• MINUTES #161, FACULTY SENATE May 3, 1995 The Faculty Senate Room presiding. Coulter, Cr Goebel, Har McGlone, Ma Thompson, T are on leav Morrow were absent with Gregory, Hi enate met on Wednesday, May 3, 1995, at 3:15 p.m. in the of the University Center with Alwyn Barr, president, Senators present were Burnett, Cardenas-Garcia, Couch, ens, Curzer, DeBell, Dunham, Durland, Endsley, Fedler, ell, Heintz, Held, Hopkins, Huffman, Marlett, Mason, n, Nanan, Oberhelman, Payne, Pen, Schoenecke, Steinhart, ck, Tr pub, Weber and Westfall. Senators Howe and Pearson from :he University. Senators Aranha, Hensley, Khan and absent because of University business. Senator Sorenson was prior aotification. Senators Bliese, Burns, Floyd, Fortney, don, JDnish, J. Mason, and Welton were absent. President B the followi Provost; Le President; Tess Trost, Desrosiers, rr called the meeting to order at 3:20 p.m. and re:ognized g guests: Donald R. Haragan, Executive Vice Presidsnt and Ainsworth, Vice Provost; Virginia Sowell, Associa:e Vice lfonso Scandrett, Associate Athletic Director; Jan Kemp and Library; Alice Kolb, Office of Development; and Ray' E. Bookstore Advisory Committee. Professor G ry Elbow, Geography, served as Parliamentarian. I. CONSIDE Minutes of changes to concerning representat general fac route these II. REMARK TION OF THE MINUTES he April 12, 1995, meeting were approved with the following he first two sentences in item VII: Senator Held spoke he amendments to the Faculty Charter concerning senate on for librarians that will come to a vote at the May 2 lty meeting. There was prolonged discussion concerning the amendments have followed." BY EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND PROVOST HARAGAN Provost Har gan commented on the decision to privatize the bockstore. The decisio was made on a business basis only and probably should have been consid red by the Faculty Senate. He made add is a nation tenure. He debate and tiona: comments on the matter of tenure, stating that there wide discussion of the concept of tenure and alternatives to feels that the Senate should be aware of this national ake appropriate actions if such is deemed necessary. Senator Fe a written Faculty Se was unable in the Fac ler, in a reaction to Provost Haragan's remarks, distributed esponse to his comments concerning tenure made at an earlier ate meeting. This response was signed by Senator Hensley who to attsnd this meeting. A copy of the response is available lty Senate office. Dr. Ray De It was the participat statement Tech's int statement rosier s spoke on behalf of the Bookstore Advisory Committee. commit:ee's feeling that it was not given the opportunity to in ths decision to privatize the bookstore. He said the hat ths consultants "believed privatization would be in rest" as in error. Provost Haragan agreed that tie as not true. III. REPO S FRO UNIVERSITY COUNCILS AND COMMITTEES Genera Educ Ion Committee - Senator Marlett reported o committee's recen meeting with Associate Vice President Sowe 1. He mentioned t at th science and technology course category wil be studied in he fa 1. IV. REPORT FROM FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEES Commit ee A completed i s wor Senator Couch reported that the committee ad not and suggested that the charge continue flex' fall. Perfo nce ommittee - This matter was covered in item I., Paragraph 2. Fur her action was postponed to the New Busines agenda. Ad Hoc Commi Senator Mar ett hall/wall b appr guidelines L n eac design for i he ha architecturl stud Architectur:i 810. IQ, Study Hall Di Wall of Honor de three recommendations: (1) that the con ept of the ved, (2) that there be a standing committee to develop college or school for its use, and (3) tha the final 1/wall should correspond to one of the mode nts had made; these models may be viewed in A motion to accept the report passed on a oice vote. Facult Stat s and Welfare Committee - Senator Burnett n ted that they did c sider the matter of the Optional Retirement Progr $ and suggested t at th report receive additional study. VI. OLD B There was VII. INESS old usiness. NEW BUSINE S Senator We er off red two items for the Senate's consideratio 1) at the wide syste to ev service th t is r faculty an compa promotion nd awa 2) T knowledgea department Senate Gui States of open recor all depart States. Faculty Senate look at the development of a luate faculty in the areas of teaching resea liable, objective and valid so proper evalui isons can be made for the purpose of merit, S. at the acuity Senate in conjunction with someone w school investigate the procedures of all Le in and c lleges of TTU so that procedures comply with elines Texas State Law and the Constitution of the That all departments be in full compliance nerica f the State of Texas regarding personnel mat s Law ents b in compliance with the due process laws of motio There was was stated that that a sin e ca call question w ampusch and Ion of enure, Paculty United with the ers, that he United to adopt these two recommendations. In dis ussion it m 1 had been studied frequently with the co clus s-wide evaluation system was not feasible. The The vote on the original motion failed. -2- • Senator Fedler moved to adopt recommendation lb, 2b, and 3c of :he Hensley report introduced earlier in the meeting. The motion was 40 tabled. Provost Haragan stated that two items in the Hensley report were in error. These item were: "He said that he saw himself as the faculty's representative and he implied that he knows best about faculty interests..."and "the Provost claim[s] the authority to act as the faculty representative in matters related to faculty affairs." VII. ANNOUNCEMENT 1. President Barr announced that the vote on the amendments tc the Faculty Sena:e constitution giving librarians senate representation was approved 97 in favor to 48 against. He noted concern centered in some Fine Arts departments an that the recent discussion of librarians'status over-emphasized. the Ph.D. as the terminal degree, because in many of these disciplines the terminal degree is not the doctorate but rather a master's degree. 3. President Barr encouraged faculty attendance at commencement. 4. Senator Held spoke to clarify his communication regarding librarians and affirmed that no disrespect was intended. 5. President Barr thanked senators for their service a well as the officers of the Senate, Grace Frazior, and the parliamentarian 410 President-elect Callter mentioned issues to be considered next year: faculty status, academic freedom, faculty welfare, and the atmlosphere of change apparent in the academy. He urged all senators to join their national orcanizations and to participate in the issues of higher education. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Senate adjourned at 4:57 p.m. R spectfully submitted, . 0.644A1,7$ Harley D Oberhelwan Secretary 1994-95