MINUTES OF FACULTY SENATE MEETING #110 Il !Ir , The Faculty Senate met on Wednesday, November 8, 1989 at 3:30 p.m in the Senate room of the University Center with President Julia Whitsit7. residing. Senators present were Andrews, Barr, Beckner, Brink, Burnett, urry, Dometrius, Ervin, Finn, Pish, Harp, Hall, Hildebrand, Howe, Hurst, Kimmel, Long, McClend.on, Mann, Mehta, Nathan, Owens, Pearson, Peters, Peterson, Richardson, Rinehart, J. Smith, R. Smith, Strauss, Tallent, Thompson, Trost, Troyansky, Vann, Wagner, Westney, and Williams. Senators Couch, Hartwell, Hayes, Hennessey, Hill, Lee, O'Callaghan, Piatt, Tock, and Wilson were absent with reason. I. Introduction of Riests President Whitsitt caLled the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m. and recognized the following guests: Robert Lawless, President; Donald R. HaragLn, Executive Vice President and Provost; Len Ainsworth, Vice Provost; Virginia Sowell, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs; Thomas G. Newman, Associate Vice President for Computing and Information Technologies; Denise Jackson, Office of Development; Jim Barlow, Lubbock Avalanche Journal, and Cortchie Welch, Unive-sitv Daily. Attending from the Student Association were the following students: Malcolm Smith, Kendra McKenzie, and Nick Federspiel. Professor John Bliese served as'Parliamentarian for the meeting. II. Consideration of the Minutes of the October 11, 1989 meeting At the request of Don Cosby, Vice President for Fiscal Affairs, P esident Whitsitt offered the following Correction: The sentence which read "The "Deductible was reduced from $2,000 in 1988 to $1,000 in 1989." sh uld be changed to "The maximum out-of-pocket amount was reduced from $2,C00 in calendar 1989 to $1,0(0 in calendar 1990." Senator Brink moved atproval of the minutes as corrected. With a second the minutes were approve. III. Reports from Faculty Senate standing committees Committee on Committees - Senator Mehta, chairperson, submitted the following names of Faculty Senators to fill vacancies in the 1989-90 Faculty Senate Standing Committees: Academic Prc grams - Richard W. Tock, Engineering Budget Study Committee - Sue Tolleson Rinehart, Arts & Sciences Faculty Status & Welfare - John M. Howe, Arts & Sciences Study Committee B.- Richard W. Tock, Engineering Randall Peters, Arts & Sciences Study Committee C.- C. Reed Richardson, Agricultural Sciences Mehta move acceptance of the committee report. The report was unanimously accepted. Budget Study Comnittee - Senator Fish, chairperson, reported three priorities emercing from the survey of Faculty Senators at previous meeting were as follows: (1) Administrative Strategies Seeking a Fair Share cf Funding for Texas Tech, (2) Library Fundi (3) Cost of Administration to Faculty Budget. Senator Fish furth that the poll taken in the Faculty Senate last spring yielded sim esuits. The committee subsequently met with Gary Wiggins, Direc nstitutional Research, and discussed the possibility of entering lip that the he Dr g, and r stated lar Dr of this data .nto the main frame f Vice President Ilkn sby, general, and spedi Cosby presented infor the library will rece culty data base. The committee also met with Don for Fiscal Affairs, to discuss the university budget ically to gain information regarding library funding. ation indicating that from Fiscal 1989 to FLscal 1990 ve a 15 percent increase in funding. Faculty Status a Chairperson Richardso regarding new faculty unanimously accepted. of the report recomme the mace at both comm would then recommend recommendation passed d Welfare Committee - Senator Kimmel repor ing for , moved the acceptance of Part I of the rep rt development (see attachment) The report was Senator Kimmel moved the acceptance of Par t 2 ding that the president of the Faculty Sena te carry ncement ceremonies in December, 1989. The committee permanent procedure for later ceremonies. The Study Committee who is out of town. for membership in the that "the Faculty Sen voting faculty at Tex of all persons under year at this universi tenure." The Constit professional persons committee is surveyin with the question. • - Senator Burnett reported for Chairperson Couch urnett stated that librarians do not meet the criteria Faculty Senate. The Constitution currently states te shall be composed of Senators representing the s Tech University. The voting faculty shall consist ull-time contract who have completed residence of one y and whose appointments make them eligible for tion could be changed to allow librarians a .d other o become members of the Faculty Senate. Th other universities to determine how they 14ve dealt Faculty Planning Group - Senator Brink, chairperson, moved t At the Faculty Forum propose in an attachment become a permanent part o the Faculty Senate minute . With a second the motion passed. IV. Reports on Counc 1 Research Council council changed its first four recommenda research adopted las the Research Council. recommendations. The degrees of acceptance - Senator Peters, Representative, reported that this eeting time to the first Wednesday each mon h. The ions of the Faculty Senate recommendations or spring were considered at the September me ting of No objections of substance were raised to hese remaining recommendations, 5 through 23 met varying (see attachment) Donald Haragan, xecutive Vice President and Provost, statedlthe recommendations of th Research Council are far from the end of tte line in the review of researc needs. President Whitsi reports, which were s offered a correction Item 3 regarding the should be changed to t asked for questions regarding other council bmitted in written form. Vice Provost Ainsuorth o the operations Council minutes. The sentence in entoring program stating "400 faculty and staff" 0 faculty and staff. Affirmative Acti n Committee - Senator Rosslyn Smith, Repres ntative, ad three proposed a ditions to the Texas Tech University Affirm tive ction Hiring Policy or Tenure Faculty Positions: The additions are as follows: A college which irst make a legitima epending on which gr Illi. so long as that colle men, as determined b s a tenure track faculty position available e offer to a qualified minority, woman or m up is underrepresented. This requirement w e has an underrepresentation of minorities, the University's Affirmative Plan. must n, 11 apply women or 2. For those who acc pt faculty positions under stipulation of S ction 1, relocation assistance will be provided from special funds establi hed for this purpose. 3. Additional fundin for faculty salary increases would be prov ded to colleges that are suc essful in hiring and retaining a substantia number of faculty from minor ty or underrepresented groups. These proposed c anges will next go to the Provost's Council for approval. Senator St auss moved that this issue be referred to t e proper Senate committee for tudy and report. With a second the motion assed. Student Senate Student Senate meetin addressed such matter extension of hours fo restoration of the da censorship by the Uni not to carry advertis also discussed plans Senator Brink, liaison, reported that he at and was favorably impressed. The Student as bicycle paths, trash cans around campus the campus shuttle, pedestrian crosswalks, ry barn. The Student Senate voted against ed States Senate, which instructs student n ng encouraging alcoholic consumption. The or student retention and faculty teaching e ended a enate has and ress wspapers enate aluation. Old Business President Whitsi t reported that Haragan had clarified the Intellectual Property policy by stating the policy recommended by the Faculty Senate is now the policy in effect. Whitsitt reporte that the Task Force for the Student Evalua ion of Faculty is proceeding with their business. They have divided into subcommittees to work on separate projects. VI. New Business Report on facult Whitsitt reporte Regents meeting, Octo September 1989 there professors (one of wh tenure-track assistan visiting assistant pr same period there wer retirements: 5 full professors; 1 visitin tenure-track ranks, a Adilind a net gain of 2 a en a net loss of 3 of 15 visiting o 111r:in Resolution on th hiring and resignation/termination: that, according to the minutes of the Boar er 7, 1989, during the period July 1989 thr ere a total of 25 professorial appointments m was hired as a dean); 1 associate profess professors; 2 visiting associate professor fessors; 2 adjunct assistant professors. D 13 professorial resignations/terminations, rofessors; 3 associate professors; 4 assist assistant professor. This indicates, in t net loss of 3 professors and 2 associate pr sistant professors. In all ranks, however, enured and tenure-track faculty members, an adjunct professors. invasion of the term paper vendors: -3- of ugh 2 full r; 6 ; 12 ring the including nt nured and fessors, there has a net Senator Strauss uphold academic integ authorities who attem a second the motion p resented a resolution asking the Faculty Senate to ity by offering assistance to the university t to stop advertising the sale of term papers. With ssed. Discussion of pe quisites given by textbook publishers in return for adoptions President Whitsi t reported that Haragan and Goodin expressed concern over rumored kick-bac s to faculty members or departments for textbook adoption. Whitsitt r ferred this matter to Committee B for study. Resolution on re ations between faculty and the development ffice Questions have b the Development Offic resolution regarding a White paper can be en raised regarding how faculty may cooper4e with . Kathleen Hennessey presented in writing l a his process. It was decided to defer the isue until ssued by the Development Office. VII. Remarks by Dona d Haragan, Executive Vice President and Proyost Provost Haragan eported on the formula funding process. Th Coordinating Board co tracted with consultants to make recommendations regarding formula fun ing. The following were their recommendatins: 1111 1. The formula 2. Each univers now true for graduate 3. Research sho impact small schools of Texas and Texas A& 4. Mission sta degree levels to be f done. 5. Use incentiv 6. Continue lum 7. Simplify for committees: one for health sciences cente unding system should be maintained. ty should be able to set its own tuition. 'This is programs. ld be removed from formula systems. This w0.11d ore than large universities, although the Ull:iversity are both quite concerned. ements should be used to determine programs and nded at various universities. This is alre dy being funding for policy objectives. sum funding. ula review process. Institute review by thr0e niversities, one for community colleges, and one for s. Faculty members an attend the teleconference on AIDS, Novem1r 16, resident T.awless will present ideas for the 12:00 to 3:00 p.m.. development of resear h to the Sigma Xi meeting at 12:00, NovembezL 16. Provost Haragan aid that we are not satisfied with our funding through the Advanced • esearch Program (ARP) and Advanced Technical Research Program (AR ) although we received more funding this year than last year. Four coil ges received funding for a total of 3.65 million dollars. Univeristy f Texas at Arlington received more money than Texas rch. We gained on t e University of Houston. illi Haragan assured he Faculty Senate that research dollars brought to the university do not alone measure a faculty member's productiviy. However, there is cur ently no way to report to the Regents on unsponsored research. -4- VIII. Announcements President Whitsi t congratulated Shelley Harp and Herschel M nn for being honored by Mort r Board as outstanding teachers. The next Senate eeting will be on the first Wednesday, Dece er 6, to avoid conflict with f nal examinations. Whitsitt will at end the Conference of Faculty Governance Organizations Novembe 29 through December 1, so the Agenda Commis tee will meet Monday, November 27. The meeting adjo rned at 4:54 p.m. Respectfully submitted Betty Wagner Secretary 1989-90 • -5-