal pulses of our stimuli that are strong enough model. Let us define the offset response to be to be well within the dynamic range the of response of the PAM to the last full glottal pulse before the 2 of a stimulus. practice regions it Although these are informal the offset definitions, in is always easy to identify the location of these in the response pattern of the PAM. The strength of the onset or offset response (within a particular channel) is defined to be the maximum response signal value obtained within the onset or offset interval. PAM Processing Procedure and Parameters The stop/glide stimuli were digitized per second from audio The audio signal was digitizing. The tape (sample low-pass digital period filtered signals at were at 12,987 samples = 77.000 usecs). 6,400 Hz before preemphasized as described in Chapter Two, and then processed by the spectral analysis stage was stage. the ~~~"~~~~D~~~"----C-~~~~__ The DC nonlinearity transfer function ____ used of in a the transduction raised hyperbolic PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions 162 tangent function, with a bias parameter of -1.1. A three time constant adaptation stage was used, with time constants of 15, 40, and 320 response. msecs, contributing equally to the The adaptation ratio was 3.5. PAM Response Patterns Figure 3.5 shows the response of the stop/glide stimulus with the fastest onset time the transient longest syllable duration (299 PAM to the (15 msecs) and msecs). The periodic pulses in the PAM output are the model's response to the glottal pulses in the amplitude, the PAM's (channels state three input. onset through response Because in the of the response eleven) is in rapid the increase Fl and F2 region stronger than same region. This its steady is due primarily to adaptation, since the acoustic amplitude of the onset is than or equal three through tions add to to the five, this amplitude of and eight and the vowel. nine, onset-peak effect: the For formant in the figure. percent stop In channels transi- frequen- These formant transitions can be seen summary, responses), less within the onset region the formants move through and then beyond the center cies of these channels. in this and has token an sounds like onset response /ba/ that (98 is stronger than its offset response. Figure stop/glide 3.6 shows the response of the PAM to the stimulus with the same onset time as the previous I·-·l--·---siL··l··--- _-------- -. -- PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions (15 figure The msecs). but msecs) state steady three glottal pulses long. of portion this (87 duration syllable shortest the 163 syllable is only still fast The onset, however, is enough that the envelopes of the PAM channels in the Fl and F2 of regions, where most followed by steady a is, energy show token This decline. and has stop responses), (100 percent /ba/ the initial peak also sounds like an an onset response looks somewhat that is stronger than its offset response. shows a response pattern Figure 3.7 different. msec onset the The stimulus in this figure is the token with a 60 and a 299 msec amplitude onset than voicing of duration. in The gradual stimulus the response that is smaller in almost the that PAM response portion of the token. at the increase results all of the beginning of the PAM a in in channels state steady Even 200 msecs after the beginning of the steady state region, when most of the potential adaptation has occurred, the firing rate is still higher in most channels than during the onset. This token sounds like /wa/ (1 percent stop responses), and has an onset response that is weaker than its offset response. Figure 3.8 shows the PAM response to msec onset and an 87 msec duration. onset and a short syllable a token with a 60 The combination of a slow duration results in an offset response that is much stronger than the onset response in all channels containing b significant energy. .--------- Once again, this PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions perceived to begin with a clear glide, eliciting no is token 164 stop responses at all from the experimental subjects. to have little figures, syllable duration appeared four In the previous effect on either perceptual responses relative sizes of onset and offset responses. the onsets in these 3.9 Figures slow. figures and 3.10 were either the This is because very the represent or fast PAM or very responses to stimuli with intermediate transition and amplitude rise times For these tokens, syllable duration has much more (30 msecs). Figure of an effect. 3.9 shows duration, which with a 299 msec the PAM response to a token is perceived to be strongly stop-like (94 percent stop responses), while Figure 3.11 shows a token an with 87 msec generally glide-like region of the lower pulse pulses onset. This offset and F2 response. vowel is percent formants of than later tends offset response Fl (17 stop responses). patterns, for these the for to place the shortest stimuli with In be the the glottal region is the most rapid peak response very close to duration syllable, (the pulse near 120 msecs) so that the for channels in the approximately the same size as the onset In contrast, when the steady state portion of the allowed to continue tial adaptation occurs for 200 msecs or more, substan- and the relative size of the last full pulse (near 330 msecs) is relatively weak. _ to to the largest response peak occurs one or two leading glottal the is perceived duration, which 165 PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions A Possible Auditory Analysis These informal observations regarding the relative sizes and offset response peaks of onset suggest a possible measure of "onset strength" as a property of the peripheral response to speech. An abrupt onset of acoustic energy should result in an auditory response that is pared relatively strong com- response to the stimulus with the auditory following the onset. A simple postprocessor was designed to provide a quantitative The measure of onset strength for the current set of stimuli. first step in the postprocessing was single-channel composite waveform to produce a smoothed PAM from the multi-channel This was done by using a 20 msec half hamming win- response. dow to smooth each channel 6f the PAM response. of the hamming window was used, so that the The left half non-zero portion of the smoothing window included the current response and the response during the previous 2 msecs, with most of the weight At each point in given to responses within the last 10 msecs. time, the channels, smoothed so that values were the whole-nerve firing rate, output averaged over all value represents twenty PAM the expected averaged across all frequencies, and smoothed with a 20 msec window. The second step in the postprocessing was to select parglottal ticular The response. second pulses glottal significant - - to pulses glottal I represent chosen pulse in the onset were and as the response, and defined the onset __ offset : i_____L_____lil;l-_J;L- PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions 166 The loca- the last full glottal pulse in the offset response. tions of these pulses, which always occur at the same time in value largest the extract to written was program puter com- A are listed in Table 3.2. same length, stimuli of the smoothed composite PAM response signal within attained by the In all cases a the temporal limits established by Table 3.2. glottal pulse was well within limits, the and corresponded to a subjective choice of the correct onset or offset pulse. for Thus we stimulus each a derived have quantitative measure of the strength of the onset and offset of the periNotice that we do not have to meas- pheral auditory response. ure time--either rise time or syllable duration--in any direct that itself Instead the PAM way. of size the is behavior which its in response turn is dependent time, a measure of provides on adaptation in a particular dependent on time in way. The Figure 3.11 shows a set of five stop/glide signals. acoustic waveform is shown on the left, and the smoothed com- posite PAM response on the right. The top signal is perceived to be strongly /ba/-like for all syllable durations, while the bottom signal durations. is perceived The less to be three middle /ba/-like or Note that the glottal pulses composite signal. for signals are perceived as on the syllable depending more strongly /wa/-like are __ being duration. still clearly visible in the The vertical lines indicate the position of ____ __1_1__(___1________II____· _ all _1 PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions the pulses response onset and offset The durations. syllable for responses, each of five the possible the indicate lines horizontal the strength of represent the to chosen 167 strength of the onset glottal pulse for each signal. The percentages above each response pattern are the per- cent of stop responses to the shortest syllables (left value) and time. This of response stop or glide. (top signal), syllables as beginning with a stop. it is significantly with relative sizes the duration a glide. the onset is When of any duration are perceived than is slow enough any of the of any duration For intermediate are offset the syllable, and the that pulses perceived onset times, of the onset and offset pulses will of fast than any of the offset When the onset smaller syllables (bottom signal), beginning rise offset pulses, and the per- enough that it is significantly larger pulses indicated figure clearly shows the relationship between the relative heights of the onset and ceptual the (right value) with syllables longest perceptual as the vary with response varies in the same way. Statistical Analysis In this section we will attempt to answer three questions. * How well do the acoustic properties of rise syllable duration explain the perceptual data? I -^ I _1_ 11__ _I time and ____l_____·C____1__L____I____ PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions 168 k* How well do the auditory properties of onset rate explain the perceptual data? * How linear is the relationship between offset firing rate and the onset rate representing the phonetic boundary between stop and glide perception? and offset The first two questions can be answered using a multiple regression lyses, analysis. In the dependent both the acoustic and variable is auditory ana- the percent of stop judge- ments by the listeners, converted to a normalized z score. In the acoustic phonetic analysis, the two independent variables are rise time and syllable duration. In the auditory analysis, the two independent variables are onset firing rate and offset firing rate. The results of the multiple regression analysis are shown in Table 3.3. It can be seen that both the acoustic analysis and the auditory analysis provide a good explanation for variability in the data: the acoustic analysis the explains 88 percent of the variability, and the auditory analysis explains 94 percent of variability. The auditory measures of onset and offset firing rate are more strongly linearly correlated with the perceptual responses. significant at the p=.0l The difference is statistically level, as measured by a Student's t ratio of the size of the residuals in the z scores after the respective linear regressions. __ I _ _ 1I 169 PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions In both for most of the variability in the accounts stimuli the of From the discussion above, data. it should be clear that the the Since much of equivocal. results when the onset measures are affect only duration syllable with associated measures characteristics onset the of cases, the measure the current data contains onset characteristics clearly india of cative a or stop glide, have measures onset the the larger partial correlation coefficient. In order to analyze the role of syllable duration and its and glide-like onset times. between stop-like onset times on dence tory rates firing onset the analysis, were stimuli stimulus percent whose offset stimulus and Each stimulus offset whose rate of the first clusters _I_ least ~ ~ ~ ~ than z score between +2.0 rate was within three members, ~ with two around which a cluster had with a cluster member, by more differed was and ~ added to both had ~ and five percent of the the cluster. Of the clusters that were formed using this method, them had at firing For the audi- into grouped rate firing from a previous been formed. depen- A cluster was formed around each similar offset firing rates. -2.0, onset glide-like and Figure 3.12 shows both of these graphs. rates. the It firing rate of the phonetic boundary between offset stop-like showing graph a similar construct to possible which graphs phonetic boundary the of the dependence on syllable duration is 3.4, Figure return to can we auditory measure, ~ eight of positive s_ _ ~~~~~~~-_--- and PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions 170 An interpolated boundary onset firing rate negative z scores. was calculated for each of these eight clusters using a linear least-squares fit to the z scores. It can be seen that the relationship between the auditory Why measures of onset and offset firing rate is quite linear. is the auditory relationship a straight line while the acoustic relationship the kind of is a "syllable saturating curve? duration" that Presumably because is used perceptually grows in much the same way that firing rate falls off: quickly at first, between and slower then perceptual duration and So slower. (in this case) auditory response (offset firing rate) system appears with a measurable to provide and a property of The peripheral audi- central the relationship is more direct than the acoustic correlate of syllable duration. tory the system auditory response property that corresponds linearly to the way in which syllable duration is perceived. 3.3 VOICED/UNVOICED EXPERIMENT this In "rabid" were able and tokens the were experiment, natural utterances of the word edited to adjust the duration of the first syllintervocalic perceived by stop gap. listeners The be to Ii -·l-·L-lll-- resulting either - set the of word 171 PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions the "rabid" or tions. The described first, stimuli. A in and created edited the analyzed by duraand Price The original experiment and its results will be Simon (1984). evident jwere tokens on depending "rapid", word and then simple measure the auditory the of of response the degree of response will be the to PAM the forward masking proposed, and the correlation between that measure and the perception of voicing will be explored. The original experiment 3.3.1 Background A number of studies have demonstrated that many acoustic properties can cue the distinction between voiced and unvoiced (Edwards, stop consonants. Lisker, 1978; 1981; Klatt, of these properties is closure duration. Although weak a only plays Lisker, Stevens and Klatt, 1974; Zue, 1976). vocalic stops, one tion 1975; Edwards in role found voicing the 1957; For inter- length of the that closure duraidentification in natural speech, and does not exhibit a bimodal distribution of values, he found that voice onset time and consonant duration play very important roles. closure duration increased, the overwhelming perhaps ·__ has variation effect because in on these In edited speech tokens, where the been in substantially closure the tokens duration decreased can have or an voiced-unvoiced distinction, it elicits the same response PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions that Another speech. or VOT changing is English can that affect voicing preceding the of duration the natural in does duration property acoustic in identification consonant 172 Edwards found that in normal speech this is the weak- vowel. investigated, 13 acoustic cues to voicing that he est of the but as we shall see it can significantly affect voicing perception in properly controlled circumstances. Price The closure which of category and levels effects of and age to Thus were edited in used order These acuity. "rabid" to syllables were of way in the the equal avoid two effect linguistic consonants. stop approximately with effects four signal durations on level presentation intervocalic in the examined experiment vowel subjects hearing HL. and voicing younger listened Simon stimulus and age listener and audiometric confounding of groups played at the subjects 60 and 80 dB duration, closure investigated: Older vowel duration, subject age, and presentation level. Experimental Procedure Four tokens of the word "rabid", native spoken by an adult male speaker of English, were used as a source of stimuli. Spectrograms of these tokens tokens were low-pass are shown in Figure 3.13. The The resulting sig- filtered at 3.5 KHz. nals had amplitudes at and above 4 KHz that were at least 70 dB below _ the spectral _ peak in I ---- _ the middle ___ of the _·___--.---.------rl stressed ---- -·-·I-D-- PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions initial vowel. 173 The authors state that The words used ... had stop release bursts with predom- inant energy at relatively low frequencies (i.e., below 4 KHz). Thus it is likely that little, if any, information was destroyed in the filtering process. After filtering, a waveform editor was used to replace the original 90 to 95 msec closure durations with one of four intervals of silence: 35, 65, 95, or 125 msecs. In a similar manner, the original preclosure voicing, which had a duration of 200 to 230 msecs, was adjusted by removing or duplicating glottal pulses in the Figure portion "vowel" durations: create one of four msecs. steady-state 3.14 the shows 160, waveforms of the 180, of vowel to 200, four or 220 stimuli representing the endpoints of both the closure durations and vowel durations. The resulting set of 64 stimili (four original tokens times four closure durations times four vowel durations) recorded on tape. were Eleven randomized sequences of the complete The first sequence was used as a practice set were recorded. In the other sequences, each stimulus was separated from set. the following stimulus by three seconds of silence. Each sub- ject listened to the tape twice, with a delay of several days between the sessions. played at 60 dB HL. played at 80 dB HL. During the first session the tape was During the second session the tape was During the second session only five of the sequences were played followed the practice sequence. -X I. " 81 C·- ---i----------·-------·-·------- PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions experimental Ten of the and 26), attempt and to find older (between 16 were young ten of the subjects were older made was subjects 174 subjects (over 55). with An pure-tone audiograms as close as possible to the younger subjects. This was done because the authors wanted to study age effects other than hearing level. audiograms of both thresholds of the Figure groups of older group 3.15 shows subjects. are less The the pure-tone mean pure-tone than 1 dB below the mean for the younger group at all frequencies measured below 4 KHz. The the stimuli were presented subjects were asked to other medial consonant. to respond (At the subjects with monaurally, "b", op", or and some shortest closure durations, some subjects reported hearing "t" or "d", presumably reflecting the perception of an intervocalic flap.) Analysis Figure 3.16 from subjects, tion, vowel shows as a the average percent of "p" responses function of age group, level of presenta- duration, strongest effect seen and closure in this duration on the percent of "p" duration. By far the figure is the effect of closure responses. Closure durations of 35 msecs elicted predominantly "b" responses, with some "t" or "d" responses. tions -I' - of 125 msecs - No "p" responses occurred. elicted predominantly ---··--·---··PIIgpsl··1111119·(· · Il Closure "p" responses. duraFor 175 PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions durations tokens with closure vowel duration, level of intermediate presentation, to and extrema, these subject age all have an effect: * The longer the preceding vowel, the longer the boundary duration; * The older the subject, the longer the boundary duration; r* The quieter the the presentation, longer boundary the duration. These effects are summarized in Figure 3.17, where the interpolated closure boundary durations are shown as a function of the other independent variables. interpolation was using z normalized scores The a in manner to similar done that described in the previous experiment. of closure duration on The effect typical preted of in acoustic properties a categorical stop consonant as voiced voicing is perception which are perceptually interThe manner. of identification the or unvoiced changes abruptly across some boundary value of closure duration. The auditory system acts as if some perceptual anchor exists at the boundary location, no although such anchor is visible in the acoustic waveform. The trading - - -- effect of relation vowel duration between multiple a ---- P6 "- is another acoustic · cues example to a ··------------ of a single PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions phonetic distinction. of vowel duration dependent" duration in the cate a voiced One possible explanation for the effect follows "context along what constitutes much explanation stop/glide stop, 176 and for the the effect experiment: long "short" and closures same line of as the syllable short closures indian unvoiced stop, but "long" depends on speaking rate. An intermediate closure duration would be considered longer if it appeared in the context of a rapidly articulated sentence, while the same articulated closure, sentence, occurring would in the constitute midst a shorter Articulation rate, in turn, can be estimated tion. Therefore a longer vowel articulation rate, and results of duration a slowly closure. from vowel durasignals a slower in more "short closure" judge- ments and hence more voiced responses. Price and Simon present a tentative alternative explanation, based on assumptions regarding the peripheral response to their stimuli. They assume that sensitive of the release burst to the amplitude auditory "the listener is in deciding whether a /p/ or /b/ was heard." They then argue that changing vowel duration, affect the This level level of explanation is neither Edwards nor of presentation, auditory response problematic Zue found for any and to subject the release burst. several reasons. systematic l(n---- shows relatively small -- differences in First, differences the burst amplitude of voiced and unvoiced stops. model age will the in Second, our size of __-_l__l_-0^·__---· the PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions 177 release burst as a function of the parameters mentioned above. Hence we shall not pursue this proposal in detail. Continuing their analysis, Price and Simon cite a number of studies which suggest that there are age-related effects in the processing of temporal Maki, 1976), and that information in speech temporal resolution age (Ludlow, Cudahy and Bassich, the age related differences in 1982). deteriorates with They boundary (Beasley and speculate duration that that they found "are correlated with the neural response of the auditory system to the correlation release may be burst of the due to a consonant, lengthening and that this with age of the recovery time of neural fibers." 3.3.2 The PAM Response In this section we shall the voiced/unvoiced some measurable examine stimuli. property of the We will the PAM response of first the PAM attempt response to pattern to find which corresponds to the abstract acoustic phonetic property of closure boundary duration. which vowel duration Then we shall and neural investigate the way in recovery time--as hypothesized correlate of age--affect this property. have little to say about a We shall the effect of presentation level on the closure boundary, because the dynamic range of the PAM is too limited to allow us to test stimuli that differ in inten- sity by 20 or even 10 dB. _ _ I_ _ 1_1 I__ ______l_________s_____1__11_11_____1 - PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions PAM Processing Procedure and Parameters The stimuli were digitized at from audio tape. The audio phasized as described spectral analysis transduction hyperbolic To model in the The Chapter Two, the DC transfer response of filtered at then processed by nonlinearity used function with a bias the younger second signals were preem- and The function, samples per low-pass digital stage. stage was tangent 12,987 signal was 6,400 Hz before digitizing. the 178 of a parameter subjects, in the raised of -1.1. a three time constant adaptation stage was used, with time constants of 15, 40, and 320 response. msecs, contributing equally The adaptation ratio was 3.5. PAM operating parameters used to the transient (These are the same for the stop/glide experiment.) To model the response of the older group of subjects, only the middle adaptation time constant was changed. from 40 to 5 msecs, in line with Price and It was increased Simon's sugges- tion. PAM Response Patterns Figure 3.18 shows the response of the peripheral auditory model this to a figure durations II stimulus corresponds and the to shortest Figures 3.19 stimuli corresponding _ created through I_ 3.21 to from Token the of C11 the show the shortest four the four 1. of The the stimulus four closure other possible three in vowel durations. endpoint combinations of PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions longest vowel and closure 179 durations. General shortest and features of interest that are visible in these response pat- terns include: firing before the begin- * the steady level of spontaneous ning of the first syllable; * the rising first and second formant during the transition into the steady state portion of the first syllable; * the clear definition of that are not saturated; * the saturation of the and second formants; * the significant amount of adaptation of response in the formant channels during the course of the initial vowel; * the almost total lack of spontaneous firing across all channels at the beginning of the intervocalic stop closure; * the recovery of spontaneous firing in some channels during the course of the longer closures; * the strong alveolar offset transitions second formant at the end of the word; * the recovery of spontaneous firing following the end of the word, with heavily stimulated channels around the formants recovering later than the less stimulated channels at high frequencies and in the valleys between formants. the glottal pulse in channels which include channels the in the first first and As mentioned above, Price and Simon suggested that changing duration the of the change the size of - -- r -r"l stop the ·---- closure and the auditory response to the I P-------- ----------- -----------.--------.- vowel might stop burst. PA4 Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions Figure 3.22 shows this tern. It can be response, displayed as a spectral pat- sen longer vowel durations, response. However, that Because these shorter closure durations, and do result in a somewhat smaller burst these changes corresponding to changes in dB. 180 are relatively small, stimulus amplitude of less than 5 differences are so small, burst response size did not appear to be a robust auditory property to try to correlate with voicing perception. If we look at the auditory response within the calic intervo- stop gap, and ask ourselves what other property of the response pattern might be associated with a categorical boundary for msecs, voicing an firing perception obvious following possibility recovery should be noted that the through they 3.21, were within is from the the the range return of of initial 50 to 10 spontaneous syllable. It small vertical scale of Figures 3.18 and the poor resolution of the device on which plotted, make it appear that spontaneous firing begins considerably later than it actually does. The the recovery of masking 3.23 firing is most easily postprocessor described through 3.26 show the output of in examined by using Chapter this 2. Figures postprocessor when applied to the PAM response patterns to the endpoint stimuli. In these figures, a high value in a channel at a given instant means that the expected firing rate in that channel is zero. We will describe such a channel as _ I _CIIII_ "masked". Ii/ As can be seen, PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions 181 masking begins to appear in heavily stimulated channels during the first for one syllable, When sure. only with onset of the begins duration closure the the during latter However, sustained masking across half of each glottal pulse. almost all channels two msecs or is only clo- stop 35 msecs, masking continues up to the release of the stop, with spontaneous firing and lowest the in only reappearing the highest some of channels, where there is little acoustic energy in the syllable. first In contrast, when the closure duration is 125 msecs there is more opportunity for recovery, and spontaneous firing spreads the most heavily but all across stimulated channels. in 3.24, which shows the masking pattern By comparing Figure response to a stimulus with a "short" vowel duration, and Figure 3.26, stimulus vowel the which with a the masking shows vowel "long" duration affects the pattern duration, it in response be can recovery period. This seen is to a that due to long term adaptation constant, which results in more adapin tation, and therefore a longer recovery time, response to 220 msec vowels than to 160 msec vowels. A Possible Auditory Analysis Examination through suggests 3.26 masking the of that amount of masking present at the end of the ·II - composite in Figures measure 3.23 of the in the peripheral auditory response closure -·W some patterns in an intervocalic stop may be PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions 182 related to the perception of the closure as "short" or "long". In this section we will develop a quantitative measure of closure length with the idea, on this based perceptual responses explore and of listeners its correlation in this experi- ment. A simple quantitative measure of degree of masking at a particular moment can be produced by counting the fraction of channels for which the output of the masking detector is high The resulting measure will have the value one (equal to one). when all channels will have have value the an expected when zero rate greater than zero. all firing rate of zero, and channels have an expected (Although we are not presently con- cerned with constructing a measure of masking which is psychologically valid, system could it should be noted that the taneous firing To do of rate zero, detecting the nervous a masking detector similar to the one implement we have proposed. central requires knowing so an auditory fact that the neuron current that is rate spon- the than greater is zero, and generating a neural response that signals those facts.) This measure was in this the stimuli was smoothed using resulting signal to the applied experiment. a 5 represents As a final step, the measure left msec a response of the PAM to half-hamming smoothed The window. composite measure of the degree of masking in the peripheral auditory nerve. _ _1 I _ICL_ _1__ I __ I_ _ PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions 183 Figure 3.27 demonstrates the behavior of this signal and its relationship to the acoustic signal and the composite PAM firing in used signal rate is a stimulus produced from on top, shown acoustic waveform, The experiment. previous the Token 1 and has a 160 msec vowel duration and 220 msec closure duration. smoothed with features in ing, middle The a this clear the acoustic 20 vowel stressed recovery of to the glottal spontaneous in firing spontaneous firin the firing rate during the burst visible the visible), pulses response Interesting window. onset saturation the PAM composite include the initial response (no the hamming half msec signal waveform, is signal during the stop steady closure, and The bottom signal the glottal pulses during the second vowel. is the smoothed composite masking signal generated by postprocessing the PAM response to the nal has firing an at initial value (nonzero) their top signal. of zero, because spontaneous rate The masking sigall channels before the are word begins. As the acoustic energy increases, heavily stimulated channels begin exhibit masking to (complete during the second half of glottal cycles. bottom the trace first closure as and the has vowels. of masking At an for both of the stop visible the beginning shows firing) This appears in the spikes, pulse-like of abrupt increase, and in a step-like fashion over the course of the The staircase effect is due to the fact that the PAM only 20 ______ second amount then decreases closure. glottal lack channels, and only , -- i--- --- a minimum amount of temporal ------ -------· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~~~--·"·--------~~~~~ I PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions With a sufficiently large number of smoothing has been done. the channels decline presumably would level masking 184 in a ramp-like fashion. for all the four four of combinations closure durations. stimuli endpoint the stimulus three these shows 3.28 Figure representations from Token 1: produced and shortest and longest vowel of the Two things First, short should be noted. closure durations result in high masking levels at the release of the stop. Second, a longer vowel duration causes the mask- ing level to remain higher for a longer period of time. All of the experimental stimuli can be divided into sets, such that set were produced of a all members original token, and have the 16 such sets: same duration. same There are four original tokens times four vowel durations. Analysis of the offset of masking in the simplified by realizing that its stop closure can be time course is the same for For a given set, the only thing that all stimuli in each set. differs vowel from the from one member of the set to another is the duration to which masking falls before of closure, and hence the level the release of the stop. Therefore if we can characterize the time course of the decline of masking duration in each set, we can use that analyze all four members of the set. _ for the longest closure I____I_____1Cb__l__- characterization to 185 PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions The decline of masking is sufficiently linear that we can characterize it as a ramp, and fit a straight line to it using Table 3.4 shows the result of fitting a a least-squares fit. straight the of the postprocessed PAM responses line to each sixteen with 320 msec stimuli closure to These durations. results are with the PAM operating using adaptation constants of 5, 40 and 320 msecs, the values used in the previous experiment, and used this subjects. the younger values in experiment to model lines are The the response of to masking fitted that meet all of the following critia: level located within less than 90 percent of the maximum masking the stop closure; level value; more than 10 percent above the minimum value; and (30 to 70 percent of the channels masked). between 0.3 and 0.7 Typically, criteria more and than are 50 sample values in included The goodness-of-fit measure tion of the variation the signal least-squares meet these calculation. listed in Table 3.4 is the frac- values predicted (fit- in masking level ted) by the straight line. per It can be seen that the decline of masking can be represented well by a straight line. To review, we are of auditory measure the attempting "length" to construct of a closure a peripheral duration, and have decided to base this measure on the degree of recovery from This, adaptation. in turn, is being measured by the fraction of channels which have recovered sufficiently to have a nonzero spontaneous rate. I.....IP I* · We can arbitrarily pick a certain PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions for exampl' 0.5, fraction, more fraction than this masking before The end. an to comes closure the recovered channels have the is long that a closure and say of 186 if from rightmost column in Table 3.4 shows the interpolated times at which this for each of is reached masking boundary sixteen the stimulus sets. relationship between our masking boundaries What is the perceptual boundaries? and listeners' Each of the four panels in graphical answer to this question. this show figure Figure 3.29 provides a relationship between the the masking boun- daries and the perceptual responses for one group of subjects Each data point corresponds to and one level of presentation. the results a single vowel for duration, for stimuli from a single original token. In general, as vowel duration increases, both perceptual and masking boundaries increase. If the perceptual and maskeach other, ing boundaries increase linearly with respect to the connecting line between data points will be straight. the perceptual amount, and straight the lines in the panels. are equal, masking line increase boundaries will be parallel to the the If same diagonal If the perceptual and masking boundaries the corresponding data point will fall directly on the diagonal. I P1 _ __ls______m__l__l__1__1_1 __ ___ _ Ij- PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions It is exists clear from Figure between listeners' the perception 3.29 that interpolated of the a linear masking stimuli as 187 relationship boundaries voiced or and unvoiced. For some tokens, groups of listeners, and presentation levels, the match appears to be almost perfect (c.f., Token 3, young group, 60 dB; and Tokens 1 and 3, young group, 80 dB). On the other hand, it is also clear that the masking boundary is not perfectly correlated with all the perceptual data. of correlation differs between tokens. The degree Token 4, for instance, shows a much greater change of perceptual boundary than masking boundary as vowel duration increases. Clearly, listeners are sensitive to some properties of these tokens that are not being captured by our masking measure. ing, given the number of acoustic This is hardly suprishave been found to affect voicing perception in intervocalic stops. The important point the is that a features that simple measurable property of peripheral auditory response shows a strong linear correlation with the phonetic feature of voicing, that the nature of that property makes it reasonable to suppose that it could serve as an anchor auditory for categorical perception, and that the peripheral system apparently combines unrelated in a acoustic single response properties of property the two stimulus, namely vowel duration and closure duration. What of the other two controlled variables in this experiment? As we mentioned before, _ _ r the dynamic ---- \·*( -· range of the PAM 1.1 PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions is too limited to be able to or even 10 dB. However, that the current model change the 188 intensity by 20 input small changes in input intensity show not does predict the observed results: increasing the input intensity results in longer masking boundaries (because report shorter of increased perceptual Figure 3.29 as a general listeners while adaptation), boundaries. (This shift downward of the is visible in data points in the right panels compared with the left panels.) In general, daries. upward the older This of can subjects be seen the data points top panels. by an auditory neurons. in increase In cessed with the time constant changes Figure 3.30 Simon with for results shows the suggest age PAM, time stimuli increased of this shift compared with this recovery To might be time of into an test this experiment were repro- this short term adaptation to 50 msecs. Table configuration of No other shows the the model, and 3.5 relationships between percep- Whereas are ideal 1___/1__1__·_1___________1______11(··· boun- general translates were made. subjects the diagonal lines marking an that constants. in the resulting younger a as the this from 40 msecs values for perceptual in the bottom panels tual and masking boundaries. points 3.29 PAM operating with the in parameter interpolated longer Figure in the adaptation hypothesis, all of the reported and Price explained increase the age of the subjects. controlled variable is The final in Figure roughly 3.29 the centered data around relationship, and the data _ __I_ II PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions points in for Figure clustered 189 older subjects are mostly above the diagonal, the the 3.30 data about symmetrically for points the the older data the and diagonal, are subjects points for the younger subjects tend to fall below the diagoThis suggests that Price and Simon's hypothesis would be nal. an adequate explanation of the differences in the responses of the younger and older subjects. 3.4 CONCLUSION of port the correspondence theory of the role of sup- in evidence In this chapter we have presented some peri- the This theory pro- pheral auditory system in speech perception. poses that the transformations which speech signals undergo in the peripheral phonetic auditory system help to features speech depends. upon the which What kinds of decode the underlying content linguistic transformations of have we the seen, and how might they constitute a decoding of the speech signal? The evidence of this chapter suggests five types of peripheral auditory transformations that may help decode speech. From abstract to concrete: The peripheral auditory system can transform an abstract duration, : -- onset """ vowel time, ----PL acoustic property, 888 duration, or such as syllable closure duration, 190 PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions into concrete, measurable a auditory neural of the Whether or not the central nervous system actually response. to that property is responds property ures 3.12, an unanswered question, but Fig- 3.29, and 3.30 demonstrate that the CNS responds to something highly correlated with the properties we have identified. From complex to singular: The peripheral auditory system can transform a group of acoustic properties that are known to participate in a phonetic trading relationship into a single The clearest example of this is the way in auditory property. which closure duration and preceding vowel duration combine to influence the level of masking in the auditory response. From nonlinear to linear: transform a nonlinear acoustic phonetic relationship into can a The peripheral auditory system auditory linear phonetic This relationship. is clearly shown by Figure 3.12, where the nonlinear relationship between syllable duration and onset boundary duration into a linear relationship between offset is transformed rate firing and onset boundary firing rate. From system can continuous to segmental: The undifferentiated transform an peripheral acoustic auditory dimension, such as time or amplitude, into a more sharply segmental auditory dimension that can form the basis for quantal or categorThis type of transformation is in some sense ical perception. _~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -_ _ ___111_____11__1__1I- PAM Response Patterns and Phon''etic Distinctions the reverse of the previous type, and could be described as from linear to nonlinear. Auditory properties taneous and steps rate, saturation, 191 masking serve such as spon- to warp uniform in an acoustic scale into nonuniform steps in an tory scale. Related to this is the development audi- of concrete response patterns which could serve as an auditory anchor for the categorical perception of a phonetic distinction. the experiments discussed Both of in this chapter provide examples of this pre-categorical transformation. In the first experiment, the offset firing rate appears to provide a normalizing measure which divided allows into the a continuous categories range of of "fast" onset and an auditory event that allows to "slow". second experiment, the recovery of spontaneous stitute rates In be the firing may con- a continuous range of closure durations to be divided into the categories of "short" and "long". From context free to context dependent: The peripheral auditory system can transform an acoustic signal whose properties are uncorrelated with its properties 50 or 100 msecs earlier into an auditory time course of 200 msecs. the memory. response -iiOS·rP·l-----·-·l-- acoustic signal properties over reflect the the previous 100 or In other words, adaptation of firing rate provides peripheral term the response whose on auditory system This dependence previous context with a of the is simple kind peripheral analogous to some of short auditory of the 192 PAM Response Patterns and Phonetic Distinctions aspects examples of peripheral able contextual of the perception of speech, correlation auditory memory duration on the between saw clear and we perceptual memory and in the effects of vowel and syll- phonetic boundaries of continuant- noncontinuant and voiced-unvoiced speech. _ I_ _ _ _· _ _ 1 _____1__11__9______1II I_ ___Cs__slsll_____^_____ 193 FIGURE CAPTIONS FOR CHAPTER 3 FIGURE 3.1 Schematic diagram showing synthesis parameters of stimuli in At the bottom is shown the onset and STOP/GLIDE experiment. The upper section shows the offset of amplitude of voicing. The vertical dashed lines indicate the change in Fl and F2. (From Landahl and Maxwell, 1983.) five syllable durations. FIGURE 3.2 On the Waveforms of stimuli with rapid and slow onset times. right the on left are shown stimuli with 15 msec onsets, The set of five syllable durastimuli with 60 msec onsets. tions are shown for each of the onset times. TABLE 3.1 The average percentage of STOP responses from all of the subjects are listed for each token. At the bottom of the table the phonetic rise These bountime boundary between STOP and GLIDE is listed. daries were calculated by fitting a linear regression line to the percentages converted to z-scores. Percent STOP judgements for each stimulus. FIGURE 3.3 judgements as a function of onset time. - A separate curve is shown for each of the five syllable duraThe longer the syllable the greater the interpolated tions. (From Landahl and Maxwell, 1983.) 50% rise time boundary. Percent stop FIGURE 3.4 The Boundary duration as a function of syllable duration. vertical axis is the interpolated boundary transition time for which subjects would respond with an equal number of "b" and "w" judgements. _ _ __ ____I Figure Captions for Chapter 3 194 FIGURE 3.5 PAM response to stimulus with 15 msec onset and 299 msec duration. The nominal center frequencies of each channel in Hertz and Bark are listed along the sides. The vertical dimension The vertical distance between the is expected firing rate. zero lines of adjacent channels corresponds to an expected firing rate 3.0 times the maximum steady state firing rate. The stimulus waveform is shown at the bottom, delayed by 9.9 msecs, the group delay of the PAM filters, so that glottal pulses in the waveform and in the PAM output channels are aligned vertically. FIGURE 3.6 PAM response to stimulus with 15 msec onset and 87 msec duraSee the legend for Figure 3.5 for further information. tion. FIGURE 3.7 PAM response to stimulus with 60 msec onset and 299 msec duraSee the legend for Figure 3.5 for further information. tion. FIGURE 3.8 PAM response to stimulus with 60 msec onset and 87 msec duraSee the legend for Figure 3.5 for further information. tion. FIGURE 3.9 PAM response to stimulus with 30 msec onset and 299 msec duraSee the legend for Figure 3.5 for further information. tion. FIGURE 3.10 PAM response to stimulus with 3 msec onset and 87 msec duraSee the legend for Figure 3.5 for further information. tion. I _ _Ce 11-- --- Figure Captions for Chapter 3 195 TABLE 3.2 Location of onset nd offset pulses in smoothed composite response signal. The size of the onset and offset response was taken to be the largest value obtained by the smoothed composite response signal within the temporal limits specified by this table. FIGURE 3.11 Smoothed composite PAM responses. The acoustic waveforms of five stop/glide stimuli are shown on the left. The smoothed composite PAM responses to those waveforms are shown on the right. The stimuli shown represent the two endpoints of rapid and slow onset times at the top and bottom, and three intermediate times in the middle. The longest duration syllables are shown in each case. The leftmost vertical line indicates the location of the onset pulse, while the five vertical lines to its right indicate the location of the offset pulses for each of the five syllable durations. The number above and to the left of each response pattern is the percentage of stop responses to the shortest syllable with the onset time shown. The number above and to the right of each response pattern is the percentage of stop responses to the longest syllable with the onset time shown. TABLE 3.3 Summary of multiple regression analysis of stop/glide data. FIGURE 3.12 Phonetic boundary of the onset measure as a function of the offset measure. Panel A is a redrawing of Figure 3.4, using the acoustic phonetic measures of transition time and syllable duration. Panel B is the corresponding graph for the auditory phonetic measures of onset firing rate and offset firing rate. I--arrmr TTln------- Il---·---l--cl---* --- --- -------------------·I--- Figure Captions for Chapter 3 196 FIGURE 3.13 Spectrograms of the four original "rabid" tokens. These ori- ginal utterances are referred to in the text as Token 1, Token 2, Token 3, and Token 4 (figure courtesy of Price and Simon). FIGURE 3.14 Waveforms of stimuli with shortest and longest closure and vowel durations. These four waveforms represent the endpoints of both the closure and vowel duration sequences. All of the The waveforms shown are edited versions of original Token 1. closure durations shown are 35 and 125 msecs, and the vowel durations are 160 and 220 msecs. FIGURE 3.15 Audiograms of the two groups of subjects. The means and stan- dard deviations of the pure-tone hearing thresholds are shown for the younger subjects ("Y"s) and older subjects ("O"s). (From Price and Simon, 1984). FIGURE 3.16 Percent of "p" responses. The results for each age group and The label level of presentation are shown in separate panels. "YN" indicates the younger group of subjects, while "ON" indicates the older group. The four curves in each panel indicate the results for each of the four vowel duration (1 = 160 The msecs, 2 = 180 msecs, 3 = 200 msecs, and 4 = 220 msecs). dotted horizontal line indicates the 50 percent phonetic boundary each for voiced-voiceless panel is percent of Simon, responses. The "p" responses. vertical axis in (From Price and 1984). FIGURE 3.17 Interpolated voiced/unvoiced phonetic boundaries. The lines marked with "Y" are for the younger group of subjects; "O" indicates results for the older group. The dotted lines _ rl I_ _ L __ 1'1 __1_11__^___ Figure Captions for Chapter 3 197 indicate the results for the 80 dB HL presentation level, while the solid lines are for the 60 dB HL. The independent The arrows below variable in this figure is vowel duration. the horizontal axis indicate that the shorter the boundary duration, the more "p" responses a subject would make, whereas a longer boundary duration would result in more "b" responses. (From Price and Simon, 1984). FIGURE 3.18 PAM response to stimulus with 160 msec vowel and 35 msec closure. This stimulus was created by editing the original Token 1. See the legend for Figure 3.5 for further information. FIGURE 3.19 PAM response to stimulus with 160 msec vowel and 125 msec closure. This stimulus was created by editing the original Token 1. See the legend for Figure 3.5 for further information. FIGURE 3.20 PAM response to stimulus with 220 msec vowel and 35 msec closure. This stimulus was created by editing the original Token 1. See the legend for Figure 3.5 for further information. FIGURE 3.21 PAM response to stimulus with 220 msec vowel and 125 msec closure. This stimulus was created by editing the original Token 1. See the legend for Figure 3.5 for further information. FIGURE 3.22 PAM response spectra of stop bursts. response of the PAM to the release of Panel A shows the response for stimuli with 160 msec vowel durations, 35, 65, Panel B shows the sure durations. I^ _ _ _ This figure shows the the intervocalic stop. produced from Token 1, 95, and 125 msec cloresponse for stimuli _ _I __ __1____1_( Figure Captions for Chapter 3 198 produced from Token 1, with 125 msec closure durations, 160, 180, 200, and 220 msec vowel durations. and FIGURE 3.23 Output of masking post-processor for stimulus with 160 msec This stimulus was created by editvowel and 35 msec closure. ing the original Token 1. The nominal center frequencies of each channel in Hertz and Bark are listed along the sides. In each channel, a low value indicates the PAM output is greater than zero, while a high value indicates the PAM output is zero. The stimulus waveform is shown at the bottom, delayed by 9.9 msecs, the group delay of the PAM filters, so that a postprocessor output value and the most recent stimulus sample that produced it are aligned vertically. FIGURE 3.24 Output of masking post-processor for stimulus with 160 msec This stimulus was created by vowel and 125 msec closure. See the legend for Figure 3.23 editing the original Token 1. for further information. FIGURE 3.25 Output of masking post-processor for stimulus with 220 msec This stimulus was created by editvowel and 35 msec closure. ing the original Token 1. See the legend for Figure 3.23 for further information. FIGURE 3.26 Output of masking post-processor for stimulus with 220 msec This stimulus was created by vowel and 125 msec closure. See the legend for Figure 3.23 editing the original Token 1. for further information. __1_ _ _ _L-·XII- _ls-mrc-----__-------··-CII.----. __111_1___1_1__1_11__-- 199 Figure Captions for Chapter 3 FIGURE 3.27 The Three representations of a stimulus perceived as "rapid". top signal is the acoustic waveform of a version of Token 1 with a 160 msec vowel duration and a 220 msec closure durasmoothed composite PAM is the signal The middle tion. response pattern, produced using the postprocessor constructed The bottom signal is the comfor the stop/glide experiment. posite masking detector output, smoothed using a 5 msec half hamming window, as described in the text. FIGURE 3.28 The signals shown Three representations of endpoint stimuli. contain the four possible combinations of shortest and longest They were all constructed from vowel and closure duration. Token 1. The signals on the left are the acoustic waveforms, the signals in the middle are the smoothed composite PAM conusing the postprocessor produced response patterns, structed for the stop/glide experiment, and the signals on the right are the composite masking detector outputs, smoothed using a 5 msec half hamming window, as described in the text. TABLE 3.4 Linear fit of decline of masking during stop closure: "Young" These results are for the PAM operating with a analysis. short term adaptation time constant of 40 msec, the value used Approximately 50 sample values are to model young subjects. included in the least squares fit for each line. The initial masking level, slope, and closure duration at which the masking level reaches 50 percent are interpolated values. FIGURE 3.29 perceptual and masking boundaries: Relationship between These results are for the PAM operating "Young" analysis. with a short term adaptation time constant of 40 msec, the The horizontal axes are value used to model young subjects. interpolated masking boundary durations, and the vertical axes Data points are interpolated perceptual boundary durations. cms -------------- - -·a----- -··------------rr·- - ---· ----- - Figure Captions for Chapter 3 200 would fall on the diagonal line if there were a between the perceptual and masking boundaries. perfect match TABLE 3.5 Linear fit of decline of masking during stop closure: "Old" analysis. These results are for the PAM operating with a short term adaptation time constant of 50 msec, the value used to model old subjects. legend for Table 3.4. For more information, refer to the FIGURE 3.30 Relationship between perceptual and analysis. These results are for short term adaptation time constant to model old subjects. For more legend for Figure 3.29. 1 31 11 _ _ masking boundaries: "Old" the PAM operating with a of 50 msec, the value used information, -111_.__1-__ 11_ _ _____lj refer to _I the FIGURE 3.1 I- - - - I _ _ _ _ - - - 201 m_ _ . _ _ - - - - - - - - - Pd 0 eV _ _ O -4 C a) E a, C) 4- O a, - - - - - - - - - - - - I Iex"" V) ". -co0 ._C /: 0 '- O a) CM 'a n UE eo I 0 C4 E r- 6" _f_x_ m 0 a 0 Pd o 49 4 - I 0 0 1 0 0 P. Pd P.y @ - 0 0 Pd --i la FIGURE 3.2 DURATION in ms ItIILk I ll11 1.l1Ll, .IlllLt ,i ' . I SYLLABLE ONSET TRANSITION: 60ms ONSET TRANSITION: 15ms rr"" 202 ... .... L w" 299 r- -- -I ......... ! '11I .IlI 111 III~~~~~~ rrrr I s Zr a s I', a, [ E . ,E f lE s ls T-, ,1 ,rI 228 158 W _-. . .I 0-R _I It I_ '1I ... . Il1. .l ...1 ..ll l 123 i iI ...Ad, LI_)I -___ 0 F 1 I_ ¶ P ... I- ........ II I II I11r1iq 500ms I`-------""I-~---` --- 87 TABLE 3 1 203 PERCENT STOP JUDGEMENTS ONSET I SYLLABLE DURATION in TIME in ms.1 299 228 158 ms. 123 87 -____+-____________________________________ 15 98 100 100 100 100 20 100 99 100 100 99 25 99 99 98 93 801 30 94 89 80 58 17 35 58 46 23 12 5 40 25 23 8 3 1 45 10 8 2 2 1 4 3 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 50 55 60 65 I I I I I I I STOP/GLIDE BOUNDARY RISE TIMES 37.6 ."·"" D"sBI·m·°PIT ·a(e aaraol--·--·---r. 51 36.1 33.0 1 in ms. 31.0 27.5 ----- II FIGURE 3.3 204 Percent /b/ Responses by Syllable Duration .AA I VU 75 V, (n C 0a 0. cn so 9 X A= .0 O= B 0= 3 D~ . 7 25 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 Onset Transition Time in msecs _ _I ____________________ __·1____11 '1 ·_XI I FIGURE 3.4 PHONETIC BOUNDARY--TRANSITION TIME AS A FNCTION OF SYLLABLE DURATION C 0o e) C C4 (n L0 O ca) E ' 30 aL_ m 100 150 200 250 Syllable duration in msecs 206 FIGURE 3.5 HERTZ 11DIRA BARK 1 102 2 203 3 384 4 486 5 587 6 66 7 761 8 913 9 1065 I1 1218 11 1421 12 13 14 n l~ l1 I . i . t11. I i 1i I I I Illtalllllllltlllll!!1 , ....... .... LL[ L!L L fl ! ,'J[[J[_J iIJ. J J .L 15 i i i 11Mi11 I 1 X 1 01 i 1674 l , , L,L,[ ! LLLI IL~__, JlJ l 1979 2384 2798 3298 16 · 17 18 NS ]" · i ' ....... .. . . . . i['''J tlJii~''ii[ .. 3906 0 Mil4617 5428 19 6392 20 S -I r' I ---- -·- -- --111 -----------"x FIGURE 3.6 207 2 1D5 AR BARK HERTZ 1 1b2 2 I. 3 AA - ~~~~I, ..... '" I I I I ,, . . .'"i .' ' . 203 . 334 I'I"' I I I',","" ', I , I''I" I I '' .I , " - 4 486 5 507 6 66 7 761 8 913 9 1065 13 1218 11 1421 12 1674 .11L 13 1979 i--I-li-. 14 I 2384 is 2790 16 3298 17 3906 18 4617 19 5428 20 6392 - -- rReP-- ass rr ---- - 208 FIGURE 3.7 HERTZ O1DAR BARK 1 1B2 2 203 ll Okll 1111111 , .ll.. J -. ~, 3 4 ,1 i 1 .ti . t .1 , 304 i1iij11111_llW 5 507 6 66e 7 761 8 913 9 1065 ' 10 ~l lljl "ll l ~i ll iL.. 1218 11 1421 12 1674 13 1979 14 I T 2384 I 15 279 16 3298 17 3906 18 4617 19 ff 1 17, ~_1 X 1 1 1 I T 28 - iii 5428 1 6392 I MS .. 5B L P. . ,.. I -uuuI IfumE Ir I I I 1 406 it lslll··-··1···---··--·I(·--(··. I . '- - - MS FIGURE 3.8 209 . BARK HERTZ 1 162 2 283 3 364 4 U86 5 587 6 I i 7 761 8 913 9 18 1065 A 1......1...... AwTilI TTTTr TTTTT 1218 I1 1I21 12 1674 13 1979 14 2384 15 2790 1.6 I 3298 17 3986 18 4617 19 5U28 ILLL 28 -- 666 6392 I ---------- hl FIGURE 3.9 210 04D1AA BARK HERTZ 1 182 2 283 3 304 4 486 '-,^4,,,,, .,IIIULL §,,,,,,,, . .* 5 . . . . . . 57 Ip...'**1111111111111111* 668 6 ll 7 I 11m6lltllilllJuI 761 ..iIuuruIiAitliIJIailil ...... J" 8 913 9 1065 10 1218 11 * 1 I*I1. j,,lll,__11111t111 1421 . 1674 12 13 ki liljl ii i i ill l1 i,,,M,,,' ~~~i l i 1979 l l itil ' { 1 ' i ' i 2384 14 15 16 .......... - I r - - ''1' J As I I ,' 18 I - .... ' . 1. I -'1 . JI Lit I . I I I _ I I . ......... - - ~ ~~iiiiiI O J . . . . . .'I 17 19 2798 .iI . I . Iiq - J. -a [ .. [ ',II I . . - I .. . . I.. .i. . . ' . . I.I. '- I I I I I I. . . - - . . - L I I _i {l1 . I- - ,_.-------. . . - . - ] . I 4' - .._ 1 - - . 3298 3986 4617 5428 6392 2{ 1..-1-1--_--.____. ..?- ......... iI i fI . [t't. i iFI' G~~~h.... . . . ..... 'i I'....'I ti l t,.I , .,lI------,,I, I - i.. . _.. - -- ..-.sII-I^-- -sl--0- -- --- 211 FIGURE 3.10 BRRK 1 2 04D05RA 1 - i. . . . . HERTZ 182 1C --- . I i . , i l I It I li' 1 ' I T I'" I , II I i i i I I I I VI 3 4 213 384. . I. . . . . · ~. [ i 1 I I I I I I . ''~ I . . . .' '1 " . I . " ! i. . . Il" t" I I' . .' . . . I I , I'I Ii 416 5 507 6 668 7 761 8 913 9 1065 18 1218 11 1421 12 1674 13 14 ,[l, 1979 4 2384 L5 2798 16 3298 17 3906 18 4617 19 28 ------------ --I -1-1....... ----I-- ---- ......... I~~ 5428 6392 TABLE 3.2 212 LOCATION OF COMPOSITE ONSET AND OFFSET RESPONSE PULSES PULSE TYPE onset pulse, all APPROXIMATE POSITION (in msec) tokens 95 to 100 offset pulse, 87 msec. tokens offset pulse, 123 msec. tokens offset pulse, 158 msec. tokens 120 +- 3 I 155 +- 3 | 190 +- 3 260 +- 3 330 +- 3 offset pulse, 228 msec. tokens offset pulse, _ 299 msec. tokens I _ 1_1_·____·______________/_____11_1 .... _ _ _· _ FIGURE 3.11 ACOUSTIC WAVEFORM 213 COMPOSITE AUDITORY RESPONSE 00I o I fto - ONSET smhI - TRANSITION in ms 15 30 1 i.t 35 l I -25% 40 / i 1 60 I 0 11 11 1' I so500ms ._ .. _ TABLE 3.3 214 RESULTS OF MULTIPLE REGRESSION ANALYSIS OF STOP/GLIDE SYLLABLES Sample Size: Independent Variable (Y): 55 Z scores of % stop judgements Acoustic Phonetic Analysis Dependent Variable 1 (X1): Onset time in msecs Dependent Variable 2 (X2): Syllable duration in msecs Partial Correlation, Y with Xl: -0.92 Partial Correlation, Y with X2: 0.15 r2 = 0.02 0.94 R2 0.88 r2 = 0.85 Multiple R Coefficient for Regression of Y with X1, X2: = Auditory Phonetic Analysis Dependent Variable 1 Dependent Variable 2 (Xl): (X2): Partial Correlation, Y with XI: Partial Correlation, Y with X2: Multiple R Coefficient for Regression of Y with X1, X2: Onset firing rate Offset firing rate 0.93 -0.18 r2 = 0.86 r2 = 0.03 0.97 R2 = 0.94 Student's t ratio of Y residuals from acoustic and auditory regression: 2.68 with N-3 = 52 df (Rejects alternative hypothesis--that acoustic residuals are less than or equal to auditory residuals--with p < .01) _____ __ _____ __ I__ ___1_1_·_ ______11_1_·1_·_1__. F~IGURE 3.12 715 A: ACOUSTIC-PHONETIC BOUNDARY FUNCTION C O ._ ._ u 5 c 3 0 m Iu in c - 'a Syllable duration in msecs B: AUDITORY-PHONETIC BOUNDARY FUNCTION _ · I I I I I .75 80 .85 I i I .70 .65 Cb Ii 4.) C0 .60 Cu CA .55 Offset rate in normalized units __IICI _ ___ _11 _·II__ 1 1 _ i FIGURE 3.13 -- I - - - _.0mu ... 216 - --Ip _A - -o - -mu-- *C mmam. __ -L Cq "it .0 *- 4 - .l i I - I I ~L ~ - i -- Nnmm. a - l mI ' A= }I * - X ~ZC - *^* I 43 M - Z- =yEF I . I . n C I I ..GW. -~ - mb ... m -- L -_ - . . . o - ~ . L ,A :LM a O I %: yl co '· · --- - I V -------------------- --------- I ,in ------------ I C I I IT - -- ---- ----------- I ,n ---------- ·--- I cu I 411uB 0: Ix FIGURE 3.14 217 VOWEL CLOSURE DURATION DURATION in msec 160 in msec I rr-n -m ,1 'A O 35 P1~-IIi1 I Of~U· 50ms .. I 160 -an s z xs r TI(((L1Ilr 220 r"m 0 220 A'9 r L 'I - -L·- IY v.- 't 35 I Mm mmL%4-w"''v .. rIr' s , 500ms liAIe_ '1 vTr~rtr~rrr 125 125 _Y1 - - 218 FIGURE 3.15 CU cn 6C SI U9 U) cr C - F- >- -- i C: 0 i I z U. (, -> rn 0 C>-i o· N 0 Iq C !- M>--H0-·Ill> - z LUJ z 0 I- FI.->. LJ 0 LL. t.o o is Q CO o:: .; o U, - ( 0to 0 Cu -->- --- 0 I ! r o 0 0 _ o N I o lI o In (SP) S3A31 GIOHS383HI ____ _ I 9NIV3H _..1------· 219 FIGURE 3.16 ON, 60dB HL YN, 60dB HL IIAA IvU 100 m !- -;;, / 80 80 I II) 60 60 40 40 / I I 20 20 0 0 I JL I I . I 35 65 95 125 SILENT CLOSURE (msec) 35 65 95 125 SILENT CLOSURE (msec) ON, 80dB HL YN, 80dB HL II 100 100 80 80 ? I _ I I 60 60 I Il 40 I1 I/ , 40 I II 20 20 0 1 35 65 0 It . 95 125 SILENT CLOSURE (msec) .1 ! 1I 35 65 95 125 SILENT CLOSURE (msec) FIGURE 3.17 224 0 0 4 E 0m, - or) 0o LlJ 0 N 00 () cr 0 0 z 0 Xo l Do CR 0 uJ >T 0- I%% CD 14%. 0_J I I 0 Cam 0 0 (39sur) NOIJVflnCi 13MOA _X____PI^II1__/_··a_··--··I - --1-·I- .-· w C LU" I 0o 0 or) LU 0 (0 - -1__11_---___11_1__1__.__1---_1---· 221 FIGURE 3.18 BARK HERTZ RAP IARK 1 192 2 293 I',.., 3 394 496 A AA "AA- Ai: AI 5 6 &'"" I.. t ' ...... 7 587 ,,[i L1 .. 686 761 :ai 8 913 __~~~~~~~~ ,, " , i·i~!ijiiii,,IiiijiiIJj]i' 1065 9 - 1218 11 1421 12 1674 13 1979 14 2384 15 2798 16 3298 17 3986 18 4617 19 5428 20 I . I- 6392 II II I I I I "1ll1lI ------- 111 FIGURE 3.19 BARK 222 RAP 13AK Ail _",,"- 1 I i i . .i . j -i i i i i · ! ; HERTZ · . i i i i i A-i._ . i i i i 102 i 2 3 203 J ~ r 1 I 1 t i | ~sI I . .. . . I _L 11~1&L 4 . . . . . I I Ii I I I 1 Ai i['[i [[ i I I 4 j k111 1106 5 507 6 665 LLj~u. 7 8 .. 9 13 304 1 ,......... * I _LIWrW_ r, , .. r . g'j$ .. . 7681 913 1I,,.. 1065 _ 'U.. l§4 |raf B6 'rfiW '1'w B|& 1218 1421 12 1674 13 1979 14 2384 15 2790 16 3298 17 3906 18 r 4617 "I' 19 ~~~I .l . I 20 Ms ' 1''1ill Il i L I, 1 . I 140 . I I r . .. . . I I . I I I 1IfiI 1I 1 -?-rj r-I . . . . I , -1 --, - II II II I-I ? . PI &, I , g . . . . . I I I I i 5428 6392 508 MS it IHI- i . I -----------------·----------·---------------·-- -------------------------- --------·----- FIGURE 3.20 BARK 223 RRP13ARK HERTZ 192 2 3 293 444klf 4t44 4 rllr _l~~r _44 I 384 4 496 5 6 i -- ,i'iu --. . ', . ,~fIA,.j . . .l .l., 1 ,; ,i I! 597 _AA _1I1 A __ 669 ,,_, ' ',' 7 761 8 9 913 ~, i i I . ,,,i. t, mI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i - _ l ~ ; j I i i ' 1065 j, 19 1218 /iiiijiiy L1 j 1421 12 1674 13 1979 [4 2384 15 2799 16 3298 17 3996 18 4617 19 II . II . . . . 29 , 5428 6392 ;; i2 11 ~4 i' nxarssr-cL1·--·I· , Ir 11 lllllllr I FIGURE 3.21 BARR K 224 RRAP 133K HERTZ 182 2 3 283 -rrrii AIAAAi*~4rI 384 AAALrr4 4 406 5 507 i. ,,,.ULLv""'-u, Jtt·r 6 660 7 761 8 913 9 1065 10 1218 11 1421 12 1674 13 1979 14 2384 15 279g 16 3298 17 3986 18 4617 19 5428 6392 20 S I I I -- ~ " - - - - -- 1 225 FIGURE 3.22 PAM RESPONSE SPECTRA: STOP BURSTS 1,~, :,4',L rjsd .-,-'B 3 A: 35 to 125 msec Closure Durations 125 c 0 (d 0 20 1 CO 0 a) . cU ',N 3 E B: 160 to 220 msec Vowel Durations 0 z 160 0 20 1 Frequency in Bark - -r --L------·lll IllllP-----"---- 226 FIGURE 3.23 RAP 10AKN BARK HERTZ I111111 I II 1 102 2 3 4 203 . .. . . . . . . . I. · ii -1 _1 ! . . ~. .,1 . !.! ! . . ! . . .,,,, _iiI 1 1 314 1 5 50? 6 66W 7 761 8 913 9 1 65 1218 11 12 '"" 'l . 1674 13 1979 14 2384 15 =r-r-r-lilans II 16 - - - - -- -- - 2799 I" - - - - - . . . 17 . .. I I. 18 . 19 . I I .. II . 26 . I -"-----"`---ll~x"~~""ll~-~~ . . . I . . . I I I I I I 3298 . . . . 39W6 . .. 4617 . '' III' I. I I r I I I- I I, Ij r I , .I I I I I I . I Il I i I I . rI iI I . I '` ---------`----I--"' ----'---I--------^-`------`----I---- I . 56 , ' . . . . .111111 ,,I I II . . . Ms -- 1421 jjlll i iiiiim .. I I............. i. 11 1 1 I I 5428 I I MS 6392 227 FIGURE 3.24 i'58 , te.}.':"!.t ..zi ,,~ , RRP13RKM BARK HERTZ 1 102 2 203 3 3W4 4 406 5 507 6 660 7 761 8 913 9 1065 10 1218 1i 1421 12 1674 13 1979 14 2384 15 279W 16 3298 17 3906 18 I I I I 19 20 r . . | . I I . I I I I I I..... I ' l l I I . . Li I I I k1t 1 . . . I I t .f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. . . . . B I . . . . . . .. I I .W . .§ . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - I, I~fl . . I . . 4617 . . 5428 _ 6392 I - - IIC as --s ----- ··---------------- -- - L------.-C-.---0·11·1_--·1_------ ---------------_-----_II -· 228 FIGURE 3.25 BARK HERTZ RRP138RKM 182 1 2 ,~~~~ ~ ,. IIIII~s~ 3 I11 ,11 . . .,,,. . . . w . . . . 11111i11111 . ! . . . . . . . . . I 203 _... II w 384 486 4 1111 1 X1 T--T--,"1.... 1 1111 5 6 1 .1......... 1 1 1_111l1W 507 660 761 7 8 1I 1 a,,, ,,,1, 11 1X 1111 .. ~ 1111 II 11111 ,11 12 13 fI ll . III .. § 14 II 11 I,..... 1 . lllll|II · Hill11111 913 ' l ~m!~Jm1818111111111llll I , i1"'"illilall 1 111 |l_ l1lllllr,_ ~" 11111· I ijmmmlli"' ~IIIIIIIIIIIImIIII 9 11 1,1 1~11 #111 11 11 1111 1065 1218 1421 1 I 1 11 1674 lllll.ll........ll.U.. .... ,11 11 1 I1 IIffII 1111101!1WI 1979 . 2384 15 2790 16 3298 3986 4617 18 19 . I - - - - - - I I I I I . I . I I ft171 I I IrI' 1jllllljlj l I - -----~- - - - - - l 5428 . . 6392 FIGURE 3.26 229 HERTZ RAP1.33AK BARK 11II 11111111 1111 2 102 I LII J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I IU 3 203 364 4 406 *T 5 507 6 660 7 r 1111 11 ll" .,ll I 111g !!.1 761 8 913 9 1065 16 1218 11 1421 12 1674 13 1979 14 2384 c 15 ~ii~ ii , I 1- ti i ! t 11Pi11111 i i I i i i · r Ti ............. i ....l ! 16 17 i I i ii . I I I II! 2790 l 3298 I II 3906 i I! i 18 4617 19 l 26 I I 5428 6392 S I -I - ------ ----------------- FIGURE 3.27 . 11W rrp z 23I . l 00 msecs 0 fr'l I I I.. I I I I I 500 msecs 0 a I Ill l i lL .I -. i,. .IIJl I - - - -- - - -- - - I- - - -- - - l 500 msecs 0 _ II. -- __ I FIGURE 3.28 231 _ -J W -J z_ 0 < t t- I u I B 0 0 o0 .- e O a. 4 0n w E X( rn E w E 0 u [] 0 U. w it r f 0 oC r ! CO O 0 0 c k E 9 I~~~~~) o 00 CO L c= E U O O 0 z 1 V- > °D 13 D0w O o c ' _ __ 232 TABLE 3.4 LINEAR FIT OF MASKING LEVEL DURING STOP CLOSURE: RESPONSE OF PAM FOR YOUNGER SUBJECTS Token Number Vowel Duration (msec) Initial Masking Level 1 1 1 1 160 180 200 220 0.89 0.87 0.87 0.87 -6.10 2 2 2 2 160 180 200 220 3 Goodness of Fit 50% Masked Boundary (msec) -4.84 -4.56 .92 .94 .93 .94 64.6 64.3 75.8 81.4 0.89 0.91 0.91 0.92 -6.31 -5.96 -5.96 -4.84 .82 .84 .84 .88 61.3 68.8 69.01 3 3 3 160 180 200 220 1.02 1.06 1.03 1.02 -9.67 -8.94 -7.61 -6.74 .94 .94 .92 .92 53.7 62.1 69.4 77.8 4 4 4 4 160 180 200 220 1.03 1.00 0.92 0.90 -10.9 -9.05 -7.23 -6.06 .98 .97 .97 .95 49.1 55.3 58.4 65.5 Il____q____________s____________ _II Slope (l/msec) (x .001) -5.80 I_ ____I___I 87.0 FIGURE 3.29 YNG: 60 DB z YNG: 80 DB ii i ,, ,,,i, i,,,, ,, Cn z 233 cli zon I L z 10I z o 0 IC r. z 0 C na: r_ c 0 z Ca u I- L 0 z a z o I I I I I I I_ I I I a_ I , ,I, I I I I I I I I 10 URTIN1BOUN IN M. MASKING BOUNDARY DURATION IN MS. MASKING BOUNDARY DURATION IN MS. LEGEND: x 'TDKE L + TDKEN 2 a TOKEN 3 * TOKlEN OLD: 60 DB OLD: 80 DB ,, c, zrl z z · X z 101 0 Z o I- I- ¢ Cc 0 zC Ia: C: 0z 0O c · o z C · I-. c o w O a. _ 0 II I I I I I I I I RSKINC BOUNDR MfSKING BOUNDR . I . I I. I. I. OURRT IO aIN II .. I I I I I I I I I I S. DATION IN MS. MNSKING BOUNDRRY OURTIrON IN MS. " TABLE 3.5 234 LINEAR FIT OF MASKING LEVEL DURING STOP CLOSURE RESPONSE OF PAM FOR OLDER SUBJECTS Token Vowel Duration (msec) Initial Masking Level 1 1 1 1 160 180 200 220 2 2 2 2 (l1/msec) (x .001) Goodness of Fit 50% Masked Boundary (msec) 0.89 0.86 0.88 0.87 -5.14 -4.76 -4.32 -3.91 .92 .94 .93 .94 76.2 76.1 88.0 95.0 160 180 200 220 0.88 0.91 0.92 0.94 -5.21 -5.06 -5.17 -4.40 .82 .84 .84 .88 73.5 81.4 81.3 100.0 3 160 3 3 3 180 200 220 1.02 1.07 1.06 1.09 -8.14 -7.77 -6.83 -6.60 .94 .94 .92 .92 63.8 73.6 81.5 89.8 4 4 4 4 160 180 200 220 1.04 1.01 0.94 0.93 -9.01 -7.74 -6.25 -5.51 .98 .97 .97 .95 59.5 66.4 69.8 77.6 Number I_ II_ I_ Slope __ 235 FIGURE 3.30 RAP N DB YNG: 60 ~~~~~~ ... C; x I 1-- z n z z Iog z laS 0 I- a YNG: 80 DB 0 r - cc ac Cl: C a0 z 0 a a m z0 Li u I- w z I o-wa I II I I I I I r. I _ MASKING BOUNDARY DURATION IN MS.10 _ I I . I . I m I . m I I . I IL I I 1 100 ' MASKING BOUNDARY DURATION IN MS. NASKING BOUNDARY DURATION IN MS. LEGEND: x + a * tIOIN TEN 2 DEN 3 TOKEN & OLD: 80 DB OLD: 60 DB I x (n r z z Zr0 Z I I I o o Cc C- C 0 a: 0 o z o a a0 1. (a > aII. e 0 I I. I. I. I. I. I I I .. I I I 0 L- a I aRSKI MISKING BOUNODARY DURATION IN MS. I I I I I OUNDRY DU I I I I I I 10ATION IN MS. MASKING BOUNDARY DURRTION IN MS. 236 CHAPTER 4 EXTENSIONS AND FURTHER EXPERIMENTS The previous two chapters describe a preliminary examinaauditory system simplifies the encoding of phonetic information in the speech tion of signal. hypothesis the The indeed might order. results seem to indicate that such a hypothesis be warranted, chapter this In that and be will of improvement further outline I will extended. which the current work could be extensions peripheral the that One described. is is in directions in research some Two major types of extension the other The the Peripheral Auditory Model. and is the continued re-examination of acoustic phonetic experiments, particularly those involving temporal from an effects, audi- tory perspective. 4.1 EXTENSIONS TO THE PERIPHERAL AUDITORY MODEL The current PAM was theory of peripheral developed to test the correspondence auditory function. intended to be a general purpose nor a physiological model, Because it was not functional model of the PAS, only aspects of the peripheral auditory response that were judged to be most relevant to consonant representation were modeled. In the discussion below, relevance to the representation of speech will the primary criterion _ for determining _pl)p·jiilli·P1-Ci the continue to be nature of -_ --------- the · ~ -_ 1__C_1__ Extensions and Further Experiments 237 improvements to the current model that will be suggested. 4.1.1 Extending the Spectral Analysis Stage The PAM should be extended to include the effect of the outer and middle ear on invariant filter eliminate the spectral need data on balance the to approximation for them in the PAM, using acoustic waveforms. to and the PAM characteristics speech result would response. the of include Mehrgardt and Mellert linear timeshould structures these preprocessing A signals realistic in a more Typical external and (1977), Rabinowitz before sources for middle ear (1981), Shaw (1974), and Zwislocki (1975). The current PAM does not model the true phase teristics and group delay of the basilar membrane. linear delay phase across characteristic all is bank filter used, with channels. a charac- Instead, a constant This is group convenient because it results in a peak response to a burst, for example, that occurs at the same time at the output of each filter bank channel. respond However, in this the peripheral manner. The auditory latency of system does auditory not neural response to an impulse depends on the characteristic frequency of the neuron, very with low CF fibers msecs later than high frequency fibers · IICI-·- responding (Kiang, 1965). up to 3 Extensions It and Further Experiments would be appropriate 238 to extend the PAM spectral analysis stage to include more accurate cochlear phase characteristics. Pfeiffer and Kim (1975) phase response data from a Fourier have derived analysis of the discharge patterns of fibers as a function of their position basilar membrane. Their data cochlear suggest that a along linear the phase response, with a slope that is dependent on distance along the basilar membrane, is a good model. Figure 4.1 shows the slope of phase lines seven fitted by locations hand along to the their basilar membrane. more recent studies (c.f. Allen, cated phase data characteristics, result in a group delay that 1983) even for fibers Although at other show much more compli- this simple model would is smaller for higher CF fibers. This in turn might affect the shape of such whole-nerve composite responses as were used in property extraction algorithms in this thesis. The current PAM spectral analysis lar membrane parameter, as an essentially time-invariant linear stage treats the basi- one-dimensional, system, with its lumpedposition- dependent physical parameters acknowledged only in the use of different parameters for the twenty filter bank channels. of these All assumptions are either open to question or known to be false, and may affect the validity of the spectral response of the PAM transmission _ to speech. line II------- ---- models Possible (e.g., -I·l/··I(LIII(IIB·- improvements include Lyon, Zweig 1982; using et al., ___·_C__I_____I(I1_1__-1111_^---- Extensions and Further Experiments 239 1976) with a larger number of output taps than the 20 channels of the current use of two- cussed by PAM (Lyon proposes 64 channels); and three-dimensional models, Allen and Sondhi (1979), or such as even the those dis- and Steele and for speech processing Taber (1979a,b). An might even more important be to model response. the extension nonlinear nature of basilar membrane Nonlinearities have been observed in the ratio of middle ear to basilar membrane response at characteristic quencies (Rhode, 1971), indicating that mechanics might contribute to a nonlinear response of fibers to spectral peaks occur at their CF. Further, basilar membrane "sharpening" of the (such as formants) which nonlinearities interaction of spectral components fre- involving the in complex tones have been observed in both physiological and psychophysical experiments. These include the reduction in response to one tone caused by the presence of another (two-tone suppression), and the gen- eration of a third tone caused by the presence of two primary tones (combination have been and tones). implicated Robles, 1974; Basilar membrane nonlinearities in both of these phenomena Kim et al, 1980). It is (c.f. Rhode reasonable to assume that these nonlinearities would have an effect on the auditory formant representation frequencies, together. A number of speech especially of if nonlinear sounds the containing formants cochlear strong were models have · close been Extensions and Further Experiments (Allen developed 1980) which account 1979; Sondhi, and for 240 1977; Hall, et Kim al, these phenomena with varying degrees of success. 4.1.2 Extending the Transduction Stage In this the transduction stage combination of the viewed as the Following current form the stage can be (c.f. Rabiner and Schafer, 1978, the channel, the each representation transduction stage of the using a nonlinearity common use into modified in vocoders: an the alternative accordance with is speech separate transduction model. waveform magnitude the This constitutes then modified in function derived This is an example of a of transformation representation some of with In the PAM, the resulting from a of input signal is calculated and decimated. the analysis stage of the vocoder. the its convolution of response of complex output parametric In to A schematic diagram of such a system is shown in 4.2. impulse PAM. filter bank and transduction a channel vocoder Sec. 6.7.3). Figure of the possible extensions some section we describe which Whether model. a or speech is then not the speech waveform is then reconstructed (that is, whether or not the on resynthesis the purpose stage of the of the vocoding. channel magnitudes are is vocoder In implemented) our used directly as case, input to depends the modified the adapta- tion stage, and no resynthesis is necessary. _ I _I_Cll__ 1' ___1__1___ Extensions and Further Experiments model the synchronization of of that measures various spectral neural degree of the components synchrony (Young and Sachs, to spectral critical a to band such of fibers to of vowel sounds result in a good auditory representation of vowel quency discharges within be would A number of studies have shown the CF of each fiber. around PAM current signal acoustic the of components the extension of important An 241 1979; spectra and fundamental fre- Delgutte and Kiang, 1984a,b,c; Seneff, 1985). To model this synchrony, both magnitude and phase inforabout mation the output of each PAM filter bank channel must be preserved and properly modified by the transduction stage. This is equivalent to converting the filter bank/transduction stage system into a phase vocoder 1978, Sec. 6.7.2). In a phase (c.f. Rabiner vocoder, and signals speech represented by both the magnitude and instantaneous of filter bank channel each are frequency signal can The original output. Schafer, be resynthesized by adding together sine waves that are amplitude ters. frequency modulated by the and Note that a channel vocoder is with the instantaneous the synthesize resynthesis the proper stage parame- simply a phase vocoder frequency parameters set frequency of each channel. PAM, channel vocoder to the center In this proposed extension to the of haircell the vocoder response. could be Various used to synchrony measures could then be applied to the resulting fine-time sig- Bs .· - Extensions and Further Experiments nal. 242 Alternatively, equivalent synchrony values could be cal- culated directly from the vocoder parameters. The phase vocoder organization of the transduction stage has another easily advantage: controlled it forms extension in the modeling characteristics of auditory haircells. such a system is basis for a the flexible, transduction A schematic diagram of shown in Figure 4.3. If we assume that the phase vocoder parameters of speech signals vary slowly in comparison to the center frequencies of the filter bank channels, we can treat the output of each channel, to a first approximation, and over a short period of time, as a tone burst. have data, derived physiological either from a transduction model or If we from studies, of the transduction characteristics of haircells in response to tones, we can use that data to modify the vocoder parameters thesis we took the the DC transfer accordingly. In Section 2.3 of this first step in this approach by calculating function response to a tone, of a simple transduction model in and using the resulting transfer function to modify the channel vocoder parameters. In a similar way, transfer functions specifying the magnitude and phase characteristics of the fundamental and higher harmonic components of the response of a model, or an actual haircell, to sine wave stimuli, can be used to modify both the magnitude and phase parameters of a phase vocoder. Weiss II and their ___ _1_1 colleagues _I Holton and (1983) have provided exactly this *_I__IC___·_____l_____I ___ 1___1_______1___ 11 Extensions and Further Experiments 243 kind of information regarding the response of alligator lizard haircells, including transfer functions based both on experi- in preparation). Leong, (Weiss and transduction as stage specification of a relatively transfer easy characteristics function signals, because the transfer with the fits well transfer using With such a system it would investigate to the nonlinearities transduction cochlea lizard The organization of vocoder phase functions of harmonic components. be alligator the of on a model mental data, and effect the response on specific of the speech to functions are used directly to modify the vocoder parameters. Extending vocoder would the first provide a two of stages the PAM for facility convenient extensions to the underlying transduction model. a to phase evaluating As discussed in Section 2.3, the current model consists of a simple memoryless saturating this model in response to number curves. of The nonlinearity. characteristics However, many DC transfer functions of sine waves with a DC bias exhibit a in common questions with remain neural rate-level unanswered, and some differences do exist between the response of this transduction model and the response of auditory haircells. One question that deserves more tionship between the characteristics I I is the rela- underlying transduction function and the of the preliminary analysis attention DC shows transfer that _ the function. dynamic ______ For range instance, of the DC ____l_··m___q_______I__ _^IIIII___II__*CCII_*_1-·-- 244 Extensions and Further Experiments function transfer expressed be can analytically, is and independent of the exact transduction function under a variety But this preliminary analysis also of reasonable assumptions. indicates that it might be possible to specify transduction functions with an range. increased dynamic This possibility is of interest because studies by Schalk and Sachs' (1980) and and Palmer Evans cells hair low with can have dynamic ranges that are at firing rates spontaneous that indicate (1980) least 10 to 20 dB larger than our simple model, which accu- rately models the dynamic range of most high spontaneous rate fibers. A second difference between the current tranduction model and physiological amplitude stimuli. potential waveforms Holton in response to high shape of the the is data and Weiss response to (1983) show receptor high-amplitude, low- frequency tone bursts that fail to square off even 20 dB above the amplitude input which at the size the of response Under similar conditions of high input amplitude, saturates. our transduction model generates a square wave response. This difference in behavior is irrelevant in the current model, but be would an important model neural synchrony. problem if the PAM were extended to The question, then, is which elements of the transduction model must be changed to prevent this? A third problem with the transduction model is that fibers with a range of spontaneous rates apparently terminate 11 ___11_·11111-------- 111 ---.-------· --- I--------- 245 Extensions and Further Experiments same haircell on the 1982a,b). (Liberman, Although is there nothing explicit in the transduction model that conflicts with this, there is a general a function of implication that spontaneous rate is characteristic some of the haircell, not of Suggesting a plausible relationship between auditory neurons. the DC bias in the transduction model and some aspect of the complex haircell-neuron enhance would the validity the of transduction model. A PAM the final extension to the would be to current transduction existence the model stage of neurons with of a The current model generates a variety of relative thresholds. variety of thresholds, but only fibers with a single threshold are actually used. chosen thresholds of the PAM to 80 Modeling as few as four different properly could dB or more. effective dynamic the increase Since relative range threshold and spontaneous rate are inversely related, modeling fibers with a variety of thresholds would biting both high and that spontaneous result in response patterns exhi- low spontaneous firing--or the rates. lack Since it appears thereof--may play an important role in the decoding of speech signals, modeling the full variety of spontaneous rates observable in the peripheral auditory system might be an important step. ^ Ilt I-·-- -"D-------- Extensions and Further Experiments 4.1.3 246 Extending the Adaptation Stage The stage adaptation in the remain. stage is the most carefully developed current PAM, but a number of important questions Some of these questions relate to the nature of rapid adaptation. Is it a linear phenomenon, or is it, as Delgutte suggests (1980), more prominent at higher stimulus levels? Is it it qualitatively the same as short-term adaptation, or related to the refractory period of neurons? relate to the nature of long-term is Other questions adaptation. Are there a series of long time constants, or is a single-constant process of some sort a better model? tatively the questions same as could transformation long-term result that Is short-term adaptation quali- in appears a to adaptation? better be Answering model very of an important these auditory to speech perception. 4.2 FURTHER AUDITORY PHONETIC EXPERIMENTS In Chapter relationships Three using we the reexamined PAM. some The results peripheral auditory system may play a role speech, other and acoustic spective. dates, suggest and The indicate that --- --D---·---·- the in the decoding of following the relationships from sections present sort auditory of an -I ·----- auditory per- some likely candiproperties might prove to be related to phonetic content. lli--·-i _ phonetic that it might be worthwhile to reexamine phonetic indicate acoustic which Extensions and Further Experiments 4.2.1 247 Further Temporal Effects The "rabid-rapid" experiment described in Chapter Three is only one example of a rich collection of phonetic contrasts that can be produced by varying the duration of a silence gap within an utterance. died include 1980; "slit-split" "say-stay" (Dorman Other minimal pairs et al., that have been stu- (Dorman et al., 1979; (Repp, 1981; Best et al., 1979; 1981); Repp, and Fitch et al., 1981); "shop-chop" "goat-coat" (Repp, 1981). The "Slit-Split" Contrast In the case of "slit-split", introducing a variable IEs following glide. and ment the Dorman et al. the contrast is produced by amount of silence between the initial report In one version of that their subjects this experi- heard "slit" when the duration of the silence was less than 60 msecs. durations between 60 and reported hearing "split". 250 msecs, a majority of For subjects As the silence was lengthened still further, the stimulus was more and more likely to be heard as Es] followed by "lit". Figure thesized in 4.4 shows the same way the PAM that response to a syllable stimuli were prepared syn- for the Dorman experiment: a male speaker produced the fricative noise Cs] IslPII*llll*ICl`li· and the syllable "lit". Digital recordings of these _ Extensions and Further Experiments 248 tokens were spliced together with 200 msecs of silence between the pieces were In one, sounded token "slit", like the Consequently these to look auditory for 20, stimuli were that in only the and smoothed in reported the 16 same way that Three, Chapter in channels frequency channels PAM of of a three the of waveform response high presence cue the that the experiments the frequency channels of the original the postprocessed through except properties and tokens, synthesized initial of the energy channels might be appropriate places shows 4.5 Figure stop. like token msec 200 s] followed by "lit". of the most shows, sibilant occurs in the five highest PAM. in Informal listening revealed that the "split", and the 500 msec token like As Figure 4.4 silence, of 0 msecs separated by the other by 500 msecs. 0 msec from the same pieces. other stimuli were produced Two them. included. are The left panel of Figure 4.5 shows the waveforms of the three stimuli. The middle panel shows the composite response of the high frequency PAM channels. The right panel shows the compo- site masking level of the same channels. At the bottom of the middle and responses listener judgements data has as been a from Dorman et al.: function of silence scaled and right positioned percent duration. so that are panel of The shown "split" response for any silence duration of interest, perceptual data and PAM response values are I vertically aligned. ______I__C*_l_____ Throughout the following discussion Extensions and Further Experiments it should be remembered that 249 the Dorman perceptual response data are not based on the stimuli shown. An investigation of the relationship between perceptual responses and PAM responses to these stimuli might begin with the following observations: 1. For silence durations less than 60 msecs, jects reported no stop perceptions. Dorman's sub- this same During period, the onset response to the glide is substantially smaller than it is for a longer silence duration, because of adaptation to the preceding sibilant. The degree of masking during this period is correspondingly high. 2. For silence durations between 60 and 250 msecs, the per- centage of stop judgements monotonically increases. Dur- ing approximately the same period, the degree of masking in the high frequency channels falls to zero. 3. For silence durations greater than 250 msecs, the percentage of stop judgements decreases steadily, reaching zero at 650 msecs. taneous firing During this rate of same period of time the spon- the high frequency PAM channels are approaching their quiescent value. and Further Experiments Extensions 250 The "Shop-Chop" Contrast The contrast between an initial fricative or affricate in the words "shop" and "chop" can be affected by the duration of silence the preceding word it is spoken " (Dorman et al., "Say phrase such as when a in carrier 1979; Repp, 1981). Silences less than 40 msecs tend to cue the fricative variant. the cue silences Longer A affricate. cue second this to (Cutting manner distinction is the rise time of the frication A faster rise time and Rosner, 1974; Howell and Rosen, 1983). tends to signal the affricate manner, while a longer rise time a signals time as Cutting and Rosner show a 40 msec rise fricative. the boundary phonetic Howell and dent. Finally, found Rosen that lengthening Repp that and boundary was the his these between frication duration context depen1981) (1978, colleages manners; two report results in more fricative responses. of All correlates acoustic these in com- affricate/fricative manner distinction have one thing mon: adaptation, through response auditory peripheral affect they to shows how silence duration, rise interact auditory response. these cues possible the affect to is that _____·l__lr__ll_____^__-_l____l-il-l_ timing time, and Figure stimulus magnitude of the of amplitude stimulus. the and the the to 2.27 duration peripheral The acoustic account of the interaction of confused the _1--1-_11- and highly relationship context between dependent. the It is corresponding Extensions and Further Experiments 251 auditory properties and the perceptual response will prove to be more straightforward. Speaking Rate, Auditory Response, and ception Per- Phonetic The experiments reported in Chapter Three concentrate on the and auditory short of effects perceptual term temporal changes: variations in the duration and rise times of the target phoneme or itself, its immediately surrounding acoustic context. A number of experiments have shown that longer range temporal factors can also phonetic affect and Miller, Aibel, and instance, Miller and Grosjean (1981), report (1983) Green that For judgements. the perception of "ba-wa" syllables similar to the ones discussed in Section 3.2 can be affected by temporal changes duration of more in changes remote duration In general, phrase. to seems the to syllables, adjacent syllables in carrier inserted pauses of a in the phrase, and changes in the the more remote the change, the affect phonetic perception. carrier less it (1977, Similarly, Port 1979) showed that the speaking rate of a carrier phrase could voiced/unvoiced affect the rapid" stimuli. was Once relatively small stop again, the closure size of --- ·-·i -- in "rabid- the boundary shift (7 to 10 msecs) compared with the effect of changing preceding vowel duration. " boundary -· --- -~1-·--- ~-----·--C- Extensions and Further Experiments 252 It would be interesting to determine the extent these results are predicted influences these and medium of by the PAM. similar phonetic long-term adaptation, it If speaking judgements might to which rate through be possible the to explain many rate-related effects solely through the response patterns of the peripheral auditory system, without recourse to higher-order auditory processes. 4.2.2 Further Investigations of Auditory Correlates to Voicing in Stops The acoustic properties tion of voicing which cue the phonetic distinc- in stop consonants have probably received as much attention as any other area of acoustic phonetics. Klatt (1975) voice onset identifies time, release, six amount burst of major cues for low-frequency amplitude, fundamental initial energy stops: following frequency, the prevoicing during the closure, and the duration of the preceding segment. Edwards (1981) identifies ten acoustic properties that can cue intervocalic voicing mode. From an acoustic phonetic point of view, a stop unified theory of consonant voicing is hard to imagine. A peripheral auditory account of voicing perception might be considerably simpler than the acoustic account. pheral response to stimuli which cue voicing The peri- distinctions through a variety of acoustic properties could be modeled via 1 1~~~ ______ __~~~~~~s_11~~~~ _~~~~_ I~~-----· Pi.~~~~11 _~~~~~~~I_____IBUI__WLI-·I__-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Extensions and Further Experiments 253 the PAM, and the PAM response patterns examined with an eye to finding simple properties that are related to voicing perception. A energy ratio is of low a possible frequency energy characteristic to of non-low an auditory phonetic account of stop consonant voicing perception. quency first energy More low fre- (such as prevoicing, and an early onset of the formant following voicing onset) seems to cue stop. frequency More high frequency energy higher fundamental frequency), a voiced (such as a strong burst, or or less low frequency energy, tends to cue a voiceless stop. In using any metric based on auditory measures of spectral energy, an important question arises regarding the treatment of masked fibers--fibers that are not fact that they have non-zero spontaneous firing despite the rates. It would be interesting to investigate the consequences of treating these fibers as firing at if they were strongly stimulated. its spontaneous energy is present within rate its is indicating frequency band. A fiber that is that not A fiber that is firing near its maximum rate is indicating the presence large amount of energy. It is unclear much how much of a energy is present within the frequency band of a fiber that is not firing at rate. all the fact that There could be very little considerable __ despite amount: the fiber __ ·_________________ILI__Q_ it has a high spontaneous energy, or there could be a response is ambiguous. In Extensions and Further Experiments 254 fact, the only certain conclusion is that there was a significant amount of energy present in the last 100 msecs or so. One could, of course, interpret masking as the absence of energy, but an equally plausible alternative is to interpret masking as being equivalent to the presence of energy. Under such a scheme, the output of the PAM masking detector postproused cessor could in contribute energy. It is 3.3 would Section to the possible ratio that be of as treated energy, low and non-low a such and frequency generalization of the notion of auditory spectral balance could greatly simplify an auditory explanation of stop consonant voicing cues. Auditory Correlates to Place of Articulation in Stops 4.2.3 The final experiment that we shall peripheral auditory stop consonants. to specify the correlates propose is a study of place to of articulation in A considerable amount of work has been done of nature place of articulation invariant acoustic correlates in word-initial stop consonants. of Blum- stein and Stevens (1979; Stevens and Blumstein, 1981) proposed that the spectral shape of the ably identify the place Kewley-Port (1983a,b) stop release burst could reliAs an alternative, of articulation. has proposed substituting a set of dynamic properties for Blumstein and Stevens's static spectral shapes. Kewley-Port's proposed properties remain invariant in the sense that they are independent of the vowel which follows I __ ___ 1___1_1____ I 11_ _111__ ) Extensions and Further Experiments 255 the stop, but are dynamic in that they reflect the changes in the spectrum during the first release. In the domain of son, Rayment and (1979) 40 msecs following auditory modeling, showed that stop the Searle, stop Jacob- consonants in syllables could be correctly identified with reasonable CV accu- racy using vowel-independent features extracted from a filter bank whose design was based on auditory characteristics. Most recently, Lahiri, Gewirth, and Blumstein (1984) have proposed an acoustically invariant metric for place of articulation in diffuse that measures stops (labial the difference versus alveolar between the and dental) spectral balance of the release burst and the spectral balance following the onset of voicing. Simply stated, Lahiri et al. suggest that dental and alveolar stops are characterized by a spectral shape that contains a substantially energy than the frequency vowel, or Labial following energy the larger declines amount consonants, constant proportion on of the proportion vowel: either during low the the of low and high are frequency amount transition frequency other hand, of high energy of high into the increases. characterized by a frequency energy in the burst and the vowel, or an increase in the proportion of high frequency energy during the transition into the vowel. unlike the earlier Blumstein Thus, and Stevens spectral shape pro- perty, it is not the absolute spectral shape of the burst that matters, but its _ _I PI shape relative I to the shape of the following I( _IlnL Extensions and Further Experiments 256 vowel--still regardless of the identity of that vowel. The top panels of Figure 4.6 exemplify the type of metric that Lahiri the PAM speech: et al. propose. filter /ba/ bank and in /da/ These response as panels to uttered two by a show the output of tokens male of natural speaker. (The filter bank output has been smoothed with a 10 msec left half hamming window.) Two spectra are shown in each panel. taken from the peak of the release burst. the second glottal Lines ab in each pulse figure touch the peaks of the burst spectra. second and vertical fourth lines formant are following the second channels peaks positioned closest The other is onset and of from voicing. fourth formant Lines cd in each figure touch the of the vowel at the center ninth and sixteenth filter bank channel the One is spectra. The frequency of the locations. These are to the arbitrary frequencies of 1500 Hz and 3500 Hz which Lahiri et al. choose to use in measuring the slopes. Thus the slopes of ab and cd are determined by the height and location of the second and fourth by the relative lengths of ca and db. formants, and measured Lahiri et al. chose the ratio r = (d-b)/(c-a) to measure burst 111_ and the the change vowel. in They the spectral found balance between that values of r > 1: ___ ____ __ the .5, or I 257 Extensions and Further Experiments from a negative values resulting a cated labial For consonant. our indi- denominator, negative stimulus, /ba/ r equals 1.8. Positive values of r < 0.5, or negative values resulting from a numerator, negative our For consonant. or alveolar 0.55: equals r stimulus, /da/ an indicated dental slightly above the criterion value. from metrics their construct et al. Lahiri LPC spectra produced from speech windowed by 10 msec Hamming windows. The Hz. As frequency dimension of is spectra their linear in described above, our spectra are generated by the PAM spectral analysis stage, and respects, the spectra is frequency top the in in linear panels In Bark. Figure of other 4.3 are similar to those of Lahiri and her colleagues. The question now arises, what would be the specified ratio slope rest of the exactly that: these were they are spectra generated from new spectra. 0.55 to -0.9: For the to 2.3: 1.8 /da/ r was stimulus, recalculated r decreases for from a value For the /ba/ stimulus, r increases that is farther point in the labial direction. a Figure a value that is farther from the criterion point in the alveolar direction. from of in the same way that the top metric The smoothed. through the pro- the output of the PAM, smoothed spectra stimuli the 4.3 were The bottom panels PAM? duced by doing of putting r effect on the ----- .... ..--i-I from the criterion 258 Extensions and Further Experiments These examples suggest that it would be worthwhile to do an experiment to discover whether the peripheral auditory system emphasizes following vowels, spectra. If so, is a in spectral balance between bursts shifts relative and system may the shifts seen if the metric proposed by reliable metric, auditory to the serve transformations to make labial of and in and acoustic Lahiri et al. the peripheral alveolar stops more distinct. _·I _II_ _l____1_n___l_________ll 259 FIGURE CAPTIONS FOR CHAPTER 4 FIGURE 4.1 Slope of phase response of auditory fibers. The data points show the slope of straight lines fitted by hand to phase response data published by Pfeiffer and Kim (1975). The straight line is a linear fit to the six data points representing fibers with characteristic frequencies between 3 and 17 Bark. Note the data point at .5 Bark, with a slope of zero. FIGURE 4.2 Schematic diagram of one channel of a channel vocoder system. hi(n) is the impulse response of the i'th channel. After the analysis stage, the channel signal could be modified in some way (for example by the PAM transduction and adaptation stages) and then, if desired, resynthesized. FIGURE 4.3 Schematic diagram of a single channel of the proposed PAM phase vocoder-based transduction stage. The magnitude of the channel band pass filter output is used as the input to the signal modification stage. In this stage, magnitude and phase transfer functions for the harmonic response of an underlying transduction model are indexed by the channel magnitude value. The harmonic magnitude and phase information is used to reconstruct the modified signal using a harmonic synthesizer. FIGURE 4.4 PAM response to stimulus perceived as "split". The stimulus The nominal was created by concatenating Es] and "lit". center frequencies of each channel in Hertz and Bark are listed along the sides. The vertical dimension is expected firing rate. The vertical distance between the zero lines of adjacent channels corresponds to an expected firing rate 3.0 ii(·ssllllii---··---r·IIIP··IIL·· I 260 Figure Captions for Chapter 4 The stimulus times the maximum steady state firing rate. waveform is shown at the bottom, delayed by 9.9 msecs, the group delay of the PAM filters, so that glottal pulses in the waveform and in the PAM output channels are aligned vertically. FIGURE 4.5 Three representations of "slit/split/s-lit" stimuli. The signals shown were created by concatanating s] and "lit" with 0, 200, and 500 msecs of silence separating the sibilant from the The signals on the left are the acoustic waveforms. glide. the signals in the middle are the smoothed composite PAM response patterns of the five highest frequency channels, The signals on smoothed using a 20 msec half hamming window. the right are the composite masking detector outputs of the five highest frequency channels, smoothed using a 5 msec half The two panels at the bottom of the the pichamming window. ture in the middle and on the right summarize data reported by Dorman et al. (1979) regarding subjects' responses to stimuli The panels show the percent of similar to those shown here. "split" responses as a function of gap duration. FIGURE 4.6 representations of the spectral shape of the burst and second glottal pulse following voice onset for /ba/ and /da/. The top panels show the magnitude of the output of the PAM The bottom panels show the output of spectral analysis stage. the PAM adaptation stage. Lines ab touch the F2 and F4 peaks Lines cd touch the F2 and F4 peaks of of the burst spectrum. the second glottal pulse following the onset of voicing. Two ___I_I I- _ I___I_________ l____ FIGURE 4.1 261 SLOPE OF PHASE OF FIBER FREQUENCY RESPONSE - I I i a .6 m O 09 C .4 . el x .2 I ! -----10 ! 15 Fiber CF in Bark IV I- -, 11 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", -1-- ... I~~~ FIGURE 4.2 262 (a __ 0 o.- a CL c ML en fn a) C U X C E CD) 'a 0 U. C a, 0, L U I* O to 0 Q; --j _.. u0 :3 a cm <[ 0 >- E O C C 0 a -E -0. 1 -- .9c I _ - =n i I*_ 0-1 C I i 0 I i zI /T'*.tn 4-, 7j a a L &- C O01 -a F C. >D .,-(~1 _I___ -·----_-------I-___._ _·I-----· Is-- 11_1_1_----1 - (U) *n '* E -C Lr 1p 263 FIGURE 4.3 5 on n0 -I En 0 - U Li O wX 0d z w~~~~~~~~~~~- CC 03 En z o a gi - . %'[3 w U 0Li 0 O i C~~C03 g on~~ wa .C: PM SCK cc: . ~3 ~~< 4 DX ~ Z ~ ~~~~~~CO C: 0.3 a3 E:~~~~~~~~~PtLl n I II · ^-- I*-a(llll-*- IJ(--···l FIGURE 4.4 264 HERTZ NS2WAK BARK .. ~ i ~..~.l .. ,, _ ,,, 102 2 203 3 384 4 406 5 507 6 669 7 _--- 8 761 _,4uw .. 913 9 1065 10 1218 11 1421 12 1674 13 1979 14 2384 15 2790 16 3298 17 3906 18 4617 19 5428 6392 2Q S 4hm - - e --- - CII------· -·-i-. ·r I I--___-_X.(I--·_l1_11-111-__ ^1_1_ FIGURE 4.5 265 [ -! w 0 0 0 Vo o O -i (0 z co 0 l- 0 a o c w C, Z 0 a. C, At -fW r r O 0 O ~~~~C co 0 a U) o c *_5 _ V- 5 1Q K E X V- u- I a. Id w 0 ! 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