A SYS]ECVIS $SEDY OF THE DYNAMIIC BEEF MA!RKET by JIPMMY JOE JACKSON Institute S.B., Massachusetts of Technology (1970) M B. A , Southern llinois University (1973) SJBMIifTED IN PARTIAL FLFILLMENr OF THE R EQUIRHEMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the TS INS MASSACVHUSE Ii'JrE OF TECHN OLOGY May, 197'4 Signature of Author fAlfr o-oa/School 9 of Man.gement, May 10, 1974 Certified by Thesis Supervisor r..-a- Accepted by Chairman Departm ent.l--Com-mi ttee on Gralta te Students ARCHIVE JUL 15 1974 lIBRAc~1 E9 2 A SYSfEMS S'TUDY OF THE DYNAMIC BE EF MARKET by Jimmy Joe Jackson Submitted to the Alfred P. Sloan School of Man-gement on LMay 10, 1974, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. ABST RAC T A cau.sal model containing the import.nt structure The model present within the beef industry is developed. produces the same long-term fluctuations in supply and price of beef as occurred during the period from 1950 to 1970. Parameter sensitivity testing demonstrates that the long-term fluctuations are caused by system structure and by decision malers within the industry, not by exogenous £he overall goal of this study is to formulete, factors. test, and gain ranchers' impleentation of improved policy guidelines. The challenge for the future of modeling is determining effective methods for gaining doption of any recommengreat detions arising from a "global" model, a model where number of decision makers are aggregeted together. Decision makers must be confident that adopting new policies will improve their performance, independent of adoption by others: otherwise, implementation of recommendations is difficult. A new policy guideline for determining the percentage of heifers to retain for breeding is proposed. In the new policy, when profits are high, the percentage of heifers withheld is low. Phis is the major difference in the prohigh posed policy as the current practice is to withhold percentage. insure that the proposed policy is beneficial resecond beef herd sector was gardless of adoption rate, added. Testing the new policy with 1950 to 1970 data demonstrated that it improved profits for those ranchers adopting 'Po it. Changing the model to conform to 1974-1994 conditions and retesting the new policy demonstrated once more that it would be beneficial for ranchers to adopt the new policy. Thesis Supervisor: John Henize £Title: Assistant Professor of Mianagement ACKN 0WLEDG EMENTS I wi sh to express my gratitude to Professor John Henize and Richard Wright, respectively Adviser and member of the Committee, for their guidance and their generous contribution of time and effort to this thesis. I would also like to express my gratitude to all those other people who made this thesis possible: my classmates in Richard Wright's courses, my parents and parents-in-law, the beef industry. and many members of Last, but certainly not least, to my wife, Sue, for typing this manuscript and for her patience while I spent countless hours with the dedicate the result. computer. To Sue I 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I; II: II I Pa.'e IN RODUCTI ON 'he Problem The Purpose of the Study Methodology 10 11 12 STUCPHUI OF' H.E BE.EF INDUSTRY Review of Past Models Overview of the General Structure Emphasis of This Study 13 16 18 MODEL DSCHIPION Pictorial Descriotion Verbal and Mathematical Description Beef Cows Gestation Rate Beifers Birth Hate eifers Helfers Rady- for Market Rate Heifers Ready for Market Heifers Becomlng Cows Cow Sl aughter Rate Average Herd Relative Feed Per Animal Feed Price Index Profit Index Percentage Heifers Kept for Breeding Heifers for Breeding Heifers Fed for Slaughter Heifers Slaughtered Percent Feed Lot Fed Steers Ready for Market Steers Fed for Slaughter Steers Slaughtered Fed Animal Slaughter Rate Dairy Animal Slaughter Rate Average Slaughter Rate Actual Per Capita Consumption Population Index Per Capita Expenditure for Beef Personal Disposable Income Index Beef Price Index Korean d4ar Factor 21 21 24 24 25 26 26 26 27' 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 33 35 35 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 42 42 TASBLE OF CONTENTS cont. Chapter £V. V: VI: Pae MODEL VALIEDIY Model Development Replicating Past Behavior Sensitivity esting 44 45 48 POLICY RECOMMENDATINS Proposed Policy Evaluation Criteria New Policy Results 1950-1970 New Policy Results 1974-1994 51 52 53 54 CONCLUSION Implications of the Study Extens.ons of the Study 60 BI BLIOGRAPHY 61 APPEN DIC ES6 64 7 LIST OF FIGURES Fi gure - I-I: Cattle on Farms, by Cycles 11-i: A Model of the US. 11-2: Causal Flow Dieggram of the Beef M,-Nrket III-1: Beef III-2: Feed Lot and Consumer Sectors 23 III-3: Relative Feed Per Animal Graph 29 11-4: Percent Heifers Kept for Breeding Graph 32 TI-5: Cattle Numabers 34 IIL-6: Cattle on Farms, January 1 37 IV-1: Model Results Versus Actual Results 46' IV-2: Base 47 V-i: Percent Heifers Kept fr Breeding - New Policies 52 eat Economy 15 19 22 erd Sector nd Beef Production un 1950-1970 8 i;IST OF 'PABLES Table a?_ IV-ie Sensitivity Effect of Constants 49 V-i: New Policy Profits 1950-1970 54 V-2: New Policy Profits 1974-1994 55 LIST OF APPENDICES dixpe A: 64 B: Definitions 67 C: Equations Two Beef Herd Sector Model 69 ID: _I aEquations Basic Model quations 1974-1994 Model _ 73 10 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The Problem During the spring and summer of 1973, the spotlight of national attention was focused upon the beef market and the upward spiraling beef prices. Consumer attention has fo- cused only upon the tip of the iceburg of the problems that have plagued the beef industry for many decades, Since at least 1896, the beef market has been characterized by significant long-term fluctuations (Figure I-1) in the supply and price of beef. Ranchers have recognized these fluctuations within the beef industry as a significant problem for many years, How- ever, many ranchers believe that the oscillations are caused by a general conspiracy among the large meat packers and buyers. This presumption is generated by beef prices tend- ing to peak when ranchers have the fewest animals to sell; when they have many animals to sell, the price is low. Few ranchers believe that these problems are caused by the beef industry structure in conjunction with their herd size decision making. 11 Figure I-11 CATTLE ON FARMS, BY CYCLES ! MIL 100 80 60 40 3 1 5 7 9. 13 11 15 17 YEAR* I*r ' The S O O CICkC. nCUIIfC PINO LO or O U tls Og FarS. S(DIs*lT AN'CUL'MtIR SC r.. s n.t (4) SCOOMIC rS$tACN SfIYinC[ urpose of the Stud The purpose of this study is develop a model that is fluctuations. twofold, First, to capable of explaining the long-term Second, to develop a model which can be used to. test the profitability for those ranchers who adopt "improved" policy guidelines in making their herd size decisions. Thus, the model will not be just descriptive, but will also be a useful aid in gaining implementation of better policies. Caution must be exercised in defining implementation for any "global" model, a model in which many decision makers are aggregated together. A suggested policy may 1 Willard F. Williams and homas T. Stout, Economics of the Livestock-Mieat Industr (New York: The MacMillan Company, 1964) , p. 545 12 provide improvement if however, less than all decision makers adopt the policy; 00 percent adoption may cause the policy to be ineffective or counterproductive. Thus, there should be no restriction which would make it necessary for all ranchers to adopt the new policies in order to make the guidelines profitable for adopters. Methodol oy Systems Dynamics 2 is a philosophy of systems behavior which seeks the cause of complex behavior in the feedback loops contained within the system. Systems Dynamics and its accompanying computer language, Dynamo, 3 will be utilized because the beef industry contains many complex interrelationships. to a layman. model built, Systems Dynamics and Dynamo are understandable This greatly increases his confidence in any which, in turn, makes implementation easier to achi eve. 2Jay W. Forrester, Industrial namics (Cambridge: The M.I. . Press, 1961) and Principles of Systems (Cambridge: Wright-Allen Press, Inc., 1968). Alexander L. Pugh III, Dnamo II User's ed. rev.; Cambridge: The M.I.T. Press, 1973). Manual (4th 13 CHAPTER II SrHUCTUREZ OF THE BEEF INDUSTRY Before proceeding with a description of the model's general structure, a brief review of past beef-market research is presented. odels Review of Past There have been many excellent attempts at general verbal descriptions of the dynamics involved within the beef market. One of the better verbal descriptions was by Maki, who said: Several factors are frequently cited as determinants of the cattle cycle, namely, the biological makeup of beef herds, the management practices of ranchers and feedlot operators and the method of making future market estimates. It is, however, the producer response to price fluctuations in terms of changing the number of cattle on hand, particularly breeding stock, that actually generates the cattle cycle. For example, an increase in feeder prices leads to increases in beef cattle numbers, not only in heifers and steers, but also -- a year and onehalf later on the average -- in calves. The change in steer inventories leads to an increase in commercial slaughter during the following 12-month period, while the change in heifer inventories contributes to a corresponding increase in beef cow numbers a year later. The change in commercial slaughter immediately results in a drop in slaughter steer prices. Feeder prices are directly associated with slaughter prices. Thus falling steer prices are followed by a lower feeder market. Meanwhile, the increase in beef cow inventories generates a decline in commercial cattle slaughter two years after the initial increase in the feeder market. Because beef cows and heifers are withheld 14 from slaughter in response to an initial increase in feeder prices, beef production must decline temporarily. Consequently, both slaughter steer and feeder prices must increase. Thus, the price changes in the third year tend to counterbalance the price changes in the second year. The beef cycle, however, still maintains its positive relation to the initial change in feeder price. The change in beef cow numbers results, therefore, in an increase in calf inventories. The increase in calf inventories, in turn, results in an increase in steer and heifer inventories. Meanwhile, the inventory changes lead to further changes in commercial slaughter. Eventually, the production and price cycles turn around and start moving in opposite directions from whence they started. thus, the cattle cycle of about six to eight years duration is generated by a complex of factors that ifluence the long-run make-up of the beef economy. Besides verbal descriptions, others have endeavored to develop causal flow diagrams that show the interrelationships in a more explicit manner. One such example is shown in Figure II-1, which was developed by the Department of Agriculture. iEven though dynamic since it is time related, it mainly contains feed forward relationships and does not represent many of the feedback relationships which this study hypothesizes to exist in the relevant system. Thus, the model has little explanatory power of long-term fluctuations, since the primary feedback within the beef industry has long-term effects. Early models, mainly by agricultural economists, were only able to explain short-term behavior because they lilbur R. Maki, "Cyclical and Seasonal Supply and Price Patterns for Beef", The Future for Beef, (Ames, Iowae The Center for Agricultural and Economic Adjustment, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, 1963), pp. 7576 15 Sos Pork sectr -- /S ze/e4 / / / / tgS ^09 t" | t <' -'' ~~~~~~~~~~~~Ptr . C *_3~ WO Iw~~o~lp IIO . e jftwr4 .q .. ... :CJ) I L\\f \<(;J~~~~~~brprsL 1E/J t \\ \ /a\J \/\X/- t \ \cog~u \ndIcocrr LMeat,"orue |P| ,e Figure I-I:o 2 /uc~ Sori Grssfd-e setr A 88 fr er uUI~/ Card / tr Model of the U.. Herbert S. Meyer, Vol. Betcor Grain- ?d-beef sc Mleat Economy 2 "The Baffling 5uper-Inf 1973), p.D 118.5 (July, tjon in considered, many variables to be exogenous that were, fact, embedded in feedback processes. in Meadows 3 made an important contribution to the research of cyclical behavior in various commodity markets when he propagated that the greatest causes of the fluctuations within any commodity, including beef, were the feedback loops and decision makers comprising that commodity market. of his general commodity model, Do show the applicability Meadows adjusted parameters for biological and managerial factors in three different commodities: hogs, beef, and chickens. He did not attempt validity testing and only demonstrated that his model when applied to the beef market had the same periodicity. Overview of the General Structure The model boundary has been defined to include the beef herd sector, feed lot sector, action with consumers. and the market inter- These three sectors are hypoth- esized to be capable of explaining the long-term fluctuations observed within the beef market. One could contend that the system boundary should be expanded to embody a hog sector because of the substitution effects of beef and pork. Since feed prices have a major influence upon decisions made by cattle and hog raisers, it could be asserted that a feed sector should be incorporated 3 Dennis glesf bl------- ynamics of Commodity Production L. Meadows, (Cambridge: Wright-Allen Press, Inc., 1970). 17 However, the fluctuation periodicity of these two factors is considerably shorter than that for beef; consequently, it is unlikely hogs or feed produce the longer term fluctuations. The beef market has a "worse-before-better" ance which is characteristic short period market supply is perform- of many dynamic systems. The negative (bsckward-bending 4 supply curve) rather than positive. With an increase in price, ranchers withhold cattle from market to increase their breeding herds. Of course, reduced beef supply causes further price increases. The supply relationship, coupled with the long delay times in heifers becoming cows, gestation period, calf growing period, and feeding time, causes much of the dynamic behavior. The feed lot sector is simply a delay. Because of biological factors relating to weight gain per pound of feed, it is difficult for the feeding time to be economically varied more than a few days.5 In the past, the feed lot sector was a significant stabilizing influence within the beef industry. When profits were large, feed lots would expand thereby increasing the supply of beef; and, during bleak times, they would continue oertion because marginel Williams and Stout, p. 536. 5 U.SD.A., Cattle Feeding in the United States, Agricultural Economic Report No. 186 (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, October, 1970), p. 25. __I ____n 18 revenues normally were greater than marginal costs. This ratchet effect expanded the percentage of cattle fed in feed lots from 51 percent in 1950 to approximately 90 percent currently. The consumer sector assumes that what is produced in a period is also consumed in that same period. i-ta consumption equals per capita production. Thus, per capTherefore, the function of the market is to determine the market clearing price in each period. It is asserted that an individ- ual's expenditure for beef is a function of one's personal disposable income. Given consumption and expenditure, price is determined. Figure II-2 is a causal loop model containing the important relationships that cause the long-term fluctuaFrom this simple model, a more detailed model is tions. developed in Chapter III. Emphasis of this Study Although the beef market has been studied for a long time by many people and with great effort, few efforts have had an implmentation orientation; none of the studies have resulted in policy change. So far, research has centered upon improved understanding of the beef market and better 6 Compiled from several tables contained in US.D.A., Livestock and Meat Statistics, Statistcal Reporting Service B1ulletin Nlo. 333 Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, June, 1973). II I _ _ __I_ ___ 19 Figure II-2: Causal Flow Diagram of the Beef Market Personal Disposable Income Population Average Slaughter + '> // _+ Per Cap ta Expenditure or beer Per Capita Consumption -. h-,e i '/ ""/ I 4. Ws II I Animls in Feed. Lots -) " _M -~ - 11 - Beei Price 7o neIrers Kept For Breeding + \ Heifers eady For lMarL ,et + +i Profit Heifers Held For Breleding i i i i i i I I Steers eady For Market -. ,. + ~ + _.___ _I-I -- -L----·--------·-----· ' __ _--... - --- B eef CowT ------------- 3 I// 20 methods for analyzing the industry. However, this study takes departure from previous studies in having as its objective improved profits for ranchers. This goal implies that greater attention must be paid to validity testing (to increase ranchers' confidence), to proper selection of improved policies, and to adequate policy testing, Any recommended policy changes must be intui- tive to ranchers, if not before at least after a simplistic explanation of the reasons for adopting the new policies. Also, ranchers must have confidence that these policies will improve their profits. _ I_ _I_ __ __l__-illl-L·l·---·---·I---- 21 CHAPTER III iMODEL DESGCRIPrION Three methods of presentation--pictorial, verbal, and mathematical--will be utilized to enhance understanding of the model developed in this study. Pictorial Description The flow diagrams presented on the following two pages provide an overview of the model, They allow one the best perspectives of the structure which is important in causing the long-term oscillations within the beef market. When studying the detailed verbal and mathematical description which is in the next section, the flow diagrams should be referred to to enhance understanding of the system. The numbers contained within the flow diagram symbols correspond to the sub-heading numbers used in the remainder of the chapter and also to the equation numbers., Appendix B contains an alphabetical listing and definition of all abbreviations, Verbal and Mathematical Descri tion 'This section is subdivided by number and name of each component as shown in the flow diegrams on pages 22 and 23, ,Appendix A contains a complete listing of the equations, including the necessary control statements. --- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_- 22 Figure III-1: Beef Herd Sector Feed Price Index ..... >(FPI, 2 // Average 1% Helfer !,Slaughter Rate "I X', 1Kept for aX X (ASR, 21) (PFLF, 16) reedi ng Percentage __ 15 t3 Feed Lot Fed !Heifers\, Anima Feed ( AFL, ,A sID 'DECi Decision Time age otBH Average Months Between Heifers -qeaaar- - -·--- -c----------------.- 10) -. ----------- -"-----I----- -, (BPI- 26) F 11 Profit ndex 23 Figure III-2: Feed Lot and Consumer Sectors Personal Disposable Income Index (PDII, 25) Profit Index (PI, 11) -- N Disposable Income Multi lier PCFB 25 \ Per Capitt Expentiture For Beef/ (KWR, 28) Korean War Fac tor Population Index (POPI, 24) N ormal Slaughter Rate NSR AP 23 \3 f Ac tual Per - Capita Con Dairy Animal Slaughter Rate (DASR, 21) Sla.ughter Rate Smoothing Time 7v rT sumption/ N 3R, 7) cow ughter Rate ) i i Heifers Ready For Mar]ket I, (PFLF, 16,Percentage Feed Lot Fed I _ I _I _ _ _·___II__ I \ - I Heifer Slaughter Rate DECT 1 Decision Time / .-· ------ - 24 followed by a verbal description, and the dynamo equations and abbreviation definitions. 1. Beef Cows Beef cows is formulated as a regular level equation with an inflow of heifers becoming cows and an outflow of cow slaughter rate. conditions. In All level equations require initial this model, upon an index system. initial conditions are based The beef cow index represents percent of 1950's value; consequently, the initial condition for cows is 100. L N C ;BC.K=BCJ+DT* BC HBC CSR IBC 2. ( BC JJK J KC SR. ) BC=IBC IBC=1Q0 - BEEF CO0S HEIFERS BECOMING COWS COW SLAUGHTER RATE INI£IAL BEEF COWS Gestation Rate Heifers The gestation rate of heifers is determined by beef cows divided by the average months between heifers. Since cows have, on the average, one calf per year with a 50 percent chance of it being a heifer, the average months between heifers is 24.2 2Uhis ranchers. lcIcl- here are seasonal differences in the information was provided by several Texas - 25 Calving rate; 3 however, these have little influence upon the long-term oscillgtions since their periodicity is only one year. R :C - GRH. KL=BC. K/AMBIH AiMABH=24 ONTHS GRH BC AMBH 3. Birth - GESTATION RATE HEIFERS - BEEF COWS - AVEMRAG MONITHS BETWEEN HEIFERS ate Heifers The birth rate of heifers is simply the gestation rate of heifers delayed by gestation time of 9 months. An aver- age of 10 percent of all conceptions end in either miscarriage or death before marketing. 4 This is represented by multiplying the normal birth rate by a survival rate of .9. It could be disaggregated and applied to both birth rate and marketings; however, aggregation is easier and does not effect model performance. A C C BRH. KL=SR*DELAY 3(GRH.JK,GT) SR=.9 G£=9 MON'SS BRH - SR GRH GT BIR'H RATE HEIFERS SURVIVAL RATE GESATION RATE HEIFERS GESTATION TIME 3 John T. Larsen, Seasonality of the Cattle Mrket U.S.D.A. Economic Research Service RS(Washington: U.s.Government Printing Office, January, 1971, p. 3. 4Steven F. Miller and Anthony N. Halter, SystemsSimulation in a Practical Policy-Making Setting: The Venezuelan Cattle Industry", Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 55 (August, 1973), p. 422. __.I_-- I slC- ----- I------------- --- - 26 4, Heifers Ready For Market Rate Heifers ready for market rate is the birth rate of heifers delayed by the average time from birth to marketing of 7 months. HRFXiR. KL=DELAY 3 ( BhH.JK AMT ) Ai4i'=7 MONTHS C HRFMR BRH AMT 5. - HEIFERS READY FOR MARKET RATE - BIRTH RArE HEIFERS - AVERAGE MARKETING rIME Heifers Ready For Market Heifers ready for market represents the seven month old heifers which ranchers are choosing to retain for breeding or for marketing to feed lots and slaughter plants. L N 6. .HRFM.K=HRFM.J+DT* ( HRFMR.JK-HFB.JK-HFFS.JK-HS. JK ) EkHRF~i= IBC *SR/AMBH HRF1 HEIFERS READY FOR MARKET HRRFMR HFB HFFS HS IBC SR AMBH HEIFERS READY FOR MARKET RATE HEIFERS FOR BREEDING HEIFERS FED FOR SLAUGHTER HEIFERS SLAUGHT ERED INITIAL BEEF COWS SURVIVAL RATE AVERAGE MON THS BETWEEN HEIFERS Heifers Becoming Cows Heifers become cows after a total two-year 5 aging pro- cess. This is 16 months after they could have been sold for feeding or slaughter. 5 This is the U.SD.A. definition. Since U.S.D.A. data is used for comparison to the model results, their definition was used. ------- -- --------------- ------ - - - 27 HBC. KL=DELAYP ( HFB.JK,AD, HHFB.K) -AD=16 MONTHS C - HBC HFB ADi HHFB 7. HEIFERS HEIFERS AVERAGE HEIFERS BECOMING COWS FOR BREEDING DELAY TIME IN BECOMING COWS HELD FOR BREEDING Cow Slaughter Rate The number of cows divided by the average cow lifetime yields the cow slaughter rate. It is debatable whether the cow slaughter rate is independent of price since some ranchers cull cows when prices are high and other ranchers retain their older cows to have another calf before culling because of the high calf prices. She data appears to indicate that the influences of these two groups of ranchers offset each other; however, the effect of certain exogenous factors, such as weather, makes it difficult to ascertain. CSR.KL=BC.K/ACL ACL=100 Lh C - COW SLAUGHfER RATE - BEEF COWS - AVERAGE COW LIFETIME CSR BC ACL 8. Average Herd This variable is an exponential average of beef cows and heifers being held for breeding. Calves were not in- cluded since they consume an insignificant amount of feed and since ranchers normally include only cows, heifers, and bulls in their total when their herd size is requested. Bulls have not been included in the model because less than one percent of all male calves are retained for breeding and (IP I1 _ Islj __1 _____IL__________I____ll____ __ 28 because bulls have essentially no effect on the dynamics of the system since fluctuations in their number are less than that of cows because the ratio of cows/bull can be and is varied. The 12 month averaging time was chosen since range condition and feeding are yearly cycles. This averaging time will be tested to determine if model behavior is sensitive to its selection since its value is not known with certainty. .L AH. K=A .J+DT* (HtFB.J+BC. J-AH. J )/HAT C HA;£=12 MONTHS N AH=I BC+ (ADT*HFBI * BC ) - Alh HHFB BC HAS IBC ADl HFBI 9, AVERAGE HERD HEIFERS HELD FOR BREEDING BEEF COWS HERD AVERYAGING rIIMEINITIAL BEEF COWS AVERAGE DELAY TIMiE IN BECOMING COWS HEIFERS FOR BREEDING INITIAL Relative Feed Per Animal The supplemental feed per animal that ranchers must provide is a nonlinear function of the average herd size. Initially, ranchers may have to feed slightly more per animal during the winter months, then lengthen their winter feeding period, and, finally, have to feed some during the dry summer months. This relationship is graphically repre- sented in Figure III-3. The ratio of normal herd to aver- age herd corresponds to range carrying capacity. For in- stance, .5 would be equivalent to having twice as many animals as the normal (1950) carrying capacity. rrlP6i---- ----- ----C-- --- ar-- ----- -- ------------- Normal herd is 29 equal to the initial value of average herd; thus, the 1950 ratio is 1. A RFA.K=TABLE(RFAT,NH/AH.K,0,1.5. .25) NL RFAT=3/2.2/1.6/1.2/1/.9/.8 NH=AH - RELATIV FEED PER ANIMAL ELATIVE FEED PER ANIMLAL TABLE - NORMAL HERD - AVERAGE ERD RFA RFA NH AH 3.0 2.5 Relat ive Feed Per An imal 2.0 K \ 1.5 1.0 .5 0 ____ 0 Large Herd _I __ 5 _ CII·_ 1.5 1.0 Sm.ll1 Herd Normal Herd Average Herd Figure III-3: 10. Relative Feed Per Animal Graph Feed Price Index An important exogenous imput to the model is feed prices. The index is an average of grain, roughage, and concentrated protein prices (1950 = 16) weighted by the proportions used for range herd rations. 6 U.S.D.A, The uncertainty of Agricultural Statistics 1972, (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972), p. 427. -i------------------P------------ 30 future feed prices makes it necessary to demonstrate that any policy recommendations are improvements independent of what occurs to feed prices. A £ X 1' .K=TABHL(FPLT, IIME.K/1 2, 0 20, 1) FPI-=1/1 .09/1.02/.98/.94/.89/.9/.86/.87/.85/.85/ .86/.90/.90/.90/.92/94/89/.89/ .91/.94 FPI FPIT 11. - FEED PRICE INDEX - FEED PRICE INDEX TABLE Profit Index The profit index is a ratio of beef price to ranchers' costs, which are composed of four types: fixed costs, costs that are a function of relative feed per animal, feed costs, and other variable costs. portional to the herd size. Fixed costs vary inversely proSeveral costs vary proportion- ally to the amount of feeding done, such as labor involved in feeding and equipment operation expenses.7 Also grouped in this general category are range improvement activities such as fertilization, tree control, spraying, etc. It is assumed these will be done when economical, and this assumption was included in the construction of Figure importance of feeding costs is apparent. I-3. The Other variable costs include veterinary costs, marketing costs, etc.8 The 7 Wylie D. Goodsell and Macie J. Belfield, Costs and Returns - Northwest Cattle Ranches 1972, U.S.D.A. Economic U.S. Government Research Service ERS-525 (Washington: Printing Office, July, 1973), P. 5. Beef Production 8Dale Colyer and R. J. Doll, Financin Systems, (Kansas City: Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, October, 1959), p. 3. _ I _ 31 way the index is formed, a profit index of .9 represents a point where ranchers are receiving a "fair rate" of return and the herd size is in momentary equilibrium, A PI.K=BPI.K/( ((A*NH)/AH.K)+.l(A2*RFA.K)+(A3*RF'A.K* X FPI.K)) C C C Al=.4 A2=.2 A3=.3 Pi BPI A1 NH Ad - A2 RFA - 1950 COSTS THAT ARE A FUNCTION OF RFA A3 FPI 12. -PROFIT INDEX BEEF PRICE INDEX 1950 FIXED COSTS PERCENTAGE NORMAL HERD AVERAGE HERD - RELATIV'E FEED PER ANIMAL - 1950 FEED COSTS PERCENrAGE - FEED PRICE INDEX Percentage Heifers Kept for Breeding With a "fair" rate of return (profit index of .9), ranchers will withhold 26 percent of their heifers. This percent is the zero herd growth percent which is defined by the biological constraints of the system. As profitability increases, the percent withheld for breeding increases rapidly and then increases at a reduced rate. Ranchers can and will increase their withholdings of heifers because of the lure of high profits and their conclusion that they can easily add a few more animals to their herd. However, after a point, further increases are smaller because ranchers may be having cash flow problems, time is required to expand facilities for a significant increase in herd size, and marginal heifers being withheld are of poorer quality and are _I IIL 32 less likely to become profitable cows. This relationship is presented in Figure III-4. A 2 PHKB.K=rAbLE (PTHKB,PI.K,.6,1.4, t) P;HiYf3=.1/.15/.18/.26/.46/.51/.65/ 75/.8 PHKB PrHKB - PERCENTAGE HEIFERS KEPT FOR BREEDING - PERCEN£AGE TABLE HEIFERS KEPT FOR BREEDING PI - PROFI' INDEX 1 t'< LUU . Rn Percent Heifers Kept For Breeding 60 40 20 0 r__--I .6 -.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Profit Index Figure IIt-4: 13. Percent Heifers Kept for Breeding Graph Heifers for Breeding Heifers for breeding is the percentage withheld times the heifers available. There is a short delay time while ranchers make the physical choice of which particular heifers to retain for breeding purposes. R HFB.KL=HRFM.K*PHKB.K/DECT C DIEC C=1 iN ~HFB=HFBI*IBC C HFBI=.018 HFB HRFM PHKB -WB-ara---- - -xl-sr-lrarsr·lsrp-r-·-------- HEIFERS FOR BREEDING HEIFERS READY FOR MARKET PERCENTAGE HEIFERS KEPT FOR BREEDING 33 DECT HFBI IBC 14. - DECISION TIME - HEIFERS FOR BREEDING INITIAL - INITIAL BEEF COWS Heifers Fed for Slaughter and 15. Heifers Slaughtered £hose heifers not held for breeding are either slaughtered or placed in feed lots to be fed for slaughter. The same decision delay time exists in this process as in the selection of heifers for breeding. H H HFFS.KL=HRF.K* K( 1-PHKB.K ) PFLF.K/DECT HS. KL=HHF. K*( 1PFLF.K)* ( 1 -PHKB.K)/DCT HFFS HRFM PHKB PFLF DECE HS 16. - HEIFESS FED FOR SLAUGHTER HEtIFEIHS READY FOR MARKET PERCENTAGE HIFERS KEPT FOR BREEDING PERCENT FEED LOT; FED DECISION rIME HEIFERS SLAUGHLERED Percent Feed Lot Fed The percent feed lot fed is modeled as an exogenous variable even though it would have been considered an integral part of any model constructed a few years ago. How- ever, it appears that the percent can be taken as a constant of approximately ninety percent. In the past, this percentage has exhibited a ratchet movement. When profits were favorable, feed lot operations were expanded; when prices were depressed, the percentage did not decrease because feed lot operators, in general, were covering their variable costs even if they were not meeting their fixed costs. hus, they continued operations on the same scale as before profits decreased. -·l-----·1IIC-ll -------- 411(1·--P··-C·8-·C--- . ___ 34 Figure III-5 9 CATTLE NUMBERS AND BEEF PRODUCTION v- 1930 1940 1950 CATTLE AND CALVES ON FARMS JAUARY I. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 1960 1970 PRODUCTION FORECA I'. NEG. ERS 441- i 2.9 ECONO'lIC RESEARCH SRVICE The strong development of grain feeding of cattle since 1950 has caused the supply of cattle available for feeding to be rapidly utilized. The industry now uses near- ly all of the beef cattle and many of the dairy animals that hold a potential for grg.in feeding before slaughter. This accounts for the large increase in production without a corresponding increase in herd size, which is portrayed in Figure III-5. However, future increases in the supply of 9U.S.D.A., 1972 Handbook of Agricultural Charts, Agriculture Handbook No. 439 (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972), p. 69. --·-------- ---------------- ··- --------------------- ----------------- -------- --- 35 meat must now come from expansion of breeding herds. 10 This greater reliance upon a long-term adjustment process can be expected to cause larger fluctuations in the price and supply of beef, if present policies continue. A £ x X PFLFK=TABHL(PFLFT,T IiE.K/12,0,20,1) ) LPFLF'-=.514/.585/.591/.532/.515/.539/.535/.525/.602/ .664/,644/.675/.693/726/723/.722/.754/.781/.803/ ,.827/.850 PFLF PFLF'T 17. - PERCENT FEED LOT FED - PERCENT FEED LOT FED TABLE Steers Ready for Market Until now steers have been unmentioned even though they are an integral part of the beef industry. Steers are affected by the same biological and structural processes as heifers until being ready for market. It would be possible to formulate the same structure for steers as for heifers; however, an easier method is to set steers ready for slaughter equal to heifers ready for slaughter. A SRFM4. K=HRFM *K SRFP HRFM 18. - STEERS READY FOR MARKET - HEIFERS HEADY FOR MARKET Steers Fed for Slaughter and 19. Steers Slaughtered The construction of these two equations is identical to the equations for heifers fed for slaughter and heifers slaughtered. 10U.S.D.A., Cattle Feeding in the United States, I c ----- ----- . 5. 36 RH R S'FiS .L=SRFM .K*PFLF . K/DECT SS .KL=SRFM. K* ( 1-PFLF. K ) /DECT - SFFS SHFM PFLF DECr SS 20. SEERS FED FOH SLAUGHTER STEERS READY FOR MARKET PERCENTAGE FEED LOT FED DECISION IME STEERS SLAJGH TERED Fed Animal Slaughter Rate T'he fed animal slaughter rate is a composite of heif- ers and steers fed for slaughter delayed by average feeding time. As noted in Chapter I, feeding time is considerably more constant than most people believe, especially in the short term. Once a feed lot operator has placed an animal on a particular feeding schedule, altering the schedule will decrease its efficiency. Five months is considered, on average, to be the optimal feeding time. T1 If profits are favorable, feeding time can not be extended because of lack of physical facilities; and reducing feeding time when profits are depressed will increase the fixed cost per pound of gain. a C FASF. KL=DELAYP ( SFF'S. JK+HFFS.JK, AFT, AFL. K) AF=5 ONTHS - FASR SFFS HFFS AFT AFL C __ _ _I_ · ·I 11U.S.D.A., FED ANIMAL SLAUGiH2ER RATE STEEHS FED FOR SLAJGdf1ER HEIFERS FED FOR SLAUGHPER AVERAGE FEEDING rIME ANIMALS IN FEED LOTS _I_ ^ ""·--·*··LI··l "-""·-"1- 1 III C_ _U _ ___I _I Cattle Feeding in the United States, p. 25. -- _· -~..l^~-..~^~."IIC --------- 37 Figure III-612 CATTLE ON FARMS, JANUARY 1 M 1C 8 i .6 4 r\ z i 1950 - .'55 * ows rTHA THa VE '60 '65 CL ED. '75 OUCLDES U.S.DEPART ENT OF AGRICULTURE NEG. ER'$616-72 r2} " _ . 21. '70 EsTIMTrE OF REPLtACEEHr HEIFER CALVES. OTHER DATA ESTIMA £ED PRIOR TO 9'-S. t REPORTED.ALL ECONOMIC RESEARCH SERVICE _ --- ._. Dairy Animal Slaughter Rate There has been a major shift in the relative numbers of beef animals and dairy animals in this country. While beef cows increased 50 percent since 1950, dairy cows have decreased 40 percent (Figure III-6). Dairy calves are con- sidered to be less efficient feeders than beef calves; as a 2 U-lS.D.A., 65c -- aa----- 1972 Handbook of Aricultural Chrts, p. _ 38 result, few are placed in feed lots. 13 Normally, dairy calves will weigh several hundred pounds when slaughtered. The slaughter of culled dairy cows also represents a significant quantity of meat. Additionally, during the 1950's and 160's, dairy herds were being reduced causing an even greater slaughter rate. The dairy animal slaughter rate is a composite of these various factors. Dairy animal slaugh- ter is included since it was important (10% of the total slaughter in 1950), even though it is no longer important (2h in 1972).14 If DASR.KL='ABLE( DASHRT, TI MiE.K/12,0,20, 1 ) DA$Si£=2.73/.75/.68/.71/.77/.77/.74/.76/.74/.68/ x m64/.64/.64/.62/.58/.56/.53/.50/.47/.46/.45 ii 22. DASH - DAiHY DASRH - DAIRY ANI4L SLAUGHDE;R RA2E ANIILMAL SLAUGH2IER RATE ABLE Average Slaughter Rate The average slaughter rate combines the instantaneous slaughter rates. It is based upon relative weights with a fed animal equalling 1, a calf being 60 percent of that weight, and a cow equalling 150 percent of tat weight. 'This combined rate is averaged because there are many factors that can influence the rate in the short term, but not 13illiam E. Anthony and William C. Motes, Livestock Marketig, U.S.D.A. Economic Research Service ERS-322 [(ashington: U.S. Government Printing Office, October, 1966), p. 258. 1 4Compiled "4sno---------------------I-^--·----- from U.S.D.A., Aricultural Statistics 1722. 39 the longer term. Examples are weather that affects market- ings, holidays affecting markets and packers, inventory changes, and, to a certain extent, sea.sonality.1 5 The smoothing time was picked rather arbitrarily and must be tested to determine if the model is sensitive to its selection. ASH. K=.ASJ+DT* ( ASR.K+. 5*CSR.JK+.6* ( HS. JK+SS. JK ) +DAS. JK-ASR. J )/ST AS.H=6.822 N S2=9 MON£HS 3 ASR FASR CSH HS 33 DASh ST 23. - AVERAGE SLAUGEiER RA£PE FED ANIMAL SLAUGH1ER RArE COW SLALGHrE RAPE HEIFEHS SLAJGHERED S2EERS SLAUGH2ERED DAIRY ANIMAL SLAJGHTER RArE SLAiGH£fER RAT SOOETHING TIME Actual Per Capita Consumption Production of beef per capita and per capita consump- tion of beef in the United States necessarily are very closely related.1 6 Because beef is perishable, storage stocks are small and do not serve as an effective price buffer. Average cold storage inventory represents about 7 days of supply, does not vary much, and is poorly correlated with price. It is reasonable to conclude that, to a large extent, inventory changes are caused by exogenous factors such as 15john T. Larsen, p. 6'Willard n-------- F 3. Williams and Thomas T. Stout, p. 95. 4o holidays, etc., tion, day of the week, weather affecting retail sales, and not by any active decision making by packers. production equals consump- In making the assertation, it is necessary to assume that imports do not have a significant influence upon the domestic beef market. assumption is not unreasonable since imports represent less than 10 percent of the beef consumption. are of the cheaper grades, is The Most beef imports such as canner and cutter. There a high degree of negative correlation between imports and almost ex- domestic canner and cutter slaughter (comprised clusively of slaughtered cows). Therefore, it appears that imports have limited affect upon beef prices other than canner and cutter; there they tend to have a stabilizing influ- ence, A N C APCC.K=ASR.K/(NSR*POPI.K) iNSR=6.822*IPC IPC=i.04 APCC ASR NSH POPI IPC - ACTUAL ER CAPI2A CONSUMPON AVERAGE SLAUGHTER RATE NORMAL SLAUGHEER RATE POPULAUON INDEX INITIAL PRICE CONDITION Population Index 24. The population (1950=1) is is imputed for each year and necessary in calculating the actual per capita consump- tion. A X IL------ ,0,20,1) POPI.K=TABHL(POPT, £IME.K/12 POPT=l/,o1.01/1.02/l.04/i.06/1.8/1./1.12/1.14/1.16/ 1,19/1.21/1,22/1.24/1,26/1.28/1.29/1.3/1.31/1.33/1.34 -I-------r- --------------L· 1118 1 41 POPI POPT 25. - POPULA2ION INDEX - POPULA'ION TABLE Per Capita Expenditure for Beef How do consumers decide their beef purchases? There have been many attempts to determine this though the result has been controversy, not an agreed upon answer. There is agreement that the elasticity of foods, taken together, is relatively low because food consumption can not vary greatly. However, the elasticity of any one food is greater than food in total because there are other foods that can substitute for it. Unitary elasticity is assumed in this model since it is in general agreement with past studies. Thus, the per capita expenditure for beef is independent of price. Per- sonal disposable income is a major determinant of an individual's expenditure for beef, as income ireases, a per- son will buy more expensive cuts of beef, switch from cheaper meats to beef, and increase his total beef consumption.1 7 An ordinary least-squares regression of consumption times deflated beef prices (deflated by the U.S.D.A.'s food price index) versus per capita disposable income yielded expenditure = .98 + (.78 ± .13)(personal disposable income) with 95O confidence limits. 17William RE. Anthony and arkegi_, p. 280. illiam C. Motes, Livestock 42 A 26. PCEFB.K=l+(DI1M*(PDI .K- ) ) DIY=. 8 PCEFB - PER CAPIrA EXPENDIUORE FOR BEEF DIM PDII - DISPOSABLE INCOME MULTIPLIER - PERSONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME INDEX Personal Disposable Income Index This is an exogenous imput that is necessary for determining the per capita expenditure for beef. A T X PDII.K=2£ABHL(PDI, fIXiE.k/12, O,201, ) PDLr=1/1.O1/1.02/1.06/1.05/1.11/i.14/115/1.13/1.16/ 1.16/1.18/1.22/1.24/1.3/1.36/1.4/1.46/1.5/1.51/1. 54 - PERiSONAL DISPOSABLE INCOMVIE INDEX - PERSONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME TABLE PD1I PDI£ 27. Beef Price Index Given the preceeding assumptions, it becomes easy to determine the beef price. by consumption. 1950 to 1970, It is simply expenditures divided For making a base run of the model from it was necessary to include an additional fac- tor for consumer behavior during the Korean War. A PI. K= ( PCEF. K/APCC. K) +KWF. K BPI PCEFB APCC KWF 28. Korean - BEEF PRICE PER CAPItA ACTUAL PER KOREAN WAR INDEX EXPENDI2URE FOR BEEF CAPI2A CONSUMPlION FACrOR ar Factor During World War II, there was beef rationing. tioning was well remembered when the Korean War began. RaPeo- ple began hoarding beef similar to 1973's occurrence prior 43 to the lifting of price controls on beef. Hoarding was made possible by the advent of the home freezer and larger refrigerators. This increased demand caused prices to soar during the early stages of the war. People continued to hold their extra amount of beef until it became apparent that rationing would not be necessary. Then they consumed their extra beef stocks which lowered their purchases and depressed beef prices. Events such as the Korean Wr or price controls are extremely difficult to predict, much less trying to predict consumer reaction to them. Accordingly, it should be re- emphasized that this model is not predictive, but rather a tool in formulating and implementing improved policies. A I' KWF.K=TABHL( KWF, rIi4E.K/12,0,4,1) KiWF=O/. 15/.04/-. 17/0 KWF Kw'FT - KOREAN WAR FAC POR - KOREAN WAR FACTOR TABLE 44 CHAPrER IV MODEL VALIDITY For a model to be useful, one must have confidence in the model. validity. This implies the model should be examined for Validity testing takes many forms; it is advan- tageous to use as many techniques as possible. Discussed in this chapter are model development, replicating pst behavior, and sensitivity testing. Model Development Remembering that the purpose of validity testing is developing confidence in the model, it is readily apparent that validity testing is not just one stage of developing a model, but something that should be accomplished in all stages. During model development, care must be taken thnt formulation of relationships is as meaningful as possible to the "customer." Considerable care must be taken in deter- mining the parameters of the model because a misspecificgtion of a parameter will undermine the confidence of the customer even though the model may not be sensitive to the parameter. Thus, the first portion of validity testing is insuring that each of the parts of the model are plausible 45 and reasonably accurate. This was strived for in Chapter III as much as possible. Heplicating Past Behavior The next phase is attempting to replicate past behavior. This was alluded to several times in Chapter III, and the model developed there is the base run 1950-1970 model. Figure IV-1 shows the results of plotting two key variables, beef' cows and beef price versus the actual beef price. ctual bef cows and he model performs adequately in repli- cating the long-term fluctuations, especially in beef pr ces. The closeness of fit between model and actual beef cows is not as good as for prices, a.nd understandably so. 2here are influences that were not included because they would not substantially influence model behavior, they do have an effect upon the number of cows. though The most important of these are the lighter selling weights of fed animals due to American consumers' preference for better quality meat.1 Another test of validity is a consideration of the plausibility of as many time trajectories as possible. the If '"customer" can observe the various relationships between variables within a model and believe that their behavior is plausible, his confidence with the model will be enhanced. !Anthony and Motes, p. 280. 1`- __-- 46 Model Results Versus Actual Results Figure IV-1: 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 C\j r. <·-< c o£: ! C C 0 . * * O * * . * * 01 I I 0 * 4cTUA&L BEEF 8I I e 00 O · I I ~~·I I I o t F no'ej. ,L Is~~~~~~~~~~ Ir I I 0 1 /.A . I . I I I ? C I I 0 0 0 * 0 I o I 0 * 0 * 0 0 * * * ,- I 1C I 14 1 I I I .! I I ! I ! I I 0· ' t* I 0 0 * 0 . co 0 * 0 0 I I I 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * * I a- ' 0 · 0 I m I I co I I 11 I 0 Ii .o ' II 0r U ·I __ 0 0 0 0 0 , * * I 0 co 0 0 00 00 Ii o 0 I 0 O -4D 7I 47 Figure IV-2: s!, a 0C, 'f) 1n t; .. C t63 f o (/) (/. 0 CL 9 0 0. 0. CL 0 (·nv' XQQC . t .aas~a Base Run 1950-1970 U a_ CL. LQ 0 fi 0- CL Q4:L 00 - . 0 .~~~~~~~~~ . I N e * · o0 * 09 9 9 -NQ· I I *0 i i I I *0 , eoL * ; C; piovk I I I I I N I* * · * 11%. 0 I re ** 9 I i I II ! 1 .- t cc I! Cq. oL, O 0 I I I I I *0 ~I I * · 9 0 I It I I I I I I 0 a 0 * * * * 0 * 0 · I I I I I I I I I 1t Is I I !1 If I I 0 o 0, I 0 I · 0 9 0 * * 0 09 1 · · * * e 0* * I .J C NQ U. ZA I gSo 7 e 1 1 f f . 48 Figure IV-2 shows a different set of variables from Assuming he finds the basic the same 1950-1970 base run. components of the model acceptable, a rancher would be additionally convinced of the model's validity variables' phase relationships. by the key The model's beef price tends to move in the opposite direction of steers ready for market, which also occurs in the real system. This rela- tionship causes many ranchers to believe in the conspiracy theory mentioned in Chapter I; and, yet, the same results were derived from a model of iet the structure of the beef mar- and the method ranchers use to determine their herd size. Sensi t ivity P'he i e st ~ n. final stage of vlidity testing is sensitivity testing to determine how model behavior varies when para- meter values are chanzed, particularly those thet are impossible to measure accurately. Again, increase the customer's confidence. He may believe chose these parameters model builder arbitrarily model would work and the purpose is to the so the that any other reasonable selection wo ld generate unacceptable model behavior. 'rable IV-1 shows the average' absolute deviation between a _UI the modei's beef function of parameter _C··_ i____ rice selection nd the ctua.l b-eef price as This measure ws used 49 Sensitivity Effect of Constants fable IV-1: Tested Value Constant and Base Run Value _ CI_ _ Herd Averaging __ _C_ Average Absolute Deviation _______I· Base Run Values .06 HAT=6 .o6 HAT=18 .o6 rime = 12 Relative Feed Per Animal iable=3/2.2/ 1.6/1 .2/1/.9/ .8 RFA=3.5/2 .5/1.8 /1 .3/1/.9/.8 RFAT=2.5/1 .9/1 .4 /1 . 1/1/.!/.8 .10 A1 - Al=.3, .o6 1950 Fix- A3=.4 ed Costs Percentage = .4 1950 Costs hat Are A Function of FA = .2 A2=.3, A3=.2 .05 A3 - Al=.5, A2=.1 .10 s r=6 .o6 ST=12 .08 Disposable Income ultiplier DIM=.65 .07 - DIM=.95 .08 DT= . 1 .o6 A2 - 1950 Feed Costs Percent- 3 age = Slaughter Rate Smoothing ime 9 .8. D =- .5 50 since price is considered to be one of the most important variables within the model. The table indicastes there were only two parameters to which the model was very sensitive: relative feed per animal table and one particular set of costs factors. It is unlikely either of these parameters would have a vlue If the relative feed per animal in the sensitive range. function was this flat, it would be advantageous for ranchers to eliminate their range their entire food intake. and ,and feed their herds Since ranchers do not do this, it is safe to assume that it is uneconomical. Rejecting high fixed costs (Al) is more difficult. there are times and places where ranchers do have fixed costs this high, if one considers ranchers to be solely in the ranching business. However, ranchers are cognizant of the land boom that has been occurring during the past several decades nd realize that part of their business is land holdi.ng for a profit. Since the majority of a rancher's fixed costs are land holding costs, the effective fixed costs for his beef operation are less than they might initially appear. This chapter has shown that the model can be considered valid and can now be employed in testing new policies. _I_ _-1 1 51 CHARPER. V POLICY RECO MMEN'DA PIONS A policy is proposed which shoul.d improve ranchers' EvSrl uet: profit.abi litiy. on criteri. re developed wi'th -ar- ticular attention paid to the less-than-100-percent-adoption problem, Then the policy s tested using 1950-1970 .data and plausible data for 1974-1994 Proiosed Policv The ranchers' key decision is In the past, ranrchers have over- withhold for breeding. reacted to price changes. high. the number of heifers to ranchers withheld a When profits were relitlively arge perce'.tq.age of heifers while ignoring the certainty of supply increases hich will. force Their behavi.or during periods of l.ow prices dowrnward prices was the opposite though wi th th e same obl.tiv~on to competitive response through reduction of supply. Thus, one policy recommendation woulld be: withhol.d few heifers when prices are high and withhold many when prices are low £here are other influences which woucd the possibiity of 'The mplementatIon of this policy remote. that dring periods of low prices, most important is ran.cher may be having a severe it ppears that csh flow problem. as one of those portrayed _III __1 the .Pherefore, ti Ion t ich wo l d hve a poclcy recommend atc3 ch.nce of implementation Would be ____llls make _ bell-shped curve such in Figure V-1. __ 52 40 . , 35 30 Percent Heifers Kept For Breeding 25 20 15 10 5 0 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Profit Index Figure V-1: Percent Heifers Kept for Breeding - New Policies Evaluation Criteria To determine if a new policy is an improvement, criteria must be developed to evaluate it. As mentioned in Chapter I, the goal is profit improvement. Consequently, it is necessary to measure the change in profits from adopting a new policy. Profit is determined by summing the ani- mals sold (cows sell for approximately 50% more than 7 month old calves) times the profit per animal. As mentioned be- fore, .9 is the breakeven profit index; therefore, subtracting .9 from the profit index yields a profit per animal index. Dividing this by the initial number of cows in a sector yields a normalized profit. ----·---- ^*----"---"·---"-"C-·- ·------- I---- 53 The challenge for the future of modeling is determining effective methods for gaining adoption of any recommendations arising from a "global" model, a model where a great number of decision makers are aggregated together. Decision makers must be confident that adopting new policies will improve their performance, independent of adootion by others; otherwise, implementation of recommendations is difficult. To insure that the proposed policy is beneficial regardless of adoption rate, a second beef herd sector,' identical to the one in the basic model, was added. To repre- sent varying degrees of policy acceptance, all that is necessary is to vary the initial values of beef cows in each of the two sectors. For example, starting with an index of 80 cows in the old sector and a 20 cows index in the new sector would represent 20 percent adoption of the new policy. The sum of the initial conditions must equal 100. New Policy Results 1950-19 0 Table V-1 contains the results for what would have happened during 1950-1970 had each of the policies (as shown in Figure V-l) been adopted in 1950. In addition, it shows the influence of adoption rate on profitability. The results indicate that the tested new policies do indeed improve profits for ranchers. They also improve 1Appendix C contains a listing of this two beef herd sector model. ---------------- --- 54 Profits __ Pol icy 1 11 10)0 Non Adopter s s Ado pters Non Adopter Adopters Non Adopter sS ic 1 )9 'O . _30 ;0 Adopters Non Adopter Adopters Non Adopter 'S 2 Policy Policy 4 1.56 1.56 1.56 1 .56 2.14 1.57 2.13 1.57 2.10 1.57 2,07 1.57 2.60 1.97 2.57 2.54 2.28 1.67 50 2.63 1.99 30 !O 3.81 2.87 'fable V--1: Policy __ 1.92 1.94 New Policy Profits 1950-1970 profits regardless of the percent adopting the new policies. As more ranchers adopt any of the new policies, the profits of all ranchers are increased. In addition, everyone con- cerned benefits because as the percent adopting the new policies increases, the amplitude of the price fluctuations decreases 2 New Policy Results 1974-1994 Not only is it necessary to show that the new olicies are an improvement, using a past period's date, but it is also necessary to show that they will most likely be an improvement over current policies during future periods. 2 Above To 80% adoption, exponentially incressing prices can occur with no correcting action counteracting it. However, the probability of ever obtaining the necessary agreement to have this high an adoption rte is so remote that this outcome can be ignored. - ---------- --------------------------------- · --- 55 Profits __ FPI=l.2 ___ FPI=1.3 FPI=1 .4 Y_ Non Adopte:rs 100 .70 .56 .43 Adopters Non Adopte:rs 1 99 1,98 .71 1.75 .56 1,53 .43 Adopters Non Adopte rs 20 80 1.63 .84 1.42 .69 1.22 Adopters Non Adopte rs 50 50 1.02 .88 .77 .75 .59 Adopters Non Adopte rs 80 20 1.04 .92 .59 .75 .23 Adopters 4 Non Adopte rs 1 99 1.80 .61 1.58 .46 1.36 .33 Table V-2: .56 .64 .63 New Policy Profits 1974-1994 accomplish this, several changes were made in the constants and table functions as suggested in Chapter IV. 3 Most of the changes are straightforward and were mentioned in the applicable sections of Chapter III. However, a key variable to ranchers is feed prices, which are difficult to determine. Therefore, several different feed price imputs were used to examine the influence of feed prices on policy 5 selection. 3A listing of this model is contained in Appexdix D. 4 These runs are identical to the other set with 1% adoption, except there is a noise factor included in the feed price equation with a standard deviation of .1. 5 The four policies, as shown in Figure V-i, all produced similar results. All mention of new policy henceforth will be referring to policy 1 as shown in that Figure. I I-----~--~~~-"c~c----- 56 Table V-2 shows the relationships among profits, feed price increase, and percentage adoption. crease is formulated the The feed price in- s a ramp increase (the number shown in able is the 1994 price deflated by the consumer price index with 1974=1). In addition, runs were made containing noise to determine if policy selection was sensitive to noise. The new policy is not as advantageous during 19741994 as it was during 1950-1970. The difference is a result of the fixed percentage of animals being feed lot fed, the fixed dairy nimal slaughter rate, and primarily increasing feed prices. fhis combination of factors cuses long peri- ods of reduced beef prices. These periods decrease the ef- fectiveness of the new policy in shifting marketings from low price periods to high price periods. In the future, increased dootion reduces the profit- ability of adopters and increases the profitability of nonadopters. Increased feed costs cuse lower profitability for both sets of ranchers, though the adopters' decreased to a greater extent. rofits are It is apparent that if real- ity is represented by the northwest corner of Table V-2, it is advantageous for a rancher to adopt the new policy. The study recommends the utilization of the new policy even though it is possible for adoption to reduce orofitability, as Table V-2 indicates. -- However, the probability of 57 having greater than 20 percent adoption is remote and it is unlikely that feed prices will increase greatly. 6 There- fore, it appears that it is profitable for ranchers to adopt the new policies. When dealing with agricultural policy, it is important to consider possible political or consumer reaction to changes. Because price fluctuations are dampened as percent adoption increases, adopting the new policy would reduce consumer awareness of beef price changes. The average cost of beef is slightly increased, though this will generally be unnoticed by consumers. The reduced price fluctuations ben- efit everyone since they reduce the risks and uncertainties inherent to the beef industry. As was shown in fable V-1, the four policies performed almost identically. This is because the general shape of the decision function (Figure V-1) was the same for each. Thus, one does not need to be exact in the policy specification, which makes it much easier for ranchers to use the revised policy. be: A verbal description of the policy would Withhold as many heifers as possible contingent upon cash flow problems when prices are low; when prices are 6 This model was initialized with 1974's high feed prices. Prices will most likely decrease due to competitive response. This is a deflated index; and during the period 1950-1970, there was a decrease. It appears that a 40 percent increase by 1994 is a good estimate of the maximum increase. _P_ _ I1C_ I _-·---I-- ---- 58 average, increase heifer withholdings to one-third of those available; and when prices are very high, do not withhold heifers. Adopting this verbal policy should increase a rancher's profitability. I__ 59 CHAPTER VI CONCLUSION Implications of the Study This study has shown that Systems Dynamics and Dynamo are excellent tools in analyzing a complex feedback system. Most past studies have concentrated upon the estimation of the price elasticities of supply and demand. This study demonstrates the beef system is insensitive to most parameters. Since structure is the most important determinent of the system behavior, the emphasis should be upon the structure of the system. The purpose of constructing the model was policy selection. Since the ranking of policies was independent of parameter selection within a broad range, accurate parameter estimation is not cost effective. The goal of this study was determining policy guidelines that are usable by ranchers and which increase their profits. This has been accomplished, though the tsk of gaining ranchers' implementation remains. The most advan- tageous channels of communication and the most appropriate methods of presentation should be determined in order to evoke the la1rgest consideration and adoption of the recommended policy. lllr--·-·-·-·-·l-·----- 60 Extensions of the Study Not only can the model be used for exsmining rnchers' policies, but also for testing government policies that my affect the beef industry. For example, it would be possible to test the influence of increasing government expenditures for beef upon the amplitude of the price fluctuations and upon the average price of beef. This could be accomplished by including an exogenous imput to beef expenditures Beef imput quota policy could be tested similarly by including imputs as an exogenous imput to the average slaughter rate. This study has shown that designing a model of the beef industry is relatively easy and that it is possible to make meaningful policy recommendations using the model. However, the techniques necessary to achieve implementation, especially of a "global" model, are poorly understood deserve increased attention in the future. __ 11111-------------- nd BIBLI OGRAPHY Agnew, . B. "rends in Price Spreads for Beef and Pork," The srketing and Transportation Situstion, May, 1972, 16-21. Anthony, illiam E. and otes, William C. Livestock Marketing. U.S.D.A. Economic Research Service ERS-322, October, 1966. Breimyer, Harold F. "The Three Economics of Agriculture," Journal of Farm Economics, Vol. 44, August, 1962, 679-699. Colyer, Dale and Doll, R. J. Financing Beef Production Systems. Kansas City: Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 1959. Forrester, Jay W. Industrisl Dynamics, iv. I.T. Press, 1961. Forrester, Jay W. Principles of Systems. Wright-Allen Press, Inc., 1968. Forrester, Jay d. Urban Dynamics. Press, 1969. C.mbridge: The Csambridge: Cambridwe: The M.I.T. Fox, Karl A. and Johnson, D. Gale. Readings in the Economics of Ariculture. 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L, H -0 -- it- p-L 4 -i' g* <<r•·Z H IIL U !'H L U! cot U N tJ- UJtM -,uI ' z ~ Lill0 .,,,j 3 <: 3 + LU .* 0 a * .. n < 0:/ / Z rO .j IU , 3-, I ,_j .-;1 :*.0 LU _- tl oH 5 03 H > 4'. * tt U.L L ,<. LU• --. * 2 <_) w f LO-S" )-0L <X - tt 0+ tI O 4 .':" CI 02 r 3 I - tl <I L'- l_ O I C* ŽIL -:U _ 0i 0 CD + -, , -*" > I + L LUC ,r L· <Z Cit- ': rlI : Z .: U- • \ tIL 3 0 * * * IlQ I UJ W LU - HI9-- I-I--- 1- i44--- I_--------I '2~t'gQ "it - t o-t' fl, * - 't 00 1,'-- 65 M. --l - cc ,It -41-4 ~-4 .4 nCO' 0h -4 -4 -4 N - N N N t. UJ mJ r-j n CL < - -J W L: I -4 'N *N D1 0 'd -tF ' 0 C _f t N4 F a : LU, - Z; r . * X .. br i,X C :C! -.0 .f LL < -uj H HL o, '-" F- ol LL -, 9 LUgN LU '-4 Z0 t LL 0*t :' - F iY t4 _sJ + + LLU xL d , F-- LLI < ^ U Ut -F .- - > · -o o-U3 CLULL IIJ WD UI *e" "n ( + JL<- ,t CII + .J0 *: 0" J0 - !i1 L., :SL + LU ! C)+ 1UH + LU e 3 ' · *U ' - t LU 0 U 0-^ y ci n ( . t >**L¢ C- I 9 Q jL Ir z 0 0 *N 0t_ -<* -'i < ' c+ tH Lr cQ (<0) V1C4 + L' cb~w H~ <-4-U .0r HU 'N a H -LJ 9 J I H r¢ rX OL a T !< V, V) 'U< ;n , jr, 9. a (;l V UAJL WU. U ul U, I- ~..~ t-5 - :. LIIC-·------ * · (N * r itY U.1 --- < " O-Cc o U. L " * ,_ = LLUZ U l U A r,• 4 Hl 1) t < QL U.· LL0 J ULU S Nr U-. L t F'* e a HO..* LQ NLr~SL ' . - Li F- _ UL 9 LL 9- '(_ t! U CD M3 Q i L-iJ :.-. .M., o o cca -t. * _ 9' ~ J iUJ Lu ,! - U C: . u. L0 . c H N N* CC IJ 0•_JUj - 4 .~4 HHH4i0 <t Z M cl C, \ 2! a a. CI G, a 66 CD t. Jr c N1' 4 C -'. . r, LU - 0 2 (Q-4 r1 o4 <- -· a -4 N. aS ( -i 0r ' . 0 4 *.A) -4 0' C? . O XJ~ c9 , N 02 :( .X cif u ms * cZ; - F LU CO L I <N. CO C' CpL ef 4 -41 rc LU 4 W 3 00 U C: LL - L u~I .LUC LU ~ s' 10 a., <W t ,.o ·' I0 -' 4L L -4 *' - '. -N. , 33 D 010r. C)~ 9- i -. IJ JN.O' IL * - -4 A - c, C~tl , N. W LU 'L --*'L-4 U It _ ,~O II O!l 40- r, r < It t * .Q.H a0' . L I 0 _. i O9. '- -4,- LU .1 4 t10 .-. C- C:4 J.. L U N , cC< t 12 F n. i l'- Li , HF 2 Li) F C j t/ -j 02 :D H .-. II (/2 *s CL 3- 10 .4 S3rc N H L *-4 c fJ R N 0- LL 0 \ * i)C', ..- ,Z (2 LU HX v C~ ,4 U i' , * .1I :Cr< XI r- H34 A 411 - 0 0 '4 020 r-E-.. cu,. ss _ -4 IL ¢~ ts5I CI ro P"· ?;V_- N U %%-Q +v-4~ : ~ CHU-r,CrH 0 a! 11a y~ 9 c ·*·d *t OO. C: <g *- j-I I-' H- l-h N t~dC *9 ON) .n, t_ *e C.4 ._.n 00, ci. I %~ N. a0202 -i ¢ li U I 4< -4 -, -0 *_ .iL -4-49 -H4 fCJ. 02 HT- a It 0I t IN V m 0.-N.3 * I! :S . C) Lu c A _-) <CO LUfLU U Z•I --- It o Hr '.40.* ci. I 02 -. ' -0 zl r I 0Q..H~ NCiO.. U.. U.. L* J 11 Ii t) Ht it(A ) 2 ; < 0 .2 , *O ICl H-H-H t4 t.- t d ti- x oc -j 2 0 -- 4CI N .-II i 0 I_ It U" - _J,uF 0rOf C • 4 1) Q II IL" tlUI:L I,l-i U..Q f, _ :.:7 H O0 19 '-t0* 24F~~'A~ _ II cr '~' ~ tu' <: . 9.-L c 4, I-- ce .I LU LU Z F ILUU LL' ..... .. _-_t H , 4 ~4 0 0 0 I 67 Appendix B: - · ~~- --~~----rar~I --- - Definitions Ak1 - FIXEC- COSTS A2 - CCSTS A3 - FEEC CCSTS AADS - ABC ABP ACL - AVERAGE ABSOLUTE DEVIATICN SUM ACTUAL BEEF CCS ADR ADS ADT - ABSCLUTE DEVIATION RATE - ABSOLUTE DEVIATION - AVERAGE DELAY TIME IN BECONIMG CCWS AH AHX AFL AFT AMBH APtC ASR BC BCX BPI BRH BRHX CSR CSPX DASR DASRT DECT DIM FASR FDASR FPFLF FPI FPIT GRH GRHX GT HAT HBC HRCX HFB HFBI fHPf3-X HNFS - AVERAGE FERD AVERAGE FERC X ANIAl.S TN FEED LCTS A NIvAL FEED I NG TI ME AVERAGE MNTFHS ETWEEN HEIFERS ACTU AL PER CP ITA CNSUMT I3N AAVERAGE SLAUGHTERATE REEF CC1S BEEF CCWS X BEEF PRICE INDEX BIRTH PATE HEIFERS BIRTH ATE HEIFERS X CC- SLAUGHTER RATE COW SLAUGHTER RAT X DAIRY ANIMAL SLAUGHTER RTE DAIRY ANIPAL SLAUGHTER R TE TABtE DECISICN TIME DISPSABLF IfNCCE MULTIPLIER FED ANIMAtL SLAUGHTER RATE FIXED CAIRY ANIMAL SLAUGHTER RATE FIXED PERCENT4GE FEED LOT FED FEED PRICE INDEX FEED PRICE INCEX TABLE GESTATICN RATE HEIFERS GESTATICN RATE HEIFERS X GESTATICN TIME HERD AVERAGING TIME HEIFERS BECOMIMG CWS HEIFERS BECOMING COWS X HEIFERS FOR BREEDING HEIFERS FOR BREEDING INITIAL % Hti-1FER-S F Q R BREE0dING X i'F f A'H ,-t 4R - - - -- STHAT ARE. FU-NCTTN OF RFA ACTUAL BEEF PRICES AVERAGE COW LIFETIME 1~-- ---- I· SUM 68 HEFSX HHF B HHF5X HRFM HR FMR HRF RX HR FX HS HSX KWF KWF T NH NHX NSR P PAX PCEFB PDol PDIT PFLF PF ..FT PHKB PHKBX PI PIX POPI POPT PTHKB PTHKBX PX SFFS SP SPX - HEIFERS HEIFERS HEIFERS HEIFE RS HEIFERS HEIES H-E'FERS bHRERS SLAdGHTER X FED fOR HELD FR BREEDING FEID FR BREEDING X ARKET READY FR REACY FR MARKET RATE READY FOR MARKET RATE X REDY F)R MARKET X StL AUHTR E'O HETI FES SLAL.GHTE:-RST X KEAN WAR FACTO - KOREAN AR FACTCR TABLE - NOR At HERD - NOPAL FER X - NOPMAL SLAUGHTER RATE - PROFIT RATE - PERCENTAGE ACCTING X - PER CPITA EXPENDITURE FOR BEEF - PERSCNAL DISFOSaBLE INCCOE INDEX - PERSONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME TABLE - PERCENTAGE FEED LOT FED T4BLE PERCE-fTAGE FEED LOT FE - PERCENT HEIFERS KEPT FOR BREEDING - PERCENT HEIFERS KEPT FCR BREEDING X - PROFIT INDEX - PRFIT INDEX X - PCPULATICN INOEX - POPULATICN TABLE - PERCENT TABLE HEIFERS KEPT FR BREEDING - PERCENTAGE TAtLE HEIFERS KEPT FOR BREDING - PROFIT RATE X - STEERS FED FR SLAUGHTER - SUm CF PROFITS - SUM CF PROFITS X - SR - SURVIVAL. RATE SRFP - STEERS READY SS - STEERS SLAUGHTERED ST _ ~~~~I1____IILII___·___l_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------ StAUGHTER FOR IARKET RATE SOCOTHING TIME _~~~~----I__··____s_*____ 69 Appendix C: N -4 Equations Two Beef Herd Sector Model - M IC, 'n & t1-4 N C-Q F· rJ i Li I'LUa ZI c: LLi LU LLi 0 ', z LU UJ cO: 0- 2. LU LU I .U U- a > J fb X 0 V) :C LI) Li Uw4 2: LL LU ·. J ,.. I '- i' LIUO LU >LU 4 , J , LU U r- , W l W LLL LiU u, : I Z • LU Z LU · a * X f. ."LU LF-' r0 ta RI - O -,T i'L C: -j Wu H ): ' MLLU o*' S: 0- LU C CY LL~ .) U 023 iS I. C, a '.C 03 * t . i .0 4C: e J i-- ' jI ilI \ , ,L ,- Ei lL L LU a : H ", N Cf Z L <' ULl )-- LL LV' j *) : U· I OD 00 - < . ( I1 LU ,. X C. I >Z-o nII-~.e UNa t CL LL + . i Lr I I - 'CU L.c) L O- *C -4t 0 r M:• H CO r. Oni' t _ > (- - 1-- F0 -I-i1- Ii . -- LL U- f. ui -Li H - 'Ci C LI )U + LU>- J LU> + CI 7- t > < = . < M r- i t U F- I * 110 2: U, C 01 H- : QC ' a l-t ' Ou L< < J tco_ >: l N_ t U) LU fU0 CO0t-t <•c r it * C cx a fx-· r "I 0- J 2: IL L a'N oL t N. a: a q 1- a C -4 1-~ C- ( CT 2:If1 LjW UiL U LU LU - * - zZ '- - ;z Q ------- Q e t -. 4 tj 1-·^-·-·-""-"-·-------·---------. --- - t - f t 0 )- 2 s < r t C < IH 70 -4 - N t C,, U -4, -4 -4 -4 1(5 -4 -4 1-4 N f~ _ttf -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 LU U X X < LU J- LU LU VI l -~. X X LLJ uj I >X LU LU aLLt -j iL, LU + HLL W ., 1: U: ,LU .. rLK 0Z . .M X U I t0 F 0: :L U : ,-. C lt i cH LU - I I, J -4 c X ><: Li. L>:::::Uo II '-'7 UC +2 ; LU U i Z 1'LU X + S C -- - * *¢ C C-) _* 0 i: LU 0 _ I xC Z:- Z <- Ui4 .' - 4 < cL 0 - U HU> - CY' Y It H :X :_: u w X.. ILO CIi U >(£L. i' ?< * x t Lr , u XL:, f ZH :{ c _<H) U j* t.-tC 'X CK 4LL LU I: ; w - 1I0J L i t4 X *1 s <0 c * . LL b~ ( I U ox< fl .- n i- I OX I -, ~X e Y U , rj '>< Z - __ L ' IfLU- UJ -, X LJ - LLU WL '- X Q : I "1 L vU -. Q - LUr LL (A II : LU I ci:.'< x, H H 11. ( 1L~i(~i ::I I I I 1 -- 2,_,) 0 <:t 'S V)X > Q LU U.t LU .L ,HHH a:' _ xI I Y u.T f ct - T a, £glS X cdZO 2-' i tu LLI H I- _ C2 O t ---- -- ------------ T:· 46 X:4~ ,... . * lrb z! 71 -. 4 -4 , 1.' .4'. ,"q N , r'j, -4 - m. .. N N N, cO-N N,! i W X 1ij -J · >( -4 i . : iE, LLU 2cU-4 - W to < < 4 i t x i L' 1 J "-0.L LU4 * C-N _Z .4 ' L; LL. CK1 -~ U ,iJ ::: · CU N I i s '~· ii I 4 LUO4 ISn w '-U ; ,.l ,. + Z '- , 4 @ aJ' - <t:.. .U ?....,', 4 HttCoS ·>C ; ~ ~ - UJ 0: -'_ -Z ),-e i0 -, e,E. L: >( S-4 © .,· , *'0 LL b-.-4'L C4 il H- - L * ,Y: < C. ,.(,@ ,. U t ;I'C-4 i: :( ? t<.) _- 0-4 U a - ,<t Ui.J w)aJ it Hf ,--. N-,. a: , HN!'-4'- < t * LU z - 'i N H'. ?-il - . 2 H:K -a.-" uo aN "C'C LU s" 0 N G- ': - -O *jC, IC' *: ' <r:. u"~ O 1 -t aW *.. i-.;! s-iN i *. c t J 4~ a>j 'NO-.LU I+ < < V.6 "-c-C U+ LL 0 C' ? , '-Z E a a: LU LUL NA LL :12 /<I:?.,rl ON a H I H 0J- LU "' u. a :.. N . H1 t U4. U.CL.,-' I P U.Li I <i : aJ 0 -> 0. < -"z (,' (:g u.,,,U[! '_i.. 1. -o <N s2 4 *0 .4 N". .- -.i -4 Z a *LUCL-4.'< N0_ |N,-4*-I fiF -u LUH'4SO a-- I ,N- i iH an r-4 . *. %~- _ !-JZ ,,i- . rE ? !t JLL . i¢ ? 9. I @ f. : 02 ,,; o · l ·N '..UQ iS'!! ''4 k- 4 -.4 it - . it {<. L . -4 r <-4 i '-*_4,q sX ,-No _4 ~. u.N ~ C 4*'. sU () C¢: ,-4. a*~L. * US.,'-Q !.r -) UJ d' L -4 adr ,., f-<3.4v~ Od-.0 IL"! X LL :H LI siL -:E Cz:' -U -r't ' 9.Co ''; 4- H k< % Q. p C. a: iC r~4 tt! - (. - 8N C? 4 e .1 Z_-', :DWL D t i~~'A; :'Z C9LU<) ~es *' <P CT.;tf ' >~-, * a N 02g -.. C 4.- U + ,,J ::E ", < "XS ',~~ L.* IW No Ui C,j 0 -4 ON "41 91 LU CU - :K N~~ -LL. 9s X -. <i-4 ,- a4 ·It I ,o 1.0. -a I> * < . 0r : y: LU , o *: 4a L'] L - L N CL ,. 5-4- a. N o Hs '-4.3. LL . -4 0 a 1' H C0 0 4.4. C * Ii i 'iH NI 0. , "Z - . ' : u, _ -J a. C. *H 7y LUOLUU¢ .> . <00/ = .<(i Vf, UJ. SLU *" F- < - .a . X . __I_ II __ t X . ___ > < u <4 e - < Hf 72 J Ii t.., i ,'/[ i .. £L x N, '-- I i e L -s * 4 '4. A CL" oN , i * 4." rX, CL `c a: a: r- ., t-i.)._ _i CD ' X s Y X. N h 8~~~~~ I ., i " - + *r 3, I, Lit '0 tj "m ;I* , CL ci .LU 0ri '-. LL fCr C) ,~ X>X ' I 0 rr IO' .C L aw LI a: \ * 1' VaO 1X i iS - I5 -"-A $C hUC C 0H >co -33 +-,L . eli C a CL:' 0 C - 'Li ?- i4 s s C1 I! _ H : af c _: , y ii g a: N XX 4u X i X -i - 1U 4 _N - _U i> i-- i 11 U].. 1 ,1 - 'ffj ., rd /4~; U -a,,, l- UL e x - I---------. -- -··111 2 2 J 22 , ii t (- ksD 0 i , 2 2a z , i) Q Z C cr, ZaC -t z H a x CCL nC -I XQ , X 73 Appendix D: '-4 N M Equations 1974-1994 Model .4 p N N x tu 0 ~U 0 ) cZt wii ih.U Q LU LU LU LU I a <a LU UJ 0 W i o 0 I WL U~ t LJ LUZ 0v W. L, CuO U W I C L LU LU H 0<: L UH s I .- :. < Of U 16 Lu U 12 LL I , - Z o L , -tl. 0Q '" _J tLO 0 - I * *c r-LU QH 1- <<12 - 4<0 LU <H U. M- C z <0 1--X -2 U LU L* LQ> O I- '> c M .. i V. 0 * 0 .r, Q f Y 12 -It sb- *4 C LU1 T a: , f c -; LU · 4 -4 UJ ;L · 0i t4t · 1 C + Il Y , + + v-nHL < a CX_ > -. , i-: :, e ociLUM *< 1_ Ofl -4 - ,.J^ 0-.: ZIIZ Z LUC·-~ zc, z· ~d C ,V C < ILU <> I C' I I UJ .4j UI--i IZL LU L -· _-.I " V) 9 LUI C3 I 10 i --- ico · 0 <0. U I l z a: ;11 11? X iv S!tai< z 0Ys --- LUI "-0 U> * _I 1t LtU LL < {. V ------I--- *cY * L Lt t- ------C------- C- . LU ---- Z - < LU * ii u .J i3 0 12 3 U ZX +) I 'Q: a-4 LU 12 ir n Z,X iX Z I,Z ,0 . Lil U i,. U L t -C U _ : > lJ. LU U L ': * c.l U 00 O fJ .l<] ,a UO LL L. cUJ w t tL : u LUL U- iJ s: < ,II II r 0 74 1A·~Cl NM t 014 to o b, i It1h;% "4 - "4 -4 ".4 p.44" 4 rq -4"4 j "4 _ 4 "4 -* 4 r. NQt tee "4 "4 "-4 0 W* "4 .4 4 X X Z --X LU rW - LU X Z fC C (3A CC 0W U-. <.4 J tI .J uJ < X- C C X U L fLL ' X tiJt LUC L9 U- a: MeL -J X ILLU C 0 c a LU 0- UJ i-- - 0 i! 0 CL u. ^ LL X' a: c I U.- W U. tll - CLL SIS ' >c c r L gY: | U··*W l *U IZLU * -*-- a:s th X L x C - L ai : Ul M* s.m j 3' C o Z-OWLS 't .L-") (1) a F g C i X >i -r, h tna c> -rU). t CO > a cW x C:2 LL I, f - . < >- C'tO tt CW Q (- iZ 1 a H,W CW C+ X a X ,! " b il'r 11 . li 11 t 4I "4.W LfLU X0 :or xa:L -ait '3C X _'C + > X l U1 L UQ -*'f 0 U .< +'i 4 LUJ ~ .~ : .* in * X G!* '*:* f S C e W LUJ I Z n a: LU <X U. C aC 4 m LU X a.;a- LC.i- IC I , )C X N' Z Ln W LUC a.J # O _ LUI n s O- 4 2 wW )C W 'W U lw U aUW U La. U Q IUC .XI 2c ( X I . ;a at If ci It LU C1 tcri. VI i H - * !l a )CZ l 1 U W Cr aa1 a2 C'L 0: Zj '- f' IUlc (A',: : 4 Ui - IX ;l g U** C *4 -X >lf It U3 UJ U, LLJ UW t CCQQ q-l- 0 I-Ht LU.J I I - - Z"'$wtvX¢ttWsit*¾.j't 4*-4k, H- LU LU- W!; t Z." 75 14 -.4 co * 1% P-A -4 1 4 -N tI rq N t4 N 'I" t NP ' LU t, O 0 LU 4 0 'C 0 Z Z 0 S 4) w U~ * a. * ILU 0I LU UJ UOUJ -I ua 4L 0 LU e.4 0 1- . U. _ V + Z X .,i,t * W -J a LU' LL LU " 0 Z U H · Sf u) x . W 1-uJ C _C; ~U. X ' < (00I-LO C .jtr, X V LU X cc a0 Xl - < J on0W..4I-OU .Il x. * ao:IL . I0.OaI q + '?) +X 4< I ) U- CQ) t ') t z C-i .O C00 LI)0 UJ *" .I OnIt 5(1) a. co ' cLLc .j w i- L H<Li)0. 0 U CO t P- . -X i;t UJLU ,. 0t< LU X L-V- - uJOc w LU I )' Li x a(L) Q 0, . L. 1 W1. H tl I . 0 0 : Z a. C3 o :I) eC ', * C~ *0* LU * O a * HI t 1r r) ' U. LL LL oC · a. - UJ <: 0 I;u. ,z ~ L) .4 ----- Q- bc t4. ot 2 O tr l rl £W V) a _ U. 0 1-* 0 q -. L ;~~~ U x _. C * I tLU co ~J :L. D'LI U LW H- L U L HI-H II O) X L- * L * II VIO. ::LI) a V: UJ I 14-1,, i,H - 76 U 01 N J *nn F. N ac :: <t u < LJ. vZ V)> V C: U. I rz c. Ho -; U- a LI Q M: : ~cc LsmC XnnI U- X XL N - :r u < t I n! ~4 I.. 1. - m- I"A 0 4NCO - ItIe 4' U F J NNO-)U, U C YI X V If ~I rr X ~~~~ffi X sU u -< a. U- co II 0. LO % Ig' a * r .a - c~I- Z z It- X.-.- ~n Z f 4 - ! >) N, :t: N , -'sa x P- U4- Q,-, ot-i _