- MINUTES #153, FACULTY SENATE SEPTEMBER 14, 1994 The Faculty Senate met on Wednesday, September 14, 1994, at 3:15 p.m. in the Senate Room of the University Center with Alwyn Barr, president, presiding. Senators present were Aranha, Bliese, Burnett, Couch, Coulter, Cravens, Curzer, DeBell, Dunham, Durland, Fedler, Goebel, Heintz, Held, Hensley, Howe, Huffman, Jonish, Marlett, D. Mason, McGlone, Mahn, Morrow, Oberhelman, Payne, Pearson, Pen, Schoenecke, Sorenson, Steinhart, Thompson, Tock, Troub, Weber, Welton and 'estfall. Senators Cardenas-';arcia, Endsley and Khan were absent because of University busines . Professor Nathan was absent with prior notificaton Professor Higdon is on leave from the Universit . Professors Gregory, Hopkins, and J. Mason were absent. President Barr called the meeting to order at 3:20 p.m. and re,ognized the followigg guests: Professor Gary Elbow, Parliamentarian; Donald R. Haragan, Ex cutive Vice President and Provost; Len Ainsworth, Vice Provost; Virginia Sowell, Associate Vice President; Curt Borene, Internal Vice President, Student Association; Jan Kemp, Library; Alfonso Scandrett, Jr., Athletic Department; and Jonathan Harris, University Daily. I. CONSIDERATION OF THE MINUTES Minutes of the Ma 5, 1994, meeting were approved following several comments regardin . the Minority Affairs section made by Senator Weber. II. REMARK BY D 6 ALD R. HARAGAN, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT & PROVOST S nat : - Provost Haragan wished the Senate success and Facult offered to ork wi h it during the academic year. Enrolltipent - he Provost reported that there was a small drop of 55 students thif s fall in comparison with last fall. No trends are There are 8 fewer graduate students this year in an area The discernible where growth is deirable. Fewer A&S students is the result of a change in the admissions policy in the College of Business Administration that allows students to move directly into business courses. Task-F rce - k task force will be developed to look at all internation 1 programs. Criteria are to be developed to reward faculty who participate in international programs that do not lead directly to promotion, tenure, and related benefits. Teachiriq Resource Center - The administration is seeking ways to fund such alcenter. 0 Hearin 's on Legislative Appropriations - begin on September 15 in Austin. Le islative Budget Board, House Appropriations, and Senate Finance Committee hearings are yet to come. The expectation is that we may receive roughly the same funding as for the present fiscal year. Library Matters - Membership of the Texas Tech University Library with the Association of Research Libraries is to be reconsidered. Academic st tu f libraria s will be considered by the Board of Regents of he un ersity. faculty on Faculty - Dr. Lawless will meet lith the r 22 at 3 30 p.m. in Human Sciences 169. III. REPOR UNIVERSI distributed. Senate offi s of the A the Faculty, - Reports were distributed and are availple in office. COUNCILS AND COMMITTEES - (2) Reports from three meetings were ouncil meetings are on file in the 7aculty ii - Sena or Couch spoke of the increase in fees for graduate st schools. C on 40-50 gr 80% of wh ch is to be returned to departmen ts and as expres ed over the fact that some profes ars were tudent co ittees. IV. REPORT ACI7LTY S The (1) nominat approved by committees There were V. VI. OLD BUS ATE COMMITTEES - James E. Jonish - distributed pn Univers* y Committees. The recommendations were us vote. 2) Recommendations for Faculty Sehate o present d and approved unanimously. reports. There wer no items of old business. • NEW BUS Dates for f# normal meet* academic yea January 18 4 examinationS measure. etings of is the s was moved 3 to avoi motion pa the Faculty Senate were presented The cond Wednesday of each month duri,g the and seconded that the Senate meet on conflicts with vacation periods i.nd final sed with Senator Pen l voting agaillst the Clarificatio established Curzer noted grade" would e Grade R student c he origin e the low placement Policy was discussed. t was nnot replace an F with another F. Eenator 1 motion stated that "only the hi hEr r one. Assignments1 (1) Faculty 1 similar gran lty Senat Study Committees will be made for Etudy of Structure (2) faculty leaves for Fulbrightlard (3) a pr posal for an automated degree audlit At a later the status Senate w 11 receive last year's annual reptrt and f adminis rative responses to Senate recomm nclations. There is a p its committe September 16 for a gr duate assistant to work with the Oenate and formation was sent to departments with a deOline of VII. • ANNO • Senators were askO to complete schedule forms and send them to the Faculty Senate Office as soon as possible. P In reply to an ea-lier question Parliamentarian Gary Elbow reported that a Senate committee report (if made by a Senator) serves a.s a motion and requires no second. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Faculty Senate adjourned at 4:12 p.m. Respectfully subm_tted, Harley D. aOerhelnan Secretary 1p94-95 • •