MINUTES #158, FACULTY SENATE February 8, 1995 The Faculty the Senate presiding. Garcia, Cou Fedler, Goe Huffman, Jo Pen, Stei Schoenecke, business. Senators Bu Payne, and Senate met on Wednesday, February 8, 1995, at 3:15 p.m. in oom of the University Center with Alwyn Barr, presLdent, Senat s present were Aranha, Bliese, Burnett, Cardenash, Co ter, Cravens, Curzer, DeBell, Durland, EndsLey, el, G gory, Heintz, Held, Hensley, Higdon, Hopkins, an, Marlett, D. Mason, Mann, Nathan, Oberhelman, ish, ompson, Troub, and Westf all. Senators Morroy, art, Tock, eber and Welton were absent because of University enato s Howe and Pearson are on leave this semester. ns, D nham, Floyd, Fortney, Hartwell, J. Mason, McGlone, orens n were absent. President B the followi Provost; Le President; Sweazy, Vic Affairs and rr ca g gue Ains lfons Prov Joan led the meeting to order at 3:25 p.m. and re:ognized ts: Donald R. Haragan, Executive Vice President and orth, Vice Provost; Virginia Sowell, Associate Vice Scandrett, Associate Athletic Director; Robert M. st for Research; Don Cosby, Vice President for Fiscal onway, Student Assistant, Faculty Senate. Professor G ry El ow, Geography, served as Parliamentarian. I. CONSIDE TION OF THE MINUTES Minutes of he Ja uary 18, 1995, meeting were approved with the addition of the phrase "on a temporary basis" regarding Senator Steinhart's assignment s cha 3 of Study Committee B. II. REMAR S BY E EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT & PROVOST HARAGAB Dr. Haraga annou the House ppropr University. Ther cuts. Lat 3 Don 20W reduct on had across-the board 17.2 milli n in t Dr. Haraga promi moves forw rd. ced that on Monday (February 13) he is to meet with ations Committee concerning the budget for the is some apprehension in regard to possible budget osby, Vice President for Fiscal Affairs, stated that a been mentioned in certain line items and an ut in some retirement programs. This could amount to e next biennium for all these items. Both he and ed to keep the Senate informed as the budget process Dr. Haraga state that the parking policies approved by the Faculty Senate are those eing proposed for the next academic year. XS BY SSOCIATE ATHLETIC DIRECTOR ALFONSO SCANDRETT Dr. Scandr on file in attempting Tutoring a tt pr the F to gi d men sented three handouts at the door. These documents are culty Senate office. He stated that the University is e all student athletes the opportunity to graduate. oring services are available to all athletes. IV. REPORT FROM IVERSITY COUNCILS AND COMMITTEES routine exc graduate de Senator Couch indicated that the last meeting was discussion concerning the review of the position of Senator Huffman stated that for studentE to be eligible fo attempted. ial aid they must have completed 75% of All h‘urs courses count when computing the number of hcurs completed. committee, left over f opinion is Committee There was no report from this President Cosby announced that there were some funds period when the University was self-insured, Legal ught to decide how to dispose of these funds. V. REPORTS CULTY SENATE COMMITTEES recommendat Nominations motion to a Senator Jonish distributed the this committee of senators to comprise the ee: Senators Couch, Burnett, and Hensley. Tie hese nominations passed unanimously. He discusse the need fo on next yea morandum sent to the voting faculty with respect to tions, including self-nominations, to fill vacancies ersity Committees and Councils. final repor Faculty Se Senate Guid as develope was a motio 12 negative Committee Senator Hensley passed out the committee. This report is also available 111 the ce. He moved acceptance of the section cal: "Faculty a section that states the philosophy of prodtctivity acuity input. Prolonged discussion followed. There le this item. It passed with 17 affirmative votes to Senator Hen established these guide the Status some discus The origina o moved that a Faculty Performance Committee be rmanent committee to monitor the implementaticn of There was an amendment to add this to the charge of are Committee, but the amendment did not pass. After re was a motion to consider the previous question. than passed on a voice vote. Budget Senator Held made a report, a copy of which enate office. The Study compared salary averages by Texas A&M, and Texas Tech. The report showed no ary compression between ranks on the Texas Tech committee's understanding, however, that salary thin departments, and this matter should be addressed irs in consultation with faculty and deans. A motion rt passed on a voice vote. is in the F rank at UTtendency to campus. It inequities by departme to accept t 410 410 Study C • mmitt the establis ment report conta ned e center. The e was first two re ommen the entire c • mmitt approve the • eport e C Senator Mann presented the committee's report on f a Teaching Resource and Effectiveness Center. The ght recommendations including one to establish such a an amendment by Senator Fedler to support only the ations. The amendment was ruled out of order since e report must be considered as a whole. The vote to passed by voice vote. There was a otion to state that the Faculty Senate strongly favors a facility to improv teaching on the Texas Tech campus. It passed on a voice vote. VII. OLD B SINESS ere no items of old business. There VII. NEW : SINES Gradua e Scho • 1 Review Senator Heintz reported that only three letters hay been eceived from senators concerning this matter. The deadline is the en of February, and senators are urged to make their opinion kno n. Senator Gre • ory mo ed that the Senate support the continuance cf the Graduate Sc ool as it now is. The motion passed with 11 yes vctes and 7 negative vo es. Senator Cou ter me tioned the need for a PPP computer connecticn to be available t • facul y. Dr. Haragan stated that the matter is being considered, but th re would be individual charges for this service. Senator Hen ley as ed for a straw poll to ascertain how many would support the full r port of his committee. It was determined that there were not en • ugh se ators still in attendance to have a meaningful poll. VIII. NAN ANNO An Ad Hoc • mmitte is to be appointed by President Barr to study the "Hall of Ho or" co cept to recognize student and faculty national standing as a resu t of winning lst-3rd in competitions, or appointments of leadersh p in n tional organizations. IX. ADJO There being no fur her business, the Senate adjourned at 5:17 p.m. submi ted, Respectfull erhel Harley D. Secretary 1 94-95 41