COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Curriculum Committee March 20, 2007 2:00 p.m.

Curriculum Committee
March 20, 2007
2:00 p.m.
2006-07 #11
D. Wunsch (chair), W. Cummings, R. Miller, L. Neeley, K. Judson, G. Aase,
K. Miller, K. Slattery, L. Marcellus, M. Salmon
P. Zerull, B.S. business administration advisor
Action on Minutes
The minutes of the Tenth Meeting, dated February 27, 2007, were approved as
University Committee
Names of faculty members expressing an interest in filling some of the
university committee vacancies which begin Fall 2007 were announced.
Dean’s List
The committee approved a revision to the criteria for the College of Business
Dean’s List. (See page 1 of 2)
Policy on MBA Class
After discussion, the committee recommended there be no formally-stated
policy related to MBA class absences. A general policy is stated in the
handbook distributed to all MBA students; therefore, the committee felt a
statement in the Graduate Catalog is not necessary.
Accountancy submitted a proposal to revise the graduation requirements for its
B.S. degree to be consistent with the other undergraduate programs in the
college. The committee approved the revision. (See page 2 of 2) The
committee recommended and approved the same graduation statement be
placed in the college portion of the catalog since all departments have adopted
this policy. (See page 1 of 2)
MGMT New Courses
The committee approved two new MGMT current topics courses, one at the
undergraduate level and one at the graduate level. (See page 2 of 2)
Course Repeatability
Catalog language pertaining to course repeatability was discussed. The
implementation of the new PeopleSoft Student Information System will require
course descriptions to state the maximum number of semester credit hours a
course may be repeated.
B.S. Bus Admin
Phyllis Zerull, advisor for the B.S. business administration degree program,
met with the committee to provide input regarding the program’s major
requirements. After discussion, the committee approved a revision to the
OMIS courses required for the degree, which would provide majors more
breadth and depth in operations management and information systems
concepts. (See page 1 of 2)
The meeting adjourned at 3:03 p.m.
Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, 2007, at 2:00 p.m.
Minutes approved: March 27, 2007
Kimberly M. Judson, Assistant Faculty Chair/Secretary
Copies to: Vice Provost; Committee on the Undergraduate Curriculum; Director of Admissions; Graduate
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Business Faculty