Te4s Tech University The Faculty Senate 3-G Holden Hall Lubb ck, Texas 794091(806) 742-3656 September 30, 1986 enate TO: Members of :he Faculty FROM: Gerald Skoo;, President RE: Agenda for meeting #82, October 8, 1986 3:30 p.m., 'Senate Room, University Center AGENDA I. Approval of minutes of Report by Bill Hartwell Academic Colncil meetin eptember 10 and 24, 1986 meetings Senate Vice President, on the September 30 III. Comments by and discuss on with President Cavazos and Vice Presicent for Academic Affairs an Research Haragan IV. Reports A. Committee Rep+s V. New Business A. Consideration f the draft copy of the operating policy on grading proced, res This polizy is reviewed every two years and VPAAR has reque3ted the Senate participate in this review. B. Other Business VI. Adjournment INFORMATION The intellEctual proper y policy is being considered by a univeraityproposal ready in the near future. At :hat wide committee that will have red by James Lawrence, will review the p:oposal time the Senate ccmmittee, ch r consideration and action. and present it to the Senate f The Facult) Senate/Adm istration Committee to Study Enrollment ?rocedures will have a report for the No ember meeting. The minuteE and a copy of the financial exigency plan will be seat in another mailing. The next meeting will E e November 12, 1986 at 3:30 p.m. "An Equal 0 ortunity/Affirmative Action Institution" PROPOSED OPERATING POLICY AND PROCEDURE MEMORANDUM TO: ALL HOLDERS OF TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY OPERATING POLIC i" AND PROCEDURE MANUALS DATE SUBJECT GRADING PROCEDURES PURPOSE To insure under tending of grading procedures, the following policy and procedure will e utilized. REVIEW This OP will be Assistant Vice for revisions p Research (AVP reviewed by April 1 of every even numbered year by the resident for Academic Affairs (AVPAA) with recommendations esented to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and ) by May 1. POLICY/PROCED 1. The instru of determi to be pres grades use Average; D requiremen W, Withdra repeated t tor of record determines all grades for a course. The method ing the grace will be included in the course syllabus that is nted to the students at the beginning of the semester. The with their interpretations are: A, Excellent; B, good; C, inferior (passing, but not necessarily satisfying degree s); F, failtre; P, Passing; PR, In Progress; I, Incohplete; al; WF, WitLdraw Failing. The letter R designates a course remove an 1. The grade f PR is given only when the work in a course extends beyond the semest 3 or term; it implies satisfactory performance and i used primarily n thesis ane dissertation courses. The grades of CR, credit, and NC, no credit, are given in the College of Education or student teaching. The grade quality bu completed. the grade conditions with an F The I may appropriat f I is giver only when a student's work is satisfactory in , due to reasons beyond his or her control, has not heen It is not given in lieu of an F. The instructor astigning ill stipulate, in writing, at the time the grade isiven the under which the I may be removed. The I will be rep aced fter it has remained on record for a year without coapletion. e replaced by an R if the course is repeated. The grade will be given for the second registration. The grade f W is giver for a course officially dropped during ihe first six weeks f a term. A student should continue to attend a class until authorized by the academic dean to drop a course. After the f rst six weeks of a semester, a student may not initiiate a drop, and a grade of WF will be given when the student is required by the dean to dro a course for failure to attend the class or for other reasons. An X is sho on the grLde report in those instances where, for any reason, a g ade is not reported by the faculty. The designation X is not used in det rmining grade-point averages. 2. It is the a of complete students to regarded by renders the suspension. in of the faculty of Texas Tech University to foster a spirit honesty and a high standard of integrity. The attempt of present as their own any work not honestly performed i is the faculty and administration as a most serious offense and offenders liable to serious consequences, possibly a. Di honesty of any kind on examinations and quizzes or On written as ignments, illegal possession of examinations, the use of un uthorized notes during an examination or quiz, obtaining in ormation during an examination from the examination paper or ot erwise from another student, assisting others to cheat, al eration of grade records, illegal entry or unauthorized pr sence in an office are instances of cheating. b. Co plete honesty is required of students in the presentation of an and all phases of course work as their own. This applies to qu zzes of whatever length as well as to final examinations, to da ly reports to lab work, and to term papers. C. P1 giarism is offering the work of another as one's own, without pr cr ma re of per acknowledgement; therefore, any student who fails to give dit for quotations or essentially identical expression of erial taken from books, encyclopedias, magazines, Etrol other erence works, or from the themes, reports, or other writings a fellow student, is guilty of plagiarism. 3. The instruc case of dis cases of co plagiarism, below. Bef to discuss final exam, attempt can after the e or in a course is responsible for initiating action in each onesty or pLagiarism which occurs in his or her claSs. In vincing evidence of or admitted academic dishonesty or an instructor should take appropriate action as descl-ribed re taking such action, however, the instructor should attempt he matter wl.th the student. If cheating is suspected on a the instructor should not submit a grade until a reemnable be made to contact the student, preferably within one month d of the semester. 4. In cases in instructor, the offendi grade in a as a result report, in of the case chairperson Dean, to th which guilt is admitted by the student or determined by the after attempting to contact the student, he or she 114y give g student a failing grade on the assignment or a fa Ling course ourse. When a student is given a failing grade in of academic dishonesty or plagiarism, the instructor should iting to the instructor's department chairperson, t le facts and the action to be taken against the student. The will provide a copy to the student, to the student's Academic Dean of Students' Office, and to the chairperson's mon dean. i chairperson will provid e a copy to the student, to the student 'E Dean, and to the Dean of Stud cuts' Office and to the chairperson's o dean. The Dean of Students Of fice shall retain a copy of this reportt its discipline files. The student will have the right to appeal the receipt of a failir g grade in a course through the established grade appeal procedure. The student may not appeal a failing grade given for a class assignment. A written r eport of any additional disciplinary action taken by the Dean of Student Office will be sent to the appropriate academic Dear's office and the student. or grade of F shall not be implemented until 5. The discipl inary penal the discipi inary proced ure or grade appeal process has been exhfusted, or until or e month afte 3 the beginning of the new semester. A ftudent may contint e academic c lass and course work until a final deciOon is made. The final result of a grade appeal in such matters shall be reported tc the ins truc tor by the appropriate academic dean in the manner regt ired by the grade appeals procedure. a. n cases in w hich a finding of academic dishonesty is ustained, th e recommended disciplinary action will bf nforced and/ or a grade of F reported. b: n cases in y hich a charge of academic dishonesty is hot ustained, no disciplinary action will be taken and the tudent will be entitled to the grade he/she would haye eceived in t he absence of a finding of dishonesty. In ddition, the student will be allowed to continue the articular cc urse without prejudice. 1 6. Law student s are subjec t to disciplinary procedures as described in the Honor Code for the Schc ol of Law. Tex4s Tech University The Faculty Senate 3-(7, Holden Han Lubbock, Texas 794091(806) 742-3656 September 3, 1986 TO: f the Facult Senate Members FROM: Gerald S oog, Preside ,-September 10, 1986 at 3:30 p.m., in th RE: Agenda f 3 meeting Center. Universit y 1 e Senate Room of t AGENDA I. Introducti n of Senate fficers, parliamentarian, Student Senate representa ive and off'ce secretary. II. Introducti n of guests III. Approval o IV. V. he President of the Faculty Senate Report o A. B. C. D. the minutes of the May 7, 1986 meeting P F R R ogress in t e development of a financial exigency pla culty resig tions view of pro edure for developing and amending the age da view of the role and responsibility of the Senate and out 1986-87 thoughts Comments a d discussio with a representative of the Office of Academic A fairs and R search nancial exi ency policy erating porcy on faculty evaluation arification f pass/fail operating policy ogress of t e General Education Curriculum Committee her matters of interest VI. Reports F culty Senat /Administration Committee to Study Enroll ent Pro cedur s --KimMel B. 0 her committ e reports A. VII. Old Busine A. I tellectual roperty Policy "An Equal 0pi) ortunity/Affirmative Action Institution" Page 2. VIII. New Business A. B. C. D. IX. Flection of a Senator to attend fall meeting of the Council of Faculty Governance Organization Faculty Salary Readjustment, 1986-87 )ates of January and May meeting )ther items Adjournment Announcemeats A. President Cavazos and Vice President for Academic Affairs aid ResearzhDonaldHaragan declined an invitation to attend th14 meeting due to a commitment in Austin. However, President Cavazos will meet with the Senate on October 8 and Vice Prei-ident Haragan, or his representative, will continue to meet with the Senate on a regular basis as during the past year. B. The dezelopment of the agenda for Faculty Senate meetings is governed by sectio-1 9 of the bylaws. The Agenda Committee, which is composed of the three Faculty Senate officers, wil meet tae Monday prior to the week of each Faculty Senate meeting. Theref p re any faculty member or Senator should send items tic) be considered for the agenda to the Senate President no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Fiday prior to the Agenda meeting. Also, Senators can request to mee= with the Agenda Committee to present an agenda item. The agenda can be modified during a Senate meeting Inv following the pr p cedures specified in the bylaws. C. Bill HArtwell, Vice President of the Faculty Senate, will represent the Senate at the meetings of the Academic Counci. D. The Faculty Senate President is available for following times and location during the first Ad Monday: 8:30 - 11;00; H 1:00 - 4:00 Ad Tuesday: 9:00 - 10:30; 1:30 - 3:00 HH Wednesday: 8:30 - 11:00 consultation at the semester: 218 218 3G E. Futuremeetings of the Senate are scheduled as follows: October 8, 1936 November 12, 1986 December 10, 1986 January 14 or January 21, 1987 February 11, 1987 March 11, 1987 April 8, 1987 May 6 or May 13, 1987