• MINUTES #159, FACULTY SENATE March 8, 1995 The Faculty Senat Senate Room of th presiding. Senat Curzer, Dun fl aam, D Gregory, Ha twell Marlett, D. Mason Schoenecke, Soren and Westfal . Se and Morrow ere and Pearson are o were absent with absent. met on Wednesday, March 8, 1995, at 3:15 p Tru: in the University Center with Alwyn Barr, president, rs present were Burnett, Burns, Couch, Cravens, rland, Endsley, Fedler, Floyd, Fortney, Goebel, Heintz, Held, Higdon, Hopkins, Huffman, Khan, J. Mason, Nathan, Oberhelman, Payne, Perl, on, Steinhart, Thompson, Tock, Troub, Weber, Welton ators Aranha, Cardenas-Garcia, Coulter, Jonish, Mann, sent because of University business. Senators Howe leave this semester. Senators DeBell and r.ensley nor notification. Senators Bliese and McGlone were President B rr ca the followi II g gue Provost; Le II Ains President; lfons John Burns, Chair, from the Of ice o Student Ass stant, led the meeting to order at 3:25 p.m. and recognized ts: Donald R. Haragan, Executive Vice President and rth, Vice Provost; Virginia Sowell, Associate Vice Scandrett, Associate Athletic Director; Professor Productivity Task Force; Alice Kolb and Sharen Hart Development; Jan Kemp, Library; and Joan Cdnway, Faculty Senate. Professor G ry El.. w, Geography, served as Parliamentarian. I. CONSIDE Minutes of TION F THE MINUTES he Feb ary 8, 1995, meeting were approved as distributed. II. DISCUSS ON OF RODUCTIVITY TASK FORCE REPORT - Dr. Burns and esiden Barr Vice Presid nt Huf Burns could both 1 found that here w departments and sc the lead in defini teaching lo - • but credit. III. REPOR Provost distributed man presided so that President Barr and Dr. John ad the discussion on the task force's repor:. It s great variation concerning faculty load and how ools propose to do more with less. Each must take g its direction. Texas Tech University is'eavy on ight in its recognition of service and res4arch FROM UNIVERSITY COUNCILS AND COMMITTEES Counc 1 - President Barr. A copy of this report was t the door and is available in the Faculty Senate office. OU ii - Sue Couch indicated that only routine items were Graduat discussed at the m St recent Graduate Council meeting. 41, oun - Senator Endsleyr- A report was availabLe at the Epsearc door, and Se ator ndsley stated that the conflict of interest policy is in the final stage of development and is to be in place by June 1, 1995. Works ops d aling with budget preparation will be made available to faculty i inte est in such workshops is evident. report, a the weakne (ORP), and informatio an Retirement Committee - Senator Jerry Mason d his py of which is in the Faculty Senate office. He '.ke of es in the Texas Tech University Optional Retireme Program uggeseed that many faculty are not given sufficie t to choose an adequate retirement program. said that recommenda fgx Structuring fgx Graduate Education - Senat Heintz ovost Haragan will respond to the committee's ons a a later date. progress" iction Committee - Senator Dunham distribute n "in port it the door. IV. =PORI FROM FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEES Senate—at- Commtltee t2 Study Hall px Wall 921 Honor. Senato arlett progress" report. Final recommendations will be e t to the later, .time. Commi which was recommenda membership suggested requiring The motion A • Senator Couch made a preliminary report, a, the 'oar and is in the Faculty Senate office. A on that department chairpersons should be ineligi n the Faculty Senate was a part of the report. S rly a:tion on this item. After a lengthy discuss o-thi:ds of those present to approve this motion as de!eated: 12 yes; 21 no. Ad made an Commi committee' available passed on c py of 1 for • a vote a taken. •_Senator . Steinhart distributed a copy of th repor: with the agenda for the meeting; a copy is a so the -?aculty Senate office. A motion to a accept t e report voice vote. • Committee - Senator Burnett offered the foll w ng (incomplet ) slat-) of nominations for next year: esident: Clifford Fedler, Civil Engineering Murray Coulter, Biological Sciences ce President: Peter Westfall, College of Busines Administration cretary: (no nomination) V. OLD BU niEss Performance Committee - A motion by Senator Fedl 3 to remove the eport from the table passed by a voice vote. A m t on to consider t e report and accept it also passed on a voice vote VI. NEW Possible 1 several pi concern to faculty in SINESS gislation of concern to faculty - Senator Steinhar isted ces of legislation before the state legislature th t were of faculty members. He asked that the administration k ep the ormed about the possible Social Security takeback. -2- 411 411 Senator Ste' nhart noted that there is a bill to require all faculty and staff incre ses to be on a merit basis, and at no time on an across-theboard basis. Vice Provost Ainsworth noted that this item has come up before and as nev er passed. A motion to go on record against this provision p ssed o a a voice vote. Senator Ste'nhart asked the Senate to go on record in favor of HR 628, a tuition wai er for graduate TAs. The senate vote was in the affirmative VII. ANNO President B had previou Regents. D Senate cons representat faculty mee VIII. CEMENT3 rr ann punced that academic status for Texas Tech librarians ly been approved both by the Faculty Senate and the Board of . Lawlass has requested that an amendment to the Faculty itution granting full membership in the Senate to library ves be considered by the voting faculty at the next general ing in May. ADJO There being no further business, the Senate adjourned at 4:53 p.m. Respectfull 411 • submitted, Harley DY Ob rhelman Secretary 1994-95