The Faculty Senate mat on Wednes
University Center wi=h Georgette were Aycock, Barr, Bravo, Burnet
Gades, Gustafson, Hartwell, Haye
U. Mann, Mathis, Muma, Payne, Pe
Sasser, Savage, Schoanecke, Skoo
Wilson and Wood. Se-Iators Coult of university business. Senator the university.
ay, February 10, 1988 in the Senate Room
Gettel, president, presiding. Senators
, Cartwright, Craig, Dometrius, Ethridge
, Howe, Ketner, Koh, Lee, McLaughlin, M.
rson, Petrini, Platten, Reid, Rogers, S
, Smith, Stoune, Tereshkovich, Troast, r, Lawrence, Long and Scott were absent
Barnard, Brink and Rinehart are on leav of the resent
Mann, son, itehead, ecause from
President Gettel caned the meet following guests: Liuro F. Cava
Academic Affairs and Research; J
Vice President for Finance and A
Mark Mamawal, photo;rapher, New
Aimee Larson, University Daily;
Zook, Student Senate; John Blies from Channels 11, 13 and 28.
ng to order at 3:40 p.m. and recognized os, President; Don Haragan, Vice Preside e Goodin, Dean, Arts & Sciences; Eugene ministration; Joe Sanders, News & Public
& Publications; David Martin, Texas Tee ames Ricketts, Lubbock-Avalanche Journa
, Senate Parliamentarian; and media repr he t for ayne, tions, san,magazine;
David sentatives
I. Minutes of the January 20, 88 meeting
The minutes were app:oved with tilie following corrections: on page one, a enda item number three, first word on sixth line changed from "reserve" to "re earch."
Also under agenda it am number th ee, third paragraph, last line, insert t
"go"between thewordE "to" and "t o".
On page four, on the first line of first paragraph, the "c" in the ord coordinating should be capitalized.
e word he
II. Remarks by PresLdent Laura F. Cavazos
The Image Task Force has met twic e and has a third meeting scheduled. Co in this area is welccme. The Prs sident stated his support of higher admi standards and anticipates making a presentation at the March 24-25 Board
Regents meeting. He expressed his hope that the question of the Core Curri will be discussed socn by the Ser ate. The Texas Academic Skills Assessmen
(TASP) for college students was c iscussed. (see footnote on last page) To administered in 1989, the test mi.
st be passed before a student may enroll lent sion lum
Program in juniorlevel courses. The university wi 11 be required to provide remedial cours those students who fail any part concern about the impact on the t of the test. President Cavazos expresse esources of the university considering t number of students predicted to f ail the test. Various avenues are being to deal with the problem. The bt dget preparation process has begun earli usual in order that Lt may be sul mitted to the May regents'meeting. Spec emphasis is being given to facult y and staff salary increases. At the Ma regents'meeting, proposed student fee increases will be discussed as well admission standards. Emphasis wi 11 also be given to increased funds for
Departmental Operating Expense ac counts (DOE). Spring meetings with facu the various colleges and the Pres ident and VPAAR Haragan continue.
s for his e large studied
3 than al ch as ty of
February minutes/2
Report on January 26 meeting of the Administrative Council by Senator Gustafson
Soon to be available on the Academic Information Service computer system will be a degree audit for each student as well as an up-to-date withdrawal record. The council is studying a proposal that enrolled students placed on academic -)robation for their first time be required to participate in a counseling and adviaing program to be provided by the PASS office. This program would be support-ad by a mandatory fee (suggested to be $110.00).
A problem with history credit-by-examination has been discussed. The catalogue requires three hours of history in residence, regardless of the number of hours gained by examinaticn. Kay Dowdy, Academic Facilities Manager, discussed the policy concerning registration overrides, division of large classes and overadmission to certair classes.
Remarks by Vice President fpr Academic Affairs and Research Don Hara.on
Haragan repeated the remarks mad to the Re g ents on January 28-29, in which he drew attention to three topics which ill have critical importance to the future of
Texas Tech:
The tier system.
univerEity, we mus to increase admiss and chLnge the mix
We must be competi prograns.
We must prepare fo
Assessnent Program of our lower level f Texas Tech hopes to remain a tier-one implement "white paper" recommendations on standards, increase the research effort, of graduate to undergraduatestudents.
ive in the funding of new state research the impact of the Texas Academic Skills which could require a very large percentage students to take remedial work.
Haragan then commented on other
The budget is being :finalized fo law students but no ncrease in in March is the inst:Aution of a with the revenue to go to comput in laboratory fees bdsed on a st laboratory equipment, Other bud increases, return of indirect co funds for undergraduate scholars
1988-89 and will include increased tuition for raduate tuition. To be discussed with tfe regents computer access fee to be charged to all students r systems support. Also proposed is an increase dy being done to determine the real cost of et study topics include faculty and staff salary ts of research, money for graduate stiperds and ips.
The Image Task Farce (Haragan, c
Implementation of "White Paper" with national press ....overage; an focus on the strengns of Texas air) is currently planning three programE: ecommendations; a media and marketing campaign
, a short-term direct advertising campaign to ech University.
It is expected that )-10% of tot will be from Texas Tach. The de
1 submissions state-wide for research funding dline is February 16th.
February minutes/3
VI. Report from Acaiemic Progra s Committee, Stoune
After debate tha following as passed:
The university Should institute three categories of admission; unconditional, condit onal and probationary.
The academic requirem ts for students on conditional admissio will be determined by their college.
Probationary students or a summer semester.
y enter the university only in a sprin
Students oa probation in two consecutive su grade point average o
One course must be in must satisfy a state ry admission must complete 12 semester h er sessions or a spring semester with a
2.0 in order to continue in the univers athematics or English and at least one r university basic requirement.
urs ty.
Probationary students and testin4 during the shall be provided specific advising, cot; first term of their attendance at the U and their academic pr ress will be monitored in the first sent of their regular admis sion.
seling iversity ster
Senator Pearson requ_asted that the statistical composite supporting the r be included for the faculty's intormation (see attachment A) solution
Also passed was the following:
The Senate w ....shes to exp ess appreciation to the Board of Regents for the public s...atement mad at the January meeting in support of in reased
admission standards for 4he university..
Nominating Committee, Platt n, Chair, submitted the following as can idates for l988€8.9 Senate officers
President - Ketner & K
Vice Presilent - Craig
Secretary - Burnett, M
& Reid this & Payne
Senator Stoune was nminated fro the floor for President. Elections wil be held at the March 9th meeting. Info ation forms will be circulated with the ext agenda. In response to a questi n from the floor, it was announced that bsentee balloting is not in Drder since he subject is not included in current By aws.
VII. Announcements
Senator Stoune has baen appointe by Arts & Sciences Dean Joe Good the Student Senate t p replace Se to the Admission Standards Task Force c n. Senator Reid has been appointed liai ator Platten. She serves with Senator S aired on to sser.
February minutes/4
Announcements conti ted....
Report of COFGO - V' ce President McLaughlin
COFGO met in Austin, holding membership.
tional budgeting th strategic planning; will have a full co and universities in expenditures of HEA
January 290. There are 34 of 36 eligible institutions
There are m re governance groups taking part in instituever befor . Three areas of study and concern were presented: ncentive fu of the Coo ding; the basic skills test. The Senate office ers and Lybrand Management audit for colleges exas, and t funds by el
• e text of the recent auditor's report of the gible institutions.
The meeting was adjo rned at 5:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Stoune, Secretary 1987-88
Footnote: The Texas Academic Sk lls Assessment Program(TASP) is to be adninistered to studen s entering he University beginning in Fall, 19 89. :t is expected o replace t e Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPS T) now administe ed to educa ion students. The format and areas of testing have not et been det rmined, nor have questions such as how often it may be ta en, whether all areas must be retested or only those failed, what cour es a studen may take to remediate certain area s, funding for remedial ourses, etc
Rank in C:ass
Composite - Admissions Fall
mber 1987 - TGN
This report incLudes only students for which both rank in lass and SAT or ACT scores wer available.
Total in class, 31 7 stOents.
Data Block
Description dd d.
Probationary and Conditio
Rank + in 400
Class 499
500 600 700 80
599 695 799 89
Total number of students
Average of the GPA's
Percent returning Fall 1987 al Ranges considered for Fall, 198
SAT Range
900 1000 1100 1200 1300 14
999 1099 1199 1299 1399 14
00 1
99 1
00 Row
99 Total
1 to 0.0
10 0.0
9 11 24 1
1.0 1.0
1.3 1.
44.4 41.7 45.8 60.
11 to 0.7
20 33.3
3 32 3: 32 1
0.8 1.; 1.0
40.6 42. 4 53.1 66.
3 4 1 0\ 0
0.9 0.4 2.7 0.0 0.0 0
33.3 25.0100.0 0.0 0.0 0
13 c.01.101-ri oNAL--
5 1 1 g oo S
1.5 1.5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0
61.5 60.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
.0 1.2
.0 45.3
0 rS
0 135
.0 .0 1.1
.0 t.0 48.9
21 3
1?, to 0.9
30 0.0
5 w
< 31 .0 to
35 32 65 3
1.2 1.2
1.6 1.
54.3 56.2
55.4 65.
34 52 63 5
1.2 1.!
1.7 1.
55.9 44.2
58.7 59.
37 13
1.8 2.1 1.5 1.7
70.3 69.2 50.0100.0
32 11 3
1.6 1.8 2.2
65.6 54.5100.0
2 1 0
0.0 0
0.0 0
.0 b
.0 .0 59.5
0 0
0.0 0.0 0
0.0 0.0 0
.0 .0 56.2
26 5 z 73 6
1.• 1.6 1.
50.0 53., 63.0 66.
51 3 to 0.9
60 33.3
27 61 95 9
1. d
1.8 2.
44.4 63.S
63.2 69.
61 to 2.1
70 66.7
23 4E 101 10
1.7 1.5
1.9 2.
69.6 56.2
59.4 63.
46 19
2.1 1.8
65.2 57.9
3 0 0
2.1 0.0 0.0 0
33.3 0.0 0.0 0
0 0
.0 (.0
.0 (.0
23 9 1 0
2.0 2.0 2.2 0.0 0
60.9 44.4100.0 0.0 0
0 0
.0 C.0 61.8
82 33 11 6 0
2.2 2.2 1.9 2.8 0.0 0
78.0 75.8 45.5100.0 0.0 0
0 0
.0 C.0
0 C.0 65.9
71 to
1 19 4E 114 10
1.9 2.1
57.9 68.E
65.8 76.
81 to
12 32 101 10
1.4 2.2
2.3 2.
58.3 78.1
69.3 80.
0 to 0.0
100 0.0
11 42 5
2.6 2.
0.0 45.!
83.3 69.
90 75 20 2 1
2.5 2.4 2.6 2.8 1.0 1
83.3 74.7 65.0100.0 0.0 0
112 65 44 9 2
2.7 2.5 2.9 2.6 2.7 0
83.0 86.2 81.8 77.8 50.0 0
1 lvc 478
4 4.02 2.3
010 .00 72.6
0 o
0 .0
. 0° .
110 93 57 25 8
2.9 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.3 3
84.5 82.8 91.2 76.0 75.0100
2 0
6 0.0
0 0.0 81.1
col ttl
218 382 710 64
1.3 1. -) 1.9 2.
52.3 56.S
63.0 69.
593 341 151 45 11
2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.0 2
75.9 75.7 76.8 80.0 63.6 66
3 1
.9 4.0