On The Challenges Related To Using Thermostatically Controlled Loads For Demand Response Mario Bergés Assistant Professor 2/5/2014 – CMU Electricity Conference – Pittsburgh, PA Collaborators • Emre Can Kara (CEE, student) • Bruce Krogh (ECE) • Zico Kolter (CS) • Soummya Kar (ECE) • Gabriela Hug (ECE) 2 Renewable Energy generation time Supply = Demand Transmission Grid Distribution Grid 3 Flexibility and Reliability: Additional Sources • Demand response systems • Price responsive demand • Variation in price to encourage customers to reduce/shift consumption • Load management and control • Loads are automated and controlled directly based on a control signal • Tighter control bounds • Faster response time • provide fast-timescale (seconds to minutes) services 4 Thermostatically Controlled Loads (TCLs) Refrigeration example: • More than 40% of the electricity consumed in buildings Thigh Temp. Tlow • Availability in households • 24/7 available for signals • Disrupted without any effect on Power end-user’s comfort Time 5 Load Aggregation Benefits • An aggregation of smaller loads provide more reliable curtailment than the response of a single or multiple large loads with an equivalent capacity. (Eto et al. 2012) • Aggregations of small load resources provide continuous control with simpler control actuation. (Callaway et al. 2011) • Individual monitoring systems for small loads are expected to be less costly than large load programs. 6 Reliability & Continuity Existing Work Centralized Control City Power Plant Solar Farm Wind Farm 7 D • Distri Existing Work D&#6 Centralized Control C'$#1+ the device City Power ness Plant Wind Farm Plug Level NILM: to determine the appliance type ? meline ment of a d controller oads, Small e TCLs ial, al Solar Farm • Centr Information Information on Appliance State Models: Year 3 Supply & Demand to do appliance state Development of a prediction distributed controller Controller Example: TCLs All Loads Data Mixed Control Implementation: 102 Simulation: 105 Action tation: 102 n: 104 Information Retrieval ammable HVAC control Power Model -Event detection -Classification -TCL Parametric Model Sensor Fusion *$$&' C'81%&- Machine Learning Techniques Com "#$%&' () *+ ,&-.#/'- State Indicator Nominal Temperature ! Test bed for sensor fusion opportunities and 8 ?%#46#+$ @A1-,4B "#$%&' 9) :.' #+ D Learning Characteristics: Appliance State Models: • Distri Techniques r2 Year 3 to do appliance state velopment of• aNon-Intrusive Development of a Existing Work prediction tralized controller distributed controller • A bility to detect the type of the Inform Example: TCLsdevice sive Loads, Small All Loads Information Centralized Control State Large TCLs Indicator connected Retrieval • Centr Plug Lev Data Information Model the device mmercial, Mixed sidential -Event detection to determine t • A ppliance condition awareness -Classification lementation: 10 Implementation: 10 Plug Level NILM: Sensor -TCL Parametric • Real-time state information typ ulation: 10 Simulation: 10 Nominal • A ctuation to determine the appliance Model Power City Power Solar ness Wind TemperatureFusion from appliances. Timeline D&#6 C'$#1+ 2 2 4 ?%#46#+$ @A1-,4B 5 "#$%& Plant oads Farm Farm Research Timeline: Timeline Year 1 ? Year 2 ? *$$&' type C'81%&- (Koch et al. 2011; Kara et al. 2012) Com • Kalman filter and Extended Appliance St Machine Year 3 to do appli Kalman filter for estimation. Learning "#$%&' () *+ ,&-.#/'- meline Control Algorithm Development of a of a State Development of a Information on Development Appliance Models: grammable HVAC control (Mathieu et Techniques al. 2012) predi ! T est bed for sensor local controller centralized controller distributed controller Year 3 Supply & Demand to do appliance state Example: TCLs Type of Load of a Small TCLs* Passive Loads, Small All Loads ment of a Development fusion opportunities and ach plug load and actuate andthe Large TCLs prediction Aggregate Power State Information d controller distributed controller Data Mode Controller Example: TCLs Type of Facility Laboratory, Commercial, Mixed oads, Small All Loads HVAC control. Residential Residential State -Event dete e TCLs Indicator -Classificat Number Implementation: 10 Implementation:Model 10 Implementation: 10 Data ial, Mixed of Loads -TCL Param ! T est bed for olal for plug-in appliances Simulation: 10 Simulation: 10 Simulation: 10 -Event detection Model Power Information -Classification tation: 10Control Implementation: 10 communication s provide and help -TCL Parametric n: 10to Action Simulation: 10feedback Nominal Retrieval Model Power Temperature framework between the of state prediction appliances and other members. ! Fine-grained and programmable HVAC control fu ! AHVAC bility to measure each plug and for actuate ammable control ! load Test bed sensorthe 9 appliances remotely fusion opportunities and 1 3 2 4 2 5 2 4 2 5 *TCL: Thermostatically Controlled Loads "#$%&' 9) :.' #+ 10 CHALLENGE #1: STATE ESTIMATION } } A. Markov Dec Population Model T Natural dynamics Thigh ON Control actions tion model adopted from OFF ON . [9] . . . OFF each temperature interval k and we can define the state variable as: T low Time (4) tt = ON, It = k} 11 An MDP is f sions/actions D N function T N-1 whe immediate rew and the state next state as a 2 useful models 1 a complete mo dyna able,Natural an optim programming Control actiot commonly use } } A. Markov Dec Population Model T Natural dynamics Thigh ON OFF Control actions tion model adopted from OFF ON . [9] . . . . . . . OFF each temperature interval k and we can define the state variable as: T low Time (4) tt = ON, It = k} 12 An MDP is f ON sions/actions D N function T N-1 whe . immediate rew . . and the state . next state as a 2 useful models 1 a complete mo dyna able,Natural an optim programming Control actiot commonly use We assume that an appliance is aware of its current status and temperature OF F appliances ON/OF F , we use x temperature adjustments = Pset-point r{Stt = OF F, Itsimilar = k}to [14]. 1,t Population Model Probability of being in a d each temperature interval,• k State at time,Vector: t is defined as a switching probability, bin OFF ⇠ k OFswitch F used to denote the direction ofxthe follows: = Pasr{St t = OF F, It = k} 2,t ON 8 > < OF F 0, if St = ON and St+1 = OF F N x⇠k,t = P r{Stt = OF F, It = k} = > : N-1 1 1, if2 St =3 OF F and…St+1 = ON2N . ON ON OF F OF F . X = [x , . . . x , x . . . x t N,t to toggle 1,t N,t ] O Hence, for temperature interval It = k,1,ta probability the appliances . . Forfor appliances that are currently F in and the temperature interval k, aof simila .time tthe is defined . elements These each as: state form the OF first second portion th . respectively. We . use vector at Switching time t. Probabilities • state Control Action: as: Xt to denote the 2 d0k,t =P{St+1 = ON |St = OF F, It = k, controller} 3.1.3 Communication and Control Signal d1 = P{St+1 = OF F |St = ON, It = k, controller} 1 k,t Availability of the state information, the control strategy, the control signal ch 16decision The control actions that can be important achieved with these variables are depict to dispatch the control to appliances are points when the commun We assume that appliancenature is aware temperature thean contradicting of d0k,t of andits d1k,tcurrent , a single status switchingand probability for each ON/OF F we userealize temperature set-point adjustment similar to [1]. Decisio the required probability mass adjustment at time t. Therefore, one of the 0 1 interval, k at time, t are defined as switching probabilities, d and d k,t k,t as fo 1 and dk,t ) for any interval k will be zero depending on the desired switching dire vector of size {1 ⇥ N=P } at r{St time tt+1 can be as tfollows: d0k,t = formed ON |St = OF F, It 13 1 = k, contr F xOF = P r{Stt = OF F, It = k} 1,t State Estimation F Current State of TCLs xOF = P r{Stt = OF F, It = k} 2,t Aggregate Power F xOF = P r{Stt = OF F, It = k} k,t 1 2 3 … 2N ON OF F F Xt = [xON . . . xOF 1,t , . . . xN,t , x1,t N,t ] These elements for each state form the first and second portion of th respectively. We use Xt to denote the state vector at time t. 3.1.3 Communication and Control Signal Availability of the state information, the control strategy, the control signal ch to dispatch the control to appliances are important points when the commun We assume that an appliance is aware of its current status and temperature ON/OF F we use temperature set-point adjustment similar to [1]. Decisio interval, k at time, t are defined as switching probabilities, d0k,t and d1k,t as fo d0k,t =P r{Stt+1 = ON |Stt = OF F, It = k, contro d1k,t 14 =P r{Stt+1 = OF F |Stt = ON, It = k, contr OF OF FDt is the decision/control action gx theF Nonlinear ,by 8ix2ON [1,and NDynamics ] xand rmed , 8i 2 [1, N ] and Dt is the decision/control action i,t Nonlinear Dynamics i,t i,t xOF F = P r{St = OF F, I t 1,t espectively. Assume we have an observation Ŷant and a t ) in Ŷ15, onsnovel (6) state and (10), respectively. Assume we have observation and a estimator the state transition function Estimation elaState state estimator using using the state transition function T(XT(X , D t), D in 15, t t t = k} t OF F Current State of TCLs F ran formed by xON and xOF , 8i 2 Ŷ[1, N ] and D is the decision/control x = action P r{Stt = OF F, It = t estimate of the current state, to an output Ŷ : ON OF an FPower Aggregate current state, to output : i,t i,t 2,t action t ed by x and x , 8i 2 [1, N ] tand Dt is the decision/control i,t i,t ations (6) and (10), respectively. Assume we have an observation Ŷt and a (6) and (10), respectively. Assume we have an observation Ŷt and a OF F x = P r{St(19) X̂t , an estimate of the current state, to an output Ŷ : t = OF F, It t k,t Ŷ = C X̂ t estimate state,t to an output Ŷt : = C X̂t of the current (19) 1 2 3 … k} = k} 2N F F Xt = [xON , .(19) . . xON , xOF . . . xOF ] T Ŷt = C X̂t 1,t N,t 1,t N,t we can use the optimization routine to obtain an estimate of the Ŷt =following C X̂t (19) OF F ation can be formed toroutine obtain x for all owing optimization toi,t+1 obtain ani.estimate of the • Using system dynamics based on Kara et al. form the first and second portion of th These elements for each state unction T(D , X ) is constructed by using (14): ervations ontt ,YD power consumption and the Dt , the decision t ,ttthe Using T(X ) aggregate daggregate T we2012 can use the following optimization routine obtain an estimate of the power consumption Dto respectively. We use Xand denote thedecision state vector at time t. t , the t tothe can useXthe routine to obtain an estimate of the = T(Dt ,optimization Xt ) (15) t+1following bservations on consumption observation Yt Yand a aggregate matrix C power that relates the and the Dt , the decision t , the t X tions on Yt , the power consumption and the Dt , the decision • tracking Assume C aggregate existsthe such nce scenario, simplest instantaneous 2 t 3.1.3 Communication and Control Signal minimize (Y Ŷ ) (20) X that: j j ormed byŶusing the tracking error. Assuming the 2 t CX . tX (Yjt = ŶX̂ (20) T +1 jj)t 2 Prated,i = all appliances is constant, t rated,i for minimize Ŷj ) information, the control strategy, (20) of (Y the the X j state T +1 Availability 2 X̂ ei,period T we can use the following j weminimize introduce the following (20) t(YTj +1 Ŷj )reward function: control signal ch to the control to appliances are important points when the commun X̂j dispatch to estimate thet XTt+1 : 9 2 = 1/log((P P ⇤ X ) +an 2)appliance ⇤ K (16) is aware of its current status and temperature We assume that ref,t rated t > to , D > X̂jsubject = T( X̂ ) j 1 9 9ON/OF t j 1 > X > F we use temperature set-point adjustment similar to [1]. Decisio d function is positive and increasing as the > 2> > > > 9 X̂ = T( X̂ , D ) > minimize (Y j j 1i jCX 1 i )> > 0 1 = j 1x̂)ON > > interval, k at time, t are defined as switching probabilities, d and d 0 > Xterm > > (P P ⇤ X ) decreases. K is a t T +1:t ref,t rated t j,i > k,t k,t as fo >X̂ , D ) > > X̂ = T( j ONtj T1+1 j 1 > = j 2 [t T + 1, t], i 2 [1, N ] (21) > > x̂> 0 formulation > ant. This has continuous state j,i MDP = > > OF F > > to x̂j,i j 2 [t T + 1, t], 0i 2 [1, N ] (21) ON 0 and decision = > > x̂ 0 > ty distribution) spaces. The most OF F j,i j 2 [t T + 1, t], i 2 [1, N ] (21) r{Stt+1 =(21) ON |Stt = OF F, It = k, contro > o Xt T x̂j,i= T(X0t T +1 , dtj 2 T> +1 > k,t > [t ) T + 1, t], i 2 d[1, N =P ] > > > > d way MDPs ; is to discretize > > > F ~ > 1to~0=deal 1 with such > 15 .. X̂ 1 x̂OF j> > ; > j,i d =P r{Stt+1 = OF F |Stt = ON, It = k, contr o obtain set1 of states> S and decisions D. > . X̂> k,t >j a1 = > > > OF OF FDt is the decision/control action gx theF Nonlinear ,by 8ix2ON [1,and NDynamics ] xand rmed , 8i 2 [1, Ncan ] and decision/control action i,t Nonlinear Dynamics t is the i,t i,t C The matrix be D used as defined 22. xOF Fin=equation P r{St = OF F, I 1,t in equationt 22. The C matrix can be used as defined espectively. Assume we have an observation Ŷant and a t ) in Ŷ15, onsnovel (6) state and (10), respectively. Assume we have observation and a estimator the state transition function Estimation elaState state estimator using using the state transition function T(XT(X , D t), D in 15, t t = k} t Filtering t 3.2.3 Estimation Using Kalman OF F Current State of TCLs F ran formed by xON and xOF , 8i 2 Ŷ[1, N ] and D is the decision/control x = action P r{Stt = OF F, It = k} t estimate of the current state, to an output Ŷ : ON OF an FPower Aggregate current state, to output : i,t i,t 2,t t ed by xi,t and xi,t , 8i 2 [1, N ] tand Dt is the decision/control action The second Assume methodwe that hasanbeen used forŶstate is Kalman filtering, ations (6) and (10), respectively. have observation a t and estimation 3.2.3 Estimation Using Kalman Filtering (6) and (10), respectively. Assume we have an observation Ŷ and a t Filtering 3.2.3 Estimation Using Kalman OF F xk,t we=used P r{St F, It =onk}the iden described in to [34]. theŶKalman filter, a MATLAB X̂t , an estimate of the an For output t = OF routine t: Ŷt current = C X̂tstate, (19) estimate state, to an output Ŷt : = C X̂t of the current (19) The is Kalman … 2 for The second second method method that that has has been been1used used for3 state state estimation estimation is2N Kalman fil fil ON ON OF F OF F Xt+1 =A X Ŷtdescribed = C X̂t (19) lin t +aBu t + B! ! t. .routine X = [x , . . . x , x . x in [34]. For the Kalman filter, we used MATLAB t 1,t N,t 1,t N,t ]on described in For the Kalman we used MATLAB routine on tt we can use the optimization routine to obtainfilter, an estimate of athe Ŷt =following C X̂ (19) t OF[34]. F ation can be formed toroutine obtain x for all owing optimization toi,t+1 obtain ani.estimate of the • Using system dynamics based on Kara et al. form • Using liner based on portion Callaway et al.th Yat first =CXmodel + vt second tand These elements for each state the of unction T(D , X ) is constructed by using (14): ervations ontt ,YD power consumption and2012 the Dt , the decision t ,ttthe Using T(X ) aggregate daggregate T we2012 can use the following optimization routine to obtain an estimate of=A the power consumption and the D , the decision respectively. We use X the state vector atlintime t X Xt + t. But + B! !t t to denote t+1 can useXthe following optimization routine to obtain an estimate of the X =A (15) t+1 lin Xt + But + B! !t t+1 = T(Dt , Xt ) where vCt power is therelates measurement noise and !t decision is the process noise vector. Both o bservations on consumption the D observation Yt Yand a aggregate matrix that the and t , the t , the t X tions on Yt , the power consumption and the Dt , the decision • tracking Assume C aggregate existsthe such nce scenario, simplest instantaneous Y vvt t =CX t+ 2 t Y =CX + 3.1.3 Communication and Control Signal minimize (Y Ŷ ) (20) t t t X independent of each other, white and with normal probability distributions [35]: j j ormedthat: byŶusing the tracking error. Assuming the 2 t • With perfect measurement noise and the X̂ = CX . j (Yjt Ŷj )t t X (20) T +1 2 all appliances constant, t rated,i for rated,i = given as follows: minimize Ŷj ) Pinformation, (20) Availability ofis(Y the the process controlnoise strategy, the control signal ch X j state T +1 2 where v is the measurement noise and ! is the process X̂ ei,period T we can use the following j t t weminimize introduce the following t(YTj +1 Ŷjv)treward where is thefunction: measurement noise and (20) !t is the process noise noise vector. vector. B B to dispatch the control to appliances are important points when the commun p(!t ) ⇠ N (0, Q) X̂j the X : to estimate t Tt+1 9 2 = 1/log((P Prated ⇤> X ⇤each K (16) independent other, with normal probability distribution We that an2)of is white awareand of its current status and temperature ref,t t) + independent ofappliance each other, white and with normal probability distribution to assume > X̂jsubject = T( X̂ , D ) j 1 9 9ON/OF t j 1 > X > F we use temperature set-point adjustment similar to [1]. Decisio d function is positive and increasing as the > 2> > > > 9 X̂ = T( X̂ , D ) > minimize (Y p(vt ) ⇠ N (0, Rmes )0 j j 1i jCX 1 i )> > 1 = j 1x̂)ON > > interval, k at time, t are defined as switching probabilities, d and d 0 > Xterm > > (P P ⇤ X ) decreases. K is a t T +1:t ref,t rated t j,i > k,t k,t as fo > X̂j = T( X̂tj T1+1 , Dj 1 ) > > > > ON = j 2 [t T + 1, t], i 2 [1, N ] (21) > p(! ⇠ N (0, Q) x̂> 0 formulation t) > ant. This has continuous state j,i MDP = p(! ) ⇠ N (0, Q) > > t OF F > > to x̂j,i j 2 [t T + 1, t], i 2 [1, N ] (21) ON 0 = > 0 matrix Q is The process covariance computed with the residuals between the s 0=jFT(X > > 2 [t T decision ispaces. 2T [1, NThe ] i 2most (21) > d =P r{St = ON |St = OF F, I = k, contro > ox̂tyj,i Xdistribution) ,+dtj1,2Tt], ) x̂OF 0t and t+1 t t t T T +1 +1 > k,t > [t + 1, t], [1, N ] (21) j,i > > > > dOF way to=deal with such MDPs ; is to discretize > > > ~ F > > X̂ 1 1 > .. j >~0 the model and the real 1state 16 values. Since a perfect Q matrix is hard to obtain, x̂j,i > ; d =P r{Stt+1 = OF F |SttN=(0,ON, I = k, contr o obtain set1 of states> S and decisions D. > p(v . X̂> k,t >j a1 = > p(vt )) ⇠ ⇠ N (0, R Rmes ))t > > t mes Case Studies Random Action MHSE Estimate KF Estimate Simulated Population of Appliances Moving Horizon State Estimator (MHSE) Kalman Filter Case Study I: Understand the effect of changing the time horizon T on estimation performance for MHSE Case Specific Input Time Horizon, T Distribution Values Constant 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 minutes Case Study II: Compare the performances of the Kalman Filter and the MHSE under different switching conditions. Case Specific Input Distribution Values Time Horizon, T Constant 40 minutes Forcing Parameter, f Constant 12.5, 25, 50, 75, 100% 17 Case Studies (Cont’d) • Simulated 500 TCLs with varying thermal characteristics and white noise on the individual appliance temperature dynamics. Simulation Input Distribution Values Capacitance Uniform [8-12 kWh/oC] Resistance Uniform [1.5-2.5 oC/kW] Rated Power Uniform [10-18 kW] Temperature Set-point Constant 20oC Temperature Deadband Width Constant 0.5oC Ambient Temperature Constant 32oC Temperature Dynamics Noise Normal N(0,0.01) Simulation Time Step Constant 1 minutes Total Estimation Duration Constant 10 hours • Estimator specific characteristics: Kalman Filter Distribution Values Process Noise Normal N(0,Q) Constant 0 Measurement Noise 18 Case Studies (Cont’d) • To quantify the information lost when is used to represent • Mean Kullback-Liebler (KL) divergence during the estimation period for each run. 19 Results • Case study II: 10 simulations per forcing parameter, f • Showing 95% confidence intervals • Case study I: 10 simulations per estimation horizon • Showing 95% confidence intervals 20 21 CHALLENGE #2: DEVIATIONS FROM LINEAR ASSUMPTIONS Back to the assumptions • Simulated 500 TCLs with varying thermal characteristics and white noise on the individual appliance temperature dynamics. Simulation Input Distribution Values Capacitance Uniform [8-12 kWh/oC] Resistance Uniform [1.5-2.5 oC/kW] Rated Power Uniform [10-18 kW] Temperature Set-point Constant 20oC Temperature Deadband Width Constant 0.5oC Ambient Temperature Constant 32oC Temperature Dynamics Noise Normal N(0,0.01) Simulation Time Step Constant 1 minutes Total Estimation Duration Constant 10 hours • Estimator specific characteristics: Kalman Filter Distribution Values Process Noise Normal N(0,Q) Constant 0 Measurement Noise 22 Power consumption data collected over 200 refrigerators. TOFF,i Power TON,i Fit Weibull distributions and obtain parameters Estimate hyper parameters of kON, λON, kOFF, λOFF i=1 . . . i=N Time Parameter Distribution Range Thermal Resistance, Ri(oC/kW) Uniform 80-100 Thermal Capacitance, Ci(kWh/oC) Uniform 0.4-0.8 Rated Power, Prated,i (kW) Uniform 0.2-1.0 Ambient Temperature, Θi,a (oC) Constant 20 Thermostatic dead-band, δi (oC) Uniform 1-2 Temperature set point, Θi,set (oC) Uniform 1.7-3.3 References • Eto, J. H., Nelson-Hoffman, J., Parker, E., Bernier, C., Young, P., Sheehan, D., ... & Kirby, B. (2012, January). The Demand Response Spinning Reserve Demonstration--Measuring the Speed and Magnitude of Aggregated Demand Response. In System Science (HICSS), 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on. IEEE. • Callaway, D. S. (2011, July). Can smaller loads be profitably engaged in power system services?. In Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2011 IEEE(pp. 1-3). • Koch, S., Mathieu, J. L., & Callaway, D. S. (2011, August). Modeling and control of aggregated heterogeneous thermostatically controlled loads for ancillary services. In Proc. PSCC (pp. 1-7). • Mathieu, J. L., Koch, S., & Callaway, D. S. (2012). State estimation and control of electric loads to manage real-time energy imbalance. • Kara, E. C., Kolter, Z., Berges, M., Krogh, B., Hug, G., & Yuksel, T. (2013, October). A moving horizon state estimator in the control of thermostatically controlled loads for demand response. In Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 2013 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 253-258). IEEE. Acknowledgments NSF Grant #09-30868 26 27 The End QUESTIONS? @bergesmario marioberges.com