Document 11335521

Texas Tech University
Faculty Senate Meeting
Meeting #258
February 8, 2006
The Faculty Senate met on Wednesday, February 8, 2006 in the Matador Room in the Student Union Building, with President John Howe presiding.
Senators present were: Brooks, Doerfert, Johnson, Kvaskny, Davis, Gallegos, Boros, Carlson, Carr, Drager, Grair, Grappendorf, Hart, Howe, Kimball,
Miller, Niwayama, Schaller, Smucker, Toda, Bremer, Ritchey, Maushak, Collins, Lakhani, Masten, Sinzinger, Amor, Blum, Reifman, Shriver, Laughlin,
Vaughn, Kreidler, Spurrier, Whitfield, Chambers, Garner, Gelber, Meek, Wilson, Alvarado, Ellis and Marbley. Senators excused were: Louden, Perry,
Dunham, Rahnama, Klinker, Grass, Hein, Mercer, Olivarez, Oskam, Agnello, Mann, Letchford, Myles, Thompson, Dillon, Donahue, Durham, Mayer,
Morse and Smith. Senators unexcused were: Santos, Jackson and Reeves.
Call to Order. President John Howe called Meeting #258 to order at 3:24 pm, February 8, 2006.
Recognition of Guests. President Howe recognized the following guests: Senior Vice Provost James Brink, Provost William Marcy, Past Faculty
Senate President Gene Wilde, Director of Strategic Planning Gil Reeve, Faculty Assistant to the President Mary Jane Hurst, Parliamentarian Clarke
Approval of Minutes. Minutes of Meeting #257 brought forward for approval by President Howe. Minutes approved.
Invited Guests: [1:15-34:27]
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs William Marcy [2:07-16:43]
Provost Marcy spoke about the initiatives between his office and faculty senate to improve the relationship between the two groups. He suggests
including more interaction with an emphasis on leadership for the Senate rather than meetings between the two groups and to build upon the
activities the groups agree upon rather than stall at the items the groups do not see eye to eye. Lastly, Provost Marcy expressed a desire for the
Faculty Senate to be proactive in new initiatives and bring them forth to the President’s and Provost’s offices. He desires to invest in people,
enriching education environment, and advance in research. He indicated that Texas Tech University had done a great job in outreach.
Senator and Library Archivist Lynn Whitfield [16:57-30:38]
Senator Whitfield discussed the need to archive current scholarly information so that it may be used in the future. She encouraged photos, vitas,
research reports, and correspondence to be given to the library archives. Material from individuals, departments, institutes and centers are
welcomed and encouraged.
Senior Vice Provost Jim Brink [30:51-34:27]
Senior Vice Provost Brink indicated that President Whitmore requested the Friday night commencement for graduate students. Additionally,
Danay Phelps has been hired as the Senior Administrative Academic Advisor to enhance communication and maintain consistent information
regarding the Graduate-on-Time program. This position will also be coordinating all operating policies concerning the Graduate-on-Time
Old Business [34:34-49:05]
Nomination Committee [35:30-43:15]
Senator Reifman presented the names of the candidates for Vice President and Secretary. The candidate for president has withdrawn and no
one has volunteered to run for President. The candidates for Vice President are Shane Blum and Paul Carlson. Candidates for Secretary
include Christine Alvarado, Nancy Maushak, and Lynn Whitfield. Elections will be held at the March Faculty Senate Meeting.
Consulting [43:22-57:47]
Senator Boros presented the report of Faculty Senate Study Committee A regarding Faculty Consulting. As more than ten OPs address faculty
consulting the Committee focused on OP 32.07 but will perform additional measures to align the other OPs with OP 32.07. Report of Faculty
Senate Study Committee A was approved. The report is in the appendix of the minutes.
Budget Study Committee [57:53-1:15:51]
Senator Richey presented the pros and cons of an ID card. The current Rec Center card can be modified to work at the Library and as a Tech
Express Debit Card. However, social security numbers are on the card, which could represent a fraud risk if lost or stolen. Health insurance
can not be incorporated into the card as those cards are supplied by the State. A key card to access areas, such as the Faculty Lounge, is
expensive and difficult to obtain.
Liaison Report [1:16:00-:1:16:06]
No liaison reports.
New Business [1:16:07-1:29:48]
Resolution of Thanks to Chancellor David Smith. Passed. Available in the appendix of the minutes.
Resolution Urging a Compensative Examination of the TTU System. Passed. Available in appendix of the minutes.
Resolution Honoring the Athletic Program. Passed. Available in the appendix of the minutes.
Resolution on university Parking Services’ Proposed Parking Fee Increases. Passed. Available in the appendix of the minutes.
Resolution of Support for President Jon Whitmore. Passed. Available in the appendix of the minutes.
VII. Announcements [1:29:50:1:33:31]
Absentee ballots will be available in the Faculty Senate Office March 1 through March 7 at 3:30 pm.
Elections for Faculty Senate Officers will be March 8.
Committee on Committees and the Faculty Senate Office Coordinator Patty Gisch are looking for volunteers for: Convocation Committee,
University Discipline Committee, University Discipline Appeals, Faculty Development Committee, Faculty Grievance Committee, and Tenure
Hearing Committee.
Reception in the Faculty Lounge following the meeting.
VIII. Adjournment. Meeting was adjourned at 4:47 pm.