TTU SSS is a federally-funded TRIO program ($220,000 annually for 5 years) under the U.S. Department of Education. Please complete all questions on the application and return to TTU Doak Hall 120 or CONTACT AND BASIC INFORMATION Application Date: ____________________________ R# ____________________________ Date of Birth: _________________________________ Age: __________________ Gender:__________________________________________________ Full Legal Name: Last: _________________________________________________ First: ____________________________________ Middle Initial: _______ What do you wish to be called? (If different from legal name): ______________________________ Check only one: □ U.S. Citizen OR □ Permanent Resident OR Check all that apply: □ American Indian/Alaska Native □ White □ Pacific Islander □ Asian □ More than one race □ Other: _______________________________________ □ Black or African American □ Latino or Hispanic □ Other: ________________________________________________________________ Local Address: ____________________________________ City: _____________________________________ State: _______ Zip Code: __________________ Permanent Address: __________________________________________ City:_________________________ State:______ Zip Code: __________________ Cell Phone #: ___________________________ Home Phone #: ______________________________ Work Phone #: _______________________________ Parent Phone #: __________________________ Parent Name: ______________________________ Language Preference: ________________________ TTU E-mail:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Personal E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Best Method of Contact: □ Home phone □ Cell phone □ Work phone Do you have a documented physical or learning disability? □ Yes □ TTU Email □ Personal Email □ No If yes, please specify: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you met with Student Disability Services (SDS)? □ Yes □ No How did you hear about TTU SSS? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you a former TRIO student? □ Yes □ No If yes, what program? ___________________________________________________ The financial and non-directory educational record information on your student account is confidential and protected by the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA is also knows as the Buckley Amendment, Statute 20 U.S.C. 1232 (g), regulations 34 CRF Part 99. We cannot release information to another person without your written authorization. PLEASE CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE. 1|Page EDUCATIONAL & CAREER INFORMATION Have you received your: □ High School Diploma □ GED Diploma Date Graduated:__________________ GPA _______ Date Completed:__________________ Have you previously attended college: □ Yes □ No If yes, which institution? _______________________________________________ Did you graduate from this institution? If so, with what degree? _______________________________________________________________________ Classification: □ Freshman (<30 credits) □ Sophomore (30-59 credits) □ Junior (60-89 credits) Do you plan to receive your bachelor’s degree at TTU? □ Senior (>90 credits) □ Yes □ No Current Enrollment Status: □ Part-Time (<12 credit hours) □ Full-Time (>12 credit hours) Do you plan to pursue post-graduate work after completing your bachelor’s degree? □ Yes □ No Career Goal- My career plans are: □ Undecided □ Decided, please specify: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC & SUPPORTIVE SERVICES NEEDS ASSESSMENT Check all areas in which you feel SSS staff may be able to assist you: □ Academic Coaching--Receive assistance in choosing classes to stay on track to graduate on time. □ Career Counseling--Receive support in determining the best college major and career for you. □ Tutoring--Receive personal one-on-one tutoring in select subject areas at no cost to you. □ Financial and Economic Literacy--Learn about managing a budget and making wise financial decisions. □ Learning Styles and Study/Test Taking Skills--Assistance in identifying your style of learning and some strategies to study and take tests successfully. □ Graduation & Enrollment in Graduate School--Receive assistance in graduation from TTU & graduate school enrollment. □ Financial Aid Information & Assistance Applying--Assistance completing FAFSA annually. Learn about scholarships & other financial aid options. FINANCIAL AID AND DEPENDENCY STATUS Are you receiving financial aid this semester? □ Yes □ No If yes, what is your dependency status? □ Independent Student □ Dependent Student □ Don’t Know By signing this application, I attest that all the information is true. Moreover, I authorize the release of the my academic and financial records to TRIO-SSS, understanding that the information on these records will be used only to assess my need for Project services, monitor my educational process, and fulfill program reporting requirements. _____________________________________________________________________ Student’s Signature ______________________________________ Date Please proceed to the next page. ONLY complete ONE of the following Educational Attainment & Income Forms (Dependent OR Independent) NOT BOTH FORMS 2|Page DEPENDENT STUDENTS ONLY 2015-2016 To Be Completed and Signed by the Student’s Parent/Legal Guardian Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Parent/Legal Guardian: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Phone No.: ________________________________________ Parent Email Address: _____________________________________________ Did Mother of Student earn a 4-year degree from a college/university? □ Yes □ No Did Father of Student earn a 4-year degree from a college/university? □ Yes □ No Number of people living in parent/legal guardian’s household? _______________________ What was parent/legal guardian’s 2014 TAXABLE* INCOME? $________________________ * This is NOT adjusted gross income and is listed on the 2nd page of most tax forms. For example: IRS Form 1040, see line 43; on IRS Form 1040A, see line 27; on IRS Form 1040 EZ, see line 6. My family did not file a federal income tax return for the last calendar year, but my family’s taxable income from the last calendar year was: $______________________ All of the information on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. _____________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian Signature _________________________ Date DEPENDENT STUDENTS ONLY For assistance with the application: TTU TRIO Student Support Services 2518 15th St. Lubbock, TX 79409 Office: 806-742-3629 Fax: 806-742-0983 TRIO OFFICE USE ONLY Rec’d by:________________________ Date Rec’d:_________________ ONLY complete ONE of the Educational Attainment & Income Forms (Dependent OR Independent) NOT BOTH FORMS 3|Page INDEPENDENT STUDENTS ONLY 2015-2016 To Be Completed and Signed by the Student Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ID #: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone No.: ________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________ Did Mother of Student earn a 4-year degree from a college/university? □ Yes □ No Did Father of Student earn a 4-year degree from a college/university? □ Yes □ No Number of people living in student’s household? _______________________ What was the student’s 2014 TAXABLE* INCOME? $________________________ * This is NOT adjusted gross income and is listed on the 2nd page of most tax forms. For example: IRS Form 1040, see line 43; on IRS Form 1040A, see line 27; on IRS Form 1040 EZ, see line 6. My family did not file a federal income tax return for the last calendar year, but my taxable income from the last calendar year was: $______________________ All of the information on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. _____________________________________________________________________________ Student’s Signature _________________________ Date INDEPENDENT STUDENTS ONLY For assistance with the application: TTU TRIO Student Support Services 2518 15th St. Lubbock, TX 79409 Office: 806-742-3629 Fax: 806-742-0983 TRIO OFFICE USE ONLY Rec’d by:________________________ Date Rec’d:_________________ ONLY complete ONE of the Educational Attainment & Income Forms (Dependent OR Independent) NOT BOTH FORMS 4|Page