COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Curriculum Committee April 5, 2005 2:00 p.m.

Curriculum Committee
April 5, 2005
2:00 p.m.
2004-05 #12
W. Tallon (chair), G. Carnes (for D. Sinason), D. Docking, S. Marsh, C. DeMoranville, G.
Aase, A. Farraj, L. Suwalski, L. Marcellus, M. Salmon
S. Wakefield and B. Mackie
Action on Minutes
Minutes from the Eleventh Meeting, dated March 22, 2005, were approved as presented.
ACCY Items
The catalog copy submitted by Accountancy describing the Institute of Internal Auditors’
Certificate was approved by the committee as amended. (See page 1 of 1)
Accountancy presented a new course proposal for ACCY *465, Forensic Accounting/
Fraud Examination. Further discussion will continue at the next meeting.
Sally Wakefield reviewed the 2004 College of Business Assessment Report with members.
Brian Mackie shared with the committee a means to implement a direct assessment
instrument to measure students’ technological expertise, which would include a training
module for self-improvement in areas needing skills reinforcement. Wakefield brought to
the committee’s attention that, by 2007 as part of our accreditation maintenance review,
AACSB will expect a complete Assurance of Learning process be in place, including
feedback on how assessment data have been incorporated into the curricular
review/improvement process.
NIU Grading System
The committee continued its discussion regarding input requested by the Admissions
Policies and Academic Standards Committee. APASC is seeking feedback on suggested
options for change in the grading system. A response from the committee is due by April
Personal Response
It was reported the college plans to test a Personal Response System in a summer class.
The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 19, 2005, at 2:00 p.m.
Minutes approved: April 19, 2005
Diane Docking, Assistant Faculty Chair/Secretary
Copies to: Vice Provost; Undergraduate Curriculum Committee; Director of Admissions; Graduate Council
Curriculum Committee; University Publications; Community College Relations; University Archives; College
Curriculum Committees; Student Association; Registration/Scheduling; College of Business Faculty
Curriculum Committee
April 5, 2005
Page 1 of 1
2004-2005 #12
Department of Accountancy
Other catalog change: Page 70, 2004-2005 Undergraduate Catalog
Professional Examination Preparation
The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) has approved NIU as a participant in IIA’s Endorsed Internal
Auditing Program. To receive an IIA certificate of completion, a student must have either a B.S. in
accountancy from NIU or an M.A.S. degree and from NIU. As part of the certificate requirements
students must complete ACCY 360, ACCY 462, an approved accountancy business elective, and an
academic internship (ACCY 473) in an internal audit position. A student completing the internal
audit course work will have “Completion of internal audit course work as endorsed by the Institute of
Internal Auditors” on their the official NIU transcript.
1) Change from accountancy to business elective: The realm of the internal auditor has expanded to include a broader
business base. This is reflected in the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) exam including additional coverage in technology
and management. Therefore, students will be allowed to meet the requirements for the certificate by taking approved
courses in OMIS or management.
2) Editorial changes to ensure clarity in requirements and removal of redundant course requirements. Clarification that
the certificate requires an NIU degree.
Other catalog change: Page 58, 2005-2006 Graduate Catalog
Master of Accounting Science
In addition to the College of Business standards listed above …. Candidates may also be asked by the
department graduate adviser to complete an interview either in person or by phone.
The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) has approved NIU as a participant in IIA’s Endorsed Internal
Auditing Program. To receive an IIA certificate of completion, a student must have either a B.S. in
accountancy from NIU or an M.A.S. degree from NIU. As part of the certificate requirements
students must complete ACCY 462, an approved business elective, and an academic internship
(ACCY 473 or ACCY 673) in an internal audit position. A student completing the internal audit
course work will have “Completion of internal audit course work as endorsed by the Institute of
Internal Auditors” on the official NIU transcript.
Phase One
Rationale: IIA certificate can be achieved by students working on their Master of Accounting Science.