TTU undergrads: Thinking about Applying to grad school?

TTU undergrads:
Thinking about
Applying to grad
Texas Tech University
Grad School Preparations and Applications
•Graduate school applications take a lot of time so
plan ahead!!!!
•Start looking into and considering the general
requirements ASAP:
•E.g., GRE, GPA, research experience
•Keep in mind that competitive graduate schools
require competitive applications, so:
•Look at grad school requirements early (sophomore year) and
plan accordingly
•Maintain high grades throughout your college career
•Do NOT wait until the last minute to apply or look into general
GPA Requirements
• Very Competitive
• GPA 3.5 or higher
• Less Competitive
• Roughly 3.0 or higher
•Higher GPA the better your chances
Landauer, T. K. (1986). How much do people remember? Some estimates of the quantity of learned
information in long-term memory. Cognitive Science, 10, 477-493.
• GRE scores are one of the most important
criteria for graduate school
• 3 sections of the GRE: verbal, math, and analytic
•Some schools require the Psychology subject test
•Plan to take the GRE well in advance and no later
than October of the year you plan to apply
•Study Aids
Trial 1
Kaplan courses, books, vocab cards, online resources
Research Experience
• Research experience is very
•To gain research experience
undergrads can apply to work with
faculty members as a research
assistant (RA).
•Find a professor that matches your interests
•Individuals problem course (4000)
•Email the professor to ask for open RA positions
Letters of Recommendation
•Strong letters of recommendation may
compensate for GPA’s and GRE that are a bit
•Most, but not all, colleges/universities require
letters of recommendation by professors in the
related field.
• How to get rec letters:
•Get to know your professor
•Work as an research assistant
Writing a Personal Statement
• A personal statement (statement of purpose; SOP) is a
critical part of the grad school application
•Take a lot of time and consideration when writing the SOP.
This means plan to revise, edit, proofread, and ask for
•Three themes most typical of graduate program essays:
1. Long term career plans
2. Areas of interest in psychology
3. Reasons for applying to that specific university
•Essays should be original to every program
•Word limits: typically 500-1000 words
• Be concise, direct, and effective in every sentence
Curriculum Vita (CV)
• An “Academic Resume” that summarizes Education,
Research Experience, Clinical Experience, Honors and
Awards, and other important highlights of your academic
• Use this document to “Fill-in-the-Gaps” in your
application and show some additional aspects of your
Professional development
The Interview Process
•You may be offered an opportunity to interview
at a school, particularly if you are a strong candidate
• It is important to know the research of the lab you
are interviewing for, so that you can be adequately
prepared to discuss how your research interests
• In-person interviews are ideal, so plan on traveling if
you can!