MINUTES #140, FACULTY SENATE bruary 10, 1993 The Faculty Senate met on Wedn sday, February 10, 1993, at 3:15 p.m. in the Senate Room of the University enter with Benjamin H. Newcomb presiding. Senators present were Aranha, enson, Bliese, Bradley, Burnett, Cismaru, Couch, Curzer, Daghistany, Dra ga, Dunn, Dvoracek, Elbow, Freemar, Goebel, Green, Haigler, Henry, Hensley Higdon, Hopkins, Huffman, Jonish, Kiecker, Miller, Pen, oy, Shroyer, StOune, Strawderman, Trost, Urban, Wagner, Zanglein, and Zartman. Senators Coulter, Fedler, Meek, Morrow, Fayne, Troub and Weber were absent because of University business. Senator Dunne was absent with notification. Senators D. Mason, J. Mason, and Vitra were absent. I. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS President Newcomb ca:led the meeting to order at 3:20 and welcomed the following guests: Virginia Sowell, Associate Vice President; Donald Haragan, Executive V:_ce President and Provost; Len Ainsworth, Vice Provost; Robert Sweazy, l Vice Provost for Research; Denise Jackson, Office:of Development; David Proctor, LiOrary; Sandra Pulley, Universit y Daily; and Bill Orr, Avalanche Journal. Professor Clarke E. Cochran, Political Science, served as Parliamentarian. II. CONSIDERATION Or MINUTES The minutes of 20 January 1993 were approved as distributed. 1 III. ANNOUNCEMENTS 410 Senator Weber,: who chairs the Committee considering athletics, requests that faculty cpmments and ques#ions be submitted to him by 19 Fetruary 1993 so that the committee can reconsider its earlier report. Senator Dunne is sol:_citing nol4nees for university committees. Senators need to help recruit faculty tO serve in these positions; senators going off the Senate: might volunteer to participate in this responsibility of academic governance. IV. COMMENTS OF PROVOST HARAGAN Provost Haragan was asked to respond to earlier Senate resolutions on the grade replacement policy and or the proposal on Academic Freedom and Artistic Expression. Haragan as recommended adoption of a grade replacement policy that would how students to replace any grade with a better grade earned later. He rejected the Senate's recommendation that grade replacement be limited t 12 credit hours because he persorally did not like the cap. The grade r placement policy is now back before the Academic Council. Haragan was queried to reconcile this very liberal policy with efforts to improve academic standards. He answered that the only real issue invoLved in le ting students repeat courses was the cost this imposed on the state. He pointed to the current effort in the legislature to limit to 158 th number of undergraduate hours a Student might take at instate tuition ates at any Texas state institutiOn. Such a policy would harm programs lik4 architecture, which require more hours to complete, as well as students taking double majors. Haragan reported that the Senate's proposed academic bankruptcy policy is now being studied by the Academic Council. Haragan felt that the Senate- Page 2. recommended, Traditional a in their col discard a sell licy adem ge cted as unlil traditional academic bankruptcy licies. bankrupt y permits students who had a bad `-.art early eer to st rt over; the Senate policy allows L student to emester. I • The policy cinLAcad approved by the Pr official operating submitted to he B ic Freed and Artistic Expression was unan mously ost's Coul cil. It is now in the process of becoming olicy of 1 he academic affairs office. It w. 11 not be rd of Re nts at this time. v. REPORTS FOM VERSITY 4UNCILS AND COMMITTEES Provost file in Senate off jamin H. iiewcomb (report distributed to Senators and on Senator Newc as situation. araga performance trdeasur these measures set non-performance ba performance-based enrollment, hot by enrollment; this w institutions in th legislature also w raise. Money for t the biennium but reduced and will ha d ProvostiHaragan to comment on the current noted tha current appropriations bills inc that are not good for TTU. In Haragan's p new fo las that redistribute funds acco d criteri . A large portion of what is cal ding wou d be determined by actual minorit erformanc at meeting goals of improving mi id redire t funds away from schools like valley an border areas. The bills before I force c tbacks to pay for the state-manda is raise s included in funding for the fir t for the second. State ORP contributions e to be m de up by the university itself. When questioned abo and about the role did not wantto emb Strategic planning projected budget Cu leaving time for fa there probaT woul but might i n Stead b 1 Provost Hara an als students be ncreas Haragan note that and Texas A&b and $ parking fees to corn response so that th t how. TTUd expected to respond to projected f strateg c planning in this, Haragan state rk on sho t-term solutions that made probl as going n, and the major impact of the cu $ would n t come until the second year of t ulty part cipation. When questioned he sta not be a ross the board cuts of non-tenure programa ic cuts, possibly including tenur Council--B March meeting. The maintenance Oosts o fees also pa d for about this b t thou noted that t e prop salaries had not go proposal wil be su March Senate meetin proposed d. Displ s park t forth a arable le proposal fee incre roads an ampus pol ht that m sed incre e up this mitted to • budget uded inion, ding to ed Ority and into he ed 3% t year of re also Udget cuts• that he $ worse. rently e biennium, el that Eaculty d faculty. that parking fees for faculty, st fE, and ying a set of figures on a transP rency, ng fees were lower than those at T-Austin series of annual increases to bri g TTU's els. Haragan asked for a quick S nete et their could be presented to the Regent meet ses were necessary, he argued, t if parking parking lots. Senator Perl ask ce services. Haragan said he wa rot certain st fees went to maintenance. Se tor Newcomb ses would raise parking fees by 0%, while much, especially for minimum wag staff. The a committee for study and discus lo) at the Academic Coucil--C ndace Hai ler (report distributed and on f le in Senatip office) ors and Catherine Miller (report distributed to S na Graduate Couricilon file in Slnate o fice) I Page 3. Research Council Senate office 0 -- Fred P. Wagner, Jr. (report distributed and on file in Student Senate—Leon Higdon The Student Senate net twice heated discusIsions concerned VII. ince the last Senate meeting. The most udget deadlines for student organ;:_zations. REPORTS! FROM STANDING C MMITTEES OF FACULTY SENATE Nominating Committee—Paul Go4bel The nominating committee met 4nd spoke with candidates for Senate office for next year. After the repOrt was delivered, the floor was opened for further nominations; none was raised. the nominees for Senate office in 93/94 are as follow:: Secretary: John Bliese, Marvin J. Dvoracek and Jayne Zanglein Vice President: Oliver Hensley, Leon Higdon and Richard Zartman President: JoLn H. Buritt and Sue Couch The Senate will elect new off ices at the 10 March 1993 meeting. 0 Study Committee A —Zohn Blies reported on the requirements for provisionally admitted studen s. The committee recommended that the Senate endorse the pplicy suggested y Provost Haragan on 17 November 3992. Provisionally admittedstuden s would be required to take a minimum of 9 hours of course work, 6 of wh'ch might be remedial, or 6 hours if only one course were remedial. Senato Haigler noted that UT-Austin and Texas A&M require that provisional studelnts take courses off a prescribed list. She suggested that TTU ffight establish a similar requirement. The requirements at those schools are also more rigorous than those proposed for TTU; Bliese noted that Texas AO! severely limits the number who can participate in its program of provisional admissions. Haigler proposed an amendment to the committee report to require that provisionally admitted students take at least one 3-hour course from he list General Education requireffents. The amendment cartied. The committee's recommendation as amended was approved by the Senate, VIII. OLD BUSINESS No old business was raised. IX. NEW BUSINESS Provost Haragan was asked to r port on the administration's effcrts to address Senate and student con erns about advising. Haragan commented that a number of models of advising had been discussed and submitted to the recruitment and admissions comtuittee for examination. The committee should report before the end of the s ring semester, with deliberations on proposed changes taking place in the next academic year. A suggestion 'Chat Ataletic Director T Jones be invited to the Stnate meeting at which the Athletic Pepartment reported on the academic progress of athletes was apprpved. 0 A question wa raised about the dates on which final grades are due. In some semesters grades are due he Monday after commencement; in others the Friday before. It was suggest d that this date should be consistent, preferably the Monday followin commencement to allow adequate time to evaluate examinations. This i sue will be referred to committee for recommendation. Page 4. A concern waS raise racial tensicn on c Haragan notinç that issue. SenOcrs wh focus on the long-t that the •enate might need to address the grOwing pus. Dis ussion of this issue was fairly brief, with ome "posi ive things" were happening to res1)3ve the expressed opinions on the issue urged cautich and a consequ nces of'any action that might be :iiken. Senator Hensley int as the governing bo Senate merely "react university. e pro order to tran form First, that t e Sen Senate commit ees o that the Facu ty Se academic year to se that the Sent ini faculty membe , is to Hensley hopedito ad and the faculty. .0 issues of imp tanc administrator5l of v structure of vern university. her s not the partib lars was establishe1 in 1 appropriate cb itte uced a p of the u to the a sed three from a r e's commi research te call a an agenda ate its o th monito ess was t rently, h to the fa ious sort ce to set nators co of the pr 79 or 198 for stud 0 oposal to improve the Faculty Senate's role iversity. He argued that currentiiy the inistration rather than leading be changes in the structure of the Senate in active to a proactive governing body. tee structure be revamped and permanent teaching, and service be created. Second, convocation at the beginning of each for the university for the year. Third, strategic planning committee composed of and direct this process. The problem e relationship between the adminiitration argued, university committees dealing with ulty are dominated by deans and ; the faculty needed an alternative a faculty agenda for the direction Df the ented that they supported the sentiments, if posal. The committee structure tka: exists This proposal will be referred t the • X. ADJO The Senate adjourned at 4:33 p4m. Respectfully submitted, aigtvim AA; /4/ M. Catherine Miller Secretary 1992-93 •