JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 100, NO. B8, PAGES 15,101-15,116, AUGUST 10, 1995 A seismicreflection profile acrossthe Cascadia subductionzone offshore central Oregon: New constraints on methane distribution and crustal structure AnneM. Tr6hu,GuibiaoLin, EdwardMaxwell, andChrisGoldfinger Collegeof OceanicandAtmospheric Sciences, OregonStateUniversity,Corvallis Abstract. In 1989, we conductedan onshore/offshore seismicexperimentto imagethe crustal structureof the Cascadiaforearc.In thispaper,we discussthe processing andinterpretation of a multichannelseismicreflectionprofile acrossthe continentalmarginthatwascollectedaspart of thiseffort.This profilerevealsseveralfeaturesof the forearcthatwerenot apparentin an earlier, coincidentreflectionprofile.Oneof themostimportantof thesefeaturesis a very strongbottom simulatingreflection(BSR) beneaththemidsloperegionthatis nearlycontinuous from water depthsof about1500m to 600 m, whereit appearsto cropout on the seafloor.The pressureand temperature conditionsat the BSR derivedfrom ourobservations areremarkablyconsistent with the experimentallydeterminedphasediagramfor a methanehydrate/seawater systemover a broadrangeof temperatures andpressures, assuminghydrostaticpressureandthe temperature gradiantmeasurednearthe baseof the continentalslopeduringOceanDrilling Program(ODP) leg 146.Intervalvelocitiesandreflectioncoefficients derivedfromthedataindicatethatthe BSR represents a contrastbetweensedimentwith a smallamountof hydrateoverlyingsediment containingfree gas,consistent with resultsobtainedduringleg 146.Althoughtheregional distributionof the anomalouslystrongBSR beneaththe midslopeis poorlyknown,we speculate thatit may be relatedto apparentslopeinstability.The dataalsoprovideconstraints on the thicknessandgeometryof the Siletzterrane,whichis the basementbeneaththe shelfandactsas the subduction zonebackstop.A deepreflection,whichmightmistakenlybe interpretedto be Moho if coincidentlarge-aperturedatawere not available,is interpretedto be the baseof the Siletzterrane.A "recently"activestrike-slip(?) fault zonethatoverliesthe seawardedgeof the Siletzterranesuggests thatthe Siletzterranecontrolsthe locationof decouplingof the subduction complexfrom the restof the forearc. Introduction ties and intrusions,reflecting episodicconvergenceand forearc volcanism. Seaward of the Siletz terrane is a well-developed The Cascadia subduction zone has received considerable atten- tion recently, both because of a large uncertainty about the seismichazardit posesto the inhabitantsof the PacificNorthwest region[e.g., Heaton and Hartzell, 1987;Atwater, 1987; Grant et al., 1989; Shedlockand Weaver, 1991] and as a laboratoryto studythe effectsof fluid flow in accretionaryenvironments[e.g., Kulrn et al., 1986; Moore et al., 1990, 1991; Davis et al., 1990]. The data presentedhere provideconstraintson the deepcrustal accretionary prismthathasformedsinceconvergence wasinitiatedseawardof the Siletzterraneduringthe late Eocene. Recent offshore bathymetric, side scan sonar and seismic reflection data provide a clear image of the subductionzone deformationfront. Thosedata indicatesignificantalong-strike variationin structuralstyle as the dominantmodeof deformation changesfrom seawardvergingthrustfaultingsouthof 44ø52'Nto landwardvergingthrustfaultingnorthof 44ø52'N[MacKayet al., structure, which are needed to evaluate the seismic hazard, and 1992]. The transition occurs where the deformation front is cut on the distributionof methaneand thermalgradientswithin the by a northwesttrendingleft-lateral strike-slipfault that extends suductioncomplex. from the abyssalplain seawardof the deformationfront to the Snavely[1987] and Snavelyet al. [1980] comprehensively continentalshelf(fault B of Goldfingeret al., [ 1992],now known summarizethe availableinformationaboutthe geologichistory as the Daisy Bank fault). This fault represents oneof a seriesof and crustal structureof the continentalmargins of Oregon and suchfaultsthat cut acrossthe deformationfront andaccretionary Washingtonprior to recentacquisitionof new data.Stratigraphic prism[Applegateet al., 1992; Goldfingeret al., 1992] andmay relationshipsdemonstratethat the early Eocene-agedoceanic representconduitsfor fluid flow within the prism [ Tobin et al., crustal rocks of the Siletz terrane, which forms the basement of 1993]. the Oregoncontinentalshelf as well as of the Oregonand southern Washington Coast Ranges,were suturedto North America approximately50 m.y. ago. Overlying this terraneare sedimentary basinsup to 7 km thick thatcontainmany folds,unconformi- In 1989, we conductedan onshore/offshorelarge-aperture crustalimagingexperimentacrossthe Cascadiasubductionzone offshorecentral Oregon to obtain constraintson the velocity structureof the forearc(Figure 1). The westernendof the profile is within a dense grid of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles[MacKay et al., 1992] that was shotas a site surveyfor OceanDrilling Program(ODP) leg 146 (Figure 1). Drilling was undertakenin September1992, and was focusedon examining fluid expulsionwithin the deformationfront. On the continental Copyright1995 by the AmericanGeophysical Union. Papernumber95JB00240. 0148-0227/95/95JB-00240505.00 15,101 15,102 TRl•HU ET AL.' SEISMICREFLECTIONPROFILEACROSSCASCADIA ,/? • ' 000 • •-- TP•HU ET AL.' SEISMIC REFLECTION PROFILE ACROSS CASCADIA shelf, the age and compositionof the sedimentsand intrusive rocks overlying the Siletz basementare constrainedby a deep industrytesthole locatedalongthe profile [Snavely,1987]. For the profile discussedin this paper, a tuned airgun array 15,103 OFFSET (km) 3.8 .3 .3 3.8 .3 3.8 6 witha totalvolumeof 128L (7800in3) wasdeployed fromthe R/V Geotide,operatedby DIGICON, andwasfired at 30-s intervals. These shots were recorded by six ocean bottom and 10 onshore seismometersas well as by the 3833-m-long, 144channelhydrophonecable towed by the R/V Geotide. In this paper, we present the multichannel seismic (MCS) reflection profile acquiredby the R/V Geotide. The large-aperturedata collectedby the oceanbottom and onshoreseismometershave beenpresentedelsewhere[Trdhuand Nakarnura, 1993; Brocher et al., 1993]. The velocity modelderivedfrom the large-aperture data [Trdhuet al., 1994; alsoA.M. Tr6hu, manuscriptin preparation, 1995] is used to help constraininterpretationof the reflection profile. The new MCS profile presentedhere was shotcoincidentwith an existingMCS profile acquiredby the U.S. GeologicalSurvey (USGS) in 1974 (profile OR-5 [Snavely, 1987]). Many features of the new profile are similar to featuresobservedon the USGS profile, and we refer the readerto Snavely [1987] for a detailed discussionof that profile. In this paper,we concentrateon several features of the new data that are not apparent in the USGS profile. The mostimportantof thesefeaturesare an anomalously strongbottom simulatingreflection (BSR) associatedwith the presenceof gashydratebeneaththe continentalslope,a shallow fault overlyingthe seawardedgeof the Siletz terrane,anda deep reflectionunderlyingthe Siletz terrane.Thesefeaturesare probably observablein the new data but not in the older USGS data becauseof the greater bandwidth an.dstrengthof the seismic sourcein our experiment. I0 Figure 2. Examplesof resorted,unstackedCMP gathersprior to applicationof automaticediting basedon a specifiedthreshold for the rms amplitudeof the signalin the last 6 s of the recorded data. A seriesof very faint, but distinct,reflections(DCR) at 88.5 s twtt is indicatedby arrows.These eventsare interpretedto be primary eventsfrom the lower crustbecauseof the very small moveout, in contrast to the event at 6-s twtt, which may be a multiple of the basementreflection. CMPs 1075-1079, 11001104, and 1125-1129 are shown. plottedwith only an approximatesphericaldivergencecorrection applied to the amplitudes and no normal moveout correction. Reflections at 6- to 7-s two-way travel time (twtt) require a moveout similar to that of the basement arrival at 3-s twtt, suggestingthat they may be multiplesof the basementreflection. The arrival time of these reflections is also consistent with this interpretation.Faint reflectionsat 8.5- to 9-s twtt, on the other hand, show no measurable move out, implying high seismic velocitiesand suggesting that they are primaryeventsfrom the Data Processing Sixteensecondsof datawere collectedat a samplingrate of 4 ms. The data were then sorted and binned into common DCR mid- points (CMPs) spaced 12.5 m apart. Becausethe shot interval was 30 s (resultingin a shotspacingof 66_+8m), the fold of the data varies between 27 and 28, and trace spacingwithin CMPs averages66 m. Shootingon time ratherthandistancewasnecessary in order to maximize the amount of data that could be recordedby oceanbottomseismometers (OBSs) with a recording capacityof 5 MBytes, and representsa compromisebetweenthe MCS andlarge-apertureobjectivesof the experiment.Fortunately suchcompromisesshouldnot be necessaryin the future, as the storagecapacityof OBSshasincreasedby ordersof magnitudein the pastfew years. Velocity analysis was conducted on every 50th CMP by manuallypickingthe peakson plotsof semblance(an estimateof signalcoherencebetweentraces[Sheriffand Geldart, 1982]) asa functionof velocity and time. For data seawardof the midslope region(CMP6500), velocitiesobtainedby Cochranet al. [1994] were used.Not surprisingly,velocitiesare well definedin regions with numerousstrongreflections;in regionswith few reflections, velocitiesare poorly defined, and stackingvelocitieswere estimated based on the OBS data. These velocities were then used to producea preliminarystackedseismicsection. To constrainthe nature of faint deep reflectionsobservedin the preliminarystackedsection,the datawere resortedinto 50-m bins,yielding 108-fold data with an averagetracespacingof 33 m within each CMP gather. Severalexamplesfrom the region from which deepreflectionsare observedare shownin Figure2, lower crust or Moho. Figure 2 also shows that the amplitude of the background noise varies considerablyfrom trace to trace and that the noise level exceedsthe amplitudeof the reflectionsat 8.5- to 9-s twtt on approximatelyonethird of the traces.The noisychannelsvary from shotto shot,complicatingthe editingprocess.We therefore designedan algorithmto automaticallyzero all tracesthat have an averageamplitudein the lower 6 s of data falling above an empiricallydeterminedthreshold.The amplitudesof the remaining traceswere then scaledto compensate for the reducedfold. This processingtechniquewas quitesuccessful in improvingthe signal-to-noise ratio of datafrom the lower crust(Figure3). The data (sorted into 12.5-m bins of 27- to 28-fold data) were thenstackedand migratedusinga 45øfinite differencealgorithm and a velocity model derivedfrom the stackingvelocities.The datawereband-passfilteredwith a passbandof 5 to 25 Hz above 3-s twtt and a passbandof 5 to 20 Hz below 3.5-s twtt, and four adjacenttraceswere stackedtogetherfor thisdisplay.Amplitudes werescaledby a factorof (traveltime)2'5to approximately correctfor sphericaldivergence.The migrateddatafor the entire profile are shownin Figure4a. Amplitudesin the easternhalf of the profile (lower panel) have been increasedby a factor of 2 comparedto amplitudesin the westernhalf (upperpanel). The annotated profile is shown in Figure 4b. Contours from the velocity model obtainedfrom the large-aperturedata [ Trdhuet al., 1994] are shownin Figure4c. The samevelocitymodeland coincidentpotential field anomaliesare shown as a function of depthin Figure 4d. TR]•HUET AL.: SEISMICREFLECTIONPROFILEACROSSCASCADIA 15,104 CMP A 6 8 12 Figure3. Unmigrated, stacked seismic reflection section showing thedeepreflections (DCR)beneath thecontinentalshelf(a)beforeapplication of automatic traceeditingand(b)afterapplication of automatic traceediting. WEST CMP 10000 0 CMP 0 i 5000 I 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 i i i i i 4000 I 3000 I 2000 I 1000 I 8 i m e lO - 12 EAST I -lO i i i i i i 70 80 90 1O0 110 120 i 12 130 Distance (km) Figure4a. Finitedifference migrated stacked seismic section. A band-pass filterwitha passband of 5-25Hz above 3-stwttand5-20Hz below3.5-stwttwasapplied, andfouradjacent traces werestacked together forthis display. Amplitudes arescaled byafactor of(travel time) zj . Amplitudes intheeastern halfoftheprofile (lower panel)havebeenincreased bya factor of 2 compared toamplitudes inthewestern half(upper panel). Seetextfor furtherdescription of processing procedure. TP•HU ET AL.' SEISMICREFLECTIONPROFILEACROSSCASCADIA 15,105 WEST CMP 10000 0 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 I I I I I I 0 i 10 CM P 20 30 40 50 60 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 I I I I I 0 8 70 EAST I 0 .. •_•:.•.-._•-...._•:,,•:.•..F.F:< .......J ........ .,.-->•-:.-..___•..----.__:.-: ...._•.,.• --2 ß.--•:!.. ' :s.•.,?>:...- . - '.•: ::-' .::'.• ' .•- :'.>.:-.'.: :': '- ' -•,•-:•' :• ..... -..... •:' -"'" '"'•••••::::' ' - -.:.,..-....,.-:'-S,--••r:.:•:_•->,: -.-, •-• -••-•::' ---•'-•'••••-•' ..... '• -• •- 4 -- ;'•d&•. .... '>.:.:.'::.• •'•'" '.: ':•>:-.. . •.,:::.•...,.. :--?. o- ..m 'o:•-' ½'.'-' ... ß .......... . . • .•_•..'-'-'•- ,• .....:...:•'•:•'.'.'." .':'." ,•L:_•'---"'-•'• •'•••••••••%.:. -•'-"" •""•-'•• ....... '•"•-••• + -- '•.'::?•::?:.x--:... 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Annotatedseismicsection.BSR, bottom simulatingreflections;BT, basementtopography;CF, crustalfault; D, diffractionfrom topographyor shallowstructure;DCR, deepcrustalreflection;FF, Fulmarfault; FT, frontal thrust;LSB, lower slopebasin;OC, top of oceaniccrust;OR, outer ridge; SB, Siletz basement;u, unconformity. Discussion The Deformation of the tectoniccomplexitywithin the youngaccretionary prism Front Proceedingfrom the abyssalplain to the continentalshelf,we now discussthe major featuresof this profile. The sedimentsof the abyssalplain are fiat lying, with a slightthickeningobserved as the deformationfront is approached. Althoughfew faultsare observedin the abyssalplain sedimentson this profile, manyof the seismicprofiles in the high-resolutionODP site-surveydata showsmallthrustfaultsin the abyssalplain sediments, representing a protodeformation from [MacKay et al., 1992]. The top of oceaniccrustis well imagedbeneaththe abyssal plain.Note the presenceof significanttopographyon the oceanic crust near km 2-9 and km 12-18 (BT on Figure 4b). That the sedimentslap ontothe sidesof thesebasementhills suggests that the topography represents constructional volcanic features formedat or nearthe spreadingcenter.Using a sedimentvelocity of 3 km/s derivedfrom the OBS data, we calculatea height of about 450 m for these hills. There is also tentative evidence for faultingwithin the oceaniccrust(labeledCF). Additionaldataare neededto determinethe three-dimensionalconfigurationof the basementtopographyand intracrustaldeformation,but the presenceof thesefeaturesis mentionedbecauseit suggests that some may be due to topographyon the subductedoceaniccrust. A clearseawardvergingfault (FT on Figure4b) is observedat the deformationfront. Althoughthis profile was locatedvery closeto the transitionfrom a narrowseawardvergingdeformation front to a broad landward verging deformation front [MacKay et al., 1992], it shows structurescharacteristic of a seawardvergingdeformationfront,with the frontalthrustclearly visible.Projectingthe frontalthrustontothe velocitymodelindicatesthat it dips approximately30øto the eastand that it comes within 1-2 km of the top of the subductingoceaniccrust.The data quality on this profile is not adequateto determinewhether all sedimenton the subductingplateis beingaccretedor whether the primary subductiondecollementis located within the sedimentarycolumn. Based on the high-resolutionsite-surveydata, however,MacKay et al. [1992] have estimatedthat the decollement is approximately1.4 km abovethe oceaniccrustin this part of the subduction zone. Two outer ridges (OR1, OR2) and a relatively large lower slopebasin(labeledLSB) are observedimmediatelylandwardof the deformationfront (Figure4b). The lower slopebasinrecords an episode of relatively rapid uplift, which is recorded as an unconformity(u on Figure 4b), as well as gradualcontinuous TRl•HU ET AL.' SEISMICREFLECTIONPROFILEACROSSCASCADIA 15,106 WEST CMP 0 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 I I I I I I 0 2 i •2 4-- 4 6-- 6 8 CMP 0 I I I I I I I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 5000 4000 I. 3000 ! 2000 1000 ! EAST 0 2 i •2 4 i •4 6-- 6 8-- 8 10 -- --10 12 • 70 80 "i • • • 90 100 110 120 • 12 130 Distance (km) Figure4c. Velocitycontours obtained frominversion of traveltimesof thelargeaperture dataoverlain onthe MCS profile. 0 25 50 75 100 125 300 150 0 -150 Q 30 0 , , , , , 25 50 75 100 125 DISTANCE (km) Figure4d. Velocitymodelshownasa function of depthwithnoverticalexaggeration. Magnetic (solidline)and free-airgravity(dashedline) anomalies arealsoshown.The seaward edgeof theSiletzterrane(SES)is evidentin the magneticandgravityanomalies. TRI•HU ET AL.' SEISMIC REFLECTION PROFILE ACROSS CASCADIA 15,107 observablein this region are diffractionsfrom topographic featuresoutof theplaneof theprofile(labeledD in Figure4b). Wide-angle reflections fromthebaseof thecrustobserved in the uplift[Snavely,1987]. The timingof the uplift eventis not constrained by thesedata, but probablyreflectsa periodof sedimentary underplating beneaththebasin. largeaperturedata,however,confirmthatoceaniccrustof the Thelarge-aperture dataindicatehighervelocities beneath the outerridges(Figure4c) thanare foundin the abyssalplain subducted Juande Fucaplateunderliesthisregion. sediments [Trdhuet al., 1994],suggesting sediment compaction anddewatering duringaccretion to theupperplate.At firstsight, thisresultappears to disagree withtherelativevelocitydecrease The BSR in thisregionreportedby Lewis[1992]andCochrane et al. [1994]andinterpreted to indicateanincrease in porositydueto the seafloor near CMP 5900 and shallows gradually until it deformation of the sedimentslandward of the deformation front. Plate l a). This reflectionis similarto reflectionsobservedon A strongreflectionis observedapproximately 0.3 s beneath appears to outcropat theseafloornearCMP 5100(Figure4 and Theseresults,however,canbe reconciledby considering thatthe measurements of Lewis [1992] and Cochraneet al. [1994] were manycontinental marginsandknownfor sometimeto berelated thepresence of methane hydrate in thesediments [e.g.,Shipley et primarily sensitive to theupper2 kmof theaccretionary prism. al., 1979].Theseseismiceventsaregenerallyreferredto asBSRs Theapparent discrepancy between theirmodelandoursmaybe (bottomsimulating reflections) because theytendto beparallelto dueto poorresolution of thevelocitygradient in theuppermost the seafloor.A strongBSR is widespread on the lowerslopeof sedimentsin our model and limited offsets recordedby Lewis theOregoncontinental marginandwasdrilledapproximately 17 [1992]andCochrane et al. [1994].Figure5 shows twovelocity km southof CMP 2500 duringODP leg 146 [ODP Leg 146 modelsthat fit the travel time data for OBSs 4 and 5 (Figure 1) ScientificParty, 1993].It wasfoundto resultfromthepresence equallywell,withintheresolution of thedata,andindicates that of free methanegas below a layer with a small amountof if thevelocitywithintheridges justlandward of thedeformation methanehydrate,whichproduced a velocitydecrease withdepth frontdecreases, thenthe velocitydeeperwithinthe accretionary from 1.75krn/sjust abovetheBSR to 1.25krn/sbelowit. On the prismmustincrease abruptly tomatch thearrivaltimesobserved profilediscussed here,BSRis a misnomer, asthiseventgradually in our data. shallows landward from about 270 m below the seafloor at a waterdepthof 1512m untilit appears to outcropontheseafloor The Subducted Oceanic Crust at a waterdepthof about600 m. Becauseof the wide rangeof water depthsover which the BSR is observed(Plate lb), these data provide an excellent The topof oceaniccrustcanbe tracedfor approximately 30 km east of the deformationfront. Becauseof the complexityof to testhowcloselytheobservations followtheexpertheoverlyingstructure, theimageof thissurface is discontinuous opportunity and the detailed structure of the subducted oceanic crust cannot imentalphasediagramfor thetransition frommethane hydrateto freegas.A numberof parameters, includingseafloor temperature, be resolved.This reflection was useful, however, for helping to temperature gradient, andwaterandsediment velocity constrain theposition of thetopof theoceanic crustin a modelof subsurface and density structure are needed to derive an apparent phase the velocitystructure of the marginobtainedfrom traveltime boundaryfrom the BSR observations.In the absenseof inversion of large-aperture data[Trdhuet al., 1994]. subsurfacetemperaturemeasurements, severalworkershave No coherent reflections are observed from the subducted oceaniccrustof the Juande Fucaplatebeneaththe middleand assumedthat the BSR observations follow the phasediagramand uppercontinentalslope,in spiteof our carefulattemptsto increase thesignal-to-noise ratiothrough theprocedure described have used these observations to derive estimates of heat flow. above.In fact,verylittle seismicenergyis returnedfromgreater than 1 s after the seafloorreflection,andthe only coherentevents A Seafloor temperatureas a function of water depth was obtainedfrom monthly averagesof physicaloceanographic measurements in an 0.5ø squarecenteredon 45øN,125.5' W. B i i i i i i i i 2 L!.l 25 50 DISTANCE(km) 25 50 DISTANCE(km) Figure5. (a)Detailofthevelocity model ofFigure 4cintheregion ofthedeformation front.(b)Analternative velocity model thatalsofitscoincident ocean bottom seismometer dataandisconstrained tobeconsistent with theresults of Lewis[1992]in theupperkilometer beneath theseafloor. Regions withvelocitylessthan2.5krn/s are shaded. 15,108 TRl•HU ET AL.' SEISMIC REFLECTION PROFILE ACROSS CASCADIA Water temperaturesdo not show significant annual variation below 100 m (Figure 6a) and can be preciselyestimatedby a simplefunction[seafloortemperature(øC)= 2.6 + A + B, where A = (1510 - waterdepth)0.002;B = 0 for waterdepthgreaterthan 800 m; and B = (800- water depth)0.0013for water depthless than 800 m]. Travel times to the seafloor and to the BSR were digitized depth.Velocitiesfor the waterand sedimentwerebasedon interval velocities obtainedfrom detailed semblanceanalysesof the MCS data (Figure 7), which indicatewater velocitiesof 1.4851.5 km/s and velocities for the sediment lying between the seafloorand the BSR of 1.52-1.67 krn/s,with velocityestimates increasingas the water and sedimentthicknessesincrease.While the interval velocity estimatesmay be biasedby seafloorand from the stackedand migrated record sectionand convertedto BSR dips of up to 8ø (3ø in the regionof anomalouslylarge amplitude BSR), these results suggestlow interval velocities abovethe BSR, indicatingthat relativelylittle hydrateis present. Figure 6b showsthe water depthfor assumedwater velocitiesof 1.485 and 1.5 krn/s (indistinguishableat the scaleof the figure) monthly averages of and sediment thicknesses for velocities of 1.6 and 1.8 km/s. Assuming that the temperaturegradient of 0.051 øK/m (as measuredduringleg 146 andreportedby ODP Leg 146 Scientific Party[1993])anda density of 1.0g/cm3 forwater,wederivethe temperatureandhydrostaticpressureat the BSR shownin Figure 400 800 1200 6c. 1600 Additional considerationsin deriving the pressureand temperatureat the BSR from the seismicdata concernwhetherthe thermal gradientis constantand whetherthe pressureis hydro- DEPTH (m) 400 H20 _ 800 ,'•.• 300 m .... '" 200 • 1200 100 • 1600 5200 5600 6000 v CMP static or lithostatic. Several studies have used BSR observations combined with experimental observationsof the hydrate/gas phase boundary to derive estimatesof thermal gradient and consequently heatflow [e.g., Shipleyet al., 1979; Yamanoet al., 1982; Davis et al., 1990; Hyndmanand Davis, 1992; Hyndmanet al., 1993; Zwart and Moore, 1993]. Although most of those studieshave assumedthat pressureat the BSR is lithostatic, Hyndrnanet al. [ 1992] have arguedthat the hydrostaticpressure should be used for these calculations. To illustrate the effect of variationsin the thermalgradient,we showpressureandtemperature conditionsat the BSR calculatedfor a rangeof temperature gradientsassuminglithostaticpressure(Figure 6d, assuminga '" •1.8 I crY20 I I 5200 sediment density of 2.0 g/m3) andhydrostatic pressure (Figure I 5600 6000 CMP tx• 6e). Water and sedimentvelocitiesof 1.5 and 1.8 krn/s,respectively, were used in these calculations.These curves are comparedto experimentallydeterminedphasediagramsfor methane P fithostatic HYDRATE S•W_ Figure 6. (Opposite)(a) Monthlyaverages of temperature within the water column obtainedfrom physicaloceanographic mea- I-- • • .051 surements(D. Pillsbury, personal communication,1994). (b) Water depth and thicknessof sedimentsoverlying the BSR. Curvesfor waterdepthcalculatedassumingacousticvelocitiesin water of 1.490 and 1.50 krn/s are identical at this scale. Further 22 - ' 6 10 20 PRESSURE(Mpa) -. P hydrostatic _x•.., HYDRATE calculationswere done assuminga water velocity of 1.5 krn/s. Sedimentthicknesses calculatedassumingsedimentvelocitiesof 1.6 and 1.8 krn/sare shown.(c) Pressure andtemperature conditionsat the BSR calculatedassuminga thermalgradientof 0.051 øK/m,hydrostatic pressure,andsediment velocities of 1.6and1.8 krn/s.(d) Derivedpressureandtemperature conditionsat theBSR comparedto experimentallydeterminedpressure andtemperature conditionsfor the methanegas/hydratephaseboundaryin pure water and in a solution of water with 3.5% NaC1. Curves are shownassuminglithostaticpressure,sedimentvelocityandden• sityof 1.8krn/sand2.0g/cm 3, respectively, andseveral tempera- 14 ,,,16 • 18 _ - • 20 'J '• •'•sw .061 FW• 22 6 10 20 PRESSURE(Mpa) turegradients.(e) Derived pressureandtemperatureconditionsat the BSR comparedto experimentallydeterminedpressureand temperature conditionsfor the methanegas/hydrate phaseboundary in pure water and in a solutionof water with 3.5% NaC1. Curves are shown assuminghydrostaticpressure,sediment velocity anddensity of 1.8km/sand2.0g/cm3,respectively, and severaltemperaturegradients. A • • ! .... I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... i I I [ ,i I I i • • [ i . 20 15 10 -5 -10 -15 -20 I•,: -- "i½•"•" .- .,.t-...",'e½. ':'.:,.:':--' ', . '. ' ' tee ,•',, - 6100 ' .... .,•z,,:•.,,., 6000 ,.,,',, -'" ,'.,, 5900 "' •,-,,, 5800 ' -;'"½ ,., ,., 5700 - , ' • .... 5600 • ...." 5500 • .... 5400 , • .... 5300 • .... 5200 t 5100 CMP Plate ]a. Detail of the seismicsectionacrossthe midslopere•ion where a stroh8BSR is observed.Amplitudes havebeenscal• b• a factorof (time)•'5, andalltraces amno•aliz• tothesamescale. Thecolor-coded amplitudescaleindicatesrelativeamplitudes.•e BSR and seafloormuldple(M) am labeled.•uestion marksindicate pa•Jculafi• bdsht reflections/diffractions from beneaththe BSR. One hundredCMPs am equalto approximatel• 1250 m. Ve•ica] exa•eration is approxJmate]•3, assu•n• a velocJt•of ]500 •s. B -125 ø 10' -125 ø 05' -125 ø 00' -124 ø 55' 44 ø55'• AR? DEPTH (m) AR 200 400 44ø50' 600 , 800 mud V•AR ? volcano? 1000 1200 1400 1600 0 44 ø 45' 5 kilometers 1800 2000 Plate lb. Topographyof the continentalslopedisplayedas a color image with illuminationfrom the west. Bathymetricdata were collectedand processed by NOAA staff at PacificMarine EnvironmentalLaboratory (PMEL), Newport,Oregon,and at Rockville,Maryland.Bold line showsthe positionof the seismicprofile shownin Plate l a. The arcuateridgesdiscussed in the text are indicatedby "AR." A possiblemud volcanonear wherethe BSR outcropson the seaflooris alsoindicated.Faint north-south trending"ridges"suchas thosenear 44ø48', -125 ø08' probablyrepresent errorsin thedata. 15,110 TR.•HU ET AL.: SEISMIC REFLECTION PROFILE ACROSS CASCADIA A 0.5 CMP B CMP 5354 5344 5349 1.0 5513 5508 5503 2.0 1.5 D c 0.5 1.0 1.5 CMP 5503 CMP 5344 0.5 03 1.0 ,• • • CMP 5354 .- •, CMP5513 OFFSET (m) . • ,- ••. OFFSET (m) F E • •48o • .-. 1460 ,. 1480 1500 •1500 o•1520 ß 1520, > 1540 0.0 0.5 1540 1.0 • .• 2.0 0.0 3.0 0.5 I , 1.0 2.5 5.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 . 1500 ••5oo • O•1520 o '" > 1540 CMP5354 • i 0.0 2.0 •(s) Tw'n' (s) • 1480 , 1.5 0.5 8. i i 1.0 1.5 Tw'r'r (s) /), 2.0 ' CMP 5513 -1520 > 1540 '" I'! 2.5 , 3.0 0.0 0.5 , 1.0 1.5 Tw'r'r (s) Figure 7. Examplesof theBSR wavelet.Datahavenotbeenprocessed exceptfor anti-aliasfilteringdoneprior to recording 4 ms andresamplingto 8 ms andcorrectionfor normalmoveoutassuminga velocityof 1490 krn/s. (a andb) Near traceof adjacentCMPs for two portionsof theprofile.The questionmarkon Figure7b indicatesa strongreflection/diffraction from a brightspotbeneaththeBSR. (c andd) CMP gatherscorresponding to four of the tracesshownin Figures7a and 7b. Amplitudeshavebeenapproximatelycorrectedfor sphericaldivergence bya factorof time]. All traces areplotted atthesamescale. At largeoffsets, astheseafloor andBSRreflections come together,the waveformsare distortedbecauseof the normal moveout.Velocity analysesof the data in Figures7c and7d, displayedascontoursof semblanceasa functionof velocityandtime, are shownin Figures7e and 7f, respectively. TRI•HU ET AL.: SEISMIC REFLECTIONPROFILEACROSSCASCADIA in pure water and in a solution of water with 3.5% NaC1 [Hyndrnanet al., 1992;HyndrnanandDavis, 1992]. Figure 6e shows that the observedshallowing of the BSR follows the expected phase relationship for methane hydrate stabilityremarkablywell comparedto observationsin many other regions[e.g., Shipleyet aL, 1979] for a constantthermalgradient of 0.051 øK/m,assuminghydrostaticpressure.Oscillationsin the predictedstabilitycurve are associatedwith small-scaleseafloor topographythat may resultfrom landsliding,as discussed below. Most of theseoscillationsdo not appearto correspondto faults that reachthe seafloorand may reflect smoothingof the subsurface pressureand temperature fields due to the shearstrengthof the sedimentand lateralheatconduction,respectively,ratherthan to upwelling of warm fluids along faults, as has been inferred nearthedeformationfront [Zwart and Moore, 1993].The largest amplitudeoscillations,between CMPs 5417-5529 and upslope from CMP 5155, however,do appearto correspondto a fault and to an apparentseaflooroutcropof the BSR at 5110. Strongbut discontinuous reflectionsimmediatelybeneaththe BSR between CMP 5417-5528 and CMP 5240-5390 and deeper within the sectionmay alsobe relatedto fluid migration. Prior to consideringthe effect of hydrostaticratherthan lithostaticpressureon the derived phasediagram,we had tentatively interpretedthe observationsof Figure 6d to indicatea landward increasein heat flow of similar magnitudeto that derived from BSR observations offshore Vancouver Island and modeled flow. _ -ø12 •4-- ß _ gs no gs o 0.8 cr 0.4I m 0.0 I I I 5200 information on the nature of the BSR is contained in the wavelet shape(Figure 7) and in the large variationsin amplitude of the BSR along the profile (Plate la). Whether amplitudevariationsin BSRs are due primarily to variationsin the amountof gashydratewithin the sedimentabovethe BSR or to variationsin the amountof underlyingfree gas has been the subjectof severalrecentpapers[e.g., Hyndrnanand Spence, 1992; Bangset al., 1993; Katzmanet al., 1994; Woodet al., 1994]. Along our profile, the waveletshapeassociated with the BSR and recorded at near-vertical offset is consistentlyvery simple and closely resemblesa mirror image of the seafloor reflection,indicatingthatthe impedanceconstrast generatingthis reflectionis quitesharprelativeto thewavelengthof the seismic dataand that if discretelayersof free gasor hydrateare present, theymusteitherbe verythinor havegradational upper(hydrate) andlower(gas)boundaries. Figure7 alsoillustrates variabilityin I 5600 CMP B sfrc = -0.4 0.25, ø'2øf - 0.15,t'. ",1,^, './,'?""1 © , ', O0 ß r• 5200 5600 CMP C A -- sfrc = 0.20 •• I•' - - _ '5 o • > v• = !1• • I t, l'•'• •,,: ,, .'/•'•,, ;Itf,',¾,,f, ,t; ', w,,'•, - 1.8" '•' I I1•Ix• I1• I., 4•', .'A i'-•Y•/'.-,•.",•;'. ,, • 7.'7, 2 2,'1; '•"A[,,'RJ ','• 2:o5' 1.2 08ß ! i\1• ,•,',•' '•L-' • •! " ' ' I I I 5200 In a study of pressureand temperatureconditionsat a BSR that was drilled in the Nankai trough,Hyndrnanet aL [1992] concludedthat the in situ hydrate/freegas phaseboundarywas bestdecribedby the experimentalphaseboundaryfor methanein freshwater.Althoughour resultssuggestthat the phaseboundary for a salinesolutionsimilar to seawateris more appropriate,the data in Figure 6e could also be interpretedto indicatea slight landward increasein thermal gradient (and consequentlyheat flow) from about0.055 øK/mto about0.065 øK/m,assumingthe freshwaterstabilitycurve. Additional A as being the result of sediment thickening and fluid expulsion [Hyndmanet aL, 1993].However,basedon observations of nearhydrostaticpressures in the drill holesduringleg 146 [ ODP Leg 146 Scientific Party, 1993], we concludethat the hydrostatic pressureis the appropriatepressureto usefor thiscalculationand thatthe datado not indicateany overalllandwardincreasein heat 15,111 5600 CMP •20 ' - - sfrc 0.15 o.w -sfrc 0.15.•1 0.27 1.2 _sfrc/to0.20 e \",/•'/,,,• - V/,.v.,• 08. 5200 5600 CMP Figure 8. (a) Ratio of the peak-to-peakamplitudeof the BSR to the amplitude of the seafloorreflection measuredfrom raw data traces(curve labeled"no gs"). The effect of correctingfor geo- metricalspreading(curvedlabeled"gs")is alsoshown,assuming velocitiesof 1.5 and 1.8 km/s for calculatingpath lengthin the water and sediments,respectively.(b) The reflection coefficient at the BSR derivedfrom the amplituderatioscorrectedfor geometrical spreading assuming several different values for the seafloorreflection coefficient (sfrc). The effect of attenuationhas not been includedbut may be quite large, especiallyfor CMPs greaterthan5400. (c) Velocity beneaththe BSR derivedfrom the reflection coefficients,assuminga seafloorreflectioncoefficient of 0.2 and several different velocities for the sediments above the theamplitude-versus-offset behaviorof theBSRreflection. As a first attemptto quantifytheseobservations, we measured BSR (V]). (d) Effect on predictedsub-BSRvelocitiesof varying the amplituderatiobetweentheBSR andthe seafloorreflection the seafloorreflection coefficientand includinga densityinver(Figure8a) in orderto derivelimitson the reflectioncoefficient sion(Ap) beneaththe BSR. 15,112 TRI•HU ET AL.: SEISMIC REFLECTION PROFILE ACROSSCASCADIA at the BSR. Again, this estimatedependson manyparameters in additionto observedamplitudes,includingthe seafloorreflection coefficient,geometricalspreadingof the wavefront,sourceand receiver array directivity, intrinsic attenuationwithin the sediments, attenuation due to scattering at a rough surface, and focussingand defocussingof energy due to lateral velocity heterogeneity. We attemptedto derivean estimateof the seafloor reflection coefficient from measurementsof the amplituderatio betweenthe seafloorreflectionand the first seafloormultiple as recordedat twice the offsetof the directarrival.Theseamplitudes were corrected assuming a spherical divergence correction proportional to traveltime. Becausetheamplitudeof theseafloor multiplewasdifficult to pick on individualtracesbecauseof its low amplitudeandinterferencewith otherarrivals,our measurements show considerablescatter,but range between 0.16 and 0.22. A seafloor reflection coefficient of 0.2 was similarly derivedby Hyndmanand Spence[ 1992]in theirstudyof theBSR offshore Vancouver. Peak-to-peakamplitudesof the seafloorreflection and and BSR were pickedfrom unprocessed near-tracedatafilteredfor anti-aliasingbeforerecordingandresamplingat 8 ms. The measured amplitudes were corrected for geometrical spreading proportionalto path lengthassumingvelocitiesof 1.5 and 1.8 km/s in the water and sediment.Observedamplituderatios are shownin Figure8a, with andwithoutthe geometrical spreading correction. Assumingverticalincidenceandfollowing Claerbout [1976],thereflection coefficient attheBSRisA(1-c2),whereA is thepressure amplituderatiobetweentheBSR andthe seafloor reflection and c is the seafloor reflection coefficient. Reflection coefficients for the BSR calculated for assumed seafloor reflec- tion coefficientsof 0.15, 0.20, and 0.25 are shownin Figure 8b. Becausethe water depthsin this studyand the source-receiver offset for the near trace of 258 m imply incidentanglesof less than 15øon the BSR, assumingverticalincidenceandneglecting sourceandreceiverarraydirectivityaremuchsmallersourcesof uncertaintythanuncertaintyin the seafloorreflectioncoefficient. The maximum reflection coefficient is very dependenton the assumedseafloorreflection coefficientand rangesfrom 0.25 to 0.43. Attenuation and geometricalfocussingare poorly known processes thatmayalsohavea largeeffecton apparent reflection coefficients. That intrinsic attenuation in the sediments, which dependson waveletfrequencyand pathlength,is importantis indicatedin Figures7a and7b, wherethe frequencyof theBSR wavelet decreasesas BSR depth increases.Quantifying the effectsof attenuationon measurements of peak-to-peakamplitudeandseparating thiseffectfrominterference effectsdueto the characteristics of reflectinginterfacesis difficult. For this study, we neglected attenuation and note that this implies that our reflection coefficientsmay be considerablyunderestimatedand that the amountby which the reflectioncoefficientsare underestimatedincreasesas the BSR deepens. In orderto placeconstraints on velocitiesaboveandbelowthe BSR that are compatiblewith the derivedreflectioncoefficients, we calculated the sub-BSR velocity implied by a range of assumedvalues for velocity and density above the BSR. For these estimates, we used assumedvelocities above the BSR that are higherthan thoseindicatedby the intervalvelocitiesbecause it is likely that the velocity within the sedimentsabovethe BSR increaseswith depth.Becauseof the absenceof additionalcoherent reflections within these sedimentsthat would permit more detailedintervalvelocityestimates,however, we do not haveany independentconfirmationof the velocity above the BSR. The resultsof thesecalculationsare summarizedin Figure 8c, which showsthe effectof differentvelocitiesabovetheBSR assuminga constantseafloor reflection coefficient (0.2) and density (2.0 g/m3),andFigure8d,whichillustrates theadditional effectof varyingthe seafloorreflectioncoefficientand includinga density inversion of 0.2 g/m3 beneath theBSR.In Figure8c,velocities lower than 1.2 km/s are obtained beneath the BSR between CMPs 5250 and 5400 for assumed velocities above the BSR that rangefrom 1.8 to 2.2 km/s. Suchvelocitiesimply the presenceof a few percent,by volume, of free gas in the sedimentsbeneath the BSR [Hyndman and Spence, 1992; Bangs et al., 1993; MacKayet al., 1994]. Even if oneconsiders the extremecaseof a seafloorreflectioncoefficientof 0.15, a densitydecreasebeneath theBSRfrom2.0to 1.8g/m3, anda velocity of 2.0km/sabove the BSR, a sub-BSRvelocity lower thanthat of seawateris indicated.Althoughthe apparentsub-BSRvelocitieswest of CMP 5400 are considerablyhigher and do not requirethe presenceof free gas, these estimatesmay be considerablyunderestimated becausewe have neglectedthe effect of attenuation,which may decreasethe apparentreflection coefficientby as muchas 40%. We conclude that the large amplitude of the BSR observed beneaththe mid-sloperegionalongthisprofile suggests the presence of methane,both in the form of free gas and gas hydrate, within the older parts of the accretionarycomplex offshore Oregon. In an attempt to understandthe origin of the methane,we lookeddeeperin the seismicsection.Few coherentreflectionsare observedeither aboveor just below the BSR. However,a locally strongbut discontinuous reflectivezoneis observed0.5 to 1.0 s beneaththe BSR (Figure4 andPlate la). The oceanbottomseismometer data indicate that the average velocity between this reflective"surface"and the seaflooris lessthan 2.0 km/s (Figure 4c), suggestingseveralexplanationsfor this zone.One explanation is that it representsthe base of a midslopebasin formed eitherin situ or as a lower slopebasin(similarto the onelabeled LSB on Figure 4b) and subsequentlytilted and uplifted. The absenceof any coherentlayeredstructurewithinthisbasinandits discontinuous nature,however,argueagainstthis interpretation. We believe that this reflective zone may representthe baseof a large debrisflow. High-resolutiontopographyfrom the region showsseveralarcuateridgesthat are concavelandward(AR on Plate lb) andmay representthe downslopesignatureof sediment instability over a large (approximately15x20 km) region. The seismicreflectiondataalsosuggestthat midslopesedimentsmay overly the flat lying sedimentsof the lower slopebasinbetween CMP 5910 and 6010, althoughthis might also be an artifact of incompletemigration. Exceptionallybright spotswithin this region (questionmarks on Plate 1a andFigure7b), whichshowbothnormalandreversed polarity, may be reflectionsand diffractionsfrom the top and/or bottomof diffusepocketsof free gasor overpressured fluids.We speculatethat thesefluidsand/orgasmigrateupwardthroughthe sedimentcolumnand are trappedbeneaththe BSR, wherethey migratelaterally until they are ventedat the surfacewhere the BSR outcropson the seafloorand along small faults. A small circularhill observedabout0.5 km southof CMP 5350 (Plate lb) may be a mud volcano,providingfurtherevidenceof activefluid movement(and densityinversions)within the older part of the accretionaryprism. In an attempt to determinewhether the midslopeBSR we observeis a widespreadfeatureof the upper slopeor is genetically relatedto the apparentdebrisflow we haveidentifiedin the bathymetricdata,we scannedthe existingdatabase in thisregion. TRI•HU ET AL.: SEISMIC REFLECTIONPROFILEACROSSCASCADIA Very few seismiclines crossthis part of the slope. A USGS multichannelseismicreflection profile that crossesthe slope approximately15 km northof our profile (approximatelyalong the northernboundaryof Plate lb) doesnot showany signof a BSR in this region.It is interestingto notethat boththe landslide andlarge fluid accumulations in this regionmay be relatedto the Daisy Bank fault, which passesalong its southwesternedge (Figure 1). This fault may have contributedto slopeinstability either throughshakingduringan earthquakeor by servingas a deepconduitfor fluid transport.We further speculatethat this processmay contributeto the formationof headlesscanyonson the continentalslope. Becausethe BSR appearsto cropouton the seafloorat a depth whereit canbe relativelyeasilysampledand observed,this site may be a goodtestsitefor studyingBSR formationandevolution on activemargins.A recentstudyof an exposedBSR at 540 m depthin the Gulf of Mexico has documentedthis processon a passivemargin and shownthat the formation and dissociationof gas hydrateis a significantfactor in the trappingand releaseof oil andgas[ MacDonald et al., 1994]. Additionaldata,including seismicdatato map the regionalextentof the BSR and correlate it with topographyandsamplingof theheelandtoeof the apparent slump,will alsobe neededto resolvethe multipleuncertainties concerningorigin and amountof methanehydrateand free gasin the older part of the accretionarycomplexandthe possible relationshipbetweenmethaneand slopestability. The Continental Shelf and SubductionZone Backstop A deep basin that records a complex history of changing depocenters, erosion,folding, faulting,and intrusionis foundon the continentalshelf. Seismicprofiles from this region are well known as textbookexamplesof unconformities[e.g., Sheriffand Geldart, 1982]. The basementreflection beneaththis basin (SB on Figure4b) is shownin the migrateddatato be a block-faulted surface,probably formed by normal faulting in an extensional regimesoonafter accretionof the Siletz terraneto North America [Snavelyet al., 1980]. Althoughsucha structurewas suggested by the earlierUSGS data,the faultedcharacterof this surfacewas poorly definedin thoseunmigrateddata.The new data alsomore clearly define the seawardedge of the Siletz basement(labeled FF on Figure 4b). We note, however, the presenceof several diffractionsseawardof this boundary(D on Figure 4b), which may representout-of-planeeventsresultingfrom possiblealongstrike variations in the westward extent of the Siletz block. Beneaththe basementreflection,a deepreflectionis observed at about 8-s twtt. No reflections were observed beneath the Siletz basement in the earlier data, and the base of the crust was assumed to be at about 16 km beneath the shelf, based on an old refractionprofile in the onshoreCoastRange[Berget al., 1966]. Evidencethat thesereflections(labeledDCR on Figure 4b) are primary eventsfrom the lower crustwas discussedabove.In the absenceof coincidentlarge aperturedata,one might be tempted to identify theseeventsas the Moho, and the crustalthicknessof about 16-18 km derivedfrom suchan interpretationwould be consistentwith the earlier refraction data and with subsequent estimatesof crustal thicknessderived from gravity modeling [Couchand Riddihough,1989]. The largeaperturedata[Trdhuet al., 1994], however,indicatethat the baseof the crustis dipping eastin this regionand is at a depthof 22 km nearkm 105 and 30 km near the coast(km 135). The twtt to the Moho predictedby the model derived from the large aperture data is shown on Figure4c. 15,113 One explanationfor thesedeep reflectionsis that they representreflectionsfrom a velocity inversionunderlyingthe baseof the Siletz terrane. Alternatively, they may representreflections from a velocity increaseoccurringat the top of the subducted oceanic crust (or, more likely, the top of lower oceanic crust, since the upper oceanic crust seemsto have been significantly disrupted and incorporatedinto the accretionaryprism); this explanationrequiresthat a layer of sedimentbe sandwiched between the base of the Siletz terrane and the subducted oceanic crust in order to have lower-velocity material overlying the subductedcrustof the Juande Fucaplate. It is alsopossiblethat the observedreflectionrepresents an interference pattembetween reflections from the base of the Siletz and the top of oceanic crust.Becauseof the poor signalto noiseratio of this event,we did not attemptquantitativemodelingof the waveformandpolarity of this reflection. The uncertaintyaboutwhetherit represents the baseof the Siletz or the top of the subductedlower oceanic crust is important for evaluating models of upper plate/lower plate interaction in this region and will be discussedin detail elsewhere. A zone of disrupted reflections immediately overlies the seawardedge of the Siletz block (labeledFF in Figure 4b). This regionof the seismicsectionis shownat large scalein Figure 9 and suggestsa two-strandedstrike-slipfault with very little vertical offset. Figure 9 suggeststhat this fault may disrupt the seafloor, implying recent activity. That this feature of the data reflects a true disruptionof the strataand is not an artifact of processingis supportedby a look at the original shot gathers, which show disruption of refracted arrivals as this region is crossed.Figure 10 shows three reduced record sectionsof shot gathers.The first (top, Figure 10) illustratesthe refractedarrival whenboth the shotand streamerare eastof the disruptedzone, and the othertwo sectionsshowshotswestof the disruptedzone when the streamercrossedthe disruptedzone.When sourceand receiverare both on the sameside of the disruptedzone, the waveletis impulsiveandsimple.As soonasthe disruptedzoneis crossed, thewaveletis complicated andits amplitudeis small.No similarzonesof disruptionareobservedfurthereast. Although it is impossibleto identify the trend of this fault from a single crossing,and a searchof the available seismic reflectiondata [ Goldfinger et al., 1992] for a continuationof this feature was inconclusive,it is temptingto associatethis event with the Fulmar Fault, identifiedby Shayely[1987] on the basis of magneticanomaliesandinterpretedto be a strike-slipfault that resultedin northwardtransportof a portionof the forearcduring the early mid-Eocene.In Snavely'smodel [Shayely,19871,the Fulmar Fault is a late-middle to early-late Eocene feature that resultedin truncationof the seawardedge of the Siletz terrane andjuxtapositionof early Eocenemelangewith Siletzrocks.Our data suggestthat northwardtransportof the accretionaryprism relativeto the restof the forearcmay be continuing.An alternative explanationfor the fault observedin our datais local deformation associated with the anticline that overlies the seaward edgeof the Siletz terrane. In either case,that the easternboundaryof the Siletz block is overlainby an activefault supportsthe suggestion of Trdhuet al. [ 1994] that this boundaryplaysa major role in localizingalecoupling of the accretionaryprism from the rest of the forearc. Decoupling between the western and eastern portion of the Cascadia forearc must occur somewhere beneath the continental shelf or Oregon Coast Range becausethe offshore left lateral stike-slip faults of Goldfinger et al. [1992] indicate a stress regimewherethe major axis of compression is directedapproxi- 15,114 TRI•HU ET AL.: SEISMIC REFLECTION PROFILE ACROSSCASCADIA W CMP _1., 2_I00 2_050 2_000 1950 • 250rni 1900 1850 Figure 9. Detail of the seawardedgeof Siletzbasementanddisruptions in theoverlyingsediments. The horizontal blackbar at the top of the figureindicatesthe regioninterpretedto be a recentstrike-slipfault zone,whichis tentativelyinterpreted to be a modemmanifestation of theFulmarFaultof Snavelyet al. [1980;Snavely,1987]. mately east-west, whereas onshore data from the Willamette Valley indicate north-southdirectedcompression[ Werner et al., 1991, 1992; Madin et al., 1993]. Other evidenceof the influence of Siletz terrane crustal stuctum on forearc deformation that is cited by Trdhu et al. [ 1994] includeslarge along-strikevariations in the width of the postaccretion subduction complexandin forearc seismicitythat are correlatedwith along-strikevariationsin the thicknessof the Siletz terraneand in backstopgeometry. placement.This fault overlies the seawardedge of the Siletz terraneand suggeststhat the accretionaryprism seawardof the Siletz terranemay be at leastpartially decoupledfrom the restof the forearc. Recent submersible observation of a carbonate chim- ney in this fault zone suggeststhat this fault zone may also be associatedwith fluid flow in the forearc (R. Yeats, personal communication, 1994). 3. Observationof a very strongBSR beneaththe midslope region25-35 km landwardof the deformationfront.The inferred Conclusions temperatureandpressureat the BSR is consistentwith the experimentally determined phase diagram for a methane/seawater Several new constraints on the crustal structure of the phasediagramover a wide rangeof temperaturesandpressures if Cascadiasubductionzone and on methanewithin the accrationar-y one assumeshydrostaticpressureand the temperaturegradient prismhave beenobtainedfrom a deepcrustalseismicreflection measuredat the baseof the slopeduringODP leg 146.This result providesstrongconfirmationof the generallyacceptedhypotheprofile that was collected as part of a comprehensiveonwith the baseof the methanehydrate shore/offshore seismicimagingexperimentacrossthe continental sisthat BSRs am associated margin. These constraintsare summarizedin Figure 11 and stabilityzone. Although usingBSR observationsas a proxy for heatflow is subjectto severaluncertainties,the datasuggestthat includethe following. 1. Recognitionof a deep reflectionbeneaththe continental heat flow through the midslope region is relatively uniform, shelf. That this reflection must come from within the crust rather exceptfor localizedzonesof higherapparentheatflow relatedto thanfrom the Moho is requiredby coincidentlargeaperturedata. a small fault and to where the BSR appearsto outcrop on the The reflectionmay indicateeitherthe baseof the accretedSiletz seafloor.Approximate reflection coefficientsderived from the terrane,the top of the subducted loweroceaniccrust,or an inter- data suggestthe presenceof a small amountof methanehydrate ference pattern between reflectionsfrom both of thesebound- overlying the BSR and of free gas below it, consistentwith aries.This interpretationsuggests that the interpretation of simi- results from ODP leg 146. Multiple uncertaintiesprevent a lar deep reflections from regions where no coincident large preciseestimateof the relative volumesof gas and hydrate,but intervalvelocitiesof only 1.5-1.7 for the overlyinglayer indicate aperturedataam availableis uncertain. 2. Identification of a shallow, recently active fault that that the amountof hydrateis relatively low. It cannotbe deterdisrupts a 0.75-kin-wide region and shows little vertical disminedfrom the limited numberof existingseismicprofilesacross TRI•HUET AL.: SEISMICREFLECTION PROFILEACROSSCASCADIA w 15,115 E ,l•l}ll lIIII!ll Ill !lIIIIll!l III!ill II:llllil Ill Ill/!Ill Illill/frill? 500 I000 500 BOO I000 500 I000 2000 2500 3000 150• •000 2500 3000 1500 2000 2500 3000 OFFSET 5500 3500 (m) Figure 10. Recordsectionsof shotgathersasthe shiptraveledfrom eastto westacrossthe disruptedzonetentatively interpretedto be the Fulmar Fault. The horizontalblack bar parallelto the offset axis indicatesthe location of the fault zone similarlymarkedon Figure 9. the continentalslope whether the apparentpresenceof free gas and gashydratein this part of the accretionarycomplexis genetically related to slope instability that has been inferred on the basis of the new seismic data and high-resolution regional bathymetry and/or to the Daisy Bank fault, which is a northwest trendingleft-lateral strike-slipfault that extendsfrom the abyssal plain to the continentalshelf and crossesthe slopeapproximately 15 km southour seismicprofile. DaisyBankfault Fulmar fault? ue to section) • deformation fro nt.•.>..._.. •• .... BSR • •• - 10- •_••t • Sil•etz• • fluids •-•....___ ? oceanic crust Coast - -20 20- 30 lO •E no deep reflections observed • ba•basement ..._. I 20 I I 40 I I 60 I I I 80 I 100 I I 120 Distance along model (km) Figure 11. Schematicsummaryof constraintson methanedistributionandcrustalstructureon the Oregoncontinentalmarginobtainedfrom the seismicreflectionprofile discussedin this paper. 30 v ß Acknowledgments. Many peopleassisted in the acquisitionandprocessing of thesedata.Vern Kulm, Greg Moore, andCaseyMoore encouraged this piggybackexperimenton their high-resolutionseismicsurvey,which was conductedas a site survey for the Ocean Drilling Program.Guy Cochranespentthe extra day at seaas the scientificobserveron the R/V Geotideand made surethat data were properlyrecorded.Guy Cochrane andMary MacKay processed the seawardportionof the profileaspart of the ODP sitesurvey.JianingShi andTim Holt assisted in the early stages of dataprocessingat OSU. 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