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The Faculty Senate met On Wednesday, March 8, 1989 in the Senate Roam of the
Center with Michael C. Atoune, president, presiding. Senators present were Barr, Bravo,
Brink, Burnett, Cartwriqht, Couch, Dametrius, Ethridge, Fish, Gettel-Pearson, Hall, Hayes,
Hildebrand, Hildreth, Ketner, Kimmel, Lee, Long, McClendon, Mathis, Payne, Peters, Peterson,
Rogers, Samson, Savage, Sdhoenecke, Strauss, Trost, Wagner, Westney, Whitsit , J. Wilson,
M. Wilson, and Weninger. Senator Howe is on leave from the University. Sen4tors Barnard,
Coulter, Gustafson, Koh, and Petrini were absent. Senators Craig, Finn, Manhil, Mehta,
Smith and Vann were absent because of University business. Senators Reid ar4 Rinehart were absent because of illness.
President Stoune called the meetingtoordarat3:00' pm. and recognized the following guests: Elizabeth G. Haley, President; Donald R. Haragan, Executive Vice President and
Provost; Virginia Sowell, Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs; Margar-at Simon,
Director News & Publications; Kim Davis, Avalanche journal; Cortchie Welch, tiiversity
Daily; Neale Pearson, Political Science; and john Bliese, Parliamentarian.
Hearing no additions or corrections, President Stoune declared the minutes *Droved as circulated.
II. Election of Officers
The following were elected for the 1989-90 academic year:
III. Remarks by Dr. Haragan
Dr. Donald R. Haragan, Axecutive Vice President and Provost, reported on sevotral items.
A special committee on suspension overrides has reported to Dean Goodin of Arts &
Sciences. Additional and revised data sources are available from this commi tee's efforts
J n Dr. Haragan's office for Senate Committee C, which is also studying suspensions and overrides.
Dr. Haragan and his staff are beginning the budgeting process for the 1989-0 biennium.
Budget priorities have been listed and discussed with the Provost's Council.
Commencement May 13; speakers for the morning session are the Rector of the University of Guanajuato; for the afternoon, Mt. James Johnson, newly appointed Regent.,
The Board of Regents meets March 16-17. Topics will include academic standards, TASP, contract for telephone service, holiday schedule, the Pyramid Plaza building and the freeway.
IV. Remarks by Dr. Haley
President Elizabeth Haley spoke to the Senate. She reported spending considerable time in Austin, meeting with legislative and Coordinating Board committees. 7Paculty and staff salaries continue as top priority in the University budget.
She reported that the President's Council is adding new members and expects to add to funding, especially to increase President's Scholarships.
March 8/2
Remarks by President Ha ey continued...
President Haley announ
News & Publications.
that Margaret Simon had been named Director of University
Reports fram Standi g Committees of the Faculty Senate
Budget Study Committee asked Senators to cal
Committee activities.
assessed units with wor
Senator Fish distributed his report at the meeting He also te a questionnaire to express preferences on Budget Study e reported that the cammittee will also review user fees
-study students.
Intellectual Property to the Senate for final licy is being revised, and that a final draft will be presented approval.
Study Committee "A" mentary textbooks conti committee did not propo tor Burnett reported on several items. The sale of campliues to be a concern of publishers and of universities. The e policies or statements regarding this ethical issue.
Library privileges for material loans are for faculty.
etired faculty are the same as for active faculty, except that ne semester rather than for one academic year, as for active
This cammittee had earl that charge, as the Uni er discussed a number of library issues, but has now fulfilled ersity Library Committee is now active and functioning.
Study Committee "B" registration were being passed unanimously. Li will be transmitted by
Coordinator, Provost an tor Hildebrand reported that six recommendations concernincr made by this committee and moved their adoption. Mbtion t of recommendations is attached to these minutes. They e Senate President to Registrar, Academic Facilitie
Vice Presidents.
Study Committee "C" progressing and will ha tor Jane Ann Wilson reported that this committee im e a report in May.
Committee on Cammittees complete, but that addi
University Discipline
Senator Payne reported that nearly all nomination were ional nominees were needed for the University Discipline, peals and University Safety Committees.
VI. Special Committees
Senator Ketner distribu moved its adoption. He and collect their
Senate meeting, to all ed the report of the ad hoc committee on Research Support and urged Senators to distribute the report to their conStituents ts. He moved to table his motion for adoption until the April time for study. This motion passed.
Senator Peters reported not yet convened but wo was distributed and is that the ad hoc committee on Sponsored Research Funcy_ng had d do So soon. His report on the Research Council meeting vailable in the Senate office.
VII. Unfinished Busine s
Bylaws Revision - Sena scheduled for considera the bylaws proposals
3 Mathis presented the bylaws revisions proposed ier, and ion by an earlier motion. Senator McClendon moved t amend striking the revision to Section 2 requiring the Serte President
March 8/3
Bylaws Revision continued...
to be a tenured faculty member. Discussion followed. The motion failed.
The original motion, to revise Senate bylaws as previously distributed, pass
Copies of the bylaws with revisions included will be distributed to Senators
Senator Margaret Wilson moved that her motion from the February meeting be r fram the table for cons_deration. That motion passed. The earlier motion endorse Senate Bill 198 , which would establish a salary floor of $20,000 for full-time faculty in public universities in Texas. Discussion followed. Th to endorse Senate Bill :98 failed.
ed to
1 motion
VIII. Council Reports by Senate Representatives
All reports were distributed at the meeting and are available in the Senate
Provost Council - Senator Stoune
Graduate Council - Senator Hayes
Academic Council - Senator Rogers for Senator Reid. The Senate r on the academic caLendar was accepted by the Academic Council.
IX. Other Business
Senator Stoune distribtr:ed a summary of items discussed at the meeting and . 1 - forum of the University Benefits and Retirement Committee. He recommended to Execu ive Vice
President Haragan, and -he Senate concurred, that current University Benefit and
Retirement Committee members whose terms end in May 1989 be continued for e more year, to provide continuity in the present important study and actions by s committee.
Senator Whitsitt announced that an Academic Freedom scholarship would be year and asked Senators to encourage students to apply.
Senator Stoune asked Senators to remind their constituents to nominate candirtes for the Senate for the coming year.
Dr. Haragan noted that all recommendations from the Faculty Senate last non had been accepted by the Administration.
The meeting adjourned a. : 5:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
After review request for infor committee discuss recommendations:
Is ng the responses to Committee "B" 's ation from members of the Faculty Senate, d each topic and agreed on the following
Building and schedule of so for the s will be made list of last departments) the first we room information should be included in the printed lasses. (Kay Dowdy already has agreed to do mmer and fall 1989 class schedules. A request that Kay Dowdy provide each department with a minute building and room changes (for all to aid in directing students to classes dur...ng
k of the semester.)
The Registra throughout t each class.
should send to the faculty every two weeks e semester a list of students who have dro p ed
There should course with shorter peni be no change in the deadline for dropping a
"W". (One member of the committee favored a d.)
Faculty shou regard to st keep attend d be allowed to follow their own systems with dent attendance, but should be encouraged to ce especially in freshman classes.
On-line info for advising mation should be available to all departments
6. The Registra system which between advi
West Hall (o should explore possibilities for developin g a will not require students to run back and f orth ors in departments and the registration lin es in the Coronado Room) when classes are closed