JWST Proposal 1011 (Created: Thursday, May 19, 2016 8:00:16 PM EST) - Overview 1011 - MIRI Focal Plane Configurations Cycle: 0, Proposal Category: COM/MIRI (Availability Mode: <TBD>) INVESTIGATORS Name David Breda (PI) Tim Grundy (CoI) (ESA Member) (Contact) Dr. Karl D. Gordon (CoI) (Contact) Mr. Thomas Wheeler (CoI) (Contact) Sarah Kendrew (CoI) (ESA Member) (Contact) Dr. Michael E. Ressler (CoI) (Contact) Institution Jet Propulsion Laboratory CLRC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Space Telescope Science Institute Space Telescope Science Institute ESA-European Space Astronomy Centre Jet Propulsion Laboratory OBSERVATIONS Folder Observation Label Observing Template CAR-MIRI-002 Focal Plane Configurations 1 Focal Plane Configurati Realtime Commanding ons sequence part 1 2 Focal plane configurati MIRI Dark ons sequence part 2 E-Mail david.a.breda@jpl.nasa.gov tim.grundy@stfc.ac.uk kgordon@stsci.edu wheeler@stsci.edu sarah.kendrew@esa.int michael.e.ressler@jpl.nasa.gov Science Target NONE NONE ABSTRACT TBD OBSERVING DESCRIPTION This is a commissioning activity for MIRI to test the focal plane configurations via real time commanding. The sequence is as follows: 1 JWST Proposal 1011 (Created: Thursday, May 19, 2016 8:00:16 PM EST) - Overview PART 1 - real time commanding - imir_det_htr_ctrl to cooldown mode, heater power=0, x 3 for 3 detectors - Verify temperatures - imir_det_htr_ctrl to stability mode, 6.4 K set point, x 3 for 3 detectors - imir_flt_det_set_bias to set detector bias voltage, x 3 for bank 0, 1, 2. - imir_flt_det_scan_array to set detector readout parameters (all 3 detectors simultaneously) - imir_ft_det_pwr_on to switch on power to detectors with nominal settings (all 3 detectors simultaneously) - Verify temperatures and biases - imir_det_htr_ctrl to cooldown temperature, x 3 for 3 detectors - imir_det_htr_ctrl to anneal temperature (26K), x 3 for 3 detectors - imir_det_htr_ctrl to stability, x 3 for 3 detectors - Confirm anneals completed successfully. Note (1): must be followed by a wait period of 90 minutes before any science observations with MIRI detectors. Other non-MIRI activities can be carried out in this period. Note (2): followed by OSS exposures to check detector exposure state. Note (3): Anneal procedures can be optimised with dedicated high-level scripts TBD. Note (4): Time estimate does not include 90 min wait after anneal. PART 2 - OSS - simultaneous single exposure of all 3 MIRI detectors Note (5): the proposal specifies only Imager detector read out as simultaneous exposure with all 3 detectors not yet implemented in APT. 2 Special Requirements Spectral Elements Template Observation Proposal 1011 - Observation 1 - MIRI Focal Plane Configurations Proposal 1011, Observation 1 Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Observing Template: Realtime Commanding Realtime Duration 3000 Handoff Window Duration Fri May 20 01:00:17 GMT 2016 Initial Setup Duration 0 # 1 No Parallel Realtime Required 3 Cleanup Duration 0 Aperture Special Requirements Spectral Elements Template Observation Proposal 1011 - Observation 2 - MIRI Focal Plane Configurations Proposal 1011, Observation 2 Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Observing Template: MIRI Dark Comments: This exposure should be performed with all 3 detectors simultaneously. Fri May 20 01:00:17 GMT 2016 Detector IMAGER Subarray FULL # Readout Pattern No. of Groups 1 FAST 1 No. of Integrations 1 Photon Collect Duration 2.785 Total Photon No. of Exposures Short Groups Collect Duration 2.785 1 Parallel 4 Long Groups Short Integrations Long Integrations