for the following:
TTU Employee
Please Return
TTU Environmental Health and Safety
TTU Mail Stop: 1090
Telephone: #742-3876
Texas Tech University System
First Report of Injury/Illness/Accident
Submit Completed form to: Texas Tech University System, Risk Management Department, MS 2003, Lubbock, Texas
(FAX: 806-742-3018)
Please print or type
1. Name (Last, First, MI) 3. SSN 2. Sex:
o Female
o Male
4. Home Phone 5. Date of Birth
9. Spouse’s Name
o Single
o Yes o No
17. Address where accident or exposure occurred.
Name of business if accident occurred in a business
City _________________________ State _ _____ Zip Code ______________________
15. Time of Accident
o AM
o PM
16. Was employee doing his/her regular job?
6. Mailing Address (Home)
7. Marital Status
o Married
o Separated
14. Date of Accident o Widowed 8. Number of
Dependent Children?
City ________________ State _______ Code_ ___________
18. Cause of accident (struck, fall, strain, etc.)
o Divorced
10. Does the employee speak English?
If no, specify language
o Yes o No
19. How and why Accident/Exposure occurred?
11. Department
20. Part of body injured or exposed
12. Office Phone
21. List Witnesses
13. Supervisor’s Name
22. Date Reported to Supervisor
23. Print Name and Title of person Completing Form Date
24. Signature of person Completing Form Date
Complete the following sections ONLY IF medical treatment or lost time from work is involved.
25. Treating Doctor
Name ___________________________________________________
Address _ ________________________________________________
City _____________ State _____________ Zip Code ______________
Phone Number: _ __________________________________________
26. Date Lost Time Began
27. Return to work date or expected date
NOTE: With few exceptions, you are entitled by law to know, review, and correct information that we collect about you. For more information, please refer to TTU OP 01.04 or TTUHSC OP 01.03
Page 1
HSC OP 7C.13
April 10, 2003
TTU Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Investigation
Exposed person, please fill out the following information: Today’s Date: ____________
(Your) Name: ____________________________________________________________
Date of your last tetanus: _______________ Date of your Hep B series: _____________
Date and time of exposure: _ ________________________________________________
Location of exposure: (ER, OR, Unit, etc.) _____________________________________
Describe how the exposure occurred, including needle stick or splash, during a
(Circle on of the above)
What part of the body was exposed?
Were you using a SOLID or HOLLOW BORNE needle or instrument?
(Circle on of the above)
Would you consider the wound SUPERFICIAL or DEEP?
(Circle one of the above)
Name of source patient: ____________________________________________________
Contact information of source patient:
_ _____________________________________
Known source patient risk factors? (HIV, Hep B, Hep C) _________________________
Notes: _ ______________________________________________________________________
Infectious Disease Control
Contaminated Sharps Injury Reporting Form
The facility where the injury occurred should complete the form and submit it to the local health authority where the facility is located.
If no local health authority is appointed for this jurisdiction, submit to the regional director of the Texas Department of State Health
Services (DSHS) regional office in which the facility is located. Address information for regional directors can be obtained on the DSHS
webpage at The local health authority, acting as an agent for the Texas Department of
State Health Services will receive and review the report for completeness, and submit the report to: IDEAS, Texas DSHS, 1100 West
49th Street, T-801, Austin, Texas 78756-3199. Obtain copies at control/bloodborne
pathogens/reporting or from Texas Department of State Health Services regional offices.
Please complete a form for each exposure incident involving a sharp.
NOTE: If the injury occurred BEFORE the sharp was used for its original intended purpose, do not submit this form
Facility (agency/institution) where injury occurred:
Street address (no post office box):
City: County: Zip code:
Street address of reporter if different from facility where injury occurred:
Reporter’s Name:
Reporter’s Telephone: Reporter’s e-mail:
1. Date of injury: Time of injury: o am o pm Age of injured: 2. Type and Brand of sharp involved (Check one box) List brand name of sharp:
Needles Sex of injured: o M o F
Surgical Instruments (or other sharp items) Glass
o Arterial catheter introducer needle o Bone chip/chipped tooth o Blood gas syringe o Bone cutter o Central line catheter needle (cardiac, etc.) o Drill bit/bur Disposable Syringe o Electro-cautery device o Insulin o Fingernails/teeth o 20-gauge needle o Huber needle o 21-gauge needle o Lancet (finger or heel stick) o 22-gauge needle o Microtome blade o Pickup/forceps/s
o 23-gauge needle hemostats/clamp
o 24/25-gauge needle o Pin (fixation, guide pin)
o Tuberculin o Pipette (plastic)
o Drum Catheter needle o Razor
o IV catheter stylet o Retractors, skin/bone hooks
o Needle on IV line (included piggyback & o Scalpel, disposable
o Capillary tube
o Glass slide
o Glass item, not sure what kind
o Medication ampule/vial/IV bottle
o Pipette
o Specimen/test tube
o Vacuum tube
o Other glass item:
IV line connectors
o Needle, not sure what kind o Pre-filled cartridge syringe o Spinal or epidural needle o Suture needle o Syringe, other type o Unattached hypodermic needle o Vacuum tube blood collection o Scalpel, reusable
Sharp item, not sure what kind
o Specimen/test tube (plastic)
o Staples/steel sutures
o Towel clip
o Trocar
o Winged steel needle (includes butterfly, o Vacuum tube (plastic)
winged-set type devices)
Other o Wire (suture/fixation/guide wire)
o Other vascular catheter needle
o Other sharp
(cardiac, etc.)
o Other non-vascular catheter needle
(ophthalmology, etc,)
o Other nonsuture
3. Original intended use of sharp (check one box)
o Connect IV line (intermittent IV/piggyback/IV infusion/other IV line connection
o Contain a speciment or pharmaceutical (glass item)
o Cutting
o Dental o Extraction o Hygiene o Orthodontic o Periodontal o Restorative o Dialysis
o Draw arterial blood sample...if used to draw blood was it o direct stick or o drawn from a line
o Draw venous blood sample
o Drilling
o Electrocautery
o Finger Stick/heel stick
o Heparin or saline flush
o Injection, intra-muscular/subcutaneous/intra-dermal, or other injection through the skin (syringe)
o Obtain a body fluid or tissue sample (rine/CSF/amniotic fluid/other fluid, biopsy)
o Other injection into (or aspiration from) IV injection site or IV port (syringe)
o Remove central line/porta catheter
o Start IV or set up heparin lock (IV catheter or winged set-type needle)
o Suturing o deep o skin
o Tattoo
o Unknown/not applicable
o Wiring
o Other
o Root Canal
When and How Injury Occurred...
o Before (DO NOT report to DSH) o during o after the sharp was used for its intended purpose
If the exposure occurred during or after the sharp was used, was it (check one box)
o Activating safety device o Patient moved during the procedure
o Between steps of a multistep procedure (carrying, handling, o Preparation for reuse of instrument (cleaning, sorting,
passing/receiving syringe/instrument, etc.) disinfecting, sterilizing, etc.)
o Device malfunctioned o Recapping
o Device pierced the side of the disposal container o Suturing
o Disassembling device or equipment o Use of sharps container
o Found in an inappropriate place (eg. Table, bed, linen, floor, trash) o Unsafe practive
o Interaction with another person o Use of IV/central line
o Laboratory procedure/process o Other
5. Did the device being used have engineered sharps injury protection? A. Was the protective mechanism activated?
B. Did the exposure incident occur o before o during o yes o no o do no know
o yes o no o do not know
o after activation of the protective mechanism
6. Was the injured person wearing gloves? o yes o no o do not know
7. Had the injured person completed a hepatitis B vaccination series? o yes o no o do not know
8. Was there a sharps container readily available for disposal of the sharps? Did the sharps container provide a clear view of the level of contaiminated sharps?
o yes o no
o yes o no
9. Had the injured person received traning on the exposure control plan in the 12 months prior to the incident? o yes o no
10. Involved body part (check one box)
o hand o arm
o leg/foot o face/head/neck o torso (front or back)
11. Job Classification of injured person (check only one box)
o Aide (e.g. CAN, HHA, orderly) o EMT/paramedic o Physician assistant
o Attending physician (MD, DO) o Fellow o Physical therapist
o Central supply o Firefighter o Psychiatric technician
o Chiropractor o Food service o Public health worker
o Clerical/administrative o Hemodialysis technician o Radiologic technician
o Clinical lab technician o Housekeeper/laundry o Registered nurse
o Counselor/social worker o Intern/resident o Researcher
o CRNA/NP o Law enforcement officer o Respiratory therapist/technician
o Dentist o Licensed vocational nurse o Safety/security
o Dental assistant/technician o Maintenance staff o School personnel (not nurse)
o Dental hygienist o OR/surgical technician o Transport/messenger
o Dental student o Pharmacist o Volunteer
o Dietician o Phlebotomist/venipuncture/IV team o Other
12. Employment Status of Injured Person (check one box)
o Employee o Student o Contractor/contract employee o Volunteer If not directly employed by reporter, name the employer/service/agency/school:
o Other
13. Location/Facility/Agency in which sharps injury occurred (check one box)
o Blood bank/center/mobile o Home health o Outpatient treatment (e.g. dialysis, infusion therapy)
o Clinic o Hospital o Residential facility (e.g. MHMR, shelter)
o Correctional facility o Laboratory (freestanding) o School/college
o Dental facility o Medical examiner office/morgue o Other
o EMS/Fire/Police
14. Work Area where Sharps Injury Occurred (check one box)
o Ambulance o Emergency department o Laboratory o Autopsy/pathology o Endoscopy/bronchoscopy/ o L & D/Gyncology unit cystoscopy
o Pre-op or PACU
o Procedure room
o Blood bank center/mobile o Field (non EMS) o Medical/Outpatient clinic o Rescue setting (non ER)
o Central supply o Floor (not patient room) o Medical/surgical unit o Radiology department
o Critical care unit o Home o Nursery o Seclusion room/psychiatric unit
o Dental clinic o Infirmary o Patient/resident room o Service/Utility area (e.g. laundry)
o Dialysis room/center o Jail unit o Pediatrics o Surgery/operating room
o Other
Clinic Checklist/Table of Contents
Exposed person, please initial each item. Contact Environmental Health & Safety at 742-3876
IMMEDIATELY or call TTU Police at 742-3931
__________ 1. Make sure that source patient blood is drawn by clinic personnel
(HIV, BSAG, HCV). Draw 2 tiger tops.
__________ 2. Begin filling out the forms enclosed in this packet and you will be
advised what to do next by Health and Safety Personnel at
Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) or call TTU Police at 742-3931.
__________ 3. If unable to reach EH&S, or it is after 5pm, exposed person go to
AT UMC for TTUHSC Employees and Students:
Pink lab requisition for Exposed person
White lab requisition for Source patient
First thing next business day, contact TTU Environmental
Health & Safety at 742-3876 to report, obtain source lab
information and coordinate follow/up.
Texas Tech University
Employee Health/Infection Control Requisition
(White Requisition Form)
Information below must be completed
Time Drawn:_________________________
Date Specimen Collected: ______________
By: _________________________________
Request Completed by: ________________
o Blood
Patient Information
Name: _______________________________
MR#: _ ______________________________
SS#: _ _______________________________
DOB: _ ______________________________
Ordering physician: __________
Source Patient Laboratory Request
(Need 2 tiger tops)
_________ Hepatitis B Surface Antigen BSAB
_________ Hepatitis C HEPC
_________ HIV HIV
UMC Clinical Laboratory Instructions: After 5:00pm and on holidays and
weekends, please spin down and hold in Rapid Response refrigerator Until
the next business day, then transport speciment to TTUHSC Pathology
Texas Tech University
Employee Health/Infection Control Requisition
(Pink Lab Requisition Form)
Information below must be completed
Time Drawn:_________________________
Date Specimen Collected: ______________
By: _________________________________
Request Completed by: ________________
o Blood
Exposed Person Information
Name: _______________________________
SS#: _ ______________________________
DOB: _ ______________________________
Ordering physician: __________
Exposed Person Laboratory Request
PEP Protocol Labs Unknown Exposure
(2 tiger top and 1 purple top tubes) (2 tiger top tubes)
______ Hepatitis B Surface Antibody BSAB OR
______ Hepatitis B Surface Antibody
______ Hepatitis C ______ Hepatitis C
______ HIV ______ HIV
______ CBC
______ ALT
______ Creatinine