Definability and reducibility in higher types over the reals Dag Normann ∗ October 31, 2003 Abstract We consider sets CtR (σ) of total, continuous functionals of type σ over the reals. A subset A ⊆ CtR (σ) is reducible if A can be reduced to totality in one of the other spaces. We show that all Polish spaces are homeomorphic to a reducible subset of R → R and that the class of reducible sets is closed under the formation of function spaces and some comprehension. 1 Introduction A topological algebra will be a topological space with some continuous functions. Technically, there will be a signature Σ of function symbols f of given arity, and then the algebra A will consist of a topological space A together with continuous interpretations f A : An → A of each function symbol f with arity n. Examples of topological algebras are the natural numbers with zero and successor and discrete topology, R with plus, times, exponentials, trigonometric functions etc. and Eucledian topology, various Banach spaces etc. Datatypes may be modelled as topological algebras. When this is the case, it is natural to enrich the algebra to one that also contains elements representing partial information. One way to do this is to use an algebraic or continuous domain, and represent the original space as a quotient space, as a set of total elements or both. In this paper we will be concerned with hierarchies of functionals of finite types over the reals. If we consider the natural numbers as the base type, this hierarchy is well understood, with numerous characterisations. If we consider R as the base type, the situation is not that clear. There is no canonical way to represent the reals as a datatype, and it is not clear that different representations do not lead to different hierarchies of hereditarily total objects. This is discussed in Bauer, Escardó and Simpson [2] and in Normann [11]. ∗ Department of Mathematics, The University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1053, Blindern N-0316 Oslo, Norway. e-mail: 1 In Section 2, we will define the hierarchy of hereditarily total functionals over the reals, based on a standard algebraic domain representation of the real line, and on a standard domain-theoretical way of forming function spaces. This hierarchy also have numerous characterisations. It is equivalent to the one studied by Weihrauch and his group in his project on Type Two Enumerability, see Weihrauch [15]. The equivalence is proved combining the characterisations due to Schröder [13] of the Weihrauch hierarchy and to Normann [10] of the hierarchy in this paper as the hierarchy obtained in the category of Kuratowski limit spaces. In his thesis [4] De Jaeger gave a characterisation in the category of filter spaces. In this paper we will define the concept of a reducible set, which technically will be a subset of a special kind of what we will call CtR (σ) for some finite type σ. The point is that when a structure A is represented as a reducible set in this way, we have access to internal notions of computability, like Escardó’s Real PCF [5], for computing on elements in A. Blanck [3] showed how complete metric spaces in general can be represented as domains, and how effective metric spaces can be represented as effective domains. Polish spaces are characterised as the Gδ -subspaces of [0, 1]N. In Section 4 we will use this to show that Polish spaces are homeomorphic to reducible subsets of R → R. Moreover we will show that certain definable subsets of reducible sets will be reducible, and that the class of reducible sets, up to homeomorphic equivalence, is closed under the formation of function spaces. Thus our conclusion will be that the hierarchy of hereditarily total functionals over the reals is rich, and that many questions about higher type computability in analysis in general may be reduced to questions about this hierarchy. 2 2.1 Preliminaries Types, domains and functionals We will consider functionals of finite types over one base type 0. Definition 1 0 is a type term. If σ and τ are type terms, then (σ → τ ) is a type term. We will use the standard observation that any type term will be of the form (σ1 → (σ2 → · · · (σk → 0) · · ·)) where k ≥ 0, and we will write σ1 , σ2, . . . , σk → 0 for this. We will work in the category of separable algebraic domains, and give a brief introduction: A dcpo (directed complete partial ordering) is a partial ordering (X, v) such that each F directed set is bounded and each bounded set Y has a least upper bound Y. An element x0 ∈ X is then finitary or compact if for each bounded Y ⊆ X, if 2 F F x0 v Y then there is a finite subset Y0 ⊆ Y such that x0 v Y0 . An algebraic domain is a dcpo (X, v) such that each x ∈ X is the least upper bound of the finitary objects below it. If x0 ∈ X is finitary, then B X (x0) = {y ∈ X | x0 v y} is a basic open set in the Scott Topology. If (X, vX ) and (Y, vY ) are two algebraic domains, the set of continuous functions from X to Y ordered pointwise form a new algebraic domain. If we let the morphisms be the continuous functions, the algebraic domains then form a cartesian closed category. We will assume some familiarity with the theory for algebraic domains, see e.g Stoltenberg-Hansen & al. [14], Abramsky and Jung [1] or Gierz & al. [6]. We will consider a typed hierarchy over the reals: Definition 2 a) We define the algebraic domain R(σ) for each type term σ as follows: • R0 (0) = {R} ∪ {[p, q] | p ∈ Q ∧ q ∈ Q ∧ p ≤ q} ordered by reversed inclusion. • R(0) is the set of ideals in R0 (0) ordered by inclusion. • R(σ → τ ) = R(σ) → R(τ ) in the category of algebraic domains. b) We define the set R̄(σ) of hereditarily total objects of type σ by recursion on σ as follows: • R̄(0) is the set of ideals α ⊆ R0(0) such that ∩α consists of one real number. • R̄(σ → τ ) = {x ∈ R(σ → τ ) | ∀y ∈ R̄(σ)(x(y) ∈ R̄(τ ))}. The following was proved by Longo and Moggi [9] for the natural numbers. The proof works for this hierarchy as well, see e.g. Normann [10] Proposition 1 When x1 and x2 are elements of R̄(σ), let x1 ≈ x2 when x1 u x2 ∈ R̄(σ). Then ≈ is an equivalence relation and, when σ = σ1 → τ , we have x1 ≈ x2 ⇔ ∀y1 ∈ R̄(σ1)∀y2 ∈ R̄(σ1 )(y1 ≈ y2 → x1(y1 ) ≈ x2(y2 )). The proof is fairly simple by induction on σ. As a consequence, we may view the hierarchy of quotients as a typed hierarchy of extentional functionals: Definition 3 For each type term σ we define the map ρσ defined on R̄(σ) and the set CtR(σ) of values of ρσ by • If α is an ideal in R̄(0), then ρ0 (α) is the unique element in ∩α. CtR (0) = R. 3 • If x ∈ R̄(σ → τ ), we let ρσ→τ (x) : CtR (σ) → CtR (τ ) be defined by ρσ→τ (x)(ρσ (y)) = ρτ (x(y)). Proposition 2 Each ρσ is well defined, and for x1 ∈ R̄(σ) and x2 ∈ R̄(σ) we have that x1 ≈ x2 ⇔ ρσ (x1) = ρσ (x2 ). All domains R(σ) are effective domains. This means that the set of finitary objects is countable, and that there is an enumeration of the finitary objects such that v and the boundedness-relation are effective, and that the least upper bound operator for finite bounded sets of finitary objects is effective. Proposition 3 Let σ be a type term. Uniformly in σ and a finitary object x0 ∈ R(σ) there is an extension x ∈ R̄(σ) of x0 . This was first proved in Normann [10]. De Jaeger’s characterisation in [4] of this hierarchy in the category of filter spaces is an alternative source for the proof of this proposition, which we call the Density Theorem. 2.2 Topology The topology on CtR(σ) is inherited from the quotient topology of (R̄(σ), ≈) via ρσ . This will be a sequential topology, i.e. it is the finest topology where all convergent sequences converge. The limit structure on CtR (σ → τ ) can alternatively be defined in the category of limit spaces by f = lim fn ⇔ ∀a, {an}n∈N ∈ CtR (σ)(a = lim an → f(a) = lim fn (an)). n→∞ n→∞ n→∞ If A and B are metric spaces, they are topological limit spaces, and then f = limn→∞ fn in A → B exactly when f is the pointwise limit of the equicontinuous sequence {fn }n∈N . Let A ⊆ CtR (σ). There are two natural ways to define a topology on A. Let T1 be the topology inherited from CtR(σ). Let Ā = {x ∈ R̄(σ) | ρσ (x) ∈ A}. Let T2 be the quotient topology inherited from the topology on Ā. In general, T2 will be a finer topology than T1 . Lemma 1 If A is closed or if A is open, then T1 = T2. The proof is easy and is left for the reader. Definition 4 We let T2 be the induced topology on A ⊆ CtR(k). We then have 4 Lemma 2 The topology on A ⊆ CtR (σ) is generated by its convergent sequences. Proposition 4 Let A ⊆ CtR(σ), and let f : A → CtR (τ ) be continuous. Then there is an fˆ ∈ R(σ → τ ) such that ∀x ∈ R̄(σ)(x ∈ Ā ⇒ fˆ(x) ∈ R̄(τ ) ∧ ρτ (fˆ(x)) = f(ρσ (x))) Proof This is a special case of a theorem in Normann [10], where A may be replaced by any X̄ ⊆ X, X is a separable domain and X̄ is closed uppwards. We use the theorem for X = R(σ) and X̄ = Ā. Now, if A ⊆ CtR (σ) and B ⊆ CtR(τ ), we let R̄(A → B) be the set of fˆ ∈ R(σ → τ ) such that ∀x ∈ R̄(σ)(ρσ (x) ∈ A ⇒ fˆ(x) ∈ R̄(τ ) ∧ ρτ (fˆ(x)) ∈ B). Consistent elements of R̄(τ ) will be equivalent, so when fˆ ∈ R̄(A → B), fˆ determines a continuous function f : A → B. We let ρA→B (fˆ) = f in this case. Both A and B will be topological limit spaces, so there is a limit space structure on A → B. Lemma 3 The limit space structure on A → B defines the identification topology induced by ρA→B . Proof We have to prove that the following are equivalent: 1. f = limn→∞ fn in A → B in the identification topology. 2. There is a convergent sequence fˆ = limn→∞ fˆn in R̄(A → B) such that f = ρA→B (fˆ) and fn = ρA→B (fˆn ) for each n. 3. Whenever a = limn→∞ an in A, then f(a) = limn→∞ fn (an ) in B, and use the fact that the identification topology will be generated from its set of convergent sequences. 2. ⇒ 1. is trivial. 1. ⇒ 3. follows from the fact that application is continuous in the identification topologies on (A → B) × A and B. 3. ⇒ 2. is a consequence of the theorem from Normann [10] behind Proposition 4. 2.3 Coding In this section we will show that in many cases we may restrict our attention to the pure types: 5 Definition 5 As type terms, let 0 denote 0 as before, and let k + 1 denote (k → 0). These types are called the pure types. It is well known that there exist embeddings and projections between the pure types. Thus the next definition is mainly meant to settle the notation: Definition 6 Let i, k ∈ N. We will define the maps Φi,k ∈ R̄(i → k) as follows: • Φk,k is the identity on R(k). • Φ0,1(x) = λy.x. • Φ1,0(f) = f(0). • Φk,k+1(x) = λy.x(Φk,k−1(y)) when k > 0. • Φk+1,k (F ) = λz.F (Φk−1,k(z)) when k > 0. • If |i − k| > 1, define Φi,k as the shortest possible composition of those above. The following is folklore: Proposition 5 If i < k, then Φk,i(Φi,k (x)) = x for each x ∈ R(i). Moreover, the maps Φi,k are total for all i and k. It is well known that N and Nk can be put in a 1-1 correspondence via a computable bijection.This can be used to justify that we only restrict attention to pure higher types, since mixed types of total functionals over N can be reduced to pure types. A retraction on a topological space X is a continuous map f : X → X such that f = f 2 . A retract of X will then be the image of a retraction on X. A retract of a Hausdorff-space will be closed. Thus the induced topology on any retract of CtR(σ) will be the subset topology. It is well known that R and R2 are not homeomorphic, and that R2 is not homeomorphic to any retract of R. This shows that we do not have the same nice coding mechanisms at bottom level for the reals as for the natural numbers. We will see that much of the machinery needed for coding can be obtained at type 1, and that it then extends to higher types. There will be alternative ways to define topologies on a cartesian product Qn Ct CtR (k). The alternatives are the product topoR (ki ), like for subsets ofQ i=1 n logy and the one induced from i=1 R̄(ki ). We will always use the latter. E.g. application will not be continuous otherwise. Lemma 4 (R → R) × R is homeomorphic to a retract of (R → R). Proof Let f : R → R and a ∈ R be given. We let g = hf, ai be defined by g(x) = f(x) when x ≤ 0. 6 g(x) = f(x − 1) + a when x ≥ 1. g(x) = x · a if 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. It is easy to see that the image of this map is a retract of R → R. By the same method we see that (R → R) × (N → R) and (R → R)2 can be realized as retracts of R → R, just cut the graphs into pieces, and glue the pieces together into one function. This method actually extends to higher types: Let k > 1. Let z0 be the constant zero element of type k − 2 (z0 = 0 if k = 2). Let Vk = {F ∈ CtR (k − 1) | F (z0 ) = 0}, 1k−1 the constant 1 functional of type k−1. Then every F ∈ CtR (k − 1) can be uniquely described as F = F0 +a·1k−1, where a ∈ R and F0 ∈ Vk . There is a canonical bijection Θ between CtR (k) and Vk → (R → R) by Θ(φ)(F0)(a) = φ(F0 + a · 1k−1). As an example, let us extend h , i : (R → R) × R → (R → R) constructed above to a function h , ik : CtR (k) × R → CtR (k) for k ≥ 2. Let φ ∈ CtR (k), a ∈ R. Let hφ, aik (F0 + x · 1k−1) = hλb ∈ R.Θ(φ)(F0 , b), ai(x) where F0 ∈ Vk and x ∈ R. Simple calculation shows that this works. This was just an example. Use of the same method shows: Theorem 1 Let 1 ≤ n ≤ k. Then CtR(k) × CtR (n) is homeomorphic to a retract of CtR (k). 2.4 An approximation lemma If A ⊆ CtR (k) and f : A → R is continuous, we will use the density theorem for CtR (k + 1) to show that f can be approximated on A by a sequence {fn }n∈N of functions in CtN (k + 1). In general, f cannot be extended to a total, continuous function on CtR(k). The approximation lemma may be used instead of an extension theorem in many situations. Our main application will be in Section 3.2. Further applications will be found in the forthcomming Normann [12]. We need a more accurate description of the finitary elements of R(k + 1) in the proof of the approximation lemma. If σ is a finitary element in R(k) and [p, q] ∈ R0(0), then the pair (σ, [p, q]) defines the function f(σ,[p,q]) defined by • f(σ,[p,q]) (x) = [p, q] if σ v x 7 • f(σ,[p,q]) (x) = ⊥(= R) otherwise. The approximation lemma will be Theorem 2 Let A ⊆ CtR (k). Then continuously in f : A → R there is a sequence {fn }n∈N of functions fn : CtR (k) → R such that whenever x ∈ A, each xn ∈ CtR (k) and x = limn→∞ xn , then f(x) = limn→∞ fn (xn). Proof Let Ā = {x ∈ R̄(k) | ρk (x) ∈ A}. As discussed in section 2.2, if f : A → R is continuous, there will be an fˆ ∈ R(k + 1) such that fˆ maps Ā to R̄(0) and such that f(ρk (x)) = ρ0 (fˆ(x)) whenever x ∈ Â. The naı̈ve idea behind the construction is as follows: Let {xi}x∈N be an enumeration of a dense subset of Ā. ˆ 0 ), . . . , f(x ˆ n ) we will let certain finitary elements in R(k + 1) Depending on f(x be the n’th approximation to f with some probability. Taking the weighted sum of the total extensions of these finitary elements will give us the approximation fn to f. First we will develop some general machinery independent of f: Let ΣA be the set of finitary elements σ in R(k) such that σ has an extension in Ā. The basic pairs will be the set of pairs (σ, [p, q]) where σ ∈ ΣA and p < q are rational numbers. Let {(σi, [pi, qi])}i∈N be an enumeration of the basic pairs. Let X ⊆ {(σi , [pi, qi])}i≤n. X need not be consistent, i.e. there may be i, j ≤ n such that σi and σj have a joint extension in R(k), but [pi, qi] ∩ [pj , qj ] = ∅. We will employ the construction behind the lifting theorem in Normann [10] to modify X such that it becomes consistent. So let X be as above. Let M od(n, X) be the set of (σj , [pj , qj ]) such that for some m ≤ n • j≤n • (σm , [pm, qm]) ∈ X • σm v σj • whenever i < m and [pi, qi] ∩ [pj , qj ] = ∅ then σi and σj are inconsistent (as elements in R(k)). Claim M od(n, X) is consistent. Proof Let (σji , [pji , qji ]) ∈ M od(n, X) for i = 1, 2 and let m1 ≤ n and m2 ≤ n witness that these basic pairs are in M od(n, X). We may assume that m1 ≤ m2 . If m1 = m2 = m we have that [pm , qm] ⊆ [pj1 , qj1 ] ∩ [pj2 , qj2 ], so there is nothing to worry about. If m1 < m2 and [pj1 , qj1 ]∩[pj2 , qj2 ] = ∅, then in particular [pm1 , qm1 ]∩[pj2 , qj2 ] = 8 ∅, and then σj2 is inconsistent with σm1 . It follows that σj2 is inconsistent with σj 1 . This ends the proof of the claim. Using Proposition 3 we let αn,X be an extension of M od(n, X) to an element in R̄(k + 1). Let Π be the set of pairs (i, j) such that i < j and such that σi and σj have a joint extension in Ā while [pi, qi] ∩ [pj , qj ] = ∅. Let Πn be the set of pairs (i, j) ∈ Π with j ≤ n. Let (i, j) ∈ Π. Given f, it is impossible that f extends both (σi , [pi, qi]) and (σj , [pj , qj ]), but we cannot, in a continuous way, give an absolute preference to one of them. We will let f induce a probability measure on the set ∆n of preference maps defined on Πn . From each δ ∈ ∆n, we will define the set Xδ being the approximation to some function suggested by δ. Finally we will let fn be the weighted sum of the corresponding total objects αn,Xδ . It is about time to be more precise. Let ∆n be the set of maps δ defined on Πn such that δ(i, j) ∈ {i, j}. For each δ ∈ ∆n , we let Xδ be the set of basic pairs (σi , [pi, qi]) such that i ≤ n and such that δ(i, j) = i whenever (i, j) ∈ Πn and such that δ(j, i) = i whenever (j, i) ∈ Πn . Thus Xδ is the set of (σi , [pi, qi]) such that i is always prefered by δ when this is an option. Now, if (i, j) ∈ Πn, let xi,j ∈ Ā be a joint extension of σi and σj , and let yi,j = ρk (xi,j ). −1 −1 Let gi,j : R → [0, 1] be continuous such that gi,j (0) = [pi, qi] and gi,j (1) = [pj , qj ]. Given f, let the probability of δ(i, j) = j be g(f(yi,j )) and let the probability of δ(i, j) = i be 1 − g(f(yi,j )). We may view ∆n as a product Y {i, j} ∆n = (i,j)∈Πn so f induce the product probability measure µf,n on ∆n . Finally, we let X fn = µf,n · αn,Xδ . δ∈∆n Note that the only element of the construction that depends on f is the probability measure µf,n . By construction, µf,n depends in a continuous way on f, and thus fn depends in a continuous way on f. Actually, the construction can be seen as carried out for f ∈ R(k) → R(0) such that ∀x ∈ R̄(k)(ρk (x) ∈ A ⇒ ρ0 (f(x)) ∈ R) and then we construct fn ∈ R̄(k + 1) continuously in f. It remains to show the claim on sequential continuity. Any convergent sequence in CtR (k) will be the ρk -image of a convergent sequence 9 in R̄(k), so let x = limn→∞ xn be a convergent sequence from R̄(k) with limit in Ā. Let > 0 be given. Let (σ, [p, q]) v f be such that q − p < and σ v x. For some i, (σ, [p, q]) = (σi, [pi, qi]). Let this i be fixed for the rest of the proof. Claim Let n ≥ i. µf,n ({δ ∈ ∆n | (σ, [p, q]) ∈ Xδ }) = 1. Proof If (σ, [p, q]) 6∈ Xδ , there must be some j ≤ n such that (i, j) ∈ Π (or (j, i) ∈ Π, but we will only consider the first case) and δ(i, j) = j. But then µf,n ({δ}) is a product where one factor is 0, since f(xi,j ) ∈ [pi , qi]. This proves the claim. The modification of Xδ to mod(n, Xδ ) is like the construction used to prove that a continuous function from A to R can be realised as a partial continuous function from R(k) to R. The rest of this proof is an adjustment of that argument: Let j < i be such that [pi, qi] ∩ [pj , qj ] = ∅. Then x must be inconsistent with σj , since otherwise x t σj is a common extension y of σi and σj with ρk (x) = ρk (y) ∈ A. Then there is an approximation τ to x inconsistent with σj . We may chose τ such that τ is inconsistent with all relevant σj for j < i. For some m0 , (τ, [p, q]) = (σm0 , [pm0 , qm0 ]), and for some m1 , n ≥ m1 ⇒ τ v xn. Choose n ≥ max{i, m0 , m1} and δ ∈ ∆n such that µf,n ({δ}) > 0. Then we see that (τ, [p, q]) ∈ mod(n, Xδ ). fn will be the weighted sum of functions αn,Xδ each of them sending xn into [p, q], so fn (xn ) ∈ [p, q]. This shows that f(x) = limn→∞ fn (xn), and the proof is complete. Corollary 1 Let A ⊆ CtR (k) and let f : A → CtR (m) be continuous. Then there are functions fn : CtR(k) → CtR(m) uniformly continuous in f, such that f = limn→∞ fn pointwise and equicontinuously on A. Proof Apply the approximation lemma to A × CtR(m − 1) in case m > 0. 3 3.1 Reducibility Reductions Let N (0) = N⊥ and let N (σ → τ ) = N (σ) → N (τ ) in the category of algebraic domains. We may construct the Kleene-Kreisel continuous functionals CtN (σ) of type σ over the natural numbers as the extentional collapse of the hereditarily 10 total functionals in this hierarchy, in analogy with the construction of CtR(σ). The corresponding sets N̄ (σ) will be complete Π1k when k > 0 and the type rank of σ is k + 1. This fact, and the constructions behind it, turned out, together with the density theorem, to be powerful tools while investigating the KleeneKreisel continuous functionals. In this section we will develop the analogue machinery for the CtR (σ)-hierarchy. Definition 7 Let R+ = [0, ∞), i.e. the set of non-negative reals. Let R+ 0 consist of all closed non-empty intervals with non-negative rational endpoints, included the unbounded ones, and let R+ 0 be ordered by reversed inclusion. + The ideals in R+ 0 form an algebraic domain R . + + + We let R (0) = R and we let R (k + 1) = R(k) → R+ Some ideals in R+ will contain a bounded interval, and then there will be a corresponding ideal in R(0). By abuse of notation, we will consider these ideals to be equal, and we let R̄+ = R+ ∩ R̄(0). Moreover, there will be an ideal generated by {[n, ∞) | n ∈ N}. We will denote + this ideal by ∞ and let R̄+ ∞ = R̄ ∪ {∞}. + We let x ∈ R (k + 1) be total if x(y) ∈ R̄+ whenever y ∈ R̄(k) and we let x ∈ R+ (k + 1) be weakly total if x(y) ∈ R̄+ ∞ whenever y ∈ R̄(k). Definition 8 Let A ⊆ CtR(k) and let φ : R(k) → R+ (k0 + 1) be continuous. We call φ a reduction if • φ(x) is weakly total for each x ∈ R̄(k). • For each x ∈ R̄(k) we have that ρk (x) ∈ A ⇔ φ(x) is total. We then say that A is reducible to CtR (k0 + 1). Lemma 5 If A is reducible to CtR (k0 + 1), then A is reducible to CtR(k00 + 1) whenever k 0 ≤ k00. Proof Recall the projections Φk00,k0 from Section 2.3. If φ is a reduction of A to CtR (k0 + 1), then ψ(x) = λy ∈ R(k 00).φ(x)(Φk00 ,k0 (y)) is a reduction of A to CtR (k00 + 1). Lemma 6 If A ⊆ CtR (k) and B ⊆ CtR(k) are reducible to CtR (k0 + 1), then A ∩ B is reducible to CtR(k0 + 1). Proof Let φA and φB be the reductions. Then ψ(x) = φA(x) + φB (x) is a reduction of A ∩ B. For the rest of this paper, let {ξnk }n∈N be an effective enumeration of the dense subset of R̄(k) obtained from the proof of the density theorem. 11 Definition 9 Let f ∈ CtR(k + 1). The trace of f is the function hf ∈ RN defined by hf (n) = f(ξnk ). RN is a metric space. We will use a bounded metric d on RN , e.g. the product metric induced by min{1, |x − y|} on R. Via the trace, this metric induce a metric for a weak topology on CtR (k + 1). Definition 10 x ∈ R+ (k + 1) is adequate if x is weakly total and x(ξnk ) ∈ R̄(0) for each n ∈ N. Lemma 7 There is a continuous map Ξk : R+ (k + 1) → R+ (k + 1) such that • If x is weakly total, then Ξk (x) is adequate. • x is total if and only if Ξk (x) is total. Proof We will give separate proofs for k = 0 and k > 0. k = 0: ξn0 ∈ Q for each n ∈ N. Let a ∈ [0, 1] be irrational. Let x ∈ R(0) → R+ (0) and y ∈ R(0). We let Ξ0(x)(y) be defined as follows: Let y0 be the maximal integer with y0 ≤ y, and let z = y − y0 . (If the data is not sufficiently accurate to identify y0 , the outcome will be ⊥.) If z ≤ a, let Ξ0(x)(y) = min{ a , sup{x(v) | y0 ≤ v ≤ y}}. a−z If a ≤ z, let Ξ0(x)(y) = min{ 1−a , sup{x(v) | y ≤ v ≤ y0 + 1}}. z−a It is easy to verify that Ξ0 is continuous and satisfies the required properties. We have formulated the construction as if each input is total, assuming that it is clear what to do when a subconstruction based on partial input gives a partial output. Now let k > 0. We will use that CtR × CtR (k) is homeomorphic to a retract of CtR (k) via φ : R(k) × R(k) → R(k) and (ψ0 , ψ1) : R(k) → R(k) × R(k). Let y0 ∈ R̄(k) be such that y0 is inconsistent with ψ0(ξnk ) for each n. Let Ξk (x)(y) = min{ 1 , x(ψ1(y))}. d(hy0 , hψ0 (y) ) The general comment about the construction for k = 0 is still valid. Definition 11 A reduction φ ∈ R(k+1 → k 0 +1) is adequate if φ(x) is adequate for each x ∈ R̄(k + 1). 12 By the previous lemma, each reduction of a set A may be transformed into an adequate reduction. Lemma 8 If A ⊆ CtR (k) can be reduced to CtR (k0 + 1), then CtR (k) \ A can be reduced to CtR (k0 + 2). Proof Let φ : R(k) → R(k 0 + 1) be an adequate reduction of A. let ψ(x) = λy ∈ R(k 0 + 1) 1 . d(hy , hφ(x)) Let x ∈ R̄(k). If ρk (x) ∈ A, then φ(x) is total. Let y = φ(x). Then ψ(x)(y) = ∞. If ρk (x) 6∈ A, then hφ(x) is total since φ(x) is adequate. Since φ(x) is not total, it follows that hφ(x) 6= hy for all total y (since otherwise y(z) = ∞ whenever φ(x)(z) = ∞ for total z). It follows that ψ(x) is total. Lemma 9 Inequality on CtR(k) is reducible to CtR (0). Proof x = y ⇔ h x = hy ⇔ 1 = ∞. d(hx, hy ) The concept of reduction may, as above, be extended to several variables. So A ⊆ CtR (k1) × · · · × CtR (kn ) is reducible to CtR (k) if there is a continuous map φ : R(k1) × · · · × R(kn ) → R+ (k) such that whenever (x1 , . . . , xn) ∈ R̄(k1) × · · · × R̄(kn ) we have that • φ(x1, . . . , xn) is weakly total • φ(x1, . . . , xn) is total ⇔ (ρk1 (x1 ), . . . , ρkn (xn)) ∈ A. We then observe Lemma 10 if A ⊆ CtR (k1) × · · · × CtR (kn) × CtR (kn+1) is reducible, and (x1, . . . , xn) ∈ B ⇔ ∀y ∈ CtR (kn+1)(x1 , . . . , xn, y) ∈ A, then B is reducible. Example 1 The set of linear operators in CtR (2) is reducible. 3.2 Function spaces We will now see that the set of reducible sets is, up to homeomorphisms, closed under the formation of function spaces. 13 Theorem 3 Let A ⊆ CtR(k) be reducible via φ to CtR (k0 +1). Let B ⊆ CtR (k00) Then A → B with the sequential topology is homeomorphic to a set D ⊆ CtR (max{k + 1, k 0 + 1, k00}). Moreover, if also B is reducible, then D is reducible. Proof 0 Let ξn be brief for ξnk . Assume that φ is adequate. Then φ(x)(ξn) ∈ R̄(0) for all n and all x ∈ R̄(k). Let fˆ ∈ R̄(A → B) (defined in Section 2.2). By the approximation lemma there is, continuously in fˆ a sequence {fˆn }n∈N such that f = limn→∞ fn pointwise and equicontinuously on A, where f = ρA→B (fˆ) and fn = ρk→k00 (fˆn ). Now, let x ∈ R̄(k) and y ∈ R̄(k0 + 1) be given. We define the measure µx,y on N as follows: P If i≤n |φ(x)(ξi) − y(ξi )| < 1, let If If µx,y (n) = |φ(x)(ξn ) − y(ξn )|. P |φ(x)(ξn) − y(ξi ) ≥ 1, let P |φ(x)(ξi) − y(ξi )| < 1, but i≤n i<n µx,y (n + 1) = 0. P µx,y (n) = 1 − i≤n |φ(x)(ξi ) X i<n − y(ξi )| ≥ 1, let |φ(x)(ξi ) − y(ξi )|. ˆ Let ψ(fˆ)(x, y) = f(x) if (∀i ∈ N)(φ(x)(ξi ) = y(ξi )), and let ψ(fˆ)(x, y) = P∞ ˆ µ (i) · f (x) otherwise. i i=0 x,y Claim 1 ψ is total and continuous in (fˆ, x, y) ∈ R̄(A → B) × R̄(k) × R̄(k0 + 1). Proof Let z ∈ R̄(k00 − 1). (We may ignore z in this argument if k 00 = 0.) First assume that x and y are such that for some n, φ(x)(ξn) 6= y(ξn ). Then, for infinitely many i, |φ(x)(ξi) − y(ξi )| > so ∞ X n=0 |φ(x)(ξn ) − y(ξn )| 2 |φ(x)(ξn) − y(ξn )| = ∞. Let > 0 be given and assume that < 1. Let n0 be such that n0 X i=0 |φ(x)(ξi) − y(ξi )| > 1. 14 Then ψ(fˆ)(x, y) = n0 X i=0 µx,y (i) · fˆi (x) ∈ R. Thus ψ(fˆ)(x, y) is total in this case. There will be approximations σ0 and τ0 to x and y such that the partial real n0 X i=0 |φ(σ0)(ξi ) − τ0(ξi )| > 1. From now on, in this proof, we let fˆ0 range over R̄(A → B), x0 over R̄(k), y0 over R̄(k0 + 1) and z 0 over R̄(k00 − 1). ˆ σ1 to x and π1 to z such that for all i ≤ n0 , There is an approximation δ to f, 0 0 ˆ all f extending δ, all x extending σ1 and all z 0 extending π1 we have that |fˆi (x)(z) − fˆi0 (x0)(z 0 )| < . 2 Let M = 1 + max({fˆi (x)(z) | i ≤ n0} ∪ {fˆ(x)(z)}). Given two measures µ1 and µ2 on N, we let the symmetric difference µ1 4 µ2 be defined by (µ1 4 µ2 )(i) = |µ1(i) − µ2 (i)|. Then 0 ≤ (µ1 4 µ2 )(N) ≤ 2. By continuity of the construction there is an approximation σ3 to x and an approximation τ3 to y such that whenever x0 extends σ3 and y0 extends τ3 , then (µx,y 4 µx0 ,y0 )(N) < . 2M It follows that if fˆ0 extends δ, x0 extends σ1 t σ2 t σ3 , y0 extends τ1 t τ3 and z 0 extends π1, then |ψ(fˆ)(x, y)(z) − ψ(fˆ0 )(x0, y0 )(z 0 )| =| ∞ X i=0 ≤ = µx,y (i) · fˆi (x)(z) − ∞ X i=0 n0 X i=0 ∞ X i=0 µx0 ,y0 (i) · fˆi0 (x0 )(z 0 )| |µx,y (i) · fˆi (x)(z) − µx0 ,y0 (i) · fˆi0 (x0 )(z 0 )| |µx,y (i) · fˆi (x)(z) − µx0 ,y0 (i) · fˆi0 (x0 )(z 0 )| ≤ (µx,y 4 µx0 ,y0 ) · max{|fˆi (x)(z) − fˆi0 (x0 )(z 0 )| | i ≤ n0} +max{|fˆi (x)(z) − fˆi0 (x0)(z 0 )| | i ≤ n0 } ≤ + . 2 2 15 This shows continuity in this case. Totality in this case is trivial Now assume that φ(x)(ξn ) = y(ξn ) for all n. Then ρk (x) ∈ A. Let z ∈ R̄(k00 −1) (which we still may ignore if k 00 = 0). Let > 0 be given. Let n1 ∈ N, δ1 v fˆ, σ1 v x and π1 v z be such that if n ≥ n1, σ1 v x0 , π1 v z 0 and δ1 v f 0 then |fˆn0 (x0 )(z 0 ) − fˆ(x)(z)| < . 2 ˆ | n ≤ n1} + 1. Let M = max{fˆn (x), f(x) Let σ2 v x and τ2 v y be such that if σ2 v x0 and τ2 v y0 then X . |φ(x0)(ξn ) − y(ξn )| < 4M n≤n1 It follows that if δ1 v fˆ0 , σ1 t σ2 v x0, τ2 v y0 and π1 v z 0 then |ψ(fˆ)(x, y)(z) − ψ(fˆ0 )(x0, y0 )(z 0 )| ˆ = |f(x)(z) − ≤ ≤ = ∞ X i=0 ∞ X i=0 n1 X i=0 + ∞ X ∞ X i=0 µx0 ,y0 (i) · fˆi0 (x0 )(z 0 )| ˆ µx0 ,y0 (i) · |f(x)(z) − fˆi0 (x0 )(z 0 )| ˆ − fˆi0 (x0 )(z 0 )| µx0 ,y0 (i) · |f(x)(z) ˆ − fˆi0 (x0 )(z 0 )| µx0 ,y0 (i) · |f(x)(z) i=n1 +1 µx0 ,y0 (i) · |fˆ(x)(z) − fˆi0 (x0 )(z 0 )| · 2M + = . 4M 2 This proves continuity in this case, and Claim 1 is proved. ≤ From now on, let ψ ∈ R((k → k 00) → (k, k0 + 1 → k00)) be continuous and as constructed on R̄(A → B) × R̄(k) × R̄(k0 + 1). Let C̃ = {λx ∈ R(k).λy ∈ R(k 0 + 1).ψ(fˆ)(x, y) | f ∈ R̄(A → B)}. and let C = {ρk,k0+1→k00 (g) | g ∈ C̃}. Let C̄ be the set of elements in R̄(k, k0 + 1 → k00) equivalent to an element in 16 C̃. For u ∈ C̄, let t̂u (x) = u(x, φ(x)). Then t̂u ∈ R̄(A → B). The function u 7→ t̂u is continuous, and whenever fˆ ∈ R̄(A → B) we have that t̂ψ(fˆ) and fˆ are consistent, so ρA→B (t̂ψ(fˆ) ) = ρA→B (fˆ). But then C and A → B will be homeomorphic via the continuous maps represented by ψ and u 7→ t̂u. C is a set in (CtR (k) × CtR (k0 + 1)) → CtR (k00). This set is homeomorphic to a retract of CtR (max{k + 1, k 0 + 2, k00}), and we let D be the image of C under this homeomorphism. Now assume that B can be reduced to CtR(k000) via φ0. In order to prove that D also is reducible, we show that D is definable in the apropriate way. We will introduce some notation and some functions: Let n = max{k + 1, k 0 + 2, k00}. Let Ξ : ((R(k) × R(k 0 + 1)) → R(k00)) → R(n) and Ξd : R(n) → ((R(k) × R(k 0 + 1)) → R(k00)) be total such that Ξd (Ξ(g)) ≈ g for all total g in R(k, k 0 + 1 → k00). Then D = {ρn (Ξ(g)) | ρk,k0+1→k00 (g) ∈ C}. For h ∈ R̄(n) we then have ρn (h) ∈ D ⇔ ρk,k0+1→k00 (Ξd (h)) ∈ C ∧ h ≈ Ξ(Ξd (h)). (1) The second part of (1) is reducible. The first part of (1) is equivalent to (∃f ∈ R(k) → R(k 00))(ρA→B (f) ∈ A → B ∧ (Ξd (h) ≈ ψ(f))). (2) Let gh = Ξd (h). If there is a f satisfying (2), then it can be recovered up to equivalence from h as fh (x) = gh (x, φ(x)), so (2) is equivalent to fh ∈ R̄(A → B) ∧ gh ≈ ψ(fh ). (3) The second part of (3) is reducible. The first part of (3) is equivalent to ∀x ∈ R̄(k)(ρk (x) 6∈ A ∨ φ0 (fh (x)) ∈ R̄(k000)), (4) which is equivalent to 0 0 k k (∀x ∈ R̄(k00))(∀y ∈ R̄(k00 ))∃m(φ(x)(ξm ) 6= y(ξm ) ∨ φ0(fh (x)) ∈ R̄(k000)). (5) Using the approximation lemma, let the sequence {fh,n }n∈N be obtained by applying the construction in the proof of the lemma to fh . Let µhx,y be defined from fh as above. We let ψ0 (h)(x, y) = ∞ X i=0 µhx,y (i) · φ0(fh,i (x)) 17 0 0 k k if ∃m(φ(x)(ξm ) 6= y(ξm )), and we let ψ0 (h)(x, y) = φ0 (fh (x)) otherwise. We can show in analogy with previous arguments that ψ 0 is continuous and is a reduction of {ρn(h) | h ∈ R̄(n) ∧ fh ∈ R̄(A → B)}. This ends the proof of the theorem. Though the constructions of the reductions are explicit, we have made no effort in bringing the type level down. There is a clear connection between our reductions and constructions of realizers, but we have made no deep exploration of this connection. 4 Polish spaces A Polish Space is a separable topological space that admits a complete metric. We reccomend Hoffmann-Jørgensen [7] or Kechris [8] as standard references on Polish spaces. A useful characterisation is that the Polish spaces are exactly the topological spaces homeomorphic to Gδ subsets of [0, 1]N. Moreover, a Gδ subspace of a Polish space will be Polish. [0, 1]N is homeomorphic to a Gδ subspace of R → R, which itself is Polish, so the Polish spaces may as well be characterised via the Gδ subspaces of R → R. Lemma 11 Let A ⊆ CtR (1). Then A is reducible to CtR (1) if and only if A is Gδ . Proof Let A be Gδ , i.e. A= \ An n∈N where each An is open. We may assume that An+1 ⊆ An . 1 }n∈N for f ∈ R → R. Let Bn = (R → R) \ An . Consider the sequence { d(f,B n) If f ∈ A, this defines a sequence of reals, while if f 6∈ A this sequence is ∞ from one n on. We code this sequence into a function φ(f) by • φ(f)(x) = 0 for x ≤ 0. • φ(f)(k · π2 ) = 1 d(f,Bn ) . • Between k · π2 and (k + 1) · π2 the function φ(f) increases like the tangent function until it reach the value d(f,B1n+1 ) . 18 Then A is reducible via φ In order to prove the converse, let A be reducible to CtR(1) via φ. Then f ∈ A ⇔ ∀x(φ(f)(x) < ∞) ⇔ ∀n∃m∀x(|x| ≤ n ⇒ |φ(f)(x)| < m). It is well known that the topology on R → R is the compact-open topology, so Qn,m = {f | |x| ≤ n ⇒ |φ(f)(x)| < m} is open. The lemma follows. We then have all the ingredients needed to prove Theorem 4 Let P1 , . . ., Pn be Polish spaces. Let X be a higher type space obtained in the category of limit spaces by closing {P1, . . . , Pn} under the formation of function spaces. Then X is homeomorphic to a reducible subset of some CtR(k). Remark 1 If we start with Polish algebras instead, we may also close the hierarchy under definable subspaces. References [1] S. Abramsky and A. Jung, Domain theory, in S. Abramsky, D.M. Gabbay and T.S.E. Maibaum (eds.) Handbook of Logic in Computer Science, volume 3, Clarendon Press, 1994. [2] A. Bauer, M. Escardó and A. Simpson, Comparing Functional Paradigms for Exact Real-number Computation, in Proceedings ICALP 2002, Springer LNCS 2380, pp. 488-500, 2002. [3] J. 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