• MINUTES #157, FACULTY SENATE JANUARY 18, 1995 The Faculty the Senate presiding. Garcia, Cou Fortney, Go Huffman, Ho Morrow, Nat Westf all. Aranha, Har business. S Curzer, Sor SenatE met on Wednesday, January 18, 1995, at 3:15 p.m. in oom of the University Center with Alwyn Barr, pres ident, Senatcrs present were Bliese, Burnett, Burns, Card enash, Coulter, DeBell, Dunham, Durland, Endsley, Fedi er, Floyd, bel, Gregory, Heintz, Held, Hensley, Higdon, Hopk s, e, Jonish, Khan, Marlett,D. Mason, J. Mason, McG1 e, Mann, an, Oberhelman, Payne, Schoenecke, Steinhart, Tock and enator Pearson is on leave from the University. $ enators well, Perl and Weber were absent because of Univer sity nator Cravens was absent with prior notification. Senators nson, Thompson, Troub and Welton were absent. President B the followi Provost; Le President; Sweazy, Vic Education C Faculty Sen rr called the meeting to order at 3:25 p.m. and re cognized g guests: Donald R. Haragan, Executive Vice Presid ent and Ainsworth, Vice Provost; Virginia Sowell, Associa te Vice lfonsc Scandrett, Associate Athletic Director; Rot ert M. Provcst for Research; Paul Johnson, Chair, Genera 1 mmittEe; Jan Kemp, Library; Joan Conway, Student A ssistant, te; and Darrin Cook, UNIVERSITY DAILY. Professor G ry Elbow, Geography, served as Parliamentarian. 410 I. CONSIDE Minutes of II. REPORT TION OF THE MINUTES he December 14, 1995 meeting were approved as dist ributed. FROM UNIVERSITY COUNCILS AND COMMITTEES Provos Council President Barr distributed a report at t he door that is ava lable in the Faculty Senate office. One hi grading wil 1995 fall s and grade r the fall. their react hlight of the report was the announcement that plu s/minus be available for faculty use on an optional basis for the mester. The plus/minus grades will appear on tran scripts ports but will not be used for calculations of the GPA in fter the fall semester, the faculty will be survey ed for on. At the that Vice P the academi many contri Dr. Ainswor Education. Provost Council meeting on January 9, 1995, it was announced ovost Len Ainsworth will leave that position at tt e end of year. Dr. Haragan made remarks concerning Dr. Ai nsworth's utions to the Provost's Office as well as to the T. niversity. h will continue as a faculty member in the College of Education Committee Senator Marlett remarked that the report concerning a multicultural requirement has been sent to all sena ors. Genera • III. REPOR S FROM FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE Study Se a Committee B is now chaired by Senator Steinhart. Dr. Pearson , the chair for the fall semester, is on leave for the spring. IV. OLD BU INESS 1111 V. old t usiness was brought before the Senate. NEW BU INESS Senato Marle tt made the following motion that was secon Senator Cou ter: d by The Fa ulty Eenate president shall appoint an ad hoc comm ittee to study and r turn ecommendations as to whether or not a senate hall or wall of hon • r shot: ld be created and maintained in some promine nt place like the Un versit y Center to recognize student and faculty na tional standing as a resu it of winning lst-3rd in competitions or app ointments of leadersh p in r ational organizations. If the ad hoc committ ae returns a positive ecomme ndation the committee should also present t 1. criteria, t ming, and other procedures to be used by colleges and other campus orga izatic ns for submissions to a standing committee o f the senate appo nted f or the purpose of sustaining a creditable an d high quality pre entati on. The mo ion pa ssed on a voice vote. VI. 410 ANNOUN EMENTS Presid nt Bar r requested that all senators provide Grace Frazior with their lass s chedules a soon as possible. VII. ADJOU There Respectfull ENT eing no further business, the Senate adjourned at 3:46 p.m. submitted, d44,11,1,7ww, Harley I. 0 erhelman Secretary 1 94-95 •