Texas Tech University “WHAT’S YOUR 7 PROBLEM?” Math / Science Summer Camp

Math / Science Summer Camp
Texas Tech University
July 12 – July 16, 2016
February 15, 2016
Attend classes targeting success in UIL mathematics, number sense, science,
and calculator applications.
Presenters: Larry White, Andy Zapata, Shayna Reasoner, Saundra Paschal,
John Hobbs, Wenzen Chuang, Brad Friesen, and Jay Atman. These are all
award winning coaches and teachers.
Enjoy: Tech Leisure Pool / Rec. Center, Volleyball, and more!!
Registration begins February 1st (tentative date); Texas Tech UIL Website: www.ttu.edu/uil
Double Occupancy……… $285 each (housing and all meals)
Commuters……………… $170 each (lunch and dinner each day)
TEACHERS: may receive GT and Continuing Ed credit from their high school.
Private Room……………. $330 single room (housing and all meals)
Double Occupancy………. $285 each (housing and all meals)
Commuters ……………… $170 (lunch and dinner each day)
*Ask about a $20 teacher discount… contact 806-742-2350 or email jack.barton@ttu.edu
Please fill out the registration forms below if mailing in with a check.
Online registration link to pay with a credit card will be coming soon.
Texas Tech University also offers high school camps in Speech/Debate and Theatre/Technical.
Visit the Texas Tech UIL Website at www.depts.ttu.edu/uil for more information.
Texas Tech UIL – a Division of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Community Engagement
Texas Tech University
High School Students
“What’s Your 7th Problem?”
Math / Science Camp
Camp Dates: July 12-16, 2016
Please complete all pages of this application.
Student Application (Due June 15)
Student Information (Please print clearly)
Email Address:
Student’s Name (First):
Gender: ______ Male ______ Female
DOB: ____/____/____
Classification in Fall 2016: ____ Freshman
Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________
____ Sophomore
City: __________________________
Zip: ___________
____ Junior
City: __________
____ Senior
State: ________
School Attending in Fall:_____________________________
Name of Parent or Guardian (Mother): ________________________________________
Home Phone: (___)________________
Cell Phone: (___)________________
Work Phone: (___)________________
Email: _____________________________________
Name of Parent or Guardian (Father): ________________________________________
Home Phone: (___)________________
Cell Phone: (___)________________
Work Phone: (___)________________
Email: _____________________________________
Roommate Request Name:__________________________________________________
T-Shirt Size:
___ Adult S
___ Adult M
___ Adult L
Will you be a resident or commuter? (Please circle one)
___ Adult XL
___ Adult XXL
___ $75 Non-refundable deposit due June 15, 2016. Remaining balance due on or before July 12, 2016.
___ $170 Full registration for student commuters.
___ $285 Full registration for student residents.
Due to University policy, camp personnel can no longer transport participants
to or from the airport.
Mail Application and Deposit to:
Texas Tech UIL
Box 45035
Lubbock, Texas 79409
For further information, email jack.barton@ttu.edu or call 806-742-2350
Texas Tech UIL – Division of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Community Engagement
Texas Tech University
High School Students
“What’s Your 7th Problem?”
Math / Science Camp
Camp Dates: July 12-16, 2016
Please complete all pages of this application.
Teacher Application (Due June 15)
Teacher Information (Please print clearly)
Email Address:
Name (First):
Gender: ______ Male ______ Female
Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________
City: __________________________
State: ________
Zip: ___________
City: __________
Home Phone: (___)________________
Cell Phone: (___)________________
Work Phone: (___)________________
Roommate Request Name:__________________________________________________
T-Shirt Size:
___ Adult S
___ Adult M
___ Adult L
Will you be a resident or commuter? (Please circle one)
Room preference (Please circle one)
___ Adult XL
___ Adult XXL
___ $75 Non-refundable deposit due June 15, 2016. Remaining balance due on or before July 12, 2016.
___ $170 Full registration for teacher commuters.
___ $285 Full registration for teacher residents, DOUBLE room.
___ $330 Full registration for teacher residents, PRIVATE room.
Due to University policy, camp personnel can no longer transport participants
to or from the airport.
Mail Application and Deposit to:
Texas Tech UIL
Box 45035
Lubbock, Texas 79409
For further information, email jack.barton@ttu.edu or call 806-742-2350
Texas Tech UIL – Division of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Community Engagement
Texas Tech Summer Camp Confidential Medical History Form
Completion of the following, with a photocopy of proof of health insurance must be submitted with the
application. If this poses a hardship, call 806-742-2350.
Student’s Name: ____________________________________________________________
Name of Family Physician: ___________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________________________________
□ Copy of medical health insurance card is attached.
Directions: Check any medical conditions that apply and provide a description. If necessary, attach a separate
sheet of paper to explain your child’s medical condition or email additional information to: jack.barton@ttu.edu
□ condition requiring medication ______________________________________________
□ allergies to food or medications ______________________________________________
□ current infections, viruses ___________________________________________________
□ emotional or behavioral problems ____________________________________________
□ recent injuries, illness, operation _____________________________________________
□ impairment of sight, hearing, speech __________________________________________
Consent to Medical Treatment
I, ________________________________ Parent, Managing Conservator, or Guardian of
___________________________________ (Participant) hereby consent to any and all emergency medical
treatment needed by said Minor Child as administered by a clinic or attending physician and accept
responsibility for full payment of said treatment. I give my permission for this document to be photocopied for
medical personnel.
I, the teacher, hereby consent to any and all emergency medical treatment needed as administered by a clinic or
attending physician and accept responsibility for full payment of said treatment. I give my permission for this
document to be photocopied for medical personnel.
■ Signature of Parent, Managing Conservator, Guardian, or Teacher:
________________________________________ Date: ____________
This form will be used for my child’s enrollment in the Texas Tech Summer Camps, July 12-16, 2016.
This form is valid only for the 2016 session and date indicated above.
Texas Tech Release and Hold Harmless Agreement
I, the Parent/Managing Conservator/Guardian, understand that the minor child has the opportunity to participate in Texas
Tech Summer Camp, a program for students sponsored by Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas from July 12-16,
2016. I hereby affirm that I desire to have my minor child participate in the said program. I give my permission for my
minor child to ride in public transportation or in vehicles driven by Texas Tech employees or representatives to and from
designated activities. I, the undersigned, am aware of the dangers associated with travel by motor vehicle or other
conveyance and the possibility of injuries or death while in transit. I understand that my minor child will participate in
general classroom, educational, and camp activities during this program. I am aware of the dangers associated with such
activities and the possibility of injuries or even death in such participation. In consideration of allowing my minor child to
attend the above mentioned activities, I, the undersigned, do hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless Texas Tech
University, its Board of Regents, all the University’s officers, agents, and employees, and the University Interscholastic
League from any and all liability due to injuries, damage or death arising or resulting from any act or omission, express
negligence or otherwise, of said Texas Tech University officers, advisors, agents, and employees, or any other person or
participant in said activities while attending the activities or while in transit to and from activities.
I, the teacher, understand that I have the opportunity to participate in Texas Tech Summer Camp, a program for students
sponsored by Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas from July 12-16, 2016. I hereby affirm that I desire to participate
in the said program. I give my permission to ride in public transportation or in vehicles driven by Texas Tech employees
or representatives to and from designated activities. I, the teacher, am aware of the dangers associated with travel by
motor vehicle or other conveyance and the possibility of injuries or death while in transit. I understand that I will
participate in general classroom, educational, and camp activities during this program. I am aware of the dangers
associated with such activities and the possibility of injuries or even death in such participation. In consideration of
allowing myself to attend the above mentioned activities, I, the teacher, do hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless
Texas Tech University, its Board of Regents, all the University’s officers, agents, and employees, and the University
Interscholastic League from any and all liability due to injuries, damage or death arising or resulting from any act or
omission, express negligence or otherwise, of said Texas Tech University officers, advisors, agents, and employees and
other officers or members of University Interscholastic League, or any other persons or participant in said activities while
attending the activities or while in transit to and from activities.
The terms hereof shall also serve as a release and an assumption of risk for my minor child’s heirs, executor and
administrator, and for all members of my child’s family and be pleaded as a bar to litigation.
Jurisdiction of this matter and venue shall lie in Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas. I, the undersigned, on behalf of my
minor child agree to indemnify and hold Texas Tech University, its Board of Regents, and all the university officers,
agents and employees harmless from and against any and all personal injury. I am above the age of eighteen (18) years
and read this Release and Hold Harmless Agreement and voluntarily understand and accept its terms.
■ Signature of Parent, Managing Conservator, Guardian, or Teacher:
_____________________________________________________Date ______________________
■ Print or Type name of Parent, Managing Conservator, Guardian, or Teacher:
Texas Tech Summer Camp Parental Approval for
Media Coverage/Participation
I hereby give permission for the name of the minor listed above to be released to the media or for him/her to participate in
any media coverage which might transpire during the course of the program. I authorize the use of the minor’s name,
biography, likeness, voice and performance in the production of the program(s) and for the purpose of publicizing and
promoting the program(S). I represent that I am a parent (guardian) of the minor whose name is listed above and I hereby
agree to have my child participate in media coverage.
As a teacher, I hereby give my permission for my name or image to be released to the media during this program.
_____________________________________________________Date ________________________
Signature of parent, Managing Conservator, Guardian, or Teacher
□ CHILD/TEACHER MAY NOT PARTICIPATE IN MEDIA COVERAGE, and I do not wish his/her name released to
the media.
Signature of Parent, Managing Conservator, Guardian, or Teacher
“What’s Your 7th Problem?”
Math/Science Camp
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
8:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Registration in basement of Stangel/Murdough dorm
Meeting in Media/Communications Room 281 to discuss camp rules and regulations
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
7:30 am – 8:45 am
9:00 am – 9:50 am
Breakfast in dorm
Number Sense: (Advanced) - #21-40 trouble spots - part 1
Number Sense: (Novice) - basic short cuts - part 1
Calculator: "Numbers to know" and conversions
Math: Absolute Value equations: graphically and algebraically
Science: Physics - (Advanced) Motion in 2 (Circular & Projectile)
10:00 am– 10:50 am
Number Sense: (Novice) - Sections #1 to 4 on the sequence chart
Calculator: How to use the equation solver (HP and TI)
Math: Periodic functions
Science: Physics - (Novice) Vectors (always friendly)
Science: Chemistry - (Advanced) Kinetics - part 1
11:00 am– 11:50 am
Number Sense: (Advanced) #21 - 40 trouble spots - part 2
Number Sense: (Novice) - Fraction/decimal/percent equivalency
Calculator: Page one word problems
Math: Exponents / logarithms - laws and solving equations
Science: Chemistry - (Advanced) Kinetics - part 2
12:00 pm – 1:15 pm
Lunch in the dorm
1:30 pm – 2:20 pm
Number Sense: (Advanced) - Sections #5 to 9 on the sequence chart
Calculator: (Advanced) - Matrix algebra
Math: Trig equations - amplitude, phase shift, period, frequency
Science: Physics - (Advanced) Dot and Cross products in 3 dimension
2:30 pm – 3:20 pm
Number Sense: (Advanced) #41 - 60 trouble spots - part 1
Number Sense: (Novice) Basic short cuts - part 2
Calculator: Solving "Overflow" problems with logarithms
Math: Bearing problems - right triangles, laws of sines/cosines
Science: Physics - (Novice) One dimensional kinematics
Science: Chemistry - (Advanced) Equilibrium - part 1
3:30 pm – 4:20 pm
Number Sense: (Advanced) #41 - 60 trouble spots - part 2
Number Sense: (Novice) Basic short cuts - part 3
Calculator: (Advanced) Shaded area / solid of revolutions
Math: Practice and test taking strategies
Science: Chemistry (Advanced) Acid / Base equilibrium
4:30 pm - 4:45 pm
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
10:00 pm - 10:30 pm
11:00 pm
Camp meeting in room 281
Dinner in dorm
Game Night
Students in dorm rooms
Lights out in dorm rooms
Check one box per session
Thursday, July 14, 2016
7:30 am – 8:45 am
9:00 am – 9:50 am
Breakfast in dorm
Number Sense: (Advanced) #61 - 80 trouble spots - part 1
Number Sense: (Novice) #21 - 40 from #1 to 5 on the sequence chart
Calculator: Page 3 geometry problems
Math: Matrices - add, subtract, and multiply
Science: Chemistry (Advanced) - Buffers
Science: Physics (Novice) - Energy - the answers not 42
10:00 am– 10:50 am
Number Sense: (Novice) #21 - 40 from #6 to 10 on the sequence chart
Calculator: (Advanced) Linear regression (using HP)
Math: Part 9 of the math test - my favorite section - MISC.
Science: Chemistry (Novice) Stoichiometry - part 1
Science: Physics (Novice) Momentum - it's what moves you
11:00 am– 11:50 am
Number Sense: (Advanced) #61 - 80 trouble spots - part 2
Number Sense: (Novice) #21 - 40 - more #1-10 of the sequence chart
Calculator: Law of sines/cosines
Calculator: (Novice) Number crunchers
Math: Permutations / combinations
Science: Chemistry (Advanced) - Stoichiometry - part 2
12:00 pm - 1:15 pm
Lunch in dorm
1:30 pm – 2:20 pm
Number Sense: (Advanced) Fibonacci and other sequences
Number Sense: (Novice) Square and cube roots; 3-digit multiplications
Calculator: Cylinders, cones, frustrums - volumes, surface, areas
Math: Means - geometric and arithmetic
Science: Physics (Advanced) - Gauss' Law - the enclosing idea
2:30 pm – 3:20 pm
Number Sense: (Novice) #21 - 40 from #11 to 10 on the sequence chart
Calculator: Ballistic problems
Math: Probability / odds
Science: Chemistry (Advanced) - Thermochemistry - part 1
Science: Physics (Novice) - Rotation - it will make your head spin
3:30 pm – 4:20 pm
Number Sense: (Advanced) Bases 2 to 4 to 8, 3 to 9, and base x to base y
Number Sense: (Novice) Bring own questions #1 - 20 on the sequence chart
Calculator: Scaling problems
Math: Complex numbers
Science: Chemistry (Advanced) - Thermochemistry - part 2
4:30 pm - 4:45 pm
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
6:45 pm - 9:00 pm
10:00 pm - 10:30 pm
11:00 pm
Camp meeting in room 281
Dinner in dorm
Recreation - Rec Center and Leisure pool
Students in dorm room
Lights out in dorm rooms
Friday, July 15, 2016
7:30 am – 8:45 am
9:00 am – 9:50 am
Breakfast in dorm
Number Sense: (Novice) Bring own problems from #21 - 40
Calculator: Analog clock problems
Math: Matrices - determinants and trans posing
Science: Physics (Novice) Basic circuits - it's Watt you expected
Science: Chemistry (Advanced) Electro chemistry - part 1
10:00 am– 10:50 am
Number Sense: (Advanced) Bring your own problems (questions)
Number Sense: (Novice) Set theory and base systems
Calculator: Compound interest and exponential growth
Math: Means - harmonic and quadratic
Science: Physics (Novice) Optics - seeing things clearly
11:00 am– 11:50 am
Number Sense: (Advanced) Bring own questions from #61 - 80
Number Sense: (Novice) Examining an easy test - part 1
Calculator: Percent increase/decrease/change/difference/error
Math: (Advanced) Bring your own problems (questions)
Science: Chemistry (Advanced) Electrochemistry - part 2
12:00 pm – 1:15 pm
Lunch in dorm
1:30 pm – 2:20 pm
Number Sense: (Novice) Examining an easy test - part 2
Calculator: 2016 - 2017 Study list - part 1
Math: (Advanced) Unusual and amazing types of numbers
Science: Physics (Novice) Modern Physics - from the past to the future
Science: Chemistry (Advanced) Periodic and Atomic Structure
2:30 pm – 3:20 pm
Number Sense: (Novice) Practice and test taking strategies
Calculator: Circumscribed / inscribed circles
Math: Derivatives / anti-derivatives
Science: Physics (Advanced) Fluids - dive in the deep end
3:30 pm – 4:20 pm
Number Sense: bring your own problems (questions)
Calculator: 2016 - 2017 Study list - part 2
Math: Finding areas of polygons
Science: Chemistry (Advanced) Solutions and gases
4:30 pm - 4:45 pm
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
6:45 pm – 8:30 pm
10:00 pm - 10:30 pm
11:00 pm
Camp meeting in room 281
Dinner in dorm
Recreation - Rec Center and Leisure pool / Study Sessions after recreation time.
Students in dorm room
Lights out in dorm room
Saturday, July 16, 2016
7:00 am – 7:45 am
8:00 am – 8:20 am
8:25 am – 9:05 am
9:10 am– 10:05 am
10:10 am– 11:45 am
12:00 pm – 1:15 pm
1:30 pm – 2:00 pm
2:00 pm - ……
Number Sense test in Media/Communications
Calculator test in Media/Communications
Math test in Media/Communications
Science Test in Media/Communications
Lunch in the dorm
Awards in room 281 in the Media/Communications Building
Check-out of dorm
Choose which test(s) you will take