MINUTES OF TH3 CALLED FACULTY SENATE MEETING OF JUNE 29, 1988 The Faculty Senate met on Wednesday, June 29, 1988 in the Senate Room of the University Canter with Michael Stoune, president, presiding. Senators present were Barnard, Barr, Cartwright, Couch, Coulter, Craig, Dometrius, Ethridge, Finn, Fish, Gettel, Gustafson, Hall, Hayes, Hildebrand, Hildreta, Howe, Ketner, Kimmel, McClendon, Mann, Mathis, Mehta, Peters, Peterson, Reid, Rogers, Sasser, Savage, Schoenecke, Smith, Strauss, Trost, Vann, )A7agner, Westney, Whitsitt, J. Wilson and M. Wilson. Senator Rinehart is on leave. Senator Petrini was absent because of university businesa. Senators Bravo, Burnett, Koh, Lee, Long, Payne and Samson were aasent. Senator Wood has resigned. President Stoune called the meeting to order at 3:36 p.m. and recognized the following guests: Joe Sanders, Director, News and Publications;_Katie Keifer and Bill Woodard, KLBK TV Channel 13, Kim Trainor, LubboCk Avalanche-Journal, Iskra Spencer, Universi-:y Daily; Neale Pearson, Political Science and Richard A. Weaver,Theatre Arts, who served as parliamentarian. I. Approval of the Minutes of the June 8, 1988 meeting The following corrections were made in the attendance record of the June 8th meetirg: on line 8 Peters should be Peterson. Senator Barnard waE on leave from the university. Senators Pet2ini and Sasser were abEent because of university business. The min.ltes were approved as ccrrected. II. Reports A. Academic Council Senator Reid reported 1. The Academic fall to consider a. New admis b. The gener c. TASP and on items discussed there: ouncil will hold a retreat early in the he implementation of: ions standards 1 education curriculum ecessary remedial courses. 2. Computer repa rs are available through Engineering Services. 3. A "check-out" system for faculty members leaving employment at Texaz Tech was discussed, to insure that no one leaves owing the University mo ey or having library materials. 4. Preliminary g idelines for dissemination of sporsored research informat on was discussed. 5. Preliminary r were presented. member aolding en post if selected added requiring t research achievem vised guidelines for selecting Hoxn Professors otion was passed that would allow a faculty owed chair or professorship to retain that s a Horn Professor. Also, a criterion was at teaching be considered equally with nt in the selection process. June 29/2 6. A revised Gene al Education curriculum was now pr oposed by the V_ce Presid nt for Academic Affairs and Resear ch. It will be sent to th Faculty Senate for the September meeting, and to the Deans. (See outline of the latest draft a ttached with these minutes ) B. Administra-Ave Counc 1 Senator Gus-,afson rep rted that the following were discu ssed; 1. Admissions cas 2. Degree audits ith the computer system 3. SpecLalization withing degree programs and their status with the Coord nating Board 4. Course equival ncies for community colleges 5. Approval for c asses held out of state or out of the U. S, must be pproved by the Coordinating Board. Deaciline for S ring 1989 courses is this August 1 6. Summer school nrollment 7. Undergraduates taking graduate courses must meet catalog requLrements. 8. Junction program review 9. Reinstatement of suspended students Operations Advisory Council C. Senator Fish reported that the following were discussed: 1. Upgrading of telephone and other communications s ystems is up for bid. Senator Strauss noted that he and two other faculty members are on the committee to rev iew bids and recommend a contractor. Section 2. Budgets for 1988-89 are being put in final form. 9, rather 125 provisions will be implemented January 1, 198 Vice than January 1, 1990, as proposed earlier by the Pres:_dent for Finance and Administration. Senato r Fish noted that appreciation is due to former Senator Uzi Mann for his persistent and effective efforts to have Section 125 implemented at the earliest practicable date. III. Presidenzial Search Senate President Stoune reported that Vice President for D elopment mbers of Murray is handling the logistics for the search process. August 5 will be announced at the the search and advisory committees Board of Regents meeting. Senator Reid, chair of the special committee developing cri teria, presented and discussed the statement of proposed criteria for the new University President. June 29/3 Senator Margaret Wi son moved that the committee's statement be accepted and forwarded to th search a d advisory committees and other ap ropriate bodies. Extensive discussio followed. The following motio s and act ons were offered and taken in revi sing the statement. The fin .l version is attached to the minutes. 1. Senator Ma garet Wil be included in para.raph 1. 2. Senator Ma garet Wil permitted to review candidate amendment was defea ed. Sena pargraph 1, which w.s passed on moved that "... full professori al rank..." otion passed unanimously. on moved that appropriate departme its be credentials. After extensive dis 2ussion, or Kimmel moved specific wording f Dr nd is shown in the final version. 3. Senator Wh tsitt mov d that the words, "... to determin whether each candid te meets hese criteria." be added to senten ce 2, pargraph 1. Motion defeated. 4. Senator Sa ser moved to add'"...faculty and faculty gov arnance..." in paragraph 3. Mo ion passe 5. Senator Hoe moved a modification of paragraph 3 dealin g with university administ ative experience. Motion passed. 6. Senator Sa ser moved that "... and persuasive abilities ..." be added to paragra h 4. Moti n defeated. 7. Senator Jae Ann Wil on moved to substitute "positions" for the second "experie ce" in pa agraph 3. Motion defeated. 8. Senator Ge tel moved that paragraph 3 be returned to it original wording. g otion def ated. 9. Senator Ha es moved ddition modification to paragraph 3. Motion passed. tion With no further ame dments, S nator Margaret Wilson's original , as passed unanimously. The fina version of the criteria statement attached, will be forwarded a directed. President Stoune ad ourned th meeting at 4:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kary M is, Secretary 1988 -89 ATTACHMENT I Draft of General Ed cation Cu riculum Proposed by Vice President for Academic Affairs an Research Haragan, June 21, 1988 (50-59 tot al hours) I. Tools of Commun cation -- Langua ge and Mathematics 6 hours writte , 3 hours oral communication, 6 hours matherr tics 8 hours foreig language or 9 hours humanities/social sci ces If student has 2 years f reign language in high school, the 9 hours humaniti s/social ciences not required. II. Understanding he Natura World and Modern Technology 8 hours labora ory scien e, 3 hours of technology (this cou rse not defined) III. Societies and Cultures 6 hours Americ n history 6 hours political science, 3 hour international opics, 3 aours individual/group behavior IV. Appreciation o Literatu e, Visual and Performing Arts 3 hours litera ure, 3 ho rs visual/performing arts ATTACHMENT II The Faculti Senate recommends consideration of the following :riteria in the selection of the new president. The individual should hold a terminal academic degree and should qualify for tenure and full profesaorial ranc. The appropriate academic departments should be permitted to review the applications of the candidates recommended by the Advisory Committee, to determine whether the candidates meet the criteria. The.indiVidual should have demonstrated success in tea:hing and research with a strong commitment to academic excellence. The individual should have broad university administrative leadership experience, perferably acquired in state-supported institutions, and a demonstrated record of working successfully with faculty and faculty governance bodies. The individual s hould possess the communication skills necessary to be an effective spokesperson on behalf of the university. The Faculty Senate strongly urges a vigorous effort to include qualified w.men and minority candidates in the search fox a new president.