INUTES OF FACULTY SENATE MEETING 41 111 The Faculty Senate m room of the Universi present were Andrew Finn, Fish, Harp, Hurst, Kimmel, Long, Richardson, Rinehar Wagner, Wilson, an Tallent, Thompson, V t on Wednesday, December 6, 1989 at 3:30 p.m. in the S y Center with President Julia Whitsitt presiding. Barr, Beckner, Brink, Burnett, Couch, Dometrius, HartWell, Hayes, Hennessey, Hildebrand, Hill , Hall, Mann, Nathan, O'Callaghan, Owens, Pearson, Peterson, , J. Smitb, R. Smith, Strauss, lock, Trost, Tro Williams. ! Senators Curry, Lee, McKClendon, Mehta, nn, and Westney were absent with reason. I. uests Introduction o President Whitsitt following guests: President and Provos Vice President for Margaret Simon, Dir Journal; and Cortchi ailed the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m. and recogni ed the obert LawleSs, President; Donald R. Haragan, Executive Vice ; Len AinsWorth, Vice Provost; Virginia Sowell, Associate cademic Affairs; Denise Jackson, Office of Devellpment; ctor, News and Publications; Jim Barlow, Lubbock Ava,anche Welch, University Daily. Professor John Blies served as Parliamentarian for the meeting. II. the Minute of the November 8, 1989 meeting Consideration o Senate nators Ervin, Howe, Piatt, ansky, eters, Senator Fish offere the following correction to the minutes: The word this, on the last line of he first paip should be replaced by Budget Study C smittee salary study. Senato Brink movee the adoption of the minutes as correct J. With no further objection the minutes, were accepted. , President Whi President Lawless' made the following T faculty salaries. that for the first t seventh in Texas. North Texas U and superior in quality work faculty size, Lawless President be done to in could category, pa fifth University of Housto recommended the Budg of faculty salaries sitt announCed a departure from the agenda to acc mmodate t ime scheduie. Whitsitt introduced President Lawl ss who emarks: the administration is concerned with the level of e Faculty Wary Report from the Coordinating Board reveals ree professbrial ranks average Texas Tech Universi y ranks Those who rank sixth and fifth ahead of us, UniverSity of iversity oiF Texas at Arlington could not be considered The reasons for this state are not to Texas TeCh. simple; load, factors contribute other and to the si uatidn. ndicated his Intention to study the question to se what ; We should be in the fobrth rease the faculty salaries. or sibly behind the University of Texas at Austin, Tekas A&M, , and perhaps, the University of Texas at Dallas. hitsitt t Study Comeittee as the starting point for the di cussion ith President Lawless. IV. Reports from Fa lty Senate Standing Committees Senator Kimmel resorted for Senator Mehta, chairperson of the Commitee on Committees. Kimmel moved the recommendations as listed on attachment. Motion passed. cademic Senator Mann subs Ituted for Professor McGlone, chairperson of the in the presentation of the committee's report on Writing Programs Committee across the Curricul m. The comMittee found no difficulty with the goals of the program, but expre sed concern with the added work load on individual faculty members. There appiars to be ineufficient incentive to teach writing i courses in view if the tenure and promotion requirements. See att Senator Hennessey !uggested thalt lower student evaluation may also be with writing intensive courses, and that the Teacher Evaluation Committe make note of this iroblem. Hennesey moved that the report be forwarded Provost's office for comment. With a second the motion passed. t sive c ment. c upled might te the Senator Couch reperted for Study Committee A on the librarians reque they be included ir Faculty Senate representation. Although the commit unable to reach coniensus, the members wanted to go on record as suppor librarians request to participate fully in the intellectual life university. The committee expressed reservations because the pa interests expressec by the librarians are not addressed by the Faculty Senator Couch suggasted that Senators read the report and vote on it at date. President Wtitsitt suggested that the vote be delayed until Senator Wilson Copies are to be sert to librarians for their response. a friendly amendment to the repOrt. The Constitution, rather than the would need to be changed in order to incorporate librarians into the Senate. Constituti nal changed must be approved the Board of Regen amendment was accepted. t that Senator Hildebrand reported for Study Committee B regarding the pro getting class roll s to faculty members early in the semester, especia large classes. Thi s committee ' recommended that add/drop and late regi be ended at the er d of the +mirth class day rather than the fifth cl Senator Hildebrand c oved the aceptance of this report. The motion pass lem of ly for tat ion s day. V. Reports on Counc was the g o the t cular Sciite. a later a uary. o fered BY-Laws Faculty • The us oencil, nt and quested 3 this ors for 'M the President Whitsitt pointed out 'that in the report from the Provost's previously mailed, that a comeittee will be appointed to study assess Whitsitt accreditation, incl uding a 'metier of the Faculty Senate. any senator inter' sted in serving on this committee to notify her af The namc s will be Sent to Dr. Ainsworth for his considers meeting. A fl w copies of the Junction White Papers, mentioned appointment. Provost's Council r port, are a4ai1able from the Faculty Senate office. President Whitsitt eported in writing from the Provost's Council. Vice-President An December. n Peterson Oeported that the Academic Council has n t in in Secretar y • Betty Wdqner reported that the Operations Council did not November. Senator Peters is Senate. ▪ Faculty eting with the Research Council concurrent with th It Senator J. Smith relorted Development Council proceedings in an attach Senator Smith als reported that several faculty members from the Co le e of Engineering interp eted the mites from Faculty Senate meeting 110 as is lying were that the Affirmat ve Action re ommendetions, read by Senator R. Sm as a recommendations fr m the Facult Senate. Whitsitt emphasized that thi She te report of the Affirmative Action Committee read to the Faculty Sen referred the report to a Faculty Senate committee for study. 411/1 VI. Report on Confer nce of Faculty Governance (COFGO) Organizations President Whitsitt. Conference was compo of Higher Education universities, unive editor of Academe "Faculty Responsibi that faculty respon should include part Faculty participatio routine, but less c of the three main faculty. The system ho attended from November 29 to December 1, 1989 rep rted. ed of Texas faculty senate leaders, the State Cocci Isioner leveral members of the Coordinating Board, regents from sity presidents and other administrators, and Paul F:trohm, who gave the keynote speech. The topic address d was ities in University Governance." Most speakers emp asized ibility for governance should be major, multi-leve), and cipating in essential decisions about all academic m tters. in decision-making at the department and college level are mmon at higher levels. Communication is crucial ambng all administration, regent, and roups involVed in policy: is predicated upon trust and mutual respect. Implementation of t is system includes the nurturing of strong, indep endent, issue-oriented facu ty senates; establishing regular, formal commun :cation between faculty an regents at the university level; and establishment of a faculty advisory bo rd statewide that would confer with the Coordinating Board. Representatives dis campuses. Whitsitt At Texas Tech sin upper-level adminis communication with president and/or pro issues remain impo department chair a raises as opposed t and temporary facult 1 ussed current issues and conditions on their re ,ective eported that we are better off than many of our col;?agues. e we study bedrock issues and maintain communicati 1 with ration. However, we do not have regular, 1 formal our board of regents or meet regularly with the university ost to discuss issues of faculty concern. These ps-ennial tant: (1) i evaluation of administrators at the level of d above, (2 ) merit pay policies, (3) administrative pay faculty raises, (4) class size, and (5) use of pt-time COFGO and the Coord nating Board supports three two-week summer fellowships for work with the Coord nating Board in Austin. Applications are due January 15. President Whitsitt o fered to help any senator who is interested. VII. Old Business President Whitsitt hiringsitermination tendency to hire mo Ainsworth pointed time, whereas all th that information is available stated on faculty from May, 1988 to September, 1989. The data reveal the Dr. e temporary faculty and fewer tenure track facult . t that some of the temporary faculty appointments a e parttenure-tralck appointments are full-time. VIII New Business om the President Whitsitt called attention to an attachment to the agenda journal Committee regarding increases in prices of Librar University 35. in average cdst of a journal subscription rose from Th subscriptions. ose from 1975 to $105. in 19 7. However, the average price of foreign journals r This problem appears to be the worst in $82. to nearl y $15( . in three years. and technical journals. scientific, medical President Whitsitt ailed attention to an event at the University of Te American which ap ears to inVolve discharging two tenured faculty 13 as, Pan members without due process. Senatorliennessey moved that the Texas Tech Uni ve say offer an expression of concern and support to the Faculty Senate at Uni ve 1 sity of Texas, Pan Ameri:an to r esoltf e this issue in an appropriate manner. If er a second discussion fodlowed. Mot tin passed. Senator Fish proposel a resolutipn regarding academic freedom citing the -a e of Dr. John Orem, Teas Tech Unitversity Health Sciences Center. With a cond discussion ensued. Fish 0 • Callahan, proposed a friendly amendment whi accepted. . Question was called add the motion passed. IX. Remarks by Executive Vice President and Provost Donald Haragan Provost Haragan made the followidg comments; A. He had questions about the specific recommendations from the Affirm tive Action Committee. The spirit 0 the report is acceptable, but more detmil are needed. D. In the matter od dual careefr couples the advice of the Faculty Senate ill be sought. C. The Student Evaliation Committee will soon be reporting; this report wi I be submitted to the Student Senate And the Faculty Senate. D. The executive summaries from the Junction retreat are available; ten c pies were sent to the Fac_ilty Senate. Faculty members are encouraged to read e e and react to them. • E. Provost Haragan mall provide the Faculty Senate with a copy of the remar $ he made to the Board of Regents. . F. Of the 101 readiest; from faculty members regarding academic progres of football players only 36 were returned. Tutoring was provided for the 36 pl yens for whom reports were obtained.; Of the 36 players tutored, 25 improved 10 remained the same, and one decreased his performance. The faculty is encou aged to return reports. G. The issues of the number of temporary faculty hired and faculty sala iel are related. The University of Texms at Austin has 25% temporary faculty; T x A&M has 27%; Texas Tech University has 30%; and the University of Texas at A lihgton the Hying temporary faculty is one way to ra s has 407. temporary faculty. tenure-track faculty members. Other ways iril olve salaries of full-time, increasing student-leacher ratios, class size, and/or teaching loads. X. Announcements A. President Whitsitt urged Senetors to attend commencement. B. Whitsitt called attention ta a Texas Faculty Association meeting in Februar y 23-24. women's canference addresses the place of women in education. C. The next meeting of the FOculty Senate will be on the third Wedneri January 17; the agelda committee will meet Thursday 9, at 2:00 p.m. The meeting adiournid at 5:07 Respectfully submitted, Betty Wagner, Secretary, 1989, 1990 tin, gher in