Jeonghun J. Lee


Jeonghun J. Lee

Contact Information

University of Oslo

Department of Mathematics

P.O. Box 1053, Blindern

0316, Oslo, Norway

Phone : +47 22 85 56 91

E-mail :

homepage :

Research Interests

Finite Element Methods (mixed and discontinuous Galerkin methods), Scientific Computing

(preconditioning and fast iterative solvers), Computational Mechanics (complex materials)


University of Minnesota , Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

Ph.D., Mathematics, September 2005 – July 2012

Advisor : Douglas N. Arnold

Seoul National University , Seoul, Republic of Korea (South Korea)

M.S., Mathematics, March 2000 – December 2002

Seoul National University , Seoul, Republic of Korea

B.S., Mathematics Education, March 1996 – December 1999


Postdoctoral researcher, University of Oslo, Norway, (supervisor : Ragnar Winther)

July 2014 – present

Postdoctoral researcher, Aalto University, Finland, (supervisor : Rolf Stenberg)

August 2012 – June 2014

Research assistant, University of Minnesota, USA,

Teaching assistant, University of Minnesota, USA,

Lecturer, Korea Air Force Academy, South Korea,

Instructor, Korea Air Force Academy, South Korea,

January 2011 – May 2012

July 2005 – December 2010

July 2003 – June 2005

August 2002 – June 2004

Teaching assistant, Seoul National University, South Korea, March 2000 – December 2001

Honors and Awards

Graduate Student Fellowship, University of Minnesota, 2005 Fall - 2007 Spring

BK21 scholarship, Seoul National University, 2001

Bronze Prize, 18th University Students Contest of Mathematics, The Korean Mathematical

Society, 1999



Mixed methods with weak symmetry for time dependent problems in elasticity and viscoelasticity .

Journal Articles and Preprints

• (with Mika Juntunen) Optimal second order rectangular elasticity elements with weakly symmetric stress , BIT Numerical Mathematics, 54, no. 2 (2014), pp. 425-445, (online link).

• (with Mika Juntunen) A mesh-dependent norm analysis of low order mixed finite element for elasticity with weakly symmetric stress , Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied

Sciences, 24, no. 11, (2014), pp. 2155-2169, (online link).

• (with James Colliander and Magdalena Czubak) Interaction Morawetz estimate for the magnetic Schr¨ , Advances in Differential Equations, 19, no. 9/10 (2014), pp. 805-832, (online link).

• (with Douglas N. Arnold) Mixed methods for elastodynamics with weak symmetry , SIAM

Journal on Numerical Analysis, 52, no. 6, (2014), pp. 2743-2769, (online link).

• (with Hyea Hyun Kim) Analysis of a staggered discontinuous Galerkin method for linear elasticity , Journal of Scientific Computing, 66, no. 2, (2016), pp. 625-649, (online link)

• Towards a unified analysis of mixed methods for elasticity with weakly symmetric stress ,

Advances in Computational Mathematics, 42, no. 2, (2016), pp. 361-376, (online link).

• Robust error analysis of coupled mixed methods for Biot’s consolidation model , Journal of

Scientific Computing, To appear, (online link).

• (with Kent-Andre Mardal and Ragnar Winther) Parameter-robust discretization and preconditioning of Biot’s consolidation model , in revision, (ArXiv).

• Analysis of mixed finite element methods for standard linear solid model in viscoelasticity , in revision.

• (with Ragnar Winther) Local codifferentials and approximation of Hodge Laplace problems , preprint.

• Remarks on error analysis of finite element methods for Biot’s consolidation model , preprint.

Projects in progress

• (with Stephen Shannon, John Shadid, Tan Bui-Thanh) Construction and analysis of hybridized discontinuous Galerkin methods for incompressible magnetohydrodynamics equation , in preparation.

• (with Trygve Bærland) Parameter-robust finite element methods for interaction of incompressible fluids and poroelastic structures , in preparation.

• (with Rolf Stenberg) A posteriori error estimator of mixed finite elements for linear elasticity , in preparation.

• (with Kent-Andre Mardal, Marie E. Rognes, Eleonora Piersanti) Simulations of multiple network poroelastic modelling with applications to interstitial fluid flow in the human brain , in preparation.

Conference Proceedings

• (with D. N. Arnold) Mixed methods for viscoelastic solids with weak symmetry elements ,

Proceedings of the 25th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, 2012.

• Robust finite element methods for Biot’s consolidation model , Proceedings of the 26th

Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, 2013.

• (with M. Juntunen) Mesh dependent norm analysis of a simple rectangular elasticity element with weakly symmetric stress , Proceedings of the 26th Nordic Seminar on Computational

Mechanics, 2013.

Professional and Research Activities

Workshop/Conference Organization

• Co-organizer of the workshop

Complex Materials: Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods

June 2015, University of Oslo, Norway.

• Co-organizer of mini-symposium

Discontinuous Galerkin Methods: New Trends and Applications in the 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 2016, Seoul, South Korea.

Research Visiting

• Kyunghee University, Yong-in, South Korea

June 11, 2014 – June 19, 2014

(Host: Hyea Hyun Kim)

• Kyunghee University, Yong-in, South Korea

September 14, 2015 – September 19, 2015

(Host: Hyea Hyun Kim)

• Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, Austin, US (in the support of J.

Tinsley Oden Faculty Fellowship)

January 25, 2016 – February 6, 2016

(Host: Tan Bui-Thanh)

Talks & Presentations

• Mixed methods for linear elastodynamics with weak symmetry elements , Finite Element Circus,

University of Connecticut, October, 2011

• Mixed finite element methods for dynamic elasticity and viscoelasticity , Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, August, 2012

• Mixed finite element methods for dynamic elasticity and viscoelasticity using weak symmetry elements , National Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Dae-jeon, South Korea, August, 2012

• Mixed finite element methods for dynamic elasticity and viscoelasticity using weak symmetry elements , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Dae-jeon, South Korea,

August, 2012

• Mixed methods for viscoelastic solids with weak symmetry elements , Proceedings of the 25th

Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, October, 2012

• Rectangular mixed finite elements for elasticity with weak symmetry , Seminar on Numerical

Analysis and Computational Science, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, February, 2013

• Rectangular mixed finite elements for elasticity with weak symmetry , Seminar on Mathematical


• A robust finite element method for Biot’s consolidation model in poroelasticity , Kyunghee

University, Yong-in, South Korea, July, 2013

• A robust coupling of nonconforming and mixed finite element methods for Biot’s consolidation model , The Asian Mathematical Conference 2013, Busan, South Korea, July, 2013

• Rectangular mixed finite elements for elasticity with weak symmetry , Kangwon National

University, Chun-cheon, South Korea, July, 2013

• A robust coupling of nonconforming and mixed finite elements for Biot’s consolidation model ,

National Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Dae-jeon, South Korea, July, 2013

• Hodge Laplacian with Robin boundary conditions , ENUMATH 2013, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, August, 2013

• Robust finite element methods for Biot’s consolidation model , Proceedings of the 26th Nordic

Seminar on Computational Mechanics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, October, 2013

• A new analysis of simple mixed finite elements for elasticity with weakly symmetric stress ,

Korean Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Annual Conference, Seogwipo KAL hotel, Jeju, South Korea, November, 2013

• On unified analysis of mixed methods for elasticity with weakly symmetric stress , PDE Seminar,

University of Oslo, Norway, February, 2014

• Unified analysis of mixed methods for elasticity with weakly symmetric stress , The 12th

European Finite Element Fair, University of Vienna, Vienna, May, 2014

• On unified analysis of mixed methods for elasticity with weakly symmetric stress , Applied

Mathematics Seminar, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea, June, 2014

• On unified analysis of mixed methods for elasticity with weakly symmetric stress , Computational Mathematics Seminar, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, June, 2014

• Robust discretization and preconditioning of Biot’s model , Robust Discretizations for Elasticity and Poroelasticity Workshop, Finse, Norway, February, 2015

• Parameter-robust discretization and preconditioning of poroelasticity , Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Seminar, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, March, 2015

• Parameter-robust discretization and preconditioning of poroelasticity , PDE Seminar, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, April, 2015

• Parameter-robust discretization and preconditioning of Biot’s consolidation model , Poster presentation, FEniCS ’15, Imperial College London, London, UK, June, 2015

• Parameter-robust preconditioning for systems of partial differential equations , Numerical Analysis

Seminar, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, September, 2015

• Hybridized discontinuous Galerkin methods for incompressible magnetohydrodynamics equations ,

ICES Seminar, Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, Austin, US, February,


• Parameter-robust discretization and preconditioning for poroelasticity , Differential Equations and Applied Mathematics Seminar, Texas State University, San Marcos, US, February, 2016

• Construction and analysis of hybridized discontinuous Galerkin methods for incompressible magnetohydrodynamics equations , 27th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians, Stockholm University,

Stockholm, Sweden, March, 2016

Teaching Experiences

Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis, Aalto University August, 2012 -

June, 2014

Lecturer :

• Topics in Numerical Analysis – mixed finite element methods (graduate level, Fall 2013)

School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota

Teaching Assistant :

• Precalculus 1

• Calculus 1 & 2

• Differential Equations & Linear Algebra

• Multivariable Calculus

Grader :

• Real Analysis 1 & 2 (graduate level)

• Topics in Partial Differential Equations (graduate level)

• Partial Differential Equations 1 & 2 (undergraduate level)

September, 2005 - December, 2010

Department of Mathematics, Korea Air Force Academy

Lecturer :

August, 2002 - June, 2005

• College Mathematics

• Calculus 1 & 2

• Linear Algebra

• Engineering Mathematics (includes Differential Equations, Fourier Analysis, Vector Calculus)

Department of Mathematics, Seoul National University March, 2000 - December, 2002

Teaching Assistant :

• Calculus 1 & 2

Computer Skills

• Languages : Python, Matlab

• Mathematics Packages : Mathematica, FEniCS (Automated Finite Element Package)

• Office : L TEX, Beamer, OpenOffice

• Operating Systems : Unix/Linux, Mac OS, Windows

Language Abilities

• English (fluent), Korean (native)
