XAS TECH UNIVERSITY Th Faculty Senate 3- Holden Hal Lu bock, Texas 79409-1032 ) 742-3656 September 1, 1992 TO: embers of the Faculty Senate FROM: enjam_n H. Newcomb, PresidentEZ RE: agenda for meeting #135, September 9, 1992 3:15 p m., University Center Senate Room AGENDA I. Call to Order and Introduction of Guests Approval of the Minutes of the May 6, 1992 meetins. Remarks from President Lawless It IV. Remarks from Vice President for Institutional Advancement Wehner V. Remark; from Executive Vice President and Provost Earagan VI. Announcements (see page 2) VII. Reports from University Councils Provost's Council--Benjamin H. Newcomb Acalemic Council--Candace Haigler Graluate Council--M. Catherine Miller VIII. Reports from Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate: Committee on Committees, Senator Patrick Dunne Appointment of Senate Committees IX. Old Business Further Consideration of the service issue, as per request in May meeting. Response of Athletic Department to Senate request for clarification on graduation rates. Other Old Business An Affirmative Action Institution ew B mess • ropo 1 by Agenda committee to change two 1993 meeting ates to Wednesday, January 20 and to Wednesday, My 5. ppoiri ent of Senate liaisons to Development Council, esea h Council University Center Board, Student ssoci tion, Intellectual Property Rights Committee* olunt ers will be cheerfully accepted ourse repeat fot grade replacement. hairp rsons ass4gned to serve in more than one session per ummer ther yew Business XI. djour m ent Announceme Tasks to b assig ed to Committees : AAUP Statement on Interc'llegiate Athletics ( ee Ma minutes); In-depth study of effects of gender on prom tions (see April 1992 minutes); budget advisory systemlip salaries a CoFGO meet attend. S g Oct ber 30-31 in Austin. Senate president plans --.o gesti ns of issues to be discussed are welcome. Foreign tr of extreme evaluated el us ng state funds has been permitted under the loophole ecess ty. CorreSpondence with legislators indicates such is the overnor's Office on a case-by-case basis Letters wri ten: o President Lawless, 8/7/92, rank order of the list for design ion o acting president (OP 01.05) I Vice President nd Provost Haragan , 5/26/92, fazu:ty To Executi participat n in trategic p anning at the college level, 6/10/92, strategic .1 annin procedure, faculty participation in budgetihg, Senate Res rch S port report of April 1989, yearly benefitt sAmmary; 7/9/92, fa • lty p ticipatio in strategic planning at the college level; 7/9 2, de line for aculty insurance sign-up; 7/21/92, local search onl for H ors Progm Director; 8/24/92, administratorc' om pa ing deduct4.ble and copayments; 8/26/92, faculty exemption on unive sity committees reluctance o ser