I TEE SILWING DOWN AND DIFFUSION INITIALLtY MONONRNIETIC UTRBONSI OF HYDROCNOUS MDIA by LW3C~ JAMES MARKS 5MhITTi!D IN PARTIAL JULILIK }RE(JIRWi T S O 0OF THE DEG OX BAOHELOR OF SC3BXiN at the MASSA0HSETTS IWSTITUTi OF ECHNOLOGY (1950) Signature of Author .... c Oertified by .......... Thesis Supervisor 'I TABLI O . **** ..... . . COsNT]TS Pag Abstract . .· · ·· Acknowledgment I. II. Introduction. xperimental . . ·. . . . . · . . . . . . . .. . . · . . . . · · ·. · . Technique . . . iii . . iv . . . . 1 . . . . . . . 3 Figure 1: Initial Saturation Activities versus Radius, Sand plus Water ......... Figure 2: 7 Initial Saturation Activities versus Radius, Dry Sand . . . . . . . . . . 9 III. The Neutron IV. Diffusion Theory and Slowing-Down Theory . . . . .. 17 V. Correlation of Theory with Experiment .. 23 Figure 3: 'igure 4: Figure 5: FPigure 6: Figure 7: Figure 8: Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 (Slowing-DownDensity) x (Radius Squared) versus Radius,Dry Sand... .... . *. 25 Slowing-DownDistance versus Energy, Sandplus Water .. .......... 27 (Slowing-DownDensity) x (Radius Squared) versus Radius, Sandplus Water . . . . 30 (Slowing-DownDensity) x (Radius Squared) versus Radius, Sandplus Water . . . . 32 (Slowing-DownDensity) x (Radius Squared) versus Radius, Sandplus Water . . . . . 33 (Thermal Neutron Density) x Sand plus Water .... .. .. (Radius Squared) versus Radius, 36 TABLE OF CONTENTS ..... . . Page VI. Summary . Appendix... . ..... . ..... Bibliography... ..... ..... . . . ...... ..... ii . . . 42 ........ · 49 ABSRACT Thermal and indium resonance neutron distributions mixed with water and in dry sand are given. The intensity in sand of the neutron source is determined to be 1.241O6 neutrons per econd on Pebruary 1, 1950. The experimental distributions are comparedwith the predictions obtained. of the elementary Age Theory." Qalitativ agreement is The agreement is better when a "spherical harmonic" correction is applied. More advanced theories are briefly discus- sed, iii AOCOWIX)DGMwST The author wishes to express his dept and his gratitude to Professor Clark Goodman. Doctor Gardner A. Norton gave assistance at every turn and is warmly thanked. Thanks also are due Miss Joan Sullivan for assisting with the calculations, to Mr. Sidney Millen for his help with the resolving time apparatus, and to Miss Dorothy E, Blotner, who typed most of this thesis, and to many oShrs who gave assistance. iv I. ITaRODUCTION The slowing down and diffusion of neutrons in hydrogenous mixtures have been studied extensively at this laboratory 1 and elsewhere. Correlation of the experimentally determined spatial distributions of slowed-downneutrons with theoretical predictions of these was undertaken particularly by Tittle, distributions able asccess. However, the acquisition 2 with consider- of a new monoenergetic neutron source of comparatively low energy suggested a re-examination of the application of elementary slowing-down theory to the spatial distribu- tions of neutrons in substances containing hydrogen. Such a study was expected to result in a better determination of the extent of validity of the approximate NAge Theory' in this case. Age theory is so muchsimpler to apply than more rigorous theories that complete knowledgeof its applicability Distributions is important. of indium resonance (1.44 ev.) neutrons and of thermal# (cadmiumdifference) neutrons in dry sand and in sand saturated with water have been determined experimentally. rom the resonance neutron data, the strength of the source has been evaluated. Muchof the difficulty from the finite, nonnegligible in applying age theory here arises size of the neutron source. Since the 'Dacey, J. Z., Paine, R. W., and Goodman,C., Laboratory for Nuclear Science and Engineering Technical Report No. 23, 1949. Hereafter referred to as T.R. 23. Tittle, C. ., aul, H., Secrest, B. L., and Goodman,C., Laboratory for Nuclear Science and Engineering Technical Report No. 21, 1949. Hereafter referred to as T.R. 21. 2 T.R. 21, pp. 30-33, 48-53. point source solution is unsatisfactory, distribution functions corresponding to various idealized sources, which approximate the actual source, have been compared to the observed distribution. The results indicate that a straightforward application of age theory to this relatively lowenergy neutron source gives results valid to somewhatgreater distances from the source than is the case for neutrons in the Mev. range. 3 II. 3lZXPRiNTAL iT0ENIQI3 The experimental procedure followed in this work is similar to that developed by Amaldi and Fermi 1 and employed with various ifications by manyother investigators. mod- 2 Thin indium foils 3 in the slowing-down mediumwere exposed to the neutron flux. Neutron absorption by indium leads to a radio- active decay which can be observed in a counter: I 115+ n I 116 n In1 1 6 (2-1) n 54 min.. I 8l + -(0.85 Mev. max.) + gammas. (2-2) Exposures were made in a four-foot cubical steel tank4 filled sand. 5 with silica The Sb24 _ Be photoneutron source the bottom of a thin, snugly fitting 3.8 as lowered to aluminum tube (outer diameter m.) and rested about 21 inches below the sand surface. During most of the runs, an aluminum tube containing the same mediumas that in the tank was inserted into the source holder above the source. 1Amaldi, ., and Fermi, 2Amaldi, 3., Hafstad, .,, Phys. L. B., and ev. i0, 899-928 (1936). u"ve, 896-912 (1937). O'Neal, . D., Phys. Rev. , 1-4 (1946). Munn and Pontecorvo, Cam. J. Res. O, Tittle, . A., Phys. LRev. .1, 157-167 (1947). Dacey, J. . W., M.I.T. Course VIII Ph.D. Thesis, Jan. 1948, and T.R. 21. ., Paine, R. W., and Goodman, C., T.B. 23. Rush, J. H., Pys. Rev. 27, 271-273 (1948), 3T.2. 23, pp. 18-20. 4 T.R. 23, p. 15. 5 T.R. 21, p. 14. and numerous others. The foils were enclosed in holders of cadmium or aluminum, described by Dacey and Paine. flattened aluminum These were inserted into tubes extending down into the sand depth as the source holder. fell on the same straight thin-walled, to the same The tubes were so arrangedthat no two line from the source. The distance from each tube to the nearest wall of the tank was equal to or greater than its distance from the source. Accuracy of distance measure- ments from source to tube (center to center) After exposure, the foil activity time schedule. is estimated at t0. 2 cm. was counted on a standard The front a-d the back of each foil were exposed separately for counting because the beta rays were being counted. Initial activity for a foil is here defined as the sumof the initial activities for the front and back of the foil. series of routine corrections A tedious must be applied to the raw counting data to reduce it to an initial saturation activity that is proportional to the neutron flux. ization of counters Details of these corrections, standard- and counting procedure are discussed by aul,2 and by Dacey and Paine.* 10p.cit., 2 Yaul, 3 pp. 23-24. H., M.I.T. Ph.D. Thesis, 0p.cit., Course XII, May, 1949, pp. 30-34. pp. 26-27, 35-38, 45-52. 5 Unfortunately, when the author began this study he did not knowthat the foils had been found to have a constant residual activity of their own. The details are given in an unpublished report by Faul and armer, which was not resurrected until long after all the data had been taken. A series of background counts was subsequently made, some with and somewithout foils in the counters. A difference of 1.4-0.6 counts per minute was found; this is of doubtful significance but time limitations prevented taking more data. The initial assuption saturation were recomputed on the activities that the true background rate was higher by the above amount than the background observed at the time of the counting. Obviously, this is not very satisfactory. The backgroundwas observed to fluctuate greatly, especially during the day. Since these fluctuations could not be exactly compen- sated for, it was assumed that the probable error of the observed background rate was twice the statistical This procedure should give error. a better estimate of the uncertainty in the measurement. For correcting theral" activities, Tittle's most recent modified version of Bothe's relation for the foil drain correction factor has been used: Bothe's formula:1 f = 1.(2-3) _. , , ,, 12'(A + k +3L 1 T.R. 2, p. 48. Tittle's formula:1 1 f 1+ a. (k 2 i.e., (2.4) (-4) 3L -1) r 2rk + 3L transport meanfree path is used instead of scattering mean free path. In the present work the 4.1 hour activity 2 of In 115 need not be considered because the neutrons emitted by the source used here have less energy than the reaction threshold. Of the two types of exposure made, those in which the foils were in aluminm holders produce a foil activity which is due to both thermal neutrons and neutrons of 1.44 ev. energy, since aluminumis essentially transparent to neutrons of these energies. The cadmiumholders, on the other hand, absorb neutrons of less than 0.3 ev. energy, so that foils exposed in them are activated almost completely by resonance absorption of 1.44 ev. neutrons. The difference betweenthe two initial saturation activities is, therefore, due principally to thermal neutrons, and is denoted thermal activity." In figure 1, the average initial saturation activities for thermal and for resonance absorption in a mediumof sand saturated with water is given as a function of distance from the center of the source as of February 1, 1950. The composition of the medium was: gm/cm3 Sand: 1.62O.03 Water: 0.387+o0.01 gm/cm 'Unfortunately, no completely accurate published reference to Tittle'ts work is available for reference. 2 T.R. 3cf. 23, p. 44. p. 3. jc,5 V_ INITIAL SATURATION ACTIVITIES vs. RADIUS DATE: FEB. 1,1950 MEDIUM:SAND, SATURATED WITH WATER. INDIUM RESONANCE:CORRECTED FOR CADMIUM ATTENUATION. THERMAL: lo CORRECTED FOR FOIL DRAIN. I i 3 10 z n i w: F-: Iz M doe 10: 10_ N I i I \35.4 1.0 0 - - ---- -- 5 -- I 10 - I I 15 20 r (CM.) - 25 -I 30 -I 30 or, alternatively, Oxygen: 1.21 gm/cm 3 Silicon: 0.757 gm/cm3 Hydrogen: 0.043 g/cM 3 In Figure 2, the resonance and thermal activities on Febrnary 1, 1950, as a function of distance are given for a slowingdownmediumof dry sand. The initial The density of the sand was 1.62 gm/cm.3 saturation activities of the foils, given above, are proportional to the corresponding neutron fluxes to which the foils had been exposed. The foils and counters have been calibrated against a standard neutron flux at Oak Ridge. The details are described by Dacey and Paine; (nv)i I s (neutrons/cm -sec) (nv),(neutrons/cm In theories The density 2 -ec) 0.038(A )s(counts/min) 0.192(A)Ti(Ooutt of slowing downand diffusion, sidered is not the neutron flux. treated. the results are: s/min) the quantity con- For thermal neutrons, the density is is found by dividing the flux as found above (Equation 2-6)by the standard velocity of thermal neutrons, 2.2 x 105 cm/sec. For neutrons in the process of being slowed down, the quantity of interest 1 Op.cit., is the slowing-down density, pp. 60-67. q. This may be obtained from (2-5) (2-6) 0qt U) U) J c- Q D a N o0 .11 aO 0 0 LL . I) aWI -J .4 I w 'I Ir W I' P 5 Uz0 O0U)z01 oW I-. Oo -0- D W to 1 -. 1 C i*.r o.9 co xZ -_O D U, -J W WE in x -4 zZ z 0 00 N 08 0 8I 00D (NIW /SINnOo)Sv 00 It 00 °O 0 -0 the foil activity by the relation = 0.338(A )S (No8 ~ ) (2-7) where the quantity No ~ is the "slowing-down power of the medium." The "slowing-down power" is discussed in Section IV. Subsequent graphical presentation of the data will be in the form of neutron density or slowing-downdensity, as maybe appropriate. 4A III. The Neutron Source In order to obtain a flux of initially monoenergetic neutrons, a photoneutron source was employed. Thereactions leading to the production of neutrons are: Sbl24 60 days B99 +B Sl4 8 i (3-1) (l.78 Mev) + nl1._ Q was thought to be 1.63 Mev.; this (32) is now known to be wrong. Assuminga value for the binding energy of the deuteron of 2.23 ev., rather than 2.187 Mev., Q takesthe value Q = 1.673 Mev. The energy of the emitted neutron depends on the source according to the relation *1 A- 1 (:E - Q) + [2( cos e where A is the mass number of the initialnucleus. Accordingly, at 90 degrees, n = 31 ev. and the maximum energy spread 1/2 / 2 Y = 2(. . 1) Q(3-4) = 3 Kev. lSeaborg, G. 2Bell and ., and Perlman, lliott, I., Rev. Mod. Phys. Phys. Rev. 74, value has not yet been assigned. 3Banson, A. 0., Phys. Rev. jQ, 1948, p. 615. 1948, p. 1552 L. A final, definitive , 1949, pp. 1794-1799. (3-3) Therefore, E n 31+-!. Kev. assuming the particular value of Q given above. The value of the spread in energy is of prime interest. It shows that while the source is not strictly monoenergetic, it may in comparison with the reasonably be considered so, especially R - B a e sourcespreviouslyused in this laboratory, which probably have a continuous distribution of energies from several Mev. to a few hundred Kev. Experimental determinations of neutron energy from this type of source do not agree among themselves. 29 and 35 Kev. The measurements by Hanson 2 probably give the most Hanson measured the maximumpulse height accurate value yet obtained. of recoil Wattenburg quotes values of protons in a hydrogen-filled counter.He finds proportional a value for the average neutron energy of 2;3 Kevy. Considering the various measurements, a value for the average initial energy of 26 Key. seems reasonable. At first, it was hoped that the present experiments would give a good check on the initial neutron energy of the Sb was hoped these experiments would measure the initial -24-B e source.It neutron energy. This the reasons are discussed in Section V. A 2.04 provedto be impossible; Mev. 3 gamma ray from b 124 has been reported. This gamma ray is very weak and perhaps even doubtful; it probably does not contribute significantly to the neutron flux. T.R. Other gammas are given 21, pp. 56-57. T.R. 23, pp. 14-15. 2Op. cit. Seaborg and Perlman, op.cit. off; these, however, have lower energies than the reaction threshold for neutron emission. Unfortunately, inquiries to Oak Ridge have not yet been fully answered, so that the precise internal structure of the source is not known. However,the following is quoted:l "AUtimonyslugs, coated with beryllium and sealed in aluminum ackets, may now be irradiated to produce antinony-beryllium neutron and distributed to off-project users.' The outer dimensions of the cylinder containing the source are given as: diameter, 3.02 am. length, 3.02 cm. An aluminum plate projects from one end, so the over-all length is approximately 4.45 cm. from the above, it seemsprobable that most of the interior of the source is taken up by the antimony slug, with a relatively thin layer of beryllium. A knowledgeof the absolute source strength is necessary for this work and is desirable, in general, for any applications whatsoever. The experiuental results, giving foil activity (hence neutron flux) as a function of distance, permit an evaluation of the source strength, Qn'if the neutron distribution is assumed spherically symmetric (this is probably valid except close to the source). lIutogel. U.S.A..O., Catalogue and Price List No. 3, July, Oak Ridge, ennessee, p. 29. 1949. Isotopes Division, In the sand-water mixture, capture is completely negligible above 1.44 ev. Therefore, 0(dV-5) = - 4A(0.038)(7 No. ) JARS x r2 dr (3-5) q is the slowing-down density referred to on Page 8. To calculate the slowing-down power at 1.44 ev.: Melkonian 2 gives the free particle scattering cross sections of hydrogen and oxygen as (( )R = 20.36 (8)O = 3.73 barns barns Goldsmith, Ibser, and Foeld3 give for silicon rt = 2.25 barns. Using Tittle's value of ac = 0.1410.4 barns,4 (C) Si - 2.1 barns From these cross sections and the composition of the medium (page 8), it is found o' that = 0.546 cm-1 at 1.44 ev. 1T.R. 23, pp. 67-68. 2 Melkonian, ., Phys. Rev. 76 (1949), pp. 1744-1759. 3 Goldsmith,H. (1947), 4 ., Ibser, H. W., and Feld, B. T., Rev. Mod. Phys, 9 p. 272. Tittle (Thesis), op.cit., p. 149. Hence, 0n = 0.2606 Sr dr 1.9 cm The integral Simpson's Rule. was evaluated numerically To obtain the contribution from 2 to 30 cm. by from more distant neutrons, it was assumed that far from the source the activity would vary as A2, Ae - r (3-6) r z the empirical constants being determined from a curve of Ar2 versus r as j A = 1.66 x 108 (cots/mn)(cm 2 ) Lr = 2.83 cm. r Theresult is: J fAr2 &r 4.77 x 106 2 cm. on February 1, 1950. The contribution to the integral of the region inside 5 cm. and the one outside 30 cm. is about 16 per cent. These contributions may easily be in error by 20 per cent or more; on the other hand, the contribution from 5 to 30 cm. is better known,probably to within 10 per cent. A reasonable value of qn is . = (.24l0.15) as of t ebruary 1, 1950. x l10neutrons/ec. (3-7) Qn for other dates may be found by using the 60-day half-life 1 of Sb b 24 to correct (-7). 17 IV. DI SION TBEORY AND SLOWING-DOWl THEORY The steady-state diffusion of thermal neutrons, in a medium in which both scattering and capture may take place, is described approximately by the differential equation 2 A n n = neutron density (neutrons/unit volume) = mean life of thermal neutrons against capture s = rate of production of thermal neutrons per unit volume L diffusion length. The diffusion length, L, is related to the properties of the medium; before defining it, some preliminary discussion is necessary. If maand as are the atomic cross sections, for absorption and for scattering of neutrons, of a nuclear species in the medium, andN is the atomic concentration of the species, the macroscopic scatteringcross sectionsare Z Na(cm 1 ), and j Neo-(cm1) . The suma- tions areover the nuclear species present in themedium. The reciprocals of the above quantities are the scattering and absorption mean free paths: " a (cm) 1 S1, "(cm) 5xoa a The transport mean free path is defined as (4-2) (4-3) 18 htr P_ = where e [co ave B (cm) 2. (4-4) is the mean cosine of the scattering - angle (in the laboratory coordinates) of neutrons colliding with a nucleus of mass number A. In terms of the quantities defined above, the diffusion length is defined as L2 2 3 The diffusion equation (4-1) may be obtained by several methods, but the most fruitful procedure is to obtain it as an approximation to the Boltzmanntransport equation; using this procedure,2 it is evident that the neutron density must vary slowly with distance (fractional change in density in one transport meanfree path is negligible), and that the neutron flux is almost isotropic. In particular, the absorption cross section must be small compared to the scattering distance from sudden discontinuities cross section, and the in the medium, and from concentrated sources, should be greater than a transport meanfree ath. The above restrictions are not very severe, and, in general, are satisfied in this work. 1Marsbak, R. 2Marshak, . pp, 10-20. ., ev. od. ., Brooks, hys. 19(1947), p. 188. ., and Hurwits, H., cleonics 4, (May, 1949), i9 The elementary theory of neutron slowing-down may also be derived as an approximation to the transport equation. 1 Energy of a neutron is usually specified in terms of u = log E i , where 3E is the initial energy of the neutron. This quantity is of interest because in a collision between a neutron and a nucleus the fractional energy loss of the neutron is characteristic of the collision. Let n(r, u) numberof neutrons per unit volumeper unit logarithmic energy range (i.e., per unit of u). Then the slowing-down density is defined as = f n(r, u)v(u)o(u) (4-6) is the mean logarithmic energy loss per collision. If a single nuclear species is present, (M 1)2 4M 2 M 1 It is seen that the dimensions of q are (neutrons/cm2-ec). Actually, q is the density of neutrons slowing down past a given energy per unit t ime. In terms of q, the differential V 2q a -Q( (L 5 2 ) 'Marshak, op.cit., pp. 213-216. 2Ibid., p. 188. equation for slowing downis (L2 ) (4-8) 1 20 The term on the right is a source term (neutrons for the steady state. of energy 3 produced per unit volume per second). L , termed the slowing-downdistance, is a characteristic length of the neutron distribution, V 2 1 3 _0 I defined for Iquation (4-8) as _I_- ... = ' 3 L 2 is also sometimes termed the age" of the neutrons, and Equation (4-8) is called the age equation because of its formal resemblance to the time-dependent heat flow equation. q may also be con- sidered as the density of neutrons per unit age interval. A numberof assumptions are associated with 3quation (4-8). Firstly, the assumptions concerning the underlying transport theory are: (a) Inelastic scattering is negligible. (b) lastic scattering is S-wave. (c) Effect of chemical binding is negligible. These assumptions are valid in this work downto indium resonance energy (1.44 ev)- but assumption (c) is not complied with in slowing downto thermal energies. Secondly, Age Theory is valid under the following limitations: (d) The theory is applied only to distances from the source less thana distance on the order of (e) The average number of slowing-down collisions is large. If) The fractional rate of change of mean free path per collision is small. 21 As a rule, none of these restrictions are obeyed by hydrogenous media; the distribution beyond L82 /X s is important, the average number of collisions is from ten to twenty, and in slowing down from several Mev. the hydrogen cross section changes by a factor of about ten. However, in this work, the initial neutron energy is so low that the cross section increases by only about 15 per cent in slowing This is not unreasonable from the standpoint of age down to 1.44 ev. theory. solution A typical source in an infinite Q3 of £quation (4-8) is that for a point medium: 3/2 (4iT) r2 £ L (4-10) L( This distribution exhibits a gaussian behavior throughout space. However, the distribution of neutrons that have madeno col- lisions follows an exponential law, so that at large distances q should tend towards an exponential behavior. It was the above consideration that motivated the assumption, in calculating the source strength, that the activity decreased exponentially beyond thirty centimeters, with a characteristic "relaxation length," Lr (Equation 3-6). In fact, of a curve to it influenced the original fit the data on activities. choice F due to a In determining the thermal neutron distribution source of fast neutrons, age theory is used to obtain the distribution of neutrons that are just becomingthermal; that is, a distribution appropriate to the source, such as Equation (4-10), with the particular value of L corresponding to thermal energy, 0.025 ev. This distribu- tion is then used as the source term in the diffusion equation (4-1). The value of LS 2 for slowing down to thermal energies is given by Equation (4-9). This procedure is rather doubtful, because chemical binding is important and produces a rapid increase in the hydrogen scattering cross section with decreasing energy. It is known that when the hydrogen cross section increases rapidly age theory tends to underestimate seriously L . On the other hand, any inelastic scattering that occurs will tend to counterbalance the error. 1 T.R. 21, Fig. 20, p. 34. I V CORRILATION O TOY WITH RiL IM[IT The previous material will be summarized. Indium resonance and thermal foil activities are knownfor dry sand and for sand satu- rated with water; from these, neutron density or slowing-downdensity may be found. 1 available. An elementary theory of slowing down and diffusion A probable value of the initial is energy of the neutrons (26 Kev.)has been decided upon. Fora mediumcontaining several nuclear species, the mean logarithmic energy loss, e , is a linear combination of the ' of the various nuclei; iloS 2 - (51) Eqgation (4-9) then takes the form3 L2 = l/3 IJ ( (5-2 / f )( £5o 7 otr) The indium resonance distribution sidered first. Using the cross sections given on Page 14, one finds No s . - . c.f. pp. 8, 10. '2.R. 3Ibid., 21, p. 65. p. 66. in dry sand will be con- - 1 , or 0.158 ocm. _No 0.0173 cm. ENOtr = 0*152 ocm.1 = 6.32 cm. - ·. · Assuming the cross sections are independent of energy, L 2_ s 127 log 1.44 For 26 Kev., L is 35.4 cm. For such a large L the source certainly is effectively a point source. quation (4-10) gives the slowing-down density, for a point source in an infinite medim. In figure 3, q r q, is plotted against radius, for this distribution function and for the observed distribution. From the appearance of igure 3, it would seem that a larger value of Ls (i.e., larger I ) is called for. However,two factors would tend to depress the observed q. The cross section of silicon probably decreases at high energies,1 but its value is not well known. This would give a larger L . Still more important, tank of dry sand is not even approximately an infinite the medium. The top and bottom of the tankare each about 1.5 slowing-down distances from the foils2 and the sides will also have an effect as well. Since the extrapolated slowing-downdensity will vanish a short distance outside the tank, the density inside will be depressed to an extent that cannot be accurately determined. Thus, the curves in igure 3 are not necessarily inconsistent with an initial energy of 26 Key. At small distance from the source, the curves merge, as they should. lGoldsmith, Ibser, and Feld, op.cit., 2c... p. 3. p. 272. M3S (SLOWING- DOWN DENSITY) X (RADIUS) 2 AT -1.44 E:vs. RADIUS IY DATErFEB. I, 1950 MEDIUM? DRY SAND . ,lo z 2 ... ,h,_~~~, X I) i In I, z W z . ' ' Cr 10 I 0 5 10 15 (CM) 20 r (CM) 25 30 35 Equation (4-10) can be fitted by using an L of 40 cm. approximately to This would require s igure 3 E to be about 450 Kev., 0 a fantastic value. These results illustrate the defects in this experiment as a method of measuring initial to Eo, but is roughly a linear neutron energies. function of L is very insensitive If the silicon cross s. * section as a function of energy were as well known as that of oxygen, a verycarefulexperiment with a very intense source might give a rough check on the initial energy. Enough sand would have to be used to approximate an infinite medium; this would require probably at least five or six times the linear dimensions of the present tank. distribution The whole need not be found; the part of it out to the peak of the qr curve would suffice. The peak would occur at 2L , or 71 cm. Age theory in this case would be good out to about L2 s ~ Z 200 cm. In the case of the sand-water mixture, the variation in the hydrogen cross section must be considered in finding L Goldsmith, Ibser, and Feld (of) The data in are represented approximately by = (20.362 - 0.943 A) barns (3 in Kev.) up to 50 Key. Using for oxygen and silicon Equation (4-9) gives L Op.cit., p. 261. 2Melkonian, op.cit. . the cross sections on Page 14, at 1.44 ev. as a fnction of Eo between 15 Kev. -0 - #01 cr a: W Z w -J o p- z U, a: w - w 4 It 3: _- qt -Owy n,- 0 p- z0ZW C a: 4- 0 LLJ Z z0o(I) z4 0 0 u, LZ z -0 w o -J cI) , 6 Nb roj 0 N) a: 28 and 40 Kev. 30 ofI 26 The results are given in Figure 4. For a value of ev., L is 4.05 cm. In the age theory point source solution (4-10), the slowing- downdistance is imply related to a quantity called the "meansquare distance," r 4 qdr r/ (5s3) r 2 qdr 0 Therelationship is r2 6 L2 (54) The mean square distance of the experimental distribution is given by J A r4 dr r2 =- -0o -- (55) A r 2 dr 0 The denominator in (5-5) has already been given.l The numerator was evaluated the same way,with the result (1)I p. 15. n res. = 157 .2 (5) On the other hand, 6L22 is 98.4 c. 2 The difference between these two values indicates a serious breakdownin age theory, or that the source cannot be considered a point source, or both. In Figure 5 are plotted the observed q q i r for a point source with L - 4.05 c. r 2 and the theoretical The theoretical curve is seen to have a muchhigher peak, nearer the source than that for the experimental curve, and then falls away very rapidly. The theoretical curve has to rise above the experimental one near the source because the areas under the curves are normalized to the source strength. Distributions corresponding to extended sources will nowbe considered. As has been stated,l the source probably consists of a relatively thin beryllium jacket around the antimony slug. aluminum tube of outer diameter 38 2 cm. The source rests in an for aluminum is 12.5 cm., so that the aluminumcan probably be neglected. that the It is assumed cylinder of radius 1.9 cm. can be represented by a sphere of 2.0 cm. radius. Wallace and LeCaine3 give, for an Infinite Mediumwith Spherical avity, Point Source at Centre of Cavity," 22 arW where a is the radius of the cavity and the error function is tabulated, 4 'P. 13. 2 P. 3. 3 Wallace,P. R., and LeCaine,J., Elementary Arnroximations in the Theory of Neutron Diffusion N.R.C. No. 1480 (Chalk River, Ontario, p. 70. 4 as Tables of Probability Functions, Volume I, National Bureau of Standards, 1941. IF1i_ ' ' ' /(SLOWING:DOWN ~.... '' "-": I?,- ..'.-..:..: . ...... DENSITY). X(RADIUS) ...AT L44.E.--vSt.. RADWS .. t. . . MEDIUMSAND .SATURATED... BI95- . DATE-FE --........... .. ... . 4 1~-vi-RQW--.-TES. ·. ... .~..... ...... I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:WITHWATER I....................... :.. . . ......... I 01 Z :I~~~~~~~1 ... I . ' . ................... ...... , -.... cm, x to .I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' . . ....... . .~~~~~~~ .'... r,) 0z LEGED _. ... ...........D:I-...:_: ' . -'" ~ -:-·-- .--.i....i: t~EGE .......... ..........X.E% \ - :--- .L. :. ..~ ...... - ..I.... : .. · .. .--. ' · -- I-- .- : ..... '.1.. ..... .... .r-. ~ .-:. ..... ..... :_ ~..:.... ..... ... . ·.....i. ·-... 'aR : ........... NT .....E :.-..: ..~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . .- ................ ....... ' (POINTSOUR.. ... GE... LJ ~~~~~~~~~~I .-. 1. · .....\ .. ..:.. .....:.....~ . .-:- j..... · · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I: '. :- .- . .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\-:····-.-- -.. -. -. ..·. ..... "' ..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: I i : . . ' ~ ............ ·-,.........',..~.........i..'... ..... ........... :................ ............................... ~............................. ............... ................ .................... .......... ~ ....... ....................... I0~ ... .... ' 0 5 10 15 r CM) 20 25 30 31 Actually,Wallaceand LeCaine apply the boundary condition: q 0 at r a. = Therefore, any spherically cavity is described by (5-7). In particular, symmetric source in the the source maybe a spher- ical shell at or near theboundary. In Figure 7, the function q * r 2 for this as well as the experimental curve. but not very much. source is plotted, There has been some improvement, The peak of the curve is shifted outward and flattened somewhat,but it appears that the major part of the difference between the empirical r 2 and 6 L 2 is due to the failure of age theory. L2 In this case = 164 = 12 cm. 1.36 1 Wallace and LeOaine give, for a spherically symmetric shell source of radius b, (r- a) 2 /4L 2 -(r a) 2 /4Ls 2 t3/2- ,, 3 (5-8) In this case the space inside the shell contains the same material as the space outside. Therefore, the real source probably falls somewherebetween these two (Equations 57 and 5-8). In Figure 6, qr2 for (5-8) is plotted, as well as the experimental curve. The peak of the curve is a little nearer the origin, and the curve falls off faster than in Figure 7. Distributions (5-7 and 5-8) seem to be a fair approximation to q out to about 15 cm., or almost twice the distance from source to peak of curve. 1 Op.cit., p. 57. 2 T.l. 21, p. 51. Figure 27. Tittle et al 3 find that J...'..;.......1.../ :I~4 . I* 4 (SLOGWtNG--H-D DO-W-DENS-TY1 X(RADIUS)z - " AT ~. 1,.95O DAE:f 9~a~ I)A~:~~~, .......... :' .:.... ... .. .i.":',2. ... MEDIUM: S'AN"D, SATURA'TED. WITH /.......I ~~~~.1 T.":4:E :RADIUS vs WATER...... VI 4 ......... x.. V 104 LIO 0 n o~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..... ...- ............. ......... · r r -' L^··--·-·~-......:. .·...... . ...... _.I~.-- P'... .......... A, ......· _ ..... zIi0X. cn z I-i 1. LEGEND o .. 0 : . -·- ----- EXPEMMENTAL:rnr HEORETICAL ...... ...... (SPHERICALSHELL SOURCE) :: . _ ... ......... . ........... i...' '............. ....... ;', ......'........- ..... ! .....'=.......: ............~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:.. '.. L..:..; ......... .' ........ ' .....:..~..... ..... , ......... L.. ........ . ' ':' :- ' 'i' · LEGE'ND~~~i V : · :''~~~ ...... :'''. .. '''"'-"~~~''':~' j."' '---'.THEOR:ET~~~~~ '7.i'-.i'.:.[."'"""... f'"';........ EXE'IME~AL~ ' ......... :'." '"'~'~-"'~~ ., I" ' o0 5 ' .. "'......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ::'t "~ ..... i~,.:.,:':.:::: {SPHERCALS'E~"ELSOURC)".,~::el?:,:::. .10 15 r(CM) 20 25 30 ' 35 . I "'i4 ·- /--" - ~ ............ '~ i ':' *~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'~''"~ ~"~ I .i : - `'' ~"".~.'~T .`..·...;"';""'.'...-'"(SLOWING DOWND--ENSITY ..·...- ..f.(RADIUS ..... AT-4.44 EV: v s -- --DATE'-FEB"I,195O ............ ·-. .·-. . ·`· · -··-·--- ·- ·- -:... "M."EDMc S......SATURATE -··· -UIIU 1UAt0E I iI .. .-. ... \V.~~~~t ..... . io .. C-) .... w u ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... -i "..... .:. :'-...... .... ~",....... ...........-. ' .........""'i"; . *:'"'.. . .... .!'': ..... ·'" .:"-..... '.':". .. -:'!"-::;-; ...... ;"*" ..... :*'!"':''.'" ...... ;*.**= Iz 'Iii N .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 \I~~~~~~~~~~~ LEGEND: : ...................:.. : ... EXPERMENTAL...... .... . THEORETICAL' (SPHERICAL I0 CAVITY: \R=2:CM. : --- THEO RE.TICAL(SPHERIAL. CAVTY ... AGE 'THEORY CORRECTED)' 0 5 10 15 r (CM) 20 ...- 25 30 35 34 for high energy neutrons in a similar medium,age theory begins to fail badly at a distance of 1.5 times the distance of the peak of the qr2 curve. In that case, Flugge's theory was applied using an age theory value of L . Thus, (5-7) and(5-8) for this low-energy case give about equal results to a straightforward application of Flugge's theory to the high-energy case. Marshak, Hurwitz, spherical harmonic method." theory by their improvements on age and Brooks1 obtain For a point source in hydrogen, it can be shown an improvement on (4-10) is r q(r)e 2 ,1+-(7- s +- r ) If themultiplicative correction factor in (5) (5-9) is pplie to an If the multiplicative correction factor in (5-9) is applied to an extended source in a mixed medium,it loses its logical compulsion, but the results are interesting. A corrected curve for a spherical cavity is given in Figure 7; the result is seen to be a very much better approximation to the experimental curve than anything heretofore obtained. Its mean square distance is probably not muchless than the experimental curve. In any case in which a source not too different from a point source is in a hydrogenousmedium,multiplication of the age theory distribution function by the correction term will probably produce better result s* 35 Wallace and LeCaine1 give the thermal neutron density due to cavityas a point" source of fast neutrons in a spherical s/a ra Sige n 2 2 1 4nr(L - a) L2/L2 + We .. a- L r _ - {1+ +a a L 2L a +(5-10) L a erf a+L Here, L 2Ls r- a L L {1 - erf(r + 8nrL r - erf(r - ( 2L - )L corresponds to an energy range from N to the thermal energy, 0.025 ev. To obtain the increase in L in going from 1.44 ev. to 0.025 ev., Melkonia'ls data 2 for the hydrogen cross section below one ev. is approximated by () T081)b. he othercross sections = (20.36+ were taken the same as those on Page 14. Then L 2 = 6.29 cm.Z from 1.44 ev. to 0.025 ev. or L 2(26 Kev. to 0.025 ev.) = 16.4 + 6.3 = 22.7 cm." The diffusion believed to be in error. length, L. length L was calculated Since mean square distances add, r 2th is found in the usual way to be 352 cm.2 Op.cit., p. 103. 20p.cit., p. 1758. This is There is another way to estimate the diffusion r 2 th = r 2 th source + 6 L2. 1 to be 7 cm. · ·U.' TRON "IDEN'STY)X(RADIUS)2 v s'RADIUS (THERMAL" ...... ~~ D.F :S E,-,.5...:A ::.......... ...W:.--A;.: . MEDIUM: SAND,SATURATED .............. DATE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: i.WITH .ER1,9 ......... .............. '...... .WATER''" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, . / i~~~~ /r I 00-2. . :, -..- "I LEGEND;..~~~.~...... x2 .. .. / .. I.. -.......... ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ... . .~ . .. oU U, 0zr :::) D w z C 0.1 . -'----L -----L EXPERIMENTAL 5.CMI .. EOR -OCM(S' H..RICALCAi ........ -L...,.CA THEOR ETI c·AL'(SP HE R,11. A.-........ .T.... 0(') .. 0 5 i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . 50 r (M) 20 25 30 35 Using the indium resonance distribution to the thermal source, as an approximation 6 L2 = 352 - 157 m. or L = 5.7 cm. In Figure 8, distributions corresponding to (5-10) are given for diffusion lengths of 5.7 cm. and 7 cm. It is evident that the normalization is not correct. This, however, might result from inaccuracies in calculating the large-radius end of the distribution from equation (5-10). Many of the more complicated formlas by Wallace and Le0aine, such as (10), either given involve differences between large numbers that are almost equal, or else products of very large numbers by very small ones. conveniently obtained. interpolation In either case, high accuracy is not :;. In interpolating between tabulated values, formulas may be needed to obtain sufficient This limits the utility accuracy. of anysolutions that are found in Wallace and Lecaine. Something should be aid about more advanced theories. These treat the transport equation in a more sophisticated way, making fewer aummptions that limit the validity of the theory; of course, the theory usually is then harder to apply. A typical example is the "Exponential 1 !a. cit a -n. 2.-O420.. iI i~~ ~~x__,,| 1 __~_ Theory" expounded by s38 In effect, Marshak identifies the square of the slowing down distance with one half the mean square distance of a neutron distribution from a plane source. He then solves the transport equation in such a way that he obtains the mean square distance with high precision. The slowing down distance thus found, when put into the age theory which plane source or point source solution, will give a distribution has the sae 'meansquare distance as an observed distribution, though the theoretical and experimental distributions ily coincide from point to point. al- don-'t necessar- However,when the exponential theory value of L 2 is used for someother type of source, the identity of the mean square distances no longer is necessarily true. Of course, if the L from exponential theory differs sharply from that given by (494), the former is still probably a better value. Exponential theory is difficult to apply to a mixed medium and it is knownthat for low-energy neutrons it gives the samevalue of L 2 as (4-9) for a water medium. Hence it was not used in this work. Another rigorous treatment of the problem is that by Verde and Wick. They treat the transport equation by the same integral equation methods as Marsak, with a different kind of result. An expression for the slowing downdensity is obtained in the form exp (-r/)) A in this expression is a function of r, and is found by numerical integration. For water, at small distances X ia almost constant, so that the slowing downdensity is a gaussian. At large distances it is approximatelyproportional to r, so that the behavior of the density is essentially exponential. 'Verde, K., and Wick, i. C., Phys Rev. is (1947), In other pp. 852-864. 39 words, it predicts in detail, successfully, the transition from a gaussian to an exponential. Unfortunately the mathematical development of the theory depends upon the assumtion that the hydrogen oross section varies as a power of neutron energy (i.e., in u). as an exponential This is a good approximation for neutrons of several Mevo energy, but is completely false for the source used in this work. VI.SIS2Lk For high energy neutrons in hdrogenous materials, Tittle, et al, found absolutely no agreement between experiment and a straightforward application of age theory. For F1ugge's theory plus age theory they found fair agreement using age values of Ls. Usingexponential values of Ls , the agreement was still better. In the present work it was found that age theory, straight- forwardly applied, gavequalitative agreement well out past the peak of the qr 2 curve. The somewhatbetter results obtained by unmodified age theory in this case are directly traceable to the fact that in the energy range of the neutrons used here, the hydrogen scattering cross section did not vary as much. Muchbetter agreement was found when the spherical harmonic correction was applied to age theory. The author feels that for low energy neutrons in hydrogenous materials the spherical harmonic correction to age theory should be applied whenever the experimental setup remotely resembles the conditions under which the correction was derived. Age theory is of only incidental interest shielding because hydrogenous materials in neutron are so commonlyused. In such a case age theory gives a qualitative picture of what happens near the source, and it can instill whole topic. somephysical feeling for the However,in shielding what is of interest is the inm- probsle event, the neutron that goes great distances 1 T. R. 21, p. 51. from the source without much slowing down. Only more developments along the lines of Verde and Wick can give information about this. In using measuredmean square distances to characterize shielding properties of various materials, care should be taken if the sige of the source is appreciable comparedto the root mean square distance of the neutron distribution. -fif all the neutrons get a head start, the results are likely to be misleading. op. cit. Initial saturation activities, counts per minute, of individual exposures. Not corrected for cadmium attenuation or foil depre ssion. I L :: 4 -4 0 0 +l to C +I O +3 O u0 +3 *0 0 0 e n I0 n-4 0o d·0r O0 o0 a: 0 o0 o 10 U) - 0 rA o 0 O r U- O 00 0 6 0 *,r u 0 CD CE) +1I a O 0' CO H a 1-4 C'. H CQ 4.) 0 104 0 oin 0 a2 A ceV us 0 * 0 O C';2 CE * - 1n '- H 0 1-4 oE 1 0 + S to to CN H + I +I 4) E-4 0H 00 rH o10 OD to 1- a u + 10 0- n +I P ne 1 to0 +1 C0 M k r 1 at0 r m 44 o_ v Ci- H -r *4 03 1 H to 0' n H CX C' 10 "4 ' 0C + (O E a M 00 s +10 C') -4 C '.. o 6 Q _ fil D.0 * n c* cn *0 a, cw 0 H C C M 44 i i I EI _s0 0 to Fio + 1 C) 0 '.-4 t-4 H 0) N +I to * +1 +t1 0) o1 n +1 + C) V) H L + L- C 0 'v 0C 5 a, P tO ; 0' 0 io * +1I. CD 0 o rn '-4 '-4 44 H +coa' 10 ~0 o0 + 00 aC V +t . LO 0D . +1 +1* +1 10 0L O H t 0 0 q4 a') · to C) r- V I-4 00 _- 10 0 0 00 0 0 t H H r C') V3 V C') HH Co C C '-q 0 0 m^ Et Cl) '-4 4 H 44 rQ £O o O o10 X r9 C' m o040 C') _ El :4 *4 a, oo O E-1 CD .. .1 O m cq o_ v _C) Sa + +t o E ++ LO r- . ad + +1+1 v 4 ' 0 0O H H 0O H c'. ) t4) 45 *H 0 r4 IO a) H · r· A LO L3 · I rlH H @ ) %%% 0 Y0 4,o C) 0 * _u 0 0 N O to t) H H - h n Em A *4 a sn E- C t'-4 M C c p4; 0o uf-s 0* H 0 0 H * aCQ a) V) 0 :. o 0 0 0 0 >4 m4 rj) 4p Hi E P4P· a c· a 03 U o1 C) 02 u2 _ U 1 H E-r H d 0 0 0 L0 * c- C0 10 0 10 C L t0 0 * * V) H o 1O w 0 X ·; H F4 d n 03 n >.A C H b (D C r0 o _ |- y _s oz H 0 4 **1 C I . p 4,6. . i a _ 10 4 0 P H 0 I. ar -4 i I 4' * C* 0C°*00 0 00 00 i i t43 SS -4 B 0 0 risr * :M + I I UN0 H +4 +' s+9 I 14 _ o I I la ' C) 20 *1t OD 0.) 0D4 '0f ' +5 +aI 4 90'4o . to +3t +A I S E-' * 44 5 %t O 0 0 0 0 0 to to o0 o -a4 v aI.o -4 0 'v 8 H 4- E4 0 a0 c0) 10 0 o0 t0 H H mN to H $3 11- E- -H 0_h 0 ~zq a) H H - CO N U w c ' M H .I-' : ar t_ O _ S4 ' o o a o o o oI Hq cn0 H 1N r'0 to t * * *0 * * * t 4 -El co atCQ 4' 0OL H to to V) 0V .4 C) 0 14 '4 a, sH H H CO 0 o oa to H rCQ tO to O tO H H I d5 a 0to I-I C, "I 1U .64 *1 6-4 6-4 to XH H a +1 + U 1-1 0H to X in + co co to at +d+ + a 9 E- -4 Ga H 6. sto 1 H o> c at t ato mo to to L To PE4 . -I 0 4 0 tD 0* to CQ C) I lo 9 *4% Xr '4 to o r-I aE o0 t c -4 C t CQ to t V4 co U - I 1-0 Ot)COV H o to H H H m 0 H H v+1 + +1 OH +41 4 .-% 54 *r : a ul '-4 I W 0 a "0 a C, o OrI) Q ,H 0 00 m 00 ~ H cq H o aw O3 co r H N H O H H -~ O to 0 0O aa8 -4S 1-4 O So 00 C) Y t o m W _ e 1-4 cra r. 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