MINUTES 0 FACULTY SENATE MEETING #112 The Faculty Senate met on Wed esday, January 17, 1990 at 3:30 p.m. in he Senate room of the University Center with President Julia Whitsitt presiding. Senators eckner, Brink, Burnett, Couch, Dometrius Ervin, present were Andrews, Barr, ennessey, Hildebrand, Howe, Hurst, Kim* 1, Lee, Finn, Fish, Hall, Hartwell, Long, McClendon, Mann, Meh a, Nathan, O'Callaghan, Owens, Pearson Peters, Peterson, Piatt, Richardson, Rinehart, J. Smith, R. Smith, Thomps on, Took, Trost, Vann, Waver, Wilson, and Williams. Senators Curry, Hayes, Harp, Hill, Strauss, Tallent, Troyansky, rid Westney were absent with reason. I. Introduction of Guests President Whitsiit called th meeting to order at 3:35 p.m. and recog Robert L wless, President; Donald Haragan, Execu following guests: President and Prcvost; Len Ainsworth, Vice Provost; Virginia Sowell, Vice President for Academic A fairs,; Joe Goodin, Dean, Arts & Science Jackson, Director of Annual iving, Office of Development; Doug Birds Duffy, and Davic Murrah f om the Library; Jim Barlow, Lubbock fly; and Nick Federspiel, Studen Journal; Connie Swinney, Unix ized the ive Vice Associate ; Denise 11, Suzi Avalanche Senate. Professor John Bliese served s Parliamentarian for the meeting. II. Consideratior of the mint.tes of the December 6, 1989 meeting. Secretary Wagner roted that t e first line in item X C should read as follows: "The next meeting of the Facul ty Senate will be on the third Wednesday, Dr. Stanley Fowler requested that his telephone number listed in an attachment to the minutes be changed to 742-3013. Senator Long requested that the (See resolution passec by the F ulty Senate be presented in the minutes. attachment) With no further ccrrections o additions the minutes were approved. III. Remarks by Fresident Ro ert Lawless President Lawless made the fol lowing comments: A. We have made very little p ogress on assessment of the university programs. ster. We will begin in the spring s B. He looks forwErd to workirg with Senator Fish and the budget committee. We are almost parallel with Norti Texas University in faculty salaries. There is only $6,500 difference betweer Texas Tech and North Texas in faculty salaries. The two universities were also similar in semester credit hours. Texas Tech reported 1170 F7E's; North 1exas had 1167. The composition of the FTE's was different, however. North Tex s reported that 59 percent of their FTE't were in the first three ranks, Lecturer, Instructor, and Teaching Assistants. Tech had 70 percent in the lower ranks.I C. President Lawless coninentec on the recent NCAA meeting that he attehded: 1. Pell grant eligibility f r student athletes was increased from $1,400 to $1,700. This and lhe athletic scholarships are the only sources of aid available to the student athlete. 2. Beginning in :992 the bas etball season will be reduced; the first game may not be played pr'or to Decenter 1. The number of games per season wa reduced from 28 to 25. A team may ply in a tournament only once in every four years. 3. Spring footba 1 season wa modified. There will be 21 days in whic a team may practice 15 times; no practice times may be on Sunday. Ten o the 15 practice times ma involve co tact. 4. The NCAA agree to a polic of year-round drug testing. 5. The admission and graduation rates must now be disclosed. Statis ics must be given by race. IV. Remarks by Ex cutive Vice President and Provost Donald R. Haragan A. As of 3:00 number represents 1050 students who 545 (51.9%) re-re 4,575 (20%). .m. January 17th the registration was 22,773 stude S. This a gain of 32 students over the spring semester, 198 . Of the e registration was cancelled, most due to non-paymen of fees, istered. StUdents going through the add/drop process totalled B. The January 0th Well St eet journal reported a Supreme Court ru colleges and univ rsities that are subject to Job discrimination compl be required to tu n over tenur votes to the court. rig that nts may C. Commencement r the spri semester will return to one central c ceremony. Follow this cere ny each college will conduct its own exercise which wi I include di tributing diplomas. General convocatio conducted at 9:00 folio d immediately with concurrent college c vocation aduation will be emonies. D. The Joint Co ittee on Evtation has submitted its report to the office. The Stu nt Senate, s well as the Faculty Senate, will be comments. rovost's ked for E. House Bill 63 of higher educa become proficien to ensure that al Senator R. Smit provide recommend distributed them asked to respond of the last on establis in the use 1 our facult Director ions. The the deans the initia legislative session requires that each a program to assist certain faculty f the English language. We must submit are proficient in English by September f the Intensive English Program, was rovost's office compiled the recommenda f each college. The Faculty Senate wil plan. nstitute era to program , 1990. sked to ons and also be F. Statistics fr from the test du percent of the r 10% will take the to the basement of the freshmen who rate for Hispanic the TASP t to college ining fres ASP this sp Holden Hall ok the TASP was 74.5%. at reveal that 70% of Tech freshmen we redits earned prior to September 1, 198 n took the test in the fall semester; ing. TASP coordinator, Don Garnett will in the area that the Tech Press now occ 85.8% passed; pass rate for blacks was verall pass rate for all Tech students exempt Twenty another oon move ies. Of %; pass s 84.3%. V. Reports from acuity Sena e Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Commit es Senator Meht A. following names f officers: Senat Electrical Engin Senator Mehta the Senator Bri B. proposed by the c • chairpers r considera s Burnett, ring. Meht requested v n of the committee on committees, submi ion as the nominating committee for nex Political Science; Finn, Accounting; a moved acceptance of this slate; motio lunteers for the homecoming and committ convener o f Study Committee C, read the following ittee for Senate consideration: 2 ed the year's Trost, passed. S. solution "In the inte eat in stud nt progress in undergraduate courses the Faculty Sen te encour es every faculty member administering grades to gi e some evali.ation of the student's work before the official dro deadline". Senator Brink pro sed the acceptance of this resolution; motion passed. VI. Reports on C uncils President Whitsi last Faculty Se Academic Council, on the Research reporting for Se Library Memorial these travel gran semester. t reported that the Provost's Council has not met since the ate meeti reports from Vice-President Peterson on the Secretary W ner on the Operations Council, and SenaiDr Peters Council w re distributed with the agenda. Senat pr Couch ator Harp, culty Senate Representative to the Gloria Lyerla Fund Resea h Travel Grants, reminded faculty to apply for s. It is polssible that two grants will be awarded this spring VII. Old Business A. President itsitt anno nced that approximately 140 Teaching; asistants attended the work p for new teachers sponsored by Executive Vice Pre ident and Provost Ainsworth. B. President Coordinator, Stu the Faculty Sena campus. Faculty to him. itsitt rea a letter from Thomas McGinnity, kssistant nt Organize ion Services, University Center, which aupported resolution regarding advertising the sale of term papers on era were u ged to remove unauthorized posters and and them Responses the Facult y Senate communication with the Provost 3 office C. include the follo ng: 1. Vice Pr ident Ains orth stated that the recommendation t at late registration and add/dr p close at the end of the fourth class day will take effect 1991 with he publication of the new catalog. 2. Provost aragan res nded to the Faculty Senate report or, writing intensive co ses with th following comments: unts of a. Writ 'ng intensi e does not necessarily mean great ich must b graded by the faculty. writing b. Cla sizes will have to be studied, but not all classes vill need to be s 11. c. The rogram need the support of the faculty for several tears to affirm hi value f thine comm. in pnantaii higher 4066Miim perfor cc D. The Faculty Se ate resofut on supportihethe academit freedom of Dr. John Orem dr both posit vs and negative responats. President Whitsitt received ne inteftse Aegative "hate" letter. On the other hand, the Gradu e Council p ssed a motion supporting the Facultyl Senate resolution. E. Senator Cou librarians and a stated that the recognizing the g campus. The co uniformity of pro , reporting for Study Committee A regarding the r hivists for membership representation on the Facult committee recommended that this request be deni at contribu tion of librarians to the intellectual 1 ttee polled other universities on this matter and ure. Sena tor Wilson pointed out that full members 3 Jest of Senate, d, while Fe of the Found no tp would require a constit tion change. Guests representing the library were irvited to speak. Senator Howe moved that the librarians and archivists be irvited to elect a non-voti represent tive to the Faculty Senate. With a secord motion passed. Senator B rr introduc d a resolution expressing support for th goals of the librarians nd archivi ts and suggesting that they be consioered for committee appoint nts, (See Attachment 2 for resolution.) Motion passed. Senator Hennesse moved that the Faculty Senate ask the Provost's office to consider full f cultv statO for librarians and archivists. After a second the motion fai ed. VIII. New Busines A. Whitsitt re February meeting Senate have asked professional mee by-laws do not regarding the des inded the S and elect about casti ings during permit abse re to amend nate that new officers will be nominated at the at the March meeting. Several members of the an absentee ballot since they will be attending the election. Whitwitt replied that the current tee ballots. Whitsitt asked for a show Df hands the by-laws. Opinion was evenly divided Senator Rine art offered the following resolution: "In the wak of recent vliolence at the University of Montreal, and in the nowledge thaft the freedom to learn cannot co-exist with fear, resolved that the Faculty Senate of Texas Tech plores all forms of violence against women." University After a second th resolution Carried. B. C. Senator Hal stated that it had cone to her attention that inappropriate administrative i terference in the grading practices of faculty members had occurred in the ollege of Arts and Sciences. Senator Hall moved tiat this situation be re erred to the Faculty Status and Welfare Committee. With a second the motion assed. D. Senator He essey moved that the Faculty Senate study the ne J for a university wide set of criteria for evaluation of research eff rts with second motion failed, relevance for mer t pay. With e IX. Announcement President Wh' sitt reminded Faculty Senate members to turn in the'r spring A. schedules. Whitsitt sta B. due. C. The next age The meeting adiou that the OFGO two-week summer fellowship applica ions are a meeting is Tuesday, February 6, 3:30 p.m. ed at 5:10 • m. Respectfully submitted, Betty Wagner, Secretary, 1989-1990 4 Attachment #1, Agenda item II. WHEREAS Dr. John Orem's laboratory was recently viciously vandalized, resulting in valuable research material and equipment being destroyed or ruined, and WHEREAS Dr. Orem has for the past several months been the target of a vicious campaign of threats against himself an his family, and WHEREAS Professor John Orem, Department of Physiology, Tex Tech University Health SCiences Center, has recently been strongly commended by national professional regulatory bodies about the exemplary nature of his research, and WHEREAS these unlawful and immoral activities directed against Dr. Orem by persdn or persons unknown constitute a serious threat to his personal safety, well being, and academic freedcm, NOW THEREFORE 1E IT RESOLVED: THAT it is the sense of the Faculty Senate of Texas Tech University that the University and the Health Sciences Center should strongly support the furtherance of intellectual py rsuits in the sciences, humanities and arts, and THAT the University and the Health Sciences Center should continue in the most vigokous manner possible to preserve and defend Dr. Orem's academic freedom. Enacted by the Faculty Senate of Texas Tech University, December 6, 1989, and Transmitted to the President of Texas Tech University and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center by means of a letter from the President of the Faculty Senate conveying the resolution. Attachment , Agenda item VII. D WHEREAS the indicated in participate including "c planning for Texas Tech University librarians and archiv sts have a request to the Faculty Senate that they w sh "to ully in the intellectual life of the campus. . . rriculum changes, new programs, and long-rage the University, it and WHEREAS the report of Study Committee A expresses suppo t for this goal; ad WHEREAS the Faculty Senate recognizes that library staf interacts wi h all disciplines and all levels of teachin research and scholarship; BE IT THEREF request of 1 appointment involved in long-range p be encourage appropriate RE RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate endors brarians and archivists that they be consid o appropriate university and college commit ew academic programs, curriculum developmen anning, and that college and university adm to seek from the library staff nominations ommittee appointments. the red for ees , and nistrators for