COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Abstract. In this note I shall continue the study of the geometry of the moduli-space of pairs of points in 3 dimensions. I show that this space, H̃, is the base space of a canonical family of associative k -algebras in dimension 4. The study of the corresponding family of derivations leads to a natural way of introducing an action of the gauge Lie algebras of the Standard Model, in H̃. The results fit well with the set-up of the Standard Model, fusing our versions of General Relativity, Yang-Mills and Quantum Field Theory. It also furnishes a possible mathematical model for a Big Bang-scenario in cosmology. These subjects are all treated within the purely mathematical framework of [18]. Contents 1. Introduction 1.1. Philosophy 1.2. The Phase space functor Ph 1.3. The iterated Phase Space functor, P h∗ , and the Dirac derivation 1.4. The generalized de Rham Complex 1.5. Non-commutative deformations of families of modules 1.6. Non-commutative Algebraic Geometry, and Moduli of Simple Modules 1.7. Dynamical Structures 1.8. Gauge Groups and Invariant Theory 1.9. The Generic Dynamical Structures associated to a Metric 1.10. The classical Gauge Invariance 1.11. Yang-Mills Theory 1.12. Reuniting GR, Y-M and General Quantum Field Theory 2. Time-space and Space-times 2.1. A Toy Model 2.2. Newton’s and Kepler’s Laws 2.3. Thermodynamics, the Heat Equation and Navier-Stokes 3. Entropy 3.1. The classical commutative case 3.2. The general case 3.3. Representations of P h∞ 4. Cosmology, Cosmos and Cosmological Time 4.1. Background, and some Remarks on Philosophy of Science. 4.2. Deformations of Associative Algebras 4.3. Spin, Isospin, and SUSY 4.4. The Universe as a Versal Base Space 5. Worked out Formulas 5.1. Some examples 5.2. Action of the gauge group g ⊕ su(2) on the tangent space 5.3. Adjoint actions of g 2 2 4 9 13 16 21 21 24 27 32 33 36 38 38 39 42 47 47 47 49 54 54 55 57 66 69 69 71 74 Keywords: Representations, simple modules, phase spaces, Dirac derivations, time, quantum theory, time-space, stress-mass, heat-equation, Navier-Stokes equation, cosmology and the primordial fluid. 1 2 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL 6. Summing up the Model 6.1. Time in Quantum Field Theory 6.2. Elementary Particles, Bosons and Fermions 7. Interactions 7.1. Interaction and Non-commutative Deformations 7.2. Graphs and Subcategories Generated by a Family of Modules 7.3. Interactions and Dynamics 7.4. Bialgebras and Quantum Groups in our Models 8. More Examples and Some Ideas 9. The present state of the Standard Model 10. End Words References 76 78 87 92 92 96 98 99 100 104 109 110 1. Introduction Mindful of the well known quotation, Vos calculs sont corrects, mais votre physique est abominable: (Albert Einstein 1927 à George Lemaı̂tre), I shall start by declaring my cards. 1.1. Philosophy. If we want to study a natural phenomenon, called P, we must in the present scientific situation, describe P in some mathematical terms, say as a mathematical object, X, depending upon some parameters, in such a way that the changing aspects of P would correspond to altered parameter-values for X. This object would be a model for P if, moreover, X with any choice of parameter-values, would correspond to some, possibly occurring, aspect of P. Two mathematical objects X(1), and X(2), corresponding to the same aspect of P, would be called equivalent, and the set, P, of equivalence classes of the objects P, would correspond to (possibly a quotient of) the moduli space, M, of the models, X, assumed to be algebraic schemes of some sort. The study of the natural phenomena P, and its changing aspects, would then be equivalent to the study of the structure of P, and therefore to the study of the geometry of the moduli space M. In particular, the notion of time would, in agreement with Aristotle and St. Augustin, see, [1] and [16], correspond to some metric on this space. It turns out that to obtain a complete theoretical framework for studying the phenomenon P, or the model X, together with its dynamics, we should introduce the notion of dynamical structure, defined for the moduli space, M, assumed to be a union of affine schemes. This is done via the construction of a universal non-commutative Phase Space-functor, P h(−) : Algk → Algk , where Algk is the category of k-algebras, k any field. It extends to the category of schemes, and its infinite iteration P h∞ (−), is outfitted with a universal Dirac derivation, δ ∈ Derk (P h∞ (−), P h∞ (−)). A dynamical structure defined on an associative k-algebra A ∈ Algk is now a δstable ideal σ ⊂ P h∞ (A), and its quotient A(σ) := P h∞ (A)/(σ), with its induced Dirac derivation. The structure we are interested in is the space U := P h∞ (M)/σ, corresponding to an open affine covering by algebras of the type, A(σ), see [16], [33], see also [18]. But now we observe that there may be an action of a Lie algebra g, on U, such that the dynamics of P, really corresponds to that of the quotient U/g0 . To any open subset O, of U, there would be associated a, not necessarily commutative, affine k-algebra, A(σ) := OU (O), with an action of the Lie algebra g0 , COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 3 such that the non-commutative quotient O/g0 , represented by the system of simple representations of an algebra, A(σ)(g0 ), see (1.5), would contain all the available information about the structure of O. An element of A(σ) would be called an observable, and wishing to measure the value of an observable, leads to the study of the eigenvectors, and their eigenvalues, of the g0 -invariant representations of this algebra, which as we shall see, is the same as the representations of A(σ)(g0 ) . With this philosophy in mind, and stimulated by the results in deformation theory, obtained in [10], and [11], we embarked, in a series of papers, see [12], [13], [14], on the study of moduli spaces of representations (modules) of associative algebras, in general, and on their quotients, modulo Lie algebra actions. Here is where invariant theory and non-commutative algebraic geometry enters the play. The Dirac derivation translates into a vector field on these moduli spaces, and give us the equations of motions that we need. In [16], [33], see also [18], we introduced a toy model, used to illustrate the general theory, and to connect to present days physics. It was shown to generalize both general relativity and quantum field theory. In particular, the definition of time fits well with the notion of time in both quantum Yang-Mills theory and in General Relativity, where it made the space of velocities compact. In this paper, this toy model has become the main figure, furnishing a (nice, but maybe not too realistic) mathematical model for a Big Bang scenario for the universe. The Cosmos and its Furniture of the title refer to this model, to its geometry, defined by a metric, it’s dynamical structure defined by a Dirac derivation, and to its material content, called it’s furniture. The basic idea is that if one choose to take the Big Bang idea seriously, one would, probably, have to accept the presence of a singularity at the start of the universe. But then one might guess upon a mathematical model for this singularity, and use deformation theory, and the machinery described above to unravel the universe that we see. This is what we do, in chapter 4. We start with the basic singularity in dimension 3. It is composed of a single point, and a 3-dimensional tangent space, with affine algebra given by, U = k[x1 , x2 , x3 ]/(x1 , x2 , x3 )2 . The base space of the miniversal deformation of this algebra, considered as an associative algebra, turns out to contain the above toy-model, and a lot of structure, with strange and maybe interesting interpretations in physics, in particular it seems that it contain a mathematically reasonable basis for the Standard Model. The paper is organized as follows: Section. 1. is an introduction to the general method proposed in [18]. There are three main ingredients, moduli theory, dynamical structures, and gauge theory. We include a short reminder of these ingredients, and of the most important technical tools handling them, such as the basic notion of the non-commutative phase space functor P h(), including some purely mathematical consequences like, the co-simplicial structure of the infinitely iterated P h∗ , the resulting definition of a universal Dirac derivation, the corresponding relations to de Rham theory. We also recall the basics of non-commutative deformation theory for families of representations, its ring of observables, and its use in non-commutative algebraic geometry. Section. 2. contains a reworking of the toy model, in particular including the notion of furniture, and the related Schrødinger equation, generalising the Heat equation and the Navier-Stokes. Section. 3. contains a short introduction to an algebraic version of Entropy, and related to this, a computation of the moduli-space of finite dimensional representations of the infinite phase space of a polynomial algebra. 4 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Section. 4. is then concerned with the deformation theory of the 4 -dimensional associative algebra U , geometrically a fat point in 3-space, and with the structure of its miniversal base space. The fact that this space contains the toy model, provides new and unsuspected structures for this model. The main result is the existence, produced by the deformation theory of associative algebras, of a canonical gauge Lie-algebra bundle, containing the gauge algebras of the Standard Model and a strange super symmetry relating the spaces of, our versions of, bosonic and fermionic fields. Section. 5. contains worked out formulas that we need for the final chapters summing up: Section. 6. sums up the Model. We propose a mathematical fusion of General Relativity, Quantum Field Theory and Yang-Mills, ending with a model of Elementary Particles, as furnished by the Toy Model.. Section. 7. treats the notion of interaction and decay in the language of noncommutative deformation of families of modules. In particular we obtain a possible purely mathematical model of the Weak Interaction for quarks, with maybe interesting new . properties. Section. 8. contains some elementary examples, and some ideas. Section. 9. takes a birds eye view of the present state of the Standard Model, compared with the Toy Model. Finally we end with, Section. 10. End Words. 1.2. The Phase space functor Ph. Given a k-algebra A, denote by A/k − alg the category where the objects are homomorphisms of k-algebras κ : A → R, and the morphisms, ψ : κ → κ0 are commutative diagrams, κ R AA AA 0 AAκ AA / R0 ψ and consider the functor Derk (A, −) : A/k − alg −→ Sets defined by Derk (A, κ) := Derk (A, R). It is representable by a k-algebra-morphism, ι : A −→ P h(A) with a universal family given by a universal derivation d : A −→ P h(A). It is easy to construct Ph (A). In fact, let π : F → A be a surjective homomorphism of algebras, with F = k < t1 , t2 , . . . , tr >, freely generated by the t0i s, and put I = kerπ. Let, P h(A) = k < t1 , t2 , . . . , tr , dt1 , dt2 , . . . , dtr > /(I, dI) where dti is a formal variable, for i=1,...,r. Clearly there is a homomorphism, i00 : F → P h(A) and a derivation d0 : F → P h(A), defined by putting, d0 (ti ) = cl(dti ), the equivalence class of dti . Since i00 and d0 both kill the ideal I, they define a homomorphism, i0 : A → P h(A) and a derivation, d : A → P h(A). To see that i0 and d have the universal property, let κ : A → R be an object of the category A/k − alg. Any derivation ξ : A → R defines a derivation ξ 0 : F → R, COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 5 mapping ti to ξ 0 (ti ). Let ρξ0 : k < t1 , t2 , . . . , tr , dt1 , dt2 , . . . , dtr >→ R be the homomorphism defined by ρξ0 (ti ) = κ(π(ti )), ρξ0 (dti ) = ξ(π(ti )) ρξ0 sends I and dI to zero, so defines a homomorphism ρξ : P h(A) → R, such that the composition with d : A → P h(A), is ξ. The unicity is a consequence of the fact that the images of i0 and d generate P h(A) as k-algebra. Clearly P h(−) is a covariant functor on k − alg, and we have the identities, d∗ : Derk (A, A) = M orA (P h(A), A) and d∗ : Derk (A, P h(A)) = EndA (P h(A)) the last one associating d to the identity endomorphisme of P h(A). In particular we see that i0 has a cosection, σ0 : P h(A) → A, corresponding to the trivial (zero) derivation of A. Let now V be a right A-module, with structure morphism ρ(V ) =: ρ : A → Endk (V ). We obtain a universal derivation u(V ) =: u : A −→ Homk (V, V ⊗A P h(A)) defined by u(a)(v) = v ⊗ d(a). Let U and V be right A-modules, and consider the long exact sequences of Hochschild cohomology, 0 → HomA (U, V ) → Homk (U, V ) →ι Derk (A, Homk (U, V )) →κ Ext1A (U, V ) → 0 0 → HomA (V, V ⊗A P h(A)) → Homk (V, V ⊗A P h(A)) →ι Derk (A, Homk (V, V ⊗A P h(A))) →κ Ext1A (V, V ⊗A P h(A)) → 0 we obtain the non-commutative Kodaira-Spencer class c(V ) := κ(u(V )) ∈ Ext1A (V, V ⊗A P h(A)) inducing the Kodaira-Spencer morphism g : ΘA := Derk (A, A) −→ Ext1A (V, V ) via the identity d∗ . If c(V ) = 0, then the exact sequence above proves that there exist a ∇ ∈ Homk (V, V ⊗A P h(A)) such that u = ι(∇). This is just another way of proving that c(V ) is the obstruction for the existence of a connection ∇ : Derk (A, A) −→ Homk (V, V ) It is moreover well known (I think), that in the commutative case, the KodairaSpencer class gives rise to a Chern character by putting chi (V ) := 1/i! ci (V ) ∈ ExtiA (V, V ⊗A P h(A)) and that if c(V ) = 0, the curvature R(∇) of the connection ∇, induces a curvature class, in a generalized Lie-algebra cohomology R∇ ∈ H 2 (k, A; ΘA , EndA (V )) The same exact sequences furnish a proof for the following, Lemma 1.1. Let ρ : A → Endk (V ), be an A-module, and let δ ∈ Derk (A, Endk (V )), map to 0 in Ext1A (V, V ), i.e. assume κ(δ) = 0, then there exist an element, Qδ ∈ Endk (V ), such that for all a ∈ A, δ(a) = [Qδ , ρ̃(a)]. If V is a simple A-module, ad(Qδ ) is unique. 6 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Definition 1.2. For any representation, ρ : A → Endk (V ), put, gV := gρ = {γ ∈ Derk (A)| g(γ) = κ(δρ) = 0}, and see that it is a Lie sub-algebra of Derk (A). Obviously this means that there is always a connection, ∇ : gV → Endk (V ). Any P h(A)-module W , given by its structure map, ρ(W )1 =: ρ1 : P h(A) −→ Endk (W ) corresponds bijectively to an induced A-module structure ρ : A → Endk (W ), together with a derivation δρ ∈ Derk (A, Endk (W )), defining an element [δρ ] ∈ Ext1A (W, W ). Fixing this last element we find that the set of P h(A)-module structures on the A-module W is in one to one correspondence with Endk (W )/EndA (W ). Conversely, starting with an A-module V and an element δ ∈ Derk (A, Endk (V )), we obtain a P h(A)-module Vδ . It is then easy to see that the kernel of the natural map Ext1P h(A) (Vδ , Vδ ) → Ext1A (V, V ) induced by the linear map Derk (P h(A), Endk (Vδ )) → Derk (A, Endk (V )) is the quotient DerA (P h(A), Endk (Vδ ))/Endk (V ) and the image is a subspace [δρ ]⊥ ⊆ Ext1A (V, V )), which is rather easy to compute, see examples below. Example 1.3. (i) Let A = k[t], then obviously, P h(A) = k < t, dt > and d is given by d(t) = dt, such that for f ∈ k[t], we find d(f ) = Jt (f ) with the notations of [14], i.e. the non-commutative derivation of f with respect to t. One should also compare this with the non-commutative Taylor formula of loc.cit. If V ' k 2 is an A-module, defined by the matrix X ∈ M2 (k), and δ ∈ Derk (A, Endk (V )), is defined in terms of the matrix Y ∈ M2 (k), then the P h(A)-module Vδ is the k < t, dt >-module defined by the action of the two matrices X, Y ∈ M2 (k), and we find e1V := dimk Ext1A (V, V ) = dimk EndA (V ) = dimk {Z ∈ M2 (k)| [X, Z] = 0} e1Vδ := dimk Ext1P h(A) (Vδ , Vδ ) = 8 − 4 + dim{Z ∈ M2 (k)| [X, Z] = [Y, Z] = 0} We have the following inequalities: 2 ≤ e1V ≤ 4 ≤ e1Vδ ≤ 8 (ii) Let A = k[t1 , t2 ] then we find P h(A) = k < t1 , t2 , dt1 , dt2 > /([t1 , t2 ], [dt1 , t2 ] + [t1 , dt2 ] In particular, we have a surjective homomorphism P h(A) → k < t1 , t2 , dt1 , dt2 > /([t1 , t2 ], [dt1 , dt2 ], [ti , dti ] − 1) the right hand algebra being the Weyl algebra. This homomorphism exists in all dimensions. We also have a surjective homomorphism, P h(A) → k[t1 , t2 , ξ1 , ξ2 ] i.e. onto the affine algebra of the classical phase-space. Remark 1.4. Since Ext1A (V, V ) is the tangent space of the miniversal deformation space of V as an A-module, we see that the non-commutative space P h(A) also parametrizes the set of generalized momenta, i.e. the set of pairs of an A- module V , and a tangent vector of the formal moduli of V, at that point. COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 7 Ph(A) is relatively easy to compute. In particular, if A = k[x1 , .., xn ] is the polynomial algebra, we have, P h(A) = k < x1 , .., xn , dx1 , .., dxn > /([xi , xj ], [xi , dxj ] + [dxi , xj ]). Notice that, any rank 1 representation of P h(A) is represented by a pair, (q,p), of a closed point, q of Spec(k[x]), and a tangent, p at that point. We shall need the following formulas, Theorem 1.5. Given two such points, (qi , pi ), i = 1, 2, we find, dimk Ext1P h(A) (k(q1 , p1 ), k(q2 , p2 )) = 2n, for (q1 , p1 ) = (q2 , p2 ) dimk Ext1P h(A) (k(q1 , p1 ), k(q2 , p2 )) = n, for q1 = q2 , , p1 6= p2 dimk Ext1P h(A) (k(q1 , p1 ), k(q2 , p2 )) = 1, for q1 6= q2 . Moreover, there is a generator of, Ext1P h(A) (k(q1 , p1 ), k(q2 , p2 )) = Derk (P h(A), Homk (k(q1 , p1 )), k(q2 , p2 )))/T riv, uniquely characterized by the tangent line defined by the vector q1 q2 . Proof. Assume for convenience that n = 3. Put xj (qi , pi ) := qi,j , dxj ((qi , pi ) := pi,j , αj = q1,j − q2,j , βj = p1,j − p2,j . See that for any element α ∈ Homk (k(q1 , p1 ), k(q2 , p2 )) we have, xj α = q1,j α, αxj = q2,j α, dxj α = p1,j α, αdxj = p2,j α, with the obvious identification. Any derivation δ ∈ Derk (P h(A), Homk (k(q1 , p1 ), k(q2 , p2 ))) must satisfy the relations, δ([xi , xj ]) = [δ(xi ), xj ] + [xi , δ(xj )] = 0 δ([dxi , xj ] + [xi , dxj ]) = [δ(dxi ), xj ] + [dxi , δ(xj )] + [δ(xi ), dxj ] + [xi , δ(dxj )] = 0. Using the above left-right action-rules, the result follows from the long exact sequence computing Ext1P hA . The two families of relations above give us two systems of linear equations. The first, in the variables δ(x1 ), δ(x2 ), δ(x3 ), with matrix, −α2 α1 0 −α3 0 α1 . 0 −α3 α2 and the second, in the variables, δ(x1 ), δ(x2 ), δ(x3 ), δ(dx1 ), δ(dx2 ), δ(dx3 ), with matrix, −β2 β1 0 −α2 α1 0 −β3 0 β1 −α3 0 α1 0 −β3 β2 0 −α3 α2 In particular we see that the trivial derivation given by, δ(xi ) = αi , δ(dxj ) = βj , satisfies the relations, and the generator of Ext1P hA (k(q1 , p1 ), k(q2 , p2 )) is represented by, δ(xi ) = 0, δ(dxj ) = αj . This is, in an obvious sense, the ”tangent vector” −q1 , q2 It is easy to extend this result from dimension 3 to any dimension n. 8 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Remark 1.6. Blowing Up and Desingularization The A-algebra P h(A) is graded by defining, for a ∈ A, deg(a) = 0, deg(d(a)) = 1 By definition, any P h(A)-representation V correspond to a representation of A together with a derivation of A into Endk (V ), which again induces a tangent direction in the moduli of representations of A at the point V . In complete generality we have a map, bu : SimphA (P h(A)) → Simp(A), where SimphA (P h(A)) is the set of simple graded P h(A)-modules and the mapping is onto the 0 Th. component. The corresponding morphism in the commutative case is, bu : P rojA (P h(A)) → Spec(A), which we shall call the General Blowing Up Map. By the universal property of P h(A) it is clear that the fibre of bu at a (k-point) x ∈ Spec(A) is P roj(T (x)) ' Pn−1 , where T (x) is the tangent space of Spec(A) at the point x, supposed to be of imbedding dimension n. Therefore any vector field ξ, on Spec(A), i.e. any derivation ξ ∈ Derk (A, A), defines a canonical section of bu, σ(ξ) : D(ξ) → P rojA (P h(A)), defined in the open subscheme D(ξ), where ξ is non-trivial. The blow-up of Spec(A) defined by ξ is now the closure of the image of σ(ξ), Spec(A, ξ) = Spec(A(ξ)) ⊂ P rojA (P h(A)). The relative notion, i.e. blowing up a subscheme in another scheme, is gotten by considering, for any morphism of algebras, π : A → B, the blowing ups, as above, corresponding to the derivations, ξ ∈ ker{Derk (A, A) → Derk (A, B)}. Blowing up the origin in the affine n-space, would then correspond to the blowing P ∂ . up of Spec(k[x1 , ..., xn ]) defined by the derivation ξ = xi ∂xi In general, if A = k[x1 , ..., xn ]/(r1 , ..., rs ), consider the Jacobian matrix, J =( ∂ri ) ∂xj and let Jα be a maximal sub-determinant. Jα 6= 0 in an open subset U := Spec(A)− Sing(A), supposed to be non-empty. Compute the solutions of the linear system of equations, n X ∂ri dxj = 0, i = 1, ..., s. ∂x j j=1 We find solutions of the form, dxl = d X cli /Jα dxi , l = d + 1, ..., n i and the derivations of A of the form, ξi := Jα n X ∂ ∂ − cli ∂xi ∂xl l=d+1 are all non-trivial in U . The corresponding blow-ups of A, looks like, A(ξi ) = P h(A)/(Jα dxl − cli dxi , l = d + 1, ..., n, dxj = 0, j 6= i) COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 9 This gives us a possible easier road to de-singularization since the P h-operation is canonical and may be iterated. 1.3. The iterated Phase Space functor, P h∗ , and the Dirac derivation. The phase-space construction may, be iterated. Given the k-algebra A we may form the sequence, {P hn (A)}0≤n , defined inductively by P h0 (A) = A, P h1 (A) = P h(A), ..., P hn+1 (A) := P h(P hn (A)). Let in0 : P hn (A) → P hn+1 (A) be the canonical imbedding, and let dn : P hn (A) → P hn+1 (A) be the corresponding derivation. Since the composition of in0 and the derivation dn+1 is a derivation P hn (A) → P hn+2 (A), corresponding to the homomorphism, n n+1 P hn (A) →i0 P hn+1 (A) →i0 P hn+2 (A) there exist by universality a homomorphism in+1 : P hn+1 (A) → P hn+2 (A), such 1 that, in0 ◦ in+1 = in0 ◦ in+1 1 0 and such that, dn ◦ in+1 = in0 ◦ dn+1 . 1 Notice that we here compose functions and functors from left to right. Clearly we may continue this process constructing new homomorphisms, {inj : P hn (A) → P hn+1 (A)}0≤j≤n , such that, inp ◦ in+1 = in0 ◦ in+1 0 p+1 with the property, n dn ◦ in+1 j+1 = ij ◦ dn+1 . We find, see [18], the following identities, inp in+1 = inq−1 in+1 , p<q q p inp ipn+1 = inp in+1 p+1 inp in+1 = inq in+1 q p+1 , q < p. To see this, compose with in−1 and dn−1 , and use induction. Thus, the P h∗ (A) is 0 a semi-co-simplicial k-algebra with a co-section h0 , onto A. And it is easy to see that h0 together with the corresponding co-sections hp : P hp+1 (A) → P hp (A), for P hp (A) replacing A, form a trivializing homotopy for P h∗ (A). Thus, we have, H n (P h∗ (A)) = 0, ∀n ≥ 0, i.e. P h∗+1 is a co-simplicial resolution of A. Therefore, for any object, κ : A → R ∈ A/k − alg the co-simplicial algebra above induces simplicial sets, M ork (P h? (A), R), M orA (P h? (A), R), and one should be interested in the homotopy. See also that this generalises to a canonical functor, Spec : (k − alg ∆ )op −→ SP r(k) where (k − alg)∆ is the category of co-simplicial k-algebras, and SP r(k) is the category of simplicial presheves on the category of k-schemes enriched by any Grothendieck topology. As usual, the imbedding of the category of k-algebras in the category of co-simplicial algebras is defined simply by giving any k-algebra 10 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL a constant co-simplicial structure. The fact that P h? (A) is a resolution of A, is therefore simply saying that, Spec(P h? ((A)) → Spec(A), is a week equivalence in SP r(k). This might be a starting point for a theory of homotopy for k-schemes. We may also consider, for any k-algebra R, the simplicial k-vectorspace, Derk (P h? (A), R), Consider this complex for R = A, i.e. M orA (P h? (A), A). Clearly, M orA (P hn+1 (A), A) = Derk (P hn (A), A), n ≥ 0, and we have, M orA (P hn (A), A) = {ξ0 ◦ξi1 ◦...◦ξir |0 ≤ il ≤ il+1 ≤ n|ξ0 = idA , ξi ∈ Derk (A), i ≥ 1} Since P h is a functor, and P h∗+1 is a co-simplicial resolution of A. we may apply this to any scheme X, given in terms of an affine covering U, and obtain an algebraic homology (or cohomology), with converging spectral sequences, −q 1 Epq = Hp (HU −q (Derk (P h? (A), A))), Eq,p = HU (Hp (Derk (P h? (A), A))) If we, in M orA (P hn (A), A), identify ξ ∼ αξ, α ∈ k ∗ , we obtain a rational cohomology with converging spectral sequences, q q E1pq = H p (HU (M orA (P hn (A), A), Q)), E2q,p = HU (H p (M orA (P hn (A), A), Q)) Remark 1.7. The above suggests that we are closing in on Stacks and Motives. Any reasonable cohomology theory defined on the category of k-schemes, is now seen to be defined on the image category of Sec, so probably extendable to SP r(k), therefore comes with a homotopy theory attached. Moreover, suppose we, instead of the example R = A above, considered the category (actually an ordered set) of morphisms, a(A) := {A → A/pi }, for some family of irreducible bilateral ideals, corresponding in the commutative case to families of subschemes of X = Spec(A). By the theorem (4.2.4) of [10] there is for any finite subcategory V ⊂ a(A), a formal moduli H(V), for the deformation functor Def (V), of the category of morphisms V, with the algebra A trivially deformed, provided the corresponding cohomology groups of the deformation theory are countably generated. Moreover, we may globalise this to hold for any scheme, X, and in particular to any projective scheme over k, for which we know that the cohomology groups of the deformation theory will be of finite dimension, implying that the formal moduli H(V) will be finitely generated formal k-algebras. Formally the theory will be of the same nature for schemes as for algebras, and so to minimise the place and problems with hanging on to dull dual descriptions, we shall just describe the affine case. Of course in this case the formal moduli H(V) will not, in general, be finitely generated formal k-algebras, but this should not be of much trouble for most mathematicians. Obviously, if W ⊂ V there is a natural morphism, π(V, W) : H(W) → H(V), usually just called π, or name omitted. Given a commutative diagram, ρ R AA AA ρ0 AA AA / R0 ψ COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 11 we have a diagram of canonical morphisms, H(ρ) H(ρ0 ) GG w w GG ww GG ww GG w # {ww H(ψ) where we have put, H(ψ) := H(ψ : ρ → ρ0 ). And for any diagram like, AE EE 0 }} EEρ } } EE } } E" }~ } ρ00 R0 ψ 0 R@ @@ z @@ zz @ zz z ψ @@ |zz R00 ρ we find a diagram of canonical morphisms, H(ψ) H(ψ 0 ) cHH : v HH v HH vv v HH vv H vv H(ρ00 ) with the same abbreviation as above. A prime cycle in the motive of A should be any object (ρ, H(ρ)), ρ ∈ Irr(A), The set of which we shall call h(A). A cycle should then be a linear combination over some abelian group of such prime cycles. We should like to define the intersection product of cycles, as a bilinear product of cycles. If ρ and ρ0 prime cycles, then we define the intersection as the sum, X ρ ∪ ρ0 = α(ρ, ρ0 )ρ00 , α(ρ, ρ0 ) := |H(ρ, ψ) ⊗H(ρ00 ) H(ρ0 , ψ 0 )|. We would like to compare it to the Serre intersection formula, ρ ∪ ρ0 = ∞ X (−1)i T oriA (R, R0 ) 0 in the commutative case. But this demands a certain work which will be postponed. Anyway, the notion of motive, over the rationals, should be given by the set of finite cycles, M (A) = F inM ap(h(A), Q) divided out with some equivalence relation, which we shall come back to. Consider now the co-simplicial algebra, 0 1 2 3 A →i0 P h(A) →ip P h2 (A) →ip P h3 (A) →ip .... where, for each integer n, the symbol inp , for p = 0, 1, ..., n signify the family of A-morphisms between P hn (A) and P hn+1 (A) defined above. The system of kalgebras and homomorphisms of k-algebras {P hn (A), inj }n,0≤j≤n has an inductive (direct) limit, P h∞ (A) = lim {P hn (A), inj } −→ n≥0 together with homomorphisms in : P hn (A) −→ P h∞ (A) 12 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL satisfying inj ◦ in+1 = in , j = 0, 1, . . . , n Moreover, the family of derivations, {dn }0≤n define a unique derivation δ : P h∞ (A) −→ P h∞ (A), such that in ◦ δ = dn ◦ in+1 . Put P h(n) (A) := im in ⊆ P h∞ (A) The k-algebra P h∞ (A) has a descending filtration of two-sided ideals, {Fn }0≤n given inductively by F1 = P h∞ (A) · im(δ) · P h∞ (A) and δFn ⊆ Fn+1 , Fn 1 Fn 2 . . . Fn r ⊆ Fn , n1 + . . . + nr = n such that the derivation δ induces derivations δn : Fn −→ Fn+1 . Using the canonical homomorphism in : P hn (A) −→ P h∞ (A) we pull the filtration {Fp }0≤p back to P hn (A), obtaining a filtration of each P hn (A) with, Fn1 = P hn (A) · im(δ) · P hn (A) and inductively, δFnp ⊆ Fn+1 p+1 , Fnp1 Fnp2 . . . Fnpr ⊆ Fnp , p1 + . . . + pr = p. Definition 1.8. Let D(A) := limn≥1 P h∞ (A)/Fn , the completion of P h∞ (A) in ←− the topology given by the filtration {Fn }0≤n . The k-algebra P h∞ (A) will be referred to as the k-algebra of higher differentials, and D(A) will be called the k-algebra of formalized higher differentials. Put Dn := Dn (A) := P h∞ (A)/Fn+1 Clearly δ defines a derivation on D(A), and an isomorphism of k-algebras := exp(δ) : D(A) → D(A) and in particular, an algebra homomorphism, η̃ := exp(δ) : A → D(A) inducing the algebra homomorphisms η̃n : A → Dn (A) which, by killing, in the right hand algebra, the image of the maximal ideal, m(t), of A corresponding to a point t ∈ Simp1 (A), induces a homomorphism of k-algebras η̃n (t) : A → Dn (A)(t) := Dn /(Dn m(t)Dn ) and an injective homomorphism, η̃(t) : A → lim Dn (A)(t) ←− n≥1 see [15]. Remark 1.9. Since Ext1A (V, V ) is the tangent space of the miniversal deformation space of V as an A-module, we see that the non-commutative space P h(A) also parametrizes the set of generalized momenta, i.e.the set of pairs of an A- module V , and a tangent vector of the formal moduli of V, at that point. Therefore the above implies that any representation, ρ : P h∞ (A) → Endk (V ), corresponds to a family of P hn (A)-module-structures on V , for n ≥ 1, i.e. to an A-module V0 := V , an element ξ0 ∈ Ext1A (V, V ), i.e. a tangent of the deformation functor of V0 := V , as A-module, an element ξ1 ∈ Ext1P h(A) (V, V ), i.e. a tangent of the deformation functor of V1 := V as P h(A)-module, an element ξ2 ∈ Ext1P h2 (A) (V, V ), i.e. a tangent of the deformation functor of V2 := V as P h2 (A)-module, etc. COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 13 All this is just ρ0 : A → Endk (V ), considered as an A-module, together with a sequence {ξn }, 0 ≤ n, of a tangent, or a momentum, ξ0 , an acceleration vector, ξ1 , and any number of higher order momenta ξn . Thus, specifying a P h∞ (A)representation V , implies specifying a formal curve through v0 , the base-point, of the miniversal deformation space of the A-module V . Formally, this curve is given by the composition of the homomorphism (τ ) := exp(τ δ) and ρ. It is, however, impossible to prepare a physical situation such that a measurement, i.e. an object like ρ0 , is given by an infinite sequence {ξn }, of dynamical data. We shall have to be satisfied with a finite number of data, and normally with just the first one , i.e. the momentum ξ0 . This is the problem of Preparation and of the Time Evolution of a representation ρ, to be treated in the sequel. 1.4. The generalized de Rham Complex. Consider now the diagram, A i00 / P h(A) O m11 i1p / P h2 (A) O i2p / P h3 (A) O i3p / i1p / m1 2 i2p / m1 3 i3p / where, for each integer n, the symbol inp , for p = 0, 1, ..., n signify the family of A-morphisms between P hn (A) and P hn+1 (A) defined above, and where m1n is the ideal of P hn (A) generated by im(d), which is the same as the ideal generated by (...(i1p (d(A))...))}, for all possible p. And, inductively, let mm (in−2 the family, {in−1 n p p . be the ideal generated by m1n mm−1 n We find an extended diagram, A i00 / P h(A) i1p / P h2 (A) i2p / P h3 (A) i3p / ... i2p i3p i1p i00 /AK /A / ... /AK A EE G K KK GG KKK EE d K G KKd1 KKdK2 EE 0 GGd3 KK EE KKK GG KK E" GG 1 2 % % ip i3p ip 1 2 1 2 1 2 / m /m / # ... / m /m m1 /m1 2 2J 3 3 JJ EE J JJ d1 JJ d2 EE d3 JJ JJ EE JJ JJ EE J$ J% EE 2 1 ip i3p ip 2 3 2 3 2 3 / m /m / "... / m /m m1 /m1 2 2M 3 1H LLL M H MMMd2 HHd3 LdL1L HH MMM LLL HH M MM& H$ L& . . . The diagonals are not necessarily complexes, but it suffices to kill d2 , to kill all d , n ≥ 2, and for this it suffices to kill d1 d0 , as one easily see, operating with the edge homomorphisms inp , n ≥ 2 on the elements, d1 (d0 (a)) for a ∈ A. Therefore we shall, in this general situation, make the following definition, n Definition 1.10. The curvature R(A) of the associative k algebra, A, is the klinear map composition of d0 and d1 , R(A) = d0 d1 : A → m22 /m32 . Now, kill the curvature R(A), and all the terms under the first diagonal, beginning with m21 /m31 , together with all terms generated by the actions of the edge m m+1 , homomorphisms on these terms, and let, Ωm n be the resulting quotient of mn /mn 14 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL for n ≥ 0. Clearly, Ω0n = A for all n ≥ 0, and we have got a graded semi co-simplicial A-module, with a k-differential d, such that d2 = 0, looking like, A i00 / P h(A) i1p i2p / P h2 (A) / P h3 (A) i3p / i3p i1p i2p i00 / /AK /AK /A A EE D KKK KK DD EE K KKKd KKd DDd EEd KK DD KKK EE K D K K E" K% K% i3p DD" i1p i2p / / Ω1 / Ω1 Ω11 J 2 JJ 3 C JJ CC JJ JJ d JJd CCd JJ JJ CC JJ J C JJ J J% i2p i3p CC! $ 2 2 / / Ω2 Ω3 It is a graded complex, in two ways. First as a complex induced from the semicosimplicial structure, with differential of bidegree (1,0), and second, as complex with differential d, of bidegree (1,1). Lemma 1.11. Suppose A is commutative, then there is a natural morphism of complexes of A-modules, Ω?A ⊂ Ω?? , with, ΩnA := ∧r ΩA ' Ωnn . Proof. Let, ai ∈ A, i = 1, ..., r, and compute in Ωr? the value of, dr (a1 a2 ). It is clear that this gives the formula, X di1 (a1 )di2 (a2 )..dir (ar ) = 0, the sum being over all permutation (i1 , i2 , ..., ir ) of (0, 1, ..., r − 1). Here we consider A as a subalgebra of P hn (A) via the unique compositions of the is0 : P hs (A) ⊂ P hs+1 (A). In particular, we have, d0 (a1 )d1 (a2 ) + d1 (a1 )d0 (a2 ) = 0, for all a1 , a2 ∈ A. This relation and the relation d0 (a2 )d1 (a1 ) = d1 (a1 )d0 (a2 ), which follows from commutativity, d(a2 )a1 = a1 d(a2 ), forcing the left and right A-action on ΩA to be equal, immediately give us, d0 (a1 )d1 (a2 ) = −d0 (a2 )d1 (a1 ). Consider now the diagram, A A i00 i00 / P h(A) / A ⊕ Ω1 A i10 i10 / P h2 (A) / A ⊕ Ω 1 ⊕ Ω2 A A i20 i20 / P h3 (A) i30 3 / A ⊕ Ω1 ⊕ Ω2 ⊕ Ω3i0 A A A / ... / ..., where the bottom line is a sequence of Nagata-extentions of the k-algebra A, and the vertical homomorphisms correspond to the natural derivations among these, defined by the derivations of the de Rham complex, Ω? , of A. The universality of the two systems proves that there is a surjective map, α : Ωnn → ΩnA := ∧n ΩA . The map that sends the element da1 ∧da2 ∧...∧dan ∈ ΩrA to d0 (a1 )d1 (a2 )..dn−1 (ar ) ∈ Ωnn is an inverse, proving that α is an isomorphism. COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 15 It follows from this, that in the commutative case, for any scheme X considered as a covering of affine schemes in some sense, there are two spectral sequences converging to the same cohomology, first q E(1)2p,q = H p (HdR (X, Ω∗∗ )) then, q E(2)2p,q = HdR (X, H p (Ω∗∗ )). Let now V be a right A-module, and assume c(V ) = 0, such that there exist an element, ∇0 ∈ Homk (V, V ⊗A P h(A)) with c = ι(∇0 ). This implies that for a ∈ A and v ∈ V we have ∇0 (va) = ∇0 (v)a + v ⊗ d0 (a). Composing ∇0 with the projection, o : P h(A) → A, corresponding to the 0-derivation of A, we therefore obtain an A-linear homomorphism P : V → V , a potential. Since i00 : A → P h(A) is a section of o, we find a k-linear map, ∇0 := ∇0 − P : V → V ⊗ m11 Using the property, n dn ◦ in+1 j+1 = ij dn+1 , we find well defined k-linear maps, ∇1 : V → V ⊗ Ω12 , ∇2 : V → V ⊗ Ω13 , ..., ∇n : V → V ⊗ Ω1n+1 ∀n ≥ 0, given by , ∇n+1 := ∇n ◦ in+1 , n ≥ 0, 1 such that, for all, v ∈ V, ω ∈ Ωnp , the formula, ∇n (v ⊗ ω) = ∇n (v)ω + v ⊗ dn (ω). makes sense, and defines a sequence of derivations, ∇n : V ⊗ Ωpn → V ⊗ Ωp+1 n+1 , sometimes just denoted dn , and called a connection ∇, on the A-module V . We obtain a situation just like above, V i00 / V ⊗ P h(A) i1p / V ⊗ P h2 (A) i1p i00 /V P V JJ PPP JJ PPP d1 JJd0 PPP JJ PPP JJ $ ' i1p /V V ⊗ Ω11 OOO OOOd1 OOO OO' V i2p i3 / V ⊗ P h3 (A) p i2p /V P PPP PPP d2 PPP PPP ( i2p 1 /V ⊗ Ω2 OOO OOOd2 OOO OOO 2 ' ip 2 /V ⊗ Ω2 / i3p /V I / II II d3 II II II i3p I$/ ⊗ Ω13 HH HH d3 HH HH HH i3p H$ / ⊗ Ω23 In general, there are no reasons for these derivations, dn := ∇n , n ≥ 0, to define complexes, and we shall make the following definition, Definition 1.12. The curvature R(V, ∇) of the connection ∇, defined on the right A-module V , is the k-linear map, composition of d0 and d1 , R(V ) = d0 d1 : V → V ⊗ Ω22 . The following Lemma is then easily proved, 16 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Lemma 1.13. Suppose A is commutative, and assume c(V ) = 0. Let ∇ : ΘA → Endk (V ) be the classical connection corresponding to ∇0 . Suppose moreover that the curvature R of ∇ is 0, then R(V ) = 0, implying that d2 = 0, and so the diagonals in the diagram above, are all complexes. Proof. We may put, ∇(vi ) = X aki,j vj d0 (xk ) j,k, and obtain, ∇1 (∇0 (vi )) = X ∂aki,j X vj d1 (xl )d0 (xk ) + aki,j alj,m vm d1 (xl )d0 (xk ) ∂xl j,k,l j,k,l,m Now the classical curvature of ∇, may be defined as, X X ∂ali,j X X ∂aki,j i vj + aki,j alj,m vm − vj − ali,j akj,m vm , Rk,l = ∂x ∂x l k j,m j j,m j so if, R = 0, and d1 (xl )d0 (xk ) = −d1 (xk )d0 (xl ), we find that ∇1 (∇0 (vi )) = 0, from which it follows that d2 = 0 1.5. Non-commutative deformations of families of modules. In [12], [13] and [14], we introduced non-commutative deformations of families of modules of non-commutative k-algebras, and the notion of swarm of right modules (or more generally of objects in a k-linear abelian category). Let ar denote the category of r-pointed not necessarily commutative k-algebras R. The objects are the diagrams of k-algebras ι π k r →→ R →→ k r such that the composition of ι and π is the identity. Any such r-pointed k-algebra R is isomorphic to a k-algebra of r × r-matrices (Ri,j ). The radical of R is the bilateral ideal Rad(R) := kerπ, such that R/Rad(R) ' k r . The dual k-vector space of Rad(R)/Rad(R)2 is called the tangent space of R. For r = 1, there is an obvious inclusion of categories l ⊆ a1 , where l, as usual, denotes the category of commutative local Artinian k-algebras with residue field k. Fix a (not necessarily commutative) associative k-algebra A and consider a right A-module M . The ordinary deformation functor Def M : l → Sets is then defined. Assuming ExtiA (M, M ) has finite k-dimension for i = 1, 2, it is well known, see [34], or [12], that Def M has a pro-representing hull H, the formal moduli of M . Moreover, the tangent space of H is isomorphic to Ext1A (M, M ), and H can be computed in terms of ExtiA (M, M ), i = 1, 2 and their matric Massey products, see [12]. In the general case, consider a finite family V = {Vi }ri=1 of right A-modules., and put V := ⊕ri=1 Vi . Assume that dimk Ext1A (Vi , Vj ) < ∞. Any such family of A-modules will be called a swarm. We shall define a deformation functor, Def V : ar → Sets, generalising the functor Def M above. Given an object π : R = (Ri,j ) → k r of ar , consider the k-vector space and left R-module (Ri,j ⊗k Vj ). It is easy to see that EndR ((Ri,j ⊗k Vj )) ' (Ri,j ⊗k Homk (Vi , Vj )) Clearly π defines a k-linear and left R-linear map π(R) : (Ri,j ⊗k Vj ) → ⊕ri=1 Vi inducing a homomorphism of R-endomorphism rings, π̃(R) : (Ri,j ⊗k Homk (Vi , Vj )) → ⊕ri=1 Endk (Vi ) COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 17 The right A-module structure on the Vi0 s is defined by a homomorphism of kalgebras, η0 : A → ⊕ri=1 Endk (Vi ) ⊂ (Homk (Vi , Vj )) =: Endk (V ) Notice that this homomorphism also provides each Homk (Vi , Vj ) with an A- bimodule structure. Let Def V (R) ∈ Sets be the set of isoclasses of homomorphisms of k-algebras, η 0 : A → (Ri,j ⊗k Homk (Vi , Vj )) 0 such that, π̃(R) ◦ η = η0 , where the equivalence relation is defined by inner automorphisms in the R-algebra (Ri,j ⊗k Homk (Vi , Vj )) inducing the identity on ⊕ri=1 Endk (Vi ). One easily proves that Def V has the same properties as the ordinary deformation functor and we may prove the following, see [12]: Theorem 1.14. The functor Def V has a pro-representable hull, i.e. an object H := H(V)) of the category of pro-objects aˆr of ar , together with a versal family Ṽ = (Hi,j ⊗ Vj ) ∈ lim Def V (H/mn ) ←− n≥1 where m = Rad(H), such that the corresponding morphism of functors on ar κ : M or(H, −) → Def V defined for φ ∈ M or(H, R) by κ(φ) = R ⊗φ Ṽ , is smooth, and an isomorphism on the tangent level. H is uniquely determined by a set of matric Massey products defined on subspaces D(n) ⊆ Ext1 (Vi , Vj1 ) ⊗ · · · ⊗ Ext1 (Vjn−1 , Vk ) with values in Ext2 (Vi , Vk ). Moreover, the right action of A on Ṽ defines a homomorphism of k-algebras, η : A −→ O(V) := EndH (Ṽ ) = (Hi,j ⊗ Homk (Vi , Vj )) The k-algebra O(V), called the ring of observables of V, acts on the family of A-modules {Vi }ri=1 , extending the action of A. If dimk Vi < ∞, for all i = 1, . . . , r, the operation of associating (O(V), V) to (A, V) is a closure operation. There is a crucial result, see [13], [14], Theorem 1.15 (A Generalized Burnside Theorem). Let A be a finite dimensional k-algebra, k an algebraically closed field. Consider the family V = {Vi }ri=1 of all simple A-modules, then η : A −→ O(V) = (Hi,j ⊗ Homk (Vi , Vj )) is an isomorphism. Moreover the k-algebras A and H are Morita-equivalent. We also prove that there exists, in the non-commutative deformation theory, an obvious analogy to the notion of pro-representing (modular) substratum H0 of the formal moduli H, see [10]. The tangent space of H0 is determined by a family of subspaces Ext10 (Vi , Vj ) ⊆ Ext1A (Vi , Vj ), i 6= j the elements of which should be called the almost split extensions (sequences) relative to the family V, and by a subspace Y T0 (∆) ⊆ Ext1A (Vi , Vi ) i which is the tangent space of the deformation functor of the full subcategory of the category of A-modules generated by the family V = {Vi }ri=1 , see [11]. If V = {Vi }ri=1 is the set of all indecomposable’s of some Artinian k-algebra A, we 18 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL show that the above notion of almost split sequence coincides with that of Auslander, see [35]. Using this we consider, in [12] and [14], the general problem of classification of iterated extensions of a family of modules V = {Vi , }ri=1 , and the corresponding classification of filtered modules with graded components in the family V, and extension type given by a directed representation graph Γ. This turns out to be the starting point for our treatment of Interactions in physics, and will be postponed, see section (7). To any, not necessarily finite, swarm c ⊂ mod(A) of right-A-modules, we have associated two associative k-algebras, see [13] and [14], O(|c|, π) = lim O(V) ←− V⊂|c| and a sub-quotient Oπ (c), together with natural k-algebra homomorphisms η(|c|) : A −→ O(|c|, π) and η(c) : A −→ Oπ (c) with the property that the A-module structure on c is extended to an O-module structure in an optimal way. We then defined an affine non-commutative scheme of right A-modules to be a swarm c of right A-modules, such that η(c) is an isomorphism. In particular we considered, for finitely generated k-algebras, the swarm Simp∗<∞ (A) consisting of the finite dimensional simple Amodules, and the generic point A, together with all morphisms between them. The fact that this is a swarm, i.e. that for all objects Vi , Vj ∈ Simp<∞ we have dimk Ext1A (Vi , Vj ) < ∞, is easily proved. We have in [14] proved the following result, (see (4.1), loc.cit. for the definition of the notion of geometric k-algebra, and compare with Lemma (2.5).) Proposition 1.16. Let A be a geometric k-algebra, then the natural homomorphism, η(Simp∗ (A)) : A −→ Oπ (Simp∗<∞ (A)) is an isomorphism, i.e. Simp∗<∞ (A) is a scheme for A. In particular, Simp∗<∞ (k < x1 , x2 , . . . , xd >), is a scheme for k < x1 , x2 , . . . , xd >. To analyze the local structure of Simpn (A), we need the following, see [14],(3.23), Lemma 1.17. Let V = {Vi }i=1,..,r be a finite subset of Simp<∞ (A), then the morphism of k-algebras, A → O(V) = (Hi,j ⊗k Homk (Vi , Vj )) is topologically surjective. Proof. Since the simple modules Vi (i = 1, . . . , r) are distinct, there is an obvious surjection Y η0 : A → Endk (Vi ) i=1,..,r Put r = kerη0 , and consider for m ≥ 2 the finite-dimensional k-algebra, B := A/rm . Clearly Simp(B) = V, so that by the generalized Burnside theorem, see [12], (2.6), we find, B B ' OB (V) := (Hi,j ⊗k Homk (Vi , Vj )) Consider the commutative diagram A B A / (Hi,j ⊗k Homk (Vi , Vj )) =: OA (V) UUUU UUUU UUUU UUUU * α B / (Hi,j / OA (V)/mm ⊗k Homk (Vi , Vj )) COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 19 where all morphisms are natural. In particular α exists since B = A/rm maps into OA V/radm , and therefore induces the morphism α commuting with the rest of the morphisms. Consequently α has to be surjective, and we have proved the contention. Example 1.18. As an example of what may occur in rank infinity, we shall consider the invariant problem, A1C /C∗ . Here we are talking about the algebra A = C[x](C∗ ) crossed product of C[x] with the group C∗ . If λ ∈ C∗ , the product in A is given by x × λ = λ × λ−1 x. There are two “points”, i.e. orbits, modeled by the obvious origin V0 := A → EndC (C(0)), and by V1 := A → EndC (C[x, x−1 ]). We may also choose the two points V0 := C(0), V1 := C[x], in line with the definitions of [13]. Obviously C[x] correspond to the closure of the orbit C[x, x−1 ]. This choice is the best if one want to make visible the adjacencies in the quotient, and we shall therefore treat both cases. We need to compute ExtpA (Vi , Vj ), p = 1, 2, i, j = 1, 2 Now, Ext1A (Vi , Vj ) = DerC (A, HomC (Vi , Vj ))/T riv, i, j = 1, 2 ∗ and since x acts as zero on V1 , and C acts as identity on V1 and as homogenous multiplication on V0 , we find Derk (A, Homk (V0 , V0 ))/T riv = Derk (A, Homk (V0 , V0 )) = DerC (A, C(0)) Any δ ∈ Derk (A, C(0)), is determined by its values, δ(x), δ(λ) ∈ C(0))|λ ∈ C∗ . Moreover since in A we have, (λ) × (λ−1 x) = x × (λ), we find δ(λµ) = δ(λ) + δ(µ), δ((λ) × (λ−1 x)) = δ(x × (λ)) The left hand side of the last equation is δ((λ−1 x)) = λ−1 δ(x), and the right hand side is δ(x), and since this must hold for all λ ∈ C∗ , we must have δ(x) = 0. Moreover, since δ(λµ) = δ(λ) + δ(µ), it is clear that continuity of δ, implies that δ must be equal to αln(|.|), for some α ∈ C. (To simplify the writing, we shall put log := ln(|.|).)Therefore, Ext1A (V0 , V0 ) = Derk (A, HomC (V0 , V0 )) = C The cup-product of this class, log ∪ log, sits in HH 2 (A, C(0)) = Ext2a (V0 , V0 ), and is given by the 2-cocycle (λ, µ) → log(λ) × log(µ) This is seen to be a boundary, i.e. there exist a map ψ : C∗ → C(0), such that for all, λ, µ ∈ C∗ we have log(λ) × log(µ) = ψ(λ) − ψ(λµ) + ψ(µ) Just put ψ1,1 := ψ2 = −1/2 log2 . Therefore the cup product is zero, and if we, in general, put ψn := ψ1,1,...,1 = (−)n+1 1/(n!) logn , n ≥ 1 where n is the number of 1’s in the first index, then computing the Massey products of the element log ∈ Ext1A (V0 , V0 ), we find the Massey product X [log, log, . . . , log] = {(λ, µ) → ψp ψn−p p=1,...,n−1 and this is easily seen to be the boundary of the 1-cochain ψn+1 = (−)n+2 1/((n + 1)!) logn+1 20 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Therefore all Massey products are zero. Of course, we have not yet proved that they could be different from zero, i.e. we have not computed the obstruction-group Ext2A (V0 , V0 ) and found it non-trivial! Now this is unnecessary. Now, assume first V0 = C[x, x−1 ], then every δ ∈ Ext1A (V0 , V0 ) = DerC (A, HomC (V0 , V0 ))/T riv is determined by the values of δ(x) and δ(λ), λ ∈ C∗ . Since Ext1C[x] (V0 , V1 ) = 0, we may find a trivial derivation such that subtracting from δ we may assume δ(x) = 0. But then the formula δ(x × λ) = δ(λ × (λ−1 x)) implies xδ(λ) = δ(λ)(λ−1 x) from which it follows that δ(λ)(xp ) = (λ−1 x)p δ(λ)(1) Now, since, λµ = µλ in C∗ , we find (λ−1 µx)p δ(λ)(1)(µx) = (λµ−1 x)p δ(λ)(1)(λx) which should hold for any pair of µ, λ ∈ C∗ , and any p. This obviously implies δ = 0. This argument shows not only that Ext1A (V1 , V1 ) = DerC (A, HomC (V1 , V1 ))/T riv = 0 when V1 = C[x, x−1 ], but also when V1 = C[x]. Finally we find that the formula above, xδ(λ) = δ(λ)(λ−1 x) shows that for δ ∈ Ext1A (V1 , V0 ) = DerC (A, HomC (V1 , V0 ))/T riv we have δ(λ)(xxp ) = 0 for all p. Therefore, Ext1A (V1 , V0 ) = DerC (A, HomC (V1 , V0 ))/T riv = 0 when V1 = C[x, x−1 ]. However, when V1 = C[x], we find that δ with, δ(λ)(1) 6= 0 and with δ(λ)(xp ) = 0 for p ≥ 1, survives. These will, as above give rise to a logarithm of the real part of C∗ . Therefore, in this case Ext1A (V1 , V0 ) = C. The miniversal families look like C[[t]] 0 H= 0 C when V1 = C[x, x−1 ], and like H= when V1 = C[x]. C[[t]] 0 <C> C COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 21 1.6. Non-commutative Algebraic Geometry, and Moduli of Simple Modules. The basic notions of affine non-commutative algebraic geometry related to a (not necessarily commutative) associative k-algebra, for k an arbitrary field, have been treated by many authors in several texts, see e.g.[25], [26], [12], [13], [14]. Given a finitely generated algebra A, we prove the existence of a non-commutative scheme-structure on the set of isomorphism classes of simple finite dimensional representations, i.e. right modules, Simp<∞ (A). We show, in [14], that any geometric k-algebra A, see also [18], may be recovered from the (non-commutative) structure of Simp<∞ (A), and that there is an underlying quasi-affine (commutative) scheme-structure on each component Simpn (A) ⊂ Simp<∞ (A), parametrizing the simple representations of dimension n. In fact, we have shown the following, Theorem 1.19. There is a commutative k-algebra C(n) with an open subvariety U (n) ⊆ Simp1 (C(n)), an étale covering of Simpn (A), over which there exists a versal representation Ṽ ' C(n) ⊗k V , a vector bundle of rank n defined on Simp1 (C(n)), and a versal family, i.e. a morphism of algebras, ρ̃ : A −→ EndC(n) (Ṽ ) → EndU (n) (Ṽ ), inducing all isoclasses of simple n-dimensional A-modules. EndC(n) (Ṽ ) induces also a bundle, of operators, on the étale covering U (n) of Simpn (A(σ)). Assume given a derivation, γ ∈ Derk (A). Pick any v ∈ Simpn (A) corresponding to the right A-module V , with structure homomorphism ρv : A → Endk (V ), then γ composed with ρv , gives us an element, γv ∈ Ext1A (V, V )). Therefore, γ defines a unique one-dimensional distribution in ΘSimpn (A) , which, once we have fixed a versal family, defines a vector field, [γ] ∈ ΘSimpn (A) , and, in good cases, a (rational) derivation, [γ] ∈ Derk (C(n)). Notice also that we have the canonical isomorphism, Derk (A, A) ' M orA (P h(A), A). Therefore the derivation γ, and the A-module V , correspond to an P h(A)-module Vγ . 1.7. Dynamical Structures. As we have seen, in the Remark (1.3), the dynamics of the space of representations of our algebra A, i.e. the dynamics of the space of measurements of the family of observables that A is assumed to represent, can be encoded in the category of representations of the k-algebra P h∞ (A). We would therefore like to use the tools developed above, for the k-algebra P h∞ (A). However, P h∞ (A) is rarely of finite type, and so the space of simple modules does not have a classical algebraic geometric structure. We shall therefore introduce the notion of dynamical structure, to reduce the problem to a situation we can handle. This is also what physicists do. They invoke a parsimony principle, or an action principle, originally proposed by Fermat, and later by Maupertuis, with the purpose of reducing the preparation needed, to be able to see ahead. Definition 1.20. A dynamical structure, σ, is a two-sided δ-stable ideal (σ) ⊂ P h∞ (A), such that A(σ) := P h∞ (A)/(σ), 22 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL the corresponding, dynamical system, is of finite type. A dynamical structure, or system, is of order n if the canonical morphism, σ : P h(n−1) (A) → A(σ) is surjective. If A is generated by the coordinate functions, {ti }i=1,2,...,d a dynamical system of order n may be defined by a force law, i.e. by a system of equations, δ n tp = Γp (ti , dtj , d2 tk , .., dn−1 tl ), p = 1, 2, ..., d. Put, A(σ) := P h∞ (A)/(δ n tp − Γp ) where σ := (δ tp − Γ ) is the two-sided δ-ideal generated by the defining equations of σ. Obviously δ induces a derivation δσ ∈ Derk (A(σ), A(σ)), also called the Dirac derivation, and usually just denoted δ. n p Notice that if σi , i = 1, 2, are two different order n dynamical systems, then we may well have, A(σ1 ) ' A(σ2 ) ' P h(n−1) (A)/(σ∗ ), as k-algebras. Assuming that the k-algebra A is finitely generated, and that the dynamical structure σ is such that also A(σ) is finitely generated, we can now use the machinery of (1.3), with γ = δ, the Dirac derivation. The following results, proved in [18], are important for the philosophy of this paper. Theorem 1.21. Formally, at any point v ∈ U (n) ⊂ Simp(C(n)), with local ring Ĉ(n)v , there is a derivation [δ] ∈ Derk (Ĉ(n)v ), and a Hamiltonian Q ∈ EndĈ(n)v (Ṽv ), such that, as operators on Ṽv , we have, δ = [δ] + [Q, −]. This means that for every a ∈ A(σ), considered as an element ρ̃(a) ∈ Mn (Ĉ(n)v ), δ(a) acts on Ṽv as ρ̃(δ(a)) = [δ](ρ̃(a)) + [Q, ρ̃(a)]. In line with our general philosophy, we shall consider [δ] as measuring time in Simpn (A(σ)), respectively in Spec(C(n)). This is reasonable, since the last equation is equivalent to the following statement: The derivation δ induces an extension of Ṽv , as A-module, which is trivial. This is formally true for any derivation δ, by the definition of the versal family, i.e. the Ĉ(n)v -module V̂v . If Ĉ(n)v had not been the versal base space, then we would have had to be careful, see the way time is defined in the configuration space of our Toy Model, in subsection 7.2. Remark 1.22. However, if we have given a representation, ρ : A −→ EndC (Ṽ ), and a derivation γ ∈ Derk (A) such that for any a ∈ A we have, ρ(γ(a)) = ∇γ (ρ(a)) + [Qγ , ρ(a)], where ∇γ ∈ Derk (C) and Qγ ∈ EndC (Ṽ ), this would mean that γ induces a k-derivation, ∇γ + ad([Qγ ), of EndC (Ṽ ), and a derivation, i.e. a connection, ∇γ + Qγ , in Ṽ . This actually means that the corresponding first order changes of the A-module structure of Ṽ , can be considered, equivalently, as a Heisenberg-process, or as a Schrødinger-process. Notice also that EndC(n) (Ṽ ) ' Mn (C(n)), and be prepared, in the sequel, to see this used without further warning. There are local (and even global) extensions of this result, where [δ] and Q may be assumed to be defined (rationally) on C(n), see [18]. In this case, we may see that, provided the field k is (sufficiently) algebraically closed, any quantum field, ψ ∈ EndC(n) (Ṽ ) can be expressed as a (finite) rational COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 23 polynomial of generalized creation and annihilation operators, see (4.4), loc. cit. See also section (3), Entropy. Assume for a while that k = R, the real numbers, and that our constructions go through, as if k were algebraically closed. Let v(τ 0 ) ∈ Simpn (A(σ)) be an element, an event. Suppose there exist an integral curve c of [δ] through v(τ0 ) ∈ Simp1 (C(n)), ending at v(τ1 ) ∈ Simp1 (C(n)), given by the automorphisms e(τ ) := exp(τ [δ]), for τ ∈ [τ0 , τ1 ] ⊂ R. The supremum of τ for which the corresponding point, v(τ ), of c is in Simpn (A(σ)) should be called the lifetime of the particle. It is relatively easy to compute these lifetimes, and so to be able to talk about decay, when the fundamental vector field [δ] has been computed. In [18], we have also proposed a mathematically sound way of treating interaction, purely in terms of non-commutative deformation theory. Let φ(τ0 ) ∈ Ṽ (v0 ) ' V be a (classically considered) state of our quantum system, at the time τ0 , and consider the (uni)versal family, ρ̃ : A(σ) −→ EndC(n) (Ṽ ) restricted to U (n) ⊆ Simp1 (C(n)), the étale covering of Simpn (A(σ)). We shall consider A(σ) as our ring of observables. What happens to φ(τ0 ) ∈ V (0) when time passes from τ0 to τ , along c? This leads to a solution of the Schrödinger equation, dφ = Q(φ), dτ along c, given by the next result, proving that ψ is completely determined, by the value of ψ(τ0 ), for any τ0 ∈ c. Here, we shall not go into the problem of preparing ψ(τ0 ) ∈ V (τ0 ), i.e. of how to exactly determine where we are, at some chosen clock-time, τ , see [18]. Theorem 1.23. The evolution operator u(τ0 , τ1 ) that changes the state ψ(τ0 ) ∈ Ṽ (v0 ) into the state φ(τ1 ) ∈ Ṽ (v1 ), where τ1 − τ0 is the length of the integral curve c connecting the two points v0 and v1 , i.e. the time passed, is given by, Z φ(τ1 ) = u(τ0 , τ1 )(φ(τ0 )) = exp[ Q(τ )dτ ] (φ(τ0 )), c R where exp c is the non-commutative version of the ordinary action integral, essentially defined by the equation, Z Z Z exp[ Q(τ )dt] = exp[ Q(τ )dτ ] ◦ exp[ Q(τ )dτ ] c c2 c1 where c is c1 followed by c2 . In the situation of Theorem (1.23) we observe that, since δ = [δ] + [Q, −]. is a derivation defined in the algebra EndC(n) (Ṽ ), the eigenvalues Λ := {λ} of the eigenvectors aλ of δ, will have a structure as an additive sub-monoide of the reals. Assume now that [[δ], Q] = 0, (which will be the case for trivial metrics in (7.2)), and suppose that [δ](ψ) = νψ and [Q, ψ] = ψ, then, exp(δ)(ψ) = exp(ad(Q))exp([δ])(ψ) = exp(ad(Q))(ψ(t + ν)) = exp()exp(ν)(ψ), which means that if Λ has a generator h0 , then we have a Heisenberg relation, ∆E × ∆t ≥ h := exp(h0 ). where exp() = ∆E, exp(ν) = ∆t. Compare with [18], (4.4), where we consider the singular situation, corresponding to δ = ad(Q). 24 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Remark 1.24. Let A be any associative k-algebra, finitely generated by {ti , i = 1, ..., d}, and let σ be a dynamical structure. Given any representation, ρ : A(σ) → Endk (V ), we must have g i,j := ρ([dti , tj ]) = ρ([dtj , ti ]) = g j,i , and moreover, ρ(δ(g i,j )) = ρ([d2 (ti ), tj ] + [dti , dtj ]). This looks, superficially, like a very generalized field equation, where g i,j is the inverse of a metric, [d2 ti , tj ] is the action of a force, and [dti , dtj ] is the curvature, of ρ. We shall return to this, but first we must introduced the third main ingredient in this story, the relations induced by ”non-observable” infinitesimal automorphisms, the gauge groups. 1.8. Gauge Groups and Invariant Theory. We may use the above in an attempt to make precise the notion of gauge group, gauge fields, and gauge invariance, and thus to be able to understand why the physicists define their objects, the fields and particles, the way they do. Suppose, in line with our philosophy, that we have uncovered the moduli space, M, of the mathematical models X, of our phenomena P, and that C is the affine k-algebra of (an affine open subset of) this space, assumed to contain all the parameters of our interest of the states of X. Suppose, furthermore that we have identified a k-Lie algebra g0 ⊂ Derk (C), of infinitesimal automorphisms, i.e. of derivations of C, a global gauge groupe, leaving invariant the physical properties of our phenomena P. We would then be led to consider the quotient space M/g0 , which in our non-commutative geometry, is equivalent to restricting our representations, ρ : C → Endk (V ), to those representations V for which, g0 ⊂ gV , see (1.2), the Definition (1.2) and Lemma (1.1). This would then imply that the corresponding Hamiltonians, Qγ define a g0 -connection on V , Q : g0 −→ Endk (V ), such that, for all c ∈ C, and for all γ ∈ g0 , ρ(γ(c)) = [Qγ , ρ(c)]. This is usually written, ρ(γ(c)) = [γ, ρ(c)]. The curvature, R(γ1 , γ2 ) := [Qγ1 , Qγ2 ] − Q[γ1 ,γ2 ] ∈ EndC (V ), corresponds to a global force acting on the representation ρ. These forces, mediated by the gauge-particles, λ ∈ g0 , will be the first to be studied in some details, see the next subsection. Put, Rep(C, g0 ) := {ρ ∈ Rep(C)|κ(γρ) = 0, ∀γ ∈ g0 } = {ρ ∈ Rep(C)|g0 ⊂ gρ }, where Rep(C) is the category of all representations of C, and notice that, in the commutative situation, if we consider the case where the gauge group g0 = Derk (C) then Rep(C, g0 ) is the category of C-Connections, for which the space of isomorphism classes is discrete with respect to time. Notice that this is the situation in the classical quantum theory, where the Hilbert Space is always considered as the unique state space of interest. Definition 1.25. An object V ∈ Rep(C, g0 ) is called simple if there are no nontrivial sub-objects of V in Rep(C, g0 ). The generalized quotient Simp(C)/g0 , is by definition, the set, Simp(C : g0 ), of iso-classes of simple objects in Rep(C, g0 ). If the curvature also vanish, there is a canonical homomorphism, φ : U (g0 ) → Endk (V ). where U (g0 ) is the universal algebra of the Lie algebra g0 . COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 25 In the general case let, C 0 (g0 ) ⊂ Endk (C), be the sub-algebra generated by C and g0 . Then we put, for all c ∈ C, γ ∈ g0 , C(g0 ) = C 0 (g0 )/(γc − cγ − γ(c)) and we have an identification between the set of g0 -connections on V , and the set of k-algebra homomorphisms, ρg : C(g0 ) → Endk (V ), since any such would respect the relation above, such that, for c ∈ C, γ ∈ g0 , ρg0 (γc) = ρg0 (γ)ρg (c) = ρg0 (c)ρg0 (γ) + ρg0 (γ(c)). Therefore Rep(C)/g0 := Rep(C : g0 ) ' Rep(C(g0 )), and we note, for memory, the trivial, Lemma 1.26. In the above situation, we have the following isomorphisms, Rep(C)/g0 : = Rep(C : g0 ) ' Rep(C(g0 )) Simp(C)/g0 := Simp(C : g0 ) ' Simp(C(g0 )). Notice that the commutant of C in C(g0 ), of g0 is the subring, C g0 := {c ∈ C|∀γ ∈ g0 , γ(c) = 0} ⊂ C. Notice also that the commutativisation, C(g0 )com , of C(g0 ) is the quotient of C(g0 ) by an ideal containing {γ(c)|c ∈ C, γ ∈ g0 }. Therefore there is a natural map, C g0 → C(g0 )com . However this map may not be injective, so we cannot, in general, identify the rank 1 points of Simp(C, g0 ), with Simp1 (C g0 ). If C is assumed commutative, the classical invariant theory identifies the two schemes, Spec(C)/g0 and Spec(C g0 ), which in the above light, is not entirely kosher. However, if a ⊂ C is an ideal, stable under the action of g0 , then since any derivation γ of C acts on the multiplicative operators a ∈ C as γ(c) = γc − cγ, it is clear that the quotient C/a is a (C, g0 )-representation. Moreover, C/a ∈ Simp1 (C)/g0 if and only if the subset Simp1 (C/a) ⊂ Simp1 (C) is the closure of a maximal integral subvariety for g0 . The space of such integral subvarieties is what we, in [14], have termed the non-commutative quotient, Spec(C)/g0 . Suppose now there is a C-Lie algebra g1 , acting C-linearly on those C-modules V , which we would consider of physical interest. g1 should be called a local gauge group. One may then want to know wether the given action of g0 moves g1 in its formal moduli as C-Lie algebra. If so, the action of g1 would not be invariant under the the gauge transformations induced by g0 , and we should not consider (ρ, g1 ) as physically kosher. If, on the other hand, the action of g0 does not move g1 in its formal moduli, it should follow that there is a relation between the g0 -action (i.e. the connection) on V , and the action of g1 . Now, in the case g0 ⊂ Derk (C), it follows from the Kodaira-Spencer map, ks : Derk (C) → A1 (C, g1 : g1 ), see [3], Lemma(2.3), that we have the following result, 26 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Lemma 1.27. Assume g1 as a C-module is such that g0 ⊂ gg1 , see Definition(1.2), let cki,j ∈ C be the structural constants of g1 with respect to some C-basis {xi }, and let δ : F → g1 be a surjective morphism of a free C-Lie P algebra F onto g1 , mapping the generators xi of F onto xi . Let Fi,j = [xi , xj ] − k cki,j xk ∈ kerδ, and let γ ∈ Derk (C). Then, ks(γ) is the element of A1 (C, g1 : g1 ) determined by the element of HomF (ker(δ), g1 ), given by the map, X Fi,j → − γ(cki,j )xk . k For ks(γ) to be 0, there must exist a C- derivation Dγ : F → g1 , (a potential), such that X X Dγ (Fi,j ) = Dγ ([xi , xj ] − cki,j xk ) = − γ(cki,j )xk k k Let now ∇ : g0 → Derk (g1 ) be a connection on the C-module g1 . Then ks(γ) = 0 iff there exist a g0 -Lie-connection of the form D = ∇ − D on g1 , i.e. a k-linear map, D : g0 → Derk (g1 ), such that, for γ ∈ g0 , c ∈ C, κ ∈ g1 , Dγ (c · κ) = cDγ (κ) + γ(c) · κ. If the curvature, R(γ1 , γ2 ) := [Dγ1 , Dγ2 ] − D[γ1 , γ2 ] representing the 2. order action of g0 on g1 , (the force, as a physicist might have said), vanish, the map, D : g0 → Derk (g1 ), would be a Lie-algebra morphism. And then this notion is related to the notion of a Lie-Cartan pair. In fact, the structure given by D defines a Lie algebra structure on the sum g := g0 ⊕ g1 , with Lie-products of the sum defined as the product in each Lie algebra, and the cross-products defined for, γ ∈ g0 , ξ ∈ g1 , as, [γ, ξ] = Dγ (ξ), A structure like this, a Lie-Cartan pair, is now often called a Lie algebroid. The situation above comes up when we have chosen a dynamical structure σ, with Dirac derivation δ. Assume that there exist, as above a global gauge group, g0 ⊂ Derk (C), and suppose moreover that there is a C-Lie algebra g1 ⊂ DerC (C(σ)) that we would consider physically uninteresting, then we would be lead to consider the quotient of C(σ) by both g0 and g1 , i.e. we will for any representation V of D(σ)/g, g = g0 ⊕ g1 , find a diagram, g0 D / Derk (g1 ) o ∇0 g1 Endk (V ) o ∇1 EndC (V ) where D, ∇0 , and ∇1 are connections. If D has vanishing curvature then there is a connection of the Lie algebroid g, ∇ : g → Endk (V ). The category of simple representations ρ : C → Endk (V ) with this property vis a vis the Lie algebra g, Simp(A)/g. COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 27 is, according to our philosophy, the object of study of mathematical physics. Physicists have a way of classifying, or naming states, i.e. the elements of the representation vector space V , according to certain numbers associated to them, like spin, charge, hyperspin, etc. We find this in the situation above, as follows. Consider the Cartan algebra h ⊂ g1 . It will operate on the above representation space V as diagonal matrices, and the eigenvectors may be labeled by the corresponding eigenvalues. Notice also that if Vi ∈ Rep(C, g), i = 1, 2, then it follows from (1.26) that an extension of the C(g)-module V1 with V2 will also sit in Rep(C, g). Put, as above, A := C(σ) where σ is a dynamical structure, and assume given an action of the Lie algebra g0 on C. Notice that since P h() is a functor in the category of algebras and algebra morphisms, the action of g0 extends to P h(C), but not necessarily to a dynamical system of the type C(σ). This will turn out to be important for our version of the Standard Model. There we will also meet the following extension of the situation above. 1.9. The Generic Dynamical Structures associated to a Metric. Now, let k = R be the real numbers, and consider a commutative polynomial k-algebra, C = k[t1 , ..., tn ]. Moreover, let X g = 1/2 gi,j dti dtj ∈ P h(C), i,j=1,..,r be a Riemannian metric. Recall the formula for the Levi-Civita connection, X ∂gj,k ∂gi,j ∂gk,i + − ). gl,k Γlj,i = 1/2( ∂tj ∂ti ∂tk l ∞ Since in P h (C), we have, X X ∂gi,j δ(g) = dtk dti dtj + gi,j (d2 ti dtj + dti d2 tj ), ∂tk i,j,=1,..,r i,j,k=1,..,r we may plug in the formula, δ 2 tl = −Γl := − X Γli,j dti dtj . on the right hand side, and see that we, in the commutative situation, i.e. for the dynamical structure σ := {[f, f 0 ], f, f 0 ∈ P h(C)}, have got a solution of the Lagrange equation, δ(g) = 0. This solution has the form of a force law, X d2 tl = −Γl := − Γli,j dti dtj , generating a dynamical structure (σ) := (σ(g)) of order 2. The dynamical system is the commutative algebra, C(σ) = k[t, ξ] where ξj is the class of dtj . The Dirac derivation now takes the form, X ∂ ∂ [δ] = (ξl − Γl ), ∂tl ∂ξl l coinciding with the fundamental vector field [δ] in Simp1 (C(σ)) = Spec(k[ti , ξj ]). The equation, [δ](g) = 0 28 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL imply that g is constant along the integral curves of [δ] in Simp1 (P h(C)), and these integral curves projects into Simp1 (C) to give the geodesics of the metric g, with equations, X ẗl = − Γli,j ṫi ṫj . i,j We may also look at this from another point of view. Suppose given any dynamical structure with Dirac derivation δ on P h(C). Consider Simp1 (P h(C)). It is obviously represented by C(1) := k[t, ξ], and the Dirac derivation induces a derivation [δ] ∈ Derk (C(1)), and the Hamiltonian must vanish. Therefore we have two options for the same notion of time in the picture, g and [δ]. The last derivation must therefore be a Killing vector field, i.e. we must have a solution of Lagrange equation, [δ](g) = 0, and we are left with the above solution for δ. Since the metric is related to the gravitational force, the group of isometries, O(g) of the metric g, i.e. the group of algebraic automorphisms of C leaving the metric g invariant would, in line with our philosophy, be an obvious real gauge group. We shall refer to its Lie algebra as, g0 := o(g) Since P h(∗) is a functor, O(g) would also act on P h(C), and would induce an action of g0 on P h(C), and so also on P h∞ (C). Example 1.28. The Action of the Lie Algebra of Isometries Pd Consider the metric, g = 1/2 i=1 gi,j dti dtj ∈ P h(C) and the corresponding Lie P ∂ ∈ algebra of Killing vectors, i.e. the Lie algebra o(g) of derivations, γ = i γi ∂ti Derk (C) acting on P h(C) such that, γ(g) = 0, which is equivalent to, X X X ∂γi ∂γj γ(gi,j )dti dtj + gi,j dtk dtj + gi,j dti dtk = 0. ∂t ∂tk k i,j i,j,k i,j,k implying, for all i, j = 1, ..., d, γ(gi,j ) + X ∂γk ∂ti k gk,j + X ∂γk k ∂tj gi,k = 0. There are two fundamental examples, the Euclidean and the Minkowski metrics. First, suppose all gi,j are constants, and we are interested in the linear derivations. ∂γj We obtain that the derivations are given in terms of matrices, (γi,j ) := ( ), ∂ti where γi,j gj,j = −γj,i gi,i . This gives in dimension 2, for the Euclidean resp. for the Minkowski metric, 0 1 0 1 (γi,j ) = , (γi,j ) = . −1 0 1 0 The corresponding 1-dimensional Lie are given by the exponential, 0 O(g) = exp(τ −1 groups acting on C, with coordinates (t1 , t2 ), 1 cos(τ ) sin(τ ) )= , 0 −sin(τ ) cos(τ ) respectively, O(g) = exp(τ as we know. 0 1 1 cosh(τ ) sinh(τ ) )= . 0 sinh(τ ) cosh(τ ) COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 29 As a contrast to the commutative case, (and the corresponding 1-dimensional representation), let us consider representations, ρ, for which gρ = Derk (C), i.e. representations that have no deformations, where the Dirac derivation [δ] vanishes, and the notion of time is taken care of by the Hamiltonian Q. Pd A non-degenerate metric, g = 1/2 i=1 gi,j dti dtj ∈ P h(C) induces a duality, i.e. an isomorphism of C-modules ΘC = HomC (ΩC , C) ' ΩC . Consider the bilateral ideal (σg ) of P h(C) generated by (σg ) = ([dti , tj ] − g i,j ), and put, C(σg ) := P h(C)/(σg ). Let, moreover, T := −1/2( X Γkk,l dtl + k,l X g k,q Γpk,q gp,l dtl ), k,p,q and consider the inner derivation of C(σg ), defined by, δ := ad(g − T ). After a dull computation, we obtain, in C(σg ), δ(ti ) = dti , i = 1, ..., d. Therefore, by universality, we have a well-defined dynamical structure (σg ), with Dirac derivation, δ = ad(g − T ). It is also easy to see that (σg ) is invariant w.r.t. isometries, implying that o(g) = g0 acts on C(σg ). Any connection, ∇ : ΘC → Endk (E), on a free C-module E, is given in terms of the operators, ∂ , ∇δti = δti + ∇i δti := ∂ti where ∇i ∈ EndC (E), is now a representation, ρ∇ : C(σg ) → Endk (E), defined by, ρ∇ (ti ) = ti , ρ∇ (dti ) = d X g i,j ∇δj =: ∇ξi . j=1 where we have put, i ξi := δ = d X g i,j δj . j=1 Remark 1.29. Notice that the representation, ρ = ρΘ of C(σg ), defined on ΘC , by the Levi-Civita connection, has a Hamiltonian, X Q := ρ(g − T ) = 1/2 g ij ∇δi ∇δj , i,j i.e. the generalized Laplace-Beltrami operator, which is also invariant w.r.t. isometries, although the proof demands some algebra. This is our quantum version of the Einstein Field Equantion, g is the metric, Q is the quantum Mass-Energy-Stress Operator, and X ¯ l ), T = Tl dtl , Tl = −1/2( (Γjj,l + Γ̄jj,l ) = −1/2(trace∇l + trace∇ j see below for the computation, is our replacement of the Ric. 30 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL In this case, i.e. for the Levi-Civita connection, we shall, as above, denote by, ρΘ : C(σgΘ ) → Endk (ΘC ), the representation of C(σgΘ ), and by, D− : ΘC → Endk (ΘC ), the corresponding connection. For the representation, ρΘC , and for an element (a state) ξ ∈ ΘC , we would, in line with classical Quantum Theory, assume the dynamics given by the Schrødinger equation, dξ = Q(ξ), dτ where τ would be an ad hoc chosen time parameter. But, again, we have two, and only two options for the notion of time, namely ξ itself, or the metric g, measuring the time t, see the discussion above. Since we have, dξ Dξ (ξ) = µ , dt where Dξ is the Levi-Civita connection applied to ξ, and µ = g(ξ, ξ)1/2 , it seems reasonable to replace the classical Schrødinger equation, in our situation, by the following, dξ = Q(ξ), ξ ∈ ΘC . dt We shall return to this last equation, in the next section, where we shall refer to it as the Furniture Equation. We find a general equation of motion for the representations of C(σg ), Theorem 1.30 (The Generic Equation of Motion). Consider a C(σg )-representation, ρ : C(σg ) → Endk (V ), then the time development is, formally, given in terms of a parameter, τ , as ρ̃(τ ) = ρ((τ )) : C(σg ) → Endk (V ), where, (τ )) = exp(τ ad(g − T )). Now, to be able to handle this time development, we need to know formulas, in C(σg ), for dl ti , l ≥ 1, i = 1, ..., n. To this end, put, X X ¯ l := (Γ̄j ), T = Γ̄ip,q := g r,i Γlr,p gl,q , ∇ Tl dtl i,l l,r l then, Tl = −1/2( X j ¯ l) (Γj,l + Γ̄jj,l ) = −1/2(trace∇l + trace∇ j 2 δ ti = [g − T, dti ] = −1/2 X (Γ̄ip,q + Γ̄iq,p )dtp dtq p,q + 1/2 X gp,q (Rp,i dtq + dtp Rq,i ) + [dti , T ], p,q where, as above, Ri,j = [dti , dtj ]. Put, X Γj,i g j,k Γik,p , p = k Fi,j := Ri,j − X i,j (Γj,i p − Γp )dtp , p COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 31 and recall (see [18], p. 82), that for any connection ρ, on a C-bundle, E, the corresponding representation of C(σg ) will map Fi,j to the ordinary curvature of the connection In fact, X i,j ρ(Fi,j ) = [ρ(dti ), ρ(dtj )] − (Γj,i p − Γp )ρ(dtp ) = [∇ξi , ∇ξj ] − ∇[ξi ,ξj ] . p Put, for short, F (ξi , ξj ) = Fi,j := ρ(Fi,j ) ∈ EndC (E). Computing, we find, see [18], for a proof, Theorem 1.31 (The Generic Force Laws). In C(σg ) we have the following force laws, X X (1) d2 ti = − 1/2 (Γ̄ip,q + Γ̄iq,p )dtp dtq + 1/2 gp,q (Rp,i dtq + dtp Rq,i ) p,q p,q + [dti , T ] X X (2) d ti = − Γip,q dtp dtq − 1/2 gp,q (Fi,p dtq + dtp Fi,q ) 2 p,q + 1/2 p,q X gp,q [dtp , (Γi,q l − Γq,i l )]dtl + [dti , T ] l,p,q Tl = − 1/2( X j ¯ l ). (Γj,l + Γ̄jj,l ) = −1/2(trace∇l + trace∇ j Remark 1.32. We shall consider the above formulas as general Force Laws, in P h(C), induced by the metric g. This means the following: First, assume given a representation, ρ0 : C → Endk (V ), and pick any tangent vector (momentum) of the formal moduli of the A-module V , i.e. an extension of ρ0 , ρ1 : P h(C) → Endk (V ), then, if ρ1 can be extended to a representation, ρ2 : P h2 (C) → Endk (V ) with, ρ(d2 (d1 ti )) = ρ1 (d2 ti ), given by the formula of the Force Law, this means that the force law has induced a second order momentum in the formal moduli space of the representation ρ1 , usually called E · a(ρ0 ), where E is the energy of the object in movement, and a is the acceleration, explaining the name Force Law. We might also consider (cg ), the δ- stable ideal generated by any one of these equation in P h∞ (C). Since the force laws above holds in the dynamical system defined by (σg ), we obviously have (cg ) ⊂ (σg ), and we might hope these new dynamical systems might lead to new Quantum Field Theories, as defined above, with equally new and interesting properties. One immediate result is that the reduction of the force law (1), to the commutative case give us back the General Relativity, as we have seen above, since the tensors Γ̄ip,q are physically equivalent to Γip,q , so gives us the same results, i.e. the same geodesics, see (1.6). See [18], and also (2.3) for an easy example to test this contention. 32 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL For a connection ∇, on a free C-module E, the second Force Law above will now take the form, in EndC (E), X ρE (d2 ti ) + Γip,q ∇ξp ∇ξq p,q = 1/2 X p Fp,i ∇δp + 1/2 X ∇δp Fp,i + 1/2 p X q,i δq (Γi,q l − Γl )∇ξl + [∇ξi , ρE (T )], l,q P i,j where we, as above, have put ρ(dti ) = j g ∇δj =: ξi .. Notice that considering the representation ρΘ , corresponding to the Levi-Civita connection, the above translate into, ρ(dti ) = [Q, ti ], ρ(d2 ti ) = d X [Q, ρ(dti )], j=1 where Q is the Laplace-Beltrami operator. Given any observable f ∈ P h(C), we would expect that the dynamics of the future values of f to be the spectrum of the operator, f (τ ) := exp(τ · ad(Q))(f ). 1.10. The classical Gauge Invariance. The space of representations, ρ of C(σ) on a free (or projective) C-module V , is given as above, by ρφ (ti ) = ti , ρφ (dti ) = n X g il δl + φi , l=1 where φi ∈ EndC (V ). The set of iso-classes is identified with the space of equivalence classes of the corresponding potentials, φ := (φ1 , φ2 , ..., φn ). It does not form an algebraic variety, but it has a nice structure. The set of potentials, is a vector space, naturally isomorphic to, P := (EndC (V ))n . The tangent space between any two representations, ρl : C(σ) → EndC (Vρl ), l = 1, 2, represented by elements φ(l) ∈ P, l = 1, 2, may also be identified with a quotient of P. In fact, Ext1C(σ) (ρ1 , ρ2 ) = Derk (C(σ), Endk (V ))/T riv. Any derivation ξ ∈ Derk (C(σ), Endk (V )), maps the relations of C(σ) to zero, so we shall have, [ξ(dti ), tj ] + ρ1 (dti )ξ(tj ) − ξ(tj )ρ2 (dti ) = ξ(g i,j ). Since V is a free C-module, such that Ext1C (V, V ) = 0, there exists a linear map, Φ0 ∈ Endk (V ), such that ξ(tj ) = tj Φ0 − Φ0 tj , for all j. We may therefore, for a chosen ξ, assume all ξ(ti ) = 0, and it follows from the above equation, that the derivation ξ is determined by the family of elements, ξ(dti ) ∈ EndC (V )), i = 1, ..., n. We might see this as a reason behind the common physicists notation, simply µ denoting a field by Wa,b , assuming that one understands that the µ is a generic index for a basis of the tangent space. In case ρ1 = ρ2 , corresponding to φ ∈ Pot, we see that the trivial derivations, mapping ti to 0, are exactly those given by the n-tuples, n n X X ∂Φ ∂Φ ) + [φ1 , Φ]), ..., ( g n,j ( ) + [φn , Φ])), (( g 1,j ( ∂t ∂t j j j=1 j for some Φ ∈ EndC (V ). The expression, Φ(φ) := (ξ1 (Φ) + [φ1 , Φ], ..., ξn (Φ) + [φn , Φ]), COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 33 therefore corresponds to an infinitesimal automorphism, Φ, of the space, P, of representations of the algebra C(σg ). In fact, the Lie algebra EndC (V ), acts on a representation of C(σg ), on P, in exactely the same way as the gauge groups acted in (1.6). The physical relevant space is therefore the quotient P, of P with respect to this action. As in the finite dimensional situation, the Dirac derivation induces a vector field, [δ] ∈ ΘP , as long as we, by vector field, understand any map, which to an element φ in P associate an element in its tangent space, i.e. in Ext1C(σ) (Vρ , Vρ ). It must, however, vanish since the Dirac derivation δ = ad(g − T ), necessarily must be mapped to a trivial derivation in Derk (C(σ), Endk (V )), therefore to 0 in Ext1C(σ) (Vρ , Vρ ). This may be interpreted as saying that time acts within each representation, ρ : C(σg ) → Endk (V )! Remark 1.33. The physicists usually write δφ := Φ(φ), not caring to mention Φ, taking for granted that δφ := δΦ (φ) stands for an infinitesimal movement of φ in the direction of Φ, and call the transformation above, an infinitesimal gauge transformation. The literature on gauge theory, and its relation to non-commutativity of space, and to quantization of gravity, is huge. I think that the introduction of the non-commutative phase space, and in the metric case, the generic dynamical system, (σg ) = ([dti , tj ] − g i,j ), can, to some degree, elucidate the philosophy behind this effort. See e.g. the papers, [29], and [22], where the authors initially introduce non-commutativity in the ring of observables generated by coordinates, x̂ν , by imposing, [x̂ν , x̂µ ] = Θν,µ , where Θi,j are constants. The above treatment of the notion of gauge groups and gauge transformations may also explain why, in physics, one considers potentials as interaction carriers, thus as particles mediating force upon other particles. And maybe one can also see why the notion of Ghost particles of Faddeev and Popov, comes in. It seems to me that the introduction of ghost particles is linked to working with a particular section of the quotient map, P → P. The Dirac derivation, which is entirely dependent upon the notion of noncommutative phase space, is not (explisitely) found in present day physics. The parsimony principle is therefore introduced via the construction of a Lagrangian, and an Action Principle, i.e. a function of the (assumed physically significant) variables, the fields and their derivatives, defined in P, assumed to to be invariant under the gauge transformations, so really defined in P, and supposed to stay stable during time development, see [18]. One choice in the context above, is, α Lgf = −1/4F µνα Fµν 1.11. Yang-Mills Theory. Given a metric, g ∈ P h(C), and assume there is a gauge group, i.e. a k- Lie algebra, g0 , operating on C, with extension to C(σ), where σ is a dynamical structure. Normally σ would be σg , and g0 = aut(g), the Lie algebra of Killing vectors associated to the metric g. According to our philosophy, we should consider (as moduli space, for our models), the invariant (or quotient) space, Simp(C)/g0 ' Simp(C(g0 )). 34 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Fix a representation, V ∈ Simp(C)/g0 , given by the structure morphism, ρ : C(→ Endk (V ), then by definition, there is a g0 -connection, ∇ := ∇V : g0 → Endk (V ), such that for all c ∈ C, and all ξ ∈ g0 , ρ(ξ(c)) = [∇(ξ), ρ(c)], where ∇(ξ) correspond to the operator Qξ in Lemma (1.2). Therefore any element ξ ∈ g0 acts upon all representations of C(g0 ), and by the definition of gauge groups, this action should correspond to an equivalence relation. In the general situation, when we also have a local gauge group, i.e. a CLie algebra g1 insensitive to the action of g0 see subsection (1.8), we also have a connection, D0 : g0 → Derk (g1 ), which is a kind of a general Coupling Morphism, leading to a generalization of the Yang-Mills situation, where D(ξ) = ∇ξ + [Qξ , −] with Qξ ∈ g1 . When the Lie algebra morphism, ad : g1 → Der(g1 ) is an isomorphism, this is automatic. Recall that when the curvature of D0 vanish, g := g0 ⊕ g1 is a Lie-algebroid. Then if g1 acts on V , the connection, D0 , extends to a connection, D : g → Endk (V ) When gV = Derk (C) and the C-free C- Lie algebra g1 acts on a C-free module, V , and is insensitive to gV , there are connections, D0 : ΘC → Derk (g1 ), ∇ : ΘC → Endk (V ) leading to a family of representations, ρW : C(σg ) → Endk (V ), parametrized by what physicists call Gauge Fields, the Wil ∈ C, in the following formula, r n X X ∂ Wil γl , + g il ρW (ti ) = ti , ρW (dti ) = ∂tl l=1 l=1 Pr where {γi , i = 1, ..., r} is a C-basis for g1 . Put, Wi := l=1 Wil γl , and as above, Pr ∂ , and denote by cpl,m the structural constants of g1 , such that, ξi = l=1 g il ∂tl r X [γl , γm ] = cpl,m γp . p=1 Now, consider the curvature of this representation, Fi,j = DW (Ri,j ) := DW ([dti , dtj ]) = [ξi , ξj ] + r r X X (∇ξi (Wjl γl ) − ∇ξj (Wil γl ) + cpl,m Wil Wjm γp . l=1 l,m,p=1 Notice that for the Euclidean and for the case that the connection ∇ is P metric, l trivial, one obtains, Fi,j = Fi,j γl , with, l Fi,j := (ξi Wjl − ξj Wil ) + r X clp,m Wip Wjm , p,m=1 which is the classical expression for the curvature in this case. Due to the Coupling Morphism D, any gauge field W induces an action on all representation ρ : C(σ) → Endk (V ), a Gauge transformation, which we shall return to later. The Euler-Lagrange equations of the Lagrangian, α Lgf = −1/4F µνα Fµν , COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 35 mentioned above, then gives us the corresponding equation of motion, a c ξµ Fµν + ccab W µb Fµν = 0, the Yang-Mills equation, corresponding to the vanishing of, n X 1/2 [Fi,j , ξj + Wj ]. j=1 With a Source added, it looks like, a c ξµ Fµν + ccab W µb Fµν = −Jνa . In the general metric case, with non-abelian gauge group, it is difficult to find gauge invariant Lagrangians of reasonable physical relevance, so we have to operate differently. Here is where the Generic Equation of Motion above, comes in and give us equations of motion, quite generally. Recall that the Force Law is given by, X X d2 ti = − Γip,q dtp dtq − 1/2 gp,q (Fi,p dtq + dtp Fi,q ) p,q + 1/2 X p,q gp,q [dtp , (Γi,q l − Γq,i l )]dtl + [dti , T ]. l,p,q When the metric is trivial, or Minkowski, this reduces to, X X X d2 ti = −1/2 gp,p (Fi,p dtp + dtp Fi,p ) = − gp,p Fi,p dtp − 1/2 gp,p [dtp , Fi,p ]. p p p Therefore, ρ(d2 ti ) = − X p,m gp,p Fi,p ρ(dtp )−1/2 X gp,p p,m X ∂ m m q (Fi,p )γm −1/2 gp,p Wpl Fi,p cl,m γq , ∂tp p,l,m where we, as usual, let the curvature conserve its name, Fi,j := ρ(Fi,j ). The YangMills equation above, is now seen to imply, X ρ(d2 ti ) = − gp,p Fi,p ρ(dtp ). p,m This, however indicates that the tangent to the representation ρ̇ given by, X X ∂ m m q ξ = (ξi ) = (−1/2 gp,p (Fi,p )γm − 1/2 gp,p Wpl Fi,p cl,m γq ), ∂t p p,m p,l,m is a classical 0-tangent, so the Yang-Mills equation just should tell us that there exist a potential Φ ∈ Endk (V ), such that, n n X X ∂Φ ∂Φ ) + [φ1 , Φ]), ..., ( g n,j ( ) + [φn , Φ])). (ξi ) = (( g 1,j ( ∂t ∂t j j j j=1 Interpreting ρ(d2 ti ) = mai and ρ(dtp ) = mvp , we recover the classical equation of movement in an field. Compare with the Lorentz Force Law, for an electric field, see Example (6.4), and also [18], p. 115, ai = n X Fi,p vp . p=1 Remark 1.34. As we shall see, in the next section, the gauge groups of the standard model, i.e. the Lie algebras, g0 := u(1) × sl(2) ⊂ g01 := u(1) × su(2) × su(3), which is part of our toy model, see [18], also pops up in our cosmological model, H̃, see section 3, and now as a real local gauge group in the above sense. The elementary 36 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL particles in that model should therefore, in line with the usage of present quantum theory, be the points of Simp(P h(H̃)(g)). In fact, we shall see that an impressive part of the structure of the Standard Model, is contained in this non-commutative quotient (or invariant) space. 1.12. Reuniting GR, Y-M and General Quantum Field Theory. Let us have a look at the significance of the conclusion of the subsections (1.6), (1.7), (1.8), and the Remarks (1.5) and (1.19). We have, for every polynomial algebra C, outfitted with some metric g, proved that there exist a derivation, η := ad(g − T ) ∈ Derk (P h(C)), such that it coincides with the canonical derivation d : C → C(σg ), in the generic dynamical system (GDS). The corresponding force laws in P h(C), see the Theorem (1.31), generates equations of motions in General Relativity (GR), as well as in the generalized Yang-Mills (YM) theory introduced above. In fact, we find a very satisfying identity between the notions of Time in GDS, GR and in Y M . The Dirac derivation δ = ad(g − T ) in GDS, inducing [δ] = 0 and a Hamiltonian equal to the Laplace-Beltrami operator, Q = ad(g − T ). Since T vanish in P h(C)com , the time in GR, reduces to the Dirac derivation, [δ] = X l (ξl ∂ ∂ − Γl ), ∂tl ∂ξl and a trivial Hamiltonian. The Schrødinger equation in GDS is given as, (Q − E)(ψ) = 0. The corresponding notion in General Quantum Theory (GQT), including the Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and generalised Yang-Mills theory, turns out to be a composition of a Dirac derivation [δ] and a Hamiltonian Q = ad(g − T ). To unify General Quantum Theory (GQT), including the Quantum Field Theory (QFT), and GR, we should just need to consider the dynamical system, C(g), generated by, say, the Force Laws of type (1). Unluckily the structure of this system, in general, seems to be very complicated. It is, for example, not easy to decide whether or not C(g) has finite dimensional representations at all. However, we may study an obvious unification of GR, GDS, and GQT, where the algebra of observables is P h∞ (C), and we shall show that we are able to classify, i.e. compute the moduli space of, the finite dimensional representations of P h∞ (C), even though this space will turn out to be of infinite dimension. Thus we may hope to extend the method of subsection (1.3), and obtain a unified theory.There are, however, lots of problems involved in this scheme, one is the action of the gauge groups that turns up. Another is the philosophically difficult, but certainly reasonable, consequence of this restriction of the theory to just the finitely defined measurable entities: Our Space, and everything else modelled by the theory, would be discrete, simple objects would have pointlike structures. We start by studying the structure of the derivation ad(g − T ) of P h(C), as deduced from the universal structure of the P h? (C). Consider the commutative COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 37 diagram, C / P h3 (C) . . . / P h2 (C) hh p h h p h h h ppp hhhh q1 pphpqh2hhhhhhq3 p p wp hhh i / P h(C) sh π / C(σg ) NNN NNNρ NNN ρ0 NN' ρ̃ i/ / Endk (V ) P h(C)(part) C / P h(C)(com) CO C i / P h(C) / P h∞ (C)δ where P h(C)(part) := P h(C/([dti , tj ])) and P h(C)(com) := P h(C/([dti , tj ]), [dti , dtj ]), uniquely defined by, i ◦ ad(g − T ) =d ◦ q1 : C → P h(C) q1 ◦ ad(g − T ) =d ◦ q2 : P h(C) → P h(C) qn ◦ ad(g − T ) =d ◦ qn+1 : P hn (C) → P h(C), n ≥ 1 From the commutativity of the diagram, we observe that given a representation, ρ : P h(C) → Endk (V ), its dynamical properties with respect to the derivation η := ad(g−T ), are equivalent to those induced by the infinite family of representations, qn ◦ ρ : P hn (C) → Endk (V ), with respect to the canonical Dirac derivation δ of P h∞ (C). This follows from, η n ◦ ρ = δ n ◦ qn ◦ ρ. The computation of the moduli space of finite dimensional representations of P h∞ (C), mentioned above, and the further analysis of the resulting ”Quantum Field Theory” will, for economical reasons, be postponed until subsections (3.3)and (6.2). However, this is the place for a remark, taking a new look at the framework of the theory covered up to now. Remark 1.35. In Ph(C) we have the relations, [dti , tj ] + [ti , dtj ] = 0, and the same relations will hold in any Dynamical System of the form, C(σ) = P h∞ (C)/(σ) see (1.4). In particular for those of order two we will have δ(ti ) = dti , d2 ti := δ 2 (ti ) ∈ C(σ), and we find the relations, X hi,j [dti , tj ] = [dtj , ti ] = g i,j (t) + p (t, dt) p≥1 where the hi,j p (t, dt) are (non-commutative) polynomials in the generators ti , dtj of degree p in the dtj -s. And, of course, we may assume, j,i g i,j = g j,i , hi,j p = hp . Above we have studied the situation where g i,j is the inverse of a metric g, and hi,j p = 0. This led to force laws generalising Yang-Mills and General Relativity for representations ρ0 . In (7.2) we shall see that a combination of this ”global” set-up, with a localised ”gauge version” based on the representations ρ̃, lead to a kind of 38 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Quantum Field Theory, containing generalisations of the classical Dirac equation. What happens if one tries out the possibility above with hi,j p 6= 0, I do not know! 2. Time-space and Space-times 2.1. A Toy Model. In the first paper on the problem of defining Time, see [14], we sketched a toy model in physics, where the space-time of classical physics became a section of a universal fibre space Ẽ, defined on the moduli space, H := Hilb(2) (A3 ), of the physical systems we chose to consider, in this case the systems composed of an observer and an observed, both sitting in the affine real 3-space, A3 . This moduli space, the Hilbert scheme of subschemes of length 2 in A3 (k), is easily computed, and has the form H = H̃/Z2 , where H = k[t1 , ..., t6 ], k = R and H := Simp1 (H) is the space of all ordered pairs of points in A3 , H̃ is the blow-up of the diagonal, and Z2 is the obvious group-action. Denote by γ ∈ Z2 the generator, which we shall show will give us the parity operator, defining chirality in QT. The space H, and by extension, H and H̃, was called the time-space of the model. Measurable time, in this mathematical model, turned out to be a metric g on the time-space, measuring all possible infinitesimal changes of the state of the objects in the family we are studying. This implies that the notion of relative velocity may be interpreted as an oriented line in the tangent space of a point of H̃. Thus the space of velocities is compact. This lead to a physics where there are no infinite velocities, and where the principle of relativity comes for free. The Abelian Lie-algebra of translations in A3 ˜ in the tangent bundle of H̃, corresponding defines a 3-dimensional distribution, ∆ to 0-velocities. Given a metric on H̃, we defined the distribution c̃, corresponding ˜ We explained how the classical spaceto light-velocities, as the normal space of ∆. time can be thought of as a universal subspace, M̃ (l), of H̃, defined by a fixed line l ⊂ A3 . We also showed how the generator γ ∈ Z2 , above, is linked to the operators C, P, T in classical physics, such that γ 2 = γP T = id. Moreover, we observed that the three fundamental gauge groups of current quantum theory U (1), SU (2) and SU (3) are part of the structure of the fiber space, Ẽ −→ H̃. In fact, introduce bases in affine 3-space, so that we may talk about the Euclidean 3-space E3 . For any point t = (o, x) in H, outside the diagonal ∆, we may consider the line l in E3 defined by the pair of points (o, x) ∈ E3 × E3 . We may also consider the action of U (1) on the normal plane Bo (l), of this line, oriented by the normal (o, x), and on the same plane Bx (l), oriented by the normal (x, o). Using parallel transport in E3 , we find an isomorphisms of bundles, Po,x : Bo → Bx , P : Bo ⊕ Bx → Bo ⊕ Bx , the partition isomorphism. Using P we may write, (v, v) for (v, Po,x (v)) = P ((v, 0)). We have also seen, in loc.cit., that the line l defines a unique sub scheme H(l) ⊂ H. The corresponding tangent space at (o, x), is called A(o,x) . Together this define a decomposition of the tangent space of H, TH = Bo ⊕ Bx ⊕ A(o,x) . If t = (o, o) ∈ ∆, and if we consider a point o0 in the exceptional fiber Eo of H̃ we find that the tangent bundle decomposes into, ˜ T 0 = Co0 ⊕ Ao0 ⊕ ∆, H̃,o ˜ is the where Co0 is the tangent space of Eo , Ao0 is the light velocity defining o0 and ∆ 0-velocities. Both Bo and Bx as well as the bundle C(o,x) := {(ψ, −ψ) ∈ Bo ⊕ Bx }, COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 39 become complex line-bundles on H−∆. C(o,x) extends to all of H̃, and its restriction to Eo coincides with the tangent bundle. Tensorising with C(o,x) , we complexify all bundles. In particular we find complex 2-bundles CBo and CBx , on H − ∆, and we obtain a canonical decomposition of the complexified tangent bundle. Any real metric on H will decompose the tangent space into the light-velocities c̃ and ˜ This decomposition can, of course, also be extended to the the 0-velocities, ∆. complexified tangent bundle of H̃, ˜ CTH = Cc̃ ⊕ C∆. ˜ TH = c̃ ⊕ ∆, Clearly, U (1) acts on TH , and SU (2) and SU (3) acts naturally on CBo ⊕ CBx ˜ respectively. Moreover SU (2) acts also on CCo0 , in such a way that the and C∆ actions should be physically irrelevant. The groups, U (1), SU (2), SU (3) are our elementary gauge groups, and we shall consider the corresponding Lie algebra, G := u(1) ⊕ su(2) ⊕ su(3) as the gauge group, in the sense of (1.5). We shall also see, in section 4, that the gauge group structure, introduced here actually follows from purely algebraic geometry, no need to introduce an Euclidean metric! The reader is hereby warned, there will be no warnings when we suddenly go from a real situation, i.e.from k = R to a complexifyed situation, where k = C. There are few problems involved and one should, unless mistakes, easily understand what is going on. 2.2. Newton’s and Kepler’s Laws. Let us study the geometry of H. Recall that H̃ → H, is the (real) blow up of the diagonal ∆ ⊂ H, where H is the space of pairs of points in E3 . Clearly any point t ∈ H outside the diagonal, determines a vector ξ(o, p) and an oriented line l(o, p) ⊂ E3 , on which both the observer o and the observed p sits. This line also determines a subscheme H(l) ⊂ H, see above and [16], and in H(l) there is unique light velocity curve l(t), through t, an integral curve of the distribution c̃, and this curve cuts the diagonal ∆ in a unique point c(o, p), the center of gravity of the observer and the observed, and thus defines a unique point ξ(t), of the blow-up of the diagonal, in the fiber of H̃ → H, above c(o, x). Recall that the subspace M̃ (l) ⊂ H̃, corresponding to a line l ⊂ A3 , referred to above, consists of all points (o, p) ∈ H̃ for which c(o, p) ∈ l. Any tangent η := (η1 , η2 ), η2 = −η1 , of H in c̃, at t = (o, x), normal to l(t), corresponds to a light velocity, to a spin vector, η1 × ξ(o, p), in E3 , with spin axis, the corresponding oriented line. The length of the spin vector is called the spin momentum of η. There is a convenient parametrisation of H̃. Consider, as above, for each t ∈ H̃ the length ρ, in E3 , the Euclidean space, of the vector (o, p). Given a point λ ∈ ∆, and a point ξ ∈ E(λ) = π −1 (λ), the fiber of, π : H̃ → H, at the point λ, for o = p. Since E(λ) is isomorphic to S 2 , parametrized by ω = (φ, θ), any element of H̃ is now uniquely determined in terms of the triple t = (λ, ω, ρ), such that c(t) := c(o, p) = λ, and such that ξ is defined by the line op, and the action of θ keeps ξ fixed. Here ρ ≥ 0, see also the section Cosmology, Cosmos and Cosmological Time. Notice also that, at the exceptional fiber, i.e. for ρ = 0, the momentum corresponding to dρ is not defined. Consider any metric on H̃, of the form, g = hρ (λ, φ, ρ)dρ2 + hφ (λ, φ, ρ)dφ2 + hλ (λ, φ, ρ)dλ2 , 40 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL where dφ2 = dφ2 + sin2 φdθ2 , is the natural metric in S 2 = E(λ). Later, in section 6, we shall come back to the conditions that a metric should satisfy, given the fact that there are gauge groups acting. A first reasonable condition is that the component hφ (λ, φ, ρ) should not depend on θ. We shall also see that to be able to model black holes, and certainly the Big Bang event itself, we shall have to accept that the metric may degenerate in a certain subspace, from now on called the Horizon. We shall demand that everywhere else it is non-degenerate, and since the space H̃ is smooth everywhere, locally isomorphic to an affine space, the spectrum of a polynomial algebra C, everything we have done in section (1) is valid outside the Horizon in this model. It is reasonable to believe that the geometry of (H̃, g), might explain the notions like energy, mass, charge, etc. In fact, we tentatively propose that the source of mass and charge etc. is located in the black holes E(λ). This would imply that mass, charge, etc. are properties of the 5-dimensional superstructure of our usual 3-dimensional Euclidean space, essentially given by a density, h(λ, φ, θ). This might bring to mind Kaluza-Klein-theory. However, it seems to me that there are important differences, making comparison very difficult. Let us first treat the following simple case, hρ = ( ρ−h 2 ) , hφ = (ρ − h)2 , hλ = 1, ρ where h is a positive real number. This metric is everywhere defined in the subspace of M (l), where we have reduced the spherical coordinates ω, to just φ. Notice that for ρ = 0, there are no tangent vectors in dρ direction. It clearly reduces to the Euclidean metric far away from ∆, and it is singular on the horizon of the black hole, given by ρ = h, which in H is simply a sphere in the light-space, of radius h. Moreover it is clear that h is also the radius of the exceptional fibre, since the length of the circumference of ρ = 0, is 2πh. Clearly, the exceptional fiber, the black hole itself, is not visible, and does not bound anything. However, the horizon bounds a piece of space. Moreover, if we reduce the horizon to a point in H, then the circumference, or area of the exceptional fiber, as measured using the above metric, reduces to zero, and the metric becomes the usual Euclidean metric. To understand the geometry of this space, including the notion of gravity, we shall reduce to a plane in the light directions, i.e. we shall just assume that S 2 = E(λ), is reduced to a circle, with coordinate φ. This is actually an innocent restriction, as is easily seen. The corresponding equations for the geodesics in H̃ are, see [18], h dρ 2 ρ2 dφ d2 ρ = −( )( ) + ( )( )2 , dt2 ρ(ρ − h) dt (ρ − h) dt d2 φ dρ dφ = −2/(ρ − h) 2 dt dt dt d2 λ = 0. dt2 where t is time. But time is, by definition, the distance function in H̃, so we must have, ρ − h 2 dρ 2 dφ dλ ( ) ( ) + (ρ − h)2 ( )2 + ( )2 = 1, ρ dt dt dt from which we find, ( dρ 2 dλ dφ ) = ρ2 (ρ − h)−2 (1 − ( )2 ) − ρ2 ( )2 . dt dt dt COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 41 dλ From the third equation, we find that dtj , j = 1, 2, 3, are constants, and | dλ dt | is dλ 2 2 the rest-mass of the system. Put K = (1 − | dt | ), then K is the kinetic energy of the system. The definition of time therefore give us, dρ 2 dφ ) = (ρ − h)−2 K 2 − ( )2 . dt dt Put this into the first equation above, and obtain, ρ−2 ( ρ ρ+h 1 dφ d2 ρ = −hK 2 ( +( ) )ρ( )2 . 2 2 dt ρ − h (ρ − h) ρ−h dt Assume now r := ρ − h ≈ ρ, we find, hK 2 dφ d2 r = − + r( )2 , 2 2 dt r dt i.e. Keplers first law. The constant h, i.e. the radius of the exceptional fibre, is thus also related to mass. Recall that the Schwarzschild radius, the Einstein equivalent to h, is assumed to be, rs = 2GM/c2 , where, G = Newton’s gravitational constant, M = mass, c = speed of light, which here, of course, is put equal to 1. As we have hinted at above, this suggests that mass, is a property of the space H̃. In this case it is a function of the surface of the exceptional fibre, i.e. the black hole, associated with the point λ in the ordinary 3-space ∆. In the same way, the second equation above gives us Keplers second law, d2 φ dr dφ r( 2 ) + 2( )( ) = 0. dt dt dt Notice that with the chosen metric, time, in light velocity direction, is standing still on the horizon ρ = h, of the black hole at λ ∈ ∆. Therefore no light can escape from the black hole. In fact, no geodesics can pass through ρ = h. Notice also that, for a photon with light velocity, we have K = 1, so we may measure h, by measuring the trajectories of photons in the neighborhood of the black hole. Finally, see that if the distance between the two interacting points is close to constant, i.e. if we have a circular movement, the left side of the time-equation becomes zero, and we therefore have the following equation, (ρ − h)dφ = Kdt, which may be related to the perihelion precession, and also to the Thomas Precession, see [27] and [30]. Now suppose we use the quantum-theoretical general force law of our metric, reduced to the commutative case, then we obtain, X d2 ti = − Γ̄ip,q dtp dtq . p,q We would have got the same Kepler’s laws, except that the first law would have had the form, d2 r hK 2 dφ = − − r( )2 , 2 2 dt r dt which is curious, since it corresponds to an (attractive) centripetal force. Example 2.1. Recall Example (1.28) and let us compute the Killing vectors, i.e. the global gauge group g0 , for this metric. With the above indexes, one obtains, γ = γρ ∂ ∂ ∂ + γφ + γλ ∈ g, ∂ρ ∂φ ∂λ 42 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL if and only if, ∂γp ∂γp gp,j + gi,p = 0. ∂ti ∂tj There is just one solution γρ = 0., γφ = const, γλ = const, so g0 is just the rotations in φ and the translations in λ. γ(gi,j ) + If we, in our metric, permit the radius of the black hole, h, to depend on λ, i.e. be given by a function of the form, h(λ), so that the metric looks like, ρ − h(λ) 2 2 ) dρ + (ρ − h(λ))2 dφ2 + κ(λ)dλ2 , ρ then the force law formulas above become more involved, ( h(λ) dρ 2 dh dρ dλ ρ2 dφ d2 ρ 2 = −( )( ) )( )( )( ) + ( )( )2 , + ( dt2 ρ(ρ − h(λ)) dt (ρ − h(λ)) dλ dt dt (ρ − h(λ)) dt dρ dφ d2 φ dh dφ dλ = −2/(ρ − h(λ)) + 2/(ρ − h(λ))( )( )( ) dt2 dt dt dλ dt dt (ρ − h(λ) 1 dh dρ dh dφ d2 λ 1 dln(κ) dλ 2 =( )( )( )( )2 + (ρ − h(λ))( )( )( )2 + 1/2( )( ) 2 dt ρ κ(λ) dλ dt κ(λ) dλ dt dλ dt where t, as above, is time. dh We find that, if ( dλ ) is negative, then for ρ ≤ h(λ) the acceleration of ρ is positive, and unlimited for ρ close to h(λ), and the acceleration of λ is negative. We shall come back to this in relation to the Big Bang and inflation. Remark 2.2. Recall the classical Schwarzschild metric, 2GM 2 2GM −1 2 ds2 = (1 − )dt − (1 − ) dr − r2 (dφ2 + sin2 (φ)dθ2 ) 2 rc rc2 Promoting ds to be our dλ, and solving for dt, we obtain, r 2 2 r dt2 = ( ) dr + r2 ( )(dφ2 + sin2 (φ)dθ2 ) r−h r−h with h = GM c−2 . Consider the partition operator P , and put r = h − ρ, then, r ρ−h 2 ( )=( ), r = (ρ − h)2 r−h ρ and we are very close to our metric above, the difference maybe having to do with the definition of the material content of the Space. See next subsection. 2.3. Thermodynamics, the Heat Equation and Navier-Stokes. Let us now go back to Section (1.9), and consider the generic dynamical structure (σg ), related to the metric on H̃, of the form, g = h1 (λ, φ, ρ)dρ2 + h2 (λ, φ, ρ)dφ2 + h3 (λ, φ, ρ)dλ2 , where dφ2 is the natural metric in S 2 = E(λ). Recall for C = H = k[t1 , ..., t6 ], and a non-singular Riemannian metric g = P 1/2 i,j=1,..,r gi,j dti dtj ∈ P h(C), the notations, X X i,j Γj,i g j,k Γik,p , Ri,j := [dti , dtj ], Fi,j := Ri,j − (Γj,i p = p − Γp )dtp , p k and the general force Law in P h(C), d2 ti = − X Γip,q dtp dtq − 1/2 p,q + 1/2 X gp,q (Fi,p dtq + dtp Fi,q ) p,q X l,p,q q,i gp,q [dtp , (Γi,q l − Γl )]dtl + [dti , T ], COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 43 generating the dynamical structure c := c(g). Remark 2.3. In principle, according to our philosophy, the natural common quantization of classical general relativity and Yang-Mills theory would be based on the dynamical properties of Simp≤∞ (H̃(c)), with respect to the versal family, ρ̃ : OH̃(c) → EndH̃(c) (Ṽ ), where we have to consider OH̃(c) as a presheaf of associative k-algebras, defined in H̃. As a first try, we shall concentrate on situations where the Dirac vectorfield [δ] vanish at a chosen representation, a situation that we have termed singular. In particular, we shall treat the structure of the Levi-Civita representation. It is reasonable to believe that the geometry of (H̃, g), might explain the notions like energy, mass, charge, etc. In fact, we tentatively propose that the source of mass and charge etc. is located in the black holes E(λ). This would imply that mass, charge, etc. are properties of the 5-dimensional metric superstructure of our usual 3-dimensional Euclidean space, essentially given by a density, h(λ, φ, θ). This might bring to mind Kaluza-Klein-theory. However, it seems to me that there are important differences, making comparison very difficult. Recall that at a point t = (o, x) ∈ H −∆, the tangent space, ΘH̃ (t), is represented by the space of all pairs of 3-vectors, ξ(t) = (ξo , ξx ), ξo , fixed at o, and ξx , fixed at the point x in E3 . Moreover, any such tangent vector may, depending only upon ˜ and the choice of metric, be decomposed into the sum ξ = ξ1 + ξ2 , with ξ1 ∈ ∆, ξ2 ∈ c̃. Recall also that the center of gravity of the observer and the observed, c(o, x) ∈ ∆, defined in terms of a Euclidean structure on our 3-dimensional space, defines a unique point ξ(t), of the blow-up of the diagonal, in the fiber of H̃ → H, above c(o, x). Now, consider the Levi-Civita connection, ρΘ : H̃(σg ) → EndR (ΘH̃ ), together with the Hamiltonian, i.e. the Laplace-Beltrami operator, Q ∈ EndH̃ (ΘH̃ ). Any state ξ ∈ ΘH̃ , may be interpreted as a (relative) momentum (ξo , ξx ) of the pair of points (o, x) ∈ E3 , defined for all pairs of points in the domain of definition for ξ. Write, as above, ˜ ξ = p + m, p = (p1 , p2 , p3 , 0, 0, 0) ∈ c̃, m = (0, 0, 0, m1 , m2 , m3 ) ∈ ∆, where we have introduced local coordinates, (λ1 , λ2 , λ3 , x1 , x2 , x3 ), such that ˜ = (δλ , δλ , δλ ), and c̃ = (δx1 , δx2 , δx3 ) ∆ 1 2 3 The norms, µ := |ξ|, m := |m|, κ := |p| defined by ξ, are the energy-density, the density of mass, and the density of kinetic momentum, respectively. We find that (p1 , p2 , p3 ) is a classical relative momentumvector, and, v = (v1 , v2 , v3 ) := µ−1 (p1 , p2 , p3 ), is a classical velocity vector. Consider now the corresponding Schrødinger equation, our Furniture equation, d (ξ) = Q(ξ). dt Time, here, is the notion used in quantum theory, and Q is the Laplace-Beltrami operator. We have, however, introduced another notion of time, the metric in general relativity theory, and they should be equal. Therefore we must have, d = µ−1 Dξ , dt as operators on ΘH̃ . 44 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Let us compute the left hand side of the Schrødinger equation. It is clear that, d d d (ξ) = (m) + (p) dt dt dt 3 3 3 3 X X X X = µ−1 mj Dλj (m) + µ−1 mj Dλj (p) + vj Dxj (m) + vj Dxj (p). 1 1 1 1 Reduce to the space-time like sub-scheme M̃ (l) ⊂ H̃, corresponding to a chosen line l ⊂ A3 , see (2.2), above, and consult [18]. Then the 3-dimensional vector P3 ∂ ∂ ∂ , reduces to, m ,, and the term, µ−1 m may be compared to m = i=1 mi ∂λi ∂λ ∂λ ∂ , where τ is the relativistic proper time. ∂τ The outcome of this is that, reduced to the subscheme M (l), the Schrødinger ∂ equation is, in a realistic classical Euclidean situation, where Dλj = , the ∂λj coupled equation, containing the general, relativistic Heat Equation (HE), 3 dm ∂m X ∂m = + vj = ∆(m) dt ∂τ ∂xj j=1 and the ”relativistic” Navier-Stokes Equation (NSE), 3 ∂pi X ∂pi dpi vj = + = ∆(pi ), i = 1, 2, 3. dt ∂τ ∂xj j=1 P3 ∂2 ∂2 + . j=1 ∂λ2 ∂x2j Computing, we find for (NSE), where ∆ = Q = 3 X ∂pi ∂vi ∂µ ∂pi vj =µ + vi , = µ(v∇vi ) + (v∇µ)vi ∂τ ∂τ ∂τ ∂x j j=1 where ∇ is the dimension 3 del-operator, with respect to the parameters x = (x1 , x2 , x3 ). Let ∇ be the dimension 4 del-operator, with respect to the parameters (λ, x1 , x2 , x3 ), put, v = (ν/µ, v1 , v2 , v3 ), and compute, ∆(pi ) = µ∆(vi ) + 2∇µ∇vi + ∆(µ)vi , from which we deduce an equation, close to the classical Navier-Stokes equation, ∂vi + v∇vi ) = µ∆(vi ) + 2∇µ∇vi + ∆(µ)vi − (v∇µ)vi , i = 1, 2, 3. ∂τ Remark 2.4. Any vector field ξ ∈ ΘH̃ may be interpreted as a description of the relative state of the space, everywhere, a kind of mass-stress-tensor, describing the situation of all pairs of points in our 3-dimensional space, together with any corresponding pair of momenta. (The Furniture of our cosmos, referred to in the title of this paper, will be a state ξ of a much more complex representation, of the gauge groups, possibly an iterated extension of the simple ”atoms” of ΘH̃ ). In general, we might hope that knowing ξ, i.e. the 6 functions defined in H̃, locally defining the vector ξ, the Schrødinger equation would determine the metric, g, i.e. the 6 functions hρ , hφ , hλ . This would presumably lead to time-developments ξ(T ) and g(T ), determined by any given ground-state, ξ? , and clocked by some parameter T . This would again have as a consequence, that any cyclic behavior of the phenomenon modeled by ξ(T ), would lead to a gravitational wave defined by g(T ). µ( COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 45 In particular, the collapsing of a star, or the Big Bang event, both usually modeled as a fluid depending on pressure, temperature, energy density, viscosity, entropy, would in the above scenario, define a generalised gravitational wave, g(T ). We would therefore be tempted to consider the Schrødinger equation, d (ξ) = Q(ξ), dt as our Field Equation, replacing the Einstein Field Equation. A solution would be a metric g determining the dynamics of the past and the future of our space. To make this reasonably understandable, we need a mathematical model of the beginning of it all, of the Big Bang. This is, however, the subject of the section 4. As a first example, of the usefulness of the Schrødinger equation, in studying the geometry of our universe, consider the very special case of the metric of the last section, defined by, hρ = ( ρ−h 2 ) , hφ = (ρ − h)2 , h3 = 1, ρ where h is a positive real number. Put ρ = t1 , φ = t2 , λ = t3 , then we find, Γ11,1 = h/ρ(ρ − h), Γ12,2 = −ρ2 /(ρ − h) Γ21,2 = 1/(ρ − h), Γ22,1 = 1/(ρ − h) Γ3i,j = 0 All other components vanish. Since we now have the opportunity, let us just check that the contention of the Remark (1.14), i.e. in this case, the identities, k Γi,j = Γki,j , proving that for this metric, the dynamical model of Yang Mills, i.e. for connections, and the corresponding for general relativity, is fused at the P h2 -level. Moreover we find the following formulas, ∂ + ∇ρ , ∂ρ ∂ Dφ := ∇δ2 = + ∇φ , ∂φ ∂ Dλ := ∇δ3 = + ∇λ ∂λ 3 X Q= 1/hi ∇2δi Dρ := ∇δ1 = i=1 ρ(δ 2 (ti )) = [Q, ρ(dti )] = 1/hi [Q, ∇δi ]. 46 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Here the hi is the function defined above, i.e. gi,i in our metric, and, h/ρ(ρ − h) 0 0 0 1/(ρ − h) 0 ∇ρ = 0 0 0 2 0 −ρ /(ρ − h) 0 0 0 ∇φ = 1/(ρ − h) 0 0 0 ∇λ = 0 0 −1/ρ(ρ − h) 0 0 0 [∇ρ , ∇φ ] = −ρ/(ρ − h) 0 0 0 −hρ−2 (ρ − h)−1 − hρ−1 (ρ − h)−2 0 ∂ 2 −2 0 −(ρ − h)−2 ∇ρ = ρ (ρ − h) ∂ρ 0 0 0 2hρ 0 ∂ 0 0 ∇φ = (ρ − h)−2 −1 ∂ρ 0 0 0 0 0 0 The Schrødinger equation looks like, ∂ξ = µQ(ξ), ∂t for a general vector field, ξ = (f1 , f2 , f3 ), we find, Dξ (ξ) = µ ∂f1 ∂f2 ∂f3 , f1 , f1 ) + f1 (f1 h(ρ − h))−1 , f2 h(ρ − h)−1 , 0) ∂ρ ∂ρ ∂ρ ∂f1 ∂f2 ∂f3 +(f2 , f2 ( , f2 ) + f2 (−f2 ρ2 (ρ − h)−1 , f1 h(ρ − h)−1 , 0) ∂φ ∂φ ∂φ ∂f1 ∂f2 ∂f3 +(f3 , f3 , f3 ), ∂λ ∂λ ∂λ and, with the obvious simplified notations, Dξ (ξ) =(f1 Q(ξ) = − (ρ − h)−4 (ρ4 f1:ρρ + h2 f1 − ρ2 f1 + ρ3 f2:ρ + ρ4 f1:ρ,ρ + h4 f1:λ,λ − 2ρ3 f2:φ +ρ2 f1:φ,φ + h2 f 1 : φ, φ − 4hρ3 f1:λ,λ + 6h2 ρ2 f1:λ,λ − 2hρf1 − h2 ρf1:ρ −2hρ3 f1:ρ,ρ + h2 ρ2 f1:ρ,ρ − 4h3 ρf1:λ,λ + 2hρ2 f2:φ − 2hρf1:φ,φ )Dρ −(ρ − h)−4 (3ρ3 f3:ρ + 2ρf1:φ − 2hf1:φ + ρ2 f 2 : φ, φ + ρ4 f2:λ,λ + h4 f2:λ,λ +ρ4 f2:ρ,ρ h2 f2:φ,φ − 4hρ2 f2:ρ − 2hρf2:φ,φ + 6h2 ρ2 f2:λ,λ − 2hρf2 + h2 ρf2:ρ +h2 ρ2 f2:ρ,ρ − 2hρ3 f2:ρ,ρ − 4h3 ρf2:λ,λ − 4hρ3 f2:λ,λ )Dφ +ρ−1 (ρ − h)−1 (ρ2 f3:ρ + ρ3 f3:ρ,ρ + ρf3:φ,φ + ρ3 f3:λ,λ −2hρ2 f3:λ,λ + h2 ρf3:λ,λ )Dλ Put, ξ = (0, f (ρ), 0), then Dξ (ξ) = (0, 0, 0), and the furniture equation reduces to the second order differential equation, Q(ξ) = 0, that simplifies to, ρ2 (ρ − h)2 df d2 f + ρ(ρ − h)(3ρ − h) − 2hρf = 0, dρ2 dρ with the easy solution, f = (ρ − h)−2 , COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 47 which means that the fluid, the content of the space, rotates about the Black Hole ρ = 0 with speed (ρ − h)−1 , so with infinite speed close to the horizon, almost standing still at great distances, and therefore with lots of shear. Notice that this fit well with Example (2.1), and notice also that, ξ = (0, (ρ − h)−2 (ρ − h)−2 ((1/2ρ − 2h)ρ + h2 ln(ρ)), c), with c a constant, is also a solution. Compare with the Remark (2.2). 3. Entropy Consider an algebraic geometric object X, and let aut(X) be the Lie algebra of automorphisms of X. The sub-Lie algebra aut0 (X) that lifts to automorphisms of the formal moduli of X, is a Lie ideal. Put a(X) := aut(X)/aut0 (X), then if X(t) is a deformation of some X along a parameter t, we find dimk a(X(t)) ≤ dimk a(X). One may phrase this saying that an object X can never gain information when deformed. Moreover, deformation is, obviously, not a reversible process, so information can get lost. This measure of information losses, is related, as we shall see, to the notion of gain of entropy (en-ergy and tropos=transform) coined by Clausius (1865) and generalised by Boltzmann and Shannon. 3.1. The classical commutative case. In [21], studying moduli problems of singularities in (classical) algebraic geometry, we were led to consider the notion of Modular Suite. This is a canonical partition {Mα }, of the versal base space, M, of the deformation functor of an algebraic object, X. The different rooms, Mα , correspond to the subsets of equivalence classes of deformations in M, along which the Lie algebra a := aut/aut0 deforms as Lie-algebras, and therefore conserves its dimension. Working with Thermodynamics, it occurred to me that the notion of entropy has an interesting parallel in deformation theory. In fact I have proposed the following, Definition 3.1. Fix an object X, and let X(t) corresponds to the point t ∈ Mα , then we shall term Entropy, of the state t, the integer, S(t) := dimk (Mα ) In this classical situation, assuming that the field is algebraically closed, and that M is of finite Krull dimension, the modular suite {Mα } is finite, with an inner room, the modular substratum and an ambiant (open) maximal entropy stratum. But the structure of the modular suite may be very complex, even for simple singularities X, see the example of the quasi homogenous plane curve singularity x51 + x11 2 , in [21]. It is also clear that for any algebraic dynamics in M, the entropy will always stay or grow, see again [21]. To be able to construct situations where the entropy is lowered, or the information goes up, we must leave classical algebraic geometry, and venture into non-commutative algebraic geometry. Here is where non-commutative deformation theory comes into play. 3.2. The general case. In the general situation, where our algebras of observables are associative but not necessarily commutative, the first interesting cases are deformations of associative algebras, A, or deformations of finite families of representations Vi of an associative algebra A. In [19] we touched upon the first case. Here we shall look at the second case, based upon the technique of the previous sections. There we worked with a polynomial algebra, A = k[t1 , ..., td ], with a metric g ∈ P h(A), and the Levi-Civita connection, considered as a representation, A := P h(A)/(σg ) → Endk (ΘA ). 48 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL The Dirac derivation, [δ], in this case, vanish and the corresponding Hamiltonian turned out to be the Laplace-Beltrami operator, Q ∈ Endk (ΘA ). We were then, in analogy with Quantum theory, led to consider, for every state ξ ∈ ΘA , the time development, or Schrødinger equation, and the corresponding Furniture Equation, see [19], dξ = Q(ξ). dt We have, in [19], shown that in the special case of our toy model, see [18] and [19], this equation amounts to a combined Heat and Navier-Stokes equations. The corresponding notion of entropy, in the above sense, might be defined by the modular suite of the versal base of the deformation functor of the corresponding representation, ξ : P h(A) → A = EndA (A). The formal moduli has a tangent space given by Ext1P h(A) (ξ, ξ), which is given by the classical long exact sequence, 0 →HomP h(A) (ξ, ξ) → HomA (ξ, ξ) ι κ → DerA (P h(A), HomA (ξ, ξ)) → Ext1P h(A) (ξ, ξ) → 0, . Here, ι = 0, and HomA (ξ, ξ) = A, so that, Ext1P h(A) (ξ, ξ) = Ad ' ΘA , as all relations [dti , tj ] + [ti , dtj ] in P h(A) are mapped to 0 by any A-derivation into A. The miniversal base space of ξ, is therefore of infinite dimension, and since the Lie algebra of the automorphism group of A, is the Lie algebra Derk (A) = ΘA , the Lie algebra of the automorphism group of the representation ξ, is, aut(ξ) := {η ∈ ΘA |[η, ξ] = 0}. We should now define the entropy of the state ξ, as S(ξ) := dim{η|aut(ξ) ` aut(η)}, where aut(ξ) ` aut(η) should mean that η is a deformation of ξ inducing a deformation of the Lie algebras of automorphisms. Obviously this is unrealistic, as most of the terms involved will be of infinite dimension. We may try to overcome this difficulty by approximating the state ξ, as a representation, by a finite dimensional representation, defined for every point set object, P = {Pp }, of Simp1 (A) by, ξP : P h(A) → Endk (P), where, ξP (ti ) = αi0 (p), ξP (dti ) = αi1 (p) and where we, in anticipation of the treatment via the technique of the next section, have put, αi0 (p) = Pp,i , αi1 (p) = ξ(Pp )i . We may look at the object ξP as a set of molecules in our observatory (or in the Universe), and ξ as the combined state of these, at the outset maybe considered independently. Extending the representation ξP to a representation, ξP : P h∞ (A) → Endk (P), or cutting it down to a representation of some dynamical system, ξP,σ : A(σ) := P h∞ (A)/(σ) → Endk (P), COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 49 for some reasonable dynamical structure (σ) of P h∞ (A), we can now use part of the technique of the subsections (1.3) and (1.4), and look at the versal family M of the representation ξP,σ for some fundamental state ξ, of the Furniture of the Universe. There will be a canonically defined Moduli Suite, {Mα }, and for any deformation η of ξP,σ , there will be one α such that, η ∈ Mα and the resulting definition of entropy, would be S(η) = dim(Mα ). The goal is to show that for reasonable classical cases, this should come out close to the Boltzmann’s definition, S(η) := log V ol(Mα ), η ∈ Mα where Mα is the substratum of the corresponding Coarse Graining of the classical phase space of the situation, containing the distribution η, see again the very readable text of [24]. This approximation also makes it possible to return to the general theory of section (1), coupled with the section (4) of [18], and find a very natural way of introducing analogues of Fock space and the Fock representation, and so including what physicists call the second quantisation, in our picture. But first we have to take another look at the functor P h∗ . 3.3. Representations of P h∞ . Now let A = k[t1 , ..., td ], and consider a representation of P h∞ (A) as k-algebra, ρ : P h∞ (A) → Endk (V ), V a k-vector space. Put, Di0 := ρ(ti ), Dip := ρ(dp ti ), p ≥ 1. The composition of exp(τ δ) and ρ is a homomorphisms of k-algebras, ρ[τ ] P h∞ (A) → Endk (V ) ⊗k k[[τ ]], for which we have, Xi := ρ(τ )(ti ) = ρ(exp(τ δ)) = X τ p /p!Dip . p≥0 Since [ti , tj ] =P0, we must have [Xi , Xj ] = 0, and, since the relations in P h∞ (A) are given by, p+q=n≥0 1/p!q! [dp ti , dq tj ] = 0, this is the condition, X 1/p!q! [Dip , Djq ] = 0, p+q=n≥0 for the family of matrices {Dip , p ≥ 0, i = 1, ..., d} to define a homomorphism, ρ, of k-algebras. Clearly if dimV = 1 there are no conditions, and we may pick arbitrarily Dip ∈ k, and obtain formal power series, X Xi = Din /n!τ n , n which, when convergent, gives the dynamics of the point. 50 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Example 3.2. Assume dimk V = 2, and put, 0 xi (1) 0 αi (1) 0 ρ(ti ) = Di = =: 0 xi (2) 0 0 , αi0 (2) and, αi0 (r, s) := xi (r) − xi (s), r, s = 1, 2. Let, for q ≥ 0, q α (1) riq (1, 2) Diq = q i , ri (2, 1) αiq (2) Put, αil (r, s) : = αil (r) − αil (s), r, s = 1, 2, k X k k ri (r, s) = σk−l (r, s)αil (r, s), r, s = 1, 2. l l=0 where the sequence {σl (r, s)}, l = 0, 1, ... is a sequence of arbitrary coupling constants, with σ0 (r, s) = 0. Then, ρ(dn ti ) := Din , defines a representation, ρ : P h∞ (A) → Endk (V ), if and only if, X 1/p!q! [Dip , Djq ] = 0, p+q=n≥0 which is exactly when, X 1/p!q!(αip (r, s)rjq (s, r) − rip (r, s)αjq (s, r)) = 0. p+q=n≥0 Computing, we find the condition, X 1/p!q!σl (r, s)(αip (r, s)αjq−l (s, r) − αiq−l (r, s)αjp (s, r)) = 0. p+q=n≥0 for r, s = 1, 2, l ≥ 1. The situation above arises when we consider two (different) points P1 = (α10 (1), ..., αd0 (1)), P2 = (α10 (2), ..., αd0 (2)), in space, with pre-described tangents, ξ1 = (α11 (1), ..., αd1 (1)) and ξ2 = (α11 (2), ..., αd1 (2)). For these two points, considered as dimension 1 representations of P h(A), we saw that there is a 1-dimensional space of tangents between the points, i.e. the Ext1P h(A) (k(P1 ), k(P2 )) = k. This leads to possibly non-zero elements ri1 (1, 2), ri1 (2, 1)) in the matrix representation of the non-commutative deformation of the family {k(P1 ), k(P2 )} of P h(A)-modules. We now have a much more complete picture of the situation. The dynamics of the pair of points is described by the Dirac derivation. Assuming that for time τ = 0, we know the position α0 (1), α0 (2), and the momenta α1 (1), α1 (2), of the two points, then the dynamics is described, in terms of the time, τ , by the matrices, Xi = ρ(exp(τ δ))(ti ) Putting αi (r, s) = ∞ X τ n /n! αin (r, s), σ(r, s) = n=0 we find the explicit formulas, αi (1) Xi = σ(2, 1)αi (2, 1) ∞ X τ n /n! σn (r, s), n=0 σ(1, 2)αi (1, 2) , i = 1, ..., d. αi (2) COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 51 The trace, and determinant are, tr(Xi ) = (αi (1) + αi (2)) det(Xi ) = (αi (1)αi (2)) − σ(1, 2))αi (1, 2)σ(2, 1))αi (2, 1) The spectrum of Xi , or the eigenvalues, are given as, p Xi (r) = 1/2(tr(Xi ) ± tr(Xi )2 − 4det(Xi )), r = 1, 2. From this we see that if all coupling constants vanish, i.e. if σ(r, s) = 0, r, s = 1, 2, then we have undisturbed independent motions of the two points, Xi (r) = αi (r), r = 1, 2. If the coupling constants are nonzero the representation becomes simple, with trivial automorphism group, and so, according to the definition, of maximal entropy. Moreover, assume σl (1, 2) = σl (2, 1) = 0 for l = 0, l ≥ 2, then the conditions above becomes, for r, s = 1, 2, and for all n ≥ 0, X σl (r, s) · 1/p!q!(αip (r, s)αjq−1 (s, r) − αiq−1 (r, s)αjp (s, r)) = 0. p+q=n If d = 3 this simplifies to, σ1 (1, 2) · X 1/p!q!(αp (1, 2) × αq−1 (2, 1)) = 0, p+q=n where, of course, αm (r, s)) = −αm (s, r)) for , r, s = 1, 2, m ≥ 0. In general, considering an Object, P in space, consisting of r points {Pp }p=1,...,r , we find that the dynamics is closely related to the interaction process, involving non-commutative deformation of families of representations, described in [18]. In fact, we easily obtain the following theorem, Theorem 3.3. Given an object, P consisting of r points {Pp }p=1,...,r in d-space, Simp(A), where A = k [t1 , ..., td ]. With the notations above, in particular, αin (p, q) = αin (p) − αin (q), i = 1, ..., d, consider the matrix, n αi (1) rin (1, 2) ... rin (1, r) rn (2, 1) αn (2) ... rn (2, r) i i i Din := . . ... . rin (r, 1) rin (r, 2) ... αin (r)) with, ri0 (p, q) = 0, rin (p, q) = n X n l=0 l αil (p, q)σn−l (p, q), where σm (p, q) ∈ k are arbitrary coupling constants, with σm = 0, for m ≤ 0. Then these operators define a representation, ρ : P h∞ (A) → Mr (k) with, ρ(dn ti ) = Din if and only if, for all n ≥ 1, X n σn−h (p, q)(αih (p, q)αj0 (p, q) − αi0 (p, q)αjh (p, q)) h h X n!σn−k−m (p, s)σk−l (s, q) (αm (p, s)αil (s, q) − αil (p, s)αjm (s, q)), = l!m!(k − l)!(n − k − m)! j k,l,m,s 52 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Proof. Let us, as above, consider the matrix, Xi = ρ(exp(τ δ))(ti ) = X τ n /n!Din n≥0 Putting αi (r) = ∞ X τ n /n! αin (r), αi (r, s) = n=0 ∞ X τ n /n! αin (r, s), σ(r, s) = n=0 we find the explicite formulas,, αi (1) σ(1, 2)αi (1, 2) σ(2, 1)αi (2, 1) αi (2) Xi = ... ... σ(r, 1)αi (r, 1) σ(r, 2)αi (r, 2) ∞ X τ n /n! σn (r, s), n=0 ... σ(1, r)αi (1, r) ... σ(2, r)αi (2, r) , i = 1, ..., d. ... ... ... αi (r) Now, compute, [Xi , Xj ] = 0, and see that the condition of the theorem emerges. Remark 3.4. We may consider the space A(r) = k[αin (p), σn (p, q)]/a, with coordinates {αin (p), σn (p, q), i = 1, ..., d, p, q = 1, ..., r, n ≥ 0, σ0 (p, q) = 0}, and where the ideal a is generated by the equations above, as the versal base space for the versal family of the non-commutative deformation theory applied to the family of P h∞ (A) modules defined by the object P, and with Dirac derivation, δ acting as, [δ](αin (p)) = αin+1 (p). Since P h∞ (A) is infinitely generated, there is, strictly speaking, no such thing, but we shall see that in special cases, we can overcome this difficulty by finding clever dynamical structures.. In (3.2) we saw that to overcome another difficulty related to non-existing moduli spaces, we opted for approximating a state ξ ∈ ΘA , by a finite dimensional representation, defined for every finite point set object, P = {Pp }, of Simp1 (A) by, ξP : P h(C) → Endk (P), where, ξP (ti ) = αi0 (p), ξP (dti ) = αi1 (p). We wanted to look at the object P as the set of molecules in our observatory (or in the Universe), and at ξP as the combined state of these. Extending the representation ξP to a representation, ξP : P h∞ (A) → Endk (P), or cutting it down to a representation of some dynamical system, A(σ) := P h∞ (A)/(σ), ξP,σ : A(σ) → Endk (P), for some reasonable dynamical structure (σ) we might be able to compute the versal family M of the representation ξP,σ for some fundamental state ξ, of the Furniture of the Universe, and also the Moduli Suite, {Mα }. For any deformation η of ξP,σ , represented by an equivalence class η̃ in the versal base space M there will be one α such that, η̃ ⊂ Mα and the entropy, of η, would be S(η) = dim(Mα ). COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 53 From the classification above, it follows that the minimal entropy would correspond to all σl (p, q) = 0, i.e. to some dust-like furniture of the space. And the maximal entropy would correspond to all σl (p, q) 6= 0, i.e. to some black hole-like object, P, containing a huge number of gravitational and/or other parameters. The goal is still to show that, for reasonable classical cases, this should come out close to the Boltzmann’s definition, S(η) := log V ol(Mα ), η ∈ Mα where Mα is the substratum of the corresponding Coarse Graining of the classical phase space of the situation, containing the distribution η, see again [24], chapter 2. In particular, consider Penrose’s need (for) some clear-cut way of saying that ”the gravitational degrees of freedom were not activated”, and his need to identify the mathematical quantity that actually measures ”gravitational degrees of freedom”. I suggest that the above, coupled with my ”Toy Model”, see [18], i.e. working on Hilb(2) (A3 ) instead of the trivial affine space Ad = Spec(k[t1 , ..., td ]), may be of interest for this quest. We have already looked at the case r = 2, and seen that the result makes physical sense. For r = 3, n = 2 we find, σ1 (p, q)(αi1 (p, q)αj0 (p, q) − αi0 (p, q)αj1 (p, q)) = σ1 (p, s)σ1 (s, q)(αj0 (p, s)αi0 (s, q) − αi0 (p, s)αj0 (s, q)). In dimension d = 3 this has a particularly nice interpretation. Let α0 (i, j) be the vector starting at Pi and ending at Pj , and let ξi be a tangent vector at Pi for i = 1, 2, 3. Put α1 (i, j) = ξi − ξj , then the condition above reads: σ1 (p, q)(α1 (p, q) × α0 (p, q)) = −σ1 (p, s)σ1 (s, q)(α0 (p, s) × α0 (s, q)), ∀p, s, q = 1, 2, 3. This says that for any two of the three points in space, the relative momentum must sit in the plane defined by the three points, the length being determined by the 3 coupling constants. Moreover, the sum of all three relative momenta must be 0. In fact, there are coefficients, u, v ∈ k such that, α1 (p, q) = uα0 (p, s) + vα0 (s, q). Put this into the left side of the formula above, and find, σ1 (p, q)(v − u) = σ1 (p, s)σ1 (s, q) assuming that the three points are not co-linear. Assume now that the coupling constants are given as, σ1 (p, q) := m(p, q)|α0 (p, q)|−2 , then after some computation we find the following differential equations for the dynamics of the 3 points, α1 (p, q) = −m(q, p)|α0 (p, q)|−1 (p, q) − m(p, s)|α0 (p, s)|−1 (p, s) + ρα0 (p, q) α1 (q, s) = −m(s, q)|α0 (s, q)|−1 (q, s) − m(q, p)|α0 (q, p)|−1 (q, p) + ρα0 (q, s) α1 (s, p) = −m(p, s)|α0 (p, s)|−1 (s, p) − m(s, q)|α0 (s, q)|−1 (s, q) + ρα0 (s, p) Here (i, j) is the unit vector from the point Pi to the point Pj . Notice that there is a different set-up, related to Grothendieck’s generalized differential algebra. For A commutative, consider an A-module E, and an extension of this representation to, ρ : P h∞ (A) → Endk (E). We have seen that ρ must be given in terms of operators, Dip := ρ(dp ti ) ∈ Endk (E), 54 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL satisfying the conditions, ∀n ≥ 0, X 1/p!q![Dip Djq ] = 0. p+q=n There is an obvious family of solutions of these equations, given by any differential operator, Q ∈ Dif f (E), with, Di0 = ρ(ti ) = ti , Dip := ad(Q)p (ti ) ∈ Dif f (E), p ≥ 1. Looking at the case of finite dimensional representations, treated above, one sees the difference between the two set-ups, and the much greater generality obtained by considering the representations of P h∞ , the way we do. 4. Cosmology, Cosmos and Cosmological Time 4.1. Background, and some Remarks on Philosophy of Science. They say clearly that when the One had been constructed-whether of planes or surface or seed or something they cannot express-then immediately the nearest part of the Unlimited began ”to be drawn and limited by the Limited”... giving it (the Unlimited) numerical structure: (Aristotle, on the creation of the world, as the Pythagoreans saw it, see [6], page 148.) In the paper [16], we discussed the possibility of including a cosmological model in our toy-model of Time-Space, and thereby giving some sense to this age-old struggle to cope with the notion of creation. The 1-dimensional model we presented there was created by the deformations of the trivial singularity, O := k[x]/(x)2 . Using elementary deformation theory for algebras, we obtained amusing results, depending upon some rather bold mathematical interpretations of the, more or less accepted, cosmological vernacular. Here we shall go one step further on, and show that our toy-model, i.e. the moduli space, H, of two points in the affine 3-space, or it’s étale covering, H̃, is created by the (non-commutative) deformations of the obvious singularity in 3-dimensions, U := k < x1 , x2 , x3 > /(x1 , x2 , x3 )2 . The main axiom of the leading branches of cosmology, seems to be that the spacetime of the existing universe can be described via a General Relativistic model, somehow given by Einstein’s equation with respect to some mass-stress tensor, mass and energy being homogeneously and isotropically distributed in space. This leads to the assumption that the universe is a 4-dimensional space-time of a form commonly called a Friedman-Robertson-Walker model, or sometimes, the FLRWmodel (where one includes Lemaı̂tre). In particular the space has an open ended time-coordinate, leaving out the Big Bang, but still assuming that the point-like Big Bang is in the closure of even the shortest complete history of the universe. There are a lot of assumptions here. One is that the space-time is capable of containing something, and that these things can be described as independent upon the space, even though they curve space, and otherwise intervene in the dynamical process. For example, even in the very start of the universe, spin is assumed to be present. So, in mathematical terms, the space-time must be outfitted with a su(2), or an sl(2), action of the tangent structure, obviously determined by the Big Bang event. Moreover, since the space-time of the model does not contain the prime event, and the jump between that, supposedly singular, point-like event and the mathematically well defined space-time, is not part of the model, we do not have a model of the big bang itself, but rather of what may have happened in our usual space, a long time ago, with respect to a rather artificially chosen time parameter. In this chapter I propose to show how the time-space, H, can be thought of as an immediate product of a mathematical scenario incorporating a Big Bang COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 55 event, making this event mathematically sound. Starting with the pure notion of 3-dimensionality, i.e. a k-scheme U = Spec(U ) with only one point and a 3dimensional tangent space, in algebraical terms, the singularity, U := k[x1 , x2 , x3 ]/(x1 , x2 , x3 )2 , we shall see, in the next subsection, that we may construct, in a canonical way, a versal deformation base space, M, and a corresponding versal family U? , containing all isomorphism classes of deformations of U , as associative algebra. The technique for this general deformation theory, can be found in [10], see also [21]. In the last book we introduced the notion of Moduli-suite. This corresponds here to a partition of the space M, in a series of rooms, containing an inner room, composed of just one point ?, corresponding to the singularity we start with, U , and a very special component that turns out to be H := Hilb2 (A3 ), and where the family U, the restriction of U? to H has, corresponding to a point (o, p) ∈ H − ∆, the fibre, U (o, p) := k < x1 , x2 , x3 > /(xi xj − oi xj − pj xi + oi pj ), where we have used the coordinates x1 , x2 , x3 , to express the two points, o and p in 3-space A3 , by coordinates, {oi }, {pj }, i, j = 1, 2, 3. If o = p, U (o, p) is isomorphic to U . But U has, never the less, a unique extension to all of H̃, and the Z2 -action also extends. There is also a special room in the moduli suite, defined by the tangent vector defined by the derivation that maps xi xj to i,j,k . This implies that the Quatornians, Q, is a deformation of U . In fact, we have, Q = k < x1 , x2 , x3 > /(xi xj − i,j,k xk + δi,j ), where i,j,k and δi,j are the usual notations for 0, 1. We have already in section (3) seen that the notion of moduli suite, in deformation theory, may serve as a model for both Entropy and Information, needed to connect to the present day Cosmology, see a readable text, in [24]. 4.2. Deformations of Associative Algebras. The tangent space of the formal moduli of the singularity U := k[x1 , x2 , x3 ]/(x1 , x2 , x3 )2 , as an associative k-algebra is, by deformation theory, see [10], and [21], T? := A1 (k, U ; U ) = HomF (kerρ, U )/Der, where, ρ : F → U is any surjective homomorphism of a free k-algebra F , onto U , HomF means the F -bilinear maps, and Der denotes the subset of the restrictions to I := kerρ of the derivations from F to U . Choose, F = k < x1 , x2 , x3 >, with the obvious surjection, making kerρ = (x)2 , generated as F bimodule by the family {xi,j := xi xj }. Any F -bilinear morphism φ : (x)2 → U , must be of the form, φ(xi,j ) = a0i,j + 3 X ali,j xl l=1 a0i,j and the bilnearity is seen to imply that = 0. Thus, the dimension of HomF (I, U ) is 27. Any derivation δ ∈ Der, must be given by, δ(xi ) = b0i + 3 X l=1 bli xl 56 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL and the restriction of this map, to the generators of I = (x)2 , must have the form, δ(xi,j ) = b0j xi + b0i xj , therefore determined by the b0i s . It follows that the tangent space T? is of dimension 27-3=24. Let o, p ∈ A3 , be two points, o = (o1 , o2 , o3 ), p = (p1 , p2 , p3 ), with respect to the coordinate system, x, and put, φo,p (xi,j ) = pj xi + oi xj , then it is easy to see that the maps {φo,p } generate a 6-dimensional sub vector subspace T0 of T? . Notice that, if o = p then φo,p , is a derivation, thus 0 in T? . Now, the rather unexpected happens. We may integrate the tangent subspace T0 , and obtain a family of flat deformations of U . In fact, it is easy to see that, U (o, p) := k < x1 , x2 , x3 > /(xi xj − oi xj − pj xi + oi pj ), is an associative k-algebra of dimension 4, and a deformation of U , in a direction of H. This defines a family of associative H := k [o, p] algebras, U := H < x1 , x2 , x3 > /(xi xj − oi xj − pj xi + oi pj ). where, normally k = R, the real numbers. Let us put, xi,j := (xi −oi )(xj −pj ) = xi xj −oi xj −pj xi +oi pj , o := (o1 , o2 , o3 ), p = (p1 , p2 , p3 ) ∈ H 3 , Notice that if o = p then U (o, p) is isomorphic to U , as it should, and that, U (o, p) ' U (−o, −p). Moreover, for any non-zero element κ ∈ k, and any 3-vector c ∈ A3 , we have, U (o, p) ' U (κo, κp), U (o, p) ' U (o − c, p − c). Choosing c = 1/2(p + o), we find o0 := o − c = −(p − c) =: −p0 , and it is easy to see that if o0 6= 0 the sub Lie algebra above generated by {x1 , x2 , x3 } in U (o0 , p0 ), is isomorphic to the standard 3-dimensional Lie algebra with relations, [y1 , y2 ] = y2 , [y1 , y3 ] = y3 , [y2 , y3 ] = 0. Moreover, choosing c = (p + o), we find an isomorphism, U (o, p) ' U (−p, −o) ' U (p, o), which should be related to the action of Z2 on H, and thus, according to our philosophy, to the mathematical reason for the CPT-equivalence, see [18], (4.9). Notice also that the algebra, Q := k < x1 , x2 , x3 > /(xi xj − i,j,k xk + δi,j ), where i,j,k and δi,j are the usual indices, the first one nonzero only for {i, j, k} = {1, 2, 3}, and the last one the usual delta function, is isomorphic to the quaternions, which therefore is another non-trivial deformation of U . Consider now the restriction to the subscheme H − ∆, of the family U, denoted by, ν 0 : U0 → H − ∆. Since for all non-zero κ ∈ k, we have U (λ+κu, −κu+λ ' U (κu, −κu)) ' U (u, −u), this family extends uniquely to a family, ν : Ũ → H̃. Let us compute the algebras U (o, p), and their Lie algebras of derivations, g(t) := Derk (U (t)). First, the 4-dimensional k-algebra U (o, p), with relation, xi,j = (xi − oi )(xj − pj ), COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 57 obviously have only two simple representations, of dimension 1, call them ko and kp . By the generalised Burnside theorem, see [18], (3.2), (The O-construction), there is an isomorphisme, H1,1 ⊗ End(ko ) H1,2 ⊗ Homk (ko , kp ) η : U (o, p) → , H2,1 ⊗ Homk (kp , ko ) H2,2 ⊗ Endk (kp ) where, H1,1 is a formal algebra with tangent space Ext1U (o,p) (ko , ko ), H2,2 is a formal algebra with tangent space Ext1U (o,p) (kp , kp ), and H1,2 , respectively H1,2 , is a bi-module generated by Ext1U (o,p) (ko , kp )? , respectively by Ext1U (o,p) (kp , ko )? . There are no problems computing the Ext-groups. Recall that Ext1U (o,p) (V1 , V2 ) = Derk (U (o, p), Homk (V1 , V2 ))/T riv, and that u ∈ U (o, p) operates on φ ∈ Homk (V1 , V2 ), as, (uφ)(v1 ) = uφ(v1 ), (φu)(v1 ) = φ(uv1 ). In the general case (one may test it in the interesting case, o = (1, 0, 0), p = (0, 0, 0) above), we obtain, Ext1U (o,p) (ko , ko ) = Ext1U (o,p) (kp , kp ) = Ext1U (o,p) (ko , kp ) = 0, Ext1U (o,p) (kp , ko ) = k 2 . Therefore, η : U (o, p) → k < ξ1 , ξ2 > 0 k is an isomorphism. Here ξi · 1 = ξi . We may pick generators of this algebra, 0 0 0 0 1 0 x1 := , x2 := , x3 := , ξ1 0 ξ2 0 0 −1 and obtain the relations corresponding to the choice of o = (0, 0, −1), p = (0, 0, 1). We have therefore obtained an algebraic subspace H̃, of the miniversal base space M of the algebra U , corresponding to the algebras U (o, p) that are all isomorphic. This subspace is therefore a trivial section of this miniversal base space. Using the same technique as above, computing the deformations of one of these isomorphic algebras, we may show that the tangent space of M at such a point, has a 10 dimensional subspace not contained in the tangent space of H̃. The significance of this is not obvious! If one wants to dream, one could consider this as a thickening of our universe, i.e. as a local extra structure. Moreover a dull calculation shows that at least 4 of these dimensions are obstructed at second order, providing H̃ with a hairy infinitesimal structure! 4.3. Spin, Isospin, and SUSY. Consider the Lie algebra, g := DerH (U) as a principal Lie algebra bundle on the space, H̃. Any element δ ∈ DerH (U) must be given by its values on the coordinates, δ(xi ) = δi0 + δi1 x1 + δi2 x2 + δi3 x3 , δij ∈ H. Now, let us define, Θ̃H̃ := {κ ∈ EndH̃ (U), δ(1) = 0}. Oviously, g ⊂ Θ̃. 58 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Any κ ∈ Θ̃H̃ will correspond to κi := κ(xi ) ∈ U (o, p), i = 1, 2, 3, i.e. to a matrix of the type, 0 0 0 0 κ01 κ11 κ21 κ31 M := κ02 κ12 κ22 κ32 , κ03 κ13 κ23 κ33 where, κi := (κ0i , κ1i , κ2i , κ3i ). Moreover, it is clear that Θ̃ is a Lie algebra, and that g is a natural sub-Lie algebra, of this matrix algebra. Put, ō = (1, o1 , o2 , o3 ), p̄ = (1, p1 , p2 , p3 ), and consider now the 4-vectors, δi = (δi0 , δi1 , δi2 , δi3 ), i = 1, 2, 3. Suppose δ ∈ g, then we find the formula, in U, δ(xi xj − oi xj − pj xi + oi pj ) = (δi · ō)xj − (δi · ō)pj + xi (δj · p̄) − oi (δj · p̄) which leads to, δ ∈ DerH (U) if and only if, δi · ō = δi · p̄ = 0, i = 1, 2, 3. Consider, from now on, xi,j = xi xj − oi xj − pj xi + oi pj ∈ H < x1 , x2 , x3 >=: F We find that if δ ∈ DerH (U) then, in the free algebra F, we have, δ(xi,j ) = 3 X p=1 δip (xp,j ) + 3 X δjp (xi,p ). p=1 0 Let ξ ∈ A1 (H, U; U) be represented by ξ(xi,j ) = ξi,j + ξ is zero if it is of the form, P3 p p=1 ξi,j xp . Recall that ξ(xi,j ) = −(ηi .ō)pj − oi (ηj .p̄) + (ηi .ō)xj + (ηj .p̄)xi , for some derivation η ∈ DerH (F̃ , U). Choose t = (o, p) ∈ H − ∆, and consider the relation of U (t), xi,j := xi xj − oi xj − pj xi + oi pj , Let us compute the Lie algebra g(t) := Derk (U (t)). Any element δ ∈ Derk (U (t)) must have the form, δ(xi ) = δi0 + δi1 x1 + δi2 x2 + δi3 x3 , δip ∈ k. Put, as above, ō = (1, o1 , o2 , o3 ), p̄ = (1, p1 , p2 , p3 ), and consider the 4-vectors δi = (δi0 , δi1 , δi2 , δi3 ), i = 1, 2, 3. As above, we find that, δ ∈ Derk (U (t)) if and only if, δi · ō = δi · p̄ = 0, i = 1, 2, 3. Moreover we find that if ξ ∈ A1 (k, U (t), U (t)) is represented by ξi,j := ξ(xi,j ) = P3 p 0 ξi,j + p=1 ξi,j xp , it is easy to see that the action of any δ ∈ Derk (U (t)) on the tangent space, A1 (k, U (t), U (t)), of the versal deformation space, of U (t), is given as follows: COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE δ(ξ)(xi,j ) : = ξ(δ(xi,j )) − δ(ξ(xi,j )) = 3 X δip (ξp,j ) + p=1 = 3 X 0 δip ξp,j + p=1 + 3 X 3 X 0 δjp ξi,p − p=1 3 X ( q + δip ξp,j r=1 p=1 3 X 59 3 X δjp (ξi,p ) − δ(ξi,j ) p=1 p δp0 ξi,j p=1 3 X q − δjp ξi,p 3 X p δpq ξi,j )xq . p=1 p=1 If we consider the particular interesting part of the tangent space, given by the ξ ∈ A1 (k, U (t), U (t)), of U (t) represented by, 0 ξ(xi,j ) = ξi,j + ξi xj + νj xi , then we find that the action above simplifies to, δ(ξ)(xi,j ) = 3 X p=1 0 + δip ξp,j 3 X 0 − δi0 ξj − δj0 νi + δjp ξi,p p=1 3 X δip ξp xj + p=1 3 X δjp νp xi . p=1 This translates into the following. Given a point t ∈ H, the tangent space is represented by the space of all pairs of 3-vectors, (ξ, ν) and the action of δ ∈ g(t) is δ(ξ, ν) = (δ(ξ), δ(ν)), where in each coordinate, the action is, X X X δ(µ) = ( δ1i µi , δ2i µi , δ3i µi ). i=1,2,3 i=1,2,3 i=1,2,3 Even though, as we have seen, all tangents (ξ, ν) to H̃ at a point t = (o, p) will be trivial in the tangent space of the formal moduli of U (o, p), since the family of algebras U is constant, the above conclusion is correct. In fact, consider such a tangent, and the corresponding k[]-algebra U (o + ξ, p + ν). There is necessarily an isomorphism, η : U (o, p) ⊗ k[] → U (o + ξ, p + ν), commuting with the projection onto U (o, p). It must be given by formulas, η(xi ) = xi + κ(xi ), κ(xi ) = κ0i + κ1i x1 + κ2i x2 + κ3i x3 ∈ U (o, p), i = 1, 2, 3. Put κi := (κ0i , κ1i , κ2i , κ3i ), then, κ ∈ Θ̃H̃ . A little computation now shows that we must have, ξi = κi · o, νi = κi · p, i = 1, 2, 3. therefore, Given a point t = (o, p), and the corresponding generators {xi , i = 1, 2, 3} of U, any κ ∈ Θ̃H̃ will correspond to κi := κ(xi ) ∈ U (o, p), i = 1, 2, 3, and therefore to a tangent of H at the point t = (o, p), (ξ = κ · o, ν = κ · p) ∈ TH,t . We therefore find an exact sequence of bundles on H̃, 0 → g → Θ̃H̃ → ΘH̃ → 0. The Lie algebra g, is now seen to operate naturally on Θ̃H̃ , corresponding to exactly the operation above, drawn from the deformation theory of algebras. Any δ ∈ g, operates on κ ∈ Θ̃H̃ as δ(κ) = δ · κ − κ · δ. Since δ · o = δ · p = 0, we find δ(ξ, ν) = (δ(ξ), δ(ν)) := (δ(κ)o, δ(κ)p). 60 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Observe also that, since (o − p) = (o − p), the Lie algebra representation of g on the tangent space ΘH̃ , at the point t = (o, p), kills the subspace generated by the vectors (ξ = α(o − p), ν = β(o − p)). If o 6= p, it follows that ō and p̄, are linearly independent, in a 4-dimensional vector space, therefore each vector δi , i = 1, 2, 3 is confined to a 2-dimensional vector space. Consequently, g(t) := Derk (U (t)) is of dimension 6. Using the isomorphism, U (o, p) ' U (o − c, p − c), mentioned above, we may choose coordinates such that o = (0, 0, 0), p = (1, 0, 0). In fact, we may first put c = o, and reduce to the situation where o = 0, and p is a non zero 3-vector. Any δ ∈ Derk (U (o, p)) will then be represented by a matrix of the form, 1 δ1 δ12 δ13 M := δ21 δ22 δ23 , δ31 δ32 δ33 where M (p) = 0, and we know that the Lie structure is the ordinary matrix Lieproducts. Now, clearly we may find a nonsingular matrix N such that N (p) = (1, 0, 0), and the Lie algebra of matrices M , will be isomorphic to the Lie-algebra of the matrices, N M N −1 , which are those corresponding to p = e1 := (1, 0, 0), and we are working with U (0, e1 ). Notice that in this picture, the fundamental vector op = (1, 0, 0). With this it is easy to see that, δ ∈ g(t) imply, δi0 = δi1 = 0, i = 1, 2, 3. The following result is now easily seen. Theorem 4.1. The Lie algebra g(t) is isomorphic to the Lie algebra of matrices of the form, 0 δ12 δ13 0 δ22 δ23 0 δ32 δ33 The radical r, is generated by 3 elements, {u, r1 , r2 }, with, 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 u = 0 1 0 , r1 = 0 0 0 , r2 = 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 where u ∈ / [g, g], [u, ri ] = −ri , [r1 , r2 ] = 0, and the quotient, g(t)/r = sl(2). with the usual generators u0 , u1 , u2 , 0 0 0 0 u0 = 0 1 0 , u1 = 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 , u2 = 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 . 0 In particular, we find that sl(2) ⊂ g(t). Remark 4.2. At this point, it may be useful to refer to the examples and the explicit calculations,coming up in subsections (5.3) and (5.4). Given a point t ∈ H, the tangent space at this point is, of course, nicely represented by the space of all pairs of 3-vectors, (ξ, µ) and, as we have seen, it is easy to compute the action of g(t) on this 6-dimensional vector space. Just as in the case of the action of Derk (U ) on H, any δ ∈ g(t) with δi0 = 0, i = 1, 2, 3, acts as δ(ξ, µ) = (δ(ξ), δ(µ)), and in each coordinate, the action is that of the matrix algebra above. The Lie algebra sl2 (t) acts as follows. There are natural 3-dimensional subundles Θo , Θp of the tangent bundle of H 0 := H − ∆, such that ΘH 0 = Θo ⊕ Θp . We may find a natural basis for both components, for Θo as well as for Θp , {l, ν1 , ν2 }, where l is the special tangent vector given by po, i.e. the tangent direction in our Euclidean COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 61 3-space, in which we are looking. It is obvious from the above matrix-bases of g(t), that g(t) kills l. Therefore, assuming some metric given, in this basis, sl(2) acts on the planes normal to l = po. As a consequence, if we pick any line l ⊂ A3 , then the tangent space of H(l) is killed by g(t), for all t ∈ H(l). We have therefore seen that for any point t ∈ H̃ the sl(2) component of the Lie algebra of infinitesimal automorphisms of the universal algebra U (t), act on ΘH̃ in a particular nice way. The generators u0 , u1 , u2 , (the generators of sl(2), normally denoted h, e, f ), acting on sections of the sub bundle Bo ⊕Bp of the tangent bundle ΘH̃ , just as we described, geometrically, in the Introduction and in [16] and [18]. This sl(2)-action takes, as we shall see later on, care of the Isospin and the Electromagnetic Forces, and the action of r corresponds to the Electroweak sector, the generators {u, r1 , r2 } corresponding to the Bosons {Z, W+ , W− }, responsible for the Electroweak Forces, acting on the quarks, see section 8. Now, as in [16], consider the Kodaira-Spencer map of the family, ν : U −→ H̃, It is the linear map, η : ΘH = Derk (H̃, H̃) → A1 (H, U, U), defined by, ∂ ∂ η( ) = {xi,j = (xi xj − oi xj − pj xi + oi pj ) 7→ (ri,j ) = −xj + pj } ∂oi ∂oi ∂ ∂ η( ) = {xi,j = (xi xj − oi xj − pj xi + oi pj ) 7→ (ri,j ) = −xi + oi }. ∂pj ∂pi Recall that, ˜ U)/Der A1 (H, U, U) = HomH,H (I, where we have picked a surjection ρ of a free H-algebra F̃ onto U and I˜ = ˜ U) generated by the elements ker(ρ). Der is then the sub module of HomH,H (I, ˜ In our case I˜ is generated by (xi,j := xi xj − oi xj − of DerH (F̃ , U), restricted to I. pj xi + oi pj ), i, j = 1, 2, 3. Therefore, since any derivation δ ∈ DerH (F̃ , U) has the form, η(xi ) = ηi0 + ηi1 x1 + ηi2 x2 + ηi3 x3 , ηil ∈ H, i = 1, 2, 3, l = 0, 1, 2, 3, we find that, η(ri,j ) = η(xi )xj + xi η(xj ) − oi η(xj ) − η(xi )pj = (ηj · ō)(xi − oi ) + (ηi · ō)(xj − pj ). Since we have seen that all g(t), t ∈ H̃ are isomorphic, it is reasonable that the Kodaira-Spencer map η vanishes on H̃, implying, Lemma 4.3. The kernel of the Kodaira-Spencer map, also called the Gauss-Maninkernel of the family ν, is, G̃ := ker(η) = {ξ = 3 3 X X ∂ ∂ (ηi · ō) + (ηi · p̄) | η ∈ DerH (F̃ , U)} ' ΘH̃ . ∂oi j=1 ∂pj i=1 This is equivalent to gg = ΘH . As we shall see later, we would like to have an isomorphism, ΘH̃ → DerH̃ (g) ' g Notice that, so far, we have not been forced to choose an origin in our affine space A3 . All results regarding the vectors o, p, o, p, have been independent upon this choice. However, for the next Theorem we shall have to fix an origin. This may seem strange, but as it will be explained in the next section, this is a natural 62 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL consequence of the introduction of a Big Bang event, the singularity U , and its versal base space. Notice, that this choice of origin in the affine space A3 , has a ˜ that consequence for our definition of the cosmological 0-velocity sub-bundle, ∆, we shall have to come back to. Compare also the next result with the discussion of Bosonic and Fermionic representations, in section (6). Theorem 4.4. There is a well defined H̃-linear map, ˜ ⊂Θ , κ : g̃ → ∆ H̃ defined by, κ(δ) = 3 X i=1 ((δi · o) 3 X ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ + (δi · p) )=− + ). δi0 ( ∂oi ∂pi ∂o ∂p i i i=1 where, δi · o = −δi0 = δi · p. Assume the vectors o := (o1 , o2 , o3 ), p := (p1 , p2 , p3 ) are linearly independent, and let α := (α1 , α2 , α3 ) = o × p. Then, k̃ := ker(κ). is a rank 3 H̃- sub Lie algebra of g̃ generated by elements {u, v, w}, with Lie structure, [u, v] = −α2 u + α1 v, [u, w] = −α3 u + α1 w, [v, w] = −α3 v + α2 w, which, at each point t ∈ H̃, is isomorphic to rad(g(t)) ⊂ g(t). If we for any δ ∈ g̃, define, δ̃ := δ + κ(δ), then, applying the adjoint (regular) representation of g, we have the following, δ̃ ∈ Endk (g̃) κ(δ̃) = κ(δ) g κ([δ̃, η̃] − [δ, η]) = [κ(δ), κ(η)]. Finally κ defines an isomorphism of H̃-modules, ˜ κ̃ : g̃/k̃ → ∆. where g/k ' sl(2), and we may identify the base-elements, κ̃(h) = d3 , κ̃(e) = d1 , κ̃(f ) = d2 . Proof. Put, δ̄i : = (δi0 , δi1 , δi2 , δi3 ) ō : = (1, o1 , o2 , o3 ) p̄ : = (1, p1 , p2 , p3 ). Let δ ∈ Der, and compute, as above, δ(ri,j ) = δ(xi )xj +xi δ(xj )−oi δ(xj )−δ(xi )pj = (ō·δ̄i )xj +(p̄·δ̄j )xi −¯(o·δ̄i )pj −(p̄·δ̄j )oi . From this we learn two things. First we see that δ ∈ DerH (U, U), if and only if, ō · δ̄i = 0, p̄ · δ̄i = 0, for all i = 1, 2, 3, which we already knew, second, we see that the definition of κ is well defined. The computation of [δ̃, η̃], and its image by κ, is left as an exercise. But then we see that k̃ := ker(κ) = {δ ∈ DerH (U, U)|δi0 = 0, i = 1, 2, 3}, is a sub Lie algebra, though not necessarily a Lie ideal. By definition of k̃, if δ ∈ k̃, we must have δi0 = 0, for all i = 1, 2, 3, and so also, o · δi = 0, p · δi = 0, ∀i = 1, 2, 3. COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 63 It follows that, (δi1 , δi2 , δi3 ) = ci (α1 , α2 , α3 ), ci ∈ H. If δ, δ 0 corresponds to the two vectors c := (c1 , c2 , c3 ) and c0 := (c01 , c02 , c03 ) then [δ, δ 0 ] is seen to correspond to the vector, c × c0 × α, from where the structural constants may be read off. Moreover, since the determinant of the corresponding matrix, −α2 α1 0 −α3 0 α1 0 −α3 α2 is zero, it is clear that [k, k], is of dimension 2, and abelian. Since k is solvable, and obviously maximal, the contention follows. Notice that the map κ, obviously is not a Lie algebra morphism. Never the less the kernel is an H̃-sub–Lie algebra, identified, at every point t ∈ H̃, with the radical of g(t). Therefore we may, for every δ ∈ g talk about its class, modulo k, i.e. in sl(2). The last contention therefore follows from the surjectivity of κ. ˜ ⊂ Θ , is the subbundle defined, at the point t, as the set of Now, recall that ∆ H̃ ˜ as a gauge tangents of the form (ξ, ξ). Given a metric on H̃, then so(3) acts on ∆, group. We may also look at the action of su(3) on the complexified tangent fields, ˜ ⊗ C. It acts in the obvious way on the lower right corner of Θ = c̃ ⊕ ∆, ˜ like ∆ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . γ= 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ Since the 0-velocity direction defined at (o, p), is (o − p, o − p), which here is d3 , we may in an essential unique way decompose the Cartan subalgebra h ⊂ su(3), into the Cartan subalgebra h1 , for the su(2)- component leaving δ3 invariant, and the part h2 ⊂ h perpendicular, in the Killing metric, to h1 . They act as, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , , h2 = h1 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/3 0 0 0 0 1/2 0 0 0 0 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 −1/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 −2/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 in the basis {c1 , c2 , c3 , d1 , d2 , d3 }. Recall also that so(3) ' su(2) See [18]. It is clear that this, together with the formulas above give good reasons to believe that there is a relation to the Standard Model. Moreover, here all ingredients are universally given by the information contained in the singularity U, the Big Bang, in my tapping. The choice of metric, i.e. time and so gravitation, will have to be made on the basis of the nature of what I have called the Furniture of the model, see above, at the end of Subsection (2.3), where the simple metric proposed for the purpose of comparing our gravitation laws with the theory of Kepler and Newton, seems to fit with the present theory of black holes. This result is going to have several important consequence, in particular for the derivation of a general analogy of the Dirac equation, and for the construction, in our case, of a kind of supersymmetry. But first, let us consider the singular subscheme of the morphism κ above, i.e. the subspace M (B) of H̃, where o and p are not linearly independent. It turns out to be a 4-dimensional subspace of H̃, 64 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL fibered over the exceptional fiber E(0), associated to the Big Bang, 0 ∈ ∆. We have the following diagram, M (B) µ / E(0) ,→ ˜ ,→ ∆ H̃ {0} ,→ ∆ ,→ H Where µ is a map that for all directed lines l ⊂ A3 , through the Big Bang, i. e. such that, 0 ∈ l, maps the subspace H̃(l) ⊂ H̃ into the point of E(0) corresponding to l. Remark 4.5. M (B) looks like the product, c(0)×R, where c(0) is the light space of the Big Bang, and where the R-coordinate is the unique zero velocity coordinate of H̃(l), which we have called λ0 . If we make a picture of this, with λ pointing upwards, we have, as we shall see better at the end of the next section, the usual cosmological 4-dimensional space time picture, with the not so unimportant difference that the usual time coordinate, pointing upwards, is replaced by proper time. Recall now, for later use, that if we start with U = U (0, 0), the Big Bang, we observe that the Dirac derivation, δ = id acts on the subspace, T0 of its tangent space, T∗ = A1 (k, U, U ), corresponding to the creation of H̃, like the vector field, X X ∂ ∂ [δ] := oi + pj . ∂o ∂p i j i=1,2,3 j=1,2,3 Evaluated at a point t = (o, p), we see that, δ(o, p) = (−1/2(op), 1/2(op)) + (1/2(o + p), 1/2(o + p)). ˜ i.e. it is a 0-velocity, and the only one contained in M (B). The last tangent is in ∆, ˜ in this case This statement is, however, not entirely kosher, since the notion of ∆ where we have fixed a point in ∆, is not well defined. One might say that standing still in M (B) means to be carried along by the cosmic stream defined by the Dirac derivation δ of U . The first part of δ is a classical light-direction, and represents the extension of the visible Universe. Moreover, any point (o, p) ∈ M (B), considered as an observer o observing an observed p, does so in the direction of the Big Bang event. Having shown that the gauge Lie algebra of the Standard Model (SM), operates naturally on the non-commutative space P h(H), and that there is defined on H̃, a canonical principal bundle, g := DerH (U), we have now a good measure of the ingredients of the SM. In fact, we see that the choice of a metric g, defines a complex structure on ΘH . Moreover as we have seen that su(2), and also complexified sl(2), acts naturally on complexified Bo ⊕ Bp , and ˜ Going back to (1.8), we see now that we have that su(3) acts on complexified ∆. available most of the ingredients of a canonical Yang-Mills Theory, defined on H. It is therefore tempting to propose that the SM, itself, is concerned with the geometry of the non-commutative quotient scheme, H̃(σg )/G, with G := g0 ⊕ g1 , g1 =⊂ g ⊕ su(3). Put, GQR := Simp(H̃(σg ), G). Taking this as a model for a combined GR and SM, let us make sure that the main ingredients of SM are available here. COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 65 First of all, we have the necessary Gauge Fields, since we have the principal bundles, (1) u(1) ' Bo ' Bp (2) g ' DerH̃ (U) (3) ˜ C ), su(3) := suH̃ (∆ ˜ C := ∆ ˜ ⊗ C. Since we have shown that we may operate with any field k, where ∆ and certainly go from the reals R to the complexes C, without any mathematical ˜ C. problems, we shall normally omit the C in ∆ The canonical action of these principal bundles on the complexified tangent bundle of H, give us a lot of possible force and matter fields. Moreover, we have the H̃-linear isomorphism, (4) ˜ ˜ κ : sl(2) ' g/k ' ∆, which defines the two obvious H̃-endomorphisms, (5) ˜ ˜ i = 1, 2, Qi ∈ EndH̃ (sl(2) ⊕ ∆), corresponding to (κ, 0), respectively (0, κ−1 ), such that, (6) {Q1 , Q2 } = id, [Qi , Pµ ] = 0, where Pµ , is the infinitesimal translation operator, in the physicists notation. We have got a graded Lie algebra, ˜ ˜ G∗ ⊂ EndH̃ (sl(2) ⊕ ∆) generated by the complexified adjoint operations of sl(2) and su(3), together with Qi , i = 1, 2. An element is even, or odd, according to whether it contains an even or odd number of factors of the type Qi . Even operators, takes ”Bosonic states”, ˜ into fermionic states. sl(2), into bosonic states, and also ”Fermionic states”, ∆, And, obviously, odd operators takes bosons into fermions, and vice versa. With this interpretation, our model has aquired an N = 1, SUSY-like structure, defined in H̃ outside of M (B). On this singular subset, the symmetry is ”broken”. But, of course, in quantum field theory, Bosons and Fermions are observables of type a+ or a, having the correct ”statistics”, i.e. being eigen-operators of ad(Q), where Q is our Hamiltonian, the Laplace-Beltrami operator on ΘH̃ , the least eigenvalue of which is the Planck’s constant. See the section (6.3), and also [18], (4.6), p.70. From this point of view, Bosons are observables corresponding to even elements in G∗, and Fermions are observables corresponding to odd elements. We have in the [18] discussed the notions of Chirality, the PST invariance, stemming from the Hilbert scheme structure of H = H̃/Z2 , and Spinors, with the action on the tangent bundle, of two copies of sl(2), together with su(3). We saw how the charges of the up and down quarks where defined by the split form of the Cartan sub-algebras h1 ×h2 of the the Lie algerbras su(2) ⊂ su(3), respectively, canonically defined at any point in H̃, see (6.4), and further remarks in the End Words. Here we have made all this a unique consequence of the Big Bang event, mathematically played by the versal family of associative noncommutative 4-dimensional k-algebras, deforming the algebra U := k[x1 , x2 , x3 ]/(x1 , x2 , x3 )2 . As we have seen, U (and thus also M) contains a lot of information, in its 9-dimensional Lie algebra of derivations, although it is just modelling a single point, together with a 3-dimensional tangent space. 66 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL We are tempted to express the content of this subsection, by saying that a substantiel part of SM, including its spin structure and a canonical SUSY structure, turns out to be an immediate consequence of a Big Bang scenario. Nothing less. 4.4. The Universe as a Versal Base Space. So, where was the Big Bang, in relation to our Time-Space, and what on earth is the meaning of the terms; cosmological time, expansion of the universe, red-shift? How can one fill into this geometric picture the more down to earth notions like; matter, stress, pressure, charge, and forces, like; gravitation, electromagnetism, weak and strong forces, acting on; elementary particles, quarks and their multiple combinations? We should not have to goose-feed the Big Bang-created geometric picture, with this additional structure. It should all be part of the Creation! Otherwise it must be difficult to believe in the existence of this prime event. Going back to the constructed family, the universal family of the Hilbert scheme of sub-schemes of length 2 in A3 , π : E −→ H, we have just proved that this family may be complemented with another family, no longer a universal one, but just part of a versal family, ν : U −→ H, of 4-dimensional associative algebras. The 3-dimensional space ∆ is not a subspace of H, in fact, any point of this ghost space correspond to the same 4-dimensional algebra, namely to U , the Big Bang (BB) itself. A metric defined on ∆ therefore measures time at BB, before the creation of the universe, when ”God did nothing”, see St. Augustin [1]! So let us fix a point ∗ ∈ ∆, the origin of the coordinate system (x1 , x2 , x3 ), used to define U , thereby fixing the whereabouts of BB, clearly outside of our universe, even though time is already there, as the metric in ∆, measuring 0-velocities of U . ˜ ⊂ Θ , of the canonical 0-velocity momenta, is Observe that the component ∆ H̃ no longer uniquely defined, since the action of the additive group k 3 on H̃ creating ˜ do not keep the ∗ ∈ ∆ fixed. ∆, However, as we have seen, g(∗) = Derk (U ) = gl3 (k) acts on the tangent space of the versal base space, T∗ , and in fact on the sub space T0 identified with H, creating a very special derivation, again the Dirac Derivation, (maybe a model for Black Energy) in this situation, 1 0 0 δ ∈ g(∗), δ = 0 1 0 , 0 0 1 the unit element. We have seen above, that δ acts on H as, X X ∂ ∂ + pj , δ := oi ∂o ∂p i j j=1,2,3 i=1,2,3 so this operation will stretch all vectors in ∆ proportional to their length (in the Euclidean metric). The value of δ at a point (o, p) is the tangent, (o, p) = (1/2(op), −1/2(op)) + (1/2((o + p), 1/2((o + p)). The first summand, (1/2(op), −1/2(op)) = ρ ∂ ∂ρ COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 67 sits in c̃ and the last, (1/2((o + p), 1/2((o + p)) = λ ∂ ∂λ ˜ i.e. it is a relative ”0-velocity”, and is in the subspace we have called ∆, ∂ ∂ δ=ρ +λ ∂ρ ∂λ in M (B). IIntroduce polar coordinates in ∆, with λ = |λ|, α1 , α2 , and introduce , ˜ u = {δ, ∂ , ∂ }. ∆ ∂α1 ∂α2 ˜ It is going to be our general 0-velocity tangent space, in cosmology, replacing ∆. Now, as a start, assume we concentrate on the first question of this sub-section, and assume the metric is the trivial one, so that mass, stress, and charge etc. can be neglected. Then we find that the velocity associated to the direction of the tangent vector (ρo, ρp) at t is given as v = sin(θ), where, tg(θ) = |1/2(ρ · op), −1/2(ρ · op))|/|1/2(ρ · (o + p), 1/2(ρ · (o + p))|. From this we deduce two versions of the Hubble formula, p v = |op|/ |op|2 + |(o + p)|2 = r/t, and, p v/ 1 − v 2 = |op|/|(o + p)| = r/T, where T is cosmological time, and t is ”real time” since the BB. In fact, r = ρ = p 1/2|op|/, T = λ = 1/2|(o + p)|, and t = 1/2 |op|2 + |(o + p)|2 is the distance in H from ∗ to (o, p) in the Euclidean metric. Of course, this is purely formal, since t is the distance covered by a point in our space left alone, carried away by the intrinsic expansion of space. The term r/T in the last formula is, in an obvious sense, the speed of the expansion of the Universe, with respect to cosmological time. It is seen to approach infinity when the real speed of the expansion v comes close to maximum, 1. This lead us to think about the inflation-scenario, more or less accepted in cosmology, and we shall have reasons to return to the problem, shortly. Now we need to introduce a metric that would fit with the one we introduced in section (2), inducing a Dirac operator [δ], defining the gravitation of Cosmos. To be able to say something non-nonsensical about the choice of this metric, one should have to guess about a content of the Universe, about our furniture, call it ξ, and deduce the metric from the equation, dξ = Q(ξ), dt see (2.3). This seems to be what cosmologists are trying out, and I shall, hopefully, be able to return to the question at a later time. There are several nontrivial problems to ponder. The light-component of the furniture propagates, of course, in time but also in cosmological time. It looks like the propagation of a light wave, ψ, which, due to the structure imposed on our ”toy model”, by the choice of a Big Bang event, ˜ u , and so perpendicular to now is characterised by propagating perpendicular to, ∆ δ. This will have an important consequence on the metric, and the history of our ”Present Universe”. At this point we shall, as an example, try out the metric, ( ρ − h(λ) 2 2 ) dρ + (ρ − h(λ))2 dφ2 + κ(λ)dλ2 , ρ 68 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL introduced in section 2. for the simplified space, in which ω is reduced to the angle φ, and the coordinates λ reduced to one parameter λ = |λ|. This corresponds to reducing our universe to the sub-universe of M (B), parametrized by (λ, φ, ρ). And ˜ u, the decomposition Θ = c̃⊕∆, is now replaced by, Θ = c̃u ⊕ δ̃, where δ̃ =< δ >⊂ ∆ and where, the summands should be orthogonal in the above metric. Now, choose h(λ) = h/λ, and κ(λ) = 1. An easy calculation shows that, ξ = ∂ ∂ − (ρ/λ)(1 − (h/ρλ))2 is orthogonal to δ, and we may choose, ∂ρ ∂λ c̃u =< ∂ ∂ ∂ − (ρ/λ)(1 − (h/ρλ))2 , >. ∂ρ ∂λ ∂φ At a point of the horizon we observe that the light directions are given by, c̃u =< ∂ ∂ , >. ∂ρ ∂φ just as in the Kepler-Newton case. Moreover an integral curve of ξ will never intersect the horizon for λ > 0. As a consequence we might say that an observer observing an observed not too far away, would do it in the same way as within the Kepler-Newton space. However, he/she will receive light signals from all the way back to the infinite horizon of the Big Bang. We have already computed the Force Laws, and they look like, h(λ) dρ 2 2 dh dρ dλ ρ2 dφ d2 ρ = −( )( ) + ( )( )( )( ) + ( )( )2 , dt2 ρ(ρ − h(λ)) dt (ρ − h(λ)) dλ dt dt (ρ − h(λ)) dt d2 φ dρ dφ dh dφ dλ = −2/(ρ − h(λ)) + 2/(ρ − h(λ))( )( )( ), dt2 dt dt dλ dt dt d2 λ 1 dh dρ 1 dh dφ (ρ − h(λ) = −( )( )( )( )2 − (ρ − h(λ))( )( )( )2 2 dt ρ κ(λ) dλ dt κ(λ) dλ dt dln(κ) dλ 2 + 1/2( )( ) , dλ dt where t, as above, is time. In the general H̃-case, we put h(λ) = h0 /λ, with h0 positive, then the area of the exceptional fibre, E(λ), is 4πh(λ)2 . The integral of this area over any sphere S(λ) ⊂ ∆ with center at BB, comes out as 16π 2 h20 . So considering λ as the cosmological time, and the area of the Black hole E(λ), as the (gravitational) mass-density, this corresponds to the conservation of (gravitational) mass in our universe, with respect to cosmological time. Of course, looking back in cosmological time, the gravitational mass-density h0 /λ increases, so it may seem like the universe contains more mass than we can, optically, account for. In the simplified ”universe” above, the corresponding constant mass is, of course, dh 2πh0 . We observe that ( dλ ) is always negative. This means that for ρ ≤ h(λ) the acceleration of ρ is positive, and unlimited close to the Horizon, i.e. for ρ close to h(λ). In the same region, assuming that κ(λ) is constant, the acceleration of λ is negative, vanishing on the Horizon. In particular we see that gravitation is an expanding force inside the Horizon, and a contracting one outside, giving ideas about inflation in cosmology. Moreover h(0) is infinite, and we have found a startling analogy to the present day assumption of Inflation. Time is 0 on the Horizon, so creation of photons at the Horizon of the BB, the assumed origin of the Cosmic Microwave Radiation (CMR) (that reaches us from ”everywhere”, which in M (B) means from BB, or really from E(∗)), ”happens at the same time”. This might be the reason why CMR seems to be in coherent phase, an argument for Inflation brought forward by, among others, Dodelson (arXiv.sep 03). COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 69 ˜ u are orthogonal. We would , In the general case, by definition, c̃u and ∆ ∂ ∂ ∂ however, have liked to find coordinates ti such that c̃ =< , , >, and ∂t1 ∂t2 ∂t3 ˜ =< ∂ , ∂ , ∂ >, such that, for the corresponding metric, g = P gp,q dtp dtq , ∆ ∂t4 ∂t5 ∂t6 we have, ∂ j,q ∂ i,p (g ) = (g ) = 0, ∀p, q, 1 ≤ i ≤ 3, 4 ≤ j ≤ 6. ∂ti ∂tj ˜ normal, or normally orthogonal, a notion we Then we would have called c̃ and ∆, shall come back to in section (6), in relation to the general Dirac equation. We shall leave the situation here. The rest of the story depends on the usefulness of the Furniture Equation, to which we shall return. Remark 4.6. We observe, from the results of section 2. and 3. and the above, that gravitation in this model, is a force related to pairs of point-like objects in 3-space. There is no problem with modelling a situation with an arbitrary number of objects, but the calculations are not very easy, so we shall postpone the treatment of this ”many-body problem” until we have a better understanding of the situation studied in (3.3). 5. Worked out Formulas 5.1. Some examples. As we have seen, Ext1A (V, V ) is the tangent space of the miniversal deformation space of V as an A-module, so that the non-commutative space P h(A) also parametrizes the set of generalised momenta, i.e. the set of pairs of an A- module V , and a tangent vector of the formal moduli of V, at that ”point”. In particular, any rank 1 representation of P h(A) is represented by a pair, (q,p), of a closed point, q of Spec(A), and a tangent, p at that point. For A = k[x1 , ..., xd ], and two such points, (qi , pi ), i = 1, 2, we proved in (1.3), dimk Ext1P h(A) (k(q1 , p1 ), k(q2 , p2 )) = 2n, for (q1 , p1 ) = (q2 , p2 ) dimk Ext1P h(A) (k(q1 , p1 ), k(q2 , p2 )) = n, for q1 = q2 , , p1 6= p2 dimk Ext1P h(A) (k(q1 , p1 ), k(q2 , p2 )) = 1, for q1 6= q2 . Moreover, there is a generator of, Ext1P h(A) (k(q1 , p1 ), k(q2 , p2 )) = Derk (P h(A), Homk (k(q1 , p1 )), k(q2 , p2 )))/T riv, uniquely characterized by the tangent line defined by the vector q1 q2 . Consider the following example. Example 5.1. Let A = k[x1 , x2 , x3 ], and consider now the space of 2-dimensional representation of P h(A). It is an easy computation that any such is given by the actions, a1 0 b1 0 c1 0 x1 = , x2 = , x3 = , 0 a2 0 b2 0 c2 and, α1 σ(a1 − a2 ) dx1 = , σ(a2 − a1 ) α2 β1 σ(b1 − b2 ) dx2 = , σ(b2 − b1 ) β2 γ1 σ(c1 − c2 ) dx3 = σ(c2 − c1 ) γ2 70 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL The angular momentum is now given by, (a1 β1 − b1 α1 ) σ(a2 b1 − a1 b2 ) L1,2 := x1 dx2 − x2 dx1 = . σ(a1 b2 − a2 b1 ) (a2 β2 − b2 α2 ) And the isospin, has the form, I1 := [x1 , dx1 ] = 0 σ(a2 − a1 )2 σ(a1 − a2 )2 , 0 . Use the result, (1.6), and obtain for the k-algebra, P h(A), the existence of a k-algebra C(2), an open subscheme U (2) ⊂ Spec(C(2)), an étale morphism, π : U (2) → Simp2 (P h(A)) and a versal family, ρ : P h(A) → M2 (C(2)). Any section ψ, of the C(2)-bundle M2 (C(2)) defined in U (2), determines a vector field ξ ∈ ΘH̃ . In fact , ψ defines for every point in C(2), the points, pi := (ai , bi , ci ) ∈ A3 , i = 1, 2. together with the vectors, ξi := (αi , βi , γi ), i = 1, 2, which together defines a vector field in H. The extension to H̃, is left as an exercise! The appearance of the of the coupling constant σ in the formulas for ρ, which is just dependent upon the pair of points, p1 , p2 , shows that a quantum field theory, in the language of the Introduction, defined by Simp2 (P h(A)), and a Dirac derivation defined in P h(A), tell us much more about the dynamics of the vector fields, than the covariant derivations of a connection. The next results, below, will show that this model contains an infinitely more complex extension, which someone should take seriously. Example 5.2. Let A = M2 (k), and let us compute P h(A). Clearly the existence of the canonical homomorphism, i : M2 (k) → P h(M2 (k)) shows that P h(M2 (k)) must be a matrix ring, generated, as an algebra, over M2 (k) by di,j , i, j = 1, 2, where i,j is the elementary matrix. A little computation shows that we have the following relations, 0 (d1,1 )1,2 = −(d2,2 )1,2 d1,1 = (d1,1 )2,1 = −(d2,2 )2,1 0 0 (d2,2 )1,2 = −(d1,1 )1,2 d2,2 = (d2,2 )2,1 = −(d1,1 )2,1 0 1,2 (d2,2 )2,1 (d1,2 )1,2 = −(d2,1 )2,1 d1,2 = 0 −(d2,2 )2,1 1,2 (d2,2 )1,2 2,1 0 d2,1 = (d2,1 )2,1 = −(d1,2 )1,2 2,1 (d1,1 )1,2 From this follows that any cosection, ρ : P h(M2 (k)) → M2 (k), of i : M2 (k) → P h(M2 (k)), is given in terms of an element φ ∈ M2 (k), such that ρ(da) = [φ, a]. COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 71 5.2. Action of the gauge group g ⊕ su(2) on the tangent space. Let us go back to the subsection (4.3), the theorem (4.1), and the remark (4.2). If o = (0, 0, 0), p = (1, 0, 0) have seen that the Lie algebra g(t) comes out isomorphic to the Lie algebra of matrices of the form, 0 δ12 δ13 0 δ22 δ23 0 δ32 δ33 The radical r, is generated 0 0 u = 0 1 0 0 by 3 elements, 0 0 0 , r1 = 0 1 0 {u, r1 , r2 }, with, 1 0 0 0 0 , r2 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 . 0 where u ∈ / [g, g], [u, ri ] = −ri , [r1 , r2 ] = 0, and the quotient, g(t)/r = sl(2). with the usual generators h, e, f , 0 0 0 0 h = u0 = 0 1 0 , e = u1 = 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 1 , f = u2 = 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 . 0 In particular, we find that sl(2) ⊂ g(t). Notice also that, in this case, the unique 0-tangent line at the point t0 = (o, p), o = (0, 0, 0), p = (1, 0, 0), killed by g, is represented by the pair d3 := ((1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0)), and the unique light-velocity line is represented by c3 := ((1, 0, 0), (−1, 0, 0)). Let, d1 := ((0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0)), d2 := ((0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1)) and let, c1 := ((0, 1, 0), (0, −1, 0)), c2 := ((0, 0, 1), (0, 0, −1)). Then {c1 , c2 , c3 , d1 , d2 , d3 } is a basis for the tangent space Θt0 , ˜t . and {d1 , d2 , d3 } is a basis for ∆ 0 We observe that the generator h of the Cartan subalgebra h ⊂ g acts in this basis as, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h= 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 which makes the choice of basis above canonical, i.e. determines {c1 , c2 , d1 , d2 } as ˜ The actions of the gauge fields g̃ can then (±1) eigenvectors of h, in c̃, resp. in ∆. be given canonically: The generators, h, e, f ∈ sl(2) ⊂ g act, in the above basis, like, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h= 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e= 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 72 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL 0 1 0 f = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 The generators, u, r1 , r2 ∈ rad(g) act, in the above basis, like, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . u= 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 r1 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 r2 = 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 ˜ ⊂ Θ , is the sub-bundle defined, at Now, go back to Lemma (4.3), recall that ∆ H̃ the point t as the space of tangents of the form (ξ, ξ). Given a metric on H̃, we ˜ ⊗ C. Knowing that Θ = c̃ ⊕ ∆, ˜ it acts in the may look at the action of su(3) on ∆ obvious way on the lower right corner, like 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . γ= 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ Since the 0-velocity direction defined at (o, p), by the affine line op which here is d3 = (o − p, o − p), is unique, see (6.1), we have seen in section (4) that we may, in an essential unique way, decompose the Cartan subalgebra h ⊂ su(3), into the Cartan subalgebra < h1 >, for the sub-Lie algebra su(2) ⊂ su(3), leaving δ3 invariant, and the part < h2 >⊂ h perpendicular, in the Killing metric, to h1 . Obviously, we have, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , h1 = , h2 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/2 0 0 0 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/3 0 −1/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −2/3 COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 73 Classically one denotes the other 6 base elements of su(3) ⊗ C, as, ei± , i = 1, 2, 3. ˜ of these operators, in the basis {d1 , d2 , d3 } are given by, The restriction to ∆ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 e1+ = 0 0 0 , e2+ = 0 0 1 , e3+ = 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 and their duals, 0 e1− = 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , e2− = 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 , e3− = 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 ˜ coincide with that of e and f of g. We observe that the action of e1+ and e1− on ∆ Let us note the commutators, [h1 , h2 ] = 0, [h1 , e1± ] = ±e1± , [h1 , e2± ] = ∓1/2e2± , [h1 , e3± ] = ±1/2e3± together with the following ones, [h2 , e1± ] = 0, [h2 , e2± ] = ±e2± , [h2 , e3± ] = ±e3± Notice, for later use, the Casimir element, C = e1+ · e1− + e2+ , e2− + e3− e3+ = 1. Notice also that, since the direction of light at the point t is given by c3 , we find that the action of φ ∈ u(1) is, exp(φ·(e−f )), on the photon, i.e. on the g-representation on < c1 , c2 >, is the (transverse light-wave) given by, cosφ sinφ 0 0 0 0 sinφ cosφ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , A(φ) = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 usually just expressed as a state function, ψ(τ ) = exp(ı·ντ ), by plugging in φ =: ντ . This completes the computation of the action of G on ΘH̃ . Since the tangent space of H(op), generated by c3 , d3 , is uniquely determined, say by (6.1), the effective gauge group of our system turns out to be the real , g∗ := g⊕ < h2 > . We shall be interested in the algebra, EndH̃ (ΘH̃ ), with the adjoint action of g. For λ ∈ g, and for ψ ∈ EndH̃ (ΘH̃ ), put, λ(ψ) := [λ, ψ]. Together these formulas show that the quotients of of the g∗-representation ΘH̃ are the following, • c̃ and therefore also the photon {c1 , c2 } and a singleton, {c3 }, both simple. ˜ and therefore the ”electron” {d1 , d2 } and a singleton, {d3 }, both simple. • ∆ • Weyl spinors, Bo , Bp , and Dirac spinors, Bo ⊕ Bp The non-trivial simple quotients of of the su(3)-representation ΘH̃ are reduced to, ˜ • The quarks, ∆ 74 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL It is now easy to see that the the Pauli matrices are found as follows, 0 1 1 σ =e+f = , 1 0 0 i 2 σ = i(e + f ) = , −i 0 1 0 σ3 = h = 0 −1 Moreover, the parity operator P , the generator γ of the symmetry group Z2 , operating on H̃, acts on c̃, as multiplication by (-1), see [18]. Therefore, it maps the basis {(c1 + d1 ), (c2 + d2 )} into {(−c1 + d1 ), (−c2 + d2 )}. Consequently, we have an isomorphism, P : Bo → Bp , Chirality, in the physicists language, is explained as follows. The morphism P , extended to Bo ⊕ Bp , in the basis chosen above, is given by the matrix, 0 id γ5 = , id 0 which turns left-handedness to right-handedness, with respect to the direction (o, p), resp. (p, o). This shows that it is meaningful to consider the representations given by the Dirac matrices, 1 0 0 σk γ0 = , γk = , k = 1, 2, 3. 0 −1 −σ k 0 as well as the new operators, γ k+3 = k σ 0 0 , k = 1, 2, 3, −σ k acting on, Bo ⊕ Bp , such that, ∀p 6= q, γ p γ q = −γ q γ p , γ p γ p = 1, p, q = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. There are faithful representations of g in the bundle Bo ⊕Bp , and g kills Ao,p . The representations, Bo and Bp , the 2-component Weyl-Spinors of the physicists., and the space Bo ⊕ Bp the Dirac-Spinors are points of the non-commutative quotient of the moduli space H̃, by the gauge group g. It is clear that this, together with the formulas above give good reasons to believe that there is a relation between this model, and the Standard Model (and so also to the 8-fold way of Gell-Mann). Moreover, here all ingredients are universally given by the information contained in the singularity U, the Big Bang, in my tapping. The choice of metric, i.e. time and so gravitation, will have to be made on the basis of the nature of what I have called the Furniture of the model.. 5.3. Adjoint actions of g. Let’s have a look at the Boson start with the adjoint action of the family g. Consider the h, e, f, u, r1 , r2 , given by the basis for the sl(2), 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h = 0 1 0 , e = 0 0 1 , f = 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 1 and the basis for the radical, r, 0 0 0 0 u = 0 1 0 , r1 = 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 , r2 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fields, and let us basis, used above, 0 0 . 0 1 0 . 0 COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 75 where u ∈ / [g, g], [u, ri ] = −ri , [r1 , r2 ] = 0, and the quotient, g(t)/r = sl(2). The adjoint action of g, in the above basis, is given as, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 −2 0 0 0 ad(h) = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 −1 0 0 0 −2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ad(e) = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 ad(f ) = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ad(u) = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ad(r1 ) = 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ad(r2 ) = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 −1 0 0 1 0 0 From this we deduce the Killing form of g, given, in the above basis, as, < h, h >= 10 < h, e >= 0, < h, f >= −0 < h, u >= 0, < h, r1 >= 0, < h, r2 >= 0 < e, e >= 0 < e, f >= −1, < e, u >= 0, < e, r1 >= 0, < e, r2 >= 1 < f, f >= 0 < f, u >= 0, < f, r1 >= 0, < f, r2 >= 0 < u, u >= 2 < u, r1 >= 0, < u, r2 >= 0 < ri , ri >= 0 < ri , rj >= 0, showing that, g⊥ = {r1 , r2 } ⊂ g, and that rad(g)⊥ ' sl2 Now, use (4.2), and see that we can, outside the subscheme M (B), identify sl(2) ˜ such that h, e, f corresponds to d3 , d1 , d2 , respectively. with ∆, 76 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL 6. Summing up the Model Recall the philosophy of this model-building. We are assumed to have a moduli space, M, the points of which represent the different aspects of a physical phenomenon that we want to study. M should be outfitted with a metric g, the Time of our model. Its dynamical extension, P h∞ (M) with the canonical Dirac derivation δ, and together with its moduli space of representations, is the non-commutative algebraic geometric space, representing all possible measurable changes in the moduli space M. Let us focus on an affine covering of M, the general object of which is the kalgebra C. To be able to work with this model, we need a choice of a dynamical structure, i.e. a δ-stable ideal (σ) of P h∞ (C), such that the dynamical system, A := C(σ) := P h∞ (C)/(σ), becomes finitely generated. We may have global and local gauge groups, g0 and g1 , denote the direct sum of these, ḡ. The global one, being the isometry Lie algebra g0 of the metric g, and the local one, the Lie algebra g1 , of inessential automorphisms of the relevant representations of this dynamical system. The goal is to classify the representations of C(σ)/ḡ, i.e. compute the non-commutative algebraic quotient space, the set of representations insensitive to the action of ḡ, thereby classifying the possible outcomes of measurements of the observables, i.e. of the elements of C(σ), prepared at time τ0 as time, clocked by the Dirac derivation δ, or some [δ], goes by. Recall also the definition, and the significance, of the notion of quotient in noncommutative algebraic geometry, see subsection (1.5), in particular Lemma (1.11). Given a representation ρ : C(σ) → Endk (V ), there is the exact sequence, κ 0 → EndC(σ) (V ) → Endk (V ) → Derk (C(σ), Endk (V )) → Ext1C(σ) (V ) → 0 Any derivation, γ ∈ Derk (C(σ)) induces a derivation ρ(γ) := γρ ∈ Derk (C(σ), Endk (V )). If κ(ρ(γ)) ∈ Ext1C(σ) (V ) is 0, then this means that the infinitesimal change of ρ produced by the action of γ, is trivial. Therefore, if the combined global and local gauge group, the Lie-algebra of inessential derivations ḡ = g0 ⊕ g1 , is given, with its Lie-Cartan structure, i.e. with the existence of a flat connection, D : g0 → Derk (g1 ), the non-commutative quotient ”space”, C(σ)/ḡ is the category of representations, C(σ)/ḡ := {(ρ, µ) : ρ : C(σ) → Endk (V ), µ : ḡ → EndC (V )} where, ∀γ ∈ g0 , κ(ρ(γ)) = 0, and µ is a ρ-connection. We shall use the notation, ρ ∈ Simp(C(σ))/ḡ to mean that the representation ρ is a simple object, in this category. In our Toy Model situation, M = H̃, and we have introduced a metric g in H̃, taking care of Time, via the dynamical structure, σg =< [dti , tj ] − g i,j >, the Dirac derivation δ := ad(g − T ) of ˜(σg ), the Dirac derivation [δ] of General Relativity (GR), and so also gravitation. We have computed the global gauge group, the isometry Lie algebra g0 . The local gauge group g1 is split into two parts, the H̃-bundle ˜ C. of Lie algebras g, acting on ΘH̃ , and the Lie algebra bundle su(3) acting on ∆ COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 77 Recall also the abbreviations, H̃(com) := P h(H̃)/σ0 where σ0 = ([dti , tj ], [dti , dtj ]), and H(part) := P h(H̃)/σ1 where σ1 = ([dti , tj ]). We do not have a unique dynamical system, furnishing a unique model for all forces and fields. But we have a very special vector space of states, ΘH̃ , containing the states of our elementary particles. Moreover, we propose that the notion of particle, as we hinted at in subsection (1.6), is linked to those representations of P h(H̃) induced by representations of H̃(part)/ḡ, on iterated extensions, B of sub˜ extensions of ΘH̃ = c̃ ⊕ ∆. This situation leads to 3 linked models, which we shall now describe in detail. We have already introduced 2 of them. The general theory, of subsections (1.5-1.8) has furnished, • a generalised Y-M model, where the global gauge group, g0 , is the Lie algebra of infinitesimal isometries, and the local gauge group, g1 has a flat g0 connection, D : g0 → Derk (g1 ). We obtain the representations, ρ : P h(H̃)/(σg ) =: H̃(σg ) → Endk (V), ρ0 := ρ/H̃, where there is a ρ0 -connection, µ : ḡ → Endk (V). Here, [δ] = 0, and the Hamiltonian is equal to the Dirac derivation, Q = ρ(g − T ). • a GR model, for the scheme Simp1 (H̃(com)), i.e. for representations, ρ : H̃(com) → EndH̃(com) (H̃(com)) ' H̃(com) with Dirac derivation, X ∂ ∂ + ξi ∈ Derk (H̃(com)), ξi := dti . [δ] = (−Γi ) ∂ξi ∂ti The global gauge group g0 , is the Lie-algebra of infinitesimal isometries, the local gauge group g1 is trivial, and the Hamiltonian Q = 0. The link between these two is given by the generalised Einstein Field Equations, see Remark (1.29), and refer to the problem of defining the content = our furniture of the Universe. This must, if we shall be true to our philosophy, be a universal, bundle of g1 -representations, and a result of the Big Bang event! (Recall that this is a paper about mathematical models). The 3. model, which also will serve as a link between the two above, and introduce a kind of a Quantum Field Theory (QFT), linking global force fields ρ, i.e. connections, and Gauge Fields, ρ1 will turn out to have the form, • a QFT model for gauge fields, i.e. for those H̃-representations that we have considered, particles, X ρ1 : P h(H̃) → EndH̃ (V), ρ1 (dtq ) = Wp , Wp ∈ g1 , p with the global gauge groupe g0 , and local gauge group, g1 as before, and a flat ρ0 -connection, ḡ → Endk (V). Here we have a generalised Dirac derivation, X ∂ + Aq ) ∈ Endk (V), Aq ∈ EndH̃ (V). [δ] = g p,q γp ( ∂tq p,q where {γp } is an H̃-basis for g. The Hamiltonian is as before, Q := ρ(g−T ), 78 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Notice that the local gauge group, g1 operates on H̃(part) := P h(H̃)/([ti , dtj ]), as derivations, killing H̃, so g1 ⊂ DerH̃ (H̃(part)). Moreover, since the structural constants of g1 are just that, i.e. constants, elements of k, there exists, a flat. connection D, in the diagram, D g0 / Derk (g1 ) o g1 ∇0 Endk (V) o ∇1 EndH̃ (V) Therefore the non-commutative quotient, H̃(part)/ḡ, is the category of representations, H̃(part) := P h(H̃)/([ti , dtj ]) → EndH̃ (V), with a g0 -connection ∇0 , as well as a g1 -connection, ∇1 (recall that g1 kills H̃) and a generalised Dirac derivation, X [δ] = ρ1 (dtp )ρ(dtp ). p This operator in V is a generalized momentum-operator, taking care of the two types of momenta, operating on V, stemming from the actions of the global fields and the local fields, respectively. The operator [δ] will be important for defining time-derivatives of representations. This is a problem since neither the Force Laws (1) nor (2), define dynamical systems with Dirac derivations in P h(H̃), see Remark(1.4) and [18], page 83. A way out here, is the next point on the agenda. 6.1. Time in Quantum Field Theory. Now, let us recall from (1.12), that general relativity is, as we have shown above, related to our model via the canonical diagram, H̃ i / P h(H̃) π / H̃(σg ) P h(H̃)com P defined by a choice of a metric g = 1/2 i,j gi,j ∈ P h(H̃). According to Theorem (1.13) there are in P h(H̃) force laws, defining dynamical structures, generated by, X X (1) d2 ti = − 1/2 (Γ̄ip,q + Γ̄iq,p )dtp dtq + 1/2 gp,q (Rp,i dtq + dtp Rq,i ) H̃ i/ p,q p,q + [dti , T ] X X (2) d2 ti = − Γip,q dtp dtq − 1/2 gp,q (Fi,p dtq + dtp Fi,q ) p,q + 1/2 p,q X gp,q [dtp , (Γi,q l − Γq,i l )]dtl + [dti , T ] l,p,q Tl = −1/2( X j ¯ l) (Γj,l + Γ̄jj,l ) = −1/2(trace∇l + trace∇ j and consistent with the Dirac derivation, ad(g − T ) in H̃(σg ), as well as with the P ∂ ∂ Dirac derivation [δ] = (−Γi ) + ξi in H̃(com). ∂ξi ∂ti COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 79 Notice in relation with the diagram above, that even though in P h(H̃) we have the relation [dti , tj ]+[ti , dtj ] = 0, we cannot conclude that [d2 ti , tj ]+[dti , dtj ]+[dti , dtj ]+ [ti , d2 tj ] = 0, since in P h(H̃), the derivation ad(g − T ), is not the Dirac derivation δ, and ad(g − T )(ti ) 6= dti . However, [ν 2 ti , tj ] + [νti , νtj ] + [νti , νtj ] + [ti , ν 2 tj ] = 0, for ν := ad(g − T ). Let us now go back to subsection (1.12) and the diagram, H̃O H̃ H̃ H̃ i i i / P h2 (H̃) / P h3 (H̃) . . . fff f m f f m f mmm fffff q1 mmqm2 ffffffffqf3f m m mfmfmfmffffπff sf / H̃ vm / H̃(σg )δ=ad(g−T ) QQQ QQQ 0 QQQρ1 QQQ ρ0 QQQ ( ρ̃ / H̃(part) / Endk (V ) / P h(H̃) / P h∞ (H̃)δ / H̃(com)[δ] uniquely defined by, i ◦ ad(g − T ) =d ◦ q1 : H̃ → P h(H̃) q1 ◦ ad(g − T ) =d ◦ q2 : P h(H̃) → P h(H̃) qn ◦ ad(g − T ) =d ◦ qn+1 : P hn (H̃) → P h(H̃), n ≥ 1 outside the horizon, i.e. outside of the subscheme where the metric g is degenerate. Recall that, H̃(part) := P h(H̃/([dti , tj ])) and H̃(com) := P h(H̃/([dti , tj ]), [dti , dtj ]). In H̃(σg ) we have, dti := δ(ti ) = ν(ti ), so we may write, ν n (ti ) = dn ti = δ n ◦ qn We observe that given a representation, ρ01 : P h(H̃) → Endk (V ), the above implies that the dynamical properties with respect to the derivation ν = ad(g−T ), in P h(H̃), are expressed as the dynamical properties of the infinite family of representations, ρn := qn ◦ ρ01 : P hn (H̃) → Endk (V ), with respect to the canonical Dirac derivation δ of P h∞ (H̃). There may even be a limit representation, ρ∞ : P h∞ (H̃) → Endk (V ), where the dynamical properties of ρ01 and ν = ad(g − T ) are taken care of by ρ∞ and the Dirac derivation δ : P h∞ (H̃) → P h∞ (H̃). This is the situation we would have liked to have, to be able to use the general theory of Quantum Field Theory, of section (1.4), Theorems (1.12) and (1.13). However, as we have seen, the algebra P h∞ (H̃) is far from finitely generated, and the representations we want to look at, are far from finite dimensional. It seems that we have only two obvious options. Either to reduce our space to a discrete set, and work with finite dimensional representations of P h∞ (H̃), like in Subsection (3.3) or, given interesting Force Laws, try to make do with a reasonable approximation of this ideal situation. Let us first look at this last one. 80 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL According to Remark (1.19), given a representation, ρ0 : H̃ → Endk (V ), considered as a point v, in its moduli space (there is always a formal moduli space HV ), we may choose a tangent (or momentum) of this moduli space, at the point v, defined by an extension of ρ0 , ρ1 : P h(H̃) → Endk (V ), and if now the Force Law we choose gives us an extension of ρ1 , ρ2 : P h2 (H̃) → Endk (V ), such that δ 2 ρ2 = d2 we have at hand a second order momentum of ρ0 , a real classical force law. Now, let us see how to use this in our special situation. Pick a representation, V, of the local gauge group, g1 (say a sub-quotient of ⊗n Θ). V is now the state space for a particle, ρ̃1 : P h(H̃) → H̃(part) → EndH̃ (B), defined by, ρ̃1 (ti ) = ti , ρ̃1 (dti ) = Wi , where Wi ∈ U (g), i = 1, ..., 6, is what the physicists call a gauge field. This is obviously well defined, since ρ̃([dti , tj ]) = 0, for all i, j. The representation ρ˜1 extends (essentially uniquely) to, ρ̃2 : P h2 (H̃) → EndH̃ (B) defined by, ρ̃2 (ti ) = ti , ρ̃2 (d0 ti ) = Wi , ρ̃2 (d1 ti ) = ξ0i ∈ EndH̃ (B)g , ρ̃2 (d1 (d0 ti )) = ρ̃2 (d2 ti ). since these equations will, of course, depending upon which Force Law we choose, respect the relations of P h2 (H̃), 0 = [d0 ti , tj ] + [ti , d0 tj ] 0 = [d1 d0 ti , tj ] + [d0 ti , d1 tj ] + [d1 ti , d0 tj ] + [ti , d1 d0 tj ]. Recall from (1.7), X Γ̄ip,q = g r,i Γlr,p gl,q , l,r ¯ l := (Γ̄j ), T = ∇l = (Γji,l ), ∇ i,l X Tl dtl l Tl = −1/2( X j ¯ l) (Γj,l + Γ̄jj,l ) = −1/2(trace∇l + trace∇ j Γj,i p = X g j,k Γik,p , k Fi,j = Ri,j − X i,j (Γj,i p − Γp )dtp , p where, Ri,j = [dti , dtj ], and the Force Law (1), X X d2 ti = − 1/2 (Γ̄ip,q + Γ̄iq,p )dtp dtq + 1/2 gp,q (Rp,i dtq + dtp Rq,i ) p,q p,q + [dti , T ] The above fit into the following, creating a time-operator in Endk (V), COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 81 Theorem 6.1. Let ρ̃1 : P h(H̃) → EndH̃ (B) be a particle given as above, and put ρ̃0 = i ◦ ρ1 . Assume that all Wp are constants, and suppose moreover, Γ̄ = Γ, (see (2.4) for an example). Then the force law (1) above, induces a representation, ρ̃2 : P h2 (H̃) → EndH̃ (B) with Dirac derivation, and Hamiltonian given by, X ∂ [δ] = g j,k Wj , respectively, Q = ρ̃(g − T ), ∂tk j,k such that, ρ̃0 (dti ) = [δ](ρ̃1 (ti )) + [Qρ̃0 (ti )] ρ̃2 (d2 ti ) = [δ](ρ̃1 (dti )) + [Q, ρ̃1 (dti )]. Thus, [δ] + ad(Q) is the Time Operator, up to order 2, in Endk (V). Proof. The particle induces a field, X X ρ̃2 (d1 (d0 ti )) = −1/2 (Γ̄p,q,i + Γ̄p,i,q )Wp Wq − 1/2 (Ri,p Wp + Wp Ri,p ) + ρ̃([dti , T ]) p,q p X = −1/2 (Γ̄p,q,i + Γ̄p,i,q )Wp Wq + ρ̃([g − T, ti ]) p,q Let us now compute, [δ](ρ̃(dti )). There is a well known formula, X ∂gi,k = 1/2 (gp,k Γpi,l + gi,p Γpk,l ), ∂tl p from which we obtain the equally well known, X ∂g r,m k,m r = −1/2 (g r,k Γm Γk,q ). k,q + g ∂tq k Plug it into the formula for [δ](ρ̃(dti )), and calculate, X ∂ r,m [δ](ρ̃(dtm )) = g p,q Wp (g Wr ) ∂t q p,q,r X k,m r = −1/2 g p,q (g r,k Γm Γk,q )Wp Wr k,q + g p,q,r = −1/2 X (Γr,m,p + Γm,r,p )Wp Wr . p,r Now, compute, ρ̃(d2 ti )) = −1/2 X (Γ̄ip,q + Γ̄iq,p )ρ̃(dtp )ρ̃(dtq ) + ρ̃(1/2 p,q = −1/2 X = −1/2 X X gp,q (Rp,i dtq + dtp Rq,i ) + [dti , T ]) p,q (Γ̄ip,q + Γ̄iq,p )ρ̃(dtp )ρ̃(dtq ) + [ρ̃(g − T ), ρ̃(dti ] p,q (Γp,i,r + Γp,r,i )Wp Wr + [ρ̃(g − T ), ρ̃(dti ] p,q = [δ](ρ̃(dti )) + [Q, ρ̃(dti )], 82 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Remark 6.2. Looking back to our model for quantum fields, (1.4) - (1.11), the form of the Dirac derivation [δ] may seem strange. In fact, it is not a Dirac derivative of the kind we have seen before. There is no reasons for that, since we have no Dirac derivation defined on any one of the rings of observables, P hn (H̃). It is, however, more reasonable to consider [δ] + ad(Q) as the time operator in EndH̃ (B), at least up to order 2. Another way of understanding the above result, is the following. Start with a point t ∈ H̃, and the corresponding finite dimensional representation, ρ : P h(H̃) → Endk (Bt ) The gauge group g acts on Bt , and we shall consider the deformations of this representation conserving this action (see section 7. for an extension of this, and the related introduction of the Weak Force). The tangent space of the formal moduli of such objects is given as Ext1P h(H̃) (Bt , Bt )g = (Derk (P h(H̃), Endk (Bt )/T riv)g . Any derivation, ξ ∈ Derk (P h(H̃), Endk (Bt )) is determined by the values, ξ(ti ) =: ξ0i ∈ Endk (Bt ), ξ(dti ) =: ξ1i ∈ Endk (Bt ) with relations, 0 = ξ([ti , dtj ] + [dti , tj ]) = [ξ0i , Wj ] + [ti , ξ1j ] + [ξ1i , tj ] + [Wi , ξ0i ] Invariance under the action of g implies that for all γ ∈ g there is an φγ ∈ Endk (Bt ), such that, for all i = 1, ..., 6, [γ, ξ0i ] = 0, [γ, ξ1i ] = [φγ , Wi ]. If Bt is a simple g module, then we have solutions, ξ0i = αi · id, ξ1i = Wi , αi ∈ k proving that the completion of the local ring H̃t is a quotient of the formal moduli P P ∂ of ρ as a g-representation. Then the form of [δ] = j,k g j,k Wj = j W j ξj , ∂tk becomes more reasonnable, and more in line with physicists language, ”a gauge field associates a group element to each path in space-time” (Wikipedia: magnetic Monopoles). We have now got an example resembling what we have termed a Quantum Field Theory, where the objects are the quantum fields, ψ ∈ EndH̃ (B), and the equation of motion, and energy, should be given by, ([δ] + Q(φ) = Eφ, φ ∈ V. However, since the operator ([δ] + adQ), is not a derivation of Endk (V), the eigenfunctions do not multiply, and we may not define Planck’s constants, and play with the corresponding creation and annihilation operators, as we did above, see also [18], p. 60. The gravitational force is given in terms of g, the Time, but the other forces present themselves as fields, ψ, which added to Q = ρ̃1 (g − T ), give us the classical ˜ act on all the other fields ψ ∈ Θ as Hamiltonians. The gauge fields, γ ∈ g∗ γ(ψ) = [γ, ψ]. In this sense the gauge fields are mediating forces, acting locally. The energy-mass-equation looks very much like an equations of Dirac type, and in fact, assuming the metric trivial, and having picked constant gauge fields {γi } COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 83 P properly, we find that Q = i γi2 is the identity, and then Theorem (1.9) actually produces the Weyl equation, for Weyl-spinors, X ∂ [δ](ξ) := γi (ξ) = Eξ, ξ ∈ Bo , ∂ti i and the Dirac equation, for Dirac-spinors, [δ](ξ) = Eξ, ξ ∈ Bo , ⊕Bp , but beware, the parity operator P does not preserve the Weyl spinors. In complete generality, we have also a way of distinguishing type of energy. Clearly the derivation, [δ] may be cut up into two parts, X X ∂ ∂ + g p,q γp , [δ] := g p,q γp ∂tq q=4,5,6 ∂tq q=1,2,3 where the first term is related to the kinetic energy, and the second to the mass. ˜ being orthogonal. Now, consider, as This follows from the definition, of c̃ and ∆, above (5.2), the Pauli matrices, 0 1 σ1 = e + f = , 1 0 0 i σ 2 = −ie + if = , −i 0 1 0 σ3 = h = , 0 −1 and see the discussion in the next section. The parity operator, P , induces the Dirac matrices, 1 0 0 σk 0 k γ = , γ = , k = 1, 2, 3. 0 −1 σk 0 as well as the new operators, γ k+3 = σk 0 0 , k = 1, 2, 3, −σ k acting on, Bo ⊕ Bp , such that, ∀p 6= q, γ p γ q = −γ q γ p , γ p γ p = 1, p, q = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Put, ∂ , ∂tq p,(q=4,5,6) p,(q=1,2,3) ˜ are normal, we have P g p,q g p,q0 = 0, and notice that since, by definition c̃ and ∆ p ∂ ∂ ˜ ˜ for ∈ c̃, 0 ∈ ∆, moreover, κ(∆) = µ(c̃) = 0, see subsection (4.4). ∂tq ∂tq ˜ is implied by the condition that the geometry of Notice that normality of c̃ and ∆ ˜ are not affected by movement space c̃ stays constant with respect to λ, and clocks ∆ in space with light velocity! Then we find, {κ, µ} = 0, [δ]2 = (κ + µ)2 = κ2 + µ2 proving that, [κ2 , µ2 ] = 0. So if ω is a nonsingular eigenvector for either κ or µ, then it must be an eigenvector for both κ2 and µ2 , and we find, X X ∂ ∂ κ(ω) = (ω) = Kω, µ(ω) = g p,q γ p (ω) = mω, g p,q γ p ∂tq ∂tq κ := p,(q=1,2,3) X g p,q γ p ∂ , µ := ∂tq X g p,q γ p p,(q=4,5,6) 84 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL and consequently,, [δ]2 (ω) = E 2 ω = (K 2 + m2 )ω. This is, in our model, the combined Einstein, Klein-Gordon and Dirac equation. Notice that, for the trivial metric, i.e. for constant g i,j , X [δ]2 = ξp2 , p is the Laplace operator, see (1.29). Summarising, we observe that our Toy Model has furnished, 3 nicely interrelated models; • a Field Theory (including a Y-M model) for connections on H̃-bundles B, i.e. for representations, ρ : P h(H̃)/(σg ) =: H̃(σg ) → Endk (B) with Dirac derivation for representations, [δ] = 0 and Hamiltonian Q = ρ(g − T ). • a Quantum Field Theory for gauge fields, i.e. for representations, ρ : P h(H̃)/([dti , tj ]) =: P h(H̃)part → EndH̃ (B) P with Dirac derivation [δ] = p,q g p,q Wp ∂ and Hamiltonian Q := ρ̃(g−T ). ∂tq • and a General Relativistic model, for the scheme Spec(P h(H̃)com ), i.e. for representations, ρ : H̃(σ0 ) := P h(H̃)com → EndH̃(σ0 ) (H̃(σ0 )) ' H̃(σ0 ) P ∂ ∂ (−Γi ) + ξi , and Hamiltonian Q = 0, ∂ξi ∂ti The exterior force fields in physics are in our Field Theory Model induced by representations like ρ : H̃(σg ) → Endk (B). But now, we see that any ordinary particle will also induce a field. In fact the dynamics of ρ is given by the time derivative ρ̇ of ρ, being defined by, X ρ̇(dti ) = ρ(d2 ti ) = ρ(−1/2 (Γ̄ip,q + Γ̄iq,p )dtp dtq with Dirac derivation, [δ] = p,q + 1/2 X gp,q (Rp,i dtq + dtp Rq,i ) + [dti , T ]) p,q =− X Γip,q ∇p ∇q − 1/2 p,q + 1/2 X X gp,q (Fi,p ∇q + ∇p Fi,q ) p,q q,i gp,q [∇p , (Γi,q l − Γl )]∇l + [∇i , T ], l,p,q where ∇p := ρ(dtp ). ∂ is the momentum, and for a trivial ∂ts metric (or for the Minkowski metric), the equation reduces to, In the classical case, ∇p = ξp = P ρ̇(dti ) = ρ(d2 ti ) = − s g p,s X ∂ (Fi,p ∇p + 1/2 (Fi,p )), ∂t p p and the Hamiltonian Q = ρ(g −T ) = ∆, reduces to the Laplace differential operator. COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 85 Example 6.3. It is not difficult to see that this last equation, restricted to the subspace M (B) contains Maxwells equation. Interpreting, B = θM (B) , vp = ṫp := ∇p = ( ∂ +Ap )(t), Ap ∈ EndM (B) (Θ), v̇p := E ·ρ(d2 ti )(t) ∂tp we find that the observed electromagnetic fact, i.e. the Lorentz force law, X v̇i = E · Fi,p vp p ∂ (Fi,p )), i = 1, ..., 4}, ∂tp must be zero, (or as physicists would say, gauge). This means, see Subsections (1.8)-(1.11), that there exist Φ ∈ EndM (B) (ΘM (B) ), such that, X ∂ X ∂ ∂ (Fi,p ), i = 1, ..., 4} = { (Φ) + [1/2 (Fi,p )), Φ], i = 1, ..., 4} {1/2 ∂tp ∂ti ∂tp p p implies that the tangent to ρ̇, given by the potential {(1/2 P p Assuming that the electromagnetic field potentials, Ai are scalars, the curvatures, P ∂ ∂Ai ∂Ap Fi,p = − are also scalars, so all commutators [1/2 p (Fi,p )), Φ] van∂tp ∂ti ∂tp ish, implying, X ∂Fi,p ∂Φ = , i = 1, ..4. 1/2 ∂t ∂ti p p Now, let us choose coordinates such that t4 =: t0 = λ (the proper time for physicists) is the only 0-velocity coordinate of M (B), and use the classical notations, Ei = Fi,0 = ∂Ai ∂A0 ∂Ap ∂Aq − , Bp×q = Fi,p = − . ∂t0 ∂ti ∂tq ∂tp Simple computation then shows, X ∂F0,p = −1/2∇s E 1/2 ∂tp p −1/2 X ∂F1,p p −1/2 X ∂F2,p p −1/2 ∂tp ∂tp X ∂F3,p p ∂tp = −1/2( ∂F1,0 ∂F1,2 ∂F1,3 ∂E1 + + ) = −1/2 − 1/2(∇s × B)1 ∂t0 ∂t2 ∂t3 ∂t0 = −1/2( ∂F2,0 ∂F2,1 ∂F2,3 ∂E2 + + ) = −1/2 − 1/2(∇s × B)2 ∂t0 ∂t2 ∂t3 ∂t0 = −1/2( ∂F3,0 ∂F3,1 ∂F3,2 ∂E3 + + ) = −1/2 − 1/2(∇s × B)3 ∂t0 ∂t1 ∂t2 ∂t0 from which the Maxwell equations follows, with Φ = ∇ · A, electric current J = ∂Φ . Together, (ρ, J) is a 0-tangent to the rep∇s (Φ), and electric charge ρ = ∂t0 resentation ρ, the first component in c̃, i.e. in space (or light) direction, and the ˜ or in 0-velocity direction. Note that if we use the classical Minkowski, second in ∆, relativistic, metric in the same space we find exactly the same result, although the time derivative, ρ̇, now must be thought of as the derivative with respect to proper time. Notice also that we might have looked at the perfectly symmetric situation, where we concentrate on the subspace of H̃ parametrized by {c3 , d1 , d2 , d3 }. We would then have got a massy force with properties analogue to the electromagnetic force, and with equations just like Maxwell’s. However, neither the above example, nor the dual case just mentioned have philosophically sense. The only time-space that we have at hand is the Toy Model, and 86 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL this is the quotient space H̃/(Z2 ) where the generator of Z2 is the parity operator P , operating on Bo ⊕ Bp , given by the matrix, 0 id γ5 = , id 0 in the base {e1 = (c1 + d1 ), e2 = (c2 + d2 ), e1 ∗ = (−c1 + d1 ), e2 ∗ = (−c2 + d2 )}, which turns left-handedness to right-handedness, with respect to the direction (o, p), resp. (p, o). Now, in this general situation, let coordinates ti be chosen such that, dt0 , dt1 , dt2 , dt3 , dt4 , dt∞ are dual to, c3 , e1 , e2 , e1 ∗, e2 ∗, d3 and pick potentials Ai symmetric with respect to P . Then, just as above, put, Ei = F0,i , Hi = F∞,i , B1 = F3,2 , B2 = F4,1 , B3 = F1,2 , B4 = F 2, 3 and assume a reasonable Lorentz Force Law holds, i.e. v̇i = E · ∞ X Fi,j vj j=0 and that the tangent to this vanish, like above. Then there exists an element Φ ∈ EndH̃ (Θ), such that, for i = 0, 1, ..., 4, ∞, X ∂Fi,p ∂Φ 1/2 = , ∂t ∂ti p p and we find, ∂F3,2 ∂t2 ∂F4,1 ∂t1 ∂F1,2 ∂t2 ∂F2,1 ∂t1 ∂F3,4 ∂t4 ∂F4,3 = ∂t3 ∂F1,4 = ∂t4 ∂F2,3 = ∂t3 = and, ∂Φ ∂t0 ∂Φ ∂t∞ ∂Φ ∂t1 ∂Φ ∂t2 ∂Φ ∂t3 ∂Φ ∂t4 ∂H0 ∂tp ∂t∞ X ∂Hp ∂E∞ = 1/2 + ∂tp ∂t0 ∂B3 ∂E1 ∂H1 = − 1/2( + ) ∂t2 ∂t0 ∂t∞ ∂B4 ∂E2 ∂H2 = − 1/2( + ) ∂t3 ∂t0 ∂t∞ ∂B1 ∂E3 ∂H3 = − 1/2( + ) ∂t4 ∂t0 ∂t∞ ∂B2 ∂E4 ∂H4 = − 1/2( + ) ∂t1 ∂t0 ∂t∞ = 1/2 X ∂Ep + COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 87 In our Quantum Field Theory, we find that any particle, given by a representation, ρ : H̃(part) → Endk (B) also induces a field. In fact, the dynamics of ρ is given by the time derivative ρ̇ of ρ, being defined just like above, ρ̇(dti ) = ρ(d2 ti ) = ρ(−1/2 X (Γ̄ip,q + Γ̄iq,p )dtp dtq p,q + 1/2 X gp,q (Rp,i dtq + dtp Rq,i ) + [dti , T ]) p,q =− X Γip,q ∇p ∇q − 1/2 p,q + 1/2 X X gp,q (Fi,p ∇q + ∇p Fi,q ) p,q q,i gp,q [∇p , (Γi,q l − Γl )]∇l + [∇i , T ], l,p,q P p,s where now ∇p := ρ(dtp ) = Ws , should be considered as elements in g∗, sg therefore derivations, so forces, acting upon the sections of B. 6.2. Elementary Particles, Bosons and Fermions. The elementary particles of the Standard Model, are, in our QFT-model identified with the gauge representations of the form, ρ : H̃(part) := P h(H̃)/([dti , tj ]) → EndH̃ (B), where B is a sub-quotient of the g1 -representation Θ⊗n , the n-th tensor product bundle, and the corresponding representation, ρ : H̃(part) → Endk (Θ⊗n ), is defined P by ρ(dti )(ω1 ⊗ ω2 ⊗ ... ⊗ ωn ) = j ω1 ⊗ ... ⊗ ρ(dti )(ωj ) ⊗ ... ⊗ ωn . It is clear that if the element γ ∈ g1 has eigenstates ωj ∈ ΘH̃ with eigenvalues κj , then the product state (ω1 ⊗ ω2 ⊗ ... ⊗ ωn )Pwill be an eigenvector for the action of γ on the tensor n product, with eigenvalue j=1 κj . The states in ΘH̃ are classified according to being particular eigenvectors, for the different markers, the elements of the Cartan sub-algebra h of the local gauge group, g1 := g ⊕ su(3). Clearly, if the particle ρ : H̃(part) → Endh̃ (V) is defined in terms of ρ(dtp ) = Wp ∈ g1 then the sub-H̃-module of V given by any specification of the eigenvalues of the induced representation of h will be a sub-representation if and only if, [Wp , h] = 0. Consider now the list of such markers used by physicists, the ordinary intrinsic spin h or (as we shall see), 1/2h, the electric charge = h2 , the weak isospin I3 = 3/4h2 ± 1/2h1 , and the weak hypercharge, YW = 2(h2 − I3 ) = 1/2h2 ± h1 . Since the direction d3 is universally determined, the gauge group g1 is basically reduced to g. Moreover, the change of sign in the last formula is, as we shall see later, related to what the physicists are calling Chirality, choosing a Left Hand or a Right Hand ˜ In my choice above, the coordinate orientation, of the coordinate system for ∆. system {d1 , d2 , d3 } is a right handed one, and exchanging d1 and d2 , make the system left-handed. It turns out that the concept of left-right in physics is the opposite, as the following display will show. 88 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL M arkers : 1/2 · h u h± 1 h2 I3± ± YW c1 1/2 1 0 0 0 0 c2 −1/2 1 0 0 0 0 c3 0 0 0 0 0 0 d1 1/2 1 ±1/2 −1/3 0(−1/2) −2/3(1/3) d2 −1/2 1 ∓1/2 −1/3 −1/2(0) 1/3(−2/3) d3 0 0 0 2/3 1/2 1/3 We have the following (intrinsic) spin operator, 0 e − f = −1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 which is the rotation in c̃ about the axe c3 . It is also defining a rotation, or spin, ˜ about the axe d3 . Moreover, we have two folds, the first, in ∆ 0 f − r2 = 1 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 ˜ mapping c1 to c2 and c2 to c3 , killing c3 , and finally, in c̃, (as well as in ∆) 0 e − r1 = 0 −1 1 0 0 0 , 0 0 ˜ mapping c2 to c1 and c1 to c3 and killing c3 . in c̃, (as well as in ∆) COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 89 The corresponding Elementary Bosons are given by the following list, Intrinsic spin U M arkers 1/2 · h u h 0 0 e 1 0 f −1 0 u 0 0 r1 −1/2 −1 r2 1/2 −1 Here there is also a spin structure. The action 0 0 ad(e − f ) = 0 0 0 −1 of, 0 1 , 0 induces a spin structure in rad(g) about the axe u. Given these tables, we should explain why it seems that the physicists use the marker 1/2 · h for the (classical) angular momentum J, and why J and the isospin measured by h1 coincide for d1 , d2 . The ordinary spin J, induced by action of the global gauge group g0 , see Example (2.1), for the metrics of interest here, i.e. our metric g of the Toy Model (as well as the Euclidean, the Minkowski, or the Schwarzschild metrics), was seen to be given as a rotation in φ. Now, if we consider a vector field ψ of H := Hilb2 (A3 ), it is clear that, pulled up to a vector field ψ 0 of H̃, a rotation of ψ 0 by φ = 2π, corresponds to a double rotation of ψ, since the parity operator, the generator of Z2 , is the rotation by φ = π. This seems to be the reason why physicists introduce the notion of fermions, for globally defined states of ΘH . These are, after all, the only physically well defined states of our Toy Model. In this sense, all representations of the ring of observables P h∞ (H̃), invariant under Z2 =< P > and vectors, are Fermions, and thus of Spin 1/2. As in [18], (4.6), we show that the parity operator, P, cuts up the space ΘH̃ into ˜ the sum of two pieces, ΘL := im(1/2(1 − P )) ' c̃ and ΘR := im(1/2(1 + P )) = ∆, H̃ H̃ in physics referred to as the left hand states, respectively the right hand states. This is the basis for the notion of chirality, to which we shall return. But, clearly, there is a natural isomorphism, ˜ ⊂Θ , ΘR := im(1/2(1 + P )) → ∆ H̃ H̃ 90 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL identifying ΘR := im(1/2(1 + P )) with the zero-velocity states. Since, evidently the H̃ metric must be invariant under the Parity operator, we find that the Levi-Civita representation, ρ : H̃(σg ) → Endk (ΘH̃ ) has a Hamiltonian Q = ρ(g − T ) ∈ Endk (ΘH̃ ) that respects the decomposition ⊕ ΘL ΘH̃ = ΘR H̃ H̃ The eigenvectors of ad(Q) in Endk (ΘH̃ ) are therefore divided into two groups, ˜ ⊕ Endk (c̃) Bosons ⊂ Endk (∆) and, ˜ c̃) ⊕ Homk (c̃, ∆), ˜ F ermions ⊂ Homk (∆, or, considering the obvious graded structure on ΘH̃ , Bosons being the degree 0 endomorphisms, and Fermions the degree ±1 endomorphisms. This takes care of a Super Symmetry, and makes it possible to introduce the usual structures related to Planck’s constant, vacuum state, creation and annihilation operators. Thus we find what we have termed a Quantum Field Theory, see [18], section (4.6). We should, at this point try to model the most obvious particles we meet in physics. But first, what is a particle? Is it point-like, or is it a bumpy field defined in our space? The literature concerned with this question is formidable, and the points of views are quite different. Let us have a look at what comes out of the philosophy above. In all 3 models, we have a vector space of states, ΘH̃ producing the elements of the representation spaces B, for all representations, ρ : P h(H̃) → Endk (B) that we would consider as (gauge) particles. Moreover we have a Hamiltonian Q = ρ(g − T ) acting on this space, and therefore acting on the ring of fields, EndH̃ (ΘH̃ ) by the adjoint action. Assume for a moment that this ad(Q) acts naturally on Endk (B). Since ad(Q) is a derivation in Endk (B), the spectrum must be an additive monoid Λ ⊂ k + . Suppose further that there exist a (positive) generator } of Λ. In [18], (4.6) this was called our Planck’s constant , and we let f} be the corresponding eigenvector, or maybe eigenfield, of ad(Q). The corresponding spectrum of Q in B would be contained in the set of differences of Λ, see [18], (4.6). Now, for the Bosonic representations, we then find that a simple representation is in fact composed of one field ψn = f}n ∈ Endk (B) in each particular energy-state n} and that B is composed of one state φn in each energy-state n}, if there is a vacuum state φ0 with Q(φ0 ) = 0. So a Bosonic particle, obviously corresponding to a point in the moduli space of representations, turns out to be related with just one object, as a field, and as a state, but both carrying a bag of discrete energies En2 = n}. If f}2 = 0 we have a Fermionic representation, and no states are occupied by more than one energy quantum (at a time!), i.e. the Pauli principle, see again [18], (4.6). Moreover, as we have seen in Subsection (6.2) above, under the condition that c̃ ˜ are normally orthogonal (which seems not to be true, cosmologically), this and ∆ implies that there are eigenstates ψn for κ + µ, such that µ(ψn ) = µn ψn , κ(ψn ) = κn ψ, µ(φn ) = µn φn , κ(φn ) = κn φ with, µ2n + κ2n = En2 . COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 91 Then each one eigenstate for Q, also carries a sequence of mass and kinetic energy, given by its decomposition as sum of the ψn ’s, related to the MNS or PMNS matrices. So which are the most elementary particles we could meet in physics? They should be simple representations of of the algebra of observables, so points in the noncommutative algebraic geometry Simp(P h(H̃))/g. Let us look at the possible doublets, i.e. representations of g that are locally simple representations of dimension 2. The obvious first candidate is light, which we have to model as the obvious representation on the subspace of ΘH̃ generated by < c1 , c2 >. The solutions of the Dirac equation above give us a transversal wave ψ, considered as a state of a photon, in the representation treated in Subsection (6.2), with an energy spectrum determined by the the Laplace-Beltrami operator, see loc.cit. Q(ψ) = ∆(ψ) = E 2 · ψ. Perfectly dual to light is the representation of g on the subspace generated by < d1 , d2 > which should be considered as a transversal wave, a matter-state of an electron, in zero velocity direction. Notice also that the singletons < d3 >, the up-quark, and < c3 > would generate the state-space of a particle, maybe linked to the recent rumours about observed X and Y particles by CDF at Fermilab. It would then have been natural to promote < d3 > to the role of proton, and Bo ⊕ Bp to the role of electron, and < d1 , d2 , d3 > to the role of neutron, with charge respectively +2/3, −2/3, and 0, but then I am afraid, the physicists would scream. However, it seems to me that both the Zitterbewegung as well as the Weak Force, would then be reasonably explained. Finally, considering the Levi-Civita connection, the 3 covariant derivations, see (1.9), Ddi ∈ Endk (ΘH̃ ), i = 1, 2, 3, seems to give us different mass operators, that could possibly explain the 3 (generations) of elementary particles. The classical relativity theory has only one massenergy operator available, namely derivation with respect to time, and only two quarks, the up and down quarks. Given that we have found the elementary particles, how do we construct the more complicated atoms and molecules that seem to be the constituents of our world, the atoms and molecules, in short the ”Furniture of our Universe”? And what are the forces acting upon these elementary particles, performing the changes we see? The iterated extensions of a family of representations, see (1.16) may produce the new representations from the primeval ones (thus new particles, of all complexities, from our elementary ones). We have also seen, in section (1.4) that extensions of the representations (corresponding to elementary particles), induce momenta. In (1.9), higher order momenta are considered local forces. Decay of a simple representation has been treated in (1.23), and in (6.4), and since we already know that the Lorenz Force Law, the Dirac equation and the equation for geodesics in general relativity, are related, we should suspect that there exist a natural mathematical framework ”explaining” this unity. The construction of such framework, is the purpose of the next section. And we shall have to start with a general theory of Interaction for Particles in a general Quantum Field situation, based on the notion of non-commutative deformations of families of modules, referred to in (1.16) and (1.17). 92 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL 7. Interactions Now go back to the Introduction, sections (1.7) and (1.8). Given a dynamical system A(σ), we have seen that any particle, v ∈ Simpn (A(σ)) corresponding to a representation, ρ : A(σ) → Endk (V ) that we know ”occurred” at some point t ∈ U (n) ⊂ Spec(C(n)), see Theorem (1.19) and Theorem (1.23), will after some time τ have developed into the particle sitting at a point on the integral curve c through t defined by the vector field [δ] of U (n), at a time ”distance” τ . Recall that the point t corresponds to an A-representation ρ0 , together with a formal curve of representations through ρ0 , We are, of course, assuming that the field k is contained in the real numbers. Now, this may well be a point on the border of Simpn (A(σ)), i.e. in Γn = Simp(C(n)) − U (n), where it decays into a decomposable representation, i.e. P into an iterated extension of two or more new particles {Vi ∈ Simpni (A(σ), n = ni }. See [18], subsection (3.3). What happens next is dependent on the dynamics of these iterated extensions. And, according to our philosophy, this is a again dependent on the geometry of the moduli space of all such objects. Assume that the world is populated by a maybe infinite family of elementary particles V = {Vi }∞ i=1 , such that the Furniture of Cosmos is composed of the finitely iterated extensions of these elementary particles, forming atoms, molecules, and the myriads of different stuff we observe around us, then the changing world would be described as a dynamical structure defined on the moduli space of finitely iterated extensions of the particles in V. 7.1. Interaction and Non-commutative Deformations. The purpose of this section is to sketch a mathematical model for the above scenario. Recall from the Introduction, and see [18], (3.3), that a family of A(σ)-representations, V = {Vi }ri=1 is called a swarm, if dimk Ext1A(σ) (Vi , Vj ) < ∞ for all i, j = 1, . . . , r. Consider now, for any swarm, V := {Vi }, i = 1, ..., r, of A(σ)-representations, the deformation functor, DefV : ar −→ Sets, and its formal moduli, H1,1 H(V) := Hr,1 ... H1,r ... . , ... Hr,r together with the versal family, i.e. the essentially unique homomorphism of kalgebras, H1,1 ⊗ Endk (V1 ) ... H1,r ⊗ Homk (V1 , Vr ) . . ... . ρ̃ : A(σ) −→ O(V) := Hr,1 ⊗ Homk (Vr , V1 ) ... Hr,r ⊗ Endk (Vr ) Recall the form of this homomorphism. Let Ψi,j be the k-dual of rad(H)i,j , and let s {ψi,j } and {hsi,j } be dual k-bases of Ψi,j and rad(H)i,j , then for vi ∈ Vi X s s ρ̃(a)(vi ) = vi a + hsi,j ⊗ ψi,j (a)(vi ), ψi,j (a) ∈ Homk (Vi , Vj ), j,s This is, in an obvious sense, the universal interaction. The elements ĥi,j of the kdual, rad(H)∗ , of rad(H), correspond to linear maps A(σ) → Homk (Vi , Vj ), which we should consider forces (mediated by elements of A(σ)), acting by mapping the states of Vi into states of Vj . COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 93 However, we need a way of specifying which interactions we want to consider. This is the purpose of the following tentative definition, Definition 7.1. An interaction mode for the swarm V = {Vi }, i = 1, ..., r, is a finite dimensional right H(V)-module M . An interaction mode is a kind of preparation, see the Introduction. It consists of a rule, telling us which interactions we expect to occur, for the given swarm, and therefore how to, ideally, prepare their interactions for experiments. The structure morphism φ : H(V) → Endk (M ), fixes all relevant higher order momenta, i.e. φ evaluates all the tangents between these modules, and creates a new A(σ)-module, see (1.15) and (1.16). In fact, since M ' ⊕ri=1 M i , where i ∈ Hi,i is a unit, an interaction mode induces a homomorphism, κ(M ) : A(σ) −→ Endk (V ), where V := ⊕i=1,...,r Mi ⊗ Vi . Thus, we have, given the swarm, V and the interaction mode M , constructed a new A(σ)-representation (a 1-member swarm of modules), V . Suppose the interaction mode is reduced to a finite dimensional H(V) module M , killed by rad(H)2 , then for each tuple (i, j) consider the linear map, ψi,j : A(σ) → Homk (Mi ⊗ Vi , Mj ⊗ Vj .). Since the vector space Homk (Mj , Mi ) is canonically isomorphic to the dual of Homk (Mi , Mj ), any element ψ̂i,j ∈ Homk (Mj , Mi ) induces a derivation, therefore an element in Ext1A(σ) (Vi , Vj ), so a force, ψi,j : A(σ) → Homk (Vi , Vj ). Thus we have got a family of interaction forces, defined for each (i, j), and mediated by the elements a ∈ A(σ), ψi,j (a) : Vi → Vj . mapping states of Vi to states of Vj . Moreover, we have now returned to the starting point of this paper, i.e. to subsection (1.6). We could expect that the Dirac derivation of A(σ), together with the preparation of the dynamical evolution of the swarm V = V = {Vi }, i = 1, ..., r, give us the time-development of the representation V , at least in the case Vi are finite dimensional. Obviously V is an iterated extension and, in general, we have to work with deformations of such, see next subsection. But first, let us look at the following interesting and simple example. Example 7.2. The first example we may think of is the case of one representation, i.e. for r=1. This is the case of the self-interactions we have treated above. Assuming given a dynamical structure and a Dirac derivation δ, we have associated to any representation ρ : A(σ) → Homk (V ) its unique extension, or force acting on V via, ψ(a) : V → V, ψ = δ ◦ ρ. For gauge fields, given as above by a representation of H̃ of the form B, where B is a representation of the principal Lie-bundle g ⊕ su(3) defined on H̃, we have considered self-interactions of the form, ρ : P h(H̃)/[dti , tj ] → EndH̃ (B), and the force fields resulting. However, there are, in this case, other forces to be considered. The H̃ module B may be a free, and sl(2) and su(3) being semi-simple, 94 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL do not have nontrivial extensions, but the rad(g) part of g = sl(2) ⊕ rad(g), has non-trivial extension modules, and as we shall see, this give us a model for the Weak Interaction. ˜ then there is Lemma 7.3. Consider the action of g = sl(2) ⊕ rad(g), on c̃ and ∆ an isomorphisme, Ext1H̃(g) (Θ, Θ) ' Ext1g (Θ, Θ) ' Ext1rad(g) (Θ, Θ) and, 1 1 ˜ ˜ ∆)⊕Ext ˜ ˜ Ext1rad(g) (Θ, Θ) = Ext1rad(g) (c̃, c̃)⊕Ext1rad(g) (∆, rad(g) (c̃, ∆)⊕Extrad(g) (∆, c̃) Moreover, and, any ψ ∈ Ext1rad(g) ˜ ∆) ˜ Ext1rad(g) (c̃, c̃) ' Ext1rad(g) (∆, ˜ ∆) ˜ is given by the derivation, (∆, ˜ ∆) ˜ ψ : rad(g) → EndH̃ (∆, ˜ the quarks, and {u, r1 , r2 } of rad(g), modulo the in the bases, {d1 , d2 , d3 } of ∆, ˜ ∆). ˜ We find, trivial derivations, given by an element a := (ai,j ) ∈ EndH̃ (∆, α1,1 0 α1,3 0 0 −a1,3 α2,2 α2,3 mod 0 0 −a2,3 ψ(u) = 0 α3,1 α3,2 α3,3 a3,1 a3,2 0 where, α1,1 = α2,2 = α3,3 , and −α1,3 0 0 ψ(r1 ) = −α2,3 1 1 α3,1 α3,2 0 −α1,3 −α2,3 ψ(r2 ) = 0 2 2 α3,1 α3,2 0 a1,3 0 0 mod a2,3 0 α1,3 a3,3 − a1,1 −a1,2 0 0 a1,3 0 mod 0 a2,3 α2,3 −a2,1 a3,3 − a2,2 0 0 −a1,3 0 0 −a2,3 for some matrix (ai,j ). Proof. Recall the structure of rad(g). We have [u, ri ] = ±ri , [r1 , r2 ] = 0, and the actions on Θ, in the basis {c1 , c2 , c3 , d1 , d2 , d3 }, given by, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . u= 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 . r1 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 . r2 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 95 Now, Ext1rad(g) (Vi , Vj ) = Der(rad(g), Endk (Vi , Vj ))/T riv. The rest is just computation. In case (1), choose a = α.Then we find, α1,1 0 α2,2 ψ(u) = 0 2α3,1 2α3,2 0 0 α3,3 where, α1,1 = α2,2 = α3,3 , and 0 0 1 α3,2 0 0 0 0 0 2 α3,2 0 0 0 0 ψ(r1 ) = 0 1 α3,1 0 ψ(r2 ) = 0 2 α3,1 since α1,2 = α2,1 = 0. If, in case (2), we choose a = −α, we find, α1,1 0 α2,2 ψ(u) = 0 0 0 2α1,3 2α2,3 α3,3 where, α1,1 = α2,2 = α3,3 , and 0 0 1 α3,2 0 0 2α1,3 −2α1,3 −2α2,3 2 α3,2 0 0 2α2,3 −2α1,3 ψ(r1 ) = −2α3,2 1 α3,1 0 ψ(r2 ) = 0 2 α3,1 since α1,2 = α2,1 = 0. Case (1) can be interpreted as follows: Z0 := ψ(u) mediates a force, mapping {d1 , d2 } to d3 , W− := ψ(r1 ) and W+ := ψ(r2 ) do the same, but do not permute (d1 , d2 ). In case (2), Z0 maps d3 to {d1 , d2 }, and W− , W+ sends {d1 , d2 } to d3 and permute (d1 , d2 ), i.e. they change the orientation, see (6.3), and the relationship to left-and right-handedness, that is, to chirality. This seems to be very close to the weak interaction on quarks, mediated by the weak interaction bosons, Z, W+ , W− , identified above with the Bosons u, r1 , r2 ∈ g, respectively. ˜ We have, above, omitted the full story, the action of Z, W+ , W− in HomH̃(g) (c̃, ∆) ˜ and in Hom (∆, c̃). This may be interesting, so we add the corresponding maH̃(g) trices for Z0 , and r1 , without further comments. α1,1 0 α3,1 ψ(u) = α4,1 0 α6,1 0 α2,2 α3,2 0 α4,1 α6,2 α1,3 α2,3 α3,3 α4,3 α5,2 α4,1 α1,4 0 α3,4 α4,4 0 α6,4 0 α1,4 α3,5 0 α5,5 α6,5 α1,6 α2,6 α1,4 α4,6 α5,6 α6,6 where,α1,1 = α2,2 = α3,3 = α4,4 = α5,5 = α6,6 , and modulo matrices of the form, 96 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL 0 0 −a3,1 0 0 −α6,1 0 0 −a3,2 0 0 −α6,2 a1,3 a2,3 0 a4,3 a5,2 0 0 0 −a3,4 0 0 −a6,4 0 0 −a3,5 0 0 −a6,5 a1,6 a2,6 0 , a4,6 a5,6 0 and, −α1,3 −α2,3 1 α3,1 ψ(r1 ) = −α4,3 −α5,3 1 α6,1 modulo matrices of the form, a1,3 0 a2,3 0 b3,1 −a1,2 a4,3 0 a5,3 0 b6,1 −a4,2 0 0 1 α3,2 0 0 1 α6,2 0 0 α1,3 0 0 α4,3 0 0 −a1,3 0 0 −a4,3 −α1,6 −α2,6 1 α3,4 1 −α4,6 0 − α5,6 1 α6,4 a1,6 a2,6 b3,4 a4,6 a5,6 b6,4 0 0 −a1,5 0 0 −a4,5 0 0 1 α3,5 0 0 1 α6,5 0 0 α1,6 0 0 α4,6 0 0 −a1,6 , 0 0 −a4,6 where, b3,1 = a3,3 − a1,1 , b3,4 = a3,6 − a1,4 , b6,1 = a6,3 − a4,1 , b6,4 = a6,6 − a4,4 , for some matrix a = (ai,j ). 7.2. Graphs and Subcategories Generated by a Family of Modules. Let A be any associative k-algebra,, and assume given a swarm, V = {Vi } of A representations. Let Γ be an ordered graph with set of nodes |Γ| = {Vi }. Starting with a first node Vi1 ,of Γ, we can construct, in many ways, an extension of the module Vi1 with the module Vi2 , corresponding to the end point of the first arrow of Γ, then continue, choosing an extension of the result with the module corresponding to the endpoint of the second arrow of Γ, etc. until we have reached the endpoint of the last arrow. Any finite length module can be made in this way, for some Γ corresponding to a decomposition of the module into simple constituencies, by peeling off one simple sub-module at a time, i.e. by picking one simple sub-module and forming the quotient, picking a second simple sub-module of the quotient and taking the quotient, and repeating the procedure until it stops. The ordered k-algebra k[Γ] of the ordered graph Γ is the quotient algebra of the usual algebra of the graph Γ by the ideal generated by all admissible words which are not ”intervals” of the ordered graph. Say ...γi,j (n − 1)γj,j (n)γj,k (n + 1)... is an interval of the ordered graph, then γi,j (n − 1).γj,k (n + 1) = 0 in k[Γ]. The main result in this context, is now the following result, see [14], Proposition 7.4. Let A be any associative k-algebra, V = {Vi }ri=1 any swarm of right A-modules. Consider an iterated extension E of V, with extension graph Γ. Then there exists a morphism of k-algebras φ : H(V) → k[Γ] such that, as right A-modules, E ' k[Γ]⊗φ Ṽ Here Ṽ is the versal deformation, of the family V, as left H(V)-, and right, Amodule. Moreover the set of equivalence classes of iterated extensions of V with COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 97 representation graph Γ, is a quotient of the set of closed points of the affine algebraic variety A[Γ] = M or(H(V), k[Γ]) There is a versal family Ṽ [Γ] of A-modules defined on A[Γ], containing as fibres all the isomorphism classes of iterated extensions of V with extension graph Γ. Let M odV A denote the full abelian subcategory of M odA generated by the iterated extensions of the objects in V, and let M odH(V) be the category of finite dimensional H-modules. Then we have the following structure theorem, generalising a result, of Beilinson, see [2]. Theorem 7.5. Let A be any k-algebra, and fix a swarm, V = {Vi }ri=1 , of Amodules, then there exists a functor, ι(V) : M odH(V) → M odV A which is an isomorphism on equivalence-classes of objects, and injective on morphisms. If V consists of simple modules, then κ is an equivalence. Proof. Any right H(V)-module M , is a k r -module, so it can be decomposed as, M = ⊕Mi , where Mi := M ei . The structure map is therefore given as, ρ0 : H(V) → Endk (M ) = (Homk (Mi , Mj )). Here, ρ0 maps Hi,j into Homk (Mi , Mj ), and therefore the formal family may be decomposed to give us the following k-algebra homomorphisms, ρ̃ ρ0 ρ : A →(Hi,j ⊗ Homk (Vi , Vj )) → (Homk (Mi , Mj ) ⊗k Homk (Vi , Vj )) = (Homk (Mi ⊗k Vi , Mj ⊗ Vj )) = Endk (W ). Here W = ⊕ri=1 (Mi ⊗ Vi ), and by definition, ι(V)(M ) := W Since M by definition of M odH(V) is of finite dimension as k-vector space, and therefore is an iterated extension of the simple modules ki , it is clear that W is an iterated extension of the modules Vi in the family V. Moreover we have seen that for any object being an iterated extension, along a graph Γ, of the modules in V, we can find, a morphism φ : H(V) → k[Γ] which obviously defines k[Γ] as a finite dimensional H(V)-module, such that, E ' k[Γ]⊗φ Ṽ = ι(V)(k[Γ]) Thus, the first part of the theorem follows from Proposition (4.1). The rest is more or less evident. Example 7.6 (The case of Coh(P1 )). Consider the category of coherent OP1 modules. Pick the finite swarm given by V = {V1 := ω := OP1 (−2), V2 := OP1 (1)}. Recall that Ext1O 1 (OP1 (m), OP1 (n)) = H 1 (P1 , OP1 (n − m)). From this, and the P trivial Ext2O 1 (−, −) = 0, we compute the formal moduli, P k 0 H(V) = . k2 k According to the theorem above, we have an injection of categories, M odH(V) → Coh(P1 )V This should be compared to the classical Beilinson result, stating that, RHom(F, −) : Db (Coh(P1 )) → Db (M odH(V) ), where F = OP1 ⊕ OP1 (1), is an equivalence. 98 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Now, for every finite swarm V, we obtain a quiver, Q := Q(V), by associating to the set |V| = {Vi } a set of nodes {vi ∈ Q}, and for any two such nodes, let arrows νi,j : vi → vj ∈ Q correspond to a dual base of Ext1A (Vi , Vj ). The free quiver-algebra k[Q] is then defined in the obvious way, and by construction there is a surjective algebra homomorphism, κ : k[Q(V)] → H(V), and, of course, if there are no obstructions, for example if all Ext2A (Vi , Vj ) = 0, then κ is an isomorphism. If the quiver Q = Q1 t Q2 , i.e. if there are no arrows from Qi to Qj for i 6= j, then, obviously, k[Q] ' k[Q1 ] × k[Q2 ], and, if Qi = Q(Vi ), and V = V1 ∪ V2 , then, H(V) = H(V1 ) × H(V2 ). Notice that, in this case, any right-module, M , of H(V) is a sum of a H(V1 )module M1 and a H(V2 )-module M2 . There is in the literature a notion of mutation of a quiver Q, without cycles, which in this general context, correspond to the situation in which S is the star (source) of a node in the quiver Q, considered as the swarm of all simple modules Vof k[Q]. Replacing Q by (Q−S)∪{V }, where V is the k[Q]-module corresponding to the projective system with value k at any node of S and with arrows between them being identities, should now be called a mutation. Mutations are, in the above sense, a discrete process. In the general case we need a real dynamical theory for the time evolution of iterated extensions of our swarm V of elementary particles. This is the purpose of the next subsection. 7.3. Interactions and Dynamics. Go back to the start-scenario of this section, and to our assumption that all the stuff in our world is represented by iterated extensions of the modules representing the elementary particles, V = {Vi }. Assume that V is a swarm of A(σ)-modules. Then H(V) = (Hi,j ) is finitely generated, but maybe not algebraic. To simplify the situation a little, we shall therefore assume there is an algebraisation, H(V) = (Hi,j ), for which H(V) = (Hi,j ) is the formalisation at the canonical module, given by the structure morphism π : H(V) → W0 := k r . Moreover we assume there exist an extension of the versal family, ρ̃ : A → O(V) = (Hi,j ⊗k Homk (Vi , Vj )) Now, any elementary particle, represented by the simple representation, ρ : A(σ) → Endk (V ) evolves, as time goes by, maybe ending up by decaying into a composite particle, represented by the module V∞ which by our assumption must be an iterated extension of the simple modules in V. Use the Beilinson-Theorem, above, and identify V∞ with a H(V) = (Hi,j )-module M0 . There may be many extension graphs corresponding to this module. Pick one Γ, and consider the moduli space, A[Γ] of such iterated modules. The dynamics of A[Γ], is now taken care of by the same method that we applied at the outset of this study. We must look for a dynamical structure for H(V), i.e. look at δ-stable ideals, (σ) ⊂ P h∞ (H(V)) and we must be prepared to study the set of morphisms, H(V)(σ) := P h∞ (H(V))/(σ) → k[Γ]. Any such will, as we know, give us a formal curve of iterated modules with extension graph Γ. Then we may try to copy the use of Theorem (1.21) and Theorem (1.23). In the general situation this does not seem so easy, but in our Toy Model case, it should be possible, as we have had a glimpse of in the Example (7.2), where something looking very much like a mathematical equivalent to the Weak Force, popped up. COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 99 One question that comes up in relation to a more or less serious interpretation of our mathematical model is, can we have an interaction of several particles the outcome of which is an elementary particle? It is reasonable to conjecture the following result. Theorem 7.7. Suppose, in the situation above, that there is a deformation, W , of W0 , as H(V)-module, such that, π 0 : H(V) → Endk (W ) ' Mr (k), deforming π, is surjective. Then ι(V)(W ) is a simple A module. Notice that if k is algebraically closed, any simple deformation of W0 as H(V)module must necessarily be given by a surjective structure map, ρW : H(V) → Endk (W ) = Mr (k). The existence of a surjective homomorphism of k-algebras, ρW , is now a problem we have to address. Consider for this purpose, the following definition, see [11], and [4], Definition 7.8. Let Q be the quiver associated to the family V of A-modules. A subgraph, Γ of Q is called Massey-trivial if all Massey products containing nontrivial subgraphs of Γ vanish. We may then prove the following result, Theorem 7.9. Suppose there is a Massey-trivial connected complete cycle, Γ, of Q. Then there is a simple deformation, W , of W0 , as H(V)-module. Obviously, this result make the interaction scenario sketched above quite involved, even though we may concentrate on a finite number of particles in the theory we have chosen, Example 7.10 (Spontaneous Interaction and Evolution). Suppose given a subfamily of finite-dimensional simple modules, S ⊂ V, and suppose there is a surjective homomorphism of k-algebras, µ : H(S) → Ms (k), where s is the number of elements in S. Consider now the composition, M M ρ̃ µ⊗id µ̃ : A → O(S) → Mn (k) ⊗ Endk ( V )) = Endk ( V ) = Endk (U ), V ∈S V ∈S s where, U = ι(S)(k ). According to the results above, we see that this composition defines a new simple A-module. The process of replacing V by (V − S) ∪ {U }, is now a mutation. 7.4. Bialgebras and Quantum Groups in our Models. In physics, interactions are often represented by tensor products of the representations involved. For this to fit into the philosophy we have followed here, we must give reasons for why these tensor products pop up, seen from our moduli point of view. It seems to me that the most natural point of view might be the following: Suppose A is the moduli algebra parametrizing some objects {X}, and B is the moduli algebra for some other objects {Y }, then considering the product, or rather, the pair, (X, Y ), one would like to find the moduli space of these pairs. A good guess would be A ⊗k B since it algebraically defines the product of the two moduli spaces. However, this is, as we know, too simplistic. There are no reasons why the pair of two objects, should deform independently, unless we assume that they do not fit into any ambiant space, i.e. unless the two objects are considered to sit in totally separate universes, and then we have done nothing, but doubling our model in a trivial way. In fact, we 100 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL should, for the purpose of explaining the role of the product, assume that our entire universe is parametrized by the moduli algebra A, and accepting, for two objects X and Y in this universe, that the superposition, or the pair, (X, Y ), correspond to a collection of, maybe new, objects parametrized by A. This is basically what we do, when we consider two particles, modelled by the representations, V and W , of some moduli k-algebra A, and then consider the tensor product of the representations, say V ⊗k W , as a new representation, modelling a collection of new particles. As above we observe that the obvious moduli algebra of tensor-products of representations, V ⊗ W , is A ⊗k A. But since these representations should be of the same nature as any representation of A, this would, by universality, lead to a homomorphism of moduli algebras, ∆ : A → A ⊗k A, i.e. to a bialgebra structure on the moduli algebra A. This is just one of the reasons why mathematical physicists are interested in the vast theory of Tannaka categories and quantum groups. See now that, if A0 is commutative, and if we put A = P h(A0 ), then there exist a canonical homomorphism, ∆ : A → A ⊗A0 A. In fact, the canonical homomorphism i : A0 → P h(A0 ) identifies A0 with the a subalgebra of A ⊗A0 A. Moreover, d ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ d is a natural derivation, A0 → A ⊗A0 A., so by universality, ∆ is defined. Thus, for representations of A := P h(A0 ) there is a natural tensor product, − ⊗A −. See also [18], Example (4.14), for an effort to use this in explaining some interactions in physics. 8. More Examples and Some Ideas Example 8.1. Let us consider the notion of interaction between two particles, Vi := k(vi ) ∈ Simp1 (k[x1 , ..., xr ]), i = 1, 2, in the above sense. Look at the A0 := k[x1 , ..., xr ]-module V := V1 ⊕ V2 , i.e. the homomorphism of k-algebras, ρ0 : A0 → Endk (V ), and let us try to extend this module-structure to a representation, ρ : P h∞ A0 → Endk (V ). We have the following relations in P h∞ A0 : [xi , xj ] = 0 [dxi , xj ] + [xi , dxj ] = 0 .... p [dl ti , dp−l tj ] = 0. l p X l=0 Put, ρ0 (xi ) = ρ0 (d0 xi ) = xi (1) 0 0 xi (2) =: αi0 (1) 0 0 , αi0 (2) and, αi0 (r, s) := xi (r) − xi (s), r, s = 1, 2. Let, for q ≥ 0, q αi (1) riq (1, 2) q ρ(d xi ) = q , ri (2, 1) αiq (2) Now, compute, for any p ≥ k, [ρ(dk xi ), ρ(dp−k xj )] = rik (1, 2)rjp−k (2, 1) − rjp−k (1, 2)rik (2, 1) rjp−k (1, 2)αik (1, 2) + rik (1, 2)αjp−k (2, 1) rik (2, 1)αjp−k (1, 2) + rjp−k (2, 1)αik (2, 1) rik (2, 1)rjp−k (1, 2) − rjp−k (2, 1)rik (1, 2) ! COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 101 and observe that, [ρ(dp xi ), ρ(xj )] + [ρ(xi ), ρ(dp xj )] = 0 rip (1, 2)αj0 (2, 1) + rjp (1, 2)αi0 (1, 2) p p 0 ri (2, 1)αj0 (1, 2) + rj (2, 1)αi0 (2, 1) After some computation we find the following condition for these matrices to define a homomorphism ρ, independent of the choice of diagonal forms, k X k k ri (r, s) = σk−l αil (r, s), r, s = 1, 2, l l=0 where the sequence {σl }, l = 0, 1, ... is an arbitrary sequence of coupling constants, with σ0 = 0 and σl of order l. By recursion, we prove that this is true, for k ≤ p−1, therefore rik (1, 2) = −rik (2, 1), and so the diagonal elements above vanish, i.e. rik (1, 2)rjp−k (2, 1) − rjp−k (1, 2)rik (2, 1) = 0. The general relation is therefore proved if we can show that with the above choice of rik (r, s) we obtain, for every p ≥ 0, p X p (rjp−k (1, 2)αik (1, 2) + rik (1, 2)αjp−k (2, 1)) = 0, k k=0 and this is the formula, p p−k X p X p−k σp−k−l αjl (1, 2)αik (1, 2)+ k k k=0 l=0 p X k X p k σk−l αil (1, 2)αjp−k (2, 1) = k l k=0 l=0 p k X p X k σk−l (αjl (1, 2)αip−k (2, 1) − αil (1, 2)αjp−k (2, 1)) = 0, k l k=0 l=0 Notice that the relations above are of the same form for any commutative coefficient ring C, i.e. they will define a homomorphism, ρ : P h∞ A0 → M2 (C), for any commutative k-algebra C. Now, consider the Dirac time development D(τ ) = exp(τ δ) in D, the completion of P h∞ A0 . Composing with the morphism ρ defined above, we find a homomorphism, ρ(τ ) : P h∞ (A0 ) → M2 (k[[τ ]]), where, Xi := ρ(τ )(ti ) = Φi (1) Φi (1, 2) Φi (2, 1) Φi (2), and Φi (r) = Φ0i (r, s) = σ= ∞ X n=0 ∞ X n=0 ∞ X 1/(n!)τ n · αin (r), r = 1, 2, 1/(n!)τ n · αin (r, s), r, s = 1, 2, 1/(n!)τ n · σn , n=0 Φi (r, s) = σ · Φ0i (r, s), r, s = 1, 2. 102 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL This must be the most general, Heisenberg model, of motion of our two particles, clocked by τ . Observe that the interaction acceleration Φi (r, s) is pointed from r to s, just like in physics! The formula above, is now seen to be a consequence of the obvious equality of the two products of the formal power series, σ · (Φ0i (1, 2)Φ0j (1, 2)) and σ · (Φ0j (1, 2)Φ0i (1, 2)), just compare the coefficients of the resulting power series. What we have got is nothing but a formula for commuting matrices {Xi }di=1 in M2 (k[[τ ]]), since for such matrices we must have, dn [Xi , Xj ] = 0, n ≥ 1. dτ n The eigenvalues λi (1, τ ), and λi (2, τ )) of Xi describes points in the space that should be considered the trajectories of the two points under interaction. This is OK, at least as long as we are able to label them by 1 and 2 in a continuous way with respect to the clock time τ . If all coupling constants, σn , n ≥ 0, vanish, then the system is simply given by the two curves Φ(r) := (Φ1 (r), Φ2 (r), ..., Φd (r)), r = 1, 2, where d is the dimension of A0 . In general, the eigenvalues of Xi are given by, λi (r) = 1/2 · (Φi (1) + Φi (2)) p (−1)r 1/2 (Φi (1) + Φ2 (2))2 − 4(Φi (1) · Φi (2) + σ 2 (Φi (1) − Φi (2))2 ), for r = 1, 2. Clearly, 1/2(λi (1) + λi (2)) = 1/2(Φi (1) + Φi (2)) (λi (1) − λi (2))2 = (Φi (1) + Φ2 (2))2 − 4(Φi (1) · Φi (2) + σ 2 (Φi (1) − Φi (2))2 ) = (1 − 4σ 2 )(Φi (1) − Φi (2))2 . Denote by, λ(r) = (λ1 (r), λ2 (r), ..., λd (r)), r = 1, 2, the vectors corresponding to the eigenvalues, and by, o := 1/2(λ(1) + λ(2)) = 1/2(Φ(1) + Φ(2)) the common median, and put, R0 : = |(Φ(1) − Φ(2)| R : = |λ(1) − λ(2)|, then p R = (1 − 4σ 2 )R0 . Choose coupling constants such that, d2 R = rR−2 , dτ 2 where r is a constant we should expect Newton like interaction. If σ ≥ 1/2, the point particles are confounded, the eigenvalues of Xi become imaginary, and the q result is no longer obvious. If we pick σ = circular, with constant radius r about o. 1 − r2 R0−2 , the relative motion will be Example 8.2. Let B be the free k-algebra on two non-commuting symbols, B = k < x1 , x2 >, and see (7.2). Let P1 and P2 be two different points in the (x1 , x2 )-plane, and let the corresponding simple B-modules be V1 , V2 . Then, Ext1B (V1 , V2 ) = k. Let Γ be the quiver, V1 ←→ V2 , then an interaction mode is given by the following elements: First the formal moduli of {V1 , V2 }, k < u1 , u2 > < t1,2> H := , < t2,1> k < v1 , v2 > COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 103 then the k-algebra, k kΓ := 0 k , k and finally a homomorphism, φ : H −→ kΓ specifying the value of φ(t1,2 ) ∈ Ext1B (V1 , V2 ). Since Homk (Vi , Vj ) = k, we obtain V = k 2 , and we may choose a representation of φ(t1,2 ) as a derivation, ψ1,2 ∈ Derk (B, Homk (V1 , V2 )), such that the B-module V = k 2 is defined by the actions of x1 , x2 , given by, α1 1 β1 0 X1 := , X2 := , 0 α2 0 β2 where P1 = (α1 , β1 ) and P2 = (α2 , β2 ). V is therefore an indecomposable B-module, but not simple. If we had chosen the following quiver, V1 ←→1,2 V2 , 2,1 where i,j j,i = 0, i, j = 1, 2, then the resulting B-module V = k 2 would have been simple, represented by, α1 1 β1 0 X1 := , X2 := . 0 α2 1 β2 In general, if B = A(σ), where (σ) is a dynamical system with Dirac derivation δ, any interaction mode producing a simple module V , thus a point v ∈ Simp(A(σ)), represents a creation of a new particle from the information contained in the interacting constituencies. Moreover, P any family of state-vectors ψi ∈ Vi , produces a corresponding state-vector ψ := i=1,... ψi ∈ V , and Theorem (3.3) then tells us how the evolution operator acts on this new state-vector. If the created new particle V is not simple, the Dirac derivation δ ∈ Derk (A(σ)), will induce a tangent vector [δ](V ) ∈ Ext1P hA (V, V ) which may or may not be modular, or pro-representable, see section (3), which means that the particles Vi , when integrated in this direction, may or may not continue to exist as distinct particles, with a non-trivial endomorphism ring, or, with a Lie algebra of automorphisms, equal to k 2 . If they do, this situation is analogous to the case which in physics is referred to as the super-selection rule. Or, if [δ] ∈ Ext1A(σ) (V, V ) does not sit (or stay) in the modular stratum, the particle V looses automorphismes, and may become indecomposible, or simple, instantaneously. We may thus create new particles, and we have in Example (4.7) discussed the notion of lifetime for a given particle. In particular we found that the harmonic oscillator had ever-lasting particles of k-rank 2. If, however, we forget about the dynamical system, and adopt the more physical point of view, picking a Lagrangian, and its corresponding action, we may easily produce particles of finite lifetime. Example 8.3. Let, as in (4.6) A := P hA0 = k < x, dx >, with A0 = k[x] and put x =: x1 , dx =: x2 . Consider the curve of two-dimensional simple A-modules, 0 1+t X1 = 0 t t 0 X2 = , 1+t 0 either as a free particle, with Lagrangian 1/2dx2 , or as a harmonic oscillator with Lagrangian 1/2dx2 + 1/2x2 . The action is, in the first case, S = 1/2T rX22 = t2 , and in the second case, S = 1/2T r(X22 + 1/2X12 ) = 2t2 . Thus the Dirac-derivation 104 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL ∂ ∂ becomes ∇S = t , or ∇S = 2t . Computing the Formanek center f , see (3.6), ∂t ∂t we find, f (t) = t2 (1 + t)2 − (1 + t)4 . The corresponding particle, born at t < 0, decays at t = −1/2, and thus has a finite lifetime. Of course, the parameter t in this example, is not our time, and the curve it traces is not an integral curve of the dynamic system of the harmonic oscillator, see (3.7). This shows that one has to be careful about mixing the notions of dynamic system, and the dynamics stemming from a Lagrangian-, or from a related action-principle. Example 8.4. Suppose we are given an element v ∈ Simp(A(σ)), and consider the monodromy homomorphism, µ(v) : π1 (v; Simpn (A(σ))) → Gln (k). In some physics literature v is called Fermionic, or Anyonic, if there exist a loop in Simpn (A(σ)) for which the monodromy is non-trivial. Assume the tangent of this loop at v is given by ξ ∈ Ext1A(σ) (V, V ). Since this tangent has no obstructions it is reasonable to assume that there is a quotient, k f− H({V, V }) → , f+ k with f − f + = f + f − = 1. This would give us an A(σ)-module, with structure map, Endk (V ) f − ⊗k Endk (V ) A(σ) → , f + ⊗k Endk (V ) Endk (V ) i.e. a simple A(σ)-module of Fermionic type, see [18], Chapter 4, Grand Picture etc. Notice that, for a given connection on the vector-bundle Ṽ , the correct monodromy group to consider for the sake of defining Bosons and Fermions, etc., should probably be the infinitesimal monodromy group generated by the derivations of the curvature tensor, R. 9. The present state of the Standard Model Let us end with a bird’s-eye view of the current state of the Standard Model, and compare it with our simple toy model (and not with the general cosmological model considered in Subsection (4.4). The ingredients are quite different. First, the SM is build upon the 4-dimensional Minkowski space, where proper time must be compared to our λ3 , and our two other null-directions are missing. Then, our gauge groups, which turns out to contain the gauge group of the SM, are no longer only related to the metric, transporting the symmetry to the physicists Holy Grail, the Hilbert space, where the different states pop up. Our gauge groups are the Lie algebras responsible for the equivalence relation in our non-commutative algebraic space of representations of the affine algebra P h(H̃), basically on ΘH̃ . Our basic elementary particles comes out naturally; the weak bosons as the generators of g, and the gluons as the generators of su(3), the massless states are {c1 , c2 , c3 }, and the massive and charged ones are {d1 , d2 , d3 }. The corresponding simple modules generate all particles, by tensor products, and by iterated extensions. The chirality, massiveness, charge, etc. all comes out canonically, via reasonably canonical choices of markers. There are also many similarities. Both the Weyl- and the Dirac-Spinors have the same dimension and the same symmetries in SM as in our model. We have the possibility to define 3 different mass terms, namely, via, ρ : H̃(σg ) → Endk (ΘH̃ ) COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 105 the operators, ρ(dλi ) ∈ Endk (ΘH̃ ) We already know that there are, at any point (o, p) ∈ H̃, three tangent planes, called Bo , Bp , Ao,p , the two first ”orthogonal ” to the (op)-direction, and the third containing the canonical light and 0-velocity directions at that point. There are natural bases for these planes, {(c1 + d1 ), (c2 + d2 )}, {(−c1 + d1 ), (−c2 + d2 )}, and {c3 , d3 }, respectively, and the action of g on these planes, can be read from the the table in Subsection (6.2). We have also seen that the the Pauli matrices turns up as, 0 1 σ1 = e + f = , 1 0 0 i 2 σ = −ie + if = , −i 0 1 0 σ3 = h = 0 −1 and that the parity operator, P induces the Dirac matrices, 1 0 0 σk γ0 = , γk = , k = 1, 2, 3. 0 −1 σk 0 as well as the new operators, γ k+3 = σk 0 0 , k = 1, 2, 3, −σ k acting on, Bo ⊕ Bp , such that, ∀p 6= q, γ p γ q = −γ q γ p , γ p γ p = 1, p, q = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Chirality, in the physicists language, was explained as follows. The morphism P , extended to Bo ⊕ Bp , is in the basis chosen above, given by the matrix, 0 id γ5 = , id 0 which turns left-handedness to right-handedness, with respect to the direction (o, p), respectively (p, o). Recall also that there are faithful representations of g in the bundle Bo ⊕ Bp , and that g kills Ao,p . We see that the representations, Bo and Bp , the points in the non-commutative quotient of the moduli space H̃(σg ), by the gauge group g, are the 2-component Weyl-Spinors of the physicists., and the space Bo ⊕Bp is the space of Dirac-Spinors, and the Hamiltonian, the operator representing time and energy Q, looks the same in both models. We may now cook up a list of particles vaguely resembling the ingredients of the Standard Model from our arsenal of representations of the local gauge group, g∗ = g⊕ < h2 >⊂ g ⊕ su(3). Let us start with the simple sub-representations of ΘH̃ . They coincide with the elementary simple representations of sl(2), Lc (1) =< c1 , c2 >, Ld (1) =< d1 , d2 > The tensor products of these will produce lots of simple representations, writing di dj for 1/2(di ⊗ dj + dj ⊗ di ), and in general, di dj dk for the symmetric tensor product, the first tensor (or symmetric) products of Ld (1), will give us the simple representations, Ld (2) =< d1 d1 , d1 d2 , d2 d2 >, Ld (3) =< d1 d1 d1 , d1 d1 d2 , d1 d2 d2 , d2 d2 d2 , > We find, of course, the same results for the tensor products of Lc (1), and using elementary representation theory of the Lie algebras g0 , g, su(3), or so(3), we may, 106 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL in principle classify all the possible representations that would qualify for our Furniture of the Universe, as defined in the previous sections. Since the following is meant to show the relations between the Toy Model and the Standard Model, we shall concentrate our attention to the build up of the so called elementary particles, which are defined in terms of quarks. The Bosons are already treated. Put, Isospin=h1 , Charge=h2 , Weak Isospin= I3 = 3/4h2 + 1/2h1 , Weak Hypercharge =YW = 1/2h2 − h1 , and use these numbers as markers. Then consider the diagram: M arkers : 1/2 · h u h1 h2 I3 YW 0 0 0 2/3 1/2 1/3 Ld (0) : uq = d3 Ld (1) : dq1 = d1 1/2 1 1/2 −1/3 0 −2/3 dq2 = d2 −1/2 1 −1/2 −1/3 −1/2 1/3 Ld (1) : dq2− = d1 d3 1/2 1 1/2 1/3 1/2 −1/3 dq1− = d2 d3 −1/2 1 −1/2 1/3 0 2/3 Ld (1) : p1 = d1 d3 d3 1/2 1 1/2 1 1 0 p2 = d2 d3 d3 −1/2 1 −1/2 1 1/2 1 COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 107 1/2 · h u h1 h2 I3 YW d1 d1 1 2 1 −2/3 0 −4/3 uq − = d1 d2 0 2 0 −2/3 −1/2 −1/3 d2 d2 −1 2 −1 −2/3 −1 2/3 νe = d1 d1 d3 1 2 1 0 1/2 −1 n = d1 d2 d3 0 2 0 0 0 0 νe− = d2 d2 d3 −1 2 −1 0 −1/2 1 M arkers : Ld (2) : Ld (2) : Ld (3) : d1 d1 d1 3/2 3 3/2 −1 0 −2 eL = d1 d1 d2 1/2 3 1/2 −1 −1/2 −1 eR = d1 d2 d2 −1/2 3 −1/2 −1 −1 0 d2 d2 d2 −3/2 3 −3/2 −1 −3/2 1 To go from left to right handedness, in the physics language, comes out by just exchanging d1 and d2 . Here one may see that, eL + νL → eR , and one easily find reasons for the decay, n → p + e + νe . Notice also that we may, in an obvious way, identify νe with the element f and e + f with interchanging d1 , d2 , and notice also that particles and antiparticles ,which usually are denoted by an ”overline” and related to the reversing of time, in our model add up to n, the ”neutron” in the model. The part of the SM that the physicists call; The Electroweak Sector, is concerned with representations of H̃(σg )/g, on the complexified bundles, Boc := C ⊗R Bo , Bpc := C ⊗R Bp , and the sum, Boc ⊕ Bpc , i.e. it is concerned with representations on 108 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Weyl Spinors or Dirac Spinors. The possible representations on spinors, i.e. on Boc or Bpc , are then usually written, Dp = ξp + ∇p , ∇p ∈ U (C ⊗ sl(2)). The typical example is, for trivial metric g, Dµ = ıδµ − g 0 1/2YW Bµ − g1/2τ L W µ . Here, Bµ is strange, and it seems that, YW = 2(h2 − I3 ) = (1/2h2 ± h1 ), τ L W µ = 3 X Wµk σ k , k=1 0 where ± signifies (right/left), and g and g are coupling constants, not related to any metric. Notice that here we have choices, considering left or right handed systems. From the above one can easily deduce the: Electromagnetic Sector, as I have explained above, in section (1.9), see also [18]. The new thing for the Electroweak case is that one considers representations on the Dirac Spinors, of the type, Dµ = γ µ Dµ . The corresponding energy equation is therefore, (Q − E 2 )ψ = 0, where, Q= X g µ,ν Dµ Dν . µ,ν Assume we have a trivial metric, and consider the equation,, X X X ( γp Dp − E)( γq Dq + E) = γp Dp γq Dq − E 2 , p q p,q P P where we either assume that [γ, Dp ] = 0, so that p,q γp Dp γq Dq = p Dp Dp or accept that the difference is without interest, we find a solution of the energy equation is the same as a solution of the Dirac type equation, X (γp Dp ± E)(ψ) = 0. p The consequence is that we should look for Bµ , Wµk ∈ H̃, and ψ, such that, X ψ( γp Dp )ψ, p is constant. This is exactly the Lagrangian in the electroweak sector, X LEW = ψ † γ µ (ıδµ − g 0 1/2YW Bµ − g1/2τ L W µ )ψ µ The Quantum Chronodynamic Sector, is the theory that takes care of quarks, and fermions. Here we are interested in the representations ρ of H̃(σ)(g1 ) on ˜ C := C ⊗R ∆. ˜ We know that they are of the form, ∆ ρ(dtp ) = Dp := ξp + ∇p , ∇p ∈ U (C ⊗ su(3)), treating ∇p as a potential. In QCD the corresponding representations are taken as, Dµ = δµ − ıgs Giµ T i , where {T i } is a basis for su(3). The Lagrangian is then guessed to be, LQCD = ıU † (δµ − ıgs Giµ T i )γ µ U + ıD† (δµ − ıgs Giµ T i )γ µ D COSMOS AND ITS FURNITURE 109 where U are Dirac spinors associated with up-quarks, and D are Dirac spinors associated with down-quarks, and gs is the strong coupling constant. The last provisos of the equation, seems very peculiar. However, if we understand that the model for this Lagrangian is not the usual energy equation, but the first order Dirac equation and moreover, that the operators γ µ are just defined on Bo ⊕ Bp , and the up-quark is not an element in Bo ⊕ Bp , then it becomes reasonable. Recall that all elements in g kill the up quark d3 , but do not kill the two down-quarks d1 , d2 . However, there should be a difference between left and right handedness, here as above. The Higgs Sector, is the last case I shall mention.The Higgs Lagrangian is, before Symmetry Breaking, µ LH = φ† (δ µ −ı/2(g 0 YW B µ +gτ W ))(δµ +ı/2(g 0 YW Bµ +gτ W µ ))φ−λ2 /4(φ† φ−v 2 )2 where φ = (φ+ , φ0 ) (not the coordinate in H̃!) is a Spinor, with the electric charges, Q, as indicated, both components having weak isospin, YW = 1. The classical interpretation seems strange, and I propose that this has to do with the restriction to the 4-dimensional Minkowski/Einstein-space. Working in our 6dimensional moduli-space, we have much more room to explain, as we have done, the difference between left and right-handedness, and to treat mass, total and kinetic energy on the same level, as we have seen above. The rest, I assume, is physics. 10. End Words This note is an extension of several papers, see [18], [20], [19], and has been the subject of quite a number of talks, at Paris/ENS, Stockholm/Mittag Leffler, Marseille/Luminy, Oslo, Angers, Trieste, Belfast, Mulhouse, Nice, Praha, Lahore, Tallinn, Casablanca, Rabat, and Strasbourg, during the last 20 years or so. It is based on the ideas and the general philosophy presented first in [16], and then in [18], in which the main new idea is TIME, considered as a metric on the moduli space of the phenomena we choose to study. The underlying mathematical tool is non-commutative deformation theory, see [12], and the non-commutative algebraic geometry, based on this deformation theory, see [13]. This non-commutative algebraic geometry is quite different from the more well known non-commutative geometry, proposed by Alain Connes, see e.g. [28], and its application to modern physics is equally different from his. In particular, it seems to me that the set up of Connes, assuming that existence of a C*-algebra of operators on some Hilbert space, and a convenient spectral triple, is lacking the kind of explanatory power that I needed to be able to work with these ideas from physics. My purpose has been to construct a model for the study of most natural phenomena, given a reasonable mathematical model for the primary observation. The Toy Model, H̃ studied above, is one simple choice, and it would be a miracle if it turned out to be more than an intermediate step on the long road towards understanding (some nontrivial part of ) nature. However, it has a series of interesting properties. The choice of Minkowski, and of Einstein, of the metric ds2 = dt2 − (dx21 + dx22 + dx23 ), considering time as a 4th dimension, works fine in explaining the maximality of the velocity of light, but it also contains the mathematical model of a tachyon!, which seems to have been forgotten, regretted or denied. In the Toy Model H̃, the mathematical notion of velocity is different, and the set of velocities turn out to be a compact space, so there exist an absolute maximal speed. 110 OLAV ARNFINN LAUDAL Treating Einstein’s proper time as one of the 0-velocities in the Toy Model, we see that the Minkowski metric turns into the trivial metric of a 4-dimensional Riemannian space, dt2 = dx21 + dx22 + dx23 + ds2 , and the Schwartzchild metric turns into a metric very close to ours, see section (2). Deforming these metrics into metrics on the corresponding blow-up of the s-line, makes it part of the restriction of the Toy Model H̃, to M (B), but the interpretation of this space as a moduli space of an observer observing an observed in 3-space, goes lost. For this we need more dimensions, at least 6. This interpretation is basic; as we shall identify tangent vectors at a point of H̃ as (glimpses of ) elementary particles at that point. This provides models for 3 charge-and mass-less, and 3 charged and massy, elementary states, generating all the other state-spaces of particles in our natural fauna. The moduli spaces of the mathematical models of the phenomena we are interested in, and their dynamical superstructure, create our algebras of observables. Their representations, or their measurements, are the main objects of our study. Therefore the basic elements of the theory are the representations of the algebras of observables. The theory of non-commutative algebraic geometry furnishes a framework for this theory, by making clear the role of the symmetries, the gauge groups, in the choice of representations to be studied. The evolution equations defined by the universal Dirac derivation, and a choice of Dynamical Structure, give us an analytic continuation of a properly prepared representation. We have not, in this paper, ventured into concrete calculations of solutions to the equations that pop up. This will be the subject of later works. The main theoretical problem that is not yet covered is, however, related to the physical notion of Interaction, see above. We have included a short sketch of a mathematical model for interactions, for the general model, including a bold proposal for a mathematical explanation of the electro-week force. But this is not entirely satisfactory. What happens when two elementary particles ”comes close” to each other? How should we interpret this in terms of the representations representing the particles? Here the non-commutative algebraic geometry and the theory of non-commutative deformations of families of representations will, certainly, be essential, but the detailed treatment of this has to wait, as will the many other questions that pop up when one wants to use the model in ”real life”. In relation to the short Subsection (4.4), on Cosmology, it is certainly tempting to make comparison with the very speculative literature treating notions like wormholes, firewalls, complementarity, entanglement, and the likes. The exceptional fibers, the black holes E(λ), in our Toy Model, could be used to ”make wormholes,” and certainly to give examples of hologram-like phenomena, and the solution of the Furniture equation in Subsection (2.4) might look like a mathematical model of a firewall at the Horizon. The fact, that we in this model see what ”happened before” in cosmological time, where the gravitational mass-density was bigger, could be used as an argument for the nonexistence of both Black Energy, and Black Matter. This may all be interesting, but my goal for this work has been more modest. 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